Catehisis of a Sadhu

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小atechesis of a Sadhu 1

âñåëåííîé! Î ëîòîñîîêàÿ Ëàêøìè, ñàìî âîïëîùåíèå öâåòåíèÿ, óäà÷è, âåëèêîëåïèÿ è ñ÷àñòüÿ, òà, êîãî èùóò àñóðû, ëþäè è áîãè, ïðîøó, íèñïîøëè ìíå óäà÷ó, âåçåíèå, óñïåõ, ïðîöâåòàíèå, ñ÷àñòüå, ãàðìîíèþ, ðàäîñòü è ñèëó, ÷òîáû, èäÿ ïî ïóòè, ÿ áûë ñ÷àñòëèâ ñëóæèòü âñåì æèâûì ñóùåñòâàì.

What Is Acceptable and not Acceptable in the Sadhu Culture Foreword “What is your Dharma?" "To serve the Divine law, to carry out the Divine law, to treasure the Divine law...” “Ceremonial dialogs for the monks” The further we proceed on the spiritual path, the more important it becomes for us to understand the sadhu culture. The sadhu culture is the foundation of the Aryan-Vedic culture. Only through establishing a solid foundation of the culture based on the values of a sadhu, it is possible to move forward on the spiritual path. Without understanding the base of the Aryan-Vedic culture, the culture of sadhus, it is impossible to follow the path of saints to God-realisation, to Liberation. Any attempts to exclude, ignore this culture will lead to spiritual mistakes, illusions, doubts, and superficiality. But we cannot afford it. The easiest way to understand the ABC of the sadhu culture is to make it clear once and for all: “What is good and what is bad for a sadhu?” That is, to understand what is possible and impossible for a sadhu, what is acceptable and not acceptable, what is appropriate and not appropriate, what is auspicious and not auspicious. To clarify firmly, with no doubts, without indulging in intellectual speculation in style of superficial Neo-Advaita. So, what are the basics of the sadhu culture? Swami Vishnudevananda Giri


Chapter 1 Meanings of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. A sadhu aspires to see the world not in the way typical for people, but in the way sacred scriptures, spiritual authorities, saints, Guru, advisers, senior fellows in his tradition teach. 2. A sadhu unconditionally accepts the authority of sacred writings and holy sages on the subjects of world outlook. 3. He aspires to see the world as sacred, divine, as a whole, as a universal megamind - the Absolute. For a sadhu the world is a great divine mystery and enigma, and he regards it with unlimited reverence. 4. A sadhu does not strive to stay in his old worldly outlook, real sadhus always aim to change, enhance their outlook and reunite with the outlook of deities and saints. 5. A sadhu does not take the materialistic, philistine, profane outlook in account. 6. A sadhu learns to see the world integral with his consciousness, as a play of the divine power - chitshakti vilas, as the universal divine illusion, as maya, as one enormous continuous dream. 7. A sadhu learns to see the world as the divine reality and at the same time as a material trap of samsara, from which it is necessary to get out to the freedom of the spiritual world.

1. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to see the world through the eyes of the mundane, secular, materialistic culture and to make estimates and judgements on the basis of narrow-minded views. 2. It is not acceptable to have an outlook which is in contradiction with sacred scriptures and instructions of holy sages, his Guru and senior fellows of his tradition. 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to see the world as profane, not sacred, not divine. 4. It is not acceptable to pay much attention to the materialistic outlook, to look at the world from the point of mundane experience. 5. It is not acceptable not to see the evil of samsara as the materialistic trap and not to strive to escape from it.


Chapter 2 Values of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1.The main values of a sadhu are his faith, Dharma (the spiritual path) and spiritual culture, comprehension of the Truth, God, realisation of God, Liberation from samsara, attainment of enlightened wisdom, and sadhana (spiritual practice). These values manifest themselves in the form of the Refuge: the Master, Teaching, chosen deity, community, and sacred scriptures. 2. A sadhu does his sadhana not to improve the quality of his life, conversely, his life is totally devoted to sadhana. It is service, an offering. 3. A sadhu is infinitely devoted to his spiritual ideals and values and believes in them with all his soul to the point of self-abandonment. 4. A true sadhu under no circumstances will abandon his faith, refuge, his spiritual ideals and values; he is ready to forsake anything but his spiritual values. 5. He cherishes his values as a magical treasure, as the very heart of his soul, as the apple of his eye. He always glorifies them, pays respect to them, invokes their blessing power and wisdom, prays to them, relies on them, makes them the support of his life.

