My art
My design
My portfolio
Mateusz Jakub Orzel, Wroclaw 2005
The City
The first subject of my portfolio is ´ the city´ . My intention was to present variety of possible or impossible looks of the cities. The pictures in sepia like colors were taken in artificial light while the black&white ones´ colors have been changed to grayscale in order to show the more natural hue. Every picture was made by pencil. The photos were taken by Konica
The Shapes
The second subject of my portfolio are ´ the shapes´ . The main idea of this part of my work is to show how different may be the meaning of the word ´ shape´ . For me it is inextricably linked with the sens of art and design, and that is the reason why observing the world is so important for me. Trying to catch every shape I seek the perfect expression of my feelings and
The Sepia
The third subject of my portfolio is ´ the sepia´ . For me this particular reddish hue is more artistic than the traditional pencil and not as flashy as the other colors. That makes sepia drawings interesting. I chose some of my works showing diversity of my interests connected with drawing and sketching. The original size of my works was 70x50 cm.
The fourth subject of my portfolio is ´ the border´ . That was the first design project during my studies at the Wroclaw University of Technology. The photos on the right side show some of my first sketches and the photos on the left present my first model. The main idea of the subject was to show metaphysical meaning of the Polish word `granica` which can mean ´ border´ , ´ utmost´ and other words in English
The Border
This was the second phase of my design project. My idea was to create the kind of a gate with moveable triangular doors. The last stage of the design process was ´ the border of ilumination´ . It was showing the mixed blue and red lights (the photo at the page no.6). The project was noticed as creative and satisfying the lecturers´ expectations.
The Border
6 This is the final stage of´ the border´ . The original size of this project was 210x140 cm.
This is the fourth subject of my portfolio. While taking photos I tried to show how the box can look like. I decided to take photos of transparent blue boxes as they can be presented in an attractive way.
What´s the Box Photography is one of my favorite ways of expressing myself. It is the kind of art which can both emphasise and cover up the reality. Maybe that is the reason why it is such a beautiful
Š Designed in Corel Draw Suite 11 by Mateusz Jakub Orzel, Wroclaw 2005