January 2021 Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine

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I’ve found bitterness is always knocking at the door. It starts off as a little seed, just a little offense, no big deal. If you ignore it, let it go, nothing will come of it. But if you start dwelling on it, thinking of how you can pay them back, now that little seed is taking root. It’s starting to grow, and before long, it will pollute other areas of your life. That’s why Hebrews 12:15 warns, “…that no root of bitterness springs forth and causes trouble and many become contaminated by it.” Notice bitterness is described as a root. You don’t see a root. It’s underground; it’s hidden. But here’s the problem: a bitter root produces bitter fruit. If you have a root of bitterness, it’s going to contaminate your life. You don’t have to live with bitter roots. You need to ask God to show you what’s causing you to be bitter. Maybe it’s somebody you need to forgive, maybe it’s a dream that didn’t work out that you’re still upset about, maybe it’s a mistake you made and you’re still beating yourself up. If you’ll be honest with yourself and say, “God, help me to get this root of bitterness out of me.” That’s the first step to getting rid of a bitter root. Change who you’re hanging around. There are people God’s ordained to pull you up, people He’s ordained to lift you. Don’t sit around in some kind of dysfunction with other dysfunctional people the rest of your life. Your seed can’t grow in that soil. The right person is in place. Now, you have to make the first move. Get out of a negative environment, get away from people that are enabling your dysfunction, get away from people that tell you where you are is where you’ll always be. Don’t believe those lies. Your seed is still alive. When it hits that good soil, you’re going to see things happen that you've never dreamed. Joel Osteen is a New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at joelosteen.com. . Joel Osteen

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief -

Jas. “Jimbo” Perkins P.O. Box 2847 ∙ Gulfport, MS 39505

Advertizing & Production - 228 596-0664 E-mail: editor@dixiepress.com Webmaster - Jeff Westfall: webmaster@dixiepress.com CRUIZIN’ IN THE PASSIN’ LANE….. Jimbo CARRAGE HOUSE…… Glen Gilmore THE COLE REPORT… Al Cole TRUNK TAILS……. Cubby Hole Michael Lachaussee 2ND FRIDAY….. BAD BOY BOBBER…….. AdPix.Biz 17 FOREVER…… Terry Mason BLACK WIDOW……. Dawn Hartman DIRT TRACK REVIVAL……. Chavas Holland DRAGRACING…….. CRUISE-IN’S & SHOWS….. BUY-SELL-TRADE………. BUSINESS CARDS…… SUBSCRIPTION FORM……

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The publication titled: Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine is the official newsletter of the Coast Cruizers Car Club and is owned & published by Dixie Press Publishing LLC. who neither endorses nor warrants the products or services of advertisers, nor does it warrant the completeness or accuracy of the data provided herein. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. welcomes unsolicited editorial, photographs, articles for non compensational consideration of publishing on a space available basis's. Dixie Press Publishing LLC. is not responsible for the return of said photographs, manuscripts or art. Views expressed in these publications are not necessarily those of the publisher, contributing editors, advertisers, or their agents. Subscriptions are mailed to subscribers via Bulk Mail from U.S. Postal service. Re-printing in whole or part can only be done with the permission of the publisher...but then he’s easy

Cruizin’ in the passin’ lane By: Jimbo

Well here it is, the start of a new year. 2021 marks our 26th year printing Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine. What started as a handout newsletter for some of the motorcycle riders on the Mississippi Gulf Coast has turned out to be a mostly subscription based magazine sent to readers in 24 states. This is a new year and I have hopeful expectations.... but I try to focus on what I can control. I’ve stopped thinking of how things “should be”, and instead focus on how things are. Accepting what is happening today helps me put my best foot forward in a situation, rather than complain about lost opportunities. I try not to spend time and energy worrying about things I can’t change. No-one knows when the lockdowns will end, no-one knows what will happen to the economy. But there are two areas that we always have control over: What we are thinking and what we are doing. Instead of spending your time thinking about all the things that have gone wrong, focus on possibilities and opportunities. Let’s bring back our Cruise-in’s and Show Events. Thanks to our government training we know how to social distance and be responsible for our health & wellbeing. Here are some of my emails …. Jimbo, I handed my bank card to the bank teller and said, “I would like to withdraw $10.” The teller told me, “For withdrawals less than $100 please use the ATM.” I wanted to know why ... The teller returned my bank card and irritably told me, “These are the rules. Please leave if there is no other matter. There is a line of customers behind you.” (Continued on page 4)

317 Pass Rd Gulfport MS 39501 CRUISE-IN EVERY 1ST SUNDAY NIGHT 6PM - 8PM Details see Facebook House of Prayer Journal




I remained silent for a few seconds, then handed the card back to the teller and said, “Please help me withdraw all the money I have.” The teller was astonished when she checked the account balance. She nodded her head, leaned down and respectfully told me, you have $300,000 in your account and the bank doesn't have that much cash currently. Could you make an appointment and come again tomorrow? I then asked how much I could withdraw immediately. The teller told me any amount up to $3000 "Well, please let me have $3000 now", I said. The teller then handed it very friendly and respectfully to me. I put $10 in my wallet and asked the teller to deposit $2990 back into my account. The moral of this tale ....... Don't be difficult with old people, they spent a lifetime learning the skills. Sent by Phillip Jackson Jimbo, A lady at the grocery, in the produce aisle.. “I THINK YOU NEED TO WEAR A MASK” I smiled at her, and said… since we’re telling people how we feel, purple isn’t your color, and you could stand to lose 10-15 lbs. She stormed off. Bet she minds her own business next time. John Erving Jimbo, “Imagine you were born in 1900. On your 14th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 20th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. On your 29th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. And don’t try to catch your breath. On your 41st birthday, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war. At 50, the Korean War starts. 5 million perish. At 55 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict. On your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, should have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. When you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. And how mean that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above. Perspective is an amazing art, refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. Let’s try and keep things in perspective." Cory1944@

Miss Aunt Bessie. She was the best, more of a mom to me than a Aunt….. Bertie Galle Woods

Homemade Kentucky Blackberry Cobbler 2 1/2 C Fresh blackberries, washed 1 C Sugar 1 C Flour 2 t Baking powder 1/2 t Salt 1 C Milk 1 Stick of unsalted butter, melted First you should take care of the blackberry and sugar mixture because it needs to sit for a while. Stir together just the berries and sugar in a large bowl and let it sit out for 25-30 minutes. This will coax out the juices of the blackberries so that they can be sweetened up by the sugar, and we can taste the full spectrum of the fruit–this process is called macerating. After about 20 minutes, you should turn on the oven to about 375º and start preparing your batter. Stir together the flour, baking powder, salt, and milk with a wooden spoon. Next, stir in the melted butter and hand-mix it until the ingredients are well incorporated and you have few clumps. Pick out a clean baking dish– a smaller one will do– pour in the batter and smooth it out. You can choose to line it with parchment paper or not, but don’t grease the pan (there is enough butter in there already!). Finally, pour the macerated blackberries on top with all the sugar included and evenly distribute it over the batter. Bake this promising pan of happiness in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour, depending on how golden you prefer it to be. Let it set up for a good 15 minutes so it will hold its shape. It will be bubbling like crazy and quite hot, so be careful! This hour goes a little like this: you can hear it bubbling through the vent behind the stove, you can smell the buttery dough caramelizing with the sugar, and you can see the dotted crown of blackberries creating that quintessential golden cobbler crust. It is a marvel to have in your oven, let me tell you! Serve warm or room temperature with warmed cream or fresh whipped cream. You can store this at room temperature with foil over it for 2-3 days, probably longer in the fridge…but it never lasts that long for me!

Just like every year, somebody's gonna win the cruising the coast make a wish raffle car. It could be you, all it takes is one lucky ticket purchase.

