The DLD10 Book - Map Your Future

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DLD10 Index

08 Welcome Stephanie Czerny, Marcel Reichart Hubert Burda, Yossi Vardi

16 Disruptive Mitchell Baker, Jimmy Wales, Niklas Zennström, Yossi Vardi

26 Re-Brand Claudia Gonzalez

30 Audience Sourcing Tim Kring, Peter Hirshberg

36 Solar Nikolaus von Bomhard, Patricia Szarvas

44 Unthinkable Joshua Cooper Ramo

48 Values Marko Ahtisaari, Martti Ahtisaari

54 Human Emotion Helen Fisher, Jonathan Harris

62 Aenne Burda Award Mitchell Baker

66 cubatron 70 Chairmen’s dinner 76 shimon 78 hotshot the robot 80 China Doris Naisbitt, John Naisbitt, ­ Joe Schoendorf, Thomas Crampton

86 Data & Identity Mike Schroepfer, Magid Abraham, Todd Levy, Dave Morgan, Philipp Pieper, David Kirkpatrick

96 Changing the Equation Michael Mendenhall

102 Health Stefan Oschmann, Alain T. Rappaport, Esther Dyson

110 Global Capital Christian Angermayer, Philipp Freise, Uwe Feuersenger, Matthew Bishop

118 Informavore David Gelernter, Andrian Kreye, Frank Schirrmacher, John Brockman

128 Network Frank Appel, Jochen Wegner

134 Intellectual Ventures Pablos Holman, 3ric Johanson

140 Search Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Ben Gomes, Ilya Segalovich, Conrad Wolfram, Jochen Wegner

148 Real Time Raj Narayan, Loïc Le Meur, Baratunde Thurston, Jeff Pulver

156 Spotlight Owen van Natta, Spencer Reiss, Werner Vogels

170 Future Anousheh Ansari, Frank Schätzing

178 Invest Harish Bahl, David Liu, Dharmash Mistry, Christopher Oram, Hein Pretorius, Stefan Winners, Alexander Tamas, Klaus Hommels

190 Marketing Samir Arora, Trevor Edwards, David Kenny, Nizan Mansur de Carvalho Guanaes Gomes, Andrew Robertson, Anders Sundt Jensen, Marcel Reichart

202 Fashion Alexis Maybank, Kyle Vucko, Harish Bahl

208 Strategy Tom Glocer, Paul-Bernhard Kallen, David Drummond, David Kirkpatrick

220 Innovation Jérôme Guillen, Johannes Helbig

Index DLD10

228 Vision Marc Koska, David de Rothschild

238 Content Shawn Colo, Peter Berger, Jeff Jarvis, Gregor Vogelsang, Edward Roussel

248 Perception Al Seckel

252 User-centric Experiences Nick Bilton, Carlos Bhola, Tom Glocer, David J. Moore, Tero Ojanperä, David Kirkpatrick

264 Maps Julieta Aranda, Rosa Barba, Peter Hirshberg, Alexander Kluge, Aaron Koblin, Philippe Parreno, Josef Penninger, Eric Rodenbeck, Anri Sala, Dimitar Sasselov, Qiu Zhijie, Hans Ulrich Obrist

282 virtual maps navigation 312 museums tours 316 dld starnight 322 Internet of Things Ulla-Maaria Engeström, Douglas Krugman, Michael Silverman, Esther Dyson

328 Play Mike Butcher, Nils Holger Henning, Shervin Pishevar, Chris Russo, Kristian Sergerstråle, Kai Bolik

334 Spotlight Jim Breyer, David Kirkpatrick, Yuri Milner

340 Female Decade Cécilia Attias, Beth Brooke, Ria Hendrikx, Gabi Zedlmayer, Randi Zuckerberg, Stephanie Czerny

354 Explore Bertrand Piccard

360 Spotlight Jason Kilar, Om Malik

366 Opera Christoph Schlingensief, Chris Dercon

374 Broadband Thomas Aidan Curran, Richard Kang, Paul Sagan, Ariel Yarnitsky, Thomas Künstner

382 Location Dennis Crowley, Rafat Ali

388 Demo Suhas Gopinath

390 Link Value Marc Cenedella, Stefan Gross-Selbeck, Reid Hoffman, Nazar Yassin, David Kirkpatrick

398 Spotlight Nikesh Arora, Spencer Reiss

404 2015 Muhammad Yunus, Gabriele Princess Inaara the Begum Aga Khan

416 Transforming  Music Donovan

420 Finale Stephanie Czerny, Marcel Reichart

422 publisher’s lunch 428 dld  nightcap 432 impressions 442 Facts & Figures 444 DLD  Partners 480 coverage 484 thank  you 488 dld  team 490 stay in touch 492 imprint

DLD10 sunday 24 january


Digital Life Design DLD is about New Realities. DLD is a think-tank. DLD is a matchmake. DLD is an outstanding experience. DLD is a friends community. DLD is a big party. So if you haven’t been there, become a DLD friend.

Stephanie Czerny and Marcel Reichart DLD Founders & Directors

Marcel reichart dld founder & director

stephanie czerny dld founder & director

Hubert Burda hubert burda media

yossi vardi investor


DLD10 sunday 24 january

DLD describes the new image of our world, a world which has changed so much in the last decade.

Hubert Burda Hubert Burda Media

Welcome to DLD hubert burda DLD describes the new image of our world, a world which has changed so much in the last decade. Due to globalization and the digital revolution, we live in a ‘Schwellenzeit’ in which markets, media, technology and society are changing profoundly. This period can only be compared to the late 15th century when printing was invented, and a new continent had been discovered. Also then, the image of the world changed. The ocean was the Internet; ship builders, the leading

technologists. Today, the Internet creates new markets and products based on codes and algorithms. Since then, places where entrepreneurs, scientists and artists meet to exchange are places of advanced learning and creative connection. This is what DLD is about and what it is for Hubert Burda Media – a university and platform for ideas and new businesses. I welcome all guests and partners, and wish us three inspiring days here in the heart of Munich.

Dr. Hubert Burda is Chairman of the Board and Publisher of ­Hubert Burda Media. He is President of the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ) and Co-Founder of the European Publishers Council (EPC). He set up the Hubert Burda Foundation with a view to promoting interdisciplinary exchanges on future trends. Hubert Burda also founded the Burda Center for Innovative Communications at the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel. He has been awarded numerous prizes and distinctions for his achievements in publishing and business, including the Gold Medal Freedom of Speech of the European Association of Communications (EACA). In 2006, Hubert Burda received the Leo Baeck Prize by the Central Council of Jews for his commitment to reconciliation between Germans and Jews.

Hubert Burda dld chairman


DLD10 sunday 24 january

Yossi Vardi dld Chairman

welcome DLD10

It was true last year. It is true today: There is no better way to start the new year then by meeting old friends and making some new ones. yossi vardi It was true last year. It is true today: There is no better way to start the new year then by meeting old friends and making some new ones. The DLD family is gathering once again to say hello, exchange views, spend time together, get some food for thought from some of the best minds on earth, and have a good laugh. Virtual pokes are nice, but looking again to friendly faces you missed for a year, seeing smiling ones, giving and getting a hug, shaking a friendly hand and getting a kiss are miracles of the moment. What can be better? It is time again to surface from behind the email addresses, the IM nick names, from behind our virtual spaces and books, and present our real faces. Seize the moment and cherish it! It is a very unique one, once it is gone, it will never come again. So grab a smile, a kiss, a hug, a hand shake and put them in your DLD bag. Take them home, and when you are sitting all alone in front of your neverending pile of emails, open the bag and take one. It will keep you going until next DLD. Thanks to Hubert Burda and all of his wonderful people who make these special moments possible.

Yossi Vardi Investor Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Vardi is a Co-Chair of DLD. With 40 years experience of co-founding, leading and participating in building over 60 high-tech companies, he is one of Israel’s early entrepreneurs. Yossi co-pioneered instant messaging as the Founding Investor and the former Chairman of Mirabilis Ltd., the creator of the highly popular instant messaging program ICQ. Yossi Vardi looks back to an extensive government and public career. Serving, amongst others, include Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Chairman of Israel’s National Oil Company. He has also been an advisor to the CEO’s of AOL, Amazon, and Allied Signal. He has received many awards, including two times the Prime minister of Israel Hi-Tech award for life achievements, and CEO’s Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame.



DLD10 sunday 24 january


disruptive DLD10

The key factor is timing to get that nice, holistic growth. Niklas Zennström Disruption is a very common word these days. But what does it really mean? A first search attempt with a so-called “disruptive” online dictionary offers this definition: 1. An interruption to the regular flow or sequence of something. 2. A continuing act of disorder. What the term implicates when it doesn’t stand for permanent chaos is the core of the DLD-session “Disruptive.” Mitchell Baker (Mozilla), Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia), Niklas Zennström (Atomico) and, also moderating the panel, Yossi Vardi (DLD Co-Chairman) discuss what disruption is all about. All created organizations or products that had disrupted their industries. It turns out there are a few things all of them have in common: serving a huge user base with a very small organization; getting the users actively involved in the main business of their company; and an open mind to collaboration and partnership over

competition. Wikipedia and Mozilla at times have about 350 million users, Skype counts half a billion; the number of employees range between 600 (Skype) and merely 30 (Wikipedia). The main tasks of the staff are maintenance of service and legislation. Simultaneously, they slightly differ when it comes to their metaphysical approach. Niklas Zennström defines disruption as the creation of new opportunities and seizing the changes – market-based, regulatory, technological – in the ecosystem of a product or service, which generates a competitive advantage: implementing Voiceover-IP, he has not driven any of the incumbents out of business but simply pressurized their price plans for the benefit of the customers. Contrarily, Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker initially set off to consciously disrupt a monopoly with the goal of “building a slice of the Internet, where the only agenda is individual control of the online experience.”

Answering Yossi’s question whether or not he’s ashamed of disrupting the encyclopedia industry, charismatic Jimmy Wales smiles rascally: “Yes, it’s terrible.” He continues: “The encyclopedia industry is relatively small and not that much integrated into life.” In Wikipedia’s case the disruption is more about a new kind of consumption behaviour. It’s the permanent integration of complete information available into the user’s life compared to the relatively low usage frequency of the printed encyclopedia. He supports his point with an ad hoc audience survey. Mitchell Baker adds that Wikipedia has not disrupted the industry, but rather the sense of experts: the formerly highly curated source of authority transformed into the intelligence of the many.



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Referring to the question if the present disruptors fear disruption themselves, each underlying business model seems to shape their perspective. The non-profit Wikipedia is not afraid of competition as it is “bad business”. Mozilla’s Mitchell Baker has ambivalent feelings about potential disruption: after cracking the browser monopoly, competition kick started and brought the stagnation period to an end. Still, the browser as the standard tool to access the Internet is a decade old, and needs to change. According to Mitchell, Facebook performs as a new entry point but doesn’t substantially disrupt the browser system. Niklas – the only “real” commercial disruptor in the distinguished group – stresses the necessity of being paranoid and a mindset of awareness for staying on top. Closing the session, entertaining DLD Co-Chair Yossi Vardi directs his speech to the audience: “In sixty years, your grandchildren will be sitting on your laps and you will tell them the history of the Web. You can tell them you were in Munich and saw three great disruptors with your own eyes!”

Yossi Vardi Investor Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Vardi is a Co-Chair of DLD. With 40 years experience of co-founding, leading and participating in building over 60 high-tech companies, he is one of Israel’s early Entrepreneurs. Yossi co-pioneered instant messaging as the Founding Investor and the former Chairman of Mirabilis Ltd., the creator of the highly popular instant messaging program ICQ. Yossi Vardi looks back to an extensive government and public career. Serving, amongst others, include Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Chairman of Israel’s National Oil Company. He has also been an advisor to the CEO’s of AOL, Amazon, and Allied Signal. He has received many awards, including two times the Prime minister of Israel Hi-Tech award for life achievements, and CEO’s Entrepreneurs Hall of Fame.

disruptive DLD10

The traditional encyclopaedia was not integrated into our lives in the way that the Internet has become integrated.

Niklas Zennström Atomico Ventures

Jimmy Wales Wikimedia Foundation

Niklas Zennström is one of today’s most successful Internet Entrepreneurs, best known for co-founding Skype, KaZaA, Joost and Joltid with his long-time business partner Janus Friis. In 2007, Niklas co-founded Atomico Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on investing in passionate Entrepreneurs building the next generation of consumer-­ facing technology businesses, and fostering a new ecosystem for Entrepreneurship in Europe. Niklas co-founded Zennström Philanthropies where he is focused on fighting climate change. Niklas was recognized by Time Magazine as one of its 100 Most Influential People in 2006, and has received ­numerous other awards. Niklas holds dual degree in Business and MSc Engineering Physics/Computer Science.

Jimmy Wales is an American Internet Entrepreneur best known as the Founder of Wikimedia Foundation, the charity which operates, and as the CoFounder of In January 2001, Wales started Wikipedia. org, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. In mid-2003, Wales set up the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization to support In 2004, Wales co-founded, a completely separate company that enables groups of people to share information and opinions that fall outside the scope of an encyclopedia. In 2007, The World Economic Forum recognized Wales as one of the ‘Young Global Leaders’. In addition, Wales received the ‘Time 100 Award’ in 2006, as he was named one of the world’s most influential people in the ‘Scientists & Thinkers’ category.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

Disrupt a monopoly with the goal of building a slice of the Internet, where the only agenda is individual control of the online experience.

Mitchell Baker Mozilla Foundation As the leader of the Mozilla Project, Mitchell organizes and motivates a massive, worldwide collective of employees who are breathing new life into the Internet with the Firefox Web browser and other Mozilla products. Baker received her BA in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley and her JD from the Boalt Hall School of Law. Her law career included working for Sun Microsystems and Netscape. Baker has been the general manager of the Mozilla project since ’99. In 2003, she became President and Founder of the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to openness and ­innovation on the Internet. In 2005, Baker led the creation of Mozilla Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation. She continues her commitment to an open web and its infinite possibilities.

mitchell baker mozilla foundation


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yossi vardi DLD Chairman

disruptive DLD10

In sixty years, your grandchildren will be sitting on your laps and you will tell them the history of the Web. You can tell them you were in Munich and saw three great disruptors with your own eyes!



DLD10 sunday 24 january


A platform for refugees to come out of the shadow and tell their story. Claudia Gonzalez Claudia Gonzalez is the Head of Marketing at The Global Fund and former Head of Public Relations and Special Projects for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Her message is clear and very optimistic: technology and social media are transforming the way global society is enabled to help. Claudia points out that working within the world of refugees requires a lot of tolerance and understanding. Implementing social media allows the UNHCR to focus on the long tail, the 35 million refugees in camps located worldwide in places such as Darfur and the Congo. The organization is in transition from a storytelling position to a moderating role in the background, while the refugees come out of the shadow and speak for themselves. At the same time, this shift towards horizontal communication changes the tone. Showing video messages by people from refugee camps around the world, Claudia documents how simple human emotions, such as love and dance, can be authentically captured in camps and have access to a huge audience through technology. Formerly, the UN had its press release commu-

nicated via fax. Addressing herself to the audience, she says: “There’s a need of a platform that you guys are creating!” “How can we modernize the humanitarian cause? How can we use the social media to help us tell the story?” Claudia predicts the future of successful refugee campaigning in geotagging and geocoding. If a humanitarian catastrophe occurs, the UNHCR – amongst other organisations – can assess the needs more differentiatedly, while communicating and acting upon them in a completely different way. Presenting a Google Earth video which features all refugee camps worldwide, the impact of the new information availability and accessibility gets emphasized. Starting from scratch, the UNHCR now has a total of 2.7 million people engaged in causes on Facebook or following their projects on Twitter. These means of communication are extremely powerful in facilitating issue raising and agenda setting.

re-brand DLD10

Claudia gonzalez The Global Fund


re-brand DLD10

How can we modernize the humanitarian cause? How can we use the social media to help us tell the story?

Finalizing her presentation, the issue of the natural and humanitarian disaster in Haiti and the role of Web 2.0 as a crisis response mechanism is broached by a video message from the Director General of the Red Cross, Yves Daccord. Speaking directly to the DLD community, he stresses how social media is capable of mobilizing teams and funds as well as how radically it has changed humanitarian work on the ground. Still, participation of the local victims is relatively low. Therefore,Yves implicitly pleads for the closing of the digital divide in order to terminate the drastic change in the humanitarian field. For the future, he foresees a situation in which victims will mobilize organisations, apply pressure, coordinate and communicate their demands themselves, all by using social media.

Claudia Gonzalez The Global Fund Claudia Gonzalez is Head of Marketing at The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria since end of 2009, after leading PR and Special Projects for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. She is one of the world’s most acknowledged non-profit marketers having had top position at the UN and the WEF. Claudia is now working with Product (RED) and is preparing the launch of a major digital campaign to eliminate the transmission of HIV to babies by 2015. Responsible for the re-branding of the UNHCR, Claudia travelled around the world’s most extreme war and crisis zones for the past years and launched programmes to narrow the geographical and psychological gap. Claudia holds degrees on Philosophy and another one on Media and Communications as well as a master from LSE on political communications.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

audience sourcing

You wanna fish where the fishes are! Tim Kring The transmedia dog and pony show pitched its tent at DLD 2010: Tim Kring (Heroes) and Peter Hirshberg (The Conversation Group) – both cutting edge pioneers in the social media industry – invite the DLD community to discover their world of storytelling. Based on the panel on disruption, they start off with the question of how to change it fundamentally. Going back in time, they date the first multiple platform connection with the appearance of a new character – Boba Fett – in the 1978 comic book Star Wars Holiday Special. Shortly afterwards, Boba Fett showed up as a limited edition action figure, as a Wanted poster, and as a costumed character in shopping malls. Finally he was included as the primary villain in the 1980 movie The Empire Strikes Back. “It is the first example of creating a character on one media platform and have it migrate to the mothership of the property,” says Hirshberg.

In this sense, Heroes is the state-ofthe-art series! It pursues storytelling on TV, mobile, online and in comic books. The large and deep mythology of the show allows going back and forth chronologically and supports multiple storylines across various channels. For example, a character who is introduced in the online comic book, then appears on the TV show three months later. Of course, this concept attracts a certain kind of audience – those with the greatest inclination to download, the most tech-savvy type of spectator out there. This correlates with the fact that Heroes is the most – but mostly illegally – downloaded show. Kring smiles: “You cannot ignore the pirate audience. It is worth telling them a story.” With regard to the marketing perspective, it is crucial to create a database of viewers, including their mobile number and e-mail. Displaying the business card of the main villain (with a simple URL on it) on TV triggered 600.000 hits on the Website

within 24 hours. Creating an environment in which the viewers are willing to leave their mobile number and e-mail in order to participate enables the story to extend on to mobile and e-mail. This two-way street system of storytelling primarily had the target of promoting the show and creating a dialogue. This engagement with the audience in a world of multiple platforms has huge implications for advertisers. Recent studies lead Hirshberg to two theories: “Offline doesn’t exist anymore, and there is no more TV watching without distraction.” “It is that simple,” says the mastermind Tim Kring, “You wanna fish where the fishes are.” His sense for the new fishing grounds is the source for new thrilling projects such as a socially beneficial alternative reality game in London, or his newly founded company, Imperative. It is certainly worth following these guys to new dimensions of entertainment.

audience sourcing DLD10



DLD10 sunday 24 january

You cannot ignore the pirate audience. It is worth telling them a story.

Peter Hirshberg The Conversation Group

Tim Kring Heroes

Peter Hirshberg is at the epicenter of the noisy, connected world of online conversation. He is changing our thinking about marketing, branding and customer relationships. A Silicon Valley executive with sev­eral high profile marketing and branding related ventures, Peter has led emerging media and technology companies at the center of disruptive change for more than 20 years. He is Co-Founder and Chairman of The Conversation Group, a fast growing agency helping brands with strategy and marketing in a world of empowered and connected audiences and customers. During a nineyear tenure at Apple Comput­er, Hirshberg headed Enterprise Marketing. Peter earned his bachelor’s degree ­at Dartmouth College and his MBA at Wharton.

Tim Kring is creator and execu­ tive producer of ‘Heroes’. Kring grew up primarily in Northern California. Kring studied film ­ at nearby Allan Hancock Junior College before transferring to the University of Santa Barbara. Kring later attended the master of fine arts program at the University of Southern California’s renowned film school and worked his way up in production. In 1996, Kring became a producer on the popular television series ‘Chicago Hope’ and became the supervising producer on the series a year later. Kring joined the staff of NBC’s ‘Providence’ in 1999 as Co-Executive Producer and signed an overall deal with NBC Studio. In 2008, Kring expanded his horizons, from the film and TV world by pairing with New York Author Dale Peck. Kring resides in Los Angeles.

right: Storyboard for a Heroes Scene from “Explosion” created by Cesar Lemus Storyboard_explosion_7

audience sourcing DLD10



DLD10 sunday 24 january

tim kring Heroes

Peter hirshberg The conversation Group


DLD10 sunday 24 january


solar DLD10

There’s a big chance to at least contain the consequences of global warming. Nikolaus von Bomhard The climate disaster of the Copenhagen Climate Conference showed that states are very limited by national constraints and conflicts of interest. A different vision emerges from an industrial initiative: Desertec, the world’s most ambitious solar project. Nikolaus von Bomhard, a member of the Board of Munich Re, speaks about disrupting the energy sector at the DLD “Solar” panel. Upon first glance it seems strange to have the world’s biggest reinsurance company tackling a renewable energy project. Yet it makes perfect sense. The reinsurance against natural catastrophe risks is core business. Consequently Munich Re, one of the 12 founding members of Desertec, is affected immediately by everything related to global climate change. Even more so, the general perception of the missing link between the energy sector and Munich Re, as well as the fact that they have no immediate benefit of any change in the energy mix, strengthens their position and acceptance as the coordinator and ambassador of the project. In the face of the COP 15 summit’s failure, Nikolaus von Bomhard states: “We missed a unique chance. However, it is not too late. If more projects succeeded in bundling initiatives such as Desertec, there’s a

big chance to at least contain the consequences of the global warming.” The Desertec project is a 400 billion Euro vision that develops giant solar plants in the deserts of North Africa. In the first stage, it is expected to cover the energy supply of the region. By 2050, the goal is to export the excess solar power to the European energy market. Regarding the heavy Investment volume, Desertec is primarily driven by economic interests. At the moment the project consists of 12 founding members, 9 of whom are German. “Right now it is too much of a German exercise,” says Nikolaus von Bomhard. In the future, the group should become more international and extend to 20 members. Additionally, 50 to 100 associate partners are targeted. In comparison to other innovative projects, Desertec has the advantage of being based on already existing technology. This eliminates pilot-phase risks and high R&D costs. “Still, the pace of development and return of equity ultimately depends on the oil price as well,” he summarizes. The biggest challenges remain political: the coordination of an agreement which includes a high number of political entities is very complicated.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

Still, the pace of development and return of equity ultimately depends on the oil price as well.

Nikolaus von Bomhard Munich Re Different countries follow different energy strategies, the single states’ behaviour is motivated by their own interests, and the readiness to invest in the public good is generally low. Still, the impact of potential spinoffs is huge: a geopolitically unstable region could be stabilized by this institutionalized cooperation; a technological transfer could take place in favour of North African countries; and a renewable energy project of this dimension could drastically cut emissions, working as a role model. Finally, the difficulties of aligning different interests in a relatively small region hint at the cooperation dilemma of global climate change negotiations. At the same time, a project like Desertec carries an optimistic message: regional private initiatives bear the opportunity to show a different, more feasible exit out of the climate catastrophe and possibly fill the gap left to us by COP 15.

Nikolaus von Bomhard was born in Gunzenhausen in 1956. He completed his law studies at the Universities of Munich and Regensburg with a doctorate. He joined the Munich Re graduate trainee programme in 1985, and afterwards worked as an underwriter in the Operational Division: Fire / Treaty. In 1992 he was appointed Deputy Head of the Operational Division: Germany. In 1997 Mr. von Bomhard took on the task of building up and managing the Munich Re office in São Paulo, Brazil. In 2000 he was appointed to the Board of Management and from 2001 was responsible for the Europe 2 / Latin America Division. He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Management with effect from 1 January 2004. He is married and has two children.

solar DLD10

Nikolaus von bomhard munich re



DLD10 sunday 24 january

solar DLD10

Patricia Szarvas CNBC Patricia Szarvas is a financial journalist currently based in Frankfurt, Germany working as the main anchor of CNBC Europe. Szarvas was born 1970 in Vienna. After studying Economics and Communications she worked as a broker, private banker and portfolio manager in Frankfurt, London and Luxembourg. From 1989 to 1999 she headed the stock exchange news department at the Italian public service broadcaster RAI. 1999 she joined CNBC in London. She contributes to CNBC programmes like Capital Connection, Worldwide Exchange and Squawk Box Europe and is as an expert responsible for reports on the car industry in the European CNBC network. Szarvas also moderates discussion forums at interna-足 tional conferences including the World Economic Forum and the International Management & Consulting Congress.

next page: Layout of a potential infrastructure for sustainable energy supply in Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa (EU-MENA).



DLD10 sunday 24 january

unthinkable DLD10


The world changes dramatically, what does this demand from me? Joshua Cooper Ramo One Manhattan afternoon Dr. Henry Kissinger and Joshua Cooper Ramo were talking about the state of the world. Joshua asked him if he remembered a time as revolutionary as ours. After a moment of silence, Dr. Kissinger – not exactly known for optimism – answered: “Not since the collapse of the Roman Empire.” “We are clearly living in a moment of tremendous change,” says Joshua, Managing Director at Kissinger Associates. The disruptive change in media and technology is only a marker of the disruptive changes everywhere in the world. Joshua labels our times “The Age of the Unthinkable.” The best minds and opinion leaders are often mistaken and their ideas even backfire. The war on terrorism has only produced more terrorists; the missionary spread of capital has only widened the social gap. Policies and results are often the opposite of the original intention. Considering the radical transformation to be inevitable, Joshua reckons that this revolutionary age bears great risks and opportunities: “The world will be reinvented through the disruption

for good as well as the disruption for bad.“ As an example of the interpenetrating phenomenon, Joshua talks about his experience with the Hezbollah: “What strikes you immediately is the similarity of their outlook, their viewpoint, the way of behaving to all of our friends who work at places like Google and Facebook. These are people who believe that disruption is an inevitable part of the future; that it is in their interests. That is true for Google, who is trying to disrupt information content, as it is for Hezbollah, who are trying to disrupt the political system of Lebanon!” Other than in an ordinary period, we live in an historic period. The grand currents of history touch each of our lives. That creates in each of us a huge obligation, the obligation of an historic period. It demands that each of us use the habit of innovation and the habit of inter-connectivity with responsibility to actually make the world a better place. Joshua leaves the DLD community with an essential question: “The world changes dramatically. What does this demand from me?”

Joshua Cooper Ramo Kissinger Associates Joshua Cooper Ramo is Managing Director at Kissinger Asso­ ciates, a strategic advisory firm. He is the youngest Managing Director in the history of the firm. Prior to entering the advisory business, Ramo was a journalist. He was the youngest Senior Editor and Foreign Editor in the history of TIME Magazine. Among his nearly two-dozen time cover stories were the 1997 Man of the Year profile of Andy Grove and an award-winning profile of Kofi Annan. Ramo, a Mandarin speaker, divides his time between Beijing and New York City. Trained as an eco­nomist, Ramo was raised in Los Ranchos, New Mexico. He has been, among other things, a Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders.


joshua cooper ramo kissinger associates

unthinkable DLD10

The world will be reinvented through the disruption for good as well as the disruption for bad.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

values The Ahtisaari Protocols Capturing the dialogue between Martti and Marko Ahtisaari without interrupting the real magic of the moment is impossible. So as to reduce the editorial manipulation of an amazing father and son conversation as much as possible, it is best to have them speak about values for themselves: The Ahtisaari Protocols. Marko: To start off with, recently somebody described you as the David Beckham of diplomacy. Tell us about that. Martti: I hear some people laughing. This happened when I got an honour doctorate at the UCL, London. In the evening we had a dinner. When I thanked the president, I said to him: “You didn’t realize how appropriate the description is. I am a football fan. And furthermore, David and I have a same problem: how to retire gracefully.” So I can’t obviously do as he might do to go to the fashion world. So I have to try to make peace instead. Marko: And purely from the domestic point of view, it seems like retirement in the cards. It seems like it’s getting busier and busier. After the presidency you founded the CMI (Crisis Management Initiative) which from my point of view looks like a crisis management start-up. In the start-up point of view, in the early and later stages, people are the critical thing. How do you build the teams and how do you choose the people to work on particular conflicts?

Martti: I give you an example about two operations. The first operation in my life with a UN context is Namibia, where we started 1st of April 1989 and stayed a year. I had eleven years to pick the best people that I could lay my hands on in the UN. At the time I was Undersecretary for Administration and Management. And many of my colleagues – we were 8,000 – made an excellent career in the UN afterwards. It was a first-class team. The other operation is Kosovo. That was perhaps even more crucial because we were only twenty in my office in Vienna. It was of vital importance to pick the best people I could lay my hands on. I had some whom I knew beforehand and we picked nationalities. I would like to emphasize that it’s the first task that one has to do is to try pick the best people to work with. As a former Head of Administration and Management I know that the UN Secretariat doesn’t normally send the best people to you. They send you somebody they want to get rid of. If you don’t know the system you are in a worse position than I had been. Second thing is that I always had lethal weapons of my government. It means that I have maintained my independence in these operations. But Marko, if you allow me, I would also like to say that you always need the main governance backing you in whatever you do. I had the pleasure in Namibia: I had an unholy alliance with the Americans in lead, South Africans, Angolans, Soviets, and Cubans.

In the Kosovo, I had a contact group with the Americans, the British, the Germans, the French, Italians, and Russians. I would not take a single assignment in peace-making without the support I had with these teams. May I also say that over the years, you learn that you need the American support. So this is not a solo performance, you need a good team and then you need the support as well. Marko: Great. We have a history of sending articles back and forth. Years ago you sent a short of the FT on The Body Shop founder. The title heading was: “Don’t get an MBA, get angry!” And you said: “Read this, it says a lot about the way I like to do peace-making.” Martti: I value the habit of sending books and articles to each other. That article reminded me of similarities in peace-making. You have to regard each peace operation as a special case. They have all special features. I am not against MBA’s as such but I wanted to emphasize the importance of being open-minded and innovative when you look for solutions. Marko: One thing about the application of design and businesses; rapid prototyping and quickly sketching of what a solution can be is critical in helping people think clearly. How important is that in peace-making early on and in the process?

values DLD10

Martti: Even before you start collecting your team, you are in charge of the strategic planning. In all the three major operations that I had been involved with, it was clear what the outcome is going to be. Namibia was going to be independent, Aceh was supposed to be a special autonomy within Indonesia, and Kosovo was going to be an independent nation. First you have to clarify this. Then you need to look for whom you will need in the process. Marko: In terms of transparency in the process, the Internet is a great democratizer of information. But always in every step of the process of peacemaking transparency, and everything leaking out, the process doesn’t help to get to a satisfactory conclusion. Martti: I use Aceh as an example. I proposed to the conflict parties: “Let’s agree that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed.” Otherwise I could not have opened the critical issues. It was important to get the rebels, the Free Aceh Movement, to start coming with their think pieces. How preliminary they might have been. To my surprise both delegations honoured that. It was very lousy for the media because we were only able to talk about atmospherics in the talks. But that guaranteed that in less than half a year we had peace agreement in our hands. That required the silence vis-à-vis the media. Also it is required to keep the parties’ communities in

exile informed so they don’t become the spoilers. Very often that happens, because they feel holier than the pope and have forgotten the atrocities on the field. Somehow you have to deal with the diaspora. That is something we have lately learned: You have to keep the diaspora happy, knowledgeable what’s going on, and listen to them as well. Marko: So transparency during the process doesn’t work. You are on the board of the Mou Ibrahim Foundation, which publishes indexes for African good governance based on nearly a hundred different criteria. People on the Internet love rankings. You said that this kind of index would do Europe good as well. Do you think it could be mobilized and distributed through the Internet, something that is not as centralized as a foundation? Martti: First of all I think the work of Mou Ibrahim is extremely important. When I was in the price committee with Kofi Annan, my first reaction was that this should be done in Europe, too. Perhaps it could be done on Wikipedia, as you once proposed. As long as we have comparative studies, it would help tremendously and I would like to have that on every continent. The data is available and I know that the Club of Madrid had shown interest in doing something like that. Still, that doesn’t prevent a civic initiative.

Marko: Oftentimes the conflicts are hundreds of years old. But typically going forward, the root cause of insecurity has to do with the lack of economic opportunity. The ILO recently forecasted that in the next ten years, 1.2 billion young people will enter the labour force, and with traditional means, there’s jobs for 300 million. What is your view on that, and the root causes of insecurity and conflict? Martti: If we really want to fight terrorism and criminality in the world, we have to keep up the hope for young people. There are excellent organizations that I have been associated with. I would appeal to all of you – this is a concrete thing. We have enough knowledge how to do this. This is of vital importance. If we can improve the employment situation I think the societies will look completely different and are not in the danger of becoming failed states. Marko: This is the first time that we did “The Ahtisaari Tonight Show” together. Whether it’s the last time? It depends on the ratings.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

You didn’t realize how appropriate the description is. I am a football fan. And furthermore, David and I have a same problem: how to retire gracefully. Martti Ahtisaari

Martti Ahtisaari CMI

Marko Ahtisaari NOKIA

After a distinguished career with the United Nations and the Finnish Foreign Ministry, Martti Ahtisaari was elected as President of the Republic of Finland in 1994. He held the position until the end of February 2000. In December 2008 Mr. Ahtisaari was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. After leaving the office of the President, Martti Ahtisaari founded Crisis Management Ini­ tiative (CMI), a Non-Governmental Organisation to continue his legacy in helping the international community to do better when it comes to preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and post-conflict state building. Today President Ahtisaari acts as the Chairman of the Board of CMI. Martti Ahtisaari is married to Mrs. Eeva Ahtisaari and they have one son.

Marko Ahtisaari is Senior Vice President of Design at Nokia. Raised on three continents in Helsinki, Dares Salaam and New York, Marko studied philosophy, economics and music at Columbia University in the City of New York. During his years lecturing at Columbia he had a parallel professional life in music as a bassist and composer. Ahtisaari was CEO and CoFounder of Dopplr, the social atlas for smart travellers around the world, acquired by Nokia in 2009. Previously he was part of the founding team at Blyk, the free mobile network for young people, funded by advertising. In the in-between moments Marko composes ambient music for public and private spaces, and occasionally sings arias.

values DLD10

martti ahtisaari cmi

marko ahtisaari nokia



DLD10 sunday 24 january

values DLD10

martti ahtisaari cmi

marko ahtisaari nokia


Human emotion DLD10

Human Emotion The god of love lives in a state of need. Plato When an anthropology professor talks to an audience of mainly black-suited businessmen and they stop hacking their smart phones to listen instead, it is one of these magic moments – the unexpected gets connected. It seems like the hectic world of a conference room stands still, and all attention is concentrated and focused on the most common, most essential thing in everyone’s life: LOVE. Helen Fisher, a professor at Rutgers University, creates these moments. Her studies concentrate on what the ancient Greeks called “the madness of the gods,” the most powerful brain system on earth, the reason for joy and energy. Homicide and suicide, the crimes of passion, outnumber the death toll of cancer. One project was to put people who are madly in love in a brain scanner. She detected activity in a tiny little part of the brain. It is the ventral tegmental area, home of the natural stimulant dopamine, and exactly the same spot that gets excited by cocaine. Further analysis resulted in the major conclusion that love is a powerful addiction!

“But why do we fall in love with one person rather than another?” asks Helen. A typical psychologist’s standpoint assumes that this phenomenon occurs when there is a similar socioeconomic background, the same level of intelligence, the same level of physical attractiveness, the same level of values, and the right timing. Helen is tackling the question from a different perspective. “Maybe it’s about basic body chemistry and the answer is in genetic data.” There are only a few chemicals in the brain associated with personality traits. Following this approach, she identifies four types of brain systems: (1) the dopamine/explorer, (2) the serotonin/builder, (3) the testosterone/director, and (4) the estrogen/ negotiator. To illustrate her brain chemical-based system of characters, she adds flavour to it with prestigious examples: US President Barack Obama is the typical high dopamine-driven explorer, conventional UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown is the loyal builder type; French President Nicolas Sarkozy represents



DLD10 sunday 24 january

Maybe it’s about basic body chemistry and the answer is in genetic data.

Helen Fisher Rutgers University Helen Fisher, Ph.D., is a Research Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University. She studies gender differences in the brain and behavior, human romantic love, marriage, adultery, divorce, and personality, temperament and mate choice. Her books have all published in several languages. Recent articles in: Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of Neurophysiology, and in books published by MIT Press, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Yale University Press. Since 1983 Dr. Fisher has served as an anthropological commentator and/or consultant for businesses and the media. For her work in communicating anthropology to the lay public, Helen received the American Anthropological Association’s ‘Distinguished Service Award’.

the testosterone-pushed director type; and former US President Bill Clinton is the contextual and holistic-thinking negotiator type. Evaluating the results of her questionnaire – 8 million took it – she finds very interesting correlations. In the cases of the explorer and builder type, similarities attract, and individuals tend to fall in love with their kind of chemical genre. As for the dating preferences of the director and negotiator type, they build a microgroup together in which they are generally attracted by the opposite. Hillary (director) and Bill Clinton (negotiator) are a renowned example of this chemical attraction. Romantic love is a funnel, with breaking points along the way, such as looks, voice, values, goals, needs, lifestyle and experience. The biological component – and compatibility – is prefabricating one’s behaviour towards most of the funnel’s breaking points. It is marvellous to experience how Helen leaves the audience contemplating their love career and the profound meaning of the phrase: “the chemistry wasn’t right.“ For an instant, the smart phones are forgotten.

Human emotion DLD10

helen fisher rutgers university


Human emotion DLD10

People get happier as they get old. Jonathan Harris The Web started off as a rather impersonal medium – only a few were feeding it with information for a huge number of users. Jonathan’s art work began when the Web shifted to become extremely personalized through blogs and social networks. The digital Humboldt, he is calibrating the emotional landscape online. His book “We Feel Fine” captures, collects and portrays the footprints of feelings on the Internet. Based on his background in computer science, he developed a script that fishes everything that includes “I feel” out of the Web and archives it with additional information, such as data on weather conditions, location, age and gender connected to the posting. This search engine of emotions has collected

more than 13 million anonymous feelings since 2005. The gigantic, truly global dataset allows various statistical breakdowns – demographical, geographical, circumstantial, political, and much more. Jonathan considers his project an “emotional deep-dive through statistical insight.”

the correlation of the self-perception of thin and fat, beautiful and ugly, approval rates for politicians – more approval before election – and rockstars – more approval after death – or the date-related sentiments, e.g., increase in loneliness, which peaks approaching Saturday.

Sharing his statistical insights, Jonathan seems as if he’s opening his jewel case: “Analyzing the rise and fall of emotions over time, you can see that the blogging population is actually getting happier. The reason for that is that the blogging population’s medium age rose for one and a half years. This is one of the strongest trends; people get happier as they get old.” His work is rich with such trends and dependencies; whether it is about

Ever since he turned thirty, he is simplifying his life. He moved from Brooklyn to the Oregon countryside and lets himself be guided by heart and experience. Every day he is posting a story with a picture about his emotional journey online. Jonathan’s jewel box projects are precious contributions to technology and create a space we actually want to inhabit – a space in which we feel fine.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

Jonathan Harris author

Human emotion DLD10

Analyzing the rise and fall of emotions over time, you can see that the blogging population is actually getting happier.

Jonathan Harris Author Jonathan Harris makes projects that reimagine how humans relate to technology and to each other. Combining elements of computer science, anthropology, visual art and storytelling, his projects range from building the world’s largest time capsule to documenting an Alaskan Eskimo whale hunt on the Arctic Ocean. He is the Co-Creator of “We Feel Fine”, which continuously measures the emotional temperature of the human world through large-scale blog analysis. After studying computer science at Princeton University, he won a 2005 Fabrica fellowship and three Webby Awards. He has given talks at Google, Princeton and Stanford Universities, and the TED Conference. Born in Vermont, he now floats between Brooklyn, NY, the open road, and cyberspace, doc­umenting his life with one photo a day.



DLD10 sunday 24 january

aenne burda award The Award for Creative Leadership For the fifth time the ‘Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership’ was awarded at the DLD conference 2010. The prize was established to honour successful women, who believe in their visions and have made them come true. The ‘Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership’ was founded in memory of the visionary German Entrepreneur Aenne Burda who died in November 2005. She was one of the great influential figures of the post-war generation and built the world’s largest fashion publishing house. Her achievements in the media world and her creative power made her an international role model for women. With determination, irrepressible energy and hard work Aenne Burda turned the idea of the sewing pattern into a global fashion empire. The ‘Aenne Burda Award’ was first awarded to Marissa Mayer (Google). In 2007 the prize was given to Caterina Fake (Flickr), and in 2008 Martha Stewart (Martha Stewart Living) received the award. Last year the honour went to Investor and Internet visionary Esther Dyson (EDventure). Esther Dyson and Lisa Furtwängler equally contribute to this year’s laudation for the Aenne Burda Prize 2010 winner. Last year’s laureate Esther begins the honorific speech with a riddle: “I’m last year’s news. I just

flew in to give the award to this year’s winner. Some of you may be able to guess because this woman is really special and many of you know her by her works. Amazingly, she’s not one of you techie types. When I asked her whether she’d liked maths she kind of wrinkled her nose. I understood that she likes the rules of people – not the rules of mathematics. She’s actually a lawyer. Now you are probably really wondering who she is? She’s amazingly good at managing large numbers of people but she’s not from Google, Ebay or Yahoo. You are still guessing I hope? She has brought order to chaos. Not by installing rigidity and hierarchies but rather by helping people to self-organize. She is: the leader of the Mozilla Foundation, Mitchell Baker. The Mozilla Foundation has a very strong political mission. The notion of benign laws to help people interact and the benign notion of cooperating and sharing is the heart and soul of the foundation as well as of Mitchell Baker.” Last but not least, Lisa adds a very personal touch with an anecdote in the second part of the laudation: “I met Mitchell last year when she was in Bavaria to do hiking and see the beautiful landscape. We had a dinner where I asked Mitchell about Mozilla and how all that works. She was

so kind and patient and explained everything to me. I just find it really amazing how a woman can be so powerful, that she created something so unique, and that she realized her visions. My grandmother Aenne Burda was a wonderful, energetic woman. I think it is great that you are getting this prize now, because both of you are outstanding personalities. You created something really great and are a role model for many women – and men of course.” Ultimately, Mitchell addresses some words to the audience: “I’am quite honoured. The more I’ve learnt about Aenne Burda and the Burda family, the more impressed I’ve been with their curiosity, interest in change, and their excitement about the new world. I’ve spent almost all of my professional life as the only woman in the room when a critical decision needed to be made. I never set out to lead a movement and I wanted to be behind the scenes most of my life. I decided to come more front and centre when the moment needed it. We needed someone to articulate and stand up. People wrote us off as naïve until our success became undeniable. It took me a while to realize that Mozilla is a large part of me while at the same time it is this large social movement. When I step outside and look at it, it still astonishes me. Thank you very much!”

aenne burda award DLD10



DLD10 sunday 24 january

I’ve spent almost all of my professional life as the only to be made. I never set out to lead a movement and I

Mitchell Baker Mozilla Foundation

above: Steffi Czerny and Marcel Reichart introducing the Aenne Burda Award below: Esther Dyson, Mitchell Baker and Lisa Furtwängler

right: Mitchell Baker celebrates with the Aenne Burda Award

As the leader of the Mozilla Project, Mitchell organizes and motivates a massive, worldwide collective of employees who are breathing new life into the Internet with the Firefox Web browser and other Mozilla products. Baker received her BA in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley and her JD from the Boalt Hall School of Law. Her law career included working for Sun Microsystems and Netscape. Baker has been the general manager of the Mozilla project since ’99. In 2003, she became President and Founder of the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to openness and ­innovation on the Internet. In 2005, Baker led the creation of Mozilla Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation. She continues her commitment to an open web and its infinite possibilities.

aenne burda award DLD10

woman in the room when a critical decision needed wanted to be behind the scenes most of my life.