1. It is not acceptable among sadhus to live without values and spiritual ideals, not to value one's Dharma, not to be a patriot of one's Teaching, one's path, Master, chosen deity, community, and the sacred scriptures. Such patriotism has nothing to do with narrow-mindedness or sectarianism. On the contrary, such a limitless boundless preoccupation, faith in his ideals and values, and love, such determination makes the mind of a sadhu infinite. 2. Among true sadhus under no circumstances is it acceptable to abandon, betray, leave his spiritual ideals and values because of weak faith, recreancy, pride after he embraced them once with all his soul. This is considered impermissible recreancy and ignorance for a sadhu. 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable in any circumstances to neglect his ideals and values, doubt them, be unstable in them, not to pay respect, not to rely on his spiritual ideals, not invoking the blessing power, trusting only his poor ego.


Chapter 3 Goals of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. The goal of a sadhu is to serve the Divine power, Divine law - Dharma, to carry out the Divine law, to keep and realise the Divine law, to serve all living beings. With this goal a sadhu strives for Liberation and Enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings. 2. The goal of a sadhu in the external world is to help all living beings to get rid of sufferings and ignorance, to go on the path of absolute freedom and wisdom to Universal Enlightenment and Liberation from the laws of karma and sufferings of samsara. 3. The goal of a sadhu in the internal world is attainment of absolute wisdom (jnana) and perfection. 4. A sadhu lives and acts so as to embody his goals, to achieve their realisation.

1. A true sadhu does not have any goals except the divine, God realisation, and spiritual path. 2. A sadhu never sets egotistic, materialistic, mundane, secular goals in his life, goals which are outside his spiritual path. Sadhus by their nature cannot not serve the Divine law or act in contradiction with the Divine laws of the universe, or not have a goal to serve all living beings. 3. It is not acceptable among sadhus not to strive for Liberation for the benefit of all living beings, not to search for wisdom, not to get liberated from the laws of karma. The one who does not have these goals and does not strive to achieve them is not a sadhu.


Chapter 4 Samaya Bond

What is acceptable

What is not acceptable 1. It is not acceptable to disobey, or to desecrate the samaya for any reason, to damage it, to neglect it, or to conceive of it superficially. 2. It is not acceptable among sadhus to come into contradiction with one’s root Guru or with one’s teaching, even on a very small scale. Being even in a small contradiction with his ideals and values is a sign of misunderstanding. It is not acceptable among sadhus to come into contradiction with one’s Dharma brothers and sisters because this is a sign of weak self-control and lack of flexibility. It is not acceptable to come into contradiction with one’s community, with its principles, laws, and rules because this is a sign of inattention and weak faith. 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to keep impurity in one’s heart for a long time, to leave without attention subtle spiritual darkening or impure thoughts. 4. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to communicate with breakers and abusers of the samaya because this detracts from merits and works destructively on the spiritual path.

1. It is necessary to maintain the samaya (the sacred bond), to keep it as a treasure if it is created in relation to a Guru, chosen deity, Teaching, one’s community, and to one’s spiritual brothers and sisters - fellows in Dharma. 2. For a sadhu it is needful to restore the samaya bond in any cases in which it was besmirched: to make offerings, to show repentance, to do penance, to do special practices.

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Chapter 5 Communication and Relations What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. It is necessary among sadhus to communicate openly with those who respect their Teaching, religion, faith, Master, and spiritual values. 2. It is necessary to respect other religious traditions, other gods, teachers and saints and their sacred scriptures. 3. It is necessary among sadhus to respect the spiritual views and ideas of others, even if they are different from one’s own. 4. It is advisable among sadhus to pay sincere gratitude to all those who even slightly help them on the spiritual path: to gods, holy sages of the past, scriptures, teachers, tutors, senior Dharma brothers and sisters.

1. It is not acceptable to communicate openly with those who do not respect their Teaching, religion, faith, Master, and spiritual values. A sadhu generally tries not to communicate with such people at all. 2. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to revile, criticise, or offend other religious traditions, other gods, teachers and saints, and their sacred scriptures, or in general behave arrogantly with others. 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to impose one’s personal spiritual views and ideas. A sadhu limitlessly trusts in his Teaching, in his school, Master, deity, and spiritual scriptures as in divine powers and knowledge, etc. But he gives this right to others, too. 4. It is not acceptable among sadhus to be ungrateful or neglectful to that and those who helped him on the spiritual path.

