MRP ENG booklet 2017

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Jerusalem, March 2017

ABOUT THE PRIZE Max Rowe immigrated to Israel in 1948. He served as head of PICA, and then until 1982 as Chief Executive of Yad Hanadiv (the Rothschild Foundation).

Max Rowe (1912-1985)

At Yad Hanadiv Max Rowe placed a high priority on advancing education in Israel. Under his guidance, the Foundation established Educational Television, the Centre for Educational Technology (CET) and the Open University. All three initiatives grew out of Rowe’s belief that ‘a high quality education should be available for the masses’, and that ‘the particular aptitudes of each individual should be fostered’. In 1987 Yad Hanadiv established the Rothschild Prize in Education in Memory of Max Rowe to recognize educators in the Israeli school system who promote excellence, initiative and innovation, and advance their pupils in exceptional and commendable ways. The selection committee for the Prize includes representatives of the Ministry of Education, academics specializing in education and public figures. Nominations are submitted by district superintendents and supervisors from the Ministry of Education, municipal education department directors, educators, members of academia and the general public. The 2017 Rothschild Prize in Education is being awarded to Teacher Leaders – respected and experienced teachers who initiate and facilitate learning processes among colleagues, in order to make the practice of teaching more reflective and professional. Through activity carried out in their schools or disciplines, they contribute substantially to the quality and prestige of the teaching profession and to enhanced student learning.

ABOUT TEACHER LEADERS Who is a Teacher Leader?

Why is this process important?

A Teacher Leader is a highly capable teacher, who leads professional learning of colleagues. The Teacher Leader seeks to improve learning and achievements of pupils by improving the practice of teaching.

Research establishes that quality of teaching is the schoolbased factor that makes by far the greatest contribution to learning and student achievement. Teacher Leaders who carry out the work described above fulfil the conditions for professional development known to improve the quality of teaching.

What does a Teacher Leader do? Teacher Leaders create opportunities and lead efforts for shared learning by teachers, based on trust and mutual respect of all participants in the process – Teacher Leaders, teachers and Head Teachers. Utilizing a variety of methods, the Teacher Leader engages fellow teachers in a process which is systematic, continuous, collaborative, school-based, focused squarely on classroom instruction and backed by evidence and observation of teaching situations. The Teacher Leader mentors teachers in applying the resulting insights in the classroom.

What is the vision for the future? Teacher Leaders will be active in schools throughout the country, spearheading a systematic collaborative approach to expand and deepen the practical professional knowledge of teachers – to improve the learning of all pupils.

Anat Lancry

Rothschild Prize in Education March 2017

Over the past two years Anat has

create a sense of a collective responsibility that comes with

participated in a Teacher Leader

being part of a professional hevruta or learning collaborative.

programme of the Haifa District,

In her facilitation, Anat emphasizes reflection, case study

where she leads a community of Teacher Leaders at the

analysis and professional discourse that stimulates practical

Teacher Centre in Kiryat Motzkin. In addition, she leads a

and theoretical questioning. She believes that this type of team-

community of teachers in her own school. Her activity in pro-

work sharpens one’s sensibilities and decision making, raises

fessional development of teachers builds on her expertise as

awareness of weaknesses and challenges, and generates

an excellent teacher of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

new practical knowledge that can contribute to the success

and as a pedagogical coordinator at the Kiryat Ata Yeshiva

of all students.

High School for Art and Science. As a facilitator, Anat believes in the power of communities of learning to advance the professional competencies of participating teachers and to

Dr Avi Merzel

Rothschild Prize in Education March 2017

Avi is convinced that Physics is

his postdoctoral work at the Technion. He serves in develop-

not only for geeks. He works to

ment teams and leads a community of Physics teachers in

make it accessible, captivating

Jerusalem. Avi utilizes the tool of Vidaktika (video-didactics)

and comprehensible to all of his students and fellow teach-

– analysis based on observing teaching practice with the aid of

ers. His activity is sophisticated, creative and technology-

filmed lessons – when he mentors and trains new and veteran

driven. He makes use of innovative tools from the world of

teachers. Avi believes in ongoing professional development of

high-tech in his classroom in order to draw his students into

teachers, maintaining that every teacher ought to be a per-

the world of physics, engaging them in a lively and stimulating

petual student of his own teaching, and demonstrate flexibility

learning process that integrates technology into both teach-

and creativity every time he enters the classroom, in each les-

ing and learning. Avi wears a number of hats: he teaches at

son and with each student.