Cubatron The Cubatron is a true threedimensional, full-color dynamic LED light sculpture. It can display a pre-programmed show, be controlled in real-time, or synchronized with music. It is based on custom designed hardware and software systems.

cubatron DLD10




cubatron DLD10


Chairmen’s Dinner David Garret Violonist

The Chairmen’s Dinner resides in the Hubert-Burda-Hall of the Jewish Community Centre in Munich.




Chairmen’s Dinner // Sunday // 24 January // Jewish Community Centre // Munich DLD10

1 Hubert Burda and Charlotte Knobloch President of the “Zentralrat der Juden” 2 David Garret Violonist // Patricia Riekel BUNTE // Helmut Markwort FOCUS 3 Reinhold Messner lectures about the expedition with his brother on Nanga Parbat

Chairmen’s Dinner // Sunday // 24 January // Jewish Community Centre // Munich DLD10




1 Philipp Welte Hubert Burda Media // Frank Briegmann Universal 2 Yossi Vardi DLD Chairman and his wife Talma Vardi 3 Martti Ahtisaari CMI // Paul-Bernhard Kallen Hubert Burda Media // Marko Ahtisaari NOKIA 4 Baratunde Thurston The Onion // Matthew Stinchcomb Etsy // Jim Breyer Accel // Benedikta Karaisl von Karais Burda Style Group 5 Ulla-Maaria EngestrĂśm Thinglink // Jimmy Wales Wikipedia 6 Randi Zuckerberg Facebook // Sandy Climan Entertainment Media Ventures 7 Helen Fisher Rutgers University discusses with the DLD community








Shimon Roboter

above: Shimon performing live on stage at the DLD Chairmen’s Dinner right: Shimon and Guy Hoffman

Shimon, the second robotic member of Georgia Tech’s Robotic Musicianship Group, is designed to play the marimba. It utilizes melodic and harmonic perception and improvisation algorithms, adding to the rhythmic improvisation approach taken by Haile, Georgia Tech’s first robotic drummer. Shimon is designed to create rich acoustic sound and to provide communicative social cues to its human counterparts. The robot’s head provides fellow musicians visual cues that represent social-musical elements, from beat detection and tonality, to attention and spatial interaction. Shimon has performed live on stage with human musicians and over video-link with conference attendees halfway around the world.



Hotshot the robot DLD10

HotShot the robot

Hotshot the Robot Life – is a characteristic that ­d istinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes from those that do not. Occasionally there are exceptions. The Worlds only living ­r obot has hands that feel, eyes that see, and a heart that beats. At six years of age, he is rich with experience and thirsting for more. • Burning Man Festival‚ 04 – 09 • International RoboGames 1st place – Best in Show‚ 07 • Coachella Music Festival‚ 06 – 09 • Hunter S. Thompson Memorial 8/20/05 • American Idol – Round 2‚ 06 • Voodoo Music Experience‚ 09 Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most…human. Capt. James T. Kirk



DLD10 monday 25 january

china China and the relationship to the West will dominate our lives for the rest of the century. John Naisbitt Back in 1982, John Naisbitt said that the industrial age has come to its end and proclaimed the rise of the information age. As his book “Megatrends” introduced the information age, his recent book “China’s Megatrends” intends to update the Western understanding of China. He is convinced that China will dominate the next decade, as it will rise to be the second largest economy this year: “China and the relationship to the West will dominate our lives for the rest of the century.” Demographic facts underline that: two thirds of over one billion people are under the age of 25 in China. This generation is growing up with a totally different socioeconomic background and mindset and will shape the China of tomorrow. China is investing in this future by building innovation systems. Additionally, the leadership of China understands how to create a fertile environment for Entrepreneurs. His wife Doris adds that government policies are successfully achieving the installation of high-tech parks. They are not only providing the top-notch technological environment, but are also creating a social environment in which innovation is fostered. At this stage, they cannot compete with the car companies and their technological experience. It is radi-

cally different when it comes to new innovations and technology like electric cars, renewable energy, biotechnology, robots, and information technology. Keeping this in mind, China emphasizes economical efforts in new sectors rather than competing with the traditional high-tech industries. With the electric car, for instance, everyone is at the same place on the starting line. Additional proof of China’s innovative capabilities is the support of Warren Buffett. He looked for investment in the electric car globally, and he made his investment in China. Joe Schoendorf highlights that China, starting from scratch, built the world’s second biggest economy within 30 years. To him, China feels a lot more like Palo Alto these days. John resumes that the West is still ignorant towards the new realities in China. “The Google-China situation is merely a blip on the screen,” he says, and criticizes that there is more hacking in Russia, but Google is not moving there. It is just a pretext for business considerations, he believes. Generally, John sees a misunderstanding in the intercultural communication and the Western perception, and wants to adjust the picture: “China is a country with no ideology!” The people perceive a new freedom through the recent changes in China and the common spirit is to constantly think about how to make their

lives better. “In the West, we want to know what the Dalai Lama says. In China, they want to know about the stock market,” comments Doris. This explains why a multi-party political environment is not a big issue in China: “People in China simply experience a lot more freedom than ever before – they are thankful about what they have, and not trying to change the political systems as much as we would.” Answering Esther Dyson’s question about corruption, lack of transparency, and other risks, John responds that the two biggest issues in Chinese news and media are corruption and the environment. Still, there are a lot of things going wrong in China, he admits, but it is also fundamental to show the often forgotten positive picture. Moreover, the Chinese do not recognize the moral standing of the West to lecture China. Finishing with an outlook for the future, John mentions the cleavage between the urban coastal and the rural population, the aging population, and the exploding energy demands as the biggest challenges China will have to face.

china DLD10

john naisbitt mEgatrends china



DLD10 monday 25 january

Thomas Crampton ogilvy

china DLD10

To understand the digital part, you have to understand in a broader sense what is happening in China.



DLD10 monday 25 january

John Naisbitt Co-Author ‘Megatrends China’

People in China simply experience a lot more freedom than ever before – they are thankful. Doris Naisbitt

After his studies in Utah, Harvard and Cornell, John Naisbitt worked for IBM and Kodak. In 1963 he went to Washington where he became the Assistant Secretary of Education to President Kennedy, and Special Assistant to President Johnson. Since the glob­al success of Megatrends, he has traveled around the globe several times a year and has spoken to almost all the major corporations of the world. He is the recipient of 15 hon­orary doctorates in the humanities, technology and science. John Naisbitt has been studying and visiting China for more than 40 years. A former professor at Nanjing University, he is currently professor at both Nankai University and Tianjin Uni­versity of Finance and Economics. He and his wife divide their time living in Vienna, Austria and in Tianjin, China.

china DLD10

Doris Naisbitt Co-Author ‘Megatrends China’

Thomas Crampton Ogilvy

Joe Schoendorf Accel

Doris Naisbitt is the Director of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin, China and Co-Author of ‘Mega­trends China: Eight Pillars of a New Society’. She also holds professorships at Nankai and Yunnan Normal Universities in China. Profes­sor Naisbitt has a distinguished career in publishing, serving as head of the Austrian publishing house, Signum Verlag. From 2002 to 2006 she worked in close collaboration with John Naisbitt’s public lecturing in editing and translating his books and other works for the German publishing houses of Hanser, Bertelsmann and Frankfurter Allgemeine Buchverlag. Ms. Naisbitt studied fashion and theatre in Vienna at the ac­ claimed Academy of Performing Arts. She and John Naisbitt live in Vienna, Austria and Tianjin, China.

Thomas Crampton worked as a correspondent for the Interna­ tional Herald Tribune and The New York Times for more than a decade, reporting from five continents, covering Asian politics, economics and culture. Currently based out of China, he is working with the founder of a major media company on Entrepre­ neurial Ventures. Crampton has served as President of The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong. In addition to citations from Amnesty International for his articles and photography, he is Co-Founder of the Foreign Correspondents’ Club Charity Fund. Mr. Crampton was educated in the United States at the University of Virginia, in Ireland at Trinity College, Dublin, and in France at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. He speaks English, French, Thai and is learning Mandarin Chinese.

Joe Schoendorf has been active in high technology industries for nearly forty years. Joe is a member and strategic partner of the World Economic Forum and has served as a consultant to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Japan. Joe joined Accel in 1988. Previously he was the Vice President of Marketing for Apple Computer. Before that he was Executive Vice President for Worldwide Sales and Marketing for Ungermann-Bass. Joe came to Silicon Valley in 1966. During an eighteen year career at Hewlett Packard he held numerous computer marketing and sales positions including Group Marketing Manager and General Manager of the Corporate Account Division. Joe holds a B.S.E.E. degree from Purdue University.



DLD10 monday 25 january

Data  &  Identity

Facebook turns into an Identity and Privacy Management System for the Web. Mike Schroepfer Data and identity are challenged online as major paradigm shifts take place: We see a shift in how privacy is perceived – is the content by default private or public? It seems like personal reputation can no longer be controlled anymore. The amount of content shared online (and having to be managed) grows at incredible rates. To give users granular control over what they want to share on the Web, and to make this simple, too, is a huge challenge. And it is now getting even more complex with location-based services. Long-time DLD friend David Kirkpatrick discusses these points with some of the heavyweights in the field. # part 1 Starting off, David is picking up last year’s conversation he held with Mark Zuckerberg and Mike Schroepfer. Mike is Head of Engineering and part of the triumvirate that decides where Facebook is heading. According to him, Mark is exceedingly clear

about the mission and goal of FB: giving people the power to share and connect, and provide them with the electronic system to do so. Mike prefers to describe FB as two “companies”:, where the user logs in, represents himself online and shares information with friends and colleagues; and Facebook the platform. The Facebook Connect application within the website creates a bridge between the two worlds, becoming increasingly important. The second “company” dedicates itself to the ability of exporting the social graph and identity to the iPhone, the XBox, or somewhere else on the Web. Responding to David’s comment that according to insiders, FB could end up having no website experience whatsoever down the road, Mike agrees and sees it from the engineer’s perspective: “Platforms are amazing due to their extraordinary high leverage. There is not a single innovator, but you are tapping in the ecosystem

data & Identity DLD10

of anyone in the world who wants to participate.” That implies two options. Either FB builds the best version or it provides the “glue” to bring along the social network to external sites and reconnect with them. FB identifies itself as an identity registry, as a communication hub, and as an import and export API. “A major shift in the FB universe can be expected,” summarizes David, and asks whether or not constant revolts in the network’s architecture don’t puzzle the members: “It seems like they can’t keep up and often perceive the changes as something they don’t like.” Mike speculates that change is always hard for a consumer product, but in order to remain competitive, constant innovation is necessary. Possibly following the trial-and-error tactics, FB is getting new products out there, observing the people’s response and adjusting to it. Every release contains

learning effects and “we carefully look at the data of how people use the product and listen to complaints,” says Mike. He adds: “Generally all new designs caused irritation and confusion at the beginning, but ended in a huge increase of usage.” Referring to Mark’s statement at the TechCrunch Awards – which for many sounded like McNealy’s “privacy is dead, get over it!” – David spots a company-user communication problem: “It seems like a lot of people didn’t understand what they were doing when they accepted the ‘everyone’ privacy setting. Critiques allege that FB is pushing people to reveal more about themselves than they are comfortable doing.” Mike first gets Mark’s statement straight and clarifies that he only noted that people are increasingly comfortable with sharing online. Nevertheless, he faces the problem and points out that the challenge lies in product design.

There are tools to individual settings and in order to improve the communication, FB set up a wizard that explains all features. Different from Google, the user’s profile is still self-edited and follows the rules of self-expression and selfrepresentation. Of course, Facebook Connect stimulates an exponential growth of data on the Web, which is under FB’s control beyond inside user control on the profile, but it is the user’s own decision to “connect” and publish the information. In this sense, FB turns into an identity and privacy management system for the Web. Only the status updates would be a huge resource of emotions for sentimental studies like Jonathan Harris’ work “We Feel Fine.” Yet Mike sets the art world at ease: “We have conducted fun studies like this, but that’s not the core product. Facebook is a well-tailored product for very individual experience by customizing.”


Mike Schroepfer facebook

data & Identity DLD10

There is not a single innovator, but you are tapping in the ecosystem of anyone in the world who wants to participate. Mike Schroepfer Facebook

David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

Mike Schroepfer is the Vice President of Engineering at Facebook. Mike is responsible for harnessing the engineering organization’s culture of speed, creativity and exploration to build products, services and infrastructure that support the company’s users, developers and partners around the world. Before coming to Facebook, Mike was the Vice President of Engineering at Mozilla Corporation, where he led the global, collaborative, open and participatory product development process. Mike was formerly a distinguished engineer at Sun Microsystems. He was also the founder, Chief Architect and Director of Engineering at CenterRun, which was acquired by Sun. Mike holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degrees in computer science from Stanford University and has filed two U.S. patents.

David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor for Internet and Technology at Fortune Magazine, specializes in the computer and technology industries, as well as in the impact of the Internet on business and society. He thinks that the impact is huge. Kirkpatrick began writing about computing and technology for Fortune in 1991. In May 2008 he published ‘Microsoft After Gates’, a definitive account of Microsoft’s prospects and challenges as its founder stepped away. Other recent Fortune features have examined MySpace, Second Life, and Technology in China. Known for his weekly ‘Fast Forward’ column on a wide range of tech top­ics, Kirkpatrick is regularly ranked one of the world’s top technology journalists. Kirkpatrick appears regularly at conferences worldwide.



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We have to not only think about what is technically possible, but also about what is ethically right! David Kirkpatrick # part 2 In the second part, Magid Abraham, Todd Levy, Dave Morgan, and Philipp Pieper join the panel on stage and introduce themselves. Dave – “the internet veteran in the data arena and the battles around it” – is professionally targeting advertisement with his company Simulmedia. Philipp is the CEO of the infrastructure player Proximic which runs services for big advertisement networks. The company refines and packages anonymous data. Magid’s comScore is publicly known for measuring traffic. A more unknown, but fundamental part of the company’s business is the analysis of identity and behaviour of voluntarily participating people to evaluate whether advertisement has delivered the wanted results. Last but not least, Todd is the Co-Founder of, an online platform for sharing and tracking links in real-time as they propagate through social distribution networks.

feel about it? Magid shares his insights and explains: “Facebook knows a lot about their users, but the average website only sees cookies.” Some people aggregate various websites and compare the data to find out more about the user behind the anonymous cookie. “The deepest dataset on that is Google with their many touchpoints,” continues Magid. Nevertheless, it remains imperfect data, and certainties do not exist. Instead of randomly advertising, you can improve the likelihood of successful targeting. Even something as binary as gender is complicated. Facebook can be accurate on this with the photo archives. The meremail registration or the webpreferences cannot predict the gender exactly. ComScore did a modelling exercise on this, with the perfect information of an entire visitation record of one month, recounts Magid: “We tried to predict the gender. For only 60 percent of the users we could tell with 80 percent accuracy.”

Without trivializing technology, Dave doesn’t see any more barriers for data leverage and thinks the real topics are on the business and policy side, that data questions have reached the human application layer. What do we do with the data? How do people

Todd goes into detail about his observation of how content was managed online. It turns out that there are two clear trends: a decentralisation away from conventional sources takes place, and the content is distributed more quickly. In other words, users share

david kirkpatrick ‘the facebook effect’

data & Identity DLD10

Mike Schroepfer facebook

dave morgan simulmedia

magid abraham comscore todd levy



DLD10 monday 25 january

Philipp Pieper Proximic

Dave Morgan Simulmedia

Philipp Pieper is the Co-Founder and CEO of Proximic. Proximic is a company based in Palo Alto, Cal­ifornia and offices in Beijing, China and Munich, Germany. The company provides to large ad networks contextual analysis and matching services. With that, partners can identify connections between unstructured data assets such as web pages or user inter­est profiles to ad related targeting such as text-ad keywords or display categories. Prior to Proximic, Mr. Pieper worked in Supply-Chain-Management for Sony International Europe. He also held various private equity and management positions within Deutsche Bank and Allianz Group. Mr. Pieper holds degrees in engineering and business administration and attended Berlin University of Technology and UC Berkley Haas School of Business.

Dave Morgan has spent his career founding, building and ­operating market-leading digital advertising companies. He was the founder, CEO and Chairman of TACODA, Inc., an online advertising company. Most recently, Mr. Morgan was Executive Vice President ­ of Global Advertising Strategy at AOL, a Time Warner company and continues to be the nonexecutive Chairman of The Tennis Company. Mr. Morgan holds degrees in law and political science and is a frequent writer, speaker and commenter on dig­ital media, advertising and consumer privacy issues. In addition to being the owner of TENNIS magazine and, Mr. Morgan serves on the boards of newspaper Publisher AH Belo, Inc., the Internet Advertising Bureau and the American Press Institute. Mr. Morgan lives in Manhattan.

data & Identity DLD10

Todd Levy Todd Levy is a Co-Founder of New York City based, where he serves as the Head of Product & Engineering. ­ is the pre-eminent platform for online distributed analytics ­ and content sharing, allowing users to shorten, share, and track links in real-time as they propagate through social distribution networks. Previously, Todd was an architect with Betaworks, a new media company focused on start­ups in the realtime communications, public collab­oration, and distribution spaces. He holds degrees in Economics and Neuroscience & Behavior from Columbia University. Prior to university, Todd was at AOL, where he was a member of the engineering team that developed MapQuest and Moviefone, amongst other web properties.

It is a dramatic change compared to old times when all of it had to get through the bottleneck of curated media. He says: “The content distributors play a very important role in this new ecosystem, whereas earlier just the content creators were as important.”



DLD10 monday 25 january

There are more opt over the content The Web destroyed

their content through links, via Twitter, Facebook, and the like, and almost in real time. It is a dramatic change compared to old times when all of it had to get through the bottleneck of curated media. He says: “The content distributors play a very important role in this new ecosystem, whereas earlier just the content creators were as important.”

and mentions that the most natural reaction is to cut down the activities at the cost of losing many useful mechanisms. He suggests that there will be counter services for reputation management and adverts to the importance of transparency and control as well as the relevance of a conscientious and cautious mindset of the user.

Magid expresses his concern that defaults tend to prevail: “There are more opt-ins than opt-outs.” The fact that there is little control over the content written about the user is a growing issue. The Web destroyed the retention limits for information. Content which is accepted now can be a big problem in ten years from now. Mike admits that tags on compromising photos can be deleted – the photo itself cannot. Dave argues that users need to realize that they cannot really control their reputation online very well: “You can go to the primary basis and edit the data but you can scarcely control your reputation. Every piece of data on you can never be destroyed totally.” Mike tries to becalm: “There’s a huge difference between existence and discoverability.” Acknowledging the problem, he says that the first hit on Google is the first point of reference for many people. If the first hit is output of one’s self-expression, one regains control. Phillip jumps in

Todd optimistically predicts that future technology is likely to have better tools to contextualize and pull in more data like reputation, reliability, and relevance, to assure that the best quality information is highlighted. Starting with audience interaction, Mr. Vega from Stanford University offers the approach that a companycentric view should turn into a customer-centric view. First to respond is David, who defines his company’s view as very user-centric: “We want to use the data to delight. We focus on what the users might want instead of what the marketer wants.” Mike agrees and says the integration of ads as content suggestions that match the profile are more successful. Phillip stresses that the trends force the industry to work very user-centrically. The mechanisms for the qualification of ad performance are based on the engagement of users, and enforce the user-centric perspective.

A whole new universe of advertisement, data security, and privacy opens up with “localization.” Most of the services are by default, and one has to opt-out. Others are based on the opt-in mechanism – the check-in phenomenon of foursquare. Magid gives food for thought: “The location used by mobile devices is tied to a phone number; this phone number is tied to a person. While a cookie is not sensitive, this is really personal. On the one side, it is very effective for advertisement; on the other side, privacy issues are really delicate and sensitive here.” Another concerning aspect the audience brings up is the space of recreation of data about data, and data about its movement. This explosion of collected data will be only more sensitive when robots from the future can access it through technologies like face or voice recognition. Closing thoughts for the appropriate reaction to and handling of the massive data embrace control over individual data, and the need for a new class of information and service workers. Or how David puts it: “We have to not only think about what is technically possible, but also about what is ethically right!”

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-ins than opt-outs. The fact that there is little control that is written about the user is a growing issue. the retention limits for information.

Magid Abraham comScore Dr. Magid Abraham is President, CEO and Co-Founder of comScore, Inc. He is focused on product development, business strategy and maintaining comScore’s industry leadership. Throughout his career, he has been a prolific innovator who designed pioneering marketing applications that became standards of CPG marketing practice. Dr. Abraham is an expert on market research, consumer modeling and innovative information solutions. In 2009 he received the AMA’s Parlin Award, demonstrating ‘outstanding leadership and sustained impact on advancing the evolving profession of marketing research (…)’. Further Awards include the Paul Green award by the American Marketing Association and the AMA’s William F. O’Dell Award. He was inducted in the Entrepreneurship Hall of Fame.



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Changing the equation Technology can change the equation to find a different ­answer for a sustainable global society. Michael Mendenhall Michael Mendenhall, Senior Vice President at Hewlett-Packard, tackles the questions of tomorrow. The big forces which are transforming the world economically and socially bear great opportunities in revolutionizing reality. HP targets their operation fields in energy, health care, and education. Hewlett-Packard is a global company: 70 percent of their revenue is generated outside the US. Consequently, the company’s strategy and thinking in the macro level is globally oriented. Worldwide long-term forces change rapidly: demographics, migration, globalisation, and the information explosion are reshaping the landscape. In front of these fundamental economical and societal challenges, Michael Mendenhall shares his macro outlook about the future. By 2025 the world population will expand by approximately 20 percent, an increase from 6.6 billion to 7.8 billion

people. These emerging growth patterns vary widely by country: in India the number of people between 20 and 50 will grow more than 60 percent while in Germany the number of people under 60 decreases by about 28 percent. The growing younger population in developing markets implies an increasing demand to access new opportunities. At the same time, the aging population in developed markets will have an augmented need in support and services. The rapid process of urbanization – cities worldwide are expanding by 60 million people annually – has a significant impact for IT. By 2040 the global middle class is projected to swell from 400 million to 1.2 billion. This raises the demand in the current infrastructure. The information explosion is still at the beginning. At the moment, about 20 percent of the world’s population is online, and 4 billion wireless, handheld devices are in the market. The

Changing the equation DLD10

information doubles every 4 years, the digital content even doubles every 18 months. If this data is uncontrolled, it is only noise – organized and controlled, this data is knowledge. Overall, the infrastructure that has been built over the last 100 years doesn’t map the needs of the next 100 years. Fast growing demands are tapping out diminishing resources. With one powerful exception: the idea. The human capacity for innovation is our greatest resource. A revolution is taking place in the world of information: open industry standards (hardware) led to the democratization of technology; the respective software automates processes, management, and knowledge discovery; and the transformation of growing digital content – transmitted to alwaysconnected mobile devices in real time – ultimately delivers everything as a service. Michael stresses: “In the future there will be more people with more

access to more information wherever and however needed!” In all this, technology presents a powerful tool to get the right information to the right place at the right time. It enables better resource utilization and decision-making, and applying IT will play a crucial role in finding a solution to the biggest challenges of our society. Projecting this intelligence from the cloud out into the world can change the equation for the most fundamental societal obligations: energy, healthcare, and education. In the energy field, IT has the potential to make the energy-intensive processes more transparent, efficient and light. Michael gives an example: in 2007, 2.3 billion magazines were never read. A solution to this resource mismanagement is offered by the HP service MagCloud. It produces a magazine on demand and eliminates dispensable warehousing, distribu-

tion and waste. The healthcare sector can be profoundly improved with a broader implementation of IT. Digital hospitals can integrate the entire clinical experience with technology and industry standards can harness the genomics for personalized medicine. In education, IT expands the horizon of what education can deliver. In a partnership programme with UNESCO, HP launched the University e-Infrastructure for Africa with a cloudbased model, shared computing storage and remote laboratories. Mobile education broadens communities, the economy, and stimulates intercultural communication. For the future, Michael desires truly sustainable cities, a highly personalized healthcare system available for everyone and an education without boundaries fuelling global economic prosperity: “Technology can change the equation to find a different answer for a sustainable global society.”



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Michael mendenhall hp

Changing the equation DLD10

In the future there will be more people with more access to more information wherever and however needed!

Michael Mendenhall HP Michael Mendenhall is Senior Vice President and Chief ­Marketing Officer at HP. The organization oversees brand strat­egy, inter­nal and external communications, digital strategy, global citizen­ship, integrat­ed design, customer intelligence, services and operations, and ­He is a member of the World Eco­nomic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Marketing and Branding, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, the senior advisory board of the ­Executive Marketing Council and the Marketing 50. Most recently, Michael was recognized as marketer of the year by the Delaney Report while at the same time, HP was recognized as the ­technology marketer of the year by Marketing Daily. Michael received a bachelor’s degree from Emerson College in Boston.


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There is a significant trend towards personalized medicine and the empowerment of the patients. Stefan Oschmann Tech-savvy trend scout Esther Dyson introduces us to “the most important thing at DLD 2010.” Healthcare. Today, the economics of healthcare are based on a huge lucrative market with only a few stakeholders. This session focuses on the effects of user-generated content and personalized research on the traditional industry and the perspectives of this field, respectively. Is healthcare the next market to be disrupted? The evolution of user-generated content has not spared the healthcare landscape. Services advertise for people who are trying to stay healthy. People share health tips and try to engage other people in healthier behaviour, and markets for sensors and devices that measure the condition of your health are emerging. The lion’s share of established doctors and scientists call this unscientific, and

react like priests in medieval times: “We read and interpret the bible for you. There’s no need for the Guttenberg bible,” compares Esther. She considers the shift towards user-generated health inevitable. Alain Rappaport shares this view and explains the systematic approach of Microsoft. The basic principle of Bing is to focus the search on tasks and intentions of the user rather than just follow the hit-and-miss tactics of the keyword concept. Inducing this concept into the knowledge-intensive health space, it is even more important to precise the intentions of the user. In the search perspective, the focus lies in enabling the user to take action through embedding more knowledge into the system, and surfacing more information, data, and syntheses in this supercomplex domain. Another essential part is the health vault component. The

ownership of one’s personal data is crucial. Still, this controlled data can be shared on a platform in order to optimize the search results, and to obtain recommendations for the indicated institutions. Alain stresses that “the key mission is to figure out valuable information in the noise of user-generated space, synthesize it, and present it in an instant way.” Stefan Oschmann confirms that the healthcare sector expects a dramatic shift. He reckons that the industry is still based on a 19th century fashion of thinking, both in funding and delivery. “There is a significant trend towards personalized medicine and the empowerment of the patients,” says Stefan. He adds: “It is evident that people take health into their own hands.” The downside of it is an even greater decrease in data privacy.

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stefan oschmann msd

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It is evident that people take health into their own hands. The downside of it is an even greater decrease in data privacy.

Besides personalized medicine, he spots other significant developments in the pharma industry. One very opposite trend goes towards paternalism: quite a lot of countries adopt centralized healthcare systems which are linked to funding and rationing. Secondly, 90 percent of the pharma growth in the next 5 years will take place in the emerging markets. Last but not least, a break-through barrier has built up. The last few years have shown an explosion of innovation. Huge productivity has led to more output of basic research than ever before. However, it is very difficult to translate the research into the marketplace. Overall, Stefan concludes that “pharma companies totally need to rethink their role in life.” Responding to Claudia Gonzalez’s question on how the user-generated health can be integrated in the structure of big companies, Esther notes that the evolution is bottomup generated and primarily grows wildly. Alain adds that there will be so much correlated data and either a priori or real-time analysis of usergenerated content that the big pharma

Stefan Oschmann MSD After obtaining a Ph.D. at the Technical University of Munich, Stefan Oschmann worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency and the FAO/ IAEA. In 1989 he joined Merck & Co. Inc. (MSD), where he was employed in various positions in Belgium, Holland and Austria. From 1994 to 1999 he was Managing Director of MSD Austria and in 1998 was appointed Vice Pres­ident, Central und Eastern Europe of MSD. From 1999 to 2005 he was Vice President of MSD Europe and Managing Director of MSD Germany and from 2005 to 2006 Senior Vice President, Worldwide Human Health Marketing. In 2006 he was appointed President, Europe, Middle East, Africa & Canada, and since 2009 Stefan heads the new MSD Emerging Markets organization, which includes Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe/Middle East/Africa and Latin America.

106 DLD10 monday 25 january

We read and interpret the bible for you. There’s no need for the Guttenberg bible.

Esther Dyson EDventure Esther Dyson is the Internet’s court jester, an active participant with no formal power but with interests in most interesting new developments. She is on the board of consumer genomics company 23andMe, and an Investor in Thingd and, both on her panel about ‘The Internet of Things’. She is also on the boards of Airship Ventures, Meetup, Evernote, Voxiva (mobile health), WPP Group (the big marketing company), and several others. Her investments include health-oriented companies such as Keas and PatientsLikeMe, and she is publishing her genome online at Last year, she came to DLD from Star City, Russia, where she was training as a backup cosmonaut. This year, she’s heading to Davos and then to Russia to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

companies will eventually use this information in a very upstream way. He sums up the self-enforcing effect of the personalization: the treatment gets more personalized, segmented and targeted – which in turn generates even more user-generated data. This process is the beginning of a revolution that reforms both the clinics and science. Talking about his experience with Merck, Stefan points out that pharmaceutics is a highly regulated industry that has an initially slower organisational innovation pace. Examples such as projects with cooperation partners like NOKIA and Apple that aim at holistic solutions for problems such as diabetes prove their capabilities to reform and adapt to new technologies. Finalising the session, Esther surveys the DLD crowd: “Who is monitoring his sleep cycle, the blood pressure or the weight on a daily base?” Noting little reaction in the audience, she says: “This is like asking who has an e-mail address 20 years ago. Let’s talk about this again at DLD 2020.” Watch out – Esther is usually right about the “next big thing.”

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Esther dyson edventure

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The basic principle of Bing is to focus the search on tasks and intentions of the user rather than just follow the hit-and-miss tactics of the keyword concept.

Alain T. Rappaport Microsoft

above: Alain T. Rappaport, Stefan Oschmann below: Esther Dyson with Alain T. Rappaport

Dr. Alain T. Rappaport is general manager of health search in ­ the Bing group at Microsoft Corp. Before joining Microsoft, he ­was founder and CEO of Medstory Inc., which Microsoft acquired in 2007. Before Medstory, Dr. Rappaport was Co-Founder, President and chief scientist of Neuron Data Inc. a global leader in artificial intelligence and other business-critical software components serving a wide range of industries, including healthcare. While working at NASA, he focused on Internet computing and other strategic initiatives. Dr. Rappaport received his medical degree from the Necker SickChildren School of Medicine, René Descartes University, and his doctorate in molecular pharmacology from the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France.

Alain t. Rappaport Microsoft

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Global ­Capital We need to view the financial system as a massive network. Matthew Bishop “On September the 15th, 2008, capitalism as we knew it ended,” states Matthew Bishop, and kicking off the conversation about global capital. The day Lehman Brothers went bust marked the date of the outburst of the crisis. It was not only a banking failure but the failure of a whole set of ideas, the relation between the state and the market, and the capitalistic system itself. Over the previous 25 years the ideology of capitalism was unquestioned. The economic world was dominated by a version which left it all to the financial system – without a moral compass or an efficient external regulatory regime. In the face of this crisis, the discussion with experts Philipp Freise, Christian Angermayer and Uwe Feuersenger revolves around the question of causes, effects and possible solutions. For Philipp it is not merely a crisis of the financial system. The economic near-death experience indicates a deeper societal and moral problem. Additionally, it is a fundamental misconception to raise the living standards based on increasing debts rather than on increasing productivity. Christian does not detect a crisis of capitalism as a whole either. He figures it is still the only way to work society economically. External factors might have

influenced the process, but the root cause of the crisis is within the financial system. He feels that a fundamental cause is the missing Entrepreneurship in banking systems. Instead, it is manager managed. Consequently, a different risk assessment takes place due to the lack of direct connections between the corporate world and the banking system. Uwe notes that an imbalance has been generated. The central problem is the bonus system without creating sustainable value as justification. If banks would be run like enterprises, the short-sighted focus would not be possible and substituted with a long-term perspective as well as a focus on long-term returns. As a radical liberalist, Uwe wouldn’t mind if other banks would have gone bust. Philipp disagrees with that statement: “There exists an immediate necessity to save the interconnected system.” Nevertheless, he regrets that the chance was missed to impose the right changes in the time of disillusion. “The Western world is staring in the abyss – we are all in this together,” he notes. The median income has stagnated over the last ten years. According to him, it is not about redistributing the pie but about getting the pie to start growing again. “For this challenge, we need fundamental innovation and a

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working financial system,” concludes Philipp. Matthew intervenes and makes the remark that in the past 25 years the economy was driven by financial innovation and intellectual dynamism. Obama’s politics now intend to roll back the clock to the fifties and ban innovation in the financial system. Christian picks up that notion and claims that banking doesn’t need innovation. It should be a very simple business: a service provider for the client. “For some reason people believed that there is money coming out of money,” he says, and reminisces about the time when money was used as a catalyst to produce something. “A bank doesn’t create a value!” To him, bankers should stop thinking that a financial product creates value, that banks should be reduced to their core competences, and that the banking system should split up into investment banks and consumer banks. Picking up Obama’s measures, Uwe alerts that this policy could have a partially disastrous effect. The US is the giant in private equity and venture capital – 20 percent of the GDP is generated by VC and PE – and impeding this system can be a big hit for the US economy.

Navigating the discussion smoothly, Matthew expresses his concern that the denial of a fundamental problem and the continuous existence of massive bonuses provoke a very populistic response by governments and reduce it to the banking sector. Addressing the speakers, he asks for alternative ideas. Uwe stresses that everything is networked, but there is no “system-administrator.” One thing led to another and the system collapsed in a domino fashion. Matthew agrees: “We have to improve the highly elaborated system instead of breaking it up!” Philipp criticizes that this viewpoint is too simplistic and is missing a fundamental point: among the top five banks in the world, four are Chinese. The West cannot solve this problem alone. “We should sit down in a G 20 context and draft consequences and rules in a comprehensive way!” Christian supports this standpoint and adds that even though it might be the right way, unilateralism will fail, and a multilateral approach – including Europe and China – has to be projected. Reacting to input from the audience, Matthew explains the Triffin dilemma: a construction failure in the Bretton Woods system results in the fact that the most reserved currency, the dollar, is not sufficiently backed with

gold, and the deficit systematically emerges. Referring to the proposition to replace the dollar as a reserve currency with a new global currency, he asks the speakers whether they think there’s an appetite for a supranational currency. They jointly doubt prospects of change. The US can maintain its global reach and empire status with the demand of US dollars while China – sitting on 40 trillion US dollars – can expand its political and economical reach with the US currency. Summing up the insights of the session, Matthew concludes that the financial system should be viewed as a network which is incredibly badly run and doesn’t have any processes in place to react when the network crashes. Asking the speakers for a quick brainstorming on possible reforms, more entrepreneurial spirit in the banking system, the end of unilateralism and the end of state emergency actions were proposed. Finally, Matthew addresses the DLD community: “I hope that many of the people here start to talk to the economists about how networks work. This way we can achieve a more sophisticated economic regulatory system that is based in proper understanding of the network.”

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Uwe Feuersenger Aeris Capital

Christian Angermayer Angermayer, Brumm & Lange

Uwe Feuersenger (born in 1964) started his professional career in the fields of Marketing and Sales in the IT industry. He founded and co-founded a number of companies in the early days of the Internet. As Management Consultant with focus on venture capi­tal, he worked in Atlanta and San Francisco between 1997 and 1999. In 2000, he returned to Germany und supported several start-ups as Business Angel and Consultant. Between 2000 and 2006, Mr. Feuersenger was Managing Partner of firstVentury, an early stage Venture Capital investor with focus on high-tech companies. Since October 2006 he is Chairman of the Board and CEO of aeris CAPITAL AG, a private investment advisor based in Pfäffikon, SZ.

Christian Angermayer is Founder, CEO and one of five Managing Partners of the Angermayer, Brumm & Lange group of companies, one of Germany’s largest and fastest growing independent financial services groups. Via several subsidiaries, ABL is active in the fields of Asset Management, Wealth Management, Product Distribution, and Investment Banking. Especially ABL’s asset management activities focus on the core topics our planet has to face – like climate change and the economic development of Africa. Within the partnership, Christian is responsible for Business Development, International Relations and the Investment Banking division. Besides his ­entrepreneurial activities, Christian is active in several social responsibility initiatives with a special focus on climate change and Africa.

Christian Angermayer angermayer, Brumm & lange

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Philipp Freise kkr

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For this challenge, we need fundamental innovation and a working financial system.

Philipp Freise KKR

Matthew Bishop The Economist

Philipp Freise, Director with US investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) in London, was personally involved in KKR’s investments in Demag, Zumtobel, MTU Aero Engines, Duales System Deutschland – Der Grüne Punkt, A.T.U., AVR, SBS Broadcasting, ProSiebenSat.1 and BMG Rights Management. Freise leads KKR’s European media team. Freise, a scholar of the German National Scholarship foundation during his studies at WHU Koblenz, EDHEC Lille and University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, where he graduated top of his MBA class, worked at McKinsey & Company in Vienna, Frankfurt and New York and co-founded Berlin-based investment firm Venturepark before joining KKR in 2001. Freise was named a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum in January 2009.

Matthew Bishop is American Business Editor and New York Bureau Chief for The Economist. His new book ‘The Road From Ruin: How to Revive Capitalism and Put America Back on Top’ was published in February. His previous book, ‘Philanthrocapitalism: How Giving Can Save the World’, has been called ‘important’ by Bill Clinton. Before joining The Economist, Matthew was on the faculty of London Business School, where he co-authored three books for Oxford University Press. He has served as a member of the Sykes Commission on the investment system in the 21st Century. He was also on the Advisors Group of the United Nations International Year of Microcredit 2005. The graduate of Oxford University has also been honored as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Matthew Bishop the economist

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I hope that many of the people here start to talk to the economists about how networks work. This way we can achieve a more sophisticated economic regulatory system that is based in proper understanding of the network.

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informavore If this is the Information Age, what are we so well informed about? David Gelernter “Everything will change. There’s a magnificent sweep of the intellectual landscape in front of us,” says David Gelernter, in his second manifesto published by Edge in 2000. Ten years later, the annual Edge question 2010 asks: “How is the Internet changing the way you think?” This question is inspired by the interview with Frank Schirrmacher about the “Age of the Informavore” which he defines as the organism that consumes information. At DLD 2010, the intellectual elephant round, including “Lord of the Cloud” David Gelernter, Frank Schirrmacher, and Andrian Kreye, revolves around its gravity centre and cultural maestro, John Brockman. Frank starts off crediting the inspirational force of Edge and explains the idea behind “Informavore.” It goes back to Daniel Dennett, who noted that a human being needs information more than he needs food. Information is not free; it consumes attention and is paid by attention. In the exponential growth of information in the Internet Age, the brain cannot cope with the raw mass of data anymore. The question is how to organize the relationship between the immense amount of information and the human brain. The modern in-

dustries seem to prove that Darwinian structures exist in information. In this sense, the best organisation of attention wins. Yet this organization is managed by algorithms and machines rather than curated by human beings. This is where Frank introduces his food for thought and asks: “Is this not one of the deepest changes in thought? The question which idea will survive in the information-overloaded society is decided by machines and not by human beings anymore.” David tunes in: “Herr Schirrmacher is a philosopher. I look at things from a more concrete point of view.” According to him, the pace of innovation slows down as we face the two dangers of complacency and mystification. The attitude of the user should be generally more sceptical because technology has to be pushed both bottomup and top-down. Ultimately, the Web makes markets, not ideas: “We want the ideas to compete so we know which one of them is good; and on which we spend our limited amount of attention. The web mechanisms for supporting a free market do not yet exist in a satisfactory form.” Furthermore, David questions why people gather at DLD in Munich if the Web was supporting a global market of

ideas: “First of all, the software is not good enough. Second of all, we seek out for each other more than we seek out for information.” Andrian notes that we are on an interesting verge of evolution and computer technology. In the eighties, MIT’s Marvin Minsky said that the really important thing about computers is what they are connected to and not how powerful they are. It is exciting that ideas have to prove themselves in the vast market, but generally Andrian finds that the Web became really boring. John intervenes sceptically: “We are not talking about toaster ovens. The Web is based on cybernetic ideas: new patterns of connecting, nonlinear relationships between input and output; A doesn’t go to B but exists simultaneously. It’s a different universe.” Frank brings up the question whether the market of ideas is following new power structures or remains very democratic, where every thought can convince with good arguments. He reckons that the new power structures are algorithms and machine codes. The individual cannot cope with all the information and needs help.

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These certain power structures generate a Darwinian survival of ideas which opposes the concept of free. Frank illustrates his point with Alan Greenspan’s testimonial at the American Congress in the context of the financial crisis. He claimed that they were following two authorities: Noble Prize Laureates and computers. David critically mentions that the overflow of ideas rather continuously grew through ground-breaking technologies, like the radio, over the last 200 years. The average person couldn’t cope with all the information and started to rely on the FAZ or some other editorial board he trusted. David assumes that these power structures of curation will continuously exist in the Web – with the same people. Frank is not convinced: “It is an illusion: there was an information overflow in the institutions. Now we face an information overflow evolving in individuals.” Technical filters are needed to have access to ideas – Frank states: “We are dependent on machines that select and determine the market of ideas.” Giving an example, he mentions Google’s predictive search that determines content in the real-time information overflow. Andrian affirms that the machine will

start to learn about the individual identity. Still, he wants the machine to tell him much more beyond personal limitations: “Can an algorithm do that? Can an algorithm do that at all? You are bringing up a problem where predictive search is a too shallow solution,” says David. According to him, the more profound question is how to organize recognition for brilliant ideas in time. This is still up to the human being. Frank reinforces his perspective: “Information overload is real. The time structure in information cannot be delayed.” David responds that the live stream he developed put every digital asset in a cloud. If things appeared and there was no time to deal with it, you would copy it to the future to get a second try. This simple attribute of streaming software got lost in the conservative industry. At implementation, they used the idea of a simple stream in time but left out the simple copy-transpose operation. Returning to his key point, David says that users should see the possibilities inherent in live streaming and demand time management. Andrian questions if the demanding consumer is not turning into the

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Is this not one of the deepest changes in thought? The question which idea will survive in the information-overloaded society is decided by machines and not by human beings anymore. active consumer. Looking at Twitter, the Tweetdeck is an organizational concept that users developed themselves. “Maybe the demanding consumer is too passive, but the active consumer starts to mould it, at a point where programming knowledge isn’t essential anymore,” notes Andrian. David agrees, but criticizes: “It doesn’t go far enough. When I switch on my computer there’s a Windows desktop that was designed in 1974. Computer scientists are very complacent.” Asked for alternatives, Frank, referring to a quote of David’s Manifesto – “computing transcends the computer” – says that thinking transcends the idea. To him, only thinking about the technological dominance in the market of ideas is the alternative itself. Responding to an audience question regarding the enormous capabilities of spotting brilliant stuff on the Web, David answers in questions: “If the Web has improved our way of thinking and intellectual capacities that much, where are the results? Where are the great ideas that have emerged and would not have otherwise emerged? For that matter, if this is the Information Age, what are we so well informed about?”

