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+34 610283342

DAVID JIMENEZ INIESTA Architect Date and Place of birth: 27/07/1987 Albacete (Spain) Contact: 14 Octavio Cuartero Street 3ºD 02003 Albacete (Spain) Email: jimenez_iniesta@hotmail.com Telephone number: +34 610 283 342 Language English (FIRST CERTIFICATE) Portuguese (B1- Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa) Spanish (native) Software-Skills Autocad, Photoshop, Premiere, Indesign, Microsoft Office, Rhino 5.0, Vray Render, Models

Education and Qualifications 2005/2014 University of Alicante (UA) Diploma Project: Miguel Mesa del Castillo (filoatlas) A Lobotomy’s Tale (10/10) DIPLOMA WITH HONORS Proyects 3: Miguel Mesa del Castillo (filoatlas) Hikikomori, Made in Japan (8.5/10) Proyects 2: Ivan Capdevila (PLAY STUDIO and YiC) Vivienda para el hombre con rayos X en los ojos (8.5/10) Proyects 1: Joaquin Alvado + Javier Gironella City of the future (8/10 2011/2012 Seneca Scolarship in University of Alcala de Henares (UAH) Proyects 4: Manuel Collado (Mi5) + Clara Murado (Murado y Elvira) Las bestias de Bjilmer (9/10) 2010/2011 Erasmus Scolarship in Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (UTL)

Architectural Experience and Awards 2014 – IV ISARCH AWARDS Diploma project Kowloon Walled City: “A lobotomy’s tale” (FINALIST) 2014 – Organizer of Musikfreunde Live! in Albacete 2014 – Curator of Musikfreunde 20x20 2014 – Illustrations for “Espacio Interior” published by Acanto 2013 – EUROPAN 12 KAISERSLAUTERN PFAFF with Studio Animal+ MªAngeles Peñalver (MENTION) 2013 – III Steelcase competition with MªÁngeles Peñalver 2013 – Collaboration in ULTRAaRQUITECTURA – Eames house Paradigma drawings and website for Javier Jimenez Iniesta Thesis. Selected in IV ARQUIA FOUNDATION CATALOGUE

2013 – TRANSITARTE Competition Studio Animal + MªAngeles Peñalver (FINALIST) Selected in IV ARQUIA FOUNDATION CATALOGUE

2012 – Illustrations “Más allá del instante” published by QVE 2012 – Vodafone Play restricted competition for Capitol building in Madrid with Javier Jiménez Iniesta + MªAngeles Peñalver 2012 – PLADUR competiton with MªAngeles Peñalver 2012 – CEVISAMA INDI International Ceramic Competition with MªAngeles Peñalver (MENTION) 2011 – Shellter competition with Emma Gabaldá 2011 – PLADUR competition with MªAngeles Peñalver (ACCESIT) 2011 – THINKSPACE Urban Borders with Javier Jiménez (3rd Prize) 2011 – THINKSPACE Geopolitcal Borders with MªAngeles Peñalver 2010 – ASCER CERAMIC COMPETITION with Miguel A. Fernández 2010 – MARJAL SUSTEINABLE HOUSING (MENTION) 2010 – Alhama Theater competition with Ad-hoc msl 2009 – EUROPAN X Utrech with MªJosé Marcos + Pepe Aguirre 2009 – EUROPAN X Riga with Javier Jiménez + Siro Morcillo 2009 – MUCHO + MAYO competition in Cartagena 2008 – Tram Station in Alicante Competition for Architects and Students with Antonio Abellán (MENTION) 2008 – Dársena del Canal de Castilla of Valladolid competition with Torres Nadal Arquitecturas

Lectures and Exhibitions 2014 – Europan 12 Exhibition and Lecture in Akademie der Künste(Berlin) 2014 – Europan 12 Exhibition and Lecture in Kaiserslautern 2014 – Europan 12 Exhibition in Adaptable City Heidelberg 2013 – Exhibition “Lightness VI” in CTAA, COAMU and COAM 2011 – Lecture in LAUBA (Zagreb) UNCONFERENCE organized by Drustvo Arhitekata Zagreba and Thinkspace 2008 – Exhibition “Espacios Naturales” organized by University of Alicante in CTAA

Publications 2014 – Ultraarquitectura published in IV Arquia Foundation Catalogue 2014 – Bubbleheim published in IV Arquia Foundation Catalogue 2014 – P.F.F.A.F published in “Adaptable City” Europan 12 Deutchland Catalogue 2014 – P.F.F.A.F published in COAM Magazine n.368 2014 – P.F.F.A.F published in EUROPAN 12 Spain Catalogue 2014 – P.F.F.A.F published in Afasia 2014 – Bubbleheim published in Afasia 2013 – P.F.F.A.F published in Edgargonzalez 2013 – P.F.F.A.F published in Metalocus 2013 – Thinkspace “Rubblescapes” published in Edgargonzalez 2013 – Thinkspace “Rubblescapes” published in Metalocus 2013 – Thinkspace “Rubblescapes” published in La Tribuna 2013 – Selected for Ascer Ceramic Catalogue

