DLC Catalogue 2017/2018

Page 1

Contact DLC


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Southern Region





Southern Region TEL: 03 9360 9700 INT: +61 39360 9700

Northern Region TEL: 07 5428 3666 INT: +61 75428 3666

TOLL FREE: 1300 785 405 FAX: 03 9360 9994 INT: +61 39360 9994

TOLL FREE: 1300 785 401 FAX: 07 5428 3777 INT: +61 75428 3777






PO Box 4438 Hoppers Crossing Victoria 3029


PO Box 833 Caboolture Queensland 4510

ADDRESS: 17-19 Horne Street Hoppers Crossing Victoria 3029

ADDRESS: Unit 6/1 Lear-Jet Drive Caboolture Queensland 4510



www.dlc.com.au www.dlcimaging.com.au



1300 785 401 support@dlc.com.au








Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories



Artificial Insemination Equipment



Autoclaves and Sterilizers






Animal Grooming



Dental Instrument and Equipment



Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment


Welch Allyn




Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment



Surgical Instruments



Hospital Equipment



Laboratory Equipment



Obstetric Equipment



Ophthalmic Instruments



Theatre Lighting



Orthopaedic Instruments



Restraining Equipment



Rural Instruments



Needles and Syringes



Hoof and Claw Instruments



Teat Instruments



Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.



X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


Product Groups



Rehabilitation Products



Pet Products





Standard Conditions of quotation and sale


6. Delivery and Installation

1. Standard Conditions to apply to all sales.

(a) Delivery or Installation dates quoted are estimates only and are based on prompt receipt by DLC of all information necessary to permit DLC to proceed without delay or interruption, and where applicable, prompt receipt by DLC of an official order.

Sale of any of the goods and the carrying out of any repairs described or referred to herein, is expressly conditional upon the terms and conditions set forth below. All quotations given by DLC are given upon such terms and conditions. Any order placed with DLC shall constitute assent to the said terms and conditions, and representation that Buyer is solvent. Any additional or different terms or conditions set forth in any communication from buyer to DLC are hereby objected to by DLC and shall not be effective or binding on DLC unless assented to in writing by and authorised representative of DLC. 2. Prices. (a) The prices specified in all quotations given by DLC or in respect of orders accepted by DLC, are subject to variation at any time prior to delivery installations or the carrying out of repairs, as a result of any changes in any of the following: (i) the cost to DLC of the goods quoted or ordered, or any part of them: (ii) rated of foreign exchange:


(iii) freight charges: (v) customs and primage duties: (vi) all other outgoings occurring subsequent to the date upon which the quotation is given or the order made. (vii) the rates charged for repair services. (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, prices for goods ex stock are firm except that DLC reserves to itself the right to vary any prices quoted, when part only of the quotation is accepted by Buyer. (c) DLC reserves the right to make a delivery or installation unless a price indicated in the quotation is expressed to be into store. 3. Payment. Unless expressly stated otherwise in the quotation, the terms of payment in respect of the sale of any goods, or the carrying out of any repairs, by DLC are: (i) nett cash fourteen (14) days after the date upon which the goods, or the carrying out of the repairs, by DLC; or (ii) where delivery or installation or goods is hindered or delayed by Buyer, nett cash (14) days after the date upon which the goods are available for delivery or installation by DLC.


4. Cancellation and Credit in Respect of the Sale of any Goods. (a) Orders accepted by DLC and quotations accepted by Buyer, may not, except with the written consent of an authorised representative of DLC, be cancelled by Buyer whether or not the goods have been delivered or installed by DLC. In respect of any such cancellation to which DLC consents, Buyer shall reimburse DLC for all costs incurred in respect of goods manufactured to special specifications, goods ordered expressly from overseas, goods ordered from suppliers other than DLC and in addition DLC shall be entitled to be reimbursed by Buyer for any restocking charges incurred in connection with the subject goods. (b) Subject to the deduction amounts by way of reimbursement by Buyer to DLC (as set out in (a) above) DLC shall credit Buyer’s account with the balance of the price paid in respect of cancelled orders. 5. Claims Any shortages of errors of delivery must be notified to DLC in writing within three (3) days of receipt of consignment, failing which no claims for shortage of error will be entertained by DLC.

(b) In relation to any goods installed by DLC , Buyer shall provide, at no cost to DLC, all utility services required, and when necessary, special handling equipment, etc. installation will normally take place as soon as practicable after delivery. (c) DLC shall deliver or install all goods to be supplied to Buyer at the points named in the quotation or order, unless subparagraph (d) applies. Buyer shall compensate DLC for any charges or cost incurred by DLC through the failure of Buyer to accept delivery or installation as stated. Upon such delivery or installation, title to the goods and all risk of loss or damage shall pass to Buyer (unless otherwise agreed in the shipping documents or otherwise in writing), and any insurance, beyond point of delivery or time of installation, desired by Buyer shall be arranged by Buyer. (d) If the whole or any part of any shipment of goods to be supplied, cannot be delivered or installed when ready, due to any cause referred to in clause 7 (“delays“), DLC may place the goods in storage. In such an event: (i) all expenses incurred by DLC such as preparation for and placement into storage, handling, storage, inspection, preservation and insurance as certified in writing by an officer of DLC, shall be payable by Buyer upon submission of DLC’s invoices: (ii) DLC’s delivery obligation shall be fulfilled and title and all risk of loss or damage shall thereupon pass to Buyer, if it has not already passed, notwithstanding anything the contrary contained in the shipping documents, and (iii) when conditions so permit (and subject to payment of all amounts due hereunder by Buyer), DLC shall arrange for shipment on behalf of Buyers at Buyer’s expense. (e) Partial deliveries are permitted and deliveries offered ex stock are subject to the goods being unsold at the date of receipt of Buyer’s order. 7. Delays The date on which DLC’s obligations hereunder are to be fulfilled shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by it by reason of any delay arising directly or indirectly from: (a) acts of god, unforseeable circumstances, acts (including delay or failure to act) of any governmental authority, war (declared or undeclared), riot, revolution, fires, strikes, sabotage or epidemics; (b) inability due to causes which, through no fault of DLC are beyond its control including inability promptly to obtain necessary and proper labour, materials, components, facilities, transportation or instructions from Buyer, and (c) any other cause which through no fault of DLC is beyond its control. The foregoing extensions shall apply even though such cause may occur after DLC’s performance of its obligations has been delayed for other causes. If delay resulting from any of the foregoing extends for more than ninety (90) days and the parties have not agreed upon a revised date for delivery, then ether party may, upon fourteen (14) days written notice, terminate the contract in respect of goods not delivered, whereupon buyer shall pay DLC its termination charges including its costs and expenses up to and consequent upon termination as certified by an officer of DLC in writing.

(b) Where duties have been paid on goods imported into Australia and those duties later become refundable from the Government, credit will be given to Buyer for the amount of such Duties after deduction by DLC of the cost of recovery of those duties. 9. Default DLC is not obliged to deliver or install any goods if: (a) Buyer is in default in any of its obligations (b) Buyer (or if Buyer is a partnership, a partner thereof ) commits an act of bankruptcy and/or becomes insolvent, bankrupt or calls a meeting of his creditors: (c) Buyer, being a company, commits and act of bankruptcy or cause a meeting of its creditors or goes into receivership, official management or liquidation (except for the purposes of voluntary reorganisation). If any payments which have become due and payable by Buyer are not paid within ninety (90) days following delivery of goods and subsequent invoicing of Buyer, DLC may, upon not less than seven (7) days written notice by certified mail to Buyer at Buyer’s last known address, sell the goods at public or private sale and apply the nett proceeds to DLC’s charges. 10. Warranties, Exclusion and Limitation of Liability. (a) Subject to these standard conditions of quotation and sale, DLC hereby expressly warrants as follows:1. That those goods to be supplied hereunder which are manufactured by DLC will be free from defects in workmanship or material (excluding component parts not made by DLC) and will be of a kind and quality designated or specified in the quotation order, as the case may be; PROVIDED in every such case:(i) such defects appear within one (1) year from the date of delivery or installation of the said goods by DLC. (ii) buyer gives to DLC written notice of the defect and satisfactory proof of such defect within twenty-one (21) days of it coming to buyer’s attention. (iii) the liability of DLC under this express warranty shall in no case exceed the cost of correcting defects in material or workmanship, appearing in the goods supplied hereunder, and (iv) if after inspection by an authorised officer DLC, it is considered that the goods have been subjected to tampering, careless handling, improper use or faulty application, this express shall be void. 2. That in respect of goods not manufactured by DLC, DLC will provide full co-operation to Buyer in the implementation of any guarantee provided by the manufacturer of such goods. 3. THAT it has the right to sell the goods. 4. THAT buyer will enjoy quiet possession thereof. 5. THAT the goods are free from any charge or encumbrance not disclosed to or known by Buyer, in any such case before this contract was made. b. (1) Pursuant to Section 68A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (herein referred to as the “TPA”), this sub-clause applies in respect of any of the goods or services supplied under this contract which are not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, provided that this clause will not apply if Buyer establishes that reliance on it would not be fair and reasonable.

(2). Liability for breach of a condition or warranty implied into the contract by the TPA other than a condition implied by Section 69 of the TPA, is limited to:(a) in the case of goods, any one of the following as determined by DLC:(i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods f.o.b at DLC’s facility; or (ii) the repair of the goods; or (iii) the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods f.o.b at DLC’s facility; or (iv) the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired; (b) in the case of services, any one of the following as mined by DLC:(i) the supplying of the services again; or (ii) the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. C. Subject to sub-class 11D below, any goods which have a normal life inherently shorter than the warranty period stated in paragraph 1 sub-class 11A above, are hereby expressly excluded from the express warranty contained in that paragraph. D. WHILST DLC relies on the provisions (not limited to provisions referred to as “the legislation”), which limit DLC’s liability to Buyer or enable DLC to limit such liability in any way and whilst subject to sub-class A and B of this clause DLC hereby limits it’s liability to the full extent permissable by the Legislation, nothing contained in sub-classes 11A, 11B and 11C shall be taken to exclude, restrict or modify those provisions contained in the legislation which render certain types of terms, conditions, rights and remedies for the benefit of a “Consumer” (defined in “the legislation”) unable to be excluded. 11. Repairs In so far as the quotation may be made in respect of repairs to any goods, the person or company (hereinafter referred to as “Owner”) contracting with DLC on the basis of that quotation, hereby agrees that except to the extent that Owner has the benefit of certain non-excludable terms, conditions, rights or remedies conferred by statute (such as the Trade Practices Act 1974). (a) Owner shall bear the risk of any theft of or loss or damage to the goods, that may occur during the course of the carrying out of such repairs by DLC or whilst the goods are in DLC’s possession ,whether such theft ,loss or damage arises from want of care on the part of DLC’s, it’s contractors or servants or from any other cause whatever, and (b) any claim by Owner for faulty workmanship in the carrying out of such repairs shall be limited solely to rectification free of cost of the faulty work and Owner shall not make a claim for any consequential loss or damage that Owner may suffer as a result of any such faulty workmanship. 12. General (a) The rights and obligations of the parties hereunder shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state in which the sale is made and the parties hereto hereby submit to the jurisdiction of that state. (b) No understanding promise or representation and no waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions here of, shall be binding upon DLC unless consented to in writing by an authorised representative of DLC.

DISCLAIMER Pictures are for illustrational purposes only. Please contact either of our offices for further details. Products are subject to availability.

Standard Conditions of quotation and sale

(a) Unless otherwise stated on the face of the quotation, Customs and Primage Duties, at rates ruling at the time of quotation, where applicable, included in the prices quoted.

5 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

8. Duty



Anaesthetic Units

Anaesthetic Vaporisers

Key Filler

Oxygen Cylinder Holder

CO2 Absorber

Oxygen Generators

Oxygen Regulators

Anaesthetic Chamber

Bickford Anaesthetic Accessories

F/Air Canister

Intubating Stylet

Endotracheal Stylet

Anaesthetic Circuits

Anaesthetic Tubing

Feline Inhaler

Swivel Connector

Endotracheal Adaptors

Endotracheal Tubes

Endotracheal Tube Brush

Endotracheal Tube Rack

Face Mask’s

Re-Breathing Bags

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

MDI VOC VETERINARY ANAESTHETIC UNIT 110031 ...................... MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Mobile Complete with TEC3 Vaporiser, Key Filler and BIC F/Air Kit 110030 ........................................MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Only, Mobile 110026 ................................ MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Only Wall Mount No Bracket 110027 .............. MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Wall Mount Complete with Bracket, TEC3 Vaporiser, Key Filler and BIC F/Air Kit 110037 .................. MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Wall Mount Bracket Only for 110027 110024 ................ MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Bench Top Complete with TEC3 Vaporiser, Key Filler and BIC F/Air Kit, without Stand 110025 ...........................MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit Compact Bench Top without Stand

7 Mobile Setup

Bench Top / Wall Mount Setup

110037 Wall Mount Bracket

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The MDI VOC Anaesthetic Unit is a continuous flow Anaesthesia system. It has been manufactured in Australia for more than 30 years and is specifically designed for the veterinary market. The direct read flowmeter and out of circle Vaporiser combine for ease of use and dependability for increased patient safety. Combine this with the Breath-Alert respiration monitor (optional) and you have a complete Anaesthesia package. • RotaFlush™ Flowmeter - provides an accurate oxygen flow between 0-4 l/min to enable economical use of Isoflurane, etc. • Emergency oxygen bypass valve • KAB™ circular carbon dioxide absorber • Breath Alert MK 3 breathing monitor (optional) • Washington T-Piece circuit • Coaxial breathing tube with 2 litre breathing bag • Matt, stainless steel frame (powder coated or high polished frames are optional) • Trolley, bench top or wall mounted assemblies available • Optional cylinder holder is available at additional cost (110032) • Complete kits come with TEC-3 vaporiser (110012), key filler (110013) and BIC F/Air Kit (11180000)

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories


LANA ANAESTHETIC UNIT 110033 ............................... LANA Anaesthetic Unit KOM VOC Roto Flush

LANA - a combined anaesthetic machine for large and small animals. Less resistance to breathing than conventional circuits. The LANA hose-in-hose breathing circuit replaces conventional bulky twin hoses. The uni-directional silicone valves are incorporated within the 52 mm inner and the 88 mm outer hose. All hoses are reinforced by a stainless steel coil and are autoclavable. Short polycarbonate endotracheal tube connectors: 18, 20, 25, 30, 25 and 40 mm. Other sizes available on request. Significantly lower cost of maintenance of anaesthesia. The LANA breathing circuit is pressure tested to eliminate leaks. This enables low fresh gas flow rates (2-3 l/min) to be used in large animals down to 0.1 l/min in small animals. The LANA machine can be used in the field as a TRANSPORTABLE unit. Standard Components • Mobile stand complete with trolley and cylinder support • Hose-in-hose breathing circuit for large animals • Occluding plug for hose-in-hose assembly • Endotracheal tube connectors 18, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm • Large carbon dioxide absorber, capacity 4.2 kgs of soda lime (lasting approximately 3 hours in a 500 kg animal). 30 l breathing bag. • The LANA carbon dioxide absorber is filled and emptied within 1 to 2 minutes through a 50 mm wide opening without detaching it from the machine absorber and can rotate 180 degree for easy emptying • Units do not include vaporiser or key filler

Small Animal Setup


Large Animal Setup

Features • Designed for “out of Circuit” use in continuous flow techniques of inhalation anaesthesia • The calibrated vaporiser is temperature and flow compensated so that its output remains relatively constant despite cooling due to the vaporisation and variations in inlet flow • The TEC 3 design is manufactured of a light weight alloy material • Made in Europe •

10 year warranty

The TEC-3 Vaporisers are calibrated at 21°C (70°F). The variation in output with temperature, flowrate and duration of use is small, and the variation of output when used with Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation is negligible Principle of Operation When in the “OFF” position, the rotary valve (within the dial control) makes a direct link between the inlet and outlet of the vaporiser. When the dial control is turned to “ON”, the carrier gas is split into two streams, respectively designated “bypass” and “vaporising chamber flow”. The amount of anaesthetic agent picked up in the vaporising stream varies, due either to variation in room temperature or the cooling that takes place as the agent is vaporised. Each variation causes changes in the effective vapor pressures of the anaesthetic agent, therefore, unless some form of compensation device is used, the output of the vaporiser for any given flow and dial setting would change with changes in the temperature. The TEC-3 calibrated vaporiser incorporates a temperature compensating device (thermostat) that utilises a bi-metallic strip that deflects according to the temperature in order to control the proportion of carrier gas entering the vaporising chamber. If the temperature of the TEC-3 calibrated vaporiser decreases, the thermostat closes and more carrier gas is admitted into the vaporising chamber. If the temperature of the vaporiser increases, the thermostat opens and less carrier gas is admitted into the vaporising chamber. In this way, the output of the vaporiser remains constant under conditions of changing temperature within the range specified. Specifications Resistance to Gas Flow

8 cm. H2O at the “OFF” setting at 5 litres / min O2. 21.29 cm. H2O when delivering vapor at 5 litres / min O2 at 21°C (70°F).

Liquid Capacity Amount of anaesthetic agent to fully charge the vaporiser = 150 milliliters (nominal). Weight

3.5 kgs

Dimensions (nominal)

Height - 205 mm Depth - 140 mm Width - 135 mm

Temperature Range

The TEC-3 Vaporiser is designed to operate at temperatures between 15°C (15°F) and 36°C (96.8°F)

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

110012......................................... TEC-3 Isoflurane Vaporiser Cage Mount

9 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

BOTTLE ADAPTOR KEY FILLER 110013 ............................................... Bottle Adaptor Isoflurane Key Filler

OXYGEN CYLINDER HOLDER 110032 .....................................Oxygen Cylinder Holder, Suit Cylinder “C”

KAB AUTOCLAVABLE (CO2 ABSORBER) 110036 .................. KAB Autoclavable CO2 Absorber for VOC Units with Nipple Attachment


110039 .................. KAB Autoclavable CO2 Absorber for VOC Units with Bar Attachment

• • • • • •

Reusable (autoclavable) Transparent, tough, efficient Absorption up to 4 hours Low resistance integrated breathing and APL (exhaust) valves Maintains inflation of breathing bag even at low flows Eliminates risk of cross infection from C02 Absorbers



110038 ..............KAB Scavenge Connector F Taper 30 mm For KAB CO2 Absorber

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

111690...........................................Newlife Elite Oxygen Generator 5 Litre

The NewLife® Elite low power consumption concentrator delivers up to 5 LPM of therapeutic oxygen in home, hospital, and clinical settings. Flow lock down and other unique features make this easy to maintain, durable concentrator of choice among today’s patients and equipment providers. Units are available with an optional O2 monitor and an exclusive economy mode (only available with this option) to provide the efficiency of a 3 LPM unit. Units can also be equipped with a paediatric flowmeter for use with infants and other patients prescribed for low litre flow (0.125–2 LPM). The air outlet option enables the unit to deliver medicated nebulizer treatments while simultaneously providing supplemental oxygen. Features • High flow concentrators with essential pressure • Single or dual flow (for two patients) • Low flowmeter blocks for paediatric and other low flow applications • Optional oxygen monitor to verify concentration • Smooth, quiet, power-efficient operation • NewLife Elite has an optional air outlet for nebulizer treatments

NewLife Elite Oxygen 5 LPM: 90% ±3% Concentration* Oxygen Outlet Pressure

7 - 9 psig (48 - 62 kPa)


724 x 400 x 368 mm (HxWxD)


24.5 kgs, Shipping weight: 29 kgs


120 V, 60 Hz, 4 amps 220 - 240 V, 50 Hz, 2 amps 220 V, 60 Hz, 2 amps

Power Consumption

350 watts


Battery test, Power failure, High and low pressure, Low concentration (with optional oxygen monitor)

*Based on an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psia (101 kPa) at 70°F (21°C). Operating unit outside of operational temperature range can affect performance. Recommended for Oxygen Therapy only.

11 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories



NEWLIFE® INTENSITY OXYGEN GENERATOR 111695..........Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 8 Litre Single Outlet 111695K .......Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 8 Litre Single Outlet with 2 m Oxygen Hose (110247A) 111696........... Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 8 Litre Dual Output 111696K ........ Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 8 Litre Dual Output with 2 m Oxygen Hose (110247A) 111697........Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 10 Litre Single Outlet 111697K .....Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 10 Litre Single Outlet with 2 m Oxygen Hose (110247A) 111698.........Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 10 Litre Dual Output 111698K ......Newlife Intensity Oxygen Generator 10 Litre Dual Output with 2 m Oxygen Hose (110247A)

The NewLife® Intensity series combines high pressure with high flow to create up to 10 LPM, operating up to 590 watts for reduced power consumption. With an outlet pressure approximately three times higher than most other concentrators, these units are designed to serve special applications, such as with the use of large volume jet nebulizers, venti-masks, medication nebulizers, and long oxygen tubing runs. NewLife Intensity concentrators simplify a tracheostomy setup by eliminating the need for a separate external compressor. Administer humidified oxygen to a trach patient by connecting a jet neb bottle to Intensity’s O2 outlet. NewLife Intensity dual flow units can provide additional power savings by delivering oxygen to two patients simultaneously up to a combined total flow of 8 or 10 LPM with one unit. These easy to maintain concentrators offer an outlet pressure of 20 psig (138 kPa) and a flow capacity of up to 8 or 10 LPM in a single or dual flow configuration. NewLife Intensity’s are the most highly rated units for use in developing countries and tropical climates. NewLife Intensity when combined with the SureFlow™ Oxygen Flow Station (a flow splitter with 5 flowmeters) can supply the oxygen needs for a podiatric ward in a remote district hospital. Features • High flow concentrators with essential pressure • Single or dual flow (for two patients) • Low flowmeter blocks for paediatric and other low flow applications • Smooth, quiet, power-efficient operation • NewLife Elite has an optional air outlet for nebulizer treatments • Optional oxygen monitor to verify concentration • Can be used with an Anaesthetic unit

NewLife Intensity Series (8 and 10 LPM) Oxygen 8 LPM: 2-7 LPM: 92%±3; Concentration* 8 LPM: 90%±3 10 LPM: 2-9 LPM: 92%±3; 10 LPM: 90%±3 Oxygen Outlet Pressure

20 psig (138 kPa)


699 x 419 x 368 mm (HxWxD)


8 LPM: 24.5 kgs 10 LPM: 26.3 kgs


8 LPM: 120 V, 60 Hz; 220-240 V, 50 Hz; 220-240 60 Hz 10 LPM: 120 V, 60 Hz; 220-240 V, 50 Hz

Power Consumption

8 LPM: 410 watts 10 LPM: 590 watts


Battery test, High Temperature, Power failure, High and low pressure, Low concentration (with optional oxygen monitor)

*Based on an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psia (101 kPa) at 70°F (21°C). Operating unit outside of operational temperature range can affect performance. Can be used for Oxygen Therapy and Anaesthesia.

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

OXYGEN REGULATOR 110251 ......................................................Oxygen Regulator - Yoke Fitting

The oxygen regulator is fabricated of high quality brass and has a matte chrome body. Key features include: • Adjustable yoke system • Easy to read pressure gauge made to AS4706 • Self-Sealing outlet makes sure no oxygen will flow until the flowmeter is connected • Yoke “T” screw has a clip which prevents it from being lost • Comes complete with a manual and a one (1) year warranty against manufacturers defect

HAND WHEEL KIT 110265 ................................................................................... Hand Wheel Kit

OXYGEN HOSE 110249 .......................................................Oxygen Hose with Fittings, 6 m 110247 .........................Oxygen Hose with C/W Handwheel Fittings, 2 m 110247A ................ Oxygen Hose with Handwheel / Clickon Fitting, 2 m

110249 and 110247


ANAESTHETIC CHAMBER 110104 ................Anaesthetic Chamber with Adaptors, 40 x 28 x 20 cm 110102.................Anaesthetic Chamber with Adaptors, 50 x 35 x 30 cm

To overcome problems with difficult to anaesthetize or fractious animals. The small animal induction chamber provides an excellent adjunct to conventional inhalation anaesthesia procedures. It is especially suited to felines but can also be used for small dogs, birds and practically any animal whose size is compatible with the chamber. This provides a simple method of induction and reduces physical restraint which maximizes stress and reduces the chance of injury to the operator and animal. • Custom sizes are available upon request *SPECIAL ORDER IN ONLY

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

BICKFORD ANAESTHETIC SCAVENGE FILTERS AND KITS 11180000 .......................................................... Bickford F/Air Scavenge Kit 11180020 ..................................................... Bickford F/Air Canister Holder 11180120...................................... Bickford F/Air Scavenge Filter/Canister 11180120R ........................................................................ Breath Fresh Refill

The F/AIR anaesthesia gas filter was specifically designed to remove waste anaesthesia gases such as Isoflurane, Halothane, Enflurane, etc. from the operating room environment. Economical to use, with an average useful life of 12 to 15 hours, the F/AIR is easily adaptable to an anaesthetic machine. The F/AIR can remove no less than 50 grams of pure halogenated anaesthetic gases and can the be conveniently discarded.



11105413......................................Bickford Vet Endotracheal Tube 13 mm 11105414......................................Bickford Vet Endotracheal Tube 14 mm

BICKFORD Y PIECE 11106111 ........................................... Bickford Anaesthetic Y Piece 22 mm

BICKFORD CORRUGATED BREATHING TUBE 11118001...........................................Bickford Corrugated Breathing Tube


• •

22 x 900 mm Reusable quality black conductive neoprene breathing tube

BICKFORD BREATHING CIRCUIT 11127392.................Bickford Paediatric Breathing Circuit ID. 15.87 mm, 22 x 762 mm 11152019 .................................. Bickford Breathing Circuit, 22 x 1000 mm

111802............................................................... Breath Fresh Filter Canister 11180120R ........................................................................ Breath Fresh Refill

Activated charcoal canisters remove up to 50 grams of waste anaesthetic gas. They attach to standard 19 mm scavenger hose. • 12-15 hours of anaesthesia • Simple to use: connect and ready to go • Mounts right on anaesthetic machine pole • Dimensions: 150 x 75 mm • Weight of active components: 200 g • Connector: 19 mm (outside diameter) canister complete


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories


110160 ......................................... Portex Endotracheal Tube Warne Valve

POLYPROPYLENE ANAESTHETIC ELBOW PIECE 110253 ....................................... Polypropylene Anaesthetic Elbow Piece

• •

50 x 58 mm Diameter: 15 mm

INTUBATING STYLET 110270 ................................................................. Intubating Stylet 2.5 / 4.5 110272 .................................................................. Intubating Stylet 5.0 / 10

ENDOTRACHEAL STYLET 110266 ........................................................Endotracheal Stylet 2 - 3.5 mm 110267 ........................................................Endotracheal Stylet 4 - 6.5 mm 110268 .........................................................Endotracheal Stylet 7 - 10 mm

Intubation is made easier when using a rigid stylet for the endotracheal tube. This stylet is a plastic coated malleable metal wire. One end has a rubber stopper that fits tightly over the endotracheal tube connector. It can slide to adjust for proper length. This stylet works especially well with silicon tubes that are less rigid than other tubes.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories


ANAESTHETIC PAEDIATRIC SET DISPOSABLE 110078 .................... Anaesthetic Paediatric Set Disposable with 500 ml Latex Free Re-Breath Bag

Features • Simple and easy to use closed system circuit for anaesthesia • Tail-end control valve for adjustment of pressure level within the system • Control valve can be connected to a scavenge system to collect exhaled air • Latex-free bag to minimize the risk of latex allergic reaction • All components are single patient use and not intended to be reprocessed for multiple use Contents • A - Elbow connector: 22/15 mm patient port • B - EVA corrugated tubing: 250 mm with patient port 22/15 mm • C - Oxygen tubing: 2000 mm with ET connector(5F,15M) • D2 - Latex-free breathing bag: 500 ml • E - EVA corrugated tubing: 1500 mm with scavenge system connector 22/19 mm

UNIVERSAL ‘F’ CIRCUIT 110084J .......................Universal ‘F’ Circuit without Bag, 1016 mm long

This is the popular uni-limb circuit that is a tube within a tube circuit. Features • One 1016 mm hose for lighter weight and manoeuvrability around the patient’s head. Exhaled gas warms up incoming fresh gas • Attaches to any standard anaesthesia machine. Complete Circuit without breathing bag

ANAESTHETIC NEONATAL CIRCUIT DISPOSABLE 110086 ...................................... Anaesthetic Neonatal Circuit Disposable


110089 .....................................Anaesthetic Paediatric Circuit Disposable

ANAESTHETIC PAEDIATRIC SCAVENGE CIRCUIT 110080 ..............................................................Paediatric Scavenge Circuit

110053 ........................ Paediatric Coaxial Anaesthetic Circuit, 1000 mm 110054 .................................Adult Coaxial Anaesthetic Circuit, 1000 mm

Features • Compact design for ventilator and anaesthetic equipment • Inspiratory limb built within the expiratory limb • Utilizes the temperature of the exhaled air to maintain the temperature and moisture level of the air in the interior tubing (blue) • Single-patient use to minimize the risk of cross contamination • Equipped with CO2 monitoring line in the paediatric circuit

CORRUGATED SCAVENGE TUBING 110258 ..................................Corrugated Scavenge Tubing, 22 mm x 3 m

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories


110259 ............................... Corrugated Scavenge Tubing, 22 mm x 27 m

FELINE INHALER 110280 .............................................................. Breathe Easy Feline Inhaler 110281 .......................................Disposable Respiratory Mask 1 x 1.75 ID 110282 ................................. Disposable Respiratory Mask 1.25 x 1.25 ID

A great aid in treating feline asthma has been improved! The “Feline Breathe Easy” has been a very popular product in treating feline asthma. The pocket space holds a metered dose inhaler (MDI) to deliver medication. The new pocket space is called the Vortex and has three advantages over other plastic pocket spacers: • 1) Anodized Aluminium chamber versus plastic. The anodized aluminium is non-electrostatic and delivers more medication from the MDI to the patient • 2) “Duckbill” shaped valve designed for minimal aspiratory effort, ensures a low loss of medication • 3) Vortex Cyclonic aspiratory flow pattern enhances aerosol delivery Directions include suggested treatment regimes. Cylinder: 11.125 mm high x 44.44 mm diameter at 36.85 grams.

PORTEX SWIVEL CONNECTOR 110159....................................................................Portex Swivel Connector

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

ENDOTRACHEAL ADAPTOR 110350 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 2.5 mm 110351 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 3.0 mm 110352 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 3.5 mm 110353 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 4.0 mm 110354 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 4.5 mm 110355 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 5.0 mm 110356 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 5.5 mm 110357 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 6.0 mm 110358 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 6.5 mm 110359 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 7.0 mm 110360 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 7.5 mm 110362 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 8.0 mm 110363 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 8.5 mm 110364 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 9.0 mm 110365 ................................................ Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 9.5 mm 110366 .............................................. Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 10.0 mm 110367 .............................................. Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 10.5 mm



110368 .............................................. Endotracheal Adaptor 15 x 11.0 mm

110180 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 3.0 mm 110181.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 3.5 mm 110182 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 4.0 mm 110183.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 4.5 mm 110184 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 5.0 mm 110185 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 5.5 mm 110186 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 6.0 mm 110187.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 6.5 mm 110188 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 7.0 mm 110189 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 7.5 mm 110190 ............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 8.0 mm 110191.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 8.5 mm 110192.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 9.0 mm

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories


110193.............................Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 9.5 mm 110194 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 10.0 mm 110195.......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 11.0 mm

110203 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 14.0 mm 110204 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 16.0 mm 110205 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 18.0 mm 110206 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 20.0 mm 110207 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 25.0 mm 110208 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 30.0 mm

Red Rubber endotracheal tubes can be autoclaved at a temperature does not exceed 134°C . Dry heat sterilization should NOT be used.

ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE UNCUFFED RED RUBBER 110179...................................... Endo Tube UnCuffed Red Rubber 3.5 mm

Re-usable. Autoclavable.

PVC ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE CUFFED 110178........................................ PVC Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 11.0 mm 110232 ....................................... PVC Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 10.5 mm

• • • •

PVC Endotracheal tubes are now available in our range in a superior quality Sterile packed, complete with connector Softens at body temperature, reducing postoperative irritation Very cost effective

19 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

110201 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 12.0 mm 110202 ......................... Endotracheal Tube Cuffed Red Rubber 13.0 mm

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

PLASTIC ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE UNCUFFED 110231 ................................ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Uncuffed 2.5 mm 110233 ................................ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Uncuffed 3.0 mm 110234 ................................ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Uncuffed 3.5 mm 110235 ................................ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Uncuffed 4.0 mm

• • • •

Disposable endotracheal tube without cuff Very strong and durable quality Transparent PVC - visible line during x-ray Sterile, individual packaging



110210...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 3.5 mm 110211 ...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 4.0 mm 110212...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 4.5 mm 110213...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 5.0 mm 110214...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 5.5 mm 110215...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 6.0 mm 110216...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 6.5 mm 110217...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 7.0 mm 110218...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 7.5 mm 110219...................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 8.0 mm 110220 ..................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 8.5 mm 110221 ..................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 9.0 mm 110222 ..................... UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 9.5 mm 110223 ...................UniVet™ Plastic Endotracheal Tube Cuffed 10.0 mm

• • •


• •

Provides a passage for gases to flow between a patients lungs and an anaesthesia breathing system Allows one to provide positive pressure ventilation Protects the lung from contamination from gastric contents and nasopharyngeal matter such as blood Sterile packed, complete with connector Softens at body temperature, reducing postoperative irritation

ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE BRUSH 110150................................. Endotracheal Tube Brush Small, 5 x 250 mm 110151 ............................Endotracheal Tube Brush Medium, 8 x 320 mm 110152...............................Endotracheal Tube Brush Large, 10 x 420 mm

Brush to clean the inside of tracheal catheters. Stainless steel shaft. Malleable.

ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE RACK 110120.....................................................................Endotracheal Tube Rack

• •

Stainless steel Holds 15 tubes

110107........................................ Clear Face Mask Size #1, 60.6 x 31.7 mm 110108 ...........................................Clear Face Mask Size #2, 65.5 x 66 mm 110108M ........................................... Clear Face Mask Size #3, 93 x 93 mm 110109 ......................................... Clear Face Mask Size #4, 113 x 113 mm 110106 ......................................... Clear Face Mask Size #5, 138 x 138 mm 110103................................................................. Set of 6 above Face Masks

• • • • •

Designed for oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, anaesthesia and resuscitation for small animals High impact shell with soft silicone cushion for better seal Standard 15M or 22F connection for ventilation equipment Each mask comes with a head strap for securing the mask Available in 6 different sizes

CLEAR ANAESTHETIC FACE MASK DIAPHRAGM 110110 .................................................Small Dog, ID - 39 mm, OD - 65 mm 110110M ........................................Medium Dog, ID - 36 mm, OD - 95 mm 110111 .............................................. Large Dog, ID - 43 mm, OD - 115 mm 110112 .................................................. Small Cat, ID - 26 mm, OD - 50 mm 110114 .................................................. Large Cat, ID - 31 mm, OD - 60 mm 110121 ...........................................X-Large Dog, ID - 74 mm, OD - 135 mm

ANAESTHETIC FACE MASK CONNECTOR 1175165................................................. Anaesthetic Face Mask Connector

Suits most face masks

RUBBER RE-BREATHING BAGS 110240 .................................................................. Re-Breathing Bag 500 ml 110241.........................................................................Re-Breathing Bag 1 Lt 110242 ........................................................................Re-Breathing Bag 2 Lt 110243 ........................................................................Re-Breathing Bag 3 Lt 110244 ........................................................................Re-Breathing Bag 4 Lt 110245 ........................................................................Re-Breathing Bag 5 Lt

• • •

Reusable quality rubber breathing bags Standard 7⁄8” bushing neck Black conductive (latex rubber)

LARGE ANIMAL RE-BREATHING BAG 110239 ............................ Re-Breathing Bag, Large Animal 32 Lt, Rubber

11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

110105 .............................................. Clear Face Mask Size #0, 50 x 26 mm

21 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories

RE-BREATHING BAG ADAPTOR 110238 ................................... Re-Breathing Bag Adaptor, Plastic, 22 mm

SELECTATEC ADAPTOR/FITTING 110035 ...............................................................SelectaTEC Adaptor Fitting



110079 .................................................. Adaptor, Male Fitting, 15 x 22 mm

KOMES VAPORISER WASHER 110072 ...................................................................Komes Vaporiser Washer



110074 ............................................. Komes Adaptor for Corrugated Tube

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


11. Anaesthetic Equipment and Accessories



HAICO Equidame Phantom

Artificial Dog Vagina Liners

Insemination Collecting Tube

Insemination Sperm Glass

Insemination Catheters

Straw Forceps

Equidame® enables breeders to achieve bigger profits in breeding by automatically separating low-sprem-count and high-spermcount fractions of the stallion’s ejaculation. Working with the Equidame® is effective and safe. Advantages • Easy handling, quick separation • Less contamination • No need for centrifugation • Single staff semen collection • Individual settings for each stallion optimize the collection procedure Features Quick ejaculation is achieved through the intelligent AV controlling system which follows the pressure of the AV keeping it regular during the mounting. Height of the phantom, AV temperature, AV pressure, inside temperature of the phantom and volumes in each collecting cup are selected through the control unit and can be stored into the memory for later use. Dimensions • Length - 2200 mm - Width - 500 mm • Length of the back - 1400 mm • Length of the neck - 700 mm • Height of the neck - 350 mm • Distance form the middle of the vaginal opening to the back level - 200 mm • Total weight - 200 kgs Structure • Continuous standby • Wall mounted control unit • Connecting voltage - 230 VAc or 110 VAc • Connected load - 1.2 kW • Operating voltage - 24 V • Frame - Steel • Case - moulded, flexible • Surface - seamless polyurethane • Stand - telescopic • Artificial vagina type - open principle, aluminium body • Structure of the artificial vagina - air - water - combination, adjustable • Water volume (gel volume) - 1.5 L • Installation of the vagina - inside the phantom • Interior of the phantom - closed, warmable • Installation place - sheltered place Functions • Minimum to maximum height - 1200 - 1600 mm • Vagina temperature - adjustable • Interior temperature - adjustable • Hanging of the vagina - flexible in all directions • Semen collection - separation into five cups • Volume of cup - 45 ml each • Fullness degrees of the collection cups adjustable

12. Artificial Insemination Equipment

........................................................................... HAICO Equidame Phantom

25 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


12. Artificial Insemination Equipment

ARTIFICIAL DOG VAGINA LINER 120031 ................................................................Artificial Dog Vagina Liner

ArtiďŹ cial dog vagina liner. Rubber liner for dog and sheep vagina.

ARTIFICIAL DOG VAGINA CONE LINER 120032 ..................................................... Artificial Vagina Dog Cone Liner



120018 .............. Missouri Disposable AV Liner with Gel and Filter, 1/pk



120035 ................................................................. A.I. Collecting Tube 15 ml

120065 ....................................................... A.I Sperm Glass 2 ml Hauptner

12. Artificial Insemination Equipment


INSEMINATION CATHETER 120079 .....................Insemination Catheter 600 mm, non-sterile, 25/pk 120080..................... Insemination Catheter 535 mm, non sterile, 25/pk

ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION STRAW FORCEP 120088 .............................................................. A.I. Straw Forceps 140 mm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




Autoclave Units

Ultrasonic Cleaner Units

Packaging Heat Sealer

Autoclave Tape

Autoclave Cleaner

Water Distiller

Specifications • Outside dimensions: 442 x 533 x 655 mm • Inside diameter: 260 x 450 mm • Chamber volume: 24 Litres • Voltage: 230 Volt • Power: 2670 Watt • Heater: 1800 Watt • Dry Time: 30 minutes • Net Weight: 51 kgs Automatic Process Run The SA-260F is engineered with microprocessor technology, providing advanced features for more sophisticated chamber sensors, user interfaces and warning and alert systems. • Easy program selector • Pressure overload protection • Overheat protection • Pressure auto door lock • Emergency/reset buttons • Auto water fill • With tray and rack

AUTOCLAVE B-CLASS / VACUUM SA-260MB 130033 ......................................... Autoclave B-Class / Vacuum SA-260MB

Features • Class B • LCD panel • Pre & post vacuum • Prion preset program • Leakage, Helix, B.D. diagnostics • Data recorder (SD card) and printer • Vacuum based tubal sterilization • Tank can be filled manually or piped-in (filtered water) • Overheat protection • Process evaluation system • Pressure auto door lock • Emergency stop button • Pressure overload protection • Customization program Specifications • Chamber capacity - 24 L • Sterilization temp - 121 and 134 or graduated 105-135 • Control system - Microprocessor • Dry time - 1-60 minutes • Water tank - 4.2 L • Life time - 7 years • Options - Liquid

13. Autoclaves and Sterilizers

130027 ............................................................ Autoclave N-Class SA-260FA

29 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


13. Autoclaves and Sterilizers


UNIVET™ ULTRASONIC CLEANER 130029 ..............................................................UniVet™ Ultrasonic Cleaner

The UniVet Ultrasonic cleaner is indispensable to assure the perfect cleaning of instruments with complicated surfaces and difficult access. The quick and deep action of the ultrasonic waves eliminates residues which would be otherwise resistant and avoids the nebulization of the dead organisms which are generated by brushing of the instruments. • Plastic outer casing with stainless steel internal construction • 5 litre water tank • External drain structure, you can change the clean liquid at any time • Low noise design keeps silence within the clinic • Specialised basket is designed for delicate minute devices that should be free from friction and braise, for example, high-speed and low speed handpiece • Digital display with simple operation • Intelligent ZED temperature control heating system to improve the clean

AUTOCLAVE PACKAGING HEAT SEALER 130285 .............................................Autoclave Packaging Heat Sealer 300


130286 ..............................Autoclave Heat Sealer Element 300 mm Only, Autoclave Packet Heat Sealer

Features • Bench top impulse heat sealer • Max film thickness (um) - 200 x 2 • Impulse power - 400 watt • Weight - 4.5 kgs • Consumes power only while the sealing arm is depressed and indicator light is on • Teflon coated sealing bars • Automatic electronic SCR timer with settings from 0.2 to 1.5 seconds

AUTOCLAVE TAPE 130219 ...........................................DLC Autoclave Buff Tape 18 x 500 mm 130225 ...........................................DLC Autoclave Buff Tape 24 x 500 mm

Features • Non toxic, non polluting cleaning powder • Cleans the chamber, piping and water reservoir • Keeps the Autoclave clean and free of water deposits built around the chamber, piping system and water reservoir • Special formulation for steam sterilizers • Cleans surface of stainless steel, copper, silicon rubber, plastic, ETC PLEASE NOTE: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY - NOT EDIBLE CHAM-MATE Cleaning Procedures • Basically CHAM-MATE is functioned in water • 1. For Class-B vacuum functioned autoclaves, or autoclaves with independent steam generator, the CHAM-MATE must be mixed with water first. (1 x 30 g bag mixed into 2 Litres of water) and the, pouring the mixed CHAM-MATE into the chamber, and start the working cycle • 1-1. For Class-S no vacuum autoclaves (with auto-add water function), put the CHAM-MATE powder into the chamber directly, and start the working cycle • 1-2. For Class-N (manual add water function), put the CHAMMATE powder into the chamber directly, and then pouring water into the chamber and start the working cycle • PLEASE NOTE: Running one sterilization cycle, (without the dry function) • 2. Drain off all the balance water from the chamber and water reservoir • 3. Open the door, wipe the chamber and the door with a wet, non-lint cloth PS: Use one more bag of CHAM-MATE and recycle again as above procedures, if there are dregs in the chamber still • NOTE: “For chamber and piping system clean only” • CHAM-MATE quantity to be used: • Chamber size under 30 litre - 1 bag CHAM-MATE • Chamber size 30-100 litre - 2 bags CHAM-MATE • Chamber size over 100 litre - 1 bag more per 100 litre more

CRISTOFOLI WATER DISTILLER 130031.......................................................................Cristofoli Water Distiller

Equipment developed to serve you in the role of distillation of water for use in steam sterilization autoclaves or any other application where the use of distilled water is required. • Easy handling • Modern design • Low power consumption provides savings of up to 35% in expenses with distilled water • Time to distill off 150 ml of water 19 minutes • Time for 300 ml distilled water: 37 minutes • Does not require hydraulic system • The use of distilled water in an autoclave increases its useful life • 1 year warranty

13. Autoclaves and Sterilizers

130020 .......................... Cham-Mate Cleaning Powder 10/pk, Autoclave Chamber and Piping Cleaner

31 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




Isolation/Parvo Cages

T-Kennel Systems

Cat Condos

Dryer Cages

Stainless Steel Cages and Accessories

Litter Pan

Stainless Steel Bowls

Quiet Time Cage Covers

Record Holders

Card Holders

Cage Valets

Bubble Humidifier

Oxygen Therapy Doors

Plastic Polyethylene Cages and Accessories

Mobile Transport Cage Unit

Pet Cot

Possum/Cat Trap

Cat Crush Cage

14. Cages

ISOLATION PARVO CAGE 14925.2000.03 ................................. Two Unit Bank Parvo/Isolation Cage 149.25393.00 ......................................... Single Unit Parvo/Isolation Cage 149.3524.00 ........................................Floor Grill for Parvo/Isolation Cage

Single Unit Bank Parvo/Isolation Cage


Floor Grill for Parvo/Isolation Cage

Sloped Rear Drainage

Two Unit Bank Parvo/Isolation Cage

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Isolates potentially infectious patients from healthy patients and uses a unique drainage system that makes clean up fast and easy. Features • Easy-To-Clean, disinfectant safe polyethylene cage shell • Raised floor system keeps the patient elevated, minimizing contact with their waste • The lexan door splatter guard and raised bottom retaining lip help to contain explosive diarrhoea • Sloped rear drainage system • Interior dimensions 889 x 711 x 698.5 mm (wdh) • Exterior dimensions including drain 984.2 x 963.5 x 787.4 mm (wdh)

14. Cages

T-KENNEL SYSTEMS 140.0000 .................................................. T-Kennel Single System 3.6” x 4’


The Single Kennel Run System is the basis for a functional boarding or holding room. With multiple sizes available (both width and depth) it is easy to configure a Single Kennel Run System that fits your needs. • Standard widths: 3’, 3’6”, and 4’ • Standard depths: 3’, 4’, 5’, 6’ and 8’ • Frame is made up of 1” tubing. Wire is completely welded to 1” frame • May be installed free standing or against a wall • Includes one 2’ wide gate that opens inward and outward • Has two slots for optional slide-in feed and water trays. (Any Kennel Run System less than 4’ wide will receive only one feed tray slot) • Raised floor systems can run 32’ in either direction before a stub out is requested and feature levelling legs to rectify floor imperfections • Standard side panels are sloped ¼” per foot. Other slopes available by request • Easy to clean PVC Panels are available in multiple colours to compliment your decor • Back panel is included on Raised Floor Systems • Optional accessories include: top wire panel, side transfer door, stainless steel wire door and stainless steel glass door • Stainless or galvanized steel components available • Available with raised floor or on concrete floor

Raised Floor


On Concrete Floor

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

14. Cages



14. Cages




Cat Condo with Quiet Time Cage Covers

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

14. Cages



14. Cages


CAT CONDOS AND SUITES HOW TO BUY MODULAR CAT CONDOS MATERIAL Stainless Steel Cat Suite Best for long-term housing. Can be easily disinfected. Durable material that can provide the same space options as laminate but will last longer. Laminate We cover moisture-resistant board (MRB) with thermally fused, high-pressure laminate. Saturating with water, cleaning solutions or urine may degrade surface over time. See below for buying options.

CONDO SIZES 24” x 30” 30” x 30” * All laminate condos are 25¼” deep, not including the latch on the inside, and 26½” deep, not including the latch on exterior. 30” x 40” special order condos available. Stack several to create an assembly.

DOORS Acrylic See-through door lets you easily view your boarders. Ventilation slits are easy to clean. Push in and pop out locking door keeps cat secure. The PVC edging on the resting shelf can match the color. Stainless Steel Solid stainless steel door frame is 5 ⁄16” diameter. We weld vertical and horizontal rods to the frame and at every intersection. To keep curious paws away, we decrease the vertical rod spacing to ½” around the latch. Opens easily with an elbow or knee, so you can keep your hands on the cat. Powder-Coated Stainless Steel Choose from Burgundy, White, Royal Blue and Hunter Green. The PVC edging on the resting shelf can match.


BACK PANELS Acrylic Laminate

PASS THROUGHS Side-to-Side Horizontal pass through allows two cats to share units. You can open and close the portal without opening the unit by pulling out the divider. Create a play area for your cats by connecting several units. Bottom-to-Top An additional opening allows for vertical travel between condos or you can close it with a removable polyethylene “plug.” You choose how many condos you connect.

Stainless Steel



2 2



14. Cages

LITTER AND STORAGE 1 - Litter/Bedroom - Always 15” high. 2 - Side Storage - 9” or 15” high. 3 - Door Storage - 12”, 18” or 24” high. Fits at bottom of assembly. 4 - Drawer Storage - 12”, 18” or 24” high. Fits at bottom of assembly. Mobile or Stationary








39 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


14. Cages

CAT CONDOS 140.0030...........................................................................3’ Cat Suite Mobile Two 24 x 30” Condos, with left hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0030.12............................................................... 3’ Cat Suite Stationary Two 24 x 30” Condos, with left hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

140.3030....................................................................... 3½’ Cat Suite Mobile Two 30 x 30” Condos, with left hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0035.12 ............................................................3½’ Cat Suite Stationary


Two 30 x 30” Condos, with left hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

140.0040 ...................................................................... 4’ Cat Condo Mobile Four - 24 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0040.12.............................................................4’ Cat Condo Stationary Four 24 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform


140.0050........................................................................5’ Cat Condo Mobile Four 30 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0050.15.............................................................5’ Cat Condo Stationary Four 30 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform

14. Cages

CAT CONDOS 140.0051 ...........................................................................5’ Cat Suite Mobile Four 24 x 30” Condos, with Centre hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0050.14............................................................... 5’ Cat Suite Stationary Four 24 x 30” Condos, with Centre hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

140.0060 .......................................................................6’ Cat Condo Mobile Six - 24 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0060.16 ............................................................6’ Cat Condo Stationary Six - 24 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform

140.0061C.........................................................................6’ Cat Suite Mobile Four 30 x 30” Condos, with Centre hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0060.17............................................................... 6’ Cat Suite Stationary Four - 30 x 30” Condos, with Centre hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

140.0061LR.......................................................................6’ Cat Suite Mobile Four 24 x 30” Condos, with left hand and right hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0060.18 .............................................................. 6’ Cat Suite Stationary Four 24 x 30” Condos, with left hand and right hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


14. Cages

CAT CONDOS 140.0070 ...........................................................................7’ Cat Suite Mobile Four 30 x 30” Condos, with left hand and right hand litter and bedroom and Mobile Platform 923.0070.12 ............................................................... 7’ Cat Suite Stationary Four 30 x 30” Condos, with left hand and right hand litter and bedroom and Stationary Platform

140.0075 .................................................................... 7½’ Cat Condo Mobile Six 30 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0075.12 ......................................................... 7½’ Cat Condo Stationary Six 30 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform


140.0080 ..........................................................................8’ Cat Suite Mobile Eight 24 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0080.12............................................................... 8’ Cat Suite Stationary Eight 24 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform

140.0081...........................................................................8’ Cat Suite Mobile Six 24 x 30” Condos with centered and right hand litter and storage and Mobile Platform 923.0080.15............................................................... 8’ Cat Suite Stationary Six 24 x 30” Condos with centered and right hand litter and storage


and Stationary Platform

140.0010 ......................................................................10’ Cat Condo Mobile Eight 30 x 30” Condos and Mobile Platform 923.0010.12 .......................................................... 10’ Cat Condo Stationary Eight 30 x 30” Condos and Stationary Platform

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE DRYER CAGES ON MOBILE PLATFORM 14926.4836.01 ............................................ Shor-Line Dryer Cage 48 x 36” 926.2000.02 .................................... Shor-Line 2 Unit Dryer Cage 48 x 36” 926.3000.03 .................................... Shor-Line 3 Unit Dryer Cage 48 x 36”

43 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Patented heat-free drying method eliminates burns and dehydration while providing a speedy drying time. Features • Designed with two high volume fans placed on opposite ends of the assembly. These fans act to create turbulence, which lifts and dries the pet’s coat while removing the loose undercoat • Fan guards at both ends protect paws from fan blades, and multi-speed settings let you determine how fast the airflow dries patients • All fans are UL listed and feature OSHA compliant guards • A supplied removable cage divider gives you the option of drying two smaller animals at one time • Rounded corners throughout prevent bacterial buildup making a healthier environment for animals and staff • Urine retaining lip prevents leakage • Removable PVC coated floors included • Wide doors mean easier animal entrance and exit • Animal space is 25½”h x 44¼”w x 28”d • Can also be equipped with stacking plastic cages for holding areas—leaving you free to dry the next animal • Unit includes a “mobile” double large dryer cage on the bottom with another double large dryer cage on the top • Each cage compartment is a one-piece mold of high-density polyethylene with a 3/16” thick wall • Locking caster base provides instant portability • Maximum total air volume is 28,000 CFM @ 1,400 FPM • Unit comes with inverter to run on 240 V

14. Cages


STAINLESS STEEL CAGES Shor-Line began making animal cages mid-century to meet the needs of veterinarians. We have continued to improve our animal cages, evolving with veterinary, boarding and shelter professionals. If you need cages, we can find a solution! Our standard cages are made in 152 mm (6") increments, starting with 457 mm W (18") x 457 mm H (18"). All cages are 717 mm (28¼") deep, not including the latch. When planning space requirements, allow an additional 3.1 mm (1/8") in width for every two cages that are side-by-side. Front door frames are heavy duty 25 mm (1") square stainless steel tube to provide you many years of solid structure support for your cage assemblies. Our cages are often handed down from practice to practice because they are so durable. There is a reason why animal professionals have been purchasing our cages for almost seven decades. Our cages are completely modular. This means each cage is manufactured as an individual unit, engineered for fit and function to combine with others into one structural product. When you put them together, they look custom built, specially for your housing area. Installation is quick and easy. Your best value comes with purchasing standard sizes, but if you can dream it, we can build it.

48"W x 30"H Double Door Cage

Further reduce animal stress... Optional Silent Latch Mechanism makes cage closing near silent.



24"W x 30"H Cage


Looking for a housing solution for your large dogs? Try our Double Door (DD) cage. It comes in a variety of sizes with these features: • 48”, 60” or 72” W • 30” or 36” H • Removable middle cage post adds strength and integrity when securing the latch, but it also allows for easy opening • Removing the cage post allows you to slide in a recombinant patient • Insert cage divider to house more smaller animals. We designed the cage to provide a secure environment when you divide the cage.

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0103A.........................4ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Two 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm high divider available for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0103B.........................4ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

• •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0103C.........................4ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Two 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Two 609 mm W x 457 mm H (24 x 18”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0104A ........................5ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A

Top: Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Bottom: Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) •

With mobile platform

45 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Top: Two 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0104B.........................5ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")

Top: Two 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Bottom: One 1524 W x 914 mm H (60 x 36”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

140.0104C.........................5ft (1210 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C

Top: Two 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Middle: Two 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Bottom: Two - 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”)


With mobile platform

140.0105A.........................6ft (1820 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A

Top: Three 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: Two 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”)


With mobile platform

140.0105B.........................6ft (1820 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")

Top: Two 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) Bottom: One 1828 mm W x 914 mm H (72 x 36”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0105C........................................... 6ft (1820 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Three - 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0106A .......................................... 7ft (2130 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

• •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0106B........................................... 7ft (2130 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B

Top: Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm High (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 914 W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) Two 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) •

With mobile platform

140.0109A .......................................... 8ft (2430 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A

Top: Four 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: Two 914 mm W x 914 mm H (36 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) •

With mobile platform

47 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Top: Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage One 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”)

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0109B........................................... 8ft (2430 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Four 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: Two 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0109C........................................... 8ft (2430 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")


Top: Four 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Two 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: Two 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0109D .......................................... 8ft (2430 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option D 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")

Top: One 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Bottom: One 1524 mm W x 914 mm H (60 x 36”) Double Door Cage One 914 mm W x 914 mm H (36 x 36”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

140.0110A ........................................... 9ft (2740 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A


145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Three 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) Bottom: One 1828 mm W x 914 mm H (72 x 36”) Double Door Cage One 914 mm W x 914 mm H (36 x 36”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0110B ........................................... 9ft (2740 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Two 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage Two 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0110C ........................................... 9ft (2740 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C

With mobile platform

140.0112A ......................................... 10ft (3040 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")

Top: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Bottom: Two 1524 mm W x 914 mm H (60 x 36”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

140.0112B ......................................... 10ft (3040 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Five 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Four 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 914 mm H (48 x 36”) Double Door Cage One 1828 mm W x 914 mm H (72 x 36”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

49 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Top: Two 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Two 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Two 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) Two 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: Three 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”)

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0112C ......................................... 10ft (3040 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option C 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Five 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Bottom: One 1219 mm W x 914 mm H (48 x 36”) Double Door Cage Two 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

140.0114A ......................................... 12ft (3650 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")


Top: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 1828 mm W x 914 mm H (72 x 36”) Double Door Cage Two 914 mm W x 914 mm H (36 x 36”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

140.0114B ......................................... 12ft (3650 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Six - 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) One 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: Three 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)


140.0114DLC .................................... 12ft (3650 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B 145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

Top: Six 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Four 762 mm W x 609 mm H (30 x 24”) One 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Bottom: Three 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

14. Cages

SHOR-LINE STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 140.0117A ......................................... 14ft (4260 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option A 145.0036...........................................Optional Cage Divider 914 mm (36")

Top: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Two 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: One 1828 mm W x 914 mm H (72 x 36”) Double Door Cage One 1524 mm W x 914 mm H (60 x 36”) Double Door Cage One 914 mm W x 914 mm H (36 x 36”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 914 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0036)

140.0117B ......................................... 14ft (4260 mm) Stainless Steel Cage Assembly Option B

Top: Seven 609 mm W x 609 mm H (24 x 24”) Middle: Four 762 mm W x 762 mm H (30 x 30”) Two 609 mm W x 762 mm H (24 x 30”) Bottom: Two 1219 mm W x 762 mm H (48 x 30”) Double Door Cage Two 914 mm W x 762 mm H (36 x 30”) • •

With mobile platform Optional 762 mm H divider for bottom cage (145.0030)

STAINLESS STEEL CAGE DIVIDERS 145.0024 .................................. Shor-Line Kennel Divider 24” H (610 mm) 145.0030.................................. Shor-Line Kennel Divider 30” H (762 mm) 145.0036.................................. Shor-Line Kennel Divider 36” H (914 mm)

The removable cage divider provides a quick affordable way to convert 1219 mm (48”), 1524 mm (60”) and 1828 mm (72”) wide double-door Shor-Line cages into two smaller units. Features • The solid stainless steel divider connects to a bracket at the back of each cage to form a secure separation between compartments • The double door latch system can be quickly and easily removed when transferring your large patients in and out of the cage

51 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

145.0030...........................................Optional Cage Divider 762 mm (30")

14. Cages

CASTERS 14086.5003.011 .......................................... Caster 5” Diameter with Brake

• • • •

Large reinforced nylon castors and polyurethane wheels that will not “flat spot” or mark floors. Rotates 360° for easy manoeuvrability All castors feature lock mechanisms to hold your kennel assembly stationary between moves Allow 215.9 mm (8½”) height increase for mobile platforms when planning your space requirements

STAINLESS STEEL CAGE MOBILE PLATFORM 142.1800 ......................................................Mobile Platform 18” (457 mm) 142.2400......................................................Mobile Platform 24” (610 mm)


142.3000 .....................................................Mobile Platform 30” (762 mm) 142.3600......................................................Mobile Platform 36” (914 mm) 142.4800................................................... Mobile Platform 48” (1219 mm) 142.6000................................................... Mobile Platform 60” (1524 mm) 142.7200................................................... Mobile Platform 72” (1829 mm)

Platform provides easy manoeuvrability which aids in cleaning and bank rearranging. Easier access to bottom level cages. Features • Equipped with large reinforced nylon casters and polyurethane wheels that will not “flat spot” or mark floors. Rotates 360° for easy manoeuvrability • Front casters feature lock mechanisms to hold your kennel assembly stationary between moves • Allow 200 mm (8½”) height increase for mobile platforms when planning your space requirements PLEASE NOTE THAT CASTERS ARE SOLD SEPERATELY



149.0200.92........................................................Cage/Squeeze Restrainers 610 x 457 mm Cage

Puts the” squeeze” on non-cooperative patients creating a safer vaccination and treatment environment. • Designed to fit Shor-Line cages, the Squeeze Restraint simply slides into the back of your existing cages, allowing you to easily and safely treat your less cooperative patients • Push/Pull system allows 9.5 mm 3/8” diameter stainless steel handles to be hidden or extended outside the front of the cage door • Squeeze mechanism is made in the same style as our standard cage doors

14. Cages

STANDARD CAGE SIZES 141.1818 .......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 18 x 18” (457 x 457 mm) 141.1824.......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 18 x 24” (457 x 610 mm) 141.2418 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 24 x 18” (610 x 457 mm) 141.2424 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 24 x 24” (610 x 610 mm) 141.242424 ..................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 24 x 24 x 24” (610 x 610 x 610 mm) 141.2430 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 24 x 30” (610 x 762 mm) 141.3024 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 30 x 24” (762 x 610 mm) 141.3030 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 30 x 30” (762 x 762 mm)

141.3624 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 36 x 24” (914 x 610 mm) 141.3630 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 36 x 30” (914 x 762 mm) 141.3636 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 36 x 36” (914 x 914 mm) 141.4230 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 42 x 30” (1066 x 762 mm) 141.4236 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 42 x 36” (1066 x 914 mm) 141.4824D ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 48 x 24” (1219 x 610 mm) 141.4830D ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 48 x 30” (1219 x 762 mm) 141.4830S ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 48 x 30” (1219 x 762 mm) 141.4836D ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 48 x 36” (1219 x 914 mm) 141.4836S ....................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 48 x 36” (1219 x 914 mm) 141.6036D ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 60 x 36” (1524 x 914 mm) 141.7236D ...................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 72 x 36” (1829 x 914 mm)

53 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

141.3036 ......................................................Shor-Line Stainless Steel Cage 30 x 36” (762 x 914 mm)

14. Cages

PVC GRILL COATED FLOOR FOR STAINLESS STEEL CAGES 146.1800 ................................PVC Coated Floor Grill 18”” Wide (457 mm) 146.2400 ...............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 24”” Wide (610 mm) 146.3000 ...............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 30”” Wide (762 mm) 146.3600 ...............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 36”” Wide (914 mm) 146.4800S ............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 48” Wide (1219 mm) Single Door 146.4800D............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 48” Wide (1219 mm) 2 piece, Double Door 146.0098D............................PVC Coated Floor Grill 60” Wide (1524 mm) 2 piece, Double Door


3¾“ legs allow for cleaning kennel floor without removing or disturbing patients. Features • Sturdy frame and legs hold a rugged 9 gauge oval shaped metal fabric with 11 x 15 mm (7⁄16” x 5⁄8”) openings • The entire floor is coated with approximately 3.1 mm (1⁄8”) non-porous, PVC coating • Approved for animal use

CAT PERCHING SHELF 146.0006.00 ....................................................Shor-line Cat Perching Shelf

The removable Shor-Shelf™ allows cats to follow their natural instinct to jump and perch above the floor. • The shelf is 177 mm (7”) deep and adjusts to fit all 457 mm (18”), 609 mm (24”) and 762 mm (30”) wide cages • Unique flex-ends with special non-slip pads automatically adjust to taper of kennel • No drilling or modification of cage required


LITTER PAN 148.9003.00 .....................Stainless Steel Litter Pan 324 x 527 x 102 mm 148.9008.00 .....................Stainless Steel Litter Pan 324 x 264 x 102 mm

Heavy gauge stainless steel to provide easy care and clean-up.

14. Cages

STAINLESS STEEL BOWLS 148.9000.05 ..................................... Stainless Steel Bowl 1 quart (0.95 lt) 148.9000.06 ..................................... Stainless Steel Bowl 2 quart (1.89 lt)

• • •

Constructed of polished stainless steel and easy to clean Bowls can be nested for easy storing Bowls are designed for use with Shor-Line bowl mounting brackets

MOUNTING BRACKETS 148.0002.00 ....................................... Mounting Bracket for 1 quart Bowl 148.0003.00 ....................................... Mounting Bracket for 2 quart Bowl

• •

Brackets help prevent bowls from being turned over, spilling food and water Bracket attaches bowls to Shor-Line cage doors, and other wire cage doors Bracket is constructed of stainless steel and installs easily

QUIET TIME CAGE COVERS 1479.2424.00 ............................................... Quiet Time Cage Door Covers 610 (w) x 610 mm (h) 1479.2430.00 ............................................... Quiet Time Cage Door Covers 610 (w) x 762 mm (h) 1479.3030.00 ............................................... Quiet Time Cage Door Covers 762 (w) x 762 mm (h) 1479.3630.00 ............................................... Quiet Time Cage Door Covers 914 (w) x 762 mm (h)

Are you hanging old towels over your kennel doors to silence those little yappers? Now available from Shor-Line, Quiet-Time kennel door covers. Most dogs stop their nuisance barking when you block their visibility of people and other animals. Quiet-Time kennel door covers also provide some isolation and solitude for patients during treatment or recovery. Quiet-Time kennel door covers are designed to fit Shor-Line kennel doors, but will also fit some competitors’ kennel doors. Ask your Shor-Line representative for additional information. • Colour-fast blue nylon construction is stain and snag resistant • 76.2 mm (3”) deep pocket fits snugly over the top of door and secured with velcro tabs • Clear vinyl window to display client/patient information • Machine washable

55 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

14. Cages

RECORD HOLDERS 147.01001 ...........................Stainless Steel Record Holder 140 x 203 mm 147.01002 ...........................Stainless Steel Record Holder 229 x 305 mm

Quickly and easily identify your patients at a glance. Features • Twist and turn method attaches holders easily to the horizontal bar of Shor-Line and most other wire cage doors • Holders keep patient records securely attached to cage or kennel doors

CARD HOLDERS 147.17100 .................................. Stainless Steel Card Holder 76 x 127 mm 147.17101 ................................ Stainless Steel Card Holder 127 x 203 mm


Features • Three-side pocket holds an index card in place • Twist and turn method attaches holders easily to the horizontal bar of Shor-Line and most other wire cage doors

CAGE VALETS 14915.0200.04 ......................... Small Valet 267 (h) x 140 (w) x 76 mm (d) 14915.0200.05 .........................Large Valet 381 (h) x 229 (w) x 76 mm (d)


Holds medications, toys, collars, leads, etc. plus ID cards or forms. Features • Stainless steel tension clip secures your patient’s paperwork • Polycarbonate material is crack and shatter resistant

14. Cages

BUBBLE HUMIDIFIER 1425.0004.00 .............................................. Humidifier (Cage O2 Therapy)

Delivers supplementary O2 and aerosols to alleviate drying of the bronchial passages. Humidifier is semi-disposable. Can be cleaned and reused several times.

LARGE BUBBLE HUMIDIFIER 1425.0004.00G .....................................................Large Bubble Humidifier

• • • •

Bubble expander enhances bubble production and improves the quality and of humidification therapy Standard DISS connector for connection to flow meter Safety valve at 2 PSI, 4 PSI or 6 PSI Single-patient use 6 mm connection for oxygen tubing

OXYGEN THERAPY DOORS 141.914.4830 ............................................ Oxygen Therapy Conversion Kit 1219 mm x 762 mm (48” x 30”) Double Door Cage

Benefits: Kit allows you to convert a standard 1219 mm x 762 mm (48" x 30") Double Door Cage into an oxygen therapy holding unit for larger patients. Left side needs to be an existing O2 door (sold separately). Remove right side cage door and replace with solid PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) door. (Note: Retrofit kit needed for Type I and II doors). Features: • 6.3 mm (¼") thick clear PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) allows for maximum light and view of patients • Conversion kit design uses a 609 mm W 762 mm H (24" W x 30" H) clear plexiglass door and removable gasket seals for your cages • Cage and O2 door sold separately

OXYGEN THERAPY DOORS 144.2424........... Oxygen Therapy Door 609 x 609 mm (24” x 24”), Clear 144.2430........... Oxygen Therapy Door 609 x 762 mm (24” x 30”), Clear 144.3030........... Oxygen Therapy Door 762 x 762 mm (30” x 30”), Clear 144.3630........... Oxygen Therapy Door 914 x 762 mm (36” x 30”), Clear

“Low stress” introduction of oxygen or aerosols (inhalants) without the prohibitive cost and purchase of a complete ICU unit.

57 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

14. Cages

PLASTIC POLYETHYLENE CAGES 14925.3000.01 ........................................... 3 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages 14925.4000.01 ........................................... 4 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages 14925.6000.01 ........................................... 6 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages 14925.2430.01 ........................................................Medium Kennel, Plastic 14925.4836.01 .............................................................Large Kennel, Plastic 14925.3000.011 .................................................................. 3 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages, with floors and pans 14925.4000.011 .................................................................. 4 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages, with floors and pans 14925.6000.011 .................................................................. 6 Unit Assembly, Plastic Cages, with floors and pans 14925.243.011 ..................................................................... Medium Kennel, Plastic Cages, with floor and pan 14925.4836.011........................................................................ Large Kennel, Plastic Cages, with floor and pan


Benefits • A cost-effective alternative approach to animal cages, the plastic cages are corrosion-resistant and constructed of technologically advanced materials for durability and sanitation • More durable and serviceable than fibre glass or wood/laminate dog cages


Features • One piece, rotationally moulded polyethylene eliminates stress points and adds overall uniformity and rigidity • Plastic material resists stains, daily exposure to disinfectants, and makes clean up a snap • Urine retaining lip catches spills • Stainless steel doors and hardware • Optional raised PVC coated floors and high impact, polystyrene pans available • Medium cage: 616 x 716 x 731 mm (whd) • Large cage: 1232 x 877 x 731 mm (whd)

14. Cages

FLOORS FOR PLASTIC POLYETHYLENE CAGE 14725.2128.01.........................................Floor With Legs for Plastic Cages 14725.2128.00 ................................. Floor Without Legs for Plastic Cages

Raised floors slide into cage bottom, helping to keep patients clean and dry. • PVC coated, black in colour

PLATFORM FOR PLASTIC POLYETHYLENE CAGE 14825.4800.00 ............................................. 48” Platform for Plastic Cages 14825.7200.00 ............................................. 72” Platform for Plastic Cages 14086.5003.011 ................................................................ Caster with brake 14702.0004.00 .......................................................... Levelling Leg Adapter

DIVIDER FOR LARGE PLASTIC POLYETHYLENE CAGE 14314.0535.01 ......................................................................Divider for Cage 14314.0535.00.................................Divider for Cage with Floors and Pan

Divides large cage into two medium cages.

PAN FOR PLASTIC CAGE 14181.0018.00 ...................................................... Poly Cage Collection Pan

Plastic cage pan makes clean up simple and fast without disturbing the patient. Features • Ideal for patients experiencing containment problems • Fits below cage floor to collect fluids and waste from patients

59 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Platform provides easy manoeuvrability which aids in cleaning and bank rearranging. Easier access to bottom level cages. Features • Platform comes in a black powder coat finish for durability • Choose 127 mm (5”) corrosion proof reinforced nylon locking casters with polyurethane wheels that will not “flat spot” or mark floors OR stainless steel levelling legs to complete your platform purchase

14. Cages

MOBILE TRANSPORT UNIT 149.0001.01 ............................................................... Mobile Transport Unit

Mobility and design allow this unit to be used for receiving and releasing patients, moving them, as a temporary holding kennel, or even as an emergency exam and treatment table. Built like the Shor-Line modular cages, the mobile transport unit is: • Insulated and finished with polished stainless steel side and top panels • The universal door is designed for right-hand or left-hand opening • Large 127 mm (5”) heavy-duty corrosion resistant casters let you manoeuvre the unit easily through most door openings • Two of the casters feature locking mechanisms to hold the unit stationary when not in use • Full width bar handle fitted on side of cage for easy control


PVC GRILL COATED FLOOR FOR MOBILE TRANSPORT 149.3600.01 ........................PVC Coated Floor for Mobile Transport Unit

95 mm (3¾“) legs allow for cleaning kennel floor without removing or disturbing patients. Features • Sturdy frame and legs hold a rugged 9 gauge oval shaped metal fabric with 11 x 15 mm (7⁄16” x 5⁄8”) openings • The entire floor is coated with approximately 3 mm (1⁄8”) non-porous, PVC coating, approved for animal use

PET COT 147.0021.05 ....................... X-Large Pet Cot 1168 x 762 x 114 mm Brown With Paw Prints (05)


147.0020.07 ........................Large Pet Cot 990 x 711 x 114 mm, Blue (04)

Treat your pet customers to comfort and support on a raised surface. Easy-to-clean stretched woven, vinyl-coated polyester surface on cot. Sturdy corners increase the bed’s longevity. Features • Frame constructed from galvanized metal tubing for durability • Clean with water or safe disinfectant • <1 kg heavy-duty blue vinyl cover choice to resist heavy chewers *SPECIAL ORDER IN ONLY

140055 ............................................................................... Possum / Cat Trap

A specialized possum / cat trap for catching feral cats, as used by Councils and Land Care Groups. This is a very robust cat trap that gets excellent feedback from users everywhere. The Possum / Cat Trap is easy to set and very reliable. It also works for kittens.

14. Cages


Dimensions: 710 x 305 x 305 mm Mesh: 25 x 25 x 2.5 mm All Australian materials, made in Preston, Melbourne, our cat trap comes with a limited 3 year return to Manufacturer warranty. Easy to set, the cat trap is activated when the cat steps onto the treadle plate which then releases the door. Simply put your bait (cat food, chicken neck/bone) past the treadle plate and wait.

CAT CRUSH CAGE The preferred industry method of containing distressed cats for vaccination. The design of the cat crush cage door aligns with our cat trap door for easy animal transfer. The cat crush cage has a release door at one end and a mesh slide for easy access through multiple points for needles as required. The fixed handles allow you to keep your hand clear of animals that may try to scratch when approached and the crushing handle is solid and well clear of the crush panel for the same reason. Dimensions: 515 x 305 x 305 mm Mesh: 25 x 25 x 2.5 mm

61 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

140060....................................................................................Cat Crush Cage



Grooming Tables

Elite Grooming Shower

Elite Grooming Tub

Laube Clippers

Wahl Clippers

Wahl Trimmers

Clipper Attachment Combs

Clipper Blades

Grooming Scissors

Clipper Spray

15. Animal Grooming

GROOMING TABLE 210023 ........................................ Grooming Table Electric Lift, Silver Vein 903.3220.19............................Grooming Table Electric Lift, Perfect Plum 903.3220.20 .................... Grooming Table Electric Lift, Screamin' Green 903.3220.21 ......................... Grooming Table Electric Lift, Burnt Orange 903.3220.22 ............................Grooming Table Electric Lift, Electric Pink

Silver Vein

903.3220.42 ....................... Grooming Table Electric Lift, Shor-Line Blue Grooming Tables are also available in hydraulic lift


Electric Pink

Shor-Line Blue

Screamin' Green

Burnt Orange

CSA Certified CSA (Canadian Standards Association) test products for the U.S. and Canada for compliance to national and international standards, and issue certification marks for qualified products. Certification marks tell potential customers and users that a product has been evaluated by a formal process involving examination, testing and follow-up inspection-and that it complies with applicable standards for safety and performance.

