DL School Activities Calendar

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Laker Activities Calendar Detroit Lakes HS School

Roosevelt Elementary

Detroit Lakes Middle School

Lincoln Education Center

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School Board

Residents of the Detroit Lakes Schools: On behalf of the Detroit Lakes Schools, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2009-2010 school year. We hope this will be a terrific year for students, staff, and parents. We are pleased to provide all residents of our school district with the yearly activities calendar. It is our hope that this calendar will provide you with the necessary information about the school district as well as the schedule of activities for the school year. Doug Froke As a complement to this calendar, information on the Superintendent school district is available on our web site as well. The Detroit Lakes School District website is located at http//www.dlschools.net. This website contains a lot of useful information about the district and our schools. District patrons can access such things as various calendars, school board agendas, minutes, policies, lunch menus, and more importantly, a link for parents to monitor their child's progress at school. Because technology is able to address scheduling changes to our very busy lives, we would ask you to utilize the activity calendar link at our website (more so than this calendar) as it is and will be the most current information for you to utilize. As we begin the school year, I would like to encourage parents to become active partners in their child's education. A quality education is the end result of a cooperative effort between the student, the parent, and the school. We encourage parents to attend many of the school's functions and visit your child's school regularly. Have a great 2009-2010 school year. Sincerely, Doug Froke Superintendent of Schools, ISD #22

The Detroit Lakes Board of Education meets on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. during the school year and 7:00 a.m. the second Monday in May, June, July and August. School board meetings are held at the Detroit Lakes School District Administration Center located at 702 Lake Avenue. All school board meetings are open to the public. Special meetings are scheduled on an as needed basis. Each member of the school board is assigned to committees for the study and evaluation of a broad variety of issues. These committees make recommendations that are considered and acted upon by the full board. To carry out board member responsibilities, board members attend many meetings in order to be informed from a board member standpoint on matters requiring board action.

David Langworthy Treasurer

Barbara Boyle Chair

Dr. Tom Seaworth Director

Cindy Anderson Vice Chair

Terrie Boyd Clerk

Tom Klyve Chair

Curriculum Detroit Lakes Public Schools Curriculum Curriculum and instruction in the Detroit Lakes Public Schools derives from a process based on both the Minnesota State Standards and best practice research. Developing curriculum and instruction begins with the scope and sequence (a “road map” outlining the goals for a particular curriculum area and the specific objectives for each grade level). A task force of subject area staff members utilizes the Minnesota State Standards and best practice research to create/ Lowell Niklaus revise a scope and sequence every seven years. Education Director To ensure accountability of the goals and grade level objectives, district, state, and/or national assessments are utilized to collect student learning data. The data is analyzed for both formative information (in the classroom to drive instruction) and summative information (at the district level to revise/ modify the curriculum). The written curriculum is designed to deliver the needed instruction for the students to master the goals and objectives listed in the scope and sequence and that are tested using the district’s assessment plan. The instruction in the Detroit Lakes Public Schools is directed by the school board approved curriculum. By teaching the district’s curriculum, staff members ensure that students are taught the goals and objectives, are assessed to show growth, and master the state standards. Detroit Lakes Graduation Requirements Detroit Lakes HS School students will take classes that allow them to earn credit for courses completed and allow them to demonstrate mastery of the Minnesota Standards. To receive a Detroit Lakes HS School diploma, students must meet both local and state requirements. A student is required to successfully complete: • 48 semester credits • Successful passage of graduation-required assessments for diploma (GRAD) in math, reading and writing (2010 graduates and beyond) The Minnesota Statewide Assessment System The Minnesota State Assessment system has several different assessments that are administered in all Minnesota schools each year.

Students in grades three through eight take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCAII) in math and reading each spring. Students do not pass or fail the MCAII tests. Results show how well students are doing on the Minnesota State Standards. Schools use the results to make decisions related to curriculum and instruction. Students who entered eighth grade in 2005-2006 or later must receive a passing score on the GRAD assessments in writing, reading and math in order to receive a high school diploma in Minnesota. The writing test is first administered in grade nine, reading in grade ten and math in grade eleven. Retest opportunities are provided for students who do not achieve a passing score. Students with limited English skills (ELL) take state assessments in math, English and oral language. Students with significant learning disorders may take alternative state assessments to assessments described above providing they meet established criteria. More information about Minnesota State Assessments can be obtained on the Minnesota Department of Education's web site. Harassment and Violence Everyone in the Detroit Lakes Public Schools has a right to feel respected and safe. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know about our policy to prohibit sexual, racial, or religious harassment or violence of any kind. A harasser may be a student or an adult. The harassment or violence may include the following when related to race, religion, sexual orientation, sex, gender, or disability: • name calling, jokes, or rumors; • pulling on clothing; • graffiti; • notes or cartoons; • unwelcome touching of a person or clothing, such as: patting, grabbing, or pinching; • pushing or hitting relating to race or religion; • offensive or graphic posters, book covers; or • any words or actions that make you feel uncomfortable, embarrass you, hurt your feelings, or make you feel bad. If any words or actions have made your student feel uncomfortable or fearful, please contact the Building Administrator.

Transportation Nothing could be more important to a parent than to know their child is being transported to and from school in a safe and timely manner. It is to that end that the Detroit Lakes Public School’s Transportation Department is dedicated. The Board Ted Heisserer of Education has adopted Business Manager a comprehensive transportation policy that can be accessed at www.dlschools.net. Under the Main Menu click on School Board, then Policy Manual, then 709 Transportation. Printed copies also can be obtained at the Administration Center. If your child needs transportation feel free to call the school of attendance or the A d m i n i s t r a t i o n O ffi c e a n d a s k f o r a Transportation Request Form. Be sure to fill it out in detail, including the physical address of your house and possibly directions to your location. If you have any suggestions or concerns regarding transportation, you may contact the Transportation Director’s Secretary at (218) 8479271. Generally, transportation is provided to students residing more than a mile from their school or if walking requires crossing designated hazardous areas. Students must ride the same bus assigned to them both morning and afternoon. Due to safety concerns buses, as a rule, will not travel on private roads or driveways. For increased safety, all buses are equipped with strobe lights and emergency radio communication. Bus safety training is given to all bus students. All riders’ conversations and actions may be subject to electronic surveillance. Accessibility to these recordings is limited to

authorized district personnel or other persons or entities authorized by law. Experienced and well trained bus drivers facilitate the discipline on the bus, and school principals are responsible for disciplinary actions. It is essential for students to abide by the bus rules, or riding privileges may be lost. Please review with your child the following information and encourage them to do their best to comply: Rules of Conduct on the Bus: 1. Immediately follow the directions of the driver. 2. Sit in your seat facing forward. 3. Talk quietly and use appropriate language. 4. Keep all parts of your body inside the bus. 5. Keep your arms, legs and belongings to yourself. 6. No fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay. 7. Do not throw any object. 8. The use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs is not allowed. 9. Do not bring any weapon or dangerous objects on the school bus. 10. Do not misuse any part of the bus – seat, windows, etc. Respect property. 11. Do not bring or use matches or lighters on the bus. 12. Do not throw garbage on the floor. Help keep the bus clean. 13. Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. 14. Notify the bus driver if you know you will be absent that night or the next day. 15. Eating food or drinking beverages may be allowed at the discretion of the bus driver.

Transportation to Childcare Provider Transportation will be provided to a surrogate parent or childcare provider if the following criteria are met: 1) the student is eligible to ride the bus, 2) childcare is in the Ben Weekley same attendance area as Supervisor of Operations school of record, and 3) the parent gives the school district written permission for alternate pick-up/drop-off site. Adverse Weather Conditions/School Closings School District personnel keep in close contact with the National Weather Service, bus contractors and local street and highway departments. Student safety has the highest priority during inclement weather which may result in school closing, delayed opening or early dismissal. Listen closely to local radio and television stations for official announcements and be alert for the District instant alert parental messages. Please not call the District offices or broadcast stations as it is essential to keep open the lines of communication. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

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Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637

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151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN






DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 1 For activity updates, changes, Logo Block cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

3 p. H x 11 p. W

















7:00am School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 9:00am 7/8 Grade FB Clinic 9:00am 7/8 Grade FB Clinic



7:00pm VB Parent/Athlete Mtg @ DLHS 7:00pm CC Parent/Athlete Mtg @ DLHS




Opening Date Football Condition Opening Date for B/G Cross Country Opening Date for B/G Soccer Opening Date for G Swimming Opening Date for G Tennis Opening Date for Girls Volleyball



24 New Teacher Orientation Teacher Workshop 10:00am CC-V @ MB Johnson Park 12:00pm Swimming-G/V (H) @ DLCCC


KDLM/Team Lab Laker Golf Tourney 9:00am GTNS-G/V @ Little Falls High School



10:00am GTNS-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School




10:00am FB-B/V (H) vs. Perham, Moorhead, Fergus Falls, Pelican Rapids @ Mollberg Field 10:00am FB-B/JV (H) @ Mollberg Field 10:00am FB-B/Freshman (H) @ Mollberg Field 11:00am Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Alexandria @ 3:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. Rotary Soccer Park 5:00pm Soccer-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Soccer-G/V @ Walker-Hackensack- 11:00am Soccer-G/JV @ Alexandria 5:00pm GTNS-G/V @ Perham High School Akeley High School 1:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Alexandria @ Rotary 6:00pm Red & White Scrimmage @ Mollberg TBD Soccer-G/JV @ Walker-Hackensack- Soccer Park - Detroit Lakes Field Akeley High School 1:00pm Soccer-G/V @ Alexandria

Detroit Lakes High School the mission of Detroit Lakes High School is to provide a safe, respectful, and positive environment while preparing all learners to be knowledgeable, productive and responsible citizens. detroit lakes HIGH school is a vibrant and forward-looking learning community that places its mission statement at the forefront of its decision making. The administration and staff of our school are actively engaged in finding ways to improve our programming and services so that we can Steve Morben better serve our students, our parents and our HS School Principal smorben@detlakes.k12.mn.us community. Located on the southern end of Roosevelt Avenue near beautiful Detroit Lake, DLHS will enroll about 800 students in grades 9-12 during the 2009-2010 school year and carry a certified teaching staff of 60 regular and special education teachers. The school year operates on a four-quarter/two-semester system. The school day begins at 8:15 and ends at 3:30. Beyond the regular school day, students are able to participate in a “zero hour” class in certain courses that starts before the start of the regular school day or they can participate in after school study groups and extracurricular activities. DLHS offers a wide variety of curricular offerings to its students with more than 150 courses available in 13 curriculum areas, including many opportunities for postsecondary college credit while attending Eric Martinez classes at our school. Recent national and HS School Assistant Principal state test scores indicate that our students are emartinez@detlakes.k12.mn.us performing well in all academic areas. In addition, our music and drama departments are respected throughout the state of Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. DLHS also offers over 50 different activities and athletic opportunities to its students. Above all, the trademark of our school is the quality of the students and staff. An atmosphere of production and cooperation exists to ensure that each student is prepared to go to their next level school counselors are available to assist your student in

academic, career and personal counseling. All staff at DLHS believe it is important that parents be kept informed of the progress, as well as any problems, that may arise during the time in which their students are enrolled in school. To accomplish this, parents are invited to attend Parent/ Teacher Conferences at scheduled times. In addition, parents are invited to confer with school staff at any time the need arises. Detroit Lakes High School has four distinct grading periods that are marked by the end of each quarter and semester. Report cards will be mailed home approximately five days after the end of each grading period. We also mail regular “mid-term progress reports” during each quarter. These reports provide a “snap shot” of each student’s achievement while a term is in session. If you do not receive your student’s grades, please notify the high school counseling center at 847-4494. school-tO-work opportunities, in several formats, are available at Detroit Lakes High School. The mission of the Detroit Lakes Public Schools School-to-Work program is to allow students to recognize, explore and advance their natural interests and abilities in the pursuit of careers. Students, parents or interested businesses should contact the DLHS Counseling Center at 847-4494 for more information regarding the School-to-Work program. contact information DLHS Main Office: 847-4491 DLHS Fax: 846-1797 DLHS Counseling Center: 847-4494 DLHS Counseling Center Fax: 846-2387 Skyward Access: Go to Skyward Login link at www.dlschools.net Detroit Lakes Public Schools website: http://www.dlschools.net Detroit Lakes High School website: http://www.rschooltoday.com/dlhs HIGH SCHOOL DATES Sept. 8 First Day of School Sept. 16 DLHS Picture Day Sept. 28-Oct. 2 Homecoming Week Nov. 23 National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Feb 1-5 SnoBall Week May 1 Prom May 5 Day of Caring May 27 Last Day of School

Doreen Richter Counselor (A-G) drichter@detlakes.k12.mn.us


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Janell Girodat Counselor (O-Z) jgirodat@detlakes.k12.mn.us

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HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

Detroit Lakes




For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net



Labor Day - No School


7:00pm Cast List Posted

14 Roosevelt Book Fair 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 4:00pm CC-V @ Pelican Rapids High School 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ East Grand Forks H.S 5:00pm FB-B/JV (H) vs. Perham @ Mollberg Field 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Perham @ Mollberg Field 5:30pm Soccer-G/V @ East Grand Forks H.S 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 7:00pm Musical Read Through