Frank Schirrmacher F.A.Z. He studied German and English Literature in Heidelberg; Philosophy and German at the ClareCollege in Cambridge (UK) and obtained a Ph.D.. In 1989 he ­became the head of the arts and science department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Since 1994 he is one of the Publishers of the newspaper and he is accountable for the arts and science department of the F.A.Z. and the Frankfurter All­gemeine Sonntagszeitung as well. Also 1994 he was awarded ‘Journalist of the Year’ for his superior discussion of the conflicts resulting of the generation gap in his book ‘Das Methusalem-Komplott’. 2007 he was distinguished as the first journalist to receive the Jacob-Grimm-Preis for German Language. He was awarded for his outstanding complete works – honoured for his brilliant, quality journalism.

frank schirrmacher f.a.z.

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Andrian Kreye Süddeutsche Zeitung

David Gelernter Yale University

Andrian Kreye was born and lives in Munich. Since 2007 Andrian Kreye works as Editor of the Feuilleton at the Süddeutsche Zeitung. From 1988 to 2006 he lived in New York, working as a correspondent for Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Magazin and Tempo. During that time he also worked extensively in Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. In 1986 he was part of the founding team of the magazine Tempo. He has pub­ lished four books about America, as well as written and pro­duced numerous TV documentaries.

David was a board member at the National Endowment for the Arts 2003 – 2006, weekly cul­ture & politics columnist at New York Post and Los Angeles Times; he’s been a senior fellow in Jewish Studies at the Shalem Center, and a national fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. He has worked on artificial intelligence and philosophy of mind, among other things. His work on the ‘Lifestreams’ system in the 1990s anticipated today’s stream-based tools at the major social-networking sites and much other ongoing work on ‘lifestreaming’. His articles and short pieces have appeared in many newspapers and magazines; his essays are widely anthologized. He holds a BA and MA in Jewish Studies, as well as a Ph.D. in computer science. He is contributing Editor at the Weekly Standard.

david gelernter yale university

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John Brockman

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The Web is based on cybernetic ideas: new patterns of connecting, non-linear relationships between input and output; A doesn’t go to B but exists simultaneously. It’s a different universe.

John Brockman John Brockman is a cultural impresario whose career has encompassed the avantgarde art world, science, books, software, and the Internet. In the 1960s, he coined the word ‘Intermedia’ and pioneered ‘Intermedia kinetic environments’ in art, theatre, and commerce, while also consulting for clients like the White House. He is the founder of the nonprofit Edge Foundation, Inc. and Editor of Edge, the highly acclaimed website devoted to discussions of cutting edge science by many of the world’s brilliant thinkers. In addition, he is Editor of a series of books based on the Edge Annual Question: What We Believe but Cannot Prove; What is Your Dangerous Idea?; What are You Optimistic About?; What Have You Changed Your Mind About?; and This Will Change Everything.

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jochen wegner focus online

Frank Appel Deutsche Post DHL

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All business is based on serving consumer’s and customer’s needs with the best talent you can find. Frank Appel Deutsche Post DHL is the worlds biggest logistics provider. How did the economic crisis affect the company? How does Deutsche Post DHL react to the threat of the Web as a disruptive process in the postal market? CEO Frank Appel gives answers to the questions posed. DHL works as a lesson for others in how to respond to the effects of economic crisis and the Web’s disruption of their core business. The shrinking of the lucrative market in the traditional letter segment by 5 percent is tackled with innovation. Still, at the moment, the daily volume of served letters amounts to 70 million per day. Responding to Jochen Wegener’s question if there will be a tipping point, and if service will therefore no longer be profitable, Frank Appel prefers to say that “it is a chance to gain shares in new markets and satisfy user demand in a new fashion.” One

of the core businesses – the letter – is under enormous threat. One way to respond is the invention of the digital letter, which contains all features of the traditional letter: it is secret and confidential for sender and recipient. The idea is to bundle physical mail with digital mail and offer this service as a unique provider. This full service is an elementary component in the transition to the digital world and has the advantage of global access and systematic archiving. Who doesn’t want to receive a digital invoice for electricity in Singapore instead of returning to a home off the grid? Moreover, the Web is not only a threat but actually wouldn’t work without a sophisticated logistics company. The goods have to be delivered to meet the customer’s expectations. Furthermore, the decentralized manufacturing and production organisation in global value chains creates a huge demand for global logistic networks.

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One wouldn’t associate Deutsche Post with the British Health System, but in fact they are essentially running the NHS.

In the last 10 years the business’ growth was twice the growth of the GDP. Differing labour costs in the world guarantee the phenomenon of globalisation. With the recovery of the economy, growth will remain twice the GDP due to the enormous demand for logistic solutions. Additionally, a strong innovation unit combines R&D and business. One current task is to reduce the carbon footprint of logistics. This goal includes spin-offs for new products and new technology. Frank Appel notes that “creating new sources of revenue depends on different thinking.” One wouldn’t associate Deutsche Post with the British Health System, but in fact they are essentially running the NHS. Facilitating the processes behind the scenes in order to reduce the complexity for the customer generates various benefits for the system: better services, lower costs, and more standardized processes. “There are no limits for logistic companies,” he stresses. Being the key player in Asia is a major plus for DHL. At one stage, Asia will have roughly 50 percent of the global GDP, Frank Appel speculates. This huge growth needs logistics.

Frank Appel Deutsche Post DHL As Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Post AG, Frank Appel is responsible for the global management of the world’s leading mail and logistics services group. The Deutsche Post and DHL corporate brands offer a one-of-a-kind portfolio of logistics and communications services. About 500,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories form a global network focused on service, quality and sustainability. In 2008, Deutsche Post DHL revenues exceeded €54 billion. Frank Appel joined the Group in 2000 as Managing Director of Corporate Development and has been a member of the Group’s Board of Management since 2002. In 2008 he assumed the role of Chief Execu­ tive Officer. Prior to joining the Group, Frank Appel was a managing partner at McKinsey & Co.

Frank Appel Deutsche Post DHL

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The effect of the financial crisis DHL is like an oracle. Logistics

Being that closely linked with the global economy, Deutsche Post DHL serves as an oracle. The company itself suffered substantial effects of the crisis with revenue dropping by 16 to 18 percent. Through the learning processes caused by the crisis, Frank Appel comes to the finding that the cost structure must be variable without causing layoffs. Discussing the financial system, he finds: “All business is based on serving consumers’ and customers’ needs with the best talent you can find. You have the responsibility for both the customers and employees. In the banking world, some people lost contact to the real world and did act without responsibilities.” Consequently, Postbank strongly refocused on its core business of a customer demand service institution and distanced itself from high risks. As the CEO of a leading indicator and precursor of the economy, Frank Appel is very optimistic about recovery in 2010. Asked about the last quarter of 2009, he just smiles contentedly.

Jochen Wegner FOCUS Online Jochen Wegner is Editor-in-Chief of FOCUS Online, one of the most widely read and fastest growing German-language news sites with 3.7 million readers. As Managing Director of TOMORROW FOCUS portal he is also re­sponsible for innovative projects like Before that Wegner was deputy science Editor of FOCUS News Magazine. He regularly published cover stories about online media, high-tech and research and authored several books. Wegner graduated from Cologne School of Jour­nalism. He went on to study Physics and Philosophy, wrote his master’s thesis about the chaos theory of the human brain at the Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn. He is founder of, the largest online forum for journalists in German language.

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on your business was quite substantial. Deutsche Post is the precursor of economics. What do you predict?

jochen wegner focus online

3ric johanson intellectual ventures

Pablos holman intellectual ventures

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intellectual ventures

The mindset of hackers is really good for discovering what’s possible. Pablos Holman At conferences, one usually doesn’t get to see real hackers demonstrating their skills. This is a little different at DLD. Pablos Holman and Eric Johanson – both working at Intellectual Ventures – show how to solve our global problems – from malaria to hurricanes and global warming – by hacking them with an open mind and a vision. Connect the unexpected! Pablos kicks off with a little review of what he presented over the four times he appeared at DLD. In the past, he told us how to hack into a hotel TV network to determine what everyone else was watching. With only one computer in each room, he installed a Bluetooth surveillance system at a conference entitled “Computer Freedom and Privacy” and mapped an attending Chief Privacy Architect as

he wandered around over the course of the day. Additionally, he shared insight into how to meet “chicks” on MySpace, how to steal cars, and how to hack into Jeff Pulver’s voicemail. “There’s no hacking into anything this time,” Pablos apologizes. The spotlight is on their work at the lab. They invent largely in the scheme of being sponsored by other companies. Performing “contract invention,” their institutionalised part of hacking provides the invention of solutions. The lab includes a computational cluster, and a huge machine park. Pablos notes: “I spent most of my life trying to get computers to the point where they are fast and useful enough that we can actually model the real world. Now they are plenty fast and the slow part is keeping up writing codes to

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right: Gary Shainberg needs quite a lot of paper towels after the CocaCola experiment.

make them do useful things.” The mindset of hackers is really good in discovering what’s possible. Pablos notes that hackers don’t take anything for granted about what something is built to, but rather figure out the unintended possibilities and what they can build from the rebel. One example is how a hacker approaches a protocol diagram for SSL which supposedly secures the connection between the web browser and bank. They attack the protocol at any point by flipping a little one to a zero and vice versa in the binary code to check the consequences. The same techniques can be applied to malaria, for example. In the lab they work on bigger problems that others are not necessarily prepared to work on. In the case of malaria, Bill Gates asked them to come up with ideas to eradicate it. The life

cycle of the malaria virus is complex: it spends some time in the mosquito and some time in humans. Eric puts it like this: “Billions of mosquitoes die every year because people infected them with malaria.” Still every year about a million people – mostly in Africa – die of malaria. It is a serious but solvable problem. In the lab they are attacking the problem in a hacker’s way, at any point in the cycle. The most advanced computational epidemic-modelling team is modelling the life cycle of malaria over the course of a year. The model is highly elaborate and takes into account climate information, rainfall, and travel of humans as potential carriers of the virus. This way they can plan intervention: what if DDT is spread in June versus January?

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I spent most of my life trying to get computers to the point where they are fast and useful enough that we can actually model the real world. Now they are plenty fast and the slow part is keeping up writing codes to make them do useful things. Pablos Holman

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One of the lab’s goals is not to eliminate outlandish ideas but rather attempt to demonstrate whether they are or are not feasible. The idea is to suppress the mosquito population with laser beams. 3ric Johanson

Eric then directs the conversation to the most notorious malaria project. One of the lab’s goals is not to eliminate outlandish ideas but rather attempt to demonstrate whether they are or are not feasible. His idea is to suppress the mosquito population with laser beams. To achieve this, he would build a “laser fence” around a perimeter with the use of LED flashlights that bounce their beams to a fence post and reflect the light back again. The sensor technology is very simple, and dramatically shrinking prices are expected. Eric continues with details when Pablos interrupts: “Eric is a little understated about that. He basically bought equipment on Ebay, put it together and now his system is shooting down mosquitoes with laser beams at a hundred feet distance. As for false positives, if you don’t flap your wings at a mosquito frequency, it will not shoot you!” Other projects sound quite outlandish as well. Tackling hurricanes, their idea is to cool down the ocean’s surface in order to reduce the hurricane’s devastating speeds. The strato-shield

project is planned to reverse the effects of global warming. If CO2 emissions are not curbed fast enough, their back-up plan involves constructing a simple hose 20 km up to the stratosphere, spitting out sulfur dioxide particles in order to reflect a little bit of sunlight before it heats up the greenhouse gases. One installation in the Arctic would reverse the effects to pre-industrial conditions. Additionally, Intellectual Ventures supports an advanced nuclear research group that is the first to design new reactor technology in 30 years. Currently they are dedicated to designing a reactor powered by nuclear waste. Finally, they are presenting a powerful tool from the lab: the world’s fastest high speed video camera. Is this really about the camera demo, or do they simply enjoy forcing Gary to stab a well-shaken Coke can onstage? “You didn’t get very much Coke on you at all. We have to do this again,” says Eric. Pablo agrees: “It would have been so much better if it had gotten him in the face.” At the end of the day, a hacker’s soul is quite playful.

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Pablos Holman Intellectual Ventures

3ric Johanson Intellectual Ventures

Pablos is a futurist, inventor, security expert, and notorious ­h acker with a unique view into both breaking and building new technologies. Pablos created thigh holsters for cell phones; helped build the world’s smallest PC; spaceships at Blue Origin; artificial intelligence agent systems; and the Hackerbot, a WiFiseeking robot. Pablos is working at the Intellectual Ventures Laboratory where a wide variety of futuristic invention projects are under way including a fission reactor powered by nuclear waste; a machine to stop hurricanes; a tool for deep brain surgery; and tools to help eradicate malaria.

3ric Johanson has been a hacker for many years. He’s been in­ volved with several successful projects, most of which he can’t talk about and never really happened. What we do know is that he has design­ed and built a system which shoots mosquitoes with lasers. His past work includes excessive voltages, Shmoocon, Hackerbot Labs (A Seattle-based hackerspace), vend-o-rand and rainbowtables. By day, he is a Project Scientist and Entropy Generator at Intellectual Ventures Laboratory; by night, he has been spotted wearing his ‘so sue me already’ t-shirt while drinking over-caf­feinated coffee. His hobbies include building and breaking things in secret underground lairs.

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It is a place where high power computation and knowledge meet – at an exciting time when data is getting democratized. Conrad Wolfram Search is the key function for filtering relevant data out of the noisy cloud. There has been movement in the market of late as new players emerge. The diversity of the panel reflects on this: Ben Gomes of search giant Google, Blaise Aguera y Arcas of the aspiring competitor Bing, and Conrad Wolfram of the fundamentally different Wolfram|Alpha engine discuss the status quo, technical possibilities, cultural values and their visions for a new kind of search. Ben – the leader of search features at Google – kicks off with a brief demo. The fancy things – like real-time search – that Google launches are only the tip of the iceberg. The core part of his work is to optimize the search engine. Generally, search balances two things: the importance of the article and the relevance of the query. Last year, Google launched 500 changes, some to improve solutions, such as the synonym search function; some that implement new functions, such as a translation feature that grants access to documents in foreign languages; and

some which are dedicated to develop techniques that filter spam. This constant enhancement takes place behind the scenes and is not really visible to the naked eye of the user. Today, there’s a clear trend towards answer-oriented systems. Conrad describes the goal of their fundamentally different “knowledge engine” as “getting the right answer out of the massive dataset.” From one end, Wolfram|Alpha sucks in data and curates knowledge. From the other end, the engine attempts to understand linguistically what you are typing in the box. The live computation between the two ends is done in a cloud and is sent back formatted to the webpage. Conrad illustrates the system with the query: “How was the weather when Angela Merkel was born?” “The average temperature was 17 degrees with a relative humidity of 65 percent,” answers the engine, in a live-created weather box. “As I do this with Gordon Brown in the UK, and the weather turns out grizzly and miserable, it works

even better,” adds Conrad. The magic formula behind this is to implement high-power computation, and apply it to systemic knowledge which is curated in the process. The engine bears various forms of monetizing through partnering – Bing already has a license – or to apply the technique of the internal information exchange of organisations and governments. The “knowledge” engine goes into a key new direction. “It is a place where high-power computation and knowledge meet – at an exciting time when data is getting democratized.” Conrad concludes the discussion by offering an interesting allegory: “The common search engines work like librarians. Wolfram|Alpha is like a personal research assistant to get exact answers.” In his brief introduction to Bing, Blaise focuses on Bing Maps. Metaphysically, the approach exploits structured data to give answers instead of linking to relevant documents. In this context, the integration of the Wolfram|Alpha knowledge engine is no surprise.

ben gomes google

ilya segalovich yandex

conrad wolfram wolfram | alpha

jochen wegner focus online blaise aguera y arcas microsoft

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left: Interface of the Bing search engine

Blaise Aguera y Arcas Microsoft Blaise Aguera y Arcas is the ­A rchitect of Bing Maps and MSN at Microsoft. He works in a va­ riety of roles: designer, coder and strategist, as well as leading ­ an Advanced Engineering team currently focusing on social media, computer vision and graphics. Blaise joined Microsoft in 2006 when his startup company, Seadragon, was acquired. Blaise then directed this team in collaboration with Microsoft Research and the University of Washington to produce Photosynth. He has ­ a broad background in computer science, and has worked in a ­v ariety of fields including computational neuroscience, com­ putational drug design, and data compression. In 2008 – 9 he received both the MIT Technology Review’s TR35 award (35 top innovators under 35) and Fast Company’s MCP100 (‘100 most creative people in business’).

The interaction on Bing Maps is very fluid. Fusing area imagery with a SimCity-like view is reforming the angle. At a more human scale, a three-dimensional reconstruction of pictures taken with panoramic cameras on cars builds a platform of interaction. This milestone is still in the development stage. The idea is to create a special environment in which one can do all sorts of applications. Blaise describes the generated three-dimensional space as a canvas on which a lot of other things happen: “The surface works as an ecosystem for all sorts of applications.” Despite the dominance of Google and the upcoming competition of Microsoft’s Bing, niches still exist where other players are vying to be the market leader. The Russian company Yandex represents this phenomenon perfectly. Ilya explains that their main goal is answering questions and that all Russians are

addressed as an audience. Yandex is the world’s second largest non-English web portal and has approximately 56 percent of the search engine-generated traffic in Russia. Their strong points and comparative advantages are the understanding of the linguistics and a deeply rooted access to local information. Yandex is pushing forward the extension of the Wi-Fi in Moscow and cheaper Internet proliferation in all of Russia. Still, markets like Russia, China or the Czech Republic remain the exception to the rule. Google is very successful in the large majority of countries, stresses Ben. Under the roof of a global approach to all activities, Google runs specific national teams. “Competition in any country is good. It pushes us to be better,” Ben says. At any rate, benefits and synergies originate in cross-country activities and the increasing mobility raises an important share of interna-

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Our main goal is to answer questions. Our focused audience are all Russians all over the world. Our strongpoints are understanding the language, the linguistics, and having local information other players don’t have.

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ilya segalovich yandex

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tional queries, for example an English query in Munich. Nevertheless, Bing is shaking up things on the global level. Their most basic principle of success is that Microsoft – finally – understood the importance of competing in search. Baise explains: “Bing differentiates and doesn’t compete in a head-to-head way. The answersoriented approach results in a rich page with many verticals that aggregate structured data fields from various kinds of services.” Moderator Jochen Wegner adds that Bing is very playful, and it seems as if Google is now heading in that direction too. Last year Marissa Mayer said: “There will be no additional pixel on the website.” Now Google is going through rapid changes. In response, Ben repeats that competition is very fertile but the main focus of Google is on the user. A driving factor for changes is the availability of richer media types. New kinds of content demand a new treatment to present it appropriately. This even includes the production of one’s own small bit of information instead of sending the user away.

Talking about the transformation of the search industry due to new technologies, Blaise points out that the trend of more and more mobile devices is significant. They record your “life” with all the implicit signals of what one might search. Consequently, they dispose of much greater information than you can type in the box. Localisation poses as a key factor in this. Conrad articulates his interest in search is to gain answers that are coming back as applications. The construction of interactive applications exclusively built for the query will improve the bandwidth of communication between the “author” and the “reader.” He states: “As we use things on smaller screens it becomes even more important to interact.” Ending the exquisite debate, Jochen playfully tests the limits of the answer-oriented potential and asks Blaise if Bing knows which car he should buy. With a grin on his face, Blaise answers: “You should take the public transport.”

Ilya Segalovich Yandex Ilya Segalovich is one of Yandex Co-Founders and has been Yandex Chief Technology Officer and a director since 2003. He began his career working on information retrieval technologies in 1990 at Arcadia Company, where he headed its software team. From 1993 to 2000, he led the retrieval systems department for CompTek International. Mr. Segalovich received a degree in geophysics from the Moscow Geologic Exploration Institute in 1986 and placed second in the All Soviet Union Math Olympiad in 1981. He also took an active role in starting Russian research and scientific initiatives in information retrieval and computational linguistics.

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Jochen Wegner FOCUS Online

Ben Gomes Google

Conrad Wolfram Wolfram | Alpha

Jochen Wegner is Editor-in-Chief of FOCUS Online, one of the most widely read and fastest growing German-language news sites with 3.7 million readers. As Managing Director of TOMORROW FOCUS portal he is also re­sponsible for innovative projects like Before that Wegner was deputy science Editor of FOCUS News Magazine. He regularly published cover stories about online media, high-tech and research and authored several books. Wegner graduated from Cologne School of Jour­nalism. He went on to study Physics and Philosophy, wrote his master’s thesis about the chaos theory of the human brain at the Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn. He is founder of, the largest online forum for journalists in German language.

Ben Gomes is a distinguished engineer at Google where he is a lead for the company’s engineering efforts on search features. Ben has been with Google for more than ten years and has worked in the development of nearly all aspects of the Google search service ranging from crawling and indexing to ranking and new feature design. Prior to Google, Ben earned his Ph.D. in computer science from UC Berkeley. He was born in Daressalaam, Tanzania.

Conrad Wolfram founded Wolfram Research Europe Ltd. in 1991 and in 1997 also became Strategic Director at Wolfram Research, founded by his brother Stephen. The companies’ software is renowned worldwide for its computational capabilities, and is now also recognized as an innovative software development environment and interactive deployment platform. In 2009, the Wolfram|Alpha knowledge engine spin-off was launched to dramatic interest. Conrad’s instigation and leadership of business and technical initiatives has been central to many new directions in Wolfram companies. He is a regular speaker on topics ranging from future technology to the new era of computational knowledge and the reform of math education. Conrad holds an MA in natural sciences and maths from the University of Cambridge.

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Real  Time

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Everybody is both consumer and producer of real-time web. Raj Narayan As offline is slowly getting extinguished, communication becomes real time. This major paradigm shift has a huge impact. The panel is taking a close look at the emerging real-time Internet, based on a bunch of interesting perspectives of Jeff Pulver, Baratunde Thurston, Loïc Le Meur, and Raj Nayaran. It comes as no surprise that the panel discussion is accompanied by a live discussion on Twitter that is projected on a wall behind the panelists. Jeff begins the discussion of how the ecosystem of communications has changed with real time. In the tragic events of the Haiti earthquake, he was pulled into the events by real-time web. Simply re-tweeting a message that Doctors Without Borders was having trouble landing a plane in Port-auPrince resulted in an interesting dialogue with US authorities. First, Jeff got a tweet back from the US Air Force informing him that they were on it. An hour later, he received another tweet that the plane had landed safely.

Compared to a priori events, Jeff states: “In the case of Haiti, we were all on the same frequency.” Over the course of the events related to the disaster, real-time communication gave more examples of previously unseen forms of crisis response mechanisms. For example, Wyclef Jean invented flash money to raise money. This methodology of combining the flashmob with real-time power was adopted by the Red Cross, which instantly raised 10 million US dollars. A couple of earthquakes ago, there was a 40 minute gap between the quake and the first information on news. From a Wall Street perspective, this is huge arbitrage. Beyond that, real time has great potential for putting politicians in office, sharing information, and for the self-branding of people. Raj focuses on how real time became the new medium for consuming news and entertainment. Borrowing the term “now medium” that Jeff coined, Raj feels that such number as

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baratunde thurston the onion

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The magazine’s motto is “tu stultus es,” Latin for “you are dumb.”

40 million posts per day on Twitter are “mind-bombing.” The essential question is how to scan through the noise to get to the valuable content. Basic filters – the “plumbing” of real time – such as keyword-related search are provided by Twitter itself. Tinker offers more elaborate filters that systematically organize channels. As he speaks, the DLD 2010 tinker channel is projected onto the screen be hind him. Raj stresses: “Everybody is both consumer and producer of realtime web. It is very easy to publish. The real challenge for the individual is to get his voice heard in the noise as well as filtering the relevant information for himself.” At last year’s DLD, Loïc Le Meur presented his video service start-up. Within no more than a year, he turned his company Seesmic around and into a manufacturer of Twitter clients that he presents today. Seesmic has over 4 million downloads and is the Twitter app running on the most screens. His vision is to make it mainstream, not only an instrument for geeks. The Twitter client allows you to follow without having an account, organizes categories and establishes channels. The TV metaphors speak for themselves: the experiment attempts to make Twitter more playful and watchful in order to reach the mainstream. As the web Editor of the satire magazine The Onion, Baratunde represents

Baratunde Thurston The Onion Baratunde Thurston is a comedian, author and vigilante pundit. He was nominated for the Bill Hicks Award for Thought Provoking Comedy, declared a Champion of the First Amendment by Iowa State, and called ‘someone I need to know’ by Barack Obama. He has appeared on ABC, NPR, the BBC, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and Baratunde is the Co-Founder of Jack & Jill Politics and performs regularly in New York City, where he works by day as Web Editor and politics czar for The Onion. He hosts Popular Science’s Future Of on the Science Channel, and he lives in Twitter.

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Jeff Pulver a different kind of real-time professional. The magazine’s motto is “tu stultus es,” Latin for “you are dumb.” “As a Publisher you are thought to respect the opinions of your audience. We do not do that and they love the abuse,” says Baratunde. After a comical rapid fire of phony headlines – ‘Holy shit! Man walks on fucking moon!’ – and the fake history of the magazine’s founder, Friedrich Zwiebel, Baratunde peels the onion. In order to be more mainstream and go where the community is, the traditional weekly magazine turned into a multimedia outlet and now engages in real-time events. The Onion intervenes in Twitter vote reports or they interrupt the view and post updates on what is “really” going on at the Oscars. They also participate in legitimate breaking news. When Charlton Heston died, The Onion offered its “condolences” in this way: “Film star Charles Heston passed away in April at age 84. He is survived by 5 guns, 14 grandguns and

11 great grandguns.” Another example is Lou Dobbs. When the allegedly racist CNN reporter resigned, The Onion broke the news in this manner: “Breaking: Lou Dobbs deported from the US. CNN reporter was living illegally in the country since 1961.” Baratunde smiles: “The irony was beautiful, the comedy was true.” At the end of the session, TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher brings up the question of how intelligent filtering can be managed. Baratunde responds that he should see it as a stream to dip his toe into rather than as a glass of water one has to constantly be consuming. Raj thinks that by its nature the system has built up a couple of respected curators who are organizing channels: “It’s a medium where people help to filter other people.” Loïc agrees: “The filters might become more intuitive and intelligent, but the best filters are the friends you trust.”

Jeff Pulver has been called ‘a habitual Entrepreneur who likes to start Internet communications companies’. He is known globally as someone who helped popularize the use of Voice over IP (VoIP) and as the Co-Founder of Vonage. In 2009 he created the global #140 Characters Conferences, which explores the emerging real-time Internet. On February 12, 2004, Mr. Pulver’s petition for clarification declaring Free World Dialup as an unreg­ulated information service was granted by the Fed­ eral Communications Commission (FCC). This landmark decision by the FCC was the first decision it made on IP communications.

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Loïc Le Meur Seesmic Loïc is the founder and CEO of the popular Twitter & Facebook application and site Seesmic. com. Seesmic makes it easy to reply to your friends and share text, links, photos and videos all in one screen on mobile, web and desktop. Loïc also founded and hosts the #1 tech event in Europe,, with his wife Geraldine. Prior to Seesmic and LeWeb, Loïc started several other businesses such as Six Apart Europe, RapidSite, a web hosting service (acquired by France Telecom in 1999) as well as B2L, an interactive agency in 1999 (acquired by BBDO). Business Week named Loïc one of the 25 most influential people on the web, and he advises the WEF as well as covers the Annual Summit every year in Davos. Originally from the South of France, Loïc lives in San Francisco, California and has three boys.

The filters might become more intuitive and intelligent, but the best filters are the friends you trust.

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Raj Narayan GLAM Media Raj Narayan is the Co-Founder, architect and Vice President ­ of Engineering at Glam Media, the No.1 pioneering vertical ­m edia company in global reach for women online. Narayan ­ also developed the first pagelayout Editor for the Web and holds two key Internet patents. His work has enabled more ­ than 10 million websites and over a million e-commerce stores. Most recently, Narayan led the development of, ­ an exciting new application from Glam, which enables search, browsing, and discovery of realtime conversations on social media sites and offers brand advertisers a safe platform to engage with users of the realtime web. Raj received his B.S. in Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

baratunde thurston the onion

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Raj Narayan glam media

LoĂ?c le Meur Seesmic

Jeff Pulver

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You can’t move fast enough. You have to be willing to innovate. Owen van Natta Social media is the great battlefield of Web 2.0. In the epic clash of MySpace versus Facebook, Owen Van Natta is the veteran to talk to. He worked both for Facebook and recently as the CEO of MySpace. At DLD 2010 – still in his position at MySpace – he is giving answers and insights about the company’s status quo and their vision. Upon arrival, Owen’s first impression of MySpace was that the user-centric approach was not fully explored: no real attention was paid to what users are doing, or what engages them. Neither did they use this information to drive innovation. Additionally, excellence wasn’t delivered in all operational arenas. As a first reaction, he initiated a refocus on the core uservalue proposition: discovery, sharing, and showcasing content. “This is what has emerged organically on the platform and generates the most engagement,” states Owen. As a CEO, he had to perform an assessment

quickly. Given the extensive amount of data, he introduced a lot more data-driven concepts to the decision making process. He stresses that this is very valid and precious for reforms: “You can watch real-time what engaged users are opting for by how they spend their limited amount of time.” MySpace has a different representation of digital connections, a different social graph than Facebook. It seems more public, as the user’s expectation is to meet people with whom they have no connection in the real world. Within the network, MySpace Music is an autonomous joint venture integrated in the site that was set up to have ass ets in the innovation of music. “It is absolutely exploding right now. Over the last year we had a 92 percent growth of unique users,” says Owen. The joint venture structure is designed to have partnerships with record labels, Publishers and Artists of all sorts and to obtain the

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necessary licenses. The general goal of MySpace in the next wave of innovation is to enable the user to take their social graph with them. Owen sees the future of the performance of content management more through people rather than through destinations. The integration of Twitter on MySpace is an essential part of that. Responding to Spencer’s question whether or not the openness imperative always wins, Owen states: “It is critical. Generally you should be pushing to be more open to keep up with the evolution of the Web.” Still, the digital disruption of the music industry is a massive space of innovation and not a winner-takes-all market. Referring to Mark Zuckerberg’s comment on the decreasing privacy sensitivity of Facebook users, Owen thinks a generalization is impossible, but sees trends that indicate younger generations in particular are getting more comfortable with sharing more information. Overall, MySpace wants to give a lot of choice and control over privacy to the user.

A unique distinction of MySpace is the design of the site as a canvas where the user has a lot of options and freedom for artistic expression. Evaluating the status of MySpace, Owen notes a shift from only usergenerated content to more producergenerated content. From a marketing perspective, he says that they are trying to be more brand-innovative. MySpace is incredibly viral and social. This bears huge potential and incentives for partners. As the discussion draws to a close, Spencer wants to know if Owen has learnt a lesson by his experience at MySpace. Owen doesn’t waste a second: “You can’t move fast enough. You have to be willing to innovate. You have to rebuild things before they may seem to need to be rebuilt.”

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owen van natta myspace

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The general goal of MySpace in the next wave of innovation is to enable the user to take their social graph with them.

Owen van Natta MySpace Owen van Natta is the Chief Executive Officer of MySpace where he is responsible for all aspects of the company’s strategic vision and the execution ­of its global business initiatives. Owen joined the My­Space team after serving as the Chief Executive Officer of Project Playlist, a music sharing website allowing users to search for music, create custom playlists, and share the content with friends. Prior to Project Playlist, van Natta was formerly the Chief Revenue Officer and VP of Operations at Facebook, where he focused on revenue operations, business development, and strategic partnerships. Earlier in his career, Owen was Vice President of Worldwide Business and Corporate Development at Owen holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Santa Cruz.

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Everybody knows the great battle of web 2.0 featured MySpace and an up-start Harvard kid. Owen came through Facebook and ended up at MySpace.

Spencer Reiss Wired Spencer Reiss writes about new media, alternative energy and commercial space travel for San Francisco-based Wired magazine. He also directs the program for the annual Monaco Media Forum, as well for the Abu Dhabi Media Summit, debuting March 2010. A former Newsweek correspondent in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, he believes absolutely that tech­ nology of all kinds is the planet’s best hope for a brighter future. Change is good. For his part he enjoys living with his wife, the photographer Anne Day, and three almost perfect children in the delightful woods of Salisbury, Connecticut USA.

spencer reiss wired

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werner vogels amazon

spencer reiss wired

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Amazon always had a long-term view on what it means to be in service of the customer and how to innovate on behalf of him. Werner Vogels Amazon: the “Wal-Mart of the Web,” or new media company? Chief Technology Officer Werner Vogels gives details in a conversation with Wired magazine’s Spencer Reiss. The Kindle is a perfect example of innovation within Amazon. The company itself consists of a fairly small team in which everyone’s goal is to be innovative. Additionally, there are longer-term innovations which require significant capital investment. This is where the more senior team gets involved, focussing on the core values of the company. The constant question being asked in the innovation process is, what is really important to our customers? A large segment of Amazon’s customers read books. Generally, in e-commerce it is crucial to think about things that don’t change and innovate on those: pricing, delivery speed, selection, and convenience always matter. “One of the premises of the Kindle is to get all the world’s books in all languages in 60 seconds to all customers,” says Werner. Kindle books can be downloaded to all software. The platform of distribution of e-books is separate from the Kindle format itself. Yet, the best experience is still on the Kindle. Responding to Spencer’s question whether or not he – an ad-

vocate of the cloud – thinks that ownership of digital files is becoming obsolete, Werner underscores that the customer should choose the form of content. There is storage in “Your Media Library” within the architecture of, but overall it is a hybrid model, including various forms. Talking about Amazon Web services, Werner explains that the infrastructure service follows an on demand, pay-as-you-go model. With a credit card, access to a complete web global infrastructure is granted. He notes: “It is a great value proposition. Most of the start-ups run on web service. Seven of the top ten Facebook games run on the Amazon web services platform, with hundreds of millions of users per month.” The evolution of cloud-computing is accompanied by radical chops of costs of bandwidth, storage and processing. To Werner, this process has the effect of a democratization of business: the access to resources is no longer an obstacle for an online business; the cloud environment gives opportunity to experiment at very low cost. On a small scale, the digital text processing on is a perfect example. The author can upload his book and set the price.

“The term ‘YouTube of books’ is not fully correct, because ownership matters,” stresses Werner. The system works with a 70 to 30 revenue share. The biggest issue is always security: Amazon has been in business for 15 years. In those 15 years, security always has been priority number one. Werner says: “There is no finishing line in security. Protecting your customers and protecting you business is the most important thing.” From Werner’s point of view, Amazon is not turning into a media company but performs as a technology company. The goal is to be the most customer-centric company in the world, says Werner. To focus on customers and innovate on their behalf is the maxim. Things like inviting third parties to sell on the Amazon platform seem to be counterintuitive, but were the best for the customer and the company in the long run. The goal of maximizing the profit of the customer is identical to maximizing the company’s advantage. “The success of the company is a testament to this long-term vision,” says Werner, and adds: “Amazon always had a long-term view on what it means to be in service of the customer and how to innovate on behalf of him.”

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One of the premises of the Kindle is to get all the world’s books in all languages in 60 seconds to all customers.

Werner Vogels Amazon Dr. Vogels is Vice President & Chief Technology Officer at where he is responsible for driving the company’s technology vision. Prior to joining Amazon, he worked as a principal investigator in several research projects that target the scal-ability and robustness of missioncritical enterprise computing systems at Cornell University. He has held positions of VP of Technology and CTO in companies that handled the transition of academic technology into industry. Werner holds a Ph.D. from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and has authored many articles for journals and conferences. He was named the 2008 CTO of the Year by Information Week. For his unique style in engaging customers, media and the general public, Dr. Vogels received the 2009 Media Momentum Personality of Award.

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werner vogels amazon

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anousheh ansari ahoora foundation

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Anousheh Ansari Anousheh Ansari was the first female private space explorer to go to the International Space Station. She not only personalizes a reality check but also explains why our future lies in space – and why we need to integrate space travel into our thinking to solve global problems. “A long, long time ago in a country far, far away called Iran was the little girl Anousheh, and her dream was to travel to space,” she says. When she looked at the beautiful stars over Tehran she dreamt of flying amongst them and finding the answers to the mysteries of the universe. After moving to the United States and becoming an engineer, young Anousheh

turned into a successful Entrepreneur, building several companies in telecommunications. “The dream of going to space became a sort of motivation for my business success,” she states. But why does she have so much pas sion for space? “Space technology is part of our lives and communication technologies are changing our world,” she responds, adding that there is a lot of potential for helping developing countries with information. In the future, solar-powered satellites are possible; the advancements in robotics and technology generate knowledge with huge spin-offs for other industries; research in the microgravity of space can support the development of new medicine, treatments, and types of material, or even mining heli-

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“A long, long time ago in a country far, far away called Iran was the little girl Anousheh, and her dream was to travel to space,” she says. When she looked at the beautiful stars over Tehran she dreamt of flying amongst them and finding the answers to the mysteries of the universe.

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Anousheh Ansari Ahoora Foundation um3 on the moon. In a nutshell, she believes that space is our future: “It all starts with imagination. Little by little we start thinking about it and eventually it becomes reality.” Referring to the “two guys in a garage,” she notes that the same happened in the computer industry. The historic role model for Anousheh’s interest is the Orteig-Prize. Lindbergh’s Orteig Prize-winning solo non-stop flight from New York to Paris in 1927 revolutionized aviation, which experienced a subsequent boom. The Ansari X Prize foundation is based on the same concept and tries to promote space aviation. The 10 million dollar prize is awarded to the private company capable of constructing a spaceship which can travel for 200 km, return, and complete the round trip journey again within two weeks. The reason for the condition of a repetition of the flight with the same aircraft was implemented to guarantee that it is

viable business. In 2004, SpaceShipOne took off at the Mojave Air & Space Port and successfully met the conditions of the Ansari X Prize. Virgin Galactic is commercializing the design and plans to introduce suborbital flights by 2012. Anousheh finally undertook her own well-documented space travel in 2006. Four years later she is still all smiles when the topic comes up: “Once you are up there, you know it’s worth it.” Today she is developing new pricing structures with the Ansari X Prize Foundation, for future projects like lunar flights, space planes, and orbital flights. Furthermore, she is involved in the space technology transfer to world problems, such as energy and health care. Coming from a telecommunications background, she thinks that the cost of space travel will go down with competition in a similar way and foresees that it will become more affordable. Let’s save some bucks for the future then!

In 2006, Anousheh Ansari captured headlines around the world as the first female private space explorer travelling to and staying onboard of International Space Station for 10 days. Afterward Anousheh returned to her job as Co-Founder and Chairman of her latest technology com­ pany, Prodea Systems. In her previous endeavor, Anousheh had served as Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board for Telecom Technologies, Inc. In 2004 Anousheh and her family provided the title sponsorship for the Ansari X Prize, a $10 million cash award for the first non-governmental organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space. Furthermore, Anousheh works to enable social Entrepreneurs to bring about radical change globally, with organizations such as ASHOKA and the PARSA Community Foundation.

frank sch채tzing author

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Frank Schätzing The future is a subject that is very unpopular at the moment, looking bleak after the crisis. However, it is important to shape the future. To do so, we need to deconstruct a number of popular myths. The science fiction author takes the DLD community on a journey to revisit the past’s ideas about the future: Frank postulates that fear of the future is the greatest error. It is not a sinister conspiracy. Germans in particular –  though they reside in one of the wealthiest nations on the planet – are the world champions of catastrophizing. On the other hand, the future is a rumour. The only truth is that things never work out as expected. Having said that, Frank invites the DLD com munity to explore his imagination of 2050 in an effort to check the feasibility of common myths.

The city of tomorrow is banking less on heights than on perfect networking. It is like a living organism where all systems communicate with each other quickly and efficiently via data connections. The rumour that cars will fly can be falsified with exceptions. Technologically not a problem, it still is not feasible because highways in the sky would be extremely unsafe, expensive and very noisy. The flying car probably will be reduced to official use by fire fighters, police, and medical transportation. Robots –  the protagonists of all science fiction – will be in charge of the majority of production but remain soulless machines that only do what they are programmed to do. Or differently, they are empty-headed but without any ambition for world domination. The energy supply doesn’t necessarily have to run out either. The sun is almost inexhaustible, and solar cells

are only one way to produce energy. Another way is to build the sun on earth by merging hydrogen with helium3 in a reactor. This reaction produces environmentally friendly energy for thousands of years –  theoretically. Right now, helium3 is still on the moon. Another myth is that men will colonize the moon and it will become a second earth. It is relevant for science; helium3 is a moon-exclusive element, and space-tourism could be possible but still very expensive. This could change with a space elevator that would drastically reduce the costs and make space travel affordable to (almost) everyone. However, as the future doesn’t exist yet, the only verifiable reality is now, followed by another now, and another now and eventually we arrive in 2050. “I wish you the best for the future,” concludes Frank.

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In fact, no one has to be afraid of the future for one simple reason: it doesn’t exist yet. Nevertheless, we will get the exact future we create today. It’s the positive thinking that leads to positive results.

Frank Schätzing Author Born 1957, Schätzing studied Communication Studies in the 1980s and was Creative Director at international agency networks and is Co-Founder of Cologne based advertising agency Intevi. 2004 his most successful novel yet, ‘The Swarm’, was published and sold more than 3.8 million copies. The movie rights have been bought by Uma Thurman and Ica and Michael Souvignier. Schätzing received the International Book Award CORINE in 2004 and one year later the German Science-Fiction-Award. His most recent book ‘LIMIT’ was published in fall of 2009 and immediately became a bestseller and was on top of the German bestseller lists since. Frank Schätzing lives in Cologne with his wife. left: Sketches from “Limit” Orley Space Station OSS

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If the business model is global, it doesn’t really matter where the company is from. Alexander Tamas The power panel “Invest” spins around the two leading ideas of elaborating an evaluation of the European landscape and the treasured quest for new investment styles. Moderator and business angel Klaus Hommels rounds up an interesting session with a diverse group of fellow panelists including Harish Bahl (Smile Interactive), David Liu (Jefferies Broadview), Dharmash Mistry (Balderton), Christopher Oram (Horizons), Hein Pretorius (Naspers), Stefan Winners (Tomorrow FOCUS), and Alexander Tamas (DST). Klaus criticizes that more market capabilities are destroyed than created. This has manoeuvred the continent into a situation of structural disadvantage. The only companies that really matter are either “category killers” or infrastructure companies. While Google and Facebook are US-based, Russia has the national search engine Yandex; China runs Baidu, Tencent and Taobao. Looking at this scenery,

one can observe that these countries succeeded in building up infrastructure companies while Europe hasn’t. Coming to his second hypothesis of new forms of investment, Klaus categorizes “evergreen structures,” the classical VC model, and seasoned Entrepreneurs who build their own little fortresses. Based on these two hypotheses, Klaus asks Stefan: “Do you see the European ecosystem the way I described it, or did I smoke dope?” Stefan first diagnoses a structural rupture in the global system after the collapse of Lehman and illustrates it with the available data on the down industry, which testifies that a 50 percent drop in funding took place for VC companies. He states that companies like Google and Facebook certainly have global power but also run the risk of being a monopoly. Still, there are good companies in Europe, and Tommorrow FOCUS has assessed four times more companies.

