The International Book of Israeli Architects
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The International Book of Israeli Architects
The International Book of Israeli Architects
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d+a Domus
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â«âªTheâ¬â¬ â«âªInternationalâ¬â¬ â«âªBook ofâ¬â¬ â«âªIsraeliâ¬â¬ â«âªArchitectsâ¬â¬
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â«âªOpen Mind Artâ¬â¬
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â«âªAndrea Branziâ¬â¬ â«×ך××××§× ××ע׊×⪠,â¬××קך ×ת×××ך××ק×⪠,â¬×€×š×׀ס×ך ××¢×׊×× ×ª×¢×©×××ª× ×âªPolitecnico-â¬â¬
â«âª .di Milanoâ¬× ××× ×⪠1938-â¬××ת×× × ××€××š× ×Š×⪠,â¬×× ××¢××× ×××××× ×⪠.â¬××××ס×× ×ª× ×עת⬠â«××ך×××ק×××š× ×ך××ק××ת ×××××ק×ת ⪠,Archizoom Associatiâ¬×שך ××××××⬠â«×ת׀×סת ××× ××â×¢×׊××⪠.â¬××¢×Š× ××××× ××ך×ת ××¢×׊×× ××××××ת ××¢×××âª:â¬â¬ â«âª .alessi, artemide, cassina poltronova, vitra, zanottaâ¬×¢××××ת×× ××׊××ת⬠â«×××××××× ×× ××ש×××× ××¢×××⪠.â¬×€×š×¡× ס׀ך×× ×©×ª×ך××× ×ש׀×ת ש×× ×ת ××××ך××⬠â«×©×€×ךס×× ×××××× ×× ×××ך××××ת ×××¢×׊×× ××ש×××× ××¢×××⪠.â¬×¢×š× ×ת ×××××× âªMODOâ¬â¬
â«)⪠.(1987-1983â¬××××ס×× âª ,Domus Academyâ¬××©× ×ª ⪠,1983â¬××ק×××× ×××× ×××××ת⬠â«×ך×ש×× × ××¢×׊×× ×¢××ך ××××š× ×ת×֟ס׀ך ××¢×׊××⪠.â¬×⪠1987-â¬××× ×׀ךס ××××× ×××¢×⬠â«âª compasso dâoroâ¬×¢× תך×××ª× ××¢×׊×× ××ת×××ך×× ×©× ×ת×××âª.â¬â¬
â«âªDomusâ¬â¬ â«××ך×ש×××â¬
â«âªAndrea Branziâ¬â¬
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Architecture/Interior Design
â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬/â«××ך××××תâ¬
Interior Design â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Lighting â«×ª××ך×â¬
Architecture â«××ך××××ת⬠Residence
,⫠׊××× ××ךâ¬:â« ××ך××××× ××ך××××â¬2015 :â« ×©× ×â¬.â«×ש×ת××£ ×¢× ××ך׳ ××× ×¢×ך×××× ×׎×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬42,000 :â« ×× × ×§×׊ך×× ×©××â¬,â« ×××× ××€×ך ×¢××â¬,â«×××ת ×××× ×⬠⫠ש××× ×׀ךת×â¬:⫠ק××׊ת ×¢×ך×××× ×Š××××â¬:â«××××⬠In partnership with the late architect David Azrieli. Year: 2015 Architects: Tzili Gur, Liat Aloni, Malka Gafter Oz, Lena Kotzerov Area: 42,000 sq.m. Developer: Azrieli Group Photo: Shoham Efrati
Azrieli Ramla Mall â«×§× ××× ×¢×ך×××× ×š×××â¬
⫠ק×סך××â¬22 â«×××€×â¬
22 Topaz St. Caesarea
â«××× ×š שך⬠Avner Sher
Avner Sher Architects
â«××× ×š שך ××ך×××××â¬
Avner Sher is an architect and artist, a graduate of the Technion in Haifa, and studied art at Haifa Universityâs Department of Fine Arts. The firm designs diverse large-scale projects and provides the full range of architectural services, such as master plans, building designs and interior design. The firmâs clients are among the leading companies in the industry: Azrieli Group, Melisron, the Ofer Brothers Group, Amot Investments, Gazit-Globe, JTLV and more. Our design team includes both veteran and young architects who have worked with Avner for many years. Avner is also an international artist active around the world, represented by galleries in New York, Boston, Amsterdam, Seoul, Singapore and Israel. This combination of art and architecture is reflected in original and interesting planning and design of projects that are also economically viable and attractive.
â« ×××ך ×××× ××× ××××€× ××××××× ××× ×ת ××××â¬,â«××× ×š שך ××ך××× ××××⬠.â«×××× ×ת ×××× ××ךס××ת ×××€×⬠â«×××©×š× ×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ×€×š××ק××× ×××קף ×××× ×××××× ××ס׀ק ×ת ×××××⬠⫠ת×× ×× ××× ××× ×× ××¢×׊××â¬,â«×ש×ך×ת×× ×××ך×××××× ×××× ×ª×× ××ת ×× ××× ×¢×ך⬠⫠ק××׊תâ¬:â« ×ק×××ת ×××©×š× ××× × ××××ך×ת ×××××××ת ××שקâ¬.â«××€× ××⬠,â« ×××ת ××××â¬,â« ×××ת ×שקע×תâ¬,⫠ק××׊ת ××××× ×¢×׀ךâ¬,â« ×××סך××â¬,â«×¢×ך××××⬠⫠׊××ת ×ת×× ×× ×××©×š× ×××× ××ך××××× ×ת×ק×× ×××ך×××××â¬.â« ××¢××â¬JTLV .â«×Š×¢×ך×× ××××××× ×ת ××× ×š ×©× ×× ×š××ת⬠⫠×××××Š× ×¢×ÖŸ××× ××ך××תâ¬,â«××× ×š ××× × ×× ××× ××× ××××× ×€×¢×× ×ך××× ××¢×××⬠.⫠ס×× ××€×ך ××שך××â¬,⫠ס×××â¬,â« ××ס×ך××â¬,â« ××ס×××â¬,â«×× ×× ××ךק⬠â«×ש×××× ××× ××× ×ת ×××ך××××ת ×× ×××× ××××× ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×ק×ך×××⬠.â«×××¢× ××× ×× ×©× ×׀ך××ק××× ×× ×ש×××× ×¢× ×××××ת ×××××ת ×××ךק××××תâ¬
Arena Nahariya Mall and Motel â«×§× ××× ××š× × × ×ך×× ××××× ×ת⬠⫠ש××š× ×¢×××â¬,â« ×××× ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬40,000 :⫠ש××â¬2015 :â« × ×ך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ש××× ×׀ךת×â¬:â« ×× ××€×× ×€×× × ×¡×× ×Š××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠Location: Nahariya Year: 2015 Area: 40,000 sq.m Architects: Michal Cohen, Shiri Oded Client: Manofim Finance Photo: Shoham Efrati
Mall Zichron Shopping Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ××× ××ך××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â« ×× ×׳ ×ך ××××× ×Š××××â¬:â« ×××¡× ××ק×ס ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬22,000 :⫠ש××â¬2017 :â« ××ך××ÖŸ××¢×§× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Zichron Yaakov Year: 2017 Area: 22,000 sq.m. Architect: Yossi Elkis Developer: Engi Bar-Yehuda Photo: Ran Erde
Even Yehuda Neighborhood Commercial Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×©××× ×ª× ××× ×××××⬠⫠×××××š× ××××××â¬:â« ×§×š×¡× × ×××Ž× ×××××תâ¬:â« ×××× ×× ×Š×ך ×××â¬:â« ×"ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬5000 :⫠ש××â¬2017 :â« ××× ××××× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Even Yehuda Year: 2017 Area: 5000 sq.m. Architect: Eyal Ben Tzur Developer: Carasso Real Estate Imaging: Dimitri