Teacher Workshop

9:00am Link Leader Training @ Detroit Lakes High School 11:00am GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Staples Motley, Mrhd @ DLHS 4:00pm FB-B/JV (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Mollberg Field 4:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Mollberg Field 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:30pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School 6:00pm VB-G/B @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton High School

first day of school

Teacher Workshop 9:00am Link Leader Training @ DLHS 2:00pm Roosevelt Open House 2:30pm New Student Orientation @ Detroit Lakes Middle School 4:00pm MS Open House @ Detroit Lakes Middle School 4:00pm Rossman Open House @ Rossman Elementary School


8:15am Freshman Orientation @ DLHS 11:00am New Student Orientation @ HS 12:30pm School Begins for Gr. 10-12 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ WHA 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. WHA @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:00pm FB-B/JV (H) vs. DGF @ Mollberg Field 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman @ Moorhead H.S. 5:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 5:30pm Soccer-B/V @ WHA 5:30pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. WHA @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV @ Perham High School 6:00pm VB-G/B @ Perham High School 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Perham High School 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Perham High School


Rossman Book Fair 4:30pm Musical Auditions


Middle School Picture Day Roosevelt Book Fair 9:00am FFA-Big Iron @ Fargo, ND 12:00pm GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji, East Grand Forks Sr @ DLHS 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. Minnewaska Area High School @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:30pm Musical Rehearsals Begin 5:00pm Soccer-B/V @ Bemidji High School 5:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ Bemidji High School 5:30pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. Minnewaska Area @ Rotary Soccer Park


High School Picture Day @ DLHS Roosevelt Book Fair


5:00pm FB-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ Mollberg Field 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room

3:00pm GTNS-G/V @ Bemidji HS 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Crookston @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Crookston High School 5:30pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Crookston @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:30pm Soccer-G/V @ Crookston High School 6:00pm Swimming-G/V (H) vs. Staples Motley @ Detroit Lakes Community and Cultural Center 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Frazee High School @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Frazee High School @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Frazee High School @ DLHS 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Frazee High School @ DLHS



2:00pm Homecoming Coronation @ Detroit Lakes High School 4:00pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:30pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm Swimming-G/V (H) vs. Perham @ DLCCC 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ DLHS In Service Day - No School 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ DLHS 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ 5:00pm FB-B/JV (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ Mollberg Field DLHS 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman @ Thief River Falls 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ DLHS


i’m lovin’ it®

SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637

Trusted Care.


A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN



Teacher Workshop



10:00am GTNS-G/V @ Park Rapids Area High School 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ Mollberg Field 5:30pm Soccer-B/V @ Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 5:30pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ Detroit Lakes High School 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Bemidji @ Detroit Lakes High School 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Bemidji @ Detroit Lakes High School 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ Detroit Lakes High School


8:15am First Link Leader Mtg 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. Hillcrest Lutheran Academy @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:30pm CC-V (H) @ Detroit Country Club 4:30pm Musical Auditions 4:30pm GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ Detroit Lakes High School 5:30pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. Hillcrest Lutheran Academy @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Detroit Lakes High School 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Detroit Lakes High School 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Detroit Lakes High School 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Detroit Lakes High School


Roosevelt Book Fair 4:00pm 5th Grade Band Sign up @ Roosevelt Elementary School 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ East Grand Forks H.S 4:15pm CC-V Invite @ Little Falls 5:30pm Soccer-B/V @ East Grand Forks H.S 5:30pm Swimming-G/V @ Crookston High School 6:00pm VB-G/JV @ Wadena-Deer Creek 6:00pm VB-G/B @ Wadena-Deer Creek 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Wadena-Deer Creek 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek



DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 4 Logo Block 5 3 p. H x 11 p. W

12:00pm GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls, Thief River Falls 4:00pm Soccer-B/JV @ Crookston High School 4:00pm Soccer-G/V @ Byron High School 4:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Byron High School 5:30pm Soccer-B/V @ Crookston High School 10:00am Soccer-G/V @ Byron High School 7:00pm FB-B/V @ Shanley High School 12:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Byron High School

11 4:30pm Musical Auditions 7:00pm FB-B/V (H) vs. Robbinsdale Armstrong @ Mollberg Field 8:00pm Back to School Dance @ Detroit Lakes High School


Roosevelt Book Fair TBD Soccer-B/V @ West Fargo High School 7:00pm FB-B/V @ Grand Rapids High School


4:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:30pm GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Perham @ DLHS 5:00pm Soccer-G/V @ Moorhead H.S. 5:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Moorhead H.S. 5:30pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. East Grand Forks @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 7:00pm FB-B/V (H) vs. Duluth Central @ Mollberg Field

9:00am FFA-Fall Rally @ MapleLag Resort


12:00pm Parade of Schools



TBD Swimming-G/V @ Bemidji HS 8:00am ACT Test @ Detroit Lakes High School 9:00am Musical Auditions 9:00am VB-G/V @ Mound Westonka High School 11:00am Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Shanley High School @ Rotary Soccer Park 11:00am Soccer-G/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. 1:00pm Musical Call backs 1:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Shanley High School @ Rotary Soccer Park 1:00pm Soccer-G/V @ Fergus Falls H.S.

19 TBD Soccer-B/V @ West Fargo High School 9:00am GTNS-G/V @ Park Rapids 9:00am VB-G/V @ Hawley High School 9:00am VB-G/JV @ Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton 10:00am Swimming-G/V @ Park Rapids 11:30am Soccer-G/JV @ Grand Rapids High School 1:30pm Soccer-G/V @ Grand Rapids High School

26 TBD CC-V @ Milaca TBD VB-G/B @ Moorhead H.S. TBD VB-G/Freshman @ Moorhead H.S. 11:00am Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. West Fargo @ Rotary Soccer Park 1:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. West Fargo @ Rotary Soccer Park

Detroit Lakes Middle School THE MISSION of the Detroit Lakes Middle School is to provide a safe environment that challenges and nurtures all learners to achieve their full potential. THE MIDDLE SCHOOL is a 154,000 square foot building built in 1979 and houses approximately 615 students in grades 6-8. The Middle School day begins at 8:20 with a 25 minute Primetime (advisor/advisee) period. There are eight instruction periods in the day. The day ends at 3:30. Mike Suckert Students are assigned to one of DL Middle School Principal msuckert@detlakes.k12.mn.us two interdisciplinary teams at each grade level. 6th grade students are required to take math, language arts, reading, science, social studies and physical education. 7th and 8th grade students are required to take math, language arts, science and social studies. Art, family and consumer science, and industrial technology are required for all students in 7th and 8th grade. All students have physical education every day. Students can choose to be in band and choir and, if not in either of these, will have a semester of classroom music. The middle school is on a trimester Justin Hegg grading period with progress Assistant Principal jhegg@detlakes.k12.mn.us reports going out halfway through

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each trimester. MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPECATIONS ATTEND – Be at school everyday possible. Nothing takes the place of showing up. ACHIEVE – Do your best. Always give your best effort. BEHAVE – Be a good citizen. Treat others and property with respect and courtesy. THE LEARNER GOAL of the Detroit Lakes Middle School is to improve the skill level of all students in the areas of reading, math, and writing. • Reading – During the 2009-2010 school year, 100% of students will demonstrate appropriate growth in reading as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). • Math – During the 2009-2010 school year, 100% of students will demonstrate appropriate growth in mathematics as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). • Science – During the 2009-2010 school year, 100% of students will demonstrate appropriate growth in mathematics as measured by the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA). Orientation 6th GRADE students who will be attending Detroit Lakes Middle School this fall are invited to attend an orientation on Wednesday, September 2. The 6th grade orientation will be from 2:30-4:00 p.m. 7th & 8th GRADE students new to the Detroit Lakes school district are also invited to attend the orientation session at the same time. All students should report to the auditorium. Parents are encouraged to attend. MIDDLE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE will be on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 2 from 4:00-5:30. Students will receive their schedules at open house. The Open House gives

parents the opportunity to meet their student's teachers, receive information on academic programs, and to find out about other opportunities to middle school students. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES are scheduled twice a year. The dates of the first conferences are Monday, November 9 from 4:00-8:00 and Thursday, November 19 from 4:00-7:00. The dates of the second conferences are Tuesday, March 9 from 4:00-8:00 and Thursday, March 18 from 4:00-7:00. These conferences will be a combination of scheduled and unscheduled times. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s teachers to schedule a conference if the need arises. Students are encouraged to attend conferences. SCHOOL ABSENCE If a student is to be absent from school, parents are requested to call the office at 847-9228 by 8:30 am to report the absence. If a call is not received, a note explaining the absence is required when the student returns to school. When a student must be excused from school during the school day, parents may call the office explaining the reason the student is to be excused, or have your student bring a note to the office. Examples include dentist, doctor, etc. Students are required to sign out, as well as to sign in, at the office. MIDDLE SCHOOL OFFICE………………..…847-9228 MIDDLE SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE..….847-9228



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HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

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Roosevelt Picture Day 5:00pm FB-B/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ Mollberg Field


12 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman @ Perham High School 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center


FFA-National Convention @ Indianapolis, IN


13 TBD Soccer-B/V TBD Soccer-G/V TBD GTNS-G/V @ Grand Forks 4:00pm CC-V @ Park Rapids Area High School 6:00pm Swimming-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLCCC 6:00pm VB-G/JV @ Staples-Motley HS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Staples-Motley HS 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Staples-Motley HS

19 Opening Date for Dance Team 5:00pm FB-B/JV @ Perham High School 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) @ Park Rapids 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS


3:30pm Soccer-G/V @ Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 4:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Hillcrest Lutheran Academy 5:00pm Swimming-G/V @ Moorhead H.S. 5:30pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 9:00am FFA Contests @ Mahnomen




FA-National Convention @ Indianapolis, IN TBD GTNS-G/V @ Sections 5:15pm FB-B/V @ Duluth East Public School Stadium


TBD FB-B/V Section QF TBD GTNS-G/V State Tourney

Glass Repair & Replacement


Plan Test/Sophomores TBD Soccer-G/V State Tourney TBD GTNS-G/V State Tourney


Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637

Trusted Care.




DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 2 3 Logo Block


4:00pm CC-V @ Pebble Lake Golf Course (FF) 4:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Minnewaska Area @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:00pm Soccer-G/V (H) vs. Crookston @ Rotary Soccer Park 4:30pm GTNS-G/V @ Moorhead H.S. 5:00pm FB-B/JV @ Moorhead H.S. 5:00pm FB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Bemidji @ Mollberg Field 5:30pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Minnewaska Area HS @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:30pm Soccer-G/JV (H) vs. Crookston @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:45pm VB-G/JV @ Moorhead H.S. 5:45pm VB-G/B @ Moorhead H.S. 2:30pm Homecoming Parade 5:45pm VB-G/Freshman @ Moorhead H.S. 7:00pm FB-B/V (H) vs. Duluth Denfeld @ Mollberg Field 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Moorhead H.S. 9:00pm Homecoming Dance


4:00pm CC-V @ Arvig Park-Perham 4:00pm Soccer-B/V (H) vs. Hillcrest Lutheran @ Rotary Soccer Park 5:00pm FB-B/JV @ Staples-Motley High School 5:00pm Soccer-G/V @ Bemidji High School 5:00pm Soccer-G/JV @ Bemidji High School 5:30pm Soccer-B/JV (H) vs. Hillcrest Lutheran @ Rotary Soccer Park 6:00pm Swimming-G/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLCCC 6:00pm VB-G/B @ Park Rapids 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Park Rapids 7:30pm VB-G/V @ Park Rapids


3 p. H x 11 p. W

TBD Swimming-G/V @ Fosston-Bagley 11:00am GTNS-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji, Alexandria @ Detroit Lakes High School 4:00pm MS VB Mid-State Conf. @ Park Rapids


Roosevelt Picture Day 7:00pm FB-B/V @ Minnentonka High School



1:00pm GTNS-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School





MEA-No School TBD Soccer-B/V Section QF TBD Soccer-G/V Section QF 3:00pm VB-G/JV @ Thief River Falls 3:00pm VB-G/Freshman @ Thief River Falls 4:30pm VB-G/V @ Thief River Falls 4:30pm VB-G/B @ Thief River Falls 7:00pm FB-B/V @ Thief River Falls Northland Community MEA-No School College

In Service Day - No School PSAT/MNSQT TBD GTNS-G/V Trimester I Progress Report @ DLMS

20 FFA-National Convention @ Indianapolis, IN TBD Soccer-B/V Section SF TBD Soccer-G/V Section SF TBD GTNS-G/V Sections 4:00pm CC-V @ Bemidji


i’m lovin’ it®

SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt


415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


22 Rossman Picture Day FFA-National Convention@ Indianapolis, IN 5:30pm Soccer-B/V @ St. Cloud State University 5:30pm Soccer-G/V @ St. Cloud State University 6:00pm Swimming-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School 6:00pm VB-G/JV (H) vs. Perham @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/B (H) vs. Perham @ DLHS 6:00pm VB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Perham @ DLHS 7:30pm VB-G/V (H) vs. Perham @ DLHS

29 Math Contest @ Bemidji TBD Soccer-G/V State Tourney TBD GTNS-G/V State Tourney TBD VB-G/V Play In Game 3:30pm CC- Varsity Section Meet @ Little Falls

Rossman Picture Day FFA-National Convention@ Indianapolis, IN

FFA-National Convention@ Indianapolis, IN 8:00am ACT Test @ Detroit Lakes High School

30 TBD Soccer-G/V State Tourney TBD GTNS-G/V State Tourney TBD VB-G/V Section QF 6:00pm Swimming-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School


TBD FB-B/V Section SF 7:30pm Fall Musical Performance

Elementary The total K-5 enrollment for Detroit Lakes Elementary Schools is approximately 1195 students. The average class size in K-3 classrooms is 22.3 students and grades 4-5 have an average class size of 25.9. Rossman Elementary is located at 1221 Rossman Avenue in the southwest part of town. Roosevelt Elementary, is located at 510 11th Avenue in the northeast section of Detroit Lakes. Sanford Nelson K-5 PROGRAMS: Student Rossman Elementary learning needs are met with a sanelson@detlakes.k12.mn.us wide variety of curriculum 847-9268 offerings and programs that focus on the Minnesota standards for primary and intermediate levels. There is an emphasis on a balanced literacy program with small group guided reading instruction, phonics, and written expression. The Everyday Math program provides opportunities for students to use problem solving application skills and to acquire mastery of the basics. Students learn scientific concepts through the discovery method with hands-on learning activities. Through social studies, students practice citizenship and learn Jerry Hanson about the people, cultures, and Roosevelt Elementary jehanson@detlakes.k12.mn.us history of their neighborhood, regions and the United States. 847-1106

Let us make you Smile!

