digitalLEARNING-Feb-2010-[37-38]-Report-digital LEARNING@50

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digital LEARNING@50 The Launch Ceremony

BEGINNING OF A CELEBRATION In a befitting ceremony on January 20, 2010, digitalLEARNING saw launch of its 50th issue along with a Curtain Raiser of 6th eINDIA 2010 Conference and Exhibition. It was an evening that saw the presence of many eminent personalities at Claridges, New Delhi. It has been a mandate with digitalLEARNING Magazine to provide with a forum where the stakeholders’ perspectives and experiences are brought together to benefit all. Disseminating the best practices and suggesting perspectives of importance to policy makers has been on the digitalLEARNING agenda since its inception. The launch was a celebration to highlight the diverse areas that the magazine has catered to in the past years. The magazine has received contributions from more than 320 authors representing diverse spectrum of the ICT in education community, over the past 50 issues. These contributions were received not only from scholars of high stature but also from different backgrounds and geographical locations. DigitalLEARNING Magazine has received contributions from India, Malaysia, USA, UK, Philippines, China, Thailand, Indonesia, South Africa, Bangladesh, Singapore, China, Pakistan, Canada and Turkey. To add to the list, the magazine received additional contributions from Russia, Israel, Kenya, Ghana, New York and Australia. This showcased the expanding global reach of digitalLEARNING. Not to mention, the response of the diverse audience, who have been overwhelmingly supportive! FELICITATING CEREMONY Dr. Ravi Gupta, Executive Director, welcomed the esteemed dignitaries to the

Dr. Ravi Gupta (on dice); From Left to Right: Prof. V N Rajashekharan Pillai, Amit Gupta, Dr. A K Bakshi, Shri Subhash C Khuntia, Shakila Shamsu and Prof. Latha Pillai.

launch and the curtain-raiser event. He gave a brief presentation on the journey of digitalLEARNING Magazine so far and opened a round of discussion amongst the eminent panelists, who graced the occasion. Following the introduction and welcome speech, the 50th issue of digitalLEARNING Magazine was launched along with the formal launch of eINDIA 2010 brochures. The panelists consisted of M P Narayanan, President, Centre for Science Development and Media Studies; Dr. A K Bakshi, Director, Institute of Life Long Learning; Dr. S S Jena, Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS); Shri Subhash C Khuntia, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development; Prof. V N Rajashekharan Pillai, Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University; Dr. Latha Pillai, Pro-Vice Chancellor, IGNOU; Shakila Shamsu, Advisor-Education, Planning Commission; Amit Gupta, CEO, S.Chand Group; and Dr. Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi,

Shri Subhash C Khuntia being welcomed by Dr. Ravi Gupta

IAS, Joint Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs. THE MAGAZINE Dr. Ravi Gupta, to begin with, requested the panelists to speak about the highlights of digitalLEARNING magazine coverage. Dr. Latha Pillai opined that the digitalLEARNING magazine reaches out to a large number of people, with the digital LEARNING

february 2010


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