Train the Trainer programme provides trainings on Web 2.0. UNESCO, CEMCA and MAAC are partners ensuring standardised delivery of media education and providing financial aid to marginalised students.
Face to Face Programmes
IGNOU Prepares Media Personnel Established in 2007 with the mission of providing quality media education, the School of Journalism and New Media Studies caters to the needs of the booming media sector in India By Prof Shambhu Nath Singh
stablished in 2007, School of Journalism and New Media Studies (SOJNMS) at IGNOU was set up with the mission of providing quality media education and churning out skilled human resource for the ever expanding media industry. SOJNMS, as it is popularly known as, recruited ten expert faculty from diverse fields of media. It has opted for a judicious blend of on-campus and Open and Distance Learning programmes. This mix enables the School to reach out to all the segments of the society. It also helps to open up a dialogue be-
tween the teaching and learner communities, thereby enriching the content of both the modes. Hence, ODL continued along with the Regular Programmes and efforts are on for the launch of Online Programmes. The School took to on campus teaching in a big way, launching two full time Masters’ Degree Programmes.
Collaborative Partners Deutsche Welle Germany and SOJNMS are in an agreement to host skill development progrmmes in niche areas. The
Two full time Post Graduate Degree Programmes are being run by the School. Imparting practical training to the students chosen through rigorous entrance test and interview is the prime motive. Masters in Journalism (MA JMC) follows the curricula designed by UNESCO adapted to suit the needs and requirements of the Indian media. This degree is certified jointly by UNESCO and IGNOU. The Masters in Electronic Media Production and Management (MA EMPM) has a syllabus focused on production work. Camera, editing and scripting remain the primary focus areas. Students bring out lab journals, make documentaries and radio programmes. Internships and research dissertations enhance their skills even further.
Open and Distance Learning All the basic areas of mass communication are dealt with through the well prepared study materials and counselling at the Study Centres. Post Graduate Diploma in Audio Programme Production (PGDAPP) is offered in both English and Hindi. Prasar Bharti is the collaborative organisation that trains the students during a field Training Programme included in this Diploma. Productions, writing and editing aspects are covered in the study material painstakingly drafted by the experts and revised from time to time. Assignments and practical training help the students to be prepared for jobs in the field of radio. Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) offers hundred percent scholarships to the students pursuing the Certificate Programme in Community Radio (CCR). Extremely popular among the practitioners of Community Radios and the laymen alike, this Programme has recently been