Drs. Fritz, McCauley, Zunich & Kivi

Challenging enrichment opportunities both in and out of the classroom are an integral part of the curriculum. They are available to students based on interest and talent areas. Elementary students are offered classroom music four or five days a week. Emphasis is placed on vocal production and the elements of music. Fifth grade students may participate in choir and band. The group rehearsals are offered once a week and groups perform several times during the school year. Individual and small group band lessons are offered for students entering grade five. The goal of physical education is to build skills that will encourage lifetime fitness. The program emphasizes “Cooperation with Others and Competition with Myself” and increased development of individual motor skills. Students participate in physical activities at least four times a week. Students receive special services through elementary counselors, media specialists, Reading Recovery and literacy teachers. School Day The elementary school day begins at 8:15 and ends at 3:30 p.m. Conferences and Report Cards Parents are kept informed of their children’s progress, as well as any problems that may arise through parent conferences and report cards. Parents will receive report cards of their children’s progress after each quarter during the year. There are also conferences scheduled for all parents in the fall and again in early spring. Latch Key There is an after school Latchkey program available at both Roosevelt and Rossman from 3:30-6:00 p.m. everyday that school is in session. Call 847-4418 if you would like to have your child participate. New Student Registration Kindergarten: A child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2009.

Prescription Shoppe II

Grades K-5: Contact Administration Center at 847-9271 to determine which elementary school your children will be attending. When a determination is made, you should contact your respective school building. PTO Both elementary schools have active PTO groups that meet monthly. They are a great support to our elementary programs. Technology The elementary technology program in Detroit Lakes is under the direction of Jan Rootham and Bobby Heimark. We have two Imac labs at each of the schools. (All are connected to the internet, printer, and filesavers). One of the labs is used for student projects usually under the classroom teacher’s direction. Each classroom also has one or two computers connected to the Internet, printers, and file servers. For many of our multimedia projects we have digital cameras, digital video cameras and scanners. Students in Grades 3, 4 & 5 will receive instruction in keyboarding each year. In addition to these sessions teachers sign up for time to do projects that integrate technology into their curriculum. Our Technology coordinators assists staff in combining computer skills with technology integration into the classroom curriculum. Word processing, slide shows, hyperstudio stacks, and Imovies are some of the methods students use to convey their projects to their teachers. Absences Parents of elementary students reporting absences are to call the school office by 8:30 a.m. and report the reason for the absence to the office of the principal. A letter explaining the reason for the absence should be given to the homeroom teacher or the office when the child returns to school. When your child must be excused from school during a portion of the school day, a note should be presented to the office of the principal or call the office of the principal explaining the reason that the child should be excused.

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SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


Trusted Care.


A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN







DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 6 Logo Block 7 3 p. H x 11 p. W

Daylight Savings Time (Clocks back 1 hour) 3:00pm Fall Musical Performance

Opening Date for G Hockey 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room

GRAD Writing Retest Grades 10-12 TBD VB-G/V Section SF


9 Care Week-Student Council @ DLHS Opening Date for Ski Team 10:00am Care Week Assembly @ DLHS 4:00pm HS/MS Parent/Teacher Conferences 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center








End Trimester I @ Detroit Lakes Middle School Opening Date for Boys Swimming 7:30pm Jazz Band Concert @ DLMS



TBD VB-G/V State Tourney 1:30pm Swimming-G/V Section Meet @ Warroad

19 TBD Swimming-G/V State Tourney 4:00pm All Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:30pm Ice Hockey-G/JV (H) vs. Alexandria @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Alexandria @ Kent Freeman Arena


2:00pm Roosevelt Music Program 6:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Moorhead H.S.

12 TBD FB-B/V State QF TBD VB-G/V State Tourney 4:00pm Elem. Parent/Teacher Conf. 7:30pm DLMS Band Concert

5:30pm Ice Hockey-G/JV @ Brainerd H.S. 7:30pm DLHS Band Concert 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Brainerd H.S.

Opening Date for Boys Basketball Opening Date for Wrestling 8:00pm NHS Inductions @ DLMS


Grad Writing Retest Gr. 10-12 (Make-up) 7:00pm Mr. DLHS @ Detroit Lakes High School


Opening Date for Boys Hockey Opening Date for Girls Basketball Opening Date for Gymnastics

7:30pm Fall Musical Performance


TBD CC-V State Tourney 1:00pm FB-B/V Section Finals @ St. John's 7:00pm VB-G/V Section Finals 7:30pm Fall Musical Performance

End of First Quarter 7:30pm Fall Musical Performance


Thanksgiving Holiday-No School


14 TBD FB-B/V State QF Sadie Hawkins Dance @ DLHS TBD VB-G/V State Tourney 11:30am Swimming-G/V Section Meet @ Warroad 12:00pm Ice Hockey-G/JV (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ Kent Freeman Arena 2:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ Kent Freeman Arena

21 TBD FB-B/V State SF TBD Swimming-G/V State Tourney 3:00pm Ice Hockey-G/JV (H) vs. Sartell High School @ Kent Freeman Arena 4:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Sartell High School @ Kent Freeman Arena

TBD FB-B/V State SF TBD Swimming-G/V State Tourney


TBD FB-B/V State Finals Thanksgiving Holiday-No School

28 TBD FB-B/V State Finals 6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS

Lifelong Learning for the time of your life!

felong Learning for the time of your life! Community Education serves our community

Community Education offers great youth and adult through many programs which include classes. Our classes are open to everyone in the Detroit munity Education serves our community Lakes community and surrounding area. Classes are filled Community Education offers great youth and adult enrichment for allinclude ages. on ainfirst-come gh many programs which classes. Our classes are open to everyone the Detroit first-serve basis, but you can register up to

• Early Childhood Family Education and School Readiness Lakes community and surrounding area. Classes are filled hment for all ages. due to lack of enrollment, so it is best on a first-come first-serve basis, but yousometimes can registercanceled up to • School Age Child Care/Latch Key the first day of class, if there is an opening. Classes are

Early Childhood Family Education and School Readiness Elementary School Age Child •Care/Latch KeyEnrichment • Drivers Education Elementary Enrichment Drivers Education• Adult Basic Education Adult Basic Education • GED Preparation and Testing GED Preparation and Testing Driving (55+) • Defensive Defensive Driving (55+)

the first day of class, if there is an opening. Classesasare to register soon as possible. Community Education is sometimes canceled due to lack of enrollment, so itlooking is best for instructors to teach special interest always to register as soon as possible. Community Education classes. If youiswould like to teach a class this fall, please always looking for instructors to teach special interest contact the Community Education office. Thank you, classes. If you would like to teach a class this fall, please again, for your contact the Community Education office. Thank you, involvement in the Community Education program. If you have any question about the availability again, for your involvement in the Community Education of a class or anything else, please call us. program. If you have any question about the availability of a class or anything else, please call us.

Detroit LakesEducation Community Education Detroit Lakes Community

Lincoln Center Lincoln Education Center • 204Education Willow Street East • 204 Willow Street East Phone: (218) 847-9794 • Email: dlcomed@detlakes.k12.mn.us Phone: (218) 847-4418 • Fax: (218)847-4418 847-9794 •• Fax: Email:(218) dlcomed@detlakes.k12.mn.us www.olafanderson.com

On-Line Classes: www.ed2go.com/dlcommunityed On-Line Classes: www.ed2go.com/dlcommunityed General Contractors

3333 7th Ave. N. P.O. Box 2766, Fargo, ND 58108

www.dlschools.net www.dlschools.net

Telephone (701) 237-3605 • Fax #: (701) 232-0562




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12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 7:30pm DLMS Choir Concert



Madrigal Dinner Practice 6:00pm Madrigal Performance 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center


21 2:00pm Rossman Holiday Open House 5:00pm Gymnastics-G/V @ St. Cloud Apollo High School 5:30pm Ice Hockey-G/JV (H) vs. East Grand Forks Sr @ Kent Freeman Arena 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. East Grand Forks Sr @ Kent Freeman Arena



Winter Break-No School TBD Ice Hockey-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S.

Trusted Care.



3 5:00pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Pequot Lakes High School 6:00pm WR-B/JV @ Perham High School 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Pequot Lakes High School 7:30pm WR-B/V @ Perham High School



TBD WR-B/V @ Staples-Motley High School TBD WR-B/JV @ Staples-Motley High School 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Crosby-Ironton High School 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Crosby-Ironton High School 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Alexandria @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Alexandria @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek High School 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Alexandria @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Crosby-Ironton High School





6:00pm Madrigal Performance


Winter Break-No School

30 Winter Break-No School BD BB-B/V @ Saint Francis Jr High TBD BB-B/JV @ Saint Francis Jr High TBD BB-G/V @ Sartell HS TBD BB-G/JV @ Sartell HS TBD Ice Hockey-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Ice Hockey-G/V @ Rocori High School TBD Ice Hockey-G/JV @ Rocori High School

5:30pm Ice Hockey-G/JV (H) vs. Crookston @ Kent Freeman Arena 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Staples-Motley 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Staples-Motley 6:00pm BB-B/JV @ Little Falls High School 6:00pm BB-B/9th @ Little Falls High School 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Little Falls High School 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Crookston @ Kent Freeman Arena

Madrigal Dinner Practice 5:45pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS


Madrigal Take Down 10:00am WR-B/V @ Cass Lake-Bena HS 10:00am WR-B/JV @ Cass Lake-Bena HS 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Walker-HackensackAkeley @ Kent Freeman Arena 5:30pm Swimming-B/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLCCC 5:45pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ MFG 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Walker-Hackensack-Akeley @ Kent Freeman Arena

Winter Break-No School


Winter Break-No School


TBD Gymnastics-G/V @ Perham High School

SchoolW 310:00am p.WR-B/V H @xFosston 11Highp. 10:00am WR-B/JV @ Fosston High School



Winter Break-No School


DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 4 Logo Block 5 FFA-Ag Activity Day @ Crookston

10 1:30pm Roosevelt 5th Gr. Band/Choir Program 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V (H) vs. Jamestown High School @ MFG 6:00pm WR-B/JV (H) vs. Mahnomen @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Thief River Falls - Lincoln High School 7:00pm Roosevelt 5th Gr. Band/Choir Program 7:30pm WR-B/V (H) vs. Mahnomen @ DLHS

5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Park Rapids 5:45pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V @ Bemidji High School 6:00pm Swimming-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. 6:00pm WR-B/JV @ Morris High School 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Park Rapids Community Center 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ DLHS 7:30pm WR-B/V @ Morris High School 1:30pm Roosevelt Kindergarten Program

Winter Break-No School TBD BB-B/V @ Saint Francis Jr High TBD BB-B/JV @ Saint Francis Jr High TBD BB-G/V @ Sartell HS TBD BB-G/JV @ Sartell HS TBD Ice Hockey-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Ice Hockey-G/V @ Rocori High School TBD Ice Hockey-G/JV @ Rocori High School



6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V (H) vs. Frazee @ MFG 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Park Rapids Community Center 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS


Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Fargo North @ Kent Freeman Arena 6:00pm BB-B/JV @ Thief River Falls 6:00pm BB-B/9th @ Thief River Falls 6:00pm WR-B/JV @ Crookston High School 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Thief River Falls 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Fargo North @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm WR-B/V @ Crookston High School

i’m lovin’ it®

SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road

846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925



151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

Detroit Lakes

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ Kent Freeman Arena

12 TBD Dance-G/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. TBD Swimming-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. 8:00am ACT Test @ Detroit Lakes High School 9:00am FFA-Region I Leadership Day @ Ottertail 6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Kent Freeman Arena

19 TBD Dance-G/V @ Bemidji High School 10:00am WR-B/V @ Cass Lake-Bena High School 10:00am WR-B/JV @ Cass Lake-Bena High School 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Frazee @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Frazee @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Frazee @ DLHS


Special Programs The Detroit Lakes Public School District is committed to providing appropriate educational programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities. Services are provided from birth to age 21 in the areas of Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional or Behavioral Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, DeafBlind, Deaf and Hard of Marcy Matson Director of Hearing, Developmental Special Education Cognitive Disabilities, Developmental Delay, Other Health Disabilities, Physically Impaired, Speech or Language Impairments, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Blind-Visually Impaired. For more information about any of these areas, please contact the district’s Special Education Director, Marcy Matson, at the Administrative Center 847-9271.