Workshops 2014 – Kaiserslautern PFFAFGELÄNDE workshop organized by EUROPAN Germany and Kaiserslautern City Council 2012 – International workshop “La ciudad intermedia” organiced by Japan Foundation lead by Kiyoshi sei Takeyama, Luis Gallego and Pilar Garcés 2010 – encuentros futuros – generaciones futuras lead by PLAY 2010 – winter workshop in UA “Shoot Architecture” 2009 – ph06 Workshop in Leon lead by Grupo Aranea and Toki 2009 – OBS Murcia Region in SOS 4.8 Festival 2009 – GIA lead by Torres Nadal, Enrique Nieto (bestbefore) and Mª José Marcos (magicarch) 2008 – ph04 Workshop in Tomiño lead by Grupo Aranea and STUDIOFAM 2008 – Paracloud+Top Solid Workshop in Uic 2008 – winter workshop in UA “la muy lujosa ciudad de la precariedad” lead by Andres Jaque

Selected Works

The Eames house after 40 years of living

Ultraarchitecture is a concept developed by Javier Jiménez Iniesta in his Phd Work. This concept tries to define an architecture that goes beyond architecture and architects showing the important role played also by the owner This drawing called “House: after 40 years of living” is part of that work. It’s also a website and a photography collection found about the Eames House. It is a multylayer axonometric drawing that lets the reader to understand the evolution of the Eames house through years and how it changes with the history of its owners



Tiri mo tumoreba yama to naru


def. Rubble is broken stone, of irregular size, shape and texture. This word is closely connected in derivation with “rubbish”, which was formerly also applied to what we now call “rubble”. Rubble naturally found in the soil is known also as ‘brash’ (compare cornbrash). Where present, it becomes more noticeable when the land is ploughed. def. Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including land uses, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.

Mountain in Sapporo park (Isamu Noguchi)

‘Dream Mountains’ (Chiho Aoshima)

Yao Lu Nun

Chocolate Hills of Bohol

PrimeRose Hill in London (Henry VIII)

‘Close Encounters O (Steven Spielberg)

“I have been three years without watching Tokyo Bay from a boat (…) from here you can see the terrible aspect of this metropolis, which cannot be done when you are inside it: immeasurable number of containers that circulate automatically on conveyor belts, mountains of garbage that accumulate excessively, dirty sea and several merchant ships that sail through it. This makes you think rather in the backyard of a huge city than in the part of the city that looks at the sea.” ‘Escritos’ Toyo Ito

* small size magic mountain * forming magic mountain

The significant increase in environmental awareness that man has acquired in recent years has changed the way we understand the relationship between subject and biotope. However, political processes and catalysts for clean development remain invisible; we can only understand its sustainable condition through certificates and labels applied to these objects.

RubbleScape aims to be an agitator of this controversy: the mountain becomes a snitch, an educational architecture that with its own construction, explains the ecological process that grows and becomes a new public space in the city. On one hand, Asian cities have become machines which collapse and rebuild themselves continuosly. In two years a district is able to completely renewed, erasing the past. There is no history. The uncommon construction capacity generates huge amounts of rubble and waste. Its management exceeds administration and it’s deposited in surrownding rural towns in an improvise way. Then, the degradation process of the rural environment is the only historic pattern concerning on new Asian city.

date ///////////////// 2024 march height ////////////// 0 m volume (m3) ////// rubbish // 0 rubble /// 0 sand ///// 0

date ///////////////// 2024 june height ////////////// 50 m volume (m3) ////// rubbish // 2397126 rubble /// 548795 sand ///// 126453

On the other hand, the complete lack of architecture on infrastructure buildings such as those dedicated to areas of recycling, water treatment, energy plants ... And here it appears our mountains, wich completely changes the ground plane. It is a grat infraestructurue itself, with its origin on the rubble material of demolished architecture: mountains that feed on rubble and make new public arenas, a new urban landscape with the ability to educate the citizens on waste proccesses and on environmental success.


Recently demolished building waste are moved to new area.


Excavators, scrapers an


Shangay 1990-2010

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‘Castle in Pirineos’ (Rene Magritte)

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‘The mountain in the Sky’ (Ayao Miyazaki)

City has converted into a total recycling machine. New hybrids mountains are growing over the past of the years becoming architectures able to show the consuption in the cities on the suburban space. Also creates a green space in high presentative for the city.

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Of The Third Kind’



* evaporated big magic mountain layer#3 A NEW GREEN DEAL


* big size magic mountain

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Measures the accesibility of city green space, showing areas wich are below the average level of the indicator (area of green space per inhabit) and wich will be the main action points.

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area of public parks per capita: 4,01m2 [Statistical Year Book of Tokio]








Production of solid waste produced in each district, seeking to establish an annual volume of waste in public spaces to generate the public space in height. Were Taken into account: the earthworks, the debris caused by the demolitions and non-recyclable solid waste

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Volume in m3 produced each year: rubble and sand: 1.337.729 rubbish: 4.734.892

layer#1 DENSITY







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Density of population of each district of the city allowing a comparation with the production of waste and the presence of green areas.



A new public space for the city

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Measures the accesibility of city green space, showing areas wich are below the average level of the indicator (area of green space per inhabit) and wich will be the main action points. Establish a range of green spaces for more than 10 acres 4 miles tracing its influence through a network of Voronoi.

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nd bulldozers piling and compacting rubble


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date ///////////////// 2024 september height ////////////// 105 m volume (m3) ////// rubbish // 4734892 rubble /// 1083384 sand ///// 254345

date ///////////////// 2030 august height ////////////// 105 m (frame) volume (m3) ////// rubbish // 9702 rubble /// 654 sand ///// 0

Recycled rubble Plant substrate Wild vegetation

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