Plum Perfect

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Benefits Ergonomics were at the forefront when this table was developed. It effortlessly lifts the pet on a secure, coated table. The pivoting grooming arm adjusts to how YOU want to groom the pet. It’s so durable that it will be your grooming partner for years! Shor-Line tables are designed for animal use only. Features • Pivoting grooming arm travels 180° around the end of the table • The arm locks into five positions horizontally, any position between 559 mm (22”) and 991 mm (39”) vertically and the loop hook has six position choices • Proprietary polyurethane coated table top provides a secure and comfortable surface for the pet. Plus, it’s durable and easy to clean • The bright colour lasts because of the powder coated, heavy gauge steel construction • Smooth and quiet lifting system can be operated from both sides of the table • Other features include: levelling legs; powder coated heavy gauge steel construction; actuator lifts up to 113.64 kgs (250 lbs). from 508 mm (20”) to 1041 mm (41”) high and super-sized 1016 mm (40”)l x 660 mm (26”)w table top • The ONLY CSA/UL certified grooming table

15. Animal Grooming


ELITE GROOMING SHOWER 904.0702.32 ........................... Elite Grooming Shower, Right Hand Drain 904.0702.33 ..............................Elite Grooming Shower, Left Hand Drain 210047 ..........................................Optional Wall Mount Faucet, Coil Hose 210044 ...................................... Optional Sink Drain with Strainer Basket

Benefits Bathing animals is easier with the Elite Grooming Shower. This shower’s sturdy tube frame construction one piece-backsplash and adjustable feet, make it sturdy whether it’s free-standing or placed against a wall. Features • Constructed with radiused corners along all the corners of the shower • 45° angles on the front edges add safety and aesthetic appeal • Sliding restraint ring design allows you to turn dogs around without detaching the safety lead • Supply caddy can be used or removed when not needed, using the two provided plugs • Includes: supply caddy, 2 PVC coated floor panels, plastic hair strainer insert and restraint rings • Specs: 1422 mm x 1282 mm x 622 mm (whd) (56" x 50½" x 24½") • Plumbing fixtures not include

WALL MOUNT FAUCET 210047 ...........................................................Wall Mount Faucet, Coil Hose


Features • Lightweight spray head provides less fatigue when bathing pets • Flexible hose extends for easy cleaning of those hard to reach areas • Wall mount hanger hook holds hose and spray head when not in use

SINK DRAIN WITH STRAINER BASKET .................................................................... Sink Drain with Strainer Basket

Features • 88.9 mm (3½") in diameter • Recessed sink drain kit for tub tables • Comes with strainer basket

Hair Interceptor

15. Animal Grooming

ELITE GROOMING TUB 904.0702.30 .... Elite Grooming Tub, Left Hand Door, Right Hand Drain 904.0702.31 .... Elite Grooming Tub, Right Hand Door, Left Hand Drain 210047 ..........................................Optional Wall Mount Faucet, Coil Hose 210044 ...................................... Optional Sink Drain with Strainer Basket


Hair Interceptor

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Benefits Our innovative STAMP (STeprAMP) System makes getting a pet into the tub easier. You decide whether it’s a ramp or steps, and you can slide it out of the way with your foot when you’re done. This premium tub also has a durable tube frame construction, one piece-backsplash and adjustable feet. Features • Constructed with radiused corners along all the corners of the tub • 45° angles on the front edges add safety and aesthetic appeal • Featuring our innovative STAMP (STeprAMP) system that collapses steps into a ramp. The system conveniently folds away under the tub for storage when not in use • No hands required—the steps/ramp slides in and slides out with the push of your foot • Slip-resistant tread on steps/ramp • Use the included PVC coated tub floors either on the tub bottom or set them upon the rails to raise the grooming platform to an ergonomic grooming level • The door features our durable cage hinges, and you can completely remove it • One-handed latch opens easily • Sliding restraint ring design allows you to turn dogs around without detaching the safety lead • Supply caddy can be used or removed when not needed, using the two provided plugs • Includes: supply caddy, 2 PVC coated tub floor panels, plastic, hair strainer Insert and restraint rings • Dimensions : 1524 mm x 1403 mm x 609 mm (whd) (60" x 55¼" x 24") • Plumbing fixtures not included

15. Animal Grooming

LAUBE 505 LAZOR CORDLESS CLIPPER KIT 150018 .............................................Laube 505 Lazor Cordless Clipper Kit

Professional 2 Speed CONVERTIBLE Cordless clipper • Clip time - 1.5 - 3 hours • 10,000 S.P.M. on High and 4,000 S.P.M. on low • Converts easily to corded (with separate purchase of a cord pack) and/or a vacuum system option with as separate purchases • Proudly made in USA with US and globally sourced parts


Features • Fits all snap on style blades • Five ultra bright LED headlights low light areas • Cool and quiet 4,000-10,000 spm • Smooth clip- no tracking • Weighs only 680 grams • 228 mm long • 5 year limited motor warranty Kit Includes • Lazor clipper handpiece w/LED lights • Quick charger • Lazor 2 speed super battery pack • 1 Laube blade • 1 extra lever • 1 pillow of grease • 1 nameplate assembly with no lights • Instruction manual


Made In USA

150021 ............................ Laube 555 Super Cowboy Cordless Clipper Kit

15. Animal Grooming

LAUBE 555 SUPER COWBOY CORDLESS CLIPPER KIT Heavy duty, high performance 2 speed Convertible Clipper Features • Fits all snap on style blades • Cool and quiet 4,000-10,000 spm • Smooth clip- no tracking • Weighs only 680 grams • 190 mm long • 5 year limited motor warranty • Can be converted to corded

Made In USA

LAUBE LAZOR AND PRO SUPER BATTERY PACK 150022 .......................................Laube Lazor and Pro Super Battery Pack

• Quick recharge in under an hour Suits clipper models • 503, 504, 505, 505

LAUBE LAZOR CHARGER 150020 ..........................................................................Laube Lazor Charger

• •

Suits all Lazor Super/Regular Batteries For models 504, 505, 555

67 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Kit Includes • Cowboy Super Clipper hand piece • 2 speed battery pack • 1 conventional wide blade • 1 extra lever • 1 grease pillow

15. Animal Grooming

LAUBE 544 MINI LAZOR CORDLESS CLIPPER KIT 150026 ....................................Laube 544 Mini Lazor Cordless Clipper Kit 150027 ..................................... Laube 544 Mini Lazor Li-Ion Battery Pack

Features: • Fits all snap on style blades • Cool and quiet 4,000 - 10,000 S.P.M. (2,000 to 5,000 rpm) • Smooth clip - no tracking • Weighs just 680 grams and only 165 mm long • Available in yellow • Made in the U.S.A. of U.S. and imported parts • 5 year limited motor warranty


Kit Includes • Mini Lazor (two speed) handpiece with lights • 1 lithium battery and 1 charger • Conventional blade • Extra super duty lever, grease, oil and blade brush

Made In USA


LAUBE LITHIUM ION CHARGER 150028 ..............................................Laube Lithium Ion Charger and Plug


• Quick disconnect, charges under an hour Suits clipper models • 821, 804, 721, 704, 521, 544, 571, 575

15. Animal Grooming

WAHL KM-SS PET GROOMING CLIPPER PACK 150036RP ...................................Wahl KM-SS Pet Grooming Clipper Pack (Single Speed) with #10 Blade

Powerful 45w rotary motor, gear driven clipper Single speed operation: 2400 rpm Fan cooled motor for cooler operation and longer life Detachable blades - optional sizes available Suitable for all professional uses Replacement blades available in a variety of sizes Made in Germany 1 year warranty

What's in the box? • Wahl professional KM-SS clipper • 150356 #10 (1.8 mm) detachable blade (other sizes also available separately) • 4 cutting guides (3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm) • Grooming scissors • Cleaning brush • Blade oil • Instructional DVD


Made In Germany

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

• • • • • • • •

15. Animal Grooming


WAHL KM-2 PET CLIPPER 150034 ...................... Wahl KM-2 Two Speed Pet Clipper with #10 Blade 150035 ...................... Wahl KM-2 Two Speed Pet Clipper with #40 Blade

• • • • • • • •

Powerful 45 w rotary, gear driven clipper 2 speed operations: 2400 rpm and 3000 rpm Fan cooled motor for cooler operation and longer life Detachable blades - various sizes available Attachment guides available in 5 mm, 9 mm and 13 mm Suitable for all professional uses Made in Germany 1 year warranty

What's in the box? • Wahl professional KM-2, 2 speed clipper with 4.8 m grounded power cord • 150356 #10 (1.8 mm) or 150352 #40 (0.6 mm) detachable blade (other sizes also available separately) • Cleaning brush • Blade oil • Instructional DVD


Made In Germany

15. Animal Grooming

WAHL SHOW PRO PET CLIPPER 150038 ....................................................... Wahl Show Pro® Pet Clipper Kit

High speed magnetic vibrating motor for long life Patented ‘Shunt Motor” design for more power Taper adjustable professional quality blades Suitable for most animal trimming Made in USA 1 year warranty

What's in the box? • Wahl Show Pro® Pet Clipper • 150368 #30/15/10 adjustable blade and blade protector • 4 cutting guides 3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm • Grooming brush • Grooming scissors • Cleaning brush • Blade oil • Hard case • Instructional DVD


Adjustable Blade

Made In USA

WAHL ADJUSTABLE BLADE SET FOR SHOW PRO® PET CLIPPER 150368 ................................................................Wahl adjustable Blade Set #30 - #15 - #10 for Wahl Show Pro® Pet Clipper

Standard extra wide satin chrome corrosion inhibitive finish adjustable blade set.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

• • • • • •

15. Animal Grooming

MOSER ARCO CORDLESS CLIPPER 150039 .......................................................... Moser Arco Cordless Clipper

• • • • • •


Professional cutting head with quick release system and easy cleaning function Powerful professional animal clipper with a 46 mm cutting head Always ready for operation thanks to 2 battery packs and 1 hour quick recharge 5-position cutting length adjustment (0.1 - 3 mm) integrated in the cutting head Made in Germany 1 year warranty

What's in the box? • Wahl Moser Arco Cordless Clipper • 150040 Moser Arco blade • 4 cutting guides • 2 rechargeable batteries • Battery charger and power supply • Cleaning brush • Blade oil • Instructional DVD

Made In Germany

150040.......................................................Moser Arco Replacement Blade


Moser Arco fine replacement blade set, precision ground high carbon steel, satin chrome corrosion inhibitive finish detachable blade fully adjusts to 5 cutting positions from #9, #10, #15, #30 and #40. Also suites Bellissma Clipper.

150040B ...................... Moser Arco Replacement Rechargeable Battery

Hang tab card type, nickel metal hydride battery

15. Animal Grooming

WAHL TOUCH UP TRIMMER 150049 ...................................................... Wahl Touch Up Animal Trimmer

The ultimate in Touch-Up Trimmer kits. This great little cordless trimmer runs on two AA batteries and has a multitude of uses. The ergonomic shape with soft touch grips makes handling a breeze. Ideal for those tough and sensitive places to reach on your pet. Great for the face, feet and ears. Great for clean-ups on pads. • 1 year warranty What's in the box? • Battery operated Touch Up Trimmer - colours may vary • Storage base • #40 fine blade • 6 position acculock attachment comb • 3 close cut trimmer attachment combs • 2 x AA alkaline batteries • Trimmer oil • Grooming comb • Cleaning brush • Instructions

Made In China

WAHL STYLIQUE TRIMMER 150050 ........................................................ Wahl Stylique Animal Trimmer

An extra slim pencil shaped trimmer with fine-toothed narrow blades for accuracy and precision in edging, outlining and fine design work. Features • Only 155 mm long • Ultra narrow cutting blades for hard to reach areas • Pencil design for ease of use • Great for around eyes, ears and paws, and between toes • Ideal for ‘Hair Tattoos' - cutting tracks or patterns • High carbon blades for long life • Made in USA • 1 year warranty What's in the box? • Wahl Stylique Pet Trimmer - colours may vary • Trimmer oil • Blade guard • 1 x AA battery

Made In USA

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


15. Animal Grooming


WAHL POCKET PRO® TRIMMER 150041 ................................................................Wahl Pocket Pro® Trimmer 150058 ....................................................... Pocket Pro Trimmer Blade Only

The WAHL Pocket Pro Trimmer is ideal for touching up around the eyes, ears, whiskers and paws. It's easily concealed in the palm of your hand for those skitish animals. Features • A colourful palm sized trimmer, compacted and contour for easy handling • Designed to be hidden in your hand while working around the face area of your animal, especially animals that react to a clipper around their ears • Has fine toothed narrow blades for accuracy and precision in edging, outlining and fine design work • Battery operated cordless pocket trimmer • Quiet, lightweight • #40 fine precision ground blade • Made in USA • 1 year warranty What's in the box? • Wahl Pocket Pro Pet Trimmer - colours may vary • One AA alkaline battery • Two trimming attachments • Cleaning brush • Blade oil • Blade guard


Made In USA

The Wahl Pro Series Pet Clipper has high-quality corded or cordless precision ground carbon steel blades that stay sharp for a long period. You can connect the clipper to a power socket and use it, but if your pet feels restless, choose the cordless operation option. This pet clipper comes with an exceptional fur feeding feature that helps in trimming and touching up pet fur without tugging or pulling at it. • Powerful direct drive rotary motor clipper • Convenient cordless operation • NiMH ‘no memory’ style rechargeable batteries • Up to 35 minutes run time • Option to run corded if required What's in the box? • Wahl Pro Series Pet Clipper • Power cord and charger • Cutting guides 3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm and 13 mm • Grooming scissors • Comb • Cleaning crush • Oil • DVD instruction • Storage case • User instruction

Made In USA

WAHL KM1 AND KM2 ATTACHMENT COMBS 150042 ......................................................#2 KM Attachment Comb, 5 mm 150043 ......................................................#3 KM Attachment Comb, 9 mm 150044................................................... #4 KM Attachment Comb, 13 mm

WAHL KM MAINTENANCE KIT 150031 ................................................Wahl KM Driver Lever Tips and Tool

KM maintenance kit includes 12 red replacement drive tips and easy removal tool.

15. Animal Grooming

150045 ....................................... Wahl Pro Series Replacement Blade #10

75 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

WAHL PRO SERIES PET CLIPPER 150047 .............................................................. Wahl Pro Series Pet Clipper

15. Animal Grooming


WAHL STAINLESS STEEL ATTACHMENT COMBS 150070 ................................................................................... #1 - 8 Caddy Kit

The Wahl stainless steel attachment guide combs were designed with the professional groomer in mind. These work best with a #30 blade set. They can be used with the KM2, KMSS and switchable clippers, as well as all clippers using standard Snap-On blades. Features • Stainless steel combs glide through the coat quickly and efficiently for a smooth finish • Universal self-adjusting snap-on combs feature a 4-sided security fit • Smooth tips for snag free grooming • Colour - coded combs for easy reference • Convenient storage stand • Works best with Wahl Competition Series #30 Blade • DO NOT USE ON #40 BLADE SET OF ANY BRAND

WAHL SNAP ON COMB GUIDE 150060................................................ #1 Snap On Comb Guide 3 mm Cut 150061 ................................................ #2 Snap On Comb Guide 6 mm Cut 150062 .............................................. #3 Snap On Comb Guide 10 mm Cut 150063 .............................................. #4 Snap On Comb Guide 13 mm Cut 150064.............................................. #5 Snap On Comb Guide 16 mm Cut 150065 .............................................. #6 Snap On Comb Guide 19 mm Cut 150066.............................................. #7 Snap On Comb Guide 22 mm Cut 150067 .............................................. #8 Snap On Comb Guide 25 mm Cut 150068............................................#10 Snap On Comb Guide 32 mm Cut 150069 ............................................#12 Snap On Comb Guide 38 mm Cut


Wahl snap on attachment comb guides fit most full size clippers.

150030 ...................................Size: #50 (0.4 mm) - Cut Ultra Fine Surgical

15. Animal Grooming

WAHL CLIPPER BLADE FOR KM-SS AND KM-2 150352 .........................................Size: #40 (0.6 mm) - Cut X-Fine Surgical

150354 ............................................................ Size: #30 (0.8 mm) - Cut Fine 150363 ..........................................Size: #15 (1.5 mm) - Cut Medium / Fine

150362 ................................. Size: #10 (1.8 mm) - Cut Medium - Wide Cut

150351 ............................................. Size: #9 (2 mm) - Cut Medium Coarse 150364 ..........................................Size: #8.5 (3 mm) - Cut Medium Coarse

150360 ............................................................. Size: #5F (6 mm) Cut Coarse 150361 ........................................................Size #5 Skip (6 mm) Cut Coarse

150349 ...................................................Size: #4F (8 mm) Cut Extra Coarse 150350 ............................................ Size: #4 Skip (8 mm) Cut Extra Coarse

77 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

150356 .....................................................Size: #10 (1.8 mm) - Cut Medium

15. Animal Grooming

WAHL CLIPPER BLADE FOR KM-SS AND KM-2 150358 .........................................Size: #7F (3.8 mm) Cut Medium Coarse 150359 ................................... Size: #7 Skip (3.8 mm) Cut Medium Coarse

150355 .............................................. Size: #3F (10 mm) - Cut Extra Coarse

*Blades to suit Wahl, OsterA5, Andis and Laube Clippers


GROOMING SCISSORS 150400............................................................................. Grooming Scissors

150410 ..............................................Wahl Scissors Italian 5” Hairdressing 150411 ...........................................Wahl Scissors Italian 5.5” Hairdressing 150415 ..............................................Wahl Scissors Italian 7” Hairdressing 150412 .....................................................Wahl Scissors Italian 6” Dressing 150413 ..................................................Wahl Scissors Italian 6.5” Dressing 150414 .................................................. Wahl Scissors Italian 8” Grooming

150416 ............................ Wahl Scissors Italian 5.5” Single Sided Thinner 150418 .............................Wahl Scissors Italian 6.5” Single sided Thinner


CLIP AND COOL CLIPPER SPRAY 152005 ..............................................................Clip and Cool Clipper Spray

• • • •

Lubricates Disinfects Cools Cleans

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


15. Animal Grooming



Dental Units

Dentalaire Dental Unit Air Compressor

Water Bottle

Rotex 782E Micromotor

Air Water Sprayer

P5 Ultrasonic Dental Scaler

Dental Scaler Pump

FireCR Dental Reader

Rextar-X Portable Dental X-Ray Unit

Dental Forceps

Dental Instrument Sets



Root Tip Picks

Rodent Dental Instruments

Molar Cutter

Tooth Rasps and Blades

Equine Tooth Cutter

Equine Tooth Extractor

Equine Tooth Spreader

Dental Burrs

Dental Unit Hand Pieces

Cavitron Tips

Prophy Angles

Prophy Paste

Prophy Cups

Contra Angles

Sharpening Stones

Dental Instrument Kit

Dental Oil/Lube

Hand Piece Scaler Tips

without Compressor 160700 ....................... Vetcare II Countertop with Compressor (160711)

Features • High speed push button hand piece • Low speed hand piece • Water and air • 1 year warranty Includes: • 10 friction grip high speed burrs • Stainless steel prophy angle • Vetcare prophy paste 250 g • Prophy cups box of 144 • Once a day spray

DENTALAIRE III COUNTERTOP DENTAL STATION 160706 ..............................Dentalaire III Countertop Dental Station with Compressor

Features • High speed push button hand piece • Low speed hand piece • Piezo scaler • Water and air • 1 year warranty Includes: • 10 friction grip high speed burs • Stainless steel prophy angle • Vetcare prophy paste 250 g • Prophy cups box of 144 • Once a day spray


Wall Mount

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

160701 .........................Dentalaire II Wall Mount Two Handpiece System

81 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


DENTALAIRE III ULTIMATE MOBILE DENTAL STATION 160695 ....................Dentalaire III Mobile Cart / Ultimate Dental Station with Compressor

• • • • • • • • • •

Telescopic height adjustment from 990 mm down to 685 mm Fiber optic push button high speed handpiece Low speed hand piece Piezo scaler Three way syringe Variable speed foot control 2, 2 litre water bottle system 558 mm wide x 609 mm deep 1 year warranty excluding handpieces Silent air compressor 1/2 HP,

Internal powder-coated air tank Dual filtration system for the cleanest air Includes: • 10 friction grip high speed burs • Stainless steel prophy angle • Vetcare prophy paste 250 g • Prophy cups box of 144 • Once a day spray

DENTALAIRE SILENTAIRE ½ HP COMPRESSOR 160711 ...................................Dentalaire Silentaire ½ HP Air Compressor

• • • •

Overall dimensions: 482 x 203 x 457 mm (hwd) Tank: 2 gallons (7.57 litres) Capacity: ½ HP, 110 v motor delivers 4.1 CFM @ 80 PSI Weight: 27 kgs


DENTALAIRE SILENTAIRE 1HP AIR COMPRESSOR 160713 .......................Dentalaire Silentaire Dual User Compressor, 1 HP

• • • •

Overall dimensions: 482 x 698 x 330 mm (hwd) Tank: 6.5 gallons (24.6 litres) Capacity: 1 HP, 110 v motor delivers 4.3 CFM @ 80 PSI Weight: 45 kgs

160805.................................................................... Rotex 782E Micromotor 160806................................................ Hand Piece “E” Type for Rotex 782E

• • • • • • • •

Ball bearing high torque electric motor 1,500 to 35, 000 R.P.M variable speed Double insulation heavy duty construction Automatic cooling fan for continuous high speed performance Forward / reverse switch Standard package includes foot switch, hand piece and motor, straight and contra attachments and rest Circuit overload protection Application for grinding, polishing, milling of precious metals, ceramics, acrylics, and steel

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160808.............................................................. Contra Angle for Rotex 782

160809......................................Straight Nose Cone Attachment for 782E

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16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


P5 ULTRASONIC DENTAL SCALER ........................................................................... P5 Ultrasonic Dental Scaler 160851 ...................................P5 Ultrasonic Dental Scaler with LED Light

Features • P5 Scalers are available with or without LED light • The P5’s piezoelectric motor ensures that the machine always works on steady power, high efficiency and generates little heat • Detachable hand-piece, can be autoclaved at 135°C, digitally controlled, automatic frequency tracking ensures that the machine always works on the best frequency allowing consistent operation • The scaling tip is made of high strength alloy material. The atomized spraying design forms the cavitations and in conditions of water it will form oxygenated water to release the new eco-pure oxygen, which can efficiently inhibit periodontal diseases • The design automatic amplitude compensation function reduces patient discomfort • The P5L’s (LED model) hand piece cable is made of imported silica gel tube which is soft and durable • A wide range of power settings offers more convenience of operation • Designed to work from a gravity fed water source, can be used with either normal or sterile water bags or containers


P5L (LED model) scaler with L3 aluminum alloy LED detachable handpiece. This handpiece compatible with EMS scaler is the world’s first invention in the field of scaler handpiece and more suitable to be autoclaved. The appearance; handling comfort and performance all have been improved. • Adaptor input - ~230V ± 22 v / 50 Hz ± 1 Hz • Main unit input - ~ 24 v / 50 Hz ± 1 Hz • Input power - ≤ 40 va • Main unit fuse - 1.6 A / 250 v • Output power - 3 W ~ 20 W • Primary tip vibration excursion - ≤ 100 μm • Tip vibration frequency - 28 kHz ± 3 kHz • Half excursion force - < 2 N • Water pressure - 0.01 MPa ~ 0.5 MPa (0.1 bar ~ 5 bar) • Weight of main unit - 0.55 kgs • Weight of adaptor - 0.85 kgs • • • • • •

• • • •

Operating mode - Continuous operation Energized from and external electrical power source - Class II Degree of protection against electric shock - BF Degree of protection against harmful ingress of water - Ordinary equipment (IPX0) Degree of safety of application in the presence of a flammable Anaesthetic mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide - Equipment not suitable for being used in the presence of a flammable anaesthetic with air or with oxygen nitrous oxide Environmental temperature - + 10°C to +40°C Environmental humidity - 0 to 80% Atmospheric pressure - 700 hPa to 10690 hPa 15 month warranty

With LED Light

Without LED Light

160855 .............. Replacement Alloy H3 Handpiece Only for P5 Dental Scaler without LED Light

160854 .............. Replacement Alloy H3 Handpiece Only for P5 Dental Scaler with LED Light

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160870N ................... Replacement A/C Adaptor / Charger for P5 Scaler

160871 ......................................... Replacement Foot Switch for P5 Scaler

160856 ............................................................................... Scaler Tip T1 3/pk 160857 ............................................................................... Scaler Tip T2 3/pk 160858............................................................................... Scaler Tip T3 3/pk 160859 ............................................................................... Scaler Tip T4 3/pk 160860............................................................................... Scaler Tip T5 3/pk 160865.....................................Scaler Tip Set, T1 to T5 Tips Included 5/pk

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment



FIRECR VETERINARY DENTAL READER 33-11-001......................................................... FireCR Veterinary Dental Reader

The Dental CR Solution for Veterinary Professionals The full-featured FireCR Dental Reader from 3DISC Imaging rapidly and affordably delivers high-quality dental images for busy veterinary practices and veterinary dental clinics. Compact and Affordable The FireCR Dental Reader is compact and affordable, helping to increase patient throughput and improve the productivity of your practice or clinic. With its small foot and exam rooms. Simple, Streamlined Operation The FireCR Dental Reader combines an elegant design with a powerful yet easy-to-use system that gets the job done day in and day out. The FireCR Dental’s automated, magnetized feeding tray offers “push and go” functionality, making it simple to operate for busy technicians. The reader is DICOM 3.0 compatible and uses a full range of reusable bitewing and intraoral imaging plates that are easier and faster to position than intraoral digital sensors. Importantly, a true size 4c imaging plate is available, so technicians don’t have to use software stitching to some systems, there also is no need to purchase and use protective covers for imaging plates—eliminating extra steps and expense. Unmatched Flexibility to Help Your Practice Grow In this increasingly competitive environment, show clients that your practice offers the latest in digital imaging technology. Whether you’re a busy veterinary practice or a specialty veterinary dental clinic, the next-generation FireCR Dental Reader is the natural choice for practices looking for an affordable solution that delivers high-quality digital images—along with the flexibility that helps them grow. Highlights • Optimized workflow for your practice • Utilize existing x-ray equipment and imaging techniques • Eliminate darkroom and chemicals • Rapid, high-quality reading of reusable dental imaging plates • Affordable and compact veterinary dental solution • Easy-to-use LCD touch screen interface • Easy-to-position bite-wing and intraoral imaging plates • Built-in erase function • Software optimizes acquisition, processing and management • Supports both Ethernet and USB connections • Auto-calibration ensures stability and consistency • Market your practice’s use of digital technology Unique LCD Colour Touch Screen Panel The FireCR Dental Reader features a unique color LCD touchscreen panel for seamless device operation. With no physical push buttons on the unit and an intuitive user interface, entering operator instructions has never been easier. The screen provides device activity status and includes a sleep mode. It visually guides users in the operation of the system, with little or no training needed. It also presents a preview of the image, allowing technicians to verify image quality. A settings menu allows technicians to customize scanning resolution (high or standard), auto sleep timing, auto start, and network settings. Built-in Erase Function A built-in erase function eliminates the need to purchase an additional device to erase imaging plates prior to reuse, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

STORAGE BOX The FireCR Dental reader also comes with an imaging plate storage box, ensuring that plates remain clean and readily available for use.

IMAGING PLATES 33-12-007 ................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 4 33-12-012 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 0 33-12-013 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 1 33-12-014 ................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 2 33-12-015 ................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 3 33-12-016 ............................................................. Imaging Plate Kit Size 4C

A set of the most frequently used imaging plates is included with the unit. In addition, a full range of imaging plate sizes is available, including 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4c.

HYGIENIC BAGS 33-12-020 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 0, 100/pk 33-12-021...................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 1, 100/pk 33-12-022 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 2, 100/pk 33-12-023 .................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 2, 300/pk 33-12-024...................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 3, 100/pk 33-12-025 ...................................................Hygienic Bag Size # 4C, 100/pk 33-12-026 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 4, 100/pk

Hygienic bags, also included with the unit, help protect the imaging plates, as well as animals and staff. The bags are easy to use—loading, sealing, and opening are simple and quick.

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

Easy-to-Use Imaging Software The QuantorDent Imaging Software facilitates easy image acquisition, processing and management. The easy-to-use software supports efficient workflow and requires little training. The intuitive workflow allows users to enhance images, allowing for more precise diagnosis. To ensure that scans are arranged in their precise locations, the operator simply picks the relevant Teeth on the dental chart in the software. The software is compliant with DICOM 3.0 and compatible with most management and image archiving systems, e.g. HIS/RIS and PACS. Furthermore, it can be integrated into any TWAIN-compatible third-party software. You get unlimited software upgrades.

87 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

FireCR Offers a Range of Benefits Over Sensors • Thin, flexible imaging plates with no cables • Imaging plates available in full range of sizes • Imaging plates offer 100 percent active area • Familiar workflow and accessories comparable to film, allowing seamless integration into practice • Having a central or local CR unit is more efficient than purchasing one sensor and having to move it between exam rooms • Sensors need to be thoroughly cleaned after each use, taking up valuable time and making the sensor unavailable during cleaning

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


REXTAR-X PORTABLE VETERINARY DENTAL X-RAY UNIT 332010 ..................................Rextar-X Portable Veterinary Dental X-Ray Unit

Highlights • Incomparable and superior quality • More clear and sharp x-ray images • Compact and light • Designed for one hand operation • Smart and easy operation • Excellent compatibility • Reliable safety • Certified safety Smart Buttons memorize your needs These buttons are same as channel buttons on TV remote control. If you have typical patient types, you can categorize them into four cases. For these four cases, you can set up the exposure values onto each smart button. After that, you can take X-ray by only three steps, Power on -> Press one of four smart buttons --> Press exposure button. Or you can change the values as per your needs. The buttons indicate patient types (Adult or Child) and types of teeth (Upper, lower - Canine tooth, Molar tooth). Designed for one hand operation To take dental X-ray, operators have to position devices and place sensors or film to patients’ teeth. And conventional portable X-ray equipment should be handled by both hands due to heavy weight and all function buttons are spread in right and left sides. So users need assistants or ask patient to hold film or sensor. But Rextar-X has been designed with a hand strap, and power button and exposure button are placed in one side. And compact size and light weight can make you to operate it by one hand only. You can use one hand for holding X-ray and the other hand for positioning or controlling patients.


High-Quality portable X-ray system All Rextar series have the highest technical specification among portable X-ray devices. It contribute for both image quality and safety. Designed with Safety in mind 1. Built-in leaded Double-Shield. 2. Ergonomical design reduce risk to exposure by scattered radiation. 3. Reliable safety protects user to stay with patient during X-ray procedure. Compatible with all sensors All digital USB type sensors existing in the world can be detected for the REXTAR-X (Conventional Film, Digital Imaging Sensor, Phosphor Plates) .

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

Technical Specifications Rextar-X

X-Ray Unit Battery Charger

19 VDC 3.16A 100-240 VAC, 50-60Hz 1.7A

Output Power


Power Supply

11.1 VDC (Battery)


11.1 V


70 kHz

Tube kV/Ma

70 kV/2mA (Fixed)

Max. Deviation kV MAs Model Name

±4% ±10% D-041

X-Ray Tube

Min. 1.0mmAI 0.4 x 0.4 mm

Inherent Filtration Focal Spot Size

Total Filtration

1.5 mm


1.6 kgs

Compare Image Quality REXTAR-X



Optional Mobile Stand • Multi Joint - Position smoothly to the desired place • Support Column - Adjustable height of arm • Support Column - Column height: 1.3 m • Mobile with brake - Easy to move to all directions and brake to ensure the stand wont move • General type spiral hole - Stable mounting and easy handling

Optional Handswitch - Remote exposure is possible

Bottom view of Rextar-X

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Input Power


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

DENTAL FORCEPS 160000.....................................................Tooth Extraction Forceps DG320 160002................................................Tooth Extraction Forceps #101 DLC 160300 .......................................................Dental Forceps No. 29, 170 mm 160315 ..........................................................Dental Forceps DG 6, 165 mm

160004.....................................................Tooth Extraction Forceps DK221 160006.....................................................Tooth Extraction Forceps DK225

160008..................... Tooth Extraction Forceps DK111 Schmidt 110 mm


160076 ......................................... Tooth Extraction Forceps H/A, 177 mm

160077 ...........................................................Tooth Extraction Forceps F/A


160305 ........................................................................Dental Forceps No. 74

160310 ..........................................................................Dental Forceps No. 1

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

DENTAL FORCEPS 160398 ................................................. Molar Extraction Forceps, 156 mm

16DTP11305 .................................Small Tartar Remover Forceps 110 mm 16DTP11307 ................................ Large Tartar Remover Forceps 140 mm

The curved beak of the forceps allow for easy removal of heavy calculus from the tooth surface, decreasing the chance of fracturing the teeth.

160348 ...................................................Small Extracting Forceps 110 mm

RODENT AND RABBIT INSTRUMENT SET 160410 .................................Rodent and Rabbit Instrument Set, 8 Pieces

Includes • Periodontal Incisor Luxator • Dental Luxator Molar, double ended • Dental Spatula, single ended • Molar Extraction Forcep, 160 mm • Rabbit Mouth Gag • Wire Mouth Gag, light weight • Cheek Gag, small • Cheek Gag, large • Leather Pouch

Made In Germany

WINGED STANDARD ELEVATOR SET 160411 ........................................ Winged Standard Elevator Set, 4 Pieces

Includes • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 2.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 3.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 4.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 5.0 mm • Leather Pouch

Made In Germany

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

WINGED STANDARD ELEVATOR SET 160412 ........................................ Winged Standard Elevator Set, 6 Pieces

Includes • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 1.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 2.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 3.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 4.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 5.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 6.0 mm • Leather Pouch

Made In Germany

DENTAL INSTRUMENT SET 160413 .................................................... Dental Instrument Set, 14 Pieces


Includes • Root Pick Elevator, straight • Root Flap Elevator, straight • Columbia 13/14 Universal Curette • Dental Towner/Jacquette Scaler • Plaque Sickle Scaler, light weighted • #23 Explorer, 15 mm • Periosteal Elevator, double ended • Extraction Forceps, straight, 125 mm • Tartar Scraper • University of Minnesota Retractor • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 2.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 3.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 4.0 mm • Winged Elevator, standard handle, 5.0 mm • Leather Pouch

Made In Germany



160414 .......................................................Dental Instrument Set, 8 Pieces

Includes • Columbia 13/14 Universal Curette • Jacquette Scaler H33 • Dental Lesion Probe • Periosteal Elevator, slim • Extracting Forceps, English pattern • #23 Explorer, 15 mm • Straight Feline Elevator, 1.0 mm • Straight Feline Elevator, 2.0 mm • Leather Pouch

Made In Germany

160078 ................................................................. Wolf Tooth Extraction Set

Select the respective size head, pick up the wolf tooth with the end of the thumb, guide the instrument ‘to cap’ the wolf tooth, apply pressure up against the jaw and rotate clockwise separating the tooth from the alveolus. If the tooth is a small one, a slight levering of the instrument will extract the tooth without forceps. If the teeth are large, loosen as above then simply extract with forceps. The angulated head is for teeth which are well set back, and the capping of the tooth with the instrument prevents slipping and injuring the whole mouth.


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160405...................................................... Woodward Tooth Extraction Kit

DENTAL ELEVATORS 160350 ...........................................................Dental Elevator No. 32, 2 mm 160360 ...........................................................Dental Elevator No. 33, 3 mm 160370 ...........................................................Dental Elevator No. 34, 4 mm

WOLF TOOTH ELEVATOR 160075 ............................................................Wolf Tooth Elevator - Equine

Our adjustable wolf tooth elevator features and aluminium handle with a non slip textured finish and two large 9.5 mm (3/8”) stainless steel set screws. The stainless steel blades can be shortened to 152 mm (6”) or lengthened to 228 mm (9”) by loosening the screw set with the wrench. It can also be replaced when worn.

93 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Has all the basic dental instruments needed for extractions in dogs and cats. It contains: • One set of 4 (1 - 4 mm.) Winged Elevators. These have a unique spoon shape that hugs the Teeth and gives you some added leverage. Used in a side to side twisting / rocking motion • One 3 mm and one 5 mm Curved Luxator. These are useful in medium to large sized teeth. They are very sharp and have a fine edge to them. Sometimes fit where the winged elevators won’t. Mostly used in dogs • One 1 pair of 7” Curved./ Serrated Dean Scissors, used for lengthening and trimming the gingival flap • One Molt 2/4 Perio Elevator for gingival flaps. On end 2 mm, other 4 mm • One Small Rongeur Forceps, which can be used as an extraction forceps and for bone contouring • One Straight Root Tip Pick, useful for removing root tips below the gum line

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


WINGED DENTAL ELEVATORS 160345 ........................................... Winged Elevator Stainless Steel 2 mm 160346 ...................... Winged Elevator Stainless Steel Set of 4, 1 - 4 mm 160375 ........................................... Winged Elevator Stainless Steel 1 mm 160376 ........................................... Winged Elevator Stainless Steel 3 mm 160377 ........................................... Winged Elevator Stainless Steel 4 mm

Winged Elevators were designed and created by Dr. Robert Wiggs, DVM/AVDC. These elevators will help to make extractions easier in both dogs and cats. They are sharp and have a fine edge to them. All of the winged elevators have a unique spoon shape that hugs the teeth and gives the veterinarian some added leverage, by using it in a side to side twisting/rocking motion. They are also useful in between the teeth in the interdental space. • Original stainless steel (lightweight feel) colour coded (aluminium, heavier feel) • Mini-Wings (for smaller hands) • Winged Elevator #1: Used for feline teeth and root tips • Winged Elevator #2: Used for feline teeth and small dog roots • Winged Elevator #3: Used for cat canine and teeth with medium sized roots • Winged Elevator #4: Used for canine teeth and other larger size roots

FELINE SERRATED DENTAL ELEVATOR 160349 .........................................................Small Feline Serrated Elevator

• • • •

Sharp with very fine edges Serrations are on the side of the elevator and help keep you from rolling off of the root of the tooth Serrations also grab the cementum of the tooth that is being sectioned, making the extraction much easier Great for extracting teeth on both cats and dogs

FELINE SUPER SLIM DENTAL ELEVATOR 160378 ................................................................Feline Elevator Super Slim


FELINE DENTAL ELEVATOR WITH V-CUT 160379 .....................................Feline Elevator with V-Cut Cut Super Slim

PERIOSTEAL DENTAL ELEVATOR 160074 .................................................... Periosteal Dental Elevator, 6 mm

160317 .................................................Jacquette Dental Scaler 1/2 DB706

160318 ..............................................................Jacquette Dental Scaler 6/7

160319 ..............................................................Jacquette Dental Scaler 2/3

DENTAL SCALER 160320 ....................... Right Dental Scaler, Wing Shape, 150 mm DB105 160325 .......................... Left Dental Scaler, Wing Shape, 150 mm DB106

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


DENTAL SCALER 160330 ..........................................................Dental Scaler, 150 mm DB328

EXPLORER/PROBE DENTAL SCALER 160347 .............................. Explorer / Probe Dental Scaler 1/23 Standard

DOUBLE ENDED DENTAL SCALER 160332 .....................................................Dental Scaler Double Ended 503

160333 ............................................... Dental Scaler Double Ended DB512

TRIANGLE END DENTAL SCALER 160335 ......................................................... Dental Scaler 12 Triangle End 160340 ......................................................... Dental Scaler 13 Triangle End

MOLAR DENTAL SCALER 160343 ................................................... Molar Dental Scaler Lux. Crossley

GRACEY CURETTE DENTAL SCALER 160112........................................ Gracey Curette Dental Scaler 5/6 DB702

160113........................................ Gracey Curette Dental Scaler 7/8 DB703

160115.................................................Gracey Curette Dental Scaler 13/14

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16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


AESCULAP LEFT OR RIGHT DENTAL SCALER 16DB105 ............. AESCULAP Right Dental Scaler, Wing Shape, 150 mm 16DB106 ................AESCULAP Left Dental Scaler, Wing Shape, 150 mm

AESCULAP DENTAL SCALER 16DB370 .................................... AESCULAP Dental Scaler H 6/7, 175 mm

AESCULAP Scaler H6/7 has many features: • Hard wearing working tips • Continuous corrosion resistant special instrument steel • Instrument absolutely tight-covered by a special PEEK handle • Satin finish working tips • Anatomical “high-tech” shape • Extra light and “handy” ensures a more fatigue-free working • Colour-coded handles for a quicker and clearer orientation • Suitable for steam sterilization 134°C (Autoclave) and hot air sterilization up to 240°C For supragingival use with anteriors, and premolars, mesial/distal.

AESCULAP MCCALL DENTAL SCALER 16DB376 .................. AESCULAP McCall Dental Scaler 13S/14S, 175 mm

AESCULAP McCall Scaler has many features: • Hard wearing working tips • Continuous corrosion resistant special instrument steel • Instrument absolutely tight-covered by a special PEEK handle • Satin finish working tips • Anatomical “high-tech” shape • Extra light and “handy” ensures a more fatigue-free working • Colour-coded handles for a quicker and clearer orientation • Suitable for steam sterilization 134°C (Autoclave) and hot air sterilization up to 240°C For supragingival use with premolars, molars, mesial/distal.


AESCULAP GRACEY CURETTE DENTAL SCALER 16DB385 ....................... AESCULAP Gracey Curette Dental Scaler 11/12, 175 mm

AESCULAP Gracey Curette 11/12 has many features: • Hard wearing working tips • Continuous corrosion resistant special instrument steel • Instrument absolutely tight-covered by a special PEEK handle • Satin finish working tips • Anatomical “high-tech” shape • Extra light and “handy” ensures a more fatigue-free working • Suitable for steam sterilization 134°C (Autoclave) and hot air sterilization up to 240°C For subgingival use with premolars and molars, mesio-buccal/ mesio-lingual.

16DB200 .....................AESCULAP Dental Scaler, Hook Shaped, 150 mm

AESCULAP DOUBLE ENDED DENTAL SCALER 16DB512 .....................................AESCULAP Double Ended Dental Scaler

ROOT TIP PICKS 160401 .................................................................Root Tip Pick #78 Straight 160402................................................................ Root Tip Pick #79 Left and

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160403..............................................................Root Tip Pick #80 Right and 160404.................................................. Root Tip Pick Set of 3 (#78, 79, 80)

Indispensable for removing small pieces of broken root tips.

RODENT MOUTH GAG 160380 .............................................................................Rodent Mouth Gag

160382 ................................................Rodent Mouth Gag - Heavy Pattern

160384 .................................................. Rabbit Mouth Gag Retractor Type

RODENT CHEEK SPREADER 160386 .......................................................Rodent Cheek Spreader - Small 160388 .......................................................Rodent Cheek Spreader - Large

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16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

RODENT SPATULA 160390 ................................................................................... Rodent Spatula

RODENT MOLAR RASP 160392 ..........................................Rodent Molar Rasp - Narrow, Very Fine 160394 .....................................................Rodent Molar Rasp Narrow, Fine 160396 ................................................ Rodent Molar Rasp - Broad, Coarse

RABBIT INCISOR DENTAL SCALER 160344 .............................. Rabbit Dental Scaler Incisor Luxator Crossley

MOLAR CUTTER 160400....................................................... Molar Cutter Tungsten Carbide


JUPITER TOOTH RASP Jupiter Dental Floats suit the following blades: 160067, 160069. 16J10 ....................................... Dental Float Straight , No Blade 20” Long

16J11 ..............................................................................Dental Float Angled No Blade 16” Long


16J12 ..............................................................Dental Float X-Large Straight No Blade 24” Long

16J13 ...............................................................Dental Float X-Large Angled No Blade 20” Long

16J14 ...............................................Dental Float 10 Degree Obtuse Angle No Blade 20” Long

16J15 .................................................................Dental Float Angled Shorty No Blade 12” Long

Surgicon Dental Floats suit the following blades: 160065, 160066. 160034 ..................................................................... Tooth Rasp with 2 Ends

160100 ..........................................Tooth Rasp Stainless Steel 18” Straight

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160102 ..........................................Tooth Rasp Stainless Steel 24” Straight

160104 ........................................... Tooth Rasp Stainless Steel 24” Angled

160105 ....................................... Tooth Rasp Stainless Steel 18” B/Angled

TOOTH RASP BLADE 160065............................................................ Tooth Rasp Blades Tungsten 160066............................................................... Tooth Rasp blade Concave

To suit Surgicon range of handles.

SPEEDY CUT TOOTH RASP BLADE 160069......................................................................Speedy Cut Rasp Blade

To Suit Jupiter range of handles.

99 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

160103 ........................................... Tooth Rasp Stainless Steel 18” Angled

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

JUPITER SPEEDY CUT TOOTH RASP BLADE 160067 ............................................ Tooth Rasp Blade Speedy Cut Jupiter

To Suit Jupiter range of handles. • Speedy cut float blades cut on both push and pull strokes • Blade cuts smoother, better and faster than any other float blades • 360 cutting edges stay sharp for at least 20 horses • Blade does not clatter to upset horses • Do the job in half the time with half the effort

EQUINE MOLAR CUTTER - DOUBLE ACTION 160070 .................................... Tooth Molar Cutter Equine Double Action

100 EQUINE MOLAR CUTTER - SINGLE ACTION 160072 ..................................................Tooth Cutter Equine Single Action

EQUINE MOLAR TOOTH EXTRACTOR 160055 .......................................................... Equine Molar Tooth Extractor

REYNOLDS TOOTH EXTRACTOR 160085...........................................Reynolds Tooth Extractor – Lower Jaw


160090.......................................... Reynolds Tooth Extractor – Upper Jaw

EQUINE MOLAR TOOTH SPREADER 160056.......................................................... Equine Tooth Molar Spreader

160720 .............................................................Dentalaire Flame Burrs 5/pk

160721 .............................................................. Dentalaire Perio Burrs 5/pk

ROUND BURRS 160725 ................................................Friction Grip Round Burr #1/2, 5/pk

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160726 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #1, 5/pk 160727 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #2, 5/pk 160728 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #3, 5/pk 160729 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #4, 5/pk 160730 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #6, 5/pk 160725L .................................................Latch Type Round Burr #1/2, 5/pk 160727L .................................................... Latch Type Round Burr #2, 5/pk 160729L .................................................... Latch Type Round Burr #4, 5/pk 160730L .................................................... Latch Type Round Burr #6, 5/pk 160731L .................................................... Latch Type Round Burr #8, 5/pk

The round burr (1/2, 1, 3, 4, 6,8) is used to gain endodontic access to prepare cavities, and to mark the cutting depth in crown preparation.

CONE BURRS 160732 ......................................... Friction Grip Cone Shape #33 1/2, 5/pk 160733 ................................................ Friction Grip Cone Shape #34, 5/pk 160734 ................................................ Friction Grip Cone Shape #35, 5/pk 160735 ................................................ Friction Grip Cone Shape #37, 5/pk 160732L .......................................... Latch Type Cone Shape #33 1/2, 5/pk 160734L ................................................. Latch Type Cone Shape #35, 5/pk

The cone burr (33-1/2, 34, 35, 37) is used for undercutting cavity preparation to create a mechanical interlock.

PEAR BURRS 160736 ................................................ Friction Grip Pear Shape #330 5/pk 160737 ................................................ Friction Grip Pear Shape #331 5/pk 160738 ................................................ Friction Grip Pear Shape #332 5/pk

The Pear-shaped burr (330, 331, 332) is used for root canal access and for undercutting dentin.

101 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

160731 ................................................... Friction Grip Round Burr #8, 5/pk

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

CROSS CUT BURRS 160750 ................................................... Friction Grip Cross Cut #558 5/pk 160739 ................................................... Friction Grip Cross Cut #699 5/pk 160740 ................................................... Friction Grip Cross Cut #700 5/pk 160741 ................................................... Friction Grip Cross Cut #701 5/pk 160742 ................................................. Friction Grip Cross Cut #701L 5/pk 160743 ................................................... Friction Grip Cross Cut #702 5/pk 160740L .....................................................Latch Type Cross Cut #700 5/pk 160741L....................................................Latch Type Cross Cut #701L 5/pk 160743L .....................................................Latch Type Cross Cut #702 5/pk

The cross-cut burr (699, 700, 701, 701L, 702) is a good all-purpose burr that can be used to section teeth and gain endodontic access. It is also useful as a general purpose burr.


ASSORTED BURR PACKS 160752 .......................... Dentalaire Latch Type Burr Pack of 10 Assorted

Assorted pack includes 1 of each of the following sizes: #700, #701, #702, #1/2, #2, #4, #6, #8, #33½, #35. 160754 ............................Dentalaire Friction Grip Burr Pack 10 Assorted

Assorted pack includes 1 of each of the following sizes: #6, #8, #330, #557, #558, #699, #700, #701, #702, #332.

160760 .......................Dentalaire Magnetic Burr Block Round - Holds 28



160581 ..........................Dental Dia Cut Disc Double Sided with Mandrel

160830 ......................................................Diamond Disc 7/8” Single Sided

160722 ................................................................... Dentalaire Burr Changer

160571 ............................................Shor-Line Dental Straight Hand Piece For Dentalaire Units 160572 ...........................Dental Hand Piece Straight E-Type Attachment For Dentalaire Units

160714 .........................................High Speed Hand Piece Only, Standard

160716 ..........................................Low Speed Hand Piece Only, Hygienist

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160702 ..........................................Dentalaire Sonic Air Scaler Hand Piece With 3 Tips

DENTAL UNIT – CAVITRON TIPS 160565 ................................................................. Cavitron S/Tip TFI3 25khz

160566 ...............................................................Cavitron S/Tip TFI10 25khz

DENTAL PROPHY ANGLE 160574 ......................................................................... Dental Prophy Angle

DENTAL DISPOSABLE PROPHY ANGLE 160717 ............................................. Disposable Prophy Angle Dentalaire

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16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

PROPHY PASTE POT 160669..................................................................... Prophy Paste Pot 250 g

PROPHY CUPS 160715 ...........................................................Prophy Cups Snap on 144/pk 160715L .................................................... Prophy Cups Latch Type 144/pk 160715S ....................................................... Prophy Cups Screw on 144/pk

104 PROPHY PASTE CUPS 160719 ................................................................Prophy Paste Cups 100/pk

CONTRA ANGLES 160575 .........................................................Dental Contra Angle Latch Set

160576 ...................................................Dental Contra Angle Friction Grip


160829 ....................................................................Mini Contra Angle Head

16EC30X .............................................................. Gear Shaft - Contra Angle

16EC57X ................................................................. Chuck For Contra Angle

160765 ............................................... Sharpening Stone conical Arkansas

160766 ..................................................... Sharpening Stone Flat Arkansas

16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


16DB098................................................................Scaler Sharpening Stone

160710 .....................................................................Vet Care Instrument Kit

• •

Mouth Mirror, Probe/Explorer, Tartar Scraper Scaler H6/H7, Gracey 7/8, Barnhart 5/6

DENTAL LUBE 160718 ....................................................................Spray - A - Day Lube 8oz

DENTAL OIL 160723 ...........................................Dentalaire Unit Compression Oil 22oz

105 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment

SCALER TIPS 160744 ............................................................................ Sickle Air Scaler Tip

160745 ............................................................................. Perio Air Scaler Tip

160746 ......................................................................Universal Air Scaler Tip

160747 ...............................................................................Flat Tip Scaler #32


160748 .................................................................... Universal Scaler Tip #39

WATER BOTTLE 160762 ...............................................................Dentalaire 1 L Water Bottle 160763 ........................................................... Dentalaire 1.5 L Water Bottle

AIR WATER SPRAYER www.dlc.com.au

160771 ................................ Air Water Sprayer for VetCare III Dental Unit

160772 ....................................Rebuild Kit for Air Water Sprayer (160771)

160551 .................................................................. Dental Scaler Pump Only


16. Dental Instrument and Equipment


160770 ................................. Foot Control for VetCare III Includes Tubing

HI-SPEED HANDPIECE TURBINE ONLY 95160012 ........................ Dentalaire Hi-Speed Hand-Piece Turbine Only

Replacement. For high-speed hand-piece.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




LED Head Lamp

UB Cam Videoscope

Woods Lamp






ThinkLabs ONE Digital Stethoscope

Oesphageal Stethoscopes

170521 .................................................LED Head Lamp with attachments 170522 ........................................................ LED Head Lamp for Spectacles

The small, lightweight LED head lamp combines two high-power LEDs with a light condensing lens that produces a strong, brilliant and uniform light field. • Coaxial illumination ensures shadow-free visualization • Light beam angle can be adjusted in the vertical plane • Constant illumination: up to 8 hours (normal mode); up to 14 hours (ECO mode) • 3,200 lux at 250 mm • 1,200 lux at 400 mm • LED technology helps ensure low battery power consumption • Battery case can be comfortably worn on the belt or in a shirt pocket Surgical glasses specifications • The inexpensive magnifying glasses for demanding detailed work; convenient working distance and large visual field • 2-fold magnification • Diopter adjustment ± 3 diopter, right/left can be individually adjusted • Working distance: 400 mm • Excellent image quality through large focal area • Weight: 40 g



Head Lamp Specifications • Dimensions: 32 x 20 x 34 mm (L x W x D) • Weight: 11 g Battery Case Specifications • Cable length: 1 m • 3 x AA batteries / case • Dimensions without clip: 90 x 55 x 29 mm (L x W x D) • Dimensions with clip: 90 x 55 x 40 mm (L x W x D) • Weight without batteries: 60 g


17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment

170520 .................................................................................. LED Head Lamp

109 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment


HAND HELD WOODS LAMP 170140 ....................................................................Hand Held Woods Lamp

• • • • • •

Rugged plastic construction Plastic lens over tube to protect patients eyes Convenient hand size Torch included Sliding on/off switch Takes 4 AA size batteries (not included)

WOODS LAMP WITH MAGNIFIER 170141............................................................. Woods Lamp with Magnifier 170233 .....................................................Woods Lamp Replacement Tube

The woods lamp is generally used for the quick and simple detection of ringworm in an animal, but can also be used to detect fungus, bacterial infections and parasites on the surface of the animal’s skin. When hair is plucked from an animal that has been infected, the area will become green under the ultraviolet light, as opposed to the dark purple colour of an un-infected site. • Four ultraviolet bulbs • Magnifying window in centre • Removable black cover to shield external light • 12 month warranty

REFRACTOMETER BLOOD / URINE 170231 ............................................................ Refractometer Blood / Urine


Refractometer for measuring specific gravity in urine. • Range Serum proteins - 0-12g/dl Urine-s-g-l - 1.000-1.040 • Scale Serum proteins - 0.2g/dl Urine-s-g-l - 0.002 • Accuracy Serum proteins - ±0.2g/dl Urine-s-g-l - ±0.002 Weight - 250 grams Package - plastic box Material - brass

170640 ...................................................... Univet Miller Laryngoscope Set 170645 .....................................Univet Miller Laryngoscope Handle Only 170660 ...................................................................Laryngoscope Blade #00 170662 .....................................................................Laryngoscope Blade #1 170664 .....................................................................Laryngoscope Blade #2 170666 ...................................................Laryngoscope Blade #3 - 200 mm 170668 ...................................................Laryngoscope Blade #4 - 160 mm 170652 ................................................. Globe for Miller Blades #00 and #1 170653 .............................................Globe for Miller Blades #2, #3 and #4 170670 ................................. Univet Miller Fibre Optic Laryngoscope Set 170672 ................Univet Miller Fibre Optic Laryngoscope, Handle Only

17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment


170674 ........................................... Laryngoscope F/O Blade #00 - 70 mm 170676 ........................................... Laryngoscope F/O Blade #1 - 100 mm 170678 ........................................... Laryngoscope F/O Blade #2 - 150 mm 170682 ........................................... Laryngoscope F/O Blade #4 - 210 mm 170650 ..........................Globe for Miller Fibre Optic Handle, 5 mm wide

• • • •

Stainless steel miller type blades Battery operated by 2 x size C batteries (not included) 5 different sized blades available Sets come complete in a hard case

DISPOSABLE PENLIGHTS 170150 ..................................................................Disposable Penlight 6/pk

• • • • •

Sealed unit with 2 x AAA size batteries included Concentric beam bulb with pocket clip/switch White Completely disposable 6 pack

DIGITAL DISPLAY THERMOMETER 170207 ......................................................................... Digital Thermometer

• • • • • •

Digital thermometer with buzzer Audio alert beeper Gives accurate easy to read digital reading 100% safe Light weight Can be used for veterinary, doctors, hospital or at home

111 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

170680 ........................................... Laryngoscope F/O Blade #3 - 190 mm

17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment



LITTMAN CARDIOLOGY III STETHOSCOPE 170194 ................................................ Littman Cardiology III Stethoscope 170196 ..........................................Littman Tuneable Diaphragm and Rim - Fits most Littmans 170196a ............. Littman Cardiology III Paediatric Diaphragm and Rim 170193 ............................................................ Littman Stethoscope I.D Tag 170201 ............................................ Littman Stethoscope Ear Pieces - Pair

Outstanding acoustic performance and exceptional versatility characterize the Littmann Cardiology III stethoscope. The innovative design offers a tuneable diaphragm on each side of the chest piece. The large side can be used for large animals, while the small side is especially useful for small animal patients. The Littmann Cardiology III stethoscope offers two tuneable diaphragms which allows the user to conveniently alternate between low and high frequency sounds without turning over the chest piece. The paediatric side of the chest piece easily converts to a traditional bell by simply replacing the diaphragm with the non-chill bell sleeve included with each stethoscope. Features • Colours available - Black, Navy, Hunter Green and Burgundy (please specify your colour choice at time of order) • Solid stainless steel combination chest piece • Patented dual frequency diaphragm • Double lumen tubing - (two-in-one tube design eliminates tube rubbing noise) • Non-chill rims • Soft-sealing ear tips • Adjustable double-leaf binaural spring • Latex Free • Littmann suggested performance rating 9/10 • 5 year warranty

170198A .................................... Littman Classic III Stethoscope Standard 170196 ..........................................Littman Tuneable Diaphragm and Rim - Fits most Littmans 170193 ..............................................................Littman Stethocope I.D Tag 170197 ............................... Littman Classic Stethoscope Ear Pieces - Pair

The new Littman Classic III stethoscope offers: • High acoustic sensitivity for performing general physical assessments • Tuneable diaphragms on the the adult and paediatric sides of the chestpiece • Single-piece diaphragm that is easy to attach and clean because of its smooth surface • Next-generation tubing, latex and phthalate free, less likely to stain, providing longer tubing life • 5 year warranty

17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment


A p p l i c a t i o n s / Veterinarians, EMT/EMS, Medical Assistant, Occupations Nurse, Nursing Student Single lumen

Chestpiece Technology

Double sided

Chestpiece Weight

82 grams

Diaphragm Diameter

43 mm

Diaphragm Material

Expoxy / Fibreglass

Diaphragm Type

Tuneable, single-piece

Eartip Type

Soft sealing

Extra Eartips


Headset Material

Wide diameter aerospace alloy / Anodized aluminum


690 mm

Net Weight

150 grams

Warranty Period

5 Years


Caribbean Blue, Orange, Pearl Pink, Plum, Lavender, Navy Blue, Rose Pink, Grey, Hunter Green, Ceil Blue, Lime Green, Black, Burgundy, Emerald, Lemon/Lime, Raspberry, Turquiose

Colours Available

MULTISCOPE DIAPHRAGM 170203 ........................................................ Multiscope Diaphragm - Large 170204 ........................................................ Multiscope Diaphragm - Small

113 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Binaural Construction

17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment



THINKLABS ONE DIGITAL STETHOSCOPE 170190K .......................................ThinkLabs ONE Digital Stethoscope Kit

Features: •

Amplifies over 100X

Uses audio headphones

Apps available from iTunes, Google Play and Windows/Mac

The icon of medicine has changed. The One has a standard 3.5 mm jack so you can connect high quality headphones instead of old tubing style binaurals. You get better sound, more comfort, a more compact stethoscope and the choice to use the headphones of your choice. Order includes Thinklabs studio quality In Ear Headphones, with excellent bass for heart sounds and crystal-clear treble for music enjoyment. Designed for high power output, the One has dedicated headphone amplifiers, one for each channel. Voltage doubling charge pumps provide extra headroom for low distortion reproduction of S1 and S2 heartbeat peaks. The headphone amplifiers have sufficient power to drive low-impedance audio headphones, producing 45.2 m Watts. Competitive stethoscopes operate on lower voltage, use a single amplifier and high impedance speaker, resulting in clipped heartbeats at significantly lower power output. The One allow you to listen with multiple filter choices. You can also set two that you use most as "favorites" that are super quick to select. So you'll have both choice and speed. Ranging from very low frequency (low pitched sounds such as S3), to higher frequencies (lung sounds) and a few in between. The One uses a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery so there's no need to replace batteries. The USB-style charger cable is included, along with compact world-wide AC charger (100-240V). The battery capacity has been designed to require only one or perhaps two charge cycles per week. Thinklink provides a connection between One and your mobile or laptop devices to capture and send sounds via iPhone, iPad, Android devices and Mac/PC. Easily switch between listening to patients or playback recordings. Thinklink is included with One. It works with all previous Thinklabs stethoscopes. Includes: •

Thinklabs One Digital Stethoscope

Thinklabs Studio Performance In-Ear headphones. (The One can be used with any high quality headphones.)

Thinklink connection system for iPhone, iPad, Android, PC/Mac

USB-type Charger 100-240 V

Pocket carrying case

2 Year Thinklabs Warranty

OESPHAGEAL STETHOSCOPE 170260 .......................................... Oesphageal Stethoscope 12 FG, 4 mm 170261 .......................................... Oesphageal Stethoscope 18 FG, 6 mm 170262 .......................................... Oesphageal Stethoscope 24 FG, 8 mm

Attaches to standard stethoscope by removing stethoscope bell. • Exceptional sound quality • Smooth, heat-bonded cuff to tube transition minimizes potential for oesphageal irritation • Long lead wires ensure that the connection to the cable is away from the patient’s face • Insulated sensor cap decreases risk of patient shock or burn during electrocautery

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17. Diagnostic Instruments and Equipment



Digital MacroView Veterinary Otoscope

MacroView Veterinary Otoscope

Operating Otoscope

Pneumatic Otoscope

PanOptic Ophthalmoscope

Standard Ophthalmoscope

Coaxial Ophthalmoscope

PocketScope Ophthalmoscope

Otoscope / Throat Illuminator

Coaxial Diagnostic Set

Rechargeable Power Handles

Universal Desk Charger

Lithium Ion Power Handles

Indirect Viewing Lens

Professional PenLite



Larynx and Nasopharynx Illuminators

Green Series Solid State Procedure Headlight

Solid State Procedure Headlight


Replacement Lamps

LED Replacement Lamps

Replacement Batteries


Examination Lights

17w. Welch Allyn

DIGITAL MACROVIEW™ VETERINARY OTOSCOPE 23960 ..................Digital MacroView Otoscope with 3 meter USB Cable and 5 Speculums including Instrumentation Tip Replacement /Spare Parts 23942 ..................... Set of Reusable Specula, 4 mm, 4 mm Short, 5 mm, 5 mm Short and 7 mm Instrument Tip


23842 ..................................................................... Set of Reusable Specula 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm and 7 mm Instrument Tip 23834-S ............................... 4 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835-S................................ 5 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23834 .............................................. 4 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835 .............................................. 5 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23837 .............................................. 7 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23847 ...........................................7 mm Veterinary Instrument Speculum 06500.................................................. Halogen HPX™ Replacement Lamp 23900-10 ................................... Replacement USB Cable, 3 meter (10 ft)

The Welch Allyn Digital MacroView Veterinary Otoscope is a simple, affordable tool that lets you see, explain, and save digital images of the ear. Offering you clear, live and still images of the ear canal and tympanic membrane, the Digital MacroView Veterinary Otoscope is a valuable tool for the treatment and management of your patients’ ears. Easy to learn and use, the Digital MacroView is a plug-and-play system requiring no additional purchase of software. • Improves communication, which can lead to better client compliance • Gives you an excellent training aid for educational purposes • Offers you the ability to view small details of ears, mouth and teeth • Allows you to store digital images in patient records for enhanced documentation of exam findings • Provides you the ability to share images with other providers as visual descriptive reference • Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources

Dental Before Treatment

23834, 23835, 23837




Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


06500LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp

17w. Welch Allyn

MACROVIEW™ VETERINARY OTOSCOPE 23862 ..................................... MacroView Otoscope Head with Speculas 23857 ...................................................... Throat Illuminator (section only) Replacement /Spare Parts 23942 ......................................................................Set of Reusable Specula 4 mm, 4 mm Short, 5 mm, 5 mm Short and 7 mm Instrument Tip


23842 ......................................................................Set of Reusable Specula 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm and 7 mm Instrument Tip 23834-S ............................... 4 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835-S ............................... 5 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23834 .............................................. 4 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835 .............................................. 5 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23837 .............................................. 7 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23847 ...........................................7 mm Veterinary Instrument Speculum


06500.................................................. Halogen HPX™ Replacement Lamp 06500LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp


23900-10 ......................................................Replacement USB Cable, 10 ft

Get a wider, deeper, clearer view of the ear with the Welch Allyn MacroView™ Veterinary Otoscope, the latest advance to the device that helps you perform one of your most common procedures. Using advanced technology in an innovative design, the MacroView™ Veterinary Otoscope gives you a large, sharp, nearly full view of the tympanic membrane—even in large dogs—virtually eliminating the need for panning. And with an easy-to-focus eyepiece, you can even adjust focus for different animals and ear canal lengths, meaning you get crystal-clear views of the ear canal at any point— allowing you to more effectively diagnose and treat your patients faster than ever before. • Longer, smaller-diameter specula's give you even deeper penetration and clever views of the ear canal • Tip grip ensures ear specula are fastened securely and easily removed • Optional Throat Illuminators available • Default focus position (the dot and the line) • Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources

23834, 23835, 23837





17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V OPERATING OTOSCOPE 21760 ......................................3.5 V Operating Otoscope, Complete with Three Polypropylene Specula, Sizes 4, 5 and 7 mm 21670 .......................3.5 V Operating Otoscope, Complete with Handle, Battery, Charger and Three Polypropylene Specula, Sizes 4, 5 and 7 mm


21761............................... 3.5 V Operating Otoscope without Speculums 209025-1/2

Replacement /Spare Parts 209026-502 .................................Replacement Lens and Attachable Arm Assembly Green (7) 209026-501 .................................Replacement Lens and Attachable Arm Assembly Black (7)

209026-502 209026-501

209025-1 ................................ Plastic Speculum Holder Replacement (6) 209025-2 ..................................Metal Speculum Holder Replacement (7) 03100 ............................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp (1) 03100LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp 217009 .................................................................Replacement Lock Nut (8) 03100

217023 ....................................... Body Sub Assembly with Light Pipe (10) 250004 ........................................................Replacement Lamp Collar (11) 106008...........................................................Replacement Prism Screw (2) 203009................................Replacement Lens Holder Spring Washer (3)


203010 .............................................Replacement Lens Holder Washer (4) 209012 ............................................... Replacement Lens Holder Screw (5)

• • • • •

Open system for convenience during procedures Rotatable lens and speculum for ease of use Fibre optic illumination for cool light Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources Compatible speculums #22160, 22065, 22065, 22067, 22069, 22100, 22002, 22003, 22004, 22005, 22009

PNEUMATIC OTOSCOPE 20260 ................. 3.5 V Pneumatic Otoscope, with Three Polypropylene Specula, Sizes 4, 5 and 7 mm 20261 ............................. 3.5 V Pneumatic Otoscope without Speculums Replacement /Spare Parts 201059-502 .................................Replacement Window Assembly Green 03100 ............................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp (1) 03100LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp

• • • •

Rotating lens with ultra-seal for pneumatic otoscopy Fibre optic illumination for cool light Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources Compatible speculums #22160, 22065, 22065, 22067, 22069, 22100, 22002, 22003, 22004, 22005, 22009




Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


217010-1 ...................................................Replacement Lock Ring 2/pk (9)

17w. Welch Allyn

PANOPTIC™ OPHTHALMOSCOPE 11800V ............................. PanOptic Ophthalmoscope with 3 Spot Sizes: Micro, Small and Large; with Add-On Magnifying Lens 11820 .......................................... PanOptic Ophthalmoscope with 3 Spot Sizes: Micro, Small and Large; Slit Aperture; Red-Filter; Cobalt Blue with Add-On Magnifying Lens Replacement /Spare Parts

11800V and 11820

118092-1 ...................................................................... Patient Eyecups 1/pk 03800.................................................. Halogen HPX™ Replacement Lamp 03800LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp 118095-502 ................................................................. Corneal Viewing lens 05866.............................................................................. Hard Carrying Case


Developed and patented by Welch Allyn—creator of the world’s first hand-held direct-illuminating ophthalmoscope the PanOptic Ophthalmoscope is a breakthrough concept in veterinary ophthalmoscopy. Thanks to an innovative, proprietary optical design known as Axial Point Source™ Optics, this ophthalmoscope allows all veterinarians to easily examine the fundus. Just look at the features the PanOptic Ophthalmoscope has to offer. • Fast, easy entry into small, undilated pupils • 5X larger view of the fundus vs. standard ophthalmoscopes in an un-dilated eye • 25° field of view versus the 5° field of view of standard ophthalmoscopes • Greater working distance improves comfort for practitioner • Six inches from veterinarian to patient’s eye • Complete compatibility with existing Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources


The Normal Fundus of the Dog The dog’s fundus is characterized by the visual presence of three major venules with the direction being superiorly, inferonasally, and inferotemporally. There are approximately 20 arterioles emanating from the disc in a radial pattern.

The Normal Fundus of the Cat In the normal fundus of the cat, the optic disc is small and a peripapillary pigment ring is frequently present. There are three major arterioles leaving the disc: one superiorly, one inferonasally and one more inferotemporally.

Advanced Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA can be subdivided into generalized PRA and central PRA. The clinical signs of generalized PRA are night blindness, loss of peripheral vision, poor pupillary response, and increased tapetal reflectivity. Central PRA is characterized by loss of central vision that progresses into total visual loss.





PanOptic™ Soft Grip: Ergonomically designed for maximum comfort, balance, and access to controls.

Patented Axial PointSource™ Optics: This proprietary technology makes it easy to enter undilated pupils, and provides a 25° field of view resulting in a view of the fundus that’s 5X larger than you see with a standard ophthalmoscope in an undilated eye.

17w. Welch Allyn

Patient Eyecup: The eyecup establishes and maintains proper viewing distance, provides image stability, serves as a pivoting point for panning around the retina, helps with orientation, and screens out ambient light. The eyecup is cleanable and reusable.

Patented Glare Extinguishment System: Prevents interference from unwanted glare and reflections. Dynamic Focusing Wheel: Adjusts the focus in a continuous, smooth action for more precise control and optimum view. Available focusing range is -20 to +20 diopters.

Micro spot aperture: Allows quick visual entry in very small, undilated pupils. Small aperture: Provides easier view of fundus through undilated pupil. Large aperture: Standard aperture for dilated pupil and general examination of the eye. Half-moon aperture (PanOptic Model 11810 only): Provides a combination of depth perception and field of view.

Cobalt filter: Blue filter used with fluorescein dye permits easy viewing of small lesions, abrasions, and foreign objects (for use with #11820 only). Slit: Used to determine various levels of lesions and tumours. Red-free filter: Excludes red rays from examination field for easy identification of veins, arteries, and nerve fibres.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V STANDARD OPHTHALMOSCOPE 11710..............................................3.5 V Standard Ophthalmoscope Only 03000..................................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp

• • • • • •

Halogen light for true tissue colour and consistent, long-lasting illumination 6 apertures for all general and specialist use 28 lenses -25 to +40 diopters for better resolution Rubber brow rest prevents scratching of eyeglasses Illuminated lens dial clearly identifies setting Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources


Crossed linear polarizing filter/ red-free filter switch: Use of this switch (11720 and 11730 only) with each of the first 6 apertures shown yields a total of 18 possible apertures.


Micro spot aperture: Allows quick visual entry in very small, undilated pupils.

Small aperture: Provides easier view of fundus through undilated pupil.

Large aperture: Standard aperture for dilated pupil and general examination of the eye.

Fixation aperture: Provides graduated cross hairs for measuring eccentric fixation or for locating lesions and other abnormalities.


Slit: Used to determine various levels of lesions and tumours.

Red-free filter: Excludes red rays from examination field for easy identification of veins, arteries, and nerve fibres.



17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V COAXIAL OPHTHALMOSCOPE 11720 ..............................................................3.5 V Coaxial Ophthalmoscope 04900 ........................................................ Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp 04900LED .................................................................. LED Replacement Lamp

The #11720 Ophthalmoscope includes all of the features of the #11710 plus: • Halogen HPXTM lamp that provides 30% more light output, for true tissue colour and consistent, long-lasting illumination • Coaxial optical system for shadow-free spot and easier entry into undilated pupil • Crossed linear polarizing filter to reduce corneal reflection • Red-free filter for use with any aperture • 18 possible aperture combinations for greater versatility • Sealed optics for better dust protection • Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources




3.5 V AUTOSTEP® COAXIAL OPHTHALMOSCOPE 11730 ......................................3.5 V AutoStep® Coaxial Ophthalmoscope 04900..................................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp 04900LED............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp

• • •

• • • •

Halogen HPX™ lamp provides light output for true tissue colour and consistent, long-lasting illumination Coaxial optics produce a shadow-free spot, easier entry into undilated pupils, and a larger field of view 18 aperture/filter combinations for greater versatility: micro, small, and large spot sizes, cobalt blue filter for corneal exams, fixation target, or slit aperture can be combined with red-free filter, polarizing filter, or unfiltered Halogen HPX illumination 68 lenses in single-diopter steps for precise resolution (+38 to -30) Sealed optics keep out dust and dirt for years of maintenancefree operation Rubber brow rest prevents scratching of eyeglasses Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources

2.5 V POCKETSCOPE™ OPHTHALMOSCOPE 12821 ..............................2.5 V PocketScope™ Ophthalmoscope with AA Alkaline Battery Handle and Soft Case

• • • • •

Halogen light for consistent, long lasting illumination 5 aperture selections for general and specialist use 48 lenses for better resolution Polarized filter to reduce corneal reflection Compact size fits in pocket




Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V OTOSCOPE / THROAT ILLUMINATOR 20000......................................3.5 V Otoscope / Throat Illuminator with 4 Polypropylene Specula, 2.5, 3, 4 and 5 mm 03100 .............................Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp for Otoscope

• • • • •

Halogen HPX lamp that provides 30% more light output, for true tissue colour and consistent, long-lasting illumination Fibre optics for cool light with no reflections, no obstructions Built in throat illuminator/penlight - simply detach head for high intensity illumination Wide angle viewing lens for instrumentation under magnification Sealed system for pneumatic otoscopy



96276V ................................................................3.5 V Coaxial Diagnostic Set, Includes: 3.5 VCoaxial Ophthalmoscope #11720, 3.5 V Operating Otoscope with Three Specula; 4, 5 and 7 mm #21760, 3.5 V Rechargeable Handle #71020A, Charger for Handle #71025 and Hard Zipper Case #05866 Replacement Lamps 04900 .................Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp for Ophthalmoscope 04900LED ............................LED Replacement Lampfor Ophthalmoscope



03100 .............................Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp for Otoscope 03100LED ....................................... LED Replacement Lampfor Otoscope


The #11720 Ophthalmoscope includes all of the features of the #11710 plus: • Halogen HPXTM lamp that provides 30% more light output, for true tissue colour and consistent, long-lasting illumination • Coaxial optical system for shadow-free spot and easier entry into undilated pupil • Crossed linear polarizing filter to reduce corneal reflection • Red-free filter for use with any aperture • 18 possible aperture combinations for greater versatility • Sealed optics for better dust protection • Compatible with all Welch Allyn 3.5 V power sources








17w. Welch Allyn


3.5 V RECHARGEABLE HANDLES 71020A...............................................................3.5 V Rechargeable Handle 71055 ..................3.5 V Rechargeable Handle with Battery and Charger 710127-508 ........................................ Handle Sub-Assembly (top section) 71050-C ........................................................... Extra Bottom Sections Only 72300 ...........................................Nickel-Cadmium Rechargeable Battery (Colour Coded Orange) for Handle #1 and #71020C

• • • • •

Economical—long-lasting rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery Sure grip—smooth, nonabrasive knurled finish ensures a no-slip grip Chrome-plated brass handles with durable, long-life construction Safety switch to prevent accidental draining of battery Metal head connectors for durability





3.5 V CONVERTIBLE POWER HANDLES 71020C...............................................................3.5 V Rechargeable Handle 710168-501........................................................................Battery Converter 71055C ...............3.5 V Rechargeable Handle with Battery, Charger and Converter Cell Ring 71025 .......................................................Replacement 3.5 V Charger Only 710224-505 ..........................Replacement Potting Assy for 3.5 V Handle

• •

Easily converts from NiCad to C-cell batteries Transformer module—built-in step-down transformer is UL recognized






Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V UNIVERSAL DESK CHARGER 71635 ................... Ni-Cad Complete Unit Includes Charger #71145 and Two 3.5 V Ni-Cad Rechargeable Handles #71670 71735 ...................Lithium Ion Complete Unit Includes Charger #71145 and Two 3.5 V Lithium Ion Rechargeable Handles #71910



71145.........................Desk Charger Only (will also accept 2.5 V handles using #71249 PocketScope adaptor) 71670 ..........................................Ni-Cad Rechargeable 3.5 V Handle Only 71910 .......................................... Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Handle Only 72200 .......................... Ni-Cad Rechargeable Battery for #71670 Handle (Colour Coded Black)

• • • •


Advanced circuitry for constant automatic safe charging and optimum lamp performance and life Compact for convenience and mobility Compact charger base measures only 86 mm x 184 mm) Optional wall brackets for permanently mounting to wall or cabinet

126 71670, 71910, 72200

3.5 V LITHIUM ION POWER HANDLES 71905 .................... 3.5 V Lithium Ion Rechargeable Handle and Battery with Charger and Stand


71950 ..............................3.5 V Lithium Ion Handle AC Charging Module 71960 .................................3.5 V Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Only 71910 ...........................................Lithium Ion Rechargeable Handle Only 719005-503 ................... Replacement Rear Stat Module for Lithium Ion Handle


71943 .................. Replacement Lithium Ion Handle Charging Pod Only


71946 ....................Replacement Lithium Ion Handle Charging Pod and Transformer

The 3.5 V Lithium Ion Power Handle features “Smarter” Lithium Ion battery technology that powers any 3.5 V instrument head for 110 minutes—twice as long as the conventional handle. Its rugged CYCOLOY® plastic resin construction and flexible, ergonomic design make the 3.5 V Lithium Ion Power Handle more comfortable for any sized hand. • Half the weight of current 3.5 V handles • Average 110 minutes of on-time between charging* • Smallest diameter of any full-size 3.5 V power handle • Low-battery indicator • No need to discharge between charging cycles



*Actual on-time may vary depending on use 71946 with 71943



17w. Welch Allyn

INDIRECT VIEWING LENS 12300 ............................................................ Indirect Veterinary View Lens

• • •

Using any equipment producing a bright spot of light, such as the Welch Allyn #41100 Transilluminator or a #76600 PenLite, the diagnostic procedure is performed at arm’s length 20-diopter all-glass indirect convex viewing lens allows for less distortion Provides a larger field of view of the fundus than is possible with direct ophthalmoscopy Examination at a safe distance from fractious animals

PROFESSIONAL PENLITE 76600 ............................................................................ Professional PenLite


07600 ..............................................................Halogen Replacement Lamp

Halogen light for consistent, long-lasting illumination Brass with black matte finish for durability Uses standard AAA batteries (not included)

MACROVIEW SPECULA 23834-S ............................... 4 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835-S................................ 5 mm Short Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23942 ......................................................................Set of Reusable Specula 4 mm, 4 mm Short, 5 mm, 5 mm Short and 7 mm Instrument Tip 23834 .............................................. 4 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23835 .............................................. 5 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23837 .............................................. 7 mm Veterinary Reusable Speculum 23842 ......................................................................Set of Reusable Specula 4 mm, 5 mm, 7 mm and 7 mm Instrument Tip 23847 ...........................................7 mm Veterinary Instrument Speculum

• • • •

Tip Grip for secure fastening of ear specula, along with ejection feature for easy removal Flexible instrument in image on right not included For use with otoscope models: #23862 and #23960PR Black

UNIVERSAL REUSABLE POLYPROPYLENE SPECULA 24302 ............................................................... 2.5 mm Reusable Speculum 24303 .................................................................. 3 mm Reusable Speculum 24304 .................................................................. 4 mm Reusable Speculum 24305 .................................................................. 5 mm Reusable Speculum 24400.................................................................. Set of Above 4 Speculums

• • • • •

Material is lightweight, but durable May be autoclaved, boiled or cleaned with standard germicides Easily attached For use with otoscope models: #25020, #23862, #23960 and PocketScope Black

127 07600

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

• • •

17w. Welch Allyn

REUSABLE POLYPROPYLENE SPECULA 22002 .................................................................. 2 mm Reusable Speculum 22003 .................................................................. 3 mm Reusable Speculum 22004.................................................................. 4 mm Reusable Speculum 22005 .................................................................. 5 mm Reusable Speculum 22009....................................................... 9 mm Reusable Nasal Speculum 22100 .................................................................. Set of Above 5 Speculums

• • • • •


Material is lightweight, but durable May be autoclaved, boiled or sterilized in solution Easily attached For use with otoscope models: #20260, #21760 Black

POLYPROPYLENE SPECULA FOR VETERINARY PNEUMATIC AND OPERATING OTOSCOPES 22160 ........................................... Set of Three Polypropylene Speculums (4 mm, 5 mm and 7 mm) 22064........................................................ 4 mm Polypropylene Speculum 22065 ........................................................ 5 mm Polypropylene Speculum 22067 ........................................................ 7 mm Polypropylene Speculum 22069 ........................................................ 9 mm Polypropylene Speculum

• • • •

Material is lightweight, yet very durable May be autoclaved, boiled or cleaned with standard germicides For use with otoscope models #20260, #21760 Green

3.5 V TRANSILLUMINATORS 41100 ......................................................................Finnoff Transilluminator 41101...........................................Same as #41100, with Cobalt Blue Filter 41102..........................................................................Cobalt Blue Filter Only 43300 ............................................... Curved All-Purpose Transilluminator 03100 ..................................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp 03100LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp


• • • •

Halogen HPXTM lamp provides 30% more light output than standard halogen lamp Fibre optic light transmission for cool distal light Fully sterilizable with steam, water, gas, and solutions Optional cobalt blue filter





17w. Welch Allyn

3.5 V LARYNX AND NASOPHARYNX ILLUMINATORS 27000 ............................................................ Larynx Illuminator, Complete 27050 ................................................ Nasopharynx Illuminator, Complete 03100 ..................................................... Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp 03100LED ............................................................... LED Replacement Lamp

• • •

Halogen HPXTM lamp provides 30% more light output than standard halogen lamp Fiber optic light transmission for cool distal light Wide-angle rotatable mirrors with pilot aperture will not fog Fully sterilizable with steam, water, gas, and solutions







46076 ......................... Green Series Portable Headlight with Terry Cloth Head Band and Direct Power Supply/Charger 72270 ................................................. Replacement Rechargeable Battery 74286 ...................... Replacement Charger for #75260 Portable Battery Pack 46076

Welch Allyn’s Solid-State Portable Headlight illuminates precisely where it is needed, with cool, bright light that ensures comfort for both the patient and veterinarian. • Weighing only 113 grams, it’s one of the most comfortable and lightweight headlights available • Fits inside a shirt pocket and allows the user complete freedom of movement • Supplies bright, white, shadow free light for true tissue colour • Operating life expectancy of 10,000 hours with minimal degradation of light output over time



Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

17w. Welch Allyn

SOLID-STATE PROCEDURE HEADLIGHT WITH DIRECT POWER SOURCE 49026 ..................... Solid-State Procedure Headlight with Direct Power Source 75260 ........................ Replacement Portable Battery Pack with Charger 72250 .............................Replacement Battery for Portable Battery Pack 74286 ..................................................... Replacement Charger for #75260


Welch Allyn’s Solid-State Procedure Headlight provides cool, bright, white light that’s ideal for veterinary procedures. When you need small, well-defined illumination without the heat of traditional headlights, look to our Solid-State Headlights to provide superior quality and reliability. • Weighing just 171 grams, it’s one of the most comfortable lightweight headlights available • Rechargeable battery pack makes this a completely portable, compact unit that allows the user freedom of movement • Supplies bright, white, shadow free light for true tissue colour • Solid-state lamp’s operating life expectancy gives 10,000 hours with minimal degradation of light output over time • Enjoy the flexibility of operating the headlight using the direct power source or the rechargeable “belt-clip” portable power source


72250 75260



Stronger by design: Single-piece stainless steel blade.