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American Indian Education Program American Indian Education Programs of the Detroit Lakes Public Schools include the services of Title VII American Indian Education Coordinator, who also serves as the Indian Home-School Liaison Coordinator. The Success For The Future Program assists secondary American Indian students with post-secondary preparatory guidance and Ojibwe language/history instruction. The Title VII American Indian Education Program also provides a Middle School instructional tutor and instructional assistants at the elementary schools. For more information, contact Joe Carrier, American Indian Education Coordinator, 847-9228; Marilyn Sue Holt, Post Secondary Preparation Coordinator, 847-4491.

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1106 W. River Road • Detroit Lakes


877-508-1900 Toll Free


Parent Involvement Coordinator Volunteers are needed throughout the school year for a wide variety of projects at ALL of the schools — Roosevelt, Rossman, Middle School and HS School. A parent survey is sent out in the fall from each of the schools. It is vital to this program that the surveys are filled out and returned to the schools. For more information, please call 218-847-4491.

Maloney’s Plumbing

218-847-4942 Plumbing Fixtures & Supplies

Commercial • Residential • Remodeling • Service & Repair • Lake homes • Hot Water Heating Bonded & Insured License #004298PM Dan Maloney • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501


HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472




Detroit Lakes

Glass Repair & Replacement





Classes Resume 7:00am School Board Meeting @ Administration Center


11 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 7:00pm Rossman Band/Choir



24 31 No School-Teacher Workday


10:00am Nordic Ski-V (H) Invite @ Maplelag 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Wadena-Deer Creek 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Wadena-Deer Creek 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V @ Moorhead HS 6:30pm Gymnastics-G/V @ Moorhead HS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Fargo South 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek High School




26 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Pequot Lakes HS 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Pequot Lakes HS 5:45pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V @ Bemidji High School 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Pequot Lakes High School 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Moorhead @ DLHS

7 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Bemidji High School 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Bemidji High School 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek HS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Bemidji High School


14 5:00pm WR-B/V (H) vs. Moorhead, Dilworth-GlyndonFelton @ dlhs 5:00pm WR-B/JV (H) @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek High School @ Kent Freeman Arena

9:00am FFA Contests @ UMC


WR-B/V @ Walker-Hackensack-Akeley HS WR-B/JV @ Walker-Hackensack-Akeley HS 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Crookston High School 5:45pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLCCC 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Crookston High School

7:00pm Cocoa & Cram @ DLHS


5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Walker-Hackensack-Akeley 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Staples-Motley High School 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Staples-Motley High School 6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Wahpeton High School @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Wahpeton High School @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V (H) vs. Morris Area High School @ DLCCC 6:00pm WR-B/JV @ Park Rapids Area High School 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Pequot Lakes High School 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Staples-Motley High School 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Wahpeton High School @ DLHS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Walker-Hackensack-Akeley High School 7:30pm WR-B/V @ Park Rapids Area High School

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


Trusted Care.



For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

i’m lovin’ it®

SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


21 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Kent Freeman Arena 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Bemidji High School 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Bemidji High School 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Bemidji High School 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Kent Freeman Arena



7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ Kent Freeman Arena


DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 1 2 Logo Block 3 p. H x 11 p. W

Winter Break-No School

8 5:00pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Willmar 5:45pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Willmar 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS

15 4:00pm MS Wrestling Mid-State @ C-I 5:30pm Swimming-B/V @ Bemidji High School 5:45pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V @ Becker H.S. 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS


END OF FIRST semester end of Second Quarter Trimester II Progress Grades/Semester I ends @ Detroit Lakes Middle School 10:00am Roosevelt Music Program 2:00pm Roosevelt Music Program 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Park Rapids 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Park Rapids 6:00pm Gymnastics-G/V (H) vs. Perham @ MFG 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Park Rapids Area HS


9 WR-B/V @ Perham High School WR-B/JV @ Perham High School 10:00am Dance-G/V @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 10:00am MS Mid-State GBB @ C-I 11:00am Gymnastics-G/V @ Fargo N. Invite 11:00am Swimming-B/V (H) Invite @ DLCCC 5:30pm Ice Hockey-G/JV @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS

16 Dance-G/V @ Wayzata High School 12:00pm Ice Hockey-G/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. 2:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. 3:00pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Rukavina Arena Silver Bay 5:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Rukavina Arena Silver Bay 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Fergus Falls H.S. 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Fergus Falls H.S.

23 9:00am Dance-G/V @ Pelican Rapids High School 11:00am WR-B/V @ Thief River Falls 11:00am WR-B/JV @ Thief River Falls 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Kent Freeman Arena 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Kent Freeman Arena


Gymnastics-G/V State True Team 9:30am WR-B/V (H) DL Wrestling Invite @ DLHS 9:30am WR-B/JV (H) DL Wrestling Invite @ DLHS 10:00am One Act Play @ Moorhead H.S. 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Long Prairie-Grey Eagle 11:00am Ice Hockey-G/JV @ East Grand Forks H.S @ Kent Freeman Arena 12:00pm Dance-G/V @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Crosby-Ironton 1:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ East Grand Forks H.S 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Crosby-Ironton 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV (H) vs. Sartell High School @ 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Crosby-Ironton Kent Freeman Arena 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Long Prairie-Grey Eagle @ 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V (H) vs. Sartell High School @ Kent Freeman Arena Kent Freeman Arena

Participation in Activities Laker Activities Affiliations Minnesota State HS School League Region 8AA Administrative Region Mid-State Conference MSHSL Athletic Activities MSHSL Fine Arts Activities Section Assignments Bandshell/Jazz Band/ Football 8AAAA B-G Golf 8AA Pep Band Volleyball 8AA B-G Hockey 6A Choir/Laker Singers 8AA B-G Cross Country 8AA Gymnastics 8A Speech 8AA B-G Swimming 3A (G 8A) Baseball 8AA One Act Play 8AA B-G Tennis 8A B-G Field & Track 8AA Visual Arts 8AA B-G Basketball 8AAA Cheerleading Wrestling 8AA Softball 8AA B-G CC Skiing 8A B-G Soccer 8A Danceline 4AA Non-League Activities Volunteer Groups National Honor Society Key Club Yearbook FFA Interact Spring Play BPA Student Council American Indian Club Musical Spanish Club Computer Club Math Contest Intramurals Prom Requirements For Athletic Competition Academic Eligibility: 1. Credits on track to graduate 2. A physical examination every three years. 3. A health questionnaire to be completed annually. 4. A statement signed by parents and participants agreeing to abide by the League and School District rules and regulations. 5. A waiver of insurance statement signed by parent and participant.

6. Payment of a student activities users fee on or before the first day of practice. Users Fee Schedule For Activities Grades 9-12 $65.00 For each activity. Grades 7-8 $35.00 For each activity. Grade 6 $10.00 For each activity. Groups Exempt From Fee Payment Foreign Exchange Students • Yearbook Students Who Work as Support Personnel National Honor Society • Student Council Activity Ticket Prices 10-Event Punch Tickets Students - $10.00 Adults - $30.00

Prices at the Gate Students - $ 3.00 Adults - $ 5.00

Senior Citizens age 62 are eligible for free admission to all athletic contests. Passes are available at the Administrative Center or the Activities Director’s Office. Note: Passes will not be honored at MSHSL tournaments.

Detroit Lakes Main 211 W. Holmes St 847-1361

Central Market 310 Hwy 10 East 847-2137


Middle School Activities GIRLS:

Mitch McLeod Activities & Public Information Director mmcleod@detlakes.k12.mn.us 847-4491 ext. 2154

© 2009 Wells Fargo Bank Minnesota, N.A.

FALL Cross Country Soccer Swimming Volleyball

WINTER Basketball Gymnastics Nordic Skiing

SPRING Golf Softball Track

BOYS: Cross Country Football Soccer

Basketball Nordic Skiing Swimming Wrestling

Baseball Golf Track

Member FDIC

Prescription Shoppe II The Complete Pharmacy With Personal Service 1245 South Washington Avenue, Detroit Lakes Located in MeritCare Clinic



HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472




2:30pm SnoBall Coronation @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/JV @ St. Cloud Apollo 6:00pm BB-B/9th @ St. Cloud Apollo 7:30pm BB-B/V @ St. Cloud Apollo 7:30pm DLMS Band Concert






National FFA Week Roosevelt Book Fair 7:30pm DLMS Choir Concert

National FFA Week

National FFA Week





4:00pm WR-B/V Tri @ Pequot Lakes HS 4:00pm WR-B/JV @ Pequot Lakes HS 5:00pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Bagley HS 5:45pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V @ Morris High School 6:30pm Gymnastics-G/V @ Park Rapids High S chool 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Bagley High School 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS


Glass Repair & Replacement


Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637

Trusted Care.


10:00am FFA-Reg. I Interviews @ Mahnomen 5:00pm WR-B/V (H) vs. Fosston, Thief River Falls @ DLHS 5:00pm WR-B/JV (H) vs. Fosston, Thief River Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/JV @ Thief River Falls 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman @ Thief River Falls 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Thief River Falls



DL Laker IceActivity Calendar 2009 @ Little Falls High School Hockey-B/JV @ Little Falls High School 5 Ice8:00amHockey-B/V 6 ACT Test @ Detroit Lakes High School Logo Block 9:00am Youth GBB Tourney @ DL 10:00am One Act Section @ Alexandria - Jefferson HS 10:00am Swimming-B/V @ Park Rapids Area HS 1:00pm BB-G/JV @ Pequot Lakes High School 1:00pm BB-G/Freshman @ Pequot Lakes HS 1:00pm Gymnastics-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ MFG 2:30pm BB-G/V @ Pequot Lakes High School 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Perham High School 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Perham High School 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Perham High School

3 p. H x 11 p. W

SnoBall Dance 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Crosby-Ironton HS 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Crosby-Ironton HS 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Crosby-Ironton HS


Ice Hockey-G/V Play In Game MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic Nordic Ski-V State Tourney State One Act Play 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS 6:00pm WR-B/JV @ Frazee High School 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton @ DLHS 7:30pm WR-B/V @ Frazee High School

12 Dance-G/V State Tourney MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic State One Act Play 7:15am FFA-Little International @ NDSU 5:45pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS 6:00pm Swimming-B/V @ Park Rapids 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ DLHS

18 5:30pm Swimming-B/V @ Thief River Falls 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Pequot Lakes 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Pequot Lakes 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Pequot Lakes

Vocal Solo/Ensemble @ FF

Ice Hockey-G/V State Tourney National FFA Week Roosevelt Book Fair




23 National FFA Week Roosevelt Book Fair 6:00pm BB-B/JV @ Crookston High School 6:00pm BB-B/9th @ Crookston High School 6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V Section QF 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Crookston High School 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS


SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road

3 Parade of Schools 9:00am FFA Ottertail Crop Show @ Fergus Falls 10:00am Nordic Ski-V @ Brainerd - Camp Ripley

IN SERVICE DAY - NO SCHOOL Ice Hockey-G/V Section SF 5:15pm Ice Hockey-B/JV @ Bemidji State University 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Bemidji @ DLHS 7:30pm Ice Hockey-B/V @ Bemidji State University

i’m lovin’ it®

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


8 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 7:30pm DLHS Band Concert @ DLMS

846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925


Political Caucus Day-No Activities

151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!



Detroit Lakes

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


19 5:45pm BB-B/JV @ Wadena-Deer Creek 5:45pm BB-B/9th @ Wadena-Deer Creek 7:00pm Ice Hockey-G/V @ Moorhead Sports Center 7:30pm BB-B/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek

25 National FFA Week Roosevelt Book Fair FFA Day @ the Capitol Ice Hockey-G/V State Tourney 10:00am Roosevelt Music Program 2:00pm Roosevelt Music Program 6:00pm BB-G/JV (H) vs. Hawley @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Hawley @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-G/V (H) vs. Hawley @ DLHS

26 National FFA Week Roosevelt Book Fair Gymnastics-G/V State Tourney Ice Hockey-G/V State Tourney Trimester II ends @ DLMS 12:30pm WR-B/V @ Cass Lake-Bena HS 3:00pm Swimming-B/V (H) @ DLCCC 5:45pm BB-G/JV @ Park Rapids HS 5:45pm BB-G/Freshman @ Park Rapids HS 7:30pm BB-G/V @ Park Rapids HS

13 Dance-G/V State Tourney TBD Ice Hockey-G/V Section QF MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic 12:00pm Gymnastics-G/V @ Perham High School 12:45pm BB-G/JV @ Moorhead H.S. 2:00pm BB-G/V @ Moorhead H.S.

