By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj
Changing human evolution’s vector and need of psychological singularity Culture and scientific-and-technological advance as an indicator of general development of the civilization
Swami Vishnudevananda Giri at GIF 2045 Congress, New York, summer 2013
As we know, culture and technological change have been a measure of social development and human evolution since the beginning of time. It is supposed to be a sign of growth and progress. What is scientific-and-technological advance? In Rome it was bronze dish, swords and armour of steel, water supply system and the Coliseum. In the Middle Ages it was majestic temples and sailing vessels, alchemy and cannons, powder weapon and looms, metallurgy and Galileo’s telescope. In the end of the 19th and in the beginning of the 20th it associated with steam machines, fabric fume pipes, cinematograph, first airplanes and cars. In the middle of the 20th century it was TV set and shuttles, atomic and hydrogen bomb, first rockets and nuclear reactor. In the end of the 20th century it was high-tech and info technologies such as computers, mobile network and genetic research. High-tech has become a symbol of progress in the outgoing 20th century. At the dawn of the 21st century they begin talking about entering a so-called post-industrial phase of development. A whole new bunch of high technologies has loomed up – nano, bio, info, Cogno (NBIC technologies) and GNR (Genetics, Nanotechnology and Robotics). They also mention technologies that follow high-tech – “high hum” (human technologies), "biotech" (biotechnology), and even “magic tech” (magical technology). 1
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj What awaits us tomorrow?
What will mankind face tomorrow? And later – in the middle and in the end of the 21st century, in the beginning of the 22nd century? It will face a change of the vector of evolution, change of a semantic paradigm and a shift of the basic values. Little by little, people have come to understanding that the industrial and even post-industrial way of development has outlived its usefulness. It’s necessary to look for a new vector of development. People have realized that it is impossible endlessly to extract resources from Mother Nature and infinitely to increase production. It is impossible endlessly to improve productivity and to increase the number of goods. In the late 20th century industrialism met not just a dead end, but a number of dead ends – technological, social and economic. That has led to a collapse of neoglobalizm philosophy and its notorious neo-Malthusian concept of the "golden billion", as well as to talk about the end of history according to Francis Fukuyama. “Progressive” humankind has realized by the end of the 20 th century that pipe smokestack factories and millions of dodging cars, oil rigs and railroads, skyscrapers and satellites, are no longer signs of a real progress. On the contrary, it is a sign of backwardness and archaic. It is just a man's inability to think up and create something more intelligent, beautiful, pure and wise. What awaits us tomorrow? It is obvious that we will face not mere high-tech I mean a highspeed iPhone implanted straight in the brain and ruled by thoughts, a quantum computer on your desktop at home, household servants as robots-androids and cyborgization of body by nanodevices. We are waiting for a change of the evolution vector and a hundred-eighty turn in understanding the meaning of human existence and the views on our lives. First one needs to understand – why it happens and why it is already happening.
Limitations of our civilization Let’s have a look at our civilization from the point of view of gods or at least of our future offspring from 25-26 centuries. Who are we for them? What about our civilization? I think their opinion would be the same as ours on Europe and Asia in the pre-Christian time, if not worse… They would see a rather backward and primitive civilization both in spiritual and culturaltechnological ways. Despite developing for thousands of years this civilization of loser is still busy with its own survival, solving of the internal contradictions and has no idea how to live outside the planet. What is more it has no idea about time travel and other worlds, and therefore considers itself the only reasonable thing in the universe. 2
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj Civilization which is not able to respond challenges of time, unable really to solve the problems of humanity. Wham makes us primitive and backward in our children's eyes? Everything. The very principle of our life is wrong initially, because we have initially incorrect evolution vector, the direction of movement is from inside out, not vice versa. This vector constantly orientate us to seek outside. To seek our fortune in commodities, material things and external pleasures. The vector to use things, emotions and knowledge outside. It was this vector that forced people to plow the land, build houses, forge swords and plows, conduct grandiose wars, irrigate deserts, create factories, tanks and aircraft, consumer goods, ships and satellites for the past dozen years. It was this vector of external search that created "modern", but in reality a backward culture and civilization in which we live now. This civilization has lost its magic, sacred, divine inner foundation that in the process of development has reached heights, but then slid to the first level of "spontaneous" and then "dialectical" and then "scientific" materialism. Having slid, this civilization put astronomy over astrology, chemistry over alchemy, maths over numerology, physics and mechanics over thaumaturgy and magic, psychology over theurgy and psychurgy etc. It never looks inside, but always outside. This culture always wants to change the world and to subordinate the nature, but never considers about changing the man to solve all the problems. It takes man as something unchangeable like constanta with tabu put on it. External progress is welcome, but internal development except intellectual has never been a priority in today civilization. Spiritual development as a priority is out of a conceptual framework of our world. This question is on the margins of scientific world as an esoteric underground. Anyone acts in their own risk when he or she decides to follow a spiritual path of evolution, because it contradicts modern civilization. To enter a spiritual path one needs to have great courage and has no fear to be found as outsider, contrarian or freak in the society. That speaks for itself. Our civilization