National Spotlight
Is Blazing The Way For Renewable Energy — By Taylor Burk
Rapidly expanding,
Solar Sun Pro exceeds their mission to become the mostepu r table and inovative solar energy consulting firm in the nation. Leading at the forefront of the environmental movement with unmatched expertise, Solar Sun Pro is a preferred partner in solar, advancing the planet and empowering the people. Together, business mogul and proud owner, Nick Quattone III, partner, Garrett Blake, and VP, Angelo Gioeli, have grown their success individually and collectively as one of the industry’s most informative management teams to produce important and impactful large-scale contributions to homeowners and the environment. SolarSuPrn sto andsfirbeh m indtheiprr omiseprto ovidequal,ity customdesigned solar systems that meet residential renewable needs, while providing ease of mind throughout each step of the process. Quattone states, “Our team of energy consultants help to make the switch to solar simple and seamless ensuring that every client receives excellent and consistent care, exclusive consultancy services, state of the art products, aswellascompetitvepricingwithfinanceandwarrantyoptions. Fundamentally, we are committed to guaranteeing overall customer satisfaction.” Blake adds, “Our customers save top dollar on their renewable energy investments and we have plenty of testimonies from clientele that represent the power of our philosophy to put homeowner’s needs and budgets first and never cut corners. Many are calling their transition to solar the best decision they have ever made for themselves and their family.” Solar Sun Pro is prominently recognized for rendering
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steam r lined strategies from start to finish and most importan,tly the professional and personable installment teams that always bring good energy! With headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada, Solar Sun Pro services customers nationwide and maintains operational facilities in ten states and counting. Reflectingonthecompany’soverallabundance,Quattoneshares,
“All of the knowledge and experience we have amassed over the years cultivating Solar Sun Pro has been incredibly humbling and rewarding. We thank our internal team, our clients, and the local Las Vegas community for their continued support and dedication to renewable energy. Our appreciation is evergreen.” Having over a decade of experience in similar industries prior to producing Solar Sun Pro, Quattone and Blake are true grassroots entrepreneurs determined to offer solutions, think local, and act global. Having already witnessedtheinfluentialimpactSolarSuPrn has o bestowedtheon planet thus far, it is exciting to realize the contribution the company will prosper in the many years to come!