Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine November 2020

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Get in agreement with God and declare what He put in your heart. Declare, “I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am forgiven. I am healthy. I am free. I have the favor of God. My children are mighty in the land. My family will fulfill our destiny. Dreams are coming to pass. Problems are turning around. New doors are opening. I’m excited about my future. I will become all God created me to be.” You may not see anything changing, but something is happening; patience is working. Your spiritual muscles are getting stronger; you’re growing, developing. Patience is building you, getting you prepared so you can sustain what God has coming. Don’t discount the waiting period. Don’t get discouraged because it’s not happening as fast as you'd like. The longer it takes, that means the more God has in store. When it’s your time, when God knows you’re ready, what you give birth to is going to be much bigger than you think Overcome what looks impossible. Don’t let the circumstances talk you out of it. You may not see how it can happen, but you have generations cheering you on. You have saints that you’ve read about—you’ve thought how amazing they were, how dedicated, how faithful—those same saints are calling your name. They’re saying, “Keep believing. Keep dreaming. Joel Osteen is a New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at . Joel Osteen

Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo November 2020, what is in store for us this month?!! Seems every month this year has impacted the plans of everyone. Cruisin the Coast was all set to be as big as last year and even got off to a good start and then “Mother Nature” said “hurricane is coming your way… you better get out of town” A lot of people did leave the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Luckily some of the 6,778 registered vehicles who stayed were spared from the heavy wind & rain. October 17th I went to Atmore, Al to the Southern Outlaw Gassers GBO12. Over 200 1974 and back drag vehicles showed up for the weekend event including more than 70 Old School Gassers. This family event is growing each and every time they put on a GBO race. Southern Outlaw Gassers, Gasser Blowout, events run only 1967 and back Gassers, Jr Dragsters for kids, Altereds & FED, and any 1974 & back car or truck and 1974 and back exhibition...No late model on their Nostalgia Southern Outlaw Gassers to see who they are and what they do..PS: they are God Fearing & THEY DO STAND FOR THE AMERICAN FLAG !!! Jimbo, I'm getting Older, n Grayer, and the wrinkles show more each day. I've traveled many roads, Mostly in the right direction, but, sometimes they were wrong, but, have always found a way with Gods help, to stop, n Turn Around. I gripe when I shouldn't, but always try to Sincerely Apologize when I Should. There were times I’d put $10 worth of gas in my tank and other times $50. I’ve had $5 to just feed myself and I’ve also had $200 to go out to eat. I’ve had a house full of food and I didn’t have any. I’ve been in stores cashing out with no worries and I’ve also had to add it up and put things back on the shelf. I’ve paid my bills in full and I’ve had to pay them late too. I’ve given money and I, too, have had to ask for it. We all have highs and lows in life. Some certainly more than others, but we are all just trying to make it. (Continued on page 4)

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief -

Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664 E-mail: Webmaster - Jeff Westfall: CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE….. Jimbo GASSERS…………. Southern Outlaw Gassers CARRAGE HOUSE…… Glen Gilmore THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole TRUNK TAILS……. Cubby Hole PARKINSON’S AWARENESS BUG….. 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason AUTOMOBILE HISTORY……. Candy Cocktail DIRT TRACK REVIVAL……. Chavas Holland DRAGRACING…….. CRUISE-IN’S & SHOWS….. BUY-SELL-TRADE………. BUSINESS CARDS…… SUBSCRIPTION FORM……

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The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is the official newsletter of the Coast Cruizers Car Club and is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy

317 Pass Rd Gulfport MS 39501 CRUISE-IN EVERY 1ST SUNDAY NIGHT 6PM - 8PM Details see Facebook House of Prayer Journal



No one is better than anyone else and my heart is sad for those people who think that they are. No matter how big your house is, how new your car is, or how much money sits in your bank account, we all bleed red and will eventually fade from this earth. Death has no discrimination and neither should your life. Be kind to others. We are all here to serve. Stop the power tripping. Your oversized ego won’t get you anywhere. Be humble. And keep faith going. I copied and shared this from a friend... Thomas Hayes Jimbo, A married couple was invited to a swanky masked Halloween Party. She got a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone. He being a devoted husband, protested, but she argued and said she was going to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need of his good time being spoiled by not going. So he took his costume and away he went The wife, after sleeping soundly for one hour, awakened without pain and as it was still early, she decided to go the party. In as much as her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not with him. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around on the dance floor, dancing with every nice chick he could, and copping a little feel here and a little kiss there. His wife sidled up to him and being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new stuff that that just arrived. She let him go as far as he wished; naturally, since he was her husband. Finally, he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed, so off they went to one of the cars and had a little bang. Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away and went home and put the costume away and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would make for his behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in and asked what kind of a time he had. He said, "Oh, the same thing. You know I never have a good time when you're not there." Then she asked, "Did you dance much?" He replied, I'll tell you, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete, Bill Brown and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But you're not going to believe what happened to the guy I loaned my costume to.......

#9 I walk away from people who don't value me. They might not know my worth, but I do. #10 I remain cool when someone plays dirty to outrun me in the rat race. I am not a rat & neither am I in any race. #11 I am learning not to be embarrassed by my emotions. It’s my emotions that make me human. #12 I have learned that it's better to drop the ego than to break a relationship. My ego will keep me aloof, whereas with relationships I will never be alone. #13 I have learned to live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last. #14 I am doing what makes me happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. You can be happy at any time, just choose to be! giff1500@ I’ll leave you with this………. Cna yuo raed tihs? Suteids sohw taht olny aoubt 55 prcenet of plepoe can (atculley trheer is no scuh sudty). I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. Tihs sohws us the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are in, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset of the txet can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but isntaed rades the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and we awlyas tghuhot slpelnig was ipmorantt! Till next month …… Jimbo

Jimbo, I asked one of my friends who has crossed 70 & is heading to 80 what sort of changes he is feeling in himself? #1 After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, my friends, now I have started loving myself. #2 I just realized that I am not “Atlas”. The world does not rest on my shoulders. #3 I now stopped bargaining with vegetables & fruits vendors. A few pennies more is not going to burn a hole in my pocket but it might help the poor fellow save for his daughter’s school fees. #4 I pay my waitress a big tip. The extra money might bring a smile to her face. She is toiling much harder for a living than me #5 I stopped telling the elderly that they've already narrated that story many times. The story makes them walk down the memory lane & relive the past. #6 I have learned not to correct people even when I know they are wrong. The onus of making everyone perfect is not on me. Peace is more precious than perfection. #7 I give compliments freely & generously. Compliments are a mood enhancer not only for the recipient, but also for me. And a small tip for the recipient of a compliment, never, NEVER turn it down, just say "Thank You" #8 I have learned not to bother about a crease or a spot on my shirt. Personality speaks louder than appearances.





The Southern Outlaw Gassers were proud to present Logan with all of his Hot Wheels Cars, Plaque, T-shirts and Trophy at GBO 12 today!

GBO 12 BIG WINNER Steve Edwards, Congratulations! Hope it made the 1928 mile round trip ride from Rose Hill, KS a little better. Thanks for coming, Jessie Holmes

Willard O'Brian and his wife Alma celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary last week. They have owned their 55 "Old Rusty" for 50 years. Willard went out and won the Wheelie Contest at GBO12! What a sight! …….. Bill Jacomet

Great job Kayla

C/Gas Champion & Gasser of the year Rodney Potter, “Thank you everyone for your support especially the whole racing family, Fireball says thanks too.” Mattie & Kayla. Mattie came close to getting it done last night. She had to wade through an extremely tough field and came up a little short in the finals against Kayla. Good job kid, well done. Robbie McLaney



I wanted to personally thank each one of you who helped Mr Rick with Grumpy’s pull off this memory for my child. Never ever did I imagine when Mr Rick asked us to come and bring Logan that it would be a day our family will never forget. Logan meet Mr Rick last year at the race. He had disappeared from his daddy and when he found him Logan was talking to Mr Rick and his crew just as if he was part of the crew. logan couldn’t wait to get home to tell me all about it. Logan is a special child which in my opinion each child is a special blessing from God. Logan has Asperger’s (ASD) and he also has PANDAS/PANS which is a condition that when he gets sick even a common cold his immune system attacks his brain and causes it to swell. This year has been extremely hard for our children because they have had to stay home and not go hardly anywhere but thanks to Mr Rick and the Southern Outlaws Grasser you have made 2020 the best year yet. Feel like Christmas came early. I can tell you Logan will polish each and every car and will organize them by make and mode and then year. He will treasure each gift. Also the hand painted sign he can’t wait to put up in his room and we will frame the posters so he can put them up too. Thanks Again from Logan and his mom! Holley K Wade

WOW!!!! This weekend started off with a broken steering shaft support bracket braking while headed to line up for a test run. I am so glad that it broke in the pits and not at 100+mph. With help from some great people that was a quick and easy fix. I was able to make 3 test passes Friday night and finally got into the 5 second club. Primal Scream ran 5.96 and 5.96 Friday night but ran back to back 5.93 Saturday during qualifying. Pulled to the lanes for first round and was surprised to see that I was the last car there and got a bi run. The 5 runs through eliminations were either 5.95 or 5.96 which lead to the win of the Open Wheel class at Gasser Blowout 12 at Atmore Dragway. Keep in mind that this happened to be the first time this car has ever raced even though the build was started in 1993. This was a dream come true kind of a weekend for me to have family and friend at the track with me. Having several people who I respect give me compliments on the way the car turned out was just as important at the win.