Repairable by design: Removable light pipe.

Safer by design: Smooth surface design.

17w. Welch Allyn


More value by design: Free re-polishing service. Lifetime blade warranty.

Upgradeable by design: Upgrade from standard to fibre optic.

FIBRE OPTIC LARYNGOSCOPE HANDLES 71145 .............................. 3.5 V Desk Charger Only (will also accept 2.5 V handles using #71249 PocketScope adaptor 72200.......................... Replacement 3.5 V Ni-Cad Rechargeable Battery 00300-U ...................................... Replacement 3.5 V Halogen HPX Lamp

• • •


Halogen HPX light for true tissue colour and consistent, long lasting illumination Universal lamp will fit both Welch Allyn fibre optic laryngoscope handles Knurled finish for sure grip

The use of a Welch Allyn Laryngoscope as an aid to intubation makes the procedure safer and more efficient and allows rapid insertion of the endotracheal tube before contact contraction occurs. A light source should always be used to visualize the larynx because available room light is often inadequate, even with large animals. Welch Allyn Laryngoscopes provide a direct source of bright white light, and—in our fibre optic blades—cool distal illumination. For brachycephalic canine breeds, small dogs, puppies, cats, rabbits, and skunks, the use of a Laryngoscope is highly recommended because it is not feasible to use the finger palpation technique in many of these patients. The curved MacIntosh and Miller blades are especially effective in lifting the patient’s epiglottis upward. The tongue can then be pushed aside with the vertical portion of the blade, which is designed for this purpose.




Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


60835....................................................... 3.5 V Rechargeable Handle Only

17w. Welch Allyn


FIBRE OPTIC LARYNGOSCOPE BLADES MacIntosh 69061 ......................... Size #1, 89 mm Length, 63 mm Inside Base to Tip 69062.......................Size #2, 108 mm Length, 82 mm Inside Base to Tip 69063 ......................Size #3, 126 mm Length, 101mm Inside Base to Tip 69064.....................Size #4, 160 mm Length, 135 mm Inside Base to Tip 69696 ............... Complete Set of MacIntosh Laryngoscope Blades with Medium and Small Handles, in Compact Zipper Case #05691-U.


Miller 68065........................... Size #00, 8 mm Width, 36 mm Inside Base to Tip 68060..............................Size #0, 8 mm Width, 53 mm Inside Base to Tip 68061 ............................. Size #1, 8 mm Width, 79 mm Inside Base to Tip 68062......................... Size #2, 10 mm Width, 132 mm Inside Base to Tip 68063......................... Size #3, 11 mm Width, 172 mm Inside Base to Tip 68064......................... Size #4, 13 mm Width, 182 mm Inside Base to Tip



68696................................#68696 Complete Set of Miller Laryngoscope Blade with Medium and Small Handles, in Compact Zipper Case #05681-U (Miller Blade Size 00 Not Included in #68696)

The light output of the fibre optic bundles may degrade after about 1,000 sterilizations. Fibre optic bundles may be easily removed and returned to Welch Allyn for re-polishing to restore light output. • Fibre optic illumination for cool light • Removable fibre optic light pipe for easy cleaning and instant replacement • Durable with safe, one-piece stainless steel construction that is fully autoclavable • Wireless blades eliminate electrical contact • Wide range of styles and sizes


STANDARD LARYNGOSCOPE HANDLES 60300........................... Standard Laryngoscope Handle “C” Size Battery Handle 60720 ......................Standard Laryngoscope Rechargeable Handle and Battery 72000...................Replacement 2.5 V Rechargeable Battery for #60720


71040 ........................... Replacement 2.5V Transformer Only for #60720

• • •

Wide range of blades and sizes Universal design allows all four handles to accept any standard Welch Allyn blade Knurled finish for sure grip





17w. Welch Allyn

STANDARD LARYNGOSCOPE BLADES MacIntosh 69041 ......................... Size #1, 89 mm Length, 63 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04700


69042 .......................Size #2, 108 mm Length, 82 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800 69043 .....................Size #3, 126 mm Length, 101 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800 69044.....................Size #4, 160 mm Length, 135 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800


Miller 68045........................... Size #00, 8 mm Width, 36 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04700



68040..............................Size #0, 8 mm Width, 53 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04700

68042......................... Size #2, 10 mm Width, 132 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800 68043......................... Size #3, 11 mm Width, 172 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800 68044......................... Size #4, 13 mm Width, 182 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04800

Feature one-piece construction

133 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

68041 ..............................Size #1, 8 mm Width, 79 mm Inside Base to Tip Replacement Lamp #04700

17w. Welch Allyn

2.5V VACUUM LAMP 00200.............................................................................. 2.5V Vacuum Lamp

Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Otoscope, 235 • Obsolete PenLite, 77900 • Obsolete Illuminators, Transilluminators, 26000, 42700 and 40510 • Current Otoscopes, 20160 and 21600, • Current Anoscopes, 38800, 380 Series, 385 Series and 395 Series • Illuminators, Transilluminators, 26030 and 41000

2.5V VACUUM LAMP 01300 .............................................................................. 2.5V Vacuum Lamp


Replacement lamp for • Tongue Blade Holders, 28000 • Obsolete PenLites 76000 and 77700

3.5V HALOGEN HPX LAMP 03000............................................ 3.5V Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp

Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Ophthalmoscopes, 11600, 11605 and 11610 • Obsolete Retinoscope 18000 • Current Ophthalmoscope 11710 • Strabismoscope, 12400 • EpiScope, 47300

3.5V HALOGEN HPX LAMP 03100 ............................................ 3.5V Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp


Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Otoscopes, 25000 and 25200 • Obsolete Olluminators, Transilluminators, 26500 • Current Otoscopes, 20000, 25020, 21700, 20200 and 20202 • Tongue Blade Holder, 28100 • Illuminators, Transilluminators, 26530, 27000, 27050, 41100 and 43300

VIDEO PATH GLOBE 03500 ........................................................................ Video Path Globe Only

Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Vet Path, 23100V and 23101V

2.5V VACUUM LAMP 03600 .............................................................................. 2.5V Vacuum Lamp

Replacement lamp for • Disposable Laryngoscope Illuminator, 60500

03800..........................................3.5V Halogen HPX™ Replacement Lamp

Replacement lamp for • PanOptic™ Ophthalmoscopes, 11810, 11820 and 11800-V

17w. Welch Allyn


FIBRE OPTIC EXAM LIGHT LAMP 04200................................................... Fibre Optic Exam Light Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • Examination lights, 48700, 48600 and 48625 (export only)

04430...............................................30W Halogen Exam Light Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • LS-135 Examination Light, 44300 and 44310

12V / 50W EXAM LIGHT LAMP 04450.....................................................12V / 50W Exam Light Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • LS-150 Examination Light, 44500, 44505, 44510 and 44515

2.5V STANDARD LARYNGOSCOPE BLADE LAMP 04700 .............................2.5V Standard Laryngoscope Blade Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • Standard Laryngoscope Blades, 69041, 68045, 68040 and 68041 • Obsolete Laryngoscope Blades, 634 Series sizes 0-1, 664 Series size 1, 674 Series size 1, 684 Series sizes 0-1 and 694 Series sizes 1-2

2.5V STANDARD LARYNGOSCOPE BLADE LAMP 04800.............................2.5V Standard Laryngoscope Blade Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • Standard Laryngoscope Blades, 69042, 69043, 69044, 68042, 68043 and 68044 • Obsolete Laryngoscope Blades, 694 Series sizes 3-4, 684 Series sizes 2-4, 640 Series size 1, 664 Series sizes 2-4, 640 Series sizes 2-4, 634 Series sizes 2-4 and 674 Series sizes 2-4 • Obsolete Transilluminators, 40415

135 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


17w. Welch Allyn

3.5V HALOGEN HPX REPLACEMENT LAMP 04900............................................ 3.5V Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp

Replacement lamp for • Ophthalmoscopes 11720, 11730 and 11735 • Obsolete Ophthalmoscopes, 11620 and 11630

2.5V HALOGEN HPX REPLACEMENT LAMP 06000............................................ 2.5V Halogen HPX Replacement Lamp

Replacement lamp for • Laryngoscope Handles, 60813, 60814 and 60713 • Obsolete Laryngoscope Handles, 60803 and 60408


12V / 20W EXAM LIGHT LAMP 06300.....................................................12V / 20W Exam Light Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Examination Lights, 44100 and 44110

EXAM LIGHT LAMP 06400........................................................................ Exam Light Lamp Only

Replacement lamp for • Obsolete Examination Light, 44200

3.5V HALOGEN™ LAMP 06500..........................................3.5V Halogen HPX™ Replacement Lamp


Replacement lamp for • MacroViews, 23862 and 23960 • Bivalve Speculum, 26038

PENLITE REPLACEMENT LAMP 07600 ..............................................................Halogen Replacement Lamp

Replacement lamp for • PenLites 76000

LUMIVIEW REPLACEMENT LAMP 08500..................................................... Replacement Lamp for LumiView

Replacement lamp for • LumiView, 20500, 20510 and 20520

17w. Welch Allyn

LED REPLACEMENT LAMP 03100LED ........................................................ 3.5V LED Lamp Upgrade Kit Lamp for 3.5V Veterinary Pneumatic Otoscope, 20260 3.5V Veterinary Operating Otoscope, 21760 Diagnostic Otoscope with Specula, 25020 3.5V Bivalve Speculum with Illuminator, 26038 3.5V Larynx Illuminator, 27000 3.5V Nasopharynx Illuminator, 27050 3.5V Finnoff Transilluminator, 41100 3.5V Curved All-Purpose Transilluminator, 43300


03800LED ................................................................. LED Lamp Upgrade Kit Lamp for PanOptic Ophthalmoscopes, 11810-V PanOptic Ophthalmoscopes, 11810 PanOptic Ophthalmoscopes/Blue Filter/Len, 11820




06500LED ................................................................. LED Lamp Upgrade Kit Lamp for MacroView™ Veterinary Otoscope, 23862 Digital MacroView™ Veterinary Otoscope, 23960

30X the lamp life of a traditional halogen lamp in just one LED lamp. The Welch Allyn LED lamp provides up to 80% cost savings over the life of the lamp versus our equivalent halogen lamp, plus: • Triple the examination time on a fully charged battery handle • Consistent colour even when light intensity is reduced • LED colour and patented circuitry designed specifically for intended examinations • Lower heat build up for increased clinician and patient comfort • 7 year guarantee


Upgrade Kits Include • LED lamp assembly • Lamp removal tool - flat • Directions for use

LED Colour Temperature Spectrum Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope - LED, 3500 °K

Dimming Cycle Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscope—Halogen 3200 °K – 2800 °K

LED @100%

Welch Allyn Otoscope - Halogen, 2800 °K Leading Competitor’s Otoscope - LED, 5500 °K

Welch Allyn Otoscope - LED 3750 °K


Consistent colour output through dimming cycle @25%

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

04900LED ........................................................ 3.5V LED Lamp Upgrade Kit Lamp for 3.5V Coaxial Ophthalmoscopes, 11720 AutoStep® Coaxial Ophthalmoscope, 11730 Prestige™ Coaxial-Plus Ophthalmoscope, 11735

17w. Welch Allyn

LITHIUM ION BATTERY 71960 .............................................................................. Lithium Ion Battery

Replacement battery for • Smart Handle, 71900

2.5V RED RECHARGEABLE BATTERY 72000......................................................... 2.5V Red Rechargeable Battery

Replacement battery for • Rechargeable Handles, 70700 and 71500 • Obsolete Rechargeable Handles, 60700

3.5V NICAD BLACK BATTERY 72200 .....................................................................3.5V Nicad Black Battery


Replacement battery for • Rechargeable Handles, 71670 • Obsolete Rechargeable Handles, 71000 and 71020

3.6V RECHARGEABLE BATTERY 72250 .................................................................3.6V Rechargeable Battery

Replacement battery for • Battery Pack, 75260 • Green Series™Preocedure Headlight, 49020

3.5V RECHARGEABLE ORANGE BATTERY 72300 .................................................. 3.5V Rechargeable Orange Battery


Replacement battery for • Standard Handles, 71000-A, 71020-A, 71000-C and 71020-C

17w. Welch Allyn

PROFESSIONAL STETHOSCOPE 5079-135 ...................................................Professional Stethoscope, Black 5079-137 .......................................... Professional Stethoscope, Burgundy 5079-139 ................................................... Professional Stethoscope, Navy 5079-285 .................................... Professional Stethoscope, Forest Green 5079-366 ............................... Comfort Sealing Ear Tips Large, Black, Pair

5079-135, 5079-137, 5079-285

5079-367 .................................Comfort Sealing Ear Tips Large Navy, Pair 5079-126 ................................ Non-Chill Rim Diaphragm for Professional Stethoscope 5079-180...................... Bell Non-Chill Rim for Professional Stethoscope 5079-366 and 5079-367, 5079-126, 5079-180

139 5079-139

HARVEY™ ELITE® STETHOSCOPE 5079-125 ................................................... Harvey Elite Stethoscope, Black 5079-270...........................................Harvey Elite Stethoscope, Burgundy 5079-271 ...................................................Harvey Elite Stethoscope, Navy 5079-284 .....................................Harvey Elite Stethoscope, Forest Green 5079-232 ......................... Elite Accessory Kit, Black (Includes: Paediatric Diaphragm and Bell Ring, One Pair Each, Medium, Large and Extra Large Ear Tips 5079-233 ...........................................Comfort Sealing Ear Tips Large, Pair







5079-314 .......................................Comfort Sealing Ear Tips Medium, Pair

The Harvey Elite Stethoscope offers updated styling along with the superior comfort and auscultation capabilities that cardiologists have come to rely on. It is equipped with dual-bore, latex-free tubing that creates two uninterrupted sound channels and works with the optimally weighted, rugged and stainless steel chest pieces. In addition, the Elite’s diaphragm is designed to accentuate important sounds—all this enables you to hear cardiac, pulmonary and vascular sounds. • Full-range cardiology/pulmonology stethoscopes • Double-head (bell and flat diaphragm) stainless steel chest piece with non-chill rim • Paediatric chest pieces available • Rotatable stainless steel binaurals and interchangeable comfort sealing ear tips • Triple-leaf binaural spring encased in polyurethane allows size adjustment while preventing breakage • 711 mm length • Latex-free • 10 year warranty

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The full-range Professional Stethoscope is for the user who demands the best in auscultation and comfort. The Professional’s superior acoustics mean accurate auscultation of heart and lung sounds. • Double head (bell and flat diaphragm) stainless steel chest piece with non-chill rim • Paediatric chest pieces available • Binaurals adjust to angle of ear • 711 mm length • Latex-free • 5 year warranty

17w. Welch Allyn



Touchless Controls


48955 48960







17w. Welch Allyn

GREEN SERIES™ MEDICAL EXAM LIGHTS 44455..............................GS 300 General Exam Light with Mobile Stand 44415 ...................... GS 300 General Exam Light with Table/Wall Mount 44605.........................GS 600 Minor Procedure Light with Mobile Stand 44615 .................GS 600 Minor Procedure Light with Table/Wall Mount 48950 ...............................................Tall Mobile Stand for GS Exam Lights


44905.................................... GS 900 Procedure Light with Mobile Stand 44905-C ...............................GS 900 Procedure Light with Ceiling Mount 44905-W ...........GS 900 Procedure Light with Wall Mount 48955 Table/ Wall Mount for GS 300/GS 600 52630 ..............................Disposable Sheath for GS 600/GS 900 (50/box, 5 boxes/case)




Greener, for a lower cost of ownership • Among the first veterinary lights to feature LED technology • No bulb replacement for cost savings and less waste • Lower energy consumption • Intensity controls for the GS 600 and GS 900 allow you to adjust light output based on your needs Designed to aid in infection control to help keep your patients safer • Touch-less on/off controls to reduce your contact with the light • New ergonomic design that is easy to wipe clean • Reduce the chance of spreading nosocomial and zoonotic infections by using an optional sheath with each patient GS 300 General Exam Light • Perfect combination of intense light output and cool operation • Compact, rugged design • Affordable price and exceptional performance • Ideal for any in-office exam GS 600 Minor Procedure Light • Three LEDs • Wider head, with a handle designed specifically for demanding conditions • Delivers brilliant colour and enhanced performance and accuracy • Ideal for minor procedures and exams in any setting GS 900 Procedure Light • Six LEDs, combines outstanding durability, extraordinary manoeuvrability, and unparalleled spot quality • Ceiling and wall mount options give the ability to maximize floor space and provide direct light—right where you need it • Top-performing light for nearly every application, whether you are a neighbourhood clinic or speciality practice


Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Welch Allyn Green Series Medical Exam Lights feature white LEDs that provide a brighter, whiter light than ever before and consume less energy. So now you can see true tissue colour during an exam or procedure while also reducing your current cost of ownership. Whiter and Brighter, to improve patient exams • 5,500° K white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as opposed to halogen, for a superior whiter, brighter light • True tissue colour rendition and uniform spot—no dark or hot spots • Industry-leading lumen performance with up to 50,000 hours of life • Minimal heat dissipation for greater patient comfort and safety



Kentamed Electro Surgery Units

Handheld Cautery Unit

Breath-Alert Breathing Monitor

Respalert and Apalert Accessories

Vet Monitors

Multi-Parameter Monitor

Nonin Hand Held Pulse Oximeters

Jorvet ECG Single Channel Unit

Televet 100 Telemetric ECG and Holter

Vet-DOP Doppler System

NIBP Cuffs

Nellcor Sensors

SpO2 Cable

Universal Sensors

Nonin Sensors and Cables

Airway Adaptor Kit

Respironics LoFlo Sidestream EtCO2 Sensor

Rectal/Esophageal Temperature Probe

Esophageal Probe

ECG/EKG Lead Wires

Intubated Monitoring Sample Line


Alligator Clips

ECG Paper

ECG Pens

190021 ........................................................................Silicone Bipolar Cable 190022 ................................................................. Standard Bipolar Forceps 190023 ........................................................... Hand Switch Pencil Reusable 190024 ................................................Double Foot Switch with 3 m Cable

Technical Characteristics

190025 ...........................................Electrode Neutral Plate 100 x 170 mm


Maximal Output Power

Crest Factor

10-30-01 ...............................................Single Foot Switch with 3 m Cable

Pure CUT

100 W / 500 Ω


10-50-02 ..........................................................Foot Switch Pencil Reusable

Blend CUT

100 W / 500 Ω


Application: MINOR and MEDIUM SURGERY. Use: In medical and dental offices and clinics. Features • Intelligent, functionally complete, microprocessor controlled • 100 W maximal output power • 5+1 operating modes • Smooth cutting • Cutting with increased degree of coagulation • Contact coagulation • Spray coagulation bipolar and micro bipolar coagulation • Independent power setting for each mode - digital LED • Digital memory for last power setting • Overheating (OH) and power failure (PF) sensors • Status monitor on the front panel • Automatic and immediate output power switch off if controlled parameters are out of the norm • Sound alarm if controlled parameters are out of the norm • 3 year warranty

Contact COAG

100 W / 300 Ω


Spray COAG

20 W / 5000 Ω


Bipolar COAG

80 W / 100 Ω


Micro Bipolar COAG 35 W / 100 Ω


10-40-02.............................................. Cylindrical Neutral Electrode INOX

Operating Frequency

460 kHz

Modulation Frequency

33 kHz

Patient Safety

NEMSY (Neutral Electrodee Monitoring System)


Twin footswitch and handswitch pencil

Duty Cycle


Safety/MDD Class

l / llb

Applied Parts Type



256 x 200 x 85 mm


5 kgs



190007.................................................................. Loop Electrode Ø 12 mm 190008.....................................................................Loop Electrode Ø 5 mm 190009................................................................................ Needle Electrode 190009

190010 ....................................................................... Ball Electrode Ø 4 mm 190011 ....................................................................... Ball Electrode Ø 2 mm 190012 ................................................................... Blade Electrode Straight 190013 .....................................................................Blade Electrode Angled

• •

Electrodes to Suit Kentamed Electro Surgery units 1E and RF100 All electrodes are 40 mm in length

190007 190008



19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

190020 ................................................. Kentamed 1E Electro Surgery Unit

143 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


KENTAMED RF100 ELECTRO SURGERY UNIT 190019 ...........................................Kentamed RF100 Electro Surgery Unit

KENTAMED RF100 are extremely easy to use models. Every mode can be selected with only one touch of a button. The settings of each mode are stored independently and they are kept even when the unit is switched off. The RF100 has several features like the Neutral Electrode monitoring system (NEMSY), the output power failure detection system, etc. that ensure patient’s and personnel’s safety of highest standards. • 100 Watts maximal output power • Soft and Forced coagulation modes • Fine and Heavy Cutting modes • Bipolar coagulation mode • Finger switch and foot switch activation • High level of patient safety Standard Accessories • Bipolar forceps • Bipolar cable • Double foot switch • Hand switch pencil • Plate neutral electrode, 100 x 170 mm INOX • Large loop electrode • Small loop electrode • Needle • Large ball Electrode • Small ball Electrode • Blade Electrode straight Optional Accessories • Bipolar clamps • Bipolar scissors • Bipolar TVR Electrodes • Various bipolar forceps



190021 ........................................................................Silicone Bipolar Cable

190022 ................................................................. Standard Bipolar Forceps

Operating Mode

Max. Output Power

Monopolar Fine CUT

70 W / 250 Ω

Heavy CUT

100 W / 400 Ω


50 W / 250 Ω

Forced COAG

50 W / 400 Ω

Bipolar Bi COAG

80 W / 50 Ω

Micro Bi COAG

35 W / 50 Ω

Operating Frequency

4 Mhz

Modulation Frequency

33 kHz

Power Supply

AC 230 V / 115 V


280 x 150 x 280 mm

Weight (approx)

8.6 kgs

Duty Cycle

10 s / 30 s

Care for pencil - There is a limitation on the number of autoclaving sterilization cycles - approximately 60 cycles at 121 degrees celsius for 20 minutes or 134 degrees for 10 minutes. The most critical zones for damage of the handles are: 1) Cable area near the handle 2) Cable area near the connector The user must be careful to avoid bending the cable near mentioned areas when the cable is winding up for any purpose (storing or sterilizing the handle).

190024 ................................................Double Foot Switch with 3 m Cable

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

190023 ........................................................... Hand Switch Pencil Reusable

190025 ...........................................Electrode Neutral Plate 100 x 170 mm

10-40-02.............................................. Cylindrical Neutral Electrode INOX

10-30-01.................................................Single Foot Switch with 3 m Cable

10-50-02 ........................................................... Foot Switch Pencil Reusable

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


ELECTRO CAUTERY UNIT AND ACCESSORIES 190200...........................................Electro Cautery Unit (tips not included)

Engel Electro Cautery unit with built in transformer (A.C). Small portable hand held cautery unit with illuminator. • 230 Volt • 80 Watt • Weight - 800 g • Adapter set included Tips not included

190201 ...................... Adapter Set For C-metal burners, for use with the following Cautery tips

190205 .............................................................................. Replacement Bulb

ELECTRO CAUTERY UNIT TIPS 19BP390 ................................................................... Cautery Tip Loop / Flat

19BP392..........................................................Cautery Tip Loop / Flat Point

19BP393.............................................................Cautery Tip Loop / Half Cut


19BP394.................................................................................Cautery Tip Ball

19BP395................................................................ Cautery Tip Needle Point

19BP396 ............................................................................. Cautery Tip Loop

19BP397...................................................................Cautery Tip Loop Sharp

The MDI Breath Alert respiration monitor is robust, reliable and simple to operate. • Audible beep and light with each breath • Continuously detects breathing during anaesthesia • Large digital display • Alarm system for breath is present; no breath and low battery • Apnoea settings for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 seconds • Automatically sets to the last used apnoea time • Alarm and charging multifunction lights • Volume and ‘Sensitivity’ controls • Alarm reset optical sensor • Preset apnoea time is counted up. If apnoea time is exceeded, alarm is activated • Built-in automatic charging circuit – stops charging when battery is full • Long battery life with four NiMH 1.2V/2500mAh AA cells • Alarms if breathing absent • Replacement Sensor Lead, BM -SENSOR – 00 • Replacement Power Pack, MK4 – POWAU

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

190115....................................................... Breath-Alert Breathing Monitor

147 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

RESPALERT AND APALERT ACCESSORIES 190110 ............................................................Respalert Transformer 9 Volt

190092 ............................................... Respalert / Apalert Monitor Battery

110159...................................................................Portex Swivel Connector

148 190090............................................................... Apalert Transformer 9 Volt


190091 .............................................Respalert / Apalert Sensor and Cable

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

LIFESENSE® VET PORTABLE CAPNOGRAPHY AND PULSE OXIMETRY MONITOR 190300 ....................... LifeSense® VET Portable Capnography and Pulse Oximeter Monitor 192000SL ..................................................................... Lingual SpO2 Sensor 192000T...................................................Transflectance SpO2 Clip Sensor 192000SA ..............................................................Small Animal Wrap SpO2 190325 ........................................................ T-Connector with Sample Line 190327 .........................................................................Moisture Traps 10/pk 190328 ......................................MedAir Filter for EtCO2 Measuring 25/pk

Power Data

149 192000SL, 192000T, 192000SL

Battery charger, 100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz for AUS Power consumption, 3.6 W at battery operation 12 W with battery charger, voltage: 12 volts

Physical Data

Dimensions, 200 x 135 x 50 mm (whd) Weight, 800 grams



Working temperature, -5° to +40°C Storage temperature, -20° to +50°C


Pump flow, 100 ml/min Flow accuracy, +20 ml/min

Battery Data

Type, Lithium Ion internal rechargeable battery Battery capacity, 12 hours when fully charged Charging time, 17 hours from empty to full

Capnography Measuring Data

Respiration range, 3-820 respiration per minute Update range, once every breathe (no breath after 20 seconds) EtCO2 range, 0-99 mmHg FiCO2 range, 0-99 mmHg EtCO2 accuracy, ±2 mmHg, + 6% of reading Trend length, 4 hours

Pulse Oximeter Specifications

O2 saturation range, 0 to 100% O2 saturation accuracy, 70 to 100% SpO2 ± 2% (based on bench testing) Display pulse rate ranges, 18 to 450 BPM Pulse rate accuracy, ±3 BPM Calibrated to display, functional saturation Trend length, 4 hours



Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The LifeSense VET is a multi-parameter monitor that measures and displays end-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2) and functional inspired CO2 (FiCO2) values, respiration, functional oxygen saturation of aerial hemoglobin (SpO2) and pulse rate of intubated animals. The distinct widescreen display also serves as a user-friendly touch panel where all the settings and adjustments are made. Features • WIDESCREEN touch-panel display • MedAir™ EtCO2 technology • Nonin's proven PureSAT® SpO2 technology • Waveform capnography and plethysmograph display • For use on small to large animals (including birds, sugargliders etc) • 3 year monitor warranty

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


RESPSENSE™ CAPNOGRAPH VET MONITOR 190310 ...........................................RespSense™ Capnograph Vet Monitor 190325 ........................................................ T-Connector with Sample Line 190327 ........................................................................... Moisture Traps 5/pk 190328 ......................................MedAir Filter for EtCO2 Measuring 25/pk

The RespSense™ WIDESCREEN™ touch-panel display monitor offers Nonin sidestream EtCO2 technology for a wide range of clinical settings and for both intubated and non-intubated patients. Portable, accurate and cost-effective, RespSense is perfect for sleep labs, procedural sedation, emergency transport (EMS), home care, or in clinical settings where fast, easy EtCO2 monitoring is required. Features • Meets rigorous ISO requirements for EMS transport • WIDESCREEN™ touch-panel display • Numerical EtCO2 and respiratory rate display • 1.5 hours trending of EtCO2 and respiration rate • Backlit LCD display • Audible and visual alarms • TrendSense memory module (72 hours of data), download cable and software • TrendSense memory module with Waveform (36 hours of data and capnogram waveform), download cable and software • Data output via RS-232 port • 3 year monitor warranty Power Data

Battery charger, 240 VAC, 50/60Hz for AUS Power consumption, 3.6 W at battery operation 12 W with battery charger, Voltage: 12 VDC, 800mA

Physical Data



Dimensions, 200 x 135 x 50 mm (whd) Weight, 800 grams


Working temperature, -5° to +40°C Humidity, -10 to 90% (non-condensing) Atomspheric pressure, 645 - 795 mmHg


Pump flow, 100 ml/min Flow accuracy, ±20 ml/min

Battery Data

Type, Lithium Ion internal rechargeable battery


Battery capacity, 12 hours when fully charged Charging time, 17 hours from empty to full Capnography Measuring Data

Respiration range, 3-80 respiration per minute Update range, once every breath EtCO2 range, 0-99 mmHg FiCO2 alarm limits, 5, 10 or 20 mmHg EtCO2 accuracy, ±2 mmHg, + 6% of reading Trend length, 1.5 hours


(formally Vet420B) 19VET420BCO2 ........Datalys V650 Multi-Parameter Monitor hwith CO2 191022 ........................................................................Rechargeable Battery

A versatile functionality, ideal for stationary monitoring as well as transportation. The Multi-Parameter Vet Monitor offers a number of interesting features and a variety of standard and optional accessories. Features • 8.4” colour TFT touch screen • Versatile functionality, ideal for stationary monitoring as well as transportation • Car adaptor support for mobile vets • Built-in Lithium Ion battery allows for up to 4 hours of continuous monitoring • 96 hours of graphical trend and data records • Available with multiple mounting options such as pole mount, wall mount and mobile mount Standard Unit Includes • Monitor - Datalys V650 Veterinary Monitor • NIBP tubing - 1981 mm • NIBP cuff set - 6 reusable cuffs of various sizes • SpO2 probe - Nellcor VetSat with small and large lingual clips • SpO2 cable - Nellcor • Temperature probe - Rectal/Esophageal temperature probe • ECG cable - 5-lead set with veterinary clip • Stylus pen • Power cord - 220 V • Battery • Ground cable • Operator’s manual Optional Accessories • Mainstream CO2 module 2 adaptors • Sidestream CO2 module with 2 adaptors • Printer and paper • Esophageal probe in extra small, small or large


800 x 600


9 waveforms

Sweep speed

12.5 mm/s, 25 mm/s and 50 mm/s


Power Indicator light Battery Indicator light Alarm Indicator light QRS beep and alarm sound


Parameter cable interface AC power input socket Network interface SD card socket

Trend time

1-120 hours


User-adjustable high and low limit alarm events recall, audible and visual alarm


Connects to monitoring system


Built-in thermal array printer, 2 traces, paper width of 50 mm (optional)

Record mode

Manual, on alarm and time defined

Print speed

12.5 mm/s, 25 mm/s and 50 mm/s

Standard configuration

3-lead ECG/HR


Nellcor SpO2 NIBP Respiration Temperature

Optional configuration

Masimo SpO2 IBP CO2 Thermal recorder Central monitor station Mounting solutions

5 Lead ECG Leadwires (191034)

Alligator Clips for 5 Lead ECG Leadwires (191031)

Nellcor VetSat SpO2 Sensor (191000)

Rectal / Esophageal Temperature Probe (191027)

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

19VET420B .................................. Datalys V650 Multi-Parameter Monitor

151 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment



NONIN 9847V HAND HELD CO2 AND PULSE OXIMETER 199847V ................... Nonin 9847V Hand Held CO2 and Pulse Oximeter 192000SL ..................................................................... Lingual SpO2 Sensor 192000T...................................................Transflectance SpO2 Clip Sensor 192000SA ..............................................................Small Animal Wrap SpO2 199840SAV .......................................................CO2 Pulse Oximeter Sensor 199840a .............................................................Airway Tube Adaptor 3/pk

Ideal for surgery or dental procedures on intubated animals, Nonin’s unique 9847V combines semi-quantitative end-tidal carbon dioxide detection with digital pulse oximetry in one portable handheld monitor for maximum functionality. This vital tool is used to aid and verify endotracheal tube placement throughout the intubation period. During the procedure, an audible breath tone is present. Additionally, the 9847V provides accurate blood oxygen saturation, pulse rate data, and a visual respiration indicator. Truly versatile, the 9847V allows simultaneous or independent use of the EtCO2 detector and pulse oximeter. Features • Easy to Use - bright LED displays and intuitive icons • “First Breath” active - no warm-up required • Cost Effective - no calibration needed and long battery life • Breath Tone - audible indication of detected breath • Alarms - for apnoea, SpO2 and pulse rate • Indication of pulse quality - tri-color perfusion indicator • Veterinary-specific software, sensors and hardware - wide pulse rate range: 18 to 450 bpm Dimensions

80 x 150 x 20 mm (whd)


310 grams

199840SAV, 199840a 2


24 hours (SpO , pulse rate, breath interval)


3 years

Oxygen saturation range

0-100% (% SpO2)

Pulse rate range

18 - 450 bpm

CO2 range

0 to >75 mmHg

CO2 response time

250 ms

Respiration rate range

1-60 breaths/minute

Breath detection threshold

5 mmHg

Measurement wavelengths

Red, 660 nanometres @ 1.2 mw Infared, 910 nanometres @.8 mw


Numeric displays, Two 3-digit 7-segment LEDs (light emitting diodes) Pulse quality, Tricolour LED segments CO2, 8 segment LED bar graph


192000SL, 192000T, 192000SL

Blood oxygen saturation (% SpO2 ± SD), 70-100% ± 3 digits for the model 2000SL, 2000SA and 2000T sensors; below 70% is not specified for all sensors Pulse rate, ±3% ± 1 digit

Power requirements

6 x AA akaline batteries

Battery life

Operating, 90 hours typical operation (pulse oximeter alone) 20 hours typical operation (CO2 detector and pulse oximeter)

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

NONIN 2500A PALMSAT VET VETERINARY PULSE OXIMETER 192500A ...................Nonin 2500A VET Veterinary Pulse Oximeter, with Lingual Senso, Charger and Battery 192000SL ..................................................Lingual SpO2 Sensor (Included) 192000T...................................................Transflectance SpO2 Clip Sensor 192000SA ..............................................................Small Animal Wrap SpO2 192500C .............. PalmSAT Charger Stand and NiMH Battery Pack (not included with unit)


70 x 138 x 32 mm (whd)


213 grams with akaline batteries 233 grams with NiMH batteries


3 years

Oxygen saturation range

0-100% (% SpO2)

Pulse rate display range

18-450 beats per minute (BPM)

Measurement wavelengths

Red, 660 nanometres Infared, 925 nanometres


Pulse quality display, LED, tri-colour


192000SL, 192000T, 192000SL

Case (Not Included)

Alarm indicator, LED, bi-colour Alarm Silenced, LED, yellow Numeric displays, 3 digit 7 segment LEDs, red Low battery indicator, LED, yellow Accuracy

Blood oxygen saturation (% SpO2 ± 1 SD)*, 70-100% ± 2 digit Pulse rate, 18-450 bpm ±3% ± 1 digit

Power requirements

4 x 1.5V AA size alkaline batteries

Battery life

60 hours typical operation* or NiMH rechargeable battery pack (40 hours typical operation) AC power (charging stand)

*Accuracy is specified for adult human hemoglobin measure at the fingertip. Although animal hemoglobin has similar optical characteristics, the other types of hemoglobin may affect accuracy. *S.D. (Standard Deviation) is a statistical measure; up to 32% of the readings may fall outside these limits. Quality System registered to ISO 13485:2003 and EC certificate per Annex II, clause 3 of EC Directive NO. 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices.

192500C (Not Included)

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The 2500A VET handheld pulse oximeter is a universal tool with unmatched versatility and cost-effectiveness for all veterinary monitoring and research applications. Compact and easy to use, the 2500A VET is proven accurate for pulse rates up to 450 beats per minute (BPM) and is ideal for monitoring during surgeries and dental procedures. As the industry benchmark for durability and performance, Nonin’s veterinary pulse oximeters have gained the confidence of veterinary professionals worldwide. • Reliable – proven Nonin pulse oximetry technology • Extensive memory – 72 hours data storage • Easy to Use – simple two button operation • Compact Size – 213 gram unit for easily handling • Flexible Operation – operates on AA batteries, rechargeable batteries or AC power with charger stand • Efficient – 60 hours of battery life: 40 hours – rechargeable batteries • Indication of Pulse Quality – tricolor perfusion indicator • Compatible – works with Nonin’s complete line of PureLight® Vet sensors

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


JORVET SINGLE CHANNEL ECG AND MONITOR 190230 ......................... JorVet Single Channel ECG and Monitor J1010N 190235 ................................. ECG Graph Printer Paper 50 mm wide 1/roll J1010D1A ...........................................ECG Limb Leads with Alligator Clips

The JorVet Single Channel ECG is a one-channel digital electrocardiograph that records the 6 most common leads: Lead I, II, III through AVR, AVL and AVF. 4 patient- comfortable limb leads and a ground are provided. It is equipped with an advanced wide range thermal-array printing system, single chip 32 bit microprocessor. The ECG is one of the most under utilized diagnostic parameters in veterinary medicine. An ECG is an absolute necessity for proper cardiac diagnostics. The Jorvet Single Channel ECG and monitor offers what veterinarians need at a very reasonable price. The all important lead II rhythm strip can be run for screening purposes; and if further evaluation is deemed necessary, all 6 common leads can be run for a more thorough diagnostics. Features • High resolution built in thermal array printer (8 dot/mm) • Installed rechargeable NiMH 12 volt battery will support approximately 50 patient examinations, depending on length of examinations • Keypad one-touch buttons allow for easy set-up and operation • LCD colour screen is well-lit and easy to read • Lead strips print patient information form (AUTO mode) as well as sensitivity, paper speed, and filter settings • AUTO and MANUAL modes provide optimal customization for diagnostic • Single channel displays and prints one lead at a time • Features both MANUAL and AUTO modes • Dimensions - 304 x 225 x 66 mm (lwh) • Weighs just 2.8 kgs • Operates on either AC or 12 volt NiMH rechargeable battery • Built in paper printer • Supports patient monitoring via on screen tracing, i.e., lead II • 3 year warranty on the ECG unit, 1 year on battery and leads

Place paper in ECG slot grid facing down

Place cover over top of paper and close


Grounding • The J1010N is grounded during AC operation through the three-prong AC plug. During battery operation, a grounding wire (included) should be connected to the ground site on the back of the unit.

Loading the ECG Paper

ECG is ready to print

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

TELEVET 100 TELEMETRIC ECG AND HOLTER 190210 .......................................... Televet 100 Telemetric ECG and Holter 190215 .......................................................... Televet Patient Cable, Equine 190220 ............................................... Televet Patient Cable, Small Animal 190225 .......................................................... Televet ECG Electrodes 30/pk

Televet 100 Includes • Televet 100 ECG unit • Bluetooth Class 1 receiver • 256 Mb SD storage card • Televet software • 1 bag of 30 ECG Electrodes • Protection bag and carrying case

155 190215


Specifications Sampling rate

500Hz each channel


2 (accordingly 6 vectors, I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF)


Bluetooth, approx. 100 m operating range (Class 1)

Holter Memory

Removable SD card, speed 80x


145 g


124 x 65 x 22 mm (HxLxD))


2 x AA, for up to 36 hours continuous operation (Alkaline)


Digital infinite impulse response filter

Frequency range

0.05 – 100 Hz

Auto on/off

yes, via electrode cable connector

ECG devices per PC

up to 7 devices, depending on PC performance

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32bit, 64bit)


Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

With traditional ECG systems the veterinarian has been limited to resting ECG. Now with the development of Televet the veterinarian is able to monitor the animal during its normal daily activities. This allows the user to find cardiac rhythm abnormalities which may only occur during exercise or at rest. The Televet 100 provides a telemetric two channel (3 / 6 vector) ECG system. It has been especially developed to be used for small and large animals. The Televet 100 allows convenient ECG recordings at rest as well as during exercise with excellent quality even during strenuous exercise. In telemetric mode the Televet 100 transmits data in realtime. The ECG is displayed on a notebook or PC and it is stored on the hard disk. In Holter mode, data is stored on a standard SDCard which is plugged into the ECG device for up to 30 hours. A telemetric connection to host PC or notebook is not required in this mode. Telemetric mode and Holter mode can be used in parallel, this ensures that an ECG is always recorded. The system includes software which enables ECG recordings to be reviewed at any time, printed or emailed for a second opinion. • Full diagnostic wireless transmission PC ECG • Equine/ small animal 24 hour recording • Wireless ECG monitor (ideal for ICU units) • Network enabled (working over LAN or VPN) • Up to 4 independent ECG monitors per computer screen (up to 6 on request) • Large animal foetal heart rate monitoring • Equine (large animal) exercise ECG

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


VET-DOP2 DOPPLER SYSTEM 190815-K ........................................................... Vet-DOP2 Doppler System

The Vet-Dop2 is used to screen for hypertension, to check blood pressure in surgery, to monitor blood flow at the extremities during surgery and to check for intact blood vessels after trauma and before amputation. The non-invasive Doppler technique is the method of choice for measuring blood pressure in animals weighing approx. 6.8 kgs, especially cats. Other methods, including monitors that use the oscillometric technique with small animal validated software may not calculate pressures as quickly especially on awake, smaller patients. The Vet-Dop2 also works well on larger breeds and can detect blood flow at the base of the tail in horses. The Vet-Dop2 is the Doppler of choice and preferred by experts in the field of veterinary blood pressure measurement. Features • Designed for veterinarians to measure Doppler systolic blood pressure • Advanced, low-noise microelectronics • Sensitive, wide beam, focused 9.4 MHz. transducer • Easy to use • Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with >35 hours between charges • Portable, rugged and reliable • One year parts and labor warranty • Includes 19 minute video on Vet-Dop application and clinical use*


* “An Overview of Hypertension and Use of the Vet-Dop to Measure Animal Systolic Blood Pressure”, Gary Norsworthy, DVM ©Vmed Technology, 2002-2009 Accessories Included: • Sphygmomanometer • Set of 6 animal cuffs • 6 probe attachment straps for long term monitoring • Stereo audio headphones • Storage pouch • Battery charger • Doppler procedure and hypertension video

191010 .................................................................. NIBP Cuff #1, 3.3 - 5.6 cm


191011................................................................... NIBP Cuff #2, 4.2 - 7.1 cm 191012.................................................................... NIBP Cuff #3, 5 - 10.5 cm 191013................................................................. NIBP Cuff #4, 6.9 - 11.7 cm

191010 - coded with Orange writing • Range: 3.3 - 5.6 cm • Bladder size: 5.5 x 2.1 cm • Appearance size: 10.3 x 2.7 cm


191011 - coded with Navy writing • Range: 4.2 - 7.1 cm • Bladder size: 6.5 x 2.7 cm • Appearance size: 13.1 x 3.4 cm 191012

191012 - coded with Green writing • Range: 5 - 10.5 cm • Bladder size: 8.5 x 3.4 cm • Appearance size: 16.7 x 4.2 cm 191013 - coded with Black writing • Range: 6.9 - 11.7 cm • Bladder size: 9.4 x 4.2 cm • Appearance size: 19.1 x 5.2 cm

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


NELLCOR SENSORS 191000 .............................................................. Nellcor Vetsat SpO2 Sensor

Sensor includes extension cable and 2 different sized lingual clips.

191001 ....................................................Nellcor Extension Cable for 420A for SpO2 Sensor, 7 Pin 191002 ................... Nellcor Extension Cable for 420B and Datalys V650 for SpO2 Sensor, 6 Pin

SPO2 EXTENSION CABLE 191032 ....................................................................... SpO2 Extension Cable 191033 .....................SpO2 Extension Cable with 8 Pin Metal Connector

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

157 191013

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


UNIVERSAL SENSORS 192000SL ...................................................................... Lingual SpO2 Sensor 192000T....................................................Transflectance SpO2 Clip Sensor

Nonin’s PureLight® veterinary oximetry sensors are reliable and easy to use on a wide range of animals for both short term and continuous non-invasive monitoring. Backed by a six-month warranty, choose from three sensor designs that can be used with any of Nonin’s veterinary oximeters: • The patented 2000SL Lingual SpO2 Sensor is a lightweight, ultra-sensitive clip-on sensor for tongue or well-perfused areas, as appropriate. Custom designed grippers hold the application site without excessive pressure. Use it in surgery and for monitoring during recovery while the patient is immobile • The 2000T Transflectance Sensor, the smallest probe, is ideally suited for continuous monitoring. It can be conveniently placed on the underside, base of the tail or other well-perfused surfaces. It is an excellent option during dental procedures. • The 2000SA Small Animal flexible Wrap Sensor can be placed on a small, well-perfused appendage. This sensor is easily secured making it ideal for continuous monitoring during long surgical or other procedures. It is most often used on rodents or other very small animals. Accurate and Dependable Veterinary Sensor Solutions Nonin 1veterinary sensors are ideal for short-term and continuous noninvasive monitoring. All of our sensor solutions can be used across our entire line of veterinary products. (Note: Nonin Medical does not support the use of third-party sensors or other accessories for use with Nonin oximeters. Pulse oximetry accuracy is dependent on oximeters and sensors that are designed, tested and clinically validated as a complete system. Additionally, Nonin’s new Soft Sensors meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9919* and IEC 60601-1-2*.)



192000SA ..............................................................Small Animal Wrap SpO2



198500I.................................................... Nonin Extension Cable, 914 mm 198500VI ............................................... Nonin Extension Cable, 2743 mm 198500I and 198500VI


VET LINGUAL EAR SPO2 CLIPS 192002 ....................................................Vet Lingual Ear SpO2 Clip - Large

AIRWAY ADAPTOR KITS 191025 ........................................... CO2 LoFlo Airway Adaptor Kit - Infant 191026 ............................................ CO2 LoFlo Airway Adaptor Kit - Adult



191029 ............................................. CO2 Respironics Sensor for VET420A

Includes • Sensor • 191025 - Infant loflo airway adaptor kit • 191026 - Adult loflo airway adaptor kit

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


192001 ....................................................Vet Lingual Ear SpO2 Clip - Small


19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

NONIN SENSORS AND CABLE 197000N .......................................Nonin SpO2 Sensor for Less than 2 kgs

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment


RECTAL / ESOPHAGEAL TEMPERATURE PROBE 191027 ........................................Rectal / Esophageal Temperature Probe

ESOPHAGEAL PROBE I SMALL 19EPS ................................................................... Esophageal Probe I Small

3 month warranty from date of purchase from supplier.

ECG / EKG LEADWIRES 191034 ...........................................................5 Prong ECG / EKG Leadwires 191031 ............................Alligator Clips for 5 Prong ECG Leadwires 5/pk





190325 .......................................... T-Connector for Intubated Monitoring with Sample Line

Can be used with the following MedAir units: • LifeSense • RespSense

ECG GEL 190043....................................................................................ECG Gel 250 ml

Also suits model CT200CV ECG.

ECG THERMAL PAPER FOR CT200 ECG 190042..................................................ECG Thermal Paper for CT200 ECG 57 x 1500 mm, 2/pk

Also suits model CT200CV ECG.

ECG PENS FOR CT200 ECG 190045.......................................................... ECG Pens for CT200 ECG 4/pk

Also suits model CT200CV ECG.

TRITEK ECG PAPER 190055 ................................................................................. Tritek ECG Paper

19. Electro Medical and Monitoring Equipment

190041 .................................. ECG Alligator Clips for CT200CV ECG 10/pk

161 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




Spey Kit

Suture Clips

Suture Kit

Suture Forceps

Instrument Marking Tape


Needle Holders


Scalpel Handles and Blades

Spey Instruments

Tattoo Ink/Paste

Towel Clips



Ligature Needles

Buhner Needles

Skin Stapler and Remover

Graft Passer

Haematoma Pads

Scrub Brush

Instrument Holder

Scrotal Tape

Fecal Loops

Biopsy Punch

Wire Cutter

Equine Roar Burr

Tenotome Knife

Instrument Spray

Suture Tape

200000 ................................................................................Surgical Spey Kit

Kit Consists Of: 200885 ................................................................ X-Action Towel Clamp x 4 200880 .......................................... Spey Hook Cat/Dog 110 mm Shaft x 1 200861.........................................................................Scalpel Handle #4 x 1 200121 ...............................................Tissue Forcep 1/2 Tooth 130 mm x 1 200838.......................................... Dressing Forcep Standard 145 mm x 1

20. Surgical Instruments


200800 ...................................... Allis Intest Forcep 150 mm 5/6 Tooth x 2 200100 .................................................... Crile Forcep Straight 140 mm x 4 200820.............................................. Carmalt Forcep Straight 155 mm x 2 200098 ............................................Mosquito Forcep Curved 125 mm x 4 202967 .................................. Metzenbaum Scissors Straight 145 mm x 1

200001..................................................................... DLC Surgical Suture Kit

Kit Consists Of: 200885 ................................................................ X-Action Towel Clamp x 4 200861.........................................................................Scalpel Handle #4 x 1 200122 ...............................................Tissue Forcep 1/2 Tooth 145 mm x 1 200838.......................................... Dressing Forcep Standard 145 mm x 1 200102 ......................................................Crile Forcep Curved 140 mm x 1 202876 .................................................Mayo Scissors Straight 160 mm x 1 202874 .................................................Mayo Scissors Straight 140 mm x 1 200871...................................... Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder 160 mm x 1

163 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

MEDI-MARK™ TAPE Colours available: 200050 ............................................................................Medi-Mark™ Green 200051............................................................................ Medi-Mark™ Yellow 200052................................................................................Medi-Mark™ Blue 200053.................................................................................Medi-Mark™ Red 200054 ...........................................................................Medi-Mark™ Brown 200055............................................................................. Medi-Mark™ White 200057.............................................................................. Medi-Mark™ Black 200058 ...........................................................................Medi-Mark™ Purple



The Medi-Mark™ colour coding system is a fast and efficient way to identify and sort surgical instruments of different types, specialty and/or ownership. The Medi-Mark™ Tape is available in 8 solid colours on spools; 6.3 mm x 7.5 metres long. Each spool colour codes an average of 230 instruments. Clinically proven safe in conventional, flash and gas sterilization. Features • Medi-Mark™ Tape bonds to itself and lasts many months • For quick - sorting • Instant identification • Long lasting • Gas and steam permeable

MOSQUITO FORCEPS 200096 ............................................... Straight Mosquito Forceps 12.5 cm 200098 .................................................Curved Mosquito Forceps 12.5 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


CRILE FORCEPS 200100 .............................................................Straight Crile Forceps 14 cm 200103 .............................................................Straight Crile Forceps 16 cm 200104 .............................................................. Curved Crile Forceps 16 cm

ROCHESTER PEAN FORCEPS 200105 .........................................Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 14 cm 200108 .........................................Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 16 cm 200112 .........................................Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 18 cm 200116 .........................................Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 20 cm 200119 .........................................Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 25 cm 200106 .......................................... Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 14 cm 200110 .......................................... Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 16 cm 200114 .......................................... Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 18 cm 200118 .......................................... Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 20 cm 200120 .......................................... Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 25 cm

CARMALT FORCEPS 200820...................................................... Straight Carmalt Forceps 15 cm 200824...................................................... Straight Carmalt Forceps 20 cm 200822.....................................................Curved Carmalt Forceps 15.5 cm 200826........................................................Curved Carmalt Forceps 20 cm

BABCOCK FORCEPS 200140 ..................................................................... Babcock Forceps 15 cm 200141 ..................................................................... Babcock Forceps 18 cm

• •

Organ and tissue grasping forcep Intestinal and lung grasping forcep

165 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

200102 .............................................................. Curved Crile Forceps 14 cm

20. Surgical Instruments

ECONOMY FORCEPS CONT. ALLIS INTESTINAL FORCEPS 200800 ..........................................................Allis Intestinal Forceps 15 cm 200805 ..........................................................Allis Intestinal Forceps 20 cm

ANGIOTRIBE HAEMOSTATIC FORCEPS 200810 ......................... Straight Angiotribe Haemostatic Forceps 16 cm 200815 ......................... Straight Angiotribe Haemostatic Forceps 20 cm 200811 ...........................Curved Angiotribe Haemostatic Forceps 16 cm 200816 ...........................Curved Angiotribe Haemostatic Forceps 20 cm

166 AURAL FORCEPS 200827......................................................Tilley Aural Forceps 15 cm Shaft

AURAL (ALLIGATOR) FORCEPS 200828.......................... Hartmans Aural (Alligator) Forceps 15 cm Shaft 200828F .............. Hartmans Aural (Alligator) Forceps Fine 15 cm Shaft 200829 ................... Micro Aural (Alligator) Forceps Delicate 7 cm Shaft 200830.......................... Hartmans Aural (Alligator) Forceps 12 cm Shaft 200830M ..............................Micro Aural (Alligator) Forceps 11 cm Shaft 200831 .............................................Aural (Alligator) Forceps 20 cm Shaft 200832.............................................Aural (Alligator) Forceps 30 cm Shaft 200833.............................................Aural (Alligator) Forceps 35 cm Shaft 200834.............................................Aural (Alligator) Forceps 70 cm Shaft


DOYEN BOWEL FORCEPS 200835.............................................Straight Doyen Bowel Forceps 24 cm 200836.............................................. Curved Doyen Bowel Forceps 24 cm

SPONGE HOLDING FORCEPS 200842 ......................................................Sponge Holding Forceps 25 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


VOCAL CORD BIOPSY FORCEPS 200844 ...................................................Vocal Cord Biopsy Forceps 28 cm

UTERINE BIOPSY FORCEPS 200845 .........................................................Uterine Biopsy Forceps 60 cm

FLEXIBLE GRASPING FORCEPS 200846 .............................Flexible Grasping Forceps, Shaft - 12 x 0.2 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

ECONOMY FORCEPS CONT. STANDARD DRESSING FORCEPS 200837...................................................Standard Dressing Forceps 13 cm 200838............................................... Standard Dressing Forceps 14.5 cm 200839...................................................Standard Dressing Forceps 20 cm 200840 ..................................................Standard Dressing Forceps 25 cm 200841...................................................Standard Dressing Forceps 16 cm 200843 ..................................................Standard Dressing Forceps 18 cm

STANDARD TISSUE FORCEPS 200121 .......................................................Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 13 cm


200122 ....................................................Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 14.5 cm 200123 .......................................................Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 16 cm 200124 .......................................................Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm

TISSUE FORCEPS 200125 .......................................................Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 13 cm 200126 ....................................................Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 14.5 cm 200127 .......................................................Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 16 cm

ADSON TISSUE FORCEPS 200128 ...........................................Adson Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 12 cm


200806 ............................................... Adson Brown Tissue Forceps 12 cm

Made In Germany

STANDARD DRESSING FORCEPS 12/0013 ........................ECHT German Standard Dressing Forceps 13 cm 12/0014 .................... ECHT German Standard Dressing Forceps 14.5 cm 12/0016 ........................ECHT German Standard Dressing Forceps 16 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


MEDIUM DRESSING FORCEPS 12/0213 ......................... ECHT German Medium Dressing Forceps 13 cm 12/0215 ......................... ECHT German Medium Dressing Forceps 16 cm

STANDARD TISSUE FORCEP 13/0213 ............................ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 13 cm 13/0214 ........................... ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 14.5m 13/0216 ............................ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 16 cm 13/0218 ............................ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm

TISSUE FORCEPS 13/6018 ............................ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm 11/2818 ............................ECHT German Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm

ADSON TISSUE FORCEPS 13/1812 ............................................. ECHT German Adson Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth, 12 cm

169 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

12/0214 ......................ECHT German Medium Dressing Forceps 14.5 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


ATRA-ADSON BROWN FORCEPS 11/0812 ........................ECHT German Atra-Adson Brown Forceps 12 cm

ATRA-ADSON BROWN FORCEPS 13/2012 ........................ECHT German Atra-Adson Brown Forceps 12 cm


BONNEY TISSUE FORCEPS 11/2718 ........................................... ECHT German Bonney Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 17.5 cm

IRIS BISHOP HARMON FORCEPS 20/3409 .................................ECHT German Iris Bishop-Harmon Forceps


• • •

Serrated Standard 86 mm long Jaw width: 1 mm

MOSQUITO FORCEPS 20BH110 .........................AESCULAP Straight Mosquito Forceps 12.5 cm 20BH104 ...........................AESCULAP Straight Mosquito Forceps 9.5 cm 20BH111........................... AESCULAP Curved Mosquito Forceps 12.5 cm 20BH105 ............................ AESCULAP Curved Mosquito Forceps 9.5 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


BABY MOSQUITO FORCEPS 20BH114 ................................ AESCULAP Baby Mosquito Artery Forceps Straight, 1/2 Tooth 10 cm

CRILE FORCEPS 20BH144 ..................................... AESCULAP Straight Crile Forceps 14 cm 20BH166 ..................................... AESCULAP Straight Crile Forceps 16 cm 20BH145 .......................................AESCULAP Curved Crile Forceps 14 cm 20BH167 .......................................AESCULAP Curved Crile Forceps 16 cm

ROCHESTER PEAN FORCEPS 20BH424 ................. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 14 cm 20BH442................. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 16 cm 20BH444.............. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 18.5 cm 20BH446................. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 20 cm 20BH448.............. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 22.5 cm 20BH474 ................. AESCULAP Straight Rochester Pean Forceps 28 cm 20BH425 ...................AESCULAP Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 14 cm 20BH443...................AESCULAP Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 16 cm 20BH445................AESCULAP Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 18.5 cm 20BH447 ...................AESCULAP Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 20 cm 20BH449................AESCULAP Curved Rochester Pean Forceps 22.5 cm

ROCHESTER CARMALT FORCEPS 20BH800..................................................... AESCULAP Straight Rochester Carmalt Forceps 16 cm 20BH801 ....................................................... AESCULAP Curved Rochester Carmalt Forceps 16 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

AESCULAP FORCEPS CONT. BAINBRIDGE INTESTINAL CLAMP 20EA106 .................................. AESCULAP Straight Bainbridge Intestinal Clamp 15.5 cm 20EA107.................................... AESCULAP Curved Bainbridge Intestinal Clamp 15.5 cm

ALLIS INTESTINAL FORCEPS 20EA016 .........................AESCULAP Allis Intestinal Tissue and Grasping Forceps 15 cm 20EA018 .........................AESCULAP Allis Intestinal Tissue and Grasping Forceps 25.5 cm 20EA020 .........................AESCULAP Allis Intestinal Tissue and Grasping Forceps 20 cm

172 ANGIOTRIBE HAEMOSTATIC FORCEPS 20VC100 ................. AESCULAP Angiotribe Haemostatic Forceps 20 cm Pressure Clamp

CARREL FORCEPS 20BH100 ...................................................... Straight Carrel Forceps 8.5 cm

HEISS FORCEPS www.dlc.com.au

20BH207 .........................AESCULAP Curved Heiss Artery Forceps 20 cm

STANDARD DRESSING FORCEPS 20BD043.............................. AESCULAP Standard Dress Forceps 11.5 cm 20BD045................................. AESCULAP Standard Dress Forceps 13 cm 20BD047.............................. AESCULAP Standard Dress Forceps 14.5 cm 20BD049................................. AESCULAP Standard Dress Forceps 16 cm 20BD035...............................AESCULAP Curved Dressing Forceps 13 cm 20BD037 ............................AESCULAP Curved Dressing Forceps 14.5 cm

MEDIUM DRESSING FORCEPS 20BD025 ............................. AESCULAP Medium Dressing Forceps 13 cm 20BD027..........................AESCULAP Medium Dressing Forceps 14.5 cm 20BD029.............................AESCULAP Medium Dressing Forceps 16 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


SEMKEN FORCEPS 20BD215 ..................................... AESCULAP Semken Dissecting Delicate Forceps 12.5 cm 20BD216 ..................................... AESCULAP Semken Dissecting Delicate Forceps 15 cm

SPLINTER FORCEPS 20BD301 .................................................AESCULAP Splinter Forceps 9 cm 20BD303........................................... AESCULAP Splinter Forceps 11.5 cm 20BD304...............................................AESCULAP Splinter Forceps 13 cm

SPLINTER FORCEPS 20BD315 ............................. AESCULAP Splinter Forceps Curved 14.5 cm

MEDIUM TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD535 ................AESCULAP Medium Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 13 cm 20BD537 ............ AESCULAP Medium Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 14.5 cm 20BD539 ................AESCULAP Medium Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 16 cm

STANDARD TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD555 ................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 13 cm 20BD557 ............................... AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 14.5m 20BD559 ................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 16 cm 20BD560................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm

TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD575 ................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 13 cm 20BD577 ............................ AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 14.5 cm 20BD579 ................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 16 cm 20BD580................................AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 2/3 Tooth 18 cm

173 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

20BD302 ........................................... AESCULAP Splinter Forceps 10.5 cm

20. Surgical Instruments

AESCULAP FORCEPS CONT. ADSON TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD511.................... AESCULAP Adson Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 12 cm

ADSON BROWN TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD700 .........................AESCULAP Adson Brown Tissue Forceps 12 cm



20BD222 ............................. AESCULAP Adson Dissecting Forceps 12 cm

TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD597 ............................ AESCULAP Tissue Forceps 4/5 Tooth 14.5 cm

BONNEY TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD693.................AESCULAP Bonney Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm

SEMKEN TISSUE FORCEPS 20BD665.............AESCULAP Semken Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 12.5 cm 20BD667................ AESCULAP Semken Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 15 cm 20BD670 ................ AESCULAP Semken Tissue Forceps 1/2 Tooth 18 cm


20FB400 ............... AESCULAP De Bakey Atraumata Dissecting Forceps

• •

150 mm long Jaw width: 2 mm

GILLIES NEEDLE HOLDERS 200850......................................Gillies Right Hand Needle Holders 16 cm 200851.........................................Gillies Left Hand Needle Holders 16 cm

With scissors

20. Surgical Instruments


GILLIES TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS 209835 ............................... Right Hand TC Gillies Needle Holders 16 cm 209837 ................................. Left Hand TC Gillies Needle Holders 16 cm

With scissors

MATHIEU NEEDLE HOLDERS 200854 ...................................................... Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm 200855....................................................... Mathieu Needle Holders 18 cm 200857....................................................... Mathieu Needle Holders 17 cm

MATHIEU TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS 209826...................... Mathieu Tungsten Carbide Needle Holders 14 cm 209827...................... Mathieu Tungsten Carbide Needle Holders 16 cm 209828...................... Mathieu Tungsten Carbide Needle Holders 18 cm 209829...................... Mathieu Tungsten Carbide Needle Holders 20 cm

OLSEN HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDERS 200869 ...............................................Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder s14 cm 200870................................................Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders 18 cm 200871.................................................Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders16 cm

With scissors

OLSEN HEGAR TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS 209820.......................................... TC Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders 14 cm 209821 .......................................... TC Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders 17 cm 209822.......................................... TC Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders 19 cm

With scissors

175 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

20. Surgical Instruments


GILLIES NEEDLE HOLDERS BI133-16 ......................ECHT German Gillies Right Hand Needle Holders 16 cm

With scissors

MATHIEU NEEDLE HOLDERS BI113-14 ........................... ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 14 cm BI113-17 ........................... ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 17 cm BI113-20 ........................... ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm BI277-20 ............................ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm Heavy Pattern


MATHIEU TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS BI412-14N ...................ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 14 cm TC BI412-17N....................ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 17 cm TC BI412-20N ...................ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm TC BI513-20........................... ECHT German Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm Tungsten Carbide Heavy Pattern

OLSEN HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDERS BI128-14 ....................ECHT German Olsen Hegar Needle Holders 14 cm BI130-19 ....................ECHT German Olsen Hegar Needle Holders 19 cm

With scissors

OLSEN HEGAR TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS BI426-14N .............................ECHT German Olsen Hegar Needle Holders


14 cm, Tungsten Carbide BI426-17N .............................ECHT German Olsen Hegar Needle Holders 17 cm, Tungsten Carbide

With scissors

MAYO HEGAR TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS BI305-16N ............................. ECHT German Mayo Hegar Needle Holders 16 cm, Tungsten Carbide BI306-18N............................. ECHT German Mayo Hegar Needle Holders 18 cm, Tungsten Carbide

Recommended for suture material up to 3/0

GILLIES NEEDLE HOLDERS 20BM299 ............. AESCULAP Gillies Right Hand Needle Holders 16 cm

With scissors

20. Surgical Instruments


GILLIES TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS 20BM129 ................ AESCULAP Gillies Duro Grip Needle Holders 16 cm

With scissors



20BM361 ...............................AESCULAP Mathieu Needle Holders 17 cm 20BM362 ...............................AESCULAP Mathieu Needle Holders 20 cm

MATHIEU TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDERS 20BM151.........................AESCULAP Mathieu Duro Grip Needle Holders 17 cm 20BM154 ....................... AESCULAP Mathieu Duro Grip Needles Holder 20 cm

OLSEN HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDERS 20BM290 ........................AESCULAP Olsen Hegar Needle Holders 14 cm 20BM291 ........................AESCULAP Olsen Hegar Needle Holders 18 cm

With scissors

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

20. Surgical Instruments

AESCULAP NEEDLE HOLDERS CONT. OLSEN HEGAR TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDER 20BM124................... AESCULAP Olsen Hegar Duro Grip Needle Holder 16.5 cm 20BM128 ....................AESCULAP Olsen Hegar Duro Grip Needle Holder 14 cm

With scissors

MAYO HEGAR NEEDLE HOLDER 20BM235 .............................................. Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 15 cm 20BM236 ...........................................Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 18.5 cm 20BM237 .............................................. Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 20 cm

Medium fine pattern


MAYO HEGAR TUNGSTEN CARBIDE NEEDLE HOLDER 20BM065 ...................AESCULAP Mayo Hegar Duro Grip Needle Holder 15 cm 20BM066 ...................AESCULAP Mayo Hegar Duro Grip Needle Holder 18 cm 20BM067 ................... AESCULAP Mayo Hegar Duro Grip Needle Holder 20 cm

Recommended for suture material up to 3/0

BARRAQUER MICRO NEEDLE HOLDERS 20BM560 ............... AESCULAP Barraquer Micro Needle Holder 11.5 cm


Straight without catch

MULTI-PURPOSE UNIVERSAL SCISSORS 202100 .............................................Universal Scissors Blue, 19.3 cm long 202102 ...............................................Universal Scissors Red 19.3 cm long

20. Surgical Instruments


202104 .......................................... Universal Scissors Yellow 19.3 cm long 202106 ............................................ Universal Scissors Black 19.3 cm long

BOWEL SCISSORS 202860......................................................................... Bowel Scissors 20 cm

HEATHS SUTURE SCISSORS 202865...............................................Heaths Stitch Suture Scissors 16 cm

LITTAUER SUTURE SCISSORS 202870 ............................................. Littauer Stitch Suture Scissors 14 cm

BANDAGE SCISSORS 202975 ...........................................................Lister Bandage Scissor 20 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

ECONOMY SCISSORS CONT. DRESSING SCISSORS Blunt/Blunt: 202120 ................................................... Dress Scissors B/B Straight 13 cm 202122 .....................................................Dress Scissors B/B Curved 13 cm 202124 ................................................... Dress Scissors B/B Straight 16 cm 202126 .....................................................Dress Scissors B/B Curved 16 cm 202128 ................................................ Dress Scissors B/B Straight 17.5 cm 202130 ..................................................Dress Scissors B/B Curved 17.5 cm 202132 ................................................... Dress Scissors B/B Straight 20 cm 202134 .....................................................Dress Scissors B/B Curved 20 cm



Sharp/Blunt: 202136 ....................................................Dress Scissors S/B Straight 13 cm 202138 ..................................................... Dress Scissors S/B Curved 13 cm 202140 ................................................ Dress Scissors S/B Straight 15.5 cm 202142 ..................................................Dress Scissors S/B Curved 15.5 cm 202144 ....................................................Dress Scissors S/B Straight 18 cm 202146 ..................................................... Dress Scissors S/B Curved 18 cm 202148 ....................................................Dress Scissors S/B Straight 20 cm 202150 ..................................................... Dress Scissors S/B Curved 20 cm

DRESSING SCISSORS Sharp/Sharp: 202152 ....................................................Dress Scissors S/S Straight 13 cm 202154 ..................................................... Dress Scissors S/S Curved 13 cm 202156 .................................................Dress Scissors S/S Straight 15.5 cm 202158 .................................................. Dress Scissors S/S Curved 15.5 cm 202160 .................................................Dress Scissors S/S Straight 17.5 cm 202162 .................................................. Dress Scissors S/S Curved 17.5 cm 202164 ....................................................Dress Scissors S/S Straight 20 cm


202166 ..................................................... Dress Scissors S/S Curved 20 cm

IRIS SCISSORS 202872 ............................................................... Straight Iris Scissors 11 cm 202873 .................................................................Curved Iris Scissors 11 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


MAYO SCISSORS 202874 ...........................................................Straight Mayo Scissors 14 cm 202875 ............................................................ Curved Mayo Scissors 14 cm 202876 ...........................................................Straight Mayo Scissors 16 cm 202878 ...........................................................Straight Mayo Scissors 18 cm 202879 ............................................................ Curved Mayo Scissors 18 cm

METZENBAUM SCISSORS 202965............................................................Straight Metz Scissors 18 cm 202966............................................................. Curved Metz Scissors 18 cm 202967 ........................................................ Straight Metz Scissors 14.5 cm 202968..........................................................Curved Metz Scissors 14.5 cm

181 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

202877 ............................................................ Curved Mayo Scissors 16 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


IRIS SCISSORS SM0100 ...................................... ECHT German Straight Iris Scissors 9 cm SM0101 .......................ECHT German Iris-Schere Scissors Curved 9.5 cm SM0110 .................................ECHT German Straight Iris Scissors 11.5 cm SM0111 .................................. ECHT German Curved Iris Scissors 11.5 cm

MAYO SCISSORS SM0364 .............................. ECHT German Mayo Straight Scissors 14 cm SM0366 .............................. ECHT German Mayo Straight Scissors 17 cm SM0367.................................ECHT German Mayo Curved Scissors 14 cm


SM0368 .............................ECHT German Mayo Curved Scissors 15.5 cm SM0369.................................ECHT German Mayo Curved Scissors 17 cm

MAYO SCISSORS TUNGSTEN CARBIDE SM2364.........................ECHT German Mayo Scissors T/C Straight 14 cm SM2367 .......................... ECHT German Mayo Scissors T/C Curved 14 cm SM2366.........................ECHT German Mayo Scissors T/C Straight 17 cm SM2369.......................... ECHT German Mayo Scissors T/C Curved 17 cm

METZENBAUM SCISSORS SM0190 ............................. ECHT German Metz Straight Scissors 14.5 cm SM0191 ...............................ECHT German Metz Curved Scissors 14.5 cm SM0192 ................... ECHT German Metz Baby Straight Scissors 14.5 cm SM0193 .....................ECHT German Metz Baby Curved Scissors 14.5 cm SM0200 ............................... ECHT German Metz Straight Scissors 18 cm


SM0201..................................ECHT German Metz Curved Scissors 18 cm

LITTAUER SUTURE SCISSORS 20BC803 .............................. AESCULAP Littauer Suture Scissors 13.5 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


BANDAGE SCISSORS 20BC862 ................................... AESCULAP Lister Bandage Scissor 18 cm 20BC863 ................................... AESCULAP Lister Bandage Scissor 20 cm

DRESSING SCISSORS Blunt/Blunt: 20BC313 ............................AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Straight 13 cm 20BC314 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Straight 14.5 cm 20BC315 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Straight 15.5 cm 20BC317..........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Straight 17.5 cm 20BC413.............................. AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Curved 13 cm 20BC415........................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Curved 15.5 cm 20BC417........................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors B/B Curved 17.5 cm

DRESSING SCISSORS Sharp/Blunt: 20BC323 ............................ AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 13 cm 20BC325 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 15.5 cm 20BC327 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 17.5 cm 20BC423 ..............................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 13 cm 20BC425 .......................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 15.5 cm 20BC427 .......................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 17.5 cm

DRESSING SCISSORS Sharp/Blunt: 20BC323 ............................ AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 13 cm 20BC325 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 15.5 cm 20BC327 .........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Straight 17.5 cm 20BC423 ..............................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 13 cm 20BC425 .......................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 15.5 cm 20BC427 .......................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/B Curved 17.5 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

AESCULAP SCISSORS CONT. DRESSING SCISSORS Sharp/Sharp: 20BC343 ............................ AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Straight 13 cm 20BC345 ............................ AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Straight 15 cm 20BC346 ......................... AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Straight 17.5 cm 20BC441 ...........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Curved 11.5 cm 20BC443 ..............................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Curved 13 cm 20BC445 ...........................AESCULAP Dress Scissors S/S Curved 15.5 cm

IRIS SCISSORS 20BC100 .......................................... AESCULAP Iris Scissors Straight 9 cm 20BC106 .................................... AESCULAP Iris Scissors Straight 11.5 cm 20BC110.........................................AESCULAP Iris Scissors Straight 11 cm


20BC111 .......................................... AESCULAP Iris Scissors Curved 11 cm

MAYO SCISSORS 20BC544 ................................... AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Straight 14 cm 20BC545 ................................AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Straight 15.5 cm 20BC547 ................................... AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Straight 17 cm 20BC554 .....................................AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Curved 14 cm 20BC555 ................................. AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Curved 15.5 cm 20BC557 .....................................AESCULAP Mayo Scissors Curved 17 cm

METZENBAUM SCISSORS 20BC601 .................................AESCULAP Metz Scissors Straight 14.5 cm 20BC602 .................................... AESCULAP Metz Scissors Straight 18 cm 20BC605 .................................. AESCULAP Metz Scissors Curved 14.5 cm 20BC606 ......................................AESCULAP Metz Scissors Curved 18 cm 20BC607 ......................................AESCULAP Metz Scissors Curved 20 cm 20BC613..................................... AESCULAP Metz Scissors Straight 28 cm 20BC600 .......................AESCULAP Baby Metz Scissors Straight 14.5 cm


20BC603 ........................ AESCULAP Baby Metz Scissors Curved 14.5 cm

METZENBAUM SCISSORS TUNGSTEN CARBIDE 20BC267W............ AESCULAP Metzenbaum Tungsten Carbide Scissors Curved 23 cm 20BC262.............AESCULAP Metzenbaum Tungsten Carbide Duro Grip Straight Scissors 18 cm 20BC263 ............AESCULAP Metzenbaum Tungsten Carbide Duro Grip Curved Scissors 18 cm

PROBE POINTED SCISSORS 20BC030 ...................................AESCULAP Vessel Probe Pointed Scissors Straight 12 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


AESCULAP STRABISMUS SCISSORS 20BC165 ....................... AESCULAP Strabismus Curved Scissors 11.5 cm 20BC164 ......................AESCULAP Strabismus Straight Scissors 11.5 cm

SPENCER LIGATURE SCISSORS 20BC801 ................................ AESCULAP Spencer Ligature Scissors 9 cm 20BC802 ...........................AESCULAP Spencer Ligature Scissors 11.5 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

SCALPEL HANDLES 200860 ..............................................................................Scalpel Handle #3 200861...............................................................................Scalpel Handle #4 200864 ....................................................................Scalpel Long Handle #3 200865.....................................................................Scalpel Long Handle #4 20BB084 .........................AESCULAP Scalpel Handle #4 for blades 18-36

FOLDING SCALPEL HANDLES 200862 .............................................................. Scalpel Folding Handle #3 200863................................................................ Scalpel Folding Handle #4

SAW SCALPEL BLADE 20GC615 ............................................................................Saw Scalpel Blade


SPEY HOOKS 200880 .................................................... Spey Hook Cat/Dog 11 cm Shaft 21 cm Overall Length 200881.................................................................Spey Hook Cat 7 cm Shaft 17 cm Overall Length

TATTOO SPEY PLIERS 200900 ..............................................................................Tattoo Spey Pliers 200906 .....................................................................Tattoo Microchip Pliers

REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR TATTOO PLIERS 200902.................................................. Nylon Block for Tattoo Spey Pliers


200905 .......................................... Tattoo Spey Symbol with Nylon Block 200901.................................................Replacement Screw for Spey Block

MICROCHIP SYMBOL FOR TATTOO PLIERS 200907........................................................ Tattoo Microchip Symbol Only

200911 ...........................................................................Tattoo Letters 5 mm

Only suitable for 5 mm tattoo pliers


20. Surgical Instruments


200918 ........................................................ Roll - On Tattoo Ink Green 2 oz 200919 ..........................................................Roll - On Tattoo Ink Black 2 oz

TATTOO PASTE 350620............................................................ Tattoo Paste Black 60 grams

X-ACTION TOWEL CLIP 200885 ........................................................................... X-Action Towel Clip

BACHAUS TOWEL CLIP 200887................................................................... Bachaus Towel Clip 9 cm 200888 ................................................................Bachaus Towel Clip 11 cm

187 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

350625........................................................... Tattoo Paste Green 60 grams

20. Surgical Instruments

VAGINAL SPECULUM 200893................................Small Animal Vaginal Speculum 8.5 x 3.5 cm 12.5 cm handle length

VAGINAL SPECULUM 200898 ..................... Large Vaginal Speculum Dog/Sheep 18 x 11.5 cm 8 cm handle length

SIMS SPECULUM 200894 ............................................................ Sims Vaginal Speculum 820 20EA820 .............................................. Sims Rectal Speculum 7.7 x 1.7 cm 16 cm handle length

7.7 cm


16 cm

1.7 cm

HARTMAN NASAL SPECULUM 200896 .................................................... Hartman Nasal Speculum 15 cm



Opens to 2 cm

GELPI RETRACTOR 200986 .......................................................................Gelpi Retractor 12 cm 200990 .......................................................................Gelpi Retractor 16 cm 20BV997 ................................................ AESCULAP Gelpi Retractor 17 cm

WEITLANER RETRACTOR 200992................................................................ Weitlaner Retractor 13 cm 200995................................................................ Weitlaner Retractor 16 cm

9 cm

200895......................................................Cow Duckbill Vaginal Speculum

32 cm opens to 13 cm


200996 ................................................Balfour Baby Abdominal Retractor

• •

Lateral blades: 2.7 cm deep Centre blade: 2.1 x 2.4 cm

20. Surgical Instruments



SENN MILLER RETRACTOR 201000 .........................................................................Senn Miller Retractor 20BT008 ......................................AESCULAP Senn Miller Retractor 16 cm

• • •

Double ended Sharp 8 x 7 mm / 18 x 5.5 mm

LANGENBECK RETRACTOR 201050 ................................................... Langenbeck Retractor, 3 x 1.6 cm

ROAR EQUINE RETRACTOR 201510 ....................................................................... Roar Equine Retractor

189 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

200997................................................................................ Balfour Retractor

20. Surgical Instruments

US ARMY RETRACTOR 200998 ................................................. US Army Retractor 21 cm, Set of 2

LIGATURE NEEDLE 20BM748..........................AESCULAP Deschamps Ligature Needle Sharp Right Hand 20 cm 20BM749 ........................ AESCULAP Deschamps Ligature Needle Sharp Left Hand 20 cm 20BM810 ......................... AESCULAP Deschamps Ligature Needle Blunt Right Hand 20 cm 20BM811.......................... AESCULAP Deschamps Ligature Needle Blunt Left Hand 20 cm



20BM861 ........................... AESCULAP Ligature Needle Malleable 23 cm

GERLACH NEEDLE 20VC090 ........................................................Gerlach Suture Needle 15 cm

BUHNER NEEDLE 201175S...................................................SURGICON Buhner Needle 25 cm

SKIN STAPLER 201080 ........................................................................Reflex Skin Stapler 35


Arrow guide for accurate placement. Open nosepiece and low profile to allow clear view of staple placement. Contains 35, 5.7 mm regular staples. Counter display to show number of staples left. • Disposable • Sterile • Individually packaged

SKIN STAPLER REMOVER 201081 ................................. Reflex Stainless Steel Skin Stapler Remover

Stainless steel construction, fits hand comfortably. Bevelled jaws take staple legs out perpendicular to the skin.