â«××× ×š שך ××ך×××××â¬
Avner Sher Architects
Ofek 2, Ofek 3 Office Buildings ,2 â«×× ××× × ×שך××× ××׀ק⬠Caesarea Industrial Park â« ×€×ךק ×תעש××× ×§×סך××â¬,3 â«××׀ק⬠⫠×××× ×¢××× ×â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××ת ××ך××תâ¬15,000 :⫠ש××â¬2007 :⫠ק×סך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â« ××××š× ××€×ת×× ×§×סך×× ×Š××××â¬:â«×××⬠Location: Caesarea Year: 2007 Area: 15,000 sq.m. Architect: Hila Eini Developer: The Caesarea Corporation Photo: Ran Erde
Hasayarim Commercial Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×ס××ך×× ×××××⬠⫠ש××× ×׀ךת×â¬:â« ××ךת ׀ך××€×× ×Š××××â¬:â« ×××× ×× ×Š×ך ×××××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬13,000 :⫠ש××â¬2011 :â« ××××× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Holon Year: 2011 Area: 13,000 sq.m. Architect: Eyal Ben Tzur Developers: Profit Photo: Shoham Efrati
G Shopping Mall â« ××§× ×¢×â¬G â«×§× ×××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â« ×××ת ×××× ×Š××××â¬:⫠׊××× ××ך ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××ת ××ך××תâ¬19,000 :⫠ש××â¬2011 :â« ××§× ×¢× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Yokneam Year: 2011 Area: 19,000 sq.m. Architect: Tzili Gur Developer: Gazit-Globe Photo: Ran Erde
Hod HaSharon Neighborhood Commercial Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×©××× ×ª× ××× ×שך××⬠)â«(××¢××× ×××× ××ך××⬠⫠××××××š× ××××××â¬:â« ××× ×©×ך ××××××â¬:â« ×× × ×§×׊ך×× ×××â¬:â« ××ך××××ת ××ך××תâ¬2018 :â« ××× ×שך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Hod HaSharon Year: 2018 Architect: Lena Kotzerov Developer: David Shahar
Harish Commercial Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×ך×ש⬠)â«(×××× ×××××⬠⫠××××××š× ××××××â¬:⫠ק××׊ת ×× × ××ך ××××××â¬:â« ×××¡× ××ק×ס ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬21,000 :⫠ש××â¬2018 :â« ×ך×ש ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Harish Year: 2018 Area: 21,000 sq.m. Architect: Yossi Elkis Developer: Hanan Mor Group Imaging: Dimitry Imaging
â«××× ×š שך ××ך×××××â¬
Avner Sher Architects
REdesign Center, Ikea Complex â« ×ת×× ××ק××â¬REdesign â«×ך×× ×¢×׊××⬠⫠××××××š× ××××××â¬:â« ××××××â¬JTLV :â« ×××× ××€×ך ×¢×× ×××â¬,â« ×××× ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך×××××ת ××ך×××תâ¬20,000 :⫠ש××â¬2018 :⫠קך×ת ××ª× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Kiryat Ata Year: 2018 Area: 20,000 sq.m. Architects: Michal Cohen, Malka Gafter Oz Developer: JTLV Imaging: Dimitry Imaging
Renanim Mall, Raâanana â«×§× ××× ×š× × ×× ×š×¢× × ×â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:⫠ק××׊ת ××××× ×¢×׀ך ׊××××â¬:â« ×××××š× ×€×š×¥ ×××â¬,â« ××× ××××××××¥â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬60,000 :⫠ש××â¬2000 :â« ×š×¢× × × ×©× ×â¬:â« ××ק××â¬.â«×ש×ת××£ ×¢× ××ך××× ×××× ××ש׀×⬠In partnership with Joel Jospe Architects Location: Raâanana Year: 2000 Area: 60,000 sq.m. Architects: Eli Haimovitz, Leora Peretz Developer: Ofer Brothers Group Photo: Ran Erde
Globus City Kiryon, commercial, offices â« ×ס×ך ××שך××× ×קך×ת ×××××קâ¬,â«×××××ס ס××× ×§×š×××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â« ××ךת ×××סך×× ×Š××××â¬:â« ×××× ××× ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬70,000 :⫠ש××â¬2006 :⫠קך×ת ×××××ק ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Kiryat Bialik Year: 2006 Area: 70,000 sq.m. Architect: Michal Cohen Developer: Melisron Photo: Ran Erde
â«××× ×š שך ××ך×××××â¬
Avner Sher Architects
Orot Shopping Mall, Or Akiva â«×§× ××× ××ך×ת ××ך עק×××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â« ×××ת ×שקע×ת ׊××××â¬:â« ×××× ××× ×××â¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××ת ××ך××תâ¬19,000 :⫠ש××â¬2010 :â« ××ך עק××× ×©× ×â¬:â«×ª×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×××ש (ת×× ×× ××× ××× ××ק××š× ×©× ××ך××××ת ׀ך×× ×§×××€××) ××ק××⬠Planning and redesign (original building design by architect Perla Kaufman) Location: Or Akiva Year: 2010 Area: 19,000 sq.m. Architect: Michal Cohen Developer: Amot Investments. Photo: Ran Erde
Mevaseret Mall â«×§× ××× ××שךת⬠)â«(××ך××⬠⫠ש××× ×׀ךת×â¬:⫠ך×× ××× ×××ך×××× ×××× ×Š××××â¬:â« ×××× ×× ×Š×ך ×××â¬:â« ×"ך ××ך××× ××ך××â¬18,000 :⫠ש××â¬2016 :â« ××שךת ׊××× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Mevaseret Zion Year: 2016 Area: 18,000 sq.m. Architect: Eyal Ben Tzur Developer: Rami Levy and Horizon Gold Photo: Shoham Efrati
Ahuzat Weizmann Neighborhood Commercial Center â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×©××× ×ª× ××××ת ××׊××⬠)â«(××××⬠⫠××××××š× ××××××â¬:â« ××××ת ×¡× ×ך ××× × ×× ×©×× ×ך×ש×× ××××××â¬:â« ×××× ×€××××š× ×ס ×××â¬:â« ×"ך ××ך××××ת ××ך××תâ¬5,000 :⫠ש××â¬2018 :⫠ך××××ת ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠Location: Rehovot Year: 2018 Area: 5,000 sq.m. Architect: Hila Fulbernis Developer: Ahuzat Center and Ganei Hanasi Harishon Imaging: Dimitry Imaging
