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DLD11 | Index

Sunday | january 23, 2011

Monday | january 24, 2011


34 Advertising

Museum tours

Deutsches Museum, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, Neue Pinakothek


8 Intro Steffi Czerny, Marcel Reichart

36 Appland

10 Welcome Hubert Burda, Yossi Vardi


Linda Abraham, Samir Arora, Mark Read, Christoph Schuh, David Kirkpatrick


Ilja Laurs, Andrej Nabergoj, Igor Pusenjak, Peter Vesterbacka, Dean Takahashi


Mobile Strategies

11 Publishers’ Talk Hubert Burda, Arthur Sulzberger, Yossi Vardi

René Schuster

12 The Big Picture Nikesh Arora, Jim Breyer, Thomas Ebeling,

Dan Rose, David Kirkpatrick

Reid Hoffman, Paul-Bernhard Kallen, Yossi Vardi, Kara Swisher

Tero Ojanperä, Albert Shum, Claude Zellweger, Fred Vogelstein



Potlatch Society

Corinne Hunt, Martin Roth

17 Live Music James McCartney


Fashion DLD Music

Jolly Jay & H-to-O, Doe Diggler, Marc Miethe

24 New

Space Mission

Eric Anderson, Georges Whitesides, Spencer Reiss

25 TRON:

Design Mobile Demo

Claus Zimmermann

DLD GArage

start-up Accelerators

Margareta van den Bosch, Scott Galloway, Natalie Massenet, Vanessa Friedman



41 European

19 Disruption Talk Paulo Coelho, Sean Parker




18 Art Intro Cerith Wyn Evans

20 Aenne Burda Maria Furtwängler-Burda



Stefan Glänzer, Lars Hinrichs, Jean-Paul Schmetz, Reshma Sohoni, Mike Butcher


Augmented Reality

Laurent Gil, Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, Peter Meier, Stanley Yang, David Rowan


Let it rise

Marc Benioff, Padmasree Warrior, Dan Reed, Ludwig Siegele


Open Innovation

Beth Comstock, Marissa Mayer, Kohei Nishiyama, Jens Martin Skibsted, Linda Tischler

48 Science/Fiction Urbanism

Daniel Simon

Jeffrey Inaba, Geoffrey West, Bjarke Ingels


Hollywood meets Silicon Valley


Don Tapscott


Lip dub


chairmen’s dinner


Guy Oseary, Ludwig Siegele



Martin Zimmermann, Jennifer L. Schenker



Bright Simons

54 life Deepak Chopra, Alexander Tsiaras, Juan Enriquez, David Agus, Lakshmi Pratury



Daniel Domscheit-Berg, Andrian Kreye


The Communications Difference Brandee Barker, Brooke Hammerling, Margit Wennmachers, Kara Swisher

Index | DLD11

tuesday | january 25, 2011

60 Local Markets Andrew Mason, Marc Samwer, Kara Swisher, Dennis Crowley

63 Participation Randi Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Matthew Bishop

64 Human Trafficking Stephanie zu Guttenberg, Somaly Mam, Ralf Mutschke, Maria Furtwängler-Burda

66 Edge Conversations Stewart Brand, George Dyson, Kevin Kelly, John Brockman, Andrian Kreye

68 Spotlight Kai-Fu Lee, Kara Swisher 69 China Screens Jeffrey Chan, Wang Lifen, Joshua Cooper Ramo

70 Future TV Peter Hirshberg, Ynon Kreiz, Brian Sullivan, Thomas Künstner

71 Demo Cary Levine

Smells – The Good, The Bad And The Sexy Mel Rosenberg 93 Gadgethon Greg Harper 94

Social Innovation

Karen Tal, Asha Jadeja, Claudia Gonzalez, Gabriele Zedlmayer


Humanization of Brands Pete Cashmore, Joe Penna, Jeff Pulver 97

Social Graph Based Business Models

Rick Marini, Ilya Nikolayev, Amit Shafrir, Harry Nelis

98 Digital India Kunal Bahl, Sanjay Parthasarathy, Naveen Tewari, Harish Bahl

100 Where is the Money? Matthew Bishop, David Liu, Barry Silbert, Henry Blodget

71 Consumer-Centric Credit


Errol Damelin

71 Hyperlocal Darian Shirazi 73 Search Beyond Search Mark Drummond, Gil Elbaz, Ilya Segalovich, Esther Dyson


The Digital Wunderkammer Hubert Burda, David Gelernter, Andrian Kreye

102 Content Strategies Trip Adler, Marco Arment, Sam Mandel, Patrick Wölke, Jochen Wegner

103 Love the Jason Calacanis


104 Spotlight James Murdoch, Kai Diekmann 106 Responsive Cities Raul Krauthausen, Alexander Mankowsky, Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Peter Hirshberg

108 Beats Dj Monsieur Komplex

77 Social Arts Josette Melchor

109 15 Megabyte of Troy Carter, Jörg Rohleder

80 Solair Solar Stewart Brand, Olafur Eliasson, Bill Gross,

110 Grand Final Eric Schmidt, Steffi Czerny, Marcel Reichart

Frederik Ottesen, Tino Sehgal, Hans Ulrich Obrist

84 Ever Clouds Andreas Angelidakis, Hubert Damisch, Elizabeth Diller, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Tetsuo Kondo, Tomas Saraceno, Matthias Schuler, Werner Vogels, Hans Ulrich Obrist


Arts and science Dinner 87

Tomorrow Focus Dinner 87 Disruptors’ Dinner by Accel Partners 88 focus


116 BURDA 118


DLD NIghtcap

Partners @ DLD11

120 Coverage 124



closing credits


Stay in touch


Imprint / save the date

Museum Tours

Neue Pinakothek The Art of Enlightenment Tour provided by Carla Schulz-Hoffmann Barer Straße 29 80799 München

deutsches museum Tour provided by Wolfgang M. Heckl Museumsinsel 1 80538 München

Bayerisches Nationalmuseum Art and Science in the Renaissance Kunstkammer Tour provided by Renate Eikelmann Prinzregentenstraße 3 80538 München

©2011 Google – Grafiken ©2011 DigitalGlobe, GeoContent, AeroWest, GeoEye, COWI A/S, DDO, Kartendaten ©2011 Tele Atlas

DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 02:00 PM

We did not shy away from any efforts to cook the perfect DLD11: Months of stirring in sim­mering pots of the hottest speakers, mixing of unconventional thematic ingredients and seasoning it with just a touch of updated reality. Add some expensive bubbles and you get “Cooking DLD 2011”, the opening video of the Conference.

jan 23, 2011 | 02:00 PM | DLD11


DLD (Digital – Life – Design) is a global conference network that creates conversations on innovation, digital media, markets, science and culture. It is an experience, a creative fireplace for ideas and people. The DLD Book gives you a visual memory of the three days in Munich we shared in January 2011. It is a big thank you to all who made DLD11 so special. Enjoy!

Stephanie Czerny and Marcel Reichart | DLD Founders & Directors


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 02:05 PM

year you are doing Facebook,  All the “email, Instant Messaging, Google, you spend your time on the screen talking to a glass, this is your opportunity to talk to people. Yossi Vardi | DLD Co-Chairman

the meantime DLD  Inbecome “has a wonderful brand where at the very beginning of the year people will meet and discuss about the future of media.

Hubert Burda | DLD Co-Chairman

Chairmens’ Welcome DLD describes the new image of our world, a world which has changed so much in the last decade. Due to globalization and the digital revolution, we live in a ‘Schwellenzeit’ in which markets, media, technology and society are changing profoundly. Places where entrepreneurs, scientists and artists meet to exchange are places of advanced learning and creative 1

connection. This is what DLD is about – a university and platform for ideas and new businesses. Hubert Burda


“Connect the Unexpected”: Klaus Altmann, a Bavarian Forest ranger and passionate yodeler at DLD.

There is no better way to start the new year than by meeting old friends and making some new ones. The DLD family is gathering once again to say hello, exchange views, spend time together, get some food for thought from some of the best minds on earth, and have a good laugh. Virtual Pokes are nice, but looking at friendly face you missed for a year are miracles – seize the moment and cherish it! Yossi Vardi

jan 23, 2011 | 02:15 PM | DLD11



Publisher’s Talk Hubert Burda, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Yossi Vardi What is the new definition of publishing? Arthur Sulzberger Jr. (New York Times) proposes to overcome the word publishing, because what publishers do isn’t a matter of distribu-


Screenshot of the Project Cascade: A project developed by the New York Times R&D Lab that visualizes the life of a shared news article 2 Two publishers talk among themselves: Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Hubert Burda


tion – it’s about the quality of news and information, and that quality is crucial to keep democracies vital. On the other hand, Hubert Burda says that there are two different sides of the business – the traditional media, and the new model where the audience also becomes the publisher. He mentions that Hubert Burda Media

you know  Howtodotrust? “what And

Times article is tweeted.

that’s where I think journalism plays the central role, because we all know in this room, among the fastest things to go viral are lies.

Responding to a question about paid

Arthur Sulzberger Jr. | The New York Times

already gets 35% of its revenues out of new media – but emphasizes that the lionshare comes out of e-commerce rather than advertisment. Arthur Sulzberger Jr. adds that media has to adapt to social media better. “We move from search to social”, he finds. Every 4 seconds a New York

content models regarding the iPad, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. thinks that they needed to try things, learn and adapt. He is also seeing a new willingness of people to pay for something they’re interested in when it comes to apps. At the end of the discussion, Hubert Burda says that newspapers will last longer than some might think, but that media companies have to take their profits and invest it into new markets and ideas.


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 02:30 PM

jan 23, 2011 | 02:30 PM | DLD11


The Big Picture Nikesh Arora, Jim Breyer, Thomas Ebeling, Reid Hoffman, Paul-Bernhard Kallen, Yossi Vardi, Kara Swisher In times of transition, this panel of industry leaders comes together to draw “The Big Picture” while the tag team moderators Kara Swisher (AllthingsD) and Yossi Vardi are playing rhetoric ping pong with one another. The panellists Nikesh Arora (Google), Jim Breyer (Accel), Thomas Ebeling (ProSiebenSat.1 Media), Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn), and Paul-Bernhard Kallen (Hubert Burda Media) discuss the chances and challenges of the digital industry in the next years from their different point of views. Jim shares his outlook about the future of the US economy and Silicon Valley. Accel Partners has already twice as many partners in Beijing than in Paolo Alto. This trend, and thus Accels’ investments, will continue. Another big topic is the change induced through tablet devices. While their positive transformational power for publishing houses is recognised in consensus, their role regarding TV screens is viewed differently. 1

Yossi Vardi giving a friendly high-five to AllthingsD’s Kara Swisher, moderator of “The Big Picture”

More dimensions of the big picture include the distribution of the advertisement budget and revenue, the future of traditional media companies and the impact of smartphones.



DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 02:30 PM

I think that “tradi­tional media I am going to do “a  quick word association. We are going through it really fast like it was a game show.

Kara Swisher | AllThingsD

will be new  There “kinds of applica­ tions that come out of both emergent aggrega­tion, cura­ tion – everything around data. Reid Hoffman | Greylock Partners

Facebook: Google: Steve Jobs: Nokia: Rupert Murdoch: Smartphones:

com­panies – unless they create radical new structures – are going to be ob­ solete in ten years from now.  Jim Breyer | ACCEL Partners

shakes head.

Just beginning


Underestimated today


I’m sad

To watch

Has been MIA for at least 5 years

One word is difficult


The future

Will probably invest 100 million around smartphones this year

the key  I think for “question us is how

worry  You always “about the people

will advertising develop in the future? Is it some­ thing only owned by technology companies and where are these technology companies based? Are these places owned by social media companies and what role can we find coming more from the content side of the business?

you know about. You don’t worry about the people you don’t know about. What has always hap­ pened in history is the things you don’t know about have come out from the left field and then you talk about them a few years later.

Paul-Bernhard Kallen | Hubert Burda Media

Nikesh Arora | Google

Interesting distribution channel

Trend to watch

Important for marketing

Good friend to have, difficult foe

Pays my bills


I cross my fingers

Hard to replicate

I cross my fingers

Acquisition target for Microsoft

shakes head. laughs. no comment.

no comment.

Grand old man

Media Baron

Strong competitor

Interesting distribution channel

There won’t be any other kind

Here to stay

able to create  If TV iswhich “content people

love, which has lighthouse qualities and is creating fire camp expe­ riences, we are relative­ ly well protected from a lot of new channels and platforms.

Thomas Ebeling | ProSiebenSat.1 Media


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 03:40 PM

The potlatch is   “a  whole system of

giving, it’s not just   giving names but   it’s giving your time, you know, it’s shar­­ing, it’s volunteering,   it’s saying what can   I do to help you?  Corrine Hunt | Designer

Mask – moon


Mask – Nulamal

Potlatch Society Corrine Hunt, Martin Roth In an interview with Martin Roth, General Director of the Art Collection of Dresden, Corinne Hunt, a first nation designer, artist and anthropologist, explains the special ceremony of her tribe: Potlatch is a festival ceremony practised by the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast in Canada. It is basically a gathering of people to share goods. It’s about giving and receiving gifts in order to redistribute wealth. It was

Mask – Cannibal Bird

forbidden by the Canadian Government from 1884 until 1959, today it is thriving stronger than ever thanks to Social Media. Corinne states that it was very hard to have a continuing culture for First Nations, but that it got easier with the Internet: Traditional songs are shared online, children can learn the lines and videos of the traditional Potlatch-dances published on 2

YouTube. “First nation tribes are very good Facebook users too”, she says, “because we come from small villages and it is difficult to travel. Facebook has given us a new life.”


Designer Corrine Hunt in conversation with Martin Roth from the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden 2 Special Exhibition “The Power of Giving: The Potlatch in the KwakakA’wakw Big House from the Canadian Northwest Coast”, Kunsthalle in Lipsiusbau, Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden

Moreover, Potlatch is a metaphor for Internet services. The underlying principle of giving and taking constitutes your social status on Facebook as well as opening the access to services such as freemail. The more you give, the more you get.

jan 23, 2011 | 03:55 PM | DLD11



Maybe I’m an angel A manifestation of them all Maybe I’m an angel A manifestation of them all



James McCartney entertaining the audience at DLD11 with his performance of “Angel” from his new album 2 Available Light is James’ first official release as both a performer and songwriter

I have felt some hard times in my life But I don’t want to feel it anymore I don’t know what you’re thinking of but it’s okay I just want to hear you say it anyway Baby you don’t understand Just what I’ve been going through Maybe your love will come And you don’t really understand Anymore than you don’t Maybe I’m an angel Waiting to start to live my life Maybe if you can make it Then that would be great …

Live Music James McCartney


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 04:40 PM

CWELED4DLD …Look at that picture, how does it seem to you now. Does it seem to be persisting? …Imagine a situation in all likelihood you’ve never been in… ...I can’t help constantly thinking of the ­stupid nonsense that keeps us separated. Love is not made of feats of endurance... …I can almost count on my fingers the number of times I will see you again in the whole of the rest of my life…


1 Artist Cerith Wyn Evans, creator of the LED project for the DLD11 Conference 2 Serpentine Gallery Curator Hans Ulrich Obrist introduced and explained the LED project

Art Project Cerith Wyn Evans, Hans Ulrich Obrist DLD considers the logic of arts as a filter and catalyst for innovation, creativity and alternative thinking. Thus DLD is constantly working with artists and presents their work at DLD conferences. In 2011 the DLD Arts project “CWELED4DLD” by Cerith Wyn Evans, presented a series of multi-coloured, inconsistently programmed LED badges. They were available for all participants and visitors. Cerith Wyn Evans began his career as a video and filmmaker in the 1980s. Since the 1990s, his work could be characterized by its focus on language and perception, as well as by its precise, conceptual clarity. Wyn Evan’s practice incorporates 2

a wide range of media, including installation works, sculptures, photography, film and text.

jan 23, 2011 | 04:45 PM | DLD11



to release  I decided “the book without in-

terviews, without any type of promotion except Facebook and Twitter and it was an astonishing success.

“At the end of the day the goal of keeping some ideals and values alive is basically to share our human condition.”

The power is still held   by those creating   content, who are actually creating ideas.

Paulo Coelho | Author

“ Why is it that we cannot romanticize the present   instead of the past? ” Sean Parker | Facebook


Disruption Talk Paulo Coelho, Sean Parker Paulo and Sean get together for the disruption talk about content and platforms. Paulo reflects on how humanity transformed its way to tell stories. He believes, “the power is still in the hands of those who create content. To change peoples minds, you have to say something.” Sean discusses the relationships between content and technological platforms. For him, it is true that people who control the platforms have some power, but those who create content are still controlling the course of developments. In this sense, people like Paulo are more powerful. The pink elephant in the room was The Social Network. “There are no Victoria Secret Models in Silicon Valley, I wish my

1 Internet tech entrepreneur and investor Sean Parker talking to author Paulo Coelho 2 Alef was released in Brazil and Turkey in 2010 and immediately went to #1 in all major best­selling lists

life was that exciting,” Sean replies to Paulo’s question about his personal opinion on his portrayal in the movie.


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 05:15 PM

Aenne Burda Award Natalie Massenet, Maria Furtwängler-Burda With ‘Net-A-Porter’, fashion visionary Natalie Massenet founded the biggest luxury fashion portal for women on the Internet. For her pioneering work, she is awarded with the Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership at DLD11. The Pallas Athena statue is handed over by actress and DLDwomen chairwoman Maria Furtwängler-Burda. In her laudatory speech, she highlightes Massenet’s willpower: “You did not wait until someone called you into a corporate board – you made it yourself.” When Natalie Massenet set up a designer fashion portal for women ten years ago in London, she first came across scepticism; the luxury labels were not convinced about her idea to sell high fashion on the Internet. Regardless, Natalie Massenet silenced all critics and now sells shoes, clothes, accessories, and handbags from designers such as Louis Vuitton, Fendi and Balmain on the online portal Net-A-Porter. In April 2010, though, Massenet sold her share in Net-A-Porter to the Swiss firm Richemont luxury but remains 1

chairwoman. Moreover, “Mr. Porter”, a luxury portal for men, was launched in February 2011. Since 2006, the award pays homage to Aenne Burda, the visionary entrepreneur who turned a small publishing house into one of the world’s largest fashion pub-


Pallas Athena Statue – The Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership. 2 The Burda Family at DLD11: Jacob, Lisa, publisher Hubert and Maria FurtwänglerBurda

lishing houses. Previous winners include Google’s VP Marissa Mayer, Flickr CoFounder Caterina Fake, cross-media entrepreneur Martha Stewart, Internet 2

entrepreneur Esther Dyson, and Mozilla Founder Mitchell Baker.

jan 23, 2011 | 05:15 PM | DLD11


people who have intuition,  Theare “who willing to take risks,

who are customer-centric, who are looking at design are going to be able to create all sorts of new businesses.

