One.2.One: Casino
Casinos have about the most comprehensive data on their customers - even on those customers that have been to their casino once. From age, economic status, marital status, spending habits, interest, hobbies — to such information as which cigar they prefer or which game they spend the most on. Not all industries have such complete data nor is there a need, but for the casino industry, it is essential. Below is how to implemented this data into a marketing approach.
*This chart only addresses three touch points: AGE, GENDER AND LIFE STYLE. Casinos have many more data points that can be charted, but for ease of display we have choose only three.
Female / 26-30 / Local Doll
You are exclusively invited... Because you deserve it!
Headings - Edwardian Script Body copy - Futura
OFFER: Two nights FREE with continental breakfast and dinner for two!
Age 21-25 Age 26-30 Male / 45 / Low-Budget - High Hopes
Age 31-39 Age 40-49
Everyone’s a WINNER! Join the fun and become a member today!
Headings - Eras Bold ITC Body copy - Futura
OFFER: Get $25 FREE with your new membership!
Age 50-59 Female / 50-65 / Slot Machine Nut
Age 50-65
FREE! Because we love having you here!
Headings - Broadway Body copy - Futura
OFFER: $25 FREE Tokens Saturdays 1-3pm
Too old to be here Any Age Male And Female / Any Age / “I’m Here For the Freebies”
FREE! Because we know you LOVE A GREAT DEAL!
Headings - Broadway Body copy - Futura
Bac hel or’s /Ba che Em lore pty tte’ Ne s Pa ster rty with Sm all $ Cha nge Slo tM ach ine Nu “I c t an’ t re sist ad Cou eal gar ” Low -Bu dge t-H Mid igh -Lif Hop eC es risis Nic eV aca tion Loc al D oll “We bro ugh t th “Do e ki ds” n’t tell my kids Hig hR I am olle her r e” Lou dM out hlittle “I’m acti her on e fo r th “W e fr her eeb e’s ies” the buf Bla fet” ck J ack Jac k/ Nic Jac kel kie slot s
OFFER: $25 FREE Tokens - with every dinner entree!
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Female / 26-30 / Local Doll
Category Message Font / Highlight Color Front Image Product used for this direct mail piece is our BRAVOcard - an integrated card stock.
Brenda Blain... our are exclusively invited... This message would have a fine look of elegance with beautiful text, intelligent writing, and classy offers. We would like “Local Doll” to feel special and personally invited to some exclusive event even if she is one of one million recipients!
Because you deserve it! Two nights FREE with continental breakfast and dinner for two!
White Water Casino and Games Dear Brenda Blain,
Quamet, velit nostio eugiat, conulput wis eniat praessim quam quatin vendreet do et, quis dipsum et nulpute commodo loborperos nullaor eraessent lut vendreet alisl delis ad tin henim delent velit, corem nit, conse elis dolor susciduissis er il dolobore dunt aciliqui te eum iuscidu ipsumsandit vel utpate tem quamet vercilis alit at lum nos nulpute dunt autem aliquat etummy nulla alit lutate ver accumsan ulput lum init nit
White Water Casino and Games
Because you deserve it!
Two nights FREE with continental breakfast and dinner for two! Brenda Blain,
Present this coupon card when visiting us at White Water Casino and Games to receive your gift! Not valid with any other promotion or discount.