â«××××××× ××¢×§× ×××⬠â«××××××× ×××× ×××ת⪠,â¬×ך×× ××××× ××׊××š× ××ך×× ××××× ×××ª× ×¡×ת⬠â«×©××ך××× ×ך×× ××קך ××× ××× ××××ª× â ×€×ת×× ××ש×× ×××× ××⬠â«××××ת×⪠.â¬×××× ×× ××××××× ×ת ×ק×××€×קס ×××××× ××× × ××××××××⬠â«××× ×ך×× ×××××⪠,â¬×ª×Š×××⪠,â¬××××× ×š× ×ª×××ת×××⪠,â¬×¡×× ××ת ××××¡× ×âª,â¬â¬ â«××× ××× ×ק׀××ך××⪠.â¬×ך×× ×××××× ×××׊ע ××× ××¡× ×××× × ×ת×ת⬠â«×××ך××ת ×××€×¢× ×ש××ת ×ך×â××××ת⪠,â¬××× ×©×××× ×××× ×××× ××××€×¢××⬠â«×××׊×ך×ת ת×××ך××⪠.â¬××××€× ×× ×׊××€×× × ×׊××× ××ך×× ×××××⬠â«×¢× ××ª×§× × ×ש×××⪠,â¬×¡×××× ××××ת ×××ך××ת ××××€×ס×× ×ש×× ××âª,â¬â¬ â«×××××€×¢ ××× ×¡×××××× × ××× ×××××ת⪠.â¬×× ××©×€× ×× ××ך ×¢â× ×©×ק×⬠â«××× × ×¢× × ×¢â× ×©××§× ××ך ×××€×ס ××ך ××××××× ××ך ××× ××××âª.â¬â¬ â«×¢×§×š×× ×ת ××ך×××××× ×ת×× ×× ×××× ×⪠.1 :â¬×× ××××× ×ך×××ק××× ×ת⬠â«××©×€× ××ס×ק××ת⪠.â¬×€××× ×××ק×× ×ת×ת×× ×× ×©× ×××× × ×ס×ך××⬠â«××××ת ××ך××€××⪠.â¬×€××× â ×××£ × ×€×š× ×××ף⪠,â¬×ס×ך×× â ××€××€×ת ××××תâª,â¬â¬ â«×××ך××€×× × ××ס×ק××⪠.2 .â¬×¢×××× ×××§× ×××£ ××××××××⪠,â¬×× ×ת×ק ××××ת â⬠â«××××ת â×ך××€××â⪠.â¬×׀ך×× ×××âª/â¬×§×⪠.â¬××§× ×ך××£ ×××× ××¢××× ×קךקעâª.â¬â¬ â«âª .3â¬×¡×××××× ××× ××ת ×××× × ××ך×⪠,â¬×ª×× ×ª× ××¢× ×××× ××ת×××⪠.â¬×§××××⬠â«×××ס×× ××⪠,â¬×ª××××ª× ×קךקע ××ש×ךת ××¢××××× ×ס××€× ××§×Š× ××⬠â«×¢×××× ×××ס×× ×⪠.4 .â¬××××× ×ת×âª/â¬×××ת ×××ךך××× ×©× ×××€×× ×ק×׀ס××ת⬠â«×¢×××€×ת⪠.5 .â¬×ס×××× ××ª× ××¢× ×××××××× â ס׀×ך×× ×××ת×××âª.â¬â¬ â«××ק××⪠:â¬×š×ש××ÖŸ×׊×××⬠â«×©× ×âª2017 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠3210 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×ק××⪠:â¬×¢×ך××ת ך×ש×× ×׊×××⬠â«×Š××××⪠:â¬××××ך ×××××⪠,â¬×¢××ת ×ך××â¬
â«âªLocation: Rishon Lezionâ¬â¬ â«âªArea: 3210 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªYear: 2017â¬â¬ â«âªClient: Rison Lezion Municipalityâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Lior Avitan, Amit Geronâ¬â¬
â«âªYaacov Agam Museum of Artâ¬â¬
â«×××¢×× ×××ך××⪠:â¬××× ××¡× ×ך×ש×ת ××××××××⪠.â¬×××× ×××××⪠:â¬×××× ×ת׊××× ×ך×ש×âª.â¬â¬ â«×××× ×ש×××⪠:â¬××× ×ך×× ××××××⪠,â¬×ª×××ך×× ×š× ××××תâª.â¬â¬ â«âªTop & center: The main entrance. Bottom right: The main exhibition hall.â¬â¬ â«âªBottom left: Experience hall, multi stages theatre.â¬â¬
â«âªwww. nofararchitects.comâ¬â¬
â«âªThe museum complex comprises three principalâ¬â¬ â«âªelements: an art museum, an experiential and creativeâ¬â¬ â«âªcentre, and a study and experimental wing for theâ¬â¬ â«âªdevelopment of visual skills. A forum devoted to anâ¬â¬ â«âªappreciation of the performing arts is located at theâ¬â¬ â«âªentrance â the audience, seated in the middle of a hall,â¬â¬ â«âªis surrounded by stages on various levels, with theâ¬â¬ â«âªshow taking place alternatingly between the stages.â¬â¬
â«âª32 Nahalat Yitzhak St. Tel Aviv 6744824â¬â¬
â«× ××ת ×׊×ק ⪠32â¬×ª×ÖŸ×××× âª6744824â¬â¬
â«××× × ×׀ך⬠David Nofar
David Nofar Architects & Urban Planners â«× ×׀ך ××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××⬠David Nofar was born in a kibbutz and grew up in Mikve Israel. He studied in Hebrew university and landscape architecture in The Israel Institute of Technology, The Technion. After his studies, he became a partner in a landscape architecture office with Professor Ruth Anis. â«ââ¬He later returned to The Technion to study architecture and urban planning. In the past, the office offered services in almost all areas of architecture: master plan. Residential, commercial, leisure, education and public buildings. In recent years, the office has specialized in the fields of public and education: universities, colleges, museums, libraries, theaters, music centers, culture centers, sport centers, concert halls, conservatories, hotels, student residential buildings. In addition, the office also specializes in sustainable architecture. The office has won numerous architectural awards.
â« ××× ××ך××××ת × ××£ ××ס×ךתâ¬,â« ××× ××ק××ÖŸ×שך××â¬,â«××× × ×׀ך × ××× ×ק×××ץ⬠⫠ש×ת׀×תâ¬:â« ××××ש×â¬.â« ×׀ק×××× ×××ך××××ת ×××× ×××â¬,â«××××× ×ª××ך ×©× ×⬠⫠××ש×× ×ס××× ××××××â¬.â«×××©×š× ××ך×××× × ××£ ×¢× ×€×š×׀׳ ך×ת ×× ×ס⬠:â« ×××©×š× ×¢×¡×§ ××¢×ך ××ך××ת ת×××× ×ת×× ××â¬.â«××ך××××ת ×××× ×× ×¢×š××⬠.â« ××× × ××× ×× ×׊×××ךâ¬,â« × ×׀שâ¬,â« ×ס×ךâ¬,â« ×××ך××â¬,⫠ת×â×¢×תâ¬,â«×ª×× ××ת ×ת×ך⬠â«××©× ×× ×××ך×× ×ת ×ת××§× ×××©×š× ×××× × ×Š×××ך ×××× ×× ×××× ××ס××ת⬠⫠××ª× ×¡×€×šâ¬,â« ×ך××× ×ª×š××ת ×ס׀×ך×â¬,â« ××××××× ××â¬,â« ×××××תâ¬,â«××× ××ךס×××××⬠,⫠ק×× ×¡×š×××ך××× ××â¬,â« ××××× ×××€×¢××â¬.â«×¡×€×š××ת ××ך××× ××ס××§× ×ת×××ך××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×ת××× ××× ×× ×ך×ק×â¬.â« ×××ך×× ×××¢×× ×ת ס×××× ×××â¬,â«×××× ×ת⬠,â« ×¢××××ת ×××©×š× ××× ×ת×ך×××ת ××ך×××××ת ש×× ×תâ¬.â«××ת֟ק××××⬠.â«×ת×ך×××ת ××××× ×× ×××ס×ך×ת âת×× ×× ×××׊××¢â ×ש×ת××£ ××ך×ת ק××× ××תâ¬
.â« ××ך××ת ××שך××× ×××××× ×ת׊×××â¬:â«×××××⬠Right: Stairs to offices and exhibition halls.
?????????????????????????? â«××ת××× ×ª××× ×ת⬠Photo captions ???????????????????????
Convention Center, Ashkelon Academic College. Top: A view from the campus squere.
â« ×ך×× ×ק×× ×ךס×× ×ך××ת ×ק××€×סâ¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â« ×××××× ××ק×××ת ×שק×××â¬,â«×ך×× ×ק×× ×ךס××â¬
Bottom right: A veiw from the passage space. Bottom left: Main entrance hall
.â« ××× ×××× ××× ×ס×â¬:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â« ××¢×ך ××× ×××× ××××××ת ××××××תâ¬:â«×××× ×××××â¬
â«× ×׀ך ××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××â¬
David Nofar Architects & Urban Planners
