digitalLEARNING-Feb-2011-[19]-Mobile Learning in Higher Education-Ninad Vengurlekar

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Mobile Learning in Higher Education Why do you think mobile phones will impact the education sector in India? In India, mobile phones arrived close on the heels of internet. But their penetration has been nothing short of a miracle. With over 700 million phone users in India in the past one decade, close to 65 per cent of India is connected to this wonder machine. It is estimated that close to 70-80 per cent youth in the country may own a mobile phone making it most preferred communication option than any other media ever. The all pervasive nature of mobile phones makes it imperative for educationists to evaluate its merits and demerits as learning tools or aid.


Historically, it has been proven that every media can be put to educational use. Radio, TV, Cinema, Internet and Computers are some of the traditional as well as new media that has created innovative educational programming for masses. Traditional media (Radio, TV and Cinema) has been more in the broadcasting realm, in the sense, the communication is from one-to-many. Communication is orderly, systematic and planned. There are limited feedback mechanisms and almost none other interactive features. The educational and learning opportunities in traditional media have therefore been limited. Computers and Internet changed all that. Computers introduced what we call today as interactivity. Communication became interactive and one to one – like human communication. Internet added even more interactivity to this communication by making it one-to-many and many-to-many. Such communication channels offered huge opportunities for education and learning. As a result, while you rarely find radio, TV and cinema in classrooms; computers and internet are all pervasive in education across the world. Ninad Vengurlekar, Vice President - New Media in Education @ IL&FS Education and Technology Services Limited, talks about the potential of M-Learning in India.

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