I went over into LA and picked up my very own barn find. I was able to find a 38 Fiat Altered drag car. It was built in the early 90’s from what I have found out but never finished. Kinda a bucket list car for me so we will see how it ends up. Jimmy Turk‌. November 10, 2019

November 17, 2020

Carl Turk, I miss the hell out if you. Not only today but every day. Jimmy



I had a real fun time volunteering this year at Cruisin the Coast. This was the first time for me helping out at the Autocross at the Coliseum. If you have never attended the Autocross you must try it at least once. The folks that make this happen for the rest of us viewing and riding with them are to say the least some real pros. I can easily say, you try it and you will be hooked. Brian Finch, Barry Clapp, Gerald Gregory, Joe Gregory, J.B.Granger, Brent Pursifull, Brent Walker, all drivers with the Adrenaline Driving Series. They put on one heck of a show, and ride. They provided spectators and participants the ability to ride the course in some really well set up and powerful cars and trucks. They had one of their sponsors, David Kountz the owner Metal Brothers Hot Rods with them and they also brought a couple of beautiful well-done rides with them. They too provided attendees with a chance to ride along in some of these. There was also a highly modified Datsun Z car driven by Tyler Powell that was out shredding the course also, another fast well handling piece of engineering, built by him. These folks, with the Adrenaline Driving Series, based, mostly, out of Nashville Tennessee, provided 3 fun filled days of excitement for all that came out to ride, and observe, and even run what you drove to Cruisin the Coast. Except for tire changes and fuel refills, and at times a driver to rest, it was almost non-stop action the entire three days. They even got some drift cars to come out and do some exhibition driving, many times popping tires during their time on the track, it was a blast in more ways than one. The last day they also had a two - car shootout, to see which driver could be the Champ of the day. Many of the registered Cruisin cars were allowed to participate in this as well. Great fun was had by all in this one too. I had a chance to ride along, just me and the driver, Barry Clapp, and I must say this was the most fun I have had riding along in a car with anyone. Just watching his hands work the wheel the shifter and the e-brake or rear brake if you would call it that, was to me mind numbing, and almost lightning quick. I can only imagine how his feet were dancing on the three pedals down near the floor, he had every hand and, foot going precisely at the right time too. I was impressed, and the car he was driving could seat three lucky passengers and do the exact same routine time after time. It's a good thing that BF Goodrich is also a sponsor for them, because they went through a goodly sum of tires, and I don't know who buys their gas/fuel, because they went through more than a few tanks of that as well. I'm just sorry I did not get pictures of all the cars they had brought with them, all of them were fine examples of chassis engineering and fabrication. All of them were LS powered and supercharged, maybe not the Mustang, and all of them had huge brakes to provide stopping, they needed plenty of whoa, to slow down all of the go. Just wondering if I could build another straight axle 32 Ford Highboy, three deuce, small block powered roadster to go challenge these guys. I know the answer, but hey I can dream still. Look forward to seeing all of these folks again next year. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, from the now busy again Carriage House, Later Gizmo.





This Month we started at the Coleman Ave. cruise-in. This is a nice cruise-in. They have the classic cars along with music and food trucks and lots of people having fun. The rest of the Month gave us the 24th annual Cruising the Coast. Even with the year we've been having with covid/storms this CTC was a little different but in the end it turned out to be a very nice event..The whole CTC board/staff and volunteers pulled this event off. Can’t wait for the 25th anniversary and all the special stuff they'll be working on to make everyone's experience the best ever. Between this month and next I'll turn in numerous photos to show as much of the beautiful rides and all the event action that everyone enjoys. Keep all our friends in y'alls prayers that have suffered damage from the numerous storms that have hit their communities this year.

John Cole at the 2020 Cruising the Coast closing ceremonies. 84 next birthday. Been bringing dad on the last day for 5/6 years. He does come up to Bay Saint Louis main street to visit each year while I'm parking cars. And through the years he's came to several shows with me,





All Customized Vehicles Are Special To Their Owners This month I am featuring the 1938 Chevrolet Street Rod that is owned by Robert and Paula Walker. This magnificent custom is a show winner and a crowd favorite. People are drawn to this two-tone Chevy with the forward tilting hood. It features a 305 cubic inch V-8, American Torq Thrust chrome wheels, A/C with heat, power steering, tilt steering wheel, a custom tweed interior, Cadillac taillights, and it is completely nosed, decked, and shaved. This is a great driving street rod and Bob and Paula have great fun with it. The graphics on the sides of the car really set off the attitude of this 1938 sedan. We extend a big “Thank You” to Bob and Paula for sharing your “ride” with us. The 1938 Chevrolet Master series had what Chevrolet called “new and modern styling”. It sported a new diecast grille that featured horizontally arranged bars in place of the vertical ones of the previous year This was the work of Frank Hershey, who had come to General Motors a few years earlier to design the handsome 1933 Pontiac. The horizontal arrangement caused the front to appear lower and wider than the 1937 Chevrolet, though the body shell, fenders and running boards were the same. New bumpers appeared. They retained the same bullet shaped headlights that were on the 1937. Mechanical changes for the 1938 were minor, yet significant. Heavier valve springs were fitted to the engine, the water pump was improved. A voltage regulator was added and a sturdier, yet smoother, clutch was adopted. The worm-and-roller steering, formerly confined to the Master DeLuxe models, was extended throughout the line and thanks to a new axle, the rear tread was widened from 579/16 to 59 inches. As had been the change in 1937, all 1938’s rode on a 112.3 inch wheelbase. Six body styles were available with prices ranging from $660. to $750. There was a two door coupe, cabriolet, town sedan, sport sedan, and sedan. The seventh style was called a Coupe Pickup. Again in 1938 one could order a Master or Deluxe Coupe with an optional pickup bed that could fit into the trunk area. The two door town sedan remained the most popular model in the entry-level Master series with 95,050 produced. It outsold its trunk-less companion model by almost 29 to 1. Inside, the seats were two inches wider for 1938. For an additional $61.00, a Chevy shopper could have the Master DeLuxe version of the town sedan, which included such standard niceties as dual windshield wipers and taillights. The faired in trunk compartment operated on external hinges. Perhaps I should explain something before I end this article concerning independent front suspension of this day and age. In 1934, all of the General Motors cars, except the Chevrolet Standard series, featured some form of independent front suspension. The larger automobiles employed a “link parallelogram,” or “A-bracket” system” developed by Cadillac’s Maurice Olley, while Chevrolet used a mechanism developed by Andre Dubonnet, a well-known race driver and heir to a French wine fortune. Dubonnet’s system was based on coil-spring trailing arms and integral double-acting shock absorbers. Both these systems had the advantage of reducing unsprung weight, thus largely eliminating the problem of shimmy that had bedeviled automakers ever since the advent of four-wheel brakes and balloon tires. Both systems led to a noticeably smoother ride, but Maurice Olley’s design proved to be the more durable by far.



None of the factory information has anything to do with Bob Walker’s 1938 Chevrolet street rod. I found it interesting, so I decided you readers might enjoy it too. The street rod has been completely modernized with equipment that was not available in 1938, making it a pleasure to drive. Lots of people see this auto and have memories of times in their youth. The world we knew growing up took a drastic change this year. It has been altered forever. Let’s remember the good times. Let’s make the best of all of this and come out better and stronger. Whether it was a good time out, a good time in or simply just a good time, a good time with friends is something to remember for the rest of your life. The friends may go, but the memories will stay. D0 NOT forget our brothers and sisters on Veteran’s Day. On November 11 we celebrate all the brave men and women that fought so we could live in freedom.

