Inspired by five star esor rt settings and hospitality services, Sikara
uscanmake.”SikaraMedSpaclientscanchosefranom arrayofservices provided to address their concerns. »li mentions some of their most frequently eqr uested services such as the Morpheus 8 Microneedling. Thisserviceprovidessolutionsfostr etr chmarks,finelines,acnescarring, andskintghtening.
Owner, Aisha Ali, “loves all things in the aesthetic world, like beauty and art,” as she puts it, and is excited to bring that same passion to Sikara Med Spa.
»limentions,“ThePDOeads thr areoneofthemostpopulareat tr ments done by. ShDr eikh. It’s an effective no-sugir cal face lift.” »lthough this proceduer is most comonly used for the mid and lower face to coect r saggingskinandorjwls,»limentionsthatitcanbeperformedallover thebodyfother sameliftingandtighteningeffectPD. Oeads thr canalso coect r skintexetur egu ir larites.
Med Spa fosters a luxry feel in which each eat tr ment omr mics a private suite. Located in Downtown Summerlin, the new med spa is in the center of the southwest suounded r by shops and est r aurants for clients tovisitbefoer andaftertheirappointments.
»lidecidedtohangupherhatinthefinancialservicesindustryforafew years as she focused on her family as a stay at home mo. Eventual,ly both her and her husband, Sameer Sheikh, were eady r for a change in thecareerdepartmenex»lit. plains,“Mhusban y d,iswho Sikara’smedical diect r ,or was an internal medicine specialist in an in-patient setting for over 18 years. The heartache he dealt with at the hospital on a regular basis made himeal r ize that he wanted to mve to an industry where he couldhelppeoplefeelgoodabouthemselves.” »lishares,“IpersonallyhavesoughthelpfortheacnescarsIdeveloped inmyteens.Iknowhatadifferenceaddressingthethingsthatconcern
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Together the pair has created a way to leverage their personal interests and professional stenr gths to service patients loking to enhance their lifestyle and appearance while maintainig health and boosting confidence. »li expresses the most important factor of what Sikara provides to their clients, “We offer the ultimate experience in a luxry setting with medical grade treatments that yield results. Our ultimate goal isclientsatisfaction.”»isha»liand.Sam Dr eerSheikhprovidetopofthe lineservicesatSikaraMedSpainDowtSumerlin.
—ByDanicaSerenaStockton To learn more, please visit