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Chapter 6 Way of Thinking What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. Among sadhus it is needful to control one’s thoughts, to see the divine in others, and to think purely about others, especially about the object of refuge, i.e. about saints, gods, sangha, samaya brothers and sisters. Such a style of thinking is called “pure vision”. 2. A sadhu aspires to practice pure vision, to see the world and others purely. 3. A sadhu does not consider his intellectual understanding as something true or real, he does not rely on his mind and is not predisposed to a profane point of view. He understands how narrow and limited his vision is, based on the mind, in comparison with the vision of gods and saints. Therefore he does not pay much attention to his intellectual judgements, knowing that they will change many times. 4. A sadhu regards his mind and conceptions with humility. He “knows that he knows nothing” because he understands the tremendous depth, the great mystery and inexhaustibility of the spiritual path. 5. A sadhu is always humbly ready to deepen his understanding and not to cling to hard and fast concepts.

1. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to show uncontrolled emotions, act rashly or heedlessly, think badly about others, generate negativity towards others, especially towards sacred objects of Dharma: saints, monks, teachers, gods, community. 2. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to show impure vision, give negative evaluations about the world or others, especially about saints. Impure vision is for sadhus something ignominious, wrong, demeaning, demonic, limited, and amoral. A sadhu avoids impure vision as hellfire because impure vision deprives one of the fruits of realisation and detracts from life power, good fortune, and wisdom. 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to rely on one’s mind and egotistical knowledge excessively or to criticise and evaluate broadly, setting oneself up as all-knowing. The mind of a sadhu is always open for the penetration of new mysteries of the divine universe.


Chapter 7 Speech What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

Among sadhus it is needful to control one’s speech, be discreet in speech, choose words carefully, speak harmoniously.

Among sadhus it is not acceptable to not control one’s speech, be effusive in speech, speak not harmoniously, use slang, idioms, expletives, or to speak loudly, grumpily, or disrespectfully to the interlocutor.

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Chapter 8 Actions What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. In the sadhu culture it is needful to control all one’s actions. A sadhu aspires to act selflessly, in such a way as not to cause the sufferings of others, to act harmoniously, in consent with the ethics of a sadhu. 2. The ethics of a sadhu: j willingness to take care about others, sometimes even at the expense of oneself, without demanding rewards or praise j ahimsa (non-violence, including non-violence towards animals and birds) j vegetarianism j refraining from smoking and the usage of drugs and alcohol j refraining from appropriation of someone else’s property j refraining from gambling j control of sexual activity (brahmacharya) and of relations with the opposite sex (if a sadhu is married, then this control is carried out within the framework of a Vedic family; if not, then within the bounds of his vows and status: brahmachari, monk, sannyasi, hermit-avadhuta, etc). Monks observe celibacy and keep their distance as far as relations with the opposite sex are concerned. 3. A sadhu acts in such a way as to benefit all living beings, and his actions have such a motivation. 4. A sadhu always acts with the blessing of his spiritual authorities: gods, saints, his root Guru, sacred scriptures. 5. A sadhu acts according to his spiritual culture.

1. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to act selfishly, live only for oneself. 2. Essentially, sadhus cannot bring harm to others, acting violently. Among sadhus it is unacceptable to eat the flesh of animals, birds, and fish (except in rare tantric rituals in some traditions, rituals which bring benefit to all living beings). 3. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to drink alcohol, take drugs, or gamble. 4. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to neglect sexual energy, ethics of sexual conduct, in accordance with one’s status. 5. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to act selfishly, in such a way as to bring problems, suffering, or harm to other living beings, by body, speech, and mind. 6. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to act in contradiction with instructions of sacred scriptures, one’s root Guru, or one’s community and culture.

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Chapter 9 Qualities of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

j faith j devotion to Dharma j commitment to holy objects of one’s Refuge j diligence and zealousness in sadhana j inner self-discipline j humility j patience j pure vision j satisfaction with what one has (do not confuse with egotistical self-gratification based on attachments) j openness, sincerity based on pure vision j compassion j love for other living beings j self-control j composure, equilibrium j tenacity and fearlessness, tenacity in movement on the path of wisdom j concentration, ability to bring together will and intent in one direction j non-attachment to temptations and pleasures of the mundane world j renunciation from deceits and illusions of the material world of samsara (vairagya) j respect for other sadhus, saints and teachers, and for seniors in one’s tradition j respect for other religious schools and traditions j distinguishing between truth and non-truth, between sacred and profane, maya and Brahman j consistency in one's persuasions, beliefs, ideals, and values j ability for hermitage and asceticism (tapasya)