Natalie Massenet | Net–a-porter.COM

equality is not  Gender “about saying that men

and women are the same, it’s about really appreciating that there are unique perspectives each can offer. Maria Furtwängler-Burda



Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday launches brand new products 4 Net-A-Porter offers 52 weeks of original editorial content. Among it the Net-a-Porter online magazine. 5 The Net-A-Porter TV channel where users can watch and get the latest scoop of fashion insights 3

2010: Mitchell Baker

2009: Esther Dyson

2008: Martha Stewart

2007: Caterina Fake

2006: Marissa Mayer

Awardees of the “Aenne Burda Award for Creative Leadership”


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 05:30 PM


“ When your negative reviews are between 5 and 15% your sales actually go up, because they give credibility to the positive reviews. ”


Personal sketches from H&M’s former Head of Design, now creative advisor, Margareta van den Bosch 2 Winner of the Aenne Burda Award 2011, Natalie Massenet, sharing her vision on crowdsourced fashion

Scott Galloway | L2 2


stage in the game  At this “there are certain truths

that we take to be self   evident. The first one is that people will spend   money, quite a lot of money, online, the second is that consumers want to interact with brands whether on   Facebook or on Twitter.

you  I think “have to do both,

of course you have to create things that   surprise them that they don’t know what they want, but you also have to listen to them and see what is their   inspiration.

Margareta van den Bosch | H&M

Vanessa Friedman | Financial Times

Fashion Margareta van den Bosch, Scott Galloway, Natalie Massenet, Vanessa Friedman What is the use of crowdsourcing for fashion brands? Moderator Vanessa Friedman (Financial Times) gets together with Natalie Massenet (Net-A-Porter), Margareta van den Bosch (H&M), and Scott Galloway (NYU) to talk about digital opportunities in fashion. The main discussion focuses on the question whether the customers still want strong curators or prefer bringing in their own ideas and designs. Margareta believes it has to be a mixture of both, fresh external input and internal expert knowledge. Acknowledging the opportunities of customization, Natalie mentions the choice of a thousand variations for a trench coat or the possibility to reorder things out of old collections as well as a better predictability of sales. On the other hand, Scott doesn’t see crowdsourcing as a huge field for luxury brands to soon – yet many of them have to learn to communicate with their customers. He rather sees the importance of crowdsourced marketing – especially the most successful tool to boost sales: user reviews on the website.

jan 23, 2011 | 06:10 PM | DLD11

Her shut eyelids the screen, projecting her dreams the mise en scene, reflecting n perfecting what she had seen 8; 16, 35, mm frames encompass her passion in a digital age an open aperture, which kept her depth of field shallow






DJ and producer Doe Diggler with Jolly Jay & H-to-O and Marc Miethe in the photo studio @ DLD11 2 Europe‘s leading Didgeridoo pioneer Marc Miethe supporting the Berlin-based anglo-german hip hop crew JollyJay & H-to-O at their performance

wide-eyed, naïve, canted angles, seems paro depicting the truth 24 times a second the hopeless romantic, with a lens as her weapon the femme fatal, in a patriarchal art house distorted anamorphic situations but she laughs loud

DLD Music Jolly Jay & H-to-O, Doe Diggler, Marc Miethe

24 1



Perhaps the airport of the future? Spaceport America is a Virgin Galactic concept for a terminal hangar 2 Could this soon be you? – Astronauts floating in zero gravity 3 Are we the only ones out there? The SpaceX: DragonLab™ is unique in orbit 4 WIRED Editor Spencer Reiss

“ The last 10 years have really been the be­ginning of a renaissance and we are right now where we really should have been in 1969, the day after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon. ” Eric Anderson | Space Adventures

We actually “think we’ll

do, as many   as 500 flights in the first year and if   we do that we’ll fly more people to space in   1 year than has been in space in the entire history of human kind.

New Space Mission Eric Anderson, George Whitesides, Spencer Reiss Today, we are seeing an increasing transformation of space travel from the government domain to private businesses. On stage, Spencer Reiss (WIRED) invites Eric Anderson (Space Adventures) and George Whitesides (Virgin Galactic) to talk about the status quo of space travel. “It is a strategic interest of humanity to be able to go to space. We are living on a little blue dot,” stresses Eric. Commercial interest wasn’t

always as strong. During the cold war, the Soviet Union and the US were the only major players.

George Whitesides | Virgin Galactic

But this has since changed and people of means have been buying space trips to the ISS. Virgin Galactic is steadily approaching the possibility of space travel for the masses. 250,000 USD for a space trip is still not exactly comparable to an intercontinental flight, but the price will decrease as soon as the technology gets more advanced. George speculates that it might even be the same price as an SUV in five years time. With more private money, the possibilities will increase while the price will sink. Responding to Spencer’s question if governments should get out of the space business completely, George believes that NASA and ESA should be responsible for the exploration and



extending the reach of humankind with potential Mars missions.

jan 23, 2011 | 07:00 PM | DLD11




Virgin Galactic: In Air Banking. Conceptual image of VMS Eve and SpaceShipTwo in flight

we start and  When “read the script we

actually start with pencils on paper   and then use 3D. Daniel Simon | TRON Designer


all pictures: “Tron: Legacy” © Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.



TRON: LEGACY Daniel Simon Nearly three decades after the original Tron movie blew our minds with its black-light look, computer-generated imagery has radically altered filmmaking. Now the sequel of the original sci-fi movie has been produced and has again set new visual standards. At DLD 2011, Marcel Reichart (DLD) interviews Daniel Simon (Cosmic Motors) about Tron: Legacy and his contribution to create and design the vehicles for the iconic movie. In 2005, he founded Daniel Simon Studio that offers design services to clients within the automotive industry as well as movie studios. In parallel, Daniel


TRON: Legacy art: Stunning sketches and… 2 …amazing 3D renderings track the creation process of the futuristic rides in TRON: Legacy 3 The Walt Disney Company Germany gave DLD an exclusive screening of TRON: Legacy

designs futuristic virtual vehicles for his brand Cosmic Motors. Against this background, he was assigned for the vehicle design in Tron: Legacy. In his work process, he deconstructed the designs by concept artist David Levy to nuts and bolts and worked on all the details. When recomposing the elements, he balanced between paying homage to Syd Mead’s original designs and putting his own ideas into his work.

jan 23, 2011 | 07:05 PM | DLD11


future is not some The to “thing be predicted,

the future is something to be achieved.


we go beyond just    Could information “sharing or

sharing knowledge to get to the point where we are  actually starting to share our intelligence. Perhaps even creating some kind of   limited conciousness   within an organization,   within a community or even beyond. Don Tapscott | MOXIE Insight



Don Tapscott What is wrong with the world, and how do we fix it? In his new book Macrowikinomics, Don Tapscott takes his innovation-through-Wikification approach to the next level. According to Don, we need to reboot our institutions, like financial services, newspapers, and many others. He takes us on a quick tour, demonstrating how our institutions are unable to face the kind of challenges that a global, strongly interconnected society faces: universities are losing their monopoly over higher education, newspapers bring us comfort rather than news. “Our systems for global problemsolving are stalled.” The answer: Collaboration! He gives an outlook on how interconnected intelligence might look like and if our intelligence can be shared on a global scale. In this new age of networked intelligence, businesses and communities are bypassing crumbling institutions. In conclusion, mass communications are being used to revolutionize the way we work, live, learn, create and care for one another.


Wikinomics reloaded: Don Tapscott’s latest book Macrowiki­nomics 2 A swarm of starlings, to visualize the ability of many indi­ viduals collaborating consciously 3 Don Tapscott presenting his vision on macrowikinomics and collaborative intelligence



DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | Lip Dub

DLD11 participants had the chance to become part of a Lipdub, a crowd足 sourced music video. Participants sang and acted along with the lyrics of the song Footloose, lip-syncing and using props and costumes that were collected before hand. It was a one-shot video, that was the challenge and the fun!

jan 23, 2011 | lip dub | DLD11




Yosi Taguri, director and initiator of the lipdub at DLD, posing between breaks at the DLD photo studio

DLD11 | jan 23, 2011










Dennis Crowley and Maria Eliyesil at Louis Hotel Bar 2 Longtime DLD friend Jeff Pulver in conversation in the Maxsaal 3 Interview at DLD: Bjarke Ingels and Nele Heinevetter 4 Icelandic President Ă“lafur Ragnar Grimsson and his wife Dorit Moussaieff enjoying the DLD11 conference 5 Peter Vesterbacka, unleasher of the popular game Angry Birds, wearing a bird hoodie 6 Linda Abraham from comScore knows her numbers and is happy to share them 7 Mystician Ugesh Sarcar captivated the audience with his performances 8 Nikesh Arora, Juan Enriquez, Sanjay Parthasarathy and Marcel Reichart enjoying a session 9 DLD11 audience: listening and having fun




jan 23, 2011 | DLD11









8 1


Paul-Bernhard Kallen in an interesting lobby conversation 2 Maria Furtw채ngler-Burda speaking with Matthias Mattussek (Spiegel) 3 Deepak Chopra sharing his insights 4 Lakshmi Pratury, surfing the web, getting ready for her session 5 Came in traditional clothing and great spirit: Bright Simons (mPedigree) 6 Esther Dyson and Hubert Burda catching up 7 Hans Ulrich Obrist scouting the program with Ginevra Elkann and Massimo Redaelli 8 Steffi Czerny & Yossi Vardi, friends for a long time: You never know what those two are planning next. 9 Snapshot from the DLD11 audience: Jenny E. Jung & Nadia Zaboura


DLD11 | jan 23, 2011 | 08:00 PM

Jacob Burda & Asha Jadeja

Sean Parker &

Olafur Ragnar Grimsson

Somaly Mam & Brandee Barker chairmen’s Dinner @ Jewish Community Centre of Munich

Maria Furtwangler-Burda

The Oetkers & Paul-Bernhard Kallen

Leonie Casanova

Lo c le Meur

The President of Iceland

Deepak Chopra &

Hubert Burda & Yossi Vardi

Randi Zuckerberg &

Dirk Stroer

& Christoph Schuh


Mel Rosenberg


Konstantin Sixt, Kristina Bohlmann, Michael Bültmann, Rupert Stadler, Erich Sixt


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 08:45 AM

“Eventually Digital will be the lead media. People will start with the digital plan, not start with the TV plan.” Mark Read | WPP

German Heavy clickers account for a small proportion of the Internet population 3% 4% 8%

19% 27%




85% 18% Internet Population Non

Click the    Is the “right metric for

display advertising   effectiveness? Linda Abraham | comScore


Clickers Moderate

Heavy clickers: not representative non-clickers

Services Search/Navigation Entertainment Portals Conversational Media

Only 15% of the total German online population actually clicked on a display ad. Heavy clickers, who accounted for 3% of the German online population, generated 62% of the clicks.*

Clicks Heavy

Sales Impact comparable to tv BehaviorScan tests conducted over one year period comScore studies over three months**



TV (BehaviorScan)

Internet (comScore)

heavy clickers Gambling Career Services Education Health

Hypothesis: More precise targeting ability of the Internet allows more impressions to be delivered against target audience on a given period of time.

The online behaviour patterns of nonclickers do not mirror the behaviour of the online population at large.*

The internet can have an impact on brand buildig metrics just the same as TV.*

* Source: comScore Marketing Solutions, Germany, August 2010

* * Assumes 40% HH Internet reach against target

Advertising Beyond Click Linda Abraham, Samir Arora, Mark Read, Christoph Schuh, David Kirkpatrick Are clicks still the right metric for the measurement of online ads? Linda Abraham kicks off the discussion, talking about a study ComScore did on ad-clicks in the German market. The surprising outcome: Virtually nobody clicks, 99 percent of ads are ignored by the users, and accordingly the click-through-rate is decreasing. The small percentage that clicks, is interested in ads from fields, such as: Gambling, Career Services, Education and Health. But: Digital ad campaigns do have an impact on brand building that is comparable to TV. Trademark search queries go up and sales are driven by +27% online and +17% offline. Result: We have to look at awareness, sales, engagement and interaction as well. Christoph Schuh explains that from the 75 billion dollars in the digital advertising market, only 10 billion are booked on branding, and 50 billion are coming from search. The general opinion on the panel is that digital brand building works well and has to be integrated as a measure. WPP Digital CEO Mark Read adds that possibly the usual banners are not the right thing. He suggests

jan 24, 2011 | 08:45 AM | DLD11


is    The publisher “taking all the risks

if the click is the currency.

Christoph Schuh | Tomorrow Focus AG


“Branding will be done where time engagement is highly prevelent and you can influence the consumer and engage the consumer  – not just one directionally but also socially”


Samir Arora | Glam Media

that richer formats and better integration with other media are needed. Moreover, the relation between money spent on search and display needs to be changed, says Mark. Concluding this would lead to a fairer share between publishers and advertisers. He proposes that “2011 is supposed to be the year of video”. More precisely, moving images and music are much more engaging and brand building, and that eventually, digital will be the lead media. Samir Arora talks about the fundamental change in the last years; pretty much everyone became a consumer of this medium. Consumers are way more engaged than before, where people only read about the development of the Web. The same shift happened to businesses: Today brands know what strategies they want and need. Everyone has to understand the fact that there is a revolution for a complete reprogramming of consumption by consumers. This is how Web 2.0 works, explains Samir. Glam Media found out, that people who spend the most time engaging with content also spent the most on products, but clicked the least. They build on engaging ads as a first step and social feeds as a second part.

1 Example for an visually engaging creative ad on FOCUS Online 2 David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, moderating the session Advertising Beyond Click


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 08:45 AM


“Meeauwww”, Talking Tom Cat repeats what you say in cat style 2 The opening screen of the game Angry Birds: Makes you look forward to move.


“ We are basically a toy company. We are com­peting with the mattels of the world.” Andrej Nabergoj | Outfit7


People are “engaging a lot

more with Angry Birds than with Mickey Mouse. Peter Vesterbacka | Rovio


3  Source: DISTIMO Report Full Year 2010


Dean Takahashi, moderator of the session Appland Europe, and lead writer for GamesBeat at VentureBeat 4 Ilja Laurs, founder and CEO of GetJar with Igor Pusenjak, creator of Doodle Jump

Appland europe Ilja Laurs, Andrej Nabergoj, Igor Pusenjak, Peter Vesterbacka, Dean Takahashi Dean Takahashi, who covers video games for VentureBeat, leads this panel through a discussion about the state of gaming and the enormously growing app economy. Dean provides the stat that “in just two and a half years Apple has had more than 10 billion downloads from the app store.” The games made by the present panellists include Angry Birds and Doodle Jump, two apps that broke all records of success. Still, Peter Vesterbacka, for instance, has developed endless games without success until he finally came up with Angry Birds. Surprisingly, the competition for these app gaming companies does not necessarily lie within their own industry but is with toy companies. Responding to the question how money is made in this industry, Ilja Laurs points out: “There are only two sources of money. One is consumers buying your things within the app economy. The other is advertising coming into the economy”. Here, the platforms differ vastly – much more money is spent on the iOS platform than on Android. Rounding off the panel, unisono predictions are made for 2011: ongoing growth of downloads and continuous expansion of Android.

jan 24, 2011 | 09:30 AM | DLD11


Global Mobile vs. Desktop Internet User Projection, 2007– 2015 Internet Users (MM)


Fastest Growing Mobile Categories in EU5 by total Audience + 75%

1,600 1,200 800

Mobile Internet Users Desktop Internet Users


40,000 35,000











Source: Morgan Stanley Research

25,000 + 80%

20,000 15,000

+ 71%

+ 86% + 79%

+ 82%

+ 71% + 76%


+ 70%

+ 71%


Source: The comScore 2010 Mobile Year in Review


Real Estate Listings

Television Guides

Social Networking

Men’s Magazine Content

Dec 10

Women’s Magazine Content

Online Retail

General Reference

Dec 09

Shopping Guides

Auction Sites


I will notifbe “surprised


credit cards in   the next 5 years   will no longer   exist.

René Schuster | Telefónica O2 Germany

Mobile Strategies René Schuster Kicking off the session, René Schuster (Telefónica O2 Germany) gives insights into the expanding mobile App industry and the upcoming megatrends he sees in the future. Under the motto ‘App your life’ he sets the focus on Apps easing the lives of customers and businesses. He highlights

1 The future of payments: Pay on the go with your smartphone

that the relationship between business and customer is changing by constant assessment and product rating. For example, shoppers are able to read product reviews right in the shop through smartphones. One key megatrend is the ‘near field communication chip’. It offers the possibility to pay bills via the smartphone. This invention will “free us from the hustle of carrying cash and coins”, explains René. Another striking trend is the new mobile network LTE (Long Term Evolution). According to him, “The data transport speed of mobile devices will be 30 times faster than they are today”. Research of IDC backs his prediction that the new app world will bring along endless opportunities for a huge market: “Global revenues from app sales alone will reach 35 billion dollars by 2014”. This equals seven times the revenue of 2010.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 09:45 AM



“Visualizing data is like photography”: 10 Million Facebook connections from all over the world

Facebook Facts:

500 million   active users More than

50% of active users log on to

Facebook on any given day More than 30

billion pieces of content shared each month

People spend over 700

billion minutes per month on

Facebook Since social plugins launched in April 2010, an average of

10,000 new websites

integrate with Facebook every day

are moving from  Wewis­dom “the of crowds to the wisdom of friends. Dan Rose | Facebook

Spotlight Dan Rose, David Kirkpatrick Nobody has used the Internet as the two-way communication that it really is, says Dan Rose; “Facebook finally tries to leverage that potential.” He joined the company in 2006, coming from Amazon where he was responsible for the development of Kindle. In his spotlight talk with David Kirkpatrick The Facebook Effect, he points out there are already 2.5 million websites that integrated Facebook on their sites. In the long run, it is more


likely that Facebook will further develop outside on linked pages rather than on their own site. The integration of social plugins such as the “Like”-button bears huge potential for external sites. Reportedly, it is bringing traffic up significantly. He stresses that Facebook is the first social network using word of mouth to deliver news: people read the news because friends recommended it them. Being asked for the importance of getting into the retail market, Dan comments that Amazon and Ebay have already integrated Facebook plugins on their sites some months ago. Finally, he explains the positive correlation of time spent on FB and sales and confirms the companies’ interest in retail. Dan foresees that 2

The German version of Kirkpatrick’s 2010 book The Facebook Effect published in cooperation with DLD

there are some innovations coming up soon, such as discounts for products that are “liked” most, for instance.

jan 24, 2011 | 09:45 AM | DLD11



we need a new name for    I really thinkThe “‘smartphones’. words ‘phones’ shouldn’t

be in there and the other thing is that   ‘smart’ is not the correct term yet.

Claude Zellweger | One & Co

just want their    People “lives easier – they   want things to work. ” Albert Shum | Microsoft

“ ... I don’t want our phones to outsmart us. ” Felix Petersen | Nokia

1 Early sketches by Claude Zellweger for the HTC Diamond 2 The Windows Phone 7 start screen can be personalized and updates you about all you want to know 3 Concept images shown at MWC2011. These are not actual products, just artist renderings of what the Nokia-Microsoft collaboration could produce.