The Charles E. Smith High School for Boys and at the Pelech Religious Experimental High School for Girls in Jerusalem, lectures in Physics Education at The Hebrew University, and carries out research on the subject of Physics teaching in

Elias Farah

Rothschild Prize in Education March 2017

Elias is coordinator of English at

students at Oranim Teachers College and his colleagues to

the St Joseph Seminary and High

lead and take part in teacher-led initiatives. He himself leads

School in Nazareth. He is an active

learning processes of fellow teachers at teacher centres

and involved teacher whose work extends beyond the walls

around the country, where he shares innovative teaching

of his classroom and of the school. Through wide-ranging

methodologies, drawn in part from his own classroom

activity, he demonstrates that language is much more than

experience and from the doctoral studies he pursues in the

grammar and composition, seeing it as a key to understanding

field of English. Elias believes that meaningful high quality

the world, to self expression and to stimulating cognitive

learning is achieved not only by expanding vocabulary, but also

and communication skills. Elias adopted an English language

by developing internal resources: rhetorical and reasoning

International Diplomacy and Communications major - the first

skills, a culture of discourse and self-esteem. He sees learning

in the Arab Community. He coordinates English studies and

in general and the study of English in particular as goals with

heads two extracurricular areas close to his heart – debate

inherent value, as well as tools to effect change, bridge

and programmes promoting International Studies, including a

differences and resolve conflicts.

Model UN conference that Elias' school has hosted annually for Arab and Jewish schools from across the country for the past three years. He encourages his school’s alumni, Education

Hadas Rimon Zimbler

Rothschild Prize in Education March 2017

Hadas has been a Teacher Leader

In her capacity as a Teacher Leader, Hadas facilitates and

for two and a half years as part of

mentors a learning community of teachers from various

Hashkafa’s Teacher Leader initiative

disciplines in her school. Under her guidance, participants gain

in the Haifa District, and is a teacher at Nofit Elementary

an appreciation for the teaching improvement process known

School. In her Maths classes she combines hands-on

as ‘Lesson Study’: continuous loops of collaborative lesson

learning approaches in which the teacher guides and

planning, observation, feedback and reporting on their insights.

encourages students to take responsibility for their learning,

As a partner in leading the professional development of her

to dig deeper into content and develop analytical and critical

colleagues she makes a significant contribution to fostering

thinking skills. Hadas creates a pleasant learning environment

a culture of learning among teachers and to a positive

focused on adapting content and the pace of learning to the

experience of learning among students.

range of abilities of her students. She is a big believer in the power of a teacher’s words to influence the learning process, understanding that every child processes input differently and that this has an impact on classroom engagement.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS – 2017 Professor Bat-Sheva Eylon, Chair Weizmann Institute of Science

Ms Gila Ben-Har

CEO, Centre for Educational Technology

Ms Michal Cohen

Outgoing Director General, Ministry of Education

Ms Najwa Farahat

Inspector, Jerusalem Middle and High Schools

Ms Gal Herut

Head, Teacher Leaders Professional Centre (TLPC) at Mofet Institute

Ms Esty Magen

Teacher Leader; Ostrovsky High School, Ra'anana; Recipient of the 2015 Rothschild Prize in Education

Dr Nir Michaeli

Rector, Oranim Academic College

Mr Moti Rosner

Director, Deputy Director of Teachers Administration, Ministry of Education

Ms Yehudit Shalvi

Executive Director, Avney Rosha Israel Institute for Head Teachers

Design: Delicatessen Design | Photography: Elad Brami

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