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Stefan states: “The heavy gorillas Google and Facebook dominate the market, but there’s a lot of possibilities and I am very optimistic.”

dress the entire European theatre. The US market sees much more fluidity, return, and more market cap expansion.

Switching from the inside-out view to the outside perspective, David shares his insight with his experience in China, Europe and the US. He sees a lot of contrast: “Ultimately we follow the money after looking at the traffic. When you compare the top ten publicly-traded Internet companies in the US with the top ten European domiciled companies, the market cap ratio turns out to be about 40 to 1.” Continuing with numbers, he specifies that the market cap of the US is hovering somewhere between 350 to 400 billion whereas Europe amounts to about 10 to 15 billion. The same goes for traffic: there’s no single European company in the top 25 list. US-based companies serve 90 percent of this traffic around the world. He reasons that Europe is a very fragmented market and it is very difficult to ad-

Next, Alexander discusses the DST investment strategy. There was one missing piece in the investment model, he stresses. Entrepreneurs invest in their companies and expand them. Still, they need liquidity, but don’t want to go public in an extremely high growth phase. That’s where DST comes into play: DST is giving large, growing start-ups like Facebook and Zynga the ability to stay liquid without being forced to go public. Instead of creating a diverse portfolio, they focus on a few big shots: “Don’t minimize for the downside but maximize for the upside. Find the companies and grow with them.” He notes that the mentality of really building a company is harder to find in Europe, where “people plan an exit strategy before they start the company. The first pay-check comes

and people sell out.” He believes that the mindset has to change: “You can find good assets and returns in Europe, but if that doesn’t change, you won’t find giants in the European Internet scene.” Shifting the focus to China, Christopher finds that Chinese companies are very aggressive and built towards a need. Driven by the mass-market, and very entertainment focused, they address the needs of the consumer. Another asset of the Chinese market is its ability to innovate very quickly due to its large engineering labs. Moreover, the size of the market – 385 million Internet users with a growth rate of 25 percent – makes it very easy to scale quickly. Naspers is an authority in consistently picking winners in emerging markets. Hein explains that their basic strategy concentrates on emerging markets and on “buying teams.” He underscores that the investment in talent is crucial:

David Liu Jefferies

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More market capabilities are destroyed than created. This has manoeuvred the continent into a situation of structural disadvantage.

David Liu Jefferies

Klaus Hommels Hommels Holding

David Liu is a Managing Director in the Media Investment Banking Group at Jefferies and leads the firm’s practice in the Digital Media and Internet sector. Mr. Liu covers digital media & Internet technology companies and has completed over 60 transactions with Jefferies and has worked with clients in Asia and Europe. With more than 16 years of investment banking, venture capital and technology start-up experience, Mr. Liu has advised on a broad range of transactions ranging from IPOs, follow-on offerings, convertibles, private company sales, tender offers and restructurings. He founded his own software company and has served on the boards of several technology start-ups. Mr. Liu received a MBA from Harvard Business School and two BS degrees from the University of Pennsylvania.

Klaus is one of the leading European business angels and is or has been involved in numerous successful Internet investments including Skype, Facebook, and Xing. Klaus started his career at Bertelsmann. He joined AOL Germany in 1995 where he was as board member responsible for business development, content and advertising sales. He was also involved in the establishment of Freenet and was a partner of Benchmark Capital before founding his own venture capital fund Hommels Holding. Klaus graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Administra­tion from University of Fribourg in Switzerland and holds a Ph.D. degree in Finance from the same university. He was named ‘most successful European entrepreneurial private Investor of the year’ in 2006.

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The heavy gorillas Google and Facebook dominate the market, but there’s a lot of possibilities and I am very optimistic. Stefan Winners

“Finding strategic people who are willing to found and grow a company is not easy. When I hear in a proposal that somebody is a serial Entrepreneur, I walk away. We don’t buy assets to flip them, but for the long run.” Furthermore, he agrees that Europe is very fragmented and has to be approached from a market by market perspective. Naspers especially focuses on the emerging markets in Eastern Europe and follows its core philosophy of long-term sustainable value. Dharmash believes that Europe versus China versus the US is a debate of scale economics. He has learned a lot from investments such as betfair, which got scale in a significant market and disrupted a particular industry, as well as by the investment in the infrastructural MySQL: “If you want to invest in significant companies, you should not only think about great long-term Entrepreneurs and teams but also you need to think carefully about each business and how it scales.” He supports the relevance of the fact

that Europe isn’t one territory but is an aggregation of different competitive dynamics. Harish illuminates the Indian case. He says that there is a huge amount of opportunity but people who want to exploit that must understand the local demands and challenges that exist. In this sense, Smile Interactive is the bridge between global companies and local markets. Having a portfolio of international partners, he stresses that they never went out to raise money but were approached instead. Their key competence is the localization of international models. Giving an example, he says that would have crashed in India because dating carries a social stigma there. Having transformed the concept to align with local customs and tradi tions, became a huge success. Navigating the discussion smoothly, Klaus asks if one should play with the same rules, or rethink when the struc-

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tures are so different. First to answer is Dharmash. He notes that the rules of the game aren’t necessarily the same when the structural boundaries are different: “Europe is not just the UK, France and Germany. There are significant different markets that require a deep cultural understanding and a network to play with.” To him, it comes down to understanding the scale economics of the business one wants to build: adapt that business, deepen the understanding of the required infrastructure in the chosen territory, and check the possibility of outsourcing the cost structure if a scale business cannot be built. He states that the level of complexity is significantly higher in Europe: “There are different models to play, different expectations of returns, different stages in the game, and different fund cycles. There’s no one size fits all.” Stefan believes that teaming up with an industry player doesn’t necessarily lead to an exit of the founding team. It is crucial to choose people who really

understand the backbone of the Internet. In his self-perception, he doesn’t see Tomorrow FOCUS as a major stakeholder but as a decentralized organisation; for example, the Managing Director remains the “owner.” The introduction to qualified people and access to a sophisticated network is a core competence in supporting a startup in becoming a big player. Nevertheless, he says that his experience has demonstrated that professional management can become crucial once a national player status is reached and internationalization is focused. Returning to David’s foreign investment strategy, he underscores that US Investors will find a company once it has success in one market. His experience with observing companies in the US, Europe and China has taught him that there is nothing wrong with being a copycat: “Many international Internet businesses were not the creator of their particular market space.” He stresses that it is more important to be really fast if you want

to challenge the market incumbent. A lot of companies are spending too much time at the back end – building great technology – but very little on the front end marketing side. To him, the European question should be: “How do we scale our technologies so we can conquer the European continent quickly before the American barbarians come?” Alexander believes that global leadership can be found everywhere: “There are tremendous opportunities worldwide, especially in population-rich countries. If the business model is global, it doesn’t really matter where the company is from.” Summing up the panel, Klaus determines a structural disadvantage which is exacerbated by a lack of understanding about the mutual world of VC’s, business angels and incumbents. For the future, he hopes that the incumbent regards the VC’s and business angels as an alternative finance department rather than as an external aggressor, or a quick exit option.

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Alexander Tamas DST

Stefan Winners Tomorrow FOCUS

Tamas joined DST as a Partner in 2008 and established a presence for DST in London from where he is spearheading some of DST’s international efforts, including DST’s recent investments in companies such as Facebook and Zynga. Prior to DST, Alexander worked in the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs in London where he was responsible for numerous technology and Internet IPOs in Europe and Russia, mergers and acquisitions in the Internet. Before Goldman Sachs, Alexander co-founded Arma Partners and helped to build it to one of Europe’s leading independent technology m&a advisory firms with a presence in London and Palo Alto. Alexander holds a BA form the Catholic University of Eichstaett and a MA in Business, Finance and Accounting from the Goethe University, Frankfurt.

Stefan Winners is CEO of TOMORROW FOCUS AG since 2005, one of Germany’s fast growing Internet media companies focusing on advertising and platforms. Stefan is also member of several supervisory boards, i.e. Chairman of the Board of Ad­ministration of HolidayCheck AG in Switzerland and member of the Board of Adjug Ltd., London, companies, he acquired for TOMORROW FOCUS in the past years. Prior to that, Stefan was in executive management positions for Vogel Business Media and Bertelsmann. Stefan Winners holds an MBA degree from the University of Passau and has completed AMP at Harvard Business School.

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stefan winners tomorrow focus

christopher oram horizons harish bahl smile interactive

alexander tamas dst

hein pretorius naspers

dharmash mistry balderton Capital

stefan winners tomorrow focus

david liu jefferies

klaus hommels hommels holding

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Chinese companies are very aggressive and built towards a need. Driven by the mass-market, and very entertainment focused, they address the needs of the consumer. Christopher Oram

Invest DLD10 189

Dharmash Mistry Balderton Capital

Harish Bahl Smile Interactive

Hein Pretorius Naspers

Balderton Capital is one of the largest venture groups in Europe with circa $2bn under management and sev­en Partners. Prior to joining Balderton, Dharmash spent 15 years acquiring and developing businesses globally in the media, retail and consumer goods sectors. Most recently, he was part of the management team that successfully sold Emap’s consumer. He spent eight years at Emap, where he held a range of executive roles. Prior to Emap, Dharmash was at The Boston Consulting Group, where he advised clients across a range of industries in Europe, China, Japan and USA. He started his career as a Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble. He currently serves on the OFCOM advisory committee for England. Dharmash holds a MEng and BA in Engineering, Economics and Management from Oxford University.

Harish is a seasoned serial Entrepreneur in the digital media space. A computer science engineering graduate, he founded Smile Interactive Technologies Group (SITG) in 1999. Amongst India’s first Internet business solutions companies, just within a decade, SITG has developed extremely successful businesses with JV partners like WPP and Yahoo!. His most recent ventures include Squad Digital and FashionAndYou. He is Ex-Chairman of Digital Agencies Committee of IAMAI. Harish was awarded ‘Udyog Rattan’ by Institute of Economic Studies for ‘Outstanding Performance and Contribution Towards the Industrial Development of the Country’ while an ‘Excellence Award’ was presented to SITG for ‘Excellence in Productivity, Quality, Innovation and Management’.

Mr. Pretorius has more than 15 years experience in the Internet, Technology and Telecommunications industries. He is widely recognized for his actions in furthering the MIH group’s investment activities in these industries, in particular investments in, Nimbuzz, Gadu-Gadu and the Tradus Group. Hein currently holds the position of CEO of the Internet Division in Europe. He is a director of a number of companies in the MIH Group. Hein joined the Naspers Group in 2000 as CEO of In 2002 he became CEO of N-Direct and in 2004 he relocated to China in the role of Internet Business Development Director, first to Shanghai and then to Beijing. In 2007 he was relocated to the Netherlands taking up the position of Chief Operating Officer for the Internet Division in Europe.

190 DLD10 monday 25 january

david kenny vivaki

samir arora glam nizan guanaes grupo abc de communicaÇÃo

Marcel reichart dld founder & director

anders sundt jensen mercedes-benz

andrew robertson bbdo worldwide

Marketing DLD10 191


That’s what branding is about: the real essence is creation of desire. trevor edwards nike

Samir Arora The power panel on marketing tackles the essential questions of driving factors in brand-building and marketing, and the impact of the revolutionary forces of the Internet. Before the marketers of some of the most successful global brands and agencies kick off the debate, DLD founder Marcel Reichart sets the tone with a clip from the TV series “Mad Men,” a show about the advertising industry in sixties America. Continuity and change are on for discussion. Enabled by the work of many people in the DLD community, Nike’s Trevor Edwards believes that the most important shift is that today’s consumer is squarely in charge. The days when brands dictated to consumers what they

should do are gone. To him, selling and communicating is shifting to buying and helping people, so that they may experience life and products in a much better way. The second thing is access to information. Efforts are focused on making consumers more and more comfortable with sharing the privilege of their private information with a brand. Having their information allows for better service. Trevor’s third point is that the focus on individual consumers sets the foundation, because the single consumer has a tremendous influence by being connected with other consumers. Trevor states: “At the end of the day the consumers are judge and jury and ultimately our executioners.” These tremendous shifts have evoked an evolution of Nike. Examples of

Marcel reichart dld founder & director

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Marcel Reichart DLD Founder & Director Dr. Marcel Reichart is Managing Director of DLD Media & Ventures at Hubert Burda Media and CoFounder of DLD Conference. Previously, he was Managing Director R&D, Marketing & Communications and Chief of the Publisher’s Staff of Dr. Hubert Burda. After studying business, political sciences and history in Koblenz (WHU), Lyon, Washington D.C. and Rome, he earned a doctorate and acted as personal adisor to former German Federal Minister of Economy Dr. Otto Graf Lambsdorff. Dr. Reichart is a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum and Member of the Global Agenda Council on Marketing and Branding.

interactive marketing strategies are Nike Plus and Nike ID. Nike Plus takes running data from the consumer and gives it back to him “in interesting and fresh ways.” On the other hand, Nike ID is the customization model for personalized products. Publicis’s David Kenny agrees on the points made and underscores that the biggest challenge is to maintain a constant pace of innovation. The modern speed of communication pressurizes the innovation cycles. Brands built their “equity” over decades and think it will prevail. David believes that brand communication is irrelevant without product innovation, and the brand base is not as stable as it once was: “The brand as a value is obsolete. The product is the truth. As the best products win, it requires from a marketer to be involved with the product.” What is the biggest thing from a brand’s perspective? Glam’s Samir Arora refers to the classic “Coke versus Pepsi” example. Testing with volunteers resulted in Pepsi being the preferred taste over Coke. However without the anonymous brown paper bag concealing the sodas’ identity, Coke always won. “That’s what branding is about!” postulates Samir. “The real essence is creation of desire!” In the current state of the world, three factors are important: the product, the consumer’s behaviour and communications. Huge changes have occurred in both consumer behaviour and the media. When Samir started Glam Media, the first premise was that brands need to engage customers at a very early stage by setting the attributes of how they want to be perceived. The biggest challenge is to understand the consumer’s behaviour on the Web. They are not only involved at the tail end of consumption anymore, but can be

influenced at any stage through social media. Additionally, search engines fragmented the media brands. Glam as a Publisher doesn’t subscribe to the old-fashioned way of creating content in a one-way direction. Looking at the “Mad Men” clip at the panel opening, BBDO’s Andrew Robertson notices that an awful lot has changed: “I certainly don’t sit in rooms with people smoking much these days.” Yet, the iconic marketer is astonished how, at the same time, little has changed. The fundamental requirement of marketing is still to answer the same questions: How do consumers behave today, and why? The 1961 clip successfully illustrates that fundamental motivations are emotional rather than rational. “That hasn’t changed,” says Andrew. “How do we get the attention and change the consumer’s behaviour? Those questions are exactly the same in 2010.” People don’t change that much, only because technology changes unbelievably fast. The trick is to manage both keeping up with the technological development and focussing on the fundamental questions. Andrew states: “I believe the biggest challenge is still the same: how do you create an experience that is sufficiently engaging for an audience to choose to participate in it and changes their behaviour?” Referring to Andrew, Daimler’s Anders Sundt Jensen agrees that some of the major questions stay the same while the media mix, the symbols, and the wording is changing constantly. How to attract attention? How to stimulate people’s desire for our product? At the end of the day, it is about selling products. To Anders, the isolated discussions about the future of print, the future of TV, and the future of the Internet are pointless. The real question is which means of com-

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munication is best suited to delivering the message. Trevor doesn’t accept the statements that overestimate the continuity in the industry: “The assumption that many things haven’t changed is a fallacy.” The industry started with a model that was really about mass communications. However now the consumer interacts with brands. The new challenge is to listen to the information and clues the consumer is providing. Trevor stresses the opportunities: “We should embrace it as a chance!” “You are 100 percent right,” says Andrew, but alerts that change tends to become an end in itself. It is important to recognize both: “You have to answer the same sticky questions and you have a lot of exciting new things to execute against these answers. The trick is the ‘ands,’ not the ‘ors.’ ” Nizan Mansur de Carvalho Guanaes Gomes of ABC Group shakes up things with his comment: “With all respect, what has changed is courage!

David Kenny VivaKi

Trevor Edwards Nike

As Managing Partner of VivaKi, David Kenny brings vision and sensibility to the complex digital media landscape that marketers must master to engage people. It is this vision that earns him the top job with VivaKi. VivaKi was launched in June 2008 to leverage the assets of Digitas, Starcom MediaVest Group, Denuo and ZenithOptimedia, Publicis Groupe’s best-in-class global resources in media, digital, direct and technology marketing communication services. David holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the General Motors Institute (KetteringUniversity) and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. He sits on the Board of Directors of the Ad Council, Akamai Technologies, The Corporate Exec­utive Board and Teach For America.

Trevor Edwards leads the company’s major category business units, which drive 75 percent of the Nike brand’s future growth. Under Edward’s leadership, his team is responsible for growing the business by creating and bringing premium consumer experiences to market through in novative products, strong brand connections and elevated retail experiences. In addition, he is responsible for Nike’s global brand strategy and oversees all brand management functions, including brand design, public relations and retail marketing. Edwards joined Nike in 1992 as a Regional Marketing Manager and has held senior marketing positions in the Americas, the Europe /  Middle East / Africa region, the U.S. and Global Brand Management. He was named a top business innovator by a leading publication in 2006.

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With all respect, what has changed is courage! It is very hard to say no when you have such a huge cost structure. There are too many mice to feed.

Nizan Guanaes Samir Arora Grupo ABC de Communicação GLAM Nizan Guanaes is one of Brazil’s leading communications Entrepreneurs and Chairman of Grupo ABC de Comunicação. Mr. Guanaes is also President of advertising agency Africa. With a degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Bahia, he started his career in advertising. In the last years, Mr. Guanaes is increasingly gaining recognition for his business enterprises. His unwavering dedication to social causes has led to an invi­ tation by former U.S. President Bill Clinton to participate in the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009. In Brazil, Mr. Guanaes is also a founding member and President of the Association of Entrepreneurs Supporting UNESCO, which fosters the Organization’s initiatives in education, human rights, social in clusion, sustainability and World Heritage sites.

Samir Arora serves as Chairman and CEO of Glam Media, the ­p ioneer and global leader of vertical content networks and number one in women’s lifestyle. A tech-industry veteran, Arora was previously Chairman of Emode / Tickle Inc., which boasted over 42 million registered users and became a Media Metrix-ranked Top 20 destination site. Prior to Tickle, Arora served as Chairman and CEO of NetObjects, Inc. During his tenure, Arora was named one of the ‘Web Innovators of the Year’ by CNET. Arora currently serves as Chairman of Information Capital LLC, a venture-capital fund. This past year Arora was recognized as the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year for Northern California in the category ‘Media, entertainment and communications’.

It is very hard to say no when you have such a huge cost structure. There are too many mice to feed.” He believes in leaner structures and in their transformational power. Anders agrees with the inertia problem of big structures. They tend to do things one way only to hinder development. Open-mindedness and looking out for new possibilities is crucial. Furthermore, he adds: “The game has changed completely. The consumers grew up and started asking questions. If I don’t answer in real time, I am out of business.” Touching down on the marketing grounds of the Internet, Marcel is steering the debate with a question about the status quo and the potential of brand marketing on the Web. Samir sets off with an historical review. When television was launched, the term “prime time” had not yet existed. He deduces that it is merely a matter of time in terms of finding out what consumers are really doing when a new medium arrives.

nizan guanaes grupo abc de communicaÇÃo

samir arora glam

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anders sundt jensen mercedes-benz andrew robertson bbdo worldwide

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I believe the biggest challenge is still the same: how do you create an experience that is sufficiently engaging for an audience to choose to participate in it and changes their behaviour.

Andrew Robertson BBDO Worldwide

Anders Sundt Jensen Mercedes-Benz

Andrew Robertson has been President and Chief Executive Officer of BBDO Worldwide since June 2004. BBDO Worldwide adds value to its clients’ brands and businesses through its focus on ‘The Work, The Work. The Work’. Andrew first came to BBDO in the UK in 1995, joining Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO where he ultimately served as Chief Executive. In 2001, he moved to BBDO North America to serve as President and CEO. He began his advertising career at Ogilvy & Mather. In 1989, he joined J. Walter Thompson as a member of the Management Group and in November 1990, Andrew was appointed Chief Executive of WCRS. Andrew has his degree in Economics from London University. He currently serves on the Boards of The Advertising Council, Special Olympics International and the Center on Media and Child Health.

Anders Sundt Jensen was born in 1961 in Oslo, Norway. Until 1988, he studied business sciences and economics at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. After graduation, he started as a trainee at AEG AG in Frankfurt. Having worked fort he AEG Hausgeräte AG and Electrolux AB in Nürnberg, Germany, he joined the MercedesBenz Argentina S.A. in Buenos Aires in 1994. From 1996 until 2000 he was Manager of Sales Strategy Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars and Product in Stuttgart, Germany. In 2000 he became President and CEO at DaimlerChrysler Danmark AS, Copenhagen and DaimlerChrysler Sverige AB in Malmö. Starting 2005, Anders Sundt Jensen was Vice President of Sales and Marketing at smart. Since November 2008 Mr. Jensen is Vice President Brand Communications Mercedes-Benz Cars.

About 70 percent of total advertising is spent on the brand and emotional side. The online engagement of brands is still marginal but will tip at some point. Premium is already starting to grow and the task of generating brand proximity has already been tackled. Andrew has a different perspective: “Digital is so woven into the fabric of many things that we should quit talking about it as if it was something different. Nearly anything has a digital component to it.” Mentioning his 18 year old daughter, who is adding value to her school website with impressive features, Andrew quotes her: “You have to figure out what’s useful and the techies can do the rest!” He concludes that the point has been reached where basically anything is technically feasible. The real issue is to identify usefulness and relevance. Nizan takes a passionate position and insists that digital is crucial. The ABC Group invests all they can in digital

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right: Chairman Dr. Hubert Burda stops on stage and contributes to the Marketing debate

agencies and the segment generates most of the company’s revenue. He criticizes that marketing doesn’t believe much in power of digital, and vice versa. To him, an extraordinary example of potential is Google: “It is not only an exceptional service but it’s a fantastic brand. Every successful Internet company did really well building a brand.” Finally, he urges the audience, in the words of Steve Jobs: “Don’t listen to the consumer!” If Henry Ford would have asked what customers wanted, they would have said faster horses. Anders supports his standpoint: “The consumers are not capable of telling us what they really need. Instead, they talk about their experience.” To him, it is extremely important to identify the patterns of behaviour behind the facts and figures. He believes that all communication channels have their purpose, content is king, and quality is going to survive. Returning to the digital argument, David’s input is that borders are

very blurry and statistics can delude: television shows are streamed on computers and magazines are burnt without reading. Despite this confusion he reckons that the majority of the media will be digital and the majority of the advertisement performance will be brand. Samir concludes that from both a brand and a message perspective, one must look at how to reach a consumer from every angle. In closing, DLD Chairman and host Dr. Hubert Burda steps on stage and gives some final food for thought. Underscoring the blurred borders between digital and analogue, he highlights that in the old “Guttenberg” media, the only non-digital moment occurred when the cylinder struck the paper. Additionally, Dr. Hubert Burda clarifies the aesthetic aspects of the paper interface. Referring to a FAZ article, he states that the paper interface is fixing the world for the reader, who must concentrate on the conclusions already drawn. It is an enclosed world of silence compared to the noise of the Web.

Hubert Burda Hubert Burda Media Dr. Hubert Burda is Chairman of the Board and Publisher of ­H ubert Burda Media. He is President of the Association of German Magazine Publishers (VDZ) and Co-Founder of the European Publishers Council (EPC). He set up the Hubert Burda Foundation with a view to promoting interdisciplinary exchanges on future trends. Hubert Burda also founded the Burda Center for Innovative Communications at the Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel. He has been awarded numerous prizes and distinctions for his achievements in publishing and business, including the Gold Medal Freedom of Speech of the European Association of Communications (EACA). In 2006, Hubert Burda received the Leo Baeck Prize by the Central Council of Jews for his commitment to reconciliation between Germans and Jews.

Marketing DLD10 201

hubert burda hubert burda media

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fashion DLD10 203

As long as you have scale, this is a viable model. In our industry, size does matter! Alexis Maybank In the “most glamorous” of the DLD 2010 panels, Alexis Maybank (Gilt) and Kyle Vucko (Indochino) share their takes on the online fashion business. Both have different strategies, but have one theme in common: highend fashion. The panel exposes the global fashion market and demonstrates that not only discount prices but also credibility and service sell fashion. “Different models serve different customers needs,” states Alexis. Gilt runs on the flash sale model that is sweeping many countries right now. The Gilt membership group includes 2 million customers that have access to brands like Valentino and Hugo

Boss at prices up to 70 percent off retail. In order to create urgency of shopping, Gilt brings up sales that only last 36 hours and feature one brand only. The generated scarcity and urgency of supply result in the fact that, on average, people spend $150 in a five-minute visit to the website. Their flash sale model is built on a selected group by an invitationonly system which spurs the word on the street. With an increasing membership base, Gilt works on analytics to segment the users and offers them what they are most likely to want. “This way the customer experience feels smaller and more exclusive even as we scale,” says Alexis.

kyle vucko indochino

Fashion DLD10 205

Ultimately it creates a much more compelling shopping experience – especially for men who don’t like shopping.

Kyle Vucko Indochino Kyle Vucko is the CEO of Indochino, a leading online men’s custom made suiting company with headquarters in Vancouver, BC, Canada and Shanghai, China. Vucko co-founded Indochino with his close friend and business partner Heikal Gani while pursuing a commerce degree at the University of Victoria, Canada in 2006. Vucko has since led Indochino through multiple financing rounds, growing the company from a student startup to the premier global brand with clients in over 40 countries. Overseeing the Vancouver office, Vucko spearheads the sales, marketing, and PR divisions of Indochino.

Kyle agrees that the limited supply is crucial for creating exclusivity. The lack of fixed costs allows Indochino an extreme grade of exclusiveness – sometimes with only ten items per design – that doesn’t exist in the current traditional fashion industry. Kyle speculates that their model faces the special challenge of operating in the perfection driven suite market in various forms: the cost and price saving (one third of the price), and the style book – a fashion expertise advice tool that connects guidance with the product: “Ultimately it creates a much more compelling shopping experience – especially for men who don’t like shopping.” The model is completed with a very high level of customer service. Indochino covers potential alteration costs of the local tailor, has a full refund policy, and guarantees a one hundred percent perfect fit. The customer-centric terms of service are reducing the psychological barriers, so people consequently become more comfortable with buying online. Once archived as a customer, subsequent orders are performed with perfect accuracy. Alexis thinks being a foreigner in an emerging market is an added value. The growing demand for imported

luxury products and the arbitrage in prices are high incentives to expand their operations from the US and Japan to emerging markets. Generally credibility, service, and discount are the key factors in a country-specific order; for instance credibility is the most important in China, while service is most crucial in Japan. A unique asset of Gilt is that 70 percent of their online community is created by wordof-mouth referrals. The membership is highly focused on an 18 to 30 yearold set with a high income level. Alexis stresses that brands really want to reach this group and their partners perceive Gilt as a powerful marketing engine and media channel: “It is a unique channel to reinvest in their brand by getting it in the hands of young people instead of growing old with their consumer base.” Finalizing the discussion, Kyle highlights the relevance of customization: “I really think that custom-making is the future. I am just excited to be part of that: a couple of kids of the West Coast of Canada – which isn’t really a fashionable place – are playing a role in where the future of the industry can go.” Harish smiles: “Maybe you should add some items for women as well.”

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It is a unique channel to reinvest in their brand by getting it in the hands of young people instead of growing old with their consumer base.

Harish Bahl Smile Interactive

Alexis Maybank Gilt Groupe

Harish is a seasoned serial Entrepreneur in the digital media space. A computer science engineering graduate, he founded Smile Interactive Technologies Group (SITG) in 1999. Amongst India’s first Internet business solutions companies, just within a decade, SITG has developed extremely successful businesses with JV partners like WPP and Yahoo!. His most recent ventures include Squad Digital and FashionAndYou. He is Ex-Chairman of Digital Agencies Committee of IAMAI. Harish was awarded ‘Udyog Rattan’ by Institute of Economic Studies for ‘Outstanding Performance and Contribution Towards the Industrial Development of the Country’ while an ‘Excellence Award’ was presented to SITG for ‘Excellence in Productivity, Quality, Innovation and Management’.

Alexis has dedicated her career to building and launch­ing in­ novative and compelling online ecommerce experiences for consumers. In 2007, Alexis founded and served as the founding CEO of Gilt Groupe, which provides access, by invitation only, coveted fashion brands at prices up to 70% off retail.

Alexis Maybank gilt groupe

208 DLD10 monday 25 january

Strategy The innovative mindset might even cannibalize your own most successful businesses in order to anticipate what comes next. David Kirkpatrick “We are at the intersection of old and new media,” states DLD session moderator David Kirkpatrick. The panel revolves around the fundamental question of the future of various kinds of media in digital realities, and their respective strategies to limber up for the time ahead. The vibrant discussion includes Tom Glocer (Thomson Reuters), David Drummond (Google), and Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media). Brace yourself for another controversial and forward-looking debate at DLD 2010. # part 1 First on stage, Tom Glocer from Thomson Reuters explains that this policy of trying out new things is based on his passion and interest. Of course, it came in handy with many of his initiatives: “Had I not been playing Yossi’s ICQ in the early days of instant messaging, I wouldn’t have thought of building an instant messaging community in the financial services world.” This platform includes 130,000 users that shape a very loyal, high-utilization group with a high margin and revenue customer base. Another example is the creation of a proper bureau in Second Life. By symbolizing openness, the top creative talents in

the company feel enabled to undertake innovative projects. Tom stresses: “At Google the whole top rank is playful. Or look at Dr. Burda. How many Publishers lack the inspiration or have gotten what it’s about as clearly as Hubert? It’s fantastic.” Thomson Reuters generates a 12 billion dollar revenue; 90 percent is subscription, 90 percent is electronic. The core business is to deliver content and software to professionals, whether they are bankers, traders, lawyers or accountants. The basic fabric of the company’s success is the ability to abstract from the present distribution possibilities of the day and be oriented towards the future. “That innovative mindset might even cannibalize your own most successful businesses in order to anticipate what comes next,” adds David Kirkpatrick. Tom underscores the importance of being constantly playful and how crucial it is to avoid being complacent. The particular constellation of content and distribution technology has to be steadily modified in accordance with the development of new technologies: “With the transition from one technology to another, we carry

with us restrictions which are born of the last technology but aren’t needed anymore.” Tom says it is an interesting phenomenon; it seems difficult to lose the crutches of the old medium. He observed that when the first cell phones arrived, people would stop to talk inside phone booths. It is the exact opposite of what they were intended for. The next guest on the CEO round is Paul-Bernhard Kallen. Responding to what work is like at Burda, he remembers his first board meeting. As everyone on the board has to build up his own business, Burda took him aside: “We need to get more digital. What are your ideas on that?” His idea – a corporate venture capitalist for investments in the digital arena – was born. In further discussions of digital markets with Hubert Burda, the course of the corporate VC is fixed. He built up a broad portfolio including content portals living on advertisement, like FOCUS Online or Chip’s; expert portals like Suite101; platforms such as ElitePartner; and user-generated portals like Holiday Check. Additionally, Burda Digital got involved in e-commerce, taking a significant stake and becoming anchor

Strategy DLD10 209

Investor in the professional network company XING. Below this tip of the iceberg are 45 activities. The 100 percent turnover made more than a billion US dollars last year, the division growing at a rate of 25 percent and contributing to a quarter of Burda’s overall revenue. David Kirkpatrick points out that the nomination of the CEO coming from the VC-piece speaks volumes about Burda’s general intentions and visions for the long term. He adds that the DLD conference contributed a lot, at least in repositioning the company in American minds. Paul-Bernhard Kallen agrees: “DLD contributed a lot to the community. Coming out of the burst of the devaluation of the Internet bubble there was a lot of depression. Hubert Burda had this instinct for the need of communication. He took the flag and waved it: Come and discuss!” Hubert Burda Media is well anchored both in traditional and new media. One message of the DLD is to signal that the company plays a significant role in digital media in order to attract talent. Referring to last year’s “lousy pennies” statement by Hubert Burda, Paul-Bernhard Kallen explains: “If traditional media cost structure meets new media revenues, it doesn’t work!”

The typical cost structure of a magazine cannot be financiered with CPM advertising. Talking about the interaction between old and new media and the future of the Internet part of the magazine, he continues: “We have to find formulas to operate on a lower cost-base and have to find a formula to have more earnings. The solution is neither CPM nor banner advertising. We try to develop ideas for solutions.” Generally he predicts a prosperous future for print magazines as long as the following three conditions are met: (1) express passion for each issue of the magazine by doing everything to attract and keep the reader, (2) have a more measurable impact of advertisement, and (3) reduce the cost structure. As for online magazines, a model has to be found that is closer to the transaction in order to convert better than the CPM system. The last person to be welcomed on stage is Google’s David Drummond. As Chief Legal Officer, he was managing the corporation’s confrontation with China – a novelty in foreign policies. David Drummond stresses that Google always had been uncomfortable with the censorship requirements for search results in China.

The original thought was that Google’s presence in China could be a force contributing to more openness. The contrary happened when restrictions got tighter. The experience showed that Google’s presence didn’t have the effect of “democratizing” the Web, and moving out was a belated statement of principle. Furthermore, there were attempts to hack e-mail from human rights activists that were discovered and could be identified as both politically motivated and of Chinese provenance. statement, a separate attack on Google was discovered that found ways of compromising accounts using phishing attacks. These facts, in combination with the climate and the increasingly closed environment in China, caused Google to conclude that they couldn’t continue to accommodate a local filtered search engine while adhering to their values. Moderator David Kirkpatrick leads the conversation back to Google’s current problem of facing a regulatory push-back in the world and asks: “People believe less and less in the

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In theory, that’s the low-hanging fruit, but in practice it’s the most algorithmic relevant part of the spend.

Tom Glocer Thomson Reuters

David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

Tom Glocer is CEO of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. Mr. Glocer joined Reuters Group in 1993 as Vice President and Deputy Counsel, Reuters America. He held a number of senior leadership positions at Reuters, including President of Reuters LatAm and Reuters America, before being named CEO of Reuters Group PLC in 2001. He is a Director of Merck & Co., Inc., and a member of the Board of Directors of the Partnership for New York City, the European Business Leaders Council, the International Business Advisory Council London, and the Madison Council of the Library of Congress. Mr. Glocer holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Mr. Glocer lives in New York City.

David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor for Internet and Technology at Fortune Magazine, specializes in the computer and technology industries, as well as in the impact of the Internet on business and society. He thinks that the impact is huge. Kirkpatrick began writing about computing and technology for Fortune in 1991. In May 2008 he published ‘Microsoft After Gates’, a definitive account of Microsoft’s prospects and challenges as its Founder stepped away. Other recent Fortune features have examined MySpace, Second Life, and Technology in China. Known for his weekly ‘Fast Forward’ column on a wide range of tech top­ics, Kirkpatrick is regularly ranked one of the world’s top technology journalists. Kirkpatrick appears regularly at conferences worldwide.

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tom glocer thomson reuters

david kirkpatrick ‘the facebook effect’

212 DLD10 monday 25 january

People believe less and less in the Google mantra ‘Don’t be evil,’ but start having fear that the company is turning into a giant, greedy corporation. How can you demonstrate that that is not the case? David Kirkpatrick

Google mantra ‘Don’t be evil,’ but start having fear that the company is turning into a giant, greedy corporation. How can you demonstrate that that is not the case?” David Drummond answers with a smile: “Google is not the typical company. We might do things that seem crazy but are in consistence with our principles.” Generally, Google just tries to keep on innovating. Referring to android phones and maps, he states: “Quite frankly, it is kind of cool and cutting edge.” The company’s biggest fear is the inertia of being big and slow. In this sense, Google is cognisant of the risks and concentrates on acting in accordance with the original principles. # part 2 “If somebody has a 90 percent market share in search in Germany, it becomes an infrastructure company.” (Dr. Paul-Bernhard Kallen) In the second part of the panel discussion, David Kirkpatrick opens the debate: “In the Internet medium Google commands the lion’s share of online advertising. Magazine companies find it threatening and are very critical of Google. How can traditional media

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companies thrive in a world that Google has largely helped to create?” David Drummond believes that they will thrive. To him, search engines simply help find stuff, and the engaging content creators are the solution. The original partnering model Google has adopted was based on the fact that lots of content owners put their content on the Web for free and advertise around it on a specific web page: “Google leads through the Web to the pages and helps them to monetize with ads,” explains David Drummond. Last year Google paid out over 6 billion US dollars of their advertisement revenue to Publishers. Nevertheless, this model is not working for all Publishers. Still, David Drummond believes that Google is a good distribution channel and that it partially depends on the content-makers to have profits online. Paul-Bernhard Kallen thinks that the key issue isn’t Google and the traditional media. To him, traditional media is only mentioned in this context because they can stand up, can afford to give their opinion in public and can try to make their thoughts clear. “Personally, I admire Google and

we have been partners a long time and it had been very good cooperation and friendship,” he says, and switches to his main point of critique: “Google is so tremendously successful that they sort of control the market. If somebody has a 90 percent market share in search in Germany, it becomes an infrastructure company. The least I demand from an infrastructure company is that they play with open information so we can understand the system and can rely on what’s true today is true tomorrow. We demand more transparency in order to judge for ourselves that things are working out well in this situation of clear market dominance,” concludes the Burda CEO. A news company that has 90 to 100 percent traffic generated by Google has one single point of failure only. He criticizes that if Google changes the algorithm overnight, the company is gone. At the same time, he highlights the good relations and his hope to manage this as a partnership. David Drummond acknowledges the critique and affirms that the way through this is partnership. Still, he challenges the notion of market dominance because there are other

options just one click away. Nevertheless, David Drummond takes the complaint seriously and says: “More transparency is good and we are thinking of ways to do that without giving an open invitation to people who want to wreck the search results. Once they know how to game the search results, they will crowd out relevant information. It is a bit of a trade-off.” He underscores the importance of business partners having trust in the search engine and supports the idea of improving this. In the final part of the session, the audience follows an invitation to participate in the debate. Tom Glocer jumps in to answer the first question regarding health. At Thomson Reuters they run an 800 million US dollar science and healthcare business. They sell Medicaid and Medicare solutions to state hospitals in the US to detect subtle patterns of fraud and waste in the healthcare system. To Tom, the only feasible consensus in the US debate on healthcare is to first eliminate the waste within the system. He says: “In theory, that’s the low-hanging fruit, but in practice it’s the most algorithmic relevant part of the spend.” Currently, they troll all the reimburse-

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david drummond google

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Google is not the typical company. We might do things that seem crazy but are in consistence with our principles.

David Drummond Google David Drummond joined Google in 2002, and today is Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer. He leads Google’s global teams for legal, government relations, corporate development (M&A and investment projects) and new business development (strategic partnerships and licensing opportunities). David was first introduced to Google in 1998 as a partner in the corporate transactions group at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, one of the nation’s leading law firms representing technology businesses. He served as Google’s first outside counsel and work­ed with Larry Page and Sergey Brin to incorporate the company and secure its initial rounds of financing. David earned his bachelor’s degree in history from Santa Clara University and his JD from Stanford Law School.

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ment data and identify waste and fraud. Tom describes the status quo and presents the following outlook for the healthcare project: “It is increasingly moving towards real-time filtering of the data to detect wasteful healthcare at the point of care.” Next, an Associated Press journalist asks what Google’s dialogue with the Chinese government is like. David Drummond explains that the discussion with the government is ongoing. Without knowing what to expect, Google pulled out for the sake of their values. Article 19 of the Human Rights Declaration from 1948 states the right of free expression through any media and regardless of frontiers. David Drummond thinks that it its time for governments to step up and hold other governments accountable for that. Holger Schmidt (FAZ) further addresses Paul-Bernhard Kallen with his question of whether or not he thinks transparency solves all the problems traditional media have in the digital arena. “Transparency is an important first step. It leads to fair search,” says Paul-Bernhard Kallen. The discussion that will follow focuses on the fair share of the revenues of ads. The third discussion question will focus on what kind of businesses one is allowed to run if one is an infrastructure service, he continues. The risks of an infrastructure service are the commercialization of the exclusive information and limited access for others. Closing the panel discussion, PaulBernhard Kallen asks: “Does it solve all problems of old media? I don’t think so. But it will be an important contribution.”

Transparency is an important first step. It leads to fair search.

Paul-Bernhard Kallen Hubert Burda Media Dr. Paul-Bernhard Kallen holds a Diploma in Econom­ics from the University of Bonn and a Ph.D. in Eco­nomics aquired at the University of Cologne. He start­ed his career in 1986 as Assistant to Chief Executive Officer of PHB Weserhuette AG. Two years later, 1988, he transferred to McKinsey & Co. where he became principal and stayed for 8 years. In 1996, he took charge as Managing Director of Burda Services, the corporate finance and administration unit of Burda Group. Since 1999, he is a Member of the Executive Board of Hubert Burda Media (Technology/Internet, International, Direct Marketing, Treasury & Finance) and as of 2010 he is CEO of Hubert Burda Media succeeding Publisher Dr. Hubert Burda.

paul-bernhard kallen hubert burda media

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The value proposition of a letter remains valid in the digital world. Johannes Helbig Deutsche Post is currently undergoing a transformation heading towards integrating their services in the digital arena. In the second part of the innovation session, Johannes Helbig presents the strategy at Deutsche Post that truly bears revolutionary, disruptive power on a national scale. Starting off, Johannes Helbig explains the three properties of the traditional letter: it is legally binding (sender and recipient are identified with a name), confidential (“secrecy of letter”), and reliable. Even though it is a very important means of communication in everyday life, e-mail doesn’t have these attributes. Johannes Helbig outlines the idea: “Deutsche Post tries to extend the letter in the digital world by delivering a product with the three classical properties. It is embedded in the core product, the physical letter.

It combines both the physical and the digital world. The latter adds the digital properties of simplicity – realtime delivery and convenience to the product.” The concept plans to fill the gap between the digital and the physical world and to move the core product onto the Internet. “The value proposition of a letter remains valid in the digital world,” states Johannes Helbig. This system generates various benefits to the customers. On the business side, it offers seamless end to end processes, extends the electronic workflow to the b2c and c2b communications, and provides a tool for micro-payment and paid content. On the private customer’s side, the proc­ ess efficiency is experienced as convenience, and services like one-click payment, work flow, and the option of electronic invoices adds value.

