Sauce - Issue 27, 7-6-06

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On the street 1st Wed every month

Issue #27 07/06/06 - 04/07/06







Clare Bowditch

So whereabouts are you today? I’m in Melbourne. You sound far away… Sorry – I’m on a speakerphone. So I can record you and hold everything against you… No worries. (Laughs) What have you got planned for the rest of today, after your interviews? I’m actually logging songs; I’ve been given twenty days…when I say “given”, I’ve swapped with my fellah. I’ve got twenty days in the studio, going through a box of about a hundred half-finished, unfinished songs, and I’m working out which ones are good and which ones are crap! (Laughs) You were saying about your partner? My producer and partner Marty Brown. He’s also the drummer in my band; we have a little girl. And we take it in turns to do our intensive work. So he’s just spent two months recording with Art of Fighting, and I’ve kind of been Asha’s mum, and now I’ve got my own month to be working on this project.

If there’s one thing harder than putting out a debut, it’s following it up. Regardless of its genre, a sophomore album can, more often than not, fail to live up to its predecessor, and in the process put all the artist’s hard work in jeopardy. Some, however, break the trend. Nirvana did it with “Nevermind”. The Deftones did it with “Around The Fur”. Aussies Clare Bowditch & The Feeding Set managed to pull it off too with a little album called “What Was Left”. Dave Williams caught up with Bowditch to talk about being a “Little Self-Centred Queen”.

So you’re doing that for the rest of today – what have you been up to generally in the last month? Last month I’ve been…I came back from a tour of Europe, which was fantastic. Then I did a support tour with a guy called James Blunt, all around Australia. That was good fun. He always chooses unusual support acts; you never have similar music to his music, so I came back from Europe a little bit early to do that. And in between that, just hanging out at home, having a little bit of downtime before we go off on this next tour. When you went to Europe, did you come back inspired? What kind of feeling did you have when you came back? Was it renewed, or were you sort of worked over? I came back absolutely inspired. What I did in Europe that month was…I actually played a very different style of show. I used electric guitar, loop

pedals…I barely talked. It was a much darker style of set. And I really had a lot of fun with it. So you can get set in your ways when you play as much as we play, so to go to Europe and make a fool of myself in front of people who would not remember me was quite liberating. (Laughs) It’s that whole thing about being a stranger in a strange town – you can kind of reinvent yourself wherever you go… Yeah. That’s right. And I took full advantage of it and had a lot of fun. But Europe’s familiar – my mother’s Dutch, and so I’ve spent a little time over there throughout my life. But we loved it so much that we can’t wait to get back; I think we’re going to go back in September. And you’re going to the States in the near future as well. Yeah. We’re hoping to go over there and pick up on a few possible opportunities that have presented themselves over the last few months. Like what? I can’t really go into it! [Disappointed sigh] Aw…!

at a certain part of their life, at a certain stage of the night, after a certain number of drinks, will have a “Little Self-Centred Queen” moment. It’s meant to be a bit of a playful song. What was your last self-centred queen moment that you can remember? Oh, god. I’m living with a toddler at the moment, and I get to observe quite a few of them. And they’re stunning things to observe. I can’t really think of a time when I’ve had a “me-me-me” fit. I’ve had them, no doubt about it. I remember one time when I was seventeen; I was at a party, and I was in a corner of a room, and I saw my ex-boyfriend. He was with a new girl, and I started crying, and all my friends gathered around! I think it’s about that kind of a moment. “It’s-all-about-me” moment… It’s just one of those “all-about-me” moments. You see them a lot on shows like “Big Brother”. If you’re into reality TV, you’ll always find them. I’ve read it described as a “creepier pop song”. What do you think that means? And creepier than

…people … who would not remember me… e… We’re hoping to get a really good release over there, and good management…have a good shot at broadening our possibilities over there. That’s vague, isn’t it? Your second album, “What Was Left”; it sort of fucked a trend, in that most second albums are pretty disappointing, and yours was the opposite. You seemed to get more acclaim from your second than your first. What do you think it was about that album that made people take notice? That’s an interesting question. It’s hard for me to know. What I can say about the album is that we really dedicated ourselves to the process of making it; it was a very honest album. We tried to be inventive with the way we recorded the album.

what? Sheesh! Who said that? It’s in one of your PR releases… (Laughs) That’s my manager! He probably means that it’s a creeper; it’s not an obvious hit. I guess none of our songs are obviously pop, but they definitely have pop elements in them. The release “I Thought You Were God” – is that what is prompting your upcoming tour of Tassie? No, not really. We’re just doing…we’re touring Australia just because we thought that it was about time. We haven’t done our own headlining shows for about nine months. But there’s no particular reason for it.

We had a real range of songs on there, in terms of styles. Our first release, it was a very small independent release, and I still feel that we didn’t get any attention at all with it. We loved the album, but when you’re an Australian musician with absolutely no money, it’s always incredible when you get any attention at all.

That’s unusual, I would have thought – coming down just for the one. Because we’re playing everywhere from Adelaide to Darwin to Ballarat to Perth on this show, I guess we can’t hang around. Maybe that’s the reason.

Did you write “Little Self-Centred Queen” about anyone in particular? (Laughs) I had a girl in mind as I wrote it. And I think it’s really an everywoman kind of song. Every woman,

By Dave Williams Illustration by Dean Swanton

Claire Bowditch plays Hobart’s Republic Bar & Café on the 24th of June.



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The Beautiful Girls

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Talking Siblings and Beer with

works pretty well and fits like a glove, or more like a severed head.

The No No’s

What makes The No Nos say “Yes, Yes!”? Rohan: Beer. We try to never play a gig without a jug of beer on stage. Duncan: Fun times, friends, skating, music, and getting fucked up!


We’ve heard that you’re looking to do an EP. How far away is this? Rohan: I don’t know exactly; we haven’t decided on a definite date. We’ve got more music to get down pat before we put anything out. Duncan: I hope we have something out by the end of the year. We’ve got a few live tracks so far…

Around a year ago, three misfits – one of whom happens to work for this magazine – started rehearsing rock ‘n’ roll in a Hobart basement, and in doing so became The No No’s. Made up of Dave “Edo” Edmondson and brothers Rohan and Duncan Ewington, they’ve been playing psycho-surf-a-billy (their term) for the past seven months in a steady stream of gigs around southern Tasmania. I spoke to the brothers Ewington about day jobs, an upcoming EP and getting wasted. What have you been up to today? Rohan: Recovering from a party-hard weekend; copious amounts of amber ale and Asian spices, and still enjoying the latter. Duncan: Pretty much the same. Munching some good food, sleeping in, taking photos, and listening to lots of music. What have The No Nos been up to in the last month Rohan: We’ve been playing a few private gigs, as well as playing at Trout. We’ve got some new stuff boiling over the burners. Duncan: Edo’s on holiday in Sydney, so he’s been over there getting inspired by the scene. Rohan and Duncan are brothers. What do you think are some of the highs and lows of having siblings working together creatively? Rohan: Common ground, and the fact that we’re brothers so we can argue and get over it. It also makes the band tight like a family; Edo’s the surrogate zany brother. Duncan: We have different tastes, and are often quite opposite. So when we find a middle ground it

In your press materials, you’ve made a point of saying that one of the band’s main aims was to have fun. Musical endeavours are typically challenging and require a lot of work; do you think it’s possible to continue having fun when working in the band? Duncan: I think it’s definitely possible to keep it fun. Being on stage making music and watching people dance is the best thing! There are challenges in anything you do, and overcoming them makes you appreciate it when things run smoothly. Rohan: If you’re having fun, you can’t call it

H e ’ s

B a c k !

Diesel Eleven albums…nine ARIA awards…American-bor n, Perth-raised Mark Lizotte has – under the almost-householdname moniker of Diesel – gone from “Best New Talent” in 1989 to become a stalwart of the Australian music scene. I spoke to him ahead of his second visit to Tasmania so far this year.

album is very much a band album with the string quartet adding colour to some of the tracks. Doing different types of shows allows me to bring different songs to the forefront. On this next Tasmanian tour we are bringing the string quartet which has made me cater the song list to feature the tracks that highlight them – new and old. When we spoke to you last you were just finishing “Coathanger Antennae”. Are you happy with the release? At this stage yes; we didn’t spend a lot of time making this record so it still sounds surprising to my ears. How does it compare with your previous albums? This has been probably the most “live in the studio” record I have made since the blues record ”Short Cool Ones” with Chris Wilson. The band – Lee Moloney on drums and Richie Vez on bass – really had a big part in how the songs were shaped. I had not made demos of any of the songs, so we were kind of learning them as we were recording them. Being a solo artist allows you to record in any fashion. With this record we recorded together as a band would. It proved to be much more fun than me burning the Much Muc more fun than me burning rning

We t r y t o n e v e r p l a y a g i g

the midnight m tis oil as a solo artist

witho ge without a jug of beer on stage


midnight oil as a solo artist in the studio doing everything.

What does each of you do outside of playing as The No Nos? Duncan: I’m a jack of all trades…Repping skate shoes, freelance journalism, fine art, skating, photography, a bit of retail work, hanging out with my girl, drinking lots, and doing all the things that make me happy. Edo is a busy man too – he works in a local surf/skate shop and keeps himself out of mischief surfing, skating, working, and enjoying life. Rohan: Hanging with my mates. I like to keep my options clear, so in other words I’m unemployed. It’s hard working for the government, but someone’s got to do it!

Your first release was in 1989, so you’ve clearly been doing this for a while. Do you still get excited by touring? I’m very lucky because I am constantly doing different types of shows – it keeps me out of any comfort zone or rut. Playing live for me has always been an amazing rush. The idea of having to draw music out of thin air every night fascinates me. The traveling side of it sucks for the most part with the exception of seeing a snow-capped mountain out the plane window which was the case today.

What’s next for you? Rohan: We’re going on a bit of a road trip around Tassie during the year, working on new material and an EP, but not necessarily in that order. Duncan: We’re playing with The Reactions soon, as well as a gig with The Roobs at Trout (14th July) next month. Our next gig is at Trout on Friday the 16th of June.

By Tom Wilson

On this visit, you’re bringing your band down. Why did you choose to come down solo on your previous visit? And how will your show be different for fans coming a second time? The solo tour was a great way for me to cover a lot of ground. Since the album “Singled Out” was released, a live solo acoustic album, I have been getting to all sorts of nooks and crannies. The new

What’s next for you? Touring, touring and more touring! In between that, finishing off a record that Richie Vez and I have produced for my niece E.J. Barnes – she’s a truly amazing song writer. All of that and trying to get my laundry done! For Diesel’s tour info check out his ad on page 27.

By Tom Wilson

Publisher / Editor David Williams Graphic Design Simon Hancock

Editorial Tom Wilson

Contributors: Emma McIntosh, Sam Eddy, Duncan Ewington, Andrez Bergen, , Tina Anderson, Ryan Cooke, Carl Fidler, Paul Woolcock, Dean Swanton, Jimmy McMacken, Ian Murtagh, Jason Forrester. Deadlines Sauce #28 (July 06) Adver tising Booking: 28/06/06 Adver tising Ar twork: 29/06/06 Gig Guide: 29/06/06 Editorial: 28/06/06 Address: Po Box 5094, Launceston, Tas, 7250 Phone: 03 6331 0701 Advertising: Editorial: Opinions expressed in Sauce are not neccesarily those of the editor, publisher or staff.

Contents 4-12 6 14 16-17 18 19 20-21 23 24 25 26 28 27 29 30 PAGE 4

Rock Salt Car toon Bangers Gig Guide Band Poster Gig Reviews Bangers Hard Boiled On The Sauce Xtreme Spor t CD Reviews Games/DVD Reviews Hip Hop Heatlamp/Ar ts Street Fashion

Radio Birdman Return First new album in 25 years Touring Australia, USA & Europe Radio Birdman, one of Australia’s greatest rock bands, are set to return with Zeno Beach, their first album of new material in 25 years. Produced by band guitarist Deniz Tek and prominent local engineer Greg Wales at BJB Studios in Surry Hills, the thirteen tracks are sure to create a stir. Those who witnessed recent warm up shows will testify that Radio Birdman are as powerful today as they were in the 70’s. Zeno Beach, due for release in June, confirms the band’s high energy reputation on new songs We’ve Come So Far, You Just Make It Worse, Remorseless and Locked Up. They also explore new directions on the primal 60’s garage rocker Hungry Cannibals, the Arthur Lee/Love styled Die Like April and the acid drenched Heyday. Radio Birdman emerged out of Sydney’s inner city suburb of Darlinghurst in the late 70s, forging a path that changed Australian high energy rock and roll music forever. Their intense live stage presence and two gold-selling studio albums, Radios Appear and Living Eyes, have established them as a legendary band, with their international influence and stature continuing to grow. To accompany the release of Zeno Beach, Radio Birdman will embark on a three month global tour, destined to confirm their status as a blistering live outfit. The band blaze across Australia for five weeks following the album’s release before heading overseas on a 30 date tour of the USA and Europe.

June Sun 25th

Spring Bay Hotel Triabunna June Wed 28th

Irish Murphys (duo) Launceston 10pm – 12am June Thurs 29th

Irish Murphys (band) Launceston 10pm – 12am Noise Bar Residency Saturday Nights Through June

NEW EP ‘SOULS ON SATELLITE’ OUT NOW Ep Launch At The Espy Fri 23rd

It’s good to know that Dave, editor of SAUCE, in all his wisdom, isn’t immune to being a fan-boy like the rest of us here at SAUCE. He spoke to US rockers The Drips during the promotion of their debut album; itself a product of almost five years’ work by the band, whose members also feature in The Distillers, The Bronx and Los Lobos. So why would my boss be a fan-boy? Because he was talking to David Hidalgo, who used to drum for a band called Suicidal Tendencies… Where are you at the moment? I’m actually just chilling at my house now, man. Is that in California? Yeah, it’s in California, at the beach.

have to find the right chemistry. It’s all about that. The Bronx chemistry is different from The Drips chemistry, you know what I mean? Because they’re two completely different bands. The Drips has a much more relaxed kind of atmosphere, because that’s the way that the band is. In The Bronx, we were constantly pushing ourselves, and trying to be completely creative and original, and just do something different; obviously, that relationship is different from The Drips’ one. They’re both great; they’re both perfect for the music that comes out of each group. You know what I mean? That is what it’s all about. We’ve played in a band for so long, it’s so hard, and so easy to give up at times. But just keep playing and keep playing, and hopefully you’ll come across that line. I bought my first copy of “How Will I Laugh Tomorrow, If I Can’t Even Smile Today?” in Seattle in 1988, and was a fan from then on. How much did Suicidal Tendencies have to do with your musical tastes and upbringing? And how freaky was it to have one of your old school friends as part of the band? That was crazy, man. That was a trip. It was wild for me especially, because, growing up, David was

How much time do you get to spend at home? You know, lately it’s been a good amount. We’ve been really busy, getting ready for touring and lunatic entertainment presents everything like that. Between The Bronx and The Drips any everything, we’ve been really busy. But we don’t leave for tour…we’re going out at the end of April, and The Bronx are going out after that. So I’ve got a little time at home to just relax. So it’s been nice, man. So the tour with The Drips; where are you going to be going with that? It’s a promotional tour through Europe. It’s going to be a blast, man. London and Amsterdam and Scotland; all those types of places. It’s real quick – it’s like two weeks. It won’t be that long. “Short, fast and hard”? Exactly! And what’s happening with The Bronx at the moment? I guess you’ve got a tour coming up; are we looking at any production or any releases in the near future? Yeah, man. The record comes out over here on June 6th. I’m really, really excited about that. We worked our asses off on that thing!

Ta l k i n g S u i c i d a l Te n d e n c i e s W i t h

the drips

one of the most talented musicians I had ever met. They were amazing. They were just going through life, doing their own thing. It was a trip for me; when I was on tour with The Bronx, these amazing musicians were just chilling at home. It was a weird kind of feeling. Then things just started happening.

What are you up to for the rest of today? I’ve got a few more interviews. I went surfing this morning, so I’ll probably go on a bike ride and have a couple of beers.

By Dave Williams

Clare Bowditch Saturday 24th June


Fuck, you’ve been really busy recently, hey? Yeah, we’ve been really, really busy. But I wouldn’t have it any other way, you know? It’s a trip to be able to…especially with The Drips…to have it come to fruition. We did the record, and the record came out much better than I was hoping. Everyone in the band is really proud of it. We love it.

tickets $15/18 from the bar ph: 6234 6944 or

So far you haven’t had to get your hair cut and get a real job… No, man! But I have come real close lately, though! When you’re doing records and you’re not touring... it’s like, you can’t work because you’ve got so much music to do. But there’s no money coming in because you’re not touring. So it’s been really, really hard between everyone in the band in The Drips and The Bronx. Now that the records are coming out, and we’re going to start touring, everyone’s real happy. It was just really low there for a second, because there was absolutely no money.

with special guest

Jude Elliot Tickets on sale now!

Who made the first move to get The Drips together? Did it just start out with you guys having a jam, or catching up as friends? How did it all come about? It was just…ah…it was more erratic. Me and Joby… Dave, Vince and Joby were in a band, and I was in another band, and we all kind of melded into one, and kicked out the extra people. And it started coming out really, really great. What happened was; the band Joby was in, they didn’t like the singer too much. And the band that we were in, we could have really used Joby’s guitar. At the time, all of us were starting to become really good friends, so it just made a lot of sense to get the band going. From the outside, even looking at The Sex Pistols, it seems really important that the bands get along, even more so than their musicality. Their skills can improve, but their personalities are pretty much set. Is that how it was with the singer? Yeah, yeah. That’s the point in music; if you’re going to be in a band and try to make music professionally and try to make a living out of it, you



The South is About to Get Activated


It was an evolution I certainly never saw coming; the electronic artists wearing hoodies and backpacks who played the Saloon all those years ago would turn into the full-scale stadium electrorockers who I watched blitz the first Tassie Falls Festival in 2003 (and had coffee with the next day). In March this year they released their fourth album, called (get this) “4”, and they’re finally making it down to our shores this month for two shows in the south of the state…which is exactly why I fired this questionnaire at them. What have you been up I just woke up with a my birthday yesterday, Mexican feast…but too coffee and a taco.

are a little older now. We are always influenced by something, whether it be music, life or social happenings. There is a constant electric shock to be inspired by.

It’s clear that the band has evolved over the years – you once played in the Saloon wearing backpacks. Was this a case of the group’s sound and image changing with you as people, or is this what you’ve wanted to be from the start? I think it’s a very normal procedure for a band to evolve and develop like anyone else. The backpacks worked and were a great marketing tool too, but that was a few years ago and we

We’ve heard that you guys still work with analogue equipment. In this, almost totally digital age, why have you decided to go in the opposite direction? We have a humble studio setup, in which the last two albums were recorded, which was very digital and computerised. With our new album we wanted to write the songs and record it in a different way so we wouldn’t be stuck in a formula and we could keep the songs we had written more loose rather than recorded into a grid on the computer screen and edited/ looped and over-baked. That’s why we went to L.A and recorded the album with Ethan Johns. He doesn’t have a computer and works purely with the old-days’ mentality. It was very

I think Bart Simpson wears a [Gerling] backpack in one episode…

It was a while ago now, but seriously, when “Get Activated” ended up on the soundtrack to the second “Tomb Raider” movie, what was your reaction? I didn’t even know that; [so] it was “Wow, really?” We’ve heard that the clip for the first single “Turning The Screws” had a fairly…interesting production process. Just what will someone see when they watch this clip? Basically you’ll see us running around Tokyo drunk on vodka… It was really crazy; we just flew over with a basic concept that was being in Japan with a Handicam and doing a totally guerrilla-style clip. We spent three days in Tokyo going nuts. It was crazy and very loose. In a nutshell you’ll see us just being us.

What’s next for you guys? More gigs, more gigs, more gigs. Hopefully get back to Japan for some shows. See the world, get drunk and record another album at some point. But right now I’m gonna get a taco and a coffee and listen to The Alan Parson’s Project, and build a robot.

What has Gerling been up to in the last month? We have been touring heaps, from Toukley to Ballarat to Darwin and numerous other zones – been very fun and having a great time. The new album is out and we are on the road. Good times!

Gerling play Hobart’s Republic Bar on June 30 th and the Lewisham Tavern on the 1 st of July. “4” is out now.

By Tom Wilson Dave Williams about their new drummer, the writing process, and why they aren’t a “summer band”… So what are you up to? I’m up in Byron Bay. Just sitting around; sitting in the sun! Not doing much! What are you doing up there? Just hanging around…got out of Sydney; just writing some songs. Trying to squeeze the last bits of warm weather out of the season, because I missed summer this year. I got straight back into Sydney, and it was starting to get really cold, so I needed to try and get some kind of warm weather happening. How come you missed summer? I’ve missed summer…the majority of summer for the last four years, because we’ve been over in the States for their winter. You guys are coming down to play here at the end of June. How would you say your music is received down here, compared to other places in Australia? Everywhere is kind of similar, really. One of our best…well, one of my best-ever shows has been in Tasmania. The first year we played the Falls Festival down there, and they put us on the side stage, and it seemed like the whole festival turned up to watch it. It was just crazy. People were singing so loudly that I couldn’t actually hear myself singing. I’ll


B e a r d e d

m e n ,

Wednesday Originals Night $ 8:50 Carlton or Cascade Jugs $ 10 Stella Jugs $ 17:50 Hoegaarden Jugs June Feature Gigs Wed 7th June

Samuel Bester, Nathan Weldon (CD Launch)

Wed 14th June

Dave Adams

Wed 21st June

Daniel Townsend, Fell 2 Erin

Wed 28th June

Nathan Weldon, Bourne (SA act) Theres Always Something happening At Irish

b u t

s t i l l

The Beautiful Girls

never, ever forget that. It would rate…if not the top gig, in the top three gigs I’ve ever done. So Tasmania – for me, at least – holds a special place.