Gotta Cruise! Greg “Cubby”Hole



drop, leading to the symptoms of Parkinson's. Parkinson’s affects more than just the individual who has it. It affects everyone around that individual. Physically and mentally. When asked, up to 30% of people with Parkinson’s have thought about suicide. There are different paths a person with Parkinson’s can take that lead to suicidal thoughts. This comes from them being depressed. Them having a feeling that they can no longer do certain things for them selves. Or just plain being uncomfortable for so long. I am building this 1966 VW Beetle to travel with the Philip B. Berg Foundation for Parkinson's Awareness. We will use this car to set up at shows and events all over. The car itself will have many Parkinson's themed items built into it. The whole reason for the car it to help attract people of all ages to learn about Parkinson's. One of our major goals is to help attract the younger crowed to learn more about Parkinson's, because they are the ones having to assist and take care of the family members that are fighting this disease. The foundation is named after my dad Philip Berg. He fought Parkinson's for 20 years until he passed at the age of 62. His very first car was a 1964 VW Beetle, sadly I could not find one that was worth the price in that year, so we found this 1966 to use for this project. If you would like more information on this build, or think you can help in anyway. Please go to or email us at Some may we wondering why I chose a VW Beetle to do this project with. Some may be wondering why I chose the 2 topics for the build. So here is the reasoning behind all of this. At the age of 42 my father Philip B Berg was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. On June 22, 2018 , after 20 years of fighting this Terrible disease, at the age of 62 he could no longer handle it and we lost him. This disease is no joke and had him in a lot of discomfort. Some might say he gave up, but I will be the first to say this man never gave up on anything. His body gave up On him. He was a man who served and helped others at all times. No matter what the case was he would be there for you. He showed this during his 62 years of life. His life was all about service. As a Eagle Scout, then a scout master, he served young men and taught them for many years. This including starting multiple troops in the US and even some out side of the US. He served his country in the United States Airforce during Vietnam and Persian Gulf and after 20 years retired as a TSGT. He served as a Paremedic on the Mississippi Gulfcoast for 20+ years in multiple rolls. Needless to say this was a man of service. Now the reason I chose the VW. Below is a picture of a red 1964 VW Beetle. This was my fathers first car he ever owned. Use to tell me all about it (which made me start to fall In love with them). We even talked about us getting one one day. A few months after he passed away the 66 I now own kept popping up on Facebook. It was only 10 minutes away. I wasn’t even looking for one at the time. But this one kept popping up so I finally went and looked at it. Needless to say it was meant to be.

What is Parkinson’s? What do you know about Parkinson's? Did you know that Parkinson's can be connected to suicide? Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological disease. A disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors. Nerve cell damage in the brain causes dopamine levels to



Thank you, Ryan Berg

We are not looking for FREE. We are looking for people or companies who truly want to be apart of this build. Any company or person that donates or assists in anyway, with there permission, we will put their logo on anything pertaining to this build. Ex: Our Facebook, flyers, website, banners or anything we can. With permission we will even have logo on the car when complete. Our goal is to bring as many companies together to help with this build. Not only will it help us, but we will try and do our best to return the favor by pushing the names of those who helped us. If you feel you can and are willing to assist us in anyway, please feel free to reach out. We thank you in advance and hope to hear back from you.

This build will be set up at many events to bring Awareness to Parkinson’s Disease and Suicide prevention. Our goal is to educate and bring awareness to not only the ones with PD, but the family and others who know them.



October 6 Sean Campbell We had a great day today at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport! Approximately 229 cruisers rolled through for our veterans this afternoon, and they LOVED it! Due to social distancing, our veterans were very spread out and many were even watching from their balconies. Thank you to every person that shared the information for us, and thank you to every car that cruised by. Our folks enjoyed seeing all the memories roll by. We can't wait until next year! Photos by Becki L. Zschiedrich | Public Affairs





By: Terry

Mason Barfield

Wow! Thirty days later‌wow. Just wow! We got Cruisin The Coast in, full show‌in spite of the Hurricane Delta. I did not think it was possible due to the forecasted track the weekend CTC started. However Woody Bailey and the board of CTC stayed the course and made the right decision on not pulling the plug on the event. In 2019 we set a record of 8,620 registered cars, because of COVID 19/Hurricane Delta that number dropped to 6,778. An impressive number based on the circumstances. As you know the hurricane made landfall near Lake Charles, LA and it had weakened some, we thank God for that and pray for all effected.



CTC was Elizabeth's second car show and she really stepped up to the plate working the show. For the last four years I had kept her side of the trailer open, stocked and had to worry about finding someone to work each show. With each person doing only a show or two there was not any TLC on a continuing basis. It is refreshing to see Elizabeth jump in with both feet and learn that side of the Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show. She has organized and improved the effort and it shows already. We stayed at Margaritaville Resort in Biloxi, our only regret is we didn't remember to pack our swimsuit. Margaritaville has a great

pool, with large slides and a lazy river. We vowed to always pack our swimsuits regardless of the show in the future. You never know what your opportunities will be! We had a great time at CTC, got to see a lot of old friends we only get to see during Cruisin. Of course I got to take Elizabeth to most of my favorite places to eat and she got to try and liked sushi! The White Cap is one of my favorites; their gumbo sets the bar for me!

Our next show is another big one and one of the best, Emerald Coast Cruizin in Panama City Beach, FL, an automotive event November 11-14! With COVID -19 nobody has any idea how hard Rakes and Lisa Parrish have worked and jumped through so many hoops to make this show happen, be safe and fun for all in attendance. Social distancing and masks will be recommended for all who attend and sanitizing stations will be set up around the show. Big car shows held outside have a tremendous advantage I feel, because they are held in large venues and are outside. You really don't have to get close to anyone you don't choose to. There will be live entertainment Friday and Saturday with Todd Allen Herendeen and Highway 96 performing on the main stage. Special Guest TV Celebrity Sam Memmolo will be roaming the show answering your automotive questions, taking photos and giving autographs. My show, Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show will be playing Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We will play before and after each day's entertainment. There will be a MEGA 50/50. There will be a Nursing Home Cruise on Wednesday of the show, from Todd Allen Herendeen's Theatre to the local nursing home about 10 miles away. There will be no exiting of your car at the nursing home, or throwing candy or anything, it will just be a drive through of the facility for the residents.

Elizabeth and I will be staying at Palmetto Inn and Suites in Panama City Beach, FL. I stayed there in the spring and loved it. Our suite featured a great view of the World's Most Beautiful Beaches and Gulf of Mexico. It's a very nice hotel. On a personal front, Elizabeth and I are doing well. We have gotten settled in to the new house in Foley. With our privacy fence still down from the storm, (Sally) we had to purchase a 10 X 10 chain link kennel for her dogs. It is exactly what her dogs were accustomed to at her house. Once the fence is back up they will be able to run and play more in the backyard when we are home. We let them do so now, but have to watch them so they don't slip over to a neighbor's yard. But they are good dogs and mind well. We are back in the month's with an “R” so Elizabeth and I have both had raw oysters a couple times already at the Shrimp Basket. They do .75 raw oysters every Tuesday night at all their locations. Thank goodness Elizabeth likes raw oysters almost as much as I do! We are moving more of her furniture and stuff to our house/storage building this weekend. We'll do that this weekend and probably one more weekend. We are talking with a realtor and also trying to get her house and three acres ready to sell. Elizabeth is excited for Thanksgiving this year, starting our own Thanksgiving tradition. Holidays have been rough for both of us the last few years so it's great to be able to look forward to it. She is a good cook and her family really loves her making of her Mother's recipe for cornbread dressing and her sisters have already warned me they will hurt me over her fabulous Red Velvet Cake. Elizabeth is also adding black-eyed peas and turnip greens to the menu for me, of course turkey will be the main course. My brother Kenneth and his wife Linda will join us to celebrate. We hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving holiday. This is the one time a year where you really focus on being thankful for all the Lord has blessed you with and of course family. I hope you have a great one! Emerald Coast Cruizin is set for November 11-14 at Aaron Bessant Park, behind Pier Park in Panama City Beach, FL. It is always an incredible automotive event. Think of this show as not a traditional car show where the focus is on trophies and judging, but as an automotive event, not unlike a family reunion where enjoying your car and getting to see your friends that you may only get to see at these shows twice a year. I have always said that whether you have a great time at a car show or not…is totally dependent on the people you surround yourself with at a show. If you surround yourself with people you love spending time with, you are going to have a blast! Ms Elizabeth and I hope to see you in Panama City Beach, look us up at The Hot Rod Show trailer, we'll be the ones with the gigantic smiles! til next month…

Terry Facebook: Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you're there or search for “Terry Mason's Hot Rod Show” on for the show demo or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122



October 12, 2020

Cruisin' The Coast Congratulations to our Make-A-Wish Raffle & Stamped Cards Drawing Winners:

1932 Ford Convertible Make-A-Wish Raffle Vehicle Winner - Ricky East Early Bird Winners: #307 Wilbur & Cheryl Necaise #474 Lew & Julie Harkness #480 Sheila & Macky Underwood #1635 Don Campbell #2365 Thomas & Cece Viator #2435 Jason & Brittney Gellness #3245 Randy Sammons #3675 James & Betty Slater #3722 Ronnie & Tanya Watts #6049 Jessica Bailey Jimbo, My seven year old granddaughter did this. I had the magazine with me on vacation in Virginia‌. Rob



Stamped Cruisin: Card Winners: #287 Collins & Marilyn Leibenguth #318 Robert Brown #400 Travis Kitchens #581 Warren & Kem Saucier #917 Stacey & Paul Fererro #1045 Mary Cartrett #1234 Murray Armstrong #1374 Richard & Rick III Baldini, Jr. #1434 Bert & Wanda Ackerman #1582 Tony Gaskin #1823 Jude & Lisa Becnel #2008 Amie Kahler #2369 Calvin & Janet Kirsch #3375 Roger & Tauleece Thomas #3386 Steven Stockstill #3427 Larry & Sue White #3583 Patrick Leonard #3681 Phil & Ruth Brown #3747 Lindsey & Justin Felter #3888 John & Belinda Mayeaux #3942 Edwin & Sylcia Cockburn #3988 Jimmy & Mernagh Howze #4326 Ethan Peterson #4357 Chuck & Jewel Walker #4577 Mark & Vye Toomer #4900 Steve & Donna Bedo #5380 Michael & Kristie Hagen #6134 Sherri & Tommy Harrell #6301 Carlos & Nancy Faul, Jr. #6777 Craig & Cheryl Andrews

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follow Candy Cocktail

This month I compiled a list of interesting automobile dates, with a number of funny, remarkable and downright odd facts throughout vehicle history. Among automobile evolution, we have had some significant inventions, from the quirky to the astonishing. The first police car ever used was the “Paddy wagon” in 1899 in Akron, Ohio. The car's first assignment was to pick up a drunk man and bring him to the Police station.