JohaNNes Helbig deutsche post

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The concept plans to fill the gap between the digital and the physical world and to move the core product onto the Internet.

Deutsche Post is not inventing the wheel but creating a service that ab­stracts already existing technology and turns it into a mass product. “As it is an existing platform that stands for integrity, security, reliability, institutional trust, and an infrastructure that reaches every household, Deutsche Post is the ideal provider,” concludes Johannes Helbig. This product is a pivotal part of the overall transformation strategy which aims to build an ecosystem around the digitalized core product. Components such as the mailing factory, individual stamps and the iPhone app are built around it to simplify the way the customers use the core product. Other elements and key functions of the ecosystem will include archiving, e-voting, e-government, and micropayment. The crystallisation point of the Deutsche Post ecosystem is the trusted transaction. Johannes Helbig concludes that this model transforms the company from a traditional letter company into an information logistics provider in a rather disruptive way. If you disagree, send him a digital letter of complaint at

Johannes Helbig Deutsche Post

right: Deutsche Post mobile letter IPhone-App

Johannes Helbig is member of the Managing Board of the Deutsche Post AG. In his position as Chief Information Officer he is responsible for the IT of the company division ‘BRIEF’. He is sponsor for the strategic project to transform the classical letter to the Internet.

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What can Daimler do in order to address the mobility needs of the people in the cities who have decided not to own a car any-more? Jérôme Guillen Starting the session on “Innovation,” Jérôme Guillen represents the business innovation division of Daimler. Amongst various achievements of the company, he puts a special spotlight on the award-winning car2go model. The development costs of a new vehicle are very high. In order to meet all the safety standards, the innovation process of a new platform takes 5 to 7 years. Additionally, Jérôme stresses that you have one shot only: “Once it’s out, you have to live with it.” Contrarily, the business innova­ tion is characterized by lower costs, a shorter implementation process – 8 months from the idea of the car2go to the pilot in Ulm, e.g. – and many shots on goal.

The average use of a car in Germany is one hour per day only, mentions Jérôme. Mobility solutions aim to increase the asset utilization. Other activities include the insourcing of high value components such as equipment for disabled people, the leverage of assets in other industries, and clean technology. In order to approach the generation of innovation, Daimler adapted various strategies. The company runs a social platform for innovative ideas in which 14,000 employees participate. So far it has 1,300 ideas listed and 35 advanced to the pilot phase. To tap into external resources, the innovation unit reached out to the outside world with the design contest “Style Your Smart.” After this compact tour de horizon, Jérôme goes into details about the

prestigious project; car2go: “More and more people live in cities; cities are more and more congested and therefore take action to restrict per­ sonal individual transportation.” Strategically this is a very critical situation for a car manufacturer, he continues, and asks: ”What can Daimler do in order to address the mobility needs of the people in the cities who have decided not to own a car anymore?” The car2go concept gives the answer. It provides a network of cars that are always available within walking distance. They are easily located online or through a hotline and can be used open-ended, dropped off wherever it’s legal. In contrast to other models, the cars can be both used with or without a reservation, explains

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The price is unbeatable. There’s no sign up fee, the insurance is included, and you pay only for what you use.

Jérôme: “It is an extremely challeng­ ing math problem to allow reservations for an uncertain location of the cars at a specific point in time. Furthermore, the usage is very simple: the membership card opens the car and a pin code unlocks the engine. Last but not least, the price is unbeatable. There’s no sign up fee, the insurance is included, and you pay only for what you use.”

previous page: Car2go Ulm 2009 © Daimler AG above: Car2go goes Texas © Daimler AG

Finalizing his keynote, Jérôme highlights some of the results of the pilot in Ulm. The car2go has 16,000 members – with 15 percent of the city’s inhabitants possessing a driver’s licence (license) – of which 60 percent are less than 35 years old. This adds up to the highest car-sharing penetration rate in the world. All over the city, 200 cars are distributed and on average each car is used five times per day. It comes as no surprise that customer satisfaction is very high. Stimulating the appetite of the audience, Jérôme announces the implementation of this model coming soon to more iconic cities worldwide.

Jérôme Guillen Daimler After graduating 1993 with a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from E.N.S.T.A., Paris, France Jérôme Guillen got his Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering from E.T.S.I.I., Madrid, Spain in 1994. After receiving his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, USA he started his career at Mc Kinsey & Co. in 1999. In 2002 Jérôme Guillen joined Freight­ liner LLC, at this time a DaimlerChrysler company. Since October 2007 Jérôme Guillen is responsible for the Business Innovation division of Daimler AG. The goal of Business Innovation is to generate additional growth for the group by evolving innovative ideas to emerging businesses. First initiatives made public include for example an innovative car sharing system and a young classic initiative.

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jÉrÔme Guillen daimler

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If we can base this on economy, I think we can move it forward very fast. Marc Koska The reuse of syringes kills 1.3 million people per year by transmitting viruses from one patient to another. Furthermore, their abuse causes 23 million cases of Hepatitis B every single year. In the developing world, syringes are used around 4 times, on average. In fact, they kill more people than malaria. In the first part of the vision session, Marc Koska shares firsthand experience and gives insight into the dramatic problem, explaining how to save 9 million lives. His personal experiences are as manifold as they are terrible. Commenting on a slide show, his anecdotes range from “a scumbag doctor in New Delhi that confessed that he used a syringe 25 times a day” to a hospital in which 40 medicines were delivered with 2 syringes for the whole floor. “It happens on a minute by minute basis,” says Marc, and adds more tragic examples: patients are given the choice in picking a needle, and bars wash syringes outside the hospital on a wholesale basis. Actually, the recycling industry

of syringes is a growing market. The misinformation is enormous, says Marc, and exemplifies: “A guy pricked his finger with a syringe and it started to bleed. He pulled out matches and held the fire against the blood. He assured me that it is absolutely safe now.” Additionally, there’s a huge problem with misuse: water pistols and other plastic toys are made out of used syringes. In the face of this absurd grievance, Marc dedicated himself to finding a solution. Twenty five years ago, he read a newspaper article that one day syringes could become a major cause of disease. He knew instantly that this was his key mission. He started to research all facets of the problem including the value chain of production, the regulatory regimes and innovations in the field. After two and a half years of study he came up with the design of the product: the auto-disable syringe K1. Technically, a valve – which breaks after a single usage – is moulded in the plung-

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er. This very easy and cheap modification of the syringe makes an accidental or abusive reuse impossible. The first product was used in a UNICEF programme in Cambodia in 2001. The product costs are at about 5 cents apiece – the average price of a normal syringe. In order to fight for this humanitarian cause, Marc’s vision is an adaptation of this or similar technology in all syringe factories. He hopes for a global UN resolution proposing protection by quality assurance.

14 press conferences, 240 newspaper articles, 10,000 radio and 5,000 TV announcements. Probably the largest health campaign in the world, it has informed about 700 million people with headlines like: “Minister Refuses to Meet Syringe Guru.” Due to the growing public pressure, they met a few weeks later and consequently a law was passed. In the process of adopting this law, already 40 percent of hospitals in India are currently using auto-disabling syringes.

In 2009 a donation allowed Marc to run a programme in India. Simultaneously a study was published that 62 percent of injections given in India are unsafe, but the health minister constantly ignored all attempts at communication. Marc’s 11 research trips to India resulted in a message that reduced the problem and something his local companions could agree upon: the syringe should come in a sealed package, it should be destroyed after use, and it must go into a safety box. A large-scale PR stunt resulted in

Still, in the developing world, 50 percent of the injections are unsafe. One US dollar not spent on safe injections now results in 200 US dollars in treatment costs in the future. “If we can base this on economy, I think we can move it forward very fast,” says Mark, and adds: “Since 2001, 1.8 billion K1 syringes were sold, and saved 9 million lives. Our part to stop this insanity is a safer product and better information. Then perhaps – once we have done our job – the governments will do theirs.”

marc koska safepoint

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Marc Koska Safepoint

A guy pricked his finger with a syringe and it started to bleed. He pulled out matches and held the fire against the blood. He assured me that it is absolutely safe now.

Marc Koska OBE has worked tirelessly over the last 25 years on Global Healthcare. Back in 1984 he read a newspaper article predicting the spread of HIV through re-using medical syringes. He went on to invent an AD (Auto Disable) syringe called K1 that phys­ically prevents reuse. Marc and the K1 have been credited with saving in excess of Nine Million lives and his invention is licensed by 14 manufacturers around the developing world. All Marc’s energy is now put into lobbying for legislation change with his charity The SafePoint Trust – delivering hard-hitting safe injection campaigns. Recently in India a five day campaign led to 600 million Indians seeing the safe injection message and the Minister of Health mandating the use of AD syringes in all Government hospitals and clinics.

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The list of solutions is a lot longer than the list of problems. We just have to learn to apply them. David de Rothschild David de Rothschild sets out to raise awareness about an out-of-sight problem in the second half of the vision session. His project “Plastiki” tries to realign the way we look at materials, the way we use them, and the way we disperse them. Back in 2006, David read a UN report about the fragility of our deep oceans. “It struck me that there were places of such an accumulation, such a fingerprint, on our planet, yet we didn’t really know about it: the Eastern garbage patch.” This “secret,” out-ofsight problem is essentially five garbage patches in the oceans. To David, this is not only an issue of environmentalism, but of health as well. Plastic is basically transferring all the toxins that are running off the land from agricultural and big industry into our oceans. The toxins are being attracted to the oil-based plastics and get smaller and smaller until they are molecular-sized pieces – 61 percent of that plastic is less than a millimetre in diameter. “It’s then re-ingested and the fish we had last night got probably traces of chemicals in it because of the plastic,” David summarizes.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” (Richard Buckminster Fuller) Challenging that problem led David to the equation of curiosity: D + As = I Applying the idea of a dream (D) creates an adventure (A). Undertaking the adventure exponentially creates stories which inspire (I) more dreams. That’s exactly what Plastiki has done from day one, says David. He expresses the self-imposed task: “Could I build a boat made entirely out of plastic bottles to sail through this Eastern garbage patch and across the entire Pacific?” In order to catch attention and raise awareness, the project was called Plastiki in alliance with the famous “Kon-Tiki” expedition. In development, it quickly became a design project. The bottles had to become both visible and functional. Inspiration was found in nature, particularly in the pomegranate. While the oxygenfilled bottles create buoyancy, Plastiki still needed a frame for the vessel. By looking for a “smart plastic” solution, they engineered “Seratex,” a self-re-

inforcing plastic made out of plastic bottles. This single-substance material not only figures as the vessel’s frame but already provides a solution to the tremendous waste stream of plastic bottles. The vessel is ready now and the crew will set sail on their adventurous journey at the beginning of March 2010. “What excited me is the journey we’ve been through and the innovations that came out of it,” David summarizes, and states: “The list of solutions is a lot longer than the list of problems. We just have to learn how to apply them.” Whenever he returns to his home harbour, a new green project is waiting for David’s media reach: the Circle of Blue. The Circle of Blue is committed to finding solutions to the global fresh water crisis. Experts agree that there’s enough water for everyone, whether it is made on a vessel in the ocean, or it is about the water supply in the desert. With the powerful tools of social media, communications, and data visualization, the Circle of Blue aims to build the narratives, the storytelling and the database to interconnect global knowledge and raise awareness. Watch out for more to come…

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David de Rothschild Adventure Ecology David is the founder of Adventure Ecology, an organization that uses the magic and excitement of unique field missions to educate, entertain and raise awareness of environmental and social issues while driving innovative real world solutions. In 2006 David spent over 100 days crossing The Arctic, becoming one of only 42 people, to reach both geographical poles. Prior to this, David had already become one of only 14 people to traverse the continent of Antarctica, and was part of a team that broke the world record for the fastest ever crossing of the Greenland Icecap. In March 2010, David has set sail on an ocean adventure across the Pacific in a boat made almost entirely from plastic bottles. Accolades include The World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’ and UNEP ‘Climate Hero’.

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You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. Richard Buckminster Fuller

above: How does the Plastiki sail? courtesy of Andrew Rae next page: The Plastiki Pacific Voyage courtesy of Andrew Rae

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The way people consume content today is so very different than they have historically. Shawn Colo New models of content can be the key to introduce ways out of the „lousy pennies“ problem, to content crea­ tion, with „wonderful pennies“ in the digital arena instead. In essence, pennies may not be lousy anymore, if ­enough are added up and few are spent. Moderator Jeff Jarvis (Buzzmachine), Shawn Colo (Demand Media), Peter Berger (Suite101), Edward Roussel (Daily Telegraph), and Gregor Vogelsang (Booze) are grouping up to discuss new models and potentials of content production. Shawn kicks off explaining the Demand Media model. At first glance the business model strongly resem­ bles traditional media companies: Demand Media creates, distributes and monetizes content. The revolutionary difference is based on the content creation process. The company disposes of a professional qualified network of 7,000 freelancers. Demand sets the

agenda by determining whether or not a piece of content can compete for search traffic, whether there’s audience demand, and whether it can be monetized with advertisement by implementing science and data. If a piece is lucrative, it is directed to the network pool of journalist. In the distribution process, Demand owns and runs networks and brands like eHow and that reach over a hundred million unique users per month. Additionally, they deliver content to partners. For instance, they are the largest provider of video content on YouTube. From the business perspective, Demand sells branded display advertising and relies heavily on performance market­ing. “We love the traditional media business and have learned a lot from studying what Publishers do,” Shawn says. “If you compare a creator-suggested model to an editorially-led model, the latter clearly shows improve­ment in

terms of revenue and performance,” he continues and stresses: “When you combine that with algorithms and data, you can really juice the revenue and create economies of scale and efficiency. The real objective is to create a unique, engaging, compelling consumer experience.” Before including the fellow panelists, Jeff sums up the key issues. Firstly, Demand creates content at lower cost. Secondly, Demand is listening to the audience in new ways and is giving the audience what it wants by algorithm based article identification. Thirdly, the common fear is that Demand is a content farm that fills the Internet with low quality content. Bridging to the panel debate, Jeff asks if value may shift to the curator in a world of overabundant content and drops a quote by Clay Shirky: “Our problem is not too much informa­ tion, it is filter failure.”

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If you compare a creator-suggested model to an editorially-led model, the latter clearly shows improvement in terms of revenue and performance.

It’s Suite101’s turn to give a short introduction to their innovative content model. Suite101 is a scalable network and a platform for writers. It might look similar to the Demand’s model but differs substantially. Suite101 focuses completely on quality and only works with people that meet their editorial standards. They support their writers by replicating the best aspects of the traditional editorial environment, plus assisting them with the choice of topic, selection and niche. To Peter, the recent Burda investment demonstrates that a publish company can use the model in its current structure: “It is absolutely complementary and not competitive.” “The balance of power has not only changed between the advertisers and consumers but it has decisively changed the relationship between the media and the consumers,” says Gregor. The key question is how to make the product matter to consumers. He theorizes that media is challenged to make the product more user-centric along the three dimensions of rele-

Shawn Colo Demand Media Shawn co-founded Demand ­M edia with Richard Rosenblatt in April, 2006. Since the Company’s inception, Shawn has led over ­ 30 acquisitions of websites and technology companies. In addition, Shawn negotiated and ­s tructured over $450 million worth of equity and debt fi­nanc­ ings for Demand. He is pres­ently the Head of M&A, focused on mergers and acquisitions as well as strategic corporate partnerships. Prior to founding Demand, Shawn was a principal with Spectrum Equity Investors, a $4 billion media and communications fo­ cused private equity firm. While at Spectrum, Shawn spent sever­ al years leading the firm’s investment office in London, and serv­ ed on a number of corporate boards in the US as well as Eu­ rope. Shawn earned his degree in Engineering and Operations Research from Princeton University.

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vance, quality, and trustworthiness. Furthermore, a devaluation of the media product takes place. A study last year showed that only 12 percent of the magazine reach in Germany is still paid copy sales at the newsstand. Mechanisms like Demand Media could combine relevance and quality and change that balance. However, monetizing in the digital space is significantly lower than in the offline space. Edward Roussel from the Telegraph Media Group is dedicated to finding new business opportunities in new content areas. He takes off with two warnings: firstly, he doesn’t believe that algorithms are capable of fully determining what people want but rather it depends on human judgment. He remembers his former employer Michael Bloomberg say: “I need to know what they want, I develop the product, and then I ram it down their throats.” Secondly, he gives an example to prove his point. Recently, the biggest success for his media group was the major scoop to publish the expenses of every single Member of Parliament in the UK over a six week period in 2009. This dom­ inated the news agenda both online and in print.

“There are a lot of content users that don’t know their needs but are very glad when it is provided,” concludes Edward. Having said that, he agrees that a news company has to focus a lot more on what the users want: “It is a dynamic that combines three things: content, commerce, and community.” The Telegraph understands that it doesn’t want to be dependent on one single revenue stream and therefore became engaged in commerce, subscription services, sports betting, and other club-based models. Moderating Jeff reflects on this concept: “FOCUS Online makes more money with commerce than with advertisement. A media company turns into a retailer? At the same time, I see retailers becoming media companies. The list of models includes less expensive ways of creating content, new ways of listening to the audience, and new revenues through commerce and clubs.” Peter points out that it is not limited to cheap costs only: “People who grasp the new opportunities don’t have to live on pennies.” At Suite101, writers of individual articles are paid with a revenue share model and can get up to a couple of grand. Shawn adds that neither Demand nor

Suite101 would claim to perform in the investigative journalism business that clearly creates a different value: “We are focused on innovation at the product level and delivering these experiences to the consumer. The way people consume content today is so very different than they have histor­ ically.” Gregor joins in and stresses that media companies should spend more on the brand-defining core part of their content: “Top quality journalism will cost more to differentiate in a world of abundant content.” The mech­anisms of Demand Media gen­ erate service-journalism and lower costs. Learning from that model, media today should significantly shift money to the brand-defining core of content, and do the rest in a much more cost effective way. At the end of the day, those who don’t have a content core are in danger of models like Demand Media because it lowers the barriers of entry. Coming from a conventional media background, Edward speculates that the issue of his industry is that they haven’t been quick enough to latch on the value they have as trusted brands with a huge reach. The same goes for clubs, says Edward, and adds: “People trust us, we have a huge reach, and people want to get together in clusters

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under brand names. As an industry we were slow to understand what sort of opportunities that creates, and to tap that.” According to him, there’s not going to be one dominating revenue stream. The key is to understand the interconnectivity between the revenue streams. “You cannot substitute one set of revenue with another,” he continues: “The variables one can play with substantially include the subscription model, the advertising model, and the commerce model.” Responding to the question whether or not a change in the Google algorithm is a threat to their business, Shawn underlines that Demand’s business model runs a tight cooper­ ation with Google. Their strongest principle is to serve the customer. “In this sense, their interests are completely aligned with ours,” he says. Edward stresses that it is imperative the industry learn a lot from them. He had been working with them both to optimize advertisement revenues as well as increasingly to learn how to develop products: “If you cannot beat them, join them! Convention­ al media companies haven’t been successful in developing new digital products to that extent.” Shawn shares that opinion and states that Facebook is becoming a massive source for

consumption: “The search paradigm is augmented by the discovery paradigm.” Edward remarks that it is important to remember what’s good about the old models. For instance, investigative journalism still has enormous value. “Some parts of the old model are broken. An awful lot isn’t,” he concludes. Gregor believes that reprinting the news doesn’t work anymore. The news magazines in the US are moving away from breaking news to agenda setting, background, and thinking pieces. “That kind of content will continue to be differentiated and remain in high demand by the readers,“ he concludes.

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People who grasp the new opportunities don’t have to live on pennies. At Suite101, writers of individual articles are paid with a revenue share model and can get up to a couple of grand.

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Peter Berger

Gregor Vogelsang Booz & Co.

Peter Berger is CEO of Vancouver-based online Publisher, operating four international websites with region­al offices in Berlin, Madrid and Paris. The ­­ network curates the work of over 8,000 journalists, experts and quality writers and currently ­r eaches a global audience of 24 million unique read­ers monthly, making it one of the top 100 web destinations in the US, its largest market. Suite101 is considered one of the most ­respected curators of original content on the Internet. Prior to joining in April 2006, Berger worked as a ­B usiness Strategy Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) out of Berlin. He holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and Scandinavian Lit­ erature from Munich University.

Gregor Vogelsang is a Managing Partner in the Munich office of Booz & Company. As a member of the world-wide Communications, Media & Technology ­Practice and leader of the European media team he has specialized on top management consulting for media companies. His major expertise lies in strategy development, organisational transformation and functional areas like advertising sales and marketing. He appears regularly on international conferences and discussion panels and is a Co-Author of numerous studies, articles and books on key trends of the media industry. He holds an MBA from INSEAD, Fontainebleau and received a Diploma in Business Studies from London School of Economics as well as a ­ Diploma in Journalism. He lives with his family near Munich.

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Our problem is not too much information, it is filter failure. Clay Shirky

Jeff Jarvis

Edward Roussel Telegraph Media Group

Jeff Jarvis, author of ‘What Would Google Do?’, blogs about media and news at and writes the new media col­ umn in the Guardian. He is ­c urrently Director of interactive journalism at the City University of New York Graduate School of Journal­ism. He is Consulting Editor of Daylife and has been an advisor to the Guardian,, Burda, and Publish2. Earlier, he was President and Creative Director of, the online arm of Advance Publications; Creator and Founding Editor of Entertainment Weekly; Sunday Editor and Associate Publisher of the New York Daily News; TV critic for TV Guide and People; and a columnist on the San Francisco Examiner.

Edward Roussel, the Digital Editor of the Telegraph Media Group, has been instrumental in restructuring the Telegraph’s 500-person newsroom over the past four years, placing digital media at the heart of the 155-year-old newspaper group. Under Edward’s direction, the global audience of the website has reached 31 million unique users, up from 5 million UUs when the restructuring began. Edward has led the expansion into new digital media, including the launch of Telegraph TV, a newson-the-web service, and the creation of mobile products. Edward was previously a Man-­ ag­­ing Editor at Bloomberg, where he headed global finance coverage. His other positions at Bloomberg, over an 11-year period, included London bureau chief, Paris bureau chief and Brussels bureau chief.

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edward roussel telegraph media group

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Things are not always black and white – nor on or off! Al Seckel The neuroscientist and illusionist Al Seckel takes the DLD community on a wondrous journey to their minds. By means of visual illusions, he demonstrates that even the most exceptional people who have the means to change this planet in a qualitative way face difficulties in transforming because their belief system is fixed. “Visual illusions are a window into perception,” explains Al: “They can reveal the hidden constraints of the perception system. Things are not always black and white – nor on or off!” For instance, illusions force people to see things dissimilarly even though they know they are the same and are being tricked. Al defines that reality is that which exists independently of the perception or belief. Meanwhile, the perception may be aligned with reali-

ty, and then, it may not be. He notes that a lot of things happen beneath the level of awareness which elude personal control. Although people have the same underlying perceptual system, they often have different belief systems. The consequences of these differing belief systems include war, conflict and relationship breakups. Generally, the perceptual system is a three-dimensional organizational framework that allows successful interaction with the world: 1. What are you looking at? The building up of a scene. 2. What is the meaning of the scene? What are you attending to? 3. What is the overall meaning? The building up of a core belief.

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The rules operate beneath the level of awareness, they cannot be mentally controlled, and their goal is to resolve ambiguity, “mapping” it to support the organizational framework.

Al Seckel Scientist Al Seckel, formerly of the California Institute of Technology, is ­internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on visual and other types of sensory illusions. Seckel has lectured extensively throughout the world. He is a member and contributor to John Brockman’s Third Culture Group, Edge, a group of internationally known thinkers and achievers. Seckel is passionate about education and is the founder and visionary of the Blue World Alliance, a philanthropic foundation devoted to the oceans. He is a former teaching assistant to Carl Sagan, and was a close student and friend of the late legendary Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman.

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The commonalities of the dimen­ sions are that they are rule-based and context-dependent: the rules operate beneath the level of awareness, they cannot be mentally controlled, and their goal is to resolve ambiguity, “mapping” it to support the organizational framework. Proper context is the most important and essential element of information. Inappropriate context can tip the perception. Al presents another argument: „Perhaps your own world view is preventing you from seeing, recognizing and internalizing some ideas that fall outside of our own world view, or could be interpreted differently by others from the way you ‘know’ them to be true.” Once a mental organizational framework is in place, the brain unconsciously prefers to map or „twist“ any inconsistencies or falsehoods in a supportive way.

In the search for meaning, the core belief system – which starts to devel­ op through education at about eight years of age – is another great organiz­ er. Core beliefs are rooted in political views, ethnic stereotypes, conspiracy theories, religious or magical thinking, and are generally robust: “With our core beliefs locked into place, whatever that belief may be, your perceptual system will now try to map all incoming information, even when contradictory, inconsistent, or false, in a way that is supportive to that overall framework. The challenge is to build trust and understanding of how they build their world in order to transform it in a positive way.” Finalizing his presentation, Al appeals to the audience: “Be aware, but not cynical or unduly suspicious.”

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User-Centric Experience If you cross-correlate location, interests, and the social graph, you start to get a really amazing experience around that! Nick Bilton The topic of user-centric experience is very complex and has many ramifications. The relationship between content and consumer has tectonically shifted with the technological evolution: the content experience is increasingly under the control of the consumer. A very diverse group of panelists sets out to discuss all aspects in order to grasp the implications for content creators, media, and the consumer.

cellular phone is the media device for the future as it possesses the inherent ability to provide localized content to the consumer, subject to their desire. Precisely targeted ads provide useful information and therefore constitute a powerful way of marketing prod­ ucts. Illustrating that, he says that thanks to an advertisement e-mail for Valentines Day, he finally got a big kiss from his wife for the present he gave her.

Tero Opanjerä suggests that relevance and trust in the content are crucial for user-centricity. The mobile transforms to become a distribution vehicle if not the central hub for information. This implicates that instead of what you are doing, the where is becoming more important. He defines NOKIA as both one of the most global and most local companies in the world. The value added by location makes the mobile even more content sensitive and relevant for the consumer.

“I think that e-mail came from your wife!” jokes Tom Glocer and contin­ ues: “There’s nothing new invented under the sun, but we are constantly finding new ways to make things relevant we need for entertainment, or to do our job.” Tom’s business with Reuters has shifted mostly to the job side. He believes that the question ends up being what kind of content people want when they are mobile, and what the experience should be like: “In our legal business we are toying around with location-specific services on mobile delivery. If the user types in ‘court rules’ and stands in front of the New York Courthouse, the first result popping up will be the New York courtrulings.” To him, the

David J. Moore notes that the relevance to the consumer is targeted not only by ordinary content but by advertisement as well. He agrees that the

basic rule of user-centricity in the professional world is to understand the sequence of how professionals go through their jobs in order to design better products. Being asked if there’s a way that all flowers can bloom and revenue streams can continue for traditional media, Nick Bilton responds cryptically that now everyone has the same megaphone and is enabled to contribute to the discussion: “If a blog breaks a news story quicker than The Washington Post or The New York Times, people should go there and read it.” The personalization of social networks and location-based services both change content. Nick states: “If you cross-correlate location, inter­ ests, and the social graph, you start to get a really amazing experience around that!” Carlos Bhola fundamentally believes that the Internet is going through a transformation which revolves around consumers and professional behavioural patterns. He categorizes three things the user cares about: (1) favourites , because affiliation trumps pushed services; (2) surprises that

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satisfy the original intent; and (3) sharing the unlocked content. The user-centricity really resolves the value proposition. “Today, I want my web always with me. The web search has shifted from discovery to the more targeted requirement of finding the relevant information. The key element is client intelligence that integrates the trusted services instantaneously to mash up the presentation from multiple sources on one screen. That’s exactly what kikin does,” raves Carlos about his current venture. The key role of trust in brand and services resonates with Tero. He urges embedding the user choice in the proc­ess instead of search that only results in a machine-generated list of links. Nick partially agrees and points out that there is a balance between the Editor and friends. This trust market includes people on Twitter as much as a favourite (favorite) newspaper. Carlos approves and describes kikin as a special force that unlocks content from business partners such as CNN and The New York Times, which was being held hostage to 256 characters in a blue link. Already talking about Google, David Kirkpatrick navigates

the discussion to the potential of targeting the final intent of the user. Tom pitches in: “In the consumer world it’s really hard, as there are so many contacts. It becomes somewhat easier as you go more vertically into work capacity. Storing each single keystroke and query in our professional databases, we have obtained knowledge about your interests because we know what millions of people before wanted when following a similar sequence.” Nick takes the opportunity to mention the cold-start problem: “New platforms don’t know my level of knowledge I’ve acquired on a different platform.” Tero repeats that it is necessary to simplify how to consume content. New forms such as geotagging bring information discovery into the real world. The critical piece is the interaction with the phone. To him, the second point is the question of how to bring content to this distribution vehicle. He answers the question himself by stating that NOKIA is delivering a system which converts content into a mobile device format. David Kirkpatrick adds that The Huffington Post model integrates real

social curation through Facebook Connect. Nick contributes, saying that Twitter – other than Facebook where you have to friend your mother – became a central point for content consumption, as you can deliberately decide who’s on your curation feed. This organizes controlled serendipity and turns each user into a curator. Four­square is another example: “You can check in somewhere and then leave a ‘tip.’ It changed the way I go to restaurants and bars in New York City.” “With some respect, the media is changing but the behaviour remains the same,” argues Tero. “Curation has happened always. From all the stories I was told as a child, I only retell the ones I like most. We are just finding better ways to connect people faster and more efficiently.” Carlos doesn’t disagree that the ultimate curation happens by the user. Still, curation starts from the author, the Editor or the user-generated content a la Twitter and Facebook. The amount of curation that interests an individual within that spectrum is driven by what he is doing and how

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carlos Bhola kikin

tero ojanperä NOKIA

david J. moore 24/7 Real media

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Tom Glocer thomson reuters nick bilton new york times

david kirkpatrick ‘the facebook effect’

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There’s nothing new invented under the sun but we are constantly finding new ways to make things relevant we need for entertainment or to do our job.

Tom Glocer Thomson Reuters much time he has available. He continues: “Intent is a very big driv­er, not only for the content you are consuming, but also for the degree of curation you need. Curation is need­ed throughout the spectrum.” In order to face the monetizing problems, he suggests treating advertisement like content, overlaying it with behavioural mapping. It turns out that you can actually curate advertising and business models. ”If you bleed through not only relevant content but actually bleed through the monetization logic, you end up with an ecosystem that works. Publishers need to bleed through ads and content at that consumption point. Curation is costly, so we need a financial model for that,” states Carlos. “You are certainly conscious of the risks and dangers of having naked users,” comments Claudia Gonzalez from The Global Fund. Carlos shares these concerns: “The mobile is the most powerful edge sensor that exists.

The input-output capability of that device is unbelievable. Also it provokes an extreme unlocking of data on your location and your behavioural patterns. If profiles are for the user, by the user and within the user’s domain, user-centric behaviour will rath­ er pull content than receive pushed content though.” Picking up David Kirkpatrick’s idea of „face recogni­ tion,“ Nick asserts that any government agency with three letters already use systems that can scan the faces of 60 people per second. According to him, a company is putting that technology into an android phone by the end of the year to verify the identity of the owner. For now. Wrapping up, David Kirkpatrick concludes that all the panels he mod­ erated ended with the question of privacy: “It seems to be the key issue touching all aspects of the entire ecosystem. There’s a lot of discussion ahead to figure out what to do about it. Onward to the partying and

Tom Glocer is CEO of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals. Mr. Glocer joined Reuters Group in 1993 as Vice President and Deputy Counsel, Reuters America. He held a number of senior leadership positions at Reuters, including President of Reuters LatAm and Reuters America, before being named CEO of Reuters Group PLC in 2001. He is a Director of Merck & Co., Inc., and a member of the Board of Directors of the Partnership for New York City, the European Business Leaders Council, the International Business Advisory Council London, and the Madison Council of the Library of Congress. Mr. Glocer holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University and a J.D. from Yale Law School. Mr. Glocer lives in New York City.

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tom glocer thomson reuters

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David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

David J. Moore 24/7 Real Media

Carlos M. Bhola kikin

David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor for Internet and Technology at Fortune Magazine, specializes in the computer and technology industries, as well as in the impact of the Internet on business and society. He thinks that the impact is huge. Kirkpatrick began writing about computing and technology for Fortune in 1991. In May 2008 he published ‘Microsoft After Gates’, a definitive account of Microsoft’s prospects and challenges as its Founder stepped away. Other recent Fortune features have examined MySpace, Second Life, and Technology in China. Known for his weekly ‘Fast Forward’ column on a wide range of tech top­ics, Kirkpatrick is regularly ranked one of the world’s top technology journalists. Kirkpatrick appears regularly at conferences worldwide.

David J. Moore is Chairman and founder of 24/7 Real Media, Inc., a leading global digital marketing company that offers award winning ad serving, targeting, tracking, and analytics platforms. As Chairman of 24/7 Real Media, Mr. Moore focuses on strengthening the company’s industry position, strategic relationships, recruitment and business development. Mr. Moore has led 24/7 Real Media’s ­g rowth from start-up to its current position as a lead­er in digital marke­ting. Mr. Moore is a compelling speaker and seasoned executive with expertise in all fac­ ets of the digital advertising industry. Through-out his career, Mr. Moore has held positions at companies such as Turner Broadcasting and Viacom. He is an active athle­te participating in Triathlons and Marathons regularly.

Carlos M. Bhola is Co-Founder and CEO of kikin (, delivering next-generation user-centric web and mobile experiences. Carlos was previous­ly Managing Partner of Celsius Capital, an investment and advisory services firm focused on companies in the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT), consumer goods, and real estate sectors in the U.S. and China. Carlos also served as Global Head of Internet / Electronic Commerce Investment Banking at Credit Suisse First ­Boston; prior to which he led Internet / Electronic Commerce and High Technology initiatives for Fortune 500 firms at the Boston Consult­ ing Group. Carlos’ most recent academic accomplishment was his pioneering post-graduate research in artificial intelligence at Carnegie Mellon University.

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If a blog breaks a news story quicker than The Washington Post or The New York Times, people should go there and read it. Nick Bilton New York Times

Tero Ojanperä NOKIA

Nick Bilton is a technology report­ er and the lead writer for the Bits blog. He writes on a range of technology topics, including the future of technology and the social impact of the Web on ­ our culture and media. Mr. Bilton has been with The Times since 2003, both as a design Editor in the newsroom and a researcher in the research and development labs. His work in the R&D Labs includes exploring and prototyping content and interaction on futuristic flexible digital displays, a vast array of mobile applications and devices, Times Reader 2.0, content in the living room and context aware sensors. He is currently writing a book titled ­ ‘I Live in the Future: & Here’s How It Works’ (2010). He is also an adjunct professor at New York University in the Interactive Telecommunications Program.

Tero Ojanperä is the head of NOKIA’s entertainment business, covering music, games, video and TV, online communities and more. As Executive Vice President, Services, Tero is at the forefront of NOKIA’s push into delivering compelling, interactive entertainment. A sought-after industry commentator, author and speaker, he has played a defining role in driving NOKIA’s evolution as a company since joining in 1990. Tero has held a number of senior roles at NOKIA, including Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategy Officer, as well as head of the NOKIA Research Center. Tero has also been a member of the NOKIA Group Executive Board since 2005. He has a master’s of science degree from the University of Oulu, Finland and a Ph.D. degree from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.

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Relevance and trust in the content are crucial for user-centricity. The mobile transforms to become a distribution vehicle if not the central hub for information.

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tero ojanper채 nokia

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Maps for the 21st Century Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Co-Director of Exhibitions and Programs at the Serpentine Gallery London (LINK), currently gathers as many maps as possible by artists, thinkers, and scientists for a new book. Last year Art Review rated him the most seminal person in the art world (www.artreview100. com/2009-artreview-power-100/). Obrist is interested in polyphonies, lists and formulas. Like an obsession, his own key formula and methods correspond to the logic of DLD’s interdisciplinary vision: “connecting the unexpected”, i.e. connecting as many different people and conversations as possible. Obrist’s conversation panels are often experimental in format, gathering different generations of artists alongside practitioners from the worlds of design, science, and philosophy. Having invented or collaborated on various interdisciplinary conference styles since the 1990s, such as “Burda Akademie zum 3. Jahrtausend”, “Utopia Station” at the 50th Venice Biennale, or “The 24 Hour Marathon” conversations at the Serpentine Gallery London, these gatherings conflated hundreds of speakers and always revolved around “live” settings,

creating what Obrist calls “ongoing reality production.” “Don’t stop. We never stop.” (Hans-Ulrich Obrist) At DLD 2010, Obrist introduced “Maps for the 21st Century” as an invitation to artists, designers and scientists to showcase possible maps for times yet to come. The initial key idea evolved around juxtaposing scientists, conceptual artists from Europe, software- and digital art-designers from the Bay Area for an open-source conversation. Highlighting the notion of “mapping”, the panel solidified how artists, designers and scientists apply or integrate “maps” as tools to bridge visual art concepts, storytelling, data visualisation, knowledge-pro­ cessing software, and current findings in astrophysics and gene-mapping research. According to Obrist, “the Internet increased the presence of maps in our thinking. It has become easier to make maps, to change them, to work on them collaboratively and to share them: for example, real-time geolocating systems and satellite-guided

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navigation like Google Maps and Google Earth.” Depicting not mere geographical areas, these multidimensional maps express a vast array of interconnected ideas and issues in a world where maps and networks are evermore retic­ulated and interrelated, charting this first decade of a century character­ ized by such notions as increasing displacement, migration and globality. After the focus on social networks the last couple of years, could the focus now be shifting to location as a new key dimension? Mapping Code Aaron Koblin, artist and head of the Google Creative Lab, and Eric Rodenbeck, Co-Founder of the San Francisco-based agency Stamen Design, discussed new possibilities in visualizing and processing “mapping design”: San Francisco-based Koblin (http://www.aaronkoblin. com/work.html) demonstrated how to bridge visualizing data maps and computer programming with digital arts. Koblin creates interactive and participatory visual work through writing software. Also, being the head of Google Creative Lab enables him

to access social and infrastructural data to depict cultural trends and emergent patterns. Having received the National Science Foundation’s first-place award for science visualization, his projects translate codes into visualisation grids. “I always start from code as my source material to create maps.” (Aaron Koblin) A popular work by Koblin is his “flight pattern” animation, tracking air traffic over North America for 24 hours and translating this data into a visual motion map. His visualizations for the New York Talk Exchange, a project by the Senseable City Lab at MIT for MoMA – the Museum of Modern Art in New York - illustrate the global exchange of information in a real-time simulation by visualizing volumes of long-distance telephone and IP (Internet Protocol) data flowing between New York and cities around the world. Exuberant Cartography: Non-Geographic Maps Stamen Design’s Founder and Director Eric Rodenbeck, currently on the Cov­ er of Wired magazine and voted last

year by ID magazine as one of the top forty designers, is a true veteran of the interactive design field: San Francisco-based Rodenbeck is an expert in maps and worked on many prototype projects to extend the boundaries of online media and “live” information visualisation. Rodenbeck referred to a current explosion of map-related activity in various sectors and highlighed key characteristics of maps based on data visualisation that will become more relevant in the coming years. For Rodenbeck, all maps begin with the visualisation of data. Yet some of them are geographic and some of them are not, as now multiple layers of data and information are added to maps. Thus Rodenbeck increas­ ingly adds a real-time dimension to them and signifies a new trend, which will continue to grow. Open Street Map Project: Participatory Maps For Rodenbeck, it is clear we will quickly begin to understand that maps are less and less created by experts but by us, our activity and by the activity of our environment. Hence, Stamen designed

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hans ulrich obrist serpentine gallery

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The Internet increased the presence of maps in our thinking. It has become easier to make maps, to change them, to work on them collaboratively and to share them.

Hans Ulrich Obrist Serpentine Gallery Hans Ulrich Obrist was born in Zurich in May 1968. He became Co-Director of Exhibitions and Programmes and Director of International Projects at the Serpen­ tine Gallery in April 2006. Prior to this he was Curator of the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris since 2000, as well as curator of museum in progress, Vienna, from 1993 to 2000. The first in the series, the Interview Marathon in 2006, involved interviews with leading figures in ­c ontemporary culture over 24 hours, conducted by Obrist ­ and architect Rem Koolhaas. This was followed by the Experiment Marathon in 2007, which included 50 experiments by speakers across both arts and science, and the Manifesto Marathon in 2008. In 2009 he was made an Honor­ ary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

applications for the Open Street Map Projects, a Wikipedia system for maps, which are continiously edited in “real time” all around the world by volunteers. This introduces a new logic of cartographical interfaces and devices that are constantly changing and renewing. dynamic maps Furthermore, Rodenbeck pointed out how we will understand that maps increasingly become more porous and dynamic: Stamen collaborated with the city of Oakland on crime maps ( to improve the analysis of daily updated crime patterns. Additionally, these highly dynamic and daily updated maps include applications like RSS feeds and e-mail. time-based maps Subsequently, Rodenbeck states that map visualisations are becoming increasingly “real-time” based, “live” and participatory. For example, Stamen has worked with MTV and Twit-

ter to bridge Twitter and televi­sion events. Rodenbeck also claims that non-branded, custom cartographic projects will rise significantly within the next couple of years. from navigation to exploration On a final note, Rodenbeck claims that maps will not only be understood as search tools but increasingly will be used to explore data sets, to learn from them and to share them with others. According to his perspective, maps will become more communicative and collaborative in the future. “Maps play a crucial role in the context of bringing arts and data together.” (Peter Hirshberg) San Francisco communication expert Peter Hirshberg, head of the San Francisco-based “Conversation Group” pointed to projects where innovation in digital arts, code, and statistics have come together: Hirshberg presented a number of projects

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If a map is a visual representation highlighting relationships between different elements in space – which qualities of the future should its map highlight?

Anri Sala Artist

Aaron Koblin Google Creative Lab

Anri Sala was born in Albania, where he studied art at the ­A lbanian Academy of Arts and attended the École Nationale ­ des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Thereafter he studied film direction ­ in Le Fresnoy-Studio National des Arts Contemporains in Tourcoing. He lives and works in Berlin. Using a range of media including video, photography and instal­ lation his work has been featured at venues and exhibitions all over the world. Recent works among other are ‘Answer Me’ shown at Johnen Galerie in Berlin in ­ 2009 and ‘Why The Lion Roars’ shown at 104 in Paris in 2008. With ‘Purchase Not By Moonlight’ a choreographed group of in­ stallations, Anri Sala had his first major solo exhibitions in the ­ USA at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami in 2008 and the Marian Goodman Gallery, New York and others.

Aaron Koblin is an artist special­ izing in data visualization. His work takes social and infrastructural data and uses it to depict cultural trends and emergent ­p atterns. Aaron’s work has been shown at internation­al festivals including Ars Electronica, ­S IGGRAPH, OFFF, the Japan Media Arts Festival, and TED. He re­ceived the National Science foundation’s first place award for ­s cience visualization and is part of the permanent collection ­of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. Currently, Aaron ­is Technology Lead of Google’s Creative Lab where he helped ­­to launch Chrome Experiments, ­a website showcasing JavaScript work by designers from around the world.