A friend of mine thinks that your music has a very summer, party vibe to it. How do you think it works in winter? (Laughs) Well, firstly I don’t necessarily concur. I think some of our songs…every song’s kind of different. I don’t necessarily know. I thought our last album was pretty dark…it has kind of dub music undertones, which I don’t know if people consider summer-y. But it was pretty minor sounding; [it had] a darker side. I don’t know whether I consider that summer-y or not. I’m not sure about the right answer to the question, because we just play music. I guess, with the sound of the band, you try to be honest to where you grew up, and we grew up by the beach… We grew up in Sydney, so we’re not pretending that we grew up in Seattle or London or whatever. I guess when you write it, it has an affect. But the answer to the question is, when you play it, it doesn’t have too much of an affect; you’re just playing music. And hopefully, no matter whether it’s sunny or rainy or warm or cold outside – if you’re having fun, and you’re into it, you’re into it. Has your drummer, Bruce Braybrook, settled in? Yeah, he’s great. He played on the first ever demo recording I did in my whole life, back when I first went into the studio, when I was about seventeen. So I’ve known him longer than I’ve known the other guys. And he’s an insane, insane drummer. So personality-wise it’s easy because we’ve been friends for a long time, but he’s phenomenal on the drums. He would have been the first choice for The Beautiful Girls, had he not been busy at the time of the band’s conception.

211 Brisbane St Launceston 6331 4440

Live Music 7 Days

How long did it take to create “4”? We star ted writing the songs in January last year and for four-and-a-half months. Then we went to L.A and spent seven weeks there recording the album. It was cool. Ethan’s studio was in Nor th Hollywood, in a Hispanic par t of town. The studio was used as a TV show set previously where they shot a Mexican sit-com.

Where’s the strangest place you’ve seen a Gerling backpack (or other, similar piece of merchandise) end up? Jason Lowenstein from Sebadoh wore a Gerling t-shir t in an American metal magazine, and apparently the guys in Stereolab still wear their backpacks when on the road. I think Bar t Simpson wears a backpack in one episode too.

to today? killer hangover; it was and we went out for a much tequila. I need a

Those watching the stand-up comedians on the Field Stage at the first Marion Bay Falls Festival will remember The Beautiful Girls. They’ll remember the cheering punters who converged on the stage, eagerly awaiting the band who were about to come on stage. They pulled probably the biggest crowd for an act on the second stage that year, and given that they’ve recently played sold-out shows across the US and Canada, it wasn’t a oneoff success. Singer Mat McHugh spoke to

different and kinda scary for us but also very exciting and helped us be better musicians.

What happened to the last drummer? I think…maybe he just got sick of touring. His girlfriend’s playing music, so he wanted to just hang home and play music with her. I mean, I’m not entirely sure if that’s his reason; [I’m not sure] of his personal reasons. It’s all good – we wish him the best of luck. Do you think that Bruce’s style of drumming…how has it changed the sound of the band? It’s a bit more…it has a bit more drive to it; it’s a bit more of a feature. The drums aren’t so much hanging in the background and keeping the beat. I really like it, because it’s more like a three-piece should be, where every instrument is just equal on the playing field. So the drums are a huge feature now; we’ve kind of changed around some songs. As far as with the new songs, it’s good not to have any limits on what you can do and what you can play. So are you demo-ing at the moment? Or are you recording? Well, I kind of demo. I write all the songs as far as… like, I get an 8-track, come up with a beat and basslines…pretty much write the songs. And then it gets to the stage where I’m happy with the arrangements, and I take them in to the other guys. So I’m at the stage where I’ve got about…eighty percent of the songs that I want. I guess we’re not going to be recording until at least the end of this year, so I’ve got a couple more months to come up with a few more songs. It’s sitting pretty good at the moment, and I’m just taking my time with the songs and trying to push forward and take up where we were last time and try and improve it. The Beautiful Girls play the Hobart Uni Bar on the 29th of June.

By Dave Williams

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SAUCE Throws Pointless Questions at

The Hard-Ons! Exactly how does one interview The Hard-Ons? They’ve released ten albums over twenty-one years, with titles like “Smell My Finger” and “Yummy!” They were hand-picked by Henry Rollins to support one of his tours, and were once described in the press as the sonic result of “grafting the heart and mind of The Beach Boys onto the body of Motorhead”. Heading to Tassie on the back of their latest album “Most People are a Waste of Time”, they took some time out to answer to the SAUCE inquisition. They didn’t particularly like half of my questions, but then again, with a name like The Hard-Ons, didn’t they expect penis quips?

How does your mum feel about the band’s name? My mum’s first language is not “Engrish” so she does not know what it means so she does not give a flying fuck about our name. Even if she knew what it meant, she could not give a flying fuck. She’s cool is my mum. She’s a killer cook too. According to my Dad, she was a tigress in bed as well, but she is sixty-seven now so she is now more interested in playing pokies at the RSL than fucking my Dad. Any more questions like this coming up? [Damn right! – Tom] What Australian bands have been giving you a hardon recently? Pure Evil Trio, Eat Laser Scumbag, Kiosk, Spider Goat Canyon, Mink Jaguar, The Thaw, Grey Daturas, Hy-Test, Jed Whitey, Firewitch, Pisschrist, Straight Jacket, Group Seizure. There are lots more. Australia has many fantastic and often unique bands.

You’re playing two shows in Tassie – what are your impressions of our island state? We found Tasmania to have a close-knit and well informed underground music scene. Music fans seem genuinely to be into music first and the “scene” or fashion second, which we respect. This is a general observation. What can people expect to see at your shows? A top time will be had by all. The only thing I can promise is: a bunch of songs off our latest album, a bunch of old pre-released tunes, and a few unreleased songs. And we can promise that we are not a band that asks people to come up the front, put yer hands in the air or any of that showbiz horse-shit. Not even Viagra can keep a hard-on going for twenty years. Will the Hard-Ons ever ejaculate, roll over and go to sleep? In other words, how secure is the future of the band? Who the fuck knows and more to the point who the fuck cares? If the Hard-Ons finish tomorrow, we would have gone overseas to tour sixteen times and that’s not including New Zealand so…we had a fucking good run (we DID break up for a while from 1994 to 1998….five years!) which is more than

our fair share of fun. We are determined to go for a bit longer because we are negotiating a South American tour in December, a USA tour in September/October, and we have another album (no pop this time, just brutal punk/ metal), it’s in our interest to stay together, and so far we are all energised enough for this band. Having said that, if we do break up, we have plenty of other projects to do. Australia is full of interesting and talented musicians. It’s actually a pity that there are not enough hours in a day to play in more bands with more people!!!! What’s next for you guys? September/October; tour USA. December; tour Brazil/Argentina and possibly Chile. Sometime before the end of the year: a new album “Most People Are Nicer Than Us” should come out on Chatterbox records in Australia, Badtaste Records world-wide. The Hard-Ons play Hobart’s Republic Bar on the 16th of June and Launceston’s James Hotel on the 17th

By Tom Wilson

I’ve read that Dave Grohl came onstage with you for a cover of Motorhead’s “Ace of Spades” when you were supporting the Foo Fighters. Did he have a hard-on? How would I know? He ran on stage so I guess not. Your fans are, for the most part, fanatically loyal.

According A cco to my Dad, [Mum] was a tigress in bed as well… ell…

What have you been up to today? (Joking) We don’t care, but indulge our readers. As a band, we have been touring around Australia and New Zealand promoting our new CD called “Most People Are a Waste of Time”. As individuals, we have been attending work, in order to finance our addiction for playing in bands that do not make money (in fact these bands lose a lot of money in order to exist sometimes). It’s OK. It could be worse. Look at those poor cunts in Java, with the earthquake and what-not. Where was the last place you got an unwanted erection? In bed with my girlfriend the other night. She wasn’t into it so we didn’t throw the leg over. I still feel the pang of rejection and those words “I’m trying to watch the movie”

How does their dedication to your sound affect the band’s writing process? Are you afraid to piss them off? Huh? What a question! With a band name like that it’s hard to imagine that we formed the band to be popular. Our fans are intelligent and we treat them with respect. We don’t expect our fans to like everything we record and every gig we play. We expect our fans to have their own opinion and often we have songs/albums that they don’t like. Our sound is reasonably varied after all (compared with some other bands). They are not pissed off with this. You see, our band does not belong to some uniform wearing peer-group induced sub-culture, so we have the advantage of being able to do a fair bit of experimentation and our fans actually respect us for it: any “fan” that does disown us because we put out one album that they do not like can go and listen to something else, we can’t help that.


I n v a d i n g

M a l e

Te r r i t o r y ,

I t ’ s

The Gingers

Gingers on JJJ for the first time‌[so now] I’ll go to bed. What have the Gingers been up to in the last month? We’ve been writing new songs in preparation for our next recording and we’ve been jet-setting around the country to get ready to launch our debut EP “Love You Long Timeâ€?... A lot of time spent in small cars and on dank mattresses. In the time that you’ve been together you’ve played over a hundred shows. Where did you guys play your first gigs? We star ted where everyone star ts; at Melbourne’s best venues, like the Tote and The Ar thouse... but our favourite is the Espy. We feel more comfor table playing more intimate shows. You’ve sent us your EP both on CD and on vinyl; in this digital age, why have you decided to release on a medium that is so rarely used? I think that vinyl is making a come back into the music scene‌slowly but surely. We wanted

Definitely‌I used to think that it was a man’s world, but now I’ve star ted to realise that boys are so intimidated at the thought of girls “crossing their turf â€?. In the music world, there’s a not-sothin line between rock chicks and pop chicks. As a band that’s done it through hard work, how do you feel towards the Australian Idol plague? Each to their own really...I mean, those people still have to work hard, but in a different way I guess. I don’t endorse shows like “Australian Idolâ€?, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve what they get. As one of you is still underage, how hard do you think it is for underage punters to see bands? What changes do you think should be made? It’s hard because people don’t put on enough underage shows due to the fact that they don’t pull in enough income. I think they should do

B ys are so intimidated at the Boys t e thought of girls “crossing their turf� thou urf�

They sent us a press release printed on recycled paper and a copy of their debut EP on vinyl‌ So if there’s one thing that can definitely be said about Melbourne punk chicks The Gingers, it’s that they intend on making an impression. Since Chelsea Wheatley, Etta Curry and Nellie Jackson first started wagging class to play music a yearand-a-half ago, they’ve played over a hundred shows‌and with the release of their EP

“Love You Long Timeâ€?, they’re gearing up to play a whole lot more, including Tassie next month‌which is precisely the reason why we had a word with lead guitarist Nellie. What have you been up to today? Well i got up and had some Weetbix‌then I caught the tram to work, then I worked for about two hours and spent the next four avoiding doing anything...then I went home and went out for Chinese food...then I heard The

to do vinyl to do something a bit different and interesting.

more all ages shows in Melbourne to let the kids see more of their favourite bands.

When and how did you get involved with Illicit Records? They heard our stuff on our Myspace website and were interested in the band and contacted us...from there we seemed to share similar ideas on where and what we wanted the band to be doing so decided to work together on it.

How do you think the band will be affected once you guys hit legal drinking age? Two of us already have...but I’ve noticed that since we’ve turned legal we’re drinking less... I guess the thrill of getting caught is gone and now it’s all safe and legal‌

The EP was produced by Lindsay Gravina; how much of an influence did she have on the final product? She definitely had a say in how he thought the tracks should go; he spent the most time and gave the most input on “Evening Roseâ€?. The rest of the songs we wanted to keep as raw and live as possible‌he was really helpful to us as it was our first recording experience. A lot of people say that guys are intimidated by chicks in bands – do you think this is true?

Utterly Shocking!


Ia actually got electrocuted on stage! e!


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When a musician puts himself on a stage, there is – more often than not – some awareness that things can go wrong. People can boo. People can throw things. Hell, Dimebag Darrell found out that you can be shot. But one thing Aussie poprockers Starky weren’t counting on when they played Texas’ esteemed South-By-Southwest festival was to be almost electrocuted by a dodgy stage setup. Ouch. About to release their second full-length album, and on the eve of their Tasmanian show, Starky’s front-man Beau Cassidy dropped me a line. What would you say your style is as a singer for someone who hasn’t heard you guys before? What would you compare your sound to? I don’t know, really. I guess we’re into a whole bunch of different music really; we’re all pretty different guys. It’s a hard one really; hard to put my finger on. I guess you could say something as generic as a “rock bandâ€? or “pop bandâ€? or something. I don’t know; I hope that we’re a bit more than that. I mean, Johnny’s into a lot of noise; art-rock and stuff. I’m more the melodic side of things. [Someone in the background starts doing a Pavarotti impression] And I guess when you put them together, there’s a bit of a clash of styles. Your EP, which I’m holding in my hands right now – it only has three tracks on it! Why does it only have three? They’re three songs – apart from “This Is How It Endsâ€? – that we recorded when we did the album, that didn’t make the final album. We just kind of thought‌they were a bit better than B-side quality, so we thought we’d do an


What’s next for you guys? Our EP comes out June 19th, then we have our Melbourne launches, and then we hit interstate and regional Victoria. Check out our website for all our gigs, free stuff and anything else you want Apar t from that, we’re gonna just keep writing songs and playing shows! As she said, The Ginger’s EP “Love You Long Time� comes out on the 19th of June.

By Tom Wilson EP. Originally, we were going to go with a couple of other songs on the record, but then we thought that we should hold off on that. So it’s more of a teaser or something. Are there different things that you explore on the full-length, as far as songs go? Are there different styles that you go through? I guess. Especially with our first record; it’s quite sonic‌it’s quite big. It’s probably a lot darker as well; a lot more layered. I kind of hope that it’s not as two-dimensional as our first record might have been. I guess there is a lot of different stuff going on; we explored a lot of stuff with keyboards this time. Now we’re just trying to work out how to do that live. (Laughs) What did you take away from the whole South-BySouthwest experience? It was kind of good. I actually got electrocuted on stage! Nice! How the hell did that happen? I think it was just really bad earthing with the electrical stuff. So I was getting shocks off the microphone. We were doing a five-minute set at the Australian barbeque, and about halfway one song, we got this huge surge of electricity. That kind of ended the show. I mean, it looked cool! When blue sparks and smoke start flying out of the singer’s mouth, I guess it would! Yeah. Not pleasant! Starky support Gerling at Hobart’s Republic Bar on the 30th of June and the Lewisham Tavern on the 1st of July.

By Tom Wilson

Have a hot and blue revolution. Jazz at the Conservatorium of Music. Start today – call 1300 363 864. 1161Sd

Talking Music, Tassie and Buying Undies with

Katie Miller-Heidke Brisbane’s “Courier Mail” listed her as one of that city’s most influential cultural and artistic figures. Her self-financed, self-released debut EP “Telegram” raised the eyebrows of Triple J’s Richard Kingsmill, and her single “Space They Cannot Touch” was downloaded twenty thousand times. Her second EP “Circular Breathing” got the better of major unit-shifters Ben Lee and Wolfmother on the AIR charts. Her name is Katie Miller-Heidke, and I spoke to her ahead of her voyage down south. Where are you at the moment? I’m at home in Brisbane. But we’re leaving to go on tour tomorrow morning, early. Exciting, exciting! Yeah. It’s kind of scary – it’s the biggest and longest tour that I’ve ever done, so I won’t be home for about a month. What have you been up to today? Just press? A little bit. I’ve just been going shopping in town, getting all the stuff that I need; a few extra pairs of undies, and packing and washing and all that kind of stuff. Musically, what have you been up to in the last month? Well, we’ve been touring quite a lot. We just finished touring with The Whitlams, so we were on a national tour with them. And obviously I’ve just released my second EP, “Circular Breathing”. So I’m playing quite a lot to support that. And also a little bit of writing for my forthcoming album – I’m going into the studio later this year to record that. Tell us things – give us the scoop! What’s it going to be like? I’m not quite sure yet! We’ve got most of the songs written, because the album’s been a long

We at SAUCE are going to miss Modus. Why? Because after seeing them live at least five times in the last year, I’m convinced that they won’t be an unsigned Launceston rock band for much longer; that they’re on a musical path that will no doubt yield opportunities to draw them away from our shores. So in other words, enjoy them while you can. A four-piece armed with a dynamic alt-rock sound and a stage presence to be reckoned with, they’re set to launch their EP/DVD this month, and I spoke to them about their mode of operation – or, in Latin, their modus operandi...

time coming. So yeah, hopefully we’ll be releasing it early next year. I don’t know about a scoop – it’s possibly going to have a limited edition, with extra bonus live discs. Do we get one? Of course you do! I love this job! So when you released “Telegram” back in 2004, some people had a bit of a sook about you leaving the opera circles. Why did you decide to do this? Well…I’ve always done this. I’ve always loved writing songs, and I’ve played in bands since I was sixteen, seventeen. I was studying classical voice at the same time, and doing my own thing on the weekend. I was like, opera singer by day, pub rock chick by night. It all came to a head this year, actually, when I had just released this EP – or was about to release it. I’d also signed a contract with Opera Australia to perform with them for six

was just having so much fun touring with the band and writing music, so I decided to choose my own music, and I’m really happy with the decision. One of the songs on “Telegram”, I heard it was downloaded no less than 20,000 times… Yeah! On the Triple J website! Triple J has been amazing. Having their support…it’s really grown my audience a lot. I have a lot to thank them for. How much must you love Richard Kingsmill right now? (Laughs) Yeah! It’s lucky, because there’s a lot of great stuff out there, and not all of it gets played. So I definitely got lucky that time. With that in mind, how do you feel towards internet music downloading? With iTunes? Well, the more interesting angle is, how did you feel about it before, when it was illegal? I have to say; as an emerging artist, I had no problem with it at all. If I were Metallica, yeah – I could possibly see the downside to it. But I put half the tracks on my EP for free download on my website anyway, because at that point it was all about word-of-mouth, and I think that kind of

We’ll be tourists during the day, playing by night. We ht. months later this year. I’d been leading this weird double life for a long time, and it was just starting to feel more and more schizophrenic. I just didn’t have time to maintain the classical stuff, because it’s a real discipline – it’s a real lifestyle. And I

Where did you record the EP? Mostly we recorded with Drew Godfrey at Valley View Studios on the NW coast. He was great to work with and we learned heaps from the experience, and in consideration of our low budget on this project, we are stoked with how it turned out. Nick performed and recorded the last song himself, initially intended as a secret song, but we can’t keep secrets very well. What can we expect to see on the DVD? How did you put the DVD together? Nan’s responsible for putting the DVD together. He did all the editing, production and artwork, but loads of people helped with filming and recording. The DVD is made up of mostly live performances from around Launnie, a film clip and some candid footage as well. The most impressive is from the NYE Funktion gig held at the Albert Hall. There was a massive lights show and sound system, and we had six cameras filming so it turned out pretty cool!

thing is fantastic for new, up-and-coming bands. Now, “Circular Breathing” – it’s your second EP. Why did you choose to release a second EP instead of the full length that you’re working on?

Hmm… That’s a good question! I got a government grant to do my EP, and I actually did my grant application before the song even got played on Triple J. So at that stage, I was like, “OK; if I get this grant, I can scrape enough money to do a new EP and see what happens from there”. And while the grant was processing – because it takes ages – that’s when it all started happening with Triple J. I got a manager, and she started organising me better than I was doing myself, and booking all these tours. But I think it’s good to have that other experience before I go in to do the album, because the first EP was done on the tiniest shoestring; I maybe spent a thousand dollars on the whole thing. I was just in and out of the studio – all the vocals in one day. And this time – because of the kind assistance of the Queensland government – I was able to spend a week in a studio, which is not much by professional terms, but it really felt almost luxurious to me, coming from such a poor indie background. What impressions do you have of Tasmania? You don’t have to flatter us… Well every musician that I’ve met who’s been there says it’s absolutely beautiful, and that people are very appreciative of live music down there, because you might be a bit starved for it, I suppose. You have no idea…! (Laughs) Yeah. So I’m really looking forward to coming. I haven’t been there since I was five years old…most of my band has never been there, so we’re already planning our little day trips and everything. We’ll be tourists during the day, playing by night. So after the tour, what’s next for you? Is it just working on the album? Yeah… I’m pretty much just touring non-stop. After Tasmania, I’m going straight to Adelaide, then we’re going to North Queensland and then around Melbourne. It pretty much doesn’t stop until September/October, when we go into the studio. Well it was probably a good idea to get those spare pairs of undies… (Laughs) Yeah I know! Thinking ahead! Katie Miller-Heidke plays Launceston’s Batman Fawkner Inn on June 14th, The Foreshore Tavern on the 15th, Hobart’s Queens Head Café on the 16th and Swansea’s Bark Mill Tavern on the 17th.

By Tom Wilson

The board is set, and the pieces are moving for Launceston


How important is getting signed to you guys? We are having great fun doing things our way; we like pushing ourselves, and we love the freedom we have to do what we want to. Having some funding would certainly help with getting another release together, but if signing with someone means changing the Modus vibe, you can forget it. What direction is Modus taking now, musically, compared with 12 months ago? Why? From an arranging point-of-view, we are learning to be less precious about what form the song

…We …W can’t keep secrets very well… ll… I hear the last six months have pretty exciting for you guys. What’s been happening? We’ve been working hard on getting our new EP/DVD ready for release, the majority of which we have done ourselves. We’ve mourned the loss of good friends, played some great gigs, partied hard etc. You’re about to release your new DVD “Demonstration”. What’s the meaning behind the title? Is it as literal as it sounds? This project represents our first real studio-style recording, our first attempt at film clip and video editing, and our first attempt of what we’d call a serious release. The title can be taken literally – we are fans of double meanings – in the sense that it will be most listeners’ first contact to our music outside of a gig situation, and lays down a good idea of who we are and what we are about.

takes initially, but rather let the song evolve and take us where it wants to go. The last couple of songs have been pretty mellow in places. This could be attributed to the winter vibe. We do take a rough direction, but we are always wandering off the map to see what’s there. Lots of songs we write don’t ever make it to gigs; some just to acoustic gigs. But they all help shape the Modus philosophy. What’s next for you? Right now we are gigging our guts out in celebration of the DVD. Next up we’re looking at getting on “Noise TV” and “Rage”, writing more tunes and looking into some mainland gigs, and anything else that happens. Modus play Launceston’s Royal Oak on Saturday the 10th on June.