1936 gave us the debut of the ride that made us sing about b-o-lo-g-n-a. On July 18, the first hot dog shaped automobile, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, left the General Body Assembly plant in Chicago, Illinois. According to the Automotive History Website, the original Wienermobile was designed by Oscar Mayer's nephew, Carl Mayer. There have been 11 versions built since then and all are driven by official “Hotdoggers.” In the 1940s, after the end of World War II, the production of automobiles had been significantly impacted. During this period, automobile production in America almost stopped from the year 1942 until 1946. On September 13, 1899, the first pedestrian was killed by a car in the USA. Henry Bliss was exiting a streetcar in New York City when he was struck by a taxicab, as stated on

On of the most famous days in history, April 14, 1912, was the day the “unsinkable” RMS Titanic sank. A 1912 Renault Type CB Coupe de Ville sank with the ship to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. William Carter bought the vehicle in Europe and was having it shipped to New York City aboard the Oceanliner that he and his family were also traveling on. Carter and his family were rescued, unlike the Renault, which was never located, despite many attempts to find the historic car.

The first postwar Cadillacs rolled off the assembly line on October 7, 1945. Following Japan's surrender, the demand for new automobiles skyrocketed. Families wanted a fresh set of wheels, but companies faced several issues at the end of the war, primarily material shortages. To keep up with demand, Ford Motor Company rushed 1942s out of the factory as 1946 models with little, if any, changes. It was the same for Cadillac, which manufactured its first post-war cars. The limited supplies hit Cadillac drastically, with a lack of materials that left some Cadillacs shipped to dealerships with wooden bumpers. Dealers quickly learned it was their responsibility to replace them as metal ones became available. Postwar inflation raised the price of Cadillacs by more than $1,000 above 1942 prices, despite them being nearly identical. However, customers still wanted them. Though Cadillac produced some 29,000 cars for the 1946 model year, more than 100,000 unfilled orders remained as 1947 hit. The factories kept cranking them out, with major changes coming. The first brand new postwar Cadillacs arrived in 1948, and the best view was from the rear! Their new design featured aircraft-inspired tail fins, an aesthetic that would spread like wildfire across U.S. automakers. The signature tail fins were standard until 1959.



the theme song for the upcoming film, Honeysuckle Rose, starring Nelson. While the movie was not very successful, the tune did peak at number 20 on the Top 100 charts and hit #1 on the Billboard Top Country Songs chart. The song that became an anthem for driving earned Nelson a Grammy for best country song in 1980.

February 21, 1948 was the birth of the National Association for Stock Car Racing, or as most of the world knows and loves it, NASCAR. On that date it became officially incorporated. A multibillion-dollar industry, it remains one of America's most popular spectator sports. On February 15, 1948, NASCAR ran its first race in Daytona Beach at the beach road course. Red Byron won in a 1939 Modified Ford owned by Raymond Parks. Of the 62 cars that entered, only 50 started. The first NASCAR fans were a crowd of 14,000 that paid $2.50 each to watch the historic moment at the Daytona BeachRoad course, which eventually became one of the most infamous tracks in racing. Serving as NASCAR's 1st president was William “Bill” France, Sr., a mechanic and auto-repair shop owner from Washington, D.C., who moved to Daytona Beach, Florida in the 1930s. The Daytona area was already a gathering spot for racing enthusiasts when France became involved in racing cars and promoting the races. NASCAR held its first Strictly Stock race on June 19, 1949, at the Charlotte Speedway in North Carolina.

The last true Hudson left the factory on October 29, 1954. Formed in 1909 by eight Detroit businessmen, Hudson set a record for most cars sold in an automaker's first year of production at 4,508 vehicles.

The name Ferdinand Porsche has surely become synonymous with speed. The Austrian automotive engineer Ferdinand Porsche debuted his first design at the World's Fair in Paris in 1900. As the creator of Porsche sport cars, his original, 1922 speedy car design earned him wins in 43 out of 53 races. The following year he came up with several other very successful race car designs.

Following President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963, the limo JFK was shot in returned to presidential service on October 5, 1964. The presidential Lincoln Continental was sent to Hess & Eisenhardt for the addition of state of the art modifications; It received a number of upgrades, including armor plating, bulletresistant glass and a bulletproof permanent roof. Following its reconstruction, the JFK Lincoln continued transporting presidents and their guests until 1978. The car now resides at the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan. On August 30, 1980, Willie Nelson's country hit “On the Road Again” hit the Billboard 100 charts at #78. The song was rumored to be written by Nelson on a barf bag while traveling on an airplane as



On Jan 1, 1945, mass production of the car which later became known as the Beetle commenced after the end of the war. Then in January of 1996, Porsche was inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of Fame. In 1939, General Motors debuted “Hydra-Matic,” an automatic transmission using hydraulic fluid, which allowed vehicle gears to

shift automatically during vehicle operation. One of the most important innovations in the history of the automobile, the evolution allowed drivers to skip manual gear shifting. Safety became an automobile manufacturing priority in 1968 with the life-saving emergence of seat belts. Major automotive manufacturers added airbags to vehicles starting in the 1970s. The installation of airbags in cars became a manufacturing mandate for passenger cars due to a law in 1991, according to Cited on, 1913 gave us the first complete automotive electrical system comprised of a magneto ignition with spark plugs, starter, generator, lighting system and regulator. Instead of rummaging through our purses or pockets to find our keys, 1998 brought us the invention of the smart key. The convenience it gave us was a novelty when Mercedes-Benz was the first to offer the technology. The GM EV1 debuted in 1996 as the first highway-capable, mass -produced electric vehicle. Electric cars are not as novel as we may think; in fact people used battery-powered electric vehicles to silently roll down streets in the late 1800s. described how Bluetooth integration emerged in 1998 and by 2001, the first in-car kit for hands-free phone calls was hugely successful. It is hard to believe we made it so long on cell phones without it. 1995 marked a milestone of 36 million cars made to date worldwide. Of these, 7.6 million were manufactured in Japan and 6.3 million were made in America, as reported on After all, we have not been riding around on 4 wheels for that long, especially when you examine the significant innovations we have seen just in the past 100 years. It really is quite remarkable how cars have evolved. Who knows what the next 100 years will hold. Maybe we will literally be flying past stop signs.



10/14/20 Welcome back everyone!!! It's officially my favorite time of the year! I love this weather!!! Things have been going well for us, and I hope you all are doing good as well! Since I wrote last month, we haven't done a lot of racing, but we have been extremely busy working on the racecar! Let's jump straight in! We left off last month with a triple header weekend of racing, which was awesome…but left our car in need of major attention!!! Our plan was to take off from racing until October 22-24 for the Fall Classic in Meridian, MS. That was “the plan”… Chase began fabricating a new body for his car and stripped the car naked of it's old body and decking. Then we got excited as we began to hear all of the hype about the new local track finally opening in our area! This new track is owned by Zach Rushing and it has been in the making for many years! 1 day before the grand opening was scheduled, while Chase and I we're working on our car, (which was FAR from ready to race) we decided that we wanted to throw the old body back on and try to get one more race in! We called Adrian at work and got her blessing/permission and it was on!!! We worked hard and fast to get ready and as we were ready to leave the house Saturday afternoon, we found out that the new track had to cancel due to the heavy amounts of rain they were receiving! So here we are…all dressed up and nowhere to go!!! What to do now??? You guessed it!!! Find a track within 4 hours away that is racing!!! And so we did! September 19, Pike County Speedway in McComb, Mississippi was our new destination!!! We arrived right on time and got everything unloaded! We had the entire family including Chase's grandparents and one of Avery's friends! Chase looked decent in hotlaps, but we both felt like the car was too free on entry… especially this early in the night! It was great to be on the same page so early on, and it was really awesome that we both had the same adjustments in mind to fix it!!! We went to work and then checked the line-up board. Chase was starting 4th in the first heat of three. There were 19 cars registered total and none were slouches! Chase fired off 4th in his heat and went straight to work! He was in 2nd at the completion of the first lap, but a caution was thrown which would line them back up for a complete restart. The next start wasn't as good for Chase as he had to be more cautious and patient to get up front. He shuffled back to 5th or 6th before finding his line and rallying back towards the front! As he took over the 2nd position coming off of turn 4 he set his sights on the leader! Chase cleanly dove under him going into turn 1, Chase powered off turn 2 as the new leader! Several laps later the checkered waved as Chase won this heat which earned him the pole position for the feature race! Chase would be sharing the front row with the talented Championship Asphalt Late Model driver named Casey Roderick. We knew it was doing to be a good clean race between these two, but I couldn't have predicted how crazy it would get! Casey jumped out front early and Chase stayed a close 2nd place, as the field saw several cautions and restarts. On one of those restarts, Casey didn't fire, and the field piled up on the front straightaway behind them! They charged this wreck to Casey and sent him to the rear of the



