digitalLEARNING-May-2010-[19-20]-PPP a Must for Growth of ITIs and Polytechnics

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policy matters

PPP a Must for Growth of ITIs and Polytechnics

“The best practices are not usually adequately disseminated for people to learn. This is precisely why the Planning Commission comes out with several reports including annual reports and highlights these practices. Increasingly, technology is playing a role in all these efforts.”

Dr Narendra Jadhav Member, Planning Commission

What are your views on Right to Education Act (RTE) ? The passage of the Right to Education Act 2009, which came into effect on 1st April, 2010, is indeed a historic act. It comes as a continuation of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan which has attained a remarkable amount of success. If we examine the proportion and the numbers, out of a total of 12 lakh habitations, more than 99% have a primary school in the vicinity or within one km radius. Similar is the proportion for elementary education, with 84% of habitations having an elementary school within 3 km radius.

The RTE is a remarkable extension of the efforts in education. It is too early to comment anything about the functioning of the act since it is too short a time. But I have absolutely no doubt that this historic decision is going to be very meaningfully, faithfully and forcefully implemented. What according to you are the priorities for India in the realm of vocational training and skills development? Skill development initiatives have to be given high priority today. India’s demographic dividend is definitely a positive aspect, with 24 being the

average age of India today. By 2020, it will be around 29, by which year China’s average age will be 37, Europe will be 42, US will be 37 and Japan will be 48. Thus, we are a young, large and growing population. But just having such positive attributes does not mean that we will automatically become an economic superpower. Development of the country critically depends on two things: First, a reform in the education sector; and second, in the skill development sector. I have often emphasised in the last few months that if we do not get our act together in the higher education and skill development sector, our digital LEARNING

MAY 2010


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