having once chosen materialistic path is not able to give us real happiness, it cannot answer a lot of questions on meaning of life, it cannot save us from frazzle, hunger, suffering, pain, senility, ailment and death. This civilization is not able really set us free. As this culture hopes for temporal happiness outside without seeking it inside. As a result man is still limited by his body as it was thousands years ago. It is true for everyone despite whether he is a worker or a king or even a president. It is all the same. We have to get tired, get sick, feel cold, die, eat, sleep, visit toilet. All these limitations still accompany us. This entire civilization with its aircraft carries and drones, hadron colliders and the Hubble telescope, iPhones and supercomputers cannot save a single person on the planet from elementary constraints of his body and mind. Let's think whether our cars, airplanes, trains and ships are signs of civilization progress. Are they? Not at all. It is a measure of cultural and economic backwardness. It is a sign that we have chosen the wrong vector of development. This is a sign that we cannot move across the universe at vimans like gods do, surpassing the speed of light and turning space. We need cars, airplanes, trains and ships only because we cannot move in space or at least fly 3
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj without external devices. We use cars as our feet are not absolute, we go by plane as we do not have our own wings. Restaurants, kitchen machines, microwaves and all kinds of delicate dishes are also signs of our backwardness. It means we cannot eat like gods who satiate themselves with delicate and pure energy of vacuum, sunlight, star light and interstellar matter without need of seeking, earning or cooking. We need water, food as we do not have special “device” which transforms light of stars, moon or sun into calories nourishing our body. Our sweet and “clever” homes are stuffed with electronics. Is not it an illustration that our bodies are not absolute? We cannot live any environment at any temperature, can we? We need houses made of bricks or wood with walls and roofs only because we are not able to make Universe our home. All these massive Tvsets, telephones and video players we put outside the body, are not they illustrations of our body and mind imperfections? But all these facilities could be installed a priori. We could communicate, look through the news, connect Internet, collect memories (photos) with thought power inside body-mind chain as gods and siddhas do. We need all these high tech devices only because we do not have them inside our brain (or we have them but they are not available for us?) Our lighting systems, street lighting lanterns indicate that we have not paid attention to the fact that we can see in the dark, using the inner power of vision. We need lighting systems simply because we do not see in the dark. We need glasses and telescopes as our sight is not trained. Our water supply, sanitation, etc. exist only because our bodies are imperfect and unable to make metabolism, etc. We do not have a self-cleaning skin, we cannot draw water from the pure essence of vacuum or do without it. All the textile industry, clothing stores point to the fact that our body and skin cannot protect us from cold and heat, cannot take any desirable shape, color, configuration, etc. We need space stations because we cannot live in a vacuum and travel in space. These facts are obvious even to a child however lead to some surprising conclusions. Thousands of years ago we as civilized and progressive species chose the wrong vector of evolution. We have chosen external technological path and tried to change nature instead of changing ourselves first of all. External devices, technologies, of course, are important, and it is at least unwise to deny their importance in modern civilization. But they are not worth that high price we paid for them. We have lost inner depth, sacradness and memory about our divinity. We have forgotten internal mystic. We have stopped looking deep inside ourselves, explored nature of mind, our “I” and lost connection with our Supreme I. Now the very word “consciousness” is “terra incognita” for us. Our legs are continued into wheels, bicycles, trains and cars. Our hands are continued into spears, hammers, automatic machines, plows and programmable lathes. Our eyes are continued into binoculars, telescopes and video cameras. Our vocal cords are continued into microphones and loudspeakers. Our stomachs are continued into electric stoves, microwaves, coffee machines, electric kettles, toasters, mixers and kitchen units. Our ears are continued into players and radio set. 4
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj Due to that we have overridden animals, subjugated nature, remade for our needs huge part of the land and relaxed “enjoying” megalopolis life, but... We still cannot answer “Who am I?” We cannot control life process in our bodies and overcome aging and death. We have not cognized Universe and its mystery. We have not found happiness, freedom, and have not become next evolutionary class. We are neither gods nor siddhas, neither Titans nor even just superhuman. We have not performed an evolutionary task entrusted to us by the Creator. All those thousands of years we have just spent on a primitive arrangement of our well-fed and comfortable life. Man of the 21st century surrounded by video and computer equipment, air conditioners, cars, radar scanners, mobile phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and lighting fixtures is still psychologically and physically vulnerable, weak and helpless in front of time, aging, illness, death, like his primitive ancestors. Once in the 19th century one of the indigenous inhabitants of America, an Indian hunter in a conversation with a traveler said: "A white man is nothing without gunpowder and lead". This is an assessment of our entire civilization. That man was living in a different dimension of life, in the sacred world. Modern civilization is mainly of a white man. In the middle of 20th century he sort of conquered the whole world, but in fact he did nothing. He has become nether god nor superman. This civilization made by him has not given him happiness. He is still bound by laws of nature. Why? Because he has not conquered himself . That is the most important in life. We are nothing in Universe without our houses, cars, fridges, gadgets, devices, mobile phones and TV sets. This is result of our materialistic culture. We have been always looking for external things. This was the main mistake.