Jimbo, Fun Facts 1. You cant see your ears without a mirror. 2. You can't get a accurate count of your hair. 3. You can't breathe through your nose, with your tongue out. 4. You just tried No.3 6. When you did No.3 you realized that it is possible, but you look like a dog. 7. You are smiling right now, because you were fooled 8. You skipped No.5 9. You just checked to see if there is a No.5 10. You now want to block me for sending you this Till next month… Jimbo I’ll leave you with this……….

The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do....



This is Belle, the 2021 CTC/Make-A-Wish Raffle Car. Tickets are 1 for $10 or 3 for $25. You may purchase them when registering your vehicle for the 2021 event, or find a form to order them on our website, www.cruisinthecoast.com


Bonjour mes amis. Comment รงa va? I'm Roger Paul, and I'm "The Easy Cajun" you've been hearing all about. I want to help bring you some of the smiles that the Cajun ways of life create for us down in Louisiana :-) The Easy Cajun

Dear Pastor The following are actual questions written to pastors from children around the world. Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody but He never met my sister. Yours sincerely, Arnold. Age 8, Nashville. Dear Pastor, Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good boy all week. I am Peter Peterson. Sincerely, Pete. Age 9, Phoenix Dear Pastor, My father should be a minister. Every day he gives us a sermon about something. Robert Anderson, age 11 Dear Pastor, I'm sorry I can't leave more money in the plate, but my father didn't give me a raise in my allowance. Could you have a sermon about a raise in my allowance? Love, Patty. Age 10, New Haven Dear Pastor, My mother is very religious. She goes to play bingo at church every week even if she has a cold. Yours truly, Annette. Age 9, Albany Dear Pastor, I would like to go to heaven someday because I know my brother won't be there. Stephen. Age 8, Chicago Dear Pastor, I think a lot more people would come to your church if you moved it to Disneyland. Loreen. Age 9. Tacoma Dear Pastor, I liked your sermon where you said that good health is more important than money but I still want a raise in my allowance. Sincerely, Eleanor. Age 12, Sarasota

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Dear Pastor, Please pray for all the airline pilots. I am flying to California tomorrow. Laurie. Age 10, New York City Dear Pastor, I hope to go to heaven some day but later than sooner. Love, Ellen, age 9. Athens Dear Pastor, Please say a prayer for our Little League team. We need God's help or a new pitcher. Thank you. Alexander. Age 10, Raleigh Dear Pastor, My father says I should learn the Ten Commandments. But I don't think I want to because we have enough rules already in my house. Joshua. Age 10, South Pasadena Dear Pastor, Who does God pray to? Is there a God for God? Sincerely, Christopher. Age 9, Titusville Dear Pastor, Are there any devils on earth? I think there may be one in my class. Carla. Age 10, Salina Dear Pastor, I liked your sermon on Sunday. Especially when it was finished. Ralph, Age 11, Akron


Dear Pastor, How does God know the good people from the bad people? Do you tell Him or does He read about it in the newspapers? Sincerely, Marie. Age 9, Lewiston


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Last year in January I had written about a good sum of goals I had for 2020. Traveling was our number one goal the Queen and I had set. Maybe taking a ride in the neighborhood in the Big Truck Project. And working on and possibly finishing the old Shovel Head, that has been languishing in the Carriage House. Attending a goodly sum of Car Shows and Cruise nights. However, since this dampanic some of these goals got dropped to the wayside. Lots of travel plans cancelled, many Car Shows and cruise nights cancelled as well. Best laid plans ‌‌ right. After my column last Jan. I did do something about the trike, I traded that puppy in on a new Street Glide Special, two wheels again. Good sized engine, lots of low-end torque, and a blast to lean in the curves again. So, every chance I got, I rode a lot of backroads in Ms. and had lunch in many different good places to eat. In spite of the lockdowns and stay home mandates, we were out riding. Was good to be out too. Still no ride in the Big Truck Project, I have got to find a seat. I did acquire new wheels and tires, and am making some mini tubs to accommodate the width of the rear tires. I did make (with some help) a couple attempts at installing the rear glass. Even had some pro help, and during the latest attempt it got broke. Square one again on the rear glass, and another tint job for it as well. Won't be long before I begin working on installing the wood for the bed and making a few pieces to facilitate that install. I still say it runs like a champ and it is almost ready to go. The poor old Shovel Head is still just getting moved around in the Carriage House. No activity here and does not look to happen real soon either. Been spending lots of time on this newly acquired, fancy truck we bought. It does have its issues, but one by one I am working through them. If I have learned and mastered one thing during this time of uncertainty its, just roll with things as they come at us daily. I refuse to live in fear of dying from an unknown enemy. I don't for a minute think this plague is not real. I do however believe we are being grossly misled. In spite of what the so-called experts say, the sky is not falling. I have during this year come in contact with quite possibly thousands of people, first at Scrappin the Coast, and then while volunteering at Cruisin the Coast, buckling in folks at the autocross, then stamping thousands of entries at the Bay St Louis site. Then, the Friday after Thanksgiving the Queen and I went to Gatlinburg, with about a half a million others that had the same idea. Lots of traffic, I mean lots of traffic. I compared the crowds to New Orleans on Mardi Gras Day, or almost as bad as Daytona Bike Week, And as of this writing still no China Virus. Should I get sick so be it. I do believe each of us are not getting out of here alive, something, somehow, someday, is going to get us. I am going to try to live each day as if it is my last, with no regrets. I hope you all can do the same. Wishing everyone well, and pray we can finally get back to enjoying all of what our God has placed and created for our eyes to marvel at. I and many others are quite possibly, just sick of this sickness. From the cold, and at times busy Carriage House, hope you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year, Later Gizmo




Our next stop was at Edgewater Mall for the Coast Cruizers annual toy and food drive for their local children and food pantries. They had 75 plus cars/trucks come out for their event Their toy drive also includes a car show with them giving out 10 awards. You're automatically entered with your toy/food donation.

The Cole Report Started this month at Bayou Showdown at The Harbor center in Slidell. This year's show just exploded and looked like it doubled in size since last year's show. Greg and Sean did a great job pulling of another excellent show. The cars/trucks are some of the nicest/cleanest rides around. Also have numerous food and merchandise vendors along with king cake eating contest, club corn hole tournament, audio competition and around 100 awards are given out.

Finished out the Month with the Misfits Street Krewzers and their annual toy drive for the children of CASA. The event was held at the Historic Train Depot in Bay Saint Louis. They had about 40 cars/trucks come hang out and make their toy drive a successful event for the children. I know a lot of y'all are like me and Glenda, we love all the Toy/food drives. These events really do make a great morning of smiling faces for these children all over our coast community. Remember to be safe and watch for our friends out riding their bikes also. Allen




The 1952 Ford Convertible My mother, father, and I had already gone to church, eaten our lunch, had our naps and were sitting on the front porch listening to the Brooklyn Dodgers playing the New York Yankees in game 5 of the World Series. Carl Erskine was on the mound for the Dodgers and Gil Hodges and Pee Wee Reese were playing a great game. It was Sunday, October 5, 1952. I looked out across the field and saw a cloud of dust coming from the bridge. “Cars comin’,” I said and everyone looked in that direction. Traffic on our gravel road was rare. The bridge was a set of planks stretching across a deep creek. There were no walls and the water underneath was 15 feet deep in the rainy season. Patience was needed to creep across so that the tires stayed on the planks and you didn’t end up in the creek. No warning signs were needed to slow drivers down. It was obvious to everyone that caution was needed. Sunday afternoons were often used as a time for visiting and to drop in unannounced was not uncommon. No arrangements or forewarnings were necessary, or even possible. We didn’t have a telephone and neither did our relatives or friends. “Y’all come see us,” was the common phrase, and folks took it literally. Visiting wasn’t a common factor in the late summer and fall, however, because there was more work to do. We would catch up later in the year when crops were taken care of and there was less to do. This car moved slowly. I saw a flash of red that grew larger and brighter, and before long a shiny red convertible was turning into our driveway. My parents and I were now standing on our front porch, too surprised to move. The driver parked behind our pickup. The driver opened his door and got out. My father said, “Well, it’s Billy Bob Wainscott.” Bob, as he preferred to be called, was my cousin on my grandfather’s side of the family. He was older than me and I always looked up to him. We went to the front of the car, which was new and clean and without a doubt the coolest car I had ever seen. It was a red 1952 Ford Crestline Sunliner convertible, sleek and fast looking. “That’s some car,” my father said as we moved to the front steps. “Brand new,” Bob said proudly, “with a 239 V-8 and a three speed transmission. It will run 85 miles per hour. Got it last week just in time to drive home and it cost me $2,100.00. It has a wraparound windshield, newly designed trunk hinges so as not to crush the contents in the trunk, and suspended brake and clutch pedals.” He had moved to Dearborn, Michigan some years back to work at the River Rouge manufacturing facility. He was getting wealthy making $3.00 per hour, an unbelievable wage for our part of the country, and I guess he wanted to show off some. I noticed a change in how Billy Bob talked now. When he spoke his words came through his nose. His crisp words knifed through the air. He clipped them quickly and efficiently and it made my skin crawl. He had learned to talk like a Yankee.



