Comments on Miri Endeweld and Haya Stier (2017). “Wage mobility of Young Workers in an old and new labor market: Israel 1990-2015”. Manuscript, The National Insurance Institute (NII), the Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University Markus Jäntti1 1
Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University
Conference on Social Mobility and Inequality in Israel Jerusalem, June 14, 2017
Quick (but incomplete) summary I
focus on I I
wage mobility (based on tax registry data) among. . . . . . young workers (24-30 on entry, no LM in year prior to entry) ... . . . in 1990-2015 (periodized to 1991, 1995, . . . , 2010) . . . . . . followed for 5, 10 and 15 years
results suggest I
real incomes grow for young workers but little real shift (“growth�) in the profiles despite strong economic growth (=relative deterioration?) relative mobility (as measured by Shorrocks-index) is U-shaped between 1991/2000–2005/2015: declines to each same level as much heterogeneity in income growth vulneraeble groups fare worse
Main comment
too much for one paper – multiple papers or one long report? would be useful to organize the different approaches along different mobility concepts, e.g.: I I I
real income changes (e.g., “growth incidence curves�) transition matrices/positional change income risks
interesting to compare experience of these workers to advantaged group (say, 30-40 year old men)
more descriptive information about the types of persons who are entering is useful (and some background info on youth laboue markets
focus on those with no earnings in prior year? (who at 24 had no earnings at 23? University graduates vs long-term unemployed vs young parents)
role of wage/employment variability?
Concepts of income mobility Source: Jäntti and Jenkins (2015)
concepts: I I I I
positional change individual income growth mobility as inequality reduction income risk
social desirability of mobility I I
may differ across concepts relationship to equality of opportunity (?)
Endeweld, Miri and Haya Stier (2017). “Wage mobility of Young Workers in an old and new labor market: Israel 1990-2015”. Manuscript, The National Insurance Institute (NII), the Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University. Jäntti, Markus and Stephen Jenkins (2015). “Income mobility”. In: Handbook of Income Distribution. Ed. by Anthony B Atkinson and François Bourguignon. Vol. 2. Elsevier. Chap. 10, pp. 807–935.