1. It is not acceptable among Sadhus: j to have weak faith and to be not devoted to one’s Dharma j to act without dedication to saints and objects of Refuge j not to have diligence in sadhana j not to strive to develop inner self-discipline, humility, patience, pure vision. 2. Among sadhus it is unacceptable to foster whims and paltry desires of one's ego. The one who is not satisfied in the depth of his soul, not open, not sincere, does not have compassion and love for living beings, does not have self-control, a balanced mind, humility, firmness, fearlessness, stability in faith - is not a real sadhu yet. He needs to search for the state of a real sadhu. 3. It is not acceptable among sadhus to display pride, complacent self-admiration, to fall prey to pride or exaggerated conceit and egotism. Pride is a hindrance for a sadhu, a hindrance which obstructs the path to realisation. 4. Among sadhus it is unacceptable to become attached to other people or to material things and pleasures. 5. It is not acceptable to treat other sadhus without respect, or to criticise them or to speak ill of them, especially of other teachers, or saints, or those senior in his or other traditions.

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Chapter 9 Qualities of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

j equal treatment of everyone and everything j self-sufficiency, inner wholeness based on the fact that a sadhu does not search for happiness in the outer world j responsibility and respect for your spiritual choice and path j modesty j courtesy, politeness, ability to listen to others, flexibility, tolerance j forgiveness, ability to forgive j capability of repentance, penance, revision of false conclusions j ability to enshrine spiritual secrets j absence of anger, kindliness.

6. Among sadhus it is not acceptable not to respect other living beings, not to see the divine in them, or to lose compassion, no matter how they may manifest themselves. 7. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to be aggrieved, to lack forgiveness, to be resentful or touchy, to conceal and harbour anger. Whatever situations take place, a sadhu sees everything as a divine blessing, a challenge, a test of his faith, play, and views it with gratitude. 8. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to search for joy and happiness outside, to divide the world and his self. 9. It is not acceptable to search for reasons for problems outside, in other people, etc. A sadhu understands that all the reasons for problems are inside oneself. 10. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to act irresponsibly towards one's samaya, spiritual path, spiritual line, or samaya brothers and sisters. 11. It is not acceptable to be immodest, to express oneself excessively, to extol one’s achievements and merits, to boast. The one who acts like this looks in the eyes of a real sadhu like a child playing at sadhu. 12. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to cling to mistaken opinions which contradict sacred scriptures, instructions of saints, and the culture of a sadhu, to insist on them because any such clinging indicates the illusion of the ego. 13. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to blab the spiritual mysteries, to show off his initiations, mantras, spiritual experiences, etc.



Chapter 10 Food of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

A sadhu eats moderately, and eats pure vegetarian food, avoiding spicy or salty food. He observes the condition of his three constitutions: vata, pitta, kapha; and he eats in such a way as to keep them balanced.

Among sadhus it is not acceptable to eat meat, fish, or spicy and salty food, food which is associated with the karma of murder or excites the emotions.

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Chapter 11 Lifestyle of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

1. A sadhu lives in accordance with his goals and values, to make his life full of spiritual learning and service to Divine laws and powers. 2. He serves his Dharma, Master, Dharma brothers and sisters, deity considering them inseparable form his Highest Self. 3. He is full of the spirit of learning and exploration of the Divine. He shines with the fire of faith, great enthusiasm, aspiration, and devotion to Truth, day and night. He lives doing his sadhana day and night, constantly undergoing training in his method.

1. Among sadhus it is not acceptable to lead a life that is not connected with service to the Divine law (Dharma), with practice of Dharma. 2. A sadhu does not live in idleness, laziness, doubt, unbelief, thoughtlessly, and lacking willpower. He does not flow in the stream of his samskaras, does not attend mundane entertainments, and does not waste his time on sensual pleasures. Even if he does not succeed in it, he at least strives to do it. 3. He does not strive for any goals which are not connected with spiritual evolution, sadhana, seva, learning, and tapas.

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Chapter 12 Authorities of a Sadhu What is acceptable

What is not acceptable

The highest authorities for a sadhu are the sacred scriptures of his tradition, gods, holy sages, tutors, senior fellows in his tradition, and inner perception, the Highest Self, experienced in the depth of his heart. A sadhu always honours and respects his authorities. He conforms his life to spiritual authorities.

Among sadhus it is not acceptable to neglect spiritual authorities or regard them flippantly. It is also not acceptable to accept opinions, evaluations, and judgements of the materialistic culture as spiritual authorities.

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This text was composed by members of the Monastery Council of the Monastery-academy of Laya Yoga "Collection of Mysteries". It is based on the lectures and instructions by Swami Vishnudevananda Giri. He personally reviewed this text, confirmed and recommended it as guidance for sadhana for the benefit of all Russian-speaking sadhus of the Aryan-Vedic tradition.

The samaya! Divya Loka May 2011

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