Design Mobile Felix Petersen, Albert Shum, Claude Zellweger, Fred Vogelstein “Phones become our primary computer devices, so user interface and content needs to evolve,” Fred Vogelstein of WIRED magazine inaugurates the session. The panellists Felix Petersen (Nokia), Albert Shum (Microsoft) and Claude Zellweger (One & Co/HTC) all agree on the fact that phones are very personal devices. “Your phone is your companion and you would not leave home with­out it” thinks Albert. Consequently, the development of manufacturing hard and software of phones needs to concentrate on this bond. “In order to get smart, a phone needs to anticipate what you’re about to do”, Claude continues. Therefore hard and software must be in line. This requires that the hardware is designed accordingly to what the phone absorbs from different industries, be it cameras or music players. Further, Felix adds that ‘soon we will see services designed around the category of ‘us’”, which questioned how services change if we all use it together at the same time. At the end, Albert wraps up that ‘it is all about creating better, connecting experiences and anticipating what the end-user wants.’


Fred Vogelstein, a contributing editor at Wired magazine, enjoyed moderating the Design Mobile session



DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 10:05 AM

Demo Claus Zimmermann

TV you might call that product placement, “on On the internet for video we call it dynamic ad areas. ” Claus Zimmermann | Impossible Software




1 Demonstration of how advertising space can be integrated into motion pictures using Impossible Software: A) Picture from an original video footage, B) Identified Ad Area in the video, C) Advertising inserted into video

DLD Garage Twenty companies were selected from the many applications and recommendations put forward for the DLD Garage startup program and these 20 were invited to the DLD Conference. The aim of the initiative was to find up-and-coming internet companies with the potential to disrupt the market in their particular sectors and link those companies to the DLD-Community. Some of the startups were also included in the DLD Conference program. Chaired by Yossi Vardi, DLD Garage was supported by a team of distinguished international DLD-network partners: ACCEL Partners (Sonali de Rycker), TechCrunch (Mike Butcher) and TOMORROW FOCUS AG (Stefan Winners).

E G A R GA ing realfor find e ic v r e as nt al conte time loc

a bookmarking servi ce which allows you to store int eresting articles centrally to read later

JamRT’s real-time technology transforms any online video into a music game

a marketplace

of Facebook k along the lines a career networ

for natural prod ucts

a company which aims to liberate and change travel search behind the scenes

a micro-payment servic e

ere online platform wh an rmation fo in ge an tenants can exch

for a browser-based music platform producing ing, pos com in anyone interested sic mu and publishing

an edutainment to ol for creating ph oto collages on th iPhone and iPad e

local a video-based, search engine

a platform boutiques

for finding out about fashion via user-created with products from familiar online shops

a search engine and platform for booking train tickets

a social network for and scientists

atform allowing a collaborative pl dio files a marketplace fo r independ e and promote au fashion acc ent musicians to shar essory desi gners

ourcing a crowds for n platform o translati s lm and fi TV series

benefit from A service which helps people they have the social & reputation capital built online


suring real-time, a service for mea blic sentiment location-based pu

a marketplace for baby and child products


jan 24, 2011 | 10:10 AM | DLD11


the    We are freeing “Europeans best software

developers from their   day jobs and really want to help them to create their own game changing   companies. Lars Hinrichs | HackFwd

of constantly  This ideainto “bumping each

other and bumping into   mentors that’s what   we are trying to foster.

Reshma Sohoni | Seedcamp 1

How it works at HackFwd. Here’s how the entrepreneurs’ experience might look 2 The seedcamp early-stage micro seed investment and mentoring program explained in eight simple steps

need is    What weourreally “creating own European strong tech companies. ”


Stefan Glänzer | White Bear Yard


European Start-Up Accelerators Stefan Glänzer, Lars Hinrichs, Jean-Paul Schmetz, Reshma Sohoni, Mike Butcher What’s the difference of the old incubator model to start-ups today? What distinguishes the disparity between Europe and Silicon Valley? Stefan Glänzer (White Bear Yard), Lars Hinrichs (HackFwd), Jean-Paul Schmetz (10betterpages), Reshma Sohoni (Seedcamp) and moderator Mike Butcher (TechCrunch) tackle these topics and give answers. The Start-Up Accelerator is accentuated as a new model that goes beyond financing. It invests in multiple Start-Ups, provides an educational

“ I think there will be some­ thing like a band, like pop stars – We are the producers, we test them if they can play and then we are going to help them to fine tune their style.” Jean-Paul Schmetz | 10betterpages

program in business and product development, legal support, and is backed by a mentorship network.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 10:15 AM

“In the end hopefully AR will disappear in the sense that it will be seemlesly integrated in your everyday life. You will learn with it, you will have fun with it, without actually choosing it.”

A “ ugmented Reality is not an application, for me it's an interface revolution.”

Peter meier//metaio

marten lens-fitzgerald// Layar

Stanley Yang//Neurosky


Laurent gil//Viewdle

David Rowan//wired Magazine

“We are giving smartphones human eyes.”

DLD Audience


Measuring his neural waves right on stage was Stanley Yang from Neurosky

Augmented Reality Laurent Gil, Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, Peter Meier, Stanley Yang, David Rowan “How far is this a revolution in the way we interact with the Internet” David Rowan from WIRED Magazine UK initiates the session on Augmented Reality. Responding to that, Maarten Lens-FitzGerald (Layar) is certain that “Augmented Reality is the next mass media”. A prerequisite, how­-

Annual revenues generated by mobile AR applications and services

ever, is that it needs to become more accessible and affordable for everyone. The panellists highlight a few of the possible uses of Augmented Reality, which include historical information, art and architecture, and of course commercial uses. Soon, our phones will have “computer vision”; they will be able to recognize the people they are pointed at, shows Laurent Gil

$ 2 m 2010

(Viewdle). Peter Meier (Metaio) adds that through the enhancement of the devices, AR is finally 2015

Source: Juniper Research / Mobile Augmented Reality Report

taken seriously. Finally, a real eye-opener is Stanley Yang’s demonstration of the bio-sensor, invented by his company NeuroSky. The headset allows interfacing directly with computers where a “sensor is reading the brain waves”, he explains.



DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 11:20 AM


Let it rise

1 Salesforce Cloud 2 Initiative: Cloud 2 represents the new generation of real-time enterprise applications that are social, mobile, and built in the cloud

Marc Benioff, Padmasree Warrior, Dan Reed, Ludwig Siegele “Cloud computing is one of the most hyped stories of the last few years,” finds Ludwig Siegele (The Economist). Letting the session rise, Marc Benioff starts talking about the shift in cloud computing. The CEO of states that the world has moved from “cloud one” to “cloud two”. He defines cloud one as: using a desktop computer, clicking on a mouse button, being unaware of other people’s location. Now, in cloud two, people are using touch screens to control their computers, always knowing where their friends are and using mobile devices instead of desktop computers. Marc says it had been a “huge, incredible leap” from pulling to pushing information. The new cloud is easy to use, fast, social, mobile and open. Salesforce’s actual software focuses on the concept of ubiquity and compatibility. It looks like Facebook, but has a lot of data integrated. You can not only see your colleagues

is cloud computing?    What “Well to us the idea is that it is

and groups but access valid information about your company and your own work. can be used on a mobile device like an iPad, iPhone or a desktop computer.

multi-tenancy. Multi-tenancy   is a shared approach to services, automatic upgrades, pay as you go, real time and really five times faster than the traditional software hardware model.

Padmasree Warrior, CTO of Cisco, talks about the change of

Marc Benioff | Salesforce

employment. The goal of cloud computing should be to bring

how we access and process information. In the past, it was about generating and granting access to information. “Now, there is an overload of information – and we have to focus on the value that can be created out of specific information,” she points out. In this new world – Padmasree calls it “The Networked Economy 2.0” – experts should be able to play multiple roles in a company. That goes along with a new concept of these experts together. She is convinced that video is going to play a much bigger role in the future of cloud computing, and

jan 24, 2011 | 11:20 AM | DLD11

“ Speed and agility are the primary drivers for the adoption of cloud computing.” Padmasree Warrior | Cisco

The Next Internet The Network Platform

Media Experience Platform

Collaboration Platform


Distibuted Virtualized Architecture

Data Transport

Messaging Platform

Price / Performance

Vertically Intergrated Architecture

The First Internet IP Network

Data Transport

Messaging Platform

Vertically Intergrated Architecture

Price / Performance

Mobility / Global Scale  / Content in Context / Rich Interaction Time

Cloud computing as an Engine of Growth: top u.s. Cities Top 5 things cloud services allowed you to do







Reduce IT Workload Deploy new function/applications faster Improve bottom line, cost savings Scale technology as the business grows and develops Abandon legacy systems







Improve bottom line, cost savings Provide increased security Reduce IT Workload Ensure we have always the latest updates or versions Deploy new function/applications faster

Source: Cloud Computing as a Engine of Growth Study, Oct 2010; Study sponsored by Microsoft

All successful “technologies   are invisible. ” Dan Reed | Microsoft

that real time video to communicate or collaborate will change


Moderator Ludwig Siegele from The Economist

health care or education. Dan Reed of Microsoft predicts “a cloudy, many device world”. However, he says there is a danger of “future shock” when technology develops too fast and people can’t really follow. He sees cloud computing as a way to assist people in their daily lives. “How do we use computers to enable creativity?” he asks. For him cloud computing should be like an assistant to you. “It makes you look better than you really are. It understands your emotional context, and helps you to be pro­ ductive.” Dan concludes that using the data force of cloud


computing could enable new inventions. Up up in the sky!



DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 11:20 AM


“ Ideas come from everywhere! ” Marissa Mayer | Google

can promote your own  You and “work need 999 people

to vote and support you to   make this happen. Kohei Nishiiyama | elephant design



1 The Google Highly Open Participation Contest shows Google’s support for Open Source Inno­ vation 2 Came well prepared: Linda Tischler from Fast Company moderated the panel 3 User co-created LEGO Products on, which provides users an uni­ que platform, offering various opportunities for product development of LEGO products

Open Innovation Beth Comstock, Marissa Mayer, Kohei Nishiyama, Jens Martin Skibsted, Linda Tischler Open Innovation is the concept of fostering innovation by applying the open source paradigm. Including two global corporations and two design-focused firms, the panel draws a balanced picture of this crowd-sourced technique. “The community was the most interesting experience”, explains Beth Comstock (GE) in reference to a platform to collect and finance ideas about ways to innovate energy. Kohei Nishiyama (Elephant Design) presents Cuusoo, an online user community that collects wishes. He shows a LEGO kit that was completely designed by users. Marissa Mayer points out that Google has a policy of allowing their developers to spend 20% of their time on innovative projects. Being a very tech-driven company, Google also stays true to the agile models of software developers: Release early, release often. The assumption that the competition cannot reproduce your product is most likely not true, warns Jens Martin Skibsted (KiBiSi). In consequence, he suggests sharing should be more open as this accelerates innovation for everybody in the industry.

jan 24, 2011 | 11:20 AM | DLD11

step towards taking a culture we  It’s one “know from digital media onto the physical world of industrial products. ” Jens Martin Skibsted | Biomega/KiBiSi

Biomega bike: Its goal is to create a paradigm shift in the way society imagines transportation.

4 GE’s ecomagination challenge. Powering Your Home was Phase II of the GE ecomagination Challenge, a $200 million innovation experiment in collaboration of businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators and students


sur­  Whatusreally “prised was

95% Competition


Value of Innovation

feel innovation can drive a more competitive economy

believe that innovation will happen when the general public is convinced of the value that innovation will bring to their lives




feel innovation can create a greener economy

feel innovation is the best way to create jobs

feel that innovation happens when local universities and schools provide a strong model for tomorrow’s leaders

Go Green

Universities & Schools


86% Partnership

feel partnership is more important than stand-alone success

87% Society

feel we should bring value to society as a whole not only to individuals

Improve Lives

can successfully change citizens’ lives in the next 10 years in:

90% 87% 84% 84% Communications

Health Quality

Job Market

Environmental Quality



agree that when the protection of the copyright and patent are effective then innovation can occur

believe that innovation will occur when private investors are supportive of companies that need funds to innovate

Patent Protection

Budget 48% Allocation

believe that when government and public officials set aside an adequate share of their budget to support innovative companies, innovation can brew

Private Investors

the community that was built.   100,000 people came and participated. That was   a real benefit. Beth Comstock | GE

Government Support 43%

think innovation can occur when governmental support for innovation is efficiently organized and coordinated

Data collected from an independent survey of 1,000 senior business executives across 12 countries on the state and perception of innovation

Source: GE Global Innovation Barometer 2011


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 12:05 PM


ambition of turning  The “the city into a socially,

economically and environmentally perfect place – I like to call it   pragmatic utopia.

Bjarke Ingels | BIG




1 BIG Architecture Project: Amagerforbraending – waste-toenergy treatment plant and ski run 2 BIG Architecture Project: 8 House in Copenhagen 2010 3 BIG Architecture Project: The Danish Pavillion, at EXPO 2010 in Shanghai, including an interactive bike and harbour area

Science/fiction Urbanism Jeffrey Inaba, Geoffrey West, Bjarke Ingels Urbanism is the art and science of collectively contemplating and creating our place to live in the future. This panel brings together scientist Jeffrey Inaba (INABA), physician Geoffrey West (Santa Fe Institute) and architect Bjarke Ingels (BIG). Perspectives are illustrated on how a visionary approach to the city can help to frame some of the big challenges of the 21st century cities. Starting off, Jeffrey presents some of his work including a project they created, where the scenario describes fiction as a way to talk about architectural reality today. His architecture office INABA specializes in an analytical approach to form making and building that can be realized with a high degree of design resolution. About the future challenges of cities, he points out that “the main problem with alternative technologies today is how to store them.” Geoffrey focuses on the question, if our cities are sustainable. He is certain that “unless we develop a serious, integrated, comprehensive, scientifically based, quantitative, predictive theory of citizen corporations, we will not make progress.” His research and application of different laws and

jan 24, 2011 | 12:05 PM | DLD11




“ All the problems we are facing have their origin in urbanisation. ” Geoffrey West | Santa Fe Institute


scales helps to understand the deep structure of cities. This is both important in order to forecast the future of urban areas and their dwellers as well as to better adjust them to the fast changes of today’s economy, environment and society. Picking up this thought, Bjarke raises the question, “how much of our quality of life are we prepared to sacrifice in order to become sustainable.” To him, it is a question of anticipating the problem, His work and projects aim to create a more competitive standpoint for sustainability and use it to

Inaba project: Migratory Anagrams, a hypothetical proposal for the migratory distribution of the Hollywood sign across Los Angeles 5 Jeffrey Inaba talking about his projects at the DLD11 Conference

increase the quality of life. As architects “we design ecosystems that channel the flow of people and resources”, Bjarke defines his professional mission. In conclusion, urbanism is a highly relevant topic. Never before so many people have lived in urban areas. Today, the planet is more than half urbanized and by 2050, 80% of the planet will be urbanized. In the face of this development, the field of built environment has to be increasingly approached by both science and architecture to respond to the upcoming challenges.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 12:30 PM

aside the Silicon Valley meets entertainment  Well,bigputting “with deals, if you’re talking about big content deals,

that’s not what I’m really talking about. I think to me the big issue that I’m focused on are these start-ups, and the   difference in culture between Silicon Valley and the world of entertainment. There are a lot of practical issues in it.   In Hollywood I remember since I was 17 or 18 I would always hear, ‘never put up your own money.’ It’s something they   put into your brain, never put up your own money. Top talent rarely is paying for their own albums; they are rarely putting money into their own films. In Silicon Valley, I think, that start-ups could really benefit from having entertainment helping them spread the message, yet there’s no connectivity there because start-ups are not making sponsorship deals. Which is all that my world understands: these traditional sponsorship deals. So, these start-ups are looking for, when they are doing angel investing, I believe that a lot of these start-ups could really use the push; if a start-up knows who their audience is, if they are going into the teen market, and they know that a Justin Bieber would give them a leg up maybe having him invest as an angel, there are sometimes twenty angels in a round, why not have a really great talent or even a brand, come into that round as an investor.   So the disconnect is that Hollywood doesn’t invest really and they’re not used to it, and Silicon Valley does not know   how to connect to that.

Guy Oseary | Maverick

1 Madonna’s manager Guy Oseary in conversation with Economist correspondant Ludwig Siegele


hollywood meets silicon valley Guy Oseary, Ludwig Siegele

jan 24, 2011 | 12:35 PM | DLD11



how can we    Thinking “enable mobility and what

we need to do – to certain degree risking cannibali-  zation of the traditional car, but enabling mobility and making sure that we really fulfill the need. Martin Zimmermann | Daimler AG


Spotlight Martin Zimmermann, Jennifer L. Schenker Tech expert Jennifer L. Schenker (Informilo) interviews Martin Zimmermann (Daimler AG) about the changing consumer behaviour of car users. Cars are seen and used in a different way today; “People do not see cars a status symbol anymore, but basically as an easy way to get from A to B – and that is what we have to take into account and organize”, he points out. In response to this, two creative ideas have been worked out at Daimler: car2go and car2gether.

1 Long in the business: Journalist Jennifer Schenker moderated the conversation 2 Car2go – a carsharing initiative that lets people book and ride cars with­out owning them

Car2go is a completely new type of mobility option. It’s a personal and flexible system that grants you the advantages of owning your own car minus the hassle and expense. The principle is simple: Whenever you need a car, you can book one of the 300 Smart vehicles staged in convenient locations all over the city. Car2gether on the other hand is a car sharing service that uses social platforms to communicate the service. People offer or search for shared rides. Both car-sharing models are used alongside existing public transportation and serve to substantially reduce the emissions and congestion in dense urban cores.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 12:50 PM

that consumers regardless “of So background, gender, income,

religion etc. when they are still in the pharmacy, they can make a quick decision whether this medicine can save them or kill them and do so for free. Bright Simons | mPedigree

Technology countering counterfeit drugs in the developing world



Pharmacists are informing their customers about the code they have to scratch free and text it to the service… 2 …in order to get instant confirmation of the legitimacy of their medication

Prescription drugs in the developing world


Demo Bright Simons Counterfeit medicines are reckoned by experts to kill at least 2000

Mobile technology in the developing world

people daily in the developing world and can constitute more than 40% of all medicines on sale. Responding to this dramatic situation, Bright Simons invented mPedigree. The system allows consumers to instantly verify with a free text message whether a drug is counterfeit or real. The consumer texts a non-duplicable code and in 2.5 seconds a response is sent to the mobile phone which informs the consumer whether it is safe or not. The most innovative about this process is the ability to align the incentive of various stakeholders, the pharmacists, regulators, drug manufacturers and telecom carriers. mPedigree partnered with HP and 30 other companies.