Before long, Billy Bob and I took a ride in the convertible. It was fast and flashy and I felt like someone special. I wanted somebody I knew to see me in it. I had never been in a car like this before and I felt proud. I said,” Hey Bobby, there is a carnival in town, would you like to go?” He said, “Sure, that sounds like fun.” The Ferris wheel stood in the middle as we walked in, surrounded by the smaller rides, the booths, and the midway. Shrill music rattled from the loudspeakers on the merry-go-round and the carousel. Long lines of people were waiting. I could smell popcorn and corn dogs and something frying in grease. I found the trailer with the cotton candy. It cost a dime, but I would have paid much more for it. I thought to myself that I would get one later. Candy apples were a dime and we each bought one to enjoy as we inspected the carnival. We were watching some older boys shoot air guns at little ducks that swam in a pool. They never hit them, and this was because, as my grandpa told me, the gunsights were crooked. We moved on. The midway had the usual collection of games—softballs thrown at milk jugs, basketballs aimed at rims that were too small, darts at balloons, hoops over bottlenecks. We strolled through the carnival, savoring the noise and excitement. When we got back into the Ford, I was hoping that one or more of my friends would see me, and sure enough, before we left the parking lot we passed a group of my friends. Larry Krohn was there, with Bruce Conlon, Bill Edwards, and of all people Susie Kirkpatrick. Susie was a girl in my class that I most wanted to impress. She worked in the soda fountain at the Rexall drug store. They waved but did not say anything. They just stood there in awe. I felt like royalty. What a great day I had. I was spotted riding in a shiny brand new red Ford convertible, I got to spend time with my favorite cousin, and the Brooklyn Dodgers won game 5 of the World Series 6 to 5 over the New York Yankees. I am remembering Princeton, Indiana’s Hall Of Fame Brooklyn Dodger player #14, Gil Hodges, April 4, 1924-April 2, 1972. May this new year be a damned sight happier than 2020.

Gotta Cruise! Greg”Cubby” Hole trunktalesbycubby@yahoo.com





begins around 7:30am til so please come join us.


What a great turnout we had for our Christmas toy drive breakfast Cruise-In. Thanks to everyone who participated and a special thanks to Horn CPA firm for their generous donation. This Cruise In had everything – cars/trucks/hot rods, Santa and Mrs. Claus, Santa’s elves, and great food at Rocky’s Diner. The weather was pleasant, especially for December. What more could you ask for? This car is on my Santa’s list. It is a 1955 Ford Crown Victoria brought by Preacher & Lynn Ferguson for their first visit. They purchased this car during the past Cruising the Coast and have been enjoying the ride. They have a ’62 Ford Falcon Futura at home, which Lynn usually drives. Preacher and Lynn decided they were not getting any younger and time was wasting if they wanted to enjoy their car hobby. Bad news for their grandkids because they spent their inheritance buying this car. Looks to me like you made a wise investment!

Bernie Purvis from Semmes came in style with this 1964 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. What a car! You could house a family in this car. What class cars of this era had. When this car drove by, you had plenty of time to enjoy checking it out as they are almost 19’ long! The Caddy has an original 429 engine and is all stock except for air bags which Bernie installed. Bernie has other toys at home – 1 ’70 El Camino, a ’72 C10 and a ’42 Dodge Pickup. Bernie does it all, mechanical, body and paint.

Larue Flurry sat on Santa’s lap and gave the big guy his list. I heard Mrs. Claus whisper to Santa Larue was on the naughty list!




Thanks to Melvin and Kathryn for being Mr. & Mrs. Claus and Terry and LuJean Webb for being his elves.

Toys collected were given to George County Sheriff’s Department for distribution to needy families. Corona virus cannot keep the Christmas spirit away from this group of car lovers. The Lucedale Edward Drugs Breakfast gang wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Stay safe and remember CHRIST is the reason for this season. God bless us one and all. Two rednecks were looking at a Sears catalog and admiring the models. One says to the other, 'Have you seen the beautiful girls in this catalog?' The second one replies, 'Yes, they are very beautiful. And look at the price!' The first one says, with wide eyes, 'Wow, they aren't very expensive. At this price, I'm buying one.' The second one smiles and pats him on the back. 'Good idea! Order one and if she's as beautiful as she is in the catalog, I will get one too.' Three weeks later, the youngest redneck asks his friend, 'Did you ever receive the girl you ordered from the Sears catalog?' The second redneck replies, 'No, but it shouldn't be long now. I got her clothes yesterday!'




Photos & article by AdPix.Biz Indian did a great job here of modernizing a bike with a great history & keeping the Attitude. They did a better job of it than Porsche, GM or Land Rover. We'll have to see how well Ford does the Bronco. In the 1920s, motorcycles had been around long enough that guys were modifying them for speed. One of the more popular modifications was to take the massive, heavy, already-gettin-old Harleys of the day & remove stuff. Off went the fenders & accessories, even the chrome. The frame was shortened & lowered. They simplified everything, primarily to save weight, maybe for aerodynamics too. The same thing happened with cars in the US. We call them Hot Rods, or more specifically, Traditional Rods & variations, like Psycho-Rods & Rat-Rods & Rockabilly Rods & “Built with Whatcha’-Got Rods,” but the trend, in the 1950's & 1960's, was to lighten older cars, from the '30's, especially Ford's famous, immortal '32, removing fenders, lowering the frame, it was performance with a minimal budget. A Bobber Bike is the same principle. Those were fantastic days, when a good mechanic could do amazing things with simple tools. The potential was there for everyone. Free Enterprise thinking. Creativity, ingenuity, wonderful. That was before the Guv'met decreed that we had to make cars out of beer-can aluminum to save the polar bears & then overwhelm every motor with computers so it takes an IT department to fix them. That's another story. To be technical, Traditional Rods can be distinguished from “Hot Rods” in that Hot Rods ended up describing the heavier & more expensive versions, where a customizer might even order a new car, but with minimal options, but for the largest motor



possible & even a “Police Package” to get a beefier suspension, then go from there. Also called Muscle Cars. But let's go back to bikes... Around World War II, the bobber bikes began to be customized beyond just speed modifications of the 1930s, especially with the influence of “Von Dutch” - an amazingly-talented fella, sort of a biker's Walt Disney. In 1946, Von Dutch took an Indian Scout & basically created the standard for a bobber, with smaller gas tanks, creative paint jobs, upward exhaust pipes. They were called “bobjobs” at the time. It was more than just a bike, it was an attitude. Fast, simple, clean, creative, all American. God declared them Good. Bobbers are more like Traditional Rods. Inexpensive, clean, & irreverent. They're the bad boys at the park, but not bad to be bad, not bad like burning buildings & beating women, not bad like “biker gang” bad, but bad because they're not accepted by the money crowd & they don't care. Von Dutch capitalized on that attitude. Jesus did too, come to think of it. Indian smartly took that style & attitude, modernizing it for this bike. It's not designed for long trips or for street racing. It's designed for simple, reliable, smooth, quick, bad style. They took about an inch of suspension out, but did not add cushy electronic stuff. With a seat height of 25.6 inches, you can sit on it, flat-footed (the owner of this one customized the seat beyond factory. He also added the Stage 1 exhaust). She weighs 554 pounds, solid but not heavy. The fenders are shorter, making the tires look fatter & she's covered in wicked Thunder Black Smoke - a great name for paint, eh? They really didn't mess with the core Scout, which is a good thing. At 100 Horsepower, about 20 more than stock, from its liquid cooled V-twin, ABS available, digital gauges, a USB port (don't tell Von


