CM to distribute laptops in Assam Tarun Gogoi, Chief Minister, Assam has announced computers and laptops for school students. Computers would be given to those students who secure 50 per cent marks in school board examinations from next year. While addressing the Anundoram Barooah Award 2011 he said that government has all along given thrust to education because this alone can solve problems of illiteracy, poverty and unemployment.
Kalinga Institute inks MoU Zee Learn to set up Mount Ltera Zee with Intel Technology Schools The Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) and Intel Technology India Private Limited have signed a MoU for promotion of literacy among tribal youth and out-of-school children, sustainable development practices among teachers and innovation among students.
Zee Learn Ltd’s K-12 vertical is targeting 400-500 schools across the country in 5-7 years under the Mount Litera Zee School banner. The schools will be set up largely through the franchisee route while a considerable number will be management contracts and owned and operated institutions.
The MoU intends to promote literacy among tribal youth and out-of-school children through the Intel Learn Programme with a hands-on approach to ICT learning for under-served children in the age group 8-16.
There are currently 42 operational schools with another 70 in the pipeline. Next year Zee Learn will add 24 schools followed by 35 more the year after. Sumeet Mehta, CEO, Zee Learn stated that in terms of signing the projects, we should cross 100 schools by next month. The plan is to add 30-40 schools every year under franchise system.
Tree House Education & Accessories Ltd inducts in BSE Small Cap Index Tree House Education and Accessories Limited, a company providing pre-school and K-12 educational services in India is now included in the BSE Small Cap Index post the latest quarterly review. As of October 13, 2011, the scrip closed the day at Rs. 176.5 on the BSE. The scrip has posted a consistent increase over the Issue Price of Rs. 129 per share for retail investors and Rs. 135 per share for HNIs/ Institutional investors. From Friday, August 26, 2011; the equity shares of Tree House Education & Accessories Limited were listed and admitted to dealings on the Exchange in the list of ‘B’ Group of Securities. Tree House Education & Accessories Ltd (THEAL) is the self-operated preschool education provider in India. The Company currently has 230 pre-schools of which 155 preschools are self-operated. The Company also provides school management service to 12 K-12 schools. The company currently employs approximately 835 teachers in its pre-schools.
Kapil Sibal calls for sustained drive for awareness on RTE “There is a need for a sustained campaign to create awareness in every school, among those who need to be brought into school and among those who implement the Right to Education Act as to the various provisions of this Act,” stated by Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development at a meeting of State Education Ministers on the subject of community mobilization and public awareness for Right to Education (RTE). Shri Sibal expressed confidence that he would get support from the State Governments in this effort. Shri Sibal underlined that the Central and the State Government have to work together so that RTE does not falter. Sibal outlined some of the work undertaken in the RTE in the country. Stating that 20 States have notified rules, he pointed out that in states which have not done, so it is the children who are suffering. He has also said that the teachers’ eligibility test has been undertaken and eight years academic cycle has been brought in by the states. But he emphasised on the continuing need for the Government and the civil society to carry the message that education is a right to all people. The community mobilization and public awareness programme for RTE will commence from 11th November wherein a national event will be held in Nuh in Mewat in Haryana on 11th November. Similarly, events are expected to be held in every state and district of the country on that day.
november / 2011