201400 ................................................Graft Passer Curved 2 cm Diameter 201401 ................................................Graft Passer Curved 3 cm Diameter 201402 .............................................Graft Passer Curved 4.5 cm Diameter

STERILE HAEMATOMA PADS 201640 ........................................Sterile Aural Haematoma Pad 12 x 8 cm

20. Surgical Instruments


Sterile Aural Haematoma pads are a compression pad that gives good ventilation and great cosmetic results. Easily cut to suitable shape. The pad consists of an inner, open, soft foam layer and one tougher outer surface where sutures are placed.

201981 ..........................................................................Surgical Scrub Brush

Specification: • Autoclavable scrub brush • Black nylon fibres • Surgeons choice

INSTRUMENT HOLDER 202500...................................................................Instrument Holder 11cm

SCROTAL TAPE 202983......................................................................... Scrotal Tape for Bulls

All metal, metric tape used as a tool in bull evaluation. Scrotal circumference provides estimation of bull’s ability to produce semen. Includes a table of average scrotal circumference of most beef breeds compared by age.

FECAL LOOPS 203510 ...................................................................... Fecal Loop Dog, 23 cm 203511 ...................................................................Fecal Loop Puppy, 12 cm

A small, pencil-sized, flexible rod with a loop on each end. This can easily be inserted into the rectum and a small amount of fecal material trapped in the loop. • Reusable • Clean, disinfect, and use repeatedly • Two convenient sizes available

191 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


20. Surgical Instruments

BIOPSY PUNCH 204500...................................................... Disposable Biopsy Punch 3 mm 204505...................................................... Disposable Biopsy Punch 4 mm 204510 ...................................................... Disposable Biopsy Punch 6 mm 204512 ...................................................... Disposable Biopsy Punch 8 mm

Specifications • For sampling of tissues • Disposable • Sterile packed

WIRE CUTTER 209841................................................................Wire Cutter End Cut 16 cm

192 209843............................................................Wire Cutter Side Cut 22.5 cm

EQUINE ROAR BURR 201500 ................................................................. Equine Roar Burr 21.8 cm

• •

Length: 21.8 cm Burr dimensions: 1.3 cm wide x 1.8 cm long

TENOTOMY KNIFE 20BA546 ................. AESCULAP Bistoury Tendon Tenotomy Knife Sickle Shaped, Blunt, Size 46, 14.5 - 17.5 cm


20BA546s ..................................................Cooper Bistoury Stainless Steel

AESCULAP INSTRUMENT SPRAY 20JG600 ........................................... AESCULAP Instrument Spray 300 ml

AESCULAP Instrument spray in aerosol can (ozone friendly) for maintenance of instruments prior to sterilization.

201180 .......................................................... Vaginal Suture Tape 5 metres

For use with 201175s - Buhner Needle.

20. Surgical Instruments


SUTURE TAPE 201181....................................................Vaginal Suture Tape 27.43 metres

MICHEL SUTURE CLIPS 20BN512 .................. AESCULAP Michel Suture Clip 12 x 2.5 mm 100/pk 20BN515 ..................... AESCULAP Michel Suture Clip 14 x 3 mm 100/pk 20BN516 ..................... AESCULAP Michel Suture Clip 16 x 3 mm 100/pk

MICHEL SUTURE FORCEPS 20BN750 ........................ AESCULAP Michel Suture Clip Forceps 12.5 cm

For applying and removing suture clips.

193 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

For use with 201175s - Buhner Needle. Vet-Tie Braided Tape is a non-sterile, polyester braided tape developed for use with Pro-Fix® Tubes (rectal rings) in repairing rectal prolapse in swine, ovine, and bovine. Vet-Tie can also be used in surgical procedures as a suture material or umbilical tape. VetTie Braided Tape is packaged in a unique plastic vial, which permits dispensing of tape without removing the lid. 7.94 mm x 27.43 m.



CoJack-Plus Multi-Purpose Table


Equine Surgery Tables

Theatre Clothing

Surgery Tables

Stainless Steel Ware

Examination Tables

Mobile Prep Tables

Mobile Animal Lift Table

Scissor Lift Table

Compact Mobile Vet Equipment Cart

Instrument Stands

Tub Tables

Scrub Sink

Plumbing Fixtures

Dynamic Standing Support Chair

Infusion Pump

IV Administration Infusion Set

Syringe Pump

Mobile IV Drip Stand

Cage Mount for IV Pump

IV Pump Holder

Infusion Bag Swivel

Fluid Warmer

Vacufoam Support Positioners

Patient Warming

Animal Stretcher

Suction Units

Microchip Scanner/Reader

Animal Scales

21. Hospital Equipment

COJACK MULTI-PURPOSE TABLE 210009 ..................................Shor-Line CoJack-Plus Multi-Purpose Table

All your patient lifting, exam, transport and surgical procedures in one table. Another of the Shor-Line Back-Saving products, the CoJack Multi-Purpose Table offers more than just years of service. It offers the budget conscious the opportunity to own a sturdy table that can lift, tilt and transport without the clutter of numerous tables that serve just one function. • 558 mm x 1524 mm stainless steel table top with raised edge to channel fluids to drain opening • Top raises from 335 mm to 1016 mm with a 60° tilt capability • Four sliding tie-down restraints • Four corrosion resistant, 360° swivel and total locking casters with non-marring polyurethane wheels • Lift/Tilt rocker switch selection is activated by a footswitch • Rechargeable 24 volt actuator system • Lifts up to 113 kgs

Foot Pedal

Lift/Tilt Rocker Switch

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

HAICO BASIC EQUINE SURGERY TABLE ...............................................................Haico BASIC Equine Surgery Table

Equine surgery table with great quality and budget price! Removable middle panels allow you to get closer to the patient. Head support can be moved sideways in three places and leg support can be fitted in eight places. Extra equipment available. Power 110V/230V. Features • Removable middle panels • Width without middle panels 500 mm • Head support can be moved sideways in three places • Adjustable leg support • Extra equipment available (eg. padding) • Service free structure • High quality and neat appearance • Rolling and directional brakes • 3 year warranty


Dimensions Total length

2800 mm


1060 x 2000 mm

Head support

400 x 800 mm

Width of the table excluding side panels

520 mm

Side panels

250 x 600 mm


300 kgs

Adjustability Minimum height

280 mm without padding

Maximum height

1070 mm without padding

Head support

Sideways movable



Maximum load

1300 kgs


100 mm diameter, zinc plated


In all wheels

Directional lock

In one wheel

Surface coating

Zinc plated, powder painted frame


Rubber cover surrounds the lifting machinery


110V / 230V

21. Hospital Equipment

HAICO TELGTE II EQUINE SURGERY TABLE ........................................................... Haico Telgte II Equine Surgery Table

The advanced function and design of the high quality Haico surgery tables fulfill all requirements of an up-to-date equine surgeon. Where quality, safety, function and hygiene are the keymarks, these state-of-the-art surgery tables are the best choice. Features • Extreme versatile leg support • Accessories include square or triangle colon trap • Fast on/off middle panel • Extensive range of accessories • Stainless steel wheel castors with directional lock • Push buttons on both sides of the table. Using is easy and reliable • Unique system in leg support attachment for easy handling • Side panels can be locked steplessly by the gas hydraulic cylinders • Strong and flexible cover to protect mechanics and electronics

Dimensions Table

2900 x 1400 mm

Extended length

3400 mm

Head support of the table

900 x 1000 mm

Width of the table excluding side panels

500 mm

Side panels, table

500 x 350 mm

Side panels, head support

850 x 350 mm


Ø 150 mm

Padding thickness

50 mm


470 kgs

Extreme versatile leg support

Accessories includes square or triangle colon tray

Adjustability Minimum height

320 mm

Maximum height

1120 mm

Pelvic angle


Head support


Loading Maximum load

1200 kgs

Lifting time

30 seconds

Tilt option + / - 25%

Electric equipment Operating voltage

12 V

Battery type: Service free lead acid, cycle application

12 V, 42 Ah

Automatic battery charger output

12 V, 6 A

Charger input

110 V US model / 240 V A C / 50-60 Hz

Battery charging time

6 hours - Table can be used during charging

Full battery

50 - 100 lifts

Surface Coating

Zinc plated, powder painted frame


General 3 years, metal parts 5 years Great manoeuvrability

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment



HAICO PRO3 EQUINE SURGERY TABLE ................................................................Haico PRO3 Equine Surgery Table

Masterpiece for veterinary professionals. Main benefits of the Haico PRO3 Table • 4-way tilt, longitudinal +/- 25° (pelvic angle required for laparoscopic surgery called Trendelenburg position) and lateral +/- 12° - There are some latest indications in abdominal surgery where a lateral lift is helpful • Table top is 200 mm longer and 50 mm wider that in the Telgte II - Telgte II table is mainly designed for horses like medium size warmbloods and thoroughbred race horses. This model table top is also suitable for bigger warmbloods and any other breed that are bigger. This gives more possibility to position the horse on the table. The HAICO PRO3 can however be suited for smaller horses perfectly as well • Removable middle panel is 150 mm longer than the Telgte II model - This will allow much more mobility to the surgeon spec in abdominal surgery • All side panels are easily removable. Head support can be moved sideways from end to end and are also removeable - All this will allow perfect access of the surgeon and nurses in what ever position the horse is on the table. Also the horse can be positioned ideally for any specific need • Control buttons located in front - Easy access and location. Wireless remote control also included for fluent operation of the table top • Two speeds on lifting: normal speed when the horse is on the table and quicker speed for lifting unloaded table Double speed (from bottom to top in approx. 10 seconds) on lifting will make the operation of the table when empty faster and more convenient. Nurses/Surgeons do not have to stay on their knees for a long time moving the table from down position to up, this especially helpful when the surgery is over and they are cleaning the table and it also saves the battery load. This character was greatly appreciated by nurses and surgeons. Normal speed is adapted when the patient is on the table • Special treatment on all metal surfaces - The treatment will protect from corrosion for several years ahead • Special Battery - 10 years service life plus many smaller technical improvements • Purpose designed extra air padding unit (optional) - Allows easy access from all directions to the horse. Supports on important areas where the pelvis and wrist are resting in dorsal recumbence

With horizontal to near vertical positioning, the patient can be positioned without external devices. The new Flip Open Trough™ design provides ergonomic ease of use and ready access to cleaning of the trough. The Hydraulic Jack allows for placement of the table to be anywhere the customer sees fit, no cords to contend with, reliable operation and lifts up to 113 kgs. • V-Top: The new V-Top features two ploymer five lobe ergonomic knobs for the new Flip Open Trough™ design of the top panels. This new design allows the tops to open to 270° for easy access to the trough for removal of surgical waste. The trough can then be cleaned and reinserted for the next surgical procedure • The new Hydraulic Jack functions as a salon chair. Holding to the very bottom will release the Hydraulic Jack • Continuum Surgery Table Base: The stainless steel hemmed column cover evokes a clean and sophisticated design. The round, tubular "X" base is designed with enough clearance for feet and other surgical tools that need to be in close proximity of the table. The base is powder-coated gun metal grey and will stand up to cleaning and disinfecting agents • A 76 mm (3") stainless steel trough permits fluid runoff into a drain outlet • Table can be lifted from 774 to 1041 mm (30½" to 41") via hydraulic mechanism • Optional height extenders available upon request

CONTINUUM FLAT-TOP SURGERY TABLE 210048 ...............................Shor-Line Continuum Flat-Top Surgery Table

The one piece table top eliminates seams and sharp edges helping to promote a bacteria free environment. The Hydraulic Jack allows for placement of the table to be anywhere the customer sees fit, no cords to contend with, reliable operation and lifts up to 113 kgs. • Extra large 559 x 1524 mm flat top • Attachment rail system runs continually along the sides and ends of the table • Four sliding, quick-release, cam cleat tie-down attachments are provided, and can be tightened in any position along the rail • The new Hydraulic Jack functions as a salon chair. Holding to the very bottom will release the Hydraulic Jack • Continuum Surgery Table Base: The stainless steel hemmed column cover evokes a clean and sophisticated design. The round, tubular “X” base is designed with enough clearance for feet and other surgical tools that need to be in close proximity of the table. The base is powder-coated gun metal grey and will stand up to cleaning and disinfecting agents • Table can be lifted from 774 mm to 1016 mm via hydraulic mechanism • Optional height extenders available upon request

21. Hospital Equipment

210049 ................................... Shor-Line Continuum V-Top Surgery Table

199 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

CLASSIC V-TOP SURGERY TABLE 210015 ............................................Shor-Line Classic V-Top Surgery Table 210016 ..............................Shor-Line Classic Heated V-Top Surgery Table 210017 ...........................................Heat Upgrade for V-Top Surgery Table

The V-Top acts as a helper during surgery, keeping the patient in the correct position. It gives you flexibility to go from straight horizontal and level to V-Shaped, near vertical positioning without external devices. You choose how you want to operate. • •


• • • • • • • •

High-quality, durable stainless steel table surfaces Two polymer five lobe ergonomic knobs open the new Flip Open Trough™ design. This new design allows the tops to open to 270° for easy access to remove surgical waste. Just clean the trough and reinsert the tray for the next surgical procedure Two-panel system that adjusts from horizontal to near vertical to hold the patient in the desired position during surgery Two sliding, quick-release, cam cleat tie-down attachments provided on each side of the attachment rail 3" stainless steel trough permits fluid runoff into a drain outlet Table can be lifted from 774 mm to 1041 mm (30½" to 41") via hydraulic mechanism Top can rotate 360 degrees or be stationary Solid stainless steel base that lasts for decades Specs: Overall size of the top is 482 mm W x 1473 L mm (19"W x 58"L) Need it taller? Optional height extenders available. (76 mm (3") higher 803.4000.09; 152 mm (6") higher 803.4000.07) Also available in electric


The heated option has the same specifications plus: Our Heated Classic V-Top has the same great features as our Classic V-Top with the addition of dual heating panels to help prevent hypothermia during small animal surgeries.

Thermostatic control

21. Hospital Equipment

CLASSIC FLAT-TOP SURGERY TABLE 210010 ....................................... Shor-Line Classic Flat-Top Surgery Table 210011 ......................... Shor-Line Heated Classic Flat-Top Surgery Table 210012 ...................................... Heat Upgrade for Flat-Top Surgery Table

The heated option has the same specifications plus: Our Heated Classic Flat-Top has the same great features as our Classic Flat-Top with the addition of a heating panel to help prevent hypothermia during small animal surgeries. • 381 mm x 1168 mm (15" x 46") heated area • The thermostatic control mounted on the frame has a timer for 60, 90 and 120 minutes • There is a built-in alarm and shut-off to alert you to an overheating situation • Factory-set temperature is maintained at 35ºC with even heat distribution. (The temperature is NOT adjustable)


Thermostatic control

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Premium stainless steel is crafted with smooth, radiused curves to a graceful but functional, seamless table that promotes a bacteriafree environment. • Directional tilt lock secures the top in almost any position, from horizontal to near vertical • Extra large 558 mm W x 1524 mm L (22" x 60") stainless steel flat top. • Raised centre permits fluid run-off into a perimeter trough and to a drain outlet • Top rotates 360° (hydraulic base only). • Attachment rail system runs continually along the sides and ends of the table • Four sliding, quick-release, cam cleat tie-down attachments come with the table, allowing you to tighten them in any position along the rail • Hydraulic mechanism lifts table from 730 mm to 1009 mm (28¾" to 39¾") • Need it taller? Optional height extenders available. (76 mm (3") higher 803.4000.09; 152 mm (6") higher 803.4000.07)

21. Hospital Equipment

FELINE SURGERY TABLE 210013 ........................................................Shor-Line Feline Surgery Table

This space saver provides the same great table as our Classic line but with a shorter length. The same one-piece design is crafted with radiused curves and a smooth, moulded surface that drains off fluid, helping to make the table easy to maintain. • Stainless Steel Top features a drain outlet • Directional tilt lock secures the top in almost any position, from horizontal to near vertical • Top rotates 360° (hydraulic only) • Attachment rail system runs along the sides of the table • Four sliding, quick-release, cam cleat tie-down attachments are provided, and can be tightened in any position along the rail • Table can be lifted from 730 mm to 1009 mm (28¾" to 39¾") via hydraulic mechanism • Specs: 508 mm W x 1130 mm L (20"W x 44½"L) flat top

202 PEDESTAL BASE EXAM TABLE 210021 .............................................. Shor-Line Pedestal Base Exam Table

Quality stainless steel exam table at a budget price. • Heavy, tip-resistant base has adjustable leveling feet • 508 mm W x 1130 mm L (44½” L x 20” W) exam surface with raised edge to prevent fluid run-off • Overall height is 889 mm (35”)



210018 ................ Shor-Line Fold-Up Wall Mount Exam Table Peninsula


210018L ....................Shor-Line Fold-Up Wall Mount Exam Table Lateral

Maximize valuable space with our Fold-Up Wall Mount Table. Wall mount design leaves floor space open. • The ONLY folding table on the market with radiused corners • 20 gauge stainless steel exam table is 1117 x 558 mm (44" L x 22" W) with raised edge to prevent fluid run off • Fluid retaining shelf collects fluid run off if table is lifted before it is cleaned • Adjustable counterbalance spring for fine adjustment providing a near weightless table throughout the travel • 139 mm (5½") from the wall when folded up • 90 kgs capacity • Table is easily mounted to any standard 50 x 101 mm reinforced wooden stud wall with 406 mm stud centres. Also compatible with our Stainless Steel Utility Chase • Cabinet mounting option available

Fold-Up Feature


21. Hospital Equipment


210028 ...............................Shor-Line Stationary Wall Mount Exam Table

Large exam surface with storage drawer. Wall mount design leaves floor space open. • Extra-large stainless steel exam surface, 1168 mm L x 558 mm W (46" L x 22"W) • Storage drawer is 279 mm W x 393 mm L x 107 mm H (11" W x 15½" L x 4¼"H)


BLUE-LINE FOLD-UP WALL MOUNT EXAM TABLE STANDARD BLUE 210080 ....................Shor-Line Blue-Line Fold-Up Exam Table Peninsula 210080L ....................... Shor-Line Blue-Line Fold-Up Exam Table Lateral

MOBILE PREP TABLE 210029 ............................................................ Shor-Line Mobile Prep Table

Designed to move patients or monitoring and treatment equipment around your hospital with ease. • Stainless steel construction • 508 mm W x 1130 mm L (20" W x 44½") prep surface • 863 mm (34") height provides a convenient match-up to most tables in your facility • 127 mm (5") locking casters, corrosion proof

203 Fold-Up Feature


Fold-Up Feature

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Blue-Line Wall Mounts provide a creative splash of color to a sturdy, stainless steel table filled with versatile features. The Blue-Line Fold-Up Wall Mount Table offers extra stability and elegance while maximizing valuable floor space with the industry approved Shor-Line wall mount design. • The ONLY Fold-Up Wall Mount with radiused corners • Laminated polyurethane edging holds up to one litre of fluid • Torsion spring technology allows you to easily and safely raise and lower the table • Wall Mount allows you to set the height to your ergonomically correct working height • Weight capacity: 90 kgs (when installed based on manufacturer’s recommendations) • Table mounting template included • Specs: Table Top is 1130 mm L x 571 mm W x 25 mm H (44½"L x 22½"W x 1"H). 25 mm (5") from the wall when folded up. • Easy to mount to any standard 50 mm x 100 mm (2" x 4") reinforced wooden stud wall with 406 mm or 609 mm (16" or 24") stud centers • Also compatible with the Shor-Line stainless steel utility chase • Cabinet mounting option and specialized cabinetry available.

21. Hospital Equipment

BLUE-LINE MOBILE PREP TABLE 210081 ...........................................Shor-Line Blue-line Mobile Prep Table

The Blue-Line Mobile Prep Table is designed to move patients or monitoring/treatment equipment around your hospital with ease. • Durable Stainless Steel construction that’s built to last • Two levels for storage • 863 mm (34") height provides a convenient match-up to most tables • (5") locking corrosion proof casters provide mobility • Specs: table top is 1130 mm L x 571 mm W x 25 mm H (44½"L x 22½"W x 1"H) • Available in Standard Blue, Jade, Taupe Grey or Black

Taupe Gray


204 Black



210025 ................................................ Shor-Line Mobile Animal Lift Table

The multi-functional Mobile Animal Lift Table solves your lifting, exam and treatment issues, especially for injured and Post-Op patients. • Foot switch engages a quiet, battery operated rechargeable actuator system that lifts up to 90 kgs • Table top rises from 273 mm to 949 mm high (10¾" to 37¼" high • Stainless steel exam top is 1130 mm L x 508 mm W (44½" L x 20" W) with raised edges to prevent fluid run-off • Features an aggressive behaviour position: When placed laterally against a wall, the Mobile Animal Lift table features two tie-down restraint cleats on each side of the table that can be used to restrain a fractious patient • Corrosion resistant reinforced nylon locking casters and rotating non-marring bumpers • Optional mounted scale also available Foot Switch

Practical heavy duty exam table. Easy operation by foot operated hydraulic pump for table lift. Hand brake release. • Yellow powder coated baked enamel • Lifting capacity: 300 kgs • Fluid retaining lip on table • Wheels: 2 swivel and 2 fixed • Maximum platform height: Approx. 375 mm • 1 swivel brake wheel • Table size: 1130 x 510 mm • Stainless steel top • Handle height: 820 mm • Unit weight: 40 kgs

COMPACT MOBILE VET EQUIPMENT CART 210034 .............................................Compact Mobile Vet Equipment Cart

Aluminum scissor cart with large wheels for rough terrain and larger capacity top tray suitable for digital x-ray systems. • Welded aluminum construction • Chrome ball-bearing casters with brakes • Stainless steel fasteners throughout • Rubber trim protects exposed edges • Lightweight and easy to carry at only 10 kgs • Holds up to 34 kgs • Folded dimensions: 268 x 520 x 635 mm • Top tray dimensions: 425.5 x 552.5 mm

21. Hospital Equipment

210026 ................................................................................. Scissor Lift Table

205 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

SHOR-LINE MAYO STAND 210007 ....................................................................... Shor-Line Mayo Stand

Compact size, but large enough for most surgical procedures. • Removable stainless steel tray measures 304 mm W x 482 mm L x 19 mm D (12½" W x 19" L x ¾"D) • Easy-slide extension posts allow height adjustments from 836 mm to 1346 mm high (35" to 55" H) • Legs and base are constructed of 25 mm (1") chrome plated steel tubing • Grey hard rubber casters allow for easy transport

MOBILE INSTRUMENT STAND 210005 ..................................................................Mobile Instrument Stand


Compact size, but large enough for most surgical procedures. • Chrome plated stand adjusts from 762 mm to 1270 mm high (30" to 50" high) • Ergonomically designed handles make adjustments simple. • Base consists of five 571 mm (22½") diameter epoxy coated steel legs • Five heavy-duty casters allow for easy manoeuvrability • Specs: Removable stainless steel tray measures 317 mm W x 482 mm L x 19 mm D (12½"W x 19"L x ¾"D)

SHOR-LINE TUB TABLE 6” DEPTH 210030 .........................................Shor-Line Tub Table 60” Long, 6” Depth


210031 ...................................... Shor-Line Tub Table 60” Long, 16” Depth

You can use this tub table anywhere in your facility. Because it’s 100% stainless steel, it’s perfect for any area with high humidity or wet floors. • All Tubs are 625 mm wide and 914 mm high (245/8" W and 36" H) • Tubs are supported on a stainless steel frame, constructed of 31 mm (1¼") square tubing • 2 piece, stainless steel grill included • Plumbing fixtures to be purchased separately (drain and tap set) • 6" depth tub table 1524 mm Long x 152 mm Deep (60" L x 6" D) • 16" depth tub table 1524 mm Long x 406 mm Deep (60" L x 16" D)

21. Hospital Equipment

SHOR-LINE BI-LEVEL TUB TABLE 210032 ............................................................ Shor-Line Bi-Level Tub Table

Our Bi-Level Tub is truly multi-purpose. Bathe small and large pets or use for dental and other procedures. You can even use this tub to wash cage and table accessories while using the upper level as a drain board. • Manufactured with seamless weld construction from 14-gauge austenitic stainless steel. Measures 2635 mm W x 914 mm H (5"W X 36"H) • The tub is sturdily supported by four stainless steel tubular legs that feature fully enclosed gussets and adjustable feet • The sloping portion of the tub tapers from 120 mm to 146 mm (4¾" to 5¾") before dropping to a 457 mm (18") depth • The inner dimensions measure 550 mm W x 1371 mm L (2111⁄16" W x 54"L) and the outer dimensions are 635 mm W x 1536 mm L (25"W x 60½"L) • The height from the floor to the tub top is 914 mm (36"), and 1536 mm (18") from the floor to the bottom of the tub • All holes for the faucet and drains are pre-drilled. Drain is 88 mm (3½") diameter • Removable stainless steel grill is included • Plumbing fixtures to be purchased separately (drain and tap set)

SCRUB SINK PACKAGE 210040 .................................... Shor-Line Scrub Sink with Infrared Faucet

Our newly improved Elite Scrub Sink has designer touches that provide additional wall protection. It is perfect for pre-surgical scrub-up and is an essential part of daily cleaning chores. Its heavy duty stainless steel construction provides strength for day to day abuse. • All packages include Scrub Sink, Rigid Gooseneck Faucet (210042) and drain unit with removable stainless steel basket (210044) • The Scrub sink is 546 mm W x 838 mm L (21" W x 33" L) with a 279 mm D (21½"D) bowl and backsplash • Scrub Sink also available with Foot Pedal (990.0400.173) or Knee Valve (990.0400.172)

Scrub Sink with Infrared Faucet

Knee Valve

Foot Pedal

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

RIGID GOOSENECK FAUCET 210042 ................................................. Shor-Line Rigid Gooseneck Faucet

Rigid Gooseneck Faucet for Scrub Sink 210040.

ECONOMY DECK MOUNT FAUCET 210043 ....................Shor-Line Tap Set Deck Mount Spray Head, 8' Hose


Lightweight aluminum spray head provides less fatigue when bathing. • Wide-radius gooseneck nozzle with aerator and automatic diverter directs water stream where it's needed most • Large 101 mm (4") long faucet handles allow activation with wrist or forearm • 2.4 m (8’) stainless steel hose (optional stainless steel spray head also available upon request 804.0006.53)

SINK DRAIN KIT 210044 ...............................Shor-Line Sink Drain Kit with Strainer Basket


• • •

88 mm (3½") in diameter Recessed sink drain kit for tub tables Comes with strainer basket

21. Hospital Equipment

DYNAMIC STANDING SUPPORT CHAIR 210111 .................................................... Dynamic Standing Support Chair

Instructions for Use:

When seated, your feet must be firmly on the floor.

Adjusting the set height.

The dynamic standing support encourages and facilitates natural movement.

Very Important: For correct functioning the front of the seat must be mounted in the direction of the arrow on the base plate.

Scan QR Code to watch Video

Once tilted, the SD dynamic standing support enables you to move easily and take up a comfortable position within your radius of activity.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

HK-100 VET INFUSION PUMP 210320 ................................................................HK-100 Vet Infusion Pump

• • • • • • • •


Rate and drop mode Coloured LCD display with associated keys, very easy to operate Double CPU to ensure better safety Ultrasonic sensors with 4 air bubble filter levels Occlusion pressure (3 levels adjustable: high, medium and low) AC, DC (ambulance) and built-in-battery (Li_Polymer) Key lock: to ensure infusion parameters and progress won’t be interrupted by accident Disposable Infusion sets available - 210306 Infusion set

IV set: 15-20-60 drops / ml, tube diameter: 3.4 - 4.5 mm



Flow rate

0.1 - 1200 ml / h, increment 0.1 ml / h


0 - 9999 ml, increment 1 ml

Accumulated volume

0.9999 ml


1 ~ 5 ml / h (adjustable), 5 ml / h (default)


Door open, near finished, air, occlusion, no operation, use battery, battery low, battery exhausted, OxEO, OxE1

Air bubble detection Ultrasonic sensor, minimum size of air bubble 50μl, 4 levels adjustable Purge and Bolus

Purge 1000 ml / h, Bolus 300 - 1200 ml / h (adjustable), 1200 ml / h (default)

Occlusion pressure

40 ~ 160kpa, 3 levels selectable (high, medium and low)

Built-in battery

Li_Polymer 7.4V 1800mAh, power consumption: 20VA, fully charged 16 hours with power on, 3h with power off. Run 4h at 25 ml / h after being fully charged

Power supply

AC: 90 - 260V 50 / 60Hz 20VA; Ambulance / DC input: DC 12V±10%


Class II, type BF, waterproof: IPX3


14.5 x 12 x 10 cm (not including pole clamp)


1.4 kg net weight (not including pole clamp)



210306 ............................................. IV Administration Infusion Set 10/pk

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Plastic spike with air vent Drip chamber with filter PVC tubing 1 flow regulator in blue and 2 flow stoppers in blue Hypodermic needle Luer lock connector ISO, FDA 2620 mm - long enough for convenient use 20 drops / ml Admin set with / 2 Injector ports, rotating luer lock For use with rigid nonvented and flexible containers Disposable. Do not reuse. Do not resterilize Non DEHP tubing

• • • • • • • •

Anti-bolus function History records Panel Lock Adjustable alarm volume Automatic syringe size-recognition Night mode ensure good rest of patients 90° rotation pole clamp convenient for horizontal bar, vertical IV Pole and platform use RS232 (optional) Infusion Speed

Time mode, rate mode

Applicable syringes

Various brands of syringes: 5, 10, 20, 30, 50/60 ml

Injection rate

5 ml: 0.1 ml/h - 150 ml (0.1 ml/h increment) 10 ml: 0.1 ml/h - 300 ml (0.1 ml/h increment) 20 ml: 0.1 ml/h - 600 ml (0.1 ml/h increment) 30 ml: 0.1 ml/h - 900 ml (0.1 ml/h increment) 50 ml: 0.1 ml/h - 1500 ml (0.1 ml/h increment)

Bolus rate

5 ml: 0.1-150 ml/h - (default 150 ml) 10 ml: 0.1-300 ml/h - (default 300 ml) 20 ml: 0.1-600 ml/h - (default 600 ml) 30 ml: 0.1-900 ml/h - (default 900 ml) 50 ml: 0.1-1500 ml/h - (default 1500 ml)

Bolus volume infused

Accumulated bolus volume display

Purge rate

5 ml: 150 ml 10 ml: 300 ml 20 ml: 600 ml 30 ml: 900 ml 50 ml: 1500 ml


0.1~3 ml/h

Volume to be infused (VTBI)

0.1 ml~1000 ml

Volume delivered range

0.1~9999.9 ml


±2% (mechanical ±1%)

Time mode

Volume limit: 0.1~999.9 ml Pre-set time: 1 min to 99 h and 99 min Remaining time: **h **min

Displayed information

Flow rate, volume limit, volume infused, syringe size, pressure value, battery capacity, unit of dosage, AC power indicator, battery charge indicator, bolus rate etc

Occlusion pressure detection

3 adjustable occlusion pressure settings: low, middle and high 450/750/1050 mmHG

Alarm function

Infusion completion, near completion, empty, occlusion, start reminder, low battery, syringe disengaged, incorrect installation of syringe plunger, no AC power supply, low battery, battery exhausted, malfunction etc.


Rechargeable lithium polymer battery, 7.4 V, 2100 mAh. Can operate for more than 4 hours after fully charged at 5 ml/h

Power supply

220 v 50/60 Hz

Power consumption 25 VA Classification

Class I, type CF

Waterproof level



30 x 12.9 x 13 cm (L x W x H)


≤2 kgs

21. Hospital Equipment

210321 ................................................................HK-400I Vet Syringe Pump

211 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

MOBILE IV DRIP STAND 210090 ..........................................................................Mobile IV Drip Stand

The Mobile IV Drip Stand with castor base provides flexibility to place IV fluid sets where needed. • Adjustable height from 1180 mm to 2040 mm • Base Diameter: Approx 460 mm without castors. 515 mm with castors • Weight - 2.3 kgs

212 UNIVET CAGE MOUNT IV PUMP HOLDER 210093 .............................................. Univet Cage Mount IV Pump Holder

• • • • •

Saves valuable floor space Easily attaches to front of most cage doors with round bars Two circular hooks for hanging IV bags Designed to safely hold most sizes of pumps Not suitable for Nikki pumps

IV pump not included


210091 ........................................Shor-Line Cage Door IV Holder 482 mm 210092 ........................................Shor-Line Cage Door IV Holder 889 mm •

Keep the floor and aisle space clear from mobile IV stands by attaching your fluids to a cage door

Easily attaches to Shor-Line cage doors

Sturdy 9.5 mm (3/8”) diameter stainless steel rod provides needed strength

Height adjustable: 482 (19”) holder adjusts from 50 mm (2”) to 406 mm (16”) above the point of attachment to the door while the 889 mm (35”) holder adjusts from 50 mm (2”) to /812 mm (32”)

IV Pump not included

• •

5 hangers Rotates to allow the patient to move freely without dislodging or entangling the IV set

21. Hospital Equipment

210509 ............................................................................Infusion Bag Swivel

213 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment



UNIVET™ INFUSION FLUID WARMER (SM-W01) 210303 .....................................UniVet™ Infusion Fluid Warmer (SM-W01)

Routine transfusion, low flow rate infusion in ICU, transfusion exchange and high calorie infusion. The Infusion Fluid Warmer is an indirect heating device (dry heat warmer) and can be used repeatedly with standard IV infusion tubing sets. The transfused fluid is heated up while passing through the infusion tube which is placed in the S-shaped channel on the heating plate of the warmer. It is reliable and easy to use in various clinic sites for fluid or blood warming. • High accurate digital control for temperature • Infusion fluid is regulated automatically to the set temperature in short time • Audio and visual alarm mechanism prevents from over heating • Four parts: heating source, power supply, control module and shell body • Three indicators: run, power and alarm • LCD display and °C/°F switch button • Portable and easy to use • No special training required • Setup can be finished in 1 minute at most • Optional IV admin set available - 210306 Environmental conditions of transportation and storage

Ambient temperature: -40~+55°C Relative humidity: ≤80%

Environmental conditions of operation

Ambient temperature: -5~40°C Relative humidity: ≤80%

Power supply

110V±11V(AC) OR 220V±23V (ac) Max: 70W50±2%HZ


60Hz±1Hz or 50Hz±1Hz

Input power

<70 W

Temperature controlling

Liquid temperature at the entrance: 15°C~25°C or 59°F~77°F Liquid temperature at exit: 35°C~46°C or 95°F~114.8°F Display error of temperature: <2°C or 3.6°F


The power supply cuts off automatically when heating plate reaches 47°C±2°C or 116.6±3.6°F. Meanwhile, the buzzer sounds with red indicator light glimmering.

Suitable speed of infusion fluid

48~80 drop/min (2-5.3 ml/min), 2-12 ml/ min (against temperature span: 25°C~41°C)

Tube size Fuse Classification Packing dimension Max. weight

3-4 mm T5..Mal250 Class I, Type B 365 x 155 x 125 mm <600g

21. Hospital Equipment

VACUFORM® 2.0 SURGICAL CUSHIONS 211500 ...................................................... Vacuform® Cushion 30 x 40 cm 211505 ....................................................... Vacuform® Cushion 40 x 70 cm 211511 ..................................................................... Vacuform®Cushion Set Includes: One - 30 x 40 cm, One - 40 x 70 cm and Pump 211510 ................................................................ Vacuform® Cushion Pump 211512 ......................................................... Vacuform® Cushion Repair Kit The VACUFORM 2.0 programme offers surgical cushions to cope with the requirements of all surgical procedures entailing special positioning of the patient.

The innovative VACUFORM 2.0 MicroSpace system

The VACUFORM 2.0 surgical cushion adapts individually and ergonomically to the patient's body to offer effective prevention injuries. The patient's contact pressure is distributed effectively throughout the body and thus minimised, while preserving the micro-circulation necessary for the skin.

Conventional filling in the evacuated state

MicroSpace filling in the evacuated state

Arrangement of the Vacuform® 2.0 MicroSpace balls without vacuum

Arrangement of the Vacuform® 2.0 MicroSpace balls under vacuum ®

Arrangement of conventional styrofoam balls without cacuum


Safety on the operating table The patient can be fixed quickly and safely in any required position, giving the surgeon optimum access to the operation site with safe handling of the patient. Not even an extreme tilt or slope of the operating table changes the defined position of the patient. The surgical position can be changed at any time by releasing the vacuum so that the cushion can be modelled to the patient's new position: the air is then extracted again.

Saving costs with VACUFORM 2.0 Repair - For small damages and simple repairs you can purchase repair sets including instructions. For damages up to max. 5 cm we recommend this repair kit with the enclosed pieces of foil and glue.

How the VACUFORM 2.0 surgical cushion works All VACUFORM 2.0 surgical cushions are made to be non-slip and absolutely dimensionally stable from a special soft PVC foil. The individual shaping properties are achieved by scarcely flammable polystyrene balls which are stabilised into an adapted constellation by vacuum. VACUFORM 2.0 surgical cushions contain no latex, are permeable to x-rays and suitable for MRI and CT. Equipped with a plastic valve with one-hand control. 210512 - Repair Kit


Valve Open




Valve Closed Vacuform® 2.0 surgical cushion 40 x 70 cm - 210505

Vacuform® 2.0 surgical cushion 30 x 40 cm - 210500

Made In Germany

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The secret of perfected adaption to the body by VACUFORM 2.0 is microballs of styrofoam, which are stabilized by vacuum to give a lasting, completely supportive form. Reducing the diameter of the filler balls by a fifth enables significantly more precise adaption of the surgical cushion to the body. The MicroSpace system increases the feeling of physical comfort for the patient significantly compared to conventional fillings.

21. Hospital Equipment


REDFLEX HEAT PADS 210138 .......................................... Redflex Heat Pad Small, 280 x 340 mm 210139 ..........................................Redflex Heat Pad Large, 340 x 600 mm 210140 ....................... Redflex Heat Pad X-Large, 1200 x 600 x 120 mm*

A flexible moulded polymer heating pad that is tough and durable with many other advantages: • Easily cleaned and resistant to most chemical type detergents • Stainless steel chew resistant cord cover 400 cm, total length of cord over 1500 mm • Flexibility-soft and flat sits firmly on any surface even if not level • 3 Sizes available – Small, Large and Extra Large • Heats up to 12°C above ambient temperature • NEVER PLACE THE HEAT PAD UNDER FOAM CUSHIONS OR THICK BEDDING • DO NOT USE IN SURGERY • A SINGLE LAYER PILLOW SLIP LIKE MATERIAL IS SUITABLE Understanding how the Redflex Pet Heating Pad works: Uncontrolled heating devices as opposed to thermostatically controlled heaters rely on the balance between the heat output (watts) of the heater, it’s surface size and the ambient temperature of its surrounding to achieve the desired temperature control. The manufacturer controls the heat output and the size of the heater. The user controls the condition under which the heater works. The advantage of this type of heater is that when used correctly it is hassle free and safe. The Redflex range of pet heating pads are designed to give a very safe low heat output. When the heater surface is exposed to the ambient temperature the surface heat will be almost undetectable because of the high heat transfer rate. This does not mean that it will not heat the animal properly it just means that when the animal lies on the pad the insulating qualities of the animals fur and body will slow the heat transfer rate and thus the heat will be easily detected. Never place any insulating material on top of your Redflex heater as this may overheat the heater and possibly cause premature failure, the heat must radiate away.


*X-Large Heat Pad only made to order

210310 ........................................... Hot Dog® Patient Warming Controller 210311.......................... Hot Dog® Patient Warming Dual Port Controller 210314 .................................................. Hot Dog® Patient Warming Blanket Small 254 x 584 mm 210315 ................................................ Hot Dog® Patient Warming Blanket Medium 406 x 558 mm

21. Hospital Equipment


210316 ................................................ Hot Dog® Patient Warming Blanket Large 558 x 787 mm 210317................................................. Hot Dog® Patient Warming Blanket X-Large 685 x 1193 mm

Controller Features • 3 heat settings and 2 over-temperature alarms to safely meet all of your patient warming needs • Lightweight, portable, and easy to move between cases • Quiet operation • Free-standing or IV pole mountable • Low maintenance, with virtually no moving parts • Cable easily fits through the cage slats for post op warming • 1 year warranty Controller specifications • 110 - 240 V AC Input • 48 V DC low voltage output • 292 mm x 157 mm x 190 mm (HDW) • Only weighs 4.5 kgs Blanket Features • Reusable – environmentally friendly • Heavy-weight nylon outer shell resists punctures • Easy to clean • Warms up in just a few minutes • Flexible – use over, under or around the patient • Includes adjustable straps that can be used to maximize contact and heat transfer • 1 year warranty

217 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The dual port controller will allow you to power two blankets at once. The WC52-VET controller is slightly bigger and heavier than our standard controller. The HotDog® warming represents a significant breakthrough in technology and features the patented ThermAssure™ fabric. • ThermAssure's conductive polymer responds to low-voltage, direct current by becoming uniformly warm without hot spots. • A sensor in the blanket continuously monitors electrical resistance...maintaining the perfect temperature at all times. A second sensor provides a safety back-up

21. Hospital Equipment


SHOR-LINE WARMING PAD 210142 .....................................................................Shor-Line Warming Pad

Our Warming Pad offers safety, security and functionality in the thermal support of your clients for post-operative and treatment care. This product has passed the functionality and safety guidelines set forth by the rigorous amounts of research conducted by ShorLine collaboration with industry professionals. It is designed to support a safe body temperature and aid in reducing the risk of hypothermia which has been proven to be heightened during the use of anesthesia. This product is not intended to warm the animal, but rather support a safe body temperature while in post-operative recovery and treatment • 533 x 660 mm thermal formed, textured pad with an enclosed heating element that automatically warms up to and maintains a factory-set temperature • The controller offers three time cycle setting options: 60, 90 and 120 minutes. This feature provides security in knowing the Warming Pad will automatically turn off at that specified time • A stand by mode is set to sound an alarm at 5 minutes and continue to the end of the selected time cycle, followed by a repetitive series of low tone beeps to warn of the time coming to an end • In the case of the Warming Pad becoming unplugged or the temperature exceeding the safety shut-down limit the alert mode will sound bringing the Warming Pad to the technician’s attention by both sound and a red light and will automatically shut down and start a cool down process • The Warming Pad takes roughly 15 minutes to reach the specified temperature • The power cord is 10’. Electrical: 120/240 VAC, 50/60 HZ, .5 A at 120 VAC, .25 A at 240 VAC • The Warming Pad is connected to the controller by a 50 mm armored cable • The Warming Pad is designed to fit in a 609 x 609 mm and larger Shor-Line cage • The controller is designed with a stainless steel clip for mounting on a cage door • The Warming Pad’s light weight allows for easy transportation


JORVET ANIMAL STRETCHER 210145J ................................................................. JorVet Animal Stretcher

Equipped with two wheels on one end and a carrying handle on the other, the stretcher enables one person to move a patient. It can also be used in the conventional two-person carry. The frame is a lightweight coated steel. The stretcher is constructed of black, heavy-duty reinforced nylon. Three 50 mm wide straps with buckles allows secure patient positioning. 609 mm wide x 1219 mm long. Holds up to 90 kgs. **Replacement Parts: *J0742D1 Wheels for Animal Stretcher.

Features • User-friendly design, ideal for use in operation theater room or general wards providing an efficient performance such as suction biopsy, surgery, endometrical curette, OB/ GYN and abortion etc. • A storage cabinet on back of SU-305 convenient for storing accessories and tools. • Built-in a vacuum gauge with a range from 0 – 760mmHg ( 0 – 31 inHg) for direct readout. • Choice of glass or plastic ( polycarbonate) bottles graduated in ML incorporated with over-flow preventive fitting with autoclaveable rubber bung and fitting. • Changeover from one to another bottle by turning the control knob of LEFT-RIGHT for suctioning to the corresponding bottle. • SU-305P features one piece molded exterior body made by compact fiberglass for superior resistance to rust, chip and corrosion easy for cleaning. • Mounted by 4 rubber anti-static wheels with 2 locking facility. • Strong vacuum aspiration regulated form 0 ( ZERO) to the maximum capable of sustaining of performing all purposes. • Silicon suction tubing is autoclaveable and reusable. • Low noise operation suitable for use in hospital ward and theater room Specifications • Overall dimension 640 x 395 x 825mm • Vacuum pump Oil rotary Oil-less • Cylinder N.A. 2 • Wattage 191 W 270 W • Max airflow ( ± 10% ) 80 LPM 70 LPM • Max vacuum ( ± 10% ) 700 mmHg 680 mmHg • Net weight - 35.3 kg 33.2 kg • Collection jars 3000 ml glass or plastic • Overflow prevention - Yes • Standard accessory Bottle x 2pc + Footswitch x 1 Suction tubing x 1 pc • Optional accessory bacteria filter; suction cup cannula set

21. Hospital Equipment

210401 ..............................................Mobile Oil-Less Suction Unit SU-305

219 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment

PORTABLE SUCTION UNIT SU-770 210400 .......................................................... Portable Suction Unit SU-770

• • • • • • • • • • •


Dimensions, 320 x 145 x 240 mm Airflow rate, 13 - 15 l/min (approx) Vacuum range, 0 - 600 mmHg (±10%) Overflow prevention, Yes Collection bottle, 1 x 1000 ml Standard accessory, Suction tubing, 1000 ml jar Equipped with oil-less piston vacuum pump ensures a lubrication and maintenance free unit 1000 ml autoclaveable plastic collection jar graduated in “ml” with fluid overflow preventive stopper Built-in vacuum gauge ranges 0 - 760 mmHg (0 - 30inHg) easy for direct reading Unit only weighs 4.8 kgs CE-certified

YANKAUER SUCTION HANDLE 210402 ......................Yankauer Suction Handle 230 mm, Stainless Steel

TROVAN 560 MICROCHIP SCANNER 210650 ........................................................ Trovan 560 Microchip Scanner

Hand held pocket size microchip reader with detachable pocket clip. This scanner is activated by pressing the red push button and the latest transponder number read is shown on the LCD (last number recall function). To scan for a microchip: the red button is held depressed while scanning and the reader will bleep if a microchip is found and display chip details. If no chip is found the reader will show “No Code”. The reader will automatically switch off after 5 seconds of no use. ID codes are shown on the 2 x 16 character display, which has back-lighting. Powered by a 9 volt alkaline battery. *Not suitable for Equine Microchips.


• • • • • •

• •

Basic LID 560 Pocket Reader Smallest portable reader 2-line, 16 character p. line back lit LCD Detachable belt clip Typical read rand: ID-100 up to 50 mm (1.9") ID-200 up to 75 mm (3") ID-300 up to 45 mm (1.8") ID-400 up to 130 mm (5") Dimensions: 70 x 125 x 24 mm Weighs 3.5 kgs

This unit will read any ISO FDX-B and FDX-A microchips: Trovan Unique™: Destron: Avid (non encrypted): Global.

210654 ...................... Trovan LID575 ISO MID Range Microchip Scanner

Specifications • Store up to 5,370 ID codes • Time and date stamp readings • Mini USB interface • Custom names feature. (pick your own name for each ID number and display it on the LCD) • 2-line, 16-character line backlit LCD • Circular antenna features expanded read range and detection area • Higher clock speed of the processor increases data transfer rate • 4x AA battery • Typical read range: ID-100 up to 80 mm (3.2 in.); ID-200 up to 100 mm (3.9 in.); ID-300 up to 80 mm (3.2 in.); ID-400 up to 175 mm (6.9 in.) • Dimensions: 120 mm x 238 mm x 35 mm

221 wireless

Accessories • KID56x/57x: Carry case • QLX200: Portable label printer

SMALL ANIMAL WEIGH SCALES MS2100 210062 ........................................................... Small Animal Scales MS2100 210062A ...................................Replacement Charger for MS2100 Scales

Features • Auto-Off power saving features • Large size LCD display • Hold function to lock weight of moving pet • Removable, easy to clean stainless steel tray • Zero/Tare to deduct weight of mattress or pad on tray • Capacity 20 kgs • Graduation 10 g • Dimensions 520 mm x 300 mm x 110 mm • Tray size 520 mm x 300 mm • Weight 3.6 kgs • Power supply Battery and Adaptor

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Options • MEMEXP-512: Memory expansion, 512kb EEPRO • MEMEXP-1024: Memory expansion, 1024kb EEPROM • LID575-BT: BlueTeeth comms module for communication

21. Hospital Equipment


21. Hospital Equipment



UNIVET ANIMAL SCALES 200 KGS 210056 ....................................................... UniVet™ Animal Scales 200 kgs 210057 ............. Replacement LCD Display for UniVet™ Scales (210056) 210059 ...................Replacement Battery for LCD Display Unit (210056) 210066 ....................... Replacement Charger for Univet Scales (210056)

The veterinarian clinics and hospitals will appreciate the ability to weigh pets and other animals easily with the NEW Veterinary Platform Scales. Large 600 mm x 900 mm base which is only 80 mm high with an anti-slip mat. The scales come complete with 12 month warranty and fully calibrated to a maximum weight of 200 kgs x 50 g graduations. The veterinary scales are light weight and portable for a multitude of weighing jobs in the veterinary practice. The veterinary scale has a capacity of 200 kgs and accuracy of 0.05 kg. The scales base is constructed from carbon steel and has a non-skid rubber mat for safety. Standard features • Accurate - Provides consistent accuracy within 0.5% of full scale capacity • Portable - Weighing only 15 kgs, the scale is easy to move and totally portable • No need for ramps or recessed floors • Low Profile - Small animals can easily step onto the scale. Scale height is only 80 mm • Construction – Carbon steel with non-skid rubber mat protects animals and handlers from accidental slips and falls. Adjustable foot pads allow scale to work effectively on uneven surfaces • Overload Capacity – Platform is capable of withstanding 150% of full capacity without damaging the scales platform • Easy Assembly – No installation costs. No moving parts that require maintenance or adjustment. Although annual calibration is recommended for optimum results • Weight Sensor – The scales use a patented load cell technology with proven performance in the animal weighing industry • LCD Display with blue backlight • Measuring units – kg / oz / lb / lb.oz • USB Interface • Power Source: 4 x AA batteries (included) or AC/DC adaptor



21. Hospital Equipment

UNIVET ANIMAL SCALES 300 KGS 210063 .........................................UniVet™ VS2000 Animal Scales 300 kgs 210064 ................Replacement LCD Display for UniVet™ VS2000 Scales 210065 ....................... Replacement Charger for UniVet™ VS2000 Scales

It is simple to keep platform sanitary effortlessly. The scale can be operated by alkaline batteries either AC adaptor as well. Plentiful accessories make the scales easy to use and meet all kind of possibilities. • Auto-Off power saving features • Large size LCD display • Hold function to lock weight of moving pet • Easy to clean platform • Zero/Tare to deduct weight of mattress or pad on platform • Four adjustable rubber feet for adjustment of level • Rubber mat can be wash easily • Capacity 300 kgs • Graduation 100 g • Dimensions 500 x 1100 x 75 mm • Tray size 500 x 1100 mm • Weight 21 kgs • Power supply Battery and adaptor • Stainless steel platform • Four adjustable rubber feet • Washable rubber mat included



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21. Hospital Equipment

UNIVET™ EQUINE SURGERY TABLE COVERS 210074 ............................................UniVet™ Equine Surgery Table Covers

• • • •

2 x 3.5 m 45 sheets per roll Fil gauge 50 um Unfolded 1 to 2 m

224 DISPOSABLE VET DRAPE 2138800 ................................................Vet Drape 970 mm x 91.40 metres

This veterinary drape is made of non-woven material called SMS. The drape consists of two blue outer layers of SMS with a middle layer of polypropylene. Popular in the human and veterinary medical field. 970 mm x 91.40 metres comes in a dispensing roll box. Can be cut to any length and autoclaved repeatedly.

HAND TOWELS 210660 ................................................................Hand Towel 400 x 600 mm 210661 ................................................................Hand Towel 450 x 600 mm 210662 ................................................................Hand Towel 900 x 600 mm


These towels are made from hospital grade huckaback fabric (100 % Cotton). Only available in green.

L-SHAPED DRAPE 210636 .......................L-Shaped Drape Double Thickness 650 x 700 mm 210637 .................. L-Shaped Drape Double Thickness 1000 x 1200 mm These L shaped drapes can be arranged and clipped together to form a custom sized fenestration. They come in pairs and are made from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton in double thicknesses. Towel clamps not included.

210146 ..............................................Operating pad 450 x 600 mm, 10/pk

Absorbent operation pads, colour: blue. Suited for use in surgery, dental cleaning and in cages. Extremely absorbent. Highly absorbent with a special polymer that is designed to absorb 1000 ml of water. Make sure you are using a kennel pad, that actually keeps the patient dry and does not have to be changed with every drop of fluid. Blue colour with quilted pad.

21. Hospital Equipment


THEATRE DRAPES 210605 ......................................... Single Thickness Small (580 x 580 mm) 210606 .................................... Single Thickness Medium (700 x 700 mm) 210607 .......................................Single Thickness Large (800 x 1000 mm) 210608 ................................... Single Thickness X-Large (880 x 1200 mm) 210609 .............................. Single Thickness XX-Large (1100 x 1100 mm) 210610 ....................................... Double Thickness Small (580 x 580 mm) 210611................................... Double Thickness Medium (700 x 700 mm) 210613 ................................. Double Thickness X-Large (880 x 1200 mm) 210614 ............................ Double Thickness XX-Large (1100 x 1100 mm)

These plain theatre drapes are made from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton. They are available in a range of sizes as well as single and double thickness fabric.

FENESTRATED THEATRE DRAPES 210615 .......................................................Single Thickness (700 x 700 mm) 30 x 40 mm Hole 210616 ........................................... Single Thickness Small (580 x 580 mm) 40 x 70 mm Hole 210617 .................................... Single Thickness Medium (700 x 700 mm) 40 x 80 mm Hole 210618 .......................................Single Thickness Large (1000 x 800 mm) 40 x 100 mm Hole 210619 ................................... Single Thickness X-Large (1200 x 880 mm) 40 x 120 mm Hole 210651 .............................. Single Thickness XX-Large (1200 x 1200 mm) 50 x 250 mm Hole 210603 ....................Single Thickness with Elliptical Eye (600 x 600 mm) 35 x 60 mm Hole 210620 ....................................... Double Thickness Small (580 x 580 mm) 40 x 70 mm Hole 210621 .................................. Double Thickness Medium (700 x 700 mm) 40 x 80 mm Hole 210622 .....................................Double Thickness Large (1000 x 800 mm) 40 x 100 mm Hole 210623 ................................. Double Thickness X-Large (1200 x 880 mm) 40 x 120 mm Hole 210652................................ Double Thickness X-Large (1200 x 1200 mm) 50 x 250 mm Hole 210604 ..................Double Thickness with Elliptical Eye (600 x 600 mm) 35 x 60 mm Hole

Like the plain drapes, these fenestrated drapes are made from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton in a single and double thickness with a 100 mm facing added to absorb fluid.

225 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

210612 .....................................Double Thickness Large (800 x 1000 mm)

21. Hospital Equipment

THEATRE GOWN 210600 .............................Theatre Gown Medium, Back Length - 124 cm Chest - 132 cm, Hip - 134 210601 ..................................Theatre Gown Large, Back Length - 128 cm Chest - 150 cm, Hip - 150 210602 .............................. Theatre Gown X-Large, Back Length - 132 cm Chest - 168 cm, Hip - 168

Made in s Sizes for added comfort from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton. These gowns feature reinforced ties at the back for neck, waist and hip. Only available in green.

THEATRE GREENIE 210624 ......................................................... Theatre Greenie Plain X-Small 210625 ............................................................. Theatre Greenie Plain Small 210626 ........................................................Theatre Greenie Plain Medium 210627 .............................................................Theatre Greenie Plain Large


210628 ......................................................... Theatre Greenie Plain X-Large 210629 .......................................................Theatre Greenie Plain XX-Large

Available in a range of colours, patterns and sizes, these tops are made from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton and include 2 generous pockets (except waterproof greenies).

PRINTED THEATRE GREENIE 210638 ..................................................... Printed Theatre Greenie X-Small 210639 .........................................................Printed Theatre Greenie Small 210640 ....................................................Printed Theatre Greenie Medium 210641 .........................................................Printed Theatre Greenie Large 210642 .....................................................Printed Theatre Greenie X-Large 210643 .................................................. Printed Theatre Greenie XX-Large

The printed theatre greenies are made from hospital grade 50/50 polyester cotton and include 2 generous pockets (except waterproof greenies) Colours available • Denim • Theatre Green


WATERPROOF THEATRE GREENIE 210630 ....................................Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain X-Small 210631 ....................................... Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain Small 210632 .................................. Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain Medium 210633 ...................................... Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain Large 210634 .................................. Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain X-Large 210635 ............................... Waterproof Theatre Greenie Plain XX-Large

Waterproof greenies feature a waterproof front panel made from barrier cloth and meet hospital specification as water and oil repellent.

210644 ........................................................................... Scrub Pants X-Small 210645 ...............................................................................Scrub Pants Small 210646 ..........................................................................Scrub Pants Medium 210647 ...............................................................................Scrub Pants Large 210648 ...........................................................................Scrub Pants X-Large 210649 ........................................................................ Scrub Pants XX-Large

Basis tracksuit style pant made from hospital grade polyester cotton with elasticized waistband for extra comfort sitting 50 to 70 mm below the natural waistline. Please note that these pants require extra room to allow easy movement. Only available in green.

21. Hospital Equipment


NEEDLE CANISTER 21SL144..........................................Needle Canister with Lid 100 x 50 mm

DRESSING BOWLS 21SL145 ............................................................ Dressing Bowl 121 x 55 mm 21SL146S...........................................Dressing Bowl 152 x 65 mm Shallow 21SL150 ............................................................ Dressing Bowl 170 x 65 mm 21SL151 ............................................................ Dressing Bowl 200 x 75 mm 21SL152 ............................................................ Dressing Bowl 205 x 85 mm 21SL152.5......................................................... Dressing Bowl 210 x 60 mm 21SL153 ............................................................ Dressing Bowl 220 x 85 mm

FLOWFORM BUCKET 21SL173 ................................................ Flowform Tapered Bucket 9.1 Litre 21SL174 ..............................................Flowform Tapered Bucket 11.4 Litre 21SL175 ..............................................Flowform Tapered Bucket 13.6 Litre 21SL173A ................................Lid For 9.1 Litre Flowform Tapered Bucket 21SL174A...............................Lid For 11.4 Litre Flowform Tapered Bucket

CATHETER TRAY 21SL187 ....................................Catheter Tray with Lid 406 x 105 x 50 mm

DRESSING CANISTER 21SL198.........................................Dressing Canister with Lid 75 x 90 mm 21SL202 ................................... Dressing Canister with Lid 100 x 152 mm 21SL204 ...................................................Dressing Canister 150 x 150 mm

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21. Hospital Equipment

INSTRUMENT BOX WITH LID 21SL231 ...............................Instrument Box with Lid 203 x 152 x 50 mm 21SL231L................................Lid Only for Instrument Box 203 x 152 mm 21SL232 ...............................Instrument Box with Lid 250 x 200 x 50 mm 21SL232.5 ............................Instrument Box with Lid 300 x 200 x 50 mm 21SL233 ...............................Instrument Box with Lid 305 x 254 x 50 mm 21SL233L ...............................Lid Only for Instrument Box 305 x 254 mm

INSTRUMENT TRAY WITHOUT LID 21SL251 .............................................. Instrument tray 203 x 152 x 50 mm 21SL256 .............................................. Instrument tray 255 x 203 x 50 mm 21SL258 .............................................. Instrument tray 305 x 255 x 50 mm

228 KIDNEY DISH 21SL294 ...............................................................Kidney Dish 150 x 65 mm 21SL294.5 .......................................................... Kidney Dish 200 x 110 mm 21SL295 ............................................................. Kidney Dish 205 x 110 mm 21SL296 ............................................................. Kidney Dish 240 x 130 mm 21SL297 ........................................................................Kidney Dish 300 mm

KICK BUCKET AND FRAME 210008 ........................................................... Kick Bucket with Castor Base


Heavy duty stainless steel frame. Rubber ball bearing 50 mm (2") castors. 360° bumper on frame. 12 litre stainless steel bucket that is 368 mm (14½") in diameter and 304 mm (12") high.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


21. Hospital Equipment



Binocular Microscope

MiniVID Wifi Camera

Binocular Microscope Objectives

Microscope Slides

Microscope Cover Slips

Immersion Oil

Stain Diff-Quick Solution

Coplin Jar

Haemocytometer Chamber

Haemocytometer Cover Slip

Microscope Globes

Haematocrit Tubes

Worm Egg Counting Slide

Microhematocrit Reader

Centrifuge Units and Accessories

Water Bath

The MOBE-402 Binocular LED Microscope has a wide range of features and specifications. The MOBE-402 microscope has original style, sturdy structure, convenient operation and clear image that is suitable for observing various biological specimens. Items


Optical System

Finity optical system

Viewing Head

Siedentopf binocular head, Inclined 30°, rotatable 360°, Interpupilary distance 5~75 mm


WF10X/18 mm


Achromatic 4X/0.10 W.D. = 13 mm Achromatic 10X0.25 W.D. = 6.3 mm Achromatic 40X/0.65 (S) W.D. = 0.44 mm Achromatic 100X/1.25 (S,Oil) W.D. = 0.3 mm


Quadruple, outward


Stage size: 115 x 125 mm Moving range: 50 x 70 mm


Abbe N.A. 1.25 with Iris diaphragm


Halogen lamp: 6V, 20W Wide voltage: 80V~265V Spare lamp: 1 piece built in blue filter LED Illumination


Spare Fuse: 2 pieces

22. Laboratory Equipment

220080 ...................................UniVet™ Binocular Microscope MOBE-402

231 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment



MINIVID WIFI 5.0MP CAMERA 221009 ......................................................................... MiniVID WiFi Camera 221009K................ MiniVID WiFi Camera with Optical Eyetube Adaptor 221010 ................................................. Optional Optical Eyetube Adaptor

Best of both: High resolution and fast frame rates. The MiniVID WiFi 5MP camera is an incredible new addition to our camera line. It can be mounted to nearly any brand or type of microscope with trinocular C-mount, or inserted into one eye-tube of a binocular head using the optional eyetube adapter. Connect to any iOS device (iPhone/iPad) or Android phone/tablet through the “Ucam” app. Additionally, the MiniVID WiFi can be utilized with the included software for all PCs. The MiniVID WiFi has many different applications, but is best suited for teaching, training, and educating clients, and students. • Take the microscope image to the client, not the client to the microscope • Best of both: High resolution and fast frame rates • Stream live images to multiple devices at the same time • Built-in rechargeable batteries for true wireless imaging MiniVID WiFi Camera Specifications Image Sensor

1/2" colour CMOS chip - 5MP

Frame Rate

Fast frame rates ensure smooth motion for fast moving specimens or live teaching. When connecting to PC using USB cable, maximum frame rates are: - 640x480@40fps; - 2592x1944@15fps When using WiFi, maximum frame rates are: - 640x840@30fps; - 2592x1944@5fps

Image Capture Capabilities

Capture live-streaming video clips on any device Capture high-res images in BMP, JPG, PNG formats

System Requirements

OS6 or higher Android 3.0 or higher Microsoft XP/7/8/10 (32 and 64 bit)


Download the free “Ucam” app Includes CD with software for PC

Mounting Requirements

Standard trinoc c-mount (threaded) or insert into eyetube with optional adapter

221010 - Optional Eyetube Adaptor

220076 ................................................................Microscope Eye Piece 10 X

220077................................................................Microscope Eye Piece 16 X

22. Laboratory Equipment


220078................................................................. Microscope Objective 4 X

220079...............................................................Microscope Objective 10 X

220081...............................................................Microscope Objective 20 X

220082...............................................................Microscope Objective 40 X

220083.................................................... Microscope Objective 100 X (Oil)

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment

MICROSCOPE SLIDES FROSTED 220159 .................................................... Microscope Slides Frosted 72/pk 25.4 x 76.2 mm, 1.2 mm thick

MICROSCOPE SLIDES CLEAR 220160 .........................................................Microscope Slides Clear 50/pk 25.4 x 76.2 mm, 1.2 mm thick


MICROSCOPE COVER SLIPS 220161 ..................................................Microscope Cover Slip 1oz 100/pk Ultrathin - 22 x 22 mm

MICROSCOPE IMMERSION OIL 220165 .....................................................Microscope Immersion Oil 17 ml


220166 .................................................. Microscope Immersion Oil 480 ml

STAIN DIFF-QUICK 220070 .................................................................... Stain Diff-Quick Set of 3 220071 ......................................................................... Stain Diff-Quick No.1 220072......................................................................... Stain Diff-Quick No.2 220073................................................................... Stain Diff-Quick Fixative

220074 ................................................................... Glass Coplin Jar with Lid

22. Laboratory Equipment


HAEMOCYTOMETER CHAMBER 220055..............................................................Haemocytometer Chamber

HAEMOCYTOMETER COVER SLIP BOX 220061 ............................................Haemocytometer Cover Slip Box 1/pr 20 x 26 mm, 0.4 mm thick

MICROSCOPE GLOBES 220084 .............. Replacement Bulb for MOBE402 and BM107, 6V, 20W

Suitable for the following Microscopes • MOBE-402 • BM107

220178 ........................Microscope Globe Olympus 1/2 Mirror, 240/20W

220198 ........................................................... Microscope Globe TB-1, 6-8V

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment


MICRO HAEMATOCRIT TUBES 220025............................................ Micro Haematocrit Cap Tubes 200/pk 220026.....................Micro Haematocrit Cap Tubes with Heparinization 100/pk

MCMASTER WORM EGG COUNTING SLIDES 220045 .................................................... EGG Slide McMaster 3 Chamber


The Whitlock McMaster slide was the original 3-chambered worm egg counting slide and was designed for parasite detection in Sheep and Goats. The Whitlock McMaster slide is used by • Farmers • Veterinarians • Testing and research Laboratories • Teaching colleges and Universities The Whitlock McMaster slides are used principally in New Zealand and parts of NSW. Some veterinarians and lab technicians trained using the Whitlock McMaster and therefore in some districts show a preference for this slide. Using a Whitlock McMaster slide the counting is performed with a microscopic examination of a measured sample of faeces in a specific dilution. Calculations are made following the count. What is a worm egg count? “Parasitism is the most common way of life; more than 50% of animal species are parasites. They occur in all animals. Many have a profound effect on the health of people, domestic animals, livestock and wild animals “ (www.uq.edu.au). A worm egg count is a useful indicator of an animal’s health and involves identifying and counting the various parasite larvae (worm eggs) in a sample of faeces from an animal or ground. Using a Whitlock multi-chamber slide the counting is performed with a microscopic examination of a measured sample of faeces in a specific dilution. Calculations are made following the count. The technique was developed in CSIRO McMaster Laboratories in Sydney in the late 1930’s, and used ever since. Each Whitlock McMaster slide features: • Three chambers, each 0.3 ml volume • Each 0.3 ml divided into two areas of 0.15 ml • Three chambers to save time • The ability to count three samples on each slide • Flotation egg count design • Simple calculations

The Whitlock McMaster slide is specifically designed for parasite detection in large and small animals such as Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Goats, Camels, Deer, Alpacas, Ostriches, Emus, Dogs, Cats and Poultry. The Whitlock McMaster slide is used by • Farmers • Veterinarians • Testing and research Laboratories • Teaching colleges and Universities “Parasitism is the most common way of life; more than 50% of animal species are parasites. They occur in all animals. Many have a profound effect on the health of people, domestic animals, livestock and wild animals “ (www.uq.edu.au). A worm egg count is a useful indicator of an animal’s health and involves identifying and counting the various parasite larvae (worm eggs) in a sample of faeces from an animal or ground. Using a Whitlock multi-chamber slide the counting is performed with a microscopic examination of a measured sample of faeces in a specific dilution. Calculations are made following the count. The technique was developed in CSIRO McMaster Laboratories in Sydney in the late 1930’s, and used ever since. Each Whitlock Universal slide features: • Four chambers, each 0.5 ml volume • Each 0.5 ml divided into five counting strips of 0.1 ml • Four chambers to save time • The ability to count four samples on each slide • Flotation egg count design • Simple calculations

22. Laboratory Equipment

220046 ......................................................EGG Slide Universal 4 Chamber

237 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment


ZIP COMBO CENTRIFUGE 221002 ........................... Zip Combo Centrifuge Complete with 2 Rotors 221003 ........................ Zip Combo Centrifuge Complete without Rotors 221008 .............................................Capillary Tubes 40 x 0.85 mm 200/pk

The ZipCombo centrifuge is the perfect solution to your micro centrifugation needs! It provides all the performance of popular “Stat” centrifuges at a fraction of the cost. Spin down haematocrits at 12,000 rpm in only 3 minutes. Change the rotor to spin micro tubes at 12,000 rpms for serum in 3 minutes. Then use the digital controls to decrease the speed to spin urines in microtubes, too! Features • Quick start and stop • Easily changeable rotors • Small footprint to conserve counter space • Smooth operation • Digital LCD display of speed and time; lid open/close • Clear lid for using tachometer • Beep signals at end of cycle • Suction-cupped feet to prevent slipping Specifications • Weight: 0.9 kgs • 200 x 160 x 130 mm (L x W x H) • Variable speed: 1000 - 12000 rpm in steps of 1000 rpm • Maximum RCF: 6900 g • Digital timer: 15 seconds - 99 minutes or continuous mode • 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz auto-switching • 24 volt brushless DC motor


Applications • Blood • Urine separations • DNA preparations • HPLC microfiltration


Complete package Includes • ZipCombo Centrifuge Unit • 6 place microtube rotor • 12 place haematocrit rotor (40 x 0.034 ml) • PCR strip rotor (2 x 8 x 0.2 ml) • Capillary Tubes 40 x 0.85 mm, 200/pk (221008)


221004 ....................................................................6 Place Microtube Rotor 221005 .................................................. 12 Place Micro Haematocrit Rotor


221006 ...............................16 Place PCR Rotor for ZipCombo Centrifuge

22. Laboratory Equipment


CITROSEAL CLAY 221007 ...................................................CitroSeal Clay(Tube Sealant) 6/pk

Specially formulated vinyl plastic putty for sealing capillary tubes

MICRO CENTRIFUGE TUBES 221011................................................Micro Centrifuge Tubes 2 ml 500/pk

Round bottom with lid and graduation.