Dutch!). Indian did remove a little of the roadability in favor of attitude. And for us, that is “Very Good.” ps The owner of this one is willing to sell it, for $14,000, model not included. But make an offer & we'll ask her. Meet Alexandria Pierce, if you dare Occupation: model & potato farmer Age: 21, changes daily Measurements: 34-24-36 in a powerful & sassy 5'4, 110lbs package Would you call yourself a country girl or city girl? Combination between country girl and city girl. I love the outdoors and camping and getting dirty, all while still enjoying a good shopping spree and a busy city nightlife. Are you good, bad, mysterious...? I'm an innocent looking girl with a reputation of being very bad. Don't believe it. Maybe that's why I like playing Harley Quinn, an intern psychiatrist at Gotham City's Arkham Asylum, treating the Joker. I feel kinda like the stable one in the room, which says something about who else is in my room. Haha. Favorite music? My favorite music is all over the place, I love old country classics, rock, heavy metal, and punk/alternative. Rollercoasters? Horror houses? I hate roller coasters and haunted houses because I like to be in control haha. Every once in a while I love a really good adrenaline rush but I'd rather get that from doing something I shouldn't. I'm a bit of mess, very wild and spontaneous, and I can have a good time any where I go. I don't like to plan things, I'd rather just go with the flow. I love meeting new people and especially love meeting my fans. Have you ever been disloyal to any of your boyfriends? I've been disloyal to all of my previous boyfriends. Do you like fast street racer type bikes or throbbing cruiser types, tall handlebars or bent over? My favorite bikes are more of a cruiser style. I have a soft spot for Indians, so I wear thick pants. What pickup line worked on you? I don't have a favorite pick up line, but I do have a least favorite… it seems like every time I'm in a bar a random person will try to start conversation by saying “You look really familiar” if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that, I would be rolling in cash. What does the world most need to do? On a more serious note, the world that we live in needs several changes. Mental health needs to be more talked about. People are starting to understand the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mental health. Mental health needs to be talked about more in depth. I am very open about my issues but I still get embarrassed at times admitting to the people I love that I am going through a tough time mentally because I know they don't understand or know enough of the facts about it. More of Alexandria here: https://www.instagram.com/alliecat3848/ & http://onlyfans.com/AlexandriaP & https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/FFZU2SWPHZUV? ref_=wl_share

Mobile Monogramming supplied the bike & they do custom modifications & apparel. https://mobilemonogramming.com Our thanks to the nice folks at ASM Recycling of Mobile, Alabama (Scrap Metal Recycling Company ) for letting us shoot there. https://www.asmrecycling.com www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com



By: Terry

of the best racing you can imagine include Modifieds, Outlaws, Pro Truck, Sportsman and Pure Stock. Every class and every race is such large fields and very competitive racing. If you win any race during Derby week, you have truly done something special and hard to do. This was Elizabeth’s first Derby, she had gone to a Super Late Model Blizzard Series event at Five Flags Speedway and was impressed, she got to meet Chase Elliott who went on to win the NASCAR Cup Championship for 2020. Chase is a two time SNOWBALL Derby winner. But she had no idea what she was in for with the Derby.

Mason Barfield

Welcome to 2021! A lot of my readers know that I announced stock cars on the weekends for 30 years, 18 total tracks. I retired from that sideline in 2005 at the SNOWBALL Derby. I knew once I retired I had to stay away from it or I would be right back in the middle of it. I stayed away from it for over a decade, now I’m going back to the SNOWBALL Derby as a reporter and I’m OK with that. I have no desire to go back to announcing; however the lure of the SNOWBALL Derby is strong for attending and sharing my experience. Have you ever tried to tell someone how awesome Cruisin The Coast is? It is very hard to explain it to someone; the Derby is the same way. Every year the Derby feels more and more like a NASCAR Cup event. Speed51.com has done an incredible job of broadcasting all four days of racing on Pay Per View for folks that can’t make it to the Derby. The addition of giant screen TV’s have also enhanced the experience with instant replays.

Elizabeth and I on track with the starting field

The SNOWBALL Derby is the Super Bowl of Super Late Model racing. Champions from all over the country come to test their ability against the best of the best. The Derby also highlights Pro Late Models with the prestigious Allen Turner Hyundai SNOWFLAKE 100, just as competitive as the Derb y. Other c lasses featured during the four days



We were extremely busy Derby week and only got to attend Saturday and Sunday. I knew from Friday night’s incredible Derby qualifying that the big story was the NASCAR Champion Chase Elliott was not fast enough to make the 30 car field locked-in in qualifying. Elliott who won the Derby twice (2011 & 2015) would have to go to the Last Chance Race and be in the top 4 in that race to make the field. The Last Chance Race was a 50-lap Saturday race with a 20 plus car field, you make top 4 or go home without getting in the Derby. Chase started mid pack and didn’t have any help coming through the field, (there were no cautions in the race) Chase not only made the Top 4, he won the race. He said he found some speed in the last practice session that made the difference in the car. NASCAR Driver Kyle Busch, a former SNOWBALL Derby winner (2009) was also in the Derby, he qualified 9th for this year’s race. Now is a good time to mention Tech at the Derby. The Derby has the toughest tech guy you can imagine. Ricky Brooks and crew let nothing slide. He has thrown out some big names in the past, if you want to cheat at the Derby he will probably catch you. There is so much on the line at the Derby, teams will do anything to win this prestigious event.


Ricky Brooks keeps them in line, back in his day of racing he was one of the best at pushing the line on rules, made him a great techman. The saying is he would throw out his Momma. Ricky Brooks also was responsible for pulling Justin Bonnett out of his fiery fully engulfed race car at last year’s SNOWFLAKE race.

radios for Elizabeth to get the full experience of the race listen to spotter and driver communications. The Top 10 of the 36 car starting lineup was… Row 1 Pole Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5

43 Derek Thorn and 2 Kaden Honeycutt 91 Ty Majeski and 53 Cole Butcher 51 Stephen Nasse and 43D Daniel Dye 75 Jeremy Doss and 54 Matt Craig 51B Kyle Busch and 11 Logan Boyett

Elizabeth with Kyle Busch’s race car I also ran into Bill Elliott, Awesome Bill from Dawsonville, a NASCAR legend and Chase’s Dad, he was there helping Chase. Saturday night was the SNOWFLAKE 100… it was won by Massachusetts driver Jake Johnson. Jake was running 3rd on the last lap when 2nd place driver Stephen Nasse made contact with leader Bubba Pollard coming into 3 and 4 turns on the last lap. Nasse took the checkered and was in the middle of the winner’s circle celebrations when the announcement was made he had been put to the rear of the lead lap cars and 2nd place finisher Jake Johnson declared the winner. Johnson, 17 got into the SNOWFLAKE 100 by winning the Last Chance Race and then driving up through the field (from 31st).

