case study
American School of Bombay, India Adobe sof tware opens up breakthrough new ways to teach and learn.
Industry Education Challenges • Incorporate digital communication into the classroom • Create and deliver media-rich curriculum, lesson plans, and digital assessments Solution • Multimedia communication • eLearning Results • Enhanced traditional methods of • teaching through digital communication • Enabled students to showcase their work through multimedia projects • Improved classroom efficiency and enhanced collaboration and communication among students, teachers and parents. • Fostered skills useful in professional arenas Systems at a glance • Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro • Adobe Presenter • Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro • Adobe Creative Suite 3 • Adobe Premiere Elements • Adobe Photoshop Elements
New Ways to Teach And Learn At the American School of Bombay (ASB) in Mumbai, India, students learn that creativity, communication, and technology are essential tools in maximising their potential in any professional path they pursue. Recognising the capacity for technology to inspire and engage students and help them build practical career skills, ASB adopted Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro and Adobe Creative Suite 3 along with Adobe Photoshop Elements, Adobe Premiere Elements, Adobe Connect and Adobe Presenter software to incorporate digital communication into the classroom and empower faculty and students to express their ideas effectively. The use of technology in education at ASB enables teachers to make learning a richer, more engaging experience, but – more importantly – it also provides an effective outlet for students’ creative instincts and opens up diverse career options for them. Engaging Students with Rich Multimedia Adobe Presenter provides an ideal way for teachers to create interactive, media-rich presentations of their coursework. Using Presenter software, ASB teachers also can create and distribute curriculum, multimedia lesson plans, and homework assignments electronically to improve classroom efficiency and enhance collaboration and communication among students, teachers, and parents. Teachers generate compelling classroom presentations complete with textbook excerpts, photos, video, and audio files that are combined into a single, engaging and interactive presentation. Technology As An Integral Part of Instruction At ASB, approximately 700 preschool through 12th-grade students can cultivate a truly global perspective; the student body is comprised of 51 nationalities. Adobe software tools and educational resources make integration of digital technology into the curriculum a natural process, and help teachers create a dynamic learning environment. The school offers a campus-wide wireless network, and every student from grade 6 onward is required to own a portable computer. Teachers use Adobe software to develop and deliver learning materials, and students tap into Adobe tools to express ideas effectively through words, images, videos, animations, and sound. According to ASB staff, Adobe software brings out the best in creative minds, both in classroom instruction as well as in the After School Activities (ASA) program. Inspiring Creativity Among Students With Adobe Photoshop Elements software, teachers and students can enhance photos and videos with special effects and professional-quality sound. From book reports to photo essays and video documentaries, teachers can demonstrate concepts to students in visual, vibrant ways that enhance learning and retention, and students can learn to communicate through creative visual imaging. Adobe Flash CS3 enables educators at ASB to work with students to create 3D experiences and give animated characters life-like motion with ease. This capability helps teachers guide students into a new realm of creativity by harnessing the power of object-based animation. Streamlined Processes for Teachers Further increasing efficiency and enriching the learning environment at the school, ASB has adopted Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro software. Faculty members are using Adobe’s web conferencing and eLearning solution for online meetings. They used the software to conduct virtual classrooms to engage students online when school needed to be closed due to a flu closure. “Adobe products help us enhance traditional methods of teaching and learning. I can’t extol the effectiveness and potential of using Adobe’s digital media tools in the classroom enough.” –Dr. Paul Fochtman, Superintendent, American School of Bombay “Adobe Photoshop Elements software supports creativity in students. When given the tools to demonstrate their creative talents, students exhibit amazing skills and abilities.” –Dr. Shabbi Luthra, Director of Technology, American School of Bombay