EZ READER MICROHEMATOCRIT CARD 221012 .....................................................Ez Reader Microhematocrit Card

Place the EZ Reader Card on a counter top. Carefully remove one of the tubes and place it into the tube slot on the card and adjust the tube until the 0% line is aligned with the bottom of the fluid in the tube. Reading Microhematocrits. After the rotor has stopped, remove the cover plate by unscrewing the green thumb screw and lifting the cover plate straight up. Place the EZ Reader Card on a counter top. Carefully remove one of the tubes and place it into the tube slot on the card and adjust the tube until the 0% line is aligned with the bottom of the fluid in the tube. While the card is still resting on the counter top, and keeping the bottom of the fluid at the 0% line, slide the scale card until the top of the fluid is aligned with the 100% line. Read the separation line in the middle for your microhematocrit results.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


The Zip-IQ PCV centrifuge is an impressive 24-place hematocrit centrifuge for spinning full-size 75mm capillary tubes. This attractive unit is very small, conserving valuable counter space in the lab, but also sturdy and heavy with suction-cupped feet for stability. The digital controls allow speed and time to be adjusted with the touch of a finger and will show real-time speed and time remaining. This centrifuge is surprisingly quiet, making the lab environment much more peaceful…talking on the phone beside it is not a problem. The powerful, maintenance-free, brushless motor spins at 12,000 rpm producing PCV results in 3 minutes. The auto-brake stops the rotor in 10 seconds, and the lid pops open automatically upon completion. The included reader disk allows tubes to be read while still on the rotor. The Zip-IQ is the smart choice for any clinic or laboratory. Features • Digital LCD displays speed, time, lid open/close • Auto-lid-open at end of cycle • Auto-brake stops rotor in 10 seconds • Suction-cupped feet to prevent slipping • Brushless, maintenance-free motor • Auto-switching AC adapter power supply • Zero-RPM interlock – cannot open while spinning Specifications • Digital variable speed: 500-12000rpm in steps of 100 rpm • Maximum RCF= 13,680g • Digital timer: 15 seconds to 99 minutes • 100-240V 50/60Hz auto-switching • 24 volt brushless DC motor • 63 dBA +/- 3 dBA @ 18”-24”


Advantages • Results in 3 minutes • Small footprint conserves counter space • Smooth, whisper-quiet operation • 24-place flat rotor spins full-size, 75mm hematocrit tubes Includes •

Zip-IQ PCV Centrifuge Unit

24-place flat rotor with lid for 75mm capillary tubes

24 volt, 6.5 amp AC power adapter

Reader disk


22. Laboratory Equipment

221031 ...............................................................Zip-IQ PCV Centrifuge Unit





Specifications • Digital variable speed: 300-5,000rpm in steps of 100 rpm • Maximum RCF= 2,500g • Digital timer: 15 seconds to 99 minutes • 100-240V 50/60Hz auto-switching power supply • 24-volt brushless DC motor • 53 dBA +/- 3 dBA @ 18”-24” Advantages • Small footprint conserves counter space • Smooth, whisper-quiet operation • Digital time and speed for accuracy • 6-place angled rotor spins common, 3ml-15ml test tubes Includes •

6-place angled rotor for 7ml-15ml tubes (16mm x 100mm+)

6 black inserts for 5ml-6ml tubes (13mm x 100mm+)

6 white inserts for 3ml-4ml tubes (13mm x 75mm)

24 volt DC 4 amp AC power adapter (100-240 volt AC 50/60Hz input)


22. Laboratory Equipment

The Zip-IQ TT centrifuge is an impressive 6-place test tube centrifuge for spinning blood, urine, and other fluids in 3ml to 15ml test tubes. This attractive unit is very small, conserving valuable counter space in the lab, but also sturdy and heavy with suction-cupped feet for stability. The digital controls allow speed and time to be adjusted with the touch of a finger and will show real-time speed and time remaining. This centrifuge is surprisingly quiet making the lab environment much more peaceful…you won’t even realize this unit is running. The powerful, maintenance-free, brushless motor spins at 5,000rpm (2,500g) producing serum in under 10 minutes. Slow the speed to 2,000rpm (400g) to spin urines in 5 minutes. The auto-brake stops the rotor in 10 seconds, and the lid pops open automatically upon completion. The Zip-IQ TT is the smart choice for any clinic or laboratory. Features • Angled 6-place test tube rotor with inserts (3 ml to 15 ml tubes) • Max tube size 16.8mm diameter x 123mm tall • Digital LCD displays speed, time, lid open/close • Auto-lid-open at end of cycle • Auto-brake stops rotor in 10 seconds • Suction-cupped feet to prevent slipping • Brushless maintenance-free motor • Auto-switching AC adapter power supply • Zero-RPM interlock – cannot open while spinning

241 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

221021 ................................................Zip-IQ TT Test Tube Centrifuge Unti




22. Laboratory Equipment


UNIVERSAL CENTRIFUGE PLC-036H 220200.....................Universal Centrifuge PLC-036h Complete Package with Aluminium Haematocrit Reader, Capillary Haematocrit Rotor and Fixed Angle Rotor 220201 .............................................. Universal Centrifuge PLC-036h Only 220208.................................... Acrylic Haematocrit Reader for PLC Series 220210 ............................ Aluminium Haematocrit Reader for PLC Series

Brushless Motor, RoHS and Universal Multi-voltage 100 - 240V Features • User-friendly design with RoHS compliant • Universal multi-voltage available from 100V – 240V • ERROR detection including rotor imbalance detection and alarm • Electronic interlocking lid safety device • Versatile rotors for selection, interchangeable • Automatic braking system at the end of run • Emergency STOP • Microprocessor-based control system • Stainless steel interior chamber • A transparent viewfinder on top to monitor the rotor spinning when lid is used • Unless covered with lid, the motor can’t spin


Specifications Overall Dimensions

320 x 400 x 310 mm approx.

Net Weight

17 kgs (not including rotor)

Motor Driving

Brushless, DC24V, 153W


Stainless steel, easy cleaning

Rotor Type

Various (Interchangeable)

Speed Indicator

Yes, 3-digit, LED digital

Speed Control



2-digits, 99 minutes. LED digital

Power Source

Universal 100V ~ 240V, 50/60HZ

Speed (rpm)

1000 - 15,000 rpm, adjustable

Imbalance detection

Yes, alarm and brake


Automatice braking system

Safety Interlocking Lid




Lid Open Yes, in case of power failure Override Device Overheat Alarm


Emergency Stop

Yes, lid lock release

Safety Shutout Device

Yes, when lid is open

ERROR Detection

Yes (5 errors)



22. Laboratory Equipment

Technical data • Automatic imbalance detection system alarms and prevents damage by gently bringing rotor to a complete stop • Overheating sensor detects temperature of motor and driver • Interlocking lid system prevents accidental opening during operation. Special design lets you open lid manually in case of power failure • Lid can be opened only when the rotor is completely stopped. Gently press button “LID OPEN” to open lid • Safety device to shut off motor when lid is opened • Module microprocessor-based circuit board ensures excellent performance and easy for maintenance • Speed depends upon what type of rotor is used, which is adjustable • Digital Timer features to count down from 99 to 0 minutes with 1-minute increment • Versatile rotors interchangeable for your choice according to your application • A transparent viewfinder on top

220207 ..............................................................Fixed Angle Rotor 8 x 15 ml

• • • •

Included with 220200 Centrifuge Unit A0815 - Fixed angle rotor 8 x 15 ml Max RPM/RCF - 5000 / 2963 g Time to brake - 10 seconds

Optional 5 ml adaptor tube holder available for this rotor 220209....................................................... 5 ml Adaptor Tube Holder 8/pk 220209S..................................................... 5 ml Adaptor Tube Holder 1/pk

• •

14 mm diameter 66 mm long

220206............................Capillary Tube Rotor 24 x 0.75ml, Haematocrit

• • • •

Included with 220200 Centrifuge Unit F-2415 - Capillary Tube 24 x 0.75 ml haematocrit Max RPM/RCF - Fixed, 12000 x 14490 g Time to brake - 10 seconds

Additional Optional Rotors Rotor

Tubes x No.

Suggested Max RPM/ RCF


1.5 ml (or 2.0 ml) x 18

14,000 rpm / 16,083 xg


1.5 ml (or 2.0 ml) x 24

15,000 rpm / 20,630 xg


Combination of: 1.5 ml (2.0 ml) x 24 0.2 ml x 12 tubes 0.5 ml x 12 tubes

Combination of: 15,000 rpm / 20,630 xg 15,000 rpm / 15,672 xg 15,000 rpm / 16,350 xg


0.2 ml x 32 (micro-plate)

15,000 rpm / 15,659 xg


15 ml (or 10 ml) x 12 5,000 rpm / 3,172 xg tubes


5 ml x 24 tubes

5,000 rpm / 2,865 xg


50 ml x 4 tubes

5,000 rpm / 3,284 xg

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment


SMALL WATER BATH 220215 ................................................................. Small Water Bath YCW-05

Features • Providing a desired test through a thermostatic temperature with ambient to 99.9 or 100ºC. Ideal for biological, clinical research, medical, bio-chemical, industry and education laboratory • Molded bath with round corners and seamless stainless steel sides ensure efficient circulation and easy for cleaning • Equipped with immersion heating element sheathed with stainless steel, corrosion free • Improve temperature uniformity by rotating water stirrer to direct flow to various areas of the bath • YCW-10, YCW-010E comes with built-in microprocessor-based digital controller. Audible and visible alarm is activated and shut out power to 2ºC above the set point. Timer starts working when the set temperature has been stabilized • Functions alarm and the display with “END” after the completion of the operation cycle • Drain valve and perforated tray are optional for extra cost to meet your requirement • YCW-01, YCW-04M are the most practical and economic models, but with excellent performance • Choice of stirred or unstirred water circulation to meet your requirements Optional accessories • Gable lid • Test tube rack • Concentric ring with connector


Specifications Bath Dimensions

240 x 140 x 150 mm approx.

Bath Volume

5 Litres

Working Volume

3 Litres

Temperature Setting

Analog dial

Temperature Readout


Temperature Preset


Temperature Set

Ambient ~ 100°C

Temperature Stability


Temperature Uniformity

Stirred - ±0.1°C

Water Circulation


Temperature Control




Over-Heat Shutout


Heating Element

500 W

Water Drain


Back-Up Battery


Unstirred - N/A

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


22. Laboratory Equipment



UniVet™ Disposable Examination Gloves

Univet™ Disposable Poly Boots

Obstetric Chains, Ropes and Handles

Kuhn Crutch

Obstetric Hooks

Embryotomy Instruments

Obstetric Calving Spatula

Obstetric Wire

Embryotome Handles

Wire Introducers

Fetal Extractor and Accessories

Obstetric Knives

Uterine Support

Obstetric Lubricant

Obstetric Forceps

Prolapse Buttons


Umbilical Cord Clamps

Obstetric Snares

Obstetric Disposable Gowns

23. Obstetric Equipment

UNIVET™ DISPOSABLE EXAMINATION GLOVES 230085 .................. UniVet™ Super Sensitive Orange Gloves 90 cm 10 x 100/pk 230090 .............UniVet™ Super Sensitive Orange Gloves 90 cm 100/pk 230085P .............. UniVet™ Super Sensitive Orange Gloves w/Shoulder Protector 90 cm 10 x 50/pk 230090P .............. UniVet™ Super Sensitive Orange Gloves w/Shoulder Protector 90 cm 50/pk 230094 ............................UniVet™ Soft Green Gloves 90 cm 10 x 100/pk 230095 .................................... UniVet™ Soft Green Gloves 90 cm 100/pk 230094P .............. UniVet™ Soft Green Gloves w/Shoulder Protector 90 cm 10 x 100/pk 230095P .............. UniVet™ Soft Green Gloves w/Shoulder Protector 90 cm 100/pk


UniVet™ Soft Gloves Green with Protector

UniVet™ Super Sensitive Gloves Orange with Protector

UniVet™ Soft Gloves Green

UniVet™ Super Sensitive Gloves Orange

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The UniVet™ Disposable Gloves can be used for a number of examinations and procedures including Preg Testing, Artificial Insemination, Palpation and much more. The UniVet™ gloves are made from a 25 micron PE (polyethylene) material that has been water tested for strength and quality. The gloves soft gentle seam make it more comfortable for the veterinarian. Features • Available in Super Sensitive or Soft • 90 cm • Durable 25 micron PE (Polyethylene) material • Available with or without shoulder protector • EVA additive (ethylene vinyl acetate) makes the glove very soft • Water tested for strength and quality • Transparent Orange / Green • Multi-purpose • Packed in a convenient dispenser box

23. Obstetric Equipment



UNIVET™ DISPOSABLE POLY BOOT WITH ELASTIC TOP 230088 ............... UniVet™ Disposable Poly Boot with Elastic Top 50/pk 230096 .............UniVet™ Disposable Poly Boot with Elastic Top 500/pk

The UniVet™ Disposable Poly Boots are made from a 70 micron PE (polyethylene) material that is durable and waterproof . Features • Elastic at the top to give a secure fit on the ankle • Durable PE Polyethylene material 70 μm • 38 cm in length • 53 cm in height

23VF510N ..........................................Obstetric Chain Nickel Plated 80 cm 23VF512N ....................................... Obstetric Chain Nickel Plated 152 cm

Length measurements are approx and don't include oblong links at the end of the chains

23. Obstetric Equipment


GERMAN STAINLESS STEEL OBSTETRIC CHAINS 23VF510R........................................ Obstetric Chain Stainless Steel 73 cm 23VF512R......................................Obstetric Chain Stainless Steel 190 cm

Length measurements are approx and don't include oblong links at the end of the chains

ECONOMY STAINLESS STEEL OBSTETRIC CHAINS 230000 ......................... Economy Obstetric Chain Stainless Steel 73 cm 230001........................ Economy Obstetric Chain Stainless Steel 183 cm

Length measurements are approx and don't include oblong links at the end of the chains

230002 ......................... Economy Obstetric Chain 80 cm with Eye Hooks

Length measurements are approx and don't include eye hooks or oblong links at the end of the chains

OBSTETRIC ROPES 23VF500 ........................................German Obstetric Nylon Rope 150 cm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


23. Obstetric Equipment

OBSTETRIC HANDLES 230047.........................Economy Obstetric Chain Handle Heavy Pattern

130 mm across the bottom

230040 .................................................. Economy Obstetric Chain Handle



230045..................................................... Economy Obstetric Kuhn Crutch

OBSTETRIC HOOKS 23VF550..................................Aesculap Obstetric Eye Hook Blunt 6.5 cm 230057................................... Economy Obstetric Eye Hook Blunt 6.5 cm

23VF552....................................Aesculap Obstetric Eye Hook Sharp 8 cm

KREY SCHOTTLER HOOKS 23VF558......................... Aesculap Krey-Schottler Obstetric Hook 21 cm


230059.........................................................Economy Krey-Schottler Hook

OBSTETRIC HOOKS 230050..................................................... Obstetric Eye Hook Sharp 70 cm 230055...................................................... Obstetric Eye Hook Blunt 70 cm

230056...............................................Obstetric Hook Cutting Probe Point

230058............................................... Obstetric Cutting Hook Sharp Point

23. Obstetric Equipment


EMBRYOTOMY INSTRUMENTS Comes complete with threader, handle and double tube end. Parts can also be purchased separately as listed below

230021 ............................... Embryotome Threader THYG 85c for 230020

230022...................................Embryotome Double Tube End for 230020

230023.............................Embryotome Double Tube Handle for 230020

OBSTETRIC CALVING SPATULA 230060 ........................................Obstetric Spatula (calving) Semi-Sharp

251 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

230020..............................Embryotome Instrument Set (Stainless Steel)

23. Obstetric Equipment

OBSTETRIC WIRE 23VF677......................................... Aesculap Obstetric Wire 12 m, Course

230004 ........................................................... Obstetric/Dehorn Wire 10 m

Saw wire for embryotomy and dehorning. 27 wires threaded. Plastic box 10 m.


T-SHAPE WIRE HANDLE 230005................................................. Embryotome T Shape Wire Handle

WIRE INTRODUCER HANDLE 230010 ..........................................Embryotome Wire Introducer / Handle 23VF684 ..............................................Obstetric Wire Introducer / Handle


FOLDING TYPE WIRE HANDLE 230015 ........................................ Embryotome Wire Handle Folding Type 23VF685 ............................................ Obstetric Wire Handle Folding Type

23VF521 ..................................... Obstetric Double Loop Rope Introducer

WIRE INTRODUCER BALL LOOP 230035............................................... Obstetric Wire Introducer Ball Loop

23. Obstetric Equipment

230037 .......................Economy Obstetric Wire Introducer Double Loop

253 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


23. Obstetric Equipment

FETAL EXTRACTOR 230069................................................... Nicholson Fetal Extractor 23 Inch

Dr. Frank’s Calf Puller is the original obstetrical instrument developed by B.N. Frank, DVM, a specialist in veterinary obstetrics. Dr. Frank’s is a precision instrument that has proven its effectiveness year after year in thousands of calving cases. The uniform tension of this unique fetal extractor does not permit slipping or backing-up of the jack. Traction on the calf and the counter-thrust against the cow induce spreading of the pelvic bones, elevation of the abdomen, and arching of the animal’s back, all assisting in the natural birthing process. The entire unit can easily be assembled in minutes. The smooth rods unscrew for easy storage and cleaning. Dr. Frank’s comes packaged with a 45” obstetric chain. Made in the USA.

SPARE PARTS FOR CALF PULLER 230071 .....................................................................................Jack Assembly

254 230072................................................................................Jack Handle Only

230074 ....................................................................................... 23” Breechen

230075 ............................................................................................ Web Strap


230076 .......................................................................................72” Rod (Pair)

230077.............................................................. Dr. Franks Replacement Kit

Includes • 6 x Cams • 2 x Springs

230078.............................................................................................Vinyl Case

230030..............................................................Roberts Embryotomy Knife

LINDE OBSTETRIC KNIFE 230033......................................................................... Linde Obstetric Knife

23. Obstetric Equipment


OBSTETRIC FINGER KNIFE 230900........................................................................Obstetric Finger Knife

CAESARIAN KNIFE 230901 ................................................................................... Caesarian Knife

OBSTETRIC KNIFE 230905..........................................Obstetric Knife with Retractable Blade

Specifications • 115 mm in length • 18 mm long blade • 9 mm wide blade (measured at the widest point) • Blade will lock in place at any point with the screw lock action

PLASTIC UTERINE SUPPORT EWE 230855...................................................Plastic Uterine Support Ewe, 5/pk

This plastic support is used to prevent prolapse around the time of lambing. Once inserted into the vagina it can be tied to the fleece. Sterilize and use a lubricant before insertion.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


23. Obstetric Equipment

OBSTETRIC LUBRICANT 230930.............................................................Poly Lube Powder 8oz/227g

Outstanding lubricating qualities in a concentrated powder formula at an economical price.

230931 ................................... J-Lube Obstetric Lubricating Powder 10oz

J-Lube is a concentrated powder that dissolves easily in water and is a very effective obstetrical lubricant. J-Lube is completely inert and non-irritating. 10oz plastic bottle with shaker top makes 6-8 gallons of lubricant. Non-spermicidal. For Veterinary Use Only!

256 UTERINE FORCEPS 230840 ......................................Obstetric Uterine Bitch Forceps 200 mm

PROFIX PROLAPSE BUTTONS 231144 ............................... Profix Prolapse Buttons, Repair Kit for Cattle

Designed for internal fixation of vaginal prolapse in a preparturient cow, the AG-TEK® “Pro-Fix® Button” will reduce the prolapse, keep it from recurring and allow for normal parturition without assistance. The disposable AG-TEK® “Pro-Fix® Button” provides a fast, easy and economical technique for vaginal prolapse repair.

TOGGLE SUTURE D/A www.dlc.com.au

230038........................................................................DA Toggle Suture pair

The 230039 Trocar/Cannula and 230038 Toggle Sutures are used in the Grymer/Sterner method for nonsurgical percutaneous fixation of the left displaced abomasum (LDA). For viewing the actual surgical technique check the website www.ldatogglesuture.com. Toggle Sutures are sold in pairs.

230039............................................................................. DA Trocar/Cannula

The 230039 Trocar/Cannula and 230038 Toggle Sutures are used in the Grymer/Sterner method for nonsurgical percutaneous fixation of the left displaced abomasum (LDA). Trocar Cannula are sold as singles.


23. Obstetric Equipment


230920 ...............................................Umbilical Cord Clamps - Disposable

230066 ........................................................... Obstetric Snare Swine Cable

230065......................................................................... Save - A - Calf - Snare

Ideal’s Save-a-Calf Snare loop is easily made larger or smaller by sliding the yoke. The snare is fabricated from high grade steel cable and has a thimble for use with Ideal’s OB handle.

DISPOSABLE OBSTETRIC GOWN 230084 ............ Disposable Obstetric Gown 25/pk with conical sleeves

• • • •

Light green, 0.03 mm thickness 1590 mm long 940 mm wide 1700 mm arm span

257 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




Schiotz Tonometer

Ophthalmic Kit

Eye Retractors

Eye Clamps

Ophthalmic Forceps

Ophthalmic Scissors

Ophthalmic Elevator

Ophthalmic Needle Holders


Horse Eye Doctor Kits

240025........................................................................... Schioetz Tonometer

The Schioetz Tonometer measures intraocular pressure by registering the depth of indentation produced in the cornea by a plunger carrying a known weight. The downward movement is multiplied twenty times, so each division on the scale corresponds to an indentation of 1/20 mm in the cornea. The most economical method for measuring ocular pressure. Kit comes complete with conversion chart and storage case. Made in Germany.

24. Ophthalmic Instruments


OPHTHALMIC KIT 240000 ...................................................................................Ophthalmic Kit

GRAEFE EYE RETRACTOR 240125 .............................................................Graefe Eye Retractor 90 mm

ALM SELF RETAINING EYE RETRACTOR 240120 .................................................... Alm Self Retaining Eye Retractor

• • • • • •

Very small retractor Works very well with small exotics or avian patients Stainless steel 4 x 4 blunt prongs 75 mm overall length 55 mm inside spread

259 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Kit Includes 240045 - 1 x Straight Medium Iris Forceps 100 mm 240050 - 1 x Straight Micro Iris Forceps 100 mm 240080 - 1 x Straight 1/2 Teeth Iris Tissue Forceps 110 mm 240115 - 1 x Straight Castro Micro Needle Holder 202873 - 1 x Curved Iris Scissors 110 mm 240100 - 1 x Noyes Micro Scissors 240130 - 1 x Chalazion Eye Clamp 240125 - 1 x Graefe Eye Retractor

24. Ophthalmic Instruments

EYELID RETRACTOR 240126 .................................................................................. Eyelid Retractor

• •

Stainless steel 101 mm long

EYELID RETRACTOR 24OA311 ................................................................Eyelid Retractor 145 mm

• •

Length - 145 mm Retractor diemensions - 9 x 12 mm

CHALAZION EYE CLAMP 240130 ......................................................................... Chalazion Eye Clamp


The Chalazion Clamp provides a rigid surface against which the cyst can be incised and assists in minimizing bleeding during the surgery. A ‘chalazion’ is the terms used to describe an enlarged Meibomian Gland, containing retained secretory products secondary to chronic inflammation and an obstructed gland orifice. A Chalazion usually present as a painless and firm swelling within the eyelid. Chalazion’s often respond in the acute stage to conservative treatment consisting of daily applied hot compresses for 10-15 minute duration, followed by drainage of the retained material through the gland orifice. In chronic cases, however, the Chalazion does not respond to such treatment and will need to be incised and curetted. In such cases, the Chalazion Clamp is invaluable as a means of fixing the inverted eyelid to enable incision and minimizing intraoperative bleeding. • Length - 86 mm • Clamp height - 17 mm • Clamp length - 23 mm

LAMBERT EYE CLAMP 240140 .............................................................. Lambert Eye Clamp 90 mm


GRAEFFE FORCEPS 240090 ...................... Fixation Graeffe Forceps with Pin Guide 110 mm 24OC100 .............. AESCULAP Fixation Graeffe Forceps with Pin Guide 110 mm

240091 ................................. Fixation Graeffe Forceps with Lock 110 mm

240080 ...................................... Iris Tissue Forceps Straight Tip 1-2 teeth 24OC024 ........................................AESCULAP Iris Tissue Forceps Straight 100 mm 1-2 teeth

240085 ........................................Iris Tissue Forceps Curved Tip 1-2 teeth 24OC026......................................... AESCULAP Iris Tissue Forceps Curved 100 mm 1-2 teeth

24. Ophthalmic Instruments


240050................................................ Iris Micro Forceps Straight 100 mm

240045................................................. Iris Plain Forceps Straight 100 mm

24OC022 ........................ AESCULAP Iris Tissue Forceps Curved 110 mm

SCISSORS 24BC101................ AESCULAP Iris and Ligature Scissors Curved 90 mm

24BC170...............AESCULAP Steven Vessel and Tendon Scissors Sharp 110 mm

240100 ..........................................................................Noyes Micro Scissors

OPHTHALMIC FREER ELEVATOR 24OL165......................... AESCULAP Ophthalmic Freer Elevator 180 mm

261 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

240075 ..................................................Iris Plain Forceps Curved 110 mm

24. Ophthalmic Instruments

NEEDLE HOLDERS 240005............................................... Stevens Ophthalmic Needle Holder

240110 .........................................Castro Micro Needle Holder Curved Tip 240115 ....................................... Castro Micro Needle Holder Straight Tip

LACHRYMAL PROBE 24OB514 ............................................................ Bowman Lachrymal Probe

LACHRYMAL OPHTHALMOLOGY NEEDLE 240020........................Lachrymal Straight 23 G Ophthalmology Needle


0,6 x 30 mm, luer lock with Knob 240021 ......................... Lachrymal Curved 23 G Ophthalmology Needle


0.6 x 33 mm, luer lock with Knob

24. Ophthalmic Instruments

HORSE EYE DOCTOR KITS 241194 ............................................ Horse Eye Doctor Kit Extra Large Left 241197 .......................................................Horse Eye Doctor Kit Large Left 241200 ..................................................Horse Eye Doctor Kit Medium Left 241203 .......................................................Horse Eye Doctor Kit Small Left 241195 ..........................................Horse Eye Doctor Kit Extra Large Right 241198 .................................................... Horse Eye Doctor Kit Large Right 241201 ............................................... Horse Eye Doctor Kit Medium Right 241204 .................................................... Horse Eye Doctor Kit Small Right 241196 ...................................... Horse Eye Doctor Kit Extra Large Double 241199 ................................................ Horse Eye Doctor Kit Large Double 241202 ........................................... Horse Eye Doctor Kit Medium Double 241205 .................................................Horse Eye Doctor Kit Small Double


241210 ........... Disposable Fur Eye Padding Ring

241211 ..........................Disposable Tear Pad

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Thousands of horses lose their eyes due to minor infections and injuries that can be cured through a better recovery process. Fortunately Eye Doctor has provided a perfect solution to this problem which has long haunted the veterinarians and the horse owners across the world. Thousands of horses have already been rescued by this revolutionary new product as it continues to be the first choice of veterinarians. Eye Doctor aids the recovery process of the horse’s injured or infected eye in the following ways: 1. It is the only proven and widely used product to prevent the horse from rubbing its eye against the walls and fences due to excessive itching. 2. It is designed to help the horse keep its eyes close without the painful stitching. 3. The mask fits the horse perfectly and it is very protective yet comfortable. 4. The product has been designed to provide unmatched level of hygiene. 5. It is easy to follow even by horse owners. Did you know that the horse eye problems are easy to operate but the recovery is the major issue due to the itching on the wounded eye? The itching is caused by the discharge of blood and tears from the eye or due to insects and flies attacking the affected area. Keeping the infected area hygienic through regular redressing is also another major dilemma faced by many horse owners and veterinarians. Unfortunately all the mentioned problems contribute towards worsening the minor eye infections and injuries to a point of no return. Horse Eye Doctor is the best solution available to any one with horse eye problem. Since its launch the product has become the first choice of the veterinarians and horse owners across North America. Thousands of horses have been rescued by this revolutionary new product.



Surgery Lighting

Examination Lighting

25. Theatre Lighting

PRELUDE SERIES LED SURGERY LIGHTING 250020................... Shor-Line Prelude LED Surgery Light Single Ceiling 250022...................... Shor-Line Prelude LED Surgery Light Dual Ceiling 250024 ....................... Shor-Line Prelude LED Surgery Light Wall Mount 250026............................... Shor-Line Prelude LED Surgery Light Mobile

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

10,000 LUX (929 foot candles) minimum to a 90,000 LUX (8400 foot candles) maximum. Measurements taken at 39 3/8 inches (one meter) 18 white light LEDs with individual parabolic reflectors Field of illumination (pattern size) is 6 inches (152 mm) measured at one metre High efficiency. In general LEDs consume only 20% of the power other bulbs require Colour temperature of 4500 K - visual tissue clarity Infinite dimming switch allows for continuous increase/ decrease of illumination within the LUX range Very low heat - cool to work under and no drying of the tissue No replacement bulbs or fuses necessary Multiple mounting and configuration options: Single Ceiling, Dual Ceiling, Single Wall and Mobile Easily positioned and drift free Includes 2 autoclavable positioning handles Low maintenance Long life LEDs 75,000 -100,000 bulb burn hours Auto voltage sensing of 120 V - 240 V 3 year product housing warranty


Light Off

Light On

265 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

250033 ....................................Shor-Line Prelude Austoclaveable Handle

25. Theatre Lighting

266 44905-C


Touchless Controls




48955 44905-W




25. Theatre Lighting

GREEN SERIES™ EXAMINATION LIGHTS 44455..............................GS 300 General Exam Light with Mobile Stand 44415 ...................... GS 300 General Exam Light with Table/Wall Mount 44605.........................GS 600 Minor Procedure Light with Mobile Stand 44615 .................GS 600 Minor Procedure Light with Table/Wall Mount 48950 ...............................................Tall Mobile Stand for GS Exam Lights 44905.................................... GS 900 Procedure Light with Mobile Stand


44905-C ...............................GS 900 Procedure Light with Ceiling Mount 44905-W ...........GS 900 Procedure Light with Wall Mount 48955 Table/ Wall Mount for GS 300/GS 600 52630 ..............................Disposable Sheath for GS 600/GS 900 (50/box, 5 boxes/case)

Greener, for a lower cost of ownership • No bulb replacement for cost savings and less waste and lower energy consumption • Intensity controls for the GS 600 and GS 900 allow you to adjust light output based on your needs




Designed to aid in infection control to help keep your patients safer • Touch-less on/off controls to reduce your contact with the light • New ergonomic design that is easy to wipe clean • Reduce the chance of spreading nosocomial and zoonotic infections by using an optional sheath with each patient GS900

GS 300 General Exam Light • Perfect combination of intense light output and cool operation • Compact, rugged design • Affordable price and exceptional performance • Ideal for any in-office exam GS 600 Minor Procedure Light • Three LEDs • Wider head, with a handle designed specifically for demanding conditions • Delivers brilliant colour and enhanced performance and accuracy • Ideal for minor procedures and exams in any setting GS 900 Procedure Light • Six LEDs, combines outstanding durability, extraordinary manoeuvrability, and unparalleled spot quality • Ceiling and wall mount options give the ability to maximize floor space and provide direct light—right where you need it • Top-performing light for nearly every application, whether you are a neighbourhood clinic or speciality practice

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Welch Allyn Green Series Medical Exam Lights feature white LEDs that provide a brighter, whiter light than ever before and consume less energy. So now you can see true tissue colour during an exam or procedure while also reducing your current cost of ownership. Whiter and Brighter, to improve patient exams • 5,500° K white light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as opposed to halogen, for a superior whiter, brighter light • True tissue colour rendition and uniform spot—no dark or hot spots • Industry-leading lumen performance with up to 50,000 hours of life • Minimal heat dissipation for greater patient comfort and safety



Wire/Pin Cutter

Pin Puller

Bone Mallets

Bone Cutter

Bone Pin Chuck and Accessories

Bone Forceps

Drill Bits

Bone Holder

Screw Drivers

Repositioning Forceps

Screw Holding Forceps

Bone Rongeur


Bone Chisel

Drill Guides

Partsch Gouge

Screw Depth Gauge

Bone Osteotome

Bone Tap T-Bar


T-Bar Handle

Bone Lever / Elevator

Bone Tunnel Borer

Bone Curettes

Bending Irons

Stifle Distractor

Bone Washers

Wire Passer

Bone Screws

Wire Tightener

Bone Plates

Wire Pliers

Bone Pins and Accessories

Wire Twister

Suture Wire

Bone Toggle Line


Trephine and Handles

External Fixation Bars

Universal Calliper

External Fixation Socket Wrench

Bone Saw

External Fixation Drill Bits

Femoral Head Disarticulator

Plaster Shear

Electric Plaster Cutting Saw and Blades

Cruciate Instruments and Accessories

Orthopaedic Kits

Bone Drill Shroud

260009 ....................................Wire Cutter For Cutting Of Kirschner Wire

Length = 490 mm. Cutter for cutting off Kirschner wires, Tibia head screws, bolts, pins, up to 6 mm in diameter.

PIN PULLER WITH SIDE CUTTER 260047a..............................................................Pin Puller with Side Cutter

Removal is made easy with these forceps. Also useful for bending, holding and cutting small pins and wires.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


BONE PIN PULLER 260047....................................................................................Bone Pin Puller

LISTEN BONE CUTTER 260010 .............................................. Liston Straight Bone Cutter 210 mm

DOUBLE ACTION BONE CUTTER 260015 ...............................................Double Action Bone Cutter 200 mm 260016 ...............................................Double Action Bone Cutter 270 mm

BONE PLATE HOLDING FORCEP 260018 ........................................Bone Plate Holding Forcep 2.7 / 3.5 mm

FERGUSON BONE HOLDER 260020.......................................................Ferguson Bone Holder 210 mm

269 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Removal is made easy with these forceps. Also useful for bending, holding, and cutting small pins and wires. Parallel action pliers may be used in tandem with bone plate bender for contouring smaller plates. Stainless steel.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

BONE HOLDER WITH THREAD FIXATION 260021 .................................. Bone Holder with Thread Fixation 150 mm 260022.................................. Bone Holder with Thread Fixation 190 mm 260023.................................. Bone Holder with Thread Fixation 240 mm

Self centering.

LAMBOTTE BONE HOLDER 260025...................................................... Lambotte Bone Holder 210 mm


KERN MINI BONE HOLDING FORCEP 260026.......................................Kern Mini Bone Holding Forcep 160 mm

KERN LANE BONE HOLDER 260028......................................................Kern Lane Bone Holder 220 mm

VEBRUGGE BONE HOLDER 260030......................................................Vebrugge Bone Holder 170 mm


260031 ......................................................Vebrugge Bone Holder 250 mm

REPOSITIONING FORCEPS 260032.......................................................Repositioning Forceps 135 mm 260034.......................................................Repositioning Forceps 170 mm

260035.......................................... Bone Rongeur Double Action 210 mm


26. Orthopaedic Instruments


260040 .................................. Bone Ronguer Luer Single Action 160 mm

260135 ..................................... Ferris Smith Rongeur, Straight 4 x 10 mm

STILLE BONE CHISEL 260066 ................................................................. Stille Bone Chisel 10 mm 260067 ................................................................. Stille Bone Chisel 12 mm 260068 ................................................................. Stille Bone Chisel 15 mm 260069.................................................................. Stille Bone Chisel 20 mm 26FL503 ........................... AESCULAP Stille Bone Chisel 10 mm, 205 mm 26FL504 ........................... AESCULAP Stille Bone Chisel 12 mm, 205 mm 26FL505 ........................... AESCULAP Stille Bone Chisel 15 mm, 205 mm

PARTSCH BONE CHISEL 26FL183 ......................... AESCULAP Partsch Bone Chisel 3 mm, 170 mm 26FL184 ......................... AESCULAP Partsch Bone Chisel 4 mm, 170 mm 26FL185 ......................... AESCULAP Partsch Bone Chisel 5 mm, 170 mm 26FL186 ......................... AESCULAP Partsch Bone Chisel 6 mm, 170 mm 26FL187 ......................... AESCULAP Partsch Bone Chisel 7 mm, 170 mm

BONE OSTEOTOME 260088 .................................................................... Bone Osteotome 4 mm 260089 .................................................................... Bone Osteotome 6 mm 260070 ..................................................................... Bone Osteotome 8 mm 260071 ................................................................... Bone Osteotome 10 mm 260072................................................................... Bone Osteotome 12 mm 260073................................................................... Bone Osteotome 15 mm

271 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


26. Orthopaedic Instruments

LAMBOTTE BONE OSTEOTOME 26FL101 ......................AESCULAP Lambotte Osteotome 4 mm, 125 mm 26FL106 ....................AESCULAP Lambotte Osteotome 10 mm, 125 mm

ADSON RASPATORY 26FK309 .........AESCULAP Adson Raspatory Semi-Sharp Curved, 7 mm

PEEK-HANDLE RASPATORY 26FK321........................AESCULAP Raspatory Peek Handle, 190 x 6 mm



26FK324......................AESCULAP Raspatory Peek Handle, 190 x 14 mm

MILLER BONE RASP 26DO772 ........... AESCULAP Miller Bone Rasp 180 mm Tips - 6 mm and 4.3 mm

BONE LEVER 260074 ............................................................................... Bone Lever, 5 mm 260075 ............................................................................... Bone Lever, 7 mm 260076 ............................................................................Bone Lever, 7.5 mm

HOHMANN BONE LEVER 260077...................................Hohmann Bone Lever 8 mm, 220 mm long


260078................................ Hohmann Bone Lever 18 mm, 235 mm long

26FK114 ......................AESCULAP Periosteal Bone Lever 6 mm, 150 mm

26FK117 ......................AESCULAP Periosteal Bone Lever 6 mm, 160 mm

26FK118 ......................AESCULAP Periosteal Bone Lever 8 mm, 160 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


26FK170 ................... AESCULAP Periosteal Bone Lever 10 mm, 220 mm

26FK116.........AESCULAP Buck - Gramcko Bone Lever 7.5 mm, 150 mm

26FK131 ............... AESCULAP Langenbeck Bone Lever 10 mm, 200 mm

26FK133 .......................AESCULAP Quervain Bone Lever 6 mm, 200 mm

26FK166 ................... AESCULAP Hohmann Bone Lever 17 mm, 240 mm

26FK171 ................... AESCULAP Hohmann Bone Lever 17 mm, 240 mm

26FK172 ................... AESCULAP Hohmann Bone Lever 24 mm, 260 mm

26FK173 ................... AESCULAP Hohmann Bone Lever 34 mm, 285 mm

26FK175 ..........................AESCULAP Verbrugge - Miller 65 mm, 255 mm

273 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

26FK130 ................. AESCULAP Langenbeck Bone Lever 8 mm, 200 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

VOLKMANN BONE CURETTE 260100 ............................... Volkmann Bone Curette Size 0000, 5 x 3 mm 260102 ..................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 000, 5 x 2 mm 260103 ....................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 00, 6 x 4 mm 260104 ...................................... Volkmann Bone Curette Size 0, 8 x 4 mm 260105 ...................................... Volkmann Bone Curette Size 1, 9 x 6 mm 260106 ....................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 2, 10 x 7 mm 260107 ....................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 3, 13 x 9 mm 260108 ....................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 4, 15 x 9 mm 260109 ..................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 5, 18 x 13 mm 260110 ..................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 6, 21 x 13 mm 260111...................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 7, 20 x 13 mm 260112 ..................................Volkmann Bone Curette Size 8, 21 x 14 mm 260113 .............................. Volkmann Bone Curette Size 9, 22.5 x 15 mm 26FK630............AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 0000, 2.8 mm 26FK631 .............. AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 000, 3.6 mm 26FK632 ................AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 00, 4.4 mm 26FK633 ...................AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 0, 5.2 mm


26FK634...................AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 1, 6.8 mm 26FK635...................AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 2, 8.5 mm 26FK636....................AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 3, 10 mm 26FK637 ............... AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 4, 11.5 mm 26FK639 ............... AESCULAP Volkmann Bone Curette Size 6, 14.5 mm

Measurements are approx. All bone curettes are approx. 170 mm long.

DOUBLE ENDED BONE CURETTE 26FK814 ..........................Williger Bone Curette, Double Ended, 145 mm

26FK841........................Volkmann Bone Cutter, Double Ended, 145 mm 26FK842 .......................Volkmann Bone Cutter, Double Ended, 170 mm

STIFLE DISTRACTOR 260079........................................................................Stifle Distractor 3 mm


260080 .......................................................................Stifle Distractor 6 mm

WIRE PASSER 260087.......................Orthopaedic Wire Passer Double Ended, 150 mm

This is a simple instrument for passage of cerclage wire around fracture sites. Stainless steel. Minimizes trauma to surrounding tissue. Saves surgical time. Double ended for a whole range of bone sizes. 150 mm long.

260091......................................... Loop Cerclage Wire Tightener, 127 mm

For loop-style cerclage wire. Made in Germany with a velvet finish.

LOUTE WIRE TIGHTENER 260092......................................................... Loute Wire Tightener 210 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


WIRE PLIERS 260095............................................................................ Wire Pliers 160 mm

26BM111 ................................AESCULAP Durogrip Wire Twister, 150 mm

Recommended for suture material up to 3/0.

LARGE CERCLAGE WIRE TWISTER 260090 ............................................Large Cerclage Wire Twister, 177 mm

Will work with any size wire. For cerclage, hemicerclage or tension band wiring. Stainless steel. 177 mm long.

BONE TOGGLE LINE 260093....................................................................Bone Toggle Line Sterile

Toggle Insertion Device. The toggle insertion process is commonly difficult due to use of home-made or other commercial devices. Typically problematic is the toggle coming back out of the hole in the acetabulum. The toggle insertion device deposits the toggle reliably and safely into the pelvic canal through the 4.5 mm hole in the acetabulum. Pulling back on the LigaFiba while retaining the insertion device in the hole “flips” the toggle preventing pullout. The LigaFiba line which passes through the hole in the toggle is passed down through the drilled hole in the femoral head and neck.

MICHELE TREPHINE 260140 ..........................................Michele Trephine ID. 3 mm / OD. 5 mm 260141 ..........................................Michele Trephine ID. 4 mm / OD. 6 mm 260142 ..........................................Michele Trephine ID. 6 mm / OD. 8 mm

Facilitates removal of wire and broken bone screws.

275 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


26. Orthopaedic Instruments

TREPHINE AND HANDLE 260143 .................................................................Trephine and Handle 1/4” 260144 .................................................................Trephine and Handle 1/2” 260145 .................................................................Trephine and Handle 3/4” 260146 .....................................................................Trephine and Handle 1” 260147 ............................................................... Trephine and Handle 1.25”

TREPHINE HANDLE 260148 ........................................................................Trephine Handle Only

UNIVERSAL CALIPER 26AA847 .............................................................. Universal Caliper 130mm

Measuring range up to 100 mm.

276 LANGENBECK BONE SAW 260157 ...................................................................... Langenbeck Bone Saw 26FH335 ............................... AESCULAP Langenbeck Bone Saw 235 mm Blade Length 115 mm

SATTERLEE BONE SAW 260158 ............................................................................ Satterlee Bone Saw 26FH325 .....................AESCULAP Satterlee Amputating Saw, Length of blade 200 mm 26FH326 ................. AESCULAP Satterlee Amputating Saw Blade Only

HARD BACK ORTHOPAEDIC SAW 260059............................................................ Hard Back Orthopaedic Saw


Stainless steel saw with ridged back and is autoclavable. The stiff back helps guide the saw compared to hacksaw-type blades, which often deviate. 140 mm long x 23 mm deep with 0.4 mm cut.

GIGLI WIRE SAW 26FH413....................................................................Gigli Wire Saw 300 mm

26FH480 .................................................................... Gigli Wire Saw Handle


26. Orthopaedic Instruments


261000 ............................................ Femoral Head Disarticulator 140 mm 261005 ............................................ Femoral Head Disarticulator 200 mm

PLASTER SHEAR 260150 ..............................................................Stille Plaster Shear 380 mm 260155 ..............................................................Stille Plaster Shear 230 mm

277 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

This totally unique instrument is designed to disarticulate the head of the femur from the acetabulum. It is particularly useful in cases of femoral neck fracture and femoral head excision, where manipulation of the femur is difficult. The curved blade slides around and between the head of the femur and acetabulum. The sharpened notch at the tip locates and cuts through the round ligament. The femoral head now can be elevated by the disarticulator and removed.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


ELECTRIC PLASTER SAW 260006 .............................................................Electric Plaster Cutting Saw

For application in removing plaster bandage and pipe shape plaster bandage, with oscillating saw blade work. It will not cause any damage should the blade come into contact with skin. The saw provides a high efficient, fast and safe performance. Electric power supply: 220 V single phase Frequency: 50 HZ Input power: 100 VA RPM: 10,000 rpm Noise: 90 dB Kit Includes • 1 x plaster saw device • 1 x small blade. ID. 16 mm. OD. 43 mm • 2 x large blade. ID. 16 mm. OD. 64 mm • 1 x lockable carry case with 2 keys • 1 x allen key

DESOUTER SAW BLADE 260003............................................................. Desouter Saw Blade 80 mm 260004 ............................................................ Desouter Saw Blade 64 mm 260005 ............................................................ Desouter Saw Blade 44 mm

When ordering please specify blade size and style.

PLASTER CUTTING SAW BLADE 260007................................................................ Plaster Cutting Saw Blade


• •

Inside diameter 16 mm Outside diameter 62 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

CRUCIATE REPAIR CRIMPING FORCEPS 26J710...................................Cruciate Repair Crimping Forceps, 190 mm

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture System. Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture by placement of a lateral nylon suture has gained popularity among veterinary surgeons. The relatively quick procedure results are comparable to other techniques. Post operative strength of the repair is immediately good. Risks to intra-articular structures are minimal. Method: Heavy monofilament nylon is first placed on the lateral side of the stifle. A metal crimp tube replaces the large knot normally required. Appropriate tension is placed on the suture. Then a crimp tube applied over the suture ends is held in place by the crimping forceps. The lateral nylon is placed behind the lateral fabella bone and then through the tibial tubercle. Crimping Forceps are designed with a flattened area on the forcep jaws that crimps the metal tubes evenly without risk of cutting the nylon suture.

CRUCIATE REPAIR CRIMP TUBE 26J710-B ....................... Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube Only 50 lb / 10 mm

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture System. Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture by placement of a lateral nylon suture has gained popularity among veterinary surgeons. The relatively quick procedure results are comparable to other techniques. Post operative strength of the repair is immediately good. Risks to intra-articular structures are minimal. Method: Heavy monofilament nylon is first placed on the lateral side of the stifle. A metal crimp tube replaces the large knot normally required. Appropriate tension is placed on the suture. Then a crimp tube applied over the suture ends is held in place by the crimping forceps. The lateral nylon is placed behind the lateral fabella bone and then through the tibial tubercle. Crimp Tube and Nylon “Ande” Leader Line Configurations. Non-sterile.

HEAVY DUTY CRUCIATE NEEDLE DRIVER 26J710Q............................. Heavy Duty Cruciate Needle Driver, 170 mm With Tungsten Carbide Jaws

Tungsten carbide jaws. Especially designed to grip cruciate needle and ease passage around tough fabella tissue.

CRUCIATE REPAIR CD/ROM 26J710V .................................................................Cruciate Repair CD/ROM

Complete procedure instructions.


Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


26J710-A....................... Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube Only 80 lb / 12 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

STERILE CRUCIATE REPAIR CRIMP TUBE WITH NYLON SUTURE Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube with Sterile Nylon Suture 26J710-D ..................................Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube 50 lb/10 mm with Sterile Nylon Suture 26J710-C................................. Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube 80 lb / 12 mm with Sterile Nylon Suture 26J710-CG ............................Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube 100 lb / 12 mm with Sterile Nylon Suture

Cruciate Repair Sterile Nylon Suture Only 26J710-F ..............................................Cruciate Repair Suture Only 50 lb / 500 mm Sterile Nylon Suture 26J710-E ...............................................Cruciate Repair Suture Only 80 lb / 800 mm Sterile Nylon Suture 26J710-G .......................................... Cruciate Repair Suture Only 100 lb / 800 mm Sterile Nylon Suture

Cruciate Repair Sterile Nylon Suture Only - BULK 26J710EB ..................................Bulk Reel Nylon Leader Line, 80 lb / 45 m 26J710FB ...................................Bulk Reel Leader Line Nylon 50 lb / 45 m


26J710GB ............................... Bulk Reel Leader Line Nylon 100 lb / 45 m

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture System. Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture by placement of a lateral nylon suture has gained popularity among veterinary surgeons. The relatively quick procedure results are comparable to other techniques. Post operative strength of the repair is immediately good. Risks to intra-articular structures are minimal. Method: Heavy monofilament nylon is first placed on the lateral side of the stifle. A metal crimp tube replaces the large knot normally required. Appropriate tension is placed on the suture. Then a crimp tube applied over the suture ends is held in place by the crimping forceps. The lateral nylon is placed behind the lateral fabella bone and then through the tibial tubercle.

CRUCIATE REPAIR SUTURE NEEDLE 26J710W ....................................................... Cruciate Needle X-Small 6/pk 26J710-X ........................................................... Cruciate Needle Small 6/pk 26J710-Y ......................................................Cruciate Needle Medium 6/pk


26J710-Z ...........................................................Cruciate Needle Large 6/pk

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture System. Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture by placement of a lateral nylon suture has gained popularity among veterinary surgeons. The relatively quick procedure results are comparable to other techniques. Post operative strength of the repair is immediately good. Risks to intra-articular structures are minimal. Method: Heavy monofilament nylon is first placed on the lateral side of the stifle. A metal crimp tube replaces the large knot normally required. Appropriate tension is placed on the suture. Then a crimp tube applied over the suture ends is held in place by the crimping forceps. The lateral nylon is placed behind the lateral fabella bone and then through the tibial tubercle. Cruciate Suture Needle designed for use with heavy nylon in the lateral suture repair method for cranial cruciate ruptures. Needles are specially curved along with a heavier body, making passage around the femur/fabella area much easier. Stainless steel.

26J710M ..................80 Lb Nylon Suture with Swaged On Small Needle and 12 mm Crimp Tube 26J710P ...........100 Lb Nylon Suture with Swaged On Medium Needle and 12 mm Crimp Tube

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Lateral Suture System. Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL) rupture by placement of a lateral nylon suture has gained popularity among veterinary surgeons. The relatively quick procedure results are comparable to other techniques. Post operative strength of the repair is immediately good. Risks to intra-articular structures are minimal. Method: Heavy monofilament nylon is first placed on the lateral side of the stifle. A metal crimp tube replaces the large knot normally required. Appropriate tension is placed on the suture. Then a crimp tube applied over the suture ends is held in place by the crimping forceps. The lateral nylon is placed behind the lateral fabella bone and then through the tibial tubercle. Cruciate Suture Needle Swaged onto Nylon suture. Includes Crimp Tube and is sold sterile.

CRUCIATE DELUXE STARTER KIT 26J710S ............................................................. Cruciate Deluxe Starter Kit

Deluxe starter kit includes • 1 x Graft Passer 30 mm with small eye • 1 x Bone Tunnel Borer 2.7 mm • 5 x Sterile Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube with 80 lb Nylon Suture • 5 x Sterile Cruciate Repair Crimp Tube with 50 lb Nylon Suture • 1 x Cruciate Repair Crimping Forceps • 1 x Cruciate Repair CD/ROM • Instruction Sheet

CRUCIATE REPAIR STARTER KIT 26J710SA ............................................................ Cruciate Repair Starter Kit

Deluxe starter kit includes • 1 x Cruciate Repair Crimping Forceps • 2 x 50 lb Sterile Nylon Suture with Swaged On Extra Small Needle and Crimp Tube • 2 x 80 lb Sterile Nylon Suture with Swaged On Small Needle and Crimp Tube • 2 x 100 lb Nylon Suture with Swaged On Medium Needle and Crimp Tube • 1 x Cruciate Repair CD/ROM.

CRUCIATE TENSION CLAMPS 26J710R .................................................................Cruciate Tension Clamps

These small stainless steel clamps feature knurled knobs that lock onto the nylon suture. After that, they are attached to a standard Gelpi or Weitlaner retractor and tension applied to the proper level. No need to throw away crimp tubes or purchase expensive tensioning instruments.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

26J710K ............... 50 Lb Nylon Suture with Swaged On X-Small Needle and 12 mm Crimp Tube Sterile

281 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


26. Orthopaedic Instruments


STARTER ORTHOPAEDIC KIT 2.7/3.5 MM 262735A ...........................................Starter Orthopaedic Kit 2.7 / 3.5 mm

Kit includes • Drill bit 2.0 mm = 2 • Drill bit 2.5 mm = 2 • Drill bit 2.7 mm = 2 • Neutral and load Drill guide 2.0 mm = 1 • Neutral-Loaded Drill Guide HA 2.5 mm = 1 • HA3.2 mm Tap Sleeve 2.5 mm Drill Guide = 1 • HB4.0 mm Tap Sleeve 3.5 mm Drill Guide = 1 • HA3.5 mm Tap = 1 • HB4.0 mm Tap = 1 • Depth Gauge = 1 • Hex Head Screw Driver SW2.5 mm = 1 • Screw Holding Sleeve = 1 • Plate Benders pair-modern design = 1 • Periosteal Elevator( Round Head) = 1 • Periosteal Elevator (Flat Head) = 1 • Reduction Forceps = 1 • Self-centering forceps = 1 • Countersink Drill = 1 • Case with screw rack - modern • Bone plate 2.7 mm = 5 • Bone plate 3.5 mm = 7 • Cortical screws 2.7 mm = 30 • Cortical screws 3.5 mm = 64


(Screws self-tapping, hex head)

262740A................................ Medium Orthopaedic Kit 2.7 / 3.5 / 4.0 mm

Kit includes Drill Bits • 2.0 mm = 2 • 2.5 mm = 2 • 3.2 mm = 2 Neutral and Load Drill Guides • 2.0 mm = 1 • 2.5 mm = 1 • 3.2 mm = 1

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


Combined Drill Guides and Tap Sleeves • 2.0 mm / 2.7 mm = 1 • 2.5 mm / 3.5 mm = 1 • 3.2 mm / 4.0 mm = 1

Other Instruments • Depth Gauge = 1 • 2.5 mm Hex Head Screwdriver with Screw Holding Sleeve = 1 • Small Screw Holding Forceps = 1 • Pair of Large Plate Benders = 1 • Pair of Small Plate Benders = 1 • Periosteal Elevator (Round Head) = 1 • Periosteal Elevator (Flat Head) = 1 • Broken Screw Extractor = 1 • Reduction Forceps = 1 • Reduction Forceps with Point = 1 • Self-Centering Forceps = 2 • Small Countersink = 1 • Large Countersink = 1 Bone Plates • 2.7 mm = 4 • 3.5 / 4.0 mm = 9 Bone Screws • 2.7 mm Cortical Self-Tapping Hex Head = 30 • (60) 3.5mm Cortical Self-Tapping Hex Head • (18) 4.0mm Cancellous Self-Tapping Hex Head

283 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Bone Taps • 2.7 mm = 1 • 3.5 mm = 1 • 4.0 mm = 1

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

ORTHO BONE DRILL SHROUD 260054................................................................... Ortho Bone Drill Shroud

Will fit any standard size drill. Has velcro closure.

STAINLESS STEEL BONE MALLET 260057 .......................... Bone Mallet 10 oz Stainless Steel 190 mm long, 38 mm diameter

STAINLESS STEEL BONE MALLET WITH NYLON CAP 260058 ............... Bone Mallet 10 oz Stainless Steel with Nylon Cap 190 mm long, 38 mm diameter

Combination mallet of 1 nylon cap and 1 stainless steel cap.


STAINLESS STEEL BONE MALLET WITH NYLON CAPS 260061 ........................Bone Mallet 4 oz with Nylon Caps 190 mm long, 25 mm head width

BONE PIN CHUCK SET 260045.................................................................Bone Pin Chuck Set 6 mm

Unique design on the standard instrument for introducing bone pins. An open slot cut into the handle permits visibility of the pin resting in the chuck, saving time by allowing the surgeon to check pin depth without having to remove the chuck. The stainless steel Jacob’s accepts K-wires as small as 0.035 and pins as large as 1/4. The handle and extension piece are lightweight, blue anodized aluminum alloy. Key included.



260042............................................................................ Pin Chuck Key Only

260043....................................................................................Pin Chuck Only

260044 ................................................................... Pin Chuck and Key Only

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

TWIST DRILL BIT ROUND SHAFT 26GC002 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 1.5 mm 26GC004.............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 2.0 mm 26GC006.............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 2.5 mm 26GC007 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 2.8 mm 26GC008.............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 3.0 mm 26GC009.............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 3.2 mm 26GC010 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 3.5 mm 26GC012 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 4.0 mm 26GC013 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 4.5 mm 26GC014 .............................................. Twist Drill Bit Round Shaft 5.0 mm

Made In Germany

TWIST DRILL BIT SQUARE SHAFT 26GC410 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 1.1 mm 26GC414 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 2.0 mm 26GC415 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 2.5 mm 26GC416 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 2.7 mm 26GC419 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 3.2 mm 26GC423 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 4.5 mm

Made In Germany

SCREW DRIVERS 26LS002 ......................... Screw Driver with Hex Recess in Head 200 mm Diameter 2.7/3.5/4.0 mm. Width Across Flats 2.5 mm 26LS003....................... Screw Driver with Hex Recess in Head Diameter 4.5/6.5 mm 26LS005......................... Screw Driver with Hex Recess in Head 120 mm Diameter 1.5/2.0 mm. Width Across Flats 1.5 mm

SCREW HOLDER FOR SCREW DRIVER 26LS007 ..............................................................Screw Holder For 26LS005 26LS008..............................................................Screw Holder For 26LS002

SCREW HOLDER FORCEP 26LS037 ......................................................................Screw Holder Forceps

COUNTERSINK 26GC431 ........... Countersink Suitable for Screw Diameter 1.5 - 2.0 mm 26GC432 .................................. Countersink Suitable for Screw Diameter 2.7 - 3.5 - 4.0 mm 26GC435 ....................Countersink Suitable for Screw Diameter 4.5 mm

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26GC420 ..............................................Twist Drill Bit Square Shaft 3.5 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

COUNTERSINK T-BAR 26LS066.............................................................................Countersink T-Bar

SINGLE ENDED DRILL GUIDE 26LS071 ..........................................Single Ended Drill Guide 3.5 mm Drill 26LS078 ..........................................Single Ended Drill Guide 4.5 mm Drill

SINGLE ENDED DRILL GUIDE SET 26LS128 .......................................................... Single Ended Drill Guide Set Suitable for 3.2 mm Screw

286 DOUBLE ENDED DRILL GUIDES 26LS084......................Double Ended Drill Guide 1.0 - 1.5 mm Diameter 26LS089........................ Double Ended Drill Guide for 2.0 mm Diameter 26LS091 ........................ Double Ended Drill Guide for 2.5 mm Diameter

DRILL GUIDE SET 26LS121 ........................................................ Double Ended Drill Guide Set Suitable for 2.0 mm Drill Bit 26LS125 ........................................................ Double Ended Drill Guide Set Suitable for 2.5 mm Drill Bit 26LS132 ........................................................ Double Ended Drill Guide Set Suitable for 3.2 mm Drill Bits



26LS094........... Drill Guide C - Clamp with Thread, Suitable for 3.5 mm Drill Bit

DRILL GUIDE HOOK TYPE 26LS096.................Drill Guide Hook Type Suitable for 3.5 mm Drill Bits

26LS102 ......................................................................Drill Guide Hook Type Suitable for 6.5 mm Drill Bits

DRILL BIT SLEEVE 26LS076 .................................... Drill Sleeve Suitable for 3.2 mm Drill Bits 26LS090.................................... Drill Sleeve Suitable for 2.0 mm Drill Bits 26LS097 .................................... Drill Sleeve Suitable for 2.7 mm Drill Bits

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


SCREW DEPTH GAUGES 26LS044 ..............Screw Depth Gauge 150 mm Long Measures from 6 40 mm, for 2.7 / 3.5 / 4.0 mm Screws 26LS047 .............Screw Depth Gauge 220 mm Long Measures from 10 - 60 mm, for 4.5 / 6.5 mm Screws

BONE TAP T-BAR 26LS050 .............................. Bone Tap T-Bar for 3.5 mm Diameter Screws 26LS051 .............................. Bone Tap T-Bar for 4.0 mm Diameter Screws 26LS052 .............................. Bone Tap T-Bar for 2.7 mm Diameter Screws 26LS055 .............................. Bone Tap T-Bar for 4.5 mm Diameter Screws 26LS060.............................. Bone Tap T-Bar for 6.5 mm Diameter Screws

BONE TAP 26GC341 ....................................... Bone Tap with Synthesis Shaft 3.5 mm 26GC437 ............................................ Bone Tap with Dental Shaft 1.5 mm 26GC438 ............................................ Bone Tap with Dental Shaft 2.0 mm 26GC439 ............................................Bone Tap with Square Shaft 2.7 mm 26GC441 ............................................Bone Tap with Square Shaft 3.5 mm 26GC444............................................Bone Tap with Square Shaft 4.5 mm 26GC446............................................Bone Tap with Square Shaft 4.0 mm

QUICK T-BAR HANDLE 26GC405....................Quick Release T-Bar Handle for Tools with Square Shaft

287 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

For use when selecting proper length of screw.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

BONE TUNNEL BORER 26J236T ............................................................. Bone Tunnel Borer 2.7 mm

2.7 mm Bone Tunnel Borer. The borer is a small handle with an attached drill bit. This hand instrument is used to create a bone tunnel quickly and easily without having to set up a complete orthopaedic drill (i.e., CCL repair through tibial tuberosity). Stainless steel 180 mm.

BENDING IRONS 26LS202 ........................................................................Plate Bender 4.5 mm

PLATE BENDER 26LS204 ................................ Plate Bender for Small Plates 120 mm long 26LS206 ............Plate Bender for 3.5 mm / 2.7 mm Plates 140 mm long


26LS207 ............Plate Bender for 2.7 mm / 3.5 mm Plates 140 mm long

BENDING TEMPLATES FOR STANDARD PLATES 26LS210 .........................................Bending Template 5 Hole 90 mm long 26LS212 .......................................Bending Template 7 Hole 120 mm long 26LS216 .................................... Bending Template 12 Hole 200 mm long

For standard plates.

BENDING TEMPLATES FOR TUBULAR PLATES 26LS220 ..............................Bending Template Small 5 Hole 60 mm long 26LS222 ..............................Bending Template Small 7 Hole 85 mm long 26LS224 ............................Bending Template Small 9 Hole 100 mm long 26LS226 ......................... Bending Template Small 12 Hole 120 mm long

For 1/3 tubular plates and self compressing bone plates.


WASHER FOR ORTHOPAEDIC SCREWS 26LA195 ..........................................Washer 7 mm for 3.5 / 4.5 mm Screws 26LA197 ................................. Washer 11 mm for 4.5 mm Cortical Screws

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

MINI CORTICAL BONE SCREWS 1.5 MM 26LB006 ............................................Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 6 mm 26LB007.............................................Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 7 mm 26LB008 ............................................Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 8 mm 26LB009 ............................................Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 9 mm 26LB010 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 10 mm 26LB011 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 11 mm 26LB012 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 12 mm 26LB014 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 14 mm 26LB016 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 16 mm 26LB020.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 1.5 mm, 20 mm

Made In Germany


MINI CORTICAL BONE SCREWS 2.0 MM 26LB026.............................................Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 6 mm 26LB028.............................................Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 8 mm 26LB030.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 10 mm 26LB032.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 12 mm 26LB034.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 14 mm 26LB036.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 16 mm 26LB038.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 18 mm 26LB040 ......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 20 mm 26LB041.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 22 mm 26LB042 ......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 24 mm 26LB044 ......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.0 mm, 28 mm

Mini screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 1.5 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 1.5 mm Gliding hole - 2.0 mm

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Mini screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 1.5 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 1.1 mm Gliding hole - 1.5 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

SMALL CORTICAL BONE SCREWS 2.7 MM 26LB126 .............................................Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 6 mm 26LB128 .............................................Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 8 mm 26LB130 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 10 mm 26LB132 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 12 mm 26LB134 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 14 mm 26LB136 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 16 mm 26LB138 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 18 mm 26LB140 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 20 mm 26LB142 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 22 mm 26LB144 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 24 mm 26LB146 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 26 mm 26LB148 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 28 mm 26LB149 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 30 mm 26LB151 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 2.7 mm, 32 mm


Small screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 2.5 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 2.0 mm Gliding hole - 2.7 mm

Made In Germany

SMALL CORTICAL SCREWS 3.5 MM 26LB180 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 10 mm 26LB182 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 12 mm 26LB184 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 14 mm 26LB186 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 16 mm 26LB188 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 18 mm 26LB190 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 20 mm 26LB192............................................ Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 22 mm 26LB194 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 24 mm 26LB196 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 26 mm 26LB198 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 28 mm 26LB200 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 30 mm 26LB202 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 32 mm 26LB206 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 36 mm 26LB208 ........................................... Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 40 mm


26LB211............................................ Cortical Bone Screws 3.5 mm, 50 mm

Small screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 2.5 mm. Thread pitch - 1.25 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 2.5 mm Gliding hole - 3.5 mm

Made In Germany

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

SMALL CANCELLOUS SCREWS 4.0 MM PARTIALLY THREADED 26LB250 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 10 mm 26LB252 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 12 mm 26LB254 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 14 mm 26LB256 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 16 mm 26LB258 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 18 mm 26LB260 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 20 mm 26LB262 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 22 mm 26LB264 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 24 mm 26LB266 ..................................... Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 26 mm 26LB268.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 28 mm 26LB270 .....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 30 mm 26LB275 .....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 35 mm 26LB280.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 40 mm 26LB285.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 45 mm 26LB290.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 50 mm 26LB295.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 55 mm 26LB300.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 60 mm

291 Made In Germany

SMALL CANCELLOUS SCREWS 4.0 MM FULLY THREADED 26LB360.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 20 mm 26LB362.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 22 mm 26LB364.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 24 mm 26LB385.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 4.0 mm, 45 mm

Suitable washer for screws - 26LA195, 7 mm diameter. Thread pitch - 1.75 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 2.5 mm

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Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Suitable washer for screws - 26LA195, 7 mm diameter. Thread pitch - 1.75 mm. Drill for: Threaded hole - 2.5 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

LARGE CANCELLOUS SCREWS 6.5 MM 26LA332 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 35 mm 26LA336 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 45 mm 26LA344 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 65 mm 26LA370 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 50 mm 26LA372 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 55 mm 26LA374.....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 60 mm 26LA376 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 65 mm

Made In Germany

LARGE CANCELLOUS SCREWS 6.5 MM 26LA430 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 30 mm 26LA432 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 35 mm 26LA434 ....................................Cancellous Bone Screws 6.5 mm, 40 mm


Made In Germany

LARGE MALLEOLAR SCREWS 4.5 MM 26LA225 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 25 mm 26LA230 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 30 mm 26LA235 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 35 mm 26LA245 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 45 mm 26LA250 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 50 mm 26LA255 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 55 mm 26LA260 ...................................... Malleolar Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 60 mm

Large screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 3.5 mm. Suitable washer for screws - 26LA197, 11 mm diameter.


Made In Germany

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

LARGE CORTICAL BONE SCREWS 4.5 MM 26LA114 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 14 mm 26LA116 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 16 mm 26LA118 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 18 mm 26LA120 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 20 mm 26LA122 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 22 mm 26LA124 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 24 mm 26LA126 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 26 mm 26LA128 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 28 mm 26LA130 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 30 mm 26LA132 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 32 mm 26LA134 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 34 mm 26LA136 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 36 mm 26LA138 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 38 mm 26LA140.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 40 mm 26LA142 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 42 mm 26LA144.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 44 mm 26LA146.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 46 mm 26LA150 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 50 mm 26LA152 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 52 mm 26LA154 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 54 mm 26LA156 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 56 mm 26LA158 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 58 mm 26LA160.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 60 mm 26LA162 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 62 mm 26LA164.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 64 mm 26LA166.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 66 mm 26LA168.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 68 mm 26LA170 .......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 70 mm

Large screws with hex recess in head. Width across flats 3.5 mm. Suitable washer for screws - 26LA197, 11 mm diameter. Drill for: Threaded hole - 3.2 mm Gliding hole - 4.5 mm

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26LA148.......................................... Cortical Bone Screws 4.5 mm, 48 mm

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

ONE - THIRD TUBULAR SMALL FRAGMENT BONE PLATE 26LM303.............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 3 Hole, 37 mm long 26LM304 ............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 49 mm long 26LM305 ............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 61 mm long 26LM306 ............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 73 mm long 26LM307.............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 85 mm long 26LM308 ............................. 1/3 Tubular Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 97 mm long

Indication: For fibula, metacarpal and metatarsal bones. By eccentric placing of the screws, far from the fracture, compression effect can be achieved. Recommended screws: 3.5 mm and 4.0 mm diameter.

Made In Germany

SEMI - TUBULAR BONE PLATE WITH ROUND HOLES 26LM324...........................Semi Tubular Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 71 mm long


Indication: Tension band plates for radius and fibula. By eccentric placing of the screws, far from the fracture, compression effect can be achieved. Recommended screws 4.5 mm diameter. Cancellous screws with 6.5 mm diameter can also be used for screwing through. Made In Germany

NARROW SELF COMPRESSING BONE PLATE WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLES 26LM402 .................................... Narrow Bone Plate, 2 Hole, 39 mm long 26LM403 .................................... Narrow Bone Plate, 3 Hole, 55 mm long 26LM404 .................................... Narrow Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 71 mm long 26LM405 .................................... Narrow Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 87 mm long 26LM406 .................................. Narrow Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 103 mm long 26LM407 .................................. Narrow Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 119 mm long 26LM408 .................................. Narrow Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 135 mm long 26LM409 .................................. Narrow Bone Plate, 9 Hole, 151 mm long 26LM410 .................................Narrow Bone Plate, 10 Hole, 167 mm long 26LM411 .................................Narrow Bone Plate, 11 Hole, 183 mm long


26LM412 .................................Narrow Bone Plate, 12 Hole, 199 mm long

Indication: Neutralization - and tension band plates for tibia and ulna. End holes are also suitable for cancellous screws. The underside of both ends is notched to hold compression device. Recommended screws: 4.5 mm and 6.5 mm diameter.

Made In Germany

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

BROAD SELF COMPRESSING BONE PLATE WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLES 26LM425........................................Broad Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 87 mm long 26LM426......................................Broad Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 103 mm long 26LM427......................................Broad Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 119 mm long 26LM428......................................Broad Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 135 mm long 26LM429......................................Broad Bone Plate, 9 Hole, 151 mm long 26LM430................................... Broad Bone Plate, 10 Hole, 167 mm long

Made In Germany



26LN003 ................................. Fragment Bone Plate, 3 Hole, 25 mm long 26LN004 ................................. Fragment Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 33 mm long 26LN006 ................................. Fragment Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 49 mm long 26LN008 ................................. Fragment Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 65 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Bending Iron: LS204. Bending Pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

SMALL FRAGMENT PLATE WITH ROUND HOLE FOR CONDYLE 26LN021 ......................... Left Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 32 mm long 26LN022 ...................... Right Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 32 mm long 26LN023 ................................ Oblique Left Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 34.5 mm long 26LN024 ............................. Oblique Right Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 34.5 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Bending Iron: LS204. Bending Pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Indication: Tension band plates for femur and humeral pseudarthrosis. End holes are also suitable for cancellous screws. The underside of both ends is notched to hold a compression device. Recommended screws: 4.5 mm and 6.5 mm diameter Drill guides LS128 and LS132 or LS132 or LS133.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

SMALL FRAGMENT PLATE WITH ROUND HOLE FOR CONDYLE 26LN025 ................... T-Piece Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 32 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Bending Iron: LS204. Bending Pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

MULTIPLE FRAGMENT PLATE 26LN027 ................... T-Piece Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 32 mm long


Recommended screws: 2.7 mm and 3.5 mm diameter. Bending Iron: LS204. Bending Pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

RECONSTRUCTION PLATE 26LN158.................................. Reconstruction Plate, 8 Hole, 94 mm long

Cuttable. Indication: for pelvis, eventually also for clavicula. Recommended screws: 3.5 mm and 4.0 mm diameter. Bending Irons: LS206 / LS207.

Made In Germany


26LN172................................ Reconstruction Plate, 12 Hole, 96 mm long 26LN184 .............................Reconstruction Plate, 24 Hole, 192 mm long

Cuttable. Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Bending Irons: LS206 / LS207. Made In Germany

26LN278 .............. Maxillo Reconstruction Plate, 20 Hole, 100 mm long

Can be bent and shortened to required length. Recommended screws: 2.0 mm diameter. Wire cutter: LX156. Bending Irons: LS204. Bending pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


MINI BONE PLATE WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLES 26LN203 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 3 Hole, 17 mm long 26LN204 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 23 mm long 26LN205 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 29 mm long 26LN206 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 35 mm long

Made In Germany

SMALL FRAGMENT PLATES WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLES 26LN267 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 60 mm long 26LN268 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 68 mm long 26LN269 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 9 Hole, 76 mm long 26LN270 .....................Small Fragment Bone Plate, 10 Hole, 84 mm long 26LN272 ................. Small Fragment Bone Plate, 12 Hole, 100 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Drill guide: LS121. Bending Irons: LS206 / LS207.

Made In Germany

SMALL FRAGMENT PLATES WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLE 26LN292 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 2 Hole, 20 mm long 26LN294 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 36 mm long 26LN295 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 44 mm long 26LN296 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 52 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.7 mm diameter. Drill guide: LS121 Bending Irons: LS206 / LS207.

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Recommended screws: 2.0 mm diameter. Bending Irons: LS204. Bending pliers: LS205.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

MINI BONE PLATE WITH SPHERICAL GLIDING HOLES 26LN284 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 22 mm long 26LN285 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 27 mm long 26LN286 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 32 mm long 26LN287 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 37 mm long 26LN288 ...........................................Mini Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 42 mm long

Recommended screws: 2.0 mm diameter. Bending Irons: LS204. Bending pliers: LS205.

Made In Germany

SMALL FRAGMENT PLATE 26LN342 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 2 Hole, 26 mm long 26LN343 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 3 Hole, 38 mm long 26LN344 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 4 Hole, 50 mm long 26LN345 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 5 Hole, 62 mm long


26LN346 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 6 Hole, 74 mm long 26LN347 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 7 Hole, 86 mm long 26LN348 ...................... Small Fragment Bone Plate, 8 Hole, 98 mm long 26LN350 ................. Small Fragment Bone Plate, 10 Hole, 122 mm long 26LN352 ................. Small Fragment Bone Plate, 12 Hole, 146 mm long

Indication: for the slender radius. Recommended screws: 3.5 mm and 4.0 mm diameter. Drill guides LS125. Bending Irons: LS206 / LS207.

INTRAMEDULLARY PIN BAG 2630005 .................................................................. Intramedullary Pin Bag

Slots for K-Wires and IM Pins. Double re-enforced bottom fold. Tools not included.

EXTERNAL FIXATION BAG 2630007 ......................................................................External Fixation Bag


Tools not included.

Made In Germany

260500.........................................Instrument Guard Assorted Pack 50/pk

Surgical Instrument Guards. Instrument guards are designed to protect valuable instrument tips from damage during sterilization and handling. Sharp and pointed tips can break through sterilization pouches and injure the surgeon. • Non - sterile, but can be autoclaved or gas sterilized • Medical - grade plastic (vented) • Guards can also work as covers over exposed bone pins • Assorted pack comes with 9 different sizes

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


INTRAMEDULLARY BONE PINS 26XF643...................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 1.6 x 200 mm (1/16”) 26XF644 ..................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 2.0 x 200 mm (5/64”) 26XF645...................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 2.5 x 200 mm (3/32”) 26XF646 ..................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 3.0 x 230 mm (7/64”) 26XF647A .................. Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 3.2 x 230 mm (1/8”)


26XF648 ..................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 4.0 x 250 mm (5/32”) 26XF650...................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 5.0 x 300 mm (3/16”) 26XF651 ..................... Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 6.0 x 300 mm (1/4”) 26XF653...................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 8.0 x 300 mm (5/16”) 26XF815 ................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 1.6 x 200 mm (1/16”) 26XF820................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 2.0 x 200 mm (5/64”) 26XF825................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 2.5 x 200 mm (3/32”) 26XF830................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 3.0 x 230 mm (7/64”) 26XF835A .................. Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 3.2 x 230 mm (1/8”) 26XF835................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 3.5 x 250 mm (9/64”) 26XF840 .................. Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 4.0 x 250 mm (5/32”) 26XF850................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 5.0 x 300 mm (3/16”) 26XF860 .................... Intramedullary Bone Pin T/T, 6.0 x 300 mm (1/4”)

S/T: Screw/Trocar. T/T: Trocar/Trocar.

INTRAMEDULLARY PIN GAUGE 2630009 ............................................................ Intramedullary Pin Gauge

Stainless Steel ruler calibrated in inches and millimetres. Holes for sizing K-wire and IM Pins.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

26XF647...................Intramedullary Bone Pin S/T, 3.5 x 250 mm (9/64”)

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

SUTURE WIRE - STAINLESS STEEL 260081.........................................Suture Wire 18G, 1. 25 mm, 10 m Spool 260082 ........................................Suture Wire 20G, 1. 00 mm, 10 m Spool 260083..........................................Suture Wire 24G, 0.50 mm, 10 m Spool 260084 .........................................Suture Wire 26G, 0.45 mm, 10 m Spool 260085 .........................................Suture Wire 28G, 0.35 mm, 10 m Spool 260086 .........................................Suture Wire 22G, 0.70 mm, 10 m Spool 2604016............................................ Suture Wire 16G, 1.2 mm, 3 m Spool

Fine quality cerclage wire on autoclavable nylon spools.