The Top 5 in the SNOWFLAKE 100…Jake Johnson, Jake Finch, Jarrett Butcher, Pole Sitter Derek Thorn, who also sat the pole in his Super Late Model in the SNOWBALL Derby and Matt Craig. Justin Bonnett finished 10th after returning to the Derby after recovering from his fiery crash in 2019. SNOWBALL Derby day Elizabeth and I arrived at the race track at 7 AM to get an on track property parking spot and we just barely got one. If you don’t get there early you have two choices, park up and down the side of Pine Forrest Road and walk a long way or park at the Fairgrounds and take the shuttles. Race time had been moved from 2 PM back to 1 PM for possible afternoon rain. The Derby sells out every reserved seat and the track was packed for the 1 PM start. I rented racing

Elliott started the Derby in 31st place and had to come through the field. Thorn was strong all race and led the most laps. 100 laps in the leader was Thorn with Busch 2nd , Roderick 3rd, Nasse 4th and Butcher 5th. At the halfway point it was Thorn, Nasse, Casey Roderick, Butcher and Charles Smith. 50 laps to go found Thorn as the leader, Majeski 2nd, Charles Smith 3rd, Elliott 4th and Honeycutt 5th. Caution with 4 laps left…two drivers battled the last 4 laps swapping paint and the lead back and forth, Majeski and Thorn. Majeski took the lead on the next to the last lap and held on for the win. Elliott came home 3rd. Ty Majeski the 26 year old Wisconsin native who had six SNOWBALL Derby starts with career total of 330 laps led, finishing on the podium three times, with a 2nd in 2018 finally got his Derby win. Thorn led 252 of the 302 laps in this year’s Derby.

This year’s SNOWBALL Derby was incredible, I heard many times the talent could have been the best ever. If you are a race fan and never been to the best four days of racing ever, let me encourage you to put this race on your bucket list. You’ll wonder why you waited so long to attend! Until next month, please say a prayer for Elizabeth and me! Photo credits…Elizabeth Holman, SNOWBALL Derby and me. Terry terrymasonbarfield@gmail.com Facebook: Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show Hear a demo of the Hot Rod Show on Facebook by searching for Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” and “Like Us” while you’re there or search for “Terry Mason’s Hot Rod Show” on YouTube.com for the show demo or contact Terry @ 228.669.8122




20 years ago, my dad, Gary Hartman, spotted a 1967 Pontiac Firebird on a trailer on I-10. When he got home from work, he saw the car across the street from our house. Dad eventually asked our neighbor if it was for sale and made him an offer, which at first the guy refused. A few days later there was a knock on our door and it was our neighbor wondering if my Dad was still interested in buying the car. Dad said yes but for the price he originally offered … SOLD!! Fast forward to 2017… after years of tinkering with the old bird he had contemplated downsizing his “toy” collection. I’ve always said that I wanted that car and for my dad not to get rid of her. As a surprise for me my dad decided to have it completely restored. My dad sent the car to 3-D Classic Auto Restoration in Vancleave, MS. Robert Davis and Billy Davis, a father and son team. All through the build, there was much collaboration between them and my dad. See, dad let Robert and Billy have some creative freedom with the design, but nothing of course was done without my dads approval. Now because this was to be a somewhat surprise reveal for me, my dad would only show me snippits of the progress. I did help pick out the paint colors and the leather that was to be used (little did I know that the whole interior was to be all leather). Under the hood: 5.3L, heads are shaved 0.030” with Lunati cam 0.549” lift, link bar lifters. Comp roller rockers, 4I60 with TCI racing rebuild, upgraded shell and planet. It has a Sonnax servo. Ford 9” 3.50 gears, posi-trac, 31 spline axels and Wildwood brakes. Polished stainless steel dual exhaust with custom tips to mimic the original ribbon taillights. We put in mini tubs in the rear to house the 18” ties and Foose wheels. Vintage air, Dakota Digital instrumentation, Pioneer stereo, and a backup camera. There are also power windows and locks. She has a two-toned paint scheme, Bordeaux Reserve on the top and Merlot on the bottom with a Champagne gold stripe that highlights Widow’s curves.



My dad finally let me actually see the car in July 2020, just before I headed off to my next assignment as a travel nurse. It was love at first sight !!, even though her interior wasn’t installed yet. I had named her Black Widow… and when I looked under the hood, there it was…. a copy of my black widow tattoo painted on the motor!! In December 2020, I got to drive her for the first time…I went to the North Pole Rod Run in Biloxi, MS. It was exhilarating to say the least… she’s got some get up and go! And to my surprise, at Widow’s first ever showing, she won top a 10 !! I have a feeling that I may need to make room in my garage for more trophies…


Dawn Hartman




3-D Auto Restoration 5305 Fairley Mills Road Vancleave, MS 39565 (228) 238-4690

Let our readers know who you are Add your Car/Truck to our pages. Send a photos & a few words to editor@dixiepress.com 18






Lost Words from our childhood: Mergatroyd!. Do you remember that word? Would you believe the spell-checker did not recognize the word Mergatroyd? Heavens to Mergatroyd! The other day a not so elderly (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy; and he looked at her quizzically and said "What the heck is a Jalopy?" He never heard of the word jalopy! She knew she was old. But not that old. Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle. So let's illuminate some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. Phrases like: Don't touch that dial, Carbon copy, You sound like a broken record, and Hung out to dry. Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. We'd put on our best bib and tucker, to straighten up and fly right. Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley; and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China! Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time anything was swell? Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes, and pedal pushers. Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore. We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, “Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!” Or, “This is a fine kettle of fish!” We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards. Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind. We blink, and they're gone. Where have all those great phrases gone? Long gone: Pshaw, The milkman did it. Hey! It's your nickel. Don't forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper. Well, Fiddlesticks! Going like sixty. I'll see you in the funny papers. Don't take any wooden nickels. Wake up and smell the roses. It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than Carter has little liver pills. This can be disturbing stuff! (Carter's Little Liver Pills are gone too!) We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our collective memory. It's one of the greatest advantages of aging. Leaves us to wonder

The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do....

Good For Groups - Good For Kids We Take Reservations & Walk-Ins Welcome

Waiter Service - Take Out Available General Manager Mercedes Carranza




VW Bus…... "If everyone had to own one of these as a first car as I did, there would be no traffic jams anywhere. At least half of us would be so turned off by the experience of owning a car, that we would seek alternate means of transportation." "There was no heat--unless, that is, the auxiliary gas heater caught fire." "The flower stickers were the only things that held the car together." "The bus had no heat, blew over in the wind and used the driver's legs as its first line of defense in an accident." "It was a death trap on the highway-you could never go fast enough. The chances were good that you'd be hit from the rear." Renault Dauphine….. Truly unencumbered by the engineering process. At the time, it cost about half the price of a Volkswagen... which was half the price of everything else. How could Renault do this? Simple. It had half as many parts. This car topped out at 45 mph. Since the minimum speed on the Florida Turnpike is 40, patrol cars would follow me, waiting for me to hit a hill so they could ticket me. From a historical perspective, it's a shame that the French spent their Marshall Plan dollars on automaking. "A side impact by a bicycle totaled my Dauphine after only one year." Cadillac Cimarron….. GM thought they could take a Chevy Cavalier, slap some Cadillac stuff on it, add an extra $5,000.00 and sell a bundle. Tragically enough, they pulled it off-for a while. Hands down, worst car for the money spent. Yugos were junk, but at least they were cheap. This heap had a Caddy price tag! A stupid marketing ploy. Nothing more than a Chevrolet Cavalier, which Roger Smith gussied up and called a Cadillac. When we traded it in my wife was upset because we didn't keep it long enough for her to buy a gun and shoot it. Dodge Aspen/ Plymouth Volare…. This car began to rust while it was still in the showroom. The stalling problem was so bad that I had to take a clockwise route to work so I could make all right turns, and not risk stalling on a left turn in front of oncoming traffic. After the floor boards rusted out in the rear, they would fill up with water and freeze. I ended up putting soda crates on the floor in the back to keep people from falling under the car. The only useful purpose this car served was as the model for the car used in National Lampoon's Vacation. Owning a Volare was total ego death--the theme song, the vinyl Landau roof, the inability to pass another car on the highway. Renault LeCar…. I'm convinced that the body metal for this car was supplied by Reynold's Aluminum. Like any French restaurant in America, it was overpriced, noisy, moody, and would put you in mortal danger if you had an accident with anything

