David Clay Mettens List of Works Burn Bright for Sinfonietta (16 players) – 12 min. (November 2013) - Performed by the Eastman Graduate Composers’ Sinfonietta; Oliver Hagen, Conductor; Eastman School of Music, Kilbourn Hall, November 2013 Hommage à Rube Goldberg for Orchestra – 6 min. (July 2013) - Reading by the Brevard Sinfonia; David Dzubay, Conductor, July 2013 Tracery for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano – 9 min. (June 2013) - Performed by Graeme Johnson, Maxwell Frank, and Ruth Bright; Brevard Music Center, June 2013 - Performed by Kristina Setka, Pedro Sanchez, and Amy Zhang; Eastman School of Music, Kilbourn Hall, October 2013 Fire and Ice for Soprano and Piano – 3 min. (June 2013) - Performed by Abbey Curzon and Hye Jung Shin; Transylvania County Library in Brevard, NC, June 2013 Songs for My People for Soprano and Ensemble – 26 min. (March 2013) - Performed by Serena Hill-LaRoche and a USC student ensemble, April 2013 - Partial performance, USC New Voices Student Composer Concert, April 2013 “…into pieces like walls we break ourselves…” – 1 min. (February 2013) for Clarinet, Bassoon, Cello, and Contrabass - Two performances by members of the Declassified; University of South Carolina School of Music, March 2013 A very hungry butterfly for Wind Ensemble – 6 min. (August 2012) - Reading by the University of South Carolina Wind Ensemble; Scott Weiss, Conductor, September 2012 An echo from the curio for Septet – 2 min. (February 2012) - Reading by The Declassified, April 2012 I want the circle broken for Alto Saxophone, Percussion, and Piano – 7 min. (January 2012) - Performed by Tyler Flowers, Jay Ritchie and Aimee Fincher, University of South Carolina Recital Hall, March 2012 Incensories for Chamber Orchestra – 13 min. (October 2011) - Performed at USC New Voices Student Composer Concert, November 2011 Acts from an Exhibition of Living Curiosities for Brass Quintet – 13 min. (April 2011) - Performed by the Carolina Brass Quintet on a CICA New Music Concert, USC School of Music Recital Hall, February 2013