By Tom Wilson PAGE 11

The Punishment is Already Here, say

Giants of Science

similar to Tassie; you’re that little bit more isolated and so there’s less competition and the “scene” kinda thrives; lots of cross-pollination and that sort of thing. So many great bands in Brisbane at the moment, old and new…Seaplane, The Wulvs, Butcher Birds, Eat Laser Scumbag, Side Effects, Young Eleanor, Dead Set Love, Vegas Kings…all sorts of different genres, but all excellent; all with great attitudes. Melbourne and Sydney are great, but the size is a bit intimidating…easier to be a big fish in a little pond. It’s a good platform to launch yourself into the two big metropolises. I understand that the “Sisters” EP is a collection of covers, including one from Split Enz. Why did you choose to release covers, and why are these songs important to the band? Well we’ve always done live covers of bands we love, and we’ve kinda been stockpiling them for years. So when we released “Sisters” as a single, we thought we’d just whack a bunch of them on there, just recorded really quickly… It seems to have confused the hell out of the record-buying public; some people think it’s a new album or something and some people think that “Sisters” is a cover when it’s really an appropriation... It’s an EP! With a single from our last album. Anyway, we chose the songs ‘cause we love them all, and we love those bands. ‘Nuff said.

I was attempting to sing the high notes on “Oh, Darling.” Oh hang on, that’s on “Let It Be”. Oh well… Oh wow – there is an awesome Radiohead B-side playing here at the moment; “True Love Waits”. What a beauty. But I’m not gonna pick a Radiohead album…although if I did it would be Amnesiac. Um…”Exile on Main Street” by The Rolling Stones – ‘cause if you have the Beatles you need the Stones. And “The Miller’s Daughter” by The Drones – ‘cause they’re fucking awesome. You were hand-picked by Maynard James Keenan to support his tour with A Perfect Circle. How did getting recognition from such a respected source affect the attitude of the band? Um…to be brutally honest, I am not sure if that story is actually true… I just can’t imagine Maynard sitting around rifling through CDs to pick his supports. I’m sure he has more…um…interesting ways to spend his time. And to be further brutally honest, whilst I like some Tool, after that tour I wouldn’t call it a respected source. But that’s what we got told; makes a nice bit of press. But I will say that the catering on that tour was the finest I have ever experienced. Your album is called “Here Comes The Punishment”

… ft …After that tour [with Tool] I wouldn’t ldn’t call [[Maynard] a respected source… e… I have a confession to make – when I fired off a ten-shot clip of questions at Brisbane’s Giants Of Science, I had never heard a note of their music at that time. Funny thing is, even after giving their “Sisters” EP a listen, I didn’t feel any closer to predicting what’s in store for the audiences of the Giants’ upcoming Tassie shows. They’ve rocked out with everyone from The Rollins Band to A Perfect Circle, and I spoke to Ben Salter about the Brisbane music scene, playing covers, and what would happen if I destroyed his CD collection with an angle grinder… What have you been up to today? Just chillaxing at the backpackers where we stay in Melbourne – my other band The Gin Club have been playing some shows here over the past week or so. Had sushi, drank a Coke and have been on the internet doing stuff since then. What have the Giants of Science been up to in the

last month? Giants have been kinda quiet this past month – we did play a show at the Troubadour with Ian Haug’s new band The Predators. That was good. But we have just been jamming a bit… Wrote a killer new song at practise the other day. It sounds like Screamfeeder, so that’s good! You’ve been around for six years now – how has the band’s outlook and intention changed in that time? Yeah. I guess we all kind of take it a bit more seriously now…but our core ideals haven’t really changed. We never think about what we haven’t achieved; we just concentrate on how far we’ve come. And stick by the maxim of “have a good time, all the time…” It’s harder than it sounds! You’ve really gotta work at it. You come from Brisbane – how do you think the music scene there compares with the rest of Australia? Well I am a proud Bris-vegan so I reckon we’re better than everyone. But realistically I guess it’s

You toured Canada. On the whole, what do you think the main reaction was from the audience over there? It’s hard to gauge. I guess they liked it, but we went over there without distribution or anything so we were kinda of firing shots into the jungle, so to speak. But we now have distribution on a great label over there – Sonic Unyon – so hopefully when we go back next year people will know what they’re watching and have heard the CD and will dance their little Canadian asses off. If I took an angle grinder to all of your CDs except three of them, which three would you like them to be and why? Hmmm… For a tragic music nerd like myself that’s an extremely hard question, so I will just answer with the first three that come into my head. Right now it would be [these]. “The White Album” by The Beatles – ‘cause it’s like having ten albums in one. It’s got everything. And we were listening to it last night at the Labour In Vain here in Melbourne and

– what punishment do you have in store for Tasmania? No it’s not; it’s called “Here Is The Punishment”. Very different. [Fucking press kits! – Tom] It’s here – it’s not on the way. I guess you’re kinda experts in punitive measures down there in Tas – what with Port Arthur and what not. Brisbane was originally a place for all the particularly bad crims too, so we have a lot in common. Except the bloody weather! But I’m not making any sense. We’re not gonna punish you; just hopefully provide you with an awesome show, some killer riffs and bad jokes. What’s next for you guys? Well we’re off to Western Australia with the Gin Club to play a sort of rock vs. country thing with two Western Australian bands called Kill Devil Hills and The Fuzz… We’re over there for about two weeks. Then it’s back into the studio I think. Then repeat! TGOS played the Batty recently.

By Tom Wilson

Talking Champagne and Drew Barrymore with the

Delays massive…thanks! Bye!” So whose garage was it that you played in? It was Greg’s garage. Was it his house, or was it his parents? It was with his parents at the time; they never used it, so they let us rehearse there when Greg and I moved out. We still use it now, even though it’s small and cramped…we’ve done so much of our music there, we’re scared that if we move anywhere else, it might take away the magic of it.

Oh my god – I’m drinking champagne with Drew Barrymore! Southampton-based rockers The Delays are happy boys, if a little busy. Since the release of their second album “You See Colours” in March, they’ve barely had time to scratch themselves…but then, when you find yourself drinking champagne backstage with Drew Barrymore, you know that the effort has paid off… How are you? I’m good man, real good. [Loud buzzing sound] Something’s buzzing on my phone…oh, sorry – that was in alarm! Yeah; we had drunken people banging on our door at five in the morning, waking us up. But apart from that, it’s all good. Friends of yours? Ah…”acquaintances”… (Laughs) After the interviews today, what will you be PAGE 12

doing? I’m going to be practicing. We’ve finally got a break from touring before we go off again. Where are you going next? Next is going to be a tour of radio stations across the UK. The next single off the album is called “Hideaway”; we’re going to do a few dates around the UK promoting that. Then it’s off around Europe, doing some shows that we had to postpone last month around Belgium, Austria and Switzerland. Did you have to postpone the shows because you guys abused your bodies with the rock star lifestyles that you’ve got now? It was a mixture of reasons; it was partly that. It was so chaotic; we’ve only just started touring again, for this record, and it’s always a bit of a shock to the system when you just start touring… Do you do any of the writing for the band? Well, we usually start with a core riff on guitar, or melody, or keyboards that we’ll bring into the garage where we rehearse. We kind of arrange the tracks from there. But Greg writes all the lyrics.

What was the last job you had before you were able to support yourself as a musician? Um…the last job I had… Oh God – that would have been as a waiter! Definitely not cool. We were on unemployment benefits, which we could do as musicians. But they kind of cut us off after a while; they found us full-time jobs cleaning airplane seats. And we said – because we were doing the music every day, even though we weren’t getting paid – “We can’t do that, man! We’re taking this seriously! We want to rehearse every day and become a top-quality band.” But they cut us off from that, so we had to do crappy little jobs, as much as we could, for about two weeks. How did you quit your last job, as a waiter? Did you quit, or did you just not turn up? Well they’d call up and say, “Oh, are you available for work?” Actually, I do recall…it was a drunken phone call after our record label said that they were going to sign us. Down in Southampton, we did a private show for just a couple of people from [the record label]. They wanted us to go to London, but we’d played shows for record companies there before, and they were awful; real soul-destroying gigs. So we got them to come down to Southampton, and after we performed for them, we were just chatting and they said, “Well, anyway – to cut a long story short, we really want to sign you guys”. As soon as they left, we were leaping around, and we got absolutely wasted. I think I left a drunken message on the answering machine; “…Ah…I won’t be coming in tomorrow… Got a fucking record deal that’s going to be

Can you remember the first rock star thing you got? Was it a limo? A penthouse? Snorting coke off a supermodel’s bum? (Laughs) It’s hard to remember… Still haven’t got the penthouse, unfortunately. The most rock star thing…suddenly, when you have a moment of realisation – like, “What the fuck?” It was probably when we were on tour in Canada, and Drew Barrymore came backstage, and we cracked open a bottle of champagne. All of a sudden, we had a moment of realisation – like, “Oh my god – I’m drinking champagne with Drew Barrymore!” Moments like that shock you more… I mean, in terms of the whole “rock ‘n’ roll debauchery” thing, I don’t think people in bands are any more debauched than any nineteen or twenty-year-old who’s out on a weekend in general. It’s really no different than when we were going out as teenagers. So what happened there? Ah, just regular teenage things; going out, dancing, getting wasted and trying to pull girls. Pretty much the same as it is now! How did the Drew Barrymore thing pan out? Well she’s going out with the guy from The Strokes; they’re on the same label as us. We’d just finished playing the show, and there’s a knock on the door; “Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you that that was a great show!” I was like, “Oh, thanks…” Then I turned around, and a couple of my friends were like, “That wasn’t Drew Barrymore…surely… Oh my fucking god! It is!” But the weirdest one was…I’m no fan of their music, but he was a lovely guy, was the guy out of Nickelback; Chad Kroeger, the guy with the beard. He came up after the show and said, “Hey, that was kick-ass show. I love your record”. It’s hard to know what to say to a guy like that when you’re not a big fan of their music… I’m thinking, “Do I compliment his beard?” You just have to avoid the fact that his band really isn’t your kind of music!

By Dave Williams

Unwind at...

Friday Night Live Jazz at 8pm

9 June 16 June 23 June

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IMPORTS! See us for rare/hard to get, new & old CDs Delivery every 2 weeks direct from the US

A NIGHT ON THE GREEN WOOD Fundraiser for the Damian Greenwood Memorial Fund

Royal Oak Hotel - 1st July

Damian Greenwood, who passed away on April 6 at the age of 31 was a local blues guitarist and vocalist, the treasurer of TasMusic and manager of Launceston music store Studio 19. A big supporter of original music and the Tasmanian music scene Damian had been consistently performing his original material throughout the state for the last 10 years.

1Fridays 1 Saturdays Free Entry Before 10:30 Live Bands Every Friday Night CHECK OUR NOTICE BOARD AT THE CLUB FOR SPECIAL EVENTS AND UPCOMING BANDS

King's Own Dj

Rock With Roxy To Our Video Screens Top Hits & Requests


The evening is aimed to raise funds for a memorial prize that will be handed out annually to the best up and coming original Tasmanian musician. The line up will consist of Mark Vincent of the Embers, Mick Josephson, Carl Fidler and Glenn Moorehouse of the Dead Abigails and Hobart’s The Fat Band.

Only $5 Entry - with all funds raised on the night going directly into the memorial fund. PAGE 13

Talking house, breaks and Burritos with

Koma & Bones

W h a t h a ve y o u b e e n d o i n g t o d a y ?

the whole?

W a t c h i n ’ “ Th e S i m p s o n s ” .

Th e r e s e e m s t o b e a h u g e b l u r r i n g o f

W h a t h a s Ko m a a n d B o n e s b e e n u p t o i n the last month? Re c o rd i n g





watchin’ more “Simpsons”.

Australia? Just tr ying to re establish our name out there and to promote our label – Burrito. are



people sticking to a genre and nothing e l s e, b u t t o b e h o n e s t t h e r e ’s g r e a t c lub music out there, so why limit yourself ?

W h a t ’s p r o m p t i n g t h e u p c o m i n g t o u r o f


g e n r e s b a c k i n t h e U K – t h e r e ’s s t i l l




Ta s m a n i a ? C a n ’ t w a i t . We h a v e n e v e r b e e n , s o i t ’s always g reat to meet a new crowd.





b e e n a b o u t p r o g r e s s i o n . L e t ’s t r y a n d k e e p i t t h a t w a y. Yo u ’ ve r e l e a s e d a l o t i n t h e p a s t w i t h Thursday




your relationship with the label now? A n d w h a t ’s h a p p e n i n g w i t h y o u r o w n l a b e l , Fo r g e d R e c o r d i n g s ? O u r r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h T. C. R i s g r e a t ; it just so happens to be concentrating

W h a t w i l l t h e s e t - u p o n s t a g e b e l i ke f o r y o u r l i ve s e t s ? We a r e D J i n g , s o n o l i v e s e t - u p – j u s t g o o d old-fashioned mixing.

on different projects at the moment –




Fo r g e d

been defunct for a couple of



n o w, b u t o u r n e w l a b e l , B u r r i t o , w a s launched last year and has been a huge

Yo u ’ ve p r e v i o u s l y p r o d u c e d t r a c k s i n b o t h t h e h o u s e a n d b r e a k s g e n r e s - w h a t ’s your cur rent musical direction? We a r e p r e t t y m u c h j u s t a b o u t f i n d i n g a n d playing good dance music, be it breaks o r h o u s e. We t h i n k t h a t g e n r e s h a v e h a d

s u c c e s s . Th a t ’s o u r m a i n p r i o r i t y a t t h e moment. What are your plans to put out a new ar tist album? N o p l a n s a t t h e m o m e n t . We a r e e n j o y i n g the







We t h i n k t h a t g e n r e s h a v e h a d t h e i r d a y When record labels are literally throwing commissions at an artist to do remixes, the artist is clearly doing something right. Such was the case for this trio of electronic maestroes. A team comprised of DJ duo Koma & Bones and former drum-n-bass producer Proteus, they’ve been A n a r c h y

i n

remixing and producing original material for several years now – a highlight of which being asked to remix the track “Confusion” by the one and only New Order in 2002. Who says threesomes are uncomfortable? I spoke with the guys about their 03/06/06 gig at syrup. t h e


Smithmonger God! My impressions of the UK are just going from bad to worse! First the weather is cold, the beer is warm. Second, I’m told by nowTassie-based DJ Smithmonger (AKA Paul Smith) that London’s getting a reputation for crack smoking and knife attacks. Bloody hell! What have you been up to today? Packing boxes mate – lots of boxes. What about in the last month? Basically finishing up all my UK and Europe dates and cracking out another couple of fat tunes for my labels in London before I head on back with my new family. You work in London at the moment – how is working there different to Australia? It’s very different. It’s all down to the pound. It’s a strong currency in Europe so wages in London are typically smaller than in Australia. This means there’s no customer service at all. Everything takes three times longer to get done and there’re loads of arguments. You just had a baby (well, your wife did) – how is this going to affect your work? Well it’s the reason I’m winding it down here in London. Camberwell ain’t no place to be bringing up babies. London is rife with knife attacks at the moment and it seems you can’t go three blocks without seeing some crusty smoking crack in a phone box. All good reasons to move. You’re moving back down to Tassie – why have you decided to do this? Actually, I’ve taken a permanent position with Hydro Consulting as a junior project manager and I’m looking forward to making music on a part-time basis from now on. Hobart has an international reputation in the breaks scene as well. Rennie Pilgram and Meat Katie rave about it. Also the music industry is struggling to cope with the change from


CDs to internet downloads and I haven’t got time to wait around to see if the money recovers in five or so years. You used to be a professional trumpet player. How and why did you make the switch to electronic music? I’ve always been a technician – I’m a civil engineer so the science of electronic music was very appealing.

a n d b e i n g a b l e t o m ov e f r o m o n e s t y l e t o

t h e i r d a y.

another without having to hide aw ay for

To w h a t e x t e n t d o y o u f i n d w o r k i n g i n o n e genre easier than the other? A s a b ov e , r e a l l y – i t s h o u l d a l l b e e n s e e n as dance music.


#3 next year… W h a t d r i n k w o u l d y o u l i ke t o b e b o u g h t after your gig in Hobar t?

W h a t ’s t h e m o o d o f t h e U K H o u s e a n d Breaks

twelve months. Who knows? Maybe album




W h a t ’s

h a p p e n i n g i n t h e U K d a n c e i n d u s t r y, o n

D e p e n d s w h o ’s b u y i n g . I wonder who bought them what.

By Dave Williams

London is rife with knife attacks at the moment… Until about a year ago I was still amazed about how much new information I could learn in a day with electronic music. I learn new things now but generally I can nail a track in four hours. You dabble in most fields of electronic music, including breaks, electro and house. Which genre do you most enjoy working in, and which do you think you’re best at? I like everything to do with music. When I’m at home I listen to classical music. I think Hobart is chilled so I’ll probably end up doing some down-tempo music. I

write to reflect my surroundings. London is madness so that’s the music that the peeps have been hearing from me. What’s next for you? I’m going to get my head down and nail my new job at the Hydro. I’ll be jetting off on Saturday nights to play in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne and working on my tunes here and there… Oh, and I’ll be fishing…and eating properly. Finally!

By Tom Wilson


GIG Guide 07/06/06 - 04/07/06 WEDNESDAY 7th




Spurs/Warehouse Bundy 8-Ball Calcutta

Stage Door the Café Music O’Farrell, 7.00pm



Dr Syntax EDGE RADIO DJ 9pm

Spurs/Warehouse Big Screen Videos 1 HOBART

Halo DJ Patife (Brazil) & MC Cleveland Watkiss (UK) Republic Bar & Café Black coffee 9pm Syrup Upstairs 10pm: LATE NIGHT BOOTY CALL – Resident DJ’s Spinfx, Dave Webber The Metz DJ Dave Webber 9pm – late Trout Surrender Dorothy, Timbre, Hannah ($3) Vic Tavern Acoustic Duo “JOHNCRAIG” 10pm 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn DANCE FX IN THE BAR WITH DJ EARL & PD. 10PM Irish Murphy’s Samuel Bester Nathan Weldon CD LAUNCH James Hotel Cheap ass Wednesday Leigh Ratcliffe OKeffes Fruit Saloon Legendary Uni Night with DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco. THURSDAY 8th 1 BURNIE

Dr Syntax TASMUSIC SHOW CASE RAGGED ANNES, MONTEZUMA, BURN THE BLACK LODGE… 9pm Heat D2M SAM G Republic Bar & Café 67 Special $10 pre-sale $12 door-sale 10pm Syrup Downstairs 9pm: KO – Resident DJ’ Mez ‘Laying down the Chunks “O” Funk’ Downstairs 11pm: BOOGIE – 70’s & 80’s FUNK with resident DJ’s Nick C and Duncan. Upstairs 11pm” LaCasa” sexy Vocal house Music with resident DJs Gillie & Matt B Trout Devilrock 4, The Roobs ($5) Vic Tavern OSCAR 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn HAPPY HOUR 5:30-7:30 WITH $6 COCKTAILS. $10 SHAKERS ALL NITE. THE UNIT(DPRT)cover band. 10PM Irish Murphy’s Ripsister James Hotel James Bar Luke Parry World Cup – Germany Vs Costa Rica Reality Dj Mac D Dj Nikko

Stage Door the Café Viktor Zappner Trio, featuring Yoly Torres from Burnie on vocals, 8.00pm.

O’Keefe’s Voodoo Lounge


Royal Oak Leo and mick in the P/B 9pm

Spurs/Warehouse Crazy karaoke 1 HOBART Republic Bar & Café Fruit Supp Haley $12/$10conc 9pm Syrup MESH – Hobart’s oldest club night, breaks/drum+bass with resident DJsSpinFX and guests. Trout Show No Mercy Washboard Band

Saloon Dance the Night Away with Little Black Dress - Heat 1, live DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco. Ursula’s No Strings SATURDAY 10th 1 DEVONPORT King’s Bar King’s DJ Roxy Spurs/Warehouse Roundabout

Vic Tavern “JEREMY MATCHAM” (Ethol the Frog)





Halo Pressure

Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles

Heat POP

James Hotel Uni Nite 3Sum Dj Nikko

Republic Bar & Café Simon Russell - guilty as charged $3 10pm

Royal Oak Samuel Bester in the P/B 9pm

Syrup Downstairs 10.30pm: TACKYLAND – 70’s 80’s and 90’s RETRO with resident DJ’s T.H.C.and Rolly Upstairs 11pm: THE BEEZ NEEZ presents DIRTY F’KING DANCING - house, electro & breaks with resident DJ’s Gillie & Adam Turner+ Modal & Corney.

Saloon Big Brother - Anna Evictee live on stage from 7pm, then keep the party going with $3 Daiquiri’s for the Ladies and live DJ playing requests.



This month Missing Link Entertainment presents…The Giants of Science (presented with Triple J), Tim Freedman and Terepai Richmond with Iota(The Whitlams), Kate Miller-Heidke (QLD’s hot new rising star!), Jenny Morris( a classic Kiwi), The Choir Boys (Big Bad and Acoustic), and Borne (I tunes most downloaded!). Catch these top acts at these top venues, The Batty Launceston, The Queens Head Hobart, The Bark Mill Tavern Swansea and The Foreshore Tavern Lauderdale. Details below… For more info and band bookings for any occasion call Missing Link Entertainment, Booking Agents, Promoters, Artist Management. 6234 7755, 237-245 Elizabeth St, Hobart.