20 Gymnastics-G/V Section Meet Speech @ Moorhead 10:00am MS Mid-State BB Tourney @ Park Rap. 11:00am WR-B/V @ Thief River Falls 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Grand Rapids @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Grand Rapids @ DLHS 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V Play In Game 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Grand Rapids @ DLHS

27 National FFA Week Gymnastics-G/V State Tourney Ice Hockey-G/V State Tourney Speech @ Hawley or Bemidji 9:00am ZAPS/ ACT Practice Seminar @ DLHS 10:00am WR-B/V @ Cass Lake-Bena Section Ind Tourney 12:00pm Swimming-B/V (H) Section Meet @ dlccc 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V Section SF

For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

School Health Services Immunization Law In order to enroll or remain enrolled in any elementary or secondary school, the parent/guardian of the child must submit a statement to the school administrator that shows that the student is either: a) completely immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella or b) immunized against measles, mumps, and rubella and has begun but not yet completed a schedule of immunizations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and/ or polio or c) is legally exempt to one or more of the required immunizations. The first MMR vaccine must have been given on or after 12 months of age. Preschool-aged children 2 months of age and older who are served by the school under the school’s Early Special Education Program will need to provide proof of appropriate immunization against Haemophjilus influenza b, in addition to the other previously required immunizations, and have the 4-year old DTP and polio if age appropriate. Starting with the 2003-2004 school term, all students in grades seven through 12 must have documentation of a booster shot for tetanus and diphtheria (Td) some time after their 11th birthday, unless they’ve received one after their seventh birthday, and will also need evidence of two doses of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR). Children entering Kindergarten or 7th grade will be required to have had the series of three Hepatitis vaccinations as well as a chicken pox vaccination or record of month and year of chicken pox disease. Students who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons or whose parents are conscientiously opposed to immunization may

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Prescription Shoppe II The Complete Pharmacy With Personal Service 1245 South Washington Avenue, Detroit Lakes Located in MeritCare Clinic

1345 Hwy. 10 West Detroit Lakes, MN


receive a legal exemption. Important! Please remember to provide the school with current home, and work, and cell phone numbers of parents and an alternative person within the district to call should it become necessary for school staff to reach parents regarding a student’s illness or accident. This is extremely important in order for the school to provide your student with optimal health care. The basis of the school health program for School District #22 is to maintain, improve, and promote good health in the school-aged child, including the health and development needs of the pre-school child. The district’s responsibilities, in cooperation with the parents, is to provide leadership and assistance in the areas of health planning, counseling, education, evaluation, and health services. Those services that are most visible are: Early Childhood Screening Vision/Hearing Screening Scoliosis Screening Immunization Reviews Growth and Development Programs for Upper Elementary Students First Aid Emergency Care Each of these services provide opportunity for subsequent referral and follow-up as needed. Medication Administration In the event that it is necessary for your child to take medication during school hours, it is required that a statement signed by the physician and parent, with named medication, directions for administration, reason for

Mike Jahnke


medication and an authorization for school personnel to administer the medicine should be brought to the office along with the medication in an originally labeled bottle from the pharmacy. Chemical Use/Abuse Our school district recognizes that chemical abuse issues interfere with maintaining a safe learning environment and with a student’s potential to learn. This may occur because of the student's personal use of chemicals or being affected by the chemical abuse of others. If your student has one or more of the following warning signs, he or she may be using alcohol or other drugs: • Changes in peer-group associations and friendships • Changes in personal appearance • Unusual mood swings • Abrupt changes in school attendance, grades, and quality of work • Withdraw from responsibility • Loss of past interests, such as sports, homework, hobbies, or hanging out with friends who don’t drink or use other drugs • Association with known substance abusers Our district provides education, intervention, assessment, drug testing, referral and follow-up support to students involved with or at risk of alcohol/drug use and abuse. For more information on substance abuse, please contact the district Chemical Health Coordinator, Angie Horner at the high school (847-4491). Optical P.R.O. In Detroit Lakes P elican Your Specializing in hard to fit patients. Magnifiers & Low Vision Aids R iver Repairs, New Prescriptions Welcome O ptical Bruce Nelson, Certified Optician 10% Sr. Discount

1131 Jackson Ave• Detroit Lakes 847-5663 • 888-776-2020

March Sunday

HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

Detroit Lakes




8 American Indian Awareness Week ELL Testing Begins 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 7:00pm Music Scholarship Concert @ DLMS


Daylight Savings Time (Clocks ahead 1 Hour)

BBB-B/V Section QF 4:00pm HS/MS Parent/Teacher Conferences

Rossman Book Fair Opening Date for B/G Golf Opening Date for Softball Opening Date for Track 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 7:00pm Academic Excellence Ceremony @ DLHS





MTAS Reading, Math, & Science Begin Opening Date for B Tennis 6:30pm Registration Night (Class of 2014)

Instrumental Solo/Ensemble @ Bemidji High School


Trusted Care.





Rossman Book Fair Ice Hockey-B/V State Tourney Speech @ Grand Rapids 8:00pm BB-G/V @ Section Finals @ St. John's

Rossman Book Fair 5th Grade All City Band Practice @ DLHS TBD BB-B/V @ SCSU Section Finals TBD BB-G/V State Tourney 4:00pm All Parent Teacher Conference


No School/Bad Weather Make up Day

Swimming-B/V State Tourney WR-B/V @ State Tourney 9:00am Youth Boys BB Tourney @ DL 6:00pm BBB-G/V @ SCSU Section SF

13 BB-B/V Section SF Ice Hockey-B/V State Tourney Speech @ Grand Rapids 9:00am Elementary Wrestling Tourney 1:00pm Pow Wow @ DLMS





BB-B/V State Tourney

CentralH ACDAx 11 p. W 3North p. Speech @ Walker





DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 5 Logo Block 6

North Central ACDA Swimming-B/V State Tourney WR-B/V @ State Tourney 6:00pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS 6:00pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS

Rossman Book Fair Ice Hockey-B/V State Tourney Speech @ Grand Rapids 10:00am Roosevelt Music Program 2:00pm Roosevelt Music Program 4:00pm Elem. Parent/Teacher Conf.

Rossman Book Fair AP Lit. Field Trip @ Guthrie Theater Ice Hockey-B/V State Tourney



Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637



Rossman Book Fair BB-G/V State Tourney 8:00am Math Contest @ MSUM

6:00pm 5th Grade All City Band Practice @ DLHS 6:30pm Registration Night (Class of 2013)


North Central ACDA Swimming-B/V State Tourney WR-B/V @ State Tourney 7:00pm Ice Hockey-B/V Section Finals

North Central ACDA WR-B/V @ State Tourney


Rossman Book Fair 6:30pm Registration Night (Class of 2011)

Glass Repair & Replacement




Opening Date for Baseball 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 3:00pm FFA Spring Awards @ Halstad Elem. 6:30pm Registration Night (Class of 2012)

2 9:00am FFA Contests @ Pelican Rapids 5:45pm BB-B/JV (H) vs. Staples Motley @ dlhs 5:45pm BB-B/9th (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS 7:00pm BB-G/V Section QF 7:30pm BB-B/V (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS

7:30pm DLHS Choir Concert @ DLMS



i’m lovin’ it®

1002 Randolph Road SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN



BB-G/V State Tourney Speech Invite @ DLHS


All City Band Practice @ DLHS BB-B/V State Tourney ELL Testling Ends


All City Band Concert @ DLHS BB-B/V State Tourney

For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

Detroit Lakes Learning Center

Food Service Program Each day, the Detroit Lakes School District serves over 2200 nourishing, well-balanced breakfasts and lunches. About 82% of the students in attendance each day participate in our food service program. Good eating habits are important to a child’s development. We encourage every student to practice good eating habits, including eating a balanced nutritious noon meal as part of their physical and educational growth and development. If your child is on free or reduced meals in May, 2009, they will temporarily remain on that same status in September, 2009. A parent/guardian, however, MUST complete a new application by September 30, 2009. If a new application is not Duane Dunrud completed for the 2009-2010 school year by this date, you Food Service Director will be expected to pay full price for meals until the new application is received and dated by the Food Service Director. Please contact the office if you have questions about these applications. Students at the elementary level (K-5) further have the choice of a hot lunch or a “bag” lunch. Both choices meet USDA minimum nutrition requirements. Students grades 2-12 enjoy the “offer” versus “serve” format which allows the students to select three of the four required components. This has significantly reduced plate waste and allows the student to make a choice of his or her lunch. Reduced and free lunches are available to all eligible students who qualify. Reduced and free breakfasts are available to K-8 students. Eligibility is determined by submitting an application to the Food Service Director. These applications are available at the Administrative Center, 702 Lake Avenue, at each school building, or by contacting the Food Service Director at 847-2309 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon. Students may purchase extra milk with their meals at a nominal cost. Parents are invited to join their child at school for lunch. Please phone the school by 8:45 so we can include you in the lunch count. Please stop at the principal's office before going to the cafeteria.

SCHOOL BREAKFAST & LUNCH PRICES Elementary Breakfast....................................................$1.30 Reduced Price Breakfast......................................................0 Elementary Lunch.........................................................$1.45 Secondary Lunch...........................................................$1.70 Reduced Price Lunch.........................................................40 Adults..............................................................................$3.00 (or the minimum as set by the state)

HS School Programs ♦ Independent Study is designed for credit recovery. Students requesting full time independent study status need to be 16 and older. Students grades 9-12 that are enrolled in a school can add after school programming for credit recovery. This program utilizes online curriculum with required direct teacher instruction. ♦ The Seat Based Program has an attendance requirement and has specific intervention based programming for those who struggle with a traditional educational setting. Students are encouraged to address challenges that get in the way of education. Students can be dismissed from the program if not making adequate progress and growth. Lisa Weber ♦ The Recovery School is for students who have successfully Director completed outpatient or inpatient treatment. Students must be committed to maintaining sobriety and academic progress. It is a program designed to help student’s transition back to their community. K-8 Programs — Middle School ALC ♦ The Midlevel ILC is designed to help students get caught up with same age peers. It is skills based with strong focus on school and social skills. Students work with staff to develop the skills needed to successfully transition into next grade progression. ♦ Targeted Services is an after school program available K-8 for students to continue to focus on skills development in the areas of reading, math and writing. Once again, a Open 24 Hours focus on school skills and 7 days a week socials skills is also 310 Hwy 10 East incorporated.


Breakfast and lunches are to be paid for in advance. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to keep funds in the lunch account.

Detroit Lakes

844-FOOD (3663)

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April Sunday



Detroit Lakes


846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

No School/Bad Weather Make up Day


Kindergarten Round-Up No Kindergarten Classes MCA II Reading & Math and MTELL Begin 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 6:30pm School Board Meeting @ Administration Center



12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy


9:00am FFA-State Convention @ St. Paul, MN



26 FFA-State Convention @ St. Paul, MN MCA II Science Testing Begins 6:30pm Dollars for Scholars @ DLHS Multi Purpose Gym

Speech @ Little Falls SPRING BREAK - NO SCHOOL No School/Bad Weather Make up Day

27 FFA-State Convention @ St. Paul, MN GRAD Writing Retest (Seniors Only) (Makeup) 4:00pm BSB-B/V (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ Washington Park 4:00pm BSB-B/JV (H) vs. Crosby-Ironton @ DLHS 4:00pm SB-G/V @ Crosby-Ironton 4:00pm SB-G/JV @ Crosby-Ironton High School 4:00pm SB-G/Freshman @ Crosby-Ironton 4:00pm Track and Field-V @ Bemidji HS




8:00am ACT Test @ DLHS 11:00am SB-G/JV @ Park Rapids Area High School 7:00pm All City Choir Concert @ DLHS

All City Choir Practice @ DLHS Trimester III Progress Report @ DLMS





4:30pm SB-G/V @ Thief River Falls 4:30pm SB-G/JV @ Thief River Falls 5:00pm BSB-B/V @ Fergus Falls H.S. 5:00pm BSB-B/JV @ Fergus Falls H.S. 5:00pm BSB-B/9th @ Fergus Falls H.S.

MCA II Reading & Math Grades 10-12

GRAD Writing Grade 9 (Make-up) GRAD Writing Retest (Seniors Only) MCA Testing 4:00pm BSB-B/V @ Perham High School 4:00pm BSB-B/JV @ Perham High School 4:00pm SB-G/V (H) vs. Perham @ Snappy Park 4:00pm SB-G/JV (H) vs. Perham @ Snappy Park 4:00pm SB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Perham @ Snappy Park 4:00pm Track and Field-V @ Park Rapids HS

Elem. MCA II Testing Window Opens SPRING BREAK - NO SCHOOL





DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 2 Logo Block 3 3 p. H x 11 p. W

9:30am FFA Contests @ NDSU


GRAD Writing Grade 9 MCA II Reading & Math Grades 10-12 4:00pm Speech Sections @ Bemidji 4:30pm BSB-B/V @ Pelican Rapids 4:30pm BSB-B/JV @ Pelican Rapids

Trusted Care.





