digitalLEARNING-Mar-2010-[43-44]-Tourism & Hospitality Tailored to Meet Local Needs

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Case studY

Tourism & Hospitality Tailored to Meet Local Needs Dr. Harkirat Bains

It is education which contributes and builds human capital as an integral part of a country’s sustainable development. Education equips the person not only with knowledge but also the necessary skills for productive employment. However, the component of skill development which is more significant and relevant for employment is relatively at a nascent stage in India. Very few opportunities for skill development are available for the out of school youth and existing workers, especially in the informal sector. Most of the existing skill development programmes are long term in nature. Considering their educational, social and economical background, it was concluded that the poor and less educated persons can not afford long term training programmes due to higher entry qualifications and opportunity cost. Consequently, a new framework for Skill Development for the informal sector has been evolved by the DGET (Directorate General of Employment and Training – Ministry of Labour and Employment) under the Skill Development Mission to address the above mentioned problems. The training cell of the School of Tourism, Hospitality Services Management (SOTHSM) of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) at the Regional Centre Bhopal in collaboration with Tourism Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh is an initiative and way forward to develop and design vocational training programmes for human resource development in the tourism sector. The Preparatory Steps At the very basic level a detailed project report for training 320 students in housekeeping, front desk operations, food and beverage was prepared and submitted to Madhya Pradesh State

Tourism Development Corporation. Further to that the project was sanctioned under the scheme of Capacity building for service providers. The project allowed a detailed picture of the expenditure on faculty fees, food, tool kit, uniform, study material and administrative contingency. Nevertheless, the study material was prepared by a group of experts but was essentially approved by the Tourism department. The local needs of the hotel industry were ascertained and contents were tailored to meet its needs. This was critical to make the training employment oriented. The Areas Of Training The course was visioned to customise it for a industry specific and job oriented programme. In consultation with the stakeholders the certificate courses were prepared in following three sectors: 1. Certificate in Front Office Operations (CFO) 2. Certificate in Housekeeping Opera-

tions (CHO) Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Operations (CFBO) Six books were developed at the Regional Centre level in self instruction mode by the subject experts drawn from various institutions on Understanding Tourism, Functional communicative skills and personnel grooming, Front office operations Part-1, Front Office operations Part-2 (Practical manual), House keeping operations Part-1, House keeping operations Part-2 (Practical manual ), Food and beverage service operations Part-1, Food and beverage service operations Part-2 (Practical manual) and Destination Madhya Pradesh.


Special Features Of Project The course was designed specifically to meet the end that includes 60 days of intensive class room sessions including practical training in core areas and 60 days of hotel internship. Facilities extended to the students include, a low fee structure Rs.1500/- per digital LEARNING

MARCH 2010


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