KIRSCHNER WIRE - SUTURE WIRE 2601035 ......................................... Kirschner Wire .9 mm (.035”), 230 mm 2601045 .......................................Kirschner Wire 1.1 mm (.045”), 230 mm 2601054 .......................................Kirschner Wire 1.4 mm (.054”), 230 mm 2601062 .......................................Kirschner Wire 1.6 mm (.062”), 230 mm


CIRCULAR WIRE 26240001 ..................................................... Circular Wire Smooth 1.6 mm

26240002 ............................................. Circular Wire 1.6 mm and Stopper

SINGLE PIN CLAMP 2624000 ............................................... Single Clamp Small 1/8” Diameter Max Pin Diameter - 3/32” Min Pin Diameter - 1/16” 2625000 ........................................Single Clamp Medium 3/16” Diameter Max Pin Diameter - 1/8” Min Pin Diameter - 3/32”

Single clamps used to externally connect bone pins to rods, the small and medium sized clamps are stainless steel with the large and extra large sizes manufactured from anodized aluminum.

DOUBLE CLAMPS www.dlc.com.au

2624999.............................................. Double Clamp Small 1/8” Diameter 2625999.......................................Double Clamp Medium 3/16” Diameter

Double clamps used to externally connect bone pins to rods, the small and medium sized clamps are stainless steel with the large and extra large sizes manufactured from anodized aluminum.

2624200...........................External Fixation Bar 3.2 x 50.8 mm (1/8” x 2”) 2624300...........................External Fixation Bar 3.2 x 76.2 mm (1/8” x 3”) 2624400 ....................... External Fixation Bar 3.2 x 101.6 mm (1/8” x 4”) 2624500............................External Fixation Bar 3.2 x 127 mm (1/8” x 5”) 2624600 ....................... External Fixation Bar 3.2 x 152.4 mm (1/8” x 6”)

External Fixation Rods are offered in a variety of lengths to match a broad range of animal sizes and external fixation procedures. The small rods are stainless steel with the large size manufactures anodized aluminum.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


MEDIUM EXTERNAL FIXATION BAR 2625006 ........................ External Fixation Bar 5 x 152.4 mm (3/16” x 6”) 2625008 ........................ External Fixation Bar 5 x 203.2 mm (3/16” x 8”) 2625010 .......................... External Fixation Bar 5 x 254 mm (3/16” x 10”) 260320 ........................... External Fixation Bar 5 x 152.4 mm (3/16” x 6”)

LARGE EXTERNAL FIXATION BAR 2626400 ........................ External Fixation Bar 8 x 101.6 mm (5/16” x 4”) 2626600 ........................ External Fixation Bar 8 x 152.4 mm (5/16” x 6”) 2626800 ........................ External Fixation Bar 8 x 203.2 mm (5/16” x 8”) 2626120 ....................... External Fixation Bar 8 x 304.8 mm (5/16” x 12”) 2626140 ....................... External Fixation Bar 8 x 355.6 mm (5/16” x 14”)

External Fixation Rods are offered in a variety of lengths to match a broad range of animal sizes and external fixation procedures. The large size manufactures anodized aluminum.

SCAT EXTERNAL FIXATION PIN 2624222................................. SCAT External Fixation Pin 2.5 x 114.3 mm (3/32” x 4.5”) 2625222.....................................SCAT External Fixation Pin 3.2 x 127 mm (1/8” x 5”)

SCAT External Fixation, type 1 half pins, designed with a very short length of thread behind a trocar point. This design feature permits the threads to only be embedded within the far cortex of the bone fragment and provides excellent pull out resistance.

SMOOTH FIXATION HALF - PINS 2624111............ Smooth Fixation Half Pin 2.5 x 114.3 mm (3/32” x 4½”) 2625111..................... Smooth Fixation Half Pin 3.2 x 127 mm (1/8” x 5”) 2626111................... Smooth Fixation Half Pin 4 x 152.4 mm (5/32” x 6”)

301 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

External Fixation Rods are offered in a variety of lengths to match a broad range of animal sizes and external fixation procedures. The medium rods are stainless steel with the large size manufactures anodized aluminum.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

MID SHAFT POSITIVE THREADED PINS 2620180 ...........................Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 127 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2620332 ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 101.6 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Length - 19.05 mm (3/4”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2620532....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 38.1 mm (1½”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 262018L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 177.8 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm


262033L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Length - 25.4 mm (1”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 262053L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 203.2 mm long Shaft Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 38.1 mm (1½”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm


MID SHAFT POSITIVE THREADED PORTION AT END OF PIN 2615180 ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 114.3 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2615332 ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 101.6 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Length - 25.4 mm (1”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2615532 ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 38.1 mm (1½”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261518L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Length - 50.8 mm (2”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261533L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261553L ....................... Mid Shaft Positive Threaded Pin 203.2 mm long Shaft Diameter - 4.0 mm (5/32”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 57.15 mm (2 1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm

Cancellous Thread Profile: Have proven very effective in Metalphyseal Bone Applications where adequate bone stock is present to support the increased thread diameters. Pre drilling recommended. Not for use in cortical bone.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments

2616180 ..........................................................Cancellous Pin 127 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 35.05 mm (13/8”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2616316 .......................................................Cancellous Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Diameter - 6.0 mm (1/4”) Thread Length - 50.8 mm (2”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 2616332 .......................................................Cancellous Pin 114.3 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.5 mm (9/64”) Thread Length - 29.97 mm (11/8”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261618L .......................................................Cancellous Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 50.8 mm (2”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261631L........................................................Cancellous Pin 203.2 mm long Shaft Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Diameter - 6.0 mm (1/4”) Thread Length - 57.15 mm (2¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm 261633L .......................................................Cancellous Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.5 mm (9/64”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) Thread Pitch - 0.9 mm

303 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


26. Orthopaedic Instruments


CANCELLOUS PINS - POSITIVE THREAD MID-SHAFT 2621332 .......................................................Cancellous Pin 101.6 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.5 mm (9/64”) Thread Length - 19.04 mm (3/4”) 2621180 .......................................................Cancellous Pin 139.7 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 31.75 mm (1¼”) 2621316 .......................................................Cancellous Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Diameter - 6.0 mm (1/4”) Thread Length - 50.8 mm (2”) 262118L .......................................................Cancellous Pin 177.7 mm long Shaft Diameter - 3.2 mm (1/8”) Thread Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Length - 44.4 mm (13/4”) 262131L........................................................Cancellous Pin 203.2 mm long Shaft Diameter - 5.0 mm (3/16”) Thread Diameter - 6.0 mm (1/4”) Thread Length - 63.5 mm (2½”) 262133L .......................................................Cancellous Pin 152.4 mm long Shaft Diameter - 2.5 mm (3/32”) Thread Diameter - 3.5 mm (9/64”) Thread Length - 25.4 mm (1”)

Cancellous Thread Profile: Have proven very effective in Metalphyseal Bone Applications where adequate bone stock is present to support the increased thread diameters. Pre drilling recommended. Not for use in cortical bone.

EXTERNAL FIXATION SOCKET WRENCHES 260602.................................................................... Socket Wrench Medium 260603......................................................................... Socket Wrench Large 260604 ..............................................................Socket Wrench Extra Large

Socket wrench assembly offers the convenience of a universal handle with interchangeable stainless steel sockets in diameters specific to the size of the external fixation clamp and nut.


EXTERNAL FIXATION DRILL BITS 2633023 ............................Small External Fixation Drill Bit 2.3 x 127 mm 2633031 .......................Medium External Fixation Drill Bit 3.1 x 152 mm 2633039 ............................Large External Fixation Drill Bit 3.9 x 158 mm 2633047................................ Large Cancellous External Fixation Drill Bit 4.7 x 171 mm 2633062.......................................External Fixation Drill Bit 6.2 x 177 mm

Stainless Steel. 0.1 mm smaller than core diameter of corresponding small, medium and large external fixation pins.

260177 ........................................Quick Splint Small Front Pair, 304.7 mm 260178 ...................................Quick Splint Medium Front Pair, 406.4 mm 260179 ...........................................Quick Splint Large Front Pair, 508 mm 260180 ......................................... Quick Splint Small Rear Pair, 228.6 mm 260182 .................................... Quick Splint Medium Rear Pair, 304.7 mm 260183 ......................................... Quick Splint Large Rear Pair, 406.4 mm

The latest design in preformed splints for small animal use, it is made of high impact ABS plastic and is scored for individual sizing. Radiolucent and an excellent replacement for Thomas Schroeder splints. All splints come in a paired left and right leg set. Rear Leg or Tarsal Splints are shaped to follow the hock contour. Front Leg Splint extends up and beyond the shoulder and down below the carpus.

26. Orthopaedic Instruments


SOFT SPLINT ROLL 260195 ..........................................................Soft Splint Roll 110 x 914 mm

CARPAL SPLINTS 260190 ......................................................................... Carpal Splint X-Small 260191 .............................................................................Carpal Splint Small 260192 ........................................................................Carpal Splint Medium 260193 .............................................................................Carpal Splint Large 260194 .........................................................................Carpal Splint X-Large

Made from a heavier material reinforced with longitudinal ribs. A recessed area reduces pressure on the carpal pad. A slight bend in the distal end follows the natural resting position. Splints are provided with open pore foam for comfort. Light blue.

VET-LITE CAST 260902...............................................................................Vet-Lite Cast 5 cm 260903............................................................................Vet-Lite Cast 7.5 cm 260904 ............................................................................Vet-Lite Cast 10 cm 260906 ............................................................................Vet-Lite Cast 15 cm

Ventilated white thermoplastic mesh splinting and casting material. Light weight and very strong. When heated in hot water it turns into a soft malleable material that can be shaped into any configuration. Hardens as it cools. Re-shaping may easily be achieved by using a heat gun or by softening again in hot water. X-ray translucent.

305 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Aluminum strip covered on both sides with foam padding. Easily cut to shape with ordinary scissors and can be formed to any shape. Very flexible. Radiolucent rolls.



Mouth Gags

Bull Leads

Lead Rope

Vet Rope

Bull Ring Applicator and Accessories

Pig Nose Rings

Equine Padded Recovery Hoods

Ketch-All Dog Poles

Ketch-All Cat Grasper

Ketch-All Snake Tong

Ketch-All Snake Bag

MDC Throw Net

MDC Animal Grasper

Tuff Slip Leads

Snappy Snare

Vet Pro Gloves

Bite Tuff Rabies Gloves

Bite Tuff Safety Gloves

UniVet™ Cat Collars

UniVet™ Dog Collars

Inflatable Collars

Animal Deterrent Spray

Cat Muzzles

Dog Muzzles

270019 ...........................................Pony Hausman Mouth Gag, Complete 270020 ......................................... Horse Hausman Mouth Gag, Complete 270014 ............................................................Pony Gag Small Mouth Plate 270015 .......................................................Pony Gag Medium Mouth Plate 270018 .....................................................Hausman Horse Gag Pallet Plate 270021 ...............................................................Horse Mouth Gag Ratchets 270022 ..........................................................Hausman Mouth Gag Springs 270023 ................................................................ Pony Mouth Gag Ratchets

27. Restraining Equipment


Made from special 40 ton tensile strength material throughout. Dull nickle-plated finish. Packed in a plastic box.

SWALES-SCHOUPE MOUTH GAG 270025 ............................................................ Swales-Schoupe Mouth Gag

DRINKWATER MOUTH GAG 270030 ..........................................Drinkwater Mouth Gag, Left and Right

A mouth gag for use in cattle and horses. Made of cast aluminum, it consists of two wedges, one for each side of the mouth, which are pushed up between the upper and lower molars. The reflex clamping of the jaws ensures that they are retained. Gives excellent access to the pharynx and the incisors are in full view.

VERNELL MOUTH GAG 270031 ............................................................................. Vernell Mouth Gag

BULL LEAD ROPE TYPE 270035 ...........................................................................Bull Lead Rope Type

BULL LEAD CHAIN TYPE, STAINLESS STEEL 270036 ..............................................Bull Lead Chain Type, Stainless Steel

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27. Restraining Equipment

BULL LEAD CHAIN TYPE 270037 ..........................................................................Bull Lead Chain Type

LEAD ROPE 270056 ..................................................................................Lead rope White

Thick 17 mm diameter soft cotton rope, 2.5 m long, with good quality nickel-plated bull nose clip.



270060..........................................Vet Rope 2.5 metres 2 eye splice White 270070 .............................................Vet Rope 9 metres 2 eye splice White 270080.............................................Vet Rope 5 metres 2 eye splice White

Specially made from our famous ‘Vet-Rope’ these are soft, safe, nonburning. Available in white only. Large bull-nose nickel-plated swivel clip.

BULL RING APPLICATOR 270048........................................................... Bull Ring Applicator 260 mm

COPPER BULL RINGS 270090......................................................... Copper Bull Ring 63 mm / 2.5” 270091 ...................................................... Copper Bull Ring 69 mm / 2.75“ 270092 .........................................................Copper Bull Ring 76 mm / 3.0“ 270093 ...................................................... Copper Bull Ring 82 mm / 3.25“

PIG NOSE RING www.dlc.com.au

270094.........................................................................Pig Nose Ring 38 mm

J0473 .............................................Neonatal Foal Padded Recovery Hood J0473A .......................................... Foal / Yearling Padded Recovery Hood J0473B ................................................... Standard Padded Recovery Hood

This protective hood is a valuable tool in the prevention of head trauma such as facial nerve paralysis, to any horse undergoing anesthesia. The thick yellow closed-cell foam padding has openings for eyes, ears, and muzzles. The area around the eyes is double padded.

27. Restraining Equipment


KETCH-ALL DOG POLES 271530 .......................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 28” 271530SP .......................................Ketch-All Pole 28” Replacement Cable 271531 .....................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 3 FT 271531SP ..................................... Ketch-All Pole 3 FT Replacement Cable 271532 .....................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 4 FT 271533 ......................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 5FT 271533SP ..............................Ketch-All Dog Pole 5 Ft Replacement Cable 271534EP .......................................... Ketch-All Dog Extension Pole 4-6 FT 271534SP ......................... Ketch-All Dog Pole 4-6 FT Replacement Cable 271535EP ........................................ Ketch-All Dog Extension Pole 7-12 FT 271535SP .......................Ketch-All Dog Pole 7-12 FT Replacement Cable 271580 .......................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 48” 271581 .......................................................................Ketch-All Dog Pole 60”

This pole was designed by Ketch-All Company and is used by animal control professionals and other animal handlers throughout the world. This pole is famous for it’s versatility. Up a tree - under a building - or in a storm drain, the animal can easily be rescued with Ketch-All extension pole. When retracted, it may be used as a heavy duty restraining device.

KETCH-ALL CAT GRASPER 271570 ..................................................................Ketch-All Cat Grasper 28” 271575 ..................................................................Ketch-All Cat Grasper 38”

Animal Graspers or otherwise known as Cat Tongs. These are available in two lengths 28” and 38”. Very sturdy, aluminum construction. For the safe handling of fractious cats, feral cats, possum and other small animals, etc.

KETCH-ALL SNAKE TONG 271590 .................................................................. Ketch-All Snake Tong 40” 271595 .................................................................. Ketch-All Snake Tong 48” 271600 ..................................Ketch-All Snake Tong, with Super Tong 40”

Stay snake-safe with these lightweight quality Tongs. Durable enough for professional use, but easy enough for a first timer to operate. 40” length is comfortable for the average-size person to use.

309 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

271532SP .............................Ketch-All Dog Pole 4 FT Replacement Cable

27. Restraining Equipment

KETCH-ALL SNAKE BAGGER 271585 ................................................... Ketch - All Snake Bagger

36” long One of kind dual bags for safety and the ability to have a back up when one bag is in use. Approximate weight is 1 kilo. 2 bags 48” in length 1 inner/1 outer designed with a sleeve on the bottom corner to work with our restraining tubes or to step on to create tension in bag. Triangular aluminum frame made from aircraft grade aluminum with a very strong comfortable handle. Features two safety snap locks on bag frame for quick release. The frame can be taken off and be replaced with a hook, pinning head adapter or a cleaning tool. All parts are anodized for a quality finish and a beautiful appearance.

MDC THROW NET 271800 ...................................................... MDC Throw Net, 8ft, 2.4 x 2.4 m


The Throw Net, as the name suggests, is cast towards the target animal and can be a simple but effective means for capturing dogs, cats and small animals. It consists of a 2.4 x 2.4 metre 8 ft x 8 ft) hexamesh net which has a lead-weighted rim cord to facilitate casting. It weighs approximately 1.1 kgs.

MDC ANIMAL GRASPERS 271540 .................................................................. MDC Animal Grasper 28” 271540SP............................. MDC Quick Release Replacement Cable 28” 271541 .................................................................. MDC Animal Grasper 36” 271541SP ............................. MDC Quick Release Replacement Cable 36” 271542 .................................................................. MDC Animal Grasper 48” 271542SP ............................. MDC Quick Release Replacement Cable 48” 271543 .................................................................. MDC Animal Grasper 60” 271543SP ............................. MDC Quick Release Replacement Cable 60”


Quick release dog grasper Instant locking device. When capturing stray dogs, speed is of the essence. Having placed the loop around the dog’s neck the operator can pull the cable to tighten the grasper; it will then instantly lock in the required position. The dog will then be held securely, requiring no effort from the operator. If a larger loop is required, pull the metal knob on the end of the grasper and feed more cable through. The grasper is fitted with a hand grip. Parts which may come into contact with the animal are plastic covered to prevent any damage to the dog’s teeth. When the operator is required to put the dog in a van or kennel, the quick release mechanism can be operated by pulling the ring provided, instantly releasing the animal into a safe environment.

TUFF SLIP LEADS 271550 ................................................................................ Tuff Slip Lead 42” 271550CL ..................................................................Tuff Slip Lead with Clip

The Tuff Slip lead is virtually unbreakable, each lead being tested to withstand a 350 kg (770 lb) loading. It is also chew proof as its 4 mm core cable is covered in flexible plastic to a diameter of 7 mm. All in all this is an extremely tough an robust lead. The lead is available in one length of 1070 mm (42”).

271560 ................................................................ Snappy Snare 30” Regular 271561 ................................................................ Snappy Snare 49” Regular 271562 ................................................................ Snappy Snare 65” Regular

Designed to quickly and humanely get an intimidated cat or small dog out of the back of a cage. Place the loop over the cat’s head, release the ring and snap it up to take out the slack and zap, you’ve got ‘em. SNAPPY SNARES ARE NOT INTENDED FOR AGGRESSIVE, CHARGING ANIMALS. THE KETCHALL POLE IS THE BEST PRODUCT FOR VICIOUS, UNPREDICTABLE ANIMALS.

27. Restraining Equipment


VET PRO WARDEN PRO-MAX GLOVES 276000.................................................................Vet-Pro Warden Pro - Max

VET PRO WARDEN ORIGINAL GLOVES 276005 ......................................................................Vet - Pro Warden Men’s

• • • •

Cuff Arm Protector - Palomino leather lined with Ballistic DuPont Kevlar felt Lining - DuPont Kevlar felt lining continues from tips of finger to top of cuffs Seams - Blind stitching to prevent catching on the claws, talons and fangs Hand - Split grade Palomino leather tanned to allow freedom of movement and puncture movement

VET PRO WARDEN MAGNUM GLOVES 276010 ...............................................................................Vet - Pro Magnum

Stainless Steel safety bars are clinched on the back of the hand and front of the fingers to provide maximum protection from puncture wounds. • Length: 22” overall hand and cuff • Hand : Palomino leather • Cuff: Double thick Palomino leather • Lining: DuPont Kevlar felt lining in hand and cuff areas • Stitching: 100% Kevlar thread • Sizes: Large

311 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Developed to prevent the intrusion of sharp objects while handling dogs, cats, snakes or small wild animals. • Allows maximum dexterity • Length: 22” overall hand and cuff • Hand and Cuff: Palomino leather • Lining: Double thick DuPont Kevlar felt lining topside hand and cuff areas • Stitching: 100% Kevlar thread • Sizes: One size fits all

27. Restraining Equipment

BITE TUFF RABIES GLOVES 276055 ............................................................. Bite Tuff Rabies Gloves, Pair

These gloves feature an elkhide hand, lined with Kevlar®, and a double layer of leather extending over the back of the hand for bite protection. Heavily padded gauntlets extend to elbow for full forearm protection. Offers high manipulability with full protection throughout.

BITE TUFF SAFETY GLOVES 276020 .....................................................Bite Tuff Safety Glove Small, Pair 276025 ................................................Bite Tuff Safety Glove Medium, Pair 276030 .....................................................Bite Tuff Safety Glove Large, Pair



276035 .................................................Bite Tuff Safety Glove X-Large, Pair 276050 .............................................. Bite Tuff Safety Glove XX-Large, Pair

Our Bite Tuff Gloves are designed for day-in, day-out wear yet offer unusually high protection against penetration from bites and scratches, thanks to their top grain leather construction with full Spectra lining. This is a police field glove beefed up for animal handling. We have not found a more comfortable glove in the world that offers this level of safety. A NOTE ABOUT ANIMAL PROTECTION GLOVES Bite Tuff Animal Protection Gloves are designed to be as protective as possible but, as with all gloves, will have certain limitations. ABS gloves must be used intelligently, cautiously, and with the assumption that injuries caused by animals may occur while using them. Each ABS Animal Protection Glove is made for specific purposes with known trade-offs such as greater dexterity for decreased protection or reduced dexterity for increased protection. In general, thinner gloves provide decreased penetration protection as well as decreasing crushing protection. The materials used also influence the amount of protection provided. Be sure you understand the limitations of your gloves before purchasing them. Our commitment is to provide our customers with the best equipment we can to assist you in doing the safest job possible in your work with animals, but we cannot guarantee 100% protection in the wide variety of situations you encounter. • Cowhide lined with Kevlar® and Spectra® • High cut resistance and penetration • Can be worn under a tunic • Designed to be used in conjunction with the ABS Bite Tuff Safety Glove • Handle difficult cats without fear of personal injury

BITE TUFF SAFETY SLEEVE 276040........................................... ABS Bite Tuff Safety Sleeve Mens, Pair 276045 ......................................ABS Bite Tuff Safety Sleeve Womens, Pair

Use the bite tuff gloves with the safety sleeve for added protection.

27. Restraining Equipment

UNIVET™ CAT COLLAR 273384 .....................................................................UniVet™ Cat Collar 10/pk Our UniVet™ Cat Collar is a soft, flexible collar that is ideal for small dogs and cats after surgery to help prevent them from irritating healing wounds, injuries or rashes. This unique collar features a drawstring design that allows you to tighten or loosen it as necessary for maximum comfort. The UniVet™ Cat Collar still allows the cat to eat, drink and sleep in comfort. Features • Water repellent • Made from soft non-woven material • Easy to clean • Suitable for most cat sizes due to the easy drawstring design • Great for cats post surgery

Length 130 mm

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27. Restraining Equipment

UNIVET™ UNICLIC™ DOG COLLARS 273480 ..........................................................Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 7.5 cm 273481 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 10 cm 273482 ....................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 12.5 cm 273483 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 15 cm 273484 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 20 cm 273485 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 25 cm 273486 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 30 cm

UniClic™ 7.5 -12.5

273488 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 35 cm 273487 ........................................................... Univet™ UniClic™ Dog Collar 40 cm


Features • Aids in preventing pets from biting, licking or scratching their body for a faster healing time • Quickly and easily attaches to the pets collar by passing tabs under then around the pets collar. The tabs are then pushed into the pre-punched holes on the UniClic™ Dog Collar • Made from a lightweight yet durable transparent polypropylene • Comes in a wide range of colour coded sizes

UniClic™ 15 - 40

See following page for sizing chart

UNIVET™ UNICLIC™ COMFORT DOG COLLARS 273900....................................... UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 7.5 cm 273901 ........................................ UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 10 cm 273902 ..................................... UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 12.5 cm 273903 ........................................ UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 15 cm 273904........................................ UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 20 cm 273905 ........................................ UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 25 cm


273906........................................ UniVet™ UniClic™ Comfort Collar 30 cm

Features • The UniVet™ Comfort collar has the same features as the UniClic Dog Collar however it is also equipped with a comfortable rubber edge • The collar is transparent which enables the animal to see through it. Soft and flexible. Environmentally friendly material, 100% polypropylene • Aids in preventing pets from biting, licking or scratching their body for a faster healing time • Quickly and easily attaches to the pets collar by passing tabs under then around the pets collar. The tabs are then pushed into the pre-punched holes on the UniClic™ Dog Collar • Made from a lightweight yet durable transparent polypropylene • Comes in a wide range of colour coded sizes See following page for sizing chart

UniClic™ 7.5 -12.5

UniClic™ 15 - 40

273310 .................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 7.5 cm 273320 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 10 cm 273325 ................................. UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 12.5 cm 273330 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 15 cm

27. Restraining Equipment


273340 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 20 cm 273350 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 25 cm 273360 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 30 cm 273361 ..................................... UniVet™ Elizabethan Classic Collar 35 cm

See below for sizing chart

Neck Hole 7-8 cm

Opening 13-15 cm

Length 7.5 cm

Neck Hole 7-8 cm

Opening 15-18 cm

Length 10 cm

Neck Hole 9-10.5 cm

Opening 19-21 cm

Length 12.5 cm Neck Hole 10-12 cm

Opening 23-27 cm

Length 15 cm

Neck Hole 12-14 cm

Opening 20-22 cm

Length 20 cm Neck Hole 14-16 cm

Opening 34-42 cm

Length 25 cm Neck Hole 15-18 cm

Opening 41-48 cm

Length 30 cm Neck Hole 17-21 cm

Opening 47-55 cm

Length 35 cm Neck Hole 21-25 cm

Opening 57-65 cm

Length 40 cm

315 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Features • Aids in preventing pets from biting, licking or scratching their body for a faster healing time • Quick and easy to secure to pet with pre-punched holes • Made from a lightweight yet durable translucent polypropylene • Comes in a wide range of colour coded sizes

27. Restraining Equipment

UNIVET™ INFLATABLE COLLAR 273924 .......................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, X-Small 273925 ...........................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, Small 273926 ..................................... UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, Medium 273927 .......................................... UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, Large 273928 .......................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, X-Large 273929 .................................... UniVet™ Inflatable Collar Nylon, XX-Large 273930 ..................................... UniVet™ Inflatable Collar in PVC, X-Small 273931 .........................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar in PVC, Small


273932 ....................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar in PVC, Medium 273933 .........................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar in PVC, Large 273934 .....................................UniVet™ Inflatable Collar in PVC, X-Large


• • • •

Will not inhibit the animal’s field of vision Comfortable for the animal, still allows your pet to eat and drink Scratch and bite-resistant Washable

DIRECT STOP ANIMAL DETERRENT SPRAY 271524 ................................................................... Direct Stop Holster Only 271525 ........................................................ Direct Stop Spray with Holster 271526 ........................................................................Direct Sop Spray Only


• • • • • • • •

Safe and easy to use Exclusively for use in animals Safe citronella spray Distracts animal from object of attack As effective as pepper spray in low to medium aggression No injury to operator from blow-back Easy to use no certification required Economical

Direct Stop Animal Deterrent Spray was developed specifically for use in controlling aggressive animals. It is safe for humans and pets, while providing a strong deterrent for the animal. The Direct Stop formula contains a citronella gas. The propellant used in Direct Stop is safe for humans, animals and the environment (ozone friendly). How Direct Stop Works: The strong force of the spray combined with the citronella odor distracts the animal from the object of its aggression providing valuable additional seconds to help enable the user to retreat to a safe place. This method of distracting the animal avoids the potential of bringing out more aggression, as may be the case with some animals that have been sprayed with pepper spray.


279406.......................................... UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle for Cat, Unisize

Muzzle for cats. Made of hard wearing but comfortable polypropylene material. Practical clamp makes it easy to put on the muzzle. Machine-washable.

27. Restraining Equipment


UNIVET™ NYLON MUZZLE 279396 ...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 1 279397 ...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 2 279398 ...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 3 279399 ...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 4 279400...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 5 279405....................................................... UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, Set of 6 (1 of each size from 0-5)

LEATHER DOG MUZZLE 270007 ................................................................Leather Dog Muzzle Large 270008...........................................................Leather Dog Muzzle Medium 270009................................................................Leather Dog Muzzle Small

317 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

279395 ...........................................................UniVet™ Nylon Muzzle, size 0

27. Restraining Equipment

UNIVET™ PLASTIC DOG MUZZLE 600250..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 2 600251 ..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 3 600252..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 4 600253..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 5 600254..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 6 600255..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 7 600256..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 8 600257..................................................UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 9 600258............................................... UniVet™ Plastic Dog Muzzle Size 10 600259...............................................UniVet™ Plastic Boxer Muzzle Size 4 600260...............................................UniVet™ Plastic Boxer Muzzle Size 5

318 C-MUZZLE WITH MOUTH FLAP 600280....................................... C-Muzzle with Mouth Flap Set of 9 Sizes


Safety and Protection. The use of a nylon muzzle is a common everyday necessity in a veterinary practice. Patients can be upset, frightened, and even vicious. However, standard nylon muzzles block access to the oral cavity. The C-Muzzle was developed by a practicing veterinarian to solve that problem. Velcro flaps on both sides of the jaw allow visual inspection and access to the patient’s mouth. • Assess parameters such as gum color and capillary refill • Assess possible dental problems • Give oral treatments such as emergency poisonings • Oral vaccinations such as Bordetella. CAUTION: The use of any muzzle still has the risk of injury. Set of all nine sizes

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


27. Restraining Equipment




Trocar and Cannula

Lamb Feeder


RMT Test Kits and Accessories

Indicator Testing Paper


Tail Docker

280003 ...................................................................... Equine Colostrometer

Many tests are available to equine practitioners for evaluating the newborn foal’s IgG serum level, but this is the only practical and economical test available for evaluating the mare’s colostrum. The JorVet Equine Colostrometer utilizes only a small 15 ml sample of the mare’s colostrum by comparing the specific gravity to distilled water in a Plexiglas hydrometer. From the specific gravity obtained, a determination can be made whether or not the foal will be receiving colostrum with adequate IgG concentration. Another benefit is if the colostrum specific gravity is fairly high, up to 250 cc can be frozen for a colostrum bank.

28. Rural Instruments


STAINLESS STEEL TROCAR AND CANULA - CATTLE 280008 ....................... Stainless Steel Trocar and Canula, Cattle 3.5 mm 280009 ....................... Stainless Steel Trocar and Canula, Cattle 5.5 mm 280010 ......................... Stainless Steel Trocar and Canula Cattle 8.0 mm

TROCAR AND CANULA - SHEEP 280012 ............................................. Trocar and Canula, Sheep 4 x 90 mm

LAMB FEEDER 280450...................UniVet™ Lamb feeder Complete with 50 ml Syringe

Lambs suffering from exposure and weakness have always presented a problem to the shepherd Experience has shown that the administration of ewe's milk replacer, or the administration of ewe's own milk, by tube straight into the stomach, on a 'little and often' basis, can aid their survival The method of administration is not difficult, providing certain rules are adhered to and a procedure adopted, which ensures that this tube is passed into the stomach, and not the lungs, which would otherwise result in the lamb 'drowning' • • •

Complete set with 50ml syringe and feeding tube Sealed, sterile packed Catheter tip syringe

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


28. Rural Instruments

SERRA DOUBLE CRUSH CASTRATION FORCEP 281100 ............................Serra Double Crush Castration Forcep 350 mm, Straight without Ratchet

With cutting action.

ECONOMY SANDS DOUBLE CRUSH CASTRATION FORCEP 281105 ........................Economy Sands Double Crush Castration Forcep 310 mm, with Ratchet

No cutting action.


REIMERS DOUBLE CRUSH CASTRATION FORCEP 281110 ...................... Reimers Double Crush Castration Forcep 310 mm, with Ratchet

This forceps has a double crushing part. The cutting lever is worked separately. This allows extra time for crushing action and diminishes bleeding.

BERTSCHY TRIPLE CRUSH CASTRATION FORCEP 281145 ................Bertschy Triple Crush Castrator 380 mm, with Rachet

With cutting action.

BURDIZZO BLOODLESS CASTRATOR 281120 .............................. Burdizzo Bloodless Castrator Baby for Lambs

• •

230 mm length 42 mm jaw width


BURDIZZO BLOODLESS CASTRATOR 281135 ................................................Burdizzo Bloodless Castrator Large for Bulls and Horses 281140 ............................................ Burdizzo Bloodless Castrator X/Large for Bulls and Horses

• •

Large - 400 mm length, 80 mm jaw width X/Large - 480 mm length, 80 mm jaw width

CASTRATION KNEE REST 281150 ............................................................ Castration Forcep Knee Rest

281000 ....................................................................................RMT Starter Kit

An accurate and inexpensive method of determining the cell count in milk. The kit contains one 500 ml dispenser bottle with dosing pump which gives exactly 3 ml test liquid, one CMT paddle and a book with a detailed instruction of use and pages on which the test results can be registered. Liquid is supplied separately.

28. Rural Instruments


RMT SUPER PADDLE 281005 .............................................................................. RMT Super Paddle RMT paddle designed and manufactured by Shoof with special features over other paddles: smooth and comfortable handle, tilt lines for both left and right hand use, slightly domed cup-bottoms to enhance coagulation visibility, dark blue colour for maximum milk visibility, quality long-life flexible polypropylene manufacture.

MASTITIS TEST SOLUTION 281010 ............................................................ Mastitis Test Solution 1 Litre 281015 ............................................................ Mastitis Test Solution 5 Litre 281016 ..........................................................Mastitis Test Solution 10 Litre Correctly formulated solution to ensure consistent mastitis testing. (Nonprofessional solutions can give varying results.) Generally testing requires 1 litre per 50 cows. Solution is added to the RMT paddle in at least the same amount as the milk. Ideally the solution is used from a squirt or pump bottle. RMT solution is non-toxic, but is coloured blue for easy identification. Coagulation of the milk sample indicates the presence of somatic cells in high concentration.

CMT DISPENSER BOTTLE 281025 ............................................CMT Dispenser Bottle 500 ml neutral, B152 white with cap without pump 281026 ............................................ White Cap for CMT Dispensing Bottle 281030 ............................................................ Pump for CMT 500 ml bottle Dosing 3 ml for CMT Kit Tidy up your RMT testing with this very handy pump bottle. Can be operated with one hand, holding paddle in other. Gives exactly the required 3 ml of solution per stroke. NB: This bottle is supplied empty.

INDICATOR TESTING PAPER 281050 ........................................................................Indicator Paper 25/pk Quick and simple four-spot testing papers for quarter excessive cell counts. An infection causes a change in acidity in the quarter’s milk. A couple of drops of milk on the paper from an infected quarter will change the spot colour from yellow to green, or blue/green. Normal quarter milk will not affect the spots. Papers should be kept sealed in the bag until used. All four quarters should be tested simultaneously. This test is particularly useful at the start and end of the season when the RMT test is less reliable. Papers should indicate recovery 3-4 days after treatment is completed.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


28. Rural Instruments

SUPREME GEARED CUP DEHORNER 350090...................................................... Supreme Geared Cup Dehorner

All steel geared model with machine-cut gears for better leverage, made from 40-ton non-rusting material. Suitable for cattle up to 12 months of age. Opening between blades 37 mm. Overall length 500 mm. Weight 2.4 kgs. Made in Australia.

SUPREME YEARLING CUP DEHORNER 350100 .....................................................Supreme Yearling Cup Dehorner

A dehorner for cattle up to 18 months. Polished, plated frame made from 40-ton tensile strength metal with hardened and tempered steel blades and polished wooden handles. Factory reconditioning at a future time can be undertaken to maintain top performance. Blade opening 55 mm. Total weight 2.7 kgs. Overall length 600 mm. Made in Australia.


SPARE BLADES FOR HODGES DEHORNER 350105 .......................Spare Blades for the Hodges Guillotine Dehorner

Replacement set of concave blades for the Hodges Guillotine Dehorner.

SPARE KNIFE FOR TAIL DOCKER 350116 .................................................... Spare Knife for Tail Docker 50/pk

Knife with burner. Improved, works for approx. 800 hours.



350117................................... Empty Gas Cartridge without Knife 100/pk

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


28. Rural Instruments




Bleeding Needles


Bone Marrow Needle

Feeding Needle

Infusion Cannula

290000 ............................................................... Drenching Syringe 600 ml

For dosing large quantities of water and cleaning the horse’s mouth before oral examinations.

29. Needles and Syringes


UNIVET™ PLEXI SYRINGE 290026................................. UniVet™ Plexi Syringe with Luer Lock 20 ml 290033................................. UniVet™ Plexi Syringe with Luer Lock 30 ml 290058 ................................ UniVet™ Plexi Syringe with Luer Lock 10 ml 290059................................. UniVet™ Plexi Syringe with Luer Lock 50 ml

High quality syringe with metal luer lock nozzle. Unbreakable, sterilizable to 160 C, exchangeable luer lock adaptor

UNIVET™ DISPOSABLE 3-COMPONENT SYRINGES WITHOUT NEEDLE 290140 .........................UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Centric 1 ml 100/pk 290141 .........................UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Centric 2 ml 100/pk 290148 .........................UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Centric 3 ml 100/pk 290142 .........................UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Centric 5 ml 100/pk 290143 .................... UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Eccentric 10 ml 100/pk 290144 .................... UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Eccentric 20 ml 50/pk 290145 .................... UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Eccentric 30 ml 40/pk

290146 .................... UniVet™ Disposable 3-Component Syringe Eccentric 50 ml 25/pk

Features • Long tapered catheter tip • Luer slip / luer lock • Easy to read black graduations • Centric tips for the small syringes and eccentric tips for the larger syringes • Translucent polypropylene • Latex free • Smooth plunger action • Available in 7 different sizes • Sterile individual blister packs

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


29. Needles and Syringes

BLEEDING NEEDLE 290100 ...........................................Bleeding Needle with Tube 90 x 6 mm 290102 ...........................................Bleeding Needle with Tube 70 x 5 mm

UNIVET™ DISPOSABLE HYPODERMIC INJECTION NEEDLES WITHOUT SYRINGE 290300....................... Univet™ Disposable Needle 25G x 5/8” (.5 x 16 mm) Orange 100/pk 290301 ....................... Univet™ Disposable Needle 23G x 5/8” (.6 x 16 mm) Blue 100/pk 290303 ............................Univet™ Disposable Needle 21G x 1” (.8 x 25 mm) Green 100/pk


290305 ....................... Univet™ Disposable Needle 21G x 3/8” (.8 x 10 mm) Green 100/pk 290307 ............................Univet™ Disposable Needle 20G x 1” (.9 x 25 mm) Yellow 100/pk 290312 ..................... Univet™ Disposable Needle 18G x 1.5” (1.2 x 40 mm) Pink 100/pk 290321 ....................... Univet™ Disposable Needle 22G x 3/4” (.7 x 20 mm) Black 100/pk

Features • Non-toxic • Non-pyrogenic • Sterile individual blister packs

JORVET BONE MARROW NEEDLE 2901050 .................................................. JorVet Bone Marrow Needle 16G

Large hand grip for increased torque. Adjustable depth stop from 0.375” to 1.875” shaft. Luer lock syringe attachment and similar to Jamshidi style. May also be used for intraosseous fluid administration. Non-autoclavable 16G sterile with green handle and regular tip.

FEEDING NEEDLES www.dlc.com.au

290200..................... Feeding Needle 14G x 3" (1.6 x 76.2 mm), Straight 290201 ..................... Feeding Needle 16G x 3" (1.2 x 76.2 mm), Straight 290210 ....................... Feeding Needle 14G x 3" (1.6 x 76.2 mm), Curved

Luer lock hub with stainless steel tube and nickel-plated silver ball on the end. Available in straight or curved.

INFUSION CANNULA 290057...............................................................Infusion Cannula Luer, 1.5”

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


29. Needles and Syringes



Hoof Knives

Nail Clippers/Cutters

Hoof Tester

30VC316V ..........................AESCULAP Medium Double Edge Hoof Knife

30VC321 .................................AESCULAP Left Hand Hoof Knife Searcher

300000 ............................................... Right Hand Single Edge Hoof Knife

30. Hoof and Claw Instruments


300001...................................................Left Hand Single Edge Hoof Knife

300002 ...............................................Double Edge Hoof Knife Fine Blade

300004 .................................................. Medium Double Edge Hoof Knife

300006 ....................................................... Left Hand Hoof Knife Searcher 300008 .....................................................Right Hand Hoof Knife Searcher

300100 .......................... Hauptner Right Hand Hoof Pare Knife Searcher 300101 .............................Hauptner Left Hand Hoof Pare Knife Searcher

300800 ......................................................Hoof Pare Knife Set with Pouch 300801.................................................Hoof Pare Knife Set without Pouch

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


30. Hoof and Claw Instruments

MULTI JOINT STEEL HOOF TRIMMER 30VC405 .....................................................Multi Joint Steel Hoof Trimmer 30VC406 ............................................. Hoof Trimmer Replacement Blades

Popular compound action steel model, with extra sharp blades that are replaceable. Green with black handle grips. Suggested for use with cattle.

HEAVY DUTY NAIL CLIPPER 300820 ......................................................... Heavy Duty Nail Claw Clipper

NAIL CLIPPER FOR DOGS 300821..........................Nail Clipper for Dogs 110 mm Standard Quality

332 GUILLOTINE NAIL CLIPPER 300823........................................Nail Clipper Guillotine 125 mm

STAINLESS STEEL NAIL CLIPPER 300824................................Stainless Steel Nail Clippers for Cats, 75 mm

HOOF TESTER 300020..........................................................................Surgicon Hoof Tester


Flat working area. 90 mm in diameter

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


30. Hoof and Claw Instruments



Teat Tubes

Teat Plugs

Teat Dilator

Teat Knife/Slitter

310020 ................................................................... Plain Teat Tube, 101 mm 310022 ......................................................................Plain Teat Tube, 76 mm 310025 ................................................... Self Retaining Teat Tube, 101 mm 310027 ..................................................... Self Retaining Teat Tube, 76 mm

31. Teat Instruments


TEAT PLUGS 31VF005...............................................AESCULAP Teat Plug/Dilator 12/pk

Milking tube, plastic material. Stored in antiseptic ointment.

TEAT DILATOR 310078 .......................................................................................... Teat Dilator

• • •

Stainless steel Screw action 170 mm

HUG TEAT INSTRUMENT 310080 .......................................................... Hug Teat Instrument 130 mm

TEAT KNIFE 310075 ..............................................................................Mcleans Teat Knife

• •

Overall length - 147 mm Knife length - 32 mm

TEAT SLITTER 310050 ................................................................Danish Pattern Teat Slitter

Danish pattern papillotome teat slitter with 2 concealed blades.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au




Stomach Pump

Stomach Tubes

B.A.L Catheter

Flushing Catheter

Lavacuator Tubes

Metal Tracheal Tubes

Flutter Valve


Trocar Catheters

Mare Uterine Flushing Catheter

Bore IV Set

Blood Collection Bags

IV Anchor

Pressure Infusor

Anti-Coagulant Collection Bags

Equine Haler

320009.....................................................UniVet™ Paraffin Stomach Pump

This efficient, lightweight stomach pump is solidly constructed of highly-polished, chrome-plated brass with Monel ball valves. Onepiece tapered hose connection fit all stomach tubes. Metal plunger with O-Ring.

32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.


UNIVET™ STOMACH PUMP SERVICE KIT 320011 ........................................ DLC Paraffin Stomach Pump Service Kit

320140 ................................................................... K-9 Stomach Tube 24 FG

Designed to facilitate the removal or location of esophageal obstructions. The rounded ends allow for atraumatic passage while the metal ball marker assists in the location of any obstruction by X-ray methods. The lateral eye allows for aspiration of gastric contents or administration of fluids. This item is a great addition to any veterinary clinic. 760 mm long.

UNIVET™ PLASTIC STOMACH TUBE 320200..................... UniVet™ Plastic Stomach Tube, Foal, 9 x 2100 mm 320201 ......................... UniVet™ Plastic Stomach Tube, S, 13 x 2700 mm 320202 ........................ UniVet™ Plastic Stomach Tube, M, 16 x 2700 mm 320203 ...................... UniVet™ PLASTIC Stomach Tube, L, 19 x 3000 mm

Standard PVC stomach tubes with funnel end.

UNIVET™ PORTEX STOMACH TUBES 320210 ....................UniVet™ Portex Stomach Tube Foal, 9.5 x 2100 mm 320211 .............. UniVet™ Portex Stomach Tube Small, 12.7 x 2700 mm 320212 ....................................... UniVet™ Portex Stomach Tube Medium, 15.9 x 2700 mm

Premium quality stomach tube. Made from special siliconised PVC tubing, it has just the right amount of flexibility; it won’t become rigid in cold weather and will not soften or kink in hot weather. Each tube has a funnel end to make attachment to a drench pump quick and easy. Note measurements are outer diameter of the tubes.

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au



32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.

JUPITER STOMACH TUBES 320225 ................................Jupiter Stomach Tube, Foal, 9.38 x 3005 mm 320226 ..................... Jupiter Stomach Tube, Yearling, 10.94 x 3600 mm 320227 ............................. Jupiter Stomach Tube, Small, 12.5 x 3660 mm 320228 ...........................Jupiter Stomach Tube, Large, 14.06 x 3660 mm

• • •

Urethane tubes will not stiffen in the cold or soften in the heat They transparent and easy to pass as tubes are very smooth Very durable

General Instructions for stomach tubes • 1. DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) will melt the tube • 2. Use bleach to clean tubes • 3. Rinse water through tube after each use • 4. Do not autoclave

RUBBER STOMACH TUBES 32VC780 ........................ Rubber Stomach Tube, Yearling, 16 x 2250 mm


32VC78200 ........................... Rubber Stomach Tube, Foal, 11 x 1500 mm 32VC781 ..............................Rubber Stomach Tube, Mare, 15 x 2500 mm

BRONCHO-ALVEOLAR LAVAGE CATHETER 320020.................................................Broncho-Alveolar Lavage Catheter


This catheter is designed to perform lavage on the equine lung. The BAL catheter can also be used for cytology or culturing the airways. The catheter is inserted nasally. The cuff inflated when in position. A 3-way stop cock is used for administration and aspiration of fluid. • The stiffness of the catheter makes for ease of passage • 30FG (10 mm) x 2400 mm long • 10 cc cuff

UNIVET™ ENDOSCOPE FLUSHING CATHETER 320021 ..............UniVet™ Endoscope Flushing Catheter, 2.3 x 2200 mm

Features • 2.3 mm in diameter • 2200 mm in length • 21 mm tip length • Sterile peel pack

320030.......................................................................Lavacuator Tube 18FG 320031 .......................................................................Lavacuator Tube 22FG 320032 .......................................................................Lavacuator Tube 28FG 320033 .......................................................................Lavacuator Tube 32FG 320034.......................................................................Lavacuator Tube 36FG

A double lumen tube designed for evacuation and lavage of the stomach. Ideal for use in emergency situations where hazardous liquids or an overdose of medication have been taken.

32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.


METAL TRACHEAL TUBES 320125 ........................................... Equine Metal Tracheal Tube 18 mm ID 320126 ........................................... Equine Metal Tracheal Tube 22 mm ID

320050.................................................................Flutter Valve - Cattle, Luer

The simplex IV Set has a molded finger, clog-stop air vent, and pure gum rubber tubing. It fits any standard 500 ml bottle, and comes complete with a 16 G x 1 ½” stainless steel needle. Tubing measures 5 feet. IV Set-Dexco Intravenous Set With Gum Rubber Funnel. Flutter Valve - Equine.

320051 ...............................................................Flutter Valve - Equine, Luer

Comes with a pure gum rubber funnel with air vent. Fits any standard 500 ml bottle and comes complete with a 16G x 1 1/2” stainless steel needle.

PORTEX JACKSON CAT CATHETER 320056................................................... Portex Jackson Cat 3 FG Catheter 320057................................................... Portex Jackson Cat 4 FG Catheter

Cat Catheters with side holes • Ideal for urine sample collection, urine retention and bladder lavage • The catheter with stylet is softer then the catheter without stylet

NEILSON CATHETER - LUER 320060......................................................Neilson Catheter - Luer 440 mm 320061 ......................................................Neilson Catheter - Luer 550 mm

339 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.

UNIVET™ DOG URINARY CATHETER 320062...........................UniVet™ Dog Catheter 4FG, 1.3 mm OD x 500 mm (White) 320067 ...........................UniVet™ Dog Catheter 6FG, 2.0 mm OD x 500 mm (Yellow) 320068...........................UniVet™ Dog Catheter 8FG, 2.6 mm OD x 500 mm (Orange) 320069........................ UniVet™ Dog Catheter 10FG, 3.3 mm OD x 500 mm (Red)


Our UniVet™ Dog Urinary Catheters are made out of medical grade polypropylene providing the desired amount of rigidity and are ideal for all breeds of cat and dog. All catheters are fitted with a luer lock connector. Features • Made from medical grade polypropylene • Providing the desired amount of rigidity and are ideal for all breeds of dog • All catheters are fitted with a luer lock connector • 500 mm long • Packed individually • 5 year expiry • Sterile peel packed • Available in 4 colour coded sizes Sterile Peel Pack

UNIVET™ CAT URINARY CATHETER 320063.......................... UniVet™ Cat Catheter 3FG, 1.00 mm OD x 130 mm with Stylet (Pink) 320064.......................... UniVet™ Cat Catheter 4FG, 1.00 mm OD x 130 mm with Stylet (White) 320065.......................... UniVet™ Cat Catheter 3FG, 1.00 mm OD x 130 mm without Stylet (Pink)


320066.......................... UniVet™ Cat Catheter 4FG, 1.00 mm OD x 130 mm without Stylet (White)

Our UniVet™ Cat Urinary Catheters are manufactured from low density medical grade polypropylene to provide a soft and flexible tube and these are supplied with a wire introducing stylet. All catheters are fitted with a luer lock connector. Features • Made from medical grade polypropylene • Providing the desired amount of rigidity and are ideal for all breeds of dog • All catheters are fitted with a luer lock connector • 130 mm long • Packed individually • 5 year expiry • Sterile peel packed • Available in 2 colour coded sizes with our without stylet

Sterile Peel Pack

320092........................... Trocar Catheter, Sharp Tip, 16 FG 5.3 x 250 mm 320094..........................Trocar Catheter, Sharp Tip, 24 FG 8.0 x 400 mm)

The trocar catheter is a sterile, single use device that consists of a surgically sharp trocar and a clear PVC catheter. Trocar catheters are primarily used for closed chest tube thoracostomies. Catheter features numerical depth marks at 20 mm increments for easy and precise positioning. Features and benefits • Clear thermosensitive PVC catheter - provides easy visualization of drainage characteristics • Catheter packaged over precision aluminum trocar - packaged ready for insertion • Surgically sharp trocar tip - allows for quick, precise insertion • Radiopaque line - permits location verification by x-ray • Depth markings - facilitates precise positioning • Integral funnel end - Aids in securing a leak free connection to the patient tubing

MARE UTERINE FLUSHING CATHETER 320099...................................... Mare Uterine Flushing Catheter 650 mm

• • • • • • •

Silicone catheter Foley type, with large inflatable balloon For embryo transfer/collection Lateral eyes on distal end Inflatable balloon allows fluid retention in uterus when the catheter is passed beyond the cervix Diameter: 33 FG (8 mm ID, 11 mm OD) Autoclavable

Includes two different adaptors • Reducing connector to attach tubing • Barbed connector with standard luer fitting

32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.

320090.......................... Trocar Catheter, Sharp Tip, 10 FG 3.3 x 230 mm

341 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.


LARGE BORE IV ADMINISTRATION SET 320070 ....................................................Large Bore IV Administration Set

Larger animals such as horses and cattle require tremendous amounts of IV fluids in a short period of time. The standard smaller human IV sets cannot meet the large IV fluid demands of a critically ill 500+ kg horse. The Large Bore IV Set can increase the flow rate up to almost 20 liters per hour, a necessary volume in severe colic or equine critical care emergency. Poiseville’s Law of Fluids: The volume of a fluid through a tube varies as the fourth power of the diameter of the tubing. V=D4 other things being equal. The diameter of the large bore IV set is two times that of a conventional IV set. This translates into 16 times the flow rate. • Twin spikes to hook up to dual bags • Large bore tubing for high flow rate • Longer length of 2500 mm • Luer lock for secure fitting • 15μm particle filter • Made by Braun for quality

BLOOD COLLECTION BAG, 4 LT WITH 12G NEEDLE, STERILE 320076 ......................Blood Collection Bag, 4 L with 12G Needle, Sterile

Dry Blood Collection Bag. Provide your own anticoagulant for the use of these blood bags. Two spike ports with donor tubing with “Y” injection port. Includes directions for use.

IV ANCHOR 320077 .................................................................................. IV Anchor 10/pk

Anchor IV prevents bowing along the infusion line, thus ensuring continuous flow of the liquid.

PRESSURE INFUSOR 320078 ..............................................................Pressure Infusor for 1 L Bag


320079 ..............................................................Pressure Infusor for 3 L Bag

Pressure infuser for collapsible IV bags. IV bag fits inside mesh and nylon bag. A rubber hand pump attached to a 3-way stop cock allows bag to be filled with air, which exerts pressure on the IV fluid bag.

320106 .....................Blood Collection Bag 450 ml with Anti-Coagulant/ Needle

CPDA-1 is the anticoagulant of choice in animal blood banking. After collection, stored blood will have a 35-day shelf life. Bag comes with 16G diamond point non-detachable needle plus double spike ports. 450 ml. 736 mm tubing. Contains 63 ml of CPD-1.

32. Catheter’s, Tubes, Etc.


EQUINE HALER, INHALATION MASK 320230 ......................................................... Equine Haler, Inhalation Mask

343 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The Equine Haler is an inhalation device, which has been developed specifically for accurate administration of pharmaceuticals to horses with inflammatory respiratory diseases. It has been developed specifically for accurate administration of Pharmaceuticals to horses with inflammatory respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (recurrent airway obstruction - RAO). The Equine Haler is a convenient method of administering all available types of metered dose inhalers (MDI) to horses. The MDI delivers the medicine at a suitable particle size (< 5 microns) for direct distribution to the small airways. The Equine Haler has been developed in Denmark and has been tested at the Centre for Equine Studies, Animal Health Trust, Newmarket, UK. Documented studies show that medication is distributed to the small airway system. • Easy to use • Fast acting • Treat lungs directly • Takes the guesswork out of inhalation therapy



X-Ray Units

FireCR Spark Veterinary Reader

Medical X-Ray Unit

QuantorVet+ Imaging Software

Canon CXDI Medical Digital Radiography Systems

dicomPACS DX-R X-Ray Acquisition Software

FireCR Dental Reader

Rextar-X Portable Dental Unit

NEXT Equine DR

SPRINT Bolt Ultralight DR

SPRINT Air Ultralight DR

TruDR cSeries


Canon NE Software

eFilm Software

DR Protection Box

Neoprene Plate Covers

Screen Cleaner

X-Ray Tables

X-ray Grids

X-Ray Stands

Portable X-Ray Tripod

X-Ray Protective Clothing

X-Ray Marking Accessories

X-Ray Patient Supports

X-Ray Measuring Calliper

Digital Radiography Unit Cables

X-Ray Carry Cases

X-Ray Unit Accessories

Portable X-Ray Stand

Mixed Animal X-Ray Unit. The economical Atomscope. The Atomscope HFX90V was designed for the Small Animal and Mixed Practice veterinarian at an economical price. This has been achieved without compromising the quality renowned by the Atomscope name. The Atomscope HFX90V is now so affordable that purchasing 2nd hand units is a thing of the past. The Atomscope HFX90V still passes all radiation safety regulations and comes with a full 2 year warranty. • kV range from 40 to 90 • Maximum high frequency 25mA, and effective conventional 62.5mA • Wipe clean touch panel displays • Digital display of kV, mAs and time • Automatic line voltage compensation, ensuring output accuracy • Audible exposure warning • 5 preset exposure memory • Powered by 13 amp domestic supply • Suitable for the use with any of our range of stands and mountings Specifications kV (2kV steps): mA • 40 to 50 kV: 25mA up to 0.1s and 15mA up to 2.0s • 52 to 70 kV: 20mA up to 0.1s and 12mA up to 2.0s • Source: Single phase AC 50/60Hz 240v • Timer: 0.02 to 2.0s • Focal spot: 0.8 mm x 0.8 mm • Filtration: 3.3 m Al equivalent • Dimensions: 219 x 370 x 191 mm • Total weight: 9.8 kgs For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

330001 ....................................................... Atomscope HFX90V X-Ray Unit

345 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


ATOMSCOPE HF200A GEN 2 X-RAY UNIT 330003A2 .......................................Atomscope HF200A Gen 2 X-Ray Unit

Small Animal X-Ray Unit. Dual KV System, that is designed specifically for Digital X-Ray Systems. The high frequency Atomscope HF200A Gen 2 enables x-ray to be taken accurately and simply time after time. Instead of referring to your exposure guide, just click the animal type, size and area of the interest and the HF200A Gen 2 will set the correct exposure factors for you automatically. Advantages • Fully anatomically programmed • kV range from 30 to 100 in 2kV steps • DR Ready. Plug your DR system directly with no additional synchronisation boxes • High Frequency mA from 25 to 40 • Wipe clean touch panel display • Digital display of kV, mAs and time • Automatic line voltage compensation, ensuring output accuracy • Audible exposure warning • Powered by 13A domestic supply • Suitable for use with any of our stands and mountings • 5 year extended warranty


Specifications kV (2kV steps): mA • 30 to 60 kV: 40mA (effective 100mA) • 62 to 70 kV: 35mA (effective 87.5mA) • 72 to 80 kV: 30mA (effective 75mA) • 82 to 100 kV: 25mA (effective 62.5mA) • Source: Single phase AC 50/60Hz 240v • Timer: 0.01 to 2 seconds • Focal Spot: 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm • Filtration: 2.7 mm Al equivalent • Dimensions: 290 x 400 x 230 mm • Total Weight: 16 kgs This system is effective in especially the tube voltage of 80kV or less. Peak voltage is cut with rated voltage (100kV). Example: Peak voltage is 60kV when setting voltage is 50kV. When setting voltage is 83kV or more, peak voltage is always 100kV. The system offers two tube voltage in one exposure. The system is provided by the software version 1.34 of M2400. For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

The waveform of tube voltage:

Mixed Animal X-Ray Unit The high frequency, high power 6kW Atomscope HF400VA moves portable x-ray units to a powerful new level. The intuitive user guide through the anatomical program makes the Atomscope HF400VA an ideal x-ray unit for the small animal vet. Power packed unit with anatomical program. The high power of the x-ray unit allows very short exposure times, so chest x-rays are a mere child’s play. • Maximum high frequency 100mA, an effective conventional 250mA, with full wave inverter • Built in dual laser, measuring beam center and distance. Accurate positioning every time • Automatic line voltage compensation, ensuring output accuracy • Easy operation. Over 1200 programmed values for dog, cats, birds, small domestic animal and large animals. All setting can be manually adjusted Advantages • KV range from 40 to 120 in 2kV steps • Wipe clean touch panel displays • Digital display of kV, mAs and time • LED display “X-RAY” , “READY” , “ERROR” • Hand exposure switch for collimator light • Acoustic and optical timer signal • Tape measure for SID • Thickness gauge for measuring object thickness • Switchable audible exposure warning • 5 preset memory functions • Powered by 13 amp domestic supply • Aluminum casing • 5 year extended warranty Output in 2kV steps • 30 - 38kV = 60mA (max) • 40 - 50kV = 100mA (max) • 52 - 60kV = 80mA (max) • 62 - 80kV = 70mA (max) • 82 - 100kV = 60mA (max) • 102 - 120kV = 40mA (max) • X-ray tube: Stationary anode • Focus: 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm • Timer: 0.01 - 1.86 seconds • Total filtration: 2.7 mm Al equivalent • Inverter frequency: 85 kHz • Line adjustment: Automatic • Overload protection: For high frequency transformer and x-ray tube • Power requirement: 6.0 kVA • LED Collimator: 100 lux at SID 100 cm • Weight: 21.5 kgs, including collimator • Dimensions without handle: 415 x 320 x 260 mm (lwh) For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

330006A ..................................................Atomscope HF400VA X-Ray Unit

347 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories



ATOMSCOPE TR90/30 GEN-2 ULTRALIGHT PORTABLE X-RAY UNIT 330011 ............................................ Atomscope TR90/30 Gen-2 Ultralight Portable X-Ray Unit

Equine X-Ray Unit. The DR ready Atomscope TR9030 Gen-2 Dual kV Portable X-Ray Unit is the most advanced lightweight portable X-Ray unit available. With a total weight of just 6.4 kgs and an output of 90kV 30mA, the Atomscope TR9030 Gen-2 Dual kV Portable X-Ray Unit shows the future for portable X-Ray systems. • kV range from 40 to 90 in 2kV steps • Maximum high frequency mA of 30mA • DR ready, just plug your DR system in and go, no remote • Digital display of kV mAs and time • Digital timer with .01s increments • Dual line lasers showing distance and beam centre • Five exposure technique memory storage switches • Automatic line voltage compensation, ensuring output accuracy • Unique low voltage mode for low input supply • Switchable audible exposure warning • Powered by 13A domestic supply • Suitable for use with any of our range of stands and mountings • 5 year warranty Specifications Generator system: 80kHz high frequency inverter system Electric power: 1.8kW @ 60kVDC, 30mA Tube voltage: Tolerance +/-10% Range: 40kVDC – 90kVDC kV switch : 2kV step Tube current: Tolerance +/-10% Exposure timer: Tolerance +/-(10%+1msec) Leakage technique factors: 0.25mA @ 90kV 0.25mA is maximum rated continuous current for 15mA with duty cycle 1:60 Filtration: Inherent filtration: 2.3mmAl total filtration: 2.8mmAl X-ray tube • Model number: XDT-F90 • Manufacturer: SNM Instruments Factory • Focal spot: 0.8mm • Target material: Tungsten • X-ray tube target angle: 14 degrees • X-ray tube inherent filtration: At least 0.5mm Al • Anode heat storage capacity: 7kHU Dimensions and accessories Equipment size (X-ray Generator):W:188mm x H:157mm x L:312 mm Weight: 6.4kgs Exposure switch cord:HS-M1 (Two-stage, deadman with RJ11 connector) Size: 2.44 meters Detachable power cord: Connect to 3-wire systems, one wire grounded. 16AWG up to 6.1 meters For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

Normal Voltage Mode: 30mA @ 40kVDC – 60kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 25mA @ 62kVDC – 70kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 20mA @ 72kVDC – 80kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 18mA @ 40kVDC – 60kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 15mA @ 62kVDC – 70kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 12mA @ 72kVDC – 80kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 9mA @ 82kVDC – 90kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) Low Voltage Mode: 15mA @ 40kVDC – 60kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 12.5mA @ 62kVDC – 70kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 10mA @ 72kVDC – 80kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 7.5mA @ 82kVDC – 90kVDC(0.02 to 0.1sec) 9mA @ 40kVDC – 60kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 7.5mA @ 62kVDC – 70kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 6mA @ 72kVDC – 80kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) 4.5mA @ 82kVDC – 90kVDC(0.11 to 2.0sec) Range: 0.02sec – 0.2sec : 0.01sec step 0.2sec – 0.4sec : 0.02sec step 0.4sec – 1.0sec : 0.05sec step 1.0sec – 2.0sec : 0.10sec step

Equine X-Ray Unit. The RHF100/40+ is a high frequency x-ray unit with resonate full bridge inverter system technology. • 40 - 60 kV = 40mA (2.4kW) • 62 - 70 kV = 35mA (2.6kW) • 72 - 80 kV = 30mA (2.4kW) • 82 - 100 kV = 25mA (2.5kW) • X-ray tube: Toshiba Type D-124 • Focus: 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm • mAs: 0.25 - 60 mAs • Timer: from 0.01 - 1.50 seconds • Total filtration: 2.7 mm Al equivalent (including collimator) • LED Collimator • Inverter frequency: 120 kHz • Line voltage adjustment: Automatic • Line voltage: AC single phase 200 - 260V; 50/60 Hz • Overload protection: for high frequency transformer and x-ray tube • Power requirement: 2.5 kVA • Dual laser pointer: 2 class III a Laser Diode, 12 V DC • Weight: 11.2 kgs, including collimator and dual laser For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

330003 ...............................Atomscope RHF100/40+ Portable X-Ray Unit

349 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


FIRECR SPARK VETERINARY READERS 33-31-001-K ......................................... FireCR Spark 30 Veterinary Reader 33-31-002-K......................................... FireCR Spark 50 Veterinary Reader 33-31-003-K......................................... FireCR Spark 70 Veterinary Reader

Introducing the FireCR Spark Veterinary Readers from 3DISC Imaging— with new features inside and out to meet a full range of veterinary imaging needs. Join the growing number of practices relying on the highly flexible FireCR Spark Veterinary system, capable of efficiently handling the everyday needs of professionals in veterinary clinics of any size. • Exceptional image quality • Select from three models depending on your imaging speed requirements • Upgrade as your imaging volume increases • Compact, lightweight & wall-mountable for space-challenged practices • Scans a full range of cassette sizes—including an 18 cm x 24 cm cassette that is perfect for equine examinations and an innovative veterinary dental cassette • Features QuantorVet+ Imaging Soft ware—next generation workstation soft ware with an easy-to-use interface for intuitive & fast operation


Superior Image Quality The new FireCR Spark Veterinary product line features technology advances pioneered by 3DISC Imaging that result in the highest signal collection efficiency—providing the crystal-clear image quality you need for veterinary imaging applications. Unmatched Flexibility The FireCR Spark Veterinary product line offers a variety of imaging speeds, providing solutions to meet any requirements and budget. And, when needs change, the readers can be affordably and easily upgraded in the field for faster throughput. Compact & Ultra-Light FireCR Spark Veterinary Readers are extremely compact and lightweight. Only 21 kg and under 14 cm tall, they are ideal for locations where space is at a premium—and can be wall-mounted to fit in even the most space-challenged practices. They also can be transported directly to the animal—ideal for the off site imaging needs of large-animal practices. IP-Protecting Cassettes FireCR Spark Veterinary Readers feature cassettes that have been engineered to stand up to the handling challenges in busy veterinary practices and clinics. A specially designed metal plate “carries” the imaging plate through the system. The imaging plate is never bent or rolled and nothing touches it during the reading process. This reduces the chance of damage and prolongs the life of valuable imaging plates. Unique “Dental Ready” Veterinary Cassette A unique veterinary dental cassette now allows practices without a dedicated FireCR Dental Reader to scan dental imaging plates using the FireCR Spark Veterinary Reader. This “dental ready” capability provides a cost-effective dental imaging solution for your practice. As your dental imaging needs grow, simply add a FireCR Dental Reader for increased image quality For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au


33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Cassettes FireCR Spark Veterinary Readers accommodate a full range of the most-used cassette sizes: • 35 cm x 43 cm • 24 cm x 30 cm • 18 cm x 24 cm

Optional Veterinary Dental Cassette • Cassette size 24cm x 30cm • Available IP sizes: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4c and 4



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Optional Vertical Wall Mount • Provides a footprint of just over 14 cm • Allows installation in clinics with limited space

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories




High-quality image processing Easy image viewing and manipulation Full range of output options

Next-Generation Imaging Software Intuitive, easy-to-use QuantorVet+ Imaging Soft ware provides facilities using FireCR Readers with optimized image acquisition, processing, and management capabilities. Its next-generation user interface allows simple integration into a facility’s information system—providing the full range of capabilities needed for improved productivity and workflow. Highlights • Next-generation touch-screen user interface • Streamlined intuitive workflow • Automation using DICOM work list server • Position auto-matching • Fast, high-quality image processing designed for CR • Full image manipulation functionality • Fast, easy image verification • Simple data management • Secure, high-speed local database for facilities without an information system • Full range of image distribution and output options • Support various screen resolutions for notebook or tablet PCs Image Acquisition and Study Management QuantorVet+ Imaging Soft ware allows facilities to quickly input patient data—or access it directly from their information system or PACS—for improved productivity and accuracy. Image acquisition is supported by a comprehensive list of exams and anatomies. To optimize images, technicians can crop, etch, enhance, increase brightness and contrast, and perform other adjustments. Regions of interest can be highlighted, and users can easily rearrange or delete images at the task list. Stitching capabilities for legs, spines, and other anatomical areas are particularly useful when imaging large animals. Intuitive and Easy-to-Use Imaging Soft ware With QuantorVet+ Imaging Soft ware’s next-generation touch-screen interface, image acquisition, processing, and management have never been easier. Use the DICOM-compliant interface to download patient and exam information from a work list, which can be automatically matched, eliminating the need for data entry. Or, manually input patient and exam information, if needed. An emergency button can be used when medical attention is needed right away, taking the user straight to the imaging menu and allowing patient data to be added later. Embedded Viewer—Your Everyday Viewing Tool The embedded DICOM viewer is your everyday viewing tool, allowing for immediate diagnosis. The viewer contains basic tools such as distance- and anglemeasurements, drawings, and other features, and QuantorVet+ Imaging Soft ware is available in a variety of languages. For smaller facilities without an information system, a local database enables direct management of patients and studies—technicians and veterinarians can review DICOM and non-DICOM images on the same workstation they were acquired on. A Full Range of Functionality and Output Options Used in conjunction with 3DISC’s next-generation FireCR Flash Veterinary Readers, QuantorVet+ Imaging Software offers the comprehensive functionality needed for computed radiography examinations in busy veterinary clinics and practices. For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

Embedded Viewer • Conventional Image manipulation • Zoom, pan, rotate, flip and Invert • Change the study and Image layout • Distance and angle measurements • Save annotations and measurements • Compare studies • Export Image File Format: DICOM, TIFF, BMP, JPEG • Print on DICOM and regular printers New Soft ware User Interface • Updated colour scheme, with dark background, offers maximum contrast when viewing images and is easier on the eyes of veterinarians and technicians • Improved organization of controls and grouping of functionality for work list, exam, and study list buttons for fast, intuitive operation • Complete overview of workflow—without the need to “mouse over” buttons to understand functionality • Visible navigation bar at all times guides users through workflow • Scan • The scanning menu consists of an exam list, selectable scanning resolution (High: 100 μm or standard: 200 μm) and scanning controls Embedded Viewer Your everyday DICOM viewing tool for immediate diagnosis and image manipulation. QuantorView • Distance comparison • Image stitching • Norberg angle and cobb angle measurements • Vertebral Heart Score (VHS) • TPA measurement • PACS connectivity for easy Image comparison • Prints on DICOM and regular printers • DICOM Query/Retrieve/Send SCU/SCP • DICOM grayscale print SCU • Save annotations and measurements • View via network

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

New Patient

Study List



Embedded Viewer

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

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QuantorView Complete your QuantorVet+ Imaging Software solution with our optional advanced viewer module. View images via a network and send them in DICOM format directly from QuantorVet+ Imaging Software into QuantorView. New Patient Users can quickly add a new study by selecting the input window and using the touch-screen keyboard panel. Study List Studies are managed in the study list. You can search, delete, edit and send studies in the study list. QuantorVet+ • DICOM send • Embedded viewer • Window-width/-level • Multi frequency Image processing • Cropping and marking • User defined LUT • DICOM print • CD/DVD burning • Save annotations

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories



DICOMPACS DX-R X-RAY ACQUISITION SOFTWARE For X-ray images from DR flat panels or CR systems in human and veterinary medicine. Professional acquisition software for X-ray Images dicomPACS® DX-R is a professional acquisition software for X-ray images from flat panel systems (DR) and CR units (computed radiography with imaging plates) by any manufacturer. In addition, the software controls X-ray generators and x-ray units of various manufacturers, providing a smooth and systematic workflow. A simple and user friendly GUI (graphical user interface) operated by touchscreen or mouse completes the system. The professional dicomPACS® DX-R image processing can be adapted to individual user needs and offers outstanding image quality in human and veterinary medicine. It has been specially developed to enable organ specific optimisation, guaranteeing the highest quality x-ray images. Many helpful integrated functions such as the radiographic positioning guide and intuitive operation simplify daily routine tasks greatly. In addition, dicomPACS® DX-R allows integration with existing patient management systems. The integrated full dicomPACS® viewer even allows the user to diagnose X-ray images within the acquisition software. Therefore, the system can also be applied as fully-fledged diagnostic workstation with the option to upgrade to a PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System). dicomPACS® DX-R forms the core of a direct digital X-ray unit, whether it is a retrofit system to upgrade existing X-ray units, a complete new unit including generator control, or a portable suitcase solution for mobile X-ray generators. User friendliness and smooth workflow • Modern graphical user interface (GUI) adaptable to almost any language • Touchscreen operation – to ensure quick and efficient work and a smooth workflow • Capture of patient data via DICOM Worklist, BDT/GDT, HL7 or other protocols – data may also be captured manually • Use of DICOM Procedure Codes for the transfer of all relevant examination data directly from the connected patient management system (HIS/RIS) • Freely configurable body parts with more than 400 projections and numerous possible adjustments in human and veterinary medicine already included • Allows the user to switch between examinations of a patient, for instance to avoid having to re-position the patient frequently • Allows the user to subsequently add images to an examination, even after that examination has already been completed • Special tools for veterinary medicine, such as an extra dialog box for patient and owner data, integrated hip dysplasia measuring, special image filters, multi generator operation for alternating between mobile and stationary X-ray systems and much more… • Entry of recurring examination procedures as macros, e.g. thorax screenings or pre-purchase examination for horses • Fully integrated radiographic positioning guide for each examination in human and veterinary medicine including comprehensive notes, photos, videos and correct X-ray images • Option to control a digital X-ray system via wireless remote including display of the worklist, preview of the image taken for checking and much more

Image export • Export of images to JPEG, TIFF, BMP and DICOM formats • Printing of images both on Windows printers and laser imagers via DICOM Basic Print • Creation of DICOM patient CDs with free WEB viewer • Inbuilt e-mail tool to image distribution - no external email application necessary

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Exposure with standard image processing

355 Exposure with dicomPACS DX-R image processing

Email Tool

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

Image Print

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

The professional dicomPACS DX-R image pr For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au ocessing • Perfect images at all times – generally no adjustment required • Integrated software for automatic image optimisation • Professional, adaptable image processing for each individual examination to obtain best possible image settings for the needs of each customer • Due to specially developed processes, the image processing allows the user to vary the X-ray settings on a large scale while the image quality remains virtually the same (possibility of reducing the dosage) • Bones and soft tissue in one image – this enables the user to significantly improve his diagnosis • Details of bones and microstructures are very easy to recognise • Noise suppression • Black mask (automatic shutters) • Automatic removal of grid lines when using fixed grids

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories



FIRECR VETERINRY DENTAL READER 33-11-001 ........................................................ FireCR Veterinary Dental Reader

• • •

Rapidly view high-quality digital images Easy-to-use system increases patient throughput Full-featured, affordable veterinary dental solution

The Dental CR Solution for Veterinary Professionals The full-featured FireCR Dental Reader from 3DISC Imaging rapidly and affordably delivers high-quality dental images for busy veterinary practices and veterinary dental clinics. Compact and Affordable The FireCR Dental Reader is compact and affordable, helping to increase patient throughput and improve the productivity of your practice or clinic. With its small foot and exam rooms. Simple, Streamlined Operation The FireCR Dental Reader combines an elegant design with a powerful yet easy-to-use system that gets the job done day in and day out. The FireCR Dental’s automated, magnetized feeding tray offers “push and go” functionality, making it simple to operate for busy technicians. The reader is DICOM 3.0 compatible and uses a full range of reusable bitewing and intraoral imaging plates that are easier and faster to position than intraoral digital sensors. Importantly, a true size 4c imaging plate is available, so technicians don’t have to use software stitching to some systems, there also is no need to purchase and use protective covers for imaging plates—eliminating extra steps and expense. Unmatched Flexibility to Help Your Practice Grow In this increasingly competitive environment, show clients that your practice offers the latest in digital imaging technology. Whether you’re a busy veterinary practice or a specialty veterinary dental clinic, the next-generation FireCR Dental Reader is the natural choice for practices looking for an affordable solution that delivers high-quality digital images—along with the flexibility that helps them grow. Highlights • Optimized workflow for your practice • Utilize existing x-ray equipment and imaging techniques • Eliminate darkroom and chemicals • Rapid, high-quality reading of reusable dental imaging plates • Affordable and compact veterinary dental solution • Easy-to-use LCD touch screen interface • Easy-to-position bite-wing and intraoral imaging plates • Software optimizes acquisition, processing and management • Supports both Ethernet and USB connections • Auto-calibration ensures stability and consistency Unique LCD Color Touch Screen Panel The FireCR Dental Reader features a unique color LCD touchscreen panel for seamless device operation. With no physical push buttons on the unit and an intuitive user interface, entering operator instructions has never been easier. The screen provides device activity status and includes a sleep mode. It visually guides users in the operation of the system, with little or no training needed. It also presents a preview of the image, allowing technicians to verify image quality. A settings menu allows technicians to customize scanning resolution (high or standard), auto sleep timing, auto start, and network settings. Built-in Erase Function A built-in erase function eliminates the need to purchase an additional device to erase imaging plates prior to reuse, improving efficiency and For more information: reducing costs. www.dlcimaging.com.au

STORAGE BOX The FireCR Dental reader also comes with an imaging plate storage box, ensuring that plates remain clean and readily available for use.

IMAGING PLATES 33-12-007 ................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 4 33-12-012 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 0 33-12-013 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 1 33-12-014 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 2 33-12-015 .................................................................Imaging Plate Kit Size 3 33-12-016 .............................................................. Imaging Plate Kit Size 4C

A set of the most frequently used imaging plates is included with the unit. In addition, a full range of imaging plate sizes is available, including 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4c.

HYGIENIC BAGS 33-12-020 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 0, 100/pk 33-12-021...................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 1, 100/pk 33-12-022 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 2, 100/pk 33-12-023 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 2, 300/pk 33-12-024 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 3, 100/pk 33-12-025 ...................................................Hygienic Bag Size # 4C, 100/pk 33-12-026 ..................................................... Hygienic Bag Size # 4, 100/pk

Hygienic bags, also included with the unit, help protect the imaging plates, as well as animals and staff. The bags are easy to use—loading, sealing, and opening are simple and quick.