larger than a croissant. Our Le Car couldn't climb a hill fully loaded, so the passengers had to get out nd walk up. I left it unlocked overnight, and it was finally stolen. The insurance check paid for a textbook. Chevy Chevette…. An engine surrounded by 4 pieces of drywall! The Chevette just reeked of dinky-even the ad shouted that this was the dinky little car for you. The ad didn't show the car going anywhere fast... because it couldn't. Plywood floor, printed circuit 'wiring' and no redeeming qualities. It was a throw away, 'Saturday Night Special' from the word go. If I got on the Interstate without being run over, the car would creep towards 55. About an hour later, I'd reach it. Then, the shaking would begin. The big winter of 82-83 froze all the Chevettes in my town like dumb ducks on an icy lake. AMC Gremlin…. Calling it a pregnant roller skate would be kind. It was entirely possible to read a Russian novel during the pause between stepping on the gas and feeling any semblance of forward motion. The car had all the quality and safety of a cheap garden tractor. Ford Pinto…. Dad had a baby-poop-orange Pinto the year that car thieves hit our street. Although a dozen cars were stolen in one night, ours was there the next morning, on a strangely empty block. Remember that great Pinto bumper sticker, “Hit Me and We Blow Up Together?'" The car would do 75 mph in 2nd gear, shaking apart and sounding like a bat out of hell. In fourth gear, the top speed was 70 mph. What's wrong with this picture? You do the math. I took this car to a high-crime shopping mall and left it unlocked with the keys in the ignition. I came back several days later and, much to my disgust, it was still there. Chevy Vega…. When the rear end went on my Vega, the Chevy dealer accused me of racing it. Racing wh o? M y grandfather in his wheelchair? As near as I could tell, the car was built from compressed rust. My Chevy Vega actually broke in half going over railroad tracks. The whole rear end came around slightly to the front, sort of like a dog wagging its tail. Burned so much oil, it was single handedly responsible for the formation of OPEC. Yugo... I once test drove a Yugo, during which the radio fell out, the gear shift knob came off in my hand, and I saw daylight through the strip around the windshield. The Yugo's first stop after the showroom was the service department: “Fill 'er up and replace the engine!” Any time we made a right hand turn, we all had to lean to the right to prevent the driver's side rear tire from scraping against the wheel well. At least it had heated rear windows…… so your hands would stay warm while you pushed.




JANUARY 2021 January 16 Grand Hustle Civil War No-Prep 10am-11pm Gulfport Dragway 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503. Grand Hustle Racing presents Civil War No Prep North vs South $30 Invitational Contact Shannon Wilkerson 334-208-1680 Top End Street Race For A Lil Change, Who’s Gettin That Bag, Who’s Gettin Crowned Small Tire King and Big Tire Kings of Grand Hustle. No Prep Only Time Will Tell. 64 spots for Small Tire paying 4 spots back!! 16 spots for Big Tire Winner Take All!! #LockEmIn #GrandHustleRacing FEBRUARY 2021 February 3 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. February 10 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. February 17 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. February 19 King of the Coast Test & Tune 6pm-9pmGulfport Dragway, 17085 Racetrack Rd, Gulfport, MS 39503 Test & Tune Only! All vehicles welcomed Additional information Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com

February 20-21 King of the Coast 1/8 Mile 8am-8pm Junior dragsters - Footbrake - Electronics Saturday & Sunday is the King of the Coast 1/8-mile Series Gates open at 8am each day. Spectator fee $15 per person or $25 for both days For additional information 228-323-7325 or check out the website www.bracketnews.com. February 24 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm-10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. MARCH March 3 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open




6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. March 5 King of the Coast Test & Tune 6pm-9pm Test & Tune Only! All vehicles welcomed Additional information Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 www.kocbracketseries.com $25 Car & driver $10 Spectator March 6-7 BTE Night of Fire Southern Outlaw Shootout & Summit SuperSeries 1/8 Mile Gates 8am Time Trials 9am-12pm Eliminations follows Pro Mods + Footbrake + Electronics + Jr Dragsters Gaylon Rolison, promoter 228 323-7325 March 10 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. March 13-14 Ford vs Chevy Gates open at 8am Time trials start at 9am Eliminations are at 2pm Jet dragster Spectators $25 Children (under 10 years) $10 Time to get your plans in place! New Date, New Changes - We're coming back in March 2021 with a great event, and bragging rights will be on the line! Racer applications will be sent out in December so be on the lookout. If you have moved recently, please send us an email @ fordvschevy@cox.mail, with your new address. See you at the track!

1 ENTRY AND GET 1 ENTRY FREE ALSO RETURNS. That’s breaks down to $20,000.00 to WIN for $80!!!!!!! One of the best deals in Footbrake Racing!!!!!! All racers with paid pre-entries for 2020 event that was cancelled due to Covid-19 will NOT have to reregister. Contact Gaylon Rolison 228 323-7325 March 24 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. March 31 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. March 17 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. March 19-21 Test & Tune & Gamblers Race Footbrake 150 Gates open 12 noon Test & Tune ($20) 4pm-10m Gamblers Race 1st Round 5:30pm The Savage Performance Footbrake 150 Presented by BTE NEW FOR 2021 The two 15K Main Events Will NOW be two 20K Main Events for the same $349 Entry. THE BUY

APRIL April 7 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under. April 14 King of the Hill Wednesday 1/4 Mile Test & Tune. 6pm10:30pm 1/4 Mile Footbrake + Electronics + Motorcycles Gates open 6pm Time trials & Test 'n Tune 6pm Eliminations 9pm. $25 car & driver. $10 spectator $5 children 10 years & under.

www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com












NOTICE: ALL CRUISE-IN’S, CAR/TRUCK/MOTORCYCLE SHOWS AND EVENTS LISTED IN THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE CANCELLED AT ANY TIME DEPENDING ON GOVERNMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTERS DECISION !! JANUARY 2021 January 3 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. - Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 January 8 Lucedale, MS 2nd Friday Swap Meet & Cruisein (only vehicles items allowed) Edward's Discount Drugs,103 W Frontage Rd., Lucedale, MS 8:30am till. For more info call Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431 January 22-24 29th Annual Winter Rod Run, in Memoriam of Big Al Gauthreaux - Come Celebrate the Life of Big Al January 22-24th, 2021 Pre ‘75 Vehicles Only or By Special Invitation. Held at the LaQuinta Inn by Wyndham New Orleans Slidell, 794 East I-10 Service Rd, Slidell, LA 7041. 50/50 & Games, Friday Night Money Tree. Beautiful cars, Great Prizes, Fun & Games. All For Good Causes... Call Now! 985-643-9770. Ask for Car Show rate. Registration fee, before January 10, 2021= $20.00 after $25.00 for information call 985-630-6315 or 985-774-9535. FEBRUARY February 7 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. Info James Overstreet 228 323-0607 February 26-28 Baton Rouge, LA. the 43rd Annual R.O.D.S. Run at at Gerry Lane Cadillac / Hampton Inn Baton

