Office Training Portfolio (Upto Sem 5)

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EDUCATION Bachelor’s in Architecture (2017-present) C.E.P.T. University, Ahmedabad HSC in CBSE, 2017 Delhi Public School, Surat 96% SSC in CBSE, 2015 Delhi Public School, Surat 10 CGPA

“Surrounded by a world full of ideas and possibilities, I believe there is always room for learning. In my exposure to architecture so far, I have acquired a deep interest in how spaces are inhabited, learning from the existing (case study and analysis) and the correlation between the built and unbuilt. I’m also interested in learning about sustainible approaches to design and detailing as part of an architectural expression”

Divolka Sawlani 15.07.1999 Surat, Gujarat, India



Autocad Photoshop Indesign Sketchup V-ray Lumion

Drafting Model making Rendering

INITIATIVES Club Head- DOTW (Discussion of the week) A student club that organises events to create a platform to organize academically fruitful discussions Tatvamasi students magazine Article

WORKSHOPS Feather Pavilion, CEPT University Shell Structure, CEPT University +919925444520

Doshi We know, CEPT University

Strange Details Constructing and Specifying

Guided by: Mehul Bhatt Architecture is largely perceived as an expression of an idea/concept/ intention. But its manifestation is rooted in the realities of construction and nature of materials. The studio explores the idea of detailing as a part of architectural expression by assigning the student an unbuilt project by a famous architect and the designing lies in how the key idea of the building is communicated in its finest details.

The Wheels of Heaven The project is a church designed by Aldo van Eyck that tries to question and break away from the conventional idea of a church As the site of the design is shifted to Ahmedabad, there are changes- the concrete frame turns into steel and the enclosure is formed by brick jaali and cavity walls. .





Designing with people Planning and organizing

Guided by: Urvi Desai The Studio explored co-production of a space together by the user and the architect as a process of architectural design. It made an attempt to intertwine critical design practice with everyday spatial practice, focusing on user participation through consultations, workshops and design charrettes.

Space Framed Follies framing open spaces v/s upcoming construction

Over the last few years, the construction in the university area has been increasing at an alarming rate, to such an extent that the very few open spaces in the city are stake. The project is a set of double frames which frame two contrasting spaces-a newly constructed object/ building and an open space which can soon be turned into a construction site (a space at stake). This will help create consciousness among the students as the frames act like windows to future. Also each frame is a place accomadating services like toilets, etc., and informal spaces which would enable the students to inhabit open spaces more efficiently.

Understanding the concerns of the site and people

Increasing Students

Presence of barriers

Absence of open spaces

Absence of a no man’s land

Existing stakeholders losing ownership over their land

Functioning buildings on site shutting down

Students utilizing parking as a chilling space- No space for informal activities

New University eating up land (open spaces) which are used for a variety of other activities to make way for its new buildings.

Sattirist’s folly

PROBLEM STATEMENT The disappearence of open spaces on campus is a problem as they are breathing spaces on campus and students use them for a variety of sports, cultural and informal activities.

Creating spaces using frames

SPACE FRAMED The projects soughts to cater to this problem by creating a double frame- framing two contrasting views- a newly constructed builtform and an open space which is at stake. A number of sites have been identified and at each of these double-view sites a folly has been proposed. Hence, at three different sites we have- Athlete’s folly, Sattirist’s folly and Loner’s folly. Besides creating consciousness, the project tries to improve the inhabitation of these spaces by identifying activities which are already present and improving them by providing facilities and services that would support these activities. It also provides a

Athlete’s folly

A decentralized programme

Creating playspaces

Loner’s folly

How are these spaces created? Drinking Water Gate indicating new boundaries on campus

Vending machine


Playground primarily used for sports activities

Shower Facilities

Eqipment Storage

Toilet facilities

(i) Select a frame

(ii) Add services that support the function of the site

(iii) Add informal sittings aroung the folly

(iv) Inhabiting the place

D[e] Master [Code] Planning and Organizing

Guided by: Deval Gandhi The studio aimed at studying various approaches, ideologies, intensions, theories and visions of “MASTER ARCHITECTS”-in this student’s case Louis Kahn, by means of decoding their famous projects through the lenses of tangibles (organisation, structure, materials) and intangibles (light, spirituality) and encouraged the student to design a modern institute while employing the techniques of Louis Kahn.