field! Now Chase is the leader! Chase was really quick everywhere EXCEPT for the caution laps! LOL, yes you read that correctly. He kept getting rammed before the starts, under caution…which was maybe a strategy to try and rattle Chase, or possibly just lack of driving skills! Either way, it didn't hurt Chase's performance, but it did eventually knock his brand-new rear bumper off, along with a go-pro camera, and almost popped a tire as it ruined a brand new left rear wheel! Some would say that's racing…Anyway, On the final restart of the caution filled race, Casey had managed to creep his way back to the front and he was ready to cleanly challenge Chase for the win! With 2 laps remaining Casey closed in on Chase and attempted to take the lead! I could see that Casey's car was handling the slick track conditions much better than Chase's car. Chase was able to hold him off that lap but coming to the white flag Casey got a huge run coming out of the slick, and he powered past Chase and went on to win the race! Chase finished a respectable 2nd place, which we were very proud of! After the race, the owner of the car that Casey Roderick was driving, offered Chase a sponsorship! That was really cool!!! So, we are now proudly representing HODGE Sawdust on the sides of our new body! We got the car home and got it all cleaned up and repaired! We didn't want to strip it down again without checking the racing schedule first! It looked like we had 2 weeks to get it striped back down and re-skinned before the new “grand opening” date at Outlaw Speedway! So, we went to work! I keep saying we, but I mostly mean Chase! He has worked his butt off on this car and he totally rebuilt his body panels by himself! All I did was help him install the new wrap on his car! I'm VERY proud of the professional looking job he did! Chase is an extremely hard-working kid, and I tell him all the time that this will be his ticket to success! It's easy for someone to invest their money and/or equipment into someone who they see is working hard already! KEEP DIGGING LITTLE BUDDY!!! People are certainly noticing!

October 3, The all new Outlaw Speedway!!! We drew a bad starting position, but Chase was able to race his way into a 2nd place finish in the heat race! That put us starting 5th in the feature of the 18-car field. Chase was really fast and looked like he had the car to beat at one point! The track was rutting up pretty bad, (which is to be expected of a new surface) and as Chase drove hard into the turn, he heard a noise and felt something break under his rear suspension! A caution on the track at that moment allowed Chase to idle around and feel his car to try and analyze what had broke! He said later, that he figured it was his left rear shock because the car would rare up on the left rear much quicker than before, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing as long as he could stay in the throttle! When he let out of the throttle the car would quickly slam down. He kept digging and eventually moved up to 2nd and was ready to challenge for the win! On the final restart Chase had to hesitate on the throttle to keep himself off of the wall which allowed the 3rd place car to take over 2nd from him! Chase went on to finish 3rd with only suspension damages from the rough track! It was

another great night for the “Young Gun” and we look forward to many more great nights at our new home track located just 30 minutes from our driveway! I want to talk a little more about this new track. As I said earlier, it is owned and operated by a local young man named Zach Rushing. For the local folks around here you probably recognize the last name Rushing. Zach's family is from Woolmarket/Biloxi where they have owned and operated a Christmas tree farm for years. Zach's dad, Mr. Lyndon Rushing, was also a major part of the very successful “Menge Avenue” aka “Suncoast Speedway” dirt-track back in the late 90's early 2000's. So, what I'm saying is this family is not new to this game! Zach might have been just a kid back in those Menge Avenue days, but Zach has since found his own success/fame in being a public figure/comedian on all the social media platforms recently! Seriously…google his name, he is

famous nationwide! I believe, with his work ethic, along with his outgoing personality, Zach will be a great success as a racetrack owner! The gulf coast has needed this type of entertainment venue for some time! Our closest track to race, before Outlaw Speedway opened, was Hattiesburg Speedway. We always struggled to get our local fans to visit us in Hattiesburg for some reason! It's exciting times for dirt track fans, as this sport is on the rise! With the pure craziness going on in the big national sports, and their fans running away by the millions, these people are looking to be entertained! We've got what you are looking for right here at the local dirt tracks!!! Come on out and cheer on your favorites! Thank y'all for reading!!! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for more details and videos of Facebook page. Also search YOUTUBE for Chase Holland Racing! Until next time…Chavus



November 4 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. November 6 King of the Coast Test & Tune 6pm-10pm Test & Tune with Gamblers eliminations King of the Coast 1/8 Mile Bracket Series Friday, 1/8 mile - Âź mile test & tune and gamblers race 610pm $25 for racing, $10 per person to spectate Saturday & Sunday 1/8 mile race Gates open at 8am. Time trials at 9am. Additional information may be obtained on King of the Coast facebook BTE King of the Coast Drag Racing Series Additional information Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 November 7-8 King of the Coast 1/8 Mile 8am-8p Junior dragsters - Footbrake-Electronics Saturday & Sunday is the King of the Coast 1/8-mile Series. Gates open at 8am each day. Spectator fee $15 per person or $25 for both days. For additional information 228-3237325 or check out the website November 11 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. Exit 31. Go south on Canal Road. Cross over the Railroad tracks go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road, & then continue to Gulfport Dragway located at 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS November 13 King of the Coast Test & Tune 6pm-10pm Test & Tune with Gamblers eliminations King of the Coast 1/8 Mile Bracket Series Friday, 1/8 mile - Âź mile test & tune and gamblers race 610pm $25 for racing, $10 per person to spectate Saturday & Sunday 1/8 mile race Gates open at 8am. Time trials at 9am. Additional information may be obtained on King of the Coast facebook BTE King of the Coast Drag Racing Series Additional information Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325

November 14-15 David McMurtry Racing Engines Turkey Beach Bash. 8am-10:00pm The BTE KOC Series Presented By David McMurtry Racing Engines Turkey Beach Bash Featuring 4 $10,000.00 to Win Races. Pre-Entry for the 2nd Annual BTE KOC Series Presented by David McMurtry Racing Engines Opens on Monday July 1 at 6pm Central Time. To Pre-Enter simply go to and click the registration link for the KOC Turkey Beach Bash. $100.00 To Pre-Enter and remaining $149 due Event Weekend. The site will be up and running prior to Pre-Entry Time. 250 Top Bulb Entries And 32 Bottom Bulb Entries will be available for 4 $10,000.00 to WIN races at Gulfport Dragway Nov. 20-22. ( If Bottom Bulb 32 Entry max fills prior to Top Bulb 250 entry max, more entries MAY be added to Bottom Bulb

26 26


side thus reducing the Top Bulb Entries exact same amount) After event fills an alternate list will be generated on a first come first serve basis by contacting Gaylon Rolison at 228-323-7325. 4 $10,000.00 to WIN Races for $250.00. That is $62.50 per $10,000.00 Race. The BTE KOC Series Presented by David McMurtry Racing Engines Turkey Beach Bash Nov. 20-22 at Gulfport Dragway Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 November 18 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. Exit 31. Go south on Canal Road. Cross over the Railroad tracks go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road, & then continue to Gulfport Dragway located at 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS November 25 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. Exit 31. Go south on Canal Road. Cross over the Railroad tracks go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road, & then continue to Gulfport Dragway located at 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS December 2 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. Exit 31. Go south on Canal Road. Cross over the Railroad tracks go about 1 mile, turn left onto Racetrack Road, & then continue to Gulfport Dragway located at 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS December 4 King of the Coast Test & Tune 6pm-10pm Test & Tune with Gamblers eliminations King of the Coast 1/8 Mile Bracket Series Friday, 1/8 mile - ¼ mile test & tune and gamblers race 610pm $25 for racing, $10 per person to spectate Saturday & Sunday 1/8 mile race Gates open at 8am. Time trials at 9am. Additional information may be obtained on King of the Coast facebook BTE King of the Coast Drag Racing Series Additional info Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 December 5-6 King of the Coast 1/8 Mile 8am-8p Junior dragsters- Footbrake-Electronics Saturday & Sunday is the King of the Coast 1/8-mile Series. Gates open at 8am each day. Spectator fee $15 per person or $25 for both days. For additional information 228-323-7325 or check out the website

Tara LeBlanc-Electronics Gamblers Winner

Kyler Morel-Jr Dragster Gambler R/U

Thomas Arnold-Electronics Best Package Winner

Mike Murray-Footbrake Gambler’s Winner and Electronics Gamblers R/U

Thad Smith-Footbrake Best Package Winner

December 12, Grand Hustle Civil War No-Prep North vs South Civil War. $30 Invitational 10am-11pm Top End Street Race For A Lil Change. Who’s Gettin Crowned Small Tire King and Big Tire Kings of Grand Hustle No Prep Only Time Will Tell. 64 spots for Small Tire paying 4 spots back?? 16 spots for Big Tire Winner Take All?? Contact Shannon Wilkerson 334-208-1680 #LockEmIn #GrandHustleRacing

