Code of a Vedic Arian

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Life Code of Vedic Arian

Vision of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian learns that all things are the One, all is One, but manifested in many ways, “Unity in diversity� - that is his credo. Vedic Arian sees the world as a game of divine Wisdom and Power, so his fate in this world is to seek Wisdom and Power. Vedic Arian perceives life as Leela - divine play and the world - as a mystical dimension - mandala, in which everything is wonderful, pure and perfect. Vedic Arian learns to always see the world in purity. Vedic Arian understands that the world is a manifestation of consciousness, so he is not looking for the cause of his problems in others, instead of correcting the others he is eager to improve himself. Vedic Arian respects the right to freedom of every sentient being, as he sees every being as a divine one.



Way of Thinking of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian learns to understand and respect his higher ‘I’, for this he explores the nature of “I”. Vedic Arian tries to think creatively, outside of the box, paradoxically, widely, globally, far reaching. To be a genius for Vedic Arian is normal. Vedic Arian tries to think fast, ahead of reality. He is seeking to create future with his thinking. Vedic Arian operates not one but two, three and even four systems of logical thinking. Common logic for Vedic Arian is just a tool, Vedic Arian learns fuzzy logic, the logic of mystical intuition (sattarka logic) and logic of reality direct control (para-sattarka logic). Vedic Arian learns not only to think but also to meditate, contemplate in the thinking process, and realize the inner observer, to contemplate the nature of “I”. Vedic Arian does not think, he is perceiving what is beyond thoughts, with thoughts he just plays. Vedic Arian does not build logic schemes. Seeing cause and effect, he is gliding through the corridors of probability and immediately grasps current reality, foreseeing the future result.


Ethics of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian is noble; he is an aristocrat of the spirit, though he is simple and naturally easy going. Vedic Arian is modes, without show off, but always and everywhere retains boundless sense of dignity and self-esteem. Vedic Arian does not brag about his achievement in front of others, but loves to praise others. Vedic Arian learns to see the best in man and ignore the worst. Vedic Arian, does not impose his views, he does not seek to convince anyone, but he respects his values and ideals, and if necessary he is not afraid to defend and protect them using peaceful methods. Vedic Arian respects women as the manifestation of creative power. Vedic Arian respects all people of the world, and especially those who follow the path of development, self-knowledge, knowledge of God and of the gods. Vedic Arian respects all beings of nature: trees, grass, animals, fish, birds, as their smaller brothers.


Psychology of Vedic Arian Kind heart, pure vision, clear mind, strong spirit, unbeatable will - these are the features of the Vedic Arian. Love, compassion, inner joy, impartial, equanimous look at all things – that is the basis of psychology of Vedic Arian. Bravery, courage, dedication – those are the important features of Vedic Arian. Vedic Arian feels compassion to all beings. Whatever the situation is Vedic Arian seeks a way to be wise and strong. Vedic Arian trains his Spirit to see all as One, in a single taste, like the ancient Rishis. Vedic Arian goes through life easily, without clinging, as his spirit is empty, and his heart is pure. He was always easy and open, but not primitive. It relies on the joy, but do not cling to it. Vedic Arian is committed to transformation, to improve himself, he is constantly working on himself and does not aspire to be an ordinary person. Vedic Arian is in constant presence, here and now, but his spirit is progressive and pointed to the future. Vedic Arian tries to love all creatures, even those who do not deserve it. Vedic Arian has no enemies. Vedic Arian is compassionate for the weak ones, those who are in trouble, suffering, needs to be protected, but he did not support the weakness in himself, because he knows how to turn the weakness into virtues.



Behavior of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian acts naturally, freely and spontaneously, while he remembers about the principles of purity of: Body: Vedic Arian does not kill sentient beings and does not tolerate any violence against them (ahimsa), except extreme cases which require suppression of clearly negative forces. Vedic Arian does not steal, does not take over what does not belong to him. Vedic Arian does not drink alcohol, neither smoke nor use drugs. Vedic Arian is a vegetarian, as a rule does not eat meat and fish (with the exception of special cases: treatment, special ritual practices). Vedic Arian controls his sexual energy, it is not a mean for enjoyment but a great hidden power (kundalini), way of sublimation, self-knowledge and spiritual development. Speech: Vedic Arian creatively masters the art of wording as warrior does his sword, artist his brush, with words he inspires, creates reality by organizing the world and transforming chaos into cosmos. Vedic Arian is not swearing, does not allow evil speech, gossip, hula. He masters the secrets of sacred speech, knowing that it is the energy of the divine will and power. The mind: Vedic Arian knows the secrets of the creative thought. Vedic Arian’s mind is a workshop for creation of the desired image of the future by mastery of great wisdom of pure, focused thought, he is a master to focus his mind on a selected objective. Vedic Arian is a painter and a sculptor of thought, that creates the reality. Arias does not allow impure thoughts against anyone whatsoever, he respects everyone, though keeps his point of view.



Religion of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian sees himself as one with the divine powers of the universe, he sees life as a play and a great devotion to the divine powers of in and outside, his life - it is the mission of knowledge, play and devotion. Vedic Arian follows The Law of The Universe, The Law of Ancestors, which is contained in the scriptures of the Vedic Arians: Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Tantras and teachings given by masters and mentors. Vedic Arian believes in the Absolute, One without the other, the non-dual reality, into what is unborn, has no name, form, qualities and attributes, into eternal, infinite, omnipresent, pervading, pure consciousness, residing in all beings as Sat-Chit-Ananda . He believes that the Absolute Mind (Universum) has the ability to continuous creative demonstrations and emanations. He believes in the divine origin, wisdom and blessing of Sages Rishis, founders of the Vedic tradition. Vedic Arians believes: ~ In the law of karma, ~ Reincarnation ~ Precious human birth, ~ And that samsara state leads solely to suffering, and that the true purpose of life of every sentient being is achievement of Liberation. Vedic Arian respects teachers, monks, mentors, and all who are more developed spiritually. Vedic Arian respects his gods, saints, scriptures of his and any other spiritual tradition.



