national news
NCERT, NIOS submit proposal for 24X7 TV channel National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) have submitted a proposal for launching 24X7 television channel to cater to the needs of school education and adult literacy.
The Central Institute of Educational Technology, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi and the National Institute of Open Schooling, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh will be the lead partners. The Department of Adult Education
Kerala’s IT@School project imparts massive ICT training to parents
Kerala’s IT@School Project imparted massive ICT (Information Communication Technology) training to parents, as part of 100 days programme of the Government. The programme has been undertaken at all the High Schools of the State. As part of the programme, a One-day ICT awareness session was conducted first in a campaign mode wherein parents got a bird’s eye view on the new outlook of the classrooms along with the upgraded
educational systems, ICT facilities made available in schools, ICT enabled education, functioning of school IT Clubs, IT Mela, various ICT trainings for students, more about IT@ School ViCTERS channel, prevention of Cyber crimes. In continuation to the ICT awareness programme and as part of ‘Software Freedom Day’ celebrations on 17th September 2011, specific ICT training would commence in all High Schools for those parents who are keen to learn more on ICT.
The training would be conducted in batches without affecting the normal functioning of schools. A new training module has been developed for the programme, which comprises of usage of Free Software, Operating System, Word Processing, Malayalam Computing, and Internet. With the acquisition of these skills, the parents would be able to equip with functional knowledge on day-to-day IT activities like working of storage devices, CD-writing, Emails, Malayalam Typing, Cyber security.
Vocational Education in North East The IGNOU Institute for Vocational Education & Training (IIVET), Shillong - which forms a part of the Education Development of the North East Unit (EDNERU) has tied up with Aircel Ltd. for a vocational training and Computer Literacy Programme for poor school children from classes 6 12. The six months’ programme began on 25th July, 2011, with 240 students attending the first batch. The other partners in this project include Empower Pragati and Microsoft.
and its sister agencies in the States, State Institutes of Educational Technology, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghatan, Novodaya Vidyalaya Samiti and other educational agencies in the Centre and the States will be invited to participate and contribute.
Govt identifies Special Focus Districts under SSA
The Department of School Education and Literacy has identified 389 Special Focus Districts (SFD) under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) for the year 2011-12 on the basis of (a) Programme category gaps,(i) districts with a classroom gap exceeding 3000 classrooms, (ii) districts with more than 20,000 out-of-school children, (iii) gender gap in enrollment exceeding 10 percent at primary and 20 percent at upper primary level, and (iv) retention rate lower than 60 percent and (b) Social category gaps, districts with more than 25 percent Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe population, 20 percent Muslim minority population, as well as districts affected by Left Wing Extremism and Border Area Districts. Several districts have been classified as SFDs under one or more of the above categories. Districts have been categorised as per the above criteria to enable them to make focused interventions for overcoming specific gaps in their overall endeavor to achieve universal elementary education. The categorisation of districts as SFDs helps the states to plan and implement interventions in a need based manner, with the flexibility of changing these districts from year to year as the parameters change.
september / 2011