Aaron koblin google creative lab

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complementing the vision of San Francisco’s Gray Area Foundation for the Arts (GAFFTA) (, a collective bridging arts and technology dedicated to building social consciousness through digital arts and culture. Furthermore, he presented the project Trash Track by MIT’s Senseable City Lab ( edu/trashtrack/), and the open source software “Seaquence”, a social music experiment that allows users to create step-sequencer micro-compositions ( As an interesting counterpart, visual artists Julieta Aranda, Rosa Barba, Anri Sala, Philippe Parreno, and Qui Jhize highlighted the notion of fictional maps, fictional geographies and imaginary aspects of maps and mapping concepts. Treating environments within the logic of structural film, separating the image and the language track into single frames and bits, there is a tendency in contemporary arts to refer to and to produce fiction or “mash up” maps – for exam­ ple, mixing fiction with documentary or archival material – in many different ways: Rosa Barba presented “Vertiginous Mapping”, a project she created for the Dia Art Foundation in New York. Vertiginous Mapping ( is a web-based map of a fictional island, introducing its fictional carthography designed by artists with different “rooms” or chapters of information and soundtracks. “...If a map is a visual representation highlighting relationships between different elements in space – which qualities of the future should its map highlight? Can we imagine maps that would enable us to perceive the future, just like the ancient sailors visualised

from the outside the contours of the unknown, yet without colonising the inside, like their descendants did?” (Anri Sala) Anri Sala created a temperaturebased map, based on a film library he created, constantly edited due to temperature changes in the outside environment. Composed of feature films that not only communicate on a visual level but also through a feeling for temperature is a weather-related work, Why The Lion Roars. Each of the 57 selected films represents one degree Celsius, from minus 11 ­degrees to plus 45 degrees. A thermom­eter constantly measures the temperature outside the site of the projection and simultaneously edits the film ­programme, continuously screening the film that corresponds to the actual outdoor temperature. As the temper­ ature fluctuates in the morning and stabilizes later in the day, some films will be seen incomplete, while others are projected as complete films and even loop at times. “We have a hierarchical relationship for the time. The present became a space of infinite delay, yet it may become a space of infinite action. I prefer maps with non-stationary landmarks: a trajectory of a map that cannot be retracted and that cannot be repeated.” (Julieta Aranda) Julieta Aranda is an artist living in New York and Berlin. Central to Aranda’s multidimensional practice is her involvement with the idea of “poetics of circulation”, a subjective perception and use of time, considering time as a hierarchical relationship, and the power over the imaginary. Having had a solo exhibition at New York’s Guggenheim Museum in 2009,

Aranda presented a counter-position, expressing her doubts about preconditioned technological maps. Aranda doesn’t advocate technological maps as they determine her orientation in space in terms of speed and efficiency. Rather, Aranda favours a one-way map, maps that cannot be captured? As data, or maps that disappear once they start to become trackable. Philippe Parreno: No More Reality-Mapping and Invisibilty “The condition of an image in the society in which we live is a branding, a magic of surfaces. Maps concern ­invisible ideas: a map is something between a painting and a photograph. Less of a recording of reality, it adds a level of fantasy. Mapping is a process of creation, where a frame can allow something new to happen. We may call it a map. For a musician it may be a score. We say we see what we understand, yet what is real is not necessarily what is visible.” (Philippe Parreno) Philippe Parreno’s works always address the “production of reality”, often in relation to the logic of ­cinéma vérité. Parreno creates works that question the boundaries between reality and fiction, exploring the nebulous realm in which the real and the imagined blur and combine. Working in a diverse range of media including sculpture, drawing, film, and performance, Parreno seeks to expand our understanding of duration, inviting us to radically re-evaluate the nature of reality, memory, and the passage of time. Recent solo exhibitions include Centre Georges Pompidou (2009) and Kunsthalle Zürich (2009). “For the future we are not totally unknown. In the year 2025 the Chinese

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population will have reached 26 billion people and India will have the world´s largest population. In my map we have 5 avenues: the political and arts avenue, the culture avenue, and economy and technology avenues. In the middle we can see the Google Hotel, the Google Airlight.” (Qui Zhiije) Qiu Zhijie currently lives and works in Beijing and Hangzhou as an educator and artist. He is known for his calligraphy, photography and videoinstallation works. His work has been shown all over the world, including “Inside Out: New Chinese Art”, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, New York; The San Francisco Museum of Mod­ ern Art; “Beijing in London”, ICA, London; “Translated Acts”, Haus Der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; and the 25th Sao Paulo Biennial in Brazil. He is a professor at the China Academy of Art in the mixed media art department, Mentor of MA, and Co-Director of the Visual Culture Center at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. System Maps: Shutting Down the Body Mapping the most basic questions of reality and existence, gene-mapping expert Josef Penninger and Harvard astrophysicist Dimitar Sasselov presented new scientific visions in gene-mapping and astrophysics. “Systems maps, genetics and gene mining allow us to create functional maps of physiology diseases.” (Josef Penninger) Josef Penninger was appointed Researcher of the Year in 2003, focussing his research within the genetic world at the functional level. As founder of the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology at the Austrian Academy of

Sciences, his team mines, tracks and isolates genomes for their basic functions by genetically transferring genes from one organism – for example mice – into another organism – such as fruit flies – in order to discover patterns and find genes to aid in the creation of new medicines, ultimately curing human disease. Combining funtional maps of mutant organisms with genome maps of humans, his team “shuts down” single genomes in different parts of the body.

considered a constantly-expanding, ever-changing web.

Recently his group has found an entirely new regulator of fever and, using whole genome system genetics, established the first global map of obesity and the first “sytems map” of heart failure or pain models for smoking. Among others, Penninger successfully discovered the first genetic description of the key regulator of bone loss, affecting millions of people. Furthermore, his team discovered key genes that control pain, inflammation, auto-immune disease and heart diseases, and were the first report of a gene which controls electricity-regulated wound healing.

According to Sasselov, we are participating in the biggest revolution of the 21st Century, which is just beginning. We are starting to understand the basic chemistry of life, as an interconnected, always-changing system. Sasselov highlights the possibilities of further planets in other solar systems. He advocates an increase in understanding, that the future map life of our life on this planet must be connected to other planets, and thus implies a yet unknown, completely new map and understanding of the world and the humans who populate it.

“Life is an interconnected system.” (Dimitar Sasselov) As a closing point, Dimitar Sasselov introduced his research on dark matter, comparing the universe to a constantly changing interconnected, dynamic system. Sasselov is currently a Senior Advisor for the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. His research explores modes of interaction between light and matter. Recently he and his team discovered several planets orbiting other stars with novel techniques he hopes to use to find planets like Earth. According to Sasselov, the universe must be

“72 percent of the universe is covered by dark energy, a field or energy we cannot see, but we feel. 28 percent of the universe is matter, where 5 percent is called ordinary matter – atoms – the planets, the stars, the galaxies. The other 23 percent of what we see is called “dark matter”. We know it is there, but we don’t see it. So what do we actually map?” (Dimitar Sasselov)

Given the abundance of multi­ disciplin­ary, interconnected information within maps for the 21st Century, one could call this panel a “superstring panel”, as Hans-Ulrich suggested. Alternatively, we could compare this to “An Atlas of Maps”, yet not the Atlas. Rather, it is one of many possible Atlases, given the abundance of artists, architects, designers, scientists and filmmakers currently using maps and mapping in their work. © Johannes Fricke Waldthausen, 03/2010

josef penninger imba

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Josef Penninger IMBA

Dimitar D. Sasselov Harvard University

Josef Penninger studied Medi­ cine in Innsbruck, Austria and then moved to Toronto where he worked for 13 years, at the end as ­full Professor of Immunology and Medical Biophysics at the Uni­versity of Toron­to. In 2003 he ­m oved to Vienna to become the Founding Director of the newly established Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (IMBA). ­W ithin a few years, IMBA has become the largest and most successful ‘Max Planck/Howard Hughes-like’ Institute in Austria. Josef has published more ­than 350 scientific papers and has been twice among the top 10 most cited scientists in all fields ­o f science in the world. Recently his group has found an entirely new regulator of fever and – using whole genome system ­g enetics – established the first global map of obesity.

In 1988 Mr. Sasselov aquired his Ph.D. in Physics, in Sofia, be­ing followed 1990 by his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University ­ of Toronto. 1999 Sasselov became an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. ­C urrently he is also a Senior Advisor for the Radcliffe Institute ­ for Advanced Study in Harvard. His research explores modes ­ of interaction between light and matter. Recently he and his team discovered several planets orbiting other stars with novel techniques he hopes to use to find planets like Earth.

Life is an interconnected system.

276 DLD10 monday 25 january

I prefer maps with non-station­ ary landmarks: a trajectory of a map that cannot be retracted and that cannot be repeated.

Julieta Aranda e-flux

Rosa Barba Artist

Born in Mexico City, Aranda currently lives and works between New York and Berlin. Central to Aranda’s multidimensional prac­ tice are her involvement with ­c irculation mechanisms and the idea of a ‘poetics of circulation’, of a politicized subjectivity / ­ politicized subject, the percep­ tion and use of time, and the power over the imaginary. Aranda’s work has been exhibited ­internationally in venues such as Solomon Guggenheim Museum (2009), where she was the first artist doing a solo presentation for the ‘Intervals’ exhibition series, or the New Museum (2010) amongst others. With her e-flux Co-Director Anton Vidokle, ­A randa developed the projects Pawnshop, and e-flux video rent­ al, which started in the e-flux storefront in New York in 2004, and has traveled to more than 15 venues worldwide.

Rosa Barba is an Italian born ­ artist, currently living in Berlin. She studied Film and Visual Arts at the Academy of Media Arts ­ in Cologne followed by a residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. Her work deals with the characteristic evocation of cinematic narrative through the use of moving and projected text and sometimes an off-site reference to a historic event in Modernist discourse. Barba explores the arti­ sanal and the industrial processes fused together in cinema with the waywardness of her ­m achines, while the cinematic mode of production’ that brings these to bear on the attention and temporality of the viewer, is evoked on the small, diachronic and ­fictive scale of her archives and enigmas.

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Peter Hirshberg The Conversation Group

Philippe Parreno Artist

Peter Hirshberg is at the epicenter of the noisy, connected world of online conversation. He is changing our thinking about marketing, branding and customer relationships. A Silicon Valley executive with sev­eral high profile marketing and branding related ventures, Peter has led emerging media and technology companies at the center of disruptive change for more than 20 years. He is Co-Founder and Chairman of The Conversation Group, a fast growing agency helping brands with strategy and marketing in a world of empowered and connected audiences and customers. During a nineyear tenure at Apple Comput­er, Hirshberg headed Enterprise Marketing. Peter earned his bachelor’s degree ­at Dartmouth College and his MBA at Wharton.

Born in Oran, Algeria in 1964, Philippe Parreno creates works that question the boundaries between reality and fiction, exploring the nebulous realm in which the real and the imagined blur and combine. Working in a diverse range of media including sculpture, drawing, film, and performance Parreno seeks to expand our understanding of duration, inviting us to radically reevaluate the nature of reality, memory, and the passage of time. Recent solo exhibitions include Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2009); Musée national d’Art moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou (2009) and Kunsthalle Zürich (2009) Parreno’s work is represented in ­collections includ­ing: Kanazawa Museum of the 21st Century, Japan; MOMA, New York; and the Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis. Parreno lives and works in Paris.

eric rodenbeck stamen

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Non-branded, custom cartographic projects will rise significantly within the next couple of years.

Eric Rodenbeck Stamen Eric Rodenbeck is Stamen’s Founder & Creative Director. A ­v eteran of the interactive design field, he has worked to extend the boundaries of online media and live ­information visu­alization. Eric led the interactive storytell­ ing & data-driven narrative effort at Quokka Sports, illus­trated & ­d e­signed at Wired Magazine & Wired Books, and co-found­­ed the design collective Umwow. He has presented at Yale, Co­lumbia, the University of Southern California, Esther Dyson’s PC Forum, Lift, and SXSW, among others. Eric was born in New York City and studied architecture at Cooper Union and received a B.A. in History & Philosophy of Technology from The New School for Social Research. In 2008 he was one of Esquire Magazine’s ‘Best and Brightest’ and one of ID Mag­ azine’s top 40 designers to watch.

280 DLD10 monday 25 january

Qiu Zhijie China Academy of Art

Alexander Kluge Filmmaker, Producer, Author

Qiu Zhijie was born in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. P.R.CHINA in 1969 and graduated from China Academy of Art, Printmaking ­d epartment, Hangzhou, China in 1992. He currently lives and works in Beijing and Hangzhou as an educator and artist. As ­ an artist, Qiu is known for his calligraphy, photography and videoinstallation works. He has shown his works all over the world, including, Inside Out: New Chinese Art, P.S.1 Contemporary Art Centre, New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Beijing in London, ICA, London; Trans­ lated Acts. Haus Der Kulturen ­ der Welt. Berlin and the 25th San Polo Biennial in Brazil. He is a professor of China Academy of Art in Mixed Medial Art Department, Mentor of MA, Co-Director of the Visual Culture Center in China Academy of Art in Hangzhou.

Alexander Kluge, born 1932 in Halberstadt, is filmmaker, ­ tv producer and author. He was legal advisor at the Frankfurter Institute für Sozialforschung and close trustee of Theodor W. ­A dorno. Siding 25 other filmmakers he published the ‘Oberhausener Manifest’ in 1962; Movies like ‘Abschied von Gestern’ and ‘Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: ­ratlos’ are considered to be decisive milestones for the new German film and the German author’s cinema of the 80s. ­ With the establishment of ‘dtcp’ 1987 Kluge created a platform for independent programs in ­p rivate German television. His ­latest project is, the Web-TV network from dctp. ­ His most recent publication is ‘Das Labyrinth der zärtlichen Kraft’, Suhrkamp 2009.

Virtual Map  s  Navigation Mapping Layers: Rethinking Location


arly ninties metaphors often compared the Internet with a highway, users with drivers, computers and browsers with cars – and websites with targets on a virtual map. Still, one of the biggest challenges today is to navigate the Internet without actual orientation help, clear destinations, or missing navigation systems. Yet the way we use the Internet today significantly increased the presence of maps in our thinking: it has become easier to engineer maps, to change them, to work on them collectively and to share them with others. Maps generate, structure and visualize information about places and locations. There is a long tradition of generating grids and maps that presents alternate interpretations of our environment and reveals implicit relationships between data, power, control and spatial orientation. Historically tied to war strategy, flight navigation, and urban

planning, current mapping applications spread out to interpret and visualize rapidly emerging data in all possible forms. In the late ninties, the Rotterdam-based office of Metropolitan Architecture’s think tank, AMO, founded by Rem Koolhaas, blueprinted how to visualize maps which feature existing official data in a new way, and how to show and contextualize political, economical and social trends in urban settings. ( In the last few years, Geoweb applications like Google Maps and Google Earth as well as all kinds of maps on mobile phones introduced new dimensions of how we understand locations today: depicting not merely geographical areas, these multidimensional maps express a vast array of interconnected ideas and issues in a world where maps and networks are increasing reticulated and interrelated.

Real-Time Location Maps San Francisco-based artist and designer Aaron Koblin ( visualizes data and computer programming, often within the context of the digital arts. Koblin is interested in open-source, crowdsourcing collaborations and real-time maps, and creates interactive and visual work through writing software. He has worked with MIT and is currently head of Google Creative Lab. This enables him to access social and infrastructural data to depict cultural trends and emergent patterns. Having received the National Science Foundation’s first-place award for science visualization, Koblin projects translate statistics and codes into visualisation-motion maps. “I always start from code – it is my source material,” he says. Koblin’s visualizations for the New York Talk Exchange, a project by the Senseable City Lab at MIT for MoMA, illustrate the global exchange of information in real time by visualizing volumes of long-distance telephone and IP (Internet Protocol) data flowing between New York and cities around the world. With increasing urban transit ( landing/transsib/) both domestically and abroad, navigating with smartphone devices through cityscapes is taken for granted. Satellite-fed orientation systems, multi-layered streetmaps and social network services can helps us to keep in touch with our environment. The quantity of complex information we need to edit, rank and communicate with others indicates that the merge of visual-interface devices and new-mapping concepts becomes more fundamental to navigate augmented reality. Insofar as we trust these devices – considering trust as a key component for identity – we increasingly explore cities in an “android” manner ( Android). Staring at little screens, with a simulated feeling of being connected and trustfully guided by technology – anywhere, anytime. More radical, location-based community services like Foursquare (, cofounded by DLD 2010 speaker Dennis Crowley, conflate visualized information and recommendations about cities, communicating information about our real-time location by tracking and tagging us into interconnected ecosystems consisting of sites and people. It is a concept of mobile-map applications, where everything appears to be cross-linked to everything.

Real-Time City Maps: Ambient Data and Self-Engineered Ecosystems Assaf Biderman, Associate Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab ( remarks that maps are increasingly perceived in today’s world as constantly changing, self-engineered ecosystems. Aggregating sociodemographic data and altering it in “real-time” mode, such maps can introduce a new dimension to better visualize multiple city dynamics ( currentcity). Biderman wants to make cities a better place: he claims, for example, that with the help of such maps, we could better understand which neighbourhoods were the most crowded at any given moment, better allocate energy resources (, or enable better management of traffic congestion. We could see aggregated flows of buildings in real time while we change location, meaning the “ambient data” around them. Drawing on the research of Biderman and MIT Senseable City Lab Director Carlo Ratti (, such a reality could happen soon. By partnering with aggregated data providers, the team at MIT’s Senseable City Lab has the vision to develop new user applications that address longstanding city management problems and to improve the quality and safety of cities in the future. Key Characteristics of Map Visualisations (Eric Rodenbeck Stamen Design) Exuberant Cartography: Non-Geographical Maps Stamen Design’s founder and Director Eric Rodenbeck, currently on the cover of Wired magazine and voted by ID magazine last year as one of the top forty designers, is a veteran of the interactive design field: he is an expert in maps and has worked on many prototype projects to extend the boundaries of online media and “live” information visualization. Rodenbeck indicated a current explosion of map-related activity in various sectors and highlighted some key characteristics of maps based on data visualisation that will become more relevant in the coming years. For Rodenbeck, all maps begin with the visualisation of data. Yet, some of them are geographic and some of them are not, as now multiple layers of data and information are added to maps. Thus Rodenbeck increasingly adds a real-time dimension to them and signifies a new trend, which will continue to grow.

The Open Street Map Project: Participatory Maps For Rodenbeck it is clear we will quickly begin to understand that maps are less and less created by experts but by us, our activity and by the activity of our environment. Hence, Stamen designed applications for the Open Street Map Projects, a Wikipedia system for maps, which are continiously edited in “real time” all around the world by volunteers. This introduces a new logic of cartographical interfaces and devices that are constantly changing and renewing. Dynamic Maps Furthermore, he pointed out how we will understand that maps increasingly become more porous and dynamic: Stamen collaborated with the city of Oakland on crime maps ( to improve the analysis of daily updated crime patterns. Additionally, these highly dynamic and daily updated maps include applications like RSS feeds and e-mail. Time-Based Maps: From Navigation to Exploration Subsequently, Rodenbeck states that map visualisations are becoming increasingly “real-time” based, “live” and participatory. For example, Stamen has worked with MTV and Twitter to bridge Twitter and television events. Rodenbeck also claims that non-branded, custom cartographic projects will rise significantly within the next couple of years. Finally, Rodenbeck believes that maps will not only be understood as search tools but increasingly will be used to explore data sets, to learn from them and to share them with others. Thus, all things point to maps becoming more communicative in the future. Location and Privacy “Augmented architecture is for augmented man (today’s homme nouveau) and his mobility, flexibility and freedom.” (Carlo Ratti, MIT Senseable City Lab) On one hand, without question, interactive mapping and navigation systems will increase our freedom, mobility and flexibility. By linking everything to everything, soon cities, our homes and our environments promise to become increasingly intelligent ecosystems. Furthermore, as Biderman remarks, tagging cities and developing mapping systems can be driving forces in making cities safer. On the other hand, with the enormous growth of interconnected, geolocation-based services and devices, a ques-

tion that becomes equally key is privacy: by logging into and uploading our profiles to interactive mapping softwares, or simply by browsing the Internet, watching TV, or making transactions online, our homes and our identity already have become public spaces - as we are continuously tracked and located. At Home with Public Space: Keeping Your Privacy Private Spacebook (, a project developed by Carlo Ratti, Alex Haw and Assaf Biderman, concerns itself with privacy issues: a concept design for the Milan Triennale in 2007, Spacebook is an interactive house whose walls gradually change in transparency with changes in local environmental situations as well as the people entering and leaving the house. Spacebook’s intro states that “our data is public. We are always on camera, systems and software track us, wherever we move. We have nowhere to hide.” Yet the enormous success of platforms like Facebook indicate “that we also dream of exposure, of connecting and revealing ourselves, of living out in the open, liberated, free. We love the privacy invasions of reality TV. We voted for Big Brother – and we cannot get enough of pervasive surveillance.” © Johannes Fricke Waldthausen (2010)

Rivane Neuenschwander Pangaea’s Diaries [still] (2008) Carpaccio Beef, Ants and Porcelain Plate

Simone Forti #46 scanned image animation flier (1993)

Koo Jeong A Map (2008)

Rosa Barba Vertiginous Mapping (2008) A Web project commissioned by the Dia Art Foundation, New York

Rosa Barba Vertiginous Mapping (2008) A Web project commissioned by the Dia Art Foundation, New York

Markus Miessen “Host not found – a Traveling monument of the suppression of search” © Markus Miessen & Patricia Reed (2007)

Anri Sala Mr. Arkadin’s Map (2010)

Qiu Zhijie Mapping 21st Century, 2010

Aaron Koblin (Google Creative Lab, San Francisco) Altitudes (2008)

Aaron Koblin (Google Creative Lab, San Francisco) Flight Patterns (2008)

MIT SENSEable City Lab “New YorkTalk Exchange” (2008)

Julieta Aranda “∞º / ...º (from where to measure the ocean)” (2010)

Maurizio Cattelan Map, untitled (2010)

Philippe Parreno (2009)

Pae White “gebrochenes Weiss” (2010)

Eric Rodenbeck (Stamen Design, San Francisco) Mapumental (2010)

Ed Ruscha wen out for cigrets (1985)

Museums Tours

Museums Tours DLD10

1 Kunstverein

2 Nationalmuseum

3 Kunstverein

5 Deutsches Museum

4 Brandhorst

6 Brandhorst

Museums Tours DLD10

DLD Starnight

Starnight // Monday // 25 January // Haus der Kunst // Munich DLD10

Starnight // Monday // 25 January // Haus der Kunst // Cheryl Cole // Munich DLD10

1 Zack Bogne with his wife Marissa Mayer Google // Paul-Bernhard Kallen Hubert Burda Media 2 Yossi Vardi DLD Chairman // Jim Breyer Accel 3 Samir Arora GLAM // Nikesh Arora Google // Cherno Jobatey Moderator // David Drummond Google 4 The Stage 5 Marie Nasemann and Sara Nuru Germany’s Next Topmodels 6 DLD in Ice





Starnight // Monday // 25 January // Haus der Kunst // Munich DLD10



322 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Internet  of things Eventually all objects, people, and ideas connect. It’s the quality of these connections that matter. Ulla-Maaria Engeström “It’s neither about real-time geolocation nor about buses sending you signals when they arrive,” rules out trend scout and Internet futurist Esther Dyson. This panel focuses specifically on giving identity to things. Three panelists illustrate their entry to the “Internet of Things.” First to start is Ulla-Maaria Engeström from Thinglink. Her entry point is the identity of things in their environment: “By identity I mean who these things are, who made them, who designed them, who sells them, who owns them, and who likes them,” she specifies. As everything has its own social network, Thinglink offers an easy tool to connect all things to its network. It enables the identification of things on photos and connects it with a blueprint description of it. In the next step, the photo becomes a recommendation for your friends and people who follow you, as well as a channel from which to buy it. The company started in 2005 to identify especially invisible “cool”

things in the long-tail – like small design brands and vintage objects – by means of a unique product code. Referring to Charles Ems, she notes: “Eventually all objects, people, and ideas connect. It’s the quality of these connections that matter.” “Thingd is an American company that began less with an aesthetic sensibility and more with the notion of creating a registry of things.” Esther introduces Michael Silvermann – his entry point was the project to build a database of all the things in the world. Taking off from the registry, thingd creates a platform that connects people with the things in their lives. He believes that people identify themselves with things and that this is the next step on the Internet. enables individuals to manage e-commerce across multiple channels. “Other than in listings like Amazon and Ebay, now there’s a network available for things to communicate and reach their own audience,” explains

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the Founder and CEO Douglas Krugmann. The Internet is the most powerful distribution mechanism: “What’s missing is the ability to manage that powerful network: scheduling, a classification system, pricing, and yield management.” Reez. it’s biggest initial market is vacation rentals. The incumbents are listing services but offer no transactional services. Filling that gap, the company aims to provide individuals with the tools to manage their assets and ultimately provide the transactional engine. Thingd’s business model differs, explains Michael. By offering a variety of applications for the database, the user can geotag things or search for nearby things that already have been geotagged: “In mobile space there will be a time where you use your phone to learn about the world around you. Using a variety of protocols, image recognition technology, Bluetooth or RFID in combination with the database, the experience of the environment will be enhanced.” List building

is one of the applications. People can build lists of what they want to sell, of what they own, or of things they want to have. Exporting the lists and posting them on different sites allows the user to socialize around the things in his life. Thinglink is based on two business models. The first is the affiliate model that reflects the recommendation part of the system: anyone with great photos that attract viewers and drive consumption can make revenue. The second business model centres around the fan communities: “We can serve brands information and statistics about who likes their products and who already owns their products,” says Ulla: “That introduces a whole new set of offerings we can make to lifestyle brands.” Yet, she remains rather sceptical towards an extreme commercialization of this relationship at the initial phase: “Otherwise it might become irritating. Nobody wants to list their things if the first thing that happens is that somebody

out of the blue starts offering you stuff.” Additionally, she thinks that painting digital attributes on physical things can result in a better attitude towards things. In the ideal case it is about paying more attention to the environment and discovering interesting things. Tracking the ownership of objects and their locations can lead to a more efficient, ownership-changing usage of already existing objects. Even RFID tags on meaningless things of poor quality can serve waste management. Wrapping up the session, Esther states: “Long before we had identity on Facebook, we had identity in a credit card database, the social security listing, and with the passport numbers of the government. These organizations held us as reduced numbers without full unique identity. Many of the things had identity in inventory lists and at the manufacturer, too. Yet they didn’t have their full unique identity either. That’s the change we are going to see.”

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ulla-maaria engeström thinglink

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Ulla-Maaria Engeström Thinglink

Esther Dyson Edventure

Ulla-Maaria Engeström is the Founder and CEO of Thinglink, a free product code for art and design objects. She is a design researcher, consultant, and a board member of Tapio Wirkkala Foundation, one of the largest design archives in Scandinavia. In 2000 – 2001 she headed the Institute for Design Research in Finland.

Esther Dyson is the Internet’s court jester, an active participant with no formal power but with interests in most interesting new developments. She is on the board of consumer genomics company 23andMe, and an Investor in Thingd and, both on her panel about ‘The Internet of Things’. She is also on the boards of Airship Ventures, Meetup, Evernote, Voxiva (mobile health), WPP Group (the big marketing company), and several others. Her investments include health-oriented companies such as Keas and PatientsLikeMe, and she is publishing her genome online at Last year, she came to DLD from Star City, Russia, where she was training as a backup cosmonaut. This year, she’s heading to Davos and then to Russia to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.

Long before we had identity on Facebook, we had identity in a credit card database, the social security listing, and with the passport numbers of the government.

326 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Michael Silverman Thingd

Douglas Krugman Personal Commerce

Michael is the Vice President of Operations at thingd, a startup connecting people with the things in their lives. In this role, he oversees the company’s business development, strategic partnerships, and finances. Prior to working at thingd, Michael worked at the New York boutique Investment Bank Allen & Company, LLC. At Allen, he worked on numerous new media transactions, including some high-profile M&A deals and several capital raises. Michael has also worked at other finance and new media companies, including Bloomberg, LP and Cantor Weiss & Friedner. Michael held fellowships at Rockefeller University and graduated from Harvard University with a BA in Biological Anthropology.

Douglas Krugman is the Founder and CEO of Person­al Commerce Corp., whose REZZ.IT platform enables individuals to manage ecommerce across multiple channels, including social media. Doug is an interactive media pioneer and serial Entrepreneur. Previous ventures include Tripology, an online travel site, and Send Word Now, a SaaS telecom provider. SWN currently powers on-demand notification and mobile messaging for seven of the ten largest corporations in the US, and government agencies. Doug was a Partner in the consulting firm Protocol Partners, and a Communications, Media & Technology Associate at Booz Allen. His educational background includes an MBA from Columbia Business School and a BA in Philosophy from Wesleyan University. Doug lives with his wife and three children in New York City.

What’s missing is the ability to manage that powerful network: scheduling, a classification system, pricing, and yield management.

328 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january


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The computer games industry irrevocably transforms to be a digital service industry. Kristian Segerstråle An informal round-table session addresses the issues surrounding social games, which are undergoing significant growth and have become a phenomenon over the past 18 months. After an introduction of each panelist, the panel goes into the pivotal points of the sector. Kai Bolik, the CEO of GameDuell, Europe’s largest skill game and casual game site, notes: “Social networks open up the gaming space. It is a platform that caters really well to the desire of people to compute against each other.” The social graph enables competition with friends and the mobile trend will induce further growth. Even games that are not necessarily social are lifted up to a social experience, he says: “Facebook adds the ingredients that make even simple games social.” Kristian Segerstråle of Playfish has been at the forefront of the gaming industry for the past nine years. The games Entrepreneur states that the computer games market is already bigger than music and movies. “It mainly happened on the back of teenagers playing games on their plasma in the basement,” he jokes. As games are inherently social, he aims to change computer games towards people playing together. Primary drivers like competition and self-expression combined with social networks result

in rapid growth and tremendous opportunities for more growth to come. Chris Russo, the CEO of Fantasy Sports Ventures, a market and media company focused on fantasy games, shares his perspective: “Particularly in the US, fantasy games became a huge phenomenon. Approximately 30 million players understate the importance.” He characterizes the user group as very engaged and passionate. The games allow fans to become the general manager and select their own team. The competition generates a significant amount of usage and business opportunities. The underlying model is largely an advertising model. Still, there are subscription elements, and pay products are planned. “Four or five years ago nobody was really betting on games and it wasn’t a hot topic,” says Nils Holger Henning: “Nobody imagined the impact of the game industry and how fast it grows.” Bigpoint runs mainly classical games and multi-player games online. Key factors for the growth are the social component of interacting with each other and the integration of more than 1,000 media partners who are monetizing and promoting successfully. Shervin Pishevar, Founder and CEO of SGN, strongly believes in the future of connected mobile devices. The

premise for social games on the go is to achieve console-quality games which connect with players around the world on mobile devices. In order to conform to the premise, the ability to play multiplayer games over the 3G connection is essential. “We didn’t want the Wi-Fi limitation so we cracked the code and scaled these types of intensive games with 3D over 3G,” explains Shervin. Having completed the formal introduction, Mike asks a panelist for the reason why games became so viral. Kristian feels it’s the Facebook platform: “It has done an amazing thing with the user experience of sharing and connecting. As a developer you create games and plug in the social graph. As a user you suddenly have the chance to interact with your friends.” Nils agrees and adds: “Another key driver is that you can play most of the content simply out of the browser. What looked static seems like a console game now.” Kristian locates computer games in the middle of a tectonic plate shift from a physical product driven industry to a digital service industry. As the barriers of entry decline and the platform matures, he believes that the acquisition of Playfish by EA provided a comparative advantage in terms of the opportunities to leverage broader IP. Shervin disagrees:

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“The integration of the social graph changes what your theory is built upon.” In his opinion, IP is not the key differentiator. Kai diplomatically conciliates: “I fully agree that the platform matures. Either way you have games that are not driven by big IP. It still accounts that you have good quality.” In this context, Nils stresses that the classic gaming industry didn’t manage to build up a digital distribution on its own – and the big players in the classic game market have a hard time becoming digital.

Chris Russo Fantasy Sports Ventures Christopher Russo serves as CEO of Fantasy Sports Ventures, Inc. (‘FSV’), a company he founded in 2006. Fantasy Sports Ventures is an integrated marketing and media company with a focus on digital and fantasy sports. Mr. Russo leverages more than fifteen years of experience in the media business, including senior executive positions with the National Football League (Senior VP, New Media/Publishing), New Line Cinema (Executive VP, Franchise Programming/Marketing), and NBC (VP, Promotion Marketing). Mr. Russo received a BA from Northwestern University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. He was awarded the Sports Business Journal 40 under 40 Award for three consecutive years, earning him a place in the Sports Business Journal Hall of Fame.

Certainly social games are skyrocketing, but where are they going? To Kristian, the platform including some unscrupulous monetization models is merely a reflection of the early stage of the market. He foresees three things happening: game quality and sophistication of design will continuously increase while game categories will mature; both traditional media and the classic game industry will make inroads in the industry; and social gaming will increasingly settle on multiple platforms. The companies that will succeed have to continuously create great games and create innovations in gaming, will need access to IP, and will be able to execute on multiple platforms. He predicts: “We’ve seen a super rapid growth, but there will also be an era of consolidation.” Shervin shares the terms of the industry’s evolution: “The bridge between the platforms is an exciting area. I think the core engagement mechanism between users and devices is going to shift to mobile.” In closing, Kristian maps the future with the following thought: “What’s called social games today perhaps only is the tip of the iceberg of a much broader evolution of computer games.”

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Nils Holger Henning Bigpoint

Shervin Pishevar SGN

Kristian Segerstråle Playfish

After graduating with ‘DiplomKaufmann’, ‘Master of Laws’ (LL.M.) and working in companies like AOL Time Warner and Whirlpool Nils joined Bigpoint in 2005. Since then Bigpoint became the leading Developer and Publisher of browser-based multiplayer games. Combining deep Internet distribution with games industry knowledge, Nils has successfully built up the commercial department as Bigpoint’s CCO with a strategy focussing on media partnerships and internationalisation. He co-initiated the financial buyout by NBC Universal’s (NYSE: GE) Peacock Equity Fund together with GMT Communications Partners. In Bigpoint he established co-operations with media partners including NBC Universal, Viacom (MTV Europe), Pro7/SBS, Bertelsmann (RTL, M6), Orange, Telefonica, etc.

Shervin is a visionary technology Entrepreneur, published researcher and technology incubation expert. He has raised nearly $ 40m in venture funding for his start ups. Currently Shervin is ­the Founder and CEO of SGN, one of the leading social and mobile gaming companies, with over 11 million users on the iPhone and tens of millions of users of SGN’s profitable games and applications on Facebook, MySpace and Bebo. Shervin was Founding ­P resident and COO of Webs (formerly Freewebs), one of the largest social publish­ing communities in the world with over 30 million members. Shervin has co-founded such companies as ­H otprints to revolutionize the personal printing and direct mar­keting world. His achievements have been highlighted by several renowned newspapers and magazines.

As a successful games Entrepreneur, Kristian brings strategic vision and leadership to his role as Vice President and General Manager of Playfish. He was CEO and Co-Founder of playfish leading up to the company’s ­a cquisition by Electronic Arts in November 2009. Prior to founding Playfish in late 2007, Kristian was a Co-Founder and later Managing Director of Europe, Middle East and Asia for Glu Mobile. During his six-year tenure he successfully directed product development, sales, marketing and technology operations across Europe, and expanded Glu’s ­reach by opening regional offices in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Kristian holds a master’s of science degree in Economics from London School of Economics and an undergraduate degree in Economics from Cambridge University.

332 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Social networks open up the gaming space. It is a platform that caters really well to the desire of people to compute against each other. Kai Bolik

Mike Butcher TechCrunch

Kai Bolik Gameduell

Mike is the Editor of TechCrunch Europe. As well as editing TechCrunch Europe, Mike is involved in a project to bring European technology Entrepreneurs and Investors together in a club environment called TechHub. A long time journalist, Mike has written for countless UK national newspapers and magazines. He is a former Editor of New Media Age magazine and the European edition of The Industry Standard magazine. In August 2008 TechCrunch Europe was awarded the best “Web 2.0 and business blog” in the UK. In 2009 it was named as one of the Top 10 blogs out of the UK. In October 2009 he was named one of the Top 50 most influential Britons in technology by The Daily Telegraph. Mike is a regular commentator on the technology business, appearing on BBC News, Sky News, Channel 4 and Bloomberg.

Kai Bolik is CEO and Co-Founder of GameDuell. As a serial Entrepreneur, he contributed the strategic vision and management experience that has made GameDuell one of the best monetizing, as well as one of the largest casual games communities worldwide. Prior to GameDuell, he founded the Lycos Eastern Europe GmbH and led the 300 people technical team of Lycos Europe (including Spray Networks, Multimania, Caramail, and Jubii). Prior to that, Kai worked as a strategic consultant at Bertelsmann Multimedia and The Boston Consulting Group.

kai bolik gameduell

334 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january


The days of the venture capitalist generalist are long gone. Jim Breyer This spotlight highlights the two venture capitalists involved with Facebook, Accel’s Jim Breyer and DST’s Yuri Milner. Both report about their strategies, give insight to their association with Facebook, and predict the future. # part 1 Setting the stage, David Kirkpatrick announces the venture capitalist of the year, Jim Breyer, and asks him to analyze the status quo of the VC landscape, particularly as it relates to the Internet business. Jim foresees that in five years from now, there will only be half as many VC’s. Despite the shrinking VC industry he makes perfectly clear that exceptionally good Entrepreneurs will get their funding anyway, either from VC’s, business angels or through different channels. The Darwinian selection of start-ups has his upside: “The fewer financing is done in deeply strategic areas, the better it is for the Entrepreneurs and the venture capitalists.” Moreover, he believes that a great Entrepreneur in

a really innovative space can make a very nice return if building the right technology and team. The challenge of the venture capitalist is to have a prepared mind thesis that is trying to use the better radar, and three to five years out, try to assess what the big break-out opportunities are. Typically, Accel has three to five prepared mind initiatives. At the moment these include mobile and wireless efforts, companies like foursquare with very interesting check-in opportunities, virtualization, cloud computing, and social commerce space. The latter is of special interest. Accel’s view and fervent belief is that there is a new set of companies really using the social networks and the social graph to provide one-to-one recommendation around commerce. “The days of the venture capitalist generalist are long gone. My idea of serving the Entrepreneur is to help with the global strategy as well as their social applications,” notes Jim,

Jim Breyer Accel

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If the Entrepreneur doesn’t see the global opportunity and how the social graph impacts their business worldwide at day one, we will not close that deal.

Jim Breyer Accel

David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

Jim has been an Investor in over thirty consumer internet, media, and technology companies that have completed public offerings or successful mergers. Jim is currently on the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT), where he is the Lead/Presiding Independent Director, and Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Finance Committee. Jim is on the Strategic Investment Committee/Board of Accel-KKR, IDGAccel China Fund, ­and Facebook Seed Fund.Earlier, Jim worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company in New York, and in product marketing and management at Apple Computer and Hewlett Packard. He graduated with highest distinction from Stanford University with a B.S. degree and from Harvard University with an M.B.A. where he was named a Baker Scholar.

David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor for Internet and Technology at Fortune Magazine, specializes in the computer and technology industries, as well as in the impact of the Internet on business and society. He thinks that the impact is huge. Kirkpatrick began writing about computing and technology for Fortune in 1991. In May 2008 he published ‘Microsoft After Gates’, a definitive account of Microsoft’s prospects and challenges as its founder stepped away. Other recent Fortune features have examined MySpace, Second Life, and Technology in China. Known for his weekly ‘Fast Forward’ column on a wide range of tech top­ics, Kirkpatrick is regularly ranked one of the world’s top technology journalists. Kirkpatrick appears regularly at conferences worldwide.

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and adds: “If the Entrepreneur doesn’t see the global opportunity and how the social graph impacts their business worldwide at day one, we will not close that deal.” Referring to the early Facebook Investment, he says: “In the mid-decade 2004-2005 our mind thesis was very much around what social networks might look like.” Accel checked several companies and a couple of partners did a great job identifying that growing college network. After a presentation at his campus, they shook hands on a deal. Jim recalls that it was a combination of pattern recognition and a prepared mind: “We had gone in knowing that there is an opportunity in social networking. We wanted to find the right

david kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

jim breyer accel

Entrepreneur. At that point Mark had six employees and a sense for what social networks and social applications could be like. We knew at least he would build something that would spread like wildfire through the college market.” That said, Jim points out that it was that rare combination of a deeply engaged, passionate Entrepreneur who was attacking an extraordinarily large market. Despite the frequent questions of monetization and if Facebook is only a flavour of the month, Jim suggests that one key to success is that Facebook focuses on a constant improvement of the customer experience and on delivering phenomenal engineering in product experience.

Yuri Milner DST

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A company that is building itself on a social graph is almost a natural monopoly. With a few exceptions, Facebook will dominate globally.

# part 2 Yuri Milner started his adventure from the other side of the equation. He started DST ten years ago and launched several companies like Five years ago, the company switched sides and became an Investment Company with permanent capital. His Investments in the social media arena began in 2007, including two social networks in Russia and one in Poland. Despite the scale of Facebook, they are still dominant in their territory. These companies did not scale globally and their operations focused on monetization at an earlier stage. For instance, the Russian network VKontakte was the first global social network that taxed all revenue flowing through their applications, and they launched their own payment system. Contrarily, the large Investment in Facebook didn’t target monetization as a priority: “Facebook has a tremendous monetization opportunity and significant untapped potential. But we are long-term Investors with permanent capital and unlimited patience to follow the vision all the way through.” The fact of the matter is that DST did a complementary late-stage supplementary IPO Investment which allowed early Investors to cash out and for the company to keep growing.

Wrapping up the session in a talk show format with both guests, David asks them for their predictions for the ambitious infrastructural program Facebook Connect. Jim thinks that market timing is crucial, as things take time until they reach critical mass. Once they hit the inflection point they grow very dramatically. Jim pinpoints the goals quite accurately: a user base that exceeds a billion, most of all important web applications which serve as integral parts of the Facebook Connect platform, and heaps of third parties in win-win partnerships. Yuri agrees that a billion users is a very realistic number and explains: “A company that is building itself on a social graph is almost a natural monopoly. With a few exceptions, Facebook will dominate globally. The mobile will boost this even more.” Moreover, Jim rules out a near-term IPO and stresses that the company focuses on attracting phenomenal technical, business and product talent: “We like the fact to be private. It is really about product strategy and getting the platform and culture right.” The monetization process is secondary. Nevertheless, Jim believes in an extremely diverse revenue set as the company can create value for software companies, entertainment, publishers, and the “Wal-Marts of the world.”

Yuri Milner DST Yuri Milner is a Russian Investor and Entrepreneur. Key Investments include, Forticom,, Astrum Online Entertainment, and Facebook. Milner is CEO and Founding Partner of DST. At DST, Yuri led the Investments in over two dozen leading Internet companies and raised over $1bn in 8 rounds of financing. Currently, Yuri serves on the Board of Directors of Mail. ru, Vkontakte and Forticom. In 1990 to 1992 Yuri attended Wharton School of Business and subsequently joined the World Bank where he was involved in the development of the financial sector in Russia. Yuri graduated from Moscow State University in 1985 with an advanced degree in theoretical physics and was subsequently conducting research at the Institute of physics in the Russian Academy of Sciences between 1985 and 1989.