Centre for DoCoMoMo The DoCoMoMo (International committee documentation and conservation of modern monuments) is an institute that soughts to preserve buildings associated with the modern movementand holds exhibitions to spread awareness about it.

Understanding the works of Louis Kahn

Phillips Exeter Library National Assembly, Dhaka

Adler House

First Unitarian Church Building

Norman Fisher House

Salk Institute

“The creation of art is not the fulfillment of a need, it is the creation of the need” -Louis Kahn One could interpret need as the clientele needand the creation of need becomes something extra that is provided by the architect which is beyond the prorammatic needs. This something extra adds so much value that without it the project wouldn’t just be the same. The programme is a conservation institute which runs on the hard work of its users- and for its users to effectively function-the institute becomes a space for well being. Hence, in the programme the creation of need becomes the creation of open and informal places which become a platform for interaction, sharing of ideas and connecting with nature in the hope of inspiring people to do their work.




Artists’ Retreat at Alluva Hills Foundation Studio

Guided by: Sachin Soni An artists’ retreat is designed on the banks of Sabarmati river to for a group of artists so that they can rediscover themselves, their work and styles. The project comprises of various functional spaces like a workshop , an exhibition space and of other homely spaces like residences, kitchen and dining.

Ponte All’ Art The site comprises of three plateaus. The project soughts to ‘bridge the gap’ between the plateaus by becoming the connecting space allowing free movement across them.

Imagining Life The comic is a representation of 24hrs. in the life of an artist residing in an artists’ retreat

Relative Study Prgram Documentation and Measure Drawing

Guided by: Sankalpa The vernacular systems of building offer a great insight into principles of building by the people. The documentation focused on learning from the vernacular architecture of Goa, understanding the structural systems. The fountainhas area in Panjim, Goa is a reminiscence of the portugese architecture of colonial times- with its laterite walls, timber spanning systems and pitched roofs.


Installations Feather Pavilion The feather pavilion is a structure constituted by six components- each of a different material(s). As the material changes so does the load transfer and mechanism of acquiring stability. The metal component gains its strength by folding which is achieved via riveting of MS sheets which are perforated to reduce dead weight. MATERIAL: PERFORATED METAL SHEET

Shell Structure The shell structure is a composite structure achieving stability by transferring load via the surface of the ply and the aluminium frame. It is constructed on an independent mateal frame braced with ply on the sides.


Designing a

Material Rack How does one design a rack that accomadates all materials efficiently, is deployable and easily expandable? The material rack is a set of timber frames joined together by MS box sections. The bamboo rack is a suspended one, designed to look like a wind chime.

Competiton Tiny Library

BLOX A mobile library Taking into consideration, the absence of education in many remote area the library is mobile, made up of a container of 7.5* 2.3 * 2.5 metres which can open up to form a space. But now, how does one design for the people they have no knowledge about? In order to facilitate a changing space and enabling people to make their own setting, the BLOX comprises of a set of modules which can be assembled together to create a variety of settings. Essentially made for supporting the function of a library one could use them for other activities- playing, discussing etc.

Collage IIM Bangalore Doshi We Know- Workshop The workshop required a group of students to carefully study and understand one work of the architect B.V. Doshi, importantly in terms of their inhabitation. The collage is a depiction of a hypothetical situation- the year is 2030, and the ciy of Bangalore is struck with a meteor causing mass destruction and making the all the residents to shift to IIM Bangalore as their permanent residence. The drawing tries to capture the ‘taking over’ of the building by the shattered society.

DIVOLKA SAWLANI +919925444520

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