â«×ך×× ×ק×× ×ךס××⪠,â¬××××××⬠â«××ק×××ת ×שק×××⬠â«×××× × ×××סס ×¢× ×§××׀ת ×ת×ת (×××××× ×××) ×××€× ×¢× ×××××⬠â«×€×ª×××× ×ס××××× (×××××ת ××××××ת)⪠.â¬××€×ש ××§× ×ק××ך ש×⬠â«×ª×ס×ת ×××× × ×¢× ×§××× ×××× ×× ××××× ×©× ×ק××€×ס⪠,â¬×××׊ך â×ª× ×עת⬠â«×ס׀ך×××â ×××× ××× ××¡× ×©× ×××× ×⪠,â¬××××ק ×ת ××©×€× ××× ×ס×⬠â«×ך×ש×⪠.â¬××××××ת ×ש×× ×× × ×שק×× ×ס׀×ך×× ×× ×××⪠,â¬×××××××ך××⬠â«××׀ש×ת⪠,â¬×××¢×ך×× âת××××× ××××ךâ ×××ך×× ××× ×××⪠.â¬××××€××⬠â«×××׊×× × ×××סס ×¢× ×ת×ת ××š×§×š×§× ×××× ×××××⪠,â¬×ת×× ×××× ×⬠â«××ך×× ×××¢×ך ××ך××ª× ××× ×ת×ת ××׊×× ×ת ××××ךת ×ת×× ×××× ×âª,â¬â¬ â«××××€××â×¢×¥ ×××€×ס××⪠,â¬×××××ת ××ך××××¢×× ×¢× â×××¢×ת ××××××תââª.â¬â¬ â«×××€×× ×€×××ת ×¢×¥ ×ק×ת ×¢× ×§×××× ×ק××ך×× ×©× ××××××ת⪠,â¬××׀שך⬠â«×ª×× ×©×××ש ×â×××ק ס×××תâ ××ש×× ××€×§× ××× ×××× ××× ××× ×××€××⬠â«××ת×ת ×××׊×× ×âª.â¬â¬
â«âªConvention Center, Ashkelonâ¬â¬ â«âªAcademic Collegeâ¬â¬ â«âªThis bubble-shaped building is constructed in the formâ¬â¬ â«âªof an aluminium shell encapsulating large entranceâ¬â¬ â«âªhalls. The meeting point between the structureâsâ¬â¬ â«âªarced contour and the built-up lines of the campusâ¬â¬ â«âªaccentuates the profile of the main entrance.â¬â¬ â«âªThe various halls lie atop each other freely, areâ¬â¬ â«âªpartially covered and are connected by walkwaysâ¬â¬ â«âªperched in mid-air. Cladding on the outer walls isâ¬â¬ â«âªcomposed of greenish-hued metal and gilded stone,â¬â¬ â«âªwhile inside it consists of a gradual transition betweenâ¬â¬ â«âªthe external metal penetrating the interior andâ¬â¬ â«âªwooden beams, panels and squares.â¬â¬ â«××ק××⪠:â¬×שק×××⬠â«×©× ×âª2012 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠7,200 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×ק××⪠:â¬××××ת ×שק×××⬠â«×Š××××⪠:â¬×¢××ת ×ך××â¬
â«âªLocation: Ashkelonâ¬â¬ â«âªYear: 2012â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 7,200 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªClient: Ashkelon Collegeâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Amit Geronâ¬â¬
â«×ª×š××ת×⪠,â¬×××× ×ª×š××ת ×××š× ×ת⬠â«×××× ×תך××ת ×©× ××ש×× ×ק××××ª× ×××š× ×ת⪠,â¬×××× ×××× ×ª×××ך×× ××⬠â«âª 400â¬×ק×××ת⪠,â¬×§×× ×¡×š×××ך××× ××× ×××š× × ××× × ××××× ×××⪠,â¬×××š× ×ך××××⬠â«×××ך×ת⪠,â¬××ת×ת ××××××× ×ª×××ך××⪠,â¬×ך×× ××××× ×××××× ××× ×××¢×××⬠â«×××× ××××⪠,â¬×××š× ×ך׊××ת ×ס׀ך×× ×ך×××ת⪠.â¬×××× × × ×× × ×ס×××⬠â«××× ××¡× ×ך×ש×ת ××ש×× ××××× × ×××€× ×××× ×××Š×¢× ××××¢ ×× ×¢×©× ××âª,â¬â¬ â«×××׊ע×ת ×ס××× ××××××ת ×ק×ך×ת⪠.â¬×××× × ×§××××ת×⪠,â¬×§×׀סתâ××ךâª,â¬â¬ â«â××ך×××©×§× ×š×ס×תâ ×××ךת ×׊××¢×× ×€× ××××× ×ת×××€×× â ××¢××ך×⬠â«×ת ×âת××â ×× ×â×××¥â⪠,â¬×××׊ע×ת ׀ת××× ×š× ×××××××⪠.â¬××¢××€×ת⬠â«×××× ×⪠,â¬×××××ת ×× ×××⪠-â¬××€× ×××ת ×ק×××× ××׀ש××× ××©×ª× ×××׊×× ××ת⬠â«××ךת×××× ×××ת ××××ךך×ת⪠,â¬×××¢××ך×ת ת××× ×ת ××ך ×׊××¢ ×€× ×× ×××ץ⬠â«×××××€×⪠.â¬×××× × ×ק××€×¡×ª× â×ת×ךס×â ×××¢×׀תâ×××¥ ×€× ×××⬠â«××××ס×× ×× ×׊ך×× ×××××× ××ך×תâ××ך⪠,â¬×€×ª×× ×׊×××⪠,â¬×××× ×ת ×××ך×ך⬠â«××ת×× ×Š××¢ ××©×ª× ×× â ×××× ××¢×׀ת ××× ××ת ×××× ×€×ך×××××תâª.â¬â¬ â«×׊××× ×××× × ××××ק ×ת׀ק×××× â × ××Š× ×××€×ת××ך×× ×š××âª,â¬â¬ â«××ש××× ××ª× ×××ª× ×ת ק××× ××ת×ך ×©× ×××× ×âª.â¬â¬
â«âªTarbuta, Cultural Hall, Oranitâ¬â¬ â«âªThe communityâs cultural centre includes a theatreâ¬â¬ â«âªseating 400, a conservatory with individual musicâ¬â¬ â«âªrooms, ensemble and rehearsal rooms, studyâ¬â¬ â«âªclassrooms, an activities centre for children, a goldenâ¬â¬ â«âªage club, lecture rooms and a central library.â¬â¬ â«âªThe building stands close to the main entrance toâ¬â¬ â«âªthe community and serves as a source of informationâ¬â¬ â«âªon events there with the help of electronic screensâ¬â¬ â«âªembedded in wall niches. Cubical in form, it isâ¬â¬ â«âªilluminated with changing internal colours andâ¬â¬ â«âªoutfitted with random openings that lure theâ¬â¬ â«âªinside out. The structureâs envelopes are nested,â¬â¬ â«âªthe innermost one having free lines and the twoâ¬â¬ â«âªoutermost ones being orthogonal and perforated.â¬â¬
â«×ª×š××ת×⪠,â¬×××× ×ª×š××ת ×××š× ×ת⪠.â¬×××¢××⪠:â¬××× ×××× ×⬠â«×××××€×ת××ך×× ××עך×⪠.â¬××ך××⪠:â¬××עת ×¢×¥ ×××× ×ת××ך××⬠â«×ת×× ××× ××× ×ס×⪠.â¬×××× ×××××⪠:â¬×ת×× ××× ×ק׀×ך××⬠â«×××× ××× ×ס×⪠.â¬×××× ×ש×××⪠:â¬×××× ×ת×××ך××â¬
â«âªTarbuta, Cultural Hall, Oranit. Top: View to building and amphiteaterâ¬â¬ â«âªCenter: The wooden âbubbleâ of the theater hall.â¬â¬ â«âªBottom right: A veiw from the cafeteria.â¬â¬ â«âªBottom left: The theater hallâ¬â¬
â«××ק××⪠:â¬×××š× ×ת⬠â«×©× ×âª2016 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠3,350 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×ק××⪠:â¬×⪠.â¬×⪠.â¬×××š× ×ת⬠â«×Š××××⪠:â¬×¢××š× ××ס××âª,â¬â¬ â«××××ך ×××××â¬
â«âªLocation: Oranitâ¬â¬ â«âªYear: 2016â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 3,350 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªClient: Oranit Local Councilâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Omri Amsalem,â¬â¬ â«âªLior Avitanâ¬â¬
Ron Vardi Center for Gifted and Outstanding Children, Rishon LeZion The building serves as a science study centre, including multipurpose laboratories. A wide variety of subjects are taught, including mechanics, light, sound, electricity, physics, hydrostatics, painting, sculpture, theatre, cinema, computer games and journalism. The centreâs roving exhibitions have been hosted at the Madatech in Haifa, the Bloomfeld Science Museum in Jerusalem, the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, the Museum of Science in New Jersey, and New York. .â« ××× ×××ך×â¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ×××£ ××׊×× ××׊ךâ¬:â«×××¢××⬠Top: Exterior exhibition. Bottom: East View.