Rouge, LA. Hosted by the Ramblin' Oldies of Denham Springs car club. Pre-49 ONLY. Food & Drink vendors, music, free swap meet. Benefits the Hospice Foundation of Baton Rouge. For more information call Lee 225 673-8562 February 27 Bay Saint Louis, Ms 9th Annual Open Car Show at the VFW AUXILIARY 3253 208 Third Street Bay Saint Louis, Ms, Saturday February 27, 2021 Registration 8:am until noon (Day of the Show Only) $25.00 Registration fee Participant Voting Dash Plaques for first 50 Vehicles!! Awards at 1:30 Pm Top 20 Vehicles, Top 5 Trucks, Best of Show Vehicle and 6 Specialty Awards 50/50 Raffle and other fun give away's Food, Desserts, and Beverages will be available. MARCH March 5-6 Brookhaven, MS Fielder's Pro Shop Goin' To Town Car Show presented by the Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce in beautiful historic downtown Brookhaven, MS. ( I-55 Exit 40. Go east all the way downtown, cross RR, turn rt on Railroad Ave. Brookhaven, MS 39601) this show is sponsored by Fielder's Pro Shop. Host motel Holiday Inn Express 601-990-2360 Mention show for special rate. Pre Entry $10 or $15 day of show. more info: T-Tommy - 601-833-8620 or Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce 601-833-1411 March 6 Bay St. Louis, MS 23rd Annual GNAT Nationals Open Car Show. Saturday, March 6, 2021; 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Silent Auction, 50/50, Wipe-Out Board, Prizes Galore,



(Continued on page 29)





Food, 50’s-60’s Music, Games, Coloring Contest, Dash Plaques, Sponsor Awards, Vendors. Top Prizes !! FUN FOR ALL AGES. Saint Clare Catholic Church 236 S Beach Blvd, Waveland, MS 39576 Charities CASA and Senior Citizens of Hancock County. Awards presented at 2:00 P.M. Pre-registration $20.00 by February 28, 2021 $25 day of show. Top 25 Awards, Furthest Driven, Sponsor Awards, Best of Show. Awards to be voted on by Registered Participants. “Our Chefs will be cooking all the good food!!!!” For information: Terry 228 216-1259 Misfits Street Krewzers ꞏ P.O. Box 2101 ꞏ Bay St. Louis, MS 39521 March 7 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. Info James Overstreet 228 323-0607 March 10-13 Panama City Beach, FL. Emerald Coast Cruizin' Spring Cruizin’ The South's Best Blast from the Past family fun event. Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for a 3 day festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and Auto Car Corral. Oh we also include a ladies section with great crafts, jewelry, and so much more. Kids will love the kid area with fun rides games and more! so much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all. APRIL April 4 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. Info James Overstreet 228 323-0607 April 16-19 Biloxi, MS 4th Annual Rock-n-Roll Open Car, Jeep, Truck and Bike Show Saturday, 9am - till Event happening at Point Cadet Plaza in Biloxi, MS. Bands, Vendors and Car Show. Guitars will be awarded to 1st place Winners! Registration begins at 9am. Judging begins at 11am. Awards presented at 3pm. All Classic, Late Model and Imports are welcome! 100 point Judging Categories: Top Car 1984 and older Top Car 1985 and Newer Top Jeep Top Truck Top Motorcycle Best of Show People's Choice Kids Choice Top 25 Club Participation Longest Distance Rain or Shine Event. Pre Registration $25 (Day of Show is $30) Show Information Contact: 228-860-4103 Vendor or Sponsor 228-348-2646

Awards at 3 pm. MEGA Cruise-in starts at 6 pm Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info “JR” 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 May 2 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. - Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 JUNE June 5 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 June 6 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. - Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 June 25-27 Biloxi MS 19th Annual Scrapin' The Coast. At the MS Coast Coliseum and Convention Center. We are pulling out all the stops on this one folks. This one is going to be the best one yet guaranteed. The Mississippi Gulf Coast has everything to offer from white sandy beaches to the night life on the strip and the casinos within walking distance. This is the show that everyone is taking about, so don't miss it. Car & Truck Show, Tons of Vendors, Live Bands, Dj GetLow, Dj Maze, and MC Toasta. Cornhole Tournament sponsored by GrinderTv. 3x point Usaci Stereo Competition. Burnout Contest for Cash sponsored by Lloyds Quality Automotive. Bikini Contest And much more...... Media Coverage Street Trucks, C10 Builders Guide, F100 Builders Guide, GrinderTV, Krookid Photography, All Time Low Magazine, Khaos Designs, Mac Media. VENDOR SETUP Thursday June 24, 1pm-6pm (preferred) Friday June 25, 9am-6pm REGISTRATION & DRIVE THRU JUDGING Friday June 24, 9am-6pm Saturday June 25, 7am-6pm SHOW HOURS to the public Saturday 8am-6pm Sunday 8am-5pm Preregistration (Ends May 1) Inside $100 Outside $60 Day of Show Inside $125 Outside $60 If you or your company are interested in becoming a sponsor or a vendor email Greg@Scrapinthecoast.com or call Club sponsorship packages are available to reserve club spots on the grounds. Greg 228-324-7671 June 26 Bay St. Louis, MS 3rd. Annual VFW Post 3253 (Continued on page 30)

MAY May 1 Biloxi MS, Coast Cruizers 9th Annual Gulf Coast Auto Show at Edgewater Mall. Open Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show & Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall (Hwy 90 Biloxi, MS) Vendors are welcome and the public will have free access to your area. Activities will include a variety of Gulf Coast amenities as well as on site entertainment. Set up Friday April 30th at Edgewater Mall and everyone is invited to register early. Later, join us for our Friday night dinner run & cruise-in Saturday registration and drive thru judging starts at 8am. Edgewater Mall parking lot. Car show entry of $20. www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com



Open Car & Truck Show 8am-3pm, Saturday June 26, 2021, 208 Third Street Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520. Dash plaques to first 70 registered vehicles, Awards for top 20 cars, top 10 trucks, 5 specialty awards, best of show, Commanders choice award. Registration 8am-noon. Awards 2:00pm. Entry fee day of show $25.00. 50/50 splitthe-pot, Door prizes and other give-a-ways, Food, Drinks, and dessert available. For more info, call Bobby 228-4932033 JULY July 3 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 July 4 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. - Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 AUGUST August 7 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 SEPTEMBER September 4 Biloxi MS 1st Saturday Night Cruise-in at







Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 596-0664 September 5 Gulfport, MS. Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - 8pm. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. - Info James Overstreet 228 323-0607 OCTOBER October 3 Gulfport, MS. Blessing of the Cruisers at the Youth for Christ 1st Sunday Night Prayer Revival & Cruise-in. 317 Pass Rd. Gulfport, MS 39501. 6 pm - till. Food, Christian Music, Door Prizes. Everyone Welcome. Cruise-in Every 1st Sunday Night 6pm-8pm - Information call James Overstreet 228 323-0607 October 3-10 MS Gulf Coast, 25th Annual Cruisin’ the Coast. - Join us on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Oct. 3-10, 2021 for the 25th Annual Cruisin’ The Coast featuring all your favorite activities like cruise-ins, headline bands & oldies entertainment, a swap meet, the CTC/ Auto Auction and much more! Book your rooms through MS Gulf Coast Hotel Reservations at 1-888-388-1006 and receive a FREE Window Decal!

NOVEMBER November 10-13 Panama City Beach, FL. Emerald Coast Cruizin' Fall Cruizin' The South's Best Blast from the Past family fun event. Thousands of classic cars, hot rods, custom cars and trucks make way to beautiful Panama City Beach, Florida for a 3 day festival. Panama City Beach's breath taking emerald green coastline and the famous Miracle Strip gleams with chrome, hot colors, and the deep rumble of power. Aaron Bessant Park next door to Pier Park, will host over 3000 hot rods, and cool classics. There will be over 125 + top name automotive vendors on hand, as well as a huge swap meet and Auto Car Corral. Oh we also include a ladies section with great crafts, jewelry, and so much more. Kids will love the kid area with fun rides games and more! so much for all to enjoy!. Each night is full of activities from cruising, great bands, and special shows. Even if you're not a gear head, there is plenty to do for all.