4:00pm Speech Sub-Sections @ DL 4:00pm Track and Field-V @ Fergus Falls H.S. 5:30pm 5th Grade Orientation @ DLMS


Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!



i’m lovin’ it®

1002 Randolph Road SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt

For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472


Large Group Music Contest @ DLHS MCA Testing


Elem. MCA II Testing Window Closes MCA Testing State Speech @ Gustavus 1:00pm GTNS-B/V (H) vs. Alexandria 4:30pm BSB-B/V @ Thief River Falls 4:30pm BSB-B/JV @ Thief River Falls 4:30pm BSB-B/Freshman @ Thief River Falls 7:30pm Spring Play @ Detroit Lakes Middle School

MCA Testing 7:30pm Spring Play @ DLMS



4:30pm BTNS-B/V @ Park Rapids 7:30pm DLMS Band Concert @ DLMS

30 MCA II Reading & Math,MTELL, MTAS Window Ends 4:00pm BSB-B/V @ Pequot Lakes High School 4:00pm BSB-B/JV @ Pequot Lakes High School 4:00pm SB-G/V (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Snappy Park 4:00pm SB-G/JV (H) vs. Pequot Lakes @ Snappy Park

State Speech @ Gustavus 7:30pm Spring Play @ Detroit Lakes Middle School 10:00pm SB-G/V (H) dl Invite @ Snappy Park 10:00pm SB-G/Freshman (H) dl Invite @ Snappy Park

Notifications ISD #22 Asbestos Notification In accordance with federal regulations, Detroit

Lakes Public Schools, ISD #22, has asbestos management plans documenting the location and condition of all known or assumed asbestos containing building materials (ACM). Every six months, an accredited inspector visually inspects the condition of the ACM. These plans are available for public inspection at the Administration Office at 702 Lake Avenue during normal office hours. Ben Weekley, Supervisor of Operations, is the contact for the district. He can be reached at 847-9271.

Indoor Air Quality Notification The Environmental Pollution Control Agency has established guidelines for indoor air quality. District #22 has developed an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan in compliance with guidelines developed by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning and the “Tools for Schools” document developed by the EPA. This plan is available for your review at the Administration Office at 702 Lake Avenue during normal business hours. Concerns or questions should be addressed to each building coordinator or the district’s IAQ coordinator, Ben Weekley, Supervisor of Operations at 847-9271.

Pesticide Notice State law requires schools to inform parents and guardians if they apply certain pesticides on school property. Specifically, this law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available for review or copying at each school office. State law also requires that you be warned that long-term health effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood. If you would like to be notified prior to pesticide applications made on days other than those specified in the estimated schedule (excluding emergency applications), please contact Ben Weekley, Supervisor of Operations, at 847-9271.

Annual Notice and Information Regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504 is an Act which prohibits discrimination against persons with disability in any program or activity that receives or benefits from Federal Financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a disability as anyone who: 1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities including activities such as caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working; 2) has a record of such an impairment; or 3) is regarded as having such an impairment. (34 Code of Federal Regulations Part 104.3) In order to fulfill its obligations under Section 504, the Detroit Lakes School District #22 recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and learners. No discrimination against any person with a disability will be permitted in any of the programs and practices in the school system. The school district has specific responsibilities under the Act, which include the responsibility to identify, evaluate and if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504, provide access to appropriate education services. If the parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school district he/she has a right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

(FERPA) also specifies rights related to educational records. The Act gives the parent or guardian the right to: 1) inspect and review his/her child’s educational records; 2) make copies of these records; 3) receive a list of all individuals having access to those records; 4) ask for an explanation of any item in the records; 5) ask for amendment to any report on the grounds that it is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the child’s rights; and 6) a hearing on the issue if the school refuses to make the amendment. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the Superintendent, 504 Coordinator for the school district, at 847-9271.

Attendance Minnesota law requires all children ages 7-16 to attend school every day school is in session. No child can be excused from compulsory attendance until after completion of the 10th grade or age sixteen. Great emphasis is placed on regular attendance as it is essential for satisfactory progress in school. The cooperation of parents in arranging to have their children attend school every day will help to insure their success in school.

Access to the District’s Technology System The school district has adopted an acceptable use policy regarding student and staff use of technology, including the Internet. A copy of this policy is available for public information at the Administration Center at 702 Lake Avenue during normal office hours. Superintendent of Schools is the contact for the district, and can be reached at 847-9271.


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Email: prices@arvig.net American Gem Society Member

Anita & Roger Price


May Sunday

HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

Detroit Lakes

2010 Monday

i’m lovin’ it®

SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE 1002 Randolph Road Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


Trusted Care.


A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN






DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 For activity updates, 1 changes, cancellations Logo Block and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net

3 p. H x 11 p. W 7:00pm Prom/Grand March @ DLHS


3 MCA Science 8 Test @ DLMS 8:00am AP US Government & Politics 12:00pm AP Comparative Government & Politics 6:30pm FFA Meeting @ DLHS AG Room 7:00pm Jazz Band Concert @ Bandshell in Park


10 7:00am School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 8:00am AP Biology 12:00pm AP Physics B 12:00pm Booster Club Meeting @ Speak Easy 7:30pm DLHS Pop's Concert @ DLHS



7:30pm DLHS Choir Concert @ DLMS




Memorial Day Parade Memorial Day


4 MCA Science 8 Test @ DLMS 12:00pm AP Statistics 4:00pm BSB-B/V (H) vs. Staples Motley @ Washington Park - Detroit Lakes 4:00pm BSB-B/JV (H) vs. Staples Motley @ DLHS 4:00pm SB-G/V @ Staples-Motley High School 4:00pm SB-G/JV @ Staples-Motley High School 4:00pm SB-G/Freshman @ Staples-Motley High School


Day of Caring 8:00am AP Calculus AB


8:00am AP Chemistry 2:00pm BTNS-B/V @ Bemidji High School 7:00pm MS Awards Program @ DLMS

8:00am AP English Literature & Composition 4:00pm 5th Grade Band Sign up @ Rossman Elementary



25 SB-G/V Section QF BTNS-B/V Section QF 5:00pm BSB-B/V (H) vs. Moorhead @ Washington Park Detroit Lakes 5:00pm BSB-B/JV (H) vs. Moorhead @ Detroit Lakes High School BTNS-B/V Subsection Team








Roosevelt Science Fair 8:00am AP US History 12:00pm AP European History 12:00pm AP Studio Art (portfolios due) 1:00pm BTNS-B/V (H) vs. Fergus Falls @ DLHS 4:00pm 5th Grade Band Sign up @ Rossman Elementary 4:00pm BSB-B/V (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ Washington Park - DL 4:00pm BSB-B/JV (H) vs. Park Rapids Area @ DLHS 4:00pm SB-G/V @ Park Rapids 4:00pm SB-G/JV @ Park Rapids 4:00pm SB-G/Freshman @ Park Rapids 11:00pm BSB-B/9th (H) Freshman Tourney @ 4:00pm Track & Field-V (H) DL Eagles/Craig Fredrickson Invite Washington Park - Detroit Lakes

13 10:00am BTNS - Midstate @ Park Rapids 5:00pm SB-G/V @ Moorhead H.S. 5:00pm SB-G/JV @ Moorhead H.S. 5:00pm SB-G/Freshman @ Moorhead H.S. 7:30pm DLMS Choir Concert @ MS

8:00am AP English Lang. & Composition 6:30pm FFA Banquet @ MSCTC

4 :00pm BSB-B/V @ Wadena-Deer Creek 4:00pm BSB-B/JV @ Wadena-Deer Creek 4:00pm SB-G/V (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ Snappy Park 4:00pm SB-G/JV (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ Snappy Park 4:00pm SB-G/Freshman (H) vs. Wadena-Deer Creek @ Snappy Park 4:00pm Track and Field-V @ Park Rapids 7:00pm 5th Grade Band Choir Awards Concert @ Rossman


4:30pm BTNS-B/V (H) vs. Park Rapids

20 10:00am Roosevelt 5th Gr. Band/Choir Program 1:30pm Roosevelt 5th Gr. Band/Choir Program 4:30pm SB-G/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ Snappy Park 4:30pm SB-G/JV (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ Snappy Park 4:30pm BTNS-B/V @ Perham High School MCA II Science & MTAS Science End


27 Last Day of School END OF FOURTH QUARTER END OF SECOND SEMESTER SB-G/V @ Thief River Falls Section SF BTNS-B/V Section Ind. Tourney 4:30pm BSB-B/V (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ Washington Park 4:30pm BSB-B/JV (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS 4:30pm BSB-B/Freshman (H) vs. Thief River Falls @ DLHS

11:00pm BSB-B/JV (H) Sophomore Tourney @ Washington Park - Detroit Lakes



Teacher Workshop

SB-G/V @ Thief River Falls Section Finals 7:30pm GRADuation @ DLHS

School Discipline Policy K-12 DISCIPLINE AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICY I. STATEMENT OF POLICY AND COMMITMENTS A. The School Board is committed to promoting healthy human relationships and learning environments that are physically and psychologically safe. It further believes that students are the first priority, and that no physical or emotional harm is to come to them during school activities, on school grounds, or during any school-related activity. B. I t is the policy of Independent School District #22 to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from threats or harmful influence of any person(s) or group(s) which exhibit and promote violence and disruptive behaviors. C. All pupils who attend school in ISD #22 shall comply with the regulations established by the school administration with the policies established by the Board of Education and shall recognize the authority of the teachers and principals of the district’s schools. District employees or agents of the district shall not engage in emotionally abusive acts including malicious shouting, ridicule, and/or threats as well as other forms of corporal punishment. II. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS Every student has the right..... To citizenship in the school community as granted by the U.S. Constitution and the State of Minnesota. Civil rights may not be abridged, obstructed, or in any other way altered, except in accordance with due process law. To freedom from racial and sexual bigotry, discrimination, or intolerance. To fair, consistent uniformity of application of rules without discrimination or bias within the construction of the total learning environment. To air grievances, problems, and concerns through legitimate channels and to propose changes in rules or policy through channels provided by the school and all students. To express opinions, feelings, and criticisms, and to make choices. To privacy regarding school records consistent with legal requirements. To privacy in their persons, papers, and effects. To be fully informed orally or in writing of any and all disciplinary charges and reasons for corrective measures taken with an explanation of the evidence school officials have used against him or her. To be allowed to present his/her version of an incident in question in a fair hearing before any consequences are determined. To expect authority to protect these rights. To expect a safe, educationally stimulating, non-violent, and productive learning environment without interruptions, disruptions, or distractions from within or without the classroom setting. To a productive educational environment in which they may learn the social skills necessary to develop into mature, responsible young adults, accountable for their own actions.

To learn in an environment or atmosphere in which there is a fostering of self-discipline as an aspect of responsibility. To participate in student activities and organizations. To be informed of all policies, rules, and regulations they shall be expected to follow in the classroom, building, school bus, and district via easily understood form using written, visual, and oral approaches as necessary. To homebound instruction when extended absence is due to medical reasons. To make up work missed during an excused absence without discrimination or harassment. To be known, to be somebody, to be appreciated as a person and to be treated with dignity and respect. To expect positive behavior by others in the educational setting. To avail themselves of the counseling, social, and psychological services provided by the school district. To choose their own manner of dress and personal grooming unless it presents a clear danger to the students’ health and safety, causes a clear interference with work, or creates disorder in the learning environment, cause others to be intimidated by fear or violence, promotes an illegal activity, is offensive or discriminative in nature.Every student has the responsibility to ... To become knowledgeable about this policy. To assist in efforts to establish and maintain a safe, stimulating, and productive learning environment in the democratic school society. To abide by accepted standards of good conduct and discipline while participating in any school function or activity and while going to and from school, whether riding on public or private conveyance, or walking. To know and comply with established school rules and regulations and established school district policies promulgated by local school boards. (MN Statute 120-6, 1974). To refrain from disruptive behavior which may interfere with a teacher’s right to teach and a student’s right to learn. To attend regularly scheduled class sessions as established by the schools. To bring to class materials required for daily classroom use. To complete assigned class work on time and according to instructions given by the teacher. To accept the authority of faculty and school district officials on school property and during school sponsored off-campus events, on school busses, etc. To follow policy and regulations during school sponsored activities away from school regardless of time or place in such a manner as not to impede the safety or educational value of the activity. To obey all safety regulations in the educational setting. To use appropriate language avoiding cursing, using profanity, or vulgar language. To refrain from physical force, verbal abuse, threats, blackmail; the use, sale, or exchange of alcohol or any illegal drugs; smoking;

stealing; vandalism; and other illegal activities. To bring a written excuse from parent or guardian when returning to school following an absence. To accept the consequences of actions committed outside the boundaries of the rights. To communicate with appropriate school staff if there are grievances, problems, or concerns regarding the learning environment. III SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES A. School Board and Administration Responsibilities The School Board and school administration shall publicize and inform staff and students annually of policies and procedures related to this discipline policy and violence prevention. The School Board and district administrators will support district personnel who, in dealing with students on disciplinary matters, act in accordance with state statute, state board of education regulations, and this policy. The School District shall act immediately to investigate all acts or complaints of violence, either formal or informal, and take appropriate disciplinary action against any pupil or staff member who is found to have violated this policy. Periodic reviews of discipline policies and procedures will be made, revised, and submitted to the School Board for review and adoption. All efforts will be made to include community persons with expertise and/or interest in non-violence in the annual review. Discipline will be imposed in accordance with the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act of 1974 (as amended) and specific to student with disabilities, Minnesota Rule 3525.2470. B. Staff Responsibilities Each staff member shall become knowledgeable about this policy; staff members are required to instruct students, where appropriate, about the contents of the discipline policy. To encourage, in students, self-discipline and respect for authority. To treat students with dignity. To recognize individual differences among students. To insure the enforcement of school rules as listed in the student handbook.