Sourcer: Data Central, HP Corporate blog


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 02:00 PM


Deepak Chopra’s latest book The Soul of Leadership is a guide for remembering how to access the peace and clarity the soul brings to any vision, decision, action, or non action 2 How to achieve total well-being? The five essential elements defined by Deepak Chopra (Gallup Data/

soul is your core conciousness  Theorchestrates “that the information and energy in your body. ”


Social Well­being you need   “to For have at least 6 hours of

social interaction. By the way, it   could be also on Twitter or   Facebook – If you are sending   emoticons and tell people that you love them that’s counted. Deepak Chopra | The Chopra Center for Wellbeing

Simran Satsangh Seva

Social Emotions Are contagious

6 Tastes



Apples Tomatoes Strawberries Raspberries Red Peppers Radishes Chili Peppers Pomegranates





Blueberries Blackberries Cabbage Grapes

Spinach Lettuce Chard Arugula Kale Swiss Collards Broccoli Artichokes Asparagus

Ginger Mustard Pepper Horseradish Jalapenos Onions Turmeric Cinnamon

Vitamin D Calcium

Genetic Counseling Services


Sample Acquisition

CLIA Laboratory


Confidential Results

Ongoing Condition Updates

First you provide your saliva sample using the collection tube and send it back to the lab in the envelope provided.

The CLIA-certified lab then analyzes the DNA; this usually takes about two to three weeks.

When the results of your genetic analysis are ready you will receive an e-mail.

You can then log in to your secure online account and view the report of the results.

At any time you can schedule a consultation to review the results and help you understand your genetic information.

are  Most diseases “preventable. Almost all can be delayed or prevented.

only cared about who    Evolution “had good kids – evolution didn’t care

about how long you lived. So If you wanna optimize to go to triple digits,   it’s gonna need some work on each   of our parts. David Agus | Navigenics

Life Deepak Chopra, Alexander Tsiaras, Juan Enriquez, David Agus, Lakshmi Pratury “Consciousness is the source of our life, the ground of our being,” explains Deepak Chopra. He started his presentation with a video about the development stages of an embryo. He focuses on the yet unexplained but huge role of the consciousness, not only for our complete perception of reality, but also for our health. Space, time, energy and information – everything that we call reality is a product of our consciousness. And we can change the structure of our brain: Total well-being is driven by career, finances, social well-being and physical well-being. “Your genes are not deterministic; you can turn your genes. Our body is not a structure but a process: 98% of the atoms reinvent themselves.” Deepak promises that within 4 months of meditation, sleeping well, exercise and healthy relationships, you can turn on your good genes. Alexander Tsiaras ( points out that we can control our bodies by controlling our lifestyle. “Its not about the destination, it’s about the way.” He puts up nine rules of wellness, focussing on a balanced lifestyle concerning diet, stress, sleep, relationships and so on. His company stands for scientific visualization: the use of technologies enables us to look into the inside of our bodies. This way, people can actually see the damages to their organs and other effects of unhealthy living. The visualizations tell stories to the people and use the images to help pe­ople understand how their bodies work exactly. He illustrates this concept with various

Scalable Technology: estimated Cost of Sequencing a Gene


$ 150,000,000 1998

$ 150 2008

$ 0.70 Average gene is about 27,894 base pairs Source: University of Southern California, 2009 * Source:Monsanto Annual Report Estimate, 1974


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 02:00 PM

“Evolution has not stopped – Darwin is still valid. ”


There is a substantial evidence that human beings upgrade   and upgrade continiously. 2

Pluripotent Stem Cells Neurons Bone Platelets


Lakshmi Pratury smiles as she introduces the exciting speakers of the Life panel.

Juan Enriquez | Excel Venture Management

2 Juan Enriquez explains in an illustrative way: For the first sixteen divisions, Pluripotent stem cells can be­come any single part of your body. It can be compared to, being at the top of a mountain and choosing where to ski down, and as soon as you start skiing the cells become neurons, muscles, bones or platelets and then further specialize into macrophages, or t-cells. However, last year Chinese scientists took skin cells from a mouse, and turned the skins cells into Pluripotent stem cells. They then gave birth to a mouse that was identical. Going back to the metaphor, basically the ski lift that takes stem cells, skin cells or bones cells right back up to the top of the mountain was invented. 3 The creation of the first lab-grown organ, an artificial urinary bladder by The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine.



Macrophages T Cells

examples such as smoking, unhealthy food or stress. Finally, he announces a health program that will be launched next year that allows people to reverse their bio-markers within a couple of months and make them physically younger. Juan Enriquez talks about the creation of life. We have had five cycles of extinction and new life forms up until now. He says we should not see us as the end of evolution – we have seen 24 different species of human beings, and our species has coexisted with six of them. So what might be next? We are already able to re-grow animal wings or bladders. Further on, he presents three different experiments. First, the creation of pluripotent stem cells out of the skin cells of a mouse to re-grow a whole mouse. Second, the infiltration of fluorescent fluid into the brain to track brain processes during specific movements. Two colors are used to produce a binary code that can be downloaded – which basically means you can download memories. Thirdly, Juan, Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith are a part of the company that created the first

jan 24, 2011 | 02:00 PM | DLD11



Computer generated visualization of a human egg surrounded by sperm ( 2 is known for their visual experiences to educate. Here: Mother breastfeeding her baby 3 Close-up lateral view of a couple french-kissing with the internal anatomy of the man visible in cross-section (



synthetic cell ever made. This leads up to the Homo Evolutis. “The Homo Evolutis directly and deliberately controls the evolution of its own and of other species.” David Agus is a Professor of Medicine at the USC Keck School of Medicine. He is the co-founder of Navigenics, which helps clients by allowing them to see diseases that they are genetically susceptible to. David says, “The goal of Navigenics was simple. It was to take advantage of yours and my genetic code

be the great    We couldusing “educators these

visualizations to let people understand exactly how their bodies work. Alexander Tsiaras |

and try to understand the future for each of us indivi­dually.” Navigenics uses DNA sequencing to see what diseases a person is genetically susceptible to. People can then work on preventing diseases before they come.



DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 02:00 09:45 AM PM

You create tools that can enforce transparency. So when you have these tools which are neutral, how can you guarantee that these tools are used in the right way? AK:

I think that it is very important that society is leading this course; that we all talk about why we need more transparency. What is acceptable to us as a society and what is not. This central question is something that we have to define in the future for our society to grow in a healthy manner. The only way to answer this question, if it can ever be answered, is if we make use of diverse organisations. We need a very diverse set of people who are leading this debate. We need to carry it into the heart of our society using people and organisation with experiences. DDB:

The Web has created a space in society and politics that has no presidency. There are no rules yet. So how are the ways you can come to a new set of rules that are also enforceable? AK:

I think the answer is providing a tool that is non-discriminatory to anyone who wants to use it; that is a neutral approach that you’ve taken. It’s important that the ones who provide the tool are not getting abused as a political instrument. If you provide a technology, it remains very powerful if it is neutral; if you do not use it for a specific purpose, but if you just open it up for everyone. That’s what we are trying to do with OpenLeaks. DDB:

When you look at social networks like Facebook, there is a lot of talk about transparency as well. But I think the word has various meanings. DDB: It is important to differentiate. What Facebook creates is a transparency of the individual. But for me there is no value addition in that. We are looking at a transparency that is immoral and has to be exposed. AK: What mistakes were made in the WikiLeaks phase? AK:

WikiLeaks is trying to do too many things at once. It has a lot of control over the material that is being submitted; and the moment you make decisions you become a political player. That is what we, at OpenLeaks, want to avoid and this is why we just want to provide the technology. We are not trying to be the answer for all the organisations in the world. We like to decentralize the whole topic. DDB:

So you become more of an idea and a concept than an organisation? AK:

We are just a mechanism to expose wrong-doings in the world. DDB:

You said you want to broaden the scope with OpenLeaks. Where will you broaden that scope to? AK:

We are aiming at a longterm and sustainable project and mechanism that will help the world in the future. DDB:

How do you deal with diplomacy? AK:

1 Striving for more transparency: Daniel DomscheitBerg from OpenLeaks in conversation with Andrian Kreye at DLD11

There is no definite answer to this. It can only boil down to the individual’s moral feeling. The only way you can approach this is by education. We have to learn how to act responsibly. DDB:


transparency Andrian Kreye, Daniel Domscheit-Berg

jan 24, 2011 | 02:25 pM | DLD11

of crisis: Immediate  In times “contact with the CEO to

discuss at a very high level what directions you want to take as a company. Brandee Barker | PR Expert

“ It’s a full communication society at this point and people feel that they should share. ”


The core thing that has changed is “that everything is open and trans­ parent now; there are so many new distribution channels.  Margit Wennmachers | Andreessen Horowitz

has a voice.   “So Everybody the tone in the message is the key. ” Brooke Hammerling | Brew Media Relations

Kara Swisher | AllThingsD

The Communications Difference Brandee Barker, Brooke Hammerling, Margit Wennmachers, Kara Swisher Life in the classic PR world has changed quickly in the last few years. Brandee Barker, Brooke Hammerling (Brew Media Relations), and Margit Wennmachers (Andreessen Horrowitz) share their insights as women in Tech PR with Kara Swisher. While in the beginning, marketing and PR did not matter for a company launch, nowadays it is vital from the get-go. Slowly companies understand and adapt to the fast change in the social media world. Although, “there was a lack of real understanding how things were changing”, Brooke points out. Nowadays, even CEOs are involved in the communication process and participate in the conversation on blogs. As a result of the fast development the communication landscape, journalists aren‘t as important as they used to be, and channels like Twitter or Facebook made everybody out there become a megaphone. More fundamental than the channel is the actual message. News and comments are made quickly and as they are transparent to everyone, the timing and tone has to be chosen carefully from companies, in order to avoid miscommunication. This goes up to the CEO level explains Brandee. “Mark Zuckerberg once wrote, that he likes Spotify and from that the rumor was born, that Facebook is interested in buying it.”


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 03:20 PM

Groupon’s Valuation

Groupon is talking about an IPO at a $  25 biilion valuation

Jan ’11

Groupon gets $ 950 million in funding

Nov ’11

Google tries to buy Groupon for $  6 billion.

Oct ’10

Yahoo! is rumored to be pursuing a deal with Groupon.

Aug ’10

Forbes runs a huge Profile on Groupon, naming it the fastest growing company ever to reach $ 1+ billion valuation.

Apr ’10

Groupon closes a $ 135 million round

Dec ’09

Groupon raises $ 30 million

$ 0

$ 5,000

$ 10,000

$ 15,000

1 Years from inception to $1 billion in revenue

Mar ’11

$ 20,000

Source: Silicon Alley Insider, Chart of the Day; News Reports

Groupon it’s the  With “first time in history

$ 25,000

in Millions


3 4 5, Google, Office Depot


JetBlue Airways, Yahoo!







Groupon – The fastest growing company ever Source: Capital IQ, a Standard & Poor’s business; Morgan Stanley; Thomson Reuters Fundamentals via FactSet Research Systems; Forbes

Local Markets Dennis Crowley, Andrew Mason, Marc Samwer, Kara Swisher

that local businesses have been able to pay for what really matters and that’s customers   in the door.

How do we make the world easier to use? This question was funda-

Andrew Mason | Groupon

provides some figures to underline his statement. Being asked for his

mental to Dennis Crowley when he was developing Foursquare. How do you make software that helps you find new places and meet new people? Foursquare’s game dynamics are pushing people out there and more merchants are getting involved and rewarding people who have been to their store. “It is the fastest growing company in history,” Marc Samwer (European Founders Fund) heralds Andrew Mason, the founder of Groupon, and original idea, Andrew says, “It was solving the collective action problems. Solving the problems where I want to do something, a bunch of other people want the same thing and if there was a way that we could

jan 24, 2011 | 03:20 PM | DLD11


“ Groupon had…


billion in savings   for customers   world­wide with over   Groupons purchased worldwide.


Marc Samwer | The European Founders Fund

of stuff that we think about  A lotFoursquare “with is how do we


build things that make cities easier   to use? How we make the world   easier to use?  Dennis Crowley | Foursquare


leverage our collective power – whether it is the power of action or of the buying power.” Not

Have you checked in yet? Infographic on Foursquare user’s check-in activitiy in 2010 2 Kara Swisher interviewed the young and successful entrepreneurs

only does Groupon profit the customer, but it also profits the local businesses, by allowing businesses to directly advertise to the consumer. Andrew believes that discounting is a corner stone of local e-commerce. Dennis believes his company is “Social plus Location”. Nevertheless, it was a big surprise for him when Foursquare got international. “First, it was hip to check in via Foursquare in some parts of New York or California. Now it is international. It’s happening all over the world. That was a big surprise for us, too.” Over 40 per cent of Foursquare users live outside the United States. Both Andrew and Dennis have turned down rather large offers from rather large companies (Google, Yahoo and Facebook). Dennis says that he “believes it is just too early to get off the ride. Our investors have been very supportive and now they want to see us shoot for the moon” Andrew explains that he thinks that “local e-commerce is an exciting space and we feel that we are on to something and we are excited to be building our business.”


jan 24, 2011 | 03:00 PM | DLD11


media is just a component of how  Sociallive. “people It is a fundamental way of

communicating that changes things   structurally, but it isn’t magic in a box.

made it easier for    Weprofit “non NGO’s to have

a social and dynamic   web presence within   5 minutes for free.

Chris Hughes | Jumo 1

“ We are in a time where expert information is more critical than ever. ”


Randi Zuckerberg | Facebook



Randi Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, Matthew Bishop Participation can take many shapes, ranging from the purely social to the political. Moderator Matthew Bishop (Economist) provides an overview of the impact that social networking has online in a wide range of fields. As for campaigning, Chris Hughes (Jumo) points out that social media is mainly a communications channel rather than an inherently political tool. Particularly for NGOs, social networking offers great opportunities that go well beyond the “traditional” ways of contributing to an NGO (donations and direct engagement). In the dimension of activism,

Social innovation on the Web: Ashoka’s project page on 2 Social activism through online networking: Amber Alerts Facebook page

Randi Zuckerberg explains, Facebook can provide a powerful platform to get the word out on an issue. In the political sphere, it is important to protect the user’s identity, particularly in times of crises. In Iran, Facebook didn’t save potentially data, instead they deleted as much and as quickly as they could where necessary to protect lives.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 03:25 pM

Value of Worldwide Illegal Markets 70

Illegal Arms Trafficking

Human Trafficking

USD $ (Billions)

50 40 30 20

Cocaine Trade


10 0

Human Trafficking ist the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world.  Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Wikipedia, Havocscope



How we work Social workers regularly visit places of prostitu-

Women and girls residing at AFESIP centers

tion to distribute hygiene items and condoms,

receive health care services. Many of the them

provide training on domestic violence and hu-

suffer from trauma as a result of mental, emo-

man rights and advise women on exit strategies

tional, sexual and physical abuse.

from prostitution. We identify women and girls 1

Logo: AFESIP (Agir pour les Femmes en Situation Précaire), International Human Rights Organisation 2 Somaly Mam working with girls in the Centers in Cambodia 3 Somaly Mam, founder of AFESIP and Somaly Mam Foundation with Maria Furtwängler-Burda

Medical care

who may be victims of trafficking or sex slavery

Vocational training

as well as educating buyers and the community

The ultimate objective is to enable the benefi-

about sexual health and trafficking.

ciaries to attain self-sufficiency by providing

Legal support When victims of trafficking or sexual slavery are identified, AFESIP Cambodia brings the case to

them with the opportunity to find employment or run their own business.

Kompong Cham Centre

the attention of police, and acts as a monitor

The Kompong Cham Centre provides long-term

during rescue operation to ensure the rights of

residential care to girls under 18. It has been

victims are respected.

operational since 1998, and accommodates approximately 60 girls.

Human Trafficking Stephanie zu Guttenberg, Somaly Mam, Ralf Mutschke, Maria Furtwängler-Burda Maria Furtwängler-Burda puts together a panel on the dramatic topic of human trafficking. First, Somaly Mam talks about her childhood being a victim of human and sex trafficking. Today, she is an activist in order to preserve children from the fate she has gone through and helps sex trafficking victims to start a new life. She founded the human rights organizations Somaly Mam Foundation and AFESIP. Further on, Stephanie zu Guttenberg talks about a new and growing form of human sex trafficking, Internet grooming. The perpetrator interferes with the boys 3

and girls via chat rooms and uses web cameras and pictures to reach the victims. She is the president of “Innocence in danger”, a German non-governmental

jan 24, 2011 | 03:25 pM | DLD11

world Lawisenforcement “wide facing technological

challenges on the Internet. They use advanced and   special technologies. Ralf Mutschke | Federal Criminal Police Office

“ We, as a global society have to Update Our Reality. We have to learn and understand that these perpetrators are out there. ”

One abuse kills   “a  whole life. ” Somaly Mam | Somaly Mam Foundation

does not stop “in Trafficking Asia. 2 Million children are subject to prostitution worldwide.

Stephanie zu Guttenberg

organisation that combats sexual child abuse and Internet grooming in the new media. To get further insight into the law enforcement towards these issues, Ralf Mutschke from the BKA explains what techniques and proceedings are undertaken to trap the perpetrators. Maria Furtwängler-Burda precedes opening up a group discussion about investigation techniques and educational work for children. At the end, she takes action and announces a private donation of 100,000 Euros to the Somaly Mam Foundation.


grooming victims  Internet “are exploited two times: when the film is actually done and when it is circulating on the Internet.

Maria Furtwängler-Burda


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 04:50 pM


are now in an era called  WeAnthropocene. “the An era

marathon in which humans are   map your running way too much   future of the atmosphere and   everything else badly. We   are in the situation were we don’t have a choice of stopping terraforming. We only have   the choice of terraforming   well. And that’s the green   Stevenr project for this century. ke

Stewart Brand | On Climate and Future

Long Now


WurmSauanl Adam



Clay Shirky


Social r Behavio








ar t i m i Dsselov






“ That these technologies actually form one large space network, maybe one ecosystem of technology, or maybe even a super-organism of technology. I’m in­ terested in that super-organism. I give it a name called the Technium, to indicate that it’s more than just culture, that in fact, it is something that has its own agenda. ” Kevin Kelly | On What Technology Wants 3

1 Stewart Brand’s sixth book Whole Earth Discipline raised awareness for environmental concerns 2 Kevin Kelly knows: What Technology Wants and composed that in his latest book 3 Deals with the evolution of global intelligence: George Dyson’s book Darwin among the Machines

that digital is  Notbut “over, that we’ve

already moved into   a new phase, that   people just are not   recognizing yet:   back to analog. George Dyson | Science Historian

jan 24, 2011 | 04:50 pM | DLD11



on Silic Valley



Cy ber Security




Markoff Lisa



Craig Venter







Third Cult




Serpentine Blac k Gallery














Carr StLoinneda Evgeny Morozov

Wunder­ kammer






e m d n 23a








Gercorhge Genome





rrr­amanckher F chi

Whole Earth


Kevin WI Kelly RED

rd Ricwkha ins





wants to be expensive,  Information “because it’s so valueable. The right

information at the right place just changes your live. John Brockman |


Edge Conversations Stewart Brand, George Dyson, Kevin Kelly, John Brockman, Andrian Kreye

John Brockman’s Edge conversations provide three intellectual heavyweights. Stewart Brand has been a pioneering environmentalist for 60 years. At DLD, he talks about the increasing importance of cities. The challenge we face is the question of energy supply. Stewart explains various forms of power plants in detail and their environmental properties. Next, Kevin Kelly rolls out his theory that networks of technologies form a superorganism, called “The Technium”. Technology follows the same general trends like evolution. To him, we have an obligation to increase the amount of technology in the world for enabling new generation of geniuses to express their talent. George Dyson describes the history of computing. In 1951, the first computer was completed. It was the first mo-

4 DLD mind map: John Brockman as a focal point and connector between world’s brillant thinkers and exciting organizations 5 Brockman’s latest book Is the Internet changing the way you think?

ment, where numbers didn’t just stand for something but could actually DO things. The question is: Where are we going next? Georg predicts, “we are going back to analog.”