â«× ×׀ך ××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××â¬
David Nofar Architects & Urban Planners
â«×ך×× ×š×× ×ך×× ××××× × ××⪠,â¬×š×ש××â×׊×××⬠â«×××× × ×׊××¢×× × ××××× ×ך×× ××××× ×××¢× ×××¢×××ת ×š× ×ª×××ת××תâª,â¬â¬ â«××ק׊××¢×ת ×š× ×ª×××××× ××× ××× ×ק×⪠,â¬×€×××ק×⪠,â¬×Š××ך⪠,â¬×€×ס××âª,â¬â¬ â«×ª×××ך××⪠,â¬×§××× ×ע⪠,â¬×ש××§× ×××©× ××¢×ת×× ××ת⪠.â¬××ך××⪠,â¬×©××× ×׀ךס⬠â«×××¢× ××©×š× ×××× ××⪠,â¬×××§× ×¢× ××× ×××××× ×ך×× ×××ך ×× × ××××× ×⬠â«×©× ×€× ×××× ×× ×××× ×ת××××× ×××⪠.â¬××ק×× ×××× × ××× ××¡× ×ך×××ת⬠â«××¢×ך⪠,â¬××׀שך ת×× ×× × ×©× ××× ×× ×ס×ת ×××€×ס×× ×©×× ××⪠.â¬×××€×ס⬠â«××× ××¡× ××ך××× ××׊ך ××ש×שת ×××ª×§× × ×€××××§× ×××××⪠,â¬×××ק⬠â«×××××××× ×€×ª××⪠.â¬×׀ך×××§× ×ª××× × ×â××× × ×ת׀ךץâ ××¢× âק׊××ת⬠â«×€×ª××××â⪠,â¬×שקף ×ת ×××€×× ×××××× ××שת×ש×× ××⪠,â¬×××׀ש××⬠â«×׀ך××¥ ×ך×âªâ :â¬×ª×××ת ×××× ××תâ ש×× ×ת ×׊××¢ ×׊××š× ××× ××ת ××××ת⬠â«×š× ×××××ת⪠,â¬××××ת ק×× ×××××š× ××××©× ×××××¢âª.â¬â¬ â«××ק××⪠:â¬×š×ש××â×׊×××⬠â«×©× ×âª2014 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠4,610 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×ק××⪠:â¬×¢×ך××ת ך×ש×â׊⬠â«×Š××××⪠:â¬×¢××ת ×ך××â¬
â«âªLocation: Rishon Lezionâ¬â¬ â«âªYear: 2014â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 4,610 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªClient: Rishon Lezion Municipalityâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Amit Geronâ¬â¬
â«×××¢××⪠:â¬×× ××¡× ×š×ש×ת⪠.â¬××××⪠:â¬×××× ×ת׊××× ×××€×¢×××ת⬠â«âªTop: The main entranceâ¬â¬ â«âªBottom: Exhibition and activity halls.â¬â¬
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Champion Tower, Bney Brak Located in a developing commercial area in Bnei Brak and facing one of the largest shopping malls in Israel, Champion Tower is home to the Audi, VW and Skoda showrooms and offices. Champion Tower includes 30 office floors above five parking levels and a ground floor with retail, cafes, restaurants and the large car showrooms. Its two façades communicate with one another, one clad with glass in a geometrical white division, and the other with glass in a horizontal and vertical grey division. The two masses embrace each other, creating a dialogue between the two volumes. Client: Allied Real Estate LTD Location: Bney Brak, Israel Area: 100,000 sq.m Status: completed in 2014 Photo: Lior Avitan
5120149 â« ×× ×ÖŸ×ךקâ¬1 â«××ÖŸ××ך×××â¬
1 Ben Gurion St. Bnei Brak 5120149
â«×¢×× ××ך⬠Amihud Moore
â«×׎ך ××¢×§× ×סק×⬠Jacob Yasky Ph.D
â«×××¡× ×¡×××⬠Joseph Sivan
â«×š×× ×€××ך⬠Rachel Feller
â«××׊×ק ×××⬠Issy Kagan
â«×××× ××××ק×× ×× ×â×⬠Oleg Mulakov CEO
MYS Architects â«×¡××× ××ך×××××â¬-â«××ךâ¬-â«×סק×⬠MYS Architects is an international award-winning architecture firm, headquartered in Israel. The company has become one of the leading architecture firm in the country, operating in Central and Eastern Europe and extending to Asia and Africa. MYS Architects was founded with the merger of two well-known and respected offices, headed by the late Architect Yitzhak Moore and the late Prof. Avraham Yasky. MYS combines respect for architectural traditions on the one hand and openness to new trends and technologies on the other. The firm has completed thousands of projects in a diverse range of sectors: residential, commercial, retail, medical, mixeduse, public and institutional, business and logistic parks, leisure, urban and interior design. The most valuable asset of MYS Architects is its outstanding and long-term employees consisting of more than 130 professionals.
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â«âªMYS Architectsâ¬â¬
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⫠ת×â××××â¬,â«×××ך ××××× ×⬠â«×׀ך×××§× ×׊××¢ ת×× ×× ××ש ××××ך ×××××××ת ×××××× ××××× ×©×ך×⬠40 â«××ך×× ×ת ××¢××׀ת ×€×ךק ׊××××š× ×¢× ×©×××©× ××××× ×××ך×× ×× ×⬠⫠ע×׊×× ××××××× ×©××× ×ת ×שך××ª× ××××× ××â¬.â«×§×××ת ×××× ××ך×××⬠,â« ××××× ×××× ×× ×ק××× ××××ךâ¬.â«×¡××× ××××ך ××׊×ךת ××××ך ×××¢×××ת⬠â«×× ×§××ת ×××ך×× ×ת××× × ×ª ××ס×× ××ק××× ×©×ת×ת×× ×××ª× ××¢×⬠,â« ×××ת×ת ×××××××â¬.)â«×¡×××××ת ×××× (××ת××× ××××ך ×××¢×××ת⬠⫠××××€××× ×ת ×ק×××תâ¬,â«××€×š×©× ×ת ××××š× ×ת ××××ת×ת ×××× ×× ××××ך⬠⫠×ת××××ת ×××××× ×ך׊׀×ת ×××××ת ×שךâ¬,â«×××€×ס××ת ××ךת××ת⬠.â«××× ××× ×§×ך ××¡× ×××ך×× ×××××ת ××××××× ××× ×××⬠⫠×שך××â¬,⫠ת×â××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×ת×× ××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬200,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠××¢× ××¢×× ××ךש×× ××××ךâ¬:â«×ק××⬠â«××××× × ×ת×ÖŸ×××× ×ע׎×⬠3d Vision :â«×××××â¬
Kikar Hamedina, Tel Aviv Kikar Hamedina is located in a high-end area of Tel Aviv. The project offers a new design for the unique, large circular square comprising peripheral boulevard surrounding three 40 storey residential towers and a public landscaped park with a lake in the center. The design of the towers is inspired by the buildings around the square and the circular shape of Kikar Hamedina. Like the existing buildings, each residential floor is planned in a way that sets back from the floor beneath and rotates in a circular movement. The facades of the towers are a modern interpretation of the current building fronts, characterized by a repetitive system of floor slabs and white curtain walls. Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Area: 200,000 sq.m Status: in progress Client: Tel Aviv Kikar Hamedinaâs Lots Owners Ltd. Committee Visualization: 3d Vision
â« ××ךâש××¢â¬,â«××š× × ×××⬠⫠ת××× × ××××ת ××§× ××× ××××× ×××תך ××××× × ××××â¬,â«×××š× × ×××⬠⫠××× ××× ×××ך×××× ××ס×ך×××â¬.â«××¢××Š× ×׊××š× ××¢××× ×ת ×××תך⬠⫠ע×׊××× ×××× ×§× ××× ××××€×× ××€××â¬.â«×ך×â×ק×××× ×××תך ××שך××⬠â«×××׀שך ×׊×× ×××××ת ×©× ××× ×××ת ת×× ××××ת ×××ש×ת ×ך××ת⬠,â« ××§× ××× ××××× ××¢×׊××× ×ת ×§× ××× ×š×תâ××××â¬.â«××¢×׊××× ××€× ×××⬠⫠×ש×××שâ¬.â« ×§× ××ת ×××××ך ך×âק××ת×â¬,â«××ך×× ×ק×××€×קס עסק××⬠⫠×××× ××קך×××§× ×××¢××תâ¬,â«××××××× ×××××ת ×××××× ××× ××××××⬠⫠××¢× ×ק ×××××š× × ××× ×ק×× ××â¬,â«××××שת ×××××× ×׀ת×××× ×××××××⬠.â«××ס׀ק ת×××š× ×××¢×ת ××××× ×ת ××× ××¢××××⬠⫠×שך××â¬,â« ××ךâש××¢â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 â« ××ש×× ××©× ×ªâ¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬145,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ××× ××¢×Ž× ××××סך××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××××ך ×××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Grand Mall, Beer Sheva The Grand Mall was planned to be the largest mall in the country and incorporates the latest mall designs. The Grand Mall will be one of Israelâs most sustainably designed commercial centers. Its design consists of a double mall in an oval shape that enables it to better showcase its stores and still allows maximum flexibility for the storesâ interior design. It consists of a multistory business, shopping and entertainment complex. The design uses large aluminum panels, natural stone and ceramic glass to emphasize the large open spaces, providing the shoppers with a comfortable atmosphere and natural lighting from the skylights above. Client: Eli Lahav and Melisron Location: Beâer Sheva, Israel Area: 145,000 sq.m Status: completed in 2014 Photo: Lior Avitan
⫠ת×â××××â¬,â«×××× ×ך×ש×ת⬠⫠×שך××â¬,⫠ת×â××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬54,000 :â«×©××⬠â â« ××××× ×ך×ש×ת ×× ×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«× ×××Ž× ×ש×××ק ×ע׎×⬠3d Vision :â«×××××â¬
â« ×××××§× ×ש××× × ×©×§××â¬,ââ«×€×š×××§× ××××ך×× â×ך×ש××ªâ¬ â« × ××Š× ×¢× ×××¢× ×× ×š××ת ×׊×××תâ¬,â«×××קךת×ת ×׊׀×× ×ª×â××××⬠⫠×××××â¬,â« ×ק×× ××§×¡× ×©××â¬.â«××××× × ×ס×××× ××××€×ךק ××ת××× ×⬠⫠×××××× ×× ××£ ××××× ×©× ×××ך×תâ¬Y â«×׊×× ×××€×××××× ×׊×ךת⬠⫠××סת ××× ××× ×××׊×× ×ת ××××ת ת××× ×תâ¬,â« ××× ××â¬.â«××¢×ך ×××⬠⫠ש××××â¬,â« ××׊ק ××××â¬,⫠׊×â¬,â« ×××× ××ךâ¬,â«×××××ש×ת ×ת ×××ת×⬠.â«××××ך×× ××××× ××× ×©× ××××× ××׀ק×××â¬
Bereshit Tower, Tel Aviv Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Area: 54,000 sq.m Status: under construction Client: Bereshit Daniel Towers â Real Estate Ltd Visualization: 3d Vision
â«×¡××× ××ך×××××â¬-â«××ךâ¬-â«×סק×â¬
MYS Architects
Located in a quiet and upscale north Tel Aviv neighborhood, Bereshit residential project is set on a hill appearing to grow from the nearby garden and planned park. Within its context, the tower introduces a Y-shaped typology that optimizes apartment views toward the sea. Moreover, the buildingâs mass and the sensibility of its exterior highlights qualities of light, shadow, solid and void, all of which are connected by sinewy horizontal elements.
