reflexiÓn know my love and the presence of my heart in the Eucharist … They don’t know how to get to the fire of my love.’”
E nc ou n te r i n g th e S ou r ce a n d S u m m i t Father Alex Kreidler, pastor of St. Gabriel’s, promotes adoration because it prepares our hearts for the Eucharist. All we do and aspire to be as Christians “comes first from Jesus in the Eucharist and leads right back to Him,” he said. Soon after Father Kreidler became pastor, he asked for adoration volunteers. In less than a year, the parish has 24-hour adoration once a week Tuesday through Wednesday morning, timed so schoolchildren can be present for closing Benediction. Father Kreidler is also working to re-establish an adoration chapel that could be available 24-7. Marilyn Rowland commits to adoration hours each week at St. Gabriel’s. Adoration offers her an opportunity to lift others up in prayer. In adoration, she feels “as if I have one foot in heaven and one foot on the earth. The peace and love of His presence comes over me in such a profound way that I find myself completely at rest in His presence.”
into an adoration chapel and shares his prayer experience in his homilies. He also weaves adoration opportunities into the parish schedule and this year held their first Eucharistic procession. At the Northwest Missouri State University Newman Center, he sees the clearest example of adoration fueling zeal. “We have 24-hour adoration Monday through Thursday, and those students are on fire. They come in not sure about their faith and get rooted in adoration and community life and they are going out evangelizing. Last year, we brought three into the Church, and we have more coming.”
Avivamiento Eucarístico Recientemente un estudio ha revelado que más de la mitad de los católicos en esta nación no creen en la presencia real de Cristo en
Yout h con n ected i n t h e Body of Chri st
Father Emmanuel Lopez knew many youth “who wanted to adore Jesus in the Eucharist through music, meditation on the word of God and silence.” Four years ago, he formed a team of youth and adults, now known as Adoradores KC, who organize Nights of Adoration at parishes in Kansas City. Firstly, the team prays for those who will attend and commits to inviting people to attend. They divide the work into sub-teams and structure the evening around a central topic and the four pilR e ne w e d f o r mi s s i on lars of Adoration, Contrition, Petition and Thanksgiving. Four years ago, Father Joshua BarThe team will tell you the work is lett arrived at St. Rose of Lima, his first worth the fruits. Evenings draw youth assignment as a pastor. With responsifrom around the diocese, bringing a bilities spread across three counties at measure of unity by “gathering them the parish, a mission and a Newman as one family to be restored in Christ.” Center, time in adoration helps him Father Lopez sees youth following refocus and renew his trust in the Lord. the example of youth “committed to “It has to start with loving the Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” He and that starts in the chapel,” said Barhas witnessed “healing among youth lett. “If I spend that hour getting things who felt alone, unheard and hopeless.” done instead, I can never get things Attendance has grown at Adoration, done. If I spend it in the chapel, it is as if Bible studies and Easter youth celebraGod multiplies time. tions, and individuals I can always get more and entire families are done after adoration.” “surrendering to Jesus F ind local With Bishop Johnand making weekly adoration times at ston’s approval, FaHoly Hours so that eucharistic-adoration ther Barlett convertthey may persevere ed a rectory bedroom in faith.”
la Eucaristía. Dentro de ese por ciento de católicos podemos estar tú, yo, o algún familiar o amigo. Estas cifras son alarmantes, especialmente, porque Cristo, “Tomó pan, y, dando gracias, lo partió y se los dio diciendo: Este es mi cuerpo que es entregado por ustedes; hagan esto en memoria mía”
(Lc. 22,19) .
En esta
narrativa lucana Cristo no dice “esto es mi cuerpo” de manera simbólica, sino que, con amor, realmente dice, “es mi Cuerpo” en el sentido más literal y verdadero. Afortunadamente, ante el desafío de la falta de fe en la presencia real de Cristo en la eucaristía, los obispos de Estados Unidos, han implementado un proceso de Avivamiento Por Padre Eucarístico de tres años del Emmanuel 2022 al 2025. El primer año, Lopez cada diócesis tendrá la tarea de organizar grandes ponencias y retiros en torno al sacramento eucarístico. El segundo año, cada parroquia y comunidad local hará el esfuerzo por reforzar la adoración eucarística, enseñanzas en torno a la eucaristía y traer de vuelta a todos sus miembros a la fe en el santísimo sacramento del altar. El tercer año será la tarea de toda la nación de celebrar un congreso eucarístico y de cerrar el proceso con un reavivar de fe en la Eucaristía para todos los católicos. Creamos en las palabras de Cristo y participemos activamente en el Avivamiento Eucarístico.
A p re n de r m á s