Ryan McGough-Jr Dragster Gamblers R/U


27 27





The Greatest Thanksgiving Remember Thanksgiving is Thursday November 26th. "Are you going grocery shopping today?" my husband, Roy asked when I picked up the telephone. "I plan to," I answered. Thanksgiving was only a couple days away. Everyone in our family would be coming to our house. My funds were limited, therefore my box of coupons awaited me in the car. I knew I had to be creative in my shopping that day. I had to stretch every dollar. For a few seconds, Roy sat silently on the other end of the line. "Why do you ask?" I uttered, fearing what he might say. "Nancy, there's a family with a half dozen kids that will not have anything to eat for Thanksgiving. The little one is only five-years-old." "So what are you saying?" I whispered. "While you're at the store could you possibly buy something for them?" Roy's words echoed in my heart. Groceries, a five-year-old, eight in the family. My head began to spin thinking about the fifty dollars I had reserved for our family's Thanksgiving dinner. In the back of my mind I counted the hungry guests who would be coming to our house for dinner. I put my head down on my desk, already feeling defeated. There's no way possible, I thought. But the compassion I heard in my husband's voice struck a nerve inside me. "Sure," I replied. "But only if God helps." "Thanks, sweetheart," Roy whispered. "Just do what you can." He then hung up the telephone. I finished my work and prayed all the way to the nearest grocery store. I entered the parking lot. I noticed a big sign in the grocery store window: Turkeys - 29 cents a pound. "This is the place, Lord" I whispered. I grabbed my box of coupons, went inside, secured two buggies, and headed to the frozen foods. The turkeys were indeed on sale, but I discovered one big problem. When I read the sign posted on the freezer door my heart sank. "Limit one." "But I need two," I uttered to myself. I decided to find the manager. I explained the problem. He made an exception.



After tossing a turkey in each buggy, I began my shopping fury. It was amazing how many buy-one, get-one free items were being featured that day. The first item went into one buggy. The free item went in the other. In addition, I had all the right coupons to get exactly what both families needed for a hearty Thanksgiving dinner. I proceeded to the register and held my breath while the cashier rang up my groceries. To my surprise, I had enough money. I was even able to purchase a package of cookies for the five-year-old who had stolen my heart, even though I had never met her. Later that afternoon, Roy and I made a special delivery to a home filled with children of all ages. I will never forget the smiles on the six kids' faces, as they made several trips from my car carrying numerous bags of groceries inside. This event reminded me of a story. Even though He only had a few loaves and fishes, Jesus multiplied them and fed five thousand people. And to top it off, there was food left over. I wondered if God was doing the same thing that day. By far, that was the greatest Thanksgiving Day of my life. My entire family shared a hearty meal with us. We had plenty to eat. We even had enough food left over for the evening meal. That afternoon, when I had time to think about what had happened, I imagined a home, not far from where I lived. There was a mother and a father and six children sitting around the kitchen table, laughing and rejoicing. They enjoyed the same meal that our family had shared together that day. Then I realized that miracles happen when we step out in faith and in steps God. For with us, some things are impossible. But with God, all things are possible. ~ Nancy B. Gibbs ~ “For health and food, for love and friends, for everything Thy goodness sends, Father in heaven, we thank Thee.�

NOTICE: ALL CRUISE-IN’S, CAR/TRUCK/MOTORCYCLE SHOWS AND EVENTS LISTED IN THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE CANCELLED AT ANY TIME DEPENDING ON GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTERS DECISION !! NOVEMBER 2020 November 1 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 November 7 Foley, AL American Legion Post 99, Foley, AL, 2nd Annual Car Show and Cruise-In! (2101 S Mckenzie St., Foley, AL 36535) Between the Car Show and Cruise In, this is scheduled to be an all day event! Come for one- come for both! The Car Show starts at 8:00AM- and should conclude by 2:00PM. Mike's American Muscle Cars will be MC and provide music and announcements for the show. Registered car show participants will receive a free breakfast 'biscuit and gravy' breakfast meal. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and prize raffles- closing it out with our

awards ceremony where we will award the top 3 cars one of our specially designed "US Battleflag" car awards by Welch's Chop Shop, Louisville, TN. Afterwards we will shift into "Cruise In" mode, where you can go sit at the bar, or hang outside- and just relax- enjoy a cold beverage and visit with fellow car enthusiasts. Whether you come for one, or for both events- Just come on out! Its for a good cause!! Proceeds from this event go to special services of the American Legion benefiting veterans in need with items like: food, clothing, temporary housing, transportation- and many other services to support their livelihood. For more up to the minute information, visit the FaceBook Event Page at https:// More info call Robert at 469 569-9953 November 7 Slidell, LA. 1st Saturday Cruise Night at North Shore Square Mall, Slidell, LA, behind the "at home" store. (Take exit 80 off I-12, North Shore Blvd./Airport Dr.) 69pm. Music, door prizes, 50/50 and a great time!! Hosted by the Coastal Cruisers Car Club. For more information contact: Donald 985-960-3871 November 7, Picayune, MS Boulevard Cruisers' Fall Open Show in conjunction with the Picayune Street Fair. Registration begins at 9AM. Awards given out at 3PM. $25 per vehicle to register. Best of Show, Best Paint, Best Engine, Top 25 and 20 Sponsors Awards plus dash plaques to all. 50/50, Wipe Off Board, music, drawings and more. Many, many vendors at the Street Fair! (Continued on page 32)



November 11 U.S.A Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans, that is, persons who have served in the United States Armed Forces November 11-14 Panama City Beach FL. Emerald Coast Cruizin The South's Best Blast from the Past family fun event. Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for this week long festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and Auto Car Corral. Oh we also include a ladies section with great crafts, jewelry, and so much more. So much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. November 13 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Swap Meet & Cruise-in (only vehicles items allowed) Edward's Discount Drugs,103 W Frontage Rd., Lucedale, MS 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 November 14 D'Iberville, MS Santa's Helper Toy and Food Drive open car show Saturday November 14, 2020, 9 am- 1 pm. This will be at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church on Lemoyne Blvd. D'Iberville, MS. Registration fee is $20.00 or Unwrapped Toys and food. Benefiting local St. Vincent de Paul. Food & drinks available on site, Music and awards.. 32 NOVEMBER 2020

50/50, Dash plaques, and Bingo. Hosted by Mississippi Beach Cruisers. info call 228 324 1301 or 228 392 6134. November 20-22, Moultrie, GA. Moultrie Swap Meet is a 3 Day Automotive Event where you can find Parts, Tools, Literature, Equipment, Antique and Performance Parts, Jewelry, Crafts, Clothing, Candles, Women's Accessories, Collectible and Special Interest Items. Our Car Corral offers hundreds of vehicles displayed for sale. Moultrie Swap Meet is The South's Fastest Growing Swap Meet with 70,000 Sq. Ft. of Inside Spaces and over 4,000 outside spaces. We offer over 50 Acres of FREE Parking, FREE Parts Hauling (TIPS ARE ALLOWED), 24 Hour Security, Plenty of Great Tasting Food and Multiple Restroom Facilities plus we have a 5,000 Ft. Airstrip on site just for added convenience. The Gates Open to the Public 8:00AM - 6:00PM Friday & Saturday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday Admission is $10.00 cash per person each day at the gate Children under 12 years of age are Free. NO PETS OR GOLF CARTS ALLOWED!!! NO CANCELATIONS/ REFUNDS after NOVEMBER 15TH 2020. November 21, Biloxi MS 40th Annual Celebration Open Car Show at Edgewater Mall, Hwy 90, Biloxi. Registration and parking 8 -11 a.m. Judging at noon. Awards 3 p.m. Registration is $25. Open class judged on 100 point system. Silent Auction and 50/50 Split the Pot. Vendor space available. Hosted by the MS Coast Mustang Club. November 21 Carriere, MS Benefit Ride for Angel Tree Ministries American Legion Riders Post 73 will be hosting this ride. Registration opens at 8:30 am. $20 fee to ride & $10 per passenger. Escorted ride starts promptly at 10:00 am. Ride starts and ends at First Baptist Church of Carriere 166 Smith Street, Carriere, MS Lunch served after ride. All proceeds and donations go to Angel Tree Ministry. Cars & Trucks Welcome. For information Call Glen 601-798-9540 or W.L. at 602-684-4625 November 21-22 Slidell, LA Bayou Showdown 2020 presented by Sparkles Detail and Destination, Bayou Showdown is a Truck, Hotrod and Bike Show located In (Continued on page 36)