Schneider Childrenâs Medical Center, Petach Tikva Inaugurated in 2012, Schneiderâs first building constituted a milestone in the design of hospitals in Israel. Today, with the construction of the second building, the new center will reinforce the connection between hospital and community. The new building is planned to be a âhealing/recuperating buildingâ, with large open spaces surrounding the building and within it as well. The building will be designed adhering to green construction standards, with a âtherapeuticâ garden connecting both buildings and an additional garden planned on the roof of the entry structure.
,â«××ך×× ×ך׀××× ×××××× ×©× ×××ך⬠â«×€×ª×âתק××⬠,2012 â«××× ××× ×ך×ש×× ×©× ××ך×× ×ך׀××× ×©× ×××ך ×©× ×× × ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×¢× ×× ××ת×â¬,â« ××××â¬.â«××××× ×××â××š× ××¢×׊×× ××ª× ×××××× ××שך××⬠⫠××ך×× ×××ש ×××ק ×ת ×××××ך ××× ××ת ××××××â¬,â«×©× ××× ××× ××©× ×⬠⫠××× ××× ×××ש ×ת××× × ××××ת â×ך×× ×š××€×× ××××××â ×¢×â¬.â«×ק××××⬠.â«××××× ×€×ª×××× ×××××× ××ק××€×× ×ת ××× ××× ×ש××× ×× ×ת×××â¬ â« ×¢× ××× ×â¬,â«××× ××× ×ת××× × ××ת×× ××ª×§× × ××× ××× ××ך×ק×⬠â«â×××€×××תâ ××××ךת ×ת ×©× × ××× ××× ×× ×××× × × ×ס׀ת ××ת××× × ×ªâ¬ .â«×¢× ×× ×× ××× ××× ×ס×â¬
â« ×שך××â¬,⫠׀ת×âתק××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬40,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ש×ך××ª× ×ך×××ת ××××תâ¬:â«×ק××⬠3d Vision :â«×××××⬠Location: Petach Tikva, Israel Area: 40,000 sq.m Status: Under Construction Client: General Health Services Visualization: 3d Vision
â«×ת×× ××שךת ×××ש××⬠â«×ת×× ×¢×ך×× × ×××× ×××××š× × ××¢×× × ×¢× ×Š×š××× ×¢×ך×× ×××⬠â«×××ך××€×××× ×××; ׀ך×××§× ×××× ×©× ×××ך ×עסק××⬠⫠×ת×× ××שךת ×××ש×× ××× ×××â¬.â«×©× ×× × ×ךק⬠⫠××ת××â¬.â«×׀ך××ק××× ××××××××× ××××§×€× ××שך××⬠â ââ«×ת××× × ××ת×× ×עקך×× â×¢×ך×× ×ש×××ש××⬠⫠×ך××××â¬,â« ×ך×× ×ך××××š× ××ך××€×××× ×â¬,â« ×שך×××â¬,â«×ס×ך⬠⫠ת×ת ××ך××â¬,⫠ש××××©× ×Š×××ך ××× ××× ××â¬,â«×š×€×××××⬠⫠×ש×××ש×× ×ש×× ×× ××× ×€×× ××â¬.â«×ª×× ×× ×ת ××ת⬠.â« ×××§× ×× ××ת×× ×¢×š× ××סף ×××××× ×××ק׀×â¬,â«×ת ××⬠⫠×× ×¡××××â¬,â«××ת×× ×ת××× × ×ש×××©× ××× ×× ×©×× ××⬠â«××××ת ×ך××× ××ק×שך×× ××ך×× ×Š××××š× ××××ת×⬠⫠ש×××× ×××€× ×××â¬,â« ××ך×× ×׊××××š× ×××× ×¢×Š× ×Š×â¬.â«×ך׊×ף⬠⫠××ת ×ש×â¬,â«××ס×ך ×××××× ×ת ×× ×××ך××ת ××ת××⬠.â«×§×××× ×©×××× ××€×¢×××ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת⬠⫠×× ×â×ךקâ¬BBC :â«××ק××⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬220,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ק××׊ת ס×׀ך××â¬+ â« ××שךת ××ש××â¬:â«×ק××⬠Evolve media ,â«××××â¬-â« ×â¬:â«×××××תâ¬
ILDC Complex The flagship project of the Bnei Brak business district: a large, ultra-modern urban complex designed to meet the daily needs of a metropolitan city. The massive scale of the ILDC complex makes it one of only a few such projects in Israel. The planning incorporates the âmixed useâ development concept, combining commercial and office spaces, metropolitan geriatric center, medical centers, public facilities, and parking â all under a single design umbrella. These diverse uses perfectly complement and leverage one another, providing the complex with clear added value. The complex is composed of three distinctive buildings, all set back from the street and are adjacent to a beautiful public promenade with trees and natural shading, bike paths, and stores along the entire length of the complex, encouraging visitors to enjoy an active urban lifestyle. Location: BBC Bnei Brak Area: 220,000 sq.m Client: ILDC Group + Sufrin Group Status: under construction Visualization: A-Light, Evolve Media
63143 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬5 â«×ך××× ××â¬
5 Droyanov St. Tel Aviv 63143
â«×¢×× ×ך⬠Eden Barre
â«×ךâ¬-â«×¢× ת ×××⬠Anat Levie Barre
Barre Levie Architects & Urban Planners â«×ך ××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××⬠The Barre Levie Architects & Urban Planners firm was established in 1984, under the leadership of partners Eden Barre and Anat Levie Barre. The firm provides full range ofservices related to all aspects of planning and construction â from comprehensive urban planning and complex project management, to conceptual and practical development of detailed architectural designs. Barre Levie works with a wide variety of businesses and organizations, both public and private, on a large number of projects that have enabled the firm to achieve outstanding expertise across the board. The firmâs staff of some 30 skilled professionals â architects, urban planners, and engineers â represents a diverse human mosaic. This fully-integrated team, with its continuous dialogue with top consultants in numerous fields, carries out highly productive work process with innovative, and creative results. utilizing its staffâs accumulated experience, Barre Levieâs collaborative approach reinforces the firmâs commitment to delivering uncompromising qualityand first-rate service.