The Metz John Craig 9pm – late

$1.50 Basic Spirits & Beer

Trout Midnight Caller, Red Rival ($4)

Batman Fawkner Inn POOL N POT NITE- FREE 8BALL & $2 POTS. 9PM Soccer Australia V’s Japan on the big screen.


Vic Tavern “JOHN HARWOOD” Live & Solo 3-6pm BIG SWIFTY 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn BLACK DOG(DPRT)cover band. 10PM VOICE NITECLUB $1.5 POTS DJ EARL 10PM

Irish Murphy’s Mark Vincent

James Hotel James Bar Glenn Moorhouse World Cup – England Vs Paraguay Reality Dj Mac D Dj Nikko O’Keefe’s DJ Skip

James Hotel Reality World Cup – Australia Vs Japan 10.30pm

Saloon Super Saturday, The Party Continues...with live DJ playing commercial music and upstairs DJ Loco with Karaoke

Vic Tavern “JEREMY MATCHAM” (Ethol the Frog)

Batman Fawkner Inn WORK YOUR SEXY @ VOICE NITECLUB 9PM Irish Murphy’s Leigh Ratcliffe


Irish Murphy’s Cait Vertigan 8.30 - 9.10pm Timbre 9.30 - 10.20pm Waiter 10.40 - 11.30pm Republic Bar & Café Simon and Atalana 9pm 1 LAUNCESTON

Royal Oak Devil Rock Four with support Modus 9:30pm

Trout Keith & Jezza, Spreckenstein


1 HOBART Irish Murphy’s The Fabulous Picasso Bros

Syrup MESH with resident DJ’s SpinFX, Plastique & guests

Batman Fawkner Inn S.I.N. service industry nite. 8PM

James Hotel Uni Nite Sgt Green Dj Nikko World Cup – Ecuador Vs Costa Rica Royal Oak Daniel Townsend in the P/B 9pm Saloon Big Brother - Michael Evictee live on stage from 7pm, then keep the party going with $3 Daiquiri’s for the Ladies and live DJ playing tracks and requests. FRIDAY 16th

Irish Murphy’s Voodoo Lounge


James Hotel Toss the Boss Toss to win free drink World Cup – Korea Vs Togo

Stage Door the Café Music O’Farrell, 7.00pm. 1 DEVONPORT




Spurs/Warehouse Big Screen Videos


Little Black Dress - Heat 2, live DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco. Ursula’s Ultimo Trem SATURDAY 17th 1 DEVONPORT King’s Bar King’s DJ Roxy Spurs/Warehouse Donut 1 HOBART Dr Syntax JAIME FAULKNER BAND (SYDNEY) 9pm Halo DJ Q45

Huon Quays Strung Out Republic Bar & Café The Bird supp Attic Groove $20 10pm Syrup Downstairs 10.30pm: TACKYLAND – 70’s 80’s and 90’s RETRO with resident DJ’s Naughts and T.H.C. Upstairs 11pm: THE BEEZ NEEZ presents DIRTY F’KING DANCING - house, electro & breaks with resident DJ’s Gillie & Adam Turner + guests Timo & DSKO



Duke of Wellington Mashbox ($5 member / $6 non)

Spurs/Warehouse Long Weekend Rage with Dr Fink

Republic Bar & Café 4 Letter Fish 9pm

Heat D2M SAM G


Vic Tavern “JOHN HARWOOD” Live & Solo 3-6pm FORGETFUL JONES

Syrup Upstairs 10pm till late: LATE NIGHT BOOTY CALL with DJ’s Spinfx, Dave Webber.

Queen’s Head Café Bar Katie Miller-Heidke $10 - $15 on the door


Republic Bar & Café Queens Ball “Homo on the Range”. 8:30pm

The Metz DJ Dave Webber 9pm – late Trout Brand New – Second hand

The Metz Acoustic on deck with JOEL 5pm – 8pm DJ Dave Webber 8pm – late

Vic Tavern Acoustic Duo “JOHNCRAIG” 10pm





Irish Murphy’s The Geale Bros Idle Hands Jade and Glenn 3 Sum James Hotel Queens Birthday James Bar Dj Joycie (Decks)+ Randall (Drums) Reality Dj MacD + Dj Nikko Star Hotel Sexy Lounge with Carl Fidler 4pm – 6pm

Irish Murphy’s Dave Adams James Hotel Cheap ass Wednseday Luke Parry World Cup – Spain Vs Ukraine Saloon Legendary Uni Night with DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco.

Syrup Downstairs 8pm: KO – Resident DJ’ MEZ ‘Laying down the Chunks “O” Funk’ Downstairs 11pm: BOOGIE – 70’s & 80’s FUNK with resident DJ’s Nick C and Duncan. Upstairs 11pm:” La Casa” Sexy Vocal House with Matt B, DJG,Timo Trout The Nonos, Evening Dolls Vic Tavern DETOUR 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn HAPPY HOUR 5:30-7:30 WITH $6 COCKTAILS. $10 SHAKERS ALL NITE. ALPHANUMERIC(LSTN)cover band. 10PM. ALTERNATIVE VOICE WITH BRANDED LEFT HANDED(HBRT), YOUR DEMISE(HBRT) & THIS FUTURE...CHAOS(LSTN) $5 ON THE DOOR. 9PM


Irish Murphy’s Sgt Green


James Hotel James Bar Leigh Ratcliffe World Cup – England Vs Trinidad & Tobago Reality Dj Mac D Dj Nikko

Spurs/Warehouse Crazy karaoke

O’Keefe’s Brett Boxall


Royal Oak David Adams w/ Darrel Kirkham and friends 9:30pm

Stage Door the Café Viktor Zappner Trio, featuring John Broadby from Hobart on tenor sax and clarinet, 8.00pm



Republic Bar & Café Quiz Night 8:30pm

Vic Tavern Uni & Backpacker Night “WHO KILLED KENNY”

Trout Metallica Tribute Night

Batman Fawkner Inn MONSOON(LSTN) cover band 10PM VOICE NITECLUB $1.5 POTS DJ EARL 10PM Irish Murphy’s Gypsy Caravan James Hotel James Bar Johnny Stitch World Cup – Netherlands Vs Cote D’lvorie Reality The Hard Ons + The Reactions Dj Mac D Dj Nikko

Republic Bar & Café Son del Sur (Cuban salsa) $3 cover 9pm

Saloon Dance the Night Away with

1 HOBART Republic Bar & Café G.B Balding – country blues fingerpicker 8:30pm Vic Tavern Uni & Backpacker Night “WHO KILLED KENNY” $1.50 Basic Spirits & Beer

Batman Fawkner Inn POOL N POT NITE- FREE 8BALL & $2 POTS. 9PM Irish Murphy’s Geale Bros James Hotel Reality World Cup – Australia Vs Brazil 1.30am HO Newstead College George Lynch – Renowned Guitarist Guitar Clinic & Performance $10 admission 8pm in the Auditorium

1 HOBART Irish Murphy’s Lana Chilcott 8.30 - 9.10pm The Sign 9.30 - 10.20pm Ray Martians 10.40 - 11.30pm Republic Bar & Café Darlington 9pm 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn S.I.N. service industry nite. 8PM Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles James Hotel Toss the Boss Toss to win free drink World Cup – Ecuador Vs Germany WEDNESDAY 21st 1 DEVONPORT

O’Keefe’s DJ Skip Saloon Super Saturday, The Party Continues...with Ethel the Frog, live DJ playing commercial music and upstairs DJ Loco with Karaoke 1 SWANSEA The Bark Mill Tavern Katie Miller-Heidke $10.00 pre sold- $15.00 on the door SUNDAY 18th



TUESDAY 20th The Metz Brett & Joel

Spurs/Warehouse Bundy 8-Ball Calcutta

Republic Bar & Café The Hard Ons supp Turbo Deluxe 10pm $17 cover

Star Hotel Sexy Lounge with Carl Fidler 4pm – 6pm


Stage Door the Café Shindig 6, featuring Steve Lake & Friends, 5.00pm.

Dr Syntax JOE PIRERE & THE FOX 7pm

Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles Phil Picasso Leigh Ratcliffe Sgt Green

1 HOBART Republic Bar & Café Cake Walking Babies – trad. jazz 8:30pm

Spurs/Warehouse Bundy 8-Ball Calcutta 1 HOBART Dr Syntax JOE PIRERE & THE FOX 7pm Republic Bar & Café J Hanson trio 9pm Syrup Upstairs 10pm till late: LATE NIGHT BOOTY CALL with DJ’s Spinfx, Dave Webber. The Metz DJ Dave Webber 9pm – late Trout The Friendly Ghost – Open PA Producers Night

The Metz Acoustic on deck with JOEL 5pm – 8pm DJ Dave Webber 8pm – late

Vic Tavern Acoustic Duo “JOHNCRAIG” 10pm



Batman Fawkner Inn SUNDAY SCHOOL, HAPPY HOUR 2PM TIL 6PM Soccer Australia V’s Brazil on the big screen

Batman Fawkner Inn DANCE FX IN THE BAR WITH DJ EARL & PD. 10PM Irish Murphy’s Daniel Townsend

FELL 2 ERIN James Hotel Cheap ass Wednseday Ben Castles World Cup - Portugal Vs Mexico Saloon Legendary Uni Night with Ethel the Frog, DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco. THURSDAY 22nd 1 BURNIE Stage Door the Café Viktor Zappner Trio, featuring Denise Sam from Launceston on vocals and percussion, 8.00pm. 1 DEVONPORT Spurs/Warehouse Crazy karaoke 1 HOBART Republic Bar & Café Jamie Faulkner blues band (melb)$5/$3 conc 9pm Syrup MESH – Hobart’s oldest club night, breaks/drum+bass with DJ’s SpinFX and Guests Trout Show No Mercy Washboard Band Vic Tavern “JEREMY MATCHAM” (Ethol the Frog)

Irish Murphy’s Ripsister James Hotel James Bar Luke Parry World Cup – Ghana Vs USA Reality Dj Mac D Dj Nikko O’Keefe’s Voodoo Lounge Royal Oak L.B.C Present The Jaimi Faulkner Band 9:30pm in the Boatshed Saloon Dance the Night Away with Little Black Dress - Heat 3, live DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco. Ursula’s Lounge Daddy th


Dj Nikko

9pm The Metz Acoustic on deck with JOEL 5pm – 8pm DJ Dave Webber 8pm – late 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn SUNDAY SCHOOL, HAPPY HOUR 2PM-6PM Irish Murphy’s Mark Vincent The Geale Bros Glenn Moorehouse Funkin Unbelieveable Star Hotel Sexy Lounge with Carl Fidler 4pm – 6pm

James Hotel Cheap ass Wednseday World Cup Saloon Legendary Uni Night with Ethel the Frog, DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco.

THURSDAY 29th 1 BURNIE Stage Door the Café Viktor Zappner Trio, featuring Bruce Haley from St Helens on cornet, 8.00pm. 1 DEVONPORT

Stage Door the Café Jaimi Faulkner, Melbourne blues roots artist, has worked with Chris Wilson, Mia Dyson, 7.30pm. $10 entry 1 DEVONPORT King’s Bar King’s DJ Roxy Spurs/Warehouse The Unit

King’s Bar King’s DJ Roxy

Republic Bar & Café Quiz Night 8:15pm

Republic Bar & Café Equinox 9pm

Vic Tavern Uni & Backpacker Night “WHO KILLED KENNY” $1.50 Basic Spirits & Beer

Syrup MESH – Hobart’s oldest club night, breaks/drum+bass with DJ’s SpinFX and Guests


Trout Kind Winds

Batman Fawkner Inn POOL N POT NITE- FREE 8BALL & $2 POTS. 9PM

Vic Tavern “JEREMY MATCHAM” (Ethol the Frog)

Irish Murphy’s Ben Castles


Batman Fawkner Inn WORK YOUR SEXY @ VOICE NITECLUB 9PM Soccer Australia V’s Croatia on the big screen



Irish Murphy’s Voodoo Lounge

Royal Oak Mick Attard Liam Pennicott Tess Kasper Saloon Big Brother Evictee live on stage from 7pm, then keep the party going with $3 Daiquiri’s for the Ladies and live DJ playing requests. FRIDAY 23rd

1 HOBART Irish Murphy’s Carlee Rolins 8.30 - 9.10pm Furl 9.30 - 10.20pm Fell To Erin 10.40 - 11.30pm

1 DEVONPORT Spurs/Warehouse Big Screen Videos

James Hotel James Bar Glenn Moorhouse Reality Pound4Pound presents Onelove featuring Dirty South + PD O’Keefe’s DJ Skip

Trout Glasshouse, Fell To Erin ($3)


Vic Tavern “JOHN HARWOOD” Live & Solo 3-6pm WHO KILLED KENNY

Gunners Arms Branded Left Handed Mindset Irish Murphy’s Alphanumeric James Hotel Reality Tasmusic Showcase Dj Mac D + Dj Nikko O’Keefe’s DJ Skip Saloon Super Saturday, The Party Continues...with Ethel the Frog, live DJ playing commercial music and upstairs DJ Loco with Karaoke


Spurs/Warehouse Bundy 8-Ball Calcutta 1 HOBART Halo Therapy Sessions feat. Technical Itch(UK) Heat Ivan Gough (T.V. Rock) 9.30pm Free with uni ID Republic Bar & Café Blue Healers 9pm Syrup Upstairs 10pm till late: LATE NIGHT BOOTY CALL with RESIDENT DJ’s Spinfx, Scott Wood!, Dave Webber & rBent. The Metz DJ Dave Webber 9pm – late Trout METAL NIGHT Vic Tavern Acoustic Duo “JOHNCRAIG” 10pm

Spurs/Warehouse Big Screen Videos 1 HOBART Duke of Wellington Psy Sessions (psy trance night) ($5 member / $6 non) Halo Smithmonger (Momecoming party) Republic Bar & Café Gerling, supp Starky (Sydney), Music $20 10pm Syrup Downstairs 9pm: KO with Resident DJ MEZ ‘Laying down the Chunks “O” Funk’ Downstairs 11 pm: BOOGIE – 70’s & 80’s FUNK with resident DJ’s Nick C and Duncan. Upstairs 11pm” Pickle” Hard Dark and Twisted Electro, Techno, Trance with Residents Corney & DSKO + Guests Trout Red Rival, Ragged Annes

1 LAUNCESTON 1 HOBART Dr Syntax JOE PIRERE & THE FOX 7pm Republic Bar & Café Bomba reggae band $15 / $12 conc

Batman Fawkner Inn DANCE FX IN THE BAR WITH DJ EARL & PD. 10PM Irish Murphy’s Nathan Weldon Bourne (touring act)


1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn HAPPY HOUR 5:30-7:30 WITH $6 COCKTAILS. $10 SHAKERS ALL NITE. ROUNDABOUT(LSTN) cover band. 10PM Irish Murphy’s 3 Weeks Late

Republic Bar 299 Elizabeth St Nor th Hobar t 6234 6954 Soak @ Kaos 237 Elizabeth St Hobar t 6231 5699 Syrup 1st Floor 39 Salamanca Place Hobar t 6224 8249 The Victoria Tavern (The Vic) 30 Murray St Hobart 3223 3424 Uni Bar - Hobar t Campus 1 Churchill Ave Sandy Bay 6226 2495

Star Hotel Sexy Lounge with Carl Fidler 4pm – 6pm



Irish Murphy’s 211 Brisbane St Launceston 6331 4440

1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn POOL N POT NITE- FREE 8BALL & $2 POTS. 9PM James Hotel HO Club TUESDAY 4th 1 LAUNCESTON Batman Fawkner Inn S.I.N. service industry nite. 8PM James Hotel Toss the Boss Toss to win free drink

1 DEVONPORT Spurs/Warehouse Bundy 8-Ball Calcutta 1 HOBART Vic Tavern Acoustic Duo “JOHNCRAIG” 10pm 1 LAUNCESTON

James Hotel James Bar Leigh Ratcliffe World Cup Reality Dj Mac D

Halo 37a Elizabeth St Mall Hobar t 6234 6669

Irish Murphy’s Idle Hands Nathan Weldon Ben Castles Sgt Green



Irish Murphy’s Voodoo Lounge


Batman Fawkner Inn ROUNDABOUT(LSTN) cover band. 10PM VOICE NITECLUB $1.5 POTS DJ EARL 10PM

Vic Tavern OSCAR

Batman Fawkner Inn MONSOON(LSTN) cover band 10PM VOICE NITECLUB $1.5 POTS DJ EARL 10PM


Heat Sara Tone 12am – 3am

Trout Burn The Black Lodge, The Reactions ($4)


Batman Fawkner Inn S.I.N. service industry nite. 8PM


Spurs/Warehouse 18 Kings St Devonpor t 6424 7851


Syrup Downstairs 10.30pm: TACKYLAND – 70’s 80’s and 90’s RETRO with resident DJ’s Naughts & Rolly Upstairs 11pm: THE BEEZ NEEZ presents DIRTY F’KING DANCING - house, electro & breaks with resident DJ’s Gillie & Adam Turner + guests Kir & Modal

James Hotel Toss the Boss Toss to win free drink World Cup


Vic Tavern “JOHN HARWOOD” Live & Solo 3-6pm


Irish Murphy’s Leigh Ratcliffe

Sta ge Door The Cafe 254 Mount St Upper Bur nie 64322600

Trout Trout Rock Club


Stage Door the Café Gaye Clarke & the Big Band Sound, 7.00pm.

Sirocco's Bar & Nightc lub 69 Mount St Bur nie 6431 3133

Kings Bar & Nitec lub 25 King St Devonpor t 6423 3488

Heat POP

Saloon Super Saturday, The Party Continues...with Ethel the Frog, live DJ playing commercial music and upstairs DJ Loco with Karaoke


Syrup Downstairs 9pm: KO with Resident DJ MEZ ‘Laying down the Chunks “O” Funk’ Downstairs 11 pm: BOOGIE – 70’s & 80’s FUNK with resident DJ’s Nick C and Duncan. Upstairs 11pm: LaCasa Sexy Vocal house DJs Matt B, Timo & DJG

Duke of Wellington COVEN

Republic Bar & Café Benny & T.C 9pm

Republic Bar & Café Clare Bowditch and The Feeding Set $15/$12 conc 10pm


Republic Bar & Café Bomba Reggae band $15/$12 conc 10pm


Saloon Big Brother Evictee live on stage from 7pm, then keep the party going with $3 Daiquiri’s for the Ladies and live DJ playing requests.

Heat POP

1 BURNIE Stage Door the Café Music O’Farrell, 7.00pm.

James Hotel Uni Nite 3Sum Dj Nikko World Cup




James Hotel World Cup HO Club

Halo Klaus Hill




James Hotel Uni Nite Funkin Unbelievable Dj Nikko World Cup – Czech Republic Vs Italy

Saloon Dance the Night Away with Little Black Dress - Final, live DJ playing commercial music and Karaoke in The Loft with DJ Loco.



Irish Murphy’s Phil Picasso

Royal Oak Leo and Mick in the P/B 9pm L.B.C Pete Cornelius and the Devilles in the Boatshed 9:30pm

Spurs/Warehouse Crazy karaoke


Duke of Wellington Boombox ($5 member / $6 non)

O’Keefe’s Brett Boxall



Venue Guide

Batman Fawkner Inn DANCE FX IN THE BAR WITH DJ EARL & PD. 10PM James Hotel Cheap ass Wednesday

James Hotel Reality Nitec lub James Bar 122 York St Launceston 6334 7231

O’Keefes 124 George St Launceston 6331 4015 Saloon Bar 191 Charles Street Launceston 63 317 355 The Batty The Batman Fawkner Inn 35 Cameron St Launceston 6331 7222 Ursulas on Brisbane 63 Brisbane St Launceston 6334 7033

To list your gig in the Gig Guide, email details to PAGE 17

Band Poster Sponsored By


Bliss N Eso

James Hotel - 29/4/06 By Dave Williams I haven’ t seen a hip-hop night “go of f ” like this since I saw Public Enemy in concer t in ‘88. Tickets had sold out quickly, and the r o o m f i l l e d u p e a r l y.

After The Fall

Republic Bar - 02/06/06 By Duncan Ewington

Augie March

Republic Bar - 25/05/06 By Ian Murtagh

Balfour Street Blues Progression and Nathan Weldon

Irish Murphy’s 31/5/06 By Carl Fidler

First up were Launceston crew, Altrueism, who have improved vastly since I saw them at the last Freakshow. It w as g reat to see locals getting suppor t, with the front of the sta ge packed. Their beats still have room for sophistication, but on the whole were smooth and funky, and the crowd liked it.

By the time Augie March got to the stage even more people had stuffed themselves into the packed space. You know a band’s really made it when an over-weight, middle-aged man with a moustache is onstage tuning all their instruments and getting everything ready for them. This guy had roadie written all over him. But regarding the show, to be honest, there wasn’t one sucky moment at all. They played tighter than I expected them to, and maintained all of the appeal and energy of their studio albums, if not more. Thankfully, front-man Glenn didn’t feel the need to grace us with long drawn out song intro’s, and treated us to a nice mix of not just new material (though there was plenty) but a nice healthy portion of their back catalogue. There was rarely a song that wasn’t greeted by a cheer from the hungry audience, and I was blown away by just how smooth they were, changing from country to rock to dark melodic romps through styles I don’t even know the name of.

A good friend of mine, Andrew, was down from Sydney this week, so I star ted this evening with a glorious roast dinner at his parent’s house. All the trimmings, including Yorkshire pudding! Thank you so much Patricia.

