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The Summit is organised with the aim of stimulating debate and shaping strategies to deal with the 9 April 2010, The Claridges, New Delhi rising challenges currently facing IT in the higher education sector. Participation in this Summit will provide senior administrators of leading colleges and universities with the opportunity to discuss and debate the IT challenges facing their institutions. The Best Technology Practices Award, which forms an integral part of the Summit, will recognise excellence in technology enabled learning and teaching in Higher Education systems, across various streams.
The Summit aims to be a prolific interface between investors aspiring to be part of the emerging education growth story 23 April 2010, The Claridges, New Delhi of the country. At a broader level, it will also help all stakeholders to explore newer potential for their growth and an opportunity to build new partnerships or refresh existing collaborations.
“Public Safety and Security” in the backdrop of terror attacks have increasingly become a major area of concern since the later half of 2008. The focus area of this Summit 4 March 2010,The Claridges, New Delhi will be: IT in critical infrastructure security; Access control & identity solution; Public safety-use of high speed connectivity; Cyber security ; and Pandemic response, among other issues
The Summit aims to address the growing investment opportunities in the healthcare sector by bringing together PE and VC 16 March 2010, The Claridges, New Delhi fund providers, institutional investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers, health professionals, chief executives and directors, healthcare technology vendors, and solution providers and suppliers, for greater understanding of each other’s perspectives.
Also watch out for:
16 April 2010, The Claridges, New Delhi
30 April 2010, The Claridges, New Delhi
For queries, contact Anaam Sharma, +91-9910597744 Or write to
4 – 6 August 2010, Hyderabad, India This three-day international conference and exhibition is a unique platform for knowledge sharing in different domains of ICT for development and facilitates multistakeholder partnerships and networking among governments, industry, academia and civil society organisations of different countries, including the host countryIndia. The objective is to bring together ICT experts, practitioners, business leaders and stakeholders of the region onto one platform, through keynote addresses, paper presentations, thematic workshops and exhibitions. In short, the event provides an excellent opportunity for participants to interact with a wide and diverse development community. eINDIA 2010, through its five seminal conferences, will focus on five emerging application domains of ICT for Development - e-Government, ICT in Education, ICT and Rural Development and ICT enabled Health services. The five conferences - namely: • egov India • digitallearning India • Indian Telecentre Forum • eHealth India • eAgriculture India digitalLearning track covers ICT in Education conferences in India with following focus areas: • From Literacy to Digital literacy for all - from school pupils to university teaching staff • ICT Leadership: Competing on the Edge of Innovation • Digital competencies in the national education programmes & policies • Future Technology - Learning from the past • Cooperation and collaborationManaging multistakeholder partnerships • E-Learning & Pedagogy, and so on. eINDIA 2010 seeks abstracts/ proposal(s) for speakers who illustrate innovation in using information and communication technologies for development. For queries contact Anaam Sharma,