digitalLEARNING-Mar-2010-[56-58]-Community Colleges Unearthing Hidden Talents

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Community Colleges Unearthing Hidden Talents Dr. C.K. Ghosh

Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1994) states, “Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free at least in the elementary and fundamental stages… higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit”. But the current status of the scenario of higher education in India presents a very dismal picture in this regard. The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) is only 12.4%, which is much below the average for the developed nations. While access to mainstream higher education should be increased, this also calls for creation of avenues for vocational and continuing education. Among the developing nations, India is a fast developing economy. But the difficulties still persist in churning out more employment opportunities. Proper skill-based education and training of the working population will equip them to stand out in the global market. One of the targets for creation of pool of skilled workforce is the section of vast population where the education system has not been able to penetrate. Access to vocational education and training system has to be created for them. The need of the hour Nevertheless, while moving towards a knowledge-based economy, the country needs the support of educated and skilled people who can drive India towards its desired level of growth. Following the footsteps of the developed countries, a large pool of skilled workers can give India a sustainable economic growth by enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of the labour market and therefore investment in vocational education and skills development will help making 56

India’s economy competitive in the global market. Community College as an alternative and flexible system of higher education and vocational training was one of the early concepts of educational institutions that probably established itself in the early 20th century in the United States. Recognising the potential of the Community Colleges as the need of the hour, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has made its effort to align Indian vocational and higher education sector with its open learning philosophy. As an alternative system of education, Community Colleges aim to empower individuals through appropriate skill development leading to gainful employment in collaboration with the local industry and community. They offer the advantage of tailoring programmes to local needs and state-based requirements by using approaches that will be most acceptable to workers in the given community. The aim is to empower individuals, who were deprived of the opportunities of the

conventional education system, through skill development with the help of local industry and community. These colleges would primarily target the disadvantaged section of the rural and urban population with special reference to women. For the development of the Community College programme IGNOU is following the public-private participation mode where the University is coordinating with the colleges catering to particular communities and the latter is getting registered with the University to offer Certificate, Diploma ad Associate Degree Programmes. Keeping in mind the quality of education necessary for imparting such degrees, IGNOU has created a mechanism for selecting the Community Colleges to be registered under this scheme. Every prospective Community College has to apply to IGNOU by sending an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EOI). The EOI is later heard in the form of a presentation made by the applicant before a panel of experts and assessment is made on the basis of that. As on

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