Glenn did his usual mini hissy-fit if the band stuffed something up, which I found delightful rather than scornful. Most of the comments came from drummer Dave Williams, which was refreshing, while Glenn preferred to cock his head to the side and stare at the back wall. Being a singer myself I was constantly amazed at how sweet his voice was live and at how effortlessly he was able to manipulate it. Tender one minute, bold as brass the next, the band’s momentum just didn’t stop. Highlights were definitely the single “One Crowded Hour,” and Glenn’s soulful solo version of “There Is No Such Place” during the encore. They played a good solid set and promised to come back, ensuring that their fans didn’t go home disappointed. Probably one of the best gigs I’ve been to all year, and not surprising that both nights sold out. I’ll be looking forward to catching the Augie March train the next time it stops in Hobart.

I met Liam recently at a Streets Alive workshop and heard a couple of his songs which I really liked (concise with enough pop sensibility, catchy melodic hooks with a hint of ear th blues), but the band kind of blurred them for me.

Bones & Koma

Pound 4 Pound - Matt Hoffman

The Nation Blue + Supports

Out Right Cure

I was nicely inebriated by the time I rocked up to the longestablished party zone of Salamanca place. Luckily, we didn’t have to wait in the long line of people hanging to get in to Syrup, so we scarpered up the stairs to check it out.

The second Pound 4 Pound night was a short night for me. I had to bail early due to other commitments. But by the time I left, it had been a very good one, and if things kept improving at the rate they were when I was there, it would have gone on to be a great one.

The 28th of April in Launceston will go down in history as the day Tasmania’s finest band, The Nation Blue, made its return to Launceston for the first time in years to play their psycho blend of punk/post hardcore. First on stage were Disconnect lads

I was sober, so in watching opener Eskay and later Matt Hoffman, I wondered - how do you best judge a DJ gig? Is it solely by the actions of the DJ who is present? Or is it an amalgamation of all the elements that make a good night in a club? The music, the women, the alcohol, the atmosphere… One could almost argue that a DJ is not a musician at all, but an “atmosphere creator”. To use an artistic metaphor, the DJ creates the canvas, and the punters paint on it. From what I normally listen to, you could call me a metalhead. I’m used to going to a show and watching musicians playing music with instruments in hand. So if you reduce it down to one person, and combine all those instruments into a pair of decks, how is the atmosphere changed? Hmm…

The Scandal. It was the first time I’ve seen these boys in a long while and they truly proved yet again why they are one of the best bands in the state still. You couldn’t have asked for more with The Scandal, but Blacklevel Embassy left me wanting more.

This was possibly one of the biggest concerts of its sort in some time. A big sound and light system, massive stage, and no alcohol meant it was a little different to the usual boozy cramped pub conditions that most of the bands are accustomed to. The line up was huge, and featured varieties of punk and metal, and anything in between ending in “core”. The aim of this show was to raise money and awareness for action against suicide. The bands playing consisted of Zero Degrees Freedom, Separatist, Stand Defiant, Abacinate, Ball Point, Lady Crimson, Solar Thorn, Branded Left Handed, and The No No’s.

The club didn’t really start to fill until about two o’clock, which is unfortunately when I had to leave. But the slow start meant that there was really nothing to distract me from taking in the gig. In between taking photos, I started pondering where do DJs sit in the realm of live music? Is a DJ even live music? It depends. A big part of “live” performance is the effect the audience has on the performer, in what they hear and (often more importantly) what they see. So with that in mind, I don’t consider a normal DJ set “live”. But when I see a DJ feeding off the audience, analysing their reactions and playing off them, that is when a DJ’s set becomes “live”. The second DJ to play Pound 4 Pound, Matt Hoffman was very much “live”, which is definitely a good thing.

I haven’t felt that sorry for a bass rig in my life. I didn’t realise it was possible to get those types of tones but TNB were doing it and keeping us all enter tained. The singer/guitarist’s abuse towards his guitar is just something to be seen…from emo throws to smashing it into both the floor and roof.

After flitting between venues like a busy social butterfly (thanks Empire, Moe grizzly & Trout), and bloated on a full stomach of greasy fish and chips, it came to the crunch to get down to work snapping some pictures for this issues social pages. First stop was the ol’ Republic Bar, where coincidently After The Fall were playing a sold out show. Not really being a fan of their style meant it was to be a bit of a tedious gig. But all the youngsters high on pop music, mixed with random bogans, turned out to be an amusing crowd combination to watch, and as I found out later on from the staff there had been a higher level of violent out-breaks and messy puke situations then per usual. The beer eased my ears (and excellent ear plugs) as After The Fall worked their way through their set of energetic rock pop. They played all their well known Triple J songs which the crowd seemed to really lap up and shake their striped tops and fringes to. I wandered around taking random photos of all the beautiful people who were more then happy to receive their 15 seconds of fame. Before I knew it, it was all over. So it was time to guzzle down some more intoxicating liquids to fuel me for a long night and onto the next stop.

Syrup - 2/6/06 By Duncan Ewington

I was greeted by the usual banal sound of doof-doof; people dancing hard, getting their sleaze on, and generally getting fucked up. Ah...night clubbin’…we’re night clubbin’... I hadn’t been to this establishment since they scrapped the Saturday Arvo Live Music Sessions (which is a real damn shame), and by the looks of things, nothing had changed. This particular night the style was provided by Bones & Koma in the “progressive” Breaks variety, which I take is the style that House was to the 90’s and Breaks is to the 00’s – popular dance music. It’s a pretty repetitive, uninspiring, and boring genre to me, but by looks of the crowd they were really getting into the groove. Drugs are possibly good for one thing I guess. It was getting pretty late, and my wallet was getting light, so it was time to break out and go rest my weary ear drums. It was time to try and sleep off the onset of a hangover, and get ready for another big night of bright lights and loud music.

James Hotel - 6/5/06 By Tom Wilson

Unfor tunately, after a wonderful evening and a few glasses of wine I was late for the gig and only caught the last song of Nathan Weldon’s set. The por tion I heard sounded great and Nathan’s a hot player, but I need to hear more, before I can make any real comment. Sorry mate. I was, however, present for the entire set of The Balfour Street Blues Progression. They’re basically roots music with a guitarist/singer (Liam), lead guitar, djembe and har monica.

For what was their second or third gig though, Blues Progression put on a good show and the crowd absolutely loved them. Liam’s got some great songs and clever ideas, but they’re a little lost in the mix at this stage. The boys just need to refine their par ts a bit and add some more definition to the sections, and then the songs will shine through.

James Hotel – 28/4/2006 By Ryan Cooke

BLE came on stage and blew everyone away with their great stage presence and just general noise, but their set came to a halt way too soon, which saw them walking off stage after twenty-five minutes. The Nation Blue was finally up and didn’t disappoint at all; from the opening chord the building was shaking and the crowd were pumping.

And he wondered why he broke two strings in two songs. Nation Blue’s set came to a close way too soon but what can you do? Hats off to the DCR kids for putting on another quality show.

Next up w as Phrase. While the crowd had truly come to see Bliss N Eso, Phrase w as my pick for the night. Clear and strong, energetic and slick, backed by DJ Fla g rant, who w as c learly a “cut above” , P h r a s e s t r o d e a r o u n d t h e s t a ge l i ke a m a n possessed, spitting his stories, bent on mass exhilaration. After Phrase, DJ Fla g rant kept the beats bangin’ out, building anticipation for BNE. They hit the sta ge in a rush and the room w as soon bouncing, ar ms and hands bobbin g to the rhythm. They held nothing back, and were soon sweaty masses of energ y, pumping out tracks from “Day Of The Do g” and previous work. After more than an hour, and two encores later, the crowd would have taken as much as they could get, but it had to come to end, sometime. Overall, a wicked vibe and no hassles – just what I w anted.

City Gate, Mornington - 26/5/06 By Duncan Ewington

We rocked up to catch glam metal act Lady Crimson ripping out some screaming guitar solos amongst a heavy crowd of head bangers (it hurt my neck just watching!). Bare chests, leather, long hair, and make up! These guys were fun, and considering they were all born in the 80s, it truly seemed like they had all lived it the first time round. Glam metal is on rise again, and Lady Crimson is riding the wave to acclaim. Politician Paula Wreidt gave a little speech about suicide and prevention, and then it was time for Psycho Surf-a-billy band The No No’s for their own brand of horror-inspired upbeat zombie rock. Branded Left Handed followed with some hard and fast tunes which increased the pace for the rest of the night. Although I was unable to stick around to check out the rest of the bands by all reports they went off! There was a decent turn out, which is good when the venue’s out of town. Out Right Cure did an excellent job providing an opportunity for an all age crowd to see some of the harder music acts circulating Hobart, as well as raising money to prevent youth suicide. Thanks to all the bands who donated their time and all the people who supported the event.

TasMusic Showcase James Hotel - 2/6/06 By Tom Wilson

I walked into the Reality as I’d done hundreds of times before to find punters lounging around on several couches wreathing the corner stage, with the flames of tea lights flickering in the shadows like fireflies. Imagine my surprise. I never thought the Reality would ever look like a jazz club. Was I at the right gig? But that’s the thing; it wasn’t a “gig”. It was a showcase. Opening the night were Carl and Glenn of The Dead Abigails, and after a short but warm announcement welcoming their audience, they played an acoustic/electric collection of their hits and B-sides. Exactly why its taken me this long to realise that Carl’s melodies are some of the strongest I’ve heard from a Tassie act (and this is after seeing them over a dozen times), I’m not really sure. Very, very impressive. Next up were 3 Weeks Late, and…well…apart from noticing some decent drumming towards the end of their set, I really can’t remember these guys at all (I was sober, by the way). Maybe it was the commercial edge to their sound (which sounded more than a little intentional), or maybe it’s my fault for listening to Meshuggah on the way to the gig. Their audience seemed to dig them, though. Last were Fell To Erin. I’d never seen them before, so their distinctly textured take on rock was new to me, and was also largely enjoyable. Let’s just say that I’m kicking myself for not getting a pic of their frontman mid-rock move. They were a good note to end the night on. To sum it up, the club looked great, the turnout was promising, and the music was, for the most part, great.

The Go Set! Sir Veto

Queens Head - 18/5/06 By Duncan Ewington After getting a short peek at The Bad Luck Charm’s support Moe Grizzly at Trout, we made the short hop down to Queen’s head. We arrived to a small crowd, the usual seedy old crew, and a few younger people milling about. The band playing, who I thought were the support, turned out to be Sir Veto. I assumed they were playing a few covers, but it was later revealed as original material. Hmmm, it really didn’t seem all that original, and sounded quite a lot like the regurgitated bile that’s played on commercial radio all day long. I don’t like to be harsh, as generally I want to review things I like, but I was very unimpressed. I found out later that Sir Veto had won an award last year and received a massive recording fund, which changed my mood from unimpressed to appalled. I was amazed by the fact that there’s a lot of groundbreaking original and talented bands in Tassie, and this run-of-the-mill music scored the group big bucks. Anyway we didn’t stick around too long, and zipped back to Trout for a short but sweet set of The Bad Luck Charms’ original music. They finished all too soon, so then it was off to The Republic for the last of The Go Set...

Republic Bar - 18/5/06 By Duncan Ewington

The Whitlams + iOTA

After freezing my arse off on the short but icy walk down through North Hobart from Trout, we were welcomed to the warm surrounds of The Republic Bar where the crowd were in a punk-rock frenzy, whipped up earlier by Hobart’s finest pop-punkers Ballpoint, and the sweethearts of garage rock, The Roobs. Obviously they’d set a high standard for fun, so the crowd went crazy for The Go Set’s energetic and upbeat folk-inspired punk rock.

Tim Freedman and Terepai Richmond – half of The Whitlams, also known as the “halfwits”, as Tim said jokingly, performed to a “V.I.P” audience at Devonport’s Spurs Saloon on Thursday night.

What can you say about a band that incorporates a bagpipe and a mandolin into the mix? Either you love it or hate it. In my case, I’m always keen to see and hear a bit of variety, so it was refreshing for me. The Go Set were inspiring to watch, and really involved the audience. The precedent was fun times, and by the looks on people’s faces that’s what was had by all. I really enjoyed the last song where they got the crowd and all the members of both Ballpoint and The Roobs up on stage for a combined finale. The Go Set have been touring hard, and their visit to Tas this time was no exception, so they gave it their all. I was surprised later to find out they played at Lauderdale’s Foreshore Tavern the next day to a very well received audience, which was then followed by the unsurprising last minute double-booked cancellation at The Lewisham Tavern on the Sunday. If you like your music fun, fast, and folksy, then the next time The Go Set tour (which probably won’t be too far away) go check ‘em out, as you won’t be disappointed.

Spurs Saloon - 01/06/06 By Tina Anderson

Support act, iOTA, opened up the night and from his very first words I was hooked – his voice sounded amazing! He has a great, powerful vocal range. He sounded like a cross between Eddie Vedder and Diesel, yet the music he created was really different and hard to describe. The Whitlams are in Tassie to help promote their latest album, Little Cloud, which was released two months ago. There wasn’t a great gathering at the concert; I’d say around 100 people. Tim joked that it was a V.I.P concert and for people to drag their chairs up close so they could stare into their eyes. With Tim on piano and Terepai on drums, they played a mixture of tunes from the old and new albums, from “No Aphrodisiac” to a song about Gough Whitlam. There were a few songs that got Tim bouncing up and down on his seat like, “Thank You”, and then there were the quieter moments, with nice and laid back songs like “Keep The Light On”, one of my favorites. They kept mixing it up to keep the audience entertained. IOTA joined the lads for a couple of songs including their latest single, “I Was Alive”. I still can’t get over his amazing voice! By the last song audience members finally got up onto the dance floor to groove to the music. Overall it was an entertaining night of great music. PAGE 19





Mark Dynamix

In our last edition, we examined the technical abilities and profile of DJ Mark Dynamix. In this edition, we’re going a bit further; getting under Mark’s skin and inside the mind of the man they call “The Human Dynamo”. Although our questions weren’t what he was expecting, we think his answers give us an insight to the man, and not just the DJ. What’s the most embarrassing memory you have of yourself? Well I’m not going to embarrass myself a second time by telling all, am I? That would make no sense! Are you a clean freak or a grub? Clean freak but can get really dirty when asked. When’s the worst time you’ve had cravings for something you love? Sour cola bottles at 4am in the morning. What’s your favourite joke? Q: have you seen Stevie A: No, but neither has he.



Patrick Duke Reviews: Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 At the moment I use Mainly the Pioneer CDJ-1000 MKII, CDJ-800 and a Denon S3500. The CDJ-1000 is pretty much an industry standard for today’s CD DJ’s. With its user friendly design you can’t go wrong with such an awesome piece of machinery, with the ability to loop, 3 Hot Cue points, Wav display and scratching ability plus a lot more. Personally I rate the CDJ-1000MKII as one of the best pieces of equipment that pioneer has ever designed until now with the introduction of the CDJ1000 MK3. With the CDJ-1000 MK3 its new design is to incorporate the use of MP3’s for today’s DJ’s who obtain their tracks through iTunes etc. It also has the same cool functions such as real-time seamless loop, loop in/out adjust, reloop, SD memory slot, wave display, track display, CD control, jog mode, scratch play/cue, tempo control, tempo control reset, eject button & CD lock, multi-read format, front loading, auto cue, real


What scares you? Snakes & munted ravers. When was the last time you vomited? Five minutes ago when I first read these questions. [Everyone’s a fucking comedian – Tom] Have you ever stolen something? Yes, a joke off the internet. Who was your arch-enemy at high-school? My alarm clock. Have you ever held a wild animal? Isn’t that obvious? [Um…no – Tom] Legs, thigh or breast? I’m vegetarian.

[I’m scared of] snakes & m u n t e d r a v e r s T h e A r t i s t Fo r m e r l y K n o w n a s Q u e s t 4 5


Electronic music seems to thrive on interplay. Whether it’s remixing another DJs tracks or actually releasing their work through an independent label, professional collaborations seem to be what keeps the national turntable spinning. Case in point; London-born, Sydney-based DJ Q45. About to hit Hobart once again, he spoke to Dave Williams about working with Klaus “Heavyweight” Hill, the origins of his moniker and why Tassie crowds aren’t cynical… Now is it “Q-Four-Five” or “Q-Forty-Five”? Most people say “Q-Forty-Five”, I guess. What did you originally say? Oh, it was “Q-Forty-Five”, but some people tend to find their own little way, and then go with it. It originally came around…this was about fifteen years ago, so this is a


What would you make me for dinner if you invited me? Curried lentil pie with tofu ice-cream for dessert. Mark Dynamix plays an exclusive 3 hour set at Syrup on Sunday June the 11th

By Tom Wilson

while…The Americans call 12”s “forty-fives”, or used to. So it just came out of that. And I’ve always loved the letter Q. Just liked it? Yeah. Well if you look at it, a capital Q looks a bit like a needle on a record. (Laughs) There’s actually a long, boring story behind it, but I think that one’s probably just the best. I just like the letter Q. It’s a Q and a Forty-Five. It kind of works. Can you give us a short version of the long, boring story? Um… There was a guy, a DJ, who played one gig here about twelve years ago, when I was going out, before I was even playing any gigs, who called himself

time cue, cue marker display, anti-vibration and digital out. What improvements I’d like to see would be more effects incorporated into the unit such as what the Denon S3500. Although, usually it comes down which mixer you choose; I personally use the Pioneer DJM-909 which has fifty effects per channel which can really alter any sets dynamics. A big thumbs-up to pioneer for the quality products that keep rolling on for today’s DJs. Check it out at

are quite welcoming, especially the DJ community… especially if it’s someone with a bit of talent. Yeah – he just fitted in really well, and it was something we really needed. I mean, a lot of people in Sydney write with him or get him to mix their stuff, and he kind of fitted into a market where he wasn’t as expensive as some of the studios. It definitely helped me, because I can see a way from writing a tune and getting it properly mixed to putting it out, without having to deal with anyone overseas. It makes a big difference. Dealing with people overseas…even nowadays, it still slows you down. So it’s good to have someone in Sydney like that. Is music pretty much an all-consuming passion for you at the moment?

[In Australia] Hobart’s probably one of the better cities to play in… … “Quest” for one gig, and my name was “Quest 45” at the time. And so, he used “Quest” for one gig – that was it; that was all he ever did – and so I just had to abbreviate mine. So it kind of ended up like that. But once something sticks like that, it’s not a good idea to change it. Talking about 12”s before, are you working on anything at the moment? Yeah, I’m writing a fair bit of music. I’ve got a release coming out on Title Fight, which is Klaus “Heavyweight” Hill’s record label. He spends a fair bit of time travelling as well. Yeah; he just came over from the UK, so it’s good having him around in Sydney, because he’s very good at mixing, and you don’t have to deal with big studios or anything. He does a really good job at home. So it’s good having someone who’s worked in England, engineering stuff for about five, six years, to come to Sydney. It makes a big difference. You sound like you’ve got a bit of an English touch to you. Yeah. I grew up in London; moved down here when I was thirteen, fourteen. So I spent half my life there and half my life here. I go back every year, and it tends to come back a bit. Did you meet Klaus at a gig? How did you guys get together? Well…I think he got here and he wanted to find out where all the breaks DJs were, or what they were doing. And he’s a likeable guy, so it was very easy to meet up with him. We’re probably as much friends as we are work colleagues. I don’t see him that much at gigs. I probably see him more in a social aspect. It was just good to have him here. And people in Sydney

Yeah. I’ve always done a lot of things. I can’t concentrate on the one thing for the whole week. I DJ, write music…I work for Fuzzy as well, helping them put on the parties. So I always just try and do something different every day. A lot of people I know just stick to one thing, and I get bored if I do that. I always try and change between different stuff. But it’s usually music-related, and it usually relates to dance music in Sydney. It’s not like I’m climbing mountains on the weekend or anything. (Laughs) You’re coming to play in Tassie. Is there anything that’s prompting this? Or is it just an interstate gig for you? Ah…yeah. I have played probably about five, six times in Hobart before. Hobart’s probably one of the better cities to play in, because…I think the people are a bit more…they’re not cynical. I think the dance floors are a bit more open to hearing lots of different stuff in one night, rather than just one pure [genre] of electronic music. They’ll listen to a lot of different stuff. Whereas in Sydney and definitely in Melbourne, people are in some ways less likely to want to hear different stuff. And that’s really what I’m about, because I love so many different styles of music. I can’t possibly just play the one style of electronic music. There’s so much stuff I listen to that just doesn’t fit into a certain genre, but I just kind of try to mix it up between different styles. And it makes it hard; it makes it harder for you, but it also makes it a lot more interesting for me. Q45 plays Hobart’s Heat on Saturday the 17th of June

By Dave Williams

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Sara Tone A house-electro DJ with a woman’s eye for good dance music, DJ Sara Tone spoke to SAUCE ahead of her southern Tassie gig on the 23rd. What’s been going on in the last month or so? I have actually had quite a few changes occur in the last month or so. Firstly I would like to point out my recent first-time experience in Hobar t, DJing @ Heat night club. I thoroughly enjoyed

the gig and met some amazing wonderful people whom I really look forward to seeing very soon! I play in Melbourne regularly at Q Bar, Room, Prince of Whales, Motel, Concrete, The Loft & Cushion. I also do guest spots, rotating gigs and play at events such as Goldys Saturdays, Two Floors Up, Play Pen Mecca Dance Par ties, Alumbra, Embassy, Rouge, Sanctuary, Cargo, Blue Poles, Viper, Area 61, Amber Lounge, Chicane, Boulevard, Chelsea Heights Hotel, Mint Bar, Stella Bar, Robar ta, Evolution, Platform One and 161.

in the pipeline? Yes I’m very keen to get into the studio and get my ideas from my head and somehow turn them into sounds…Then tracks…Then hits...But as I said, firstly I In your online biography, it’s stated that need to get that studio! “house music has reclaimed its rightful front-seat position in a new club era”. Why Has there been one international support do you think House music has become so slot in particular that you think has boosted your profile the most? Referring popular? I think it’s very obvious, but this is just my to your online biog raphy again you opinion, and I think it may be slightly bias as supported Motley Crue. How did you find that experience? “I love house and electro music!” Playing with Tommy Lee from Motley Crue But in a shor t paragraph I consider it music was a huge buzz, I had no idea our music filled with filthy, yet sexy dir ty bass lines, styles would somehow result in me being massive rolling build ups and break downs, their suppor t act one day! It was one I’ll funky catchy more so then not meaningful never forget! But I feel the things that vocals, that when structured properly boosted my profile the most was one, throughout DJ sets and nights, give punters being a par t of Future Enter tainment’s so many different good feelings and peaks of “God’s Kitchen” held at Melbourne’s own happiness! Which is why they’re out to star t Rod Laver Arena boasting an attendance of fifteen thousand or more! Secondly with? Yeah? my most rewarding, inspirational and You’re based in Melbourne. How does the still continued suppor t, is Pete Sofo my scene there compare to the scene in Hobart? manager who runs “Exclusive Ar tists”, This is a tricky question as I don’t really also home to many of Australia’s leading base my opinions on the cities the clubs are DJs like John Course, Grant Smillie & Ivan in. But here goes…I base my opinions on the Gough (TV Rock), Dir ty South, Andy Van punters! No matter how massive or how small (Madison Avenue now Vandalism), James Ash and intimate the crowd, as long as they’re (Rogue Traders), mR Timothy and more! smiling and dancing or at least tapping those toes. I’m having fun doing what I love and What can you tell me about Rhythm & Tone? I knowing the punters are feeling it too! I found understand it’s a company that you run? the punters in Hobar t to be completely up for It’s a pretty new website that my friend / flat it! So many hot chicks for a small city just mate / business par tner and I put together How would you best describe the tunes in your genre released so far this year? Absolutely rocking! Just keeps getting better and better! Very happy!

