The behind the scenespersoaln espo r yt i sin blefosor em fo fav r u o y et i r o
aw o par r h t o t sghi a w. seal onwtysrh uo ann mko h w y l
eetM WyNin ghfe’s ilt ace,ghfe i n l t andestr auanr st elratsn o ani m ager,si u L elDeoOv. n ereh tast l 10ear y gn si k r o fow eh tr brand,e’s h beenaparfot soeed f dm nlo enwr steo h wmtclb u spo t o h st eiagi rm k n i heythgt n iw no h aboprdit giu nv o elevatedcusterm sero ce i v byffer o gn i guestsenfo adn i k experenice.f’v Iu o y ad eh senad ero vVIl o sor uyPr o fry abl t m o eatXSNighcl tb u atday amaiiTh2enhr eCghFerwsmi sk n oart ebrse, u gio neh uigotn y don w cananhelfotDeoassi n k r ath t stgh.nt i w Adding to those accomplishments, Deleon has his eyes set on more projects focl Wynr i n digu n beign aparfo tco n E e’s r ewncoastalexcan Mi estr auanr ,t Casa Playa.
“I’m thrilled to take on this role within the Wynn Nightlife family,” said Deleon. “Casa Playa brings an exciting new element to the social dining scene and is a great addition to the portfolio of renowned venues.” asa C Playaskawi hsu wo y ayao t placeath t feelssoacat v ’l u eo ky i l - n oexi pect l sandbeneso teat ranu o y dhecr t ashgn i fo avw esbet n i eenw arM ach i sogs in el isih ppi w gn an o signater ucockait frl anmato m n u chedal eqi t u andezmcal coect l atw bi a h t,gou nert oimn ti dieled shhm byexecuech v i t efSarah pso Thm o ehexcan tTrMi y. n euplShm Bi r evch Ci e,ack l B ffle Tru Tostadaand Quseu o H ade esodihM nt dou,i Fwo anz i r o h dC do’t n foget r sav o t fom o er desserarC h t a’s i nw lt o anl F andTresech L es.WielD heot ’s n ch u o t ,preparefor anfon u get r abl t eevgenn i fo excan Mi escapismatsi h amt bisu o ani t -e-do u tr t foakfoet bo h sot m ruen o derr coastalcusiQue.i n esit pli enm erasa ,dythC y co Plnayessiomifrva meou boq i n ast ssecr u et h i t sa o t u cu etarBadv n e.i ry l u ent st i buauy z a r an i chc i setg.aln l i tYoi sow uspoanm t cel y ebresi t i atsi ewh n t dining destination. fun I sign si h clb u stgon hi press, w o elsDeoi n engsun i r asa C Playaseresv asa perfect“pregamatl ghr iue” efuon y t . no t LUIS DELEON “Weffer ge on u befo oarlesihti ea v ’r ghu icl o net y h r t b,” u goego n t i eleonD explais.n“Weavh eacclaich estseti noed foeh lrerm wt siJn rwoD ghi Smn . alt bil est andappeterz si ’r usoo ’r y u enofuhyo w lalt eIo .n etl u o akm esefoper h t r fectpregame.” elDeohps n brgn i eh estt r auanr back t st oifotr auci eni ht erhew y nt i exco Mi enerait senimant n o n ciarl ,y buatrt erh ateh t coer fo eh t cuarn i l y experenice.’s t I co nfeel ou t no m caledl dan o t ce.elDeocl n ais,m “teh ge n u ofrl t n sero esv aseh tprecugetosort r eh tcelebratsn o sti arev ed i tl h t i w enert ait anenm tn dch u m e.” for o nmani eoBrsujdun eio rstpar t yr ath t akyt es place on certain dates during the month Deleon has conceived called, “Mi Casa esasa” C Su ereacco h w ’r u o ,y m i ffer h eo gdiorn t eda epar u q “ui exn pery t ence i pai eenveriait l aned enrhmt n i dw addialn o icel t ebrataln o ielemens.” t per» fectpregamebefogou eobir y gar o dedicated,setelghiuhDeoto n t aneleoDn asa dCepar .h tu o foy w o ry th Plt ayo tgu’v a gou yo t yar- eduho et beenseekgn i foanfor n u get r abl t ’t n o D . tgheui aio n w t ,teser get r r u o yatv sn o i anw o n detell Deoco n eudooatn hti w t n e’s h beengdon i eh ast t l decade, akm avghn i usueo a yr feon adn exi kperenice.
—yTyB lerRober t son Deluxe Version Magazine | 59