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 05:00 pM

the area that we are  I think “seeing that is most likely to

happen fastest is gaming. The Chinese games are actually among the most sophisticated   in terms of the ecosystem.


often more important that you    It’sthe “pick right time, than that you   have specifically the right idea. ” Kai-Fu Lee | Innovation Works


Kara Swisher asking Kai-Fu Lee about China’s emerging start-ups 2 Visualising the creative innovation process of start-ups on Kai-Fu Lee’s company website “Innovation Works”


exciting thing to do,” Kai-Fu Lee explains his motivation to help young, innovative companies in China to grow and mature. His company Innovation Works mentors young entre-

7% 27 1,

preneurs and helps them create the platform of their business,

uage Lang wth Gro et ern e Int 0) on th 00-201 (20

while also working as investors. Speaking about the emerging Chinese economy, he believes that e-commerce and mobile will create many great compa990%


nies. There are currently 10 million iPhones and Android phones in China and that number is growing dramatically. Innovation already finds its way back from China to the rest of the world: the first “farm game” (as in FarmVille) actually came

Sp an ish

from China, among others. In the future, Kai-Fu estimates, China will be able to create something significantly new, like Apple. Finally, he also shares some important advice to foreign countries engaging the Chinese market, “The most common

17.8 %


Fre nch


Portug uese


398 %

74 3%

7.8 %

27.3 %

ish Engl

“I think that helping and inspiring entrepreneurs is a really

e es in h C

4.2 %

3. 8

of To ta l

Kai-Fu Lee, Kara Swisher


% .6 22

Internet Use rs %




% 107

1% 11

17 3%

3.3 %


2% 5%



se ne pa Ja

G er m an

ean Kor

Chinese: The New Dominant Language of the Internet


mistake is feeling that China is just another one of those countries. China is tremendously different.”

jan 24, 2011 | 05:20 pM | DLD11

69 1

the going rate  Actually “right now is, on a daily

basis, there will be about   3 new screens added   everyday. On the yearly   basis it is over 1,000 screens.

Jeffrey Chan | Bona International Film Group

Digital Cinema – box office receipts of digital screen 210.3

2012 E

199.8 149

2011 E

134.1 101.7






Total box office Receipts of digital screen


200 in 100 Millions  Source: Bona Film Group

are 5  Therecollege “million

students who   cannot find   a job. That is   a serious   problem,   so I created   my website   to help.


Wang Lifen | Umiwi Technology

China Screens Jeffrey Chan, Wang Lifen, Joshua Cooper Ramo China is a country that is exposed to a lot of media attention – but in many parts it is different to what Europe and the US are used to. Jeffrey Chan of Bona International Film group says, the ways of consuming media can differ on many levels, but some movies become a cultural phenomenon and generate a different excitement in the society. Revenues and the growth rate of the film industry are rising unprecedentedly. It is expected that the Chinese market will increases from 2008 until 2012 by 35% yearly. According to Jeffrey, consumers prefer big blockbusters, but they also watch a large amount of romantic comedies. Wang Lifen of Umiwi Technology and former producer of China’s hit show WIN IN CHINA believes that not everything is adaptable in China and that the industry needs to do a lot of R&D to see what works for the mainstream in China. Production values have transformed very rapidly in China, but they still lag behind others. Yet, the

1 Screenshot of Bona Film Group‘s website. Bona Film Group Limited is the largest privately owned film distributor in China. DLD11 speaker Jeffrey has been chief operating officer since 2008 and director since 2009. 2 Wang Lifen as host of a Chinese reality TV show WIN IN CHINA

level of production and writing is very matured.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 05:50 pM

ultimately believe in storytelling – storytelling    I stillchange “might in its structure, it might change in its

composition, it might change in its delivery but ultimately   Brian Sullivan | Sky Deutschland I believe that storytelling will endure.



their  People adapt “libraries according to their tastes. ” Thomas Künstner | Booz & Co.

think one big trend we are going   “to Isee is that there’s a lot of vibrancy

going on because the audience is   Peter Hirshberg | going to have a role.

Percent of 7th–12th graders who say they do any of the following while watching TV: use a computer, read, play video games, text message, or listen to music.

“ Everybody says that social television is going to be big, and I think its not going to be big: it’s going to be huge.” Ynon Kreiz | Endemol Group

12 %


Future TV 39 %

19 %

29 %


Some of the time

A little of the time

Most of the time

1 Public TV watching in Munich: On SKY 3D! 2 Starling is a coviewing experience that connects friends and fans to the shows they’re watching. 3 Deal or No Deal – a social game on Facebook – based on a TV show

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation study of 7th–12th graders

Peter Hirshberg, Ynon Kreiz, Brian Sullivan, Thomas Künstner What is the future of TV? Brian Sullivan (Sky Germany) reckons that we cannot even fathom what TV will look like in a few years, but there is huge potential in the ecosystem around it. If this ecosystem, with its existing relationships and the billions of US dollars spent each year, really blooms online as well as on broadcast, the sky is the limit, points out Ynon Kreiz (Endemol). Peter Hirshberg (Starling TV) remarks that the relationships between producers, broadcasters and consumers are changing. More concretely, a younger generation already has adapted to ways of consuming video that seem unfamiliar to traditional broadcasters – such as Hulu, Netflix and iTunes. One thing is clear, though: The world of TV is going to change significantly.

“ We went and shot minute and a half quality videos and we let the business owners tell their stories. I think that’s what the future of search is!” Cary Levine | InTheMo 1


InTheMo stills from a video review of the Savoy restaurant, located 70 Prince St, New York, NY.10012

Demo Cary Levine Cary Levine describes InTheMo as “a local video search site.” The online city guide allows their users to upload their friends from Facebook and Twitter, and see what they recommend in any city. Through high quality videos, where restaurant and store owners show you around themselves, reviews as well as pictures, users can ex­plore the attractions and restaurants a city has to offer. InTheMo boasts of a database of over 4,000 videos in 16 different countries.


solving short-term  We are “small problems that create

stress and challenges for people. Solving those problems quickly is of massive benefit to them. Errol Damelin | Wonga

Consumer-Centric Credit Errol Damelin Errol Damelin is the CEO of Wonga, a UK based online lender that puts the consumer in the centre of their business. It offers small, transparent short-term loans with speed and convenience. “We deliver cash into people’s bank accounts 24

2 A slider on the hompage. The slider helps users to select the amount of money they want to borrow and to define the period of time

hours a day and guaranteed in 15 minutes.” Wonga works to be a convenient and transparent service from start to finish to the customer. It allows them to choose exactly how much they want to take and see how much it is going to cost them with no hidden fees.


we  We decided “wanted to geo-tag the web. ” Darian Shirazi | FWIX

Hyperlocal Darian Shirazi Darian Shirazi is the founder of Fwix, a local information company that wants to provide a lat/long to local data such as places, news, events, reviews, photos, and more. It


You want to know what‘s happening nearby? Go on:, a local data platform

allows its users to be able to see what is going on around them through geo-tagging. “We are tagging content to about 50,000 neighbourhoods and about 15 million points of interest.” Fwix is also working on more ventures, including an iPhone app that will help you know what is going on within 50 meters of where you are.

DLD City munich

jan 24, 2011 | 07:00 pM | DLD11



that too  We believe “much time is spent

creating, cleaning and managing fairly commoditised data – so we’re making this data available. Gil Elbaz | Factual


The open data platform gives the possibility to visualize your data

ever trust search  Will wethe “engines way we trust   social networks. ”

Ilya Segalovich | Yandex

and other traditional  Google “search engines want to get

the best attention signal they can. And this attention level   lives in social graphs. Mark Drummond | Wowd

Search Beyond Search Mark Drummond, Gil Elbaz, Ilya Segalovich, Esther Dyson What’s happening next in search? The moderator Esther Dyson is planting the central question: Are we going to have a bunch of targeted, domainspecific search engines? Or are we going to have a single box where search engines know what you’re looking for? This session hosts none of the major “traditional” search players like Google or Bing to answer this question but instead features some interesting alternative perspectives: Mark Drummond from Wowd – a social media tool that organizes social contacts, Gil Elbaz from Factual – an open data platform, and Ilya Segalovich – Co-Founder of Yandex, the second largest non-English search engine. All agree that the current trend is that search is changing

of search:  The purpose “people don’t really want a

need to learn how to deliver the most relevant answer, based on context.

list of links to websites when they search. They usually want to do something, get something, book something or buy something.

Today, the field of search seems more pluralistic than ever and bears

Esther Dyson | EDventure

from reference search towards social search that is based on the users’ social graphs. According to Ilya, one of the key challenges for search engines is if they ever truly understand context. In sum, there are several forces at work. On one hand, app-based search can be powerful for verticals. On the other hand, structured, semantic data – still in a relatively early-stage – has big potential for horizontal search. Search engines still

opportunities for many different approaches.


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 06:35 pM 1

1 Tenderloin Dynamic, a project developed by San Francisco-based Stamen Design. A series of interactive and printed pieces that allow visitors to explore the Tenderloin through a series of different maps and mappings. The project was featured in GAFFTA’s inaugral exhibition. 2 How a student found an unconventional way to finance his college education: With a simple idea: Try and make $1m (US) by selling 1,000,000 pixels for $1 each (


are continuing “to Artists innovate and are

able to use web more than ever as an   expressive medium. Josette Melchor | Gaffta

Social Arts Josette Melchor Participation in art has been important throughout the ages, states Josette Melchor, but only in the past years has the need for social interaction reached the web. Josette is the Executive Director of Gray Area Foundation For The Arts (GAFFTA), a San Francisco-based non-profit organization dedicated to “building social consciousness through digital culture.” She points out that the web is now being used more than ever as an expressive medium and “cultural and social interphase.” GAFFTA brings together creative coders that create data visualizations. During her presentation, Josette speaks about the difference the new GAFFTA building will have on the community. “The seven storefronts that we are going to be taking up were previously used as a porn arcade, a liquor store, and a bar. We are going to be changing these places into a media art center that is open to all of this community. And that is a statement.” By locating it in that particular community, GAFFTA has completely changed the community for the better. Lastly, Josette introduces the project Sequence on their website. It allows donators to create their own data visualizations.

Stained glass windows in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Chartres. Stained glass windows are part of the great beauty of gothic cathedrals. The idea came from the notion that God is light (Deus lumen est) and that the walls of the church would therefore have to be delicate and translucent – diaphanous. The imaging medium is no longer the fresco or the wall; instead, owing to the concept of divine light, the stained glass windows become the pictures in which the Old and the New Testaments are portrayed.

The Dresden Castle – view of the jewelry chamber in the historic Green Vault. In the curiosity chamber, or wunderkammer, the wealthy rulers collected the complete scope of knowledge that was available in their day. The ruler was not just the master of laws and of war, but in the eras of Galileo Galilei, Kepler and, somewhat later, Newton, he was the driving force in discovering the world.


Hubert Burda’s latest book The Digital Wunderkammer about how digitalization has changed the world

Pag e


pag e




DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 05:55 pM

to the year 1500 you find those two possibilities: the ceiling of the Sistine, and the Gutenberg invention of movable letters. And then, in 2001, we started Das Neue Bild der Welt – The New Image of the World, and we called it the Iconic Turn. Just lately I started to write down my own experience. I studied art history, but on the other side I also run a media company. It was a lot of experience, day-to-day experience. I had It was in ’72 when I started thinking about this. a lot of material and I tried to get these materiThere hasn’t been much knowledge about als into 10 chapters. Now I will show you three this. It was like in geography: a continent not examples out of these ten, but maybe they are quite representative. yet discovered. And when Sparry got the Nobel award in ’81, I was alarmed because for The cover is a Picasso painting. Especially this the first time, in this unknown continent, I saw Picasso painting is what my life has always a divide into two parts of the brain: the left side, been, a crash of low and high. You can see which is more on speech, reckoning, calculat- Le Journal, also you can see the alcohol probing, mathematics, and the right side, which lems of the cubist painters of those days. It is a is more on imagining, music, feeling, storyboard wonderful painting and the cover of the English version. What is a Wunderkammer? I thought writing, novels and lyrics. And then there was an incredible invention in the midst of the 15th the word would be as known as “Kindergarten” century (Gutenberg’s printing press). With the in English, but nobody in America knows the Digital Wunderkammer I tried to bring all these term. It means Chamber of Miracles, La Chammodern phenomena back into a kind of histori- bre de Merveilles. cal relation. The art historian Aby Warberg – And now let’s start looking out the window; this who always impressed me a lot – coined the was the invention at the beginning of the 15th term of the migration of the images, the chrono- century. This is the famous painting The Magrafia. This has been the semantic turn. This donna of Chancellor Rolin by Jan van Eyck, made our minds for centuries and centuries text you see through the windows, and you see the driven. “Pictures are for those who cannot river. Then Romanticism, you see the window write.” frame (Casper David Friedrich – View from the This was intellectual pride that led to what was Painter’s Studio, 1805). The other one (Carl later called the iconic turn. When you go back Gustav Carus – Balcony overlooking the Bay of Naples, 1829). And what is the view of the window today? What do you presume? This is the new window: just a regular modern-day TV guide. And then this (iPhone) is a new one, when you are sitting here you are all taking out your iPhones, its snowing outside by-theway, but you don’t look out of the window but watch the screens. With the Digital Wunderkammer, I wanted to look at the migration of the historical impact of our views, of how do we look at the world. This is looking out of the window. The second chapter is on Interfaces. I believe that every interface has its own aesthetic quality.

As a publisher I was   always interested in what is going on with the brain in terms of communication. That’s my business. How does communication affect the brain?

jan 24, 2011 | 05:55 pM | DLD11

The old gothic glass window (church) and the new gothic glass window (television). Every screen, every interface, has its own quality. Remember how they had to change storytelling from books to movie theatres? This is what Dyson showed us, the beginning of television in ’34 and this is multimedia. Every interface has its own quality. When the computer came we made a lot of mistakes by just taking the magazine aesthetics towards the new screen. The last example is the Wunderkammer itself. Martin Roth (who interviewed Corrine Hunt about Potlatch) is the director of the Dresden Wunderkammer. It is not a museum; it is a very fine example of where the king of Saxony made a collection of these incredible things which in those days were really cutting edge, the newest technology. We have Steward Brand here, and it was Steve Jobs who said, Stewards’ The Whole Earth Catalogue was the beginning of Google. The Wunderkammer later became the Museum of Natural Science, and from the Museum of Natural Science it went to the World Exhibition Fair in Paris and from there it went directly into the catalogue because you wanted to buy all the things you could see. This was in ’72 and ’74 and we were all very impressed. We were fans. This was times of The Rolling Stones, and The Beatles and California. This was a wonderful invention. If Hillis was here he would be quite astonished. On the right side you see The Long Now, the famous watch which is running for 10,000 years. On the left side you see another clock out of the Wunderkammer from 1680, and you can see this migration of images, its more or less always the same. I believe a new Wunderkammer is Google – where you type in your query and find everything. When I was finishing the book, the hype about a new Wunderkammer (Facebook) just started.

imagine a  I cannot “more important topic than the emergence   of imagery, the trend towards imagery, the obsession of imagery.

David Gelernter | Yale University

Hubert Burda| DLD Co-Chairman 1


The Digital Wunderkammer

German journalist Andrian Kreye

Hubert Burda, David Gelernter, Andrian Kreye


Angelo Plessas, 2005, website still


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 06:45 pM

even talking  I’m not “about climate change; I’m

just talking about feeding this energy hunger that we have. How can we make up that 35 terrawatt gap renewably?

Bill Gross | Idealab


Solair Solar Stewart Brand, Olafur Eliasson, Bill Gross, Frederik Ottesen, Tino Sehgal, Hans Ulrich Obrist. Produced in association with the Institute of the 21st Century This panel addresses sustainability, solar technology, the arts, and explores the outlook of building a solar airplane for the 21st century. Together, this set-up combines visual arts, sustainable air travel, climate engineering and solar tech solutions in dialogue. The curator Hans Ulrich Obrist (Serpentine Gallery) brings together this interdisciplinary conversation group including Stewart Brand (Long Now Foundation), Bill Gross (Idealab), Frederik Ottesen (Solar Flight), and the artists Olafur Eliasson and Tino Sehgal. Speaking about climate change and the future, Stewart does not believe that solar is going to be the answer to our energy crisis. To create enough energy would take tens of thousands of solar panels and mirrors. He analyzes that there are “Green on Green fights” between the people pushing for renewable energy and the environmentalists trying to protect the deserts from being


bulldozed and turned into fields of solar panels. Today, Stewart opts for nuclear power, urbanisation, and biotech. “Solar energy is a novelty, unless it can actually beat the price of fossil fuels with no government subsidies,” Bill opens with a provocatively statement. Still, there is a giant energy gap, and we have to make it up renewably. He urges that evolving technology will decrease costs. 1

Stewart Brand speaks on climate change and how it affects our future 2 eSolar power plant technology utilizes small, flat mirrors which track the sun with high precision and reflect the sun’s heat 3 Frederik Ottesen presents Solar Flight’s solar powered plane flying over wind farm

The company eSolar, for instance, uses Moore’s law to drive down the price of solar energy. 3

Each solar mirror is computer controlled, with a 2 dollar micro-processor (which would have cost $5,000 in 1981) in every single mirror. This makes the plant more cost effective and productive. Frederik built a passenger carrying solar powered plane with Solar Flight. The Sunseeker II has logged more flight hours than any other solar aircraft. The plane itself is an autonomous, small flying power plant. He argues that building and flying a solar aircraft inspires a commitment to a sustainable future.

jan 24, 2011 | 06:45 pM | DLD11


went from something  When Pioneering “quantifiable to something let’s say qualitative,

and I would say quality in this way is a bit more emotion. Quality in this way I think for me had a lot to do with this notion of something you feel much more intimate about.