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj Alternative way of development Inward movement – magic, religion, yoga, Tantra
There is another way to follow. Humankind has always had this alternative. This is magic, religion, yoga and Tantra. This is how your Spirit could be developed. This is path of magicians, shamans, Tantrists, yogis, saints and siddhas. The path leads to gods. Dattatreya, Buddha, Jesus, Tilopa, Lao Tzu, Gorakhanath, Milarepa, Padmasambhava, Ramalinga, Shankara, St. Francis of Assisi, Saint Seraphim of Sarov and thousands of other ascetics passed that way. Many of them by force of ascetism, meditation, mantras, tapas, practice of yoga and prayers cleansed their mind and made new configuration of their energy inside. They reached immortality and made inside of them immortal, invulnerable, beyond aging and illnesses body of rainbow. It does not need food, rest, clothes. It is a god-like body. These saints passed a real way of evolution. And we are to do the same. Sacral technologies (Magic tech) have always been by our side. But they are so multiple and delicate that humankind is still unable to make them the main vector of its evolution. Those who followed this way in the past were praised and respected. The countries where this deep spiritual culture was spread and developed welcomed such people. They were icons, guiding stars for all mankind. Each and every was eager to get their blessings. The countries of materialism often did not accept such people. What is more sometimes they proclaimed them to be obscurants or drove them into narrow framework of cultural and religious dogmas or just incurred ridicule. But the way of spiritual development always existed and still does. It sets free thousands and thousands of hermits, meditaors, yogis, monks and ascetics from human limitations. 6
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj This way is called Eternal Law of Gods (Sanatana Dharma). It was always clear that the complexity of the way establishes very strict limits and criteria for those embarking on this path. This path is always open for mature, friendly, sublime, elect, blessed, for those who are ready, for the best. It's not for everyone, but for those who are referred to as "sadhus", "people of the path", those who follow the divine, the holy path of evolution. But what do those 99% of the rest have to do? That majority who are not sadhus and not capable of austerity, meditation, asceticism. Is there another available way for them in the framework of society? Yes, this is the way of energy-biotech revolution that would unite the spiritual path of the ancient saints with modern technology and material science.
Biotech revolution is ripe Human body is not perfect. It has not evolved for thousands of years. But what incredible opportunities the future would give us if this evolution began! The biotech revolution will deploy humanity from searching happiness outside to external world, to internal search. Having entered upon the path of improvement of the body, man of our time will make the first step towards the improvement of the physical constituents by creating a more perfect psy-interface. Sooner or later, such an initiative will make man to develop and expand his mind. He will reach the level of gods and go even deeper up to the full enlightenment, to the union with Absolute (Brahman). The biotech revolution will solve all the problems of humanity (accommodation, travel, knowledge, comfort, entertainment, security, communications) at the level of the perfect body that will be created with the help of new technologies. 7
By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri Ji Maharaj If we create a perfect body i.e psy-interface ruled by thought power, the body will be able to live for a very long time without food, water, shelter or means of transportation. It will totally change the existing order of things and people will open up unexpected opportunities: space expansion, time travelling, multibodiness, life in multi-reality, history management, management of external reality by thought, life in many worlds at the same time .
Happiness: liberation from physical laws (samsara) as energy fullness manifestation of power-willed operating Now we are living creatures captured by the laws of external reality. It controls us despite our will and desires. We are ruled by different laws of Universe – law of time, gravitation, biochemical law, social laws etc. If we try to find happiness, our task is to open inside of us a space of original wisdom. Having found it, we should manifest intention to make these laws objects of our powerwilled operating. It means to adjust them in accordance with our will. In the language of yoga it is called djnana-shakti (energy of divine wisdom); svatantriyashakti (divine freedom energy); ichha-shakti (divine will energy); aishavaria-shakti (divine power energy) and krija-shakti (action energy). God the Creator (Brahma) has a fullness of power-willed operating, because he operates at the level of psy-interface from zero to infinity. It means he has a higher completeness of these forces, but the man does not, because he is trying to operate at only outside level and his power very limited. Man can reinforce his power-willed operating, but it means to change his way of life, his appearance, lifetime, relationships and aims and tasks in this world. Thus, the implementation of bio-technological revolution will open a new era for humanity. The era which will strengthen the function of power-willed operating. By Swami Vishnudevananda Giri August, 2010 (Translation by Maharani)