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Yuri Milner DST

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Female Decade

If it had been the Lehmann sisters, it wouldn’t have happened! Gabi Zedlmayer Just the mere existence of a ­­femaleonly panel demonstrates that ­something continues to go wrong in our societies. “The corporate world is out of balance. When you are the only woman in the board room, you suddenly represent the entire gender,” says Gabi Zedlmayer. In a group of five panellists, moderated by Steffi Czerny, the facts, their associated causes, concerns, and future prospects are on for discussion. Cécilia Attias touches the sentiment of many perfectly with her remark that it is weird to still be on a female session. “There should be no difference!” she says, and in reference to next years DLD, she continues: “Next year should be women on all panels. Picking up the argument, Beth Brooks expresses her frustration caused by research groups that want to prove what women are econom­ ically capable of. It is abundantly

clear: more women on board results in better financial performance, more women in senior management enables the organization to outperform the others across the variety of spectrums, and if you invest in female Entrepreneurs, there is a 90% return of their income to society. Diverse groups outperform homogenous groups by far! That’s the power of ­diverse perspectives,” summarizes Beth, bemoaning that the pace of prog­ress for women is still lagging. She points at positive examples in Europe, such as France, Norway and Spain, where a certain gender ratio became mandatory. “It’s that simple, the Nike strategy – just do it!” she says, facing towards the audience in the packed Maximilianssaal. Gabi stresses that our societies are at a turning point. Looking in the past in order to understand the future, she is detecting that value chains and

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business models are changing. The mobilization and the application of new technologies mitigate the conflict between the role of being a mother and having a career. And behind a screen, the gender becomes visible: It is a new set of choices and ­opportunities. Beth continues with the argument but slightly differs. To her, the problem won’t fix itself ­generationally. When it comes to choices, women drop out. Anachronistic social plans enforce this. Ria Hendrikx adds that in traditional industries no one does their work mobile. Especially these sectors are male dominated, and women tend to lack the self confidence to enter these industries. Cecilia picks up the necessity of adequate social plans and sums up: “We have three lives, one as a woman, one as a mother, and one in the working environment: we need infrastructural and political support!”

Randi Zuckerberg now takes over the conversation and talks about her Facebook experiences. Recently she launched a poll on gender questions. Asking if girls would rather have a male or female boss, the result was that the girls between age 13 and 17 overwhelmingly opted for “male.” “Perception starts early and that’s where initiatives should take place,” she stresses. On the other hand, she experienced many positive campaigns and projects, such as women petitions in Iran, India and Saudia Arabia. “Real change happens beyond the borders of the Western society.” Beth picks up the urgent necessity of more appropriate social plans. Public policy matters and has to come in line with the perception of young girls and the difficulties of the roles. At the same time, she points out that solu­ tion is hampered by the problem.

gabi zedlmayer hp randi zuckerberg facebook

beth a. brooke ernst & young

cĂŠcilia attias cĂŠcilia attias foundation for women

stephanie czerny dld founder & director

ria hendrikx deutsche post dhl

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In traditional industries no one does their work mobile. Especially these sectors are male dominated, and women tend to lack the self confidence to enter these industries.

Ria Hendrikx Deutsche Post DHL Ria Hendrikx has a distinguished career in human resources work spanning almost three decades. Dutch by birth, Ria began her career with Deutsche Post DHL in Rotterdam nine years ago. Since then, she has worked in various senior positions within the DHL fam­ily, including her current position of Executive Vice President for Human Resource Guidelines Personnel and Labor Management at the Corporate Headquarters in Bonn, Germany. Ria’s academic background includes Health and Facility Management, an MBA in Strategic Human Resources Man­ agement and the Strategic Leadership Program at the Wharton School of the University Pennsylvania. Hendrikx was also Founder and Chairman of the “Womens Network Rivierenland” in the Neth­ erlands. Founder and Chairman of the “Womens Network Rivierenland” in the Netherlands.

“If you have women in leadership, different decisions get considered and made,” she says, and mentions that the only senator who introduced family-friendly policies in the US presidential election campaigns was Hillary Clinton. “That’s not a coincidence; she understands the difficulties of raising a child and work.” “If it had been the Lehmann sisters, it wouldn’t have happened,” quotes Gabi. Beth confirms: “Different risk perspectives build in a natural check and balance system to the long-term sustainability of the company.” To Ria Hendrikx, the key point is to convince the women that they can do it and provide the social infrastructure. In her company DHL there are ambassadors who can go out and convince both men and women to combine forces. “The point of having men as allies is tremendous,” jumps in Beth and adds: “There are male CEOs who are just as passionate about this issue. We have to help to enable them!” Involving the audience to participate in the conversation, Lisa Sounio makes an interesting point: “We have to learn to play with our enemies.

gabi zedlmayer hp

The corporate world is out of balance. When you are the only woman in the board room, you suddenly represent the entire gender. Gabi Zedlmayer

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Gabi Zedlmayer HP

Randi Zuckerberg Facebook

Gabi Zedlmayer was appointed as Vice President of HP’s Office of Global Social Innovation in October 2009. In addition, she is also leading HP’s Global Citizenship Council. From 2005 to 2009 Gabi was Vice President, Corporate Marketing for HP Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Prior to that, Gabi was Head of Corporate Affairs EMEA focusing on HP’s global citizenship strategy and business alignment in the region. Gabi obtained a BA in Business from Georgia State University and an MBA in Finance from the ­U niversity of Miami. During her academic career, she was assistant chair in numerous departments at the University of Miami including Finance and Operations Management and she wrote a wide range of papers and publications on Investments and Financial Management.

Randi Zuckerberg manages marketing initiatives at Facebook, where she has led the company’s US election and international politics strategy, as well as ­p ioneered several large media partnerships. Included in The Hollywood Reporter’s 2008 Digital Power List, Randi has led projects ranging from the ABC News/ Facebook Presidential Debates to the CNN/Facebook Inaugu­ ration Day Partnership and Comcast’s Facebook Diaries. She is also a television spokeswoman for Facebook and has made appearances on Good Morning America, The Today Show, France 2, and World News to ­d iscuss Facebook’s marketing and political initiatives. Most ­r ecently, Randi represented Facebook as a correspondent for’s Inauguration Day live broadcast. Randi is a graduate of Harvard University.

We have to understand that if a wom­ an has bigger boobs, brighter eyes and longer legs, we still should be able to support her!” Considering this statement, Beth stresses that a critical mass of roughly 30% makes the ­problem of female loyalty go away: “With a critical mass, all issues diffuse!” Other really valuable audience input enriches the debate: the necessity of more exposure of successful business women to shape a positive icon, and the obsolete demand for equality beyond equal rights – because men and women are just not equal. Finalizing the panel, Steffi Czerny calls for a pragmatic brainstorming session. It results in a variety of actions: work on strengthening the confidence and knowledge of young girls, facilitating the work environment and social infrastructure, creat­ ing real income equality, achieve the CEO commitment of multinational companies to move their numbers, support female Entrepreneurs, and the definition of a male role model for successful promotion of gender equality. Enjoy the brain candy!

348 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Perception starts early and that’s where initiatives should take place. Real change happens beyond the borders of the Western society.

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randi zuckerberg facebook

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cécilia attias cécilia attias foundation for women

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We have three lives, one as a woman, one as a mother, and one in the working environment: we need infrastructural and political support!

Cécilia Attias Cécilia Attias Foundation for Women Cécilia Attias has dedicated her life to service; as a mother, a wife, a committed public servant, an activist and an ardent supporter of women’s rights. After studying law at L’University Assas, she began her political career. In 2002 she worked in the office of the Min­ister of Interior, where she became deeply involved in women’s rights and issues re­lating to domestic violence, immigration, assimilation and crimes against children. In 2007, Cécilia Attias became First Lady of France and successfully negotiated with Gen­ eral Ghadaffi the release of five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestin­ ian doctor imprisoned on Libya’s death row. ­Today, she serves as President and Founder of the ­C écilia Attias Foundation for Wom­ en. She uses her knowledge of the communications industry to aid her philanthropic efforts.

Stephanie Czerny DLD Founder & Director

Beth A. Brooke Ernst & Young

Steffi Czerny is a connector between different realities. She is one of the creative minds at Hubert Burda Media, operating as a special agent in the matter of scouting new trends, developing innovative business models and remarkable event series, such as the DLDwomen’s Conference which is up to start in June. Her business is connecting lateral thinkers with new ideas. Steffi Czerny graduated in political sciences and communication at the University of Munich and earned a degree from renowned German School of Journalism in Munich. She is Managing Director at DLD Media & Ventures and DLD ­C onference Co-Founder. Steffi’s lifestyle is to hike between her multicolored real and digital lives, following her guideline: connect the unexpected.

Beth A. Brooke is Global Vice Chair of Public Policy, Sustain­ ability and Stakeholder Engagement at Ernst & Young and is a member of the firm’s Global Management Group and a member of its Americas Executive Board. Beth has public policy responsibility for the firm’s operations in 140 countries and relations with regulators, policymakers, and capital market stake­holders. Beth was named three years in a row by Forbes Magazine as one of the ‘World’s 100 Most Powerful Women’ and was named 2009 Woman of the Year by Concern Worldwide. ­D uring the Clinton Administra­ tion, she worked for two years in the U.S. Department of the ­Treasury and played important roles in the healthcare reform and Superfund reform efforts.

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stephanie czerny dld founder & director

Beth A. Brooke ernst & young

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Explore The pioneering spirit is not about new ideas but about fighting old ways of thinking. Bertrand Piccard Bertrand Piccard is a pioneer by heart and genetic code. The descendant of a dynasty of explorers and scientists, he talks about the essential spirit, the big challenges of the 21st century, and his projects to push the frontiers of the possible and raise awareness. The solutions to the big challenges of mankind are not new ideas, says Bertrand, but the eradication of rigid certainties, habits, and common assumptions: “The pioneering spirit is not about new ideas but about fighting old ways of thinking. The old ways have always kept us prisoners of rigid and stiff obstacles.” Whether it was flying, climbing the highest mountain, or going to the moon: it was always “impossible” because it had not been done before. For instance, a high level scientist calculated that the muscles of a human arm are too small in comparison to the muscles of a bird. Hence, it was supposedly impossible to fly on muscular power. When the muscular powered airplane Gossamer Albatross crossed the British channel, the pilot used his legs instead of his arms. “Each time we are absolutely certain about something, we have to change the angle of view.” His experience in ballooning taught Bertrand to take a different perspec-

tive on things. As the atmosphere has several layers of wind, each going a different direction, the only thing a person can do is change altitude when the wind begins to carry one the wrong way. “That was a lesson for life,” says Bertrand. “Each time we have goals, targets, and objectives, and the winds of life take us in the wrong direction, we have to learn how to change altitude in order to catch other influences, other visions of the world, and other solutions that will reorient our trajectory in a better way. To change altitude, you have to drop ballast. In life, ballast are our certainties, paradigms, and dogmas that hinder us to solve new challenges.” Generally people think that these convictions strengthen them in times of crisis. Really they just make them heavier. Bertrand believes that the pioneering spirit is about exploring the vertical axis of all the ways of thinking and behaving until the best solution is found. Continuing with the balloon allegory, Bertrand explains that a balloon pilot relies on the weatherman’s tracks, which he calculates in a three-dimensional grid of the atmosphere. On his non-stop around the world flight, he argued with the weatherman and

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didn’t take his advice to stay at an altitude of 8,000 metres. Eventually, he found a jet stream at an altitude of 9,000 metres and travelled at 120 kph. Being complacent about his piloting skills, Bertrand started to argue when the weatherman abruptly criticized his manoeuvre. He then asked Bertrand the question that changed his life: “What do you really want? Do you want to go very fast into the wrong direction or slowly in the good direction?” To Bertrand, it then became perfectly clear how important it is to have people with long-term vision. On the same trip, he had another experience that determined his future. After 20 days and a terrifying pace of 20 kph over the Pacific, they landed in the Egyptian desert with only 40 kilos of their original 3.7 tons of liquid propane: “I felt the dependency on fossil energies in my guts.” On that day, Bertrand promised himself that his next flight around the world would be independent of the fossil energy, with no fuel at all. In the face of one of the stiffest paradigms, the dependency on oil, his vision evolved: “To get rid of that dependency is the greatest adventure of the 21st century.

Go for other solutions, drop ballast, change altitude and take better trajectories.” The reasons are manifold: the environmental costs, the mitigation of climate change, and especially the financial vulnerability of the dependence on oil. He believes that the old technologies are dangerous to the world and bring poverty and bankruptcy. He foresees that, in the end, the economical system collapses much earlier than the ice will melt at the South Pole. Furthermore, he criticizes that the political vision on clean tech and renewable energies is insufficient, and too little Investment is made on that front. The idea of a solar plane is not new. The difference is that earlier solar planes had no storage capabilities. Hence, the technical challenge of Solar Impulse is to fly overnight. In essence, the engineers are asked to invent a plane that propels a pilot around the world using the same amount of energy as would be used to light up a Christmas tree. Therefore, they utilized extremely light materials like carbon fibre and implemented new fabrication techniques to build a plane with a wingspan of 64 metres and the weight of a mid-sized car. Despite the aviation industry claiming

that it would be impossible, they went to a boat manufacturer. Bertrand smiles and says: “He made it because he didn’t know that it was impossible.” By now, the Solar Impulse project managed to design, build and test the solar powered plane. The next goal is to climb up to an altitude of 900 metres, load the batteries and fly all night until the sun rises. To Bertrand it is much more than an airplane; it’s a way of illustrating the pioneering spirit not just in a lab but in a real adventure: “Solar Impulse is a live demonstration of technological possibilities that raises awareness and recruits more people for its ‚“team” on the mission to save energy and participate in clean tech.” Wrapping up the lecture, Bertrand displays a picture of his balloon adventure. It shows a sunrise in the far distance which is overlaid with the ice of the frozen bull’s eye. “So many people have learned that it is safer to suffer in the ice they know rather than to take the risk to cross the ice and see what’s on the other side. In relevant positions, these poor people become dangerous. The world needs people with a pioneering spirit that are ready to cross the ice.”

Bertrand Piccard solar impulse

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Bertrand Piccard Solar Impulse

To change altitude, you have to drop ballast. In life, ballast are our certainties, paradigms, and dogmas that hinder us to solve new challenges.

above: Solar Impulse HB-SIA on the airfield of Payerne next page: Animated picture of the HB-SIA craft in the air © SolarImpulse/ EPFL 2009

Born in 1958 into a dynasty of explorers and scientists who conquered the heights and the depths of our planet, Bertrand Piccard perpetuates one of the greatest family adventures of ­ the 20th century. Psychiatrist, aeronaut and internationally ­r enowned lecturer, President of the Humanitarian Foundation ‘Winds of Hope’ and UN goodwill ambassador, he uses his family heritage to deal with today’s global challeng­es. Pioneer of hanggliding and ultralight flying, win­ner of the first transatlantic balloon race, Bertrand Piccard achieved in 1999 the first non-stop around the world balloon flight. In 2003 he initiated Solar Impulse, whose goal is to fly around the world with no fuel to demonstrate the potential of renewable energies. The Solar Impulse HB-SIA took off last December for the first time.

Jason Kilar Hulu

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You can make a very large chunk of information very manageable as long as you have the good taste in technology to do so. Jason Kilar In this DLD spotlight session, Om Malik grills Hulu’s Jason Kilar on­stage – and with persistence. Enjoy the transcript of the truly hilarious and information-loaded interview. Om: Jason is the Tom Cruise of technology. He had a mission impossible and made it happen. I gave him a hard time saying that it is a “ClownCo,” a company that would never happen. He makes me look pretty bad now. It’s about two years ago that we declared cease fire. How did the company building evolve? Jason: I am excited about the results. We are still in the early days of

Internet TV and premium content delivery in general. In the ecosystem of premium content, Hulu sort of represents the way media should be. New consumers get the chance to watch what they want, when they want and how they want. We have a very customer-centric view of the world. Om: It’s quite a competitive landscape, too. Guys like YouTube or ­Netflix go into premium content. iTunes and Amazon are coming up with their own on-demand services. At the same time, you have your ­corporate parents NBC and Fox. How does that influence you?

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Jason: The level of competition is getting more intense. We have the right to nothing and have to earn what we have. It’s a sizeable market with strong companies. Anyhow, we feel very good about our position, strategy, and culture. In terms of the Investors, the content-creation is ­ very costly and they have to find a way to monetize the distribution to get revenue. Om: Do you think your corporate parents understand the modern landscape well enough? They sent conflicted mixed messages. Suddenly “Lost” was on Hulu and then it’s not on Hulu. Doesn’t that put unnatural limitations on Hulu? Jason: Those companies are signif­ icant Investors in Hulu, but it is an independent, thriving identity. Still, a lot of people in these companies don’t come from an Internet background. It’s an education process.

You have to give them credit: they are experimenting with the Internet and they are seeing great results. As they learn about the Internet, you see more things happen. Om: Hulu has about 900 million video streams per month. How much money do you make out of ­ its streams? Jason: We are not going into finan­cials publicly. Please note that the business we have is very solid. We make a return on each stream as we put ads against each item. With size and scale we get better terms without partners. We serve over 400 top advertisers globally. Om: Numbers? Jason: All I can tell is that we had a bet at the board: we have to shave our heads if we exceed significantly. My hair is shorter than usual.

Om: I thought it was only a regular haircut. Why don’t you make more money and offer “Hulu Premium” as a subscription service? Jason: We don’t talk about our prod­ uct road map either. But I want to correct one public misunderstanding. The mission of Hulu is to help people enjoy premium content. For instance, if you want to bring the show “Entourage” to Hulu, I don’t think you are going to be able to do so in a free adsupported manner in any reasonable time window because HBO has a long history of being exclusively a subscription service. If we focus on our customers, the content owners, we have to understand that. Generally, we are adding more and more content. In terms of business models, it’s simply going to be a reflection of the content owner and how they operate. If we get a show like “Entourage,” it would be incremental and complementary to the Hulu that you see today.

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Jason Kilar Hulu

Om Malik GigaOM

Jason Kilar serves as the CEO of Hulu, an online vid­eo joint ven­ ture of News Corp and NBC Uni­ versal. Jason joined Hulu after nearly a decade of experience at where he served in a variety of key leadership roles. He ultimately became Vice Pre­s­ ident and General Manager of Amazon’s North American media businesses. He later served as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Application Software, where he led an organization of hundreds of world-class technologists. Jason began his career with The Walt Disney Company, where he worked for Disney Design & Development. He received his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where he studied Business Administration and Journalism & Mass Communication.

Om Malik has more than 15 years of experience as a journalist covering technology and business news. He was a writer at Red Herring during its glory days, then went on to be part of the Founding Team of as a Se­ nior Editor. Most recently, he was a Senior Writer for Business 2.0, covering telecom and broad­ band stories. His contributions have been published in The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and MIT Technology Review. ­A dditionally, Malik is the author of ‘Broadbandits: Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist’. He is also the recipient of many industry awards, including Excellence in Journalism from the Society of Professional Journalists in 2001 and the Gold Award from American Society of Business Publication Editors in 2001.

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You are probably not going to tell me when you launch an iPhone app? Om Malik

Om: When is it coming to Europe? Jason: We’ve been working hard to bring Hulu to other countries. The reason why you don’t see it today is the content rights. We have to work hard in every single geography to unlock the right to a body of content that we feel is worthy of the positive remark. Om: You are probably not going to tell me when you launch an iPhone app? Jason: Mobile is a monster in terms of what it can offer to consumers. We are big believers and there’s no doubt that we will be on mobile.

Om: Okay, if you are not announcing any products, let me ask you big picture questions. Going to the future, what portion of Hulu’s audience will come from mobile? Jason: Right now mobile is very important for snacking but not really for watching full-hour dramas or halfhour sitcoms. The mainstream utility is smaller than with the PC. Premium content tends to be better consumed on larger screens. Om: What about the iPad? It is designed to be a consumption device and it is big enough to consume video. What would be your strategy around that?

Jason: Not unlike strategies with other Internet-connected devices. We are agnostic when it comes to the device. But also, we are very careful and listen to our users, customers, and content-owners. There’s an elephant in the room: there’s an economic system in the living room today that is tied to Pay TV. These are significant dollars and important for production funding. Om: As you said, Pay TV is the elephant in the room. That brings me back to my earlier remark that Hulu is being conflicted with its parents, who are always looking for ways to stretch the old business model.

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Mobile is a monster in terms of what it can offer to consumers. We are big believers and there’s no doubt that we will be on mobile. Jason Kilar Jason: I don’t see the conflict at all. Content owners act in their best ­inter­est. We have to offer an appro­ priate return for content owners when they are thinking about us in the landscape of terrestrial cable companies, satellite companies, and others. It’s a simple dollar and cent decision. We have to earn that right for the content. There’s nothing nefarious going on. We are building this company for the long-term, so we have to ensure that we have the appropriate incentives for the content owners.

function of the culture. We focus very strongly on the culture that is necessary to achieve our mission. Our second biggest challenge is the sense for urgency. The window of opportunity is very small. We have to take advantage of that, with perfect timing, and move very fast in a market that changes so quickly.

that it remains intimate and personal is in the algorithm. When you like “30 Rock,” we surface “30 Rock” and other things we think you are going to like based on your viewing preferences. You can make a very large chunk of information very manageable as long as you have the good taste in technol­ ogy to do so.

Om: Funny. You don’t bring up the issue of your user experience. As you add more content, doesn’t the experience hit a limit?

Om: Last question: are you profitable?

Om: What is the biggest challenge Hulu faces?

Jason: That is a zero issue for us. Hulu is not dissimilar with Amazon. We started with a very modest amount of content that is exploding. The way to manage that content in a fashion

Jason: The biggest is a cultural one. Any world-beating company is a

Jason: That’s a great question. But it sounds financial, so you are not going to get an answer. Om: Oh. Maybe next year you can give us some product road maps and financial details.

Christoph Schlingensief Director, Festival Opera House in Burkina Faso

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We make sure that the look at Africa won’t be the usual one. Christoph Schlingensief Christoph Schlingensief (Director) discusses opera in this half-hour session with Chris Dercon (Haus der Kunst). Schlingensief draws our attention to a project he has started in Burkina Faso. Even though he ­personally rejects social media such as Facebook, it helps him in pro­ moting his project. Chris believes that the project “Opera Village” demonstrates a new kind of empathy. In “The Empathic Civilization,” the American sociologist Jeremy Rifkin pleads for new networks and new forms of cultural exchanges as a way to harness the empathic sensibility, establish a new global ethic, and revitalize the biosphere. At DLD 2008, June Arunga noted that Africans can confront their hardships with their own resources. Following this line of thought, Schlingensief ’s Opera Village is going the “dirt way” to bring Africa back to our cognitive maps in a different way.

The idea started a year and a half ago, when Christoph was directing “The Flying Dutchman” in Manaus – the very same location where Werner Herzog shot “Fitzcarraldo.” When Christoph saw the people dragging their equipment along in order to create a Western location in the alien and exotic surroundings, it struck him: “When they left the illusion, they were confronted again with yellow fever and mosquitoes. I told my wife that this is not enough for me. I want to see people working with their own pieces and equipment. I chose Africa.” He notes that normally people tend to think of opera as an enclosure where people sit back and listen, fall asleep, or join the waitlist for tickets far in advance. Opera is much more than that. It’s a cross section of all society: the general populace, the widows, and the children. Christoph adds that it derives from the Greek quire – where physicians prescribed listening to songs for healing purposes.

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Having produced “Parsival” and the experience with lung cancer, I experienced that I first have to study myself. I have to do this with an object. That’s where Ouagadougou comes into play.

“This healing power was paramount to me!” he states. Picking up the empathic approach, he questions: “Is it enough to suffer with others, or do we have to take a different step first? Having produced “Parsival” and the experience with lung cancer, I experienced that I first have to study myself. I have to do this with an object. That’s where Ouagadougou comes into play.“ Together with the Burkina Faso-born architect Francis Kéré, who is designing Opera Village Remdoogo, Christoph is pushing the project forward. In the Opera Village, children are going to produce film and music without any patriarchal producer and without any intermediar­ies. Says Christoph: “That’s the pure thing I am aiming at.” The stereotypical perspective of Africa normally shows the suffering children, with flies in their faces, suffering from cholera, AIDS, and war. This limited viewpoint dominates the association with the continent. “This is not the true picture,” stresses Christoph: “I see clarity, purity, and spiritual

freedom in African people that we have lost a long time ago. We are overwhelmed and overburdened by the digital overkill.” He questions that state of affairs and remarks that the modern mobility risks losing its roots and identity. Still, the Opera Village project uses social media to promote its endeavour and doesn’t demonize modern communication technologies. On the contrary, he says vigorously: “But where will this lead us if everybody travels around? Who will stay at the end?” Returning to the notion of empathy, Christoph explains: “I’ve seen a purity of mind in Africans. I can see what I used to be. This is a necessary requirement for feeling empathy. Then the suffering of the others enables empathy and makes you feel one with others.” Having successfully raised a million Euros, the project is still in urgent need of all sorts of things; notebooks, cars, instruments, man power, money. “And the xylophone robot (Shimon),” says Christoph jokingly, and promises: “We make sure that the look at Africa won’t be the usual one!”

Christoph Schlingensief Director, Festival Opera House in Burkina Faso Schlingensief fought against the haziness of politics by totally confusing supposed unambiguities with his “political” theatre. He creates a permanent state of insecurity by blurring borders between reality and fiction, art and offence, intention and action. This often works brilliantly with his off-stage antics: most passers-by thought the Big Brother show with asylum-seekers in the centre of Vienna, where the last one to be ejected is supposed to win a residence permit, was real. Being the chief protagonist of his own art, it is a vehemently fought battle against hypocrisy using performance art, taboo violations and improvisation while stretching the limits. Presently Schlingensief’s ambitious “gesamtkunstwerk”, the world’s first “Opera Village” is under construction in Burkina Faso, Africa.

Christoph Schlingensief Director, Festival Opera House in Burkina Faso

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Chris Dercon Haus der Kunst

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Chris Dercon Haus der Kunst Belgian-born Chris Dercon is Director at the ‘Haus der Kunst’ in Munich. After his study of Art History and Performing Arts and Film Theory in the Netherlands he worked at the Gallery Baronian-Lambert in Ghent. Disappointed of the cynics of the commercial art market, Dercon started freelancing for Belgian radio and television networks, where he produced amongst ­ others documentaries about Charles Atlas or Karole Armitage. 1988 he became Director of Program at the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center in New York, where he present­ed artists like Catherine Beaugrand. After a transfer to Witte de With and ­s everal ­other responsibility-filled jobs in the 1990ies he became Director at the Haus der Kunst in Munich in 2003.

The project “Opera Village” demonstrates a new kind of empathy.

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Broadband I think the consumer should get what they want – but inside a profitable business model for all the players involved. Richard Kang “The panel is an impressive combination of web pioneers who have shaped the market as well as movers and shakers who are driving it,“ says Thomas Küstner, by way of introduction. Within the debate of video on the Web, enabling technology and changing usage leads to a redefinition of the market. The market’s evolution and future processes are up for discussion. In order to frame the discussion, ­Thomas offers facts and figures in relation to market development. In 2009, broadband technology pene­ trated Western households on a large scale, and emerging markets were picking up quickly. With the appear­ ance of technological components, the habits of TV consumption have changed profoundly, not only on the Web but also in traditional media de­liv­ery systems. According to com­ Score numbers, the Web video usage accumulates up to 40 billion streams a month with 180 videos per user. Hence, video moved mainstream in terms of web usage as well as experienced a shift in demand of long for-

mat usage. In relation to overall TV usage it is still a fairly small number in terms of minutes used per consum­ er. Still, Thomas identifies a tipping point in terms of consumer behav­ iour: “If you want to see the glass half full, consumers have started to open their wallet, as have advertisers.” A profound difference in relation to many other media segments is that most traditional players are taking a much more proactive stance and are less risk averse. On the other hand, new players like Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon have emerged and are gaining market share. In terms of fragmentation, consumers increasingly demand more of their video experience. From a competitive dynamics point of view the arena is already getting overcrowded, says Thomas, and concludes: “In a nut­ shell, there are some indications where the markets are going, and a lot of questions what we are to debate for.” Paul Sagan is convinced that the tipping point is reached. As HD quality is available online, the Internet can deliver video content that is compet­

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itive with TV quality. He believes that after the disruptions in music and print, the biggest revolution now comes with video. The first key blocker, the last mile connectivity, has dissolved as the average home in the US now has four megabits per second. Still, most video is watched on traditional TV and online basically still doesn’t exist, with one percent of the video at home market share. He spots a gigantic business opportunity as TV goes from traditional delivery to IP-based delivery and the technical blockers erode. Paul specifies: the last mile connectivity is gone; the connected device adoption is a disappearing problem, HD content is available; “middle mile” bottleneck is solved by end to end platform to bypass the congestion; delivery costs are shrinking, a simplicity of content is developing in a mezzanine file world where content gets transcoded on the fly, regardless of the format, and the consumer need for TV-like functionality exists. “As these seven blockers change, we move to IPTV. Video on the Internet

starts to replace TV as we know it,” concludes Paul, and gives an exam­ ple: “The MTV fundraising concert “Hope for Haiti Now” was also broadcasted on YouTube, which delivered it to a stunning one million streams.” Richard Kang notes that the exam­ ple tells a lot about the mass reach available online. Still, he believes that there are business models which are spurring the acceleration of the consumer behaviour but also much larger business model issues that are hindering it: “I think the consumer should get what they want – but inside a profitable business model for all the players involved. Viacom’s main agenda is to deliver premium content to as many consumers as possible through all distribution channels available – but we need to get paid! I don’t think you get Avatar if you can’t charge for it.” Thomas Curran adds a few points from the traditional telco carrier standpoint. Deutsche Telekom is building the second largest IPTV network in the world, with just over

a million customers. To achieve this heavy lifting and increase the performance, they always look at new technologies: “Still, it all comes down to the experience for the customer. I think the tipping point we are seeing is that IPTV is getting to the stage that consumers can interchange them with traditional, linear television.” It will broadly affect the capability of delivering what the customers want. In this context, Deutsche Telekom is investing in optimizing the network, doing the heavy lifting, and making sure that people have the right infrastructure at home. The core competence of SpeedBit is the acceleration of videos and data delivery in general. In terms of a business model, Ariel sees two major issues ahead: the identification of favourites in order to build a personal TV guide in the ocean of content, and the issue of delivering heavier HD videos. “The web was not built for data delivery and is very inefficient in delivering it. Once we figure out how the devices compensate for the inefficiency of the network, HD videos can

Ariel yarnitsky speedbit

richard kang mtv networks

paul sagan akamai

Thomas aidan curran deutsche telekom

Thomas k端nstner booz & co.

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Still, it all comes down to the experience for the customer. I think the tipping point we are seeing is that IPTV is getting to the stage that consumers can interchange them with traditional, linear television.

Thomas Aidan Curran Deutsche Telekom Thomas Aidan Curran is the Deutsche Telekom’s ‘Software CTO’ – Chief Technology Officer for Products & Innovation. The ‘serial Entrepreneur’ founded five high tech companies in the past 25 years, including an innovative development tool for cross platform software engineering, and a breakthrough product connecting the Internet and SAP. In 2000, he joined Bertelsmann as Group CTO and CIO, responsible formulating the company’s technology strategy, and transforming the IT organization into a recognized international service provider. Curran graduated from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and subsequently held teaching and research positions at the Wharton Anal­ ysis Center, the International Science Center, Berlin University of the Arts, and Technische Universität Berlin.

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be watched without interruption,” says Ariel. Additionally, he points out that possessing huge amounts of anon­ ymous information on what data is delivered gives SpeedBit the oppor­ tunity to go for the “Holy Grail” of personalized TV guidance. “Every good cause deserves some in­ efficiency,” says Thomas, quoting the renowned economist Paul Samuelson. He explains that Deutsche Telekom is trying to get IP to everyone and that they look at cross-industrial coop­eration. Telco and energy value chains are converging in certain areas like satellite and broadband. To him, this multi-type convergence expresses the tipping point. Thomas outlines that the company will remain a highly sophisticated distributor and carrier of content and is building expertise in content codification on the fly, upload and download efficiency, and general cloud-storage delivery. Paul notes that the profits in media were huge in the days before the Internet. Advertising wasn’t really

targeted. In the more accountable world on the Internet the fake value gets eliminated and the former busi­ ness model crushes: “In music you had to buy ten songs if you want one. It got crushed.” If advertising can be more efficient, more money would be spent to get better customers. Some of the inefficient money in traditional media is not moving online, but some inefficient value will be destroyed. Overall, Paul foresees transference of wealth: “Looking at the wealth de­ struction, usually the broadcasters are the big losers in this equation.” Richard stresses that the future of the ad market is still an open question. He predicts that the incumbents’ cur­ rent business model has at least five more years of legs on it without the risk of falling off a cliff. To him, the key is to understand where consumer usage is going. Technological inno­ vation is not so much on the edge anymore: “There will be an Invest­ ment period that will take a certain amount of courage.” Later in the game, the money will follow.

Thomas Künstner Booz & Co. Thomas Künstner is a Partner with Booz & Company’s Communica­ tions Media and Technology Prac­ tice. Thomas focuses on convergence markets and advises top management teams in the communications and media industry on strategic and organiza­ tional issues. He has lead work for media-, telecommunications-, CATV-companies as well as ISPs on a wide range of assign­ ments across Europe and in the USA. Recently, the main focus of his work centered around growth strategies, performance improvement and customer centric organizational design. Thomas Künstner is a frequent speaker on industry confer­ences and author of many publications. Before joining Booz & Company in 1993, Mr. Künstner received an honors degree in Business Administra­ tion from Passau University and Aston Business School, UK.

paul sagan akamai

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Paul Sagan Akamai

Ariel Yarnitsky Speedbit

Richard Kang MTV Networks

Paul Sagan, President and CEO of Akamai, joined the company in October 1998. Mr. Sagan was elected to the Akamai Board of Directors and became CEO both in 2005. He brings to Akamai the experience of leading vision­ ary technology companies and media businesses. Previously, Mr. Sagan served as senior advisor to the World Economic Forum from 1997 to 1998, con­ sulting to the Geneva-based orga­ nization on information technol­ogy for the world’s 1,000 foremost multinational corporations. He has also served as Managing Editor of Time Warner’s News on De­ mand project. Mr. Sagan is a trustee of Northwestern University; a graduate of Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism; CoChairman of the Medill Board of Advisors, and a member of the Presidential Advisory Council at the Berklee College of Music.

Ariel is the CEO of SpeedBit Ltd., creator of the very popular Download Accelerator and Speed­ bit Video Accelerator which to­ gether have reached 200 million installs to date, with some 100,000 new installs per day, all through organic growth. Speed­bit makes videos play smoothly over the web without the an­ noying picture freezes which is extremely important when streaming HD video and other high quality video over the web to various devices including mobile phones and TV Set Top Boxes. Speedbit has been awarded the 2008 Technology Pioneer award by the World Economic Forum. Prior to that, Ariel was the ­G e­n­eral Manager of ICQ, the ­ pi­o­­neer­ing instant messenger acquired by AOL in 1998.

Richard Kang is Executive Vice President, Strategy and Business Development for MTV Networks, a division of Viacom Inc. Kang spearheads the devel­opment and articulation of MTVN’s overarch­ ing corporate strategies and drives large-scale growth op­ portunities on a global basis. Prior to MTVN, Kang served as SVP, Strategy and Business Develop­ ment at IAC / InterActiveCorp. Previously, Kang founded and served as Managing Director at The Confluence Group. Kang was also an Investment Banker at Wasserstein Perella & Co. Kang is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations as well as the Asia Society. He received his M.A. from Harvard University in Economics and his B.A. in English Literature and Political Science from the University of Michigan.

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It’s nice to see it bubble up organically. Dennis Crowley The New York start-up foursquare is at the forefront of a new web hype: location-based services that link information and communication with the current location of the user. As Founder Dennis Crowley talks location, with Rafat Ali acting as ­moderator, he explains why an API is so important for foursquare, and how game mechanics can change your interaction with the real world. Dennis had been working in locationbased services for almost ten years. In his rookie days he developed Dodgeball as a thesis project at NYU. Eventually he sold the company to Google. Sharing his experiences regarding the genesis of Dodgeball and foursquare, Dennis says: “Dodgeball was one of the first mobile social services. It was a lousy one-player experience. At foursquare, we focused on making the location-based service interesting

to people before they have all their friends on it. That’s the reason for the playful experience.” With the introduction of the iPhone, it became easy to develop location services on this platform. Additionally, foursquare built a Blackberry version and created an application programming interface (API). This enabled developers to make an android and palm client as well as an OSX desktop widget for notebooks. “foursquare is designed to make cities easier to use,” says Dennis. He adds: “It combines friend finder attributes with social city guides to make cities more interesting to explore. When 50 friends constantly check in, you have this ample awareness where they are.” The company started out with 10 cities and grew subsequently to 100. Confronted with many requests for cities that weren’t on the road map,

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foursquare made changes to make it work everywhere in the world. The densest pockets of ­foursquare are in the densest cities; London, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are the densest areas. “My ­parents live 40km outside of Boston and there’s still a tiny foursquare community there,” he adds, and ­observably enjoys that thought: “It’s nice to see it bubble up organically.” The monetization can work in two ways: special offers with local merchants, or special deals for the “major” or frequent visitor can be monetized with a monthly share. Additionally, they make deals with larger media companies. “A lot of it ­is just trials. You got a lot of content; we ­do location; let’s see if we can stash up some of those nuggets of content and people unlock them by checking in at various spots,” says Dennis. “Theoretically, all the characters from

dennis Crowley foursquare

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Theoretically, all the characters from Gossip Girl can leave tips all around New York, and fans can unlock it. That’s a huge potential for media partners.

Gossip Girl can leave tips all around New York, and fans can unlock it. That’s a huge potential for media partners.”

Dennis Crowley foursquare Dennis Crowley is the Co-Founder of foursquare, a service that mixes social, locative and gaming elements to encourage people explore the cities in which they live. Previously, Dennis found­ed, which was ­acquired by Google in 2005. He has been named one of the ‘Top 35 Innovators Under 35’ by MIT’s Technology Review magazine and has won the ‘Fast Money’ bonus round on the TV game show Family Feud. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Time Ma­ gazine, Newsweek, MTV, Slashdot and NBC. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. Dennis holds a Master’s degree from New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and a Bachelor’s degree from the Newhouse School at Syracuse University.

As more and more applications include the check-in option and it slowly becomes a commodity, the real trick behind foursquare’s success is to make it fun for the user: rewarding people for the places they go, a rank­ ing system, and badges. Dennis sums up: “It’s a playful interaction with the users. They can unlock digital candy.” Still, he looks at foursquare as a social utility that makes people’s lives more interesting and helps them navigate cities a little bit easier. Lay­ ering game mechanics on top of that, people simply enjoy using it more, and it be­comes rather addictive. The real magic and interesting challenge of check-ins is how to use the data to surface new recommendations. Dennis surmises that technology facilitates serendipity. With the API, people can basically build whatever they like, ranging from a dating service to a tool to meet up with friends. “It’s great to see people taking our generated data and building their own product,” he says, and concludes, “We are a small, scrappy start-up that tries a bit of everything, and sees what sticks.”

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rafat ali contentnext media

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How do you make sure that the company is not just a product feature of checking-in?

Rafat Ali ContentNext Media Since founding in 2002, Ali has overseen the rollout to three new verticals and the expansion into revenue ge­n­ erating events for the parent com­ pany ContentNext Media. Before ContentNext, Rafat was Managing Editor of the Silicon Alley Report­ er. Editor & Publisher has called Rafat ‘journalism’s poster boy for career independence from news companies’. In July 2008, Rafat sold ContentNext Media to UKbased Guardian News & Media. Rafat was the Knight Foundation Fellow at Indiana University, his alma mater, where he completed his Masters in Journalism, 1999 – 2000.

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demo I didn’t have a computer at home. Suhas Gopinath

Suhas Gopinath DoRef At the age of 14 he was recognized as the world’s youngest certified Professional web-developer through his project coolhindustan. com. Suhas was very assertive to be an Entrepreneur and setup Globals Inc. from a mere cyber café in at the age of 14. From then Globals Inc. has dras­­­tically grown to a multinational web consulting and offshore development services company. Suhas, then 16, was recognized as the world’s youngest Entrepreneur and at the age of 17 he was recognized as the World’s Youngest CEO. WEF announced him ‘Young Global Leader’ and 2009, he received his diploma on Global Leadership from the Harvard Kennedy School at the Harvard University. He is also Co-Founder of a referral networking portal which he has setup by his friends Amruta Desai and Joerg Elzer.

Suhas started his first company “” at the age of fourteen. That makes him the world’s youngest Entrepreneur and certified web developer. Suhas was very assertive in his desire to become an Entrepreneur. In this short demonstration, he shares an anecdote from his early start-up days as a teenager: “I started Globals Inc. from a mere cyber café in Bangalore, because I didn’t have a computer at home. At the end of the day I was fourteen and didn’t know sales and marketing.” In order to beat the challenge of acquiring business partners, he started to send out letters offering his services as a web develop­ er. As the majority of people didn’t want to invest in websites, Suhas realized the difficulties of marketing and scaling his business. In response to this first rejection, he started to short-list companies which didn’t have a website and, in a second step, wrote them e-mails indicating the lack of a website – pretending to be a potential business partner – with anonymous e-mail accounts. As they responded that they didn’t have a website, he replied to them that they weren’t meeting the business standards of his fake enterprises. After a couple of weeks doing this, he then sent them an e-mail offering his website development services, with his real business account. Et voilà!

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suhas gopinath DoRef

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Link  Value

Dienst ist Dienst und Schnaps ist Schnaps. Stefan Gross-Selbeck Professional networking online has become ubiquitous. After an insightful chat with Reid Hoffman and moderator David Kirkpatrick, the panelists from some of the world’s most successful social and professional networking sites discuss the ­separation of personal and professional network­ing and the inherent values of such platforms. # part 1 “Every individual should think of themselves as an equivalent of a small business which has to be guided.”

offer a permanent state of interaction. In this sense, we didn’t have a social graph.” David Kirkpatrick directs the conversation to the Six Degree patent for friending people via e-mail. When the company went down, Reid bought the patent remotely – the central pat­ ent in social media – at the auction. At this stage, Reid already had founded LinkedIn and bought it to lock it up, so that no one could use it against him. Says David: “The things he does are amazing. Reid was the first business angel in Friendster, and he was in at the first stage of Facebook.”