Olafur Eliasson | Artist


Todays value shapers need to face the modes of production of their own undertakings. In other words,travelling the world cannot go without considering the 21st centuries most prominent issue, sustainability. Thus, a solar powered form of global travel (and voicing a demand therefore) is urgent.

far can I narrow this  How “gap between what I believe in and what I do? ”


Tino Sehgal (2011)

Tino Sehgal | Artist

4 Mikroskop 2010 installation with mirror glass: One of Olafur Eliassion’s structural and architechtural artworks 5 Curator of the Serpentine Gallery Hans Ulrich Obrist moderated the panel Solaire Solar

“What does it mean to think environmentally and how do you change this thinking into action?” Olafur distinguishes between thinking and doing. He teaches his students to “use emotional ideas as a sort of reality producer.” Tino agrees and stresses the importance of closing the gap between saying and doing. “On the one hand we have advanced on our ‘green project,’ but on the other hand there are almost no endeavours to make global travel greener. I am eager


to get on the solar plane.”

Andreas Angelidakis Hand House, 2010, virtual animation


DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 07:30 pM


The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston 2006 was designed by Elizabeth Diller and Richard Scofidio.


“A cloud is defined by its lack of definition.” Elizabeth Diller | Diller Scofidio + Renfro

Architect Tetsuo Kondo has teamed up with German climate engineer Matthias Schuler (Transsolar) to create a room with an indoor cloud. Visitors can experience the cloud from below, within, and above as they climb up 4.3 meter high helical ramp.

do these two  Howdifferent “very codes,

analog and digital, how do we manage to combine them, every second of our lives? Because there is no such thing   as a purely digital person.

Hans Magnus Enzenberger | Poet


Ever Clouds Andreas Angelidakis, Hubert Damisch, Elizabeth Diller, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Tetsuo Kondo, Tomas Saraceno, Matthias Schuler, Werner Vogels, Hans Ulrich Obrist. Produced in association with the Institute of the 21st Century Ever Clouds connects the unexpected. The session bridges the gap between cloud computing, architecture, climate engineering, visual art and philosophy. The increasing opportunities of cloud and mobile computing are one of the most discussed innovation topics of today. The cloud introduced something that has no place in air travel but at the same time is air travel. The inter­ disciplinary set-up of panellists provided very heterogeneous interpretations and opinions on the impact of clouds. Hans Magnus Enzensberger says, “To call something they came up with in cyberspace a cloud is ingenious and deserves praise,” when speaking about cloud computing. Tomas Saraceno is an


Hubert Damisch listens to the discussion

artist whose current project is Air-Port-City. He is interested in creating a Cloud city that challenges today’s restrictions.

jan 24, 2011 | 07:30 pM | DLD11


The architect Andreas Angelidakis created the Cloud House. “The idea was that this house would not be a proposal for a final object, it would be an object that contains architectural thinking about cloud computing and it would be a house that would exist in different moments in time and stages.”


We wanted “people to dream

that anything is possible if you weren’t restrained by resources. Werner Vogels | Amazon

I was always “imagining a cloud

city and how we could one day come up there.

Tomas Saraceno | Artist

3 Tomas Saraceno created Air-Port-City in 2005 with ellyptical pillows and elastic cords. 4 Hans Ulrich Obrist illustrates the importance of digital and physical clouds.

Matthias Schuler (Transsolar) and the architect Testuo Kondo teamed up to create Cloudscapes, an indoor cloud. Matthias explains, “We thought doing a cloud indoors might be a good message for people to understand that this is a planet which is worth saving.” Elizabeth Diller presents her new project, the Blur Building, which like a cloud is defined by its lack of geographic fixity. Hubert Damisch, the author of History of a Cloud, finds that “there is something in the idea of clouds, there is a doubt involved in the idea of clouds.” The architect Andreas Angelidakis is the creator of the Cloud House. “The idea was that this house would not be a proposal for a final object, it would be an object that contains architec­ tural thinking about cloud computing, and it would be a house that would exist in different moments in time at different stages of completion.” Last but not least, Werner Vogels (Amazon) shares his experience: “There


is hardly a company anymore that isn’t built on top of cloud computing.”

Arts and Science Dinner @ goldene Bar

Tomorrow Focus Dinner @ Restaurant Ederer

Disruptors’ Dinner by accel Partners @ Louis Hotel



DLD11 | jan 24, 2011 | 09:30 pM

jan 25, 2011 | 09:00 AM | DLD11


all about    Smells are “emotion, they can make

us hate, love or long for   someone of something. Mel Rosenberg | Microbiologist

Smells – The Good, The bad And the sexy Mel Rosenberg 1 Can you hear the smell? If you listen to Mel Rosenberg‘s first CD The Aroma of You, you will!

Mel Rosenberg is a microbiologist who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of bad breath and odour. At DLD, he speaks about the impact of smells on our daily lives. Smells have the ability to bring back memories or emotions. “Humans can sense up to 10,000 different types of odours.” Accordingly, he believes that having a bad smell is one of the worst things that can happen to a human being. Through research, he argues that smells are an extension of our sexual organs. Wrapping up, he urges the audience to smell like yourself and


seek out your smell-mate.



“ Tablets were only part of the story, the other part was 3D everything. ”

2 Fujifilm FinePix REAL 3D W3 Camera; takes 3D and 2D shots of your last holiday. 3 Parrot AR Drone flying camera; a fancy high tech toy, controllable with Apple and Android products 4 Looking at you with two eyes: Minoru is the worlds first consumer 3D webcam.

Gadgethon Greg Harper Greg Harper is the co-founder of Gadgetoff, an annual event that gathers

Greg Harper | Gadgetoff

leading technologist and innovators dedicated to new technologies. In his session, he introduces the latest gadgets and inventions. A major part of these advancements were tablets such as the iPad, Amazon Kindle and the Samsung Galaxy Tab. The other was the emergence of 3D that has spread beyond movie theatres to digital cameras, camcorders and even webcams. Greg shows many other new inventions ranging from an iPhone breathalyser to a flying camera. 4


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 09:15 AM 1

should “try You to build

for them self-  confidence, a self-esteem.

vision our school is    In aour “like community; our school is like a family. ” Karen Tal | Avney Rosha


it’s really about “is What bringing the skills of

our 300,000 people and bringing our technology   and innovation from the labs to address social causes.

Gabriele Zedlmayer | HP

jan 25, 2011 | 09:15 AM | DLD11


I come to you and say    If have “you not done enough

for your peers in Africa, have you done enough for the children in India? It’s creating guilt and that’s not the tone that we wanted.   We wanted the tone of hope,   we wanted a tone of we   can do this, because it is   actually easy.


Claudia Gonzalez | The Global Fund

“ 90% of the children learn and get their education from outside the classroom. ” Asha Jadeja | Dot Edu Ventures

Social Innovation Karen Tal, Asha Jadeja, Claudia Gonzalez, Gabriele Zedlmayer This session focuses on the interface of social change, inclusion and digital communication. The four panellists have found new powerful ways to accelerate societal improvement. Karen Tal is the principle of Avney Rosha, a school in Israel for Jewish, Christian, and Muslim children from 48 countries with complicated backgrounds, such as refugees or children from single families. The school serves as a family substitute in a way. A movie about her school in Tel Aviv just won the “Best Documentary Short Subject” Oscar 2011. Gabi Zedlmayer (HP) shows how her company helps in the areas of education, life and health. One of many projects they support is the Mothers2Mothers program in South Africa that helps to get information about the prevention of Mother-to-Child-transmission of HIV to pregnant women. The Global Fund is a financial institution that redistributes the money of nation states, explains Claudia Gonzalez. It focuses on the fight against HIV, malaria and tuberculosis. One of their main goals is to eliminate the mother-to-child transmission of HIV by 2015. When Asha Jadeja (Dot Edu Ventures) realised that her daughter is able to study much better outside of the classroom where attendance was voluntary, she now is trying to set up a free platform for online learning.


Strangers No More, 2011’s Oscar winner for Best Documentary follows several students as they acclimate to the exceptional school Avney Rosha in Tel Aviv 2 HP’s LIFE (Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs) initiative trains students, potential entrepreneurs and small business owners 3 The Global Fund’s campaign Born HIVFree, creates awareness of HIV transfer from mother to child through Youtube and other social mediums


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 09:15 AM

the epi­­tome   “of Iaam personal brand

because I’m the brand itself.   I have a channel   on YouTube.


Joe Penna | MysteryGuitarMan

in a period of time  We are “where any company that is


large enough to have a chief   marketing officer, should   have a chief listening officer.

Mystery Guitar Man became an Internet phenomenon with his YouTube channel 2 Sharing functionalities and social plugins on

Jeff Pulver |


audience “is Our our main

distribution channel.

Pete Cashmore |

Humanization of Brands

The Top Ten Questions Being Asked About social Media

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Pete Cashmore, Joe Penna, Jeff Pulver Brands are becoming personal. Both Joe Penna (MysteryGuitar-

How do I measure social media return on investment?

Man) and Pete Cashmore (Mashable) are popular personal

What are the social media marketing

brands themselves, one as an artist, and the other as the mind

How do I best

best practices?

manage my time with social media?

How do I reach my target markets with social media? How do I generate traffic and leads using social media? How do I

implement social media tactics?

What are the latest How do I get

social media trends?


behind an online-magazine. And just as humans become brands, brands become human. They are joining the conversation, and listening more closely to what is said about them so they can respond in a human voice. But scaling doesn’t come easy: “We get about 40,000 tweets about us every day”, says Pete, “so it’s challenging to respond.” That is a relatively small company of about 40 people. How can it work for large

How do I integrate my social media activities?

corporations like airlines? Jeff Pulver answers: “If a back­

How do I evaluate the of each platform?

channel exists, it changes the face of the company”. This means,

advantages and disadvantages  Source:

companies need to change to adapt to what their clients need. As Joe puts it: “Gone are the days where a brand is a big monolith.” Instead, consumers yearn for a human element in companies, for an organization‘s personality.

jan 25, 2011 | 09:45 AM | DLD11


able to cre If ayou’re “ate quality product

that attracts super connectors, their influence means a lot. Rick Marini | BranchOut

live or die  YouFacebook!? “with  ”


Harry Nelis | Accel Partners

key thing for us is that we’re    Thefreemium “truly offering, which means, one can be a subscriber for the service forever an never pay a dime.

Amit Shafrir | Badoo


we basically  At Familybuilder “focus on the family graph. The

Social Graph Based Business Models upon a social graph is living in a high dependency and close

general view is that you have e.g. 100 friends on Facebook and   10 of them are family members.

relationship. Both Rick Marini (BranchOut) and Ilya Nikolayev

Ilya Nikolayev | Familybuilder

Rick Marini, Ilya Nikolayev, Amit Shafrir, Harry Nelis Every service that builds its product on Facebook or based

(FamilyBuilder) do not see this as a big problem. On the contrary, according to Rick the relationship actually offers a high return and better service. “One of the reasons why we have seen a large growing rate is because of super connectors” he explains. Badoo goes a different way. Their service works outside of FB. Nevertheless, they have experienced a high growth rate after launching services on FB as well. Interestingly, the three companies have very different approaches to monetization. While Badoo focuses on a freemium model, BranchOut will enable monetization models in the future. FamilyBuilder runs on advertising and will activate subscription based models – as soon FB sets the framework.


Career Networking Application on Facebook: Branchout. Here users leverage their network to find jobs, source sales leads, recruit talent, and foster relationships with professional contacts 2 List of fastest growing applications on Facebook based on statistics (from April 7th, 2011)


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 10:15 AM

28 º

New Dehli

If you are ever thinking of entering into India in the consumer space   you just need to know four letters: ABCD, Indians love Astrology,   Bollywood, Cricket, and Discounts.


Kunal Bahl |

24 º

23.5 º


20 º 1, India’s largest online couponing service brings discounts to its customers 2 Indiagame’s Cricket Worldcup Fever mobile game uses 3D effects 3 A selection of companies where Harish Bahl has been involved in

16 º



we are    Already “seeing in a market as

small as 50 million   Internet users almost 12 to 18 million   people download games onto their   mobile devices. Vishal Gondal | Indiagames

12 º




jan 25, 2011 | 10:15 AM | DLD11

Exit is not “a  problem. Look at me I’ve done four.

Harish Bahl | Smile Group

Number of Internet Users – top 6 Countries

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



% of WW Population

Internet Users






United States






















India Brazil Germany

Internet Penetration

Source: Internet World Stats, 2010


“If anybody has to create business models in India on the   digital side, the primary driver of that would need to be on mobile.” Naveen Tewary | InMobi


“ Scale is the strategic asset in India. ” Sanjay Parthasarathy | Entrepreneur

Digital India Kunal Bahl, Vishal Gondal, Sanjay Parthasarathy, Naveen Tewary, Harish Bahl Five entrepreneurs share their experiences of building companies in India: Vishal Gondal (Indiagames), Naveen Tewari (InMobi), Sanjay Parthasarathy (Entrepreneur), Kunal Bahl (, and the moderator Harish Bahl (Smile Group). Common ground is that India offers both growing opportunities, and cultural challenges. India’s mobile network is growing at an exceeding rate. The panellists all believe any new digital companies in India should focus on mobile. While the digital infrastructure is far from being perfect, the rapidly growing user base is huge. Still, one challenge in India is the small business owner who hasn’t used the Internet before. This person wants you to sit down with him for two hours five times before doing business with you. This offline sales process is a cultural aspect that anyone who wants to do business in India needs to be familiar with. In conclusion, India is just about to take off as a massive digital market and it‘s becoming more than a place to operate out of: a place to actually operate in, and to do business with.


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 10:25 AM

Completed Transactions on Second Market by Company   1% Bloom Energy   1% GSN   2% Reply! Inc.   2% CafePress   2% Silver Spring Networks   2.5% Epocrates   2.5% Chegg   5% Etsy

39 % Facebook

7% LinkedIn

36 % Other

Source: SecondMarket, Inc. Q4 2010 Data

are realizing that for the  People “first time ever they can get access

to the fastest growing companies   in the world, and not have to wait for an IPO and I think that is Barry Silbert | SecondMarket game changing.


1 SecondMarket is the leading marketplace for alternative investments. SecondMarket has become the online destination for accessing market data, building your investor network and transacting in assets such as private company stock. Here you see Barry Silbert‘s profile, Founder and CEO of SecondMarket

good news about the  Themarket “IPO – if we can get it

going – is that it is or was – when it was functioning well – the cheapest source of   capital and huge source of   liquidity.

Henry Blodget | Business Insider

jan 25, 2011 | 10:25 AM | DLD11 101

there is also a war for    I think “talent where essen­tially com­

panies like Google or Facebook are in a hiring battle and there’s   a sense they would buy a com­pany rather than an individual.

Matthew Bishop | The Economist

TMT IPO Issuance Continued to Rebound 2005 to Date TMT IPOs $ 15,3

$ 8,4

$ 9,2 $ 7,5

$ 6,8

Where is the Money?

$ 1,1

Matthew Bishop, David Liu, Barry Silbert, Henry Blodget What should be the lessons after the financial crisis? What is the future of IPOs? Barry Silbert (SecondMarket), David Liu (Jefferies), Mathew Bishop (Economist), and Henry Blodget (Business Insider) come together to address these questions














Source: Jefferies & Company; Dealogic, Cap IQ and Bloomberg

and debate the state of the financial world. Taking off, the panel begins with one of the most discussed topics: regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the US. What should the government be doing? Should it be protecting the investors from “being stupid”? Or should it just be in place to make sure that the consumer is informed? Lastly, in a market that is so focused on quarterly results and has so much regulation, is it really not lucrative to make an IPO for companies? David thinks that it’s very important that companies take this step, although he acknowledges some of the challenges of the current market. At the same time, he recognizes that there aren’t as many companies that are going to survive the IPO, many of those who will attempt this step will end up being acquired. Henry asks if the way Facebook raises money is maybe how other companies should act, too. “What most people don’t recognize is that the IPO has been dying a slow death for the past 10 years and no one is really talking about it,” responds Barry. He is not optimistic for the future of IPO’s and instead believes that the future lies in private trading on secondary markets. This way, he says, “people can get access to these really exciting companies, the fastest growing companies in the world, and not have to wait for an IPO. I think this is game

look at 2010,    If you “60 % of the IPO’s were   from China or India. ”

changing.” On the other hand, David disagrees, because this model – while being very interesting – is not scalable to other companies. Overall, the IPO market had experienced a dip in the last few years. Still, David is very optimistic about the future of the IPO market, because there is a sufficient amount of companies who are talking with banks to prepare for a potential IPO. In conclusion, this controversial debate shows that the economy is definitely recovering and is heading in the right direction.

“ If you have that facebook option to go public, that’s fantastic, but again, there’s only one facebook. ” David Liu | Jefferies & Company


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 10:55 AM


the most people  We have “paying for content on

experiences that actually look quite similiar to   the traditional magazine   experience.

Patrick Wölke | Burda Media Innovation Lab

1 The BUNTE Blitz­ licht iPad App, based on the iLab Tablet Solution of Hubert Media Burda, is on the market since February 2011 2 is a social publishing site, where people share original writings and documents 3 Infographic on ‘How much content is published daily on the web’. Source:

“We are creating our whole own stream just around reading.”


Trip Adler | Scribd

Content Strategies Trip Adler, Marco Arment, Sam Mandel, Patrick Wölke, Jochen Wegner Scribd, Instapaper, TweetDeck, and the Burda Media iLab: this session brings together represen­ tatives of four cutting-edge publishing tools that represent the changing media landscape. Providing content for a wide range of devices requires a well-thought out strategy. Both, content and distribution need to be adapted to various platforms and user behaviours. Jochen Wegner stresses that this entails a certain kind of “database journalism” that allows pushing content out to all different platforms. However, the new ways of user engagement offer publishers new opportunities: “We see social media driving traffic”, says Trip Adler. “It’s about creating the right kind of atmosphere around social content.” The willingness of users to pay for digital content is discussed controversially. Trip does not believe users would pay for digital content unless they had an excellent user experience, Patrick Wölke shares insights into their research: “The closer the experience is to what people are used to from magazines, the more likely the consumers are willing to pay.” Contrary to criticism, services like Instapaper don’t hurt the online presences of traditional media, but instead drive demand for reading longer texts through their tool. “I’ve taken the outrageous and highly questionable approach of charging money for a service”, says founder Marco Arment. In conclusion, it is possible to earn money with digital content. It might not be in the traditional 3

way, however it is through innovation. Nevertheless, Sam Mandel is certain about one formula for success in the near future: “It is important to be present in the stream.”

jan 25, 2011 | 12:00 pM | DLD11 103

4 is an easy to use tool for saving interesting web pages for reading later

trying to  I’m notthe “address supply

of content – I’m   trying to increase the demand. Marco Arment| Instapaper


is an  I think there “increasing issue with content discovery and driving traffic to web pages and static content sites. Sam Mandel | TweetDeck

something happened:   “we Then stopped growing.

That is one of the most brutal   things as an entrepreneur. Jason Calacanis | Mahalo


Love the Pivot Jason Calacanis Once Mahalo stopped growing after a very fast initial growth, Jason Calacanis knew he had to pivot. Sharing his lessons learnt, he lists some crucial indicators for entrepreneurs to realize when you have to pivot. First, listen to the customers!