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Easy-to-Use Imaging Software The QuantorDent Imaging Software facilitates easy image acquisition, processing and management. The easy-to-use software supports efficient workflow and requires little training. The intuitive workflow allows users to enhance images, allowing for more precise diagnosis. To ensure that scans are arranged in their precise locations, the operator simply picks the relevant Teeth on the dental chart in the software. The software is compliant with DICOM 3.0 and compatible with most management and image archiving systems, e.g. HIS/RIS and PACS. Furthermore, it can be integrated into any TWAIN-compatible third-party software. You get unlimited software upgrades.

357 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

FireCR Offers a Range of Benefits Over Sensors • Thin, flexible imaging plates with no cables • Imaging plates available in full range of sizes • Imaging plates offer 100 percent active area • Familiar workflow and accessories comparable to film, allowing seamless integration into practice • Having a central or local CR unit is more efficient than purchasing one sensor and having to move it between exam rooms • Sensors need to be thoroughly cleaned after each use, taking up valuable time and making the sensor unavailable during cleaning

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


REXTAR-X PORTABLE VETERINARY DENTAL X-RAY UNIT 332010 ..................................Rextar-X Portable Veterinary Dental X-Ray Unit

Highlights • Incomparable and superior quality • More clear and sharp x-ray images • Compact and light • Designed for one hand operation • Smart and easy operation • Excellent compatibility • Reliable safety • Certified safety Smart Buttons memorize your needs These buttons are same as channel buttons on TV remote control. If you have typical patient types, you can categorize them into four cases. For these four cases, you can set up the exposure values onto each smart button. After that, you can take X-ray by only three steps, Power on -> Press one of four smart buttons --> Press exposure button. Or you can change the values as per your needs. The buttons indicate patient types (Adult or Child) and types of teeth (Upper, lower - Canine tooth, Molar tooth). Designed for one hand operation To take dental X-ray, operators have to position devices and place sensors or film to patients’ teeth. And conventional portable X-ray equipment should be handled by both hands due to heavy weight and all function buttons are spread in right and left sides. So users need assistants or ask patient to hold film or sensor. But Rextar-X has been designed with a hand strap, and power button and exposure button are placed in one side. And compact size and light weight can make you to operate it by one hand only. You can use one hand for holding X-ray and the other hand for positioning or controlling patients.


High-Quality portable X-ray system All Rextar series have the highest technical specification among portable X-ray devices. It contribute for both image quality and safety. Designed with Safety in mind 1. Built-in leaded Double-Shield. 2. Ergonomical design reduce risk to exposure by scattered radiation. 3. Reliable safety protects user to stay with patient during X-ray procedure. Compatible with all sensors All digital USB type sensors existing in the world can be detected for the REXTAR-X (Conventional Film, Digital Imaging Sensor, Phosphor Plates)

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Technical Specifications Model


X-Ray Unit Battery Charger

19 VDC 3.16A 100-240 VAC, 50-60Hz 1.7A

Output Power


Power Supply

11.1 VDC (Battery)


11.1 V


70 kHz

Tube kV/Ma

70 kV/2mA (Fixed)

Max. Deviation kV MAs Model Name

±4% ±10% D-041

X-Ray Tube

Min. 1.0mmAI 0.4 x 0.4 mm

Inherent Filtration Focal Spot Size

Total Filtration

1.5 mm


1.6 kgs

Compare Image Quality REXTAR-X



Optional Mobile Stand • Multi Joint - Position smoothly to the desired place • Support Column - Adjustable height of arm • Support Column - Column height: 1.3 m • Mobile with brake - Easy to move to all directions and brake to ensure the stand wont move • General type spiral hole - Stable mounting and easy handling

Optional Handswitch - Remote exposure is possible

Bottom view of Rextar-X

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

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Input Power

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

NEXT EQUINE DR™ 33-94-884.......................................................................... NEXT Equine DR™

The Evolution of Equine Digital Radiography. The First Stand Up Portable DR. NEXT Equine DR has evolved the imaging experience. The industry first monitor elevation system enables and enhances image review and communication with clients while standing. Reviewing images on a large screen with gesture controls allows for easy zoom and window level optimization, improving client communication and diagnostic confidence when making tough decisions in the field. • • • •

Industry First Monitor Elevation System <5 Sec Image Acquisition Mobile Workstation MUSICA Intelligent Image Processing


SMART Flow The easiest, most intuitive imaging experience ever created specifically for veterinary use with speed, efficiency and accuracy in mind.


SMART Protocols Pre-packed and simple to user defined protocols optimize workflow for every user.

SMART User Placing advanced features at the fingertips, enabling novice to expert to get more out of digital radiography than ever before.

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

• • • •

Balanced presentation of soft tissue and overlapping bone structures Realistic representation of anatomy, not over processed Confident comfortable reading Gold standard in human and veterinary radiology A truly innovative “hands free” medical image processor

Durable Hardshell Case • Integrated Battery Charger • Integrated Power System • Monitor Elevation System

18” Removable Tablet • Mobile DICOM Workstation • MUSICA Image Processing • SMART DR™ Software and Workflow

10” x 12” Varian Panel • Cesium Wireless Autosense • Custom Equine Handle System • Made In The USA

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

361 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

MUSICA Intelligent Image Processing MUSICA knows how to automatically tune for any patient, species, or size, delivering consistently high image quality.

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


SPRINT BOLT ULTRALIGHT DR™ 33-94-902 ........................................................SPRINT BOLT Ultralight DR™

Sprint™ Bolt allows you to focus on patients, not wrestle with cables or complex workflows. You spoke, we listened. The Sprint™ BOLT Ultralight DR sets up quickly, is reliable and rugged enough to handle the daily challenges of the mobile equine practice. Sprint™ Bolt incorporates the latest 100% wireless technologies including Wi-Fi acquisition computer, wireless Cesium panel and AutoSense. The ground breaking AutoSense technology automatically detects x-rays from any generator and does away with sync wires, sync boxes and sync batteries delivering 100% wireless freedom. Your Workflow. Your Choice. Sound® portable digital radiography systems comprise the broadest portfolio of products in the industry. Whether your practice is ambulatory, hospital based or mixed, you will find a DR solution that fits right in with your workflow needs. • < 8.5 Kilograms • 10”x 12” Cesium Wireless Panel • AutoSense: (no sync cables, boxes or wires) • Battery powered • 4-Hours continuous shooting • Multiple carrying options • MUSICA Intelligent Image Processing • Remote Laptop for Acquisition and Image Review Self-Contained SPRINT BOLT self-contained digital radiography system includes acquisition unit, DR panel, wireless hardware and battery.


Self-Sustained SPRINT BOLT can run on complete battery power or be plugged in for those endless days.

Fast With fast acquisition time and wireless workflow options, SPRINT BOLT works at your pace.

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

Productive • Work anywhere, stow anywhere. • SPRINT BOLT is a value priced workhorse making it a profitable asset in any practice.

331405 ........................................................... DR Canon Panel Holder Only for CXDI-801C - 35 x 27.5 cm Panel

33-CXDI-701C.......................... Canon Cesium Wireless Panel 35 x 43 cm, Includes 2 x Batteries (charger not included) 33-CXDI-801C ......................Canon Cesium Wireless Panel 35 x 27.5 cm, Includes 2 x Batteries (charger not included) 33-BC-1A ........................................... Canon Battery Charger Only for 701 and 801 Plate Batteries

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Ultralight • 8.4 kgs self-contained, including DR panel • 6.1 kgs horse-side acquisition laptop and wireless DR panel

363 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Lightning Fast Setup and Workflow Flexible • Battery and plug in • Remote laptop for acquisition and image review • Easy transport. Multiple carrying options • DR panel with multiple handle options

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories



SPRINT AIR ULTRALIGHT DR™ 33-94-882 ......................................................... SPRINT AIR Ultralight DR™

SPRINT AIR is designed to take the weight off your shoulders and support the daily challenges of your mobile equine veterinary practice. Performance With the fewest possible moving parts, SPRINT AIR is efficient and durable. But guess what’s missing? No sync cables. Canon’s latest AutoSense – non-generator connection mode is a major medical advance, now available horse-side. Packaged in a tough ballistic nylon pack SPRINT AIR can run on battery power for a typical full day’s work and plug in for those endless days. Powerful With the legendary Canon reliability, SPRINT AIR integrates the latest technology with industry standard image quality in a powerful, go anywhere, image anything platform. Productive Work anywhere, stow anywhere. SPRINT AIR is a productive and profitable asset in your practice. Completely Wireless The Canon CXDI-801C lightweight, wireless DR panel features AutoSense — non-generator connection mode. Ultralight • 18 pounds (8 kg) self-contained, including DR panel • Several panel holder options • Easy transport. Multiple carrying options Protocol Sound™ veterinary optimized algorithms and protocols. Grab your SPRINT AIR Canon-Powered Ultralight DR off the truck and be set up and shooting in about two minutes with Sound™ most streamlined equine digital radiography workflow ever. With SPRINT AIR we raised the bar even higher! 100% wireless system features the latest technologies: • The Sound™ SPRINT AIR is designed to be reliable, fast and flexible. Your increased productivity allows greater focus on your patient, which always supports a stronger bottom line • Sound™ portable digital radiography systems comprise the broadest portfolio of wireless and wired products in the industry. Whether your practice is ambulatory, hospital-based or mixed, you will find a DR solution that fits right in with your workflow needs SPRINT AIR for Speed an Flexibility • 18 Pounds, 8 kg • 35 x 27.5 cm Canon CXDI-801C Cesium Wireless Panel • Battery Powered • Auto-Sense – Non-Generator Connection Mode • Up to 4-Hours Continuous Shooting • Multiple Carrying Options • Remote Laptop for Acquisition and Image Review • On-Board eFilm™ DICOM Viewer and Workstation

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

331405 ........................................................... DR Canon Panel Holder Only for CXDI-801C - 35 x 27.5 cm Panel

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Seamless Wireless Integration from Capture to Cloud With Sound’s® most streamlined workflow yet, you’ll be set up and shooting in about two minutes.

33-CXDI-701C........................... Canon Cesium Wireless Panel 35 x 43 cm Includes 2 x Batteries (charger not included) 33-CXDI-801C .......................Canon Cesium Wireless Panel 35 x 27.5 cm Includes 2 x Batteries (charger not included) 33-BC-1A ......................................................... Canon Battery Charger Only for 701 and 801 Plate Batteries

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


TRUDR CSERIES® .................................................................................................TruDR CSeries®

The proven reliability of Canon Digital Radiography brought to you by Sound® — the uncontested world leader in Canon imaging systems for the veterinary industry. TruDR™ cSeries® provides you with every image of the diagnostic standard that has been chosen by more radiologists and veterinary schools than any other. Customizable Image Tuning Multiple user definable image parameters allow you to customize presentation, so every image comes up the way you like it. Flexible Protocols Customizable protocols enable a single click selection for a complete examination, streamlining your work flow. Sound® Optimized Nearly a decade of experience and thousands of systems installed has given Sound® the experience and ability to leverage our partnership with Canon to configure, deliver and support your system — unlike anyone else in the industry. Delivering Clinical Confidence - TruDR™ cSeries® delivers more than just diagnostic confidence. With only four seconds between pedal click and your image on the screen, the TruDR™ cSeries® workflow will revolutionize your practice with decreased technician times and extraordinary service for your clients. • 14” x 17” Gadox • 14” x 17” Cesium • 14” x 17” Cesium Wireless • 11” x 14” Cesium Wireless


Faster exams and better vet x rays improve your patient care and your bottom line. SoundSafe™ Cloud Sound® SoundSafe™ provides secure cloud-based image storage and access with remote viewing -- anywhere, anytime, on any device. Usage of SoundSafe™ creates redundant backup of images and user databases leveraging and extending the life of your current system infrastructure.

Customizable Image Tuning

Flexible Protocols

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au Viewing Images from SoundSafe™

Incorporates the wisdom gained from thousands of systems, tens of thousands of users and millions of exams. MUSICA - INTELLIGENT IMAGE PROCESSING From rat to rhino, MUSICA removes the need for patient and view specific tuning files. • Sharp bone and soft tissue detail in the same image • Consistent image quality across anatomy, views and users • Realistic representation of anatomy, not over processed • Gold standard in human and veterinary radiology • Redefining image quality with consistency and superior contrast detail day-to-day, view-to-view, user-to-user. So good it’s...music to your eyes.

Smart Workflow SMART Flow The easiest, most intuitive imaging experience ever created specifically for veterinary use with speed, efficiency and accuracy in mind.

SMART User Placing advanced features at the fingertips, enabling novice to expert to get more out of radiography than ever before.

SMART Sync Delivering effortless image routing from acquisition to review to sharing to storage.

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

............................................................................................Sound Smart DR™

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


CANON NE SOFTWARE 33-CXDI-NE .................................................................... Canon NE Software

Canon’s state-of-the-art CXDI Control Software NE is made exclusively for Canon Digital Radiography systems. The optimized workflow reduces current operation steps and supports multiple study acquisition. The software delivers high-resolution images, generator communication* for preset x-ray parameters, provides actual exposure factors and patient dose information in the DICOM header. Three levels of access can be set for various users. Along with supporting Program Mode, the software complies with HIPAA standards and is IHE compliant. *Certain generators only. High Resolution High resolution images show the subtle details of trabecular bone structure and soft tissue. A XGA-UXGA size monitor (sold separately) supports the large image display in the software. Less Operation Steps and Multiple Exams The advanced software supports multiple studies for one patient. Rather than searching through menus, most settings can be accessed directly from the main screen, reducing the steps needed to complete exams and optimize the workflow. Intuitive Operation Next exposure can be selected automatically. A wide range of settings may be selected from the main menu and images can be taken within three touches.

Suspend Exam A patient exam that includes timed or delayed exposures can be suspended and restarted for multiple sessions.


Emergency Study In the case of an emergency, exams can be started immediately for quick operation. Patient demographic information can be associated with the images before the end of the exam.

PrePacked Protocol Operation The PrePack Protocol enables a single click selection of a set of protocols required for a specific examination, streamlining study order creation in the radiography room.

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

Printers Images can be transmitted to most PACS. Any text and graphics added during viewing are also transmitted. Images can be printed using a DICOM compatible printer in a variety of formats. Post Processing Functions A wide range of post processing functions are available including Measurements, Angulations, Quick R and L Marker, Free Annotation, Irregular Masking and more.

Quick R and L Marker

Free Annotation



Warm Colour Settings The warm setting, featured in brown, is ideal for darkly lit rooms..


Cool Colour Settings The cool setting highlighted in blue, stands out in rooms with more light.

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au Warm

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


EFILM SOFTWARE .................................................................................................eFilm Software

Veterinary practices, hospitals and universities are swiftly making the move to create a filmless environment. Digital imaging is a fast and affordable way to streamline your operations and improve your workflow by reducing film processing time, save on resources and provide high quality patient care. eFilm Workstation software is easily installed on any standard PC with seamless integration to all major modalities or can be easily intergrated with a PACS. eFilm provides you with widespread image distribution at your clinic, hospital and in the field. 3D Viewing, spine labeling and other advanced features within eFilm Workstation provide the perfect platform from basic usage to advanced use. eFilm ™ 3.3 VET includes the following features: • Run on Vista and Windows 7™ (both 32 and 64bit) • Burns eFilm ™ lite CD’s that work in Vista™ and Windows 7™ (both 32 and 64bit) • Supports JPEG2000 compressed DICOM files for faster transfer and less bandwidth • Now uses MS SQL instead of MS Access so it can support a much larger number of studies within its study list • Supports veterinary attributes in overlay display • Better handling of multi-frame images • Includes Hanging Protocol and Key Image servers for no additional fee • Write to DVD and CD • Copy and paste images directly into Windows™ application eFilm™ System Requirements


Note: A faster processor and more powerful video cards will improve performance.

To guarantee optimum performance of eFilm™, your computer system should meet the specifications given below. • Windows XP, Windows Vista Business or Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (32 bit only), Windows 7 (32/64 bit) for eFilm™ • Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 60 x 2 processors with 2GB RAM or more • 256MB video card or higher • Gigabit ethernet card • 80GB HD space • CDRW/DVDRW • 1024 X 768 monitor resolution (with 32 bit True Color) • 3.5 Net Framework • Broadband internet connection for installation updates • Static IP address or set dynamic range

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

Protection box with 5 mm adapters to place in our podoblock and combibox. Guarantees the same direction and angle with hoof examinations at all times. Optional • Grid compartment (tailor-made) • Greppstr

DR PROTECTION BOX ........................................................................................... DR Protection Box

Light-weight protection box - handheld. Optional • Grid compartment (tailor-made) • Greppstr

DR SKYLINEBOX .................................................................................................. DR Skylinebox

Ideal box made of 20 mm polycarbonate for standard Skyline exams of the foot. Because of the special angle the horse is standing comfortably and there is more space for the x-ray generator.

DR COWBOY PACKAGE ....................................................................................... DR Cowboy Package

The optimal combined package of DR-Products to make all x-rays needed safely and in a standardized fashion. This is what you need, for mobile or stationary use in the clinic. The package includes: • Podoblock • DR-Cowboybox • DR-Combibox LM / AP • Combibox Dummy LM

DR COMBIBOX LM / AP .....................................................................................DR Combibox LM / AP

There is the possibility to choose between only the LM adapter or, your best option of course, LM and AP adapters. This way it is not necessary to replace the foot for both exams.

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

.................................................................................DR Podo Protection Box

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

DR COMBIBOX LM .............................................................................................DR Combibox LM

The Skyline side of the Combibox has the same features as the original DR-Skylinebox. Because of the special angle the horse is standing comfortably and there is more space for the X-ray generator. If the DR-Skyline box is turned over it has the extra features to make easy LM and AP flat views of the foot. The special adapters on the DR-Combibox allow to take “hands-free” X-rays in combination with our Podo-Protection box or DR-Cowboybox. This way the DR flat panel is protected and always in the right position.

DR SLEEVE .......................................................................................................... DR Sleeve

Soft cover Sleeve made of PVC with Velcro closing. Front side is provided with marked detection area. Inside foam at the edges and corners for extra protection. Note: The soft cover DR-Sleeve is not suitable to protect your panel against impact force!

372 DR COMBIBOX SET .............................................................................................DR Combibox Set

Both standing feet on the same height is advised with LM and AP examinations. That’s why our Combibox Dummy can also be supplied with the DR-Combibox. The Combibox Set includes: • DR-Combibox LM / AP • Combibox Dummy LM

X-RAY HICKMAN BLOCK 330143 ...................................................... X-ray Positioner Hickman Block


Enables easier correct patient positioning for radiography of the equine block. Accommodates plates up to 24 x 30 cm. For use with the following views: • Skyline View • Pedal Bone – Dorspalmar - Lateral medial - Obliques • Nanicular - Dorspalmar - Lateral medial - Obliques

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

NEOPRENE PLATE COVER 33-70-784 ...................................... Tru-Dr Neoprene Cover for 2520 Plate 33-70-786 ........................................Tru-Dr Neoprene Cover for Bolt Plate 33-70-774............................. Neoprene Cover for Rayence 1210CW Plate 33-70-799 ..................................... Neoprene Cover for Vatech 2530 Plate ....................................................... Tru-Dr Neoprene Cover for NEXT Plate

To cover and help protect the plate from getting dirty and damaged. Radiographs can be taken with the cover on.

X-RAY SCREEN CLEANER 331153........................................ FireCR Screen Cleaner 250 ml IPA 99.8%


Isopropyl alcohol is one of the most useful service aids you can have around. It has many uses such as head cleaning, surface cleaning and prep, contact cleaning, stain removal in the laundry etc. It’s also a medical-grade surface disinfectant and is ideal for cleaning your windscreen. Easy to use pump pack spray bottle and dries quickly. 99.8% concentration.

X-RAY GRIDS 330160 ..........................................................X-Ray Grid 24 x 30 6:1 103 LPI 330161 .........................................X-Ray Grid 35 x 43 6:1 103 LPI Infinitive 330162 .........................................X-Ray Grid 35 x 43 8:1 103 LPI Infinitive 330165 ..........................................................X-Ray Grid 24 x 30 8:1 103 LPI 330166 ..........................................................X-Ray Grid 30 x 40 6:1 103 LPI 330167 ..........................................................X-Ray Grid 30 x 40 8:1 103 LPI


330189 ..................... X-Ray Grid 45.1 cm x 43.8 cm 6:1 103 LPI infinitive 17.76” x 17.24”, to Suit AVT001 X-Ray Table/Tube Stand

Aluminum - Interspaced Grid for Radiologoy. Grids improve the transmission rate which reduces the Bucky Factor. This ultimately reduces patient exposure. • Grids contain the purest lead to ensure superior efficiency in removing scattered radiation • Superior quality images are achieved through the use of aluminum interspacers and lead strips, precisely milled to uniformity • Grid strips are sealed between smooth aluminum covers and finished with enamel, providing complete resistance to heat and moisture and guaranteeing years of trouble free service • 6:1 Ratio - Suitable for larger stationary units over 110 kV • 8:1 Ratio - Suitable for smaller portable x-ray units with lower kV

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

X-RAY GRID HOLDER/COVERS 330168 ...............................................X-Ray Grid Holder/Cover 30 x 40 cm 330168C.............................................X-Ray Grid Holder/Cover 24 x 30 cm 330168D ............................................X-Ray Grid Holder/Cover 35 x 43 cm

AVT001 X-RAY TABLE/TUBE STAND 330012 ........................AVT001 X-Ray Table/Tube Stand With X-Ray Grid (330189)45.1 x 43.8 cm. 6:1 103 LPI Infinitive (Atomscope not Included) 330013 ............................. AVT001 X-Ray Table/Tube Stand without Grid (Atomscope not Included)


For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

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Our floating X-Ray table now enables you to accurately and simply get perfect positioning every time. The radiolucent x-ray table offers movement in every horizontal direction possible. After positioning, release the foot operated lock and the top locks noiselessly into position. There is also now no need to disturb the patient when the cassette is changed or a grid is used, as both are held in trays underneath the table top. As the x-ray unit is always automatically centered onto the cassette, beam alignment is assured every time. • Under surface self centering cassette tray • Under surface grid tray • Standard table top 1600 mm long • Optional 2000 mm table top • Optional adjustable counterbalanced x-ray unit height • Optional Myelography plane • Optional horizontal beam cassette holder • Suitable for cassettes, CR imaging plates, and most DR panels • Standard table top size (wxd): 1600 x 650 mm • Optional table top size (wxd): 2000 x 650 mm • Minimum room width for standard top: 2000 mm • Minimum room width for optional top: 3000 mm

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


MOBILE X-RAY STAND 330035 ............................................................................Mobile X-Ray Stand

The mobile stand is compatible with any unit up to 18.5 kgs. The versatile, robust mobile stand is designed for out of-clinic and in-clinic use. The x-ray unit can easily be positioned over the floor or over a table for taking large and small animal radiographs. • The mobile stand moves easily on four wheels, the rear wheels are equipped with brakes to avoid accidental moves during radiographs • The sturdy 2 parts stainless steel rod (1000 mm and 1200 mm) provides for convenient handling. Use the short rod for prepurchase examination (including proximal hock) • By attaching the second rod the unit can be positioned for horizontal beam projection up to 1900 mm. The crank mechanism allows for easy height adjustment • The x-ray unit can be aligned in all directions and angles • The stand can be easily disassembled for convenient transportation to out-of-clinic locations • Corrosion-resistant anodized aluminium, with stainless steel rod • Total weight is approximately 20 kgs

PORTABLE X-RAY TRIPOD 330045........................................................................Portable X-Ray Tripod

Our lightweight x-ray tripod is the ideal partner to any of our lightweight portable x-ray units. It allows positioning from ground level to over 1500 mm high. It packs into it’s own carry case with an overall length of 750 mm. This tripod stand provides a stationary base for your x-ray unit while imaging large or exotic animals. The x-ray unit can be mounted above or below the geared centre column for added flexibility and stability. • Maximum hold weight of up to 10 kg • 1100 mm from floor to bottom of extension • Additional 450 mm extension • Tripod weighs a mere 3.2 kgs (7 lbs)



330144 ......................................................................X-ray Hand Shield, Pair

X-RAY GLOVES - VINYL 330145 ............................................X-Ray Gloves Vinyl Lead .5pb 15”, Pair

Seamless lead vinyl gloves are a 15” one piece dip molded glove with supple vinyl cover and foam liner. Burgundy colour. Standard protection 0.5mm Pb equivalency.

330178 ................................X-Ray Lead Gloves 0.5 mm Pb, Medium, Pair 330179 .....................................X-Ray Lead Gloves 0.5 mm Pb, Large, Pair

X-RAY APRON - VELCRO 330155 .............................................X-Ray Apron ¼ Back .5PB with Velcro approx. 60 cm wide, 100 cm long

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


330153 .............................................X-Ray Apron ¼ Back .5PB with Velcro approx. 80 cm wide, 110 cm long

X-RAY APRON - BUCKLE 330154 ................................X-Ray Apron ¼ Back .5PB with Buckle 60 cm approx. 60 cm wide, 100 cm long 330152 ................................X-Ray Apron ¼ Back .5PB with Buckle 80 cm approx. 80 cm wide, 110 cm long

X-RAY APRON WOODEN HANGER 330150 ........................................................... X-ray Apron Wooden Hanger

X-RAY THYROID COLLAR WITH BIB 330148-B .......................................................X-Ray Thyroid Collar with Bib

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

X-RAY MARKER CLIPS 330192 ................................................... X-Ray Marker L and R Saddle Clip

X-RAY LETTER STENCILS 330184 ........................X-Ray Lead Letters Mounted on Perspex, A-Z Set 330188/A-Z ....................X-Ray Lead Letter Mounted on Perspex Singles 332188/A-Z .....................X-Ray Lead Letter (Loose/Unmounted) Singles 330186 .................... X-Ray Lead Numbers Mounted on Perspex, 0-9 Set 330187/0-9 ..............X-Ray Lead Numbers Mounted on Perspex Singles 330193 .................................................X-Ray Markers Stencil L and R, Pair

Letters / Numbers mounted on perspex

378 X-Ray Markers Stencil L and R Clip (330193)

X-RAY POSITIONING SAND BAGS 330131 ...............................................................X-Ray Sand Bag 10 x 20 cm 330132 ...............................................................X-Ray Sand Bag 15 x 25 cm 330133 ...............................................................X-Ray Sand Bag 20 x 30 cm 330134 ...............................................................X-Ray Sand Bag 40 x 11 cm

Ideal as support for patient in connection with operation and examination. Resistant to all commonly used cleaning agents and disinfectants.

X-RAY THORACIC POSITIONERS 330136 ....................................................... X-ray Thoracic Positioner Small (lwh) 200 x 160 x 55 mm, V-Dip from side to centre - 90 mm 330137 .................................................. X-ray Thoracic Positioner Medium (lwh) 260 x 190 x 60 mm, V-Dip from side to centre - 110 mm 330138 ....................................................... X-ray Thoracic Positioner Large (lwh) 360 x 220 x 80 mm, V-Dip from side to centre - 130 mm


330139 .............................................X-ray Thoracic Positioner Extra Large (lwh) 360 x 310 x 140 mm, V-Dip from side to centre - 210 mm 330141 ....................................................X-ray Thoracic Positioner Set of 4

• • • • • •

Made from lexan Washable, easy to clean Ideal for all size dogs and cats Better table-spine contact Reduces magnification in x-rays Totally radiolucent

330180 ...................................................................X-Ray Measuring Caliper

Getting the correct thickness of your patient is critical to proper KVP setting and quality diagnostic radiographs. Measurements in centimeters only. Stainless steel.

EQUINE DR SYNC RECEPTOR CABLE 33-10-248 .............................. Sync Cable DR Equine Receptor Min X-Ray

Synchronization cable used for synchronization of computer with portable x-ray generator for digital radiography.

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories



TRUDR COMBO SYNC, POWER CABLE 33-10-548 ....................... TruDr Combo Equine Sync/Power Cable for EX

TRU-DR COMBO EQUINE SYNC/ POWER CABLE FOR LX 33-10-748.......................Tru-Dr Combo Equine Sync/Power Cable for LX

ATOMSCOPE COMBO IEC POWER AND SYNC CABLE 33-10-750.........................Atomscope Combo IEC Power and Sync Cable

379 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

33-10-495 ..........................................................TruDr Receptor Sync Cable 14’ / 4.3 m 90 Degree Ends

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

14FT 90DEGREE ODU PLATE CABLE CE 33-10-835 ............................................ 14ft 90degree ODU Plate Cable CE

X-RAY HAND SWITCH 330029 ...................X-Ray Hand Switch for HF803 and HF903 A/B, 3 Pin also suites HF80 unit 330033 ..................X-Ray Hand Switch for Atomscope HF100 PR A/B/C, 4 Pin


X-RAY FOOT SWITCH FOR HF200A 330037 .......................................... Foot Switch for HF200A with 7 m Cord

X-RAY CARRY CASES 330003C .........................Carry Case for X-Ray Atomscope RHF100/40+* 330008 ................................................... Carry Case for X- Ray Atomscope HF80/15, TR90/30 and TRB9020V* 330017 ..................................................... Carry Case for X-Ray Atomscope HFX90V and RHF100/40*


*X-ray unit not included

330031 .........................................................X-Ray Hand Switch with Cable 330034....................................... X-Ray Hand Switch Only With Out Cable 330032 ........................................................ X-Ray Hand Switch Cable Only

To suit the following Atomscopes • HF80/15 • 200A • HF90/30 • HF100 • HFX90V • RHF100/40 • TRB9020V

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


X-RAY COLLIMATOR GLOBES 330026 .................................. X-Ray Halogen Collimator Globe 12v / 50w

330027 ...................................................X-Ray Collimator Globe 12v / 40w Side 1/2 Mirror, Round, Bayonet Mount

To suit the following Atomscopes • 903A

330028................................X-Ray Halogen Collimator Globe 24v / 150w

381 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

To suit the following Atomscopes • HF80/15 • HF200A • HF100/30 • All newer x-ray models



33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


330046...........................Portable X-Ray Stand For Atomscope HF1202H

The portable stand comes in two configurations: with 16” wheels or 10” wheels. The portable mobile stand is easy to transport and manoeuvres exceptionally well in tight quarters. With the 16” wheel much ground can be covered quickly. Both stands with the Atomscope HF1202H attached fold and unfold quickly and easily for transport and use. Weight: 26.3 kgs *ATOMSCOPE NOT INCLUDE

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

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33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

ATOMSCOPE HF1202H MEDICAL X-RAY UNIT 330007..................................... Atomscope HF1202H Medical X-Ray Unit

Atomscope HF1202H high frequency portable medical x-ray units offer the highest power to weight ratios available from any manufacturer. The HF1202H mounted on a mobile stand is a rugged and dependable x-ray system, capable of all routine radiographic views. Detailed images of chest, abdomen, skull, spine and extremities are easily obtained with short exposure times on ambulatory and non-ambulatory patients. The Atomscope HF1202H x-ray unit is compatible with all digital imaging modalities

X-Ray Tube Assembly



Mikasa Co., Ltd.



Nominal maximum tube voltage:

120 kV

Single load rating

4.05 kW

Nominal radiographic anode input power

3.5 kW

Temperature of the surface of the x-ray assembly

Maximum 60°C

Tube manufacturer

Superior x-ray tube company

Tube model


Nominal focal spot value of the x-ray tube

1.2 x 1.2 mm

Target angle of the x-ray tube


Collimator Manufacturer

Collimare. LLC


CP-100-12-C-MX-01 LED light

Maximum x-ray field ≤ 40 x 40 cm (SID: 1 m) Minimum x-ray field

≤ 5 x 5 cm (SID: 1 m)

X-ray field size Indication

SID Indication: 1 m Field size Indicator: 13, 18, 24, 30, 35, 40 cm


Lamp lighting time

Total Filtration X-ray tube assembly

1.6 mm AI (@ 80 kV)


1.6 mm AI (@ 80 kV)

Total filtration

3.52 mm AI (@ 80 kV)

Dimensions and weight Dimensions

298 x 233 x 568 mm


19.5 kgs

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1) X-ray Indication 2) Ready Indication 3) Stand by Indication 4) Error Indication 5) kV value Indication 6) mAs/sec value Indication 7) mAs Indication 8) Seconds Indication 9) Increase and decrease of switch of kV (A, B) 10) Increase and decrease of switch of mAs/sec (C, D) 11) Low mA Indication 12) Shift key 13) Memory write key (MR) 14) Memory Recall key (1 - 10)

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

CXDI-501G DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEM 33-CXDI-501G ............... Canon CXDI-501G Digital Radiography System

At first glance reveals that the CXDI-501G is thinner, more compact and lighter than expected. With 15 mm the Flat Panel Detector has the same depth as standard cassettes. Weighing only 3.1 kg, the unit is perfect for use in trauma centers or ICUs. The Flat Panel Detector is compatible with standard sized cassettes and comes with an integrated handle for added convenience and comfort. A second glance confirms the economic value the CXDI-501G delivers. The intelligent design of the detector allows it to fi t directly into existing Bucky cassette trays, e.g. 46 x 46 cm cassette trays, and is easily aligned to the trays center lines, grid and AEC. We have also placed significant emphasis on the design of the detachable cable exit-point to ensure efficient and trouble-free use in cassette trays. This saves you valuable time when using the detector in a cassette tray or on the move and allows quick installation. To significantly improve performance the CXDI-501G benefits from a second generation glass substrate, with a pixel pitch of 125 μm / 9.5 megapixels, to ensure optimal image quality. CXDI Control Software – New Edition • Real-time viewing of high quality images • Large and high-resolution monitor • Optimized workflow with less steps • Active GUI for intuitive operation • Supporting various workflows

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


In addition to Canon’s advanced noise reduction processing, MLT(S) image processing utilizes the multiple frequencies within the image data to emphasize edges and display appropriate dynamic range. For example, the subtle details of trabecular bone structure in images of extremities can be shown for enhanced diagnostic accuracy. This process can be preset for repeatability as well as adjusted post- acquisition for variances in diagnostic requirements.

Specifications Scintillator


Pixel pitch

125 μm

Imaging area

350 x 426 mm


2800 x 3408 (9.5 megapixels)

Outside dimensions

460 W x 424 L x 15 D mm

Weight (w/o cable)

3.1 kg

Sensor cable length

7 m (1.5 + 5.5 m)

Grid density required

52 lp / cm

Exposer delay*

0.15 seconds

Preview image*

3 seconds

Full image display*

5 seconds

Cycle time*

9 seconds

*are approximate values

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories


CXDI-701 SERIES DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEM 33-CXDI-701G ...... Canon CXDI-701 Series Digital Radiography System with Gadox Scintillator 33-CXDI-701C....... Canon CXDI-701 Series Digital Radiography System with Cesium Scintillator

Wireless freedom in a compact format. Retro Fits in every solution. Canon’s CXDI-701C/G Wireless, small cassette-size digital radiography system gives you more freedom in a convenient package. The CXDI-701C/G Wireless system ensures best performance in workflow, sensitivity, image quality and versatility. Wireless freedom that covers all applications. • Non generator connection mode / no cables • Graphical user Interface support with small sized notebook/PC • Improved water resistance • Small cassette-size • Light weight • High resolution • High sensitivity Specifications Pixel pitch

125 x 125 μm

Imaging area

350 x 426 mm

Sensor dimensions

384 W x 460 L x 15 D mm


3.3 kgs


Cesium or Gadox Iodide


Standard IEEE 802.11n (2.4 and 5GHz dual band)

Preview time*

Approx. 3 seconds

Cycle time*

Approx. 9 seconds

Battery performance*

Approx. 140 Images

Charging time*

Less than 3 hours


*Are approximate values

CXDI Control Software – New Edition • Real-time viewing of high quality images • Large and high-resolution monitor • Optimized workflow with less steps • Active GUI for intuitive operation • Supporting various workflows In addition to Canon’s advanced noise reduction processing, MLT(S) image processing utilizes the multiple frequencies within the image data to emphasize edges and display appropriate dynamic range. For example, the subtle details of trabecular bone structure in images of extremities can be shown for enhanced diagnostic accuracy. This process can be preset for repeatability as well as adjusted post- acquisition for variances in diagnostic requirements. For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au

33. X-Ray Equipment and Accessories

CXDI-801 SERIES DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHY SYSTEM 33-CXDI-801G ...... Canon CXDI-801 Series Digital Radiography System with Gadox Scintillator 33-CXDI-801C ...... Canon CXDI-801 Series Digital Radiography System with Cesium Scintillator

Wireless freedom in a compact format. Retro Fits in every solution. Canon’s New CXDI-801C/G Wireless, small cassette-size digital radiography system gives you more freedom in a convenient package. The CXDI-801C/G Wireless system ensures best performance in workflow, sensitivity, image quality and versatility. Wireless freedom that covers all applications. • Non Generator Connection mode / no cables • Graphical User Interface support with small sized Notebook • Improved water resistance • High resolution and sensitivity

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Greater sensitivity The versatile Canon Wireless system expands the scope of Digital Radiography with improved diagnostic quality. Superb diagnostic image quality in a versatile, low dose digital radiography system. More sensitive than conventional systems, tailor-made for pediatric and orthopedic use. Optimized workflow With the increasing emergence of telemedicine, an ageing population, as well as pressure on healthcare, patient volume is increasing, as an imaging professional you can optimize your workflow to concentrate on critical tasks by using DR solutions. Up to four detectors can be used in one room, offering you maximum flexibility to accommodate the required workflow in your institute. Improved Image Quality Enhanced images. Higher resolution quality, higher sensitivity, highest signal to noise performance. Enabling you to provide an enhanced level treatment to your patients. Quality you can count on. Reliability and efficiency that provide you, and your department, the confidence that you see the full picture. Digital radiography systems can save more than 60 percent of your time, eliminating cassette handling and providing real-time viewing of high quality images. Specifications Pixel pitch

125 x 125 μm

Imaging area

274 x 350 mm

Sensor dimensions

307 W x 284 L x 15 D mm


2.3 kgs


Cesium or Gadox Iodide


Standard IEEE 802.11n (2.4 and 5GHz dual band)

Preview time*

Approx. 3 seconds

Cycle time*

Approx. 9 seconds

Battery performance*

Approx. 140 Images

Charging time*

Less than 3 hours

*Are approximate values

For more information: www.dlcimaging.com.au



Hydro Physio Underwater Treadmill

Shock Wave Therapy Unit

MPHI Veterinary Lasers

Laser Safety Doggles


Manuka Honey Dressings

MediPaw® Protective Boots

MediPaw® Protective Suits

34HP200 ....................................Hydro Physio 200 Underwater Treadmill

Specifications • 1800 x 730 x 1260 mm (lwh) • Length including ramps - 2700 mm • 1000 litre water capacity • 330 kgs • Storage tank - 1600 x 730 x 1630 mm (lwh) • Speed range from 0-8 kph • Water supply requirements - cold plus drains

Side Platforms for Therapist Use

Control Panel


Twin Opening Doors for ease of access

Simple one handed door handle

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Hydrotherapy assists in Rehabilitation, Circulation, Balance and Stability, Gait and Posture, Psychological Wellbeing and Pain Management. Hydro Physio has a multitude of users, including rehabilitation, wellbeing and training. An ideal environment to utilise the properties of water, offering an extremely effective hydrotherapy setting for patient care and treatment. Exercise in water is proven to be an effective method to gain faster results. Features • Single hand door opening mechanism • Full remote control • Outward opening twin door, with walk through doors simply turn and push the patented door handle • Unique easy clean conveyor • Safe powerful low voltage treadmill

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


SHOCK WAVE THERAPY LGT-2500S UNIT 340000 ............................................ Shock Wave Therapy LGT-2500S Unit 340001..................Shock Wave LGT-2500S Revision Kit 1 Million Pulses 340002 ..................................... Powervet 15F Focused Head Transmitter 340003 .................................................... Powervet 15D Deep Transmitter

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy device PowerShocker LGT2500S is a portable shockwave therapy machine, it can be used in Physiotherapy, Orthopaedics, and Sports Medicine for mainly working on the treatment of chronic pain in shoulder, back, heel, knee or elbow. 1 million shocks per revision kit (340001). Indications include • Supraspinatus Tendinitis • Calcific Supraspinatus Tendinitis • Jumpers Knee / Patellar Tendonitis • Trochanter Pain Syndrome • Patellar Tendonitis • Tibial Stress Syndrome • Achilles Tendonitis • Plantar Fasciitis Features • Frequency: 1 - 17 Hz • Pressure: 1.0 - 4.0 bar • Channel: 1 channel • Interface: 7” touch screen • Portable, reliable, affordable • Powerful and compact shockwave device • Small and lightweight • Easy to install and use • Silent built-in air compressor • Pre-set protocols with treatment guidance images • User-defined protocols

Technical specifications Channel



7” LCD touch screen

Pressure range

1.0 - 4.0 bar (step by 0.1 bar)

Frequency range

1 - 17 Hz (step by 1 Hz)

Pre-set protocols


User defined protocols



395 x 390 x 194 mm


8.5 kgs (including handpiece)

Compressor type

Built in silent air compressor

Input voltage

100 - 240V, 50/60 Hz


Handpiece • Ergonomic design • Soft and comfortable feeling • Durable and easy use • Radial emission of the energy Included • PowerVet Shocker Hand Piece • 15 mm Radial Transmitter • 20 mm Radial Transmitter • Carry Case • 2 x Revision Kit (1 million pulses) Optional accessories • 15 mm Focus transmitter (340002) • 15 mm Deep transmitter (340003) • 6 mm Acupuncture transmitter • 36 mm Radial transmitter • Trolley Screen View

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

MPHI THERAPY VETERINARY LASER 20C8441 .....................................................Mphi Therapy Veterinary Laser

Alarms and safety features • Laser emission warning light • Interlock • Acoustic signal selectable by operator • Date and time • Password to operate the device • Language option • Ready to be connected to the remote Laser emission signalling device Included accessories • N° 2 Laser Safety Goggles • Unit carrying case • Table handpiece holder • Shoulder strap for portable use • Size and Weight • 360 x 280 x 100 mm, 3 kgs Power supply • Lithium polymer battery • External power supply 18Vdc 50VA Optional accessories • Trolley Unit - 630 x 540 x 800 mm, 17 kgs • Multidiode applicator Charlie


Optional Trolley Unit

20C4611 - Optional Multidiode Applicator Charlie

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Portable, ergonomic, easy to use, innovative: with Mphi Vet, a “portable unit” device, the beneficial effects of MLS® Laser Therapy are available whenever and wherever you need them. In the surgery and at home, in stables and at breeding farms, the medical veterinary Mphi Vet equipment has no obstacles. Completely autonomous – it is equipped with a lithium battery – easily transportable thanks to its convenient size and weight, Mphi Vet is state of the art technology in the veterinary field. An innovative graphical colour touch-screen and backlit display interacts with the user in an intuitive manner and a wide range of treatment programmes are pre-set for DOG, CAT and EQUINE, making the device intuitive to understand and easy to use. Technical characteristics • Handpiece with optical group composed of 1 MLS® source with power up to 1.1 W - Peak Power 25 W, Target Area Ø 2 cm highlighted by high-efficiency red light LEDs • High resolution LCD colour touch screen user interface • Simultaneous management of two independent channels • 18 pre-settled programs for Dogs and Cats • 21 pre-settled programs for Equine • Possibility to customize every treatment parameter • Personal area to save custom protocols • MLS® modulation in CPW and FPW mode (Synchronized emission of Continuous Pulsed Waves and Frequenced Pulsed Waves) • Modulation frequency from 1 to 2000 Hz with 1 Hz steps • Power level 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% • Fixed duty cycle at 50% or variable • Treatment duration from 1” to 99’59” with 1” steps • Automatic calculation of the emitted energy according to the settled parameters

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages



MPHI THERAPY VETERINARY LASER 20C8451 .....................................................Mphi Therapy Veterinary Laser

Peak power of 75 W and average power up to 1.2 W: this is the additional value of Mphi Vet Orange, the new device for MLS® Laser Therapy result of research carried out by ASA laser. The qualities already present in Mphi Vet – autonomy, ease of use and portability – now become orange to achieve new goals. The new peak power and average power levels are used to their best advantage thanks to the synchronisation of the emissions (continuous/frequency and pulsated), enabling them to reach deep into the tissues and ensuring total safety. Acting on the pain in a more immediate way, enhancing the photo mechanical effect, speeding up the anti-oedema effect and promoting the activation of cellular repair processes is made even easier. Specific software, with predefined protocols for treating CATS, DOGS, EQUINE and EXOTIC ANIMALS, allows one to modify parameters in order to set treatment modes for an ever more customized veterinary treatment. Technical characteristics • Handpiece with optical group composed of 1 MLS® source - power up to 1.2 W - Peak Power 75 W • Target Area Ø 2 cm highlighted by high-efficiency red light LEDs • High resolution LCD colour touch screen user interface • Simultaneous management of two independent channels • 20 pre-settled programs for Dogs and Cats • 21 pre-settled programs for Equine • 41 pre-settled programs for Exotic Animals parted in Reptiles, Birds and Mammals • Program section for Laser puncture • Program section for Intraoral pathologies • Possibility to customize every treatment parameter • Personal Area to save custom protocols • MLS® modulation in CPW and FPW mode (Synchronized emissions of Continuous Pulsed Waves and Frequenced Pulsed Waves) • Modulation frequency from 1 to 2000 Hz with 1 Hz steps • Power level 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% • Variable or fixed duty cycle • Treatment duration from 1” to 99’59” with 1” steps • Automatic calculation of the emitted energy according to the settled parameters • 360 x 280 x 100 mm, 3 kgs Alarms and safety features • Laser emission warning light • Interlock • Acoustic signal selectable by operator • Date and time • Password to operate the device • Language option • Ready to be connected to the remote Laser emission signalling device Included accessories • Laser puncture kit • Light guide for Intraoral Pathology Treatment • N° 2 Laser Safety Goggles • Unit carrying case • Table handpiece holder • Shoulder strap for portable use

Optional Trolley Unit

20C4611 - Optional Multidiode Applicator Charlie

• •

Power supply • Lithium polymer battery External power supply 18Vdc 50VA

Optional accessories Trolley Unit - 630 x 540 x 800 mm, 17 kgs • Multidiode applicator Charlie Orange

Doggles® protect the eyes of dogs as a patient during veterinary treatments with lasers at a wavelength range from 800 to 1000 nm. LASERVISION GmbH and Co. KG, located in Fürth (Germany), takes this issue very seriously and offers together with our subsidiary company LASERVISION-USA these special developed laser safety goggles. Laser Safety Doggles® provide pets with eye protection during veterinary laser therapy. Cold Laser therapy for pets is a growing procedure that is providing pets relief from arthritis and chronic pain while encouraging healing. As cold laser technology grows, with its new safety precautions will be required. Currently, laser operators are required to wear laser safety eye wear and patient protective eye wear is on the rise. LASERVISION takes laser safety very seriously and we want to protect our furriest patients. Laser Doggles® are available in three sizes that fit any size animal ranging from a small cat or dog to large dogs. Each Doggle® is equipped with a fully adjustable head strap and adjustable chin strap ensuring a secure fit. All Laser Safety Doggles® have filter OD specifications of OD 5+ @ 800-1100 nm. Highlights • 3 Pack Doggles Kit,1 x small, 1 x medium and 1 x large • Wave length range 800-1000nm • Adjustable head and chin strap

LASER SAFETY GOGGLES 200CL031 ...........................Fitover Protective CO2 Laser Safety Glassers

200CL032 .......................... Modern Protective CO2 Laser Safety Glasses

200CL033 ...................................Protective Laser Therapy Safety Glasses

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

20C8445 ................................................................ Laser Safety Doggles Kit

393 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

UNIVET™ SUPAFLEX BANDAGES 3412000 ....................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Assorted 12/pk 3412001 ............................................ UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm White Single 3412003 ................................................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Red Single 3412004 ............................................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Green Single 3412006 ............................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Black Single 3412007 .................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Light Blue Single 3412101 ................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Fluro Green Single 3412102 .....................................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Fluro Pink Single 3412104 ...............................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Fluro Orange Single 3412105 ........................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Yellow Single 3412106 ................................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Forest Green Single 3412107 ...........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 5 cm Purple Single 3413000 .................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Assorted 12/pk 3413001 .........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm White Single


3413003 ............................................ UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Red Single 3413004 ........................................ UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Green Single 3413006 ..........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Black Single 3413007 ................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Light Blue Single 3413101 .............................. UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Fluro Green Single 3413102 ................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Fluro Pink Single 3413104 ............................UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Fluro Orange Single 3413105 ........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Yellow Single 3413106 ............................ UniVet™ Supaflex 7.5 cm Forest Green Single 3413107 .......................................UniVet™ Supaflex 7. 5 cm Purple Single 3414000..................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Assorted 12/pk 3414001 ..........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm White Single 3414003 ............................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Red Single 3414004 ......................................... UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Green Single 3414006...........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Black Single 3414007 .................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Light Blue Single 3414101 ............................... UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Fluro Green Single 3414102 .................................. UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Fluro Pink Single 3414104 .............................UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Fluro Orange Single 3414105 .........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Yellow Single 3414106 ............................. UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Forest Green Single


3414107 .........................................UniVet™ Supaflex 10 cm Purple Single

Features • Can be used in different thicknesses and used all over the animals body where needed • Self-adhering, no need for clips or fasteners • Maintains the original size - won’t constrict • Water and sweat resistant, flexible and breathable • Quick and easy removal by hand with no sticky residue • Available in a wide range of colours • 200 cm outstretched, 457 cm stretched • Packaged in boxes of 12

342400EP018 ........................................PetfFlex® 10 cm Emoji Pack 18/pk

Features • A trendy pack that vets can have fun with • Bright colours • 6 different hashtag prints to appropriately tag your patients • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed • Available in 5cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm Each pack includes: • # Diva on Neon Pink • #Grumpy on Neon Green • #Bad Hair Day on Neon Orange • #Ruff Day on Bright Yellow • #Stud Muffin on Neon Blue • #Spoiled on Watermelon

PETFLEX® COHESIVE BANDAGES GLITTER PACK 342200GP036 .......................................... Petflex® 5 cm Glitter Pack 36/pk 342300GP024 .....................................PetfFlex® 7.5 cm Glitter Pack 24/pk 342400GP018 ......................................PetfFlex® 10 cm Glitter Pack 18/pk Add some sparkle to your pet's look with the PetFlex® Glitter bandages! These fun, eye-catching bandages feature all the performance of the PetFlex0174 but with silver sparkles to add a little extra bling.

Features • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed • Available in 5cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm Each pack includes: • Black • Blue • Red • Purple • Pink

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

342200EP036 ............................................ Petflex® 5 cm Emoji Pack 36/pk 342300EP024 .......................................PetfFlex® 7.5 cm Emoji Pack 24/pk

395 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


PETFLEX® COHESIVE BANDAGES NO CHEW COLOUR PACK 342200NCP036 ...................... Petflex® 5 cm No Chew Colour Pack 36/pk 342300NCP024 .................PetfFlex® 7.5 cm No Chew Colour Pack 24/pk 342400NCP018 ..................PetfFlex® 10 cm No Chew Colour Pack 18/pk Bitter-taste "NO CHEW" Colourpacks Helps prevent biting, tearing and chewing of bandages! Our bitter bandages are safe for you and your pet, however may leave residue on your hands after use. Wearing gloves and washing hands thoroughly after application is recommended. NO CHEW PetFlex® contains bitterants that have been tested on and found safe to use on domestic animals.

Features • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed • Available in 5cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm Each pack includes: • White • Light blue • Neon pink • Neon green

PETFLEX® COHESIVE BANDAGES NO CHEW PACK 342200NC036 ........................ Petflex® 5 cm No Chew Colour Pack 36/pk Bitter-taste "NO CHEW" Helps prevent biting, tearing and chewing of bandages! Our bitter bandages are safe for you and your pet, however may leave residue on your hands after use. Wearing gloves and washing hands thoroughly after application is recommended. NO CHEW PetFlex® contains bitterants that have been tested on and found safe to use on domestic animals.


Features • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed

342200PC036............................................... Petflex® 5 cm Paw Pack 36/pk 342300PC024..........................................PetfFlex® 7.5 cm Paw Pack 24/pk 342400PC018 ..........................................PetfFlex® 10 cm Pack Pack 18/pk

Features • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed • Available in 5cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm Each pack includes: • Blue paws on neon green • Blue paws on neon pink • Blue paws on white • Blue paws on lavender

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


PETFLEX® COHESIVE BANDAGES PET PACK 342200PP018 ............................................... Petflex® 5 cm Paw Pack 18/pk 342200PP036............................................... Petflex® 5 cm Paw Pack 36/pk 342300PP024 ..........................................PetfFlex® 7.5 cm Paw Pack 24/pk 342400PP018 ..........................................PetfFlex® 10 cm Pack Pack 18/pk

Features • Strong – 6.8 kgs tensile strength • Sweat and water resistant • EasyTear® patented technology • Controlled compression – will not constrict • Quick and easy application – no scissors needed • Available in 5cm, 7.5 cm and 10 cm Each pack includes: • Blue stars on aqua • Purple dots on lavender • Purple hearts on neon pink • Green bones on yellow

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


ACTIVON® TULLE AND ALGIVON MANUKA HONEY 100% Manuka Honey • Antimicrobial - Effectively fights infection • Osmotic effect - Draws fluid from the wound bed, promoting healing • Enhanced healing - Promote granulation and epithelialisation • Odour elimination - Rapid reduction and elimination of wound odours Use of Activon™ Tulle in an equine limb wound Applying Activon® Tulle or Algivon • Open the dressing pack after the wound has been cleansed and examined • Apply the dressing directly to the wound allowing the dressing to overlap the wound edge by a minimum of 2 cm • For large wounds more than one dressing may be required to ensure the wound area is fully covered • For smaller wounds the dressing may be cut to size using sharp scissors or folded to fit Dressing Changes • Remove the dressing by gently lifting from one of the corners • The properties of honey will likely cause the wound to appear moist and ‘gooey’. The beneficial osmotic action of the honey will have drawn exudate and debris from the wound and should be removed using saline • As the wound reduces in size exudate levels should decrease and the dressing can be left in place for longer between changes • Honey dressings are unlikely to adhere to the wound due to their osmotic properties. However, should this occur gently irrigate the dressing area with saline and consider applying a layer of Activon® Tube Honey to the wound prior to redressing • As the wound begins to heal the dressings may be left in place for up to five days



Appearance at first dressing change.

Appearance after cleansing and loose tissue debridement at 1st dressing change.

Wound at third dressing change (seven days). Wound is clean and contracting. Further debridement between dressing changes is not required.

Use of Activon® and Algivon® following a canine RTA Presentation The male patient (Crossbreed) presented with a wound to its left fore following an RTA (Fig 1)

Management Initially the wound was debrided and cleaned with the patient under general anaesthetic and then dressed with Activon®

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


Medical Grade Manuka Honey. (Fig 2) After 2 days the wound was looking clean and healthy. (Fig 3) The digit was then filleted out and the remainder of the wound closed with a pad flap. (Fig 4) 5 days after surgery the flap was holding had begun to break down. (Fig 5) The dog was again examined under general anaesthetic, the wound edges were freshened up and extra sutures placed on the flap. The wound was then dressed with Algivon®, Activon® impregnated alginate dressing to support the healing environment.

Outcome Following dressing with the alginate dressing 100% of the pad flap survived (Fig 6). Within 16 days from the initial date of injury the dressings had been removed and the dog was sent home with a buster collar. The wound healed with good cosmetic and functional results.

Dressing summary The Activon® Medical Grade Manuka Honey was used to help manage the local infection risk within the wound due to its antibacterial properties transferred from the nectar of the Manuka Bush. Autolytic debridement was also aided by the Activon® as the high sugar level of 80% has an osmotic action of drawing fluid from the wound and softening and lifting necrotic tissue.

399 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

well, although after a further 2 days a small area of the wound

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

ACTIVON® MANUKA HONEY 347003 ................................................ Activon® Manuka Honey Tube, 25g

Activon Tube contains 100% Manuka honey with no additives from New Zealand. Our Manuka honey is filtered and sterilised, making it suitable for application to wounds. Manuka honey will de-bride and de-slough, eliminate odours and provides a moist wound healing environment. Activon Tube is ideal for debriding necrotic tissue, or for topping up dressings where the honey has been washed away by exudate. Great for using in cavities, just wash away with saline solution. Use Twist off cap, apply liberally to the wound bed to a minimum depth of 5 mm and cover with an appropriate secondary dressing. Activon Tube is a single animal use only product, once opened use within 90 days.


Initially you may experience high levels of exudate, this is perfectly normal and will decrease over time, therefore your secondary dressing of choice may initially need to be super absorbent, we recommend Eclypse. Top tip Use Activon Tube in conjunction with Algivon for debriding and de-sloughing. Indications Activon Tube is ideal for debriding necrotic tissue; it's ideal for topping up dressings where the honey is washed away or great for using directly into cavities. Honey can be washed away using normal saline solution. As honey is a natural product any remaining honey will not have any adverse effects. Activon Tube may be applied to any wound but especially: Pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, surgical wounds, burns, graft sites, infected wounds, cavity wounds and sinuses


Contra-indications Although the honey is not absorbed into the blood stream, we advise monitoring the levels of animals with diabetes. Do not use if allergic to bee venom. Discomfort can be experienced when honey is applied, depending on sensitivity of the wound it may be necessary to consider an appropriate level of analgesic. The initial discomfort usually subsides, however if it does continue, discontinue use and irrigate the wound with saline solution.

347006................... Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 10 x 10 cm 10/pk CR3852 .................. Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 10 x 20 cm 10/pk CR4366 .................. Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 20 x 30 cm 10/pk CR4367 .....................Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 30 x 30 cm 5/pk CR4368 .....................Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 30 x 60 cm 5/pk

Actilite is a light viscose net dressing coated with antibacterial Manuka honey and Manuka oil. The dressing is designed to protect a wound, promote healing and allow the passage of exudate. The antibacterial effect of Actilite has been enhanced by combining high grade antibacterial Manuka oil with Manuka honey. The combination of Manuka honey and Manuka oil has been demonstrated in-vitro to be effective against a number of major wound infecting organisms including MRSA, VRE and Providentia stuartii. Non-adherent viscose net dressing coated with 99% Manuka honey and 1% Manuka oil Features Manuka honey brings the following properties: • Anti-bacterial - kills harmful bacteria • Anti-inflammatory • Eliminates odours without masking them • Osmotic effect, drawing harmful tissue away from the wound bed • Maintains the ideal moist wound healing environment • Actilite contains a combination of Manuka honey and Manuka oil. Best suited for granulating or epithelialising wounds, Actilite offers antibacterial protection whilst promoting the ideal moist wound healing environment. Top tip Actilite is a light non adherent, non sticky dressing ideal for infection prevention. Indications Actilite contains a combination of Manuka honey and Manuka oil. Best suited for granulating or epithelialising wounds, Actilite offers antibacterial protection whilst promoting the ideal moist wound healing environment. Suitable for all wound types where a primary layer is indicated and an antibacterial effect may be advantageous including: Cuts, abrasions, burns, surgical wounds, leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers and infected wounds. Contra-indications Although the honey is not absorbed into the blood stream, we advise monitoring the levels of animals with diabetes. Do not use if allergic to bee venom. Discomfort can be experienced when honey is applied, depending on sensitivity of the wound it may be necessary to consider an appropriate level of analgesic. The initial discomfort usually subsides, however if it does continue, discontinue use and irrigate the wound with saline solution.

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

347008........................Actilite® Manuka Honey Dressing 5 x 5 cm 10/pk

401 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


ACTIVON® TULLE MANUKA HONEY DRESSING 347001 .............................. Tulle® Manuka Honey Dressing 5 x 5 cm 5/pk 347002 ..........................Tulle® Manuka Honey Dressing 10 x 10 cm 5/pk

Knitted viscose mesh dressing impregnated with 100% Manuka honey. Features Manuka honey brings the following properties: • Anti-bacterial - kills harmful bacteria • Anti-inflammatory • Eliminates odours without masking them • Osmotic effect, drawing harmful tissue away from the wound bed • Maintains the ideal moist wound healing environment Activon Tulle delivers the honey to the wound site in a convenient way also allowing the passage of exudate. It can be cut to size and can be placed either side up so easy to apply. Activon Tulle creates a moist healing environment and effectively eliminates wound odour whilst providing antibacterial action. Activon Tulle is ideally selected for granulating or shallow wounds, it's a good choice when debriding or de-sloughing small areas of necrotic or sloughy tissue.

Top tip Activon Tulle is a triple layer knitted viscose net dressing which can be unfolded to decrease the amount of honey if discomfort is being experienced by the animal. Algivon releases honey at a slower rate into the wound therefore may be a solution if discomfort is being experienced by the animal when using Activon Tulle. Indications Activon Tulle is ideally selected for granulating or shallow wounds, it?s a good choice when debriding or de-sloughing small areas of necrotic or sloughy tissue.


Activon Tulle may be applied to any wound but especially: Pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, surgical wounds, burns, graft sites, infected wounds, cavity wounds and sinuses. Contra-indications Although the honey is not absorbed into the blood stream, we advise monitoring the levels of animals with diabetes. Do not use if allergic to bee venom. Discomfort can be experienced when honey is applied, depending on sensitivity of the wound it may be necessary to consider an appropriate level of analgesic. The initial discomfort usually subsides, however if it does continue, discontinue use and irrigate the wound with saline solution.

347005.................... Algivon® Manuka Honey Dressing 10 x 10 cm 5/pk

Alginate dressing impregnated with 100% Manuka honey. Features Manuka honey brings the following properties: • Anti-bacterial - kills harmful bacteria • Anti-inflammatory • Eliminates odours without masking them • Osmotic effect, drawing harmful tissue away from the wound bed • Maintains the ideal moist wound healing environment Algivon is an ideal choice for wetter wounds as the alginate has a small capacity to absorb, meaning the honey isn't washed away with exudate therefore staying at the wound site for longer. The dressing is very soft and conformable, ideal for cavities and debriding and de-sloughing large areas of necrotic and sloughy tissue.

Top tip Algivon is very soft and conformable so great for packing sinuses/ cavities. It?s also absorbent so good for wetter wounds as the honey stays at the wound site for longer in the dressing. Indications Algivon is an ideal choice for wetter wounds as the alginate has a small capacity to absorb, meaning the honey isn't washed away with exudate therefore staying at the wound site for longer. The dressing is very soft and conformable, ideal for cavities and debriding and de-sloughing large areas of necrotic and sloughy tissue. Algivon may be applied to any wound but especially: Pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, surgical wounds, burns, graft sites, infected wounds, cavity wounds and sinuses. Contra-indications Although the honey is not absorbed into the blood stream, we advise monitoring the levels of animals with diabetes. Do not use if allergic to bee venom. Discomfort can be experienced when honey is applied, depending on sensitivity of the wound it may be necessary to consider an appropriate level of analgesic. The initial discomfort usually subsides, however if it does continue, discontinue use and irrigate the wound with saline solution.

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

347004.........................Algivon® Manuka Honey Dressing 5 x 5 cm 5/pk

403 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


ACTIVON® ALGIVON PLUS MANUKA HONEY DRESSING 347014 ................ Algivon® Plus Manuka Honey Dressing 5 x 5 cm 5/pk 347015 ..................... Algivon® Plus Manuka Honey Dressing 10 x 10 cm 5/pk

Reinforced alginate dressing impregnated with 100% Manuka honey Features Manuka honey brings the following properties: • Anti-bacterial - kills harmful bacteria • Anti-inflammatory • Eliminates odours without masking them • Osmotic effect, drawing harmful tissue away from the wound bed • Maintains the ideal moist wound healing environment • Ability to absorb exudate • Reinforced to maintain dressing integrity Algivon Plus has reinforced alginate fibres enabling a sustained, slow release of honey whilst maintaining the integrity of the dressing. Algivon Plus is an ideal choice for wetter wounds as the alginate has a small capacity to absorb, meaning the honey isn't washed away with exudate.


Top tip Algivon Plus has the capacity to absorb exudate so is ideal for use on wetter wounds. Indications Algivon may be applied to any wound but especially: Pressure ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic ulcers, surgical wounds, burns, graft sites and infected wounds. Contra-indications Although the honey is not absorbed into the blood stream, we advise monitoring the blood glucose levels in animals with diabetes. Do not use if allergic to bee venom. Discomfort can be experienced when honey is applied, depending on sensitivity of the wound it may be necessary to consider an appropriate level of analgesia. The initial discomfort usually subsides, however if it does continue, discontinue use and irrigate the wound with saline solution.

MEDIPAW® PROTECTIVE BOOTS 348000 ................. MediPaw® Protective Boot,Starter Kit XS, SH, S, M, L 348001................................MediPaw® Protective Boot, XX-Small, Yellow 348002 .....................................MediPaw® Protective Boot, X-Small, Pink 348003 ................................... MediPaw® Protective Boot, Short, Orange 348004 .........................................MediPaw® Protective Boot, Small, Blue

Adjustable elastic/ secure Velcro® straps Waterproof/ breathable nylon shell

348005 .................................... MediPaw® Protective Boot, Medium, Red 348006 ..................................... MediPaw® Protective Boot, Large, Green 348007..................................MediPaw® Protective Boot, X-Large, Purple

The waterproof and breathable Medipaw® Protective Boot safeguards bandages, casts, and splints. Dispensed when sending patients home with their owners, the Medipaw® Protective Boot is an integral part of veterinary discharge protocols. It facilitates compliance, reduces the need for frequent rewraps, and helps clients adhere to treatment plans. Features • Facilitates compliance • Results in fewer rewraps • Reduces complications from wet bandages • Saves resources Size


Flat Width

Top Diam.

Machine washable/ hang dry


Scuff guard

Sole Width


152 mm

101 mm

203 mm

50 mm


215 mm

139 mm

279 mm

63 mm


177 mm

139 mm

279 mm

79 mm


228 mm

152 mm

304 mm

73 mm


330 mm

190 mm

381 mm

95 mm


457 mm

228 mm

457 mm

104 mm


584 mm

266 mm

533 mm

120 mm

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

Colour-coded sizing


405 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Upper drawstring closure

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages

Upper drawstring closure Colour-coded sizing


MEDIPAW® X PROTECTIVE BOOTS 348020...............MediPaw® X Protective Boot,Starter Kit XS, SH, S, M, L 348021 ............................ MediPaw® X Protective Boot, XX-Small, Yellow 348022...................................MediPaw® X Protective Boot, X-Small, Pink 348023.................................MediPaw® X Protective Boot, Short, Orange 348025.................................. MediPaw® X Protective Boot, Medium, Red 348026................................... MediPaw® X Protective Boot, Large, Green

Machine washable/ hang dry

Medipaw® X has all the features of original MediPaw Boot model except the bottom is a light and flexible yet durable rubberized cup sole for patients with long term splints, difficult gaits, and for those ambulating on difficult terrains. Features • Facilitates compliance • Results in fewer rewraps • Reduces complications from wet bandages • Saves resources


Waterproof/ breathable nylon shell

348024...................................... MediPaw® X Protective Boot, Small, Blue

348027.............................. MediPaw® X Protective Boot, X-Large, Purple


Adjustable elastic/ secure Velcro® straps

Seam-sealed Durable molded rubber bottom



Flat Width

Top Diam.

Sole Width


152 mm

101 mm

203 mm

50 mm


215 mm

139 mm

279 mm

63 mm


177 mm

139 mm

279 mm

79 mm


228 mm

152 mm

304 mm

73 mm


330 mm

190 mm

381 mm

95 mm


457 mm

228 mm

457 mm

104 mm


584 mm

266 mm

533 mm

120 mm

MEDIPAW® PROTECTIVE DOG AND CAT SUITS 348050 ............................... Protective Suit,Starter Kit, XS, S, M, L, M-Cat 348051................................................ Protective Dog Suit, XX-Small, Pink 348052...............................................Protective Dog Suit, X-Small, Yellow 348053...................................................... Protective Dog Suit, Small, Blue 348054 ...............................Protective Dog Suit, Small/Medium, Orange 348055..................................................Protective Dog Suit, Medium, Red

34. Therapeutic Products and Bandages


348056...................................................Protective Dog Suit, Large, Green 348057.............................................. Protective Dog Suit, X-Large, Purple 348063 .......................................................Protective Cat Suit, Small, Blue 348065 ...................................................Protective Cat Suit, Medium, Red

The two-piece Medipaw® protective suit is a soft, comfortable, and breathable garment anatomically designed for dogs and cats who attempt to who scratch and/or bite their injuries. The suit provides a convenient way to assist with incontinence and inflammation. Features • Alternative to E-collar • With skin conditions • With incontinence and anxiety • Against ticks • After spays/neuters and post-mastectomies Size




330 mm

330 mm


431 mm

431 mm


482 mm

457 mm


635 mm

558 mm


736 mm

635 mm


889 mm

762 mm


965 mm

863 mm

Cat, Small

254 mm

330 mm

Cat, Medium

304 mm

381 mm

Cat, Large

355 mm

431 mm

407 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

348066 ....................................................Protective Cat Suit, Large, Green



Automatic Waterer

Bag Dispenser

Anti-Barking Spray Collar and Accessories

Dangerous Dog Collar

Dangerous Dog Sign

Restricted Breed Sign

Tablet Introducer

UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter

Hide, Perch and Go

AÏKIOU Interactive Dog Slow Feeder

AÏKIOU Hexa Dog Slow Feeder

AÏKIOU Treat Mouse

AÏKIOU Think Cat Feeder

AÏKIOU Neuro-Cat

60. Pet Products

LITTLE GIANT® AUTOMATIC WATERER 271705 ...................................................... Little Giant® Automatic Waterer

Little Giant® Automatic Waterer works well for horses, cattle, hogs and dogs. • Offers a large deep drinking area that is easy to clean • A constant level of water is maintained by an adjustable float valve • Easily installed • 12 mm pipe can be connected on the right or left side • Holds approx. 3.6 litres • Approximate size 200 mm across x 115 mm deep • Safely operates between 20-50 psi • Constructed from heavy gauge, prime draw quality steel • Can be easily installed at any height using lag bolts or U bolts

ECO BAG DISPENSERS 600340 ...........................................Eco Bag Dispenser with 50 Refill Bags

Not a day goes by in any veterinary clinic where some patient does not have an accident. • Needs to be picked up quickly and sanitarily • Reduce odour • Look professional • Reduce disease transmission • Small black plastic dispenser of bio-degradable bags with handles for easy tie-off • Mounts easily in the waiting room, exam room, kennel and prep area • Choice of screw mount or double sided tape • Ideal for home use

ANTI-BARKING SPRAY COLLAR - BASE MODEL 271000BM ................................... Anti-Barking Spray Collar - Base Model

Stop your dog’s barking with the anti-bark spray collar. With your choice of either Citronella or Unscented Spray, this collar can stop barking dogs close to 90% of the time. Even better, It’s 100% safe for all dogs, people and the environment and it can be used safely on all healthy dogs - even puppies! Details This Spray Bark Control systems uses a harmless but distracting Citronella scent of spray to deter unwanted barking. The light receiver collar is comfortable for dogs of all sizes with a neck size up to 610 mm. The spray collar is microphone activated and acts as a deterrent to interrupt nuisance barking and modify behavior. Product features • Microphone activated • For dogs of all sizes • Easy to use

Kit includes • Spray collar device • Nylon adjustable collar strap (271003) • 1 x 6-Volt Alkaline Battery (271011) • 1 can of citronella refill • Instruction manual

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


600341 ........................................................................ Eco Refill Bag Pack 50

60. Pet Products

SPRAY COLLAR ACCESSORIES 271003 ..................................................................... Spray Collar Strap Only

271007 .................................................. Citronella Refill 90 gram Can Only 271008 ...................................... Citronella Refill 90 gram Cans Only, 3/pk


271009 ..............................................Citronella Combo Pack - Base Model (contains 3 x 90 gram cans and 2 x 6 volt batteries)

SPRAY COLLAR ACCESSORIES 271011............................................6 Volt Alkaline Battery for Base Model 271013 .................................6 Volt Alkaline Battery for Base Model, 3/pk

DANGEROUS DOG COLLAR 271511................................ Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 52 x 650 mm 271512................................ Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 50 x 700 mm


271513 ............................... Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 50 x 750 mm 271516 ............................... Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 43 x 500 mm 271518 ............................... Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 50 x 600 mm 271519 ............................... Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 40 x 400 mm 271520 ............................... Dangerous Dog Collar Shaped, 43 x 550 mm 272535 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 13 x 350 mm 272545 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 18 x 450 mm 272550 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 25 x 500 mm 272555 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 32 x 550 mm 272565 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 40 x 650 mm 272570 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 40 x 700 mm 271514 .............................. Dangerous Dog Collar Straight, 50 x 800 mm

271515 ..........................................................................Dangerous Dog Sign

60. Pet Products


RESTRICTED BREED SIGN 271522 ........................................................................ Restricted Breed Sign

UNIVET™ TABLET INTRODUCER SOFT TIP 273095 ....................................... UniVet™ Tablet Introducer Soft Tip, 1/pk

The UniVet™ Tablet Introducer with a soft rubber tip, makes it easier to administer the pill without causing damage to the mouth. Supplied with proper finger bars, transparent barrel of the right length with reinforced tablet holder, piston with rubber plunger. Fast and easy way of administering tablets to cats and dogs. Instructions 1. Draw drinking water into the introducer 2. Place tablet in the holder 3. Insert tablet introducer and by pressing the piston the tablet is automatically swallowed by the patient

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


60. Pet Products

UNIVET™ FELINE BEAD LITTER URINE TESTING KIT 600330.................................UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter Urine Testing Kit

UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter takes the stress out of collecting a cat urine sample. No more contaminated samples, no more mess, no more smells! Unlike normal cat litter, UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter is non- absorbent and leaves no odour. Kit Includes • 1 x 200 g bag UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter • 1 x Pipette • 1 x Collection Tube


Instructions for use 1. Empty cat litter tray, clean and rinse thoroughly in lukewarm water 2. Wipe tray dry, fill with entire pack of UniVet™ Feline Bead Litter 3. Put tray where cat will use it 4. If cat drop faeces before urine, remove faeces immediately before collecting urine to prevent contamination 5. After cat has urinated, tilt tray, insert pipette tip into urine so that it reaches the bottom, retrieve as much liquid as possible 6. Transfer urine collection to the sample collection tube, then close the lid 7. Mark on the collection tube cat’s name, birth date and name of owner Collect and bring sample to doctor on the same day if possible. Otherwise, store in fridge for the short term.



600600 ............................................................................Hide, Perch and Go

The Hide, Perch and Go box™ is an enrichment item used for cats in the shelter environment. The box helps to separate elimination, eating and sleeping areas and provides the opportunity for hiding, perching and face rubbing. All natural behaviors of a cat. The box also provides more control over the amount of exposure to the shelter activity and allows a cat to self manage stress. With use, the box becomes saturated with the cats scent, making the cage more familiar. When cats are able to express natural behaviors, along with experiencing positive interaction with humans, they will adapt to shelter life faster, be healthier and friendlier. The benefits are increased adoptions with shorter pre- adoption time, reduced rates of illness and euthanasia and improvement of emotional health. When a new family adopts a cat from the shelter and his Hide, Perch and Go box™ is converted to the temporary transport carrier and the family is given an initial Hide Perch and Go™ instruction leaflet (WELCOME HOME! Bonding With Your New Cat). This sheet helps a new family convert the box back to the hide and perch formation and provides information to make the shelterto-new-home transition smoother.

60. Pet Products

AÏKIOU INTERACTIVE DOG FEEDER 600222.....................AÏKIOU Interactive Dog Feeder, Adult, Blue/Brown 600223..................AÏKIOU Interactive Dog Feeder, Adult, Green/Brown 600224.....................AÏKIOU Interactive Dog Feeder, Adult, Pink/Brown

Indeed, when in the wild, dogs must bury the balance of their prey in order to preserve them for future meals. It is for this reason that digging is so natural for them. With a dog bowl such as the Aïkiou, food happens to be hidden and your dog need to rotate and move the different parts to get his meal. Discover the AÏKIOU (pronounced IQ) Dog Puzzle Feeder. Allow your dog to dig and look for food in the AïKiou dog puzzle feeder. For your dog, it is natural to use his sense of smell to find food and this challenge makes the meal more fun. Changes the way dogs eat their meal. Because it is natural for dogs to dig and search for food, makes this dog puzzle feeder perfect to hide his meal in one of its 14 closed compartments. Hidden food odors will make this game fun at mealtimes. Use it with his favourite treats as a dog mind game. Whether treats or a full meal, the Aïkiou is the only dog puzzle feeder which can be used as a game or a bowl of food. Compared with a dog slow feeder, it can serve during meals with a capacity of 3 cups or simply with your dog’s favorite treats. What makes the AÏKIOU Dog Puzzle Feeder Fun? The first set consists of several blocks that hide food in one of the compartments of this bowl for dogs. Your dog will have to move them to access food. Moreover, they are now adjustable for a greater challenge. How does the center wheel work? The design of the central wheel replaces the action of digging. Using his paws, he can spin the wheel and allow access to different compartments that hide food that is hidden underneath the cover. This will slow your dog down when he eats but mostly hiding the food makes it a real challenge that is both healthy and entertaining.

