Technique Chart TR90/30

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DLC Australia Pty Ltd 17-19 Horne Street Hoppers Crossing Ph: 039360 9700 e-Mail: • Internet: December 2007

Exposure time table (Small Animals) Atomscope TR90/30 - High Frequency X- ray unit FILMS (green sensitive)

Intensifying screens: Orthochromatic (green sensitive) Factor 400 FFD 75 cm (Film-Focus-Distance) Machine Development 30° - 32° C

X-ray grid: Focussed, 103 LPI, Ratio 6:1 FFD 80 cm


Medium Dog appr. 15 kg

Caput latero-lateral Caput dorso-ventral Vertebrae cervicales latero-lateral Vertebrae cervicales ventro-dorsal (VD) Vertebrae thoracales latero-lateral Vertebrae thoracales VD Vertebrae lumbales latero-lateral Vertebrae lumbales VD Pelvis latero-lateral Dysplasia coxae Thorax latero-lateral Thorax VD Abdomen latero-lateral pars cranialis Abdomen latero-lateral pars caudalis Abdomen VD Articulatio humeri latero-lateral Articulatio humeri VD Articulatio cubiti latero-lateral Articulatio cubiti cran.-caud. Carpus manus Articulatio genus latero-lateral Articulatio genus caud.-cran. Tarsus - Carpus manus / pedis

Cat appr. 4 kg

Small Dog appr. 8 kg

Large Dog appr. 30 kg

Very Large Dog appr. 45 kg

kV / mAs (sec.)

kV / mAs (sec.)

kV / mAs (sec.)

kV / mAs (sec.)

kV / mAs (sec.)

50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 56 / 2,1 (0,08)

50 / 2,1 (0,07) 50 / 2,7 (0,09) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 50 / 2,1 (0,07) 50 / 3,9 (0,15) 56 / 3,9 (0,19) 56 / 3,6 (0,17) 56 / 3,9,(0,19) 60 / 4,8 (0,25) 60 / 3,3 (0,15) 56 / 1,8 (0,07) 60 / 1,8 (0,07) 60 / 3,0 (0,14) 60 / 2,7 (0,12) 60 / 3,3 (0,15) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 56 / 1,8 (0,07) 50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 0,9 (0,03)

56 / 1,8 (0,07) 60 / 1,5 (0,06) 56 / 3,3 (0,15) 56 / 3,6 (0,17) 56 / 3,9 (0,19) 66 / 3,9 (0,26) 60 / 3,6 (0,17) 60 / 4,5 (0,22) 66 / 4,8 (0,33) 66 / 3,3 (0,20) 66 / 1,8 (0,09) 70 / 1,8 (0,09) 64 / 4,2 (0,28) 60 / 3,9 (0,19) 64 / 3,3 (0,20) 56 / 3,0 (0,14) 60 / 3,0 (0,14) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 2,1 (0,07) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 2,1 (0,07) 50 / 1,5 (0,05)

60 / 1,5 (0,06) 66 / 1,5 (0,08) 60 / 3,6 (0,17) 66 / 3,6 (0,22) 66 / 3,9 (0,26) 70 / 3,9 (0,26) 70 / 3,6 (0,22) 76 / 3,9 (0,26) 76 / 5,1 (0,36) 70 / 4,5 (0,30) 76 / 1,8 (0,09) 80 / 1,8 (0,09) 70 / 4,8 (0,33) 70 / 3,6 (0,22) 70 / 4,5 (0,30) 60 / 3,0 (0,14) 66 / 3,3 (0,20) 50 / 2,1 (0,07) 56 / 1,8 (0,07) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 56 / 1,8 (0,07) 56 / 1,5 (0,06) 50 / 1,8 (0,07)

