digitalLEARNING-Apr-2010-[12-13]-Industry Leader Say

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opportunities and impac t

Industry Leader Say

Pankaj Kayathwal Business Vertical Manager, LG Electronics India

Mohammed Ghouse Manager, (Analyst & Media), Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Harish A. K. Senior Business Manager, Visual Instruments, Epson India Pvt. Ltd.

Jaemes Shanley Director of Sales-Asia Pacific-Latin America-New Mexico, mimio


There is a paradigm shift in using the tools for purpose of education today. Educational Institutes are trying to develop a system of more and more scientific gadgets to create much effective teaching-learning process. This also cut down the cost in the process. Because good faculty cause a high expenditure and replacing manpower with effective technology results in good quality of teaching with lesser cost. There is an obvious major boom to see in the education sector in India in terms of using technology in comparison to the global scenario. As the world is moving towards technology driven education system, India is also not far behind and capturing the pace very fast. There is also a good competition growing in between the private and government/state run institutes in India in terms of the quality of education, using technology and resulting a huge potential of quality development of mankind.

IWB’s are the most important tools of learning. They have changed the way we teach & train because education has become Edutainment providing a greater learning experience to both, the Teacher and the student. We provide Interactive Classroom Solutions consisting of Clasus, Legamaster and Luidia’s Interactive White Boards or eBeam Interactive Devices, Quizdom Voting Pads, Document Camera, Wireless Tablet, Projector etc. In comparison to international market, Indian market is slow paced but a potential market. There are still a million classrooms left to be made Interactive. The penetration of equipments is much higher in private schools than Government schools. Government should promote them more widely through a policy. Otherwise the growth will be slower. We are sure India will be emerge as the fastest emerging market for quality education in the next few years.

Considering the world wide market scenario the only segment where there is consistent growth is Education across the globe. The teaching methods are drastically changing from the conventional black board to computer based teaching with interactive content. Interactive classroom teaching (ICT) is the current trend in education with graphical representation where students gain much more practical knowledge in reality world. In this the teacher is using the computer, IWB & projector for the teaching. This kind of teaching is motivating students to be involved in every aspect and teachers are in receipt of good results from maximum students. The growth in India is almost 15% - 20% every year on the education segment and lot of funds being allocated to education from the government very year. Epson has range from 35K to 70K for the standard class room projector.

There is probably no other nation like India, which has seen the transformative impact of a well educated and technologically literate workforce on the national economy. India already has some of the worlds most highly innovative providers of ICT to education bringing comprehensive interactive classroom solutions which integrate equipment, content, training and support to schools. The rapid growth in adoption of ICT and IWB’s in the private schools sector will migrate to the public or government schools sector in the coming years and when it does, will be of unprecedented scale. At this moment, mimio provides a range of portable and highly affordable solutions for creating Interactive Whiteboards in classrooms. The cost of these systems can start at prices as low as Rs 32,000.

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