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shaking it alongside the guys who were totally to adver tise and network our services, one in up for my remixes of guitar bombshells! This Graphic Design (obviously that’s my mate’s side) and two, DJ gig dates, biography, photos kind of vibe once created makes the night! and eventually other stuff. Hobar t punters were so open to my new tunes, remixed bootlegs and occasional old-school Anything else you want to add? hits, that their energetic vibe and positive I love what I do! I am completely focused on responsive enthusiasm to my music and me my music career and am so grateful to all is one that any DJ especially me looks very who suppor t me; you give me inspiration and much forward to going back and doing it all continuous motivation to keep rocking the again! Of course with constant new tricks and dance floors! See you on the dance floor! surprises to keep as all interested! Sara Tone plays Hobart’s Heat Niteclub on Do you plan on producing any of your own Friday the 23rd of June. tunes eventually? Or maybe some are already

Calling Out The Licensing Commission with


Wballs From a journalistic standpoint, it is always awesome when an artist has a lot to say. It’s more interesting, and it means we’ve got material to work with. When we edit an article, I’ve always got to grab a pull quote – a nice eyegrabbing line that will either engage or offend people with its controversy, which we then put in large type. Simply put, I have never had a harder time trying to decide which one line I’m going to use. Hobart DJ WBalls is not just a talented tech-funk DJ; he’s clearly a man with a bit to say about his home town, and anyone who’s ever been there should get a load of this…

What’s with your DJ name? Um…well it’s actually WBalls, and no – I didn’t come up with it. But now its stuck forever like herpes. I guess it’s a silly name for a silly hobby. How long have you worked as a DJ? About five years now. I got my first gig at the first “Boombox” party at Mobius, and then the next weekend at Future Elements, and haven’t stopped since. What styles of dance music do you play? I love all kinds of music, from rock ‘n’ roll to funk to classical to dance, but mainly when I’m playing out I guess its a mix of tech-breaks, electro and I love some good house as well. What is it about those styles that attract you, over others? I think sometimes a simple tune can stand out more than one that is busy and in-your-face. I’m not sure, but I think the sound I like most is being called “tech-funk” now. But anyways – it’s fat, deep and banging, and can really take a DJ and the crowd on a rollercoaster of peaks, deep bass, and drops that get you every time. A lot of the music I used to play was a bit harder and repetitious but I think it’s important to move the vibe up and down and keep people interested (if you can!). I don’t know how else to explain it! Favourite DJ and why? Hmm…that’s so hard; every DJ has their own thing going on… I would have to say sHack (Elite Force). He is the ultimate professional, an awesome bloke, and his gigs are electric and consistently mind-blowing! Where do you play at the moment? Mainly Halo every weekend, but also Syrup and Mobius. Where do you dream of playing? Fabric! The place is a DJ’s wet dream! I don’t think it will ever happen but would be great to play at one of Australia’s bigger clubs like Home in Sydney – it’s an impressive venue.

Ultimate/fantasy gig? (With whoever behind the decks...and on the dance floor.) The ultimate would be to go back-to-back with Elite Force and Klaus at a night like “HUM” in London. It’s a huge night of tech-y goodness and these guys like to carry on behind the decks (and they know how to drop the right tunes at exactly the right time to blow your mind into next week). I’d be shitting my pants though in front of that many people. How did you end up as a DJ in Hobart, instead of somewhere else? I guess being mates with some hardened DJ veterans might have had something to do with it; it is a bit hard to get away from sometimes. I have lived here all my life, and in that time have seen Tassie go from having the quietest nightlife to being the spearhead of the breaks sound in Australia – all the internationals that come down here love it and keep coming back time and time again and telling their mates. It is consistently the highlight of a lot of DJs tours around Australia and I think that’s

DJ? Seeing the reactions of the tunes I love on a crowd through a massive system. Sometimes I don’t know whether people will like a tune, but when it works out it’s a fantastic feeling. When it doesn’t go so well, you feel like hiding. What’s the biggest “wank” about being a DJ or the dance music scene, in general? Well DJing is a lot like wanking really; great fun until you loose concentration then you end up with a mess on your hands! I think the biggest issue is with downloading music and piracy. The whole industry is in a bit of a mess until it all gets sor ted out and a lot of people (mainly the big labels) are making assholes of themselves. Once everyone has embraced online sales of music properly it should settle down. What’s the funniest/strangest thing that you’ve seen or that’s happened while you’ve been at the decks? I would have to say Klaus cracking jokes on the mic whilst DJing and dancing with the ladies at

The licensing commission a r e a n e m b a r r a s s m e n t fantastic, especially for us punters because it means we are very spoilt with visiting dance dignitaries! What do you do during the day? I work for The Federal Group looking after their IT infrastructure and helpdesk What other involvement do you have with the music industry? I designed and run a dance-oriented website called which is a hub for local news on touring dance acts, music production, and all sor ts of things. It was born out of necessity – with so many gigs going on, we needed somewhere to promote them, pop up photos, forums/reviews and the like. We’ll promote any gig for free. Highlight of your DJ career? It’s hard to pick one highlight, there have been so many. I guess playing alongside some of the guys I have looked up to for years like Lee Burridge, Meat Katie/Elite Force and the Stanton Warriors has always given me butterflies! A lot of this has been due to the Mackerel brothers and all the awesome gigs they put on – thanks boys! What’s your favourite part of working as a

the front of the dance floor in between tracks. His antics are fantastic and make for a very different and amusing night. I can recommend to anyone to check one of his shows out – he plays in Hobar t every month now. Smithmonger trying to take a leak whilst DJing to a packed house was also very amusing. If you could change one thing about the dance music scene in Tassie – the clubs, the DJs or the punters – what would it be and why? The licensing commission are an embarrassment – they are really stuffing things up for the hospitality industry down here and have no idea what they are doing. The way they have handled the smoking legislation is appalling and the new 3am lockout policy has been extremely poorly managed with almost no communication or consultation with the pubs/ clubs about anything they are doing (or want to do). I am afraid they are trying to turn Hobar t into the “Seachange City” for people over fifty with nothing open after midnight. They need to come back to ear th and star t consulting the people they are trying to govern.

By Tom Wilson PAGE 21

S h o u t - o u t s t o t h e Ta s s i e S c e n e b y

Altrueism It seems like so long ago… Arriving an hour late to the first Freakshow night in Launceston last November, I made my entrance to the sounds of three voices spitting rhymes to a crowd of smiling (and mostly makeup-enhanced) faces. Immediately impressed, I asked a skinny goth who these guys were. “Altrueism”, he said. “Fucking unreal, aren’t they?” I nodded, smiling and watching the rest of their set. Fast-forward

Ryan: Basically sorting out some new formats for our shows and gigging as much as possible. Paul: Heading down to Hobart a fair bit to hang out with the trippers down there, ha-ha. Who is in Altrueism, and when was it formed? Ryan: Paul (MC Azrael), Josh (MC Ethics) and myself (DJ/MC Mynse); we’ve been mates since ‘98. Paul: The start of 2003 was when we formed the group; before that we just got pissed and freestyled to some nasty old beats that Mynse pulled out his arse. Josh: In its basic form, Altrueism is just us three, but we feel that our friends and other people who’ve influenced us outside that have an important part in the group also. What support have you seen from the local scene? Who have been some of the most important people, as far as supporting the group?

many to name. Josh: The Tasmanian hip-hop heads who not only know how to make sick hip-hop but party like we do. While it’s obviously not your style or what you’re trying to do, how do you feel about the violent and misogynistic tendencies of commercial rap? Josh: It can be cool, but I’m keen to listen to music that has some kinda reality to it. There are certain artists who, while being commercial, still rap about things I have experienced, as opposed to gangbased warfare. Ryan: I don’t personally feel any of that, but I’m sure a lot of people draw things from that sort of music that I wouldn’t understand. Paul: It’s just bloody repetitive always hearing the same kind of tracks over and over. The whole crack and guns thing has been glamorised beyond belief. I’m more into artists who admit they actually care about something rather than pretending they’re invincible. Still, to each his own – I’m not gonna tell anyone they shouldn’t listen to anything they want. Where do you normally perform, and what has been the most memorable moment of the last twelve months? Josh: Mostly performing at parties – the most memorable moment for me was Bliss n Eso. Ryan: Tear It Up (cheers to Draz and organizers). Paul: Yeah Tear It Up was tripped out, and Bliss

n Eso was incredibly fun; it was awesome to see an Aussie hip-hop act sell-out a show in Launceston Outside of performing in Altruism, what do you do for a living? And do you think it’s possible to make a living out of hip-hop in Tasmania, as opposed to the mainland? Josh: I work at a call centre. I don’t believe it’s probable to make a living off hip-hop in Tasmania, but that’s not why I do it. Ryan: Doing a diploma in sound engineering at TAFE and being a hermit in my little studio. Paul: I’m a sponge at the moment, living off the Clink. Rather than making money for a living, I make hip-hop for a living. Unfortunately, that means I’m broke as shit. What’s next for you? Ryan: Alleyway Crawlerz “Mixtape Vol.2” will be out July 1st, and it’s going to feature a lot of fantastic Tassie hip-hop artists. We’ll be doing a track on it also. Josh: Hopefully more gigs and somewhere down the track a release. Paul: Yeah; also remember “AC2” is a FREE mixtape, and can be found at Chilli DJ and Ruffcut Records. Altrueism play Freakshow behind Launceston’s Fresh Café on the 16th of June

By Tom Wilson

I mak make hip-hop for a living. Unfortunately, ate y, that means I’m broke as shit eight months and the crew are still going strong – supporting mainland heavyweights Bliss n Eso at their recent Launceston show. We hauled the crew into the SAUCE office to answer some Qs… What have you been up to today? Paul: Stressin’ about my dead computer – it’s been completely destroyed by viruses and “virus protection” bullshit. Ryan: Yeah, and sorting out my 21st tonight. Josh: Just did some washing and played a little “WoW”. What has Altrueism been up to in the last month?

Paul: Obviously our mates have always been there for us and recently we’ve had amazing support from the promoters at Chilli DJ. Ryan: And from the clubs around the place that aren’t scared to try something different, in Launceston especially, not to mention all our mates who’ve put up with our practice sessions in their houses (rather than ours) and still coming out to give us love and support us. Also shout-outs to the entire Hobart hip-hop lot – you know who you are. Who have influenced you as MCs, locally and internationally? Ryan: Locally, any drunk tripper that’s been up for some drunk freestyle out the front of a pub to my shoddy beat-box. No point mentioning names in case we miss anyone, but come out to a Tassie hiphop show and you’ll see who. Paul: There’s a lot more local talent than most people are aware of; that’s why we’re putting together the free Alleyway Crawlerz projects, and as far as international influences there are just too

The Amsterdam Mindset

Pete Philly & Perquisite For most people who’ve never been there, Amsterdam calls to mind sex, drugs and very liberal TV broadcasting standards, typified by the “hash bar” conversation in “Pulp Fiction” and numerous international “Big Brother” specials. However, there’s more to this Mecca of The Netherlands; things that most of us aren’t aware of. For fans of hip-hop, that awareness is set to drastically change. “Mindstate” is the acclaimed collaborative full-length from Amsterdam’s Pete Philly and Perquisite (AKA Burke), and Dave Williams got the boys on the phone for a chat. So what time is it? I suppose it’s morning over there, is it? Pete: Yeah, it’s morning… Burke: Definitely morning…! Is it really early morning? Pete: It’s not too early, but I’m not really awake yet!

When did you guys first meet? And decide that each of you was worth working with? Pete: Well, basically… I was at this birthday party for a friend of mine, and then a friend-of-a-friend introduced me to his music. He gave me this CD of Burke’s first EP, and I got my Discman and listened to it right there and I called Burke right there. So that’s basically what happened. I called him, and I was like, “OK, what are your projects right now”. So that was when we hooked up and worked on the first release that Burke released on his own label, Unexpected Records, which was called “North West Metropolis”. And the collaboration worked really well, even though we didn’t know each other musically; the musical collaboration was awesome. So we decided to do this “Mindstate” EP, which later became an album also. Through that whole experience, we also became best friends. Where are you guys based in The Netherlands? Pete: Amsterdam.

What’s the hip-hop scene like in The Netherlands and in Amsterdam? Is it growing? Pete: Yeah it is; I think it has had different stages. In the beginning, in the eighties, people were really emulating the whole American thing. So you had acts that were similar to Public Enemy, or you had acts that were similar to N.W.A. and stuff like that. And then, during the nineties, you had this reggae-hiphop crossover. Then, five years ago, hip-hop really started to become a national thing, where people were rapping in Dutch and really doing their own thing; that’s still developing, but it’s really cool to see how it’s developing right now. Do you guys get pissed off with everyone always talking about sex and drugs when they’re talking

Is this the way that you’d like to do it again? Spread it over that length of time? Pete: No. We’re going to do it in a shorter period right now. But I think we’re going to stop performing at the end of September, and then we have five months of totally free time. And we’re going to work on the album in that time. So basically, I think we will have the same amount of time in total as we had with “Mindstate”. Because when we worked on “Mindstate”, I still studied, and Burke was doing his own side projects. It’s probably going to be the same

…I’m still looking for good hip-hop… …I’ p… about Amsterdam and The Netherlands? Pete: Yeah. Especially when you’re abroad – when you talk about Amsterdam, they think it’s all about drugs. But I’m not pissed off about it. That’s just because they’ve never been there. And I can tell you it’s a lot more. You have this terrific area where it’s all about drugs and sex; that’s true. But I think they have that in all major cities in the world. Besides that, Amsterdam is really multicultural; really open-minded city. It’s almost like an island in The Netherlands. Yeah – that’s how I perceive it as well. Pete: That’s why I really like to live there… People only use these clichés because it’s easier. So where do you guys look for inspiration? Pete: Oh, everywhere. In terms of hip-hop? Pete: Well, I think, our lives. Books and good movies and good music. What artists do you pay attention to? Pete: Ah…let me think… I don’t know. The main difference between Burke and myself is that I’m still looking for good hip-hop. Not that Burke isn’t, but I think he doesn’t get inspired by it as much as he’d want to. So I tend to…I think British hip-hop is really cool, like Roots Manuva. Um…French hip-hop… And I’m trying to educate myself a bit more as far as jazz is going, like John Coltrane. But anything goes – anything that’s good. So, “Mindstate”, the album, was made over eighteen months. Is that correct? Pete: Yeah, yeah. It wasn’t like a non-stop period or something. We were doing a lot of other stuff at that point as well at that point. Also, we wanted to take


our time, you know? We both had done a couple of releases, like EPs and stuff. But we’d never released a full album yet, so we wanted to do something really special, you know?

amount of time that we spent on the record. We’re going to put as much time in it as is needed, you know? We don’t want to release anything that’s not one-hundred-percent…ah… Burke: Dope. (Laughs) Pete: (Laughs) Dope! On the album “Mindstate”, I’ve read that it’s been described as a “sonic ego document”. What do you reckon that means? Pete: I like that. It sounds good. What do you think it means? A “sonic ego document”? Pete: I think it’s an ego document that’s…sonic? (Laughs) Okay! Pete: I don’t know. I think for both of us it’s an ego document. I show how I feel, and how my emotions… I show my emotions – that’s basically what it is. And Burke basically shows his production skills and his diversity as a producer. So it’s almost like a diary, I think. I’ve heard a lot of different descriptions… Burke: Yeah. But it is an ego document, because Pete’s really talking about all his mind-states. It is a really personal record, especially for a hip-hop record. For me, it’s also an ego document, because all the music I grew up with, I put in this record a little bit as well. You can hear…I mean, it is hip-hop, but I really like to experiment with making crossovers with music which has not influenced me at all, like classical music, jazz… I think that’s why you can say, lyrically, it is an ego document.

By Dave Williams

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Solvent Intake Well, that was surprising. Reading though this interview to edit it for this edition of the magazine, I didn’t sense anything particularly out of the ordinary. Hobart’s Solvent Intake were talking about the band’s style, their favourite venues to play, and what they brought away from supporting other bands. Then I read that they’re breaking up. So this interview by Ryan Cooke could well be considered the final word – the eulogy for a musical project.

Playing with Highroad No. 28 was a bit of a failure Pla ure the bands had to drop out and we ended up playing anyway. It was a close call though! really talked about what’s going to happen yet but at some stage there will be a new Who have you been listening to lately? And band, a new name, a new line up, a new look how do they influence your style? and new songs as well. If anyone wants to Lately I have been listening to Parkway Drive, keep updated with what exactly is going on August Burns Red and Carpathian. I suppose all announcements will be made here what we listen to does affect our style but we don’t realise it at the time. Nige and I made our most recent song when we were obsessed Anyone you would thank for helping you guys with Parkway Drive. We were listening to other the past few years? nothing else! And you can really notice some We would like to thank Ryan Cooke for of the riffs sound very Parkway Drive-ish! bringing us up to Launnie recently. Matthew Chalk for having us play at his shows over the You’ve come to Launceston just recently years. Disconnect Records for letting us play to play a few shows, how are the crowds with Parkway Drive and for doing an awesome different to Hobart? job with the local music scene. We also want Well the first of our recent shows in Launnie to thank anyone who has played with us or was a failure. There were about ten people come out to see us over the years! there but I think that was due to it being

By Ryan Cooke

Do you think doing so well over the past four or so years in the TasMusic Rock Challenge has helped the band or pigeonholed you guys as a high school band? I think the Rock Challenge has helped us most mentally because we have been able to play in front of large crowds and play to people who do not like our style. That has really helped us learn to have fun on stage and not care what other people think! Your style goes from death metal to metalcore at different times; do think this sets your band apart from everyone? I think every band has some sort of uniqueness about them, but at the moment metalcore seems to almost be the trend, and it is hard to set ourselves apart from the other metalcore acts around. It also takes us a long time to make new songs because we try hard to make sure our songs aren’t sounding like anything else.

Avenged Sevenfold have shattered the preconceptions of punk and metal and have trail-blazed a bold new path with their foreboding atmosphere, maniacal progressions and downright scalding vocal assaults. They are not to be ignored. Their recent masterpiece “City Of Evil” has thrust the band in the faces of everyone, add to that tours with Metallica and Guns N Roses and a headline spot on the Ozzfest tour; there is no denying the band’s increasing popularity, now it’s Australia’s turn to witness the live show that is Avenged Sevenfold this August. Thursday August 17 Brisbane, The Arena Saturday August 19 Sydney, Unsw Roundhouse Sunday August 20 Melbourne, The Palace

As reported before, it appears Roadrunner Records are busy at the moment signing some of the hottest bands in the world. They recently announced they had signed both the legendary acts Megadeth and the New York Dolls. Megadeth has begun work on its as-yet-untitled Roadrunner debut under the watchful eye of Mustaine and co-producer Jeff Balding (who helmed 2004’s “The System Has Failed”). Mustaine is presently finalising the lineup for Megadeth’s Gigantour 2 festival tour of the US.

Where is your favorite place to play in Tasmania and why? Our favorite place to play in Tasmania is definitely the Trout Bar because they support local metal and punk better than any other venue around. Although it’s a small pub and a small stage the atmosphere there is always awesome!