October 9 Biloxi MS MEGA Cruise-in Night at Edgewater Mall Hwy 90, Biloxi, MS. Classic Music, 50/50, Great Prizes. Open to all Vehicles. Everyone Welcome. Hosted by the Coast Cruizers. Info - "JR" 228 314-4405 or Jimbo 228 5960664













Brakes ꞏ Shocks ꞏ Tune Up ∙ Oil Change ∙ Minor Engine Repair Transmission Service ꞏ Front End Repairs Air Condition Service and Repairs ∙ Computer Engine Analysis







7:30 AM - 5:00 PM







1957 Nomad This was a frame off restoration, now has a 350 crate motor, 700r4 trans, AC, New radio, rear ash tray option, front bumper guards, LED tail lights. Stainless trim polished by Vic. Limited slip rear dif. Front disc brakes, Edelbrock carb. Traffic viewer, day night rear view mirror option, Optima battery, Triple horn option, Side mirrors, Spinner hubcaps. Locking gas cap, Oil and Trans coolers. Dynamat on floors under carpet, speakers in kick panels, Electric fuel pump. asking 70k. Interested phone 985 960 1089, posted 11/20 Sand Blaster. Works great. Asking $50 Call Tony at 860 707-0091

Classified Ads 2 months in Gulf Coast MotorSports Magazine 2 months on www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com

1977 MGB with Ford 302 engine, GT 40 heads. Transmission: Ford AOD. Rear End: Ford 8.5 w/309 Gear. New Drive Shaft and new u-joints; New Hand built Headers; New Side Pipes; New Trans Cooler; New Aluminum Radiator with 2 cooling fans; New Tires; New Tow-Bar. Good Top w/cover along with Tonneau Cover. Good shape Selling for health reasons. Built for Cruising Price $ 7,500.00 Call Toby Scott 850-926-5913 posted 11/20

Description with 1 (one) Picture - $10 ęž? Non Picture Ad Only - $5 NOW YOU CAN LIST & PAY ON-LINE AT


1986 S/10 Blazer Drag Truck- Clear Title. No one can build this truck for what I am gonna’ let it go for. Its got 385 stroker with MSD/Holley etc., a fiberglass Harwood bolt on cowl hood, a Pro Bracket 4 FTI Powerglide with built transbrake, FTI 4500 stall with the FTI fluid and NHRA certified bell housing. All Lines are Fragola with AN fittings. asking $9500 OBO call for info, Kenny at 228-218-7306 Posted 9/20

1991 Buick Century 3.3L, V6, $500 OBO, call 228-832-2452 posted 12/20

Check out all the classified ads at Parts Washer works like a washing machine. Air powered, built in timer. Asking $250 Call Tony at 860 707-0091



GulfCoastMotorSports.com www.GulfCoastMotorSports.com

1969 Chevy C/10, 2 owner, 54K rust free great running and driving 6 banger 3 on the tree a cruise all day at 75 mph. truck. Has a/c, p/s, auto sound system, anti sway bars front and rear. Wood bed still looks new top and bottom. Recent dealer installed clutch. Have original wheels and caps that come with the truck as well as the am radio. asking $15,000 O.B.O. Phone 620-308-6314 leave a message Posted 9/20

1962 GMC 1500 3/4 ton Camper Special. 351 V6 with 5 speed stick. Excellent shape, runs great. $14,000 Call or text Steve at 228 860-2180 posted 11/20

1998 Pontiac Firebird, 3.8LV6, auto trans., white ext., grey int., chrome rims, Sony CD stereo. $3,000 OBO, 228-223-6368 posted 11/20

Mustang Parts – 1966, truckload, lots of parts, some new, $500 OBO call Bernard 601-940-8206 posted 11/20

BUY ꞏ SELL ꞏ TRADE Call Mario 228 493-4357 1950 Chevy convertible. Automatic..a/c..po wer steering..power brakes. ZZ 3 engine. Satellite radio, power top, drive anywhere $29,500 call Mario 228 493-4357

1934 Ford Cabriolet V-8 Automatic, air, power windows, Totally up dated. Runs Excellent $38,950 call Mario 228 493-4357

1988 Evo 80” $5,500 negotiable. Call Tim 228 223-3234 posted 10/20

1971 Pontiac GTO 400 Pontiac engine Muncie 4 speed Black paint And interior Vintage air Frame on restoration 5 years ago $29,000 Call 985-768-9255 posted 10/20

1999 Chevy Blazer fully loaded. Ford straight axle in the front. With a 454 that looks like it came in. Looking to trade for a classic car. call Mario 228 493-4357

2005 Chevy SSR , 26,000 miles, 6.0-V8, $27,500. Call Scott 985-209-1625 posted 11/20 MGB. With a Toyota supra drive train. 5 speed run and drives perfect. $7,500 info call Mario 228 493-4357

1954 Chevy 235 six cylinder, standard, blue on blue. The block has a crack but runs and drives fine. $6,500 call Mario 228 493-4357


1956 T-Bird 312 with 4bbl – hard and soft top $35K contact Mike Lachaussee 228-369-1431



WANTED 1951-1952 Ford Pick-up wanted for parts to aid in restoration project. Call Bernard 601 940-8206 posted 10/20

Old Vintage 1/4 Midget body. No engine or running gear. Asking $1000 OBO 228 596-0664

Portable Parts Washer. Ready to use, full tank of

cleaner, Asking $275 Call Tony at 860 707-0091

2019 Enclosed Wells Cargo 8’6" x 25' Car Hauler Trailer Auto Sport 7' height, opening 90-3/4” x 73” Model AS2524WUI Bonded aluminum sides, Silverfrost color, tandem axle, 5' V-nose, 16' flat plus 4' beavertail at rear, overall 25' enclosed. Aluminum ramp door extension. 2- cornerpost jacks, Max air vent. Led lights, 50”x 54” Side PT Escape door & 36” x 75” passenger side entry door, 4-swivel D -rings & 4-D-ring, 9000 lb. Badland Winch & battery, spare tire. $16,800 Call Trey at 601 941-5218 posted 9/20

Mishimoto Electric Fans, 2 ea, puller, 11" diameter, 1710 CFM, 5 blade, thickness 3.70", 11 amp draw. Very little run time. $ 200 for the pair. Call Ollie 601-829-2589 Posted 9/20 1989 Chevy Van G-30 Diesel Great shape. Converted to camper. All electric. New tires all -around $4,000 OBO Call Adam 228-229-5073 posted 9/20

1957 Chevy Belair 4dr Sedan Gold Edition. Original 283 with power block heads. Rebuilt . 17000 miles on engine. 2 Speed Power Glide. Elderbrook 600 4 barrel. Custom stainless steel heads and dual stainless steel exhaust with Bow Tie Tips. Front Disc brake conversion, AM/FM Retrofit Radio with AM/FM MP3/ IPAD/AUX connections. Alternator and electric wiper motor. Car took first place in the Keesler AFB 2019 Car show for best in original class. $18,000 OBO Call Gerard 228 323-9648 posted 9/20



1991 Corvette 2nd owner, well kept, no damage, 85K miles, $6,500 OBO or trade for Jeep of equal value call Adam 228-229-5073 posted 9/20


1998 Jeep Cherokee SE Sport Utility 4D, Good shape, nice interior, needs some work been sitting awhile. Asking $1500 or best offer. call Adam 228 229-5073 posted 9/20

Tandem Axle Flatbed Trailer Steel Deck Electric Brakes Stake Pockets Rub Rails Good Condition $4,000 228-863-5425

1971 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow. Has beautiful gold colored Spirit of Ecstasy and one of the last of the big Royal ladies of the Rolls Royce Silver Shadow body. Large 6.75L V8 engine, automatic, A/C, Power Steering, Power Brakes, 8-track, and more. Professionally rebuilt heads. Garage kept for last 19+ years. Solid, straight, car that is not running and needs restoration or consider a LS Chevy powertrain swap. Though it needs to be restored, it is still very elegant and tasteful. The car has not been polished or cleaned. A must see! Clear title, vehicle sold as-is, where-is. Price reduced to $4,900 firm. Call Jim 228 868-3768 and leave message. Contact me if you want additional pictures. posted 9/20

1957 T-Bird.. $28,000. 228 596-0664













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