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June Sunday

HWY 10 EAST Detroit Lakes 847-0472

Detroit Lakes



For activity updates, changes, cancellations and/or postponements click on the Activities link on the ISD #22 website at www.dlschools.net







bad weather make up day 3:00pm Track and Field-V Section @ Sauuk Rapids-Rice

bad weather make up day


bad weather make up day BSB-V Section SF BTNS-V State Tourney


Glass Repair & Replacement

Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-847-1637 800-750-1637


Trusted Care.





DL Laker Activity Calendar 2009 4 Logo Block 5 3 p. H x 11 p. W


bad weather make up day

i’m lovin’ it®

1002 Randolph Road SERVICE � SELECTION � VALUE

A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More! A Convenience Store and A Whole Lot More!


151 West Main Perham, MN 56573 218.346.2040 Toll Free 877.346.2040

Detroit LakesAve 104 Roosevelt 846-0925 104(218) Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925

415 Frazee Street E. Detroit Lakes, MN


bad weather make up day BSB-V Play In Game


10 bad weather make up day BSB-V Section Finals Golf B/G State Tourney SB-V State Tourney BTNS-V State Tourney

bad weather make up day Golf B/G State Tourney BTNS-V State Tourney

BSB-V Section QF 3:00pm Track and Field-V Section Finals @ Brainerd

bad weather make up day

11 bad weather make up day SB-V State Tourney BTNS-V State Tourney Track and Field-V State Tourney


Track and Field-V State Tourney 8:00am ACT Test @ Detroit Lakes High School









7:00am School Board Meeting @ Administration Center 9:00am FFA-Regional Instructors Planning Mtg. @ Mahnomen









School Discipline Policy K-12 DISCIPLINE AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICY To use such reasonable measures as may be necessary to maintain a safe and orderly environment in the classroom, in the school building, on school property, and at school functions. A teacher has the authority to remove pupils from the classroom pursuant to procedures and rules established in the district’s policy. To record and report classroom discipline problems to the building administrators. To confer with support personnel for possible solutions to discipline problems. IV. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS POSSIBLE A. Corrective Action will include communication with the parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: • Conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal • Confiscation of weapon, object, material, substance and/or container • Parental conference with school staff Inservice/education Loss of school privileges Detention; in-school suspension Modified school program Removal from class • Suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school Suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus • Report filed with law enforcement B. Removal from Class: Removal from class is the short-term exclusion of a student from school during which the school retains custody of the student. Students removed from class shall be the responsibility of the principal or his lawful designee. Students shall be removed from class only upon agreement of the appropriate teacher and principal after an informal administrative conference with the pupil. The decision as to removal shall ultimately be up to the principal. Parents will be notified after the decision is reached. The removal of a student from class shall not exceed three class periods. The length of time of the removal from class shall be at the discretion of the principal after consultation with the teacher. Students shall be returned to class upon completion of the terms of the removal established at the informal administrative conference including but not limited to the completion of any make-up work. The removal from class may be imposed without an informal administrative conference where it appears that the student will create an immediate and substantial danger to

himself or to persons or property around him. C. Suspension Procedures: Suspension is the short-term exclusion of the student from school during which the school is relieved of custody of the child. Suspension, exclusion and expulsion shall be utilized in accord with “The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act of 1974” as amended. A suspension of two-to-five days requires that an informal administrative conference shall be held with the pupil, except where it appears that the pupil will create an immediate and substantial danger to persons or property around them or to themselves. In the event a pupil is suspended without an informal administrative conference, a written notice shall be served either personally or by certified mail upon the pupiland his/her parents or guardian within 48 hours of the suspension. During the administration conference or before the suspension takes effect, the student shall be presented with a written notice containing the ground for suspension, a brief statement of facts, a description of the testimony, a readmission plan, and a copy of M.S. 127.26 to 127.40 and his/her parents or guardian shall receive the same by certified mail within 48 hours. Service by certified mail is complete upon mailing. A pupil may be suspended pending the Board of Education’s decision in an expulsion or exclusion hearing, provided that an alternative program shall be implemented to the extent that suspension exceeds five days. D. Use of Corporal Punishment Corporal punishment is often a degrading and generally ineffective method of correcting student misbehavior. It also carries an element of legal risk in providing the reasonableness of one’s action in court. The staff may use reasonable force for the purpose of restraining a student to prevent or minimize damage to property or injury to themselves or other persons. Any staff member may use reasonable force to transport a student to the office or other place where the staff member may secure assistance. Any incident covered under this paragraph will be followed up by a written report from the staff member involved, to the building administrator, within twenty-four hours. E. Referral to Juvenile Authorities or Police If a student’s misbehavior is so extreme that a law violation is involved, juvenile authorities or police will be contacted by

the principal or designated representative. Every reasonable attempt shall be made to notify parents at the same time juvenile authorities or police are called. If the officer indicates that he/she is arresting the pupil with or without a warrant, that officer shall have complete jurisdiction and responsibility in the matter and the principal or designee shall not interfere with the student’s removal from the building. F. Special Education Students The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act applies to all students. In the case of a special education student a team meeting shall be held prior to the exclusion or expulsion of the pupil. The team meeting will occur within five school days of a suspension and it will be determined whether the misconduct is related to the handicapping condition. The team will review any assessments and determine the need for further assessment and will review the I.E.P., and amend the goals and objectives or develop an alternative I.E.P. if warranted. A pupil may be placed, through a team meeting and the I.E.P., in a more restrictive alternative but shall not be excluded or expelled when the misconduct is related to the pupil’s handicapped condition. As the result of a Pupil Fair Dismissal Act proceeding that determines a pupils’ misconduct is related to the pupil’s handicapping condition, then the assessment, I.E.P., and least restrictive alternative shall be reviewed according to the provisions of 5 MCAR SS 1.0120-1.0129. G. Suspension of School Bus Riding Privileges A student may, at the principal’s determination, forfeit his/ her privilege of riding a school bus to or from school. The length and specifics of this forfeiture of bus ridership privileges will be dependent on the type of misbehavior, prior history, severity of the act, and other factors related to the incident. The principal shall determine the form of discipline. V. THE FOLLOWING SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES APPLY DISTRICT WIDE: Students may be subject to disciplinary action for conduct which has a direct and immediate effect on the discipline or general welfare of the school. This policy is particularly applicable where disciplinary action is reasonably necessary for the physical or emotional safety of the student, other students, teachers or other school personnel, or for the safety of the school property. Measured by this standard, acts which may result in disciplinary action include but are not limited to:

july 2010 SUNDAY






































august 2010 SUNDAY






































School Discipline Policy K-12 DISCIPLINE AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICY A. Assault: 1. Verbal Assault: Abusive, threatening, profane, or obscene language either oral or written by a student toward a staff member or another student including but not limited to conduct which degrades people because of their gender, race, religion, ethnic background, or physical or mental characteristics. Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. Inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention, in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and/or expulsion from school 2. Physical Assault: Is an act which intentionally inflicts or attempts to inflict bodily harm upon another. Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention, in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school B. Damage/Loss to School and Personal Property 1. Vandalism: Damage to or destruction of school property or property of others by students. Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. c onference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention, in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. r eport filed with law enforcement j. s uspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school 2. Theft: The act of intentionally and without claim of right taking, using, transferring. concealing, or retaining possession of movable property of another without his consent and with the intent to deprive the owner permanently of the property, or the finding of lost property and not making reasonable effort to find

the owner. Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention; in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school C. Disruptions 1. Dangerous Threats: Threats to normal school operations or school activities, including but not limited to the reporting of dangerous or hazardous situations that do not exist.

3. Failure to Identify Oneself: Failure to provide proper/correct identification or information upon request of a staff member.

principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention; in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school 4. Student Attire. Students are expected to be appropriately dressed and acceptably groomed for school at all times. No gang-related jewelry, insignia, colors, paraphernalia, materials, apparel, clothing or attire may be worn or carried on campus or at school activities, including, but not limited to, gloves, bandannas, shoestrings, wristbands, and jewelry which are likely to cause others to be intimidated by fear or violence. Student dress should comply with reasonable standards of cleanliness, safety, and should not be offensive, discriminatory, or disruptive to the operation of the school. Student dress should not display emblems, designs or insignias which promote an illegal activity. V. DISTRICT WIDE SCHOOL BOARD POLICIES (continued): D. Weapons For the purposes of this policy, the prohibition of weapons includes: • Any device other than a firearm that constitutes a dangerous weapon within the meaning of Minnesota Statute 609 66, which means: • Any device capable of producing death or great bodily harm, that in a manner is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm, or that is used to produce death or great bodily harm. • Firearm, as defined in this policy, including destructive devices • Replicas or look alikes as defined by Minnesota Statute 609.713, subd 3 (b) (2) 1. Possession or use of a weapon Possession or use of a weapon is prohibited Anyone found to be in possession of a weapon on school premises before, during, or after school hours or at any school-sponsored activity is subject to administrative and/or legal action All weapons or instruments which have the appearance of a weapon arc prohibited within all school environments, except for educational purposes as authorized in advance by the building principal or designee No person may knowingly or voluntarily possess, store in an area subject to one’s control, handle, transmit, or use an instrument that is considered a weapon or a replica or look alike in school, on school grounds, at school activities, on school buses or school vehicles, or entering upon or departing from school premises, property, or events This prohibition applies to all school-owned buildings and grounds, leased or owned, and within all school-owned, leased, or contracted vehicles A student who finds a weapon on the way to school or in the school building and takes the weapon immediately to the principal’s office shall not be considered in possession of a weapon.

Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or

2. Possession of a chemical agent Possession of a chemical agent that is not a destructive device, such as mace, for purposes of deterring criminal or violent conduct or for self-protection from such conduct is prohibited

Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention; in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school 2. School Disruptions: Any action that disturbs or interrupts the peace and good order of the school or school-sponsored activities. Corrective action will include communication with parent/ guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal b. inservice/education c. parental conference with school staff d. loss of school privileges e. detention; in-school suspension f. modified school program g. removal from class h. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus i. report filed with law enforcement j. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school

School Discipline Policy K-12 DISCIPLINE AND VIOLENCE PREVENTION POLICY under this policy unless the student receives prior authorization from school district officials Any student authorized to possess mace or other chemical as a deterrent or for self-defense is prohibited from using such object for any other reason. Weapons: (1) “Firearm” (a) Definition: means (A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; (B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon; (C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; (D) any destructive device, for the purpose of this definition only, as defined in 18 U.S. C 921(a)(4) (b) Procedures: Report of a firearm in a student’s locker, vehicle, or hidden in another location on school property within the student’s control: 1. After confirming the presence of a firearm, administration will contact the police and provide information regarding the situation 2. With police consultation, decisions will be made on how to proceed. 3. Secure the area and isolate the situation as need be. 4. With police assistance, determine the procedure to follow in removing the weapon and in apprehending the person who is said to have last possessed the weapon. 5. Designate “administrator in charge” and accompany police while in the building. 6. Contact parent or guardian. Corrective Action including but not limited to: 1. Mandatory confiscation of weapon. 2. First offense: Expulsion from school for a period of not less than one year except that the Superintendent of Independent School District #22 may modify the expulsion requirement for a student on a case-by-case basis. Report of a student in possession of a firearm: 1. Administration notifies police and provides the following information: name of person; is he or she a student; what arc the circumstances; what is their mental state; what is their present location. 2. Secure and isolate the area. 3. Contact parent or guardian 4. Wait until the arrival of the police before approaching the individual unless determined otherwise with police agreement 5. Designate “administrator in charge” and accompany police while in the building if deemed safe to do so. Corrective action including but not limited to: 1. Mandatory confiscation of weapon by police or administration. 2. First offense: Expulsion from school for a period of not less than one year except that the Superintendent of Independent School District #22 may modify the expulsion requirement for a student on a case-by-case basis. Report of a person with a firearm out or shots fired 1. Administration notifies policy by dialing 911 and provides the following information name of person, is he or she a student, what are circumstances; what is their mental state, what is their location. 2. Designate “administrator in charge” 3. Secure and isolate the area, partial or complete evacuation of the building may need to be ordered by administration by using a predetermined coded signal communicated to the