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Barre Levie Architects & Town Planners
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Bar Kokhba Tower Bar Kokhba Towerâs design was inspired by a visionary urban concept that promotes the seamless integration of the tower with its environment. The tower was designed to make it look as if it is âfloatingâ above street level, creating a soft boundary with its surroundings. This notion is reflected in the planning of the urban plaza at the towerâs base level. The plaza is located at the end of HaMaccabim Street, with access to Em HaMoshavot Street, which finally meets Bar Kokhba Street at the foot of the tower. The total mass of Bar Kokhba Tower has been divided into several distinct sections through the use of clean vertical lines. This unique design gives the tower a sense of height and sleekness while making a striking visual statement, helping it stand out within a highly competitive business district. Location: BBC Bnei Brak Area: 26,000 sq.m Year: 2007-2015 Client: HAGAG group Photo: Ran Erde
â«×××ת ××× ×ך×××ת⬠Stone Facade
â« ××עת×××â¬12 â«×××ךâ¬
12 Taiber St. Givataim
â«×ך×× ××××××⬠Bracha Chyutin
â«××××× ××××××⬠Michael Chyutin
Chyutin Architects â«×××××× ××ך×××××⬠Chyutin Architects was founded by Bracha Chyutin and Michael Chyutin in 1978. The firm specializes in architectural design of public buildings, residential buildings and interiors, and in urban planning. The firm has won many national competitions for public buildings and national awards. It is responsible for the design of the master plans for several academic campuses and culture and education complexes.
Academy of Advanced Studies, Van Leer Institute (Jerusalem). Main Inner Garden Facade
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Academy of Advanced Studies, Van Leer Institute (Jerusalem) The Polonsky Academy of Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences is part of the Van Leer Institute campus at Jerusalem. The building is situated on a cliff facing south towards the Jerusalem Theater. Its northern side faces the Main Garden Court, which functions as the heart of the campus. The low horizontal appearance of the building fits in with the dimensions and design characteristics of the existing buildings with their closed stone fronts facing the city and glass fronts facing the open inner garden. The two upper stories of the building are intended for research activities and two lower floors for multi-purpose use for the whole campus.
â«×××××× ××ך×××××â¬
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×"ךâ¬7300 :â«×©××⬠4 :â«×ס׀ך ק×××ת⬠2015 :â«×¡××× ××× ××⬠,â« ×ך×× ××××××â¬:â«×Š××ת ת×× ××⬠,â« ×'×ק ××××â¬,â«××××× ××××××⬠⫠×'×××£ ׀ךץâ¬,â«××ª× ×š××× ××ק⬠,â« ×ך××× ×ך ×××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«××××¢× ×ך × ×¡â¬
Location: Jerusalem Completion Date: 2015 Floor Area: 7300 sq.m Total Storeys: 4 Design Team: Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Jacques Dahan, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez Photo: Ardon Bar Hama, Aviad Bar Ness
Chyutin Architects
Study Rooms Courtyard
â«×׊ך ×××š× ××קךâ¬
Top: Researchers Sitting Area. Bottom: Main Library
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â«âªDormitory building â Western Galileeâ¬â¬ â«âªAcademic College, Acreâ¬â¬ â«âªThe Western Galilee Academic College studentâ¬â¬ â«âªdormitories building while considered a public building,â¬â¬ â«âªis in fact different from all other campus buildings. Theâ¬â¬ â«âªdesign of the dormitories as a âSecond Homeâ is notâ¬â¬ â«âªonly a place of sleep but a vital center allowing variousâ¬â¬ â«âªactivities and interaction around the clock. Everyâ¬â¬ â«âªfloor hosts public areas, while the ground floor servesâ¬â¬ â«âªboth retail and public functions. It is a modern andâ¬â¬ â«âªinnovative building that reflects the young spirit of theâ¬â¬ â«âªCollege. The functional design is clear, simple and easyâ¬â¬ â«âªto realize, providing an affordable and flexible layout.â¬â¬ â«âªThe building is designed with a modular layout, allowingâ¬â¬ â«âªfor rapid construction, all in order to create the mostâ¬â¬ â«âªfruitful environment for the students. It plays a role inâ¬â¬ â«âªconnecting Acre, AcreâNahariya road and the collegeâ¬â¬ â«âªitself. Its particular location at the south east cornerâ¬â¬ â«âªof the campus positions it as a future landmark and aâ¬â¬ â«âªsymbol of the Western Galilee College, whether fromâ¬â¬ â«âªthe road by car or from a pedestrian point of view.â¬â¬ â«××ק××⪠:â¬×¢××⬠â«×©× ×âª2017 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠6400 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×ק××⪠:â¬××××ת ×××× ×עך××⬠â«âªLocation: Acreâ¬â¬ â«âªDate: 2017â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 6400 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªClient: Western Galileeâ¬â¬ â«âªAcademic Collegeâ¬â¬
â«âª3 Khouri St. Haifaâ¬â¬
â«×'××š× âª ,3â¬×××€×â¬
â«××¢× ××š× ×ת⬠Yael Granot
â«×ך×× ××š× ×ת⬠Yaron Granot
Y.Y. Granot Architects â« ××š× ×ת ××ך×××××â¬.â«×â¬.â«×⬠The studio is running in its current form since 1984, after both managers have specialized over several years in leading offices in Haifa. The firm currently has15 architects itâs main occupation is in providing design services for the public sector. Our Areas of expertise are educational buildings in science and engineering in the universities, auditoriums, sportshalls, Multisala cinema complexes in Israel and abroad, office buildings, research and laboratories in the high-tech, industrial and commercial buildings, gas stations, residential neighborhoods, conservation projects and masterplans and urban planning. Our world view is based on achieving architectural solution, which goes hand in hand with the clientâs desires. Our problem solving skills are the result of professional yet personal collaboration. The design always incorporates innovative building technology, proven and reliable, where the given solution is always in the clientâs best interest.
Dormitory building Western Galilee Academic College. Top: A view from South West. Opposite Page â Top: View of Western facade fro Acre-Nahariya Road. Center: View of the Eastern facade from the campus. Bottom: View of the dormitories at night from the campus.
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Location: Haifa Date: 2015 Area: 8,000 sq.m Client: Technion â Israel Institue of Technology Planning Team: Yael Granot, Yaron Granot, Efraim Freidman, Reshef Gabay, Yaniv Snir, Joumana Laham Landscape Design: Miller Bloom Constructor: Ran Shinan Project Manager: Zvi Rom Photo: Ran Erde
â« ××š× ×ת ××ך×××××â¬.â«×â¬.â«×â¬
â« ×××€×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬8,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ××× â ×××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×××× ××××× ××שך××⬠:â«×Š××ת ת×× ××⬠,â« ×ך×× ××š× ×תâ¬,â«××¢× ××š× ×ת⬠,⫠ךשף ××××â¬,â«×׀ך×× ×€×š×××× ×"×⬠⫠×'×××× × ××××â¬,â«×× ×× ×©× ×ך⬠â«××××â¬-â« ×××ךâ¬:â«×ª×× ×× × ××€×â¬ â« ×š× ×©× ××â¬:â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק××ך⬠⫠׊×× ×š××â¬:â«× ×××× ×€×š××ק×â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Y.Y. Granot Architects
.â«×׀ק×××× ××× ×סת ×××× ×ת⬠⫠××× ××× ×××ש ×¢× ×š×§×¢ ×× ×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠â«××××× ×××××ס â ×׀ק×××× ××× ×סת⬠.â« ××× ×׊׀××â¬,â«×××× ×ת⬠:â«××¢××× ××× â ××××× ×××¢××⬠â«×× ××¡× ×××׊ך ××ש×ת׀ת ××שך⬠.â«××¢×ך ××× ××× ××× ×××ש ×××ש×⬠⫠××× ×××ך×××â¬:â«×ש××× ×××¢××⬠â«×ך××©× ×ךקע ×××ך××ת ××ך××⬠⫠×× ×ס×â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«×××××× ××ש×תף⬠⫠×××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×š×ש×ת ××××ת ׊׀×× ×ת⬠.â«×ס׀ך××ת ×׀ק××××â¬
Mechanical Engineering Faculty. Top: View of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty from North, alongside the Lady Davis building. Opposite Page â Top Right: Entrance from the Plaza, suspended connecting pedestrian bridge in the background. Top Left: Main atrium looking over the cross staircases and the learning center. Center: Main Entrance North facade. Bottom: A view of the library.