What’s been the wildest show you have played and why? Defiantly the All Ages Assault with Parkway Drive. We first asked to play at the show months before it had started being organised and then all of a sudden we realized the show was coming up soon and we hadn’t heard anything about it. So we gave one of the organisers a ring and they had forgotten to put us on the line up and they had a full line-up already. Some of us were pretty pissed but luckily for Solvent one of

Hard Boiled - In July I have been led to believe Melbourne’s Behind Crimson Eyes have signed a record deal with major US metal label Roadrunner Records. This may just be a rumour at the moment but let’s hope it’s true. Mid-way through the band’s world tour, Bryon Bay’s Parkway Drive has decided to part ways with bass player Shaun Cash. Here is a statement from the band: “It is with a heavy heart that we have parted ways with our good friend and bass player Shaun Cash. Cashy left for personal reasons that we fully understand and support and we offer him nothing but good wishes for the future. So who’s playing bass? Enter Jia O’Connell. Jia, better know as Pipey, has been our friend and merch guy for a damn long time now and we’re more than stoked to welcome our mate into the band. “

Launceston’s newest emo/metalcore band Fall As Fire have just finished recording their first demo and are about to play their debut show @ the next Cabaret of Toxic Waste on the 15th of July @ the Batman Fawkner Inn with Separatist, This Future…Chaos, Mindset, Catfight Sex Toy and more. Go over to www.myspace. com/fallxasxfire to hear the demo. The world’s most destructive hardcore metal band, Ringworm will be doing their first ever Australian tour in July/August of this year, to support their newest release “Justice Replaced by Revenge” (Victory Records). Originally from the metal scene of Cleveland, Ohio, Ringworm have spent the past decade unleashing destruction, spending the past four years touring with bands such as Hatebreed, Blood For Blood, Converge and Terror. Prepare for a lesson in metal and hardcore the way they were meant to be when Ringworm teams up with Melbourne’s Mindsnare and Newcastle’s The Dead Walk! to tour Australia this coming July/August. Go to for the dates and more info.

What have you been up to lately? Not a whole lot actually. Just catching up every Friday and Saturday night with our mates and just chilling/working through the week days

You recently supported Highroad No. 28 and Bryon bay’s finest Parkway Drive, what did you take away from supporting such estimated bands? And did they give you any advice? Playing with Highroad No. 28 was a bit of a failure. They were cool guys, it’s just they had a very strange style that none of us really liked. I think we learnt from the gigs with Highroad that organizing shows for a band you do not like is never going to turn out good. As for Parkway Drive, it is awesome to be playing with your favorite band! They also gave us some helpful advice. They warned us that while we are establishing a fan base we would have to be prepared to use a lot of money out of our own pockets and that we would have to play at every opportunity we get. Apart from that the highlight of the night was talking to the guys because they were really cool and some of them even said they like one of our latest songs.

and bassist Drew are both moving to the mainland for an unknown period of time. We just feel it is a good time to call it quits because we wouldn’t be playing until next year-ish anyway. As for the future, there will be some sort of similar band including some of the members now but not all. We haven’t

Easter Monday and I blame it on most people being away on holiday! The other two Launnie gigs were similar to Hobart. At the all-ages gig there was a heap of drunken twelve-year-olds, same as the Hobart all ages, and at the metal gig at the Commercial Beer Gardens, there seemed to be quiet a few people from Hobart come up for the show. The Tassie metal scene is ready starting to take off; who are your favorite bands to play with or just listen to? And who are you looking forward to playing with in the future? It is great fun playing with Separatist because I get to play twice. We have all been mates with each other for two years, apart form Matt the drummer who I have been friends with for five or six years before Separatist had started. Other than that, I personally love playing with This Future…Chaos and Branded Left Handed because they are great bands and also great dudes to hang out with! Solvent are about to call it a day after all these years – why? And what does the future hold on all the members? Well, basically our drummer Ewen does not like our style and hasn’t liked it for quite sometime now and because of this he has decided to leave the band. On top of this, guitarist Nigel

I’m currently spinning - Hitman – “Demo 2006”, AFI – “December Underground”, Knuckledust – “Time Won’t Heal This”, Nile – “Annihilation Of The Wicked”, Mindset – “Demo 2006” and Death by Stereo – “If Looks Could Kill, I’d Watch You Die!”.

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EasyTalk Phones

C N R K i n g s w a y & Yo r k S t Launceston - 6334 8255 PAGE 23

McGavin’s If you’re not familiar to skateboarding in Tassie, or the hip shops of Launceston, then let this be an education. McGavin’s is a new shop in Launnie providing for the needs of the ever-increasing population of good-lookers, skaters, and the style-savvy. Slick and sophisticated, McGavin’s is a trendy joint where you can kick back, watch a skate DVD, shoot the breeze and feel at ease, all whilst perusing the latest clothes, shoes, and hardware. I asked the owner Julian Rodman a few questions about the shop and this is how the story unfolded... Hey Julian how’s it going? It’s going good. What gave you the urge to start up your own shop? To employ myself and get the local skate scene pumping! How long have you been open for? Around six months now. How’s the shop going, and what are you hoping to achieve? Flat out. As long as the skaters support Launnie’s core skate shop. This year, I hope to get into a massive shop with a mini so I can skate all day everyday. Do you sponsor any local skaters, or any events so far? Yeah, three; Blair Howard, Ben Walters and the elusive Hen-Hen. These kids shred and are my good friends. I helped out Jimmy at Falls a bit. In June/July, we are putting on a mini-ramp demo in the mall so keep posted for that. What are some of the hard things about running your own shop? Keeping stock in, budgeting, expensive taxes, watching skate videos all day

and not being able to skate until five and know that daylight savings are over so it gets dark in about half-anhour What are the benefits? I get to hang out with grommets flat out. I’m around skateboarding and I always have a fresh setup, ha-ha. Name some of the brands you carry, and a little info on them? Baker Skateboards, and Anti Hero are a board and clothing company. They are just a bunch of raw, gnarly dudes that don’t give a toss. Boom is an Australian/New Zealand company that makes clothes, boards and accessories. How’s skating in Launnie? What’s the common public perception/feeling of it? Any current news? Skateboarding in Launceston is, in my view, the best it has ever been. There are skate-parks popping up all over the show. I think the public is used to skateboarding in Launceston but there’re still always the haters. Would you like anything to change? Kid’s attitudes. A lot of kids take up skateboarding now days with goals set to get sponsored and crap when they should really just be in it for fun.

SK8 Wrap-up It was a big month for skating in little old TAS and it certainly took its toll with many a fallen soldier.

I reported last month that Hamish Cashion had been hit by a car and was in intensive care. Well he is home, safe and sound, and is even back on his board (tentatively, mind you). It seems Hamish started a trend, with every body jumping on the hospital band wagon. First off was young Taroona ripper Levi Adams who took an interesting approach to a roof gap and decided to dive off it head-first. Levi was rushed to hospital with a suspected broken neck, but was OK and is skating hard again now. [Some people never learn – Tom] Everyone’s favourite loudmouth Nick Ham also spent a couple of days in the hospital with glandular fever. Snowboarder, skater and surfer Alex Curtain will miss the snow season for the first time in a while after breaking his leg and his ankle while skating a backyard mini. Long-time 3twenty6 team member Leigh Marshall is off the board until further notice. He has a twisted spine, apparently from one-too-many slams on the same side. Launceston ramp ripper Michael Pepper has broken his ankle. Ross Scott fell on his face and now looks like he went ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Tom Field, only recently recovered from a surf injury, decided to try his hand again and received ten stitches for his troubles when his board speared him in the arse. And to round it off, Brodie Wilson broke a couple of bones in his foot while skating the park. Well I hope every one recovers fully (at least the skate park might be a bit quieter now.) Ben Smith continues to make a name for himself across the country. He just picked up a new board sponsor with Folklore and had a full-page check-out in the latest issue of Slam Magazine. He is off to Sydney this month courtesy of Juice Clothing who is picking up the tab. Apparantly he’s there to

What inspires you to open every day? Grommets coming in to the shop, hassling me out, and the fact that I have the best job in the world. What other interests do you have, and can/have you incorporated into the shop? I like drinking beer, but I can’t really incorporate that. I brought one of those mini basketball rings, which is pretty sick. Thanks for your time, add any end comments or thanks? I’d like to thank my family and friends, the McGavin crew, the Launceston skate scene, Brad at Kwala and Jimmy from Jimmy’s Skate & Street, who helped me out heaps even though he didn’t have to. If you skate in Hobar t, get into Jimmy’s shop and buy a board.

By Duncan Ewington

skate and do a bit of work helping paint the Juice offices. (I’d like to see that.) Will Snowball is back in the state briefly. He has just returned from snowboarding in Canada where he was filming for his sponsors Dragon Optics and Bomb Snowboards.(who also

sponsor fellow Tasmanians Jessie Bateman and Jimmy McMacken), while over there he also found time for a bit of skating and picked up third in a competition. Legendary ‘80s pro skater Tony Hallam was in the state briefly last month. For those who don’t know, Tony was one of Australia’s top pros in his time. He is still a sponsored skater and makes a career from designing skate parks, conducting clinics and organising events. He owns arguably the largest collection of skateboards in the world, which is why he came to Tas to film for the ABC show “The Collectors”. This episode will air on June 23rd so be sure to check it out. Tasmania’s friendliest skateboarder Chris Burrows’ band Asking For It had their 1st pub gig last month. They supported fellow skate-rock band The No Nos and I think every skater in town turned out for that one. Also along the lines of skate-rock, Taberah – featuring Hobart skaters Tom

Brockman and Seth – also played their first gigs last month, and it seems they have already been embraced by the local skate (and metal) scene. 3twenty6 skate shop in Devonport held its annual King Of The Coast competition. This is a competition with a difference. Ten teams with three to five members compete over three days. They must complete challenges and land certain tricks and capture it all on film. The team with the most points obviously wins. It takes a little while to get the footage together and for the judges to go through it, so there’re no results as yet, but by all reports everyone had a great time, so I guess skateboarding was the winner (sic). There’re a few things to keep an eye out for this month. There are skate days at Claremont skate park on June 8th and Glenorchy skate park June 15th. Both events will feature demos from the skate team at Jimmy’s Skate and Street, so come and check them out. June 9th sees the premiere of the much anticipated Krooked dvd “The Krooked Kronicles”. Premiere is at Jimmy’s Skate and Street at 5 30. This is one not be missed so get in early so you are not disappointed. That’s about it for skating this month. I said it last month, but obviously no one was listening so I will say it again; safe skateboarding.

By Jimmy McMacken



Fell To Erin Stumble & Fall By Carl Fidler

I love these guys and “Stumble And Fall” was an absolute pleasure to listen to. This is the four th release for the Hobar t lads and the perfect display of the experience and refinement that can only come with time. “Exper tly tasteful” is a term that springs to my mind. Anton Hagop produced and engineered this EP, which was a stroke of genius on the boys’ par t. Hagop is famous for his work with Silverchair and Powderfinger and brought out the best in the band. The guitars are so rich and yet compact, allowing enough space for Anthony and Linc’s intricate weaving. Linc’s voice is in top form, and the way it breaks up through moments of passion is almost hear t-wrenching. A beautifully subtle string arrangement and a hint of synth on the ballad “Shoulders” (track 2) was a welcome addition and completed the lush backdrop. The opening track “Dir ty Sneakers” is probably my pick of the bunch. It comes out like a slow, dir ty bang and is drenched in Hagop’s clever guitar ar tistry. Maybe it was the day I was having, but it made me think of a warm sunny day in Sydney ‘94 with honest Oz indie floating out on the airwaves. The only thing that could have made this experience any better for me would be more songs to enjoy. So come on kids, get out there and buy this CD so they can go back into the studio and record an album!

Mike Patton Peeping Tom By Tom Wilson

“What makes you think you’re my only lover? / The truth kinda hurts, don’t it? Motherfucker…” Hold on – was that Norah Jones? Who could turn such a lovely artist that far against type? The answer is one of the most notoriously creative artists in the American music industry – Mike Patton. After punching a hole in rock ‘n’ roll as the front-man of Faith No More, Patton’s musical ventures – both as side projects during FNM and in the time since it disbanded – have been eclectic to the point of disorientation. Such is the nature of these projects that when Patton first announced his intentions to make a “pop” album, it probably didn’t come as the surprise it otherwise would have. It’s ironic that Patton’s attempt at a “pop” album has turned into the most original release so far this year. To call it merely an electronica/ rock album would be both selling it short and completely missing the point. A sleek, moody arsenal of collaborations which sit together with the lethal intent of bullets in a pistol clip, each song is firmly on target. At once erratic and chillingly methodical and exacting, even its more upbeat melodies glisten with an almost sexy mystique – nowhere more evident than his notorious duet with Norah Jones on “Sucker”. Patton’s bend-over-backwards vocal range leaps drastically; moving from deep, almost jazz-like croons to rabid, high-velocity jabbering in a heartbeat. While it’s certainly not minimal, the songs – while unique – sound measured and assured. I can tell that he’s been working on this for a long time, and it has paid off, because “Peeping Tom” is the best album I’ve heard this year. 9/10 PAGE 26

Mobb Deep Blood Money By Paul Woolcock

The Coup

Pick A Bigger Weapon By Paul Woolcock


THE WARNING By Patrick Duke

Those who haven’t heard enough money-based gangster rap yet, rejoice. Mobb Deep have joined 50 Cents G-Unit label and, as you would expect, adopted the same ludicrously confident style (not that they were ever particularly humble). The extent of the subject matter is basically money, guns, money, groupies, money, money and more money.

This is some damn relaxed and funky hip-hop. Lead by old school-sounding MC Boots riley and backed by a talented band that surprisingly includes Tom Morello (from the almighty Rage Against The Machine and Audioslave) “Pick A Bigger Weapon” sounds somewhere in between 70s porn music and protest rap music.

Releasing their second album “The Warning”, Hot chip’s true sound of pop disco has hit the floors of all music stores around the world. From its weird glitch sounds to fat subliminal beats, they have created an extremely different, although intriguing, concoction of alternate tracks.

Taking on new pseudonyms to fit with the selfindulgent flamboyancy of G-Unit’s releases, Mobb Deep’s MC Prodigy became “V.I.P” while Havoc became “Hollywood”, and this does seem depressingly fitting. While many MCs rely on intricate wordplay and thought provoking observations it appears being involved with G-Unit mainly requires unwavering self confidence (at least in this case). In fact I get the feeling that sounding like you’re actually making an effort would be tantamount to admitting you’re a human and these fellas appear to be in the business of portraying inhumanly selfassured personas. This is all well and good if you like that sort of thing (and a hell of a lot of people do), but personally I prefer more elaborate concepts, or at least something with a bit more originality. Fans of G-Unit artists will be happy to find that around half the CD is occupied by 50 Cent and co., while Mobb Deep enthusiasts may feel a little bit ripped off by this (for an MD album there really isn’t as much MD material as you would expect).

Often directly political yet unashamedly silly, The Coup is filled with humorously written flows over groovy un-imposing sounds. With tracks like “B abyLetsHaveABabyBeforeBushDoSomethingCrazy” (pretty self-explanatory that one) and “My Favorite Mutiny” (featuring Black Thought and Talib Kweli) Boots keeps the political commentary raw and comical while tracks like “I Love Boosters” and “Get That Monkey Off Your Back” step into a more personal, but still just as funny, realm.

The group, whilst being long-life friends, are currently on a world tour to express their funky, psychedelic spindle of geek soul; the group being Alex Taylor, Joe Goddard, Owen Clarke and Felix Martin. With a vast range of instruments used, especially Felix with any percussion instrument he can get his hands on, they create a new diverse drum beat with every song.

If you are wondering what has become of Mobb Deep then you should probably check “Blood Money” out, but keep in mind that this album is heavily G-Unit flavored and if you don’t like 50 Cent you will most likely be disappointed.

Ne Yo

There is a pretty cool transition when “Ijustwannal ayaroundalldayinbedwithyou” (again the title pretty much describes the song) finishes and Boots says during a conversation with the woman under the covers with him, “…We be in bed together like George Bush and Saddam Hussein”. The music then fades into “Head (Of State)” which is as political as it gets. In this track Boots explains, in great detail, his take on the whole war-for-oil mess. His delivery is completely relaxed and very simple; kind of like you just ran into him at a bar and had a conversation with him over a joint. “Pick A Bigger Weapon” is a commendable release, however I get the feeling it might be a little too strange for many people. Boots certainly has an unusual approach to lyrics and if political humor isn’t your thing then you’re probably going to get over it fairly quickly. Still, definitely worth checking out, if only because you won’t find anything else quite like it.

In My Own Words By Paul Woolcock

To start with I should warn you that I am not really a huge fan of most mainstream R&B. I tend to like music that has a bit of bite and in my opinion modern R&B generally couldn’t bite its way through a marshmallow. Instead it would dissolve the marshmallow in a pool of whimsical sighs and saccharin-drenched bollocks. Obviously I am not the target audience; I easily tire of hearing choruses that seem largely based on combinations of the words “girl”, “baby”, “fine” and “baby-girl”. Perhaps that’s a little harsh; some of the beats on this album do seem different to the usual. “Get Down Like That” has a fairly cool instrumental backing the fairly predictable vocals. And Ne Yo’s voice certainly does fit the part; unrelentingly emotional and nearly always giving you the impression he is going to have a nervous breakdown if he doesn’t pick up whoever he’s talking to. Perhaps if there was something to break up the constant flood of tacky romance, I wouldn’t find this so tedious. While I may not get into the lyrical content Ne Yo is obviously a talented singer and if you appreciate mainstream R&B and don’t like too many surprises in your lyrics then this is probably your cup of fairy floss.


Houdini Live 2005 By Ryan Cooke The Melvins’ are one of the most important bands of the last two decades easily – anyone who isn’t familiar with Buzz Osbourne should slap themselves and die already! Anyway, here’s the basic concept of this album: after being invited to a successful performance as part of the United Kingdom’s All Tomorrow’s Parties “Don’t Look Back” event (an invitation-only event where bands convened to play one of their classic albums), the Melvins performed “Houdini” (originally released in 1993) in its entirety. Fortunately, while the Melvins failed to record the show, they decided to do a re-enactment and record the entire performance of “Houdini”. So now that we’ve established the basic concept behind “Houdini Live 2005: A live History of Gluttony and Lust”, let’s begin this review. One of the biggest changes since the original recording back in 1993 was the addition of bassist Trevor Dunn. In addition, the sound quality and the producing that ushers the Melvins into 2006. However, this remastered edition of “Houdini” lacks the new exploration of sound that marks this current era of music. Older Melvins/Buzz Osbourne fans won’t be impressed with this album but I like the chances of this record drawing a whole new audience to the band.

Dave Adams Diving For Pearls By Carl Fidler

Dave Adams is a little-known local treasure. Born in Wyoming, USA, he lived most of his life in Sydney surfing and playing guitar. Over the years David has performed in bands of some note and has opened for artists such as Joan Armitrading, Van Morrison and Mick Fleetwood. He also spent ten years as a session singer in Sydney and is responsible for some famous national ad campaigns. We are so fortunate that Dave chose to make Launceston his home. “Diving For Pearls” took almost two years to complete and is basically a who’s-who of Tasmania’s finest session players and local legends. For the uninitiated, Dave Adams’ sound is slick and sophisticated adult contemporary rock. That’s a bit of a mouthful – just think Bill Withers (or if you don’t know him, think Sting!). “Diving For Pearls” is a collection of small gems fashioned from the heart and his strong ties with the ocean. Each song is an emotive journey through sound, time and space, expertly crafted, perfectly arranged and the recordings are floorless. I guess it helps when you work with true professionals! Nothing is overplayed on this album and there is so much space within the songs that the soundscapes and progressions evolve naturally. I absolutely loved this album, but you don’t have to take my word on this one as Dave Adams plays regularly at Irish Murphy’s and the Oak. Check it out and buy a disc (and help him pay that massive debt back!)

Definite favourite track of the album would have to be “Tchaparian”. It’s a cross from a Commodore 64 game mixed with a bassy, minimal sound and some added imitation roman flugels, and the infamous “gehts Noch?” synth bender sound. “The Warning” on the other hand reminds me of Aphex Twin’s sound, but with added harmonising lyrics between a comical yet soothing feel, with some beat slicing to add more dynamics. Overall this album doesn’t make me a more complete human after gasping at my terrible, defected eardrums with these tracks, yet it still has been produced very well and has a very abstract expression amongst the album. I give this album 5 dirty monkeys out of 10.

Layo & Bushwacka Feels Closer By Patrick Duke

Finally, a new release from the famous Layo & Bushwacka! Need I tell you about these guys? If so, reach in your grandfather’s closet, grab his old shotty and shoot an ear off. These guys have always been talented at any beat they produce together, no matter what genre. The new album is entitled “Feels Closer” and was recorded in London, Brazil and New York. Whilst they discovered it has a more laid back feel towards the album, the pair had expressed their new direction in what has influenced their ambitions towards their music through time. “We feel very connected with this work and where we want to be musically, and in our lives, hence the title “Feels Closer””. With only 400 cuts of vinyl to be released, including exclusive tracks, you’ll be lucky to get it on plastic. But don’t worry; it’s on CD worldwide! It’s obvious that the first track was designed for the dancefloor – “Life 2 Live” featuring Green Velvet has a steady flow of happy upbeat bop to it. Although, I was a bit discouraged from this album compared to many of their previous releases – I felt a little let-down. Still there’s always reason to turn that frown upside down, for it is really meant to be a mellow album. “We’ve been here before”, “Saudade”, “Isn’t This a Lovely Day” would be my favourite slow beats on the album, with “Life 2 Live” being the overall favourite. Overall a great CD for the café, restaurant or maybe an art show even. Produced very well, I was very impressed with the overall mastering; I’m going to give it 7 Festy Fuzz monkeys outta 10.

Thursday NOFX

Wolves In Wolves Clothing By Ryan Cooke Fat patron saint of lost causes, godfather of bastard children who hang out at the mall, hater of Bush: Fat Mike. Speaking of, I’ve never been a fan of this band or even its fans, and this album hasn’t won me over either. Sure the lyrics are catchy (“60%” and “Instant Crassic”), and the riffs are fast (“USA Holes” and “We March to the Beat of Indifferent Drum”), but this is all the same stuff we’re heard from this band for way too long now. The only two things that sort of made me enjoy this record was “The Man I Killed”, which was one of the few mature tracks on the whole album, and the pleasure of hearing Fat Mike and Eric Melvin make melodic lines out of “We get what we fucking deserve / Bringing raised fists to a knife fight”. Punk should have been dead and buried in the early 80’s [another winning insight from Eggy – Tom], instead bands like Blink 182, NOFX etc. keep running its good name into the ground.