342 mm

388 mm

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

70 mm

More fun than using a simple feeder Recommended by specialist in the industry The most efficient dog slow feeder today Respects your dogs natural behaviour Easy to clean Easy to fill

388 mm

• • • • • •


60. Pet Products

AÏKIOU JUNIOR DOG SLOW FEEDER 600225............................... AÏKIOU Junior Dog Slow Feeder, Blue/Brown 600226............................ AÏKIOU Junior Dog Slow Feeder, Green/Brown 600227............................... AÏKIOU Junior Dog Slow Feeder, Pink/Brown

This feeder is both an interactive dog feeder and slow dog feeder • Makes dog search for food • Reduce speed of ingestion • Helps prevent bloating


Easy to use Simply remove the cover and pour your dogs meal in. This dog feeder can contain up to 2 and a half cup of food. The closed center makes filling it as easy as 1-2-3. It’s actually not different then using a standard slow feeder. Just makes it more natural and entertaining for your dog. Dogs like to dig In nature, dogs actually bury part of their catch. This is one of the main reasons why dogs like to dig so much. Any smell will challenge their instinct and drives them to work. So hiding the food is just an added bonus when it comes to choosing the right dog slow feeder. Need more challenge If your dog need a bigger challenge, you can put a tennis ball under the Junior dog slow feeder. The bowl will now wobble and turn on its own to make it more difficult and challenging than any other dog slow feeder. This is just a little bonus if you like to have fun. Base will rotate for added challenge


Anti-slip rubber feet Bottom

70 mm

241 mm



241 mm Top

241 mm Side

Place ball under

60. Pet Products





AÏKIOU HEXA DOG SLOW FEEDER ER 600212 ......................................... AÏKIOU Hexa Dog Slow Feeder, Orange 600213 .............................................. AÏKIOU Hexa Dog Slow Feeder, Grey 600214 ...............................................AÏKIOU Hexa Dog Slow Feeder, Blue

This feeder is both an interactive dog feeder and slow dog feeder. • Makes dog search for food • Reduce speed of ingestion • Helps prevent bloating

38 mm deep ribs so dogs can reach with their tongue

50 mm 236 mm Top

Anti-slip rubber feet 236 mm Side


AÏKIOU TREAT MOUSE 600233................................................................... AÏKIOU Treat Mouse Red 600228................................................................AÏKIOU Treat Mouse Violet 600229..................................................... AÏKIOU Treat Mouse Blue-Green

Hunting for treats and food is natural for them. Using the treat mouse from Aïkiou “IQ” to dispense treat and food is the challenge they need to stay alert and healthy. 102 mm long x 32 mm wide x 25 mm high

25 mm opening for treats

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


273 mm

An efficient dog slow feeder. Make your dogs meal more challenging. This dog feeder can contain up to 2 and a half cup of food. Ribs are 3/4 of an inch apart, just enough so it makes it more difficult while letting your dog use his tongue to catch the food. Just makes it more natural and entertaining for your dog. Use your tongue. Dogs can reach with their tongue to get the food hidden inside this feeder. This makes him work for his food while slowing him down helping to reduce ingestion speed along with the risk of bloating and weight issues. Beautiful and food safe. Like all of our products, we take great price in handcrafting beautiful products using the best materials. We only use food safe plastics BPA and BHT free to make it safer for your pets. So we can be confident your pet will enjoy his meal while being protected by the insurance he has the safest product. Size matters.

60. Pet Products

AIKIOU THINK CAT FEEDER 600202.......................................... AÏKIOU ThinK Cat Feeder White/Green 600232............................................. AÏKIOU ThinK Cat Feeder White/Blue

A cat interactive puzzle slow feeder like you have never seen before. This is the ultimate tool to get your cat healthy and active! • Make cats search for food • Reduce speed of ingestion • Helps prevent bloating


Perfect cat puzzle feeder. The thin cat puzzle feeder brings challenge to a second level. Cats can play with their food inside and underneath the 2 large flowers sitting on top of this feeder. Your cat will enjoy hunting for its food like nature intended. Not only does it help them keep a healthy way, its also more natural for them to eat this way. Slow your cat. Cats are used to search and try to grab toys and food. With this feeder, you can hide the food inside the two different openings. The your cat can grab it and eat either from its paws or push the food on the surface. This game will slow your cat from eating too fast and help prevent health issu like weight and regurgitation problems. Need more challlenge If your cat need a bigger challenge, you can purchase additional flowers to make it more challenging. It will turn this feeder into the ultimate food game for cats. Tubes will then be deeper and more leafs will challenge your cats dexterity. Either you have a large or a small cat. With or without claws, he will surely enjoy this puzzle feeder.

Adjustable flowers for food dispersal

25 mm

236 mm

Size matters

236 mm


236 mm 2 hidden compartments

Anti-slip rubber feer Bottom

60. Pet Products


AÏKIOU NEURO-CAT ACTIVITY KIT T 600234..........................................................AÏKIOU Neuro-Cat Activity Kit

Neuro-Cat is part of the Neuro-Pet new family from AïKiou Company. It has been 4 years since we started this project and we are proud to announce it. With thousands of pets living amongst us, Neuro-Pet is designed to be the next generation of feeders. It has the ability to adapt, learn and enhance the game while making feeding a great new experience. • More fun than using a simple feeder • Recommended by specialist in the industry • Promotes weight loss • Helps reduce ingestion speed • Helps digestion • Replicates natural behaviour • Help reduce anxiety by play • A positive foraging experience Cool and fun to use! No more free meals. Cats normally eat a few small meals a day and this is just that. The toys initiate a call to action and reward you with food when you play with it. Working wirelessly, just scatter the toys and the feeders around the house and start playing or just use the remote and see them run for their food and toys. Start interacting with your cat today and have fun with him. Simple and easy With it’s tilt sensor remote control, playing is just easy. Just set the remote in play mode and let him play with. When inserted into this tilt ball, the cat can use it to get it’s own food. When it moves, it sends a random signal to 1 or many feeders scattered around the house. Your Cat loves to hunt Every Neuro-Pet device has it’s own address and they can discover each other and create a game tailored for your pets needs. They communicate together to establish a Neuron network capable of communicating together through their RF network.


Neuron 2

Neuron 1

Neuron 3 Neuron 6

Neuron 4 Neuron 5

Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au





In nde ex A

Bulb, Microscope .................................................................................... 235

Air Water Sprayer..................................................................................... 106

Bulb, Welch Allyn ................................................. 134, 135, 136, 137

Airway Adaptor Kits............................................................................... 159

Bulb, X-Ray .................................................................................................. 381

Alligator Clips ............................................................................................ 161

Bull Lead ........................................................................................... 307, 308

Anaesthetic Accessories............................................... 10, 14, 15, 22

Bull Ring Applicator .............................................................................. 308

Anaesthetic Chamber ............................................................................. 13

Bull Rings ..................................................................................................... 308

Anaesthetic Units .................................................................................... 7, 8 Anaesthetic Vaporisers ............................................................................... 9 Animal Grasper ........................................................................................ 310 Anti-Barking Spray Collar ................................................................... 409 Apalert Accessories ............................................................................... 148 Apron, X-Ray .............................................................................................. 377 Artificial Dog Vagina ................................................................................ 26 Artificial Insemination Collecting Tube........................................ 26 Artificial Insemination Sperm Glass ............................................... 27 Autoclave Cleaner ..................................................................................... 31 Autoclave Unit ............................................................................................. 29 Automatic Waterer................................................................................. 409



Caesarian Knife ......................................................................................... 255 Cages Cage Dividers .................................................................................... 51 Cage/Squeeze Restrainers ............................................................ 52 Casters.................................................................................................. 52 Cat Condos and Suites .................................. 37, 38, 40, 41, 42 Dryer Cage.......................................................................................... 43 Isolation/Parvo .................................................................................. 33 Mobile Platform ................................................................................ 52 Mobile Transport Unit .................................................................... 60 Oxygen Therapy Doors .................................................................. 57 Plastic Polyethylene Cages ........................................................... 58 Stainless Steel Cages ..... 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53

Caliper................................................................................................ 276, 379 Canister ............................................................................................................ 15

Bag Dispensers ......................................................................................... 409


Buckets .............................................................................................. 227, 228 Buhner Needle ......................................................................................... 190

AÏkiou .............................................................. 413, 414, 415, 416, 417

Anaesthetic Tubing .......................................................................... 16, 17


Broncho-Alveolar Lavage Catheter ............................................. 338

Canon Digital Radiography System ..................... 385, 386, 387

Bags, Hygienic Dental Plates ........................................................... 357

Canon NE Software ................................................................... 368, 369

Bandages ..................................................................................................... 394

Capnograph Vet Monitor ................................................................... 150

Battery, Spray Collar .............................................................................. 410

Capnography and Pulse Oximetry Monitor ........................... 149

Battery, Welch Allyn............................................................................... 138

Card Holders ................................................................................................. 56

Bed, Pet Cot ................................................................................................... 60

Carry Case, X-Ray..................................................................................... 380

Bending Irons ............................................................................................ 288

Cart, Equipment Cart............................................................................ 205

Bending Templates ................................................................................ 288

Castrator ....................................................................................................... 322

Bickford Anaesthetic Accessories .................................................... 14

Cat Collar...................................................................................................... 313

Binocular Microscope .......................................................................... 231

Catheter, Cat .................................................................................. 339, 340

Binocular Microscope Objectives ................................................. 233

Catheter, Dog ............................................................................................ 340

Biopsy Punch ............................................................................................. 192

Catheter, Insemination ........................................................................... 27

Blades, Grooming .............................................................................. 77, 78

Catheter, Neilson..................................................................................... 339

Bleeding Needles.................................................................................... 328

Catheter Tray.............................................................................................. 227

Blood Collection Bag ................................................................ 342, 343

Catheter, Trocar ........................................................................................ 341

Blood Pressure Cuffs ............................................................................. 157

Cat Perching Shelf ..................................................................................... 54

Bone Instruments

Cautery Unit ........................................................................ 143, 144, 146

Bone Chisels.................................................................................... 271 Bone Curettes ................................................................................. 274 Bone Cutters ................................................................................... 269 Bone Holders ....................................................................... 269, 270 Bone Levers .......................................................................... 272, 273 Bone Marrow Needle ................................................................... 328 Bone Osteotomes .............................................................. 271, 272 Bone Plate Holders ....................................................................... 269 Bone Rongeurs .............................................................................. 271 Bone Saw ......................................................................................... 276 Bone Taps......................................................................................... 287 Bone Tap T-Bars .............................................................................. 287 Bone Toggle Line........................................................................... 275 Bone Tunnel Borer ........................................................................ 288

Boots, Disposable Surgery ................................................................ 248 Boots, Dog ...................................................................................... 405, 406 Bore IV Administration Set ................................................................ 342 Breath Fresh Filter Canister .................................................................. 15 Breathing Monitor .................................................................................. 147

Cavitron Tips .............................................................................................. 103 Centrifuge Rotors ....................................................................... 239, 243 Centrifuge Tubes..................................................................................... 239 Centrifuge Unit ..................................................... 238, 240, 241, 242 Chair, Dynamic Standing Support Chair .................................. 209 Chalazion Eye Clamp............................................................................ 260 Charcoal Anaesthetic Canister .......................................................... 15 Cheek Spreader, Rodent........................................................................ 97 Circular Wire ............................................................................................... 300 Citronella Refill Can ............................................................................... 410 Clippers, Grooming ....................... 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75 Clipper Spray ................................................................................................ 78 Clothing, Theatre ........................................................................ 226, 227 Collar, Anti-Barking Spray Collar .................................................... 409 Collars, Inflatable ..................................................................................... 316 Collars, UniVet Classic........................................................................... 315 Collars, UniVet Comfort....................................................................... 314

Endotracheal Stylet .................................................................................. 15

Colostrometer........................................................................................... 321

Endotracheal Tube ............................................................................ 19, 20

Compressor, Dental.................................................................................. 82

Endotracheal Tube Brush...................................................................... 20

Contra Angles ................................................................................... 83, 104

Endotracheal Tube Rack ........................................................................ 20

Coplin Jar ..................................................................................................... 235

Endotracheal Tube Valve ....................................................................... 15

Countersink ................................................................................................ 285

Equine Haler .............................................................................................. 343

Countersink T-Bar.................................................................................... 286

Equine Padded Recovery Hood .................................................... 309

Cruciate Repair Instruments ..................................... 279, 280, 281

Equine Phantom ........................................................................................ 25

Crush Cage, Cat .......................................................................................... 61

Esophageal Probe .................................................................................. 160


Dangerous Dog Collar ......................................................................... 410


Collars, UniVet UniClic.......................................................................... 314

External Fixation Bag ............................................................................ 298 External Fixation Bar.............................................................................. 301 External Fixation Pin.............................................................................. 301

Dangerous Dog Sign ............................................................................ 411 Dental Burrs.................................................................................... 101, 102


Face Mask, Anaesthetic.......................................................................... 21

Dental Instrument Sets ...................................................... 91, 92, 105

Face Mask Connector, Anaesthetic ................................................ 21

Dental Reader ....................................................................... 86, 356, 357

Face Mask Diaphragm, Anaesthetic............................................... 21

Dental Scaler Pump............................................................................... 107

Faucet ............................................................................................................ 208

Dental Scaler Unit...................................................................................... 84

Fecal Loops ................................................................................................. 191

Dental Unit ............................................................................................ 81, 82

Feeding Needles ..................................................................................... 328

Dental Unit Accessories ............................................... 102, 103, 107

Fetal Extractor ........................................................................................... 254

Dental X-Ray Unit ........................................................................... 88, 358

FireCR Veterinary Dental Reader ............................... 86, 356, 357

Desk Charger, Welch Allyn ................................................................ 126

Fluid Warmer ............................................................................................. 214

Diagnostic Set, Welch Allyn.............................................................. 124

Flushing Catheter ....................................................................... 338, 341

dicomPACS DX-R X-Ray Acquisition Software .......... 354, 355

Foot Switch................................................................................................. 380

Digital Radiography Unit...................... 360-367, 385, 386, 387

Forceps Aesculap Forceps ........................................ 171, 172, 173, 174 Artificial Insemination Straw Forceps ....................................... 27 Bone Plate Holding Forceps ...................................................... 269 Dental........................................................................................... 90, 91 ECHT German Forceps ..................................................... 169, 170 Economy Forceps........................................ 165, 166, 167, 168 Graeffe Froceps .............................................................................. 260 Iris Forceps....................................................................................... 261 Repositioning Forceps ................................................................ 270 Suture Forceps ............................................................................... 193 Uterine .............................................................................................. 256

Direct Stop Animal Deterrent Spray ........................................... 316 Disarticulator ............................................................................................. 277 Doppler System ....................................................................................... 156 Drapes ............................................................................................... 224, 225 DR Cables......................................................................................... 379, 380 Drenching Syringe ................................................................................. 327 Dressing Bowls ......................................................................................... 227 Dressing Canister .................................................................................... 227 Drill Bits ............................................................................................. 285, 304 Drill Bit Sleeve ........................................................................................... 287 Drill Guide ....................................................................................... 286, 287


Drill Shroud................................................................................................. 284

Gerlach Needle ........................................................................................ 190

DR Plate Protector ........................................................... 371, 372, 374

Giving Set .................................................................................................... 210 Gloves


ECG Alligator Clips ................................................................................. 161 ECG and Holter......................................................................................... 155 ECG / EKG Leadwires ............................................................................ 160 ECG Gel ......................................................................................................... 160 ECG Monitor............................................................................................... 154 ECG Paper .................................................................................................... 161 ECG Pens ...................................................................................................... 161 eFilm Software.......................................................................................... 370 Egg Counting Slides ................................................................. 236, 237 Electrodes, Cautery................................................................................ 143 Electro Surgery Unit .................................................................. 143, 144 Elevator, Dental .................................................................. 91, 92, 93, 94 Elizabethan Classic Dog Collars ..................................................... 315 Emasculator ............................................................................................... 322 Embryotomy Instruments ................................................................. 251 Embryotomy Knife ................................................................................. 255 Endotracheal Adaptor ............................................................................ 18

Animal Handling ................................................................ 311, 312 Obstetric Exam Gloves ................................................................ 247 X-Ray Gloves ........................................................................ 376, 377

Graft Passer ................................................................................................. 191 Grid Holder/Cover, X-Ray ................................................................... 375 Grids, X-Ray ................................................................................................. 374 Grooming Attachment Combs ................................................................. 75, 76 Blades ................................................................................................... 77 Clipper Blades ................................................................................... 78 Clippers............................................................... 69, 70, 71, 72, 75 Scissors ................................................................................................ 78 Shower ................................................................................................. 64 Table ..................................................................................................... 63 Trimmer ....................................................................................... 73, 74 Tub ........................................................................................................ 65

419 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Dehorner...................................................................................................... 324





Haematoma Pads ................................................................................... 191

Lachrymal Probe ..................................................................................... 262

Haemocytometer Chamber ............................................................ 235

Lambert Eye Clamp............................................................................... 260

Haemocytometer Cover Slip Box ................................................. 235

Lamb Feeder.............................................................................................. 321

Hand Pieces, Dental .............................................................................. 103

Laryngoscopes, Handles and Blades ....... 111, 131, 132, 133

Hand Shield ................................................................................................ 376

Laser Safety Doggles ............................................................................ 393

Hand Switch, X-Ray ................................................................... 380, 381

Laser Safety Goggles ............................................................................ 393

Hand Towels............................................................................................... 224

Laser Therapy Units ................................................................... 391, 392

Hanger, for Aprons ................................................................................. 377

Laube Clippers ........................................................................... 66, 67, 68

Headlight .............................................................................. 109, 129, 130

Lavacuator Tubes .................................................................................... 339

Heat Pads ......................................................................................... 216, 218

Lead Rope ................................................................................................... 308

Heat Sealer..................................................................................................... 30

Letter Stencils, X-Ray............................................................................. 378

Hickman Block.......................................................................................... 372

Ligature Needle ....................................................................................... 190

Hide, Perch and Go ................................................................................ 412

Lighting, Surgery and Examination ...................... 141, 265, 267

Holder, Instrument................................................................................. 191

Lingual Ear SpO2 Clips ........................................................................ 159

Hoods, Equine .......................................................................................... 309

Litter Pan ......................................................................................................... 54

Hoof Knives ................................................................................................ 331

Litter, Urine Sample Kit ........................................................................ 412

Hoof Tester .................................................................................................. 332

Little Giant Automatic Waterer....................................................... 409

Hoof Trimmer ............................................................................................ 332

Littman Cardiology III Stethoscope ............................................. 112

Horse Eye Doctor Kits........................................................................... 263

Littman Classic III Stethoscope ...................................................... 113

HumidiďŹ er ...................................................................................................... 57

Lube, Dental............................................................................................... 105



Imaging Plates, Dental ........................................................................ 357

Mallet ............................................................................................................. 284

Indicator Testing Paper........................................................................ 323

Manuka Honey ................... 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404

Infusion Administration Set ............................................................. 210

Marker Clips, X-Ray ................................................................................ 378

Infusion Bag Swivel ............................................................................... 213

Mastest Products .................................................................................... 323

Infusion Cannula ..................................................................................... 328

Medical Digital X-Ray Systems ....................................................... 382

Infusion Fluid Warmer.......................................................................... 214

Medi-Mark Tape ....................................................................................... 164

Infusion Pump .......................................................................................... 210

MediPaw Protective Boots .................................................... 405, 406

Inhaler, Feline ............................................................................................... 17

MediPaw Protective Dog and Cat Suits .................................... 407

Haematocrit Tubes................................................................................. 236


Illuminators................................................................................................. 129

Lachrymal Ophthalmology Needle ............................................ 262

MacroView Otoscope .............................................................. 117, 118

Instrument Box......................................................................................... 228

Microchip Scanner ..................................................................... 220, 221

Instrument Guards ................................................................................. 299

Microhematocrit Card Reader ........................................................ 239

Instrument Spray .................................................................................... 192

Microscope ................................................................................................. 231

Instrument Tray ........................................................................................ 228

Microscope Cover Slips....................................................................... 234

Intramedullary Bone Pins .................................................................. 299

Microscope Immersion Oil ............................................................... 234

Intramedullary Pin Bag ........................................................................ 298

Microscope Objectives ....................................................................... 233

Intramedullary Pin Gauge ................................................................. 299

Microscope Slides .................................................................................. 234

Intravenous Set ........................................................................................ 339

Microscope WiFi Camera ................................................................... 232

Intubating Stylet ........................................................................................ 15

Mobile Transport Units........................................................................... 60

IV Administration Infusion Set ........................................................ 210

Mobile X-Ray Stand ............................................................................... 376

IV Anchor ..................................................................................................... 342

Molar Cutter ....................................................................................... 98, 100

IV Cage Door Pump Holder .............................................................. 212

Mouth Gags ....................................................................................... 97, 307

IV Cage Pump Holder........................................................................... 212

Mphi Therapy Veterinary Laser ........................................... 391, 392

IV Mobile Drip Stand............................................................................. 212

Multi-Parameter Monitor ................................................................... 151


Kennel Systems.......................................................................... 34, 35, 36 Ketch-All Cat Grasper ........................................................................... 309 Ketch-All Dog Poles............................................................................... 309 Ketch-All Snake Bagger....................................................................... 310 Ketch-All Snake Tong ........................................................................... 309 Kidney Dish ................................................................................................ 228 Kirschner Wire ........................................................................................... 300 Krey Schottler Hooks ............................................................................ 250

Muzzles ............................................................................................. 317, 318

Prophy Angle............................................................................................. 103

Needle Canister ....................................................................................... 227

Prophy Cups............................................................................................... 104

Nail Clipper ................................................................................................. 332 Needle Holders Aesculap Needle Holders ................................................ 177, 178 ECHT German Needle Holders ................................................. 176 Economy Needle Holders .......................................................... 175 Ophthalmic Needle Holders ..................................................... 262


Profix Prolapse Buttons ....................................................................... 256


Prophy Paste .............................................................................................. 104 Pulse Oximeters ................................................................ 149, 152, 153


QuantorVet+ Imaging Software ........................................ 352, 353

Needles, Injection................................................................................... 328

Quick T-Bar Handle ................................................................................ 287

Neoprene Plate Cover.......................................................................... 374

Quiet Time Cage Covers ........................................................................ 55

NEXT Equine DR .......................................................................... 360, 361



Raspatories ................................................................................................. 272

Objectives, Microscope ...................................................................... 233

Re-Breathing Bag ....................................................................................... 21


Re-Breathing Bag Adaptor ................................................................... 22

Oesphageal Stethoscope .................................................................. 114 Oil, Dental .................................................................................................... 105 Oil, Microscope Immersion Oil ....................................................... 234 Ophthalmic Freer Elevator ................................................................ 261 Ophthalmic Kit ......................................................................................... 259 Ophthalmoscope ............................................................ 120, 122, 123

Rechargeable Handles, Welch Allyn................................ 125, 126 Record Holders............................................................................................ 56 Rectal / Esophageal Temperature Probe.................................. 160 Redflex Heat Pads ................................................................................... 216 Refractometer ........................................................................................... 110 Rehabilitation, Treadmill ..................................................................... 389 Respalert Accessories........................................................................... 148 Respironics LoFlo Sidestream EtCO2 Sensor ......................... 159 Restricted Breed Sign ........................................................................... 411 Retractor Balfour Abdominal Retractor.................................................... 189 Eye Retractor ....................................................................... 259, 260 Gelpi Retractor ............................................................................... 188 Langenbeck Retractor ................................................................. 189 Roar Equine Retractor ................................................................. 189 Senn Miller Retractor ................................................................... 189 US Army Retractor ........................................................................ 190 Weitlaner Retractor ...................................................................... 188

Orthopaedic Kits ......................................................................... 282, 283

Rextar-X Dental X-Ray Unit ....................................................... 88, 358

Orthopaedic Saw .................................................................................... 276

Roar Burr, Equine..................................................................................... 192

Osteotome, Bone........................................................................ 271, 272

Rodent Molar Rasp ................................................................................... 98

Otoscope .................................................................. 117, 118, 119, 124

Rodent Mouth Gag .................................................................................. 97

Oxygen Accessories ................................................................................. 13

Rodent Spatula ........................................................................................... 98

Oxygen Generator ............................................................................ 11, 12

Root Tip Picks ............................................................................................... 97

Oxygen Regulator ..................................................................................... 13

Rotex 782E Micromotor......................................................................... 83


Pads, Haematoma .................................................................................. 191 Pads, Operating ....................................................................................... 225 PanOptic Ophthalmoscope ............................................................. 120 Patient Warming System.................................................................... 217 Penlights .......................................................................................... 111, 127 Pig Nose Ring ............................................................................................ 308 Pin Chuck Set and Accessories....................................................... 284 Pin Clamp .................................................................................................... 300 Pin Puller....................................................................................................... 269 Pins ........................................................................................... 302, 303, 304 Plaster Saw .................................................................................................. 278 Plaster Shear .............................................................................................. 277 Plate Bender............................................................................................... 288 Plates, Bone ................................................. 294, 295, 296, 297, 298 Plexi Syringe............................................................................................... 327 Polisher, Dental ........................................................................................... 83 Positioning Vacuform Cushions..................................................... 215 Pressure Infusor........................................................................................ 342

421 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Calving Spatula .............................................................................. 251 Chains ............................................................................................... 249 Gown ................................................................................................. 257 Handles............................................................................................. 250 Hooks ..................................................................................... 250, 251 Knife ................................................................................................... 255 Kuhn Crutch .................................................................................... 250 Lubricant .......................................................................................... 256 Ropes................................................................................................. 249 Snare.................................................................................................. 257 Wire .................................................................................................... 252 Wire Handle .................................................................................... 252 Wire Introducer .............................................................................. 253


Suture Kit ..................................................................................................... 163


Sand Bags .................................................................................................... 378 Saw Blade .................................................................................................... 278 Scaler, Dental Instrument ............................................ 95, 96, 97, 98

Syringes ........................................................................................................ 327

Scales, Animal Weighing ............................................. 221, 222, 223


Schioetz Tonometer .............................................................................. 259 Scissors

Table Covers ............................................................................................... 224 Tables

Screw Driver ............................................................................................... 285

Animal Lift Table............................................................................ 204 Equine Surgery Table ............................................. 196, 197, 198 Exam Table ................................................................ 195, 202, 203 Feline Surgery Table ..................................................................... 202 Mobile Prep Table .............................................................. 203, 204 Scissors Lift Table .......................................................................... 205 Surgery Table ................................................ 195, 199, 200, 201 X-Ray Table ...................................................................................... 375

Screw Holder ............................................................................................. 285

Tablet Introducer .................................................................................... 411

Screw Holder Forceps .......................................................................... 285

Tape, Autoclave........................................................................................... 30

Screws, Bone............................................... 289, 290, 291, 292, 293

Tattoo Ink, Roll-On ................................................................................. 187

Scrotal Tape ................................................................................................ 191

Tattoo Letters ............................................................................................ 187

Scrub Brush ................................................................................................ 191

Tattoo Microchip Pliers, Spare Parts ............................................ 186

Scrub Pants ................................................................................................. 227

Tattoo Paste ................................................................................................ 187

Scrub Sink .................................................................................................... 207

Tattoo Spey Pliers ................................................................................... 186

Sensor Cables, Nonin ........................................................................... 159

T-Connector for Intubated Monitoring..................................... 160

Sensors, Nonin.......................................................................................... 158

Teat, Instruments

Sharpening Stones ................................................................................ 105

335 335 335 335 335 335 Tenotomy Knife........................................................................................ 192

Aesculap Scissors .................................................... 183, 184, 185 ECHT German Scissors ................................................................ 182 Economy Scissors.................................................... 179, 180, 181 Iris and Ligature Scissors ............................................................ 261

Screen Cleaner ......................................................................................... 374 Screw Depth Gauge ............................................................................. 287

Shock Wave Therapy Unit .................................................................. 390 Sink Drain..................................................................................................... 208 Smart DR ...................................................................................................... 367 Snappy Snare ............................................................................................ 311 Socket Wrench ......................................................................................... 304 Software, Imaging ............ 352, 353, 354, 355, 368, 369, 370 Spatula, Rodent .......................................................................................... 98 Speculums, Welch Allyn ......................................................... 127, 128 Spey Hooks ................................................................................................. 186 Spey Kit ......................................................................................................... 163 Spey Pliers ................................................................................................... 186 Splints ............................................................................................................ 305 SpO2 Sensors ............................................................................................ 157 Spray, Instrument ................................................................................... 192 SPRINT AIR Ultralight DR ........................................................ 364, 365 SPRINT BOLT Ultralight DR .................................................... 362, 363 Stain Diff-Quick ........................................................................................ 234


Swivel Connector ...................................................................................... 17 Syringe Pump ........................................................................................... 211

Scaler Tips .................................................................................................... 106 Scalpel Blades and Handles ............................................................. 186


Suture Wire ................................................................................................. 300

Stainless Steel Ware ........................................................... 55, 227, 228 Stand, Instrument................................................................................... 206 Stapler Remover ...................................................................................... 190 Stapler, Skin ................................................................................................ 190 Stethoscopes.......................................................... 112, 113, 114, 139 Stifle Distractor ......................................................................................... 274 Stomach Pump ........................................................................................ 337 Stomach Tubes............................................................................. 337, 338 Storage Box, Dental Plates ................................................................ 357 Stretcher, Animal..................................................................................... 218 Suction Handle ........................................................................................ 220 Suction Unit ................................................................................... 219, 220 Suits, Dog and Cat Suits...................................................................... 407 Surgery Table Covers ............................................................................ 224 Suture Clips ................................................................................................ 193

Dilator ............................................................................................... Instrument....................................................................................... Knife ................................................................................................... Plugs .................................................................................................. Splitter .............................................................................................. Tubes .................................................................................................

Theatre Clothing ..................................................................................... 226 Thermometer ............................................................................................ 111 ThinkLabs One Digital Stethoscope ........................................... 114 Thoracic Positioners .............................................................................. 378 Throw Net.................................................................................................... 310 Thyroid Collar with Bib ........................................................................ 377 Toggle Suture............................................................................................ 256 Tooth Extractors .............................................................................. 93, 100 Tooth Rasp Blades .......................................................................... 99, 100 Tooth Rasps ........................................................................................... 98, 99 Tooth Spreader, Equine....................................................................... 100 Towel Clips .................................................................................................. 187 Tracheal Tubes .......................................................................................... 339 Transilluminators..................................................................................... 128 Trap, Possum/Cat ....................................................................................... 61 Treadmill, Underwater Rehabilitation ........................................ 389 Trephine and Handle................................................................ 275, 276 Trimmer, Grooming .......................................................................... 73, 74 Trocar and Canula .................................................................................. 321 Trocar/Canula............................................................................................ 257 TruDR cSeries............................................................................................. 366 Tub Tables........................................................................................ 206, 207 Tuff Slip Leads ........................................................................................... 310

Ultrasonic Cleaner ..................................................................................... 30




Umbilical Cord Clamps ....................................................................... 257 Underwater Treadmill .......................................................................... 389 UniClic Dog Collars ................................................................................ 314 UniVet Feline Bead Litter Urine Testing Kit.............................. 412 Uterine Support Ewe ............................................................................ 255


Vacuform Positioning Cushions .................................................... 215 Vaginal Speculum................................................................................... 188 Vaginal Suture Tape ............................................................................... 193 Vaporisers ........................................................................................................... 9 Vet-Lite Cast ............................................................................................... 305 Vet Rope ....................................................................................................... 308 Viewing Lens ............................................................................................. 127


Wahl Clippers, Trimmers and Blades..................... 69-75, 77, 78 Water Bath................................................................................................... 244 Water Bottle ............................................................................................... 106 Water Distiller ............................................................................................... 31 Welch Allyn Desk Charger ................................................................. 126 Welch Allyn Diagnostic Sets ............................................................ 124 Welch Allyn Ophthalmoscopes .............................. 120, 122, 123 Welch Allyn Otoscopes ................................................ 117, 118, 119 Welch Allyn Rechargeable Handles ................................ 125, 126 Welch Allyn Transilluminators ......................................................... 128 Welch Allyn Viewing Lens ................................................................. 127 Wire Cutter .................................................................................................. 192 Wire Passer .................................................................................................. 274 Wire / Pin Cutter ...................................................................................... 269 Wire Pliers .................................................................................................... 275 Wire Saw........................................................................................... 276, 277 Wire Tightener .......................................................................................... 275 Wire Twister ................................................................................................ 275 Wolf Tooth Extraction Set ..................................................................... 93 Woods Lamp ............................................................................................. 110 Wound Care ......................... 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404


X-Ray Stand .................................................................................... 376, 383 X-Ray Table/Tube Stand...................................................................... 375 X-Ray Tripod ............................................................................................... 376 X-Ray Units........................................ 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 384

423 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

Washer for Orthopaedic Screws.................................................... 288




Part Numberr In ndex


110220 ..................................20

111695 ..................................12


110221 ..................................20

111695K ...............................12


110222 ..................................20

111696 ..................................12


110223 ..................................20

111696K ...............................12


110231 ..................................20

111697 ..................................12



110232 ..................................19

111697K ...............................12

00300-U ............................131


110233 ..................................20

111698 ..................................12



110234 ..................................20

111698K ...............................12


110108M .............................21

110235 ..................................20

11180000 ............................14



110238 ..................................22

11180020 ............................14



110239 ..................................21

11180120 ............................14


110110M .............................21

110240 ..................................21

11180120R .........................14



110241 ..................................21

111802 ..................................15



110242 ..................................21




110243 ..................................21




110244 ..................................21




110245 ..................................21

1175165 ...............................21



110247 ..................................13




110247A ..............................13

118092-1 ..........................120



110249 ..................................13



110159......................17, 148

110251 ..................................13




110253 ..................................15




110258 ..................................17




110259 ..................................17




110265 ..................................13




110266 ..................................15




110267 ..................................15




110268 ..................................15

120018 ..................................26



110270 ..................................15

120031 ..................................26



110272 ..................................15

120032 ..................................26

106008 ...............................119


110280 ..................................17

120035 ..................................26



110281 ..................................17

120065 ..................................27



110282 ..................................17

120079 ..................................27



110350 ..................................18

120080 ..................................27

110012 .....................................9


110351 ..................................18

120088 ..................................27

110013 ..................................10


110352 ..................................18


110024 .....................................7


110353 ..................................18


110025 .....................................7


110354 ..................................18


110026 .....................................7


110355 ..................................18


110027 .....................................7


110356 ..................................18


110030 .....................................7


110357 ..................................18


110031 .....................................7


110358 ..................................18


110032 ..................................10


110359 ..................................18


110033 .....................................8


110360 ..................................18


110035 ..................................22


110362 ..................................18

130020 ..................................31

110036 ..................................10


110363 ..................................18

130027 ..................................29

110037 .....................................7


110364 ..................................18

130029 ..................................30

110038 ..................................10


110365 ..................................18

130031 ..................................31

110039 ..................................10


110366 ..................................18

130033 ..................................29

110053 ..................................17


110367 ..................................18

130219 ..................................30

110054 ..................................17


110368 ..................................18

130225 ..................................30

110072 ..................................22


11105413 ............................14

130285 ..................................30

110074 ..................................22


11105414 ............................14

130286 ..................................30

110078 ..................................16


11106111 ............................14

140.0000 ..............................34

110079 ..................................22


11118001 ............................14

140.0010 ..............................42

110080 ..................................16


11127392 ............................14

140.0030 ..............................40

110084J ................................16


11152019 ............................14

140.0040 ..............................40

110086 ..................................16


111690 ..................................11

140.0050 ..............................40


150362 ..................................77



150363 ..................................77




150364 ..................................77

140.0061LR ........................41

142.1800 ..............................52

14925.3000.011 ...............58

150368 ..................................71

140.0070 ..............................42

142.2400 ..............................52


150400 ..................................78

140.0075 ..............................42

142.3000 ..............................52

14925.4000.011 ...............58

150410 ..................................78

140.0080 ..............................42

142.3600 ..............................52


150411 ..................................78

140.0081 ..............................42

142.4800 ..............................52

14925.4836.011 ...............58

150412 ..................................78


142.6000 ..............................52


150413 ..................................78

140.0103B ...........................45

142.7200 ..............................52

14925.6000.011 ...............58

150414 ..................................78




150415 ..................................78


1425.0004.00G .................57

150018 ..................................66

150416 ..................................78

140.0104B ...........................46


150020 ..................................67

150418 ..................................78



150021 ..................................67

152005 ..................................78


144.2424 ..............................57

150022 ..................................67

160000 ..................................90

140.0105B ...........................46

144.2430 ..............................57

150026 ..................................68

160002 ..................................90


144.3030 ..............................57

150027 ..................................68

160004 ..................................90


144.3630 ..............................57

150028 ..................................68

160006 ..................................90

140.0106B ...........................47

145.0024 ..............................51

150030 ..................................77

160008 ..................................90


145.0030 ..............................51

150031 ..................................75

160034 ..................................99

140.0109B ...........................48

145.0036 ..............................51

150034 ..................................70

160055 ...............................100


146.0006.00 .......................54

150035 ..................................70

160056 ...............................100

140.0109D ..........................48

146.0098D ..........................54

150036RP ............................69

160065 ..................................99


146.1800 ..............................54

150038 ..................................71

160066 ..................................99

140.0110B ...........................49

146.2400 ..............................54

150039 ..................................72

160067 ...............................100


146.3000 ..............................54

150040 ..................................72

160069 ..................................99


146.3600 ..............................54

150040B ...............................72

160070 ...............................100

140.0112B ...........................49

146.4800D ..........................54

150041 ..................................74

160072 ...............................100


146.4800S ...........................54

150042 ..................................75

160074 ..................................94


147.0020.07 .......................60

150043 ..................................75

160075 ..................................93

140.0114B ...........................50

147.0021.05 .......................60

150044 ..................................75

160076 ..................................90


147.01001 ...........................56

150045 ..................................75

160077 ..................................90


147.01002 ...........................56

150047 ..................................75

160078 ..................................93

140.0117B ...........................51

147.17100 ...........................56

150049 ..................................73

160085 ...............................100

140.3030 ..............................40

147.17101 ...........................56

150050 ..................................73

160090 ...............................100

140055 ..................................61


150058 ..................................74

160100 ..................................99

140060 ..................................61


150060 ..................................76

160102 ..................................99

14086.5003.011 ...............52


150061 ..................................76

160103 ..................................99

141.1818 ..............................53


150062 ..................................76

160104 ..................................99

141.1824 ..............................53


150063 ..................................76

160105 ..................................99

141.2418 ..............................53


150064 ..................................76

160112 ..................................95

141.2424 ..............................53


150065 ..................................76

160113 ..................................95

141.242424 ........................53

148.0002.00 .......................55

150066 ..................................76

160115 ..................................95

141.2430 ..............................53

148.0003.00 .......................55

150067 ..................................76

160300 ..................................90

141.3024 ..............................53

148.9000.05 .......................55

150068 ..................................76

160305 ..................................90

141.3030 ..............................53

148.9000.06 .......................55

150069 ..................................76

160310 ..................................90

141.3036 ..............................53

148.9003.00 .......................54

150070 ..................................76

160315 ..................................90

141.3624 ..............................53

148.9008.00 .......................54

150349 ..................................77

160317 ..................................95

141.3630 ..............................53


150350 ..................................77

160318 ..................................95

141.3636 ..............................53


150351 ..................................77

160319 ..................................95

141.4230 ..............................53

149.0001.01 .......................60

150352 ..................................77

160320 ..................................95

141.4236 ..............................53

149.0200.92 .......................52

150354 ..................................77

160325 ..................................95

141.4824D ..........................53


150355 ..................................78

160330 ..................................95

141.4830D ..........................53

149.3524.00 .......................33

150356 ..................................77

160332 ..................................95

141.4830S ...........................53

149.3600.01 .......................60

150358 ..................................78

160333 ..................................95

141.4836D ..........................53


150359 ..................................78

160335 ..................................95

141.4836S ...........................53


150360 ..................................77

160340 ..................................95

141.6036D ..........................53


150361 ..................................77

160343 ..................................95


141.7236D ..........................53

140.0060 ..............................41

425 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

140.0051 ..............................41




160344 ..................................98


160850 ..................................84

170662 ...............................111

160345 ..................................94


160851 ..................................84

170664 ...............................111

160346 ..................................94


160854 ..................................85

170666 ...............................111

160347 ..................................95


160855 ..................................85

170668 ...............................111

160348 ..................................91


160856 ..................................85

170670 ...............................111

160349 ..................................94


160857 ..................................85

170672 ...............................111

160350 ..................................93


160858 ..................................85

170674 ...............................111

160360 ..................................93


160859 ..................................85

170676 ...............................111

160370 ..................................93

160725L ............................101

160860 ..................................85

170678 ...............................111

160375 ..................................94


160865 ..................................85

170680 ...............................111

160376 ..................................94


160870N ..............................85

170682 ...............................111

160377 ..................................94

160727L ............................101

160871 ..................................85

190007 ...............................143

160378 ..................................94


16DB098 ...........................105

190008 ...............................143

160379 ..................................94


16DB105 ..............................96

190009 ...............................143

160380 ..................................97

160729L ............................101

16DB106 ..............................96

190010 ...............................143

160382 ..................................97


16DB200 ..............................97

190011 ...............................143

160384 ..................................97

160730L ............................101

16DB370 ..............................96

190012 ...............................143

160386 ..................................97

160731 ...............................101

16DB376 ..............................96

190013 ...............................143

160388 ..................................97

160731L ............................101

16DB385 ..............................96

190019 ...............................144

160390 ..................................98


16DB512 ..............................97

190020 ...............................143

160392 ..................................98

160732L ............................101

16DTP11305 ......................91

190021 ...............................144

160394 ..................................98


16DTP11307 ......................91

190022 ...............................144

160396 ..................................98


16EC30X ...........................104

190023 ...............................145

160398 ..................................91

160734L ............................101

16EC57X ...........................104

190024 ...............................145

160400 ..................................98


16J10 .....................................98

190025 ...............................145

160401 ..................................97


16J11 .....................................98

190041 ...............................161

160402 ..................................97


16J12 .....................................98

190042 ...............................161

160403 ..................................97


16J13 .....................................98

190043 ...............................160

160404 ..................................97


16J14 .....................................98

190045 ...............................161

160405 ..................................93


16J15 .....................................98

190055 ...............................161

160410 ..................................91

160740L ............................102

170140 ...............................110

190090 ...............................148

160411 ..................................91


170141 ...............................110

190091 ...............................148

160412 ..................................92

160741L ............................102

170150 ...............................111

190092 ...............................148

160413 ..................................92


170190K ............................114

190110 ...............................148

160414 ..................................92


170193 ...................112, 113

190115 ...............................147

160551 ...............................107

160743L ............................102

170194 ...............................112

190200 ...............................146

160565 ...............................103


170196 ...................112, 113

190201 ...............................146

160566 ...............................103


170196a ............................112

190205 ...............................146

160571 ...............................103


170197 ...............................113

190210 ...............................155

160572 ...............................103


170198A ...........................113

190215 ...............................155

160574 ...............................103


170201 ...............................112

190220 ...............................155

160575 ...............................104


170203 ...............................113

190225 ...............................155

160576 ...............................104


170204 ...............................113

190230 ...............................154

160581 ...............................102


170207 ...............................111

190235 ...............................154

160669 ...............................104


170231 ...............................110

190300 ...............................149

160695 ..................................82


170233 ...............................110

190310 ...............................150

160700 ..................................81


170260 ...............................114

190325 ...............................160

160701 ..................................81


170261 ...............................114

190327 ...................149, 150

160702 ...............................103


170262 ...............................114

190328 ...................149, 150

160706 ..................................81


170520 ...............................109

190815-K ..........................156

160710 ...............................105


170521 ...............................109

191000 ...............................157

160711 ..................................82


170522 ...............................109

191001 ...............................157

160713 ..................................82


170640 ...............................111

191002 ...............................157

160714 ...............................103


170645 ...............................111

191010 ...............................157

160715 ...............................104


170650 ...............................111

191011 ...............................157

160715L ............................104


170652 ...............................111

191012 ...............................157

160715S ............................104


170653 ...............................111

191013 ...............................157

160716 ...............................103


170660 ...............................111

191022 ...............................151

200880 ...............................186

202140 ...............................180


200881 ...............................186

202142 ...............................180

191027 ...............................160


200885 ...............................187

202144 ...............................180

191029 ...............................159


200887 ...............................187

202146 ...............................180

191031 ...............................160


200888 ...............................187

202148 ...............................180

191032 ...............................157


200893 ...............................188

202150 ...............................180

191033 ...............................157


200894 ...............................188

202152 ...............................180

191034 ...............................160


200895 ...............................188

202154 ...............................180



200896 ...............................188

202156 ...............................180

192000SL .........................158


200898 ...............................188

202158 ...............................180

192000T ............................158


200900 ...............................186

202160 ...............................180

192001 ...............................159


200901 ...............................186

202162 ...............................180

192002 ...............................159


200902 ...............................186

202164 ...............................180

192500A ...........................153


200905 ...............................186

202166 ...............................180

192500C ...........................153


200906 ...............................186

202500 ...............................191

197000N ...........................159


200907 ...............................186




200911 ...............................187



200816 ...............................166

200918 ...............................187

202860 ...............................179

199840a ............................152


200919 ...............................187

202865 ...............................179

199840SAV ......................152


200986 ...............................188

202870 ...............................179

199847V ............................152


200990 ...............................188

202872 ...............................181

19BP390 ............................146


200992 ...............................188

202873 ...............................181

19BP392 ............................146


200995 ...............................188

202874 ...............................181

19BP393 ............................146


200996 ...............................189

202875 ...............................181

19BP394 ............................146

200828F ............................166

200997 ...............................189

202876 ...............................181

19BP395 ............................146


200998 ...............................190

202877 ...............................181

19BP396 ............................146


200CL031 .........................393

202878 ...............................181

19BP397 ............................146

200830M ..........................166

200CL032 .........................393

202879 ...............................181



200CL033 .........................393

202965 ...............................181

19VET420B ......................151


201000 ...............................189

202966 ...............................181

19VET420BCO2 ............151


201050 ...............................189

202967 ...............................181




202968 ...............................181



201080 ...............................190

202975 ...............................179

200000 ...............................163


201081 ...............................190

202983 ...............................191

200001 ...............................163


201175S ............................190

203009 ...............................119

200050 ...............................164


201180 ...............................193

203010 ...............................119

200051 ...............................164


201181 ...............................193

203510 ...............................191

200052 ...............................164


201400 ...............................191

203511 ...............................191

200053 ...............................164


201401 ...............................191

204500 ...............................192

200054 ...............................164


201402 ...............................191

204505 ...............................192

200055 ...............................164


201500 ...............................192

204510 ...............................192

200057 ...............................164


201510 ...............................189

204512 ...............................192

200058 ...............................164


201640 ...............................191

209012 ...............................119

200096 ...............................165


201981 ...............................191

209025-1 ..........................119

200098 ...............................165


202100 ...............................179

209025-2 ..........................119

200100 ...............................165


202102 ...............................179


200102 ...............................165


202104 ...............................179


200103 ...............................165


202106 ...............................179

209820 ...............................175

200104 ...............................165


202120 ...............................180

209821 ...............................175

200105 ...............................165


202122 ...............................180

209822 ...............................175

200106 ...............................165


202124 ...............................180

209826 ...............................175

200108 ...............................165


202126 ...............................180

209827 ...............................175

200110 ...............................165


202128 ...............................180

209828 ...............................175

200112 ...............................165


202130 ...............................180

209829 ...............................175

200114 ...............................165


202132 ...............................180

209835 ...............................175

200116 ...............................165


202134 ...............................180

209837 ...............................175

200118 ...............................165


202136 ...............................180

209841 ...............................192

200119 ...............................165


202138 ...............................180

209843 ...............................192



191026 ...............................159

427 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

191025 ...............................159




20BA546 ...........................192

20BD047 ...........................172

20BM151 ..........................177

210034 ...............................205

20BA546s .........................192

20BD049 ...........................172

20BM154 ..........................177

210040 ...............................207

20BB084 ............................186

20BD215 ...........................173

20BM235 ..........................178

210042 ...............................208

20BC030 ...........................185

20BD216 ...........................173

20BM236 ..........................178

210043 ...............................208

20BC100 ...........................184

20BD222 ...........................174

20BM237 ..........................178

210044 ......................64, 208

20BC106 ...........................184

20BD301 ...........................173

20BM290 ..........................177

210047 .........................64, 65

20BC110 ...........................184

20BD302 ...........................173

20BM291 ..........................177

210048 ...............................199

20BC111 ...........................184

20BD303 ...........................173

20BM299 ..........................177

210049 ...............................199

20BC164 ...........................185

20BD304 ...........................173

20BM361 ..........................177

210056 ...............................222

20BC165 ...........................185

20BD315 ...........................173

20BM362 ..........................177

210057 ...............................222

20BC262 ...........................184

20BD511 ...........................174

20BM560 ..........................178

210059 ...............................222

20BC263 ...........................184

20BD535 ...........................173

20BM748 ..........................190

210062 ...............................221


20BD537 ...........................173

20BM749 ..........................190

210062A ...........................221

20BC313 ...........................183

20BD539 ...........................173

20BM810 ..........................190

210063 ...............................223

20BC314 ...........................183

20BD555 ...........................173

20BM811 ..........................190

210064 ...............................223

20BC315 ...........................183

20BD557 ...........................173

20BM861 ..........................190

210065 ...............................223

20BC317 ...........................183

20BD559 ...........................173

20BN512 ...........................193

210066 ...............................222

20BC323 ...........................183

20BD560 ...........................173

20BN515 ...........................193

210074 ...............................224

20BC325 ...........................183

20BD575 ...........................173

20BN516 ...........................193

210080 ...............................203

20BC327 ...........................183

20BD577 ...........................173

20BN750 ...........................193

210080L ............................203

20BC343 ...........................184

20BD579 ...........................173

20BT008 ............................189

210081 ...............................204

20BC345 ...........................184

20BD580 ...........................173


210090 ...............................212

20BC346 ...........................184

20BD597 ...........................174

20C8441 ...........................391

210091 ...............................212

20BC413 ...........................183

20BD665 ...........................174

20C8445 ...........................393

210092 ...............................212

20BC415 ...........................183

20BD667 ...........................174

20C8451 ...........................392

210093 ...............................212

20BC417 ...........................183

20BD670 ...........................174


210111 ...............................209

20BC423 ...........................183

20BD693 ...........................174


210138 ...............................216

20BC425 ...........................183

20BD700 ...........................174


210139 ...............................216

20BC427 ...........................183

20BH100 ...........................172


210140 ...............................216

20BC441 ...........................184

20BH104 ...........................171


210142 ...............................218

20BC443 ...........................184

20BH105 ...........................171


210145J .............................218

20BC445 ...........................184

20BH110 ...........................171

20FB400 ............................174

210146 ...............................225

20BC544 ...........................184

20BH111 ...........................171


210303 ...............................214

20BC545 ...........................184

20BH114 ...........................171

20JG600 ............................192

210306 ...............................210

20BC547 ...........................184

20BH144 ...........................171

20VC090 ...........................190

210310 ...............................217

20BC554 ...........................184

20BH145 ...........................171

20VC100 ...........................172

210311 ...............................217

20BC555 ...........................184

20BH166 ...........................171

210005 ...............................206

210314 ...............................217

20BC557 ...........................184

20BH167 ...........................171

210007 ...............................206

210315 ...............................217

20BC600 ...........................184

20BH207 ...........................172

210008 ...............................228

210316 ...............................217

20BC601 ...........................184

20BH424 ...........................171

210009 ...............................195

210317 ...............................217

20BC602 ...........................184

20BH425 ...........................171

210010 ...............................201

210320 ...............................210

20BC603 ...........................184

20BH442 ...........................171

210011 ...............................201

210321 ...............................211

20BC605 ...........................184

20BH443 ...........................171

210012 ...............................201

210400 ...............................220

20BC606 ...........................184

20BH444 ...........................171

210013 ...............................202

210401 ...............................219

20BC607 ...........................184

20BH445 ...........................171

210015 ...............................200

210402 ...............................220

20BC613 ...........................184

20BH446 ...........................171

210016 ...............................200

210509 ...............................213

20BC801 ...........................185

20BH447 ...........................171

210017 ...............................200

210600 ...............................226

20BC802 ...........................185

20BH448 ...........................171

210018 ...............................202

210601 ...............................226

20BC803 ...........................183

20BH449 ...........................171

210018L ............................202

210602 ...............................226

20BC862 ...........................183

20BH474 ...........................171

210021 ...............................202

210603 ...............................225

20BC863 ...........................183

20BH800 ...........................171

210023 ..................................63

210604 ...............................225

20BD025 ...........................173

20BH801 ...........................171

210025 ...............................204

210605 ...............................225

20BD027 ...........................173

20BM065 ..........................178

210026 ...............................205

210606 ...............................225

20BD029 ...........................173

20BM066 ..........................178

210028 ...............................203

210607 ...............................225

20BD035 ...........................172

20BM067 ..........................178

210029 ...............................203

210608 ...............................225

20BD037 ...........................172

20BM124 ..........................178

210030 ...............................206

210609 ...............................225

20BD043 ...........................172

20BM128 ..........................178

210031 ...............................206

210610 ...............................225

20BD045 ...........................172

20BM129 ..........................177

210032 ...............................207

210611 ...............................225

220165 ...............................234

230060 ...............................251


220166 ...............................234

230065 ...............................257

210614 ...............................225

21SL150 ............................227

220178 ...............................235

230066 ...............................257

210615 ...............................225

21SL151 ............................227

220198 ...............................235

230069 ...............................254

210616 ...............................225

21SL152 ............................227

220200 ...............................242

230071 ...............................254

210617 ...............................225

21SL152.5 ........................227

220201 ...............................242

230072 ...............................254

210618 ...............................225

21SL153 ............................227

220207 ...............................243

230074 ...............................254

210619 ...............................225

21SL173 ............................227

220208 ...............................242

230075 ...............................254

210620 ...............................225

21SL173A .........................227

220209 ...............................243

230076 ...............................254

210621 ...............................225

21SL174 ............................227

220209S ............................243

230077 ...............................254

210622 ...............................225

21SL174A .........................227

220210 ...............................242

230078 ...............................254

210623 ...............................225

21SL175 ............................227

220215 ...............................244

230084 ...............................257

210624 ...............................226

21SL187 ............................227


230085 ...............................247

210625 ...............................226

21SL198 ............................227


230085P ............................247

210626 ...............................226

21SL202 ............................227


230088 ...............................248

210627 ...............................226

21SL204 ............................227


230090 ...............................247

210628 ...............................226

21SL231 ............................228


230090P ............................247

210629 ...............................226


221002 ...............................238

230094 ...............................247

210630 ...............................226

21SL232 ............................228

221003 ...............................238

230094P ............................247

210631 ...............................226

21SL232.5 ........................228

221004 ...............................238

230095 ...............................247

210632 ...............................226

21SL233 ............................228

221005 ...............................238

230095P ............................247

210633 ...............................226


221006 ...............................239

230096 ...............................248

210634 ...............................226

21SL251 ............................228

221007 ...............................239

230840 ...............................256

210635 ...............................226

21SL256 ............................228

221008 ...............................238

230855 ...............................255

210636 ...............................224

21SL258 ............................228

221009 ...............................232

230900 ...............................255

210637 ...............................224

21SL294 ............................228

221009K ............................232

230901 ...............................255

210638 ...............................226

21SL294.5 ........................228

221010 ...............................232

230905 ...............................255

210639 ...............................226

21SL295 ............................228

221011 ...............................239

230920 ...............................257

210640 ...............................226

21SL296 ............................228

221012 ...............................239

230930 ...............................256

210641 ...............................226

21SL297 ............................228

221021 ...............................241

230931 ...............................256

210642 ...............................226


221031 ...............................240

231144 ...............................256

210643 ...............................226




210644 ...............................227


230000 ...............................249

23834-S .............................127

210645 ...............................227


230001 ...............................249


210646 ...............................227


230002 ...............................249

23835-S .............................127

210647 ...............................227


230004 ...............................252


210648 ...............................227


230005 ...............................252


210649 ...............................227


230010 ...............................252


210650 ...............................220


230015 ...............................252


210651 ...............................225


230020 ...............................251


210652 ...............................225


230021 ...............................251

23900-10 ..............117, 118

210654 ...............................221


230022 ...............................251


210660 ...............................224


230023 ...............................251


210661 ...............................224


230030 ...............................255

23VF500 ............................249

210662 ...............................224


230033 ...............................255

23VF510N ........................249

211500 ...............................215


230035 ...............................253

23VF510R .........................249

211505 ...............................215


230037 ...............................253

23VF512N ........................249

211510 ...............................215


230038 ...............................256

23VF512R .........................249

211511 ...............................215


230039 ...............................257

23VF521 ............................253

211512 ...............................215


230040 ...............................250

23VF550 ............................250

2138800 ............................224


230045 ...............................250

23VF552 ............................250



230047 ...............................250

23VF558 ............................250

217009 ...............................119


230050 ...............................250

23VF677 ............................252

217010-1 ..........................119


230055 ...............................250

23VF684 ............................252

217023 ...............................119


230056 ...............................251

23VF685 ............................252



230057 ...............................250

240000 ...............................259



230058 ...............................251

240005 ...............................262

21SL144 ............................227


230059 ...............................250

240020 ...............................262


21SL145 ............................227

210613 ...............................225

429 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

210612 ...............................225




240021 ...............................262


2601054 ............................300

2616332 ............................303

240025 ...............................259


260106 ...............................274

261633L ............................303

240045 ...............................261


2601062 ............................300

2620180 ............................302

240050 ...............................261


260107 ...............................274

262018L ............................302

240075 ...............................261


260108 ...............................274

2620332 ............................302

240080 ...............................261


260109 ...............................274

262033L ............................302

240085 ...............................261


260110 ...............................274

2620532 ............................302

240090 ...............................260


260111 ...............................274

262053L ............................302

240091 ...............................260


260112 ...............................274

2621180 ............................304

240100 ...............................261


260113 ...............................274

262118L ............................304

240110 ...............................262


260135 ...............................271

2621316 ............................304

240120 ...............................259


260140 ...............................275

262131L ............................304

240125 ...............................259


260141 ...............................275

2621332 ............................304

240126 ...............................260


260142 ...............................275

262133L ............................304

240130 ...............................260


260143 ...............................276

2624000 ............................300

240140 ...............................260


260144 ...............................276

26240001 .........................300

241194 ...............................263

260047a ............................269

260145 ...............................276

26240002 .........................300

241195 ...............................263

260054 ...............................284

260146 ...............................276

2624111 ............................301

241196 ...............................263


260147 ...............................276

2624200 ............................301

241197 ...............................263


260148 ...............................276

2624222 ............................301

241198 ...............................263


260150 ...............................277

2624300 ............................301

241199 ...............................263


260155 ...............................277

2624400 ............................301

241200 ...............................263


260157 ...............................276

2624500 ............................301

241201 ...............................263


260158 ...............................276

2624600 ............................301

241202 ...............................263


260177 ...............................305

2624999 ............................300

241203 ...............................263


260178 ...............................305

2625000 ............................300

241204 ...............................263


260179 ...............................305

2625006 ............................301

241205 ...............................263


260180 ...............................305

2625008 ............................301



260182 ...............................305

2625010 ............................301



260183 ...............................305

2625111 ............................301



260190 ...............................305

2625222 ............................301



260191 ...............................305

2625999 ............................300



260192 ...............................305

2626111 ............................301

24BC101 ...........................261


260193 ...............................305

2626120 ............................301

24BC170 ...........................261


260194 ...............................305

2626140 ............................301

24OA311 ..........................260


260195 ...............................305

2626400 ............................301

24OB514 ...........................262


260320 ...............................301

2626600 ............................301

24OC022 ..........................261


2604016 ............................300

2626800 ............................301

24OC024 ..........................261


260500 ...............................299

262735A ...........................282

24OC026 ..........................261


260602 ...............................304

262740A ...........................283

24OC100 ..........................260


260603 ...............................304

2630005 ............................298

24OL165 ...........................261


260604 ...............................304

2630007 ............................298

250004 ...............................119


260902 ...............................305

2630009 ............................299

250020 ...............................265


260903 ...............................305

2633023 ............................304

250022 ...............................265


260904 ...............................305

2633031 ............................304

250024 ...............................265


260906 ...............................305

2633039 ............................304

250026 ...............................265


261000 ...............................277

2633047 ............................304

250033 ...............................265


261005 ...............................277

2633062 ............................304

260005 ...............................278


2615180 ............................302

26AA847 ...........................276

260006 ...............................278


261518L ............................302

26BM111 ..........................275

260007 ...............................278


2615332 ............................302

26DO772 ..........................272

260009 ...............................269


261533L ............................302

26FH325 ...........................276

260010 ...............................269


2615532 ............................302

26FH326 ...........................276

260015 ...............................269


261553L ............................302

26FH335 ...........................276

260016 ...............................269

2601035 ............................300

2616180 ............................303

26FH413 ...........................276

260018 ...............................269


261618L ............................303

26FH480 ...........................277

260020 ...............................269

2601045 ............................300

2616316 ............................303

26FK114 ............................273

260021 ...............................270


261631L ............................303

26FK116 ............................273


26LB184 ............................290



26LB186 ............................290

26FK130 ............................273



26LB188 ............................290

26FK131 ............................273



26LB190 ............................290

26FK133 ............................273



26LB192 ............................290

26FK166 ............................273



26LB194 ............................290

26FK170 ............................273

26J236T .............................288


26LB196 ............................290

26FK171 ............................273



26LB198 ............................290

26FK172 ............................273

26J710-A ..........................279


26LB200 ............................290

26FK173 ............................273

26J710-B ...........................279


26LB202 ............................290

26FK175 ............................273

26J710-C ..........................280


26LB206 ............................290

26FK309 ............................272

26J710-CG .......................280


26LB208 ............................290

26FK321 ............................272

26J710-D ..........................280


26LB211 ............................290

26FK324 ............................272

26J710-E ...........................280


26LB250 ............................291

26FK630 ............................274

26J710EB ..........................280


26LB252 ............................291

26FK631 ............................274

26J710-F ...........................280


26LB254 ............................291

26FK632 ............................274

26J710FB ..........................280


26LB256 ............................291

26FK633 ............................274

26J710-G ..........................280


26LB258 ............................291

26FK634 ............................274

26J710GB .........................280


26LB260 ............................291

26FK635 ............................274



26LB262 ............................291

26FK636 ............................274

26J710M ...........................281


26LB264 ............................291

26FK637 ............................274


26LB006 ............................289

26LB266 ............................291

26FK639 ............................274


26LB007 ............................289

26LB268 ............................291

26FK814 ............................274


26LB008 ............................289

26LB270 ............................291

26FK841 ............................274

26J710S .............................281

26LB009 ............................289

26LB275 ............................291

26FK842 ............................274


26LB010 ............................289

26LB280 ............................291

26FL101 ............................272


26LB011 ............................289

26LB285 ............................291

26FL106 ............................272

26J710W ...........................280

26LB012 ............................289

26LB290 ............................291

26FL183 ............................271

26J710-X ...........................280

26LB014 ............................289

26LB295 ............................291

26FL184 ............................271

26J710-Y ...........................280

26LB016 ............................289

26LB300 ............................291

26FL185 ............................271

26J710-Z ...........................280

26LB020 ............................289

26LB360 ............................291

26FL186 ............................271


26LB026 ............................289

26LB362 ............................291

26FL187 ............................271


26LB028 ............................289

26LB364 ............................291

26FL503 ............................271


26LB030 ............................289

26LB385 ............................291

26FL504 ............................271


26LB032 ............................289

26LM303 ..........................294

26FL505 ............................271


26LB034 ............................289

26LM304 ..........................294



26LB036 ............................289

26LM305 ..........................294



26LB038 ............................289

26LM306 ..........................294



26LB040 ............................289

26LM307 ..........................294



26LB041 ............................289

26LM308 ..........................294



26LB042 ............................289

26LM324 ..........................294



26LB044 ............................289

26LM402 ..........................294



26LB126 ............................290

26LM403 ..........................294



26LB128 ............................290

26LM404 ..........................294



26LB130 ............................290

26LM405 ..........................294



26LB132 ............................290

26LM406 ..........................294



26LB134 ............................290

26LM407 ..........................294



26LB136 ............................290

26LM408 ..........................294



26LB138 ............................290

26LM409 ..........................294



26LB140 ............................290

26LM410 ..........................294



26LB142 ............................290

26LM411 ..........................294



26LB144 ............................290

26LM412 ..........................294



26LB146 ............................290

26LM425 ..........................295



26LB148 ............................290

26LM426 ..........................295



26LB149 ............................290

26LM427 ..........................295



26LB151 ............................290

26LM428 ..........................295



26LB180 ............................290

26LM429 ..........................295



26LB182 ............................290

26LM430 ..........................295



26FK118 ............................273

431 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

26FK117 ............................273




26LN003 ...........................295

26LS089 ............................286

270037 ...............................308

271575 ...............................309

26LN004 ...........................295

26LS090 ............................287

270048 ...............................308

271580 ...............................309

26LN006 ...........................295

26LS091 ............................286

270056 ...............................308

271581 ...............................309

26LN008 ...........................295

26LS094 ............................286

270060 ...............................308

271585 ...............................310

26LN021 ...........................295

26LS096 ............................286

270070 ...............................308

271590 ...............................309

26LN022 ...........................295

26LS097 ............................287

270080 ...............................308

271595 ...............................309

26LN023 ...........................295

26LS102 ............................287

270090 ...............................308

271600 ...............................309

26LN025 ...........................296

26LS121 ............................286

270091 ...............................308

271705 ...............................409

26LN027 ...........................296

26LS125 ............................286

270092 ...............................308

271800 ...............................310

26LN158 ...........................296

26LS128 ............................286

270093 ...............................308

272535 ...............................410

26LN172 ...........................296

26LS132 ............................286

270094 ...............................308

272545 ...............................410

26LN184 ...........................296

26LS202 ............................288


272550 ...............................410

26LN203 ...........................297

26LS204 ............................288

271000BM .......................409

272555 ...............................410

26LN204 ...........................297

26LS206 ............................288

271003 ...............................410

272565 ...............................410

26LN205 ...........................297

26LS207 ............................288

271007 ...............................410

272570 ...............................410

26LN206 ...........................297

26LS210 ............................288

271008 ...............................410

273095 ...............................411

26LN267 ...........................297

26LS212 ............................288

271009 ...............................410

273310 ...............................315

26LN268 ...........................297

26LS216 ............................288

271011 ...............................410

273320 ...............................315

26LN269 ...........................297

26LS220 ............................288

271013 ...............................410

273325 ...............................315

26LN270 ...........................297

26LS222 ............................288

271511 ...............................410

273330 ...............................315

26LN272 ...........................297

26LS224 ............................288

271512 ...............................410

273340 ...............................315

26LN278 ...........................297

26LS226 ............................288

271513 ...............................410

273350 ...............................315

26LN284 ...........................298

26XF643 ............................299

271514 ...............................410

273360 ...............................315

26LN285 ...........................298

26XF644 ............................299

271515 ...............................411

273361 ...............................315

26LN286 ...........................298

26XF645 ............................299

271516 ...............................410

273384 ...............................313

26LN287 ...........................298

26XF646 ............................299

271518 ...............................410

273480 ...............................314

26LN288 ...........................298

26XF647 ............................299

271519 ...............................410

273481 ...............................314

26LN292 ...........................297

26XF647A ........................299

271520 ...............................410

273482 ...............................314

26LN294 ...........................297

26XF648 ............................299

271522 ...............................411

273483 ...............................314

26LN295 ...........................297

26XF650 ............................299

271524 ...............................316

273484 ...............................314

26LN296 ...........................297

26XF651 ............................299

271525 ...............................316

273485 ...............................314

26LN342 ...........................298

26XF653 ............................299

271526 ...............................316

273486 ...............................314

26LN343 ...........................298

26XF815 ............................299

271530 ...............................309

273487 ...............................314

26LN344 ...........................298

26XF820 ............................299

271530SP .........................309

273488 ...............................314

26LN345 ...........................298

26XF825 ............................299

271531 ...............................309

273900 ...............................314

26LN346 ...........................298

26XF830 ............................299

271531SP .........................309

273901 ...............................314

26LN347 ...........................298

26XF835 ............................299

271532 ...............................309

273902 ...............................314

26LN348 ...........................298

26XF835A ........................299

271532SP .........................309

273903 ...............................314

26LN350 ...........................298

26XF840 ............................299

271533 ...............................309

273904 ...............................314

26LN352 ...........................298

26XF850 ............................299

271533SP .........................309

273905 ...............................314

26LS002 ............................285

26XF860 ............................299

271534EP .........................309

273906 ...............................314

26LS003 ............................285


271534SP .........................309

273924 ...............................316

26LS005 ............................285


271535EP .........................309

273925 ...............................316

26LS007 ............................285


271535SP .........................309

273926 ...............................316

26LS008 ............................285


271540 ...............................310

273927 ...............................316

26LS037 ............................285


271540SP .........................310

273928 ...............................316

26LS044 ............................287


271541 ...............................310

273929 ...............................316

26LS047 ............................287


271541SP .........................310

273930 ...............................316

26LS050 ............................287


271542 ...............................310

273931 ...............................316

26LS051 ............................287


271542SP .........................310

273932 ...............................316

26LS052 ............................287


271543 ...............................310

273933 ...............................316

26LS055 ............................287


271543SP .........................310

273934 ...............................316

26LS060 ............................287


271550 ...............................310

276000 ...............................311

26LS066 ............................286


271550CL .........................310

276005 ...............................311

26LS071 ............................286


271560 ...............................311

276010 ...............................311

26LS076 ............................287


271561 ...............................311

276020 ...............................312

26LS078 ............................286


271562 ...............................311

276025 ...............................312

26LS084 ............................286


271570 ...............................309

276030 ...............................312

320078 ...............................342

330145 ...............................376


320079 ...............................342

330148-B ..........................377

276045 ...............................312


320090 ...............................341

330150 ...............................377

276050 ...............................312


320092 ...............................341

330152 ...............................377

276055 ...............................312


320094 ...............................341

330153 ...............................377

279395 ...............................317


320099 ...............................341

330154 ...............................377

279396 ...............................317


320106 ...............................343

330155 ...............................377

279397 ...............................317


320125 ...............................339

330160 ...............................374

279398 ...............................317


320126 ...............................339

330161 ...............................374

279399 ...............................317


320140 ...............................337

330162 ...............................374

279400 ...............................317


320200 ...............................337

330165 ...............................374

279405 ...............................317


320201 ...............................337

330166 ...............................374

279406 ...............................317


320202 ...............................337

330167 ...............................374

280003 ...............................321


320203 ...............................337

330168 ...............................375

280008 ...............................321


320210 ...............................337

330168C ...........................375

280009 ...............................321


320211 ...............................337

330168D ...........................375

280010 ...............................321


320212 ...............................337

330178 ...............................377

280012 ...............................321

300823 ...............................332

320225 ...............................338

330179 ...............................377

280450 ...............................321


320226 ...............................338

330180 ...............................379

281000 ...............................323

30VC316V ........................331

320227 ...............................338

330184 ...............................378

281005 ...............................323

30VC321 ...........................331

320228 ...............................338

330186 ...............................378

281010 ...............................323

30VC405 ...........................332

320230 ...............................343

330188 ...............................378

281015 ...............................323

30VC406 ...........................332

32VC780 ...........................338

330189 ...............................374

281016 ...............................323


32VC781 ...........................338

330192 ...............................378

281025 ...............................323



330193 ...............................378

281026 ...............................323


330001 ...............................345


281030 ...............................323


330003 ...............................349


281050 ...............................323




281100 ...............................322


330003C ...........................380


281105 ...............................322


330006A ...........................347


281110 ...............................322


330007 ...............................384


281120 ...............................322

31VF005 ............................335

330008 ...............................380

33-11-001................86, 356

281135 ...............................322


330011 ...............................348

331153 ...............................374

281140 ...............................322


330012 ...............................375

33-12-007................87, 357

281145 ...............................322


330013 ...............................375

33-12-012................87, 357

281150 ...............................322


330017 ...............................380

33-12-013................87, 357

290000 ...............................327


330026 ...............................381

33-12-014................87, 357

290026 ...............................327


330027 ...............................381

33-12-015................87, 357

290033 ...............................327


330028 ...............................381

33-12-016................87, 357

290057 ...............................328


330029 ...............................380

33-12-020................87, 357

290058 ...............................327


330031 ...............................381

33-12-021................87, 357

290059 ...............................327


330032 ...............................381

33-12-022................87, 357

290100 ...............................328


330033 ...............................380

33-12-023................87, 357

290102 ...............................328


330034 ...............................381

33-12-024................87, 357

2901050 ............................328


330035 ...............................376

33-12-025................87, 357

290140 ...............................327


330037 ...............................380

33-12-026................87, 357

290141 ...............................327


330045 ...............................376

331405 ...................363, 365

290142 ...............................327


330046 ...............................383

332010 ......................88, 358

290143 ...............................327


330131 ...............................378


290144 ...............................327


330132 ...............................378


290145 ...............................327


330133 ...............................378


290146 ...............................327


330134 ...............................378


290200 ...............................328


330136 ...............................378


290201 ...............................328


330137 ...............................378


290210 ...............................328


330138 ...............................378


290300 ...............................328


330139 ...............................378

33-BC-1A ..............363, 365

290301 ...............................328


330141 ...............................378

33-CXDI-501G ...............385

290303 ...............................328


330144 ...............................376

33-CXDI-701C ...............386



276040 ...............................312

433 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au

276035 ...............................312




33-CXDI-701G ...............386

342400NCP018 ............396



33-CXDI-801C ...............387

342400PC018 ................397

48950......................141, 267


33-CXDI-801G ...............387




33-CXDI-NE .....................368


5079-125 ..........................139


340000 ...............................390


5079-126 ..........................139


340001 ...............................390


5079-135 ..........................139


340002 ...............................390


5079-137 ..........................139


340003 ...............................390


5079-139 ..........................139


3412000 ............................394


5079-180 ..........................139


3412001 ............................394


5079-232 ..........................139


3412003 ............................394


5079-233 ..........................139


3412004 ............................394


5079-270 ..........................139


3412006 ............................394


5079-271 ..........................139


3412007 ............................394


5079-284 ..........................139


3412101 ............................394


5079-285 ..........................139


3412102 ............................394


5079-314 ..........................139


3412104 ............................394


5079-366 ..........................139


3412105 ............................394


5079-367 ..........................139


3412106 ............................394


52630......................141, 267

71020A ..............................125

3412107 ............................394


600212 ...............................415

71020C ..............................125

3413000 ............................394


600213 ...............................415


3413001 ............................394


600214 ...............................415


3413003 ............................394


600222 ...............................413


3413004 ............................394


600223 ...............................413

71050-C ............................125

3413006 ............................394


600224 ...............................413


3413007 ............................394


600225 ...............................414

71055C ..............................125

3413101 ............................394


600226 ...............................414

71145......................126, 131

3413102 ............................394


600227 ...............................414


3413104 ............................394


600228 ...............................415


3413105 ............................394


600229 ...............................415


3413106 ............................394


600232 ...............................416


3413107 ............................394


600233 ...............................415


3414000 ............................394


600234 ...............................417


3414001 ............................394


600250 ...............................318


3414003 ............................394


600251 ...............................318


3414004 ............................394


600252 ...............................318


3414006 ............................394


600253 ...............................318


3414007 ............................394


600254 ...............................318


3414101 ............................394


600255 ...............................318


3414102 ............................394

34HP200 ...........................389

600256 ...............................318


3414104 ............................394


600257 ...............................318


3414105 ............................394


600258 ...............................318


3414106 ............................394


600259 ...............................318

74286......................129, 130

3414107 ............................394


600260 ...............................318


342200EP036 .................395


600280 ...............................318


342200GP036 ................395


600330 ...............................412

903.3220.19 .......................63

342200NC036 ...............396


600340 ...............................409

903.3220.20 .......................63

342200NCP036 ............396


600341 ...............................409

903.3220.21 .......................63

342200PC036 ................397


600600 ...............................412

903.3220.22 .......................63




903.3220.42 .......................63




904.0702.30 .......................65

342300EP024 .................395

44415......................141, 267


904.0702.31 .......................65

342300GP024 ................395

44455......................141, 267


904.0702.32 .......................64

342300NCP024 ............396

44605......................141, 267


904.0702.33 .......................64

342300PC024 ................397

44615......................141, 267


923.0010.12 .......................42


44905......................141, 267


923.0030.12 .......................40

342400EP018 .................395

44905-C ................141, 267


923.0035.12 .......................40

342400GP018 ................395

44905-W ...............141, 267


923.0040.12 .......................40

923.0050.15 .......................40 923.0060.16 .......................41


923.0050.14 .......................41

923.0060.17 .......................41 923.0060.18 .......................41 923.0070.12 .......................42 923.0075.12 .......................42 923.0080.12 .......................42 923.0080.15 .......................42 926.2000.02 .......................43 926.3000.03 .......................43 95160012 .........................107 96276V...............................124 BI113-14............................176 BI113-17............................176 BI113-20............................176 BI128-14............................176 BI130-19............................176 BI133-16............................176 BI305-16N ........................176 BI306-18N ........................176 BI412-14N ........................176 BI412-17N ........................176 BI412-20N ........................176 BI426-14N ........................176 BI426-17N ........................176 BI513-20............................176 J0473 ..................................309 J0473A ...............................309 J0473B ...............................309 J1010D1A ........................154 SM0100 .............................182 SM0101 .............................182 SM0110 .............................182 SM0111 .............................182 SM0190 .............................182 SM0191 .............................182 SM0192 .............................182 SM0193 .............................182 SM0200 .............................182 SM0201 .............................182 SM0364 .............................182 SM0366 .............................182 SM0367 .............................182 SM0368 .............................182 SM0369 .............................182 SM2364 .............................182 SM2366 .............................182 SM2367 .............................182 SM2369 .............................182

435 Free call Victoria 1300 785 405 • Queensland 1300 785 401 • Email info@dlc.com.au


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