Religion of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian is striving to become “sadhu�, the one who truly walks on spiritual path. He aspires to become a jnani - enlightened sage and Siddha-holy miraclemaster, the Creator of reality. Vedic Arian believes that all phenomena in the universe are initially pure and perfect in its origin, they are nothing more but a free play of energies in the mandala of the Absolute. Vedic Arian believes in teachings, principles and precepts of the Path of yoga, samaya vows, the principle of guru-disciple, and universal spiritual brotherhood.


Shrines of Vedic Arian ~ deities, temples, sacred texts, holy gurus, Rishis, Siddhis and gods ~ nature are manifestation of the five elements ~ the whole universe is sacred, its stars, planets and galaxies. ~ his body is sacred, the bodies of others, and all of its conscious manifestations and desires. ~ life itself is sacred in its all forms

Ideals of Vedic Arians The highest Vedic Arian ideal is complete freedom, liberation from the bonds of the illusion (maya). His ideal - to walk the spiritual Path, rising higher and higher, to surpass oneself and become the God-man. Vedic Arian dream is to be free playing God-man who is immortal multi bodied and managing reality and history by his own willpower, thinking paradoxically and creatively. Vedic Arian honors, respects and imitates his heroes that are holy ascetics (sadhus), liberated, enlightened masters, the great sages (jnana), Siddhis, rishis and gods. Ideal of Vedic Arian is to become a deity, like the Creator and create a new universe.


Culture of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian is proud of its ancient culture and respects it, his culture - a culture gods, rishis, Vedas, saints and Siddha. Vedic Arian knows that his culture is derived from divine beings - gods of civilization, Rishi, Siddha. Vedic Arian culture is sacred, mystical, it is not meant for entertainment, it inspires him to spiritual work, self-improvement. Vedic Arian culture is ever developing, it encompasses not only the past but also the present and the future, it is not only preserved, but is created every moment. Arias is only the keeper of the culture, but also its creator.

Path of Vedic Arian For Arya to live means to walk the path of development of the divine, so Vedic Arian always sees himself as a Seeker, Viator. What does he look for? The Divine Wisdom and the holy Power. What for is that Wisdom? To perceive the Eternal Law. What for is that holy Power? To realize it in his live. Vedic Arian - is not a nationality, religion, race or belonging to a particular group, it is - personal spiritual choice, a choice to follow the path of perfection.



Knowledge of Vedic Arian Search the Knowledge and multiply wisdom – is the fate of the Vedic Arian. Knowledge Arian - inhuman, it was given to him by the sages and gods, it comes not from the mind, but from the Spirit. Vedic Arian knowledge receives as a blessing from the treatises of the wise, from his master, keepers of knowledge, from his deity, and from within, from his heart. Vedic Arian – is a scientist, philosopher-sage, the divine magician Alchemist of life, tentative researcher of reality, there is nothing he would not seek to perceive in the universe. Vedic Arian primarily explores himself. Discovering the true self in meditation, he is discovering Absolute, Space, gods, Siddhas and their wisdom. He also perceives spiritual sciences: the structure of the universe, body’s energy, forces of the gods, stars and planets, Vedic theurgy, tavmaturgiyu, psihurgiyu and other sacred science.

Wisdom of Vedic Arian Vedic Arian seeks for wisdom during the whole life. At the same time he knows that wisdom is hidden within himself. Vedic Arian gets wisdom from the inner space, watching himself.


Power of Vedic Aryan Power of Arian is sacred, its nature is divine. Looking deeply into himself Vedic Arian gets power, this power originates from Spirit and Wisdom, Vedic Arian respects divine Forces, attracts them, so they are happy to serve him. His strength allows him to create a new, support the good, destroy the harmful, keep the sacred and emanate Devine.

Future of Vedic Aryan Living in the present moment, Vedic Arian with his hart is looking to the future. Vedic Arian learns future from gods, understanding that it is impossible to ever be a man. To be as gods is his future. Vedic Arian genius - the Creator, the player playing with probabilities, and a tireless worker of Spirit, paradoxical thinker, creative creator of future. Everyday Vedic Arian is building his future by himself using the power of thought and intention being armed with the knowledge and blessings of the masters and divine beings and forces. Development, flowering, movement forward into the future, to becoming a God-man all these is a natural direction of things for Vedic Arian. Vedic Arian is happily and confidently going into the future, which he ties to transition to the God-man and God-manhood. Vedic Arian using power of his creating thought creates a wonderful image of his future as a God-man. Vedic Arian sees its mission in the world as an aid in the transition to Godmanhood and God civilization. 18

Features of Arian as a God-man of the future. Transfigured Arian passes to the body of divine glory, which would manifest divine qualities and capabilities: ~ Omni knowledge, omniscience, omni penetration, omnipotence, ~ Bliss, greatness, freedom from the influence of time, ~ Beauty, harmony, elegance, pureness of appearance He will also be characterized by eight special features: ~ Immortality instead of mortality, ability to exist in the selected body indefinitely; ~ Multibodyness instead single body; ~ Multireality instead single life (freedom to live simultaneously in several kinds of realities moving one’s consciousness); ~ Personal reality tunnel, own universe created with mind. ~ Personal adjustable psycho-history, instead of unmanageable collective history; ~ Management of reality with willpower instead unmanageable reality; ~ Paradoxical intuitive thinking, exorbitant, non-conceptual wisdom, rather conditional thinking; ~ Game - spontaneous creativity, where purpose, means, and doer are inseparable.


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