Good For Groups - Good For Kids We Take Reservations & Walk-Ins Welcome

Waiter Service - Take Out Available General Manager Mercedes Carranza







Slidell, La at The Northshore Harbor Center just minutes from Downtown New Orleans, All vehicles are welcome! Bikes, Lowriders, Classics, Bagged, Lifted, Cars, Truck’s and Big Rigs. The Bayou will be on fire with all of the Hottest rides coming to Slidell, La for the Hottest show to hit Louisiana. Be a part of the show that everyone is talking about. Host hotel Sleep Inn 142 Oak Ct Slidell, La. 70458 1-985-641-2143 Great hotel with a friendly staff They are on the same exit as the show grounds. November 26 U.S.A. Thanksgiving Day. DECEMBER 2020 December 5 Biloxi, MS North Pole Rod Run 10am-2pm. Great Prizes, Music, 50/50. Top Ten Winners. Dash Plaques first 50 vehicles. Handicap Van Give Away. Drop off your Donations of New unopened Toys & Non-perishable food items. Collected items will be distributed to Toys For Tots, & Feed my Sheep here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Info “ JR” 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 December 6 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 December 11 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Swap Meet & Cruise-in (only vehicles items allowed) Edward's Discount Drugs,103 W Frontage Rd., Lucedale, MS 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 JANUARY 2021 January 3 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday (Continued on page 39)







Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 January 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Swap Meet & Cruisein (only vehicles items allowed) Edward's Discount Drugs,103 W Frontage Rd., Lucedale, MS 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 FEBRUARY February 7 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 February 26-28 Baton Rouge, LA. the 43rd Annual R.O.D.S. Run at at Gerry Lane Cadillac / Hampton Inn Baton Rouge, LA. Hosted by the Ramblin' Oldies of Denham Springs car club. Pre-49 ONLY. Food & Drink vendors, music, free swap meet. Benefits the Hospice Foundation of Baton Rouge. info call Lee 225 673-8562 MARCH March 5-6 Brookhaven, MS Fielder's Pro Shop Goin' To Town Car Show presented by the Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce in beautiful historic downtown Brookhaven, MS. ( I-55 Exit 40. Go east all the way downtown, cross RR, turn rt on Railroad Ave. Brookhaven, MS 39601) this show is sponsored by Fielder's Pro Shop. Host motel Holiday Inn Express 601-990-2360 Mention show for special rate. Pre Entry $10 or $15 day of show. for more information: T-Tommy - 601-833-8620 or Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 601-833-1411

Mon - Thurs Friday Saturday Sunday

10:30am - 10:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 10:30am - 11:00pm 11:00am - 10:00pm

12275 Hwy 49 - Gulfport, MS 39503 Call 228 832-9644 2595 Pass Rd - Biloxi, MS 39531 Call 228 331-1749 6835 Suite A Washington Avenue, Ocean Springs, MS. Call 228 218-1418

March 7 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 APRIL April 3 Biloxi, MS 4th Rock-n-Roll Open Car, Jeep, Truck and Bike Show Saturday, 9am - till Event happening at Point Cadet Plaza in Biloxi, MS. Bands, Vendors and Car Show. Guitars will be awarded to 1st place Winners! Registration begins at 9am. Judging begins at 11am. Awards presented at 3pm. All Classic, Late Model and Imports are welcome! 100 point Judging Categories: Top Car 1984 and older Top Car 1985 and Newer Top Jeep Top Truck Top Motorcycle Best of Show People's Choice Kids Choice Top 25 Club Participation Longest Distance Rain or Shine Event. Pre Registration $25 (Day of Show is $30) Show Info Contact: 228-860-4103 Vendor or Sponsor info: 228-348-2646 WE MAKE EVERYTHING FRESH DAILY !

April 4 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 MAY May 1 Biloxi MS, Coast Cruizers 9th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show at Edgewater Mall. Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall (Hwy 90 Biloxi, MS) Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Set up Friday April 30th at Edgewater Mall and everyone is invited to (Continued on page 40)

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register early. Later, join us for our Friday night dinner run & cruise-in Saturday registration and drive thru judging starts at 8am. Edgewater Mall parking lot. Car show entry of $20. Awards at 3 pm. MEGA Cruise-in starts at 6 pm Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info “JR” 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 2 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 JUNE June 5 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 6 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 June 26 Bay St. Louis, MS 3rd. Annual VFW Auxiliary post 3253 Open Car & Truck Show 8am-3pm, Saturday June 26, 2021, 208 Third Street Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520. Dash plaques to first 70 registered vehicles, Awards for top 20 cars, top 10 trucks, 5 specialty awards, best of show, Commanders choice award. Registration 8am-noon. Awards 2:00pm. Entry fee day of show $25.00. 50/50 split-the-pot, (Continued on page 42)



Brakes ꞏ Shocks ꞏ Tune Up ∙ Oil Change ∙ Minor Engine Repair Transmission Service ꞏ Front End Repairs Air Condition Service and Repairs ∙ Computer Engine Analysis

Riders know this, but the general public may not be aware. If you have never been part of a benefit ride you should know at least this: Bikers PAY to ride. Something they could do for free. But they choose to pay to ride, the fee can be anywhere between $10 to $20 or $30 per person. Not only do they pay to ride, they usually drop a lot of cash for the extras. Raffles, 50/50, and silent auctions, even Toy Runs for kids.... When you see a group ride by, they are probably riding for charity/great causes/benefits! Instead of getting upset because they blocked traffic or caused you a slight delay, please remember this: They are very generous people!!! Give them space and your patience. It sometimes helps to have a little reminder about things. So please be patient and smile when you see them because they are doing something good for someone you may know, or for a good cause.

Tailgating a car is illegal, tailgating a motorcycle is premeditated murder! Please put your phone down. I love my friends very much and they don't need to die an unnecessary death!!



Door prizes and other give-a-ways, Food, Drinks, and dessert available. For more information, call Bobby 228-4932033 JULY July 3 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 4 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607

Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 5 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 OCTOBER October 3 Gulfport, MS. Blessing of the Cruisers at the Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm 8pm. Everyone Welcome. - James Overstreet 228 323-0607 October 3-10 MS Gulf Coast, 25th Annual Cruisin’ the Coast. - Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Oct. 3-10,

AUGUST August 7 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 August 8 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Christian Worship & Prayer Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Everyone Welcome. Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 SEPTEMBER September 4 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome.





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Has anyone noticed our updated brand name? For years we were UreKem paints and have recently made the change to UreChem Paints. Our quality that you expect is still the same as well as our unbeatable prices! Our website name has also changed to Take a look, and find information on your favorite colors, get your tech sheets and more!

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1962 GMC 1500 3/4 ton Camper Special. 351 V6 with 5 speed stick. Excellent shape, runs great. $15,000 Call or text Steve at 228 860-2180 posted 11/20

Mustang Parts – 1966, truckload, lots of parts, some new, $500 OBO call Bernard 601-940-8206 posted 11/20

2010 26' Haulmark enclosed car hauler. A/C, cabinets, 3,500 winch in bottom cabinets, e-trac in floor, vinyl floor covering, vinyl door opening, 20' awning, 4 exterior lights, elect jack. posted 11/20 $8,500 call Jules 985 290-8330

Old Vintage 1/4 Midget body. No engine or running gear. Asking $1000 OBO 228 596-0664 1971 Pontiac GTO 400 Pontiac engine Muncie 4 speed Black paint And interior Vintage air Frame on restoration 5 years ago $29,000 Call 985-768-9255 posted 10/20

1957 Nomad This was a frame off restoration, now has a 350 crate motor, 700r4 trans, AC, New radio, rear ash tray option, front bumper guards, LED tail lights. Stainless trim polished by Vic. Limited slip rear dif. Front disc brakes, Edelbrock carb. Traffic viewer, day night rear view mirror option, Optima battery, Triple horn option, Side mirrors, Spinner hubcaps. Locking gas cap, Oil and Trans coolers. Dynamat on floors under carpet, speakers in kick panels, Electric fuel pump. asking 70k. Interested phone 985 960 1089, posted 11/20

1988 Evo 80” $5,500 negotiable. Call Tim 228 223-3234 posted 10/20

1986 S/10 Blazer Drag Truck- Clear Title. No one can build this truck for what I am gonna’ let it go for. Its got 385 stroker with MSD/Holley etc., a fiberglass Harwood bolt on cowl hood, a Pro Bracket 4 FTI Powerglide with built transbrake, FTI 4500 stall with the FTI fluid and NHRA certified bell housing. All Lines are Fragola with AN fittings. Every part on this truck brand new & some top of the line. I have receipts and ALL records on file in a box to back up every detail and I also have photographs from the tear down and rebuild. Truck is undercoated & inside also been painted under and inside. Everything is together on it (more pictures and video info available) Comes with some parts asking $9500 OBO call for info, Kenny at 228-218-7306 for it. Posted 9/20

WANTED 1951-1952 Ford Pick-up wanted for parts to aid in restoration project. Call Bernard 601 940-8206 posted 10/20

1977 MGB with Ford 302 engine, GT 40 heads. Transmission: Ford AOD. Rear End: Ford 8.5 w/309 Gear. New Drive Shaft and new u-joints; New Hand built Headers; New Side Pipes; New Trans Cooler; New Aluminum Radiator with 2 cooling fans; New Tires; New Tow-Bar. Good Top w/cover along with Tonneau Cover. Good shape Selling for health reasons. Built for Cruising Price $ 7,500.00 Call Toby Scott 850-926-5913 posted 11/20