5 On, a knowledge sharing service, you can almost learn anything about everything

He set up an email address where people could send them any request and got 100 emails a day. Second, listen to the metrics! At Mahalo, they had a close look on Google Analytics to find out which videos ran best. Thirdly, listen to the market! “At some point you have to realize, that there is a bigger fish than you.” Finally, listen to your team! “When I turned my back upon them, my team started working on teaching people stuff.” This way he realised what direction the company should head.


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 11:05 AM

I met the people who work at The Daily. Its 126 people on the journalistic side who work on The Daily. And you are going to sell that app for 99 U.S. cents. How are you going to make money by this? Isn’t this just how Burda put it last year, lousy pennies? KD:

Look, I think it’s a really good price. Being 99 cents a week it’s very affordable for customers and I think it’s really going to enable a lot of people to experiment with this new platform. There are very few barriers for people to have access, and to enjoy what we think is going to be a very high quality offering. I think pricing models for apps, and for paid journalism in general, are developing and we are going to see how that goes; whether or not we are going to bundle it with things, whether or not we see new packages for premium access. But our core pro­ position here is to be super simple, to be as accessible as possible, to be great value for customers, and to ensure we keep investing in really unique, quality journalism. That it is written by real journalists who are out there in the field, producing quality content across text, photography, audio and video, as opposed to just taking RSS feeds or cutting and pasting wires - which we think has homogenized a huge amount of digital publications already – we think it’s a really exciting product that uses the best in new technology to push the boundaries of reporting. JM:

it’s the best time to be in the media    We think “business and the most exciting as well as the   most challenging. ” James Murdoch | News Corp.

Well, there are a lot of people that are going to be the future of the company. It is an excit­ing company to be a part of and it’s our belief that we’re doing something that is very unique. We are the most international of the global media companies in terms of our mix of businesses. We get stuck-in everywhere; from the Middle East to India, to big businesses in Europe, to the United States and South America. As a business we have real breadth. And we have an exciting mix of businesses; we are in the business of ideas and story­telling – from our journalism businesses across the United States, Australia and the UK all the way to our film and TV businesses, each which can be credited with great successes and great risktaking. It is this breadth and creative risk taking that we find really exhilarating and in today’s all-digital marketplace we really believe it’s an incredible time to be in the media business, with all the excitement and challenges it brings. JM:

jan 25, 2011 | 11:05 AM | DLD11 105


1 “The Daily” iPad applicaton, which was launched on February 2, 2011 with the mission to provide the best news experience by combining worldclass storytelling with the unique interactive capabilities of the iPad

What is the strategic goal of the app? When do you think it’s a success? 1 How many applications do you have to sell? KD:

This is a big debate for us. Whenever we hit a milestone, we’re always seeking to get to the next one. We of course want to see customers responding well to our apps but, the industry is still working a lot out; like the pace of it and the dynamics around how customers will engage with weekly subscription models, which are very different animals to annual subscriptions like we have in digital television. So we just have to see how these develop, but we have high hopes for the U.S. marketplace. And our app development is accelerating around the world. For instance, in Australia, our new app for The Australian is a big national product there and our apps at the The Times and The Sunday Times in the U.K. continue to do well. This is something that our editors are really focused on and creatively it has really galvanized a significant number in the journalistic community. JM:

It is now nearly three years that you are now at the top of the management at your company. How does it feel personally to be the future of a company like News Corp.? KD:

PC and non-PC sales, 2011 (millions)



200 375


PC 2







Spotlight James Murdoch, Kai Diekmann  Source: DTTL, 2010

Deloitte predicts that in 2011 more than 50% of computing devices sold globally will not be PCs. When looking at the future of computing devices, 2011 may well mark the tipping point as we move from a world of mostly stand­ ardized PC-like devices, containing standardized chips and software, to a far more heterogeneous environment.


Kai Diekmann, editor-in-chief of BILD and editorial director of BILD-group, moderating the conversation


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 12:00 pM

are doing social innovation “in We a user way: It’s not about

social media, it is about making solutions for social problems   in real life.

Raul Krauthausen |



The website, a service helping to find wheelchair accessible places making the lives of disabled people easier

Projects “start by

It’s alltoabout “trying build

measuring and sen­ sing the environ­ ment.

these things that allow people to track their expe­ riences through cities and put that into struc­ tured data sets.

Peter Hirshberg |

Dennis Crowley | Foursquare

jan 25, 2011 | 12:00 pM | DLD11 107

Cities areinbecoming “interested feeding

themselves with   information using it really as a key   infrastructure. Assaf Biderman | MIT SENSEable City Lab


2 Visualizations of the electronic trash tracking project. 3,000 Trash objects have been followed and visualized in real-time movement. The project represents a type of change happening in cities: an approach to managing resources and promoting behavioral change through pervasive technologies

the first time we can actually  Today for “leverage new technology into richness

of data we collect in order to go back to build cities in the organic ways.

Carlo Ratti | MIT SENSEable City Lab

Responsive Cities Raul Krauthausen, Alexander Mankowsky, Carlo Ratti, Assaf Biderman, Peter Hirshberg “We want to build an inclusive society,” Raul Krauthausen ( defines his mission. He is engaged in the project, a crowdsourced map that gives information about the accessibility of public spaces for wheelchairs. Both Carlo Ratti and Assaf Bidermann (MIT SENSEable City Lab) believe that today’s technology will have a greater impact on how we live in cities than the industrial re­ volution. Primarily because technology allows people to self-organize and data is collected automatically. Generally, this aggregated data allows the city to understand

“Quality of live in mobility is very important.”

the behaviour of people a lot better, act more precisely against it, and become

Alexander Mankowsky | Mercedes-Benz

ments to do something about mishaps in cities.

smarter. It is used to create new services and products to respond to the new urban requirements. Moreover, it is a very powerful instrument to motivate city govern-


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 10:15 AM



HP ENVY 14 Beats™ Edition notebook PC. Through a unique collaboration with music industry innovators like Dr. Dre and Interscope Records’ Jimmy Iovine, the HP ENVY 14 Beats™ Edition notebook PC lets you unlock the sounds of the recording studio for an awesome listening experience

Beats Dj Monsieur Komplex

jan 25, 2011 | 12:15 pM | DLD11 109

Lady Gaga @ DLD09


Michael Jackson  Where “didn’t have Facebook and the

Beatles didn’t have Twitter,   I think there are a ton of   opportunities now that we live in a digital age.

Before if you wanted to get   “a  message out you’d have to


go territory to territory, but now you start off global. Troy Carter | Coalition Media Group


15 Megabyte of Fame Troy Carter, Jörg Rohleder Jörg Rohleder and Troy Carter engage in a fascinating talk about Music in the digital age. Troy sees the digital revolution as a huge opportunity for musicians. “It’s about the right partnerships and thinking out of the box”, he said. Careers start faster, because you don’t have to get the message out in one area after the other, but globally at once. Asked about the role of record labels nowadays, Troy says that there are still parts of the business that are old fashioned, but still work, 1

Jörg Rohleder, Vice editor at Germanys leading music magazine Musikexpress, interviewing Lady Gaga‘s manager Troy Carter 2 She was at DLD09 before her career skyrocketed: Lady Gaga posing at the DLD09 Starnight 3 Lady Gaga’s second album Born This Way raises awareness for social topics important to Gaga

and that a record label is quite helpful for that. A crucial thing for an artist’s development to Troy is touring. “We don’t look at it from a financial perspective. Touring is about artist development. The live experience is what keeps an artist alive.”


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 12:50 PM

Grand Final Eric Schmidt

I would like “to What do is talk about

the next decade and how technology in the world that we live in will change.

Personally, I am very excited about my next decade at Google. I think it’s even going to be better than the last decade. Everything is chang­ing again and I’ve absolutely become con­vinced that we’re getting to the point where technology is finally going to actually serve us. In my whole career I’ve felt like I was serving the technology and it was always me who had to ‘fix the computer’. I think that finally now we’re going to get to the point where the technology does what we want. So let me suggest a happiness theorem, that computers will finally make it be possible for us to do the things that we actually want to do. So to be with other people, people you love, people you care about, people you enjoy; to find happiness in general and to make the world a better place. There are lots of examples; there’s a company called Ushahidi which is crowdsourcing information around the globe. They started off in Kenya basically around disasters, but the prin­ ciple, the underlying architecture of using crowd sourced information is incredibly powerful. People know what’s going on in their environment and we can finally collect that information and use it to figure out what’s really going on as opposed to what people think is going on. There are lots and lots of examples – Haiti, Russia, clean ups in New York and snow in Boston. Another example has to do with the use of telemetry in medicine. There are projects how to take essentially real time monitoring and put it on mobile phones. It’s obviously better to have your phone monitor your vital signs if you’re an ill person, or even if you’re a person worried about some medical thing than anything else, because your phone is always on and always with you. This is a material change and it has a huge impact on the cost structure of medicine and the quality of care. It’s interesting that a developer created glasses for Android where you basically put them on and it translates what you see in the Android camera in to the way that people who are colour blind see colour. Looking through the camera they can see colour that they could not before. I didn’t even think this was possible! This is accelerating faster and faster, fundamentally because the

jan 25, 2011 | 12:50 PM | DLD11 111

technology underneath is accelerating due to all sorts of interesting

The third point I wanted to talk about has to do with cloud computing.

network effects. In the area of mobile, the Smartphone is more than the

A typical example: we’ve just launched a voice translation product

iconic device of our time, the Smartphone is the device of our time. There

that allows you to go and to speak into your phone in your language and

are all sorts of examples of this – a simple example: if you are a parent

it comes out of somebody else’s phone in another language. Oh my god!

your child is either asleep or online. There are only two states of children

Does this actually work? We tested it with our employees who speak

now, right? And in fact if they wake up in the middle of the night then

more than one language and it seems to work. When you see something

what do they do? They’re online. You check – trust me, it’s true. It’s inter-

that’s magic you have to say “How did this happen?”, it really is a wow

esting that in two years Smartphone sales will surpass PC sales, the

moment. How it actually works is when you talk to the phone of course

growth rates are faster, it’s a larger market.

there’s a computer inside the phone which digitises your voice and sends

What’s interesting is that the mobile web is growing eight times faster

it to a thousand servers. They vote in a complex way and they say “What

than the equivalent PC desktop web at the same point in its history.

do we think this thing is?” “We think it’s English, we think it’s an English

At Google we see this in our own data. You see it in the sense of ex-

speaker and we think we understand the structure of English” and they

citement, mobility, activity, start-ups and all the people who came here

turn it in to text, and then they send it to another set of computers and

at the conference. One of the things that has it’s implication is that the

those computers say “Ha, this is English text! We know how to translate

majority of humans will get themselves online with a mobile device and

from English text to German text” and then they send it to another set

not with a PC. This is beginning to be true, just as it was true ten years

of computers which take German text and get it ready to send it to the

ago that you could see that the average person would not have a land-

other fella’s phone. Now how long does that take? Less than the blink

line, they would just have a mobile phone to talk. For the same princi-

of an eye; that’s what’s so amazing. And does it work on every language?

ple they’re now not going to have PCs, they’re going to have mobile

It will eventually work on a hundred by a hundred. It requires relatively

devices of one kind or another that are tethered to that information

little training and it’s done using statistical machine translation, it scales,

using them for all the obvious reasons and if you think that you like

and it works against any language because of all the things that we

your mobile phone then imagine a person who has never had a com-

know about language.

puter at all and they get a modern Smartphone connected to an over-

Think about wars that have been started because people couldn’t com-

loaded local area network. Think about what that does to their ability –

municate. Now finally we have a shot at miscommunication through

the change, just the binary change of information from the local

digital translation. But at least people will be talking and starting to ap-

context of their village to literally all of the world’s information.

preciate the differences in their scenarios.

I call this mobile revolution ‘mobile first’. The simple guideline is that

Another example: Here in Munich you take a picture of the famous

whatever you’re doing, you are doing it mobile first. What I’ve noticed

church – the phone tells you the name of the church and where you are.

is that the top developers, the smartest young, they’re doing mobile

How does it do that? Well it takes a picture, it digitises the picture, sends

things first. They start with the presumption of connectivity and loca-

it to a set of computers and what do they do? They vote. Okay, is this a

tion, and locality and interaction in a way that my generation never

picture of an animal/mineral/vegetable? After the formal mapping of what

foresaw. In terms of pervasive connectivity – another trend I want to

the image is it then tells you what it is. It works remarkably well. All of a

highlight – the mobile computing is going hand in hand with this amaz-

sudden it’s not just the phone but the phone and all those super comput-

ing amount of data network ability that we have. I would argue that de-

ers together on this pervasive network and that’s cloud computing in the

vices that are not connected to the Internet are not interesting any-

way that we will all experience it.

more. If you have one of these stored music players? Not very

So you can do other things. You can take your phone and you can virtu-

interesting. Take the same stored music player and connect it to a Wi-

ally ski downhill in Vancouver on the Olympic runs and it will set that up

Fi network to a music server of one kind or another and all of a sudden

for you so you can have fun. You know you’re bored, you’re sitting at the

it’s incredibly interesting. So take every single device that you know

airport “I’ll go skiing in Vancouver”. If you want to look at historical

that has some form of a CPU in it and start thinking “I want it connect-

imagery of Munich in the post-war reconstruction you can go from satel-

ed to my Wi-Fi network”. And the networks by the way, the Telcos who

lite photos all the way back to 1943 and watch the city get re-built and

are spending gobs and gobs of capital are now fundamentally deploy-

expand and become the great city that it is today. The point here is that

ing the next generation of network called LTE (Long Term Evolution)

this is not just one product, it’s the mobile device, it’s the network, it’s

and it’s rated at 15 megabits, the measured per­formance is between 8-

the platform, it’s the software architectures.

10 megabits and I think that’s a realistic expectation. For those of you

Now this is not a new term, Bill Gates talked about it in 1990. He called

who are working on 3G networks you should typically get about one

it “Information at your fingertips – all the information that someone might

megabit, in Europe you get two. It’s on the order of magnitude im-

be interested in, including information that they can’t even get today.”

provement and the LTE standard, developed in Germany and Sweden,

We’ve been talking about this stuff for decades! Now technology has

the combination of two, will rule through the rest of the world in the

finally caught up with the marketing and the vision. You’re seeing a sort

next year or two and amazingly the United States is also going to be

of generational focus on making this real.

getting this.

Today we can digitise everything. We at Google are busy digitising the

I remember thinking if I could just have a pervasive one megabit I

dead sea scrolls because they’re worried that some of them are going to

would be happy. Now I remember spending years thinking all I want is

literally go away because of atmospherics. And, if you think about it,

one megabit everywhere I go because I wanted to be able to do my

computers can give you digital senses: hearing, and speaking and even

emails with some speed and handle all those attachments that people

understanding – all of a sudden computers are not the same as people

sent me. What can I do with my 10 megabits? Well interactive video;

but they can really go back to that notion of making our lives better,

reasonably compressed, reasonably real time interactive video and

making us better humans, making us where we want to go.

there are technologies in development which will allow for example au-

This has a political component which is quite significant. A political

tomatic transcoding and all the other things that are necessary to make

activist and blogger in Tunisia who had been arrested two weeks ago

that kind of video seamless. It’s all happening in the next year.

happened to have his phone on and he let people know where he


DLD11 | jan 25, 2011 | 12:50 PM

was – which was, by the way, in prison – using Google Latitude.

people, I haven’t talked about money. The other component of course is

Obviously not something to joke about, he was in custody inside the

the large markets and large, in our case advertising markets that can be

government building and as the revolution occurred he was freed.

aggregated. It’s interesting that YouTube for example is taking 35 hours

Today he is a government minister of that country. That’s how fast this

of video uploaded every minute. Think about it. You will never watch it all,

stuff changes, and imagine what that did for this gentleman.

it’s hard for us to watch it all to make sure it’s appropriate. More than 2

We have a project that we just stated in Sudan, going back to this

billion views per day, but our business is also booming. We have some-

crowdsourcing notion of trying to sort of crowdsource satellite imagery.

thing more than 2 billion monetized views per week in YouTube. At the

You publish all the satellite images and you get people telling you

scale of YouTube, this is a very large audience business. And the display

what’s really going on. For the referendum in Sudan, George Clooney

business, another aspect of our business, has more than 2 million pub-

and a team have organised this project and what they’re trying to is

lisher partners and is fast on it’s way to being a very, very large business

to monitor the claims of the competing sides as to what’s going on with

for Google.

respect to the amassing of soldiers and you might imagine that the

So my point is that not only do you need to have a computer architecture,

claims that are being made by the various government sides do not com-

a consumer architecture and sort of a value that you’re offering, but

pletely conform with reality as recorded on our satellite pictures. Very

you also need to have a monetisation platform. Let me see if I can put

interesting, very powerful.

this in to some context for how this is going to play out. When you look

So to me what this says is that there’s a new possible definition for

at innovation historically, it’s pretty clear that the Internet is probably

Google coming back to what we do. So what drives us? The simple thing

the greatest disruptor of all time. It’s certainly in the lead with some of the

is that we basically want to give you your time back. Speed matters.

key inventions over the last 100 years. The Schumpeter quote is ‘capital-

We want to make search faster: we did a thing called Google Instant, so

ism inevitably leads to a perennial gale of creative destruction’.

literally a few seconds shaved off of the searches that you do – we

computation and again it saves you just that extra half second of trying to

The interesting thing about the Internet is that it has replaced the economics of scarcity with the economics of abundance.

figure out what you care about. So where does it go? Well I think it be­

The economics of scarcity had to do with the ability to have pricing power,

comes more personal, and by the way more personal with your permission.

you hold things back, you restrict them, you have subscriptions, so on

It is very, very important to understand the boundary of anonymity

and so on. The economics of abundance are that you’re everywhere, you’re

and personal and the right choice of course is to let you decide where

everywhere all the time and you count it one by one. Why is this true?

that boundary is. An example would be, with your permission right, inte-

It’s not some mad plot, it has to do with the technology because the mar-

grating personal contacts, personal emails, personal network of people

ginal cost of distribution on the Internet because of the compound in­

and all your relationships to them, again with your permission. So imagine

vestment that’s been made is so low and it’s going through industry after

since now I’ve given permission to Google, permission knows who I

industry after industry. I’ll give you an example, the Australians who

am as I wonder the streets of Munich, my phone is the perfect walking

are very far away, …and they’re a very large country and they have just

companion and it knows where I’ve been, it knows what I care about and

announced a policy that 93% of the citizens of Australia, within the

it suggests things – I happen to like airplanes and so it says “Did you

next four years, will have fibre to their home and office. That fibre techni-

know there’s a Hansa Jet here at the local museum, you would like that”.

cally is capable of running at least a gigabit per second and the 93%

Talk about personal service! Pretty interesting. It can also understand

has to do with the 7% that are in very rural areas, it’s hard to reach them

what I mean when I say “What is the weather like” am I saying “Should I

with fibre.

wear a raincoat?” or am I saying “Do I need to water the plants?”, so

What does it mean to have a gigabit per second connection? It means

you can go from syntax to semantic, from words to meanings if you know

that every distinction that you think of in terms of medial distribution goes

more about the person with their permission, with them signing in to it.

away. HD television, video-conferencing, radio; all of those can be com-

So the sum of that is that search continues to be very important and in

pressed in to a single pipe and it means that all of those economic models

the mobile opportunity is just as large. The Android platform that you all

have to be adjusted. They don’t go away, it doesn’t come free or any-

know about is selling more than 300,000 activations per day. In other

thing, I’m not suggesting that at all but they have to change. They are sold

words it’s growing very quickly: 145 devices, 27 OEM partners, 160 carri-

differently. There are different economics for the producers, different

ers in 96 countries; it’s very much a global phenomenon and what’s inter-

remediation for various other players. And to me I look at this and this is

esting is that the device searches that we see have grown by a factor of

both exciting and terrifying: it’s exciting because of the scale – it is now

10 on android in one year. It shows you how powerful this model really is.

possible to reach a billion people worldwide literally every day.

