Education Vilnius Art academy
Department of Design of Vilnius Academy of Art:
the future begins here
Juozas Brundza, Head of the Department of Design
In the ocean of things that surround us every day the articles of good product design will be the main factor creating the consumer culture, sustainable economy of the country and tackling social challenges in the forthcoming decades. Alongside technological innovations, design innovations create a huge value added and a competitive edge for the company products. The Department of Design of Vilnius Academy of Art, which was established in 1961, is the main centre for product design studies in Lithuania. The priority sphere of the activities of the Department of Design is its close cooperation with industrial, business companies and other social partners. Cooperation with social partners is mainly aimed at imparting practical knowledge of the process of developing industrial products and the possibility to work with important problems within a real context, as well as at integrating the latest marketing and technological information into the study process and acquainting the students with the people working in the sphere of industry, business, science, and also with the potential employers and customers. Though the program of design studies is concentrated on the real problems of product, environment and service design, students are not squeezed into the narrow frames of studies. Alongside the projects intended for solving everyday problems of developing company products, projects directed towards a five-ten year future horizon and innovations, which the companies themselves have most often neither time nor resources to develop, are carried out. The Department of Design constantly carries out projects of creative workshops and master classes in cooperation with foreign designers and schools of design. In 20122013 a number of creative workshops conducted by professional designers and lecturers from Italy, Sweden, Great Britain, Holland and Denmark were organized. Cooperation with companies and social partners, as well as participation in world 44 |