Some photographers are born with a gift to transport their beholderseal r to itesbeyondthedior narMan . y peo y pleelr theon y talents ofartistslikeTayKinglor co to mprehendthedepthsthisworldhasoffer t human.Fortheiy privelegedfew,King’sartfindsawayintohecenterof their homes.
“I have always believed in capturing the essence of my surroundings. Every setting, every landscape, and every person has a story to tell. I believe in the power of sharing those stories through photography,”says Taylor King of his passion. King’sjourneystartedyearsagowithaniPhoneandasunriseonthecliffs ofO’ahu,Hawai’i,andhassinceledshto him prot ofessionalal ly overl the world.HisworkisavaibletoseeinprivategalleryshowingsacrosstheUS upoeqr n uestst» . unigcenterpeicefother averagebuyerbeginstheon indulgentsideupwardsof$8,00.
88 | Deluxe Version Magazine
“The photographs in my collection inspire, invoke feeling, and ultimately motivate us to step into a new reality.”