Development agenda
IT Employability Among Rural Masses: Creating Livelihood Initiatives
Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare was set up in 2006 as a Section 25 nonprofit company based in Kolkata, to provide enhanced livelihood opportunities for marginalised people of India and to develop skilled Information Technology (IT) professionals and entrepreneurs. The Foundation provides enhanced livelihood opportunities for marginalised people of India through rural training centres that develop skilled information technology professionals and entrepreneurs. Anudip supports its graduates through mentoring, financing and incubation services. The Background Rural areas of West Bengal, where Anudip is currently working, show high incidence of poverty. Absence of employment opportunity leaves people with no alternative other than migrating to nearby urban centres in search of employment. Yet, even those with education find themselves illequipped in a competitive job market, as today even entry-level jobs require basic skills in IT and computer operation. An information needs analysis by
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Alakananda Rao
Reuters Foundation/Stanford University was carried out in 2005 by a team lead by Anudip founder Dipak Basu and Alakananda Rao of Actionaid. This study determined that the local level of education has not transcended the economic gap because of the lack of opportunity caused by economic depression, geographic isolation, governmental negligence and, most importantly, lack of access to livelihood opportunities other than subsistence work. Yet the multi-million dollar IT industry in India consistently decries the lack of skilled workers to service its needs. Increased salaries of skilled personnel at IT hubs like Bangalore, Gurgaon and Hyderabad have pushed up costs so that many Indian and MNC IT giants are now moving operations to lower cost East European destinations, even China and Vietnam. This leads to substantial loss in India’s IT-services export business. Indian non-IT companies too are constantly scouting for basic IT-skilled staff for back office operations like accounting, customer database management, tax data entry, etc. Anudip’s work currently focuses
on the Indian Sundarbans region of South Bengal. This region is subject to devastation and erosion caused by major cyclones, 8m-high tides, and rising sea levels. LINKAGE Training Centres Anudip runs the skill-building programmes through a chain of Community-Based NGOs / CBOs who partner in the setting up of LINKAGE ( Livelihood INitiatives through KnowledGE ) training centres. Beginning with three locations in the Sundarbans in eastern India, there are now 23 and expanding. The first three LINKAGE centres were learning prototypes launched in partnership with community NGOs. They allowed the development of best practices for local learning techniques, course content development, sustainability of operations and ease of replication. They also validated that IT training allows graduates to secure better jobs or, singly or in small groups, start successful IT businesses in small towns in their community.
The growing Indian economy has provided opportunities in livelihood through ICT which were hitherto unavailable to the rural sector. Anudip Foundation has successfully trained rural communities who have been on the other side of the digital divide to operate and uitlise PC and other equipments and set up micro-enterprises, or obtain employment. Anudip has been working in partnership with local community-based organisations with a focus on skill-building to help achieve sustainable livelihood opportunities without encouraging migration. In three years of operation, Anudip has trained close to 2500 people and has helped in income generation for those who would have been otherwise deprived. The long-term goals are to set up MERIT centres where Anudip would execute back-office support functions providing employment opportunities for rural youth, focusing on more equitable wealth creation processes. The contention is that while there have been plenty of investments in infrastructure for the rural communities , there has been a huge gap in capacity and skill-building . Anudip’s efforts in this area have shown that if training is provided to the youth, there is an enormous opportunity of livelihood and economic growth for the rural areas.
digital LEARNING
MARCH 2010