“Obviously, I wish I’d still own the domain,” says Reid Hoffman, in reference to his pioneering network, and explained it’s failure – the incomplete iteration of the concept resulted in a merely transactional and less persistent platform: “It didn’t

“This year, I am exploring how to do two full time jobs at the same time. At LinkedIn, I am focused on things that involve the board, strategic alliances, and product initiatives,” he says, and adds that the angel and venture system is evolving: “Greylock runs the

model by which partners can work full time at one of the companies. I combine working at LinkedIn and realizing some ideas at Greylock.” Reid predicts a future with a lot of opportunities for LinkedIn. To him, the majority of professionals haven’t fully understood how to manage their “brand,” how to manage themselves as small businesses, and what tools to use in order to achieve that: “LinkedIn is not only useful for hiring or finding a job, but it’s a tool to stay competitive.” Every individual should think of himself as an equivalent of a small business which has to be guided. Based upon the fact that people start­ ed having appearance and identity on the Web, Reid identified two major separate themes in the massive revolution in 2002: professional and so-

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cial. He invested in the social themes and committed his own time to how professionals take control of their own economic destiny. He is confident that professional networking will remain separate because the natural gravity is different, the context of selfpresentation is different, and a deep knowledge base is required. # part 2 “People flirt in offices, too. But still it makes a big difference whether the context is the office or privately.” Opening the discussion, David asks his fellow panelists to introduce themselves. First is Marc Cenedella. He is the CEO and Founder of TheLadders. com, the largest professional job website in the world, which focuses on the top 10 percent of jobs. It’s a closed, curated network, with 3.5 million

registered subscribers to the newsletter. Next is the CEO of Forticom, Nazar Yasin. Forticom is the parent company of the leading local social networks in Russia, Poland, and the Baltic states. The network accounts for 17 million daily unique users and is the third largest social network in the world. Stefan Gross-Selbeck is the CEO of XING, Europe’s leading business network, with about 8.5 million users worldwide. He fundamentally agrees with what Reid said. The separation between social and professional life seems especially robust. “Dienst ist Dienst und Schnaps ist Schnaps,” he says, and translates the German saying: “Work is work and schnapps is schnapps.” As people move in different contexts in reality, it is reflected in their life on the Web as well. XING defines itself as the most valuable network: it is more con-

nected to the local communities than the competitors, and 20 percent of users pay monthly for the premium service. Within the business context, XING has a social overlay, combining both online and offline. Marc notes that one central prem­ ise of the Internet is that location quits being determinant and interest groups are enabled to mushroom beyond space. Still, he believes that local networks have a greater value to the people than the broad global reach. The deepness of the network is valued by the revenue per user. “Both in terms of engagement and in terms of monetization, you can derive much higher value by focussing locally,” says Nazar. He explains that Forticom has two revenue sources: advertising and user payments. Nazar

reid hoffman linkedin

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The things he does are amazing. Reid was the first business angel in Friendster, and he was in at the first stage of Facebook. David Kirkpatrick

Reid Hoffman LinkedIn

David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’

Reid was LinkedIn’s Founding CEO for the first four years before moving to his role as Chairman and President, Products in February 2007. While CEO, Reid built the company to over 9 mil­ lion members and profitability; LinkedIn now has over 17 million members worldwide. Prior to LinkedIn, Reid was Executive Vice President of PayPal. During his tenure at PayPal, Hoffman was instrumental to the acquisition by eBay and was responsi­ ble for partnerships with Intuit, Visa, MasterCard and Wells ­F argo. Currently, in addition to LinkedIn, Reid serves on the Board of Directors for SixApart and Mozilla Corporation. Reid graduated with distinction from Stanford University with a B.S. in Symbolic Systems and from Oxford University with a Master’s degree in philosophy.

David Kirkpatrick, Senior Editor for Internet and Technology at Fortune Magazine, specializes in the computer and technology industries, as well as in the impact of the Internet on business and society. He thinks that the impact is huge. Kirkpatrick began writing about computing and technology for Fortune in 1991. In May 2008 he published ‘Microsoft After Gates’, a definitive account of Microsoft’s prospects and challenges as its founder stepped away. Other recent Fortune features have examined MySpace, Second Life, and Technology in China. Known for his weekly ‘Fast Forward’ column on a wide range of tech top­ics, Kirkpatrick is regularly ranked one of the world’s top technology journalists. Kirkpatrick appears regularly at conferences worldwide.

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Both in terms of engagement and in terms of monetization, you can derive much higher value by focussing locally.

Nazar Yassin Forticom

Marc Cenedella The

Nazar is the CEO of Forticom, which is the world’s 3rd largest social networking company ­ and the #1 social networking company in Eastern Europe / Russia / CIS. Forticom operates the world’s leading Russian ­s ocial network (Odnoklassniki), the #1 Polish social network (Nasza-klasa), and the largest social networking brand in ­ the Baltic states (ONE). Prior to Forticom, Nazar was at Gold­man Sachs, where he was the Co-Head of European Internet Coverage, and prior to Goldman he spent several years in the venture capital and management consulting industry.

Marc started ­ in 2003 to make finding a ­ prof­es­sional job a lot easier, and transformed the way $100K+ candidates and recruiters connect online. A widely recognized thought leader on job search, career management, recruiting and business, Marc is frequently sought out by national media outlets and organizations for his expert commentary on employment and Entrepreneurial related issues. Prior to founding ­, Marc was the Senior Vice President of Finance and Operations at Previously, Marc was an asso­ ciate Vice President at The Riverside Company, a New York­b ased private equity firm. Marc holds an MBA with high dis­ tinction from Harvard Business School, where he was named ­ a Baker Scholar. He earned his ­B .A. in political science at Yale.

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Local networks have a greater value to the people than the broad global reach.

Stefan Gross-Selbeck XING Dr. Stefan Gross-Selbeck has been CEO of XING AG since ­J anuary 2009. In this position he is responsible for pursuing and broadening XING’s growth strat­ egy through the opening up of ­a dditional new business fields, the ongoing enhancement of the ­s ervices on offer to members and continued internationalization. Before taking up the post at XING AG, he was General Man­ ager of eBay Deutschland and ­p rior to this, he was Managing Director at ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG. From 1997 to 2000 he worked as a Management Consultant for the Boston ­Consulting Group. Dr. Gross-­Selbeck studied Law and Political Eco­nomics at Universities in Fribourg, Lausanne, Montpellier and Cologne. He ­also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA), obtained from INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, in 1996.

then states: “We are on top of the charts in time spent on the site, and unique visitors because we have teams that deliver local value to local users.” Additionally, a higher level of local­ ized services enables more innovative things on the advertisement front. Nazar believes that life is basically lived in two locations: at home and at the office. From a home perspective, social networks are more natural. He understands social networks as the online manifestation and replication of real life. Nazar considers Facebook a great competitor and figures that ultimately the best company succeeds. Marc notes that the advertisement is more effective on professional networks as people are thinking about their profession and career. He suggests that it is most crucial to develop an understanding of how people use media: “There are general interest sites and media properties with a more targeted audience. The respective mindset of the customer leads to different opportunities for advertis­ ing, engagement, and the tools you can put in front of them.” “Indeed, social networks are only a reflection of your life and, indeed, 90 percent of your life happens either at home or at office,” agrees Stefan, and notes that the equation doesn’t change online. To him, the actual activities in a business network are not completely different from the activities on a social platform, but the context is very different: “People flirt in offices, too. But still it makes a big difference whether the context is the office or privately.”

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The actual activities in a business network are not completely different from the activities on a social platform, but the context is very different: People flirt in offices, too. But still it makes a big difference whether the context is the office or privately.

stefan gross-selbeck xing

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Spotlight In my five years at Google I learnt to never rule out anything. Nikesh Arora Tech-Journalist Spencer Reiss (Wired) holds an information-packed conversation with Nikesh Arora (Google) in this DLD 2010 spotlight. Enjoy the look behind the scenes at Google: Spencer: Way back in time, Eric Schmidt was hired to be the grownup at Google. Do you consider yourself as one of the grown-ups or as one of the kids? Nikesh: There’s a kid in every one of us, isn’t there? At Google we encour­ age you to bring your kid along. Spencer: You were 36 years old when you joined Google. Many people have famously worked most of their lives there, so their perspective is limited. Were there things at Google that surprised you when you came in as an outsider? Nikesh: Yes, lots of them. I joined Google from a large German telco company. It’s fair to say that I had to rewire my DNA when I got to Google. I ran marketing and products all my professional life and in a traditional company it is very hard to talk about products without having a sort of business plan. At Google the equation is “3 P’s to zero”: set price, promotion, and placement to zero and the only thing you have worry about is the

product. If you set your price to zero, people’s expectations go down tremendously. The moment you charge people something, their perceptions change. Looking at the Internet ­successes, a lot of products had ­ been free and this way caught the attention of the critical mass.

The user basis changed. There are 1.4 billion users connected on the Web. Conceptually, you and I can launch something that 1.4 billion people can read.

Spencer: When people talk about free in the Internet, they really mean ad-supported. You guys have ­become something like a punching bag. Traditional media entered digital and thought they would make their ­mon­ey with targeted advertising. Now the problem is that the CPM’s aren’t there. Is there hope for the publisher’s world that targeting, data and analytics are getting the CPM’s up to the point where it can start to support publication again?

Nikesh: I think that part of the answer is to find out where your content falls in that curve from free commodity content to super premium content. Rethinking in that perspective is required: should I invest in rebuilding that content or should I find a way to syndicate the already built content?

Nikesh: In the history of existence, content has always been monetized; either by advertising, by subscrip­ tion, or by paper use. There are free newspapers that are thoroughly adsupported, there are journals with ads and with a pure subscription model. You can monetize anywhere on that curve. I think that the same curve is going to be recreated in the Internet. However, what you cannot do math­ ematically is to take your curve and superimpose it on the Internet curve.

Spencer: So you are saying that part of the answer is reach?

Spencer: You guys are known as an ­ ad-machine even though it’s almost entirely based around keyword search. You are just starting with display. Walk us through how you see display and the difference to keyword search. Nikesh: In some point of time in my life, a lot of the usage is going to shift to some form of online distribution. Most of the marketing and advertis­ ing will shift into that direction and create a new medium which allows both interactivity and uniqueness. I am very positive about the notion of the video on the Web. A lot of ­premium content owners shift their stuff online in a very sensible way.

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Spencer: Where do you think the premium content material is going to come from? TV budgets? Print budgets?

Spencer: Let’s talk about YouTube. Eric Schmidt recently said that he assumes it makes money. Was he assuming right?

Nikesh: A lot of the advertisers be­came savvy and started to spend money online and offline in an intelligent way. In online you get a lot more measurement capability.

Nikesh: If he assumes, he must be right. He is the boss.

in an experimental phase. Could you see Google going to a subscription model?

Spencer: Again, there’s an interesting difference between perception and reality. Many people think of YouTube as user-generated content. Interest­ ingly enough, you guys are creeping into first-run movies. You have got lots of television deals going on. Is that ad-supported?

Nikesh: In a few years it won’t really matter if you get your video feed through IP or a broadcast connection. If you believe that, is there a distinction between whether the movie you are renting is delivered to you by some website with IP, or through your broadcast network?

Nikesh: We’ll see.

Spencer: From a consumer point of view it doesn’t make any difference. From the TV industry’s point of view, it’s a magnitude nine earthquake. Are you guys working together?

Spencer: Are you answering my earlier question now about where the 40 dollar CPM’s are going to come from? Nikesh: I think you will get the 40 dollar CPM’s from high-end premium display. At the same time, another shift is that we will stop buying sites and start buying consumer groups. You’ll be able to target the Web for an 18 to 24 year old group in the UK, for example. Spencer: One of Google’s famous competitive advantages is a very large collection of data following particularly the search activities of the users. Are you going to leverage that for instance in video? Nikesh: Well, if people have registered with us on YouTube, and allowed us access, we have the ability to target that.

Spencer: You are starting to look like a universal media machine. Nikesh: If you look at video on the Web, there’s a whole new category of content that has emerged: the short-form clip format. The ability to monetize this is incremental to the industry. Spencer: Television broadly has three revenue streams: ads, pay-per-view, and subscription. Pay TV is certainly the healthiest part of the TV ecosystem at the moment. Google right now runs the ad-supported model on YouTube; it has the pay-per-view

Nikesh: You can’t do that without the content owners. Spencer: How about the content distributors? Nikesh: Yes. In the UK we have a deal with channel 4 and channel 5 where they are distributors and aggregators and we purely figure as a mechanism to deliver it. We will work with broadcasters or original content owners – depending on the digital rights.

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Spencer: When you look at a company like Comcast that is part content owner, part distributor, and part plain old pipe, there are obviously three levels on which you could conceivably engage them on. Do you talk to them? Nikesh: Yes, of course. We want to engage with them on all three levels. We want that people can access content on their pipe and make sure that it’s available on multiple platforms. If you create content once and distrib­ ute it many times, the probability of monetizing it is going to be much higher than keeping it exclusively for your own platform. Spencer: Google is a very broad company. Let’s move to the mobile. Google is being pretty direct that it is very disruptive that you move to mobile both on an operating system level and on the hardware level. In the US typically both those things have been very tightly wed to each other and furthermore the sale model has been tightly wed to contracts. You guys come in and are basically throwing a bomb into this thing.

Spencer Reiss Wired

Nikesh Arora Google

Spencer Reiss writes about new media, alternative energy and commercial space travel for San Francisco-based Wired magazine. He also directs the program for the annual Monaco Media Forum, as well for the Abu Dhabi Media Summit, debuting March 2010. A former Newsweek correspondent in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, he believes absolutely that tech­ nology of all kinds is the planet’s best hope for a brighter future. Change is good. For his part he enjoys living with his wife, the photographer Anne Day, and three almost perfect children in the delightful woods of Salisbury, Connecticut USA.

Nikesh oversees all revenue and customer operations, as well ­ as marketing and partnerships. Since joining Google in 2004, ­ he has held several positions with the company. Most recently, he led Google’s global direct sales operations. With a background as an analyst, Nikesh’s main areas of focus have been consulting, IT, marketing and finance. Prior to joining Google, he was chief marketing officer and a member of the management board at T-Mobile. In 1999, he started working with Deutsche Telekom ­and founded T-Motion PLC, a mobile multimedia subsidiary ­of T-Mo­ bile International. Nikesh holds a master’s degree from Boston College and an MBA from Northeastern University, both of which were awarded with distinction. He also holds the CFA designation.

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Nikesh: It is important to understand where we came from on the android platform. Larry and Sergy wanted to build an operating system which is open-source for mobile phones. If you look at the mobile plain materials, 27 percent is software. It’s very costly and eliminates the ability to interoperate. We believe that the ­Nexus One is a premium android device experiment: a) it allows us to disrupt the selling model and is available ­online, and b), we want to raise the bar for android phones. Spencer: Is it reasonable shorthand to say that you guys are trying to recreate the open environment that exists on the Web in mobile? Nikesh: Totally. If you have a reason­ able common platform, it becomes a lot easier for application developers. You get more content really quickly, it becomes much easier to constantly develop the OS side, and it drives more usage. Spencer: Once upon a time when I wanted to find a restaurant in

above: The Google-Team hands out the DLD 2010 goodies, a Nexus Phone for each participant.

402 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

There’s a kid in every one of us, isn’t there? At Google we encourage you to bring your kid along. Munich, I would have gone to the search engine. Now there are apps and therefore I skip your product. Does that worry you? In the last five years, you’ve seen the rise of a big social network like Facebook that is fundamentally not searchable at the moment, and apps that make information available outside of the static web page. Is the value of a search engine declining? Nikesh: No. Back in the early days of search I was happy finding a website on page three of the search results. Today, people hate going past page one.

the users to find useful information and get off your page as quickly as possible. Spencer: One of the ironies in market systems is that the bigger you get the more attention you get from critics. What scares Google? You’ve got a lot of people snipping at you! Nikesh: I don’t think “scare” is an appropriate word. Ten years ago it was very unlikely that somebody would have said Google is something they worry about. What worries me is what is coming up from the next two guys in a garage. Spencer: What about the French Parliament passing a tax on Internet ad transactions? Nikesh: It’s important to understand that Google is part of the Internet ecosystem, not the Internet itself. A lot of the conversation with Google happens in the mainstream. This is going to be bad for everyone in the Internet business. It’s a sea change for advertisers as well.

Spencer: Do you guys track that? Nikesh: We track everything! You want to make sure that you are designing a consumer experience that is wonderful for the people. You’ve got to see consumer behaviour to innovate on their behalf. It’s the only Internet business where you want

Spencer: How about the ganging up of German newspaper publishers? I think that with a certain size it is getting political. There are privacy, copyright, and taxation issues. Is there a certain way you handle this? Nikesh: We are living in a digital

world where 1.4 billion people are connected by mobile phones. Ev­ erywhere you go you leave a digital footprint. All of the national policies and laws are designed for a world that didn’t anticipate this connectivity in a digital way. Everything has to change. It is not about publishers against Google or the French Parliament, it’s about all of us trying to figure out what we need to do to adapt to this digital world. Whatever hurts the abil­ ity for the user to get what they want is going to be a bad thing. Spencer: So the chances that more and more people working with David Drummond on the policy side of Google are high. Is there an opportunity for Google to be more proactive? In other words, do you think about going out ahead instead rather than waiting until the politicians come and bite you? Nikesh: We have helped to shape some of the conversations around privacy, cookie tracking, copyrights, and advertising. But it’s going to take the collective efforts of many other people in the industry. Spencer: We have Apple stores now. I was told Microsoft stores are on their way. Do we have Google stores coming? Nikesh: In my five years at Google I learnt to never rule out anything.

nikesh arora google

Gabriele princess inaara the begum aga khan

2015 DLD10 405


It’s the creativity of the person which makes the difference – not the certificate from University. The Begum Aga Khan introduction The Begum AGa Khan “I’ve known Professor Yunus for many years. He is my role mod­el. More than that, he is my hero. Muhammad Yunus needs no introduction. His work as the Founder of Grameen Bank is known to all. To date, thanks to the micro loan system he pioneered, Grameen has helped eight million of the world’s poorest people – the majority of them being women – to lift themselves and their families out of poverty. His first loan was to a small group of 45 women. They were furniture mak­ ers in a small village in Bangladesh in 1976: 27 dollars for the purchase of bamboo. None of the banks would have given money to the women. They had been dependent on a mon­ ey loaner that charged them a shock­ ing ten percent interest per week. This kept the women at subsistence

level and therefore dependent on the money lender’s rates. Professor Yunus’ loan enabled those women to stand on their own feet to grow, to prosper, and to live a life in dignity. From 27 dollars in 1976, Grameen’s loan book is worth nine billion today. The Grameen family of businesses is active in 25 sectors including food, textiles, IT, and energy. It is the role model for micro loan initiatives all over the world, including the Princess Inaara Foundation. When Barack Obama presented to him the US Pres­ idential Medal of Freedom in august last year, he said: “Muhammad Yunus was just trying to help a village but somehow he managed to change the world.” The scale is global, the impact is huge. Like so many of the digital possibilities, the focus is personal, individual, and human. Happily the

world has acclaimed his achievements: he has honorary degrees from 38 universities, he is on the board of 45 ­companies and 66 advisory committees. ­He has received 102 national and international awards and honours ­including the Noble Peace Prize in 2006. In fact, he is the only banker to receive the Noble Peace Prize and ­possibly the only banker who ever will. You can’t pick up a magazine without seeing him voted and quoted as one of the top hundred most influential people on the planet, as one of the top 20 Entrepreneurs of all time, or as one of the top 10 individuals that world governments should listen to. For me, you are not top 100, nor top 20, nor top 10. For me, Muhammad Yunus is quite simply the most inspir­ ing man I have ever met!”

406 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Gabriele princess inaara the begum aga khan

Muhammad yunus grameen bank

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For me, you are not top 100, nor top 20, nor top 10. For me, Muhammad Yunus is quite simply the most inspir­ing man I have ever met!

Gabriele Princess Inaara The Begum Aga Khan Princess Inaara received her MA in Law and Bar examination at the University of Munich; 1990 she acquired her Doctorate in Interna­tional Law. Further she acted as an Honorary consultant for ­U NESCO (Paris) advising on gen­ der equality. 1998 she married H.H. Prince Karim Aga Khan IV (the Aga Khan). From 1998 – 2003 she was involved in various educational, cultural and crisis response projects of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Comes 2004, she founded the charitable Princess Inaara Founda­ tion. Gabriele Princess Inaara the Begum Aga Khan is a philanthropist and activist for empow­ erment of women through microfinance and an advocate for tolerance between differing ethnic and religious communities. She has also launched appeals for support of micro-finance projects in Asian countries.

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Gabriele princess inaara the begum aga khan

stephanie czerny dld founder & director

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hubert burda hubert burda media

Muhammad yunus grameen bank

Muhammad yunus grameen bank

2015 DLD10 411

Thank you Inaara Aga Khan. You are a true friend. True friends always exaggerate.

muhammad yunus “After that introduction it is very risky to speak. Then the real Yunus will come out. Thank you Inaara Aga Khan.You are a true friend. True friends always exaggerate. As just mentioned we began really modestly in one village and gradually grew over time. Right now, we have over eight million borrowers in Bangladesh of which 97% are women; we land out a hundred million dollars per month; the loans are averaging less than two hundred dollars; and the repayment rate is 98 percent. The bank is owned by the borrowers: If the bank makes profit, the profit goes back to them as a dividend. We also encourage their children to go to school. The first generation of borrowers at Grameen Bank are all illiterates. We wanted to see that the same cycle of poverty doesn’t contin­ ue over and over again. We wanted to break the cycle. One of the things we wanted to do is let the children go to school. Then we introduced higher education loans so they don’t have to worry if their parents can afford it. Right now, we have more than 48,000 students in medical schools, engineering schools, and universities. Each month, more and more students are getting into higher education with the loans. We wanted to see a whole new generation coming out of it.

One of the questions they ask is how to find jobs in Bangladesh. Hearing it many times, I started telling them a complete­ly different thing: Forget about jobs! Start thinking differently! You should not worry but make it a personal pledge: I am not a job seeker! I am a job giver! Otherwise you go to the routine to get a good grade, a good degree, and a good job. And that’s not what the whole world is about. The world is about you. Your mother owes a bank so why would you worry about a job? Your problem should be how to use the money the bank has to lift yourself above your conditions and lift your whole family, the whole community, and the whole nation. It’s the creativity of the person which makes all the difference – not the certificate from university. Many of the children are coming to take loans from Grameen Bank to start businesses alongside their education. Along the way, we saw the power of new Information Technology. How can the power be used for the benefit of the poor people? When the Bangladeshi government wanted to give licenses in the mid-nineties to set up private telephone companies, we applied for one. The government replied: “You lend money to poor people, why would you need a license for a telephone company?” “To bring the telephone into the villages,” I explained, “and put it in the hands of

a poor woman.” “Who is she going to call?” they asked. “No,” I said, “she is not going to call anyone. She is going to set-up a business renting out the telephone and she will make money.” Finally, we persuaded the government and got the license. We called it Grameen Phone. Today, it’s the largest telephone company in the country. We have about 25 million subscribers and 50 percent of the market share. We started out working in 1997 and gave loans to the poor women to buy themselves a cell phone to start their business of selling telephone services in the village. It became a roaring business. If you had a cell phone on your hand, it was the quickest way to get out of poverty. Soon we had over 400,000 ‘telephone ladies’ all over Bangladesh. The business of the ladies disappeared as everyone started having a phone. I said, don’t worry! We’ll find a new business model. The ‘telephone ladies’ will now become the ‘Internet ladies’. They will figure out how it operates if it brings money. Impossible is not the subject we should be chasing. There is nothing called impossible. If we want to expand and reach out, technology can overcome everything. Today, the businesses own all the technology and they are directing the technology to chase money themselves for profit maximization.

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You must not forget there’s nothing called impossible. It’s all a question of creativity and commitment. All problems can be solved.

That’s where we went wrong: the conceptualization of the economy itself. That’s why we are creating a financial crisis all the time. Our whole economy is designed with the assumption that human beings are born to chase profit. The narrow interpretation of the human being designing the architecture of economic theory created this problem. Human beings are not single dimensional beings. We are not money making machines. Human beings are multidimensional beings. Still, other dimensions are completely forgotten in the architecture of economics. Selfishness is the element which is used to build the architecture of business. What about the selflessness in us? All human beings are also selfless beings. They are not allowed inside economics. Is economics the subject of the whole human being, or just the subject of a partial human being? I started the idea that business should be also built on selflessness. The selfish business is all about me; the selfless business is about others and nothing for me. People say, that’s not the way how business works. I say, that’s the way business should be working and works if you only allow the chance. I started companies of which many are now very popular. Grameen Danone, a joint venture with

Danone, is a social business which is dedicated to bring nutrition to the children in Bangladesh. The country has a big problem of malnutri­tion among children. 50 percent of the children are malnourished. We put all the micronutrients which the children are missing into this yogurt and make it very cheap. If a child eats two cups of this yogurt per week, it will regain all missing micronutrients in eight to nine months and becomes a healthy child. It is a social business; both Grameen and Danone agreed right from the beginning that they will never take a dividend out of the company. The whole purpose of the company is to address the malnutrition of the children. It’s doing really well: children love the yogurt, the company is recovering the costs, and the business expands. Put this as an idea and many other companies are coming. Grameen has a joint venture with Veola, a French water company, to solve the problem of drinking water. Seeing this again and again, I am totally convinced that every single problem can be addressed in a social business way. The profit maximizing business will not think about using business to sol­ve a problem because that’s not their mandate. Their mandate is to bring maximum return to the stakeholders. They are glued to that objective. Why

don’t we create social businesses with the power of Information Technology – it just can blow away everybody! Now we are moving into health. Grameen Danone and Grameen Veola are health care issues. Additionally, we gave Adidas the challenge to adopt the mission that nobody in the world should go without shoes. As a shoe company it is their responsibility to make sure to produce shoes that are affordable even to the poorest person. Adidas liked the idea and started a social business to produce very cheap shoes. This is not for the comfort of the foot. Again, it is for the health dimension. Many of the diseases are getting to the body through the skin of your feet, especially parasitic dis­ eases. Tapeworm is a huge problem. If we can cover our feet from the beginning, we would have saved many of these children from the terrible disease which causes malnutrition and other diseases. We are bringing healthcare as a social business to the villages of Bangladesh and create health management centres. The focus of the management centre is to keep healthy people healthy. Prevention becomes our major goal; early detection and early treatment is our second goal. We are trying to redesign the diagnostics equipment. Today’s diagnostic equipment is very impres-

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sive, complicated, and very sophisti­ cated. The patients are impressed and think the money they pay in hospitals is worth it. Actually, it can be done in a very small shoebox fashion with one button operations. We are happy that some of the diagnostic tools manufacturers are collaborating with us. Simple diagnostic tools should come with a mobile gadget. Porta­ ble ultrasonic devices can simply be taken to the women house by house and women don’t have to come to the clinic anymore. This is a lesson we learned from Grameen Bank. Our first principle was that people should not come to the bank but the bank should go to the people instead. We are trying to implement the same idea in health care. The patients don’t have to go to the clinic; the physicians should go house by house treating them. We take the little portable machine and do the ultra­ sound for pregnant women and plug it into the mobile phone instead of going to wherever the specialist lives. Specialists don’t want to come to the villages. They stay in the capital city. This way, healthcare never gets out of the capital city. The problem of the doctor-patient distance is solved. It disappears because technology solves the problem. Intimacy between the doctor and the patient still retains via the phone but the distance is forgotten.

We can redesign the whole health care system in an affordable way so it becomes a social business rather than a money making business. A bulk of the Bangladeshi population does not have access to the state-run healthcare system because it is inefficient and corrupt. They do not get healthcare from the private sector because they are too busy making money on the top that they don’t go to the bottom. That’s a space for social business; a non-loss, non-dividend company can solve this problem. In a social business, you only need to design the concept of how to make it happen for five to ten people. If you know how to do it for ten people, all you have to do now is to replicate it a million times and you have all the people cov­ ered. It’s not the size of the operation which is the impressive part; it’s the design of the programme. Begum Aga Khan mentioned that we started with 27 dollars in one village. There’s no news in that. Who cares about 27 dollars? But it defied all the rules of the conventional banking and created a system in one village that today is a global phenomenon. You must not forget there’s nothing called impossible. It’s all a question of crea­ tivity and commitment. All problems can be solved.”

Muhammad Yunus Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus was born on June 28, 1940 in Bangladesh as the third oldest of nine children. He is the Founder and Managing Director of Grameen Bank which pioneered microcredit. As of June 2009, Grameen Bank has lent over USD 8.65bn to 7.95M borrowers, 97 percent of whom are women. The loan recovery rate is 96.68 percent. In October 2006, Muhammad Yunus was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, along with Grameen Bank, for their efforts to create economic and social development. Currently, Muhammad Yunus focuses on spreading the social businesses idea. Social businesses are businesses whose objective is to overcome poverty while being financially sustainable. The first social business, Grameen Danone, was founded in 2006. Muhammad Yunus is married to Dr. Afrozi Yunus and has two daughters.

416 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Transforming Music

The social web is the new sixties! Donovan “In the 1960s, the Beatles and I dreamt the Internet. Now that it’s here these days, it became clear to me that the social web is the new sixties. Quite frankly, simply said: we felt that the information which songwriters put in their songs in the sixties was very important. It was a communications explosion, and we rode the

wave through television and radio. Now that the social web is here, take heart everyone, the young songwrit­ ers will be joining your revolution. I have ­a special invitation song to sing Steffi asked me for. Closing the conference, go back to the world and tell ev­erybody that the news is out: communications is the message. The digital man!”

Donovan musician

418 DLD10 Tuesday 26 january

Transforming Music DLD10 419

Donovan Musician

I am the digital man, she’s the digital woman, Steff, people all over the land love the digital man...

left: Donovan proclaims the new Sixties

The legendary folk-rockpop ­t roubadour Donovan began his ­c areer as an itinerant folk mu­ sician and created acoustic hits like Catch The Wind, Colours, Mellow Yellow, Universal Soldier and Atlantis. Dr. Donovan Leitch is a Green-Activist and has re­ ceived a Dr. of Letters, an honor­ ary medal as ‘Officer of Arts & Letters’ by the French government, and has been named BMI Icon in 2009. Donovan was ­one of the few artists to col­laborate on songs with the Beatles, contributing lyrics and vocals to the song Yellow Submarine. ­D onovan influenced Paul ­McCartney, John Lennon, and George Harrison in their ­guitar styles, and during his ­c areer played with folk music greats Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, as well as rock ­m usicians Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, and Brian Jones of ­the Rolling Stones.

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marcel reichart dld Founder & Director

finale DLD10 421

stephanie czerny dld founder & director

Publisher’s Lunch sponsored by GE & Google

After three inspirational days, Hubert Burda invites the DLD friends to an informal Get-Together at the Schumann’s Bar.






1 Jyri EngestrĂśm Entrepreneur & Investor // Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schultz 2 Dirk Ippen MĂźnchner Zeitungsverlag 3 Menu 4 Alain Rappaport Microsoft // David Gelernter Yale University 5 Stefan Gross-Selbeck XING // Philipp Pieper Proximic 6 Lunch and Food for Thought 7 Hubert Burda DLD Chairman // Inaara Begum Aga Khan



Publisher’s Lunch @ Schumann’s // Munich DLD10



Publisher’s Lunch @ Schumann’s // Munich DLD10

1 Andrea Schöller Schöller & von Rehlingen PR 2 Michael Schindler Google // Marcel Reichart DLD Founder & Director 3 Donovan Musician // Mel Rosenberg Tel Aviv University 4 DavidGelernter Yale University // Hubert Burda DLD Chairman 5 Mitchell Baker Mozilla 6 David Sifry Technorati



5 6

DLD Nightcap sponsored by Mercedes-Benz

Hubert Burda, Yossi Vardi and DLD had the pleasure to invite DLD friends to the Burda DLD Nightcap on the occasion of the World Economic Forum’s 2010 annual meeting at the Belvedere in Davos, Switzerland



DLD Nightcap // Davos DLD10









1 Paulo Coelho Author with friends 2 Flo Riedl Musician 3 Matt Cohler Benchmark Capital // Sean Parker Founders Fund LLC // Randi Zuckerberg Facebook 4 Suhas Gopinath DoRef // Jimmy Wales Wikipedia // Debbie Berebichez Physicist Financial Analyst 5 Chad Hurley YouTube 6 Megha Mittal Escada 7 Udo J端rgens Musician 8 Silvana Koch-Mehrin Politician 9 J端rgen Grossmann RWE 10 Jonathan Harris Author // Stephanie Czerny DLD Founder & Director // Philipp Welte Hubert Burda Media // Nikolaus von der Decken Hubert Burda Media

Imp  ressions

Location // HVB Forum // Kardinal-Faulhaber-Str. // Munich DLD10

food @ DLD10



Participants DLD10



1 Dan Dubno CBS 2 Hazel Ahamer XING 3 Monja Leingruber Mercedes-Benz 4 Jack Hidary Global Solar Center 5 Yossi Vardi DLD Chairman // Miri Chais Artist










Participants DLD10

1 Paul-Bernhard Kallen Hubert Burda Media // David Kirkpatrick ‘The Facebook Effect’ 2 Christian Thiele Playboy // Christoph Schlingensief Director, Festival Opera House in Burkina Faso 3 Lisa Souni Sonay Ltd. 4 Mayolove 5 Itay Talgam with a friend 6 Nora Abousteit Burda Style Group 7 Adam Bly Seed 8 Barathunde Thurston The Onion // Marshay Mitchell

Facts & Figures



850+ participants

180 speakers Journalists

Diversity by region of participants 69% Europe incl. Russia 21% Americas Canada, USA,

Central ­and South America 7% Middle East and israel 3% asia

8100 21501000 bottles of

Water red Bull

cans of Pounds of


400 12 4300 shots of

Coffees-to-go Virgin mary serrano after a long haunches of


dld starnight

Food Facts




Access on the new

dld mobile video




hours minutes received visitors on the dld video

63 92 70 cities

mobile carriers

platform from


Top 10 countries accessing the dld video platform











Partners An international conference of this format can not be performed without strong and trustful partners. We want to thank them for their engagement and commitment that made DLD 2010 the outstanding event it is.

Deutsche Post DHL


XING // HP // 3ality

Thomson Reuters // bene // gettyimages // XING // yasssu // tcho

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Covera  g e The conference is covered and attended by numerous medias well as distributed via its own video network, YouTube, Bigthink and Sevenload. DLD has obtained a constant national and international media coverage. More than 100 international journalists are reporting from DLD.

Coverage // Clippings DLD10

Coverage // Clippings DLD10

Coverage // Clippings DLD10

Thank y ou Participants at DLD

Thank you so much for hosting us at DLD – the 3 days in munich were the highlight of our trip – we felt instantly in the family of friends who are curious, creative, open-minded, kind and fun. Your magic made this happen!

Hi, just to let you know I arrived safely back in Malibu, and without a hitch.

Vielen Dank noch einmal für die Einladung zum DLD und der gelungenen Veranstaltung. Das war definitiv eines der Highlights in 2010! Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf 2011 :-). Lieben Gruß aus Hamburg, Nils

Thanks it was a great experience. Thanks for inviting me.

Dimitar Sasselov, Harvard University

Nils Holger Henning

Mike Anderson

Dear Steffi Czerny and Marcel Reichert, Let me thank you and especially Dr. Hubert Burda and my dear friend Yossy for having the possibility to take part on DLD10 in Munich. The toppics and the presentation were excellent and give you incentives, about where we are and where we are going to go in future, personally and as a society. Would enjoy to stay in contact with you, maybe we see us at DLD11. With the best wishes for a good 2010, sincerely yours.

Thank you so much. It was a real pleasure at the conference in every way, and hope my contribution was meaningful... Al Seckel, Illusionist

Thank you so much. I had a terrific time and would love to be a part of this again. Tim Kring, Executive Producer & Creator Heroes

You had a great event. I learned much, and met some amazing people. Thanks so much for all your efforts. Warm regards,

Hello dear DLD team – thanks for the Follow Up, but mainly, I’d like to thank you for a cool program ... very interesting thoughts, innovations, people ... an exciting, buzzing atmosphere as always ... And an excellent organisation !! Thank you all. Hope to be there again next year...!

Avi Elias

Tom Sperlich

Oskar G. Waas

Thanks so much for inviting me!!!! I enjoyed every single minute of the DLD (of course the ‘summertime in wintertime’ duet with Randi was a high point for me person-  ally...) Steffi, thanks so much for inviting me to the restaurant, I man-  aged to sing with Donovan at the piano, he has always been a huge hero of mine, Hope to see you   soon (I will be back in Munich next month, so will check whether anything is going on) best, mel. Professor Mel Rosenberg

Thanks You for an Amazing Event !!!!! and !!!!! again Ron Yachini

I attended DLD 2010 by invitation from Hubert Burda Media and was impressed by the quality of speakers and attendees.

Many thanks, dear Steffi, Marcel and team, for yet another stellar event!!! Kindest regards

Andreas Schwabe

Sven Kielgas

it’s the biggest brainstorming-meeting ever! Carsten Frederik Buchert

Dear Steffi, Marcel, Yossi & DLD Team... thank YOU! & happy birthday mr. Hubert Burda Igor Skunca

Thank you so much to the entire DLD team – truly enjoyed the conference – was absolutely interesting and fabulous – hope to make it again next year! Claudia Bergmann

Liebes DLD10 Team, auch von mir ein recht herzliches DANKESCHÖN über die Einladung, die via Anna HenckelDonnersmarck zu mir kam. Für mich waren die 3 Tage eine riesige Quelle der Inspiration. Ganz viel Zeugs was man so im Kopf vor sich hin ausbrütet wurde ausgesprochen. Viel mühsam im Netz zusammengesuchte Theorien, konzentriert auf den Punkt gebracht.

Sehr geehrte Frau Czerny, in Namen von Tamad (Tel-Aviv Museum of Art Deutschland) Vorstand und auch persönlich möchte ich mich bei Ihnen für das einmalige DLD-Erlebnis bedanken. Seit über einer Woche sind die Kongresseindrücke noch immer bei mir lebendig. Die Vielfalt der Themen und die interessante Vorträge und Teilnehmer haben mich sehr beeindruckt. Hava Sandler

I am very very thankful to all the DLD team for give me a   opportunity to attend this amazing conference in January 2010. I met many amazing people like Hubert Burda, Jimmy Wales   and many other amazing and inspiring people. DLD is just a LIFE CHANGING conference to me.

Ich zitiere einfach mal von meinem Blog: Ich war dieses Jahr zum zweiten Mal auf der DLD. Und es war wieder toll. Ja, es gab ein Nexus One. Ja, man sah sämtliche Verlagschefs vereint. Ja, die Vorträge sind toll. Ja, es gibt super Networkingmöglichkeiten. Und ja Atmosphäre und Organisation sind perfekt. Aber geht es darum? Mein DLD10 Moment war ein ganz anderer: Ich stand am Sonntag neben der Bühne, lauschte erst Helen Fisher und dann der Verleihung des Aenne Burda Preises. Ich drehte meinen Kopf nach rechts und neben mir stand plötzlich Martti Ahtisaari, Friedensnobelpreisträger und ehemaliger Finnischer Präsident. Einfach so. Und genau darum geht es wirklich! http://www.whitewhale. de/2010/01/31/mein-dld10-moment/ Ihr inspiriert mich dazu solche Momente für andere zu schaffen.

Karthik Naralasetty

Tobias Kaufman

Barbara Hallama

Thanks for this! As ever the DLD was energizing, fun, and stimulating. Please keep inviting me! Andrew Robertson

Vielen Dank für ein wahnsinnig spannendes und inspirierendes DLD 2010! Bis ganz bald! Liebe Gruesse aus Berlin, Markus Marcus Miessen

Thank y ou Production Partners

DLD is working with a couple of trusted contractors who are helping us to make the DLD experience special. DLD thanks to all of you for the good partnership and excellent support.

DLD Starnight Service Agency

G.R.A.L. GmbH is a full service agency with high reputation, covering the whole event sector for its top-class clients. The spectrum ranges from incentives, gala performances, roadshows, product presentations, conferences, and fair performances up to b2b events, promotions or public events. G.R.A.L. stands for creativity, professionalism, and transparency. Besides the competence in the sector of unique locations, the Munich-based agency (worldwide active) distinguishes itself through its own marketing department with its excellent contacts to potential sponsors and cooperation partners. Not for nothing, the acronym G.R.A.L stands for Gründliche Realisierung Allgemeiner Lebensfreude, meaning “sound implementation of lust for life”.

DLD Conference Caterer

Kofler & Kompanie’s main area of expertise is conceptualizing and executing exclusive catering services nationally and internationally. At Kofler & Kompanie, the focus is on dynamic, sporty and healthy food and service. A touch of international cuisine combined with original and creative components promises just the right balance between innovation and tradition for a unique and memorable experience.


Video Technology

Conference Technics & Stage Design

MAYOLOVE is a multidisciplinary design studio based in Munich, work­ing for commercial and institutional clients across various medias. They are driven by analytic thought to obtain hightest quality and unique solutions for every client. MAYOLOVE was founded in 2006 by Franz Hartung and Amir Sufi.

sevenload is a leading global Social Media Network for WebTV, videos and photos. The sevenload community, which can be found online at www., enables users to explore an extensive entertainment package filled with free premium TV content, music videos as well as interactive Web TV shows. Advertising clients benefit from engaging users with branded entertainment, viral video seeding and video advertising within the site’s adrelevant environment. The company’s B2B side of the business develops white label solutions, such as IPTVplatforms, media libraries, video portals and online communities based on the sevenload technology.

From the beginning in 2005, UMES EVENTSERVICE & TECHNIK GmbH has been partner for implementing the DLD conference – from providing a concept for stage, lighting and audio design to booth building to overall technical supervision. Christoph Uzuber, CEO of UMES EVENTSERVICE & TECHNIK GmbH, gained experience in the event business in more than 20 years of coordinating and realizing events. Two years ago he founded the UMES EVENTSERVICE & TECHNIK GmbH which has constantly grown to a competent partner for events with a wide range of high quality technical equipment as well as an experienced team.

Video Production & Editorial Advisor

NIGHTFROG is a devoted film production company with high profile content ranging from committed documentaries to elaborate fiction productions. We also provide the technical and editorial setup for multi camera productions like concert recordings, discussion panels or press conferences. For Video on Demand, Live Streaming or Broadcast. Based in Munich, Germany, the NIGHTFROG GmbH thus provides under the leadership of owner and CEO Benedict Mirow the framework for all kinds of creative people in the art of filmmaking. Online and OnAir. We are proud to serve DLD since 2007 through the development and realization of Documentaries, Features, Interview setups and multicamera recordings for the DLD Video Channel. Directed by Melanie Landa and Benedict Mirow.

Web Development

TOMORROW FOCUS Technologies GmbH (TFT) operates as a technical and creative services provider offering Web-based IT solutions. TFT focuses on Web business performance and provides a range of solutions and services designed to maximize both the technical and the commercial success of its customers on the Web. TOMORROW FOCUS Technologies (TFT) is a whollyowned subsidiary of TOMORROW FOCUS AG, one of Germany’s leading listed Internet media groups. The principal shareholder of TOMORROW FOCUS AG is Hubert Burda Media.

DLD Team

Stay  in Touch http://m.

Save the Date: DLD11 January 23RD-25th

Imp  rint

Management & Concept: Stephanie Czerny & Dr. Marcel Reichart Implementation: © 2010 Hubert Burda Media DLD Media & Ventures Editing: Lukas Kubina Design: Patricia Urban Christin Schneider, Annette Jung, Michel Karamanovic (Final Artwork & Image Editing) Cover: Image courtesy of Aaron Koblin Production: Sabine Schmid Printing: megapac offset KG, Unterschleißheim Photo Credits: Getty Images, Flo Hagena, Daniel Grund, Sabine Brauer, Alexandra Pauli

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