Chrome is getting a lot of momentum. It has more than 120 million

Many industries operate where we’re going to have 100,000 viewers or

actives – it did go up three times in the past year, again growth rate fast-

one million viewers, but in the Internet you say “Well I want 50 million us-

er than everybody else. Again you have a combination of speed and

ers/100 million users” and then at Google people come in and say that

reach which we think is how these platforms get things. Why am I talking

and we say “Do you have any idea how many people that is?!” I remem-

about the browser in the context of this revolution? A deeper innovation

ber when getting a 10,000 person audience, we were like really excited.

with the browser allows for more autonomy. Historically the browsers that

It shows you the scale of the world, and one of the great things about

you all use are not fully fledged platforms of what we would like them to

being alive today is you can be a truly global citizen and understand how

be, but there has been technical breakthroughs in the software architec-

pervasive humanity, how incredibly rich and interesting all of us really are.

ture that allow you now to build extremely powerful dynamic applications

But it’s also terrifying because all of this has to do with information

that are browser resident – the technical name for this is called HTML 5.

and information is the most powerful thing of all. I don’t know exactly

A few more things about how this plays out – I talked about technology in

how society is going to sort out all the various conflicts that are obvious -

figured out that 2-5 seconds was like 100,000 man years in the world; again small changes like that have huge implications in terms of people’s time. We did something called instant previews where when you mouse over you see previews of all the pages; this requires huge amounts of

jan 25, 2011 | 12:50 AM | DLD11 113

whether they’re privacy or incumbency or regulatory or so forth, but I

all engage in. Games, movies, videos, and of course we can help you

do know that people care a lot about it and that this will be the subject of

choose which ones you want.

a lot of discussion, a lot of both political discussion as well as moral

And you’re never out of ideas – in fact we can suggest, based on what

discussion as to the society coming along. Remember what I just said; if

you do and your whereabouts and with your permission, what you could

your children are awake, they are online. Which means you don’t exactly

do next, where you could go; some new ideas for you. Imagine a world

know what they’re doing. I don’t think society has fundamentally figured

calendar of events all there. And by the way, what is this about this car

out what to do about these things and we are going to need to, as a

thing? It’s amazing for me that they let humans drive cars – these things


are very, very dangerous. Don’t you think that computers should drive

So I want to finish by putting this in to a context. I believe that we’re not

and the humans are watching the computer? We’ve done this, we took

at the end of something, but at the beginning of something much larger,

seven Priuses which we sort of modified without a lot of permission and

because of this platform I’ve just described. We understand, all of us to-

drove them over 1000 miles with a person sitting there with a button in

gether, we now understand how to build these large audience businesses

case there was a software bug – which there wasn’t. Fact of the matter is

using very powerful technology. It’s just beginning based on this platform,

that it makes more sense to have the auto-pilot in the car be a computer

it’s not ending – which is why I want you to keep doing this conference

that knows the maths, sees what real time is going on and lets the human

for so long. Because this is just literally the beginning of the implication of

sort of monitor it. More people will be alive.

this in terms of humanity, which is what I think you and the people who

And what I like the most about this …never lonely, never bored, all the

put this together really care about.

information at your fingertips, this is not a vision of the elite. Historically

I’m a computer scientist and my bias is that computer science can help

these kinds of technologies have been available to the elite and not for

us a lot. Computer science can solve some pretty big problems: global

the common man. If there was a trickle down effect it would be a genera-

warming, terrorism, financial transparency – things that we’re all worried

tion or a decade of 100 years. Information has historically been kept to

about, because those are information problems at some basic level.

the elite for various reasons: hard to get at or difficult to understand and

And the information problems, we can do those at scale, we as computer

so forth. This is a vision that is accessible to every single person on the

scientists. So imagine a future where the following things are true – and

planet. So to the degree that we’re all a member of a highly educated

by the way this is a pretty near future, this is not a long time from now –

Western elite we’re going to be amazed at how smart and capable all

you won’t forget anything. You won’t forget anything because computers

those people are who did not have access to our standard of living, our

remember everything, they remember – again with your permission,

universities and our culture. When they come they’re going to teach

I have to add that – where you’ve been, what you do, they keep your pic-

us things that we didn’t know and they are coming and I’m very excited

tures around and so on and so forth. Did I like that hotel? Yeah, I stayed

about that. The numbers are that there are on the order of a billion

there a little while ago, I liked this food over here, I liked that memory,

Smartphones and the growth rate outside of our areas is faster than in

yeah, yeah that person is over there and I’m going to walk over there,

ours, so they’re coming and they’re coming fast. One of the great ac-

and on, and on, and on. It remembers everything. With your permission.

complishments of our generation is the lifting of a couple of billion people

The other thing is, has anyone been lost recently? I used to love to get

from poverty to middle class – mostly in Asia. We should be very, very

lost, you know, wandering around, not having any idea where I was,

proud of that as citizens of the world. This is our next achievement,

eventually you get found. It’s terrible, you can’t get lost anymore! Every­

which is to bring them in to this modern world, the world that we all live

one here carries their mobile phone and everyone with a mobile phone

in, the world that we have built, and the world that they will change,

has Google Maps or one of the competitors and you know where you are

and I think largely for a very good world.

down to the foot! You know your position down to the foot and, by the

So I would argue that the future of all of us, the future of this conference,

way, so do your friends! With your permission.

the future of what we care about, should be organised around the future

Now what can you do with that? Computers can predict whether you

of trying to do good. Look at the projects that were presented here in the

would like to meet your friend or not as you walk. With your permission.

conference in the last two days – this is a future that gives people time

The people who love the earth can love it much more. I’ve been surprised

back to do what matters, the things that they care about: ideas, intuition,

at how powerful the Google Earth phenomenon is in terms of the things

solutions in doing what they love. In many ways it’s a future of poetry.

that we now can know about the earth and I think it’s obvious if you think

William Gibson wrote in the New York Times: “Google has made of us a

about it – everyone here cares about it a great deal. We have the ability

sort of coral reef of human minds and their products”. I am very, very

now to know exactly what’s happening everywhere all the time, whether

happy to be part of this, I’m happy that we’re all part of making this hap-

it’s geologic or people or so forth and so on. It’s pretty important.

pen and thank you so much for being part of it.

So as we face the very significant threat of climate change, we’ve got a

way of having a conversation that’s fact based. You can have all the information in the world at your fingertips and the important thing is that it’s with and in your own language, right then and there. It’s never been possible before. I didn’t quite understand how powerful that was until you saw the development of what is Wikipedia, which is sort of one of the great inventions of mankind now. You’re never lonely – when you’re travelling you’re never lonely because there is always somebody to talk to online. Your friends travel with you now on your instant messaging status, Facebook and what have you. There is always somebody to speak to or send a picture and say “Here I am running around at the DLD Conference” and post about. And you’re never bored. Instead of wasting time watching television you waste your time being online. Time wasting is a well known human activity that we

1 Eric Schmidt with Hubert Burda, his wife Maria Furtwängler-Burda and their children Elisabeth and Jacob



DLD11 | Burda DLD Nightcap






1 Former US President Bill Clinton attended the Burda DLD Nightcap with Hubert Burda 2 High profile networking in Davos: Herbert J. Scheidt, Paul-Bernhard Kallen, and Jean-Claude Trichet 3 Making plans for DLDwomen? Power women Gabi Zedlmeyer, Ana-Cristina Grohnert, Asha Jadeja, and Steffi Czerny 4 Martin Biessing and Christoph Franz used the event to have a lively discussion 5 Investor Nicolas Berggruen enjoying the get-together

Burda DLD Nightcap | DLD11 117






6 Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt and David Drummond, SVP Corporate Development and CLO 7 Philipp Welte and Arthur Sulzberger Jr., NY Times, exchanging experiences in Davos 8 Media men: Marcel Reichart together with Jim Breyer and Ping Li of Accel 9 DLDwomen10 speaker Juliana Rotich met DLD11 speaker Bjarke Ingels 10 CEOs amongst each other: Maurice Levy, CEO of Publicis, with Johannes Teyssen, CEO of E.ON AG


DLD11 | Partners

Partners | DLD11 119

Partners @ DLD11


DLD11 | Coverage

Coverage Numerous national and international journalists reported about DLD11 in different media (TV, Print, online). The conference created 270 Million quality media contacts.

Coverage | DLD11 121


DLD11 | Coverage jan 23, 2011 | 09:45 AM

Coverage | DLD11 123


DLD11 | FEedback

“I don’t know of a better done event that draws this mixture of talent and IQ from around wonderful the world.”


Eric Schmidt | CEO Google Inc.

special “ Special thanks to the DLD11 team for all of their hard work and efforts. You produced an amazing event filled with great moments and memories.” Jeff Pulver |

g n i r i insp

“ The conference was exciting and informative, the participants fascinating. Tremendously successful event.” Tina DiCarlo | Writer and curator



“Remarkable event! I was honored to participate!”

Participants @ DLD

Dr. David Agus | Professor of Medicine, USC Keck School of Medicine

“Spannendes, inspirierendes und angenehm andersartiges Event. DLD ist einfach die beste Veranstaltung, die ich kenne.“ Holger Jung | Jung von Matt

“Lots of success, fun and revolutionary inspiration.” Chris Dercon | Director Tate Modern London

scinating fapartici pants

“Extraordinary conference” Alain T. Rappaport | Entrepreneur


“The spirit of the delightful DLD family.” Bright Simons | mPedigree

Feedback | DLD11 125

“Fabulous DLD year – it was a unique and impressive list of speakers and topics. This is the highest quality event of its kind in Europe.” Sonali de Rycker | Accel Partners London

“I am keeping my DLD bracelet on forever!! :)”

interesting topicprs,esente rs, participants

Laurel Toby | Mediabistro

“ This is truly the best event in all of Europe. It‘s actually now in the top of two or three events in the world for me personally to go to.”

“It was an amazing three days.” Fred Vogelstein | WIRED Magazine


Jason Calacanis |


“ The event far exceeded all accounts, as well as my expectations; superb content, and extraordinary execution.” José-Maria Figueres | IJ Partners

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beautiful atm osphere

“Super-spannende und bestens organisierte Veranstaltung.” Andreas Bodczek | SponsorPay

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“One of the best conferences I have ever attended.” Dean Takahashi | VentureBeat



DLD11 | closing credits

Closing Credits DLD Chairmen DLDwomen Chairwoman DLD Co-Founders & Managing Directors DLD Core Team

Hubert Burda, Yossi Vardi Maria Furtwängler-Burda

Stephanie Czerny, Marcel Reichart Franziska Deecke, Florian Haas, Lukas Kubina, Alexandra Schiel, Artur Schmidt

DLD Supporting Team

Marvin Barnie, Charles Eck von Schanzenbach, Melissa Eliyesil, Julian von Frankenberg, Anna Fricke, Johannes Fricke, Katharina Nachbar, Linn Norström-Weile, Pierre Ostrowski, Carolin Ottmann, Heiko Schlott, Johanna Spreti

Media Relations

Susanne Bömmel, Nikolaus von den Decken, Susanne Kern, Michael Pries

Conference Experience

Sabine Schmid

DLD Artwork & Design

Michel Karamanovic, Annette Kokus-Jung, Ben Liersch, Patricia Urban

DLD Visual Animation


DLD11 Book Production

Amelie Jurkeit, Marcella Miner

Stage Production, Lighting & Audio Design

Philipp Schwarz, Christoph Uzhuber (UMES)

Video Production Video On Demand Solutions Live Video Streaming Solution Web Production Conference Catering DLD FOCUS Night Co-Organization Music Act Management DLD FOCUS Night Media Partner DLD FOCUS Night Beats at DLD FOCUS Night

Melanie Landa, Benedict Mirow (NIGHTFROG) Martina Epple, Andreas Heyden, Gerald Koenen (sevenload)

Daniel Pacheco (Livestream) Michael Karl, Bastian Konetzny (TOMORROW FOCUS TECHNOLOGIES) Ulrich Dahlmann (Dahlmann Catering)

Alexander Wolfrum, Daniela Späth, Tobias Dillberger (G.R.A.L.)

Vicky Butcher, Sven Kilthau-Lander (Universal)

Terry von Bibra (Yahoo!) Many Ameri (Red Bull Music Academy)

closing credits | DLD11 127

DLD Museum Tours

Renate Eikelmann (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum), Wolfgang Heckl (Deutsches Museum), Carla Schulz-Hoffmann (Neue Pinakothek)

Chairmen’s Dinner On-Site Production

Andrea Fottner (Einstein Restaurant), Alon Kol (Israelische Kultusgemeinde München)

Venue Management

Ingrid Grätz, Sonja Peugler (UniCredit Bank AG)

Ticketing Solutions

Henning Bohnsack, Franziska Paulus

TRON: Legacy Pre-Screening Coordination Speakers

(in alphabetical order)

Birgit Seidel (Walt Disney Studios) Linda Abraham, Trip Adler, David Agus, Eric Anderson, Andreas Angelidakis, Marco Arment, Nikesh Arora, Samir Arora, Harish Bahl, Kunal Bahl, Brandee Barker, Marc Benioff, Assaf Biderman, Matthew Bishop, Henry Blodget, Stewart Brand, Jim Breyer, John Brockman, Hubert Burda, Mike Butcher, Jason Calacanis, Troy Carter, Pete Cashmore, Jeffrey Chan, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, Beth Comstock, Joshua Cooper Ramo, Dennis Crowley, Errol Damelin, Hubert Damisch, Kai Diekmann, Doe Diggler, Elizabeth Diller, Daniel Domscheit-Berg, Mark Drummond, Esther Dyson, George Dyson, Thomas Ebeling, Gil Elbaz, Olafur Eliasson, Juan Enriquez, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Vanessa Friedman, Maria Furtwängler-Burda, Scott Galloway, David Gelernter, Laurent Gil, Stefan Glänzer, Claudia Gonzalez, Bill Gross, Brooke Hammerling, Greg Harper, Lars Hinrichs, Peter Hirshberg, Reid Hoffman, Chris Hughes, Corrine Hunt, Jeffrey Inaba, Bjarke Ingels, Asha Jadeja, JollyJay & H-to-O, Paul-Bernhard Kallen, Kevin Kelly, David Kirkpatrick, DJ Monsieur Komplex, Tetsuo Kondo, Raul Krauthausen, Ynon Kreiz, Andrian Kreye, Thomas Künstner, Ilja Laurs, Kai-Fu Lee, Maarten Lens-FitzGerald, Cary Levine, Wang Lifen, David Liu, Somaly Mam, Sam Mandel, Alexander Mankowsky, Rick Marini, Andrew Mason, Natalie Massenet, Marissa Mayer, James McCartney, Peter Meier, Josette Melchor, Marc Miethe, James Murdoch, Ralf Mutschke, Andrej Nabergoj, Harry Nelis, Ilya Nikolayev, Kohei Nishiyama, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Felix Petersen, Guy Oseary, Frederik Ottesen, Sean Parker, Sanjay Parthasarathy, Joe Penna, Lakshmi Pratury, Jeff Pulver, Igor Pusenjak, Carlo Ratti, Mark Read, Dan Reed, Spencer Reiss, Jörg Rohleder, Dan Rose, Mel Rosenberg, Martin Roth, David Rowan, Marc Samwer, Tomas Saraceno, Ugesh Sarcar, Jennifer L. Schenker, Jean-Paul Schmetz, Eric Schmidt, Christoph Schuh, Matthias Schuler, René Schuster, Ilya Segalovich, Tino Sehgal, Amit Shafrir, Darian Shirazi, Albert Shum, Ludwig Siegele, Barry Silbert, Daniel Simon, Bright Simons, Jens Martin Skibsted, Reshma Sohoni, Brian Sullivan, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Kara Swisher, Dean Takahashi, Karen Tal, Don Tapscott, Naveen Tewari, Linda Tischler, Alexander Tsiaras, Margareta van den Bosch, Yossi Vardi, Peter Vesterbacka, Werner Vogels, Fred Vogelstein, Padmasree Warrior, Jochen Wegner, Margit Wennmachers, Geoffrey West, George Whitesides, Patrick Wölke, Stanley Yang, Gabriele Zedlmayer, Claude Zellweger, Martin Zimmermann, Claus Zimmermann, Stephanie zu Guttenberg, Randi Zuckerberg

to be continued …


DLD11 | Stay in touch

Stay in touch DLD11 attracted an audience from 155 different countries who were able to experience DLD through both live video streaming and our videos on demand. Our mobile portal was accessed by 948 cities in 77 different countries. Furthermore, during DLD11 the DLD Community generated more than 14,000 tweets.

Imprint | DLD11 129

Imprint Management & Concept: Stephanie Czerny & Marcel Reichart Implementation: © 2011 DLD Media GmbH, Arabellastr. 23, 81925 Munich Editing: Lukas Kubina, Amelie Jurkeit, Marcella Miner, Marvin Barnie, Artur Schmidt Art Direction: Annette Kokus-Jung Design: Ben Liersch, Marion Bauer Production: Sabine Schmid Printing: megapac offset KG, Wiesenweg 4c, 85716 Unterschleißheim Photo Credits: Daniel Grund, Flo Hagena, Flo Fetzer, Jorinde Gersina, Jessica Kassner, Alexandra Pauli, Steffi Seidl; picture alliance/Frank May, picture alliance/Tobias Hase, picture alliance/Christoph Stache; Thinkstock; 21: Net-a-Porter; 22: Margareta van den Bosch; 24: Conceptual design of Spaceport America by Foster + Partners. Courtesy of Foster + Partners, Virgin Galactic; 25: Virgin Galactic; 93: Tali Niv-Dolinsky DLD, DLD Media, DLD Ventures are trademarks of Hubert Burda Media Holding KG All Rights reserved

jan 23, 2011 | 09:45 AM | DLD11

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