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EMELINA If you haven’t already,
you’ll soon spot Vegas’ rising it girl, Emelina Adams headlining youfav r oritefashiomnagazineandlightingup your nearest marquee. »t fir st glance, the modelact / ress is strik ng, with a glaring penchant for the glamor us. Sti,l you’ll find a dedicated, cerebr al, and en t r epr en eu r ial co r e behi n d t h e daz z li n g ex terior that set s this ingenue apar t from others in a highly competitive entertainment industr. y Emelina has proven her self in both car eer s ear l y o n, spli t i ng her t i m e bet ween modelingandacting,whichiseasy no featHer. enviable ascension to the top has culminated as a featured model for Guess and acting in herbiggestandlatestfildat tom e,BuletTr ai,n alongside Br ad Pit , Sandr a Bulock, Michael Shannon, among other megastars, which premiers sometime next year. Wheredidshemakeherbreak? Emelina credits that to pageantry, namely beingcrownedMissNevada16, 20 in whichshe pairedbo with smok ar t sthein foofr m adegree i n pr e- law an d psychol gy after gr aduat i ng from U of » . She has been comit ed to refining her cr aft for the last few year s while attending Graham Shiel’s acting school. Today she is absolutely relentless. Wake up calls at 6 » .M means early focus and organization f all her colabor ations, content, castings, and auditions; eepi k ng the oppor tuni es in front ofherbountiful.
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Of those oppor tuni es she’s ear ned, the actress has been in a handful of prominent project s, the most notable being the last season of Net flix 13 Reasons Wh,y where she played the character Priscilla. Her thir st to be an on-screen star stemmed fromherearlyvocatio,n
The ultimate goal for me was to be an accomplished actress, I always knew anything I did should help me reach my goals in my acting career.
She’s just get ting star ted but has another feature film star ring evK in Har t due out nex t year as well. Her fashion prowess also began at an early age with a childho d dream of becoming a Guess Girl. Having been inspired by the lies k of famous icons who star ted their career in modeling and made the transition to actingliek HalleBer r,y Emelinaadv to k antage of taking any break she could, “I star ted small with conventions, proms, and print shot s.” She then manifested her own destiny and applied to wor k for her dream br and, Guess, only t be accepted withou any help from an out sideagencyaftersomeper sistence. She put s it simpl,y “I make things happen for myself. I told agent s for year s, I’m a per fect Guessgir,l had I theGuessgihad loIrk. be to
proactiveandgoafterit.Iendedupshoting with a Guess photographer, and he sent my phso t andboed k o eghm ir ereh t spo etn o . t It was a dream”. Wel,l her dream has come to life where she cur ently represent s the Guess br andeachmonthwi mult plelines. When both t ypes of camer as are not roling, you might be sur prised to find Emelina with a bow and ar row in hand pr acticing archer y as a hobby she’s had for year s n.ow More lielk ,y though, she’s sun tannig on the beach or tr aveling.Onmostdays,shelivesanor mallife liek the down-to ear th hubris she embodies: staying in with her Pomerania and watching Net flix just liek the rest of us. The bot om line for the entrepreneurial go - get ter Emelina Adams is that the rumors are true, “I’ve earned ever y thingformyselfinmycareer”. She is as sophisticated as she is beautifu,l as intelligent as she is fashionable, and as hardwor king as she is humble. She has all the righqual t itesmak to efoar scriptedHoly wod ending.Fol winghercareerwilbeafunride to the top where you will see an American girl’s dreamscometrue,andasuccessstor uynfold.
—yTyB lerRober t son