A City Devided By Ryan Cooke USA Emo/hard rock band Thursday is back with the album which almost never happened due to high tensions within the band, and they are better than ever with their follow up to 2003’s huge hit “War All the Time”. Admittedly, I was half-excited about the new Thursday album finally coming out. Yes, I briefly scanned (and judged) the band based on a few demos that leaked late last year. “A City by the Light Divided” kicks off with a huge blast with the track “The Other Side of the Crash / Over and Out” and the catchy sure to be a hit “Counting 5-4-3-2-1”. Further removing themselves from their screamo/emo roots, lead singer Geoff Rickly rarely breaks into screamo yelling. Rather, he lets the music do most of the shouting for him. 2003’s “war all the time” shoved them in a huge pill of emo shit and this album sure of hell breaks them out of that mould. This album won’t make Thursday the biggest band in the world but it will blow away a lot of people who previously wrote them off, this album is defiantly for any fan of screamo/emo and maybe even punk.

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PS2 - 24: THE GAME PS2 - Ape Escape 3 TERRORISM! Okay, before you start throwing fridge magnets at me try this on…ELISHA CUTHBERT! All right, all right, settle down. I know I’ve sent out a mixed message (are you alert, but not alarmed?). The world may be on the verge of ultimate extinction thanks to some political malcontents, but look! Hot chicks, yay! In many ways, this is the kind of cognitive disconnection “24: The Game” creates. What we have here is a very well-presented attempt at an interactive version of the smash-hit television show. You will assume the role of several key characters such as terminally pissed-off Jack Bauer and his shapely daughter, Kim. You will kick off

auto-aim stuff, which doesn’t really require any skill as the game does it all for you. Tap the right analogue stick to switch targets and keep hitting the fire button for as long as it takes for the bad guys to stop moving. You can use cover with a convenient tap of the X button and pressing the square button over a dead body yields ammo and other miscellaneous items. You can even kick the bodies about a bit, if you’re into that kind of thing. Various mini-games break up the shooty-stealthy bits. For example, at the end of the first mission you’ll have to defuse a bomb by pressing the correct sequence of buttons to navigate a simple maze. Other mini-games involve interrogating prisoners and recovering files from an erased hard drive. It sounds like fun on paper. Missions sometimes involve driving. Imagine driving a pregnant whale…in labour. That’s kind of close to how the vehicles handle. It’s not that much fun, really. In fact, in many ways, being inside a whale as it undergoes labour would be a preferable alternative. Unfortunately, in striving to provide so many different gaming experiences, they mostly all fall flat in the context of the whole game.

the action controlling Jack and his CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) buddies storming a tanker set to explode and spread a deadly virus throughout a harbour in LA. Initially it is captivating stuff as the presentation closely mirrors the show. From the constantly ticking clock to the multiple frames and shaky-cam, the developers have incorporated these superficial touches extremely well. Initially, it fools you into feeling the same kind of thrill derived from watching the show. But then the game kicks in and things turn ugly, quickly. And it’s a shame, because it strives to impress. It wants to be loved. You’ll get a kick out of the gunplay, for a little while. It’s standard third-person

In stark contrast, the cut-scenes have been scripted and performed with all the same production values of the show. Most of the voices are provided by the actual actors, and there’s enough of a story there to make it almost worthwhile trudging through the uninspired gameplay to unravel the next twist, especially if you’re a fan – a forgiving one. For everyone else though, you’ll have to ask yourself whether you have enough hours in your day to suffer through the fairly tedious game to unravel the story. If the answer is a resounding “maybe!” then you might want to rent this one for a weekend. Just like yo’ momma. 2 screaming hostages out of 5.

By Chris Rattray

Under the baleful eye of evil, hyper-intelligent monkey Specter, hordes of pesky simians have overrun the airwaves of Earth and TV just hasn’t been the same! You’d think it was a meditation on the dangers of mass media ownership, but it’s actually the premise for the latest entry in the “Ape Escape” platformer franchise; “Ape Escape 3” from Sony Entertainment. Before you begin your mission, you must choose between stock cutesy anime chick, Sayaka, or Satoru, the requisite anime lad with hair spiked on “ludicrous” setting. Once your gender identification issues have been sorted it’s time to get to the matter at hand – catching monkeys! Skip the wordy and overlong cut-scenes and before you know it you’re sneaking about the first of 24 levels, each themed after a film – “Howler Monkey’s Unmoving Castle” is a particular fave. To start with, you’ve got a lightsabre kind of thing with which to conk monkeys in the head and a net to catch them [Just like sex, then – Tom]. As the adventure continues, you’ll receive more bizarre gadgets to aid you on your quest, like a monkey radar and a strange hula-hoop device which gives you short bursts of speed – very handy for catching some of the faster monkeys! In addition to the gadgets, you have the opportunity in particular levels to morph into different forms, like a ninja or knight, which will help you overcome such obstacles as flame-belching walls and giant mecha-dinosaurs (piloted by insane monkeys, of course). Aside from the usual platform-adventure foes to avoid or smack around for monetary reward, the monkeys themselves are a varied bunch. Some are dead easy to net, while others will get angry and smack you about. Even better, some will steal your net and try to catch you! The variety of reactions

In Bed With Emma Dilemma


The CD is a six-track EP they recorded late last year at the awe-inspiring Valley View Studios just outside Wynyard. Drew Godfrey pulled out some fat sounds for the boys – the guitars are huge! It’s so good to finally hear Modus with a professional recording. The DVD is the real prize of this package. It looks and sounds great. The majority of the footage was collected from their set at Funktion New Year’s Eve at the Albert Hall. The light show is massive and it’s a really good-looking stage. They had enough friends with cameras at that gig to cover every angle and the footage keeps moving and captivates your attention. Anthony Beverage (drums) has done a fine job with the editing and layout of the DVD. There are a few added treats on “Demonstration”; some I don’t want to tell you about as they are best left a surprise. But I can tell you about the video clip for “F. Amazing”. Filmed partially at Mojo Music, it’s concise and to-the-point, with some slick editing from Jason Howard (Primary). Kudos to the boys for their efforts. This is a great local release and I’m proud to endorse it.

By Carl Fidler PAGE 28

Ah, “The Crow”. Few would have predicted that Alex Proyas’ gothic tale would becomes one of the most well-known film franchises of recent years (particularly given that the original film cost its star Brandon Lee his life in an on-set accident). Famous for its gnarly grunge soundtrack and gothic cinematography – both of which were memorable enough to overpower some truly bad dialogue – “The Crow” became a lifestyle and fashion tome for an entire generation of outcast teenage girls, and a great resume addition for the bands involved in the soundtrack (most notably Helmet, Nine Inch Nails and Pantera). While “City of Angels” suffers from its lower budget – it bypassed cinemas in this country – it manages to persevere on those key strengths of the original. It’s not a strong film; the characters are bad, and the acting sucks. Years before his risible turn in “Queen of the Damned”, Vincent Perez’s protagonist doesn’t come close to Brandon Lee (or Brandon’s brother Jason Scott Lee, who filled in for his late sibling in the original film). But “City of Angels” does boast two major assets. The first is the casting of that skeletal rock n’ roll warhorse, Iggy Pop, whose bleary-eyed figure dominates every scene he’s in. The other asst, in case you were wondering, is the then-unknown band seen playing on stage during the Day of the Dead street party sequence. At the time of filming, they’d just released an album called “Adrenaline”, and in the years since became my favourite band of all time – The Deftones. Maybe I’m just an insatiable fan, but the ten seconds of screen time the band has here makes “City of Angels” a permanent part of my DVD collection.

By Tom Wilson

The graphics are not going to win any awards, but

they’re bold and functional and stay out of the way of the gameplay. Music is appropriately cinematic when required, and whimsically techno-ish when not. “Ape Escape 3” should appeal if you’re into games like “Crash Bandicoot”, “Kingdom Hearts”, or “Ratchet and Clank”. It’s a surprisingly charming game that provides a fun way to waste an hour or two at the end of the day, and is a good alternative to what you’d usually do with your monkey. 3 and a half spanks out of 5.

By Chris Rattray and strutted their wares. I watched as an enthusiastic child and thought “...that’s the life for me.” What was it that you wanted about their lifestyle? It’s great to see creative individuals that have created a strong sense of themselves, to such an extreme that they become these tremendous characters that could walk out onto a stage or street anywhere with nothing but a suitcase of miscellaneous items and amaze an audience. What is a freak? A freak is anything that is alternative to the mainstream. So there are physical freaks – I think that’s anyone who looks quite different or can do something incredible with their bodies that most can’t do. There are also mental freaks who think outside the mainstream box. The result? Births of rare and astounding and beautiful things.

Modus Demonstration Local heartthrobs Modus have been hard at it lately, and the fruits of their labour have arrived with the release of “Demonstration”. I’m hoping there’s a bit of tongue-and-cheek in the title because this DVD/CD combo packs in more punch than any demo ever could. The boys have gone to a lot of effort with this project and it shows.

from your prey ensures the game remains fun and fresh. However, if all this hunting of apes wears thin you can warp back to home base and use the gold you’ve collected to purchase various in-game goodies, like music and minigames, so there’s always something to do or see. Each monkey has its own identity, so capturing them unlocks more and more of the hilarious in-game horoscopes, which only adds to the incentive to capture monkeys. And besides, they’re just so damn cute, what with their mile-wide mouths and spinnyhead-siren things.

Sunday morning…Ridiculously early… I’m in bed. The internationally renowned superstar performer Birdmann is in bed. We have collectively had 4 hours sleep. I was cavorting in my luxury Tasmanian country boudoir last night. He was in Woolongong, singing karaoke with a drag queen and two Maori guys doing back up vocals. I took advantage of his reclining position and posed a few naked questions about his strange life and his upcoming trip to the Apple Isle to MC the Tasmanian Variety Freak Show... How did you become Birdmann? My parents left me at the beach when I was five and I was raised by seagulls and brought up on a diet of hot chips. I’m a combination of Houdini, Kafka, and that new guy who hosts “Sale of the Century”. I call myself Birdmann because birds are free and being in the Tasmanian Variety Freak Show gives me the same sense that we can be free to do whatever we wish. When, where, how, why, what...your career? I have been performing for fourteen years. I started in Surfers Paradise after Expo 88 and since then I’ve performed in twelve countries and every state in Australia. After Expo 88, a lot of the performers that were out of work (because they don’t hold World Expos that often) came to Surfer’s Paradise

I think you fit the bill then. Have you been to Tasmania before? This will be the fourth time. I’ve performed at the Taste of Tasmania, the National Circus Festival, Festivale, and three times at the Evandale Penny Farthing Festival…which is my favourite festival in Australia, if not the world. A camel yelled at me there. I remember doing a show which wasn’t going that great and the camel just stood behind me and started yelling. So every time I’m in Tasmania, I try and travel with a camel. In my show I’m going to try to push a camel through the eye of a needle. And then as a finale I’m going to try and get a rich guy to enter the kingdom of heaven. Are you looking forward to the Tasmanian Variety Freak Show? I’m really looking forward to the Freak Show. It’s going to be the best thing since Expo 88 and the Evandale Penny Farthing festival. For an encore I’m going to get those two events and push them through the eye of a rabbit, which is a metaphorical act of transcending time and culture. This show is going to be heaps better than the time Rhonda Birchall performed at the Gorge. I’m proud to MC one of the finest collection of freaks, geeks and beauties in Tasmania. What can we expect to see you doing at this aforesaid show? I’ll probably perform an ancient Eastern ritual called the “Netti Nasal Nouche” where I pour water into one hole in my body and it comes out another hole in my body. And it’s not drinking or going to the toilet. I’ll also stick various things to my body through the use of suction. Birdman plays Freakshow at Arts Alive on Friday 16th of June.

By Emma Macintosh

TRASHARAMA 2006 IS COMING Those sick freaks at Trasharama A-go-go are stalking short horror, sc-fi, dodgymentaries, warped animations, bad taste comedies and other filmic disasterpieces for the 2006 national tour. Old or new, Slick or Schlock, they don’t care… Only a lousy $10 to enter for your chance to win awesome prizes and gain national exposure. Deadline for entries Aug 14th 2006. Checkout www. for entry form and more info.

Unsharp – Unconscious @ QVMAG 13 May – 9 July 2006 By Sam Eddy

The Digital unconscious works as inspiration behind “Unsharp – Unconscious”. Digital prints where once looked down as being inferior to their photographic competitors, and for forerunners the quality wasn’t there and the technology was yet to catch up to the initial hopes and dreams held for the digital medium. But time has shown that digital imaging has out-grown its fascination with the Photoshop effect and taken a more subtle approach. Curated by Mathew Perkins (“Fracture - Beyond the Visual” QVMAG 2005), using Walter Benjamin’s 1928 essay “A Small History of Photography” as a starting point, the six artists represented explore the world past the conscious eye. Benjamin was interested in the way that through utilising devices such as zoom and slow motion in photography and film, the lens can reveal to us another world, an unknown word, one that without the technologies would remain unheard and unseen. Perkins is interested in the evolution of Benjamin’s idea and expands it into the realm of the digital. Changes in perspective and the continuing evolution of our perception create an atmosphere where things familiar become unfamiliar and expose themselves as new again. “New representational possibilities allow us to discover the digital unconsciousness.” We are urged as the viewer to consider the extent at which digital tools expand and increase our knowledge of the unconscious and this for me is where the exhibition fails. The work looks great, well printed and presented in a relaxed hanging, but the overall feeling, for me at least, was that it didn’t explore the avenues of the unconscious far enough, nor did it expand on the further capabilities of the digital medium. Which becomes almost a shame after hearing and seeing the possibilities explored by participating Melbourne-based artist Murray Mckeich in a forum held in conjunction, about generative art and art practises, which really challenges the viewer on another level. This seems like a gathering of different ideas under the one banner. The initial bang of the spectacle is there to be had. It’s a stronger bang than that of the international digital art awards shown in Launceston the past few years but without the over-usage of the effect. As I said before, this exhibition does take a subtle approach; it’s after time that they do grow on you. Izabela Puta creates an environment that belongs one foot in the material and the other in the clouds, but keeps both feet deep in a photographic tradition, while Trih Vu’s “3D White Jungle” overtakes the back wall a synthetic plant like species that is purely digital. These two different directions create an interesting interaction between the six artists. The mix of traditional photographic methods within the digital, and works that rely completely on the digital. “Unsharp” – although a refreshing breath of air – does I believe fail to reach its own expectations; a missed chance to explore something that could represent so much more.

FREAK SHOW On Friday the 16th of June, Launceston will be treated to an incredible show of the utmost excitement, hilarity and fun. Dilemma productions proudly present The Tasmanian Variety Freak Show, a night of cabaret, comedy, burlesque, music and loads of surprises. The internationally renowned Birdmann will MC the night with his unique brand of bizarre sideshow lunacy. Headlining he evening will be Samora Squid, freak extraordinaire, who will make you laugh, gasp and cringe as he voluntarily dislocates his limbs, swallows swords and eats broken glass. The extremely funny comic duo, Frith and Fleur will perform their version of risqué, burlesque action with a saucy piece entitled “Frith and Fleur: In The Nude”, which is sure to shock, challenge and leave you a fit of the giggles. On the music side of things, local Hip-Hoppers Altrueism, who recently supported Bliss and Esso, will be sure to add quite a spin to the evening and get the place pumping. More music will be heard from Emma Dilemma, the mistress of sexy future-pop, who will want you to get your groove on and you will have no choice but to comply. The event will be held at Arts Alive 174 Charles Street, Launceston (Behind Fresh Café) The night is sure to be highly entertaining and leave you wanting more!

For more information contact: Samora Squid: 0409 428 261 Emma Dilemma: 0416 728 819

Going Up A Level With Tasmanian Dance

Twelfth Floor A dance work featuring an all-star cast of Australian contemporary dance artists and the eccentric sonic creativity of nightclub DJ Tr!p, “Twelfth Floor” is about to hit Hobart’s Theatre Royal for a three-night run. Characters emerge and unravel in this darkly funny physical exploration of human interactions in confinement, set in a mysterious institution. Each has their own strategy for survival, from dreams of escape to withdrawal to an interior world; from wrestling for power, to claiming the trappings of official authority. Director, Tanja Liedtke, has just finished choreographing a new work for Launcestonbased Tasdance (“Enter Twilight”), and last year toured Europe extensively with acclaimed physical theatre company, DV8 (“Just for Show”). She’s also created works in Germany (“Angels Fallen” for Akademie des Tanzes in Mannheim) and Brazil (“To My Suite” and “Forever You” for De Anima Ballet Contemporaneo). Tanja’s dynamic, highly physical choreography bears the signs of her training and work with Garry Stewart’s Australian Dance Theatre from 1999-2003, where she created roles and performed in works including “Birdbrain” and “The Age of Unbeauty”. She also choreographed numerous works for the annual Ignition seasons, with her works in 1999 and 2000, “To My Suite” and “Forever You” selected in the Dance Australia Critic’s Choice for most promising choreography.

THE FACTS: Director: Tanja Liedtke Cast: Anton, Kristina Chan, Julian Crotti, Amelia McQueen, Paul White Where: Theatre Royal, Hobart When: Thurs 8th, Fri 9th, Sat 10th June @ 8.00PM Adults $33, Concession $29, Children $16

Exhibition Review Empire @ Inflight Gallery, 2/6/06 By Duncan Ewington

This exhibition was located just over the road from my house, and after a busy day running around, I was glad not to have to travel too far. What was even better was that it was an opening by one of my favorite Tasmanian contemporary artists, Empire. Empire’s work was stencil-based mural work painted straight onto the crisp white walls of the Inflight Gallery. It was cool to see something that might normally be hidden down an alleyway beyond the general public’s [collective] eye up on gallery walls, in all its glory, for all to see. Using an interesting colour combination of red, lime green, and pink paint, Empire’s subject matter was a juxtaposed mix of pop culture, military iconography, pornography, flagbearing skeleton horsemen, self-portraits, and even a pissing man. Maybe not a show for the easily-offended, it was funny to see that it really didn’t seem out of place, and worked well. The choice of colours and subjects definitely gave the viewer an uneasy feeling, as I assume was the intention (and I know Empire loves the value of shock tactics), but in a packed room of friendly talkative people it was hard to grasp the full impact of the large-scale paintings. It turned out to be a wildly popular opening, with the gallery overflowing and chock full of people. This meant it was difficult to get a decent look at the work, but instead it ended up being a really nice social event, full of a good variety of interesting and creative people, and a great start to the night. Empire’s exhibition is a must see!

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Aries Go Stick your horns up your own bum.

Taurus Just because it’s invisible doesn’t mean it’s not real. If you can hear the music, keep dancing.

Gemini Get loud and obnoxious this month like a twin-engine turbo jet pack whore. Put a subwoofer on lay by and pay it off with next fortnight’s dole cheque.


Name: Andrew Age: 23 Favourite band: Falling Up

Be prepared for some massive lung action this month as your amazing organ expands and contracts 2,678,400 times.

Leo The solar eclipse this month will have you beating (or eating) around the bush. Set some trends in the bedroom. Tell all your friends what’s cool and grown up. Bush munching is the new anal.

Favourite drink: Beer

Name: Brendan (Mr. Colossal)

Age: 21 Favourite band: Korn Favourite drink: Vodka

and Red Bull

Should we have to pay to download music? No What makes a good night for you? Dinner,

Should we have to pay to download music? No What makes a good night for you? 2 movie, sex What’s one thing that you What’s one thing that think you are? Dedicated you think you are? Idiot What’s one thing that you What’s one thing that think you’re not? Mean!! you think you’re not? Nice

Virgo Avoid getting waylaid this month. Take the most direct root.



Your constellation is in da house this month. As a result, you will most probably partake in verbal communication, dental hygiene, and monetary transactions.


Scorpio Scorpio, Scorpio, wherefore art thou Scorpio? Your brand new indulgence is oh so very easy to swallow. Unzip your inner hedonist and smear it.

Sagittarius Have a dig. No, dig deeper! Deep down you’ll find you’re actually quite shallow.

Name: Brett Age: 29 Favourite band:

System of a Down

Favourite drink: Vodka

Capricorn You were born with a horn. Use the motherfucker baby.

Should we have to pay to download music? No

What makes a good night for you? One I can’t remember

Aquarius Eat when no one is watching. Dance when no one can see. Try a new herbal medicine. It’s made of honey and wee.

What’s one thing that you think you are? Drunk

What’s one thing that you think you’re not? Confident


Name: Courtney Age: 18 Favourite band: Grinspoon

Favourite drink: Midori

Should we have to pay to download music? No!

What makes a good night for you? What’s one thing that you think you are? Hilarious

What’s one thing that you think you’re not? Not up myself

Scale down your inhibitions. Get some carpet action this month.

Name: Hannah Age: 18 Favourite band: None at


This ‘n’ That

CDs & Clothes


the moment


and Red Bull

What’s one thing that you think you are?

with my friends and staying in town till Banjo’s is open

What’s one thing that you think you’re not? I’m not…a guy.

with Paul or Emmz for a new direction this season

Should we have to pay to download music? Depends if it’s any good!

Courtney thinks I’m gorgeous

Present this Voucher & recieve $10 off your next Cut or Style

Favourite drink: Vodka

What makes a good night for you? Drinking

and friends

9 TATLER ARCADE LAUNCESTON p. 6334 0611 m. 0400 340 611

Find your Identity!

Name: Kayla Age: 19 Favourite band: Eskimo

Favourite drink: Vodka Should we have to pay to download music? Nup!


Dancing and hot guys

What makes a good night for you? Going out

What’s one thing that you think you are? Crazy What’s one thing that you think you’re not? Sane



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