66 / 1,5 (0,08) 70 / 1,5 (0,08) 70 / 3,0 (0,18) 70 / 3,9 (0,26) 76 / 3,6 (0,22) 80 / 3,9 (0,26) 76 / 3,9 (0,26) 80 / 4,2 (0,30) 80 / 5,1 (0,36) 76 / 5,1 (0,36) 80 / 2,4 (0,13) 80 / 3,0 (0,18) 74 / 4,8 (0,32) 70 / 4,2 (0,28) 74 / 5,1 (0,36) 66 / 3,0 (0,18) 70 / 3,3 (0,18) 56 / 2,7 (0,10) 56 / 3,3 (0,15) 50 / 2,1 (0,07) 56 / 1,5 (0,06) 60 / 1,5 (0,06) 56 / 1,5 (0,06)

50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 50 / 1,5 (0,05) 50 / 1,8 (0,06) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 0,9 (0,03) 50 / 1,2 (0,04) 50 / 0,9 (0,03)

* * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid

* * * * * *

* * Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid * * * * * *

* * Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid * * * * * *

* * Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid Grid * * * * * *

General Advice All exposure times are standard values. It might be necessary to adjust or modify the above indicate values, depending on the type and brand of the intensifying screen and the x-ray film. If the developed radiographs turned out too light, they are underexposed. If the developed radiographs turned out too dark, they are overexposed. If pictures are too light, increase one step. If pictures are too dark, decrease sec. by one step. Do not change kV value. Darkroom conditions can also influence quality of radiographs. Check chemicals and temperature of developer (hand tank 18-20° C – Automatic processor 30-32° C).

DLC Australia Pty Ltd 17-19 Horne Street Hoppers Crossing Ph: 039360 9700 e-Mail: • Internet: December 2007

EXPOSURE TIME TABLE FOR EQUINE PRACTICE Values are for High-Frequency X-Ray unit Atomscope TR 90/30 with orthochromatic intensifying screens (”RARE EARTH” - Gadoliniumoxybromide), G R E E N S E N S I T I V E Factor 400. In order to obtain uniform quality of radiographs, it is important to use same film- and chemical brand products consistently. Low quality film material can cause considerable image problems. All data are standard values, slight adjustments might be necessary, depending on the conditions at site. As a general rule, exposures with utilization of an X-ray grid need 2 - 3 times longer exposure times.



Columna vertebralis thoracalis Carpus a-p soft Carpus lateral (flexed) soft Carpus lateral (latero-lateral) hard Processus spinales vertebrae cerv/th Processus spinales vertebrae thorac. Processus spinales vertebrae lumb. Articulatio cubiti (lateral) Art. metacarpo/-tarsophalangea lat. Os sesamoideum proximale Ossa metacarpalia/-tarsalia II + IV Vertebrae cerviales Phalanx distalis a-p Articulatio genus p-a Articulatio genus (lateral) Caput (lateral) Caput p-a Diverticulum tubae auditivae Sinus maxillaries oblique Articulatio humeri Os naviculare (Oxspring)60°a-p hard Os naviculare (Oxspring) 60°a-p soft Tangential Ueltschi Tarsus a-p Tarsus (lateral) Dentes latero-lateral Dentes ap Digitus III manus/pedis (lat.) hard Digitus III manus/pedis (lat.) soft Digitus III manus/pedis (a-p)

w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid with Grid with Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid w/o Grid

FFD cm


TIME sec

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

80 66-70 66 80 70 74 78 80 66 66 64 76 76 80 70-76 66 66 66 66 90 76 70 60 74 74 70 70 70 60 66

0.30 0.05 0,07 0,05 0,05 0,09 0,15 0,08 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,14-0,16 0,07 0,24 0,16 0,10-0,14 0,20 0,20 0,05-0,06 0,30 0,18 0,24 0,20* 0,08 0,04 0,12 0,35 0,06-0,08 0,05 0,07

75 75 75 75 75 75 75


TIME sec.

74 78

0,09 0,12

Large horse Large horse



Large horse



All values are based on medium sized saddle horse


When utilizing intensifying screens factor 200 or Mammography-Film 60 kV / 0,50 sec.



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