1956 T-Bird 312 with 4bbl – hard and soft top $35K contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431

1969 Chevy C/10, 2 owner, 54K rust free great running and driving 6 banger 3 on the tree a cruise all day at 75 mph. truck. Has a/c, p/s, auto sound system, anti sway bars front and rear. Wood bed still looks new top and bottom. Recent dealer installed clutch. Have original wheels and caps that come with the truck as well as the am radio. Truck has only had one respray years ago and still looks very good and retains all of it's original panels. asking $15,000 O.B.O. Phone 620-308-6314 and leave a message I will call you back. Serious inquires only please. Thanks for looking Posted 9/20



Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ꞏ Non Picture Ad Only - $5 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT

Mishimoto Electric Fans, 2 ea, puller, 11" diameter, 1710 CFM, 5 blade, thickness 3.70", 11 amp draw. Very little run time. $ 200 for the pair. Call Ollie 601-829-2589 Posted 9/20

2019 Enclosed Wells Cargo 8’6" x 25' Car Hauler Trailer Auto Sport 7' height, opening 90-3/4” x 73” Model AS2524WUI Bonded aluminum sides, Silverfrost color, tandem axle, 5' V-nose, 16' flat plus 4' beavertail at rear, overall 25' enclosed. Aluminum ramp door extension. 2- cornerpost jacks, Max air vent. Led lights, 50”x 54” Side PT Escape door & 36” x 75” passenger side entry door, 4-swivel D -rings & 4-D-ring, 9000 lb. Badland Winch & battery, spare tire. $16,800 Call Trey at 601 941-5218 posted 9/20

1971 Cutlass Supreme Convertible. Car was owned by Frank Hille who was an Oldsmobile dealer. (his family had the dealership from 1936) This car is a matching numbers vehicle, garaged kept, Rocket 350, R-4 Transmission, P/ w, PDL, Power top (w/glass window), A/C, Tilt, Bucket seats w/Console. Very collectable car. Asking 27,000 OBO. Call 228 467-5217 posted 8/20

1971 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. Has beautiful gold colored Spirit of Ecstasy and one of the last of the big Royal ladies of the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow body. Large 6.75L V8 engine, automatic, A/C, Power Steering, Power Brakes, 8-track, and more. Professionally rebuilt heads. Garage kept for last 19+ years. Solid, straight, car that is not running and needs restoration or consider a LS Chevy powertrain swap. Though it needs to be restored, it is still very elegant and tasteful. The car has not been polished or cleaned. A must see! Clear title, vehicle sold as-is, where-is. Price reduced to $4,900 firm. Call Jim 228 868-3768 and leave message. Contact me if you want additional pictures. posted 9/20

1957 Chevy Belair 4dr Sedan Gold Edition. Original 283 with power block heads. Rebuilt . 17000 miles on engine. 2 Speed Power Glide. Elderbrook 600 4 barrel. Custom stainless steel heads and dual stainless steel exhaust with Bow Tie Tips. Front Disc brake conversion, AM/FM Retrofit Radio with AM/FM MP3/ IPAD/AUX connections. Alternator and electric wiper motor. Car took first place in the Keesler AFB 2019 Car show for best in original class. $18,000 OBO Call Gerard 228 323-9648 posted 9/20



1979 Firebird Trans Am 10th Anniversary SE - 6.6 Litre (403 CID) engine, auto, same owner last 18 years. Survivor, very original car with one partial repaint and replaced interior. Purchased new in Bay St. Louis MS on 4/5/79 and has remained on the Mississippi Gulf Coast since. Includes original window sticker, build sheets, owner's manual, and numerous receipts. Original (and working) AM/FM Radio with 8 track and CB. No rust, garage kept by original as well as current owner. NADA 'low' price for this car $23K, asking $21K OBRO. Call Jeff at 228-832-3481 and leave msg, or 228-424-2260 posted 8/20

1950 Chevy coupe. New paint (red), 350 Chevy engine, 350 turbo tran, Mustang ll rack & pinion steering, power 4-wheel disc brakes. $29500 or trade for late model pick up truck of same value. Call 228 234-5115 for more information. posted 8/20

1930 Model A Ford Pickup The beautiful truck has a 350 V8 with 350 transmission. Mustang II frontend, Custom Oak dashboard with glovebox, Grey leather bench seat, Sony stereo with 10 CD changer under the seat. Oak wood in the bed of the truck and Cadillac taillights. This truck has been garage kept and well maintained. Asking $38,500. Call John at 228-324-9044 posted 8/20

1998 Dutchman Express class C RV Chevy chassis. Vortex 350 85k mi. 26ft. Maintenance records. Oil/lube every 3500 miles. One owner. Original sticker listing all options as built. Has 4K Onan genset. $22,500 call Dave 918 906-1656 Gulf Shores AL. posted 8/20

BUY ęž? SELL ęž? TRADE Call Mario 228 493-4357 1950 Chevy convertible. Automatic..a/c..po wer steering..power brakes. ZZ 3 engine. Satellite radio, power top, drive anywhere $29,500 call Mario 228 493-4357

1931 Ford Phaeton Replica Convertible with 302 engine, auto trans, power steering, power brakes, 5 tires. Great condition asking $20,000 OBO. Call 228 467-5217 posted 8/20

1934 Ford Cabriolet V-8 Automatic, air, power windows, Totally up dated. Runs Excellent $38,950 call Mario 228 493-4357 1937 Dodge Street Rod Truck. No a/c, New 350 crate motor less than 500 miles, New booster, new master cylinder, new caliper, new brake and rubber lines, new brake pads, New tires and rims (front 205/50R17 & rear 245/50R17) 9 inch wide rims, New dual flow masters with 4 inch tips, new Edelbrock carburetor and intake, New distributor, new spark plugs and wires, new fuel pump, new aluminum radiator and hoses, new headlights, new gears and rear end, new axle bearing and seal and rear end, new battery and fan belt, new street rod heater, new alternator 200 amp, new driveshaft in Universal, new powder coat Valve cover, New Sony Bluetooth radio with 2 - 10 inch Brutus speakers, Zeus hifonics zx11006 500 watt amp, 400 transmission, 8 inch Ford rear end, Mustang two front end, chrome steering column with tilt, power disc brakes, bed cover on bed of truck. Asking $26,500 OBO may trade for a 1950 or 1960's vehicle in good shape Call home 985-892-6756 or cell posted 8/20 985-302-1482

1999 Chevy Blazer fully loaded. Ford straight axle in the front. With a 454 that looks like it came in. Looking to trade for a classic car. call Mario 228 493-4357

MGB. With a Toyota supra drive train. 5 speed run and drives perfect. $7,500 info call Mario 228 493-4357

1954 Chevy 235 six cylinder, standard, blue on blue. The block has a crack but runs and drives fine. $6,500 call Mario 228 493-4357

1957 T-Bird.. $28,000. 228 596-0664

Check out all the classified ads at



1998 Jeep Cherokee SE Sport Utility 4D, Good shape, nice interior, needs some work been sitting awhile. Asking $1500 or best offer. call Adam 228 229-5073 posted 7/20 1989 Chevy Van G-30 Diesel Great shape. Converted to camper. All electric. New tires all -around $4,000 OBO Call Adam 228-229-5073 posted 7/20 Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer Steel Deck Electric Brakes Stake Pockets Rub Rails Good Condition $4,000 228-863-5425 posted 8-20

1991 Corvette 2nd owner, well kept, no damage, 85K miles, $6,500 OBO or trade for Jeep of equal value call Adam 228-229-5073 posted 7/20



1965 Skylark GS. # matching 1 repaint, no rust, p/s, p/b, cold a/c, Pertronix igniter, EFI by Fitech. call Robert 337 234-5989 posted 5/20

1939 Chevy Master Deluxe has new a/c & heating system, new power steering and rack & pinion. New suspension, coil over shocks and springs, new Mustang II brakes on front end, new baller joints, new belts, new water pump that pumps out 30% more than regular pumps. Everything new except crate engine, transmission, which are both 350’s and rear end. Everything chromed that could be chromed. New GM alternator, rotor, spark plugs, insulation, starter, transmission cooler, universal 2 speed wiper kit and rearview mirrors. New Banjo steering wheel, radiator & condenser. Four new Goodyear tires, two new LED tail lights with booster, new MSD high torque starter and JVC radio/CD player. Mileage: 26,000 Receipts for all improvements listed $28,000 Call Nick: 985 882-5218 posted 5/20 10

Check out all the classified ads at







Commercial & X-Large Units Available

228-328-4346 11451 Canal Road ꞏ Gulfport, MS (2 Miles North- of I -10)

I Know What You Thinking……... What Could I Possibly Be Selling. Well…. I’M NOT SELLING ANYTHING!!!! But I’ll rent you this space for $45 a month. Give me a call 228 596-0664





Designed by JEFF ALLISON for Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine






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