staff. 4. Contact parent or guardian 5. Wait for police before proceeding, do not attempt to disarm the individual Corrective action including but not limited to 1. Mandatory confiscation of weapon by police 2. First offense: Expulsion from school for a period of not less than one year except that the Superintendent of Independent School District #22 may modify the expulsion requirement for a student on a case-by-case basis (2) “Weapons, excluding firearms” (a) Definition: means any device capable of producing death or great bodily harm, that in a manner is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm, or that is used to produce death or great bodily harm The following are examples of dangerous weapons, excluding firearms, but are not limited to: • Ammunition • Knives of all types • Clubs, numchucks, black jacks, lead pipe and throwing stars • Metal knuckles • Darts, chains, or unauthorized tools • Explosives, including fireworks, fire crackers, smoke bombs or other chemicals • Flammable or combustible liquids • Any other device or instrument used to intimidate, threaten, or inflict harm (b) Procedures: Course of action to be determined by building administrator. Corrective Actions including but not limited to: 1. Mandatory confiscation of weapon 2. First offense: warning and parent contact 3. Successive offensives: K-6 from 1 to 5 days suspension; grade 7-12 a five-day suspension 4. Parent conference, possible behavioral contract (3) Any object used to inflict bodily harm and/or intimidate, or cause fear. The following are examples of such objects but not limited to: • Belts • Combs • Pencils • Files • Compasses • Scissors • Poisonous chemicals • Replica firearm: as set forth in M.S. 609.71, Subd. 3 (a) Procedures: Course of action to be determined by building administrator. Corrective Actions including but not limited to: 1. Mandatory confiscation of weapon 2. First offense: warning and parent contact 3. Successive offenses: K-6 from 1 to 5 days suspension, grade 7-12 a 5 day suspension 4. Parent conference; possible behavioral contract E Substances (Dangerous, Harmful, Illegal, or Nuisance Substances or Articles) 1. The Board of Education of ISD #22 has adopted a chemical abuse policy which applies to all students K-12. The Board of Education has also adopted MSHSL Rules and students involved in MSHSL

activities are also subject to those rules. 2. A lcohol: Students are prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages at school, on school grounds, on school buses, or at school-sponsored activities. 3. Drugs: Students are prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, or being under the influence of drugs at school, on school grounds, on school buses, or at school-sponsored activities. 4. Use of Tobacco: Tobacco use by students is prohibited at school, on school buses, at school-sponsored activities, and on school grounds. 5. Inhalants: Students arc prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, or being under the influence of an inhalant at school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored activities, or on school buses 6. Harmful or Nuisance Articles: The possession or use of articles that are nuisances. illegal, or that may cause harm to persons or property is prohibited on school grounds, on school buses, and at school and school-sponsored activities. Corrective action will include communication with parent/guardian and may include but is not limited to: a. confiscation of the substance and/or container b. conference with teacher, professional support staff member, or principal c. inservice/education d. parental conference with school staff e. loss of school privileges f. detention, in-school suspension g. modified school program h. removal from class i. suspension of school bus riding privileges when the violation occurred on a school bus j. report filed with law enforcement k. suspension, exclusion, and expulsion from school Corrective action taken should be consistent with ISD #22 Chemical Dependency Policy D19/CHEM.1-9 F. The following also constitute unacceptable behavior. 1. Willful conduct which materially and substantially disrupts the right of others to an education, 2. Willful conduct which endangers school district employees, school bus drivers or chaperons, the pupil or other pupils, or the property of the school, or 3. Willful violation of any rule of conduct specified in this discipline policy. G. The violation of any state or local law or the violation of any federal law is unacceptable behavior. Legal Reference: Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 (Minnesota Government Data Practices Act) Minn. Stat. §§ 127.26 to 127.39 (Pupil Fair Dismissal Act of 1974) Minn. Stat. §§ 127.40 to 127.42 (Removal from Class) Goals 2000: Educate America Act, 20 U.S.C 5801 et sea. Minn. Stat. § 120.17 (Students with Disabilities) 29 U.S.C. § 794 ct scq. (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) Cross Reference: MBA Model Policy 501 (School Weapons) MBA Model Policy 503 (Student Attendance) MBA Model Policy 504 (Student Dress and Appearance) MBA Model Policy 505 (Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students and Employees) MSBA Service Manual, Chapter, 13, School Law Bulletin “S” (School Discipline Policies)

Public Notice Notification of Rights Under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Students Independent School District No. 22 gives notice to parents of students currently in attendance in the District. and eligible students currently in attendance in the District, of their rights regarding pupil records. 1. Parents and eligible students are hereby informed that they have the following rights: a. That a parent or eligible student has a right to inspect and review the student’s education records. A parent or eligible student should submit to the school district a written request to inspect education records which identify as precisely as possible the record or records he or she wishes to inspect. The parent or eligible student will be notified of the time and place where the records may be inspected; b. That the parent or eligible student has a right to seek amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that those records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. A parent or eligible student may ask the school district to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. The request shall be in writing, identify the item the parent or eligible student believes to be inaccurate, misleading or in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, shall state the reason for this belief, and shall specify the correction the parent or eligible student wishes the school district to make. The request shall be signed by the parent or eligible student. If the school district decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school district will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise him or her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing; c. That the parent or eligible student has a right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that federal and state law and the regulations promulgated thereunder authorize disclosures without consent: d. That the school district may disclose education records to other school officials within the school district if the school district has determined they have legitimate educational interests. For purposes of such disclosure, a “school official” is a person employed by the school district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel) or other employee; a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the school district has consulted to perform a specific task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, therapist, public information officer or data practices compliance official); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or any individual assisting a school official in the performance of his or her tasks. A school official has a “legitimate educational interest” if the individual needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility and includes, but is not limited to, an interest directly related to classroom instruction, teaching, student achievement and progress, discipline of a student and student health and welfare and the ability to respond to a request for educational data; e. That the school district forwards education records on request to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, including information about disciplinary action taken as a result of any incident in which the student possessed or used a dangerous weapon, suspension and expulsion information pursuant to section 4155 of the federal No Child Left Behind Act and any disposition order which adjudicates the student as delinquent for committing an illegal act on school district property and certain other illegal acts. f. That the parent or eligible student has a right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education regarding an alleged failure by the school district to comply with the requirements of 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and the rules promulgated thereunder, the name and address of the office that administers the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act is: g. Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20202-4605

2. Independent School District No. 22 has adopted a school board policy in order to comply with state and federal laws regarding education records. The policy does the following: a. It classifies records as public, private or confidential. b. It establishes procedures and regulations to permit parents or students to inspect and review a student’s education records. These procedures include the method of determining fees for copies, a listing of the locations of these education records, and the identity of the individuals in charge of the records. c. It establishes procedures and regulations to allow parents or students to request the amendment of a student’s education records to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights. d. It establishes procedures and regulations for access to and disclosure of education records. e. It establishes procedures and regulations for safeguarding the privacy of education records and for obtaining prior written consent of the parent or student when required prior to disclosure. 3. Copies of the school board policy and accompanying procedures and regulations are available to parents and students upon written request to the Superintendent. 4. Pursuant to applicable law. Independent School District No22 gives notice to parents of students currently in attendance in the school district, and eligible students currently in attendance in the school district, of their rights regarding “directory information.” “Directory information” includes the following information relating to a student: the student’s name; address; telephone number; electronic mail address; photograph; date and place of birth; major field of study; dates of attendance; grade level; enrollment status; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; degrees, honors and awards received; the most recent educational agency or institution attended by the student; and other similar information. “Directory information” also includes the name, address and telephone number of the student’s parent(s). “Directory information” does not include identifying information on a student’s religion, race, color, social position or nationality. a. The information listed above shall be public information which the school district may disclose from the education records of a student or information regarding a parent. b. Should the parent of a student or the student so desire, any or all of the listed information will not be disclosed without the parent’s or eligible student’s prior written consent except to school officials as provided under federal law. c. In order to make any or all of the directory information listed above “private” (i.e subject to consent prior to disclosure), the parent or eligible student must make a written request to the building principal within thirty (30) days after the date of the last publication of this notice. This written request must include the following information: (1) Name of student and parent, as appropriate.; (2) Home address; (3) School presently attended by student; (4) Parent’s legal relationship to student, if applicable; (5) Specific category or categories of directory information which is not to be made public without the parent’s or eligible student’s prior written consent. 5. Pursuant to applicable law. Independent School District No. 22 hereby gives notice to parents of secondary students and eligible secondary students of their rights regarding release of information to military recruiting officers. The school district must release the names, addresses, and home telephone numbers of secondary students to military recruiting officers within 60 days after the date of the request. Data released to military recruiting officers under this provision may be used only for the purpose of providing information to students about military service, state and federal veterans’ education benefits, and other career and educational opportunities provided by the military and cannot be further disseminated to any other person except personnel of the recruiting services of the armed forces. Should the parent of a student or the eligible student so desire, any or all of the listed information will not be disclosed to military recruiting officers without prior consent. In order to refuse the release of this information without prior consent, the parent or eligible student must make a written request to the building principal within 30 days of the beginning of each school year or date of enrollment. This request must include the following information:

(1) Name of student and parent, as appropriate: (2) Home address; (3) Student’s grade level; (4) School presently attended by student; (5) Parent’s legal relationship to student, if applicable; (6) Specific category or categories of information which are not to be released to military recruiters without prior consent. (7) Specific category or category or categories of directory information which are not to be released to the public, including military recruiters. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 22 Detroit Lakes, MINNESOTA Notification of Rights Under Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) PPRA affords parents and students who are 18 or emancipated minors (“eligible students”) certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to: 1. Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED): a. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; b. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; c. Sex behavior or attitudes; d. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior. e. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; f. Religious practices; affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or g. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. 2. Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of: a. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding; b. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and c. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others. 3. Inspect, upon request and before administration or use: a. Protected information surveys of students; b. I nstruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales or other distribution purposes; and c. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum. Independent School District #22 has developed policies, in consultation with parents, regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution purposes. Independent School District #22 will directly notify parents and eligible students of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. Independent School District #22 will also directly notify parents and eligible students, such as through U.S. Mail or email, at least annually at the start of each school year of the specific or appropriate dates of the following activities and provide an opportunity to opt a student out of participating in: a. Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution. b. Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED. c. Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. Parents/eligible students who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, D.C. 20202-4605

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 2009 Aug. 31 New Teacher Orientation Sept. 1-3 Teacher Workshop Sept. 7 Labor Day—No School Sept. 8 First Day of School Sept. 28 Inservice Day—No School Oct. 14 Inservice Day — No School Oct. 15-16 MEA – No School Nov. 6 End of First Quarter (40) Nov. 9 HS/MS P/T Conf. 4:00-8:00 pm Nov. 12 Elem. P/T Conf. 4:00-8:00 pm Nov. 19 All P/T Conf. 4:00-7:00 pm Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 23 Winter Break Begins 2010 Jan. 4 Classes Resume Jan. 22 End of Second Quarter (45) Jan. 22 End of First Semester (83) Jan. 25 Tchr Work Day — No School Feb. 15 President’s Holiday Break No School Feb/ 16 Inservice Day — No School March 9 HS/MS P/T Conf. 4:00-7:00 pm March 11 Elem. P/T Conf. 4:00-7:00 pm March 18 All P/T Conf. 4:00-8:00 pm March 19 Inservice Day — No School March 25 End of Third Quarter (41) March 31 Bad weather makeup day April 12 Kindergarten Roundup—No Kindergarten Classes April 1-2 Spring Break April 5 Bad weather makeup day May 27 Last Day of School End of Fourth Quarter (40) End of Second Semester (83) May 28 Teacher Workshop May 29 Graduation May 31 Memorial Day If school is missed due to bad weather the first day missed will be made up on March 31. A second day missed will be made up on April 5. Any further days missed will be made up at the end of the school year. If no days are missed due to bad weather March 31 and April 5 will be non-contact days for students and teachers

New Teacher Inservice

Teacher Inservice/Work Days


P/T Conf.

Bad Weather Makeup Days

Beginning/Ending Days

End of Quarter/Trimester



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Student Contact Days Teacher Inservice/Conference/Work Days Teacher Contract Days




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104 Roosevelt Ave (218) 846-0925BBKKBRRKAARAAARRNRVVDVOOOSNNNEE N ' S �

We gu arantee our pric compe tition. es to be at any Fargo or Even if they of our ’re in M St. C inneap Prices, loud. We gu olis, aran Service, and Qua tee our lity!

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Try the new Southern Style Chicken Biscuit for breakfast and come back for the new Southern Style Chicken Sandwich for lunch or dinner.

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juiciness so simple

Angus Burger

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Clinic: (218) 844-2300 Clinic Toll Free: (800) 224-5888 Women’s Clinic: (218) 844-2381

Trusted Care.


Proud Sponsors & Supporters of Laker Students, Teachers & Athletes!

Laker Pride!!

The 2008-2009 Laker Activity Calendar is brought to you by the many businesses you see inside and the six major sponsors below. Please show them your thanks by patronizing their businesses.

Detroit Lakes Public Schools ISD #22

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