The D. Dan and Betty Khan Mechanical Engineering Faculty Building, Technion â Israel Institue of Technology In 2008, we were asked to design a new building for the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the Technion â Israelâs Institute of Technology. At the time, the Mechanical Engineering Faculty was sharing much of its space and common areas with the Instituteâs Aerodynamics Faculty. Thanks to a generous donation by D.Dan Khan, a long time beneficiary of the Technion, this project came to life. After examining multiple locations, it was decided that the new building will be built in front of the existing faculty, in a way that will create a generous plaza for both professors and students to use, and that will be bound by the ring road surrounding the Technicon. Due to the buildingâs unique location, we envisioned it to serve as a gate to the faculty. The 6-meters difference in ground levels, allowed us to design a building that will also âbridgeâ the gap between the existing faculty building and the Technionâs ring road, and maintained the visual and functional continuum between the two buildings by creating an 8-meter high, 2-floors atrium. The buildings area is 8,000 s.qm, and contains 5 floors in addition to 2 floors of parking. The central atrium serves as a core around which we designed all the public student functions: two auditoriums, a library, and a self-learning center, all operating 24/7. The floors above contains house the labs, meeting rooms, and seminar spaces, as well as serve as the new home for the facultyâs researchers, the deanâs chambers, and the various staff. On the 3rd floor, we created a hovering, glazed-steel bridge that connects the two building, which aligns well with the overall design of the building which generously leverages glass, stone, and steel.
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â«××ת ××××¢×Š× ××שך×× ××€×⬠⫠××××¢× ×ק××× ×ª×× ××תâ¬,â«××ך×× ×× ×× × ×קך×ת ×××××⬠â«××× ××××ת ××€×¢×××××ת ×ק××××ת ×ש×× ×ת ×××××××⬠,â« ×××× ×××× × ×××××× ×××××ת ×× ×¡×× ××ש×××תâ¬.â«×¡××××⬠.â« ×שך××× ×ק׀×ך××â¬,â«××ת×ת ××××× ×××׊×××⬠â«×š×××× ×××× ×ת ×××ך××ת ׀ת×××ת ××׊ך×× ××× × ×××ך×ך×⬠.â«××× × × ×©×§×€×× ×× ×¡×קך ×××ת ×××©×€× ××¢××××⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 â« ××× ××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2,200 :â«×©××⬠⫠××××¢×Š× ××שך×× ××€×â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×× ×ך××סâ¬:â«×××××תâ¬
The Council for a Beautiful Israel Center The Center, located in Kiryat HaLeâom in Jerusalem, is designed to hold educational programs and activities in environmental studies for various communities. The building spaces include conference and meeting rooms, classrooms and exhibition halls, offices and a cafeteria. Multiple windows and open galleries create an airy structure that overlooks Sacher Park and the Supreme Court building. Location: Jerusalem Status: 2017- in construction Area: 2,200 sq.m Client: The Council for a Beautiful Israel Imaging: nTRACE
â«×××š× â ך×××¢ ×××⬠â«×××ך ××××ת ×××©×š× ×ת×ך×ת שעך×× ×¢×ך××ת⬠⫠×שך×â¬,â«×××š× ×ש×ת××£ ×¢× ×ש×ת ×ת×× ×× ××××××ת⬠⫠×××€×§× ××שך×â¬,â«×ת××ך×ת ××××©×š× ×××× ×ª ×ס××××⬠â«×¢× ת×× ×× ×× ×××× ×ª×× ×× ×¢×ª××ת ×קךקע ××¢×קך×ת⬠⫠×ך×××¢â¬.â«×©× ×××š× ××××š× ×××£ ××× ×׊׀×× × ×©× ××¢×ך⬠,â« ××â×â¬10,000 â«×××× ×©××× ×ת ×××ך×× ×××קף ש×⬠⫠××ך×â¬1,400 â«×§×××€×קס×× ×ת××ך×ת ×× ×׀ש ××קף ש×⬠⫠××× × ××€×ךק××â¬1,200-â« ×â¬,â«×××× ××§× ×š×ש×× ×××⬠⫠×ת×× ×ת × ××ך×â¬.â« ××× × ×Š×××ך ××ס×ךâ¬,â«×××××ת ××ף⬠â«××€××××× ×š×ש×× ×ת×× ×× ×©××× × ×ך××§× ××׊×ךת ×ך××××⬠â«×Š×××ך××× ×ק××××× ×©×××€×©×š× ×š×ת ×××× ×××××⬠.â«×ש×××× ×עך××ת ×× ×š××× ×תשת××ת ××××ת⬠⫠××ך×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 ,⫠ת×â×¢ ××€×ך×ת ×××× ×â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠××× ×â¬2,700 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ×××š× ××××©×š× ×××× ×ª ×ס××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠3Dvision :â«×××××תâ¬
Hadera â The Sea District The office was awarded the project following a competition initiated by the municipality in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Development & the Regional Planning Office. The Sea district constitutes the largest urban land reserves of the city and is programmed to contain 10,000 housing units integrated with 1,400 beach front hotel rooms supported by the full range of commercial, civic-recreational & transportation facilities and amenities. The program was selected as the first pilot for green neighborhood planning, focusing on the creation of sustainable public spaces that provide a high standard of living and enable integration of smart energy systems and infrastructure.
â«×××š× â ך×××¢ ×××⬠Hadera â The Sea District
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬18 â«× ××× ×× ×××â¬
18 Nachum Hanavi St. Tel Aviv
Location: Hadera Status: 2017- Plan in Progress Area: 675 acres Client: Municipality of Hadera Imaging: 3Dvision
â«×××× ××××ךס××ךף⬠Thomas Leitersdorf
â«×××× ×× ××××⬠Ohad Ben Dayan
Leitersdorf|Ben Dayan Planning & Architecture
â«××××ךס××ךף|×× ×××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××⬠The firm is currently celebrating 50 years of architectural & urban planning, serving government & municipal agencies, as well as companies in the public and private sector. The range of projects includes- National plans, new towns, residential neighborhoods, tourist and recreational complexes, commercial and civic uses, employment centers, as well as architectural planning for a diverse range of projects. In addition to managing his architectural practice, Arch. Leitersdorf (A.A. DIP. London) has served as the chairman of the board in government & private development corporations in Israel and abroad. Almost a decade ago, Arch. Ohad Ben-Dayan (graduate of the Technion) joined the firm and in 2015 became a full partner and manager.
,â« ×©× ×ת ×€×¢×××ת ×¢× ×€× ×עש××× ××שך××â¬50 â«××××× ××× ×××× ××שך×⬠⫠×ת×××× ×ת×× ×× ×××ך××× × ××××ך×××× ×¢××ךâ¬,â« ××ך××€× ××׀ך×ק×â¬,â«×ך×׎×⬠.â« ××ך×ת ׊×××ך××ת ×׀ך×××תâ¬,⫠ךש×××תâ¬,â«×שך×× ××ש××⬠⫠ש××× ×תâ¬,â« ××ש××××â¬,⫠עך×× ××ש×תâ¬,â«×׀ך××ק××× ×××××× ×ª×× ××ת ×ך׊××ת⬠⫠××× ×× ×ª×× ××â¬,â« ×ך××× ×ª×¢×¡××§× ×ש××××â¬,â« ××ק×× × ×׀ש ×ת××ך×תâ¬,â«×××ך××⬠.â«××ך×××× ×©× ××××× ×××¢××××⬠.A.A-â« ×××ך ×â¬,⫠׊×ך ××ךâ ×××× ××××ךס××ךףâ¬,â«××ק××× ×× ×××× ×שך××â¬ â« × ×ס××× × ××××× ×××׊××¢× ×××âך ××ע׊ת ×× ×××× ×©× ××ך×ת ×€×ת××â¬,â«×××× ×××⬠⫠×××ךâ¬,â« ×©× ×× ×׊×ךף ××ךâ ×××× ×× ××××â¬9-â« ××€× × ×â¬.â«××ש×ת××ת ×׀ך×××ת⬠.â« ××€× ×ש×תף ××× ×× ×××××â¬2015-â« ××××š× ××â¬,â«×××× ×××â¬
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,â«××ת ××××¢×Š× ××שך×× ××€×⬠The Council for a Beautiful Israel Center, Jerusalem
â« ×§× ××תâ¬,â« ×ך×× ×¢×¡×§××â¬Centro ⫠ך××××תâ¬,â«×ת×× ×ª ך××ת⬠â«×ª×× ×× ×ת×× â×¡× ×ך×â × ××ך ×ת×â×¢ ××××ת ××××ך תעס×ק×⬠⫠×âך ×××××ת ×× ×××â¬315,000-â« ××× × ×â¬570 â«×××קף ש×⬠⫠׀ך×××§× â×¡× ×ך×â ×××××× ××קâ¬.â«×©×ª××× × × ×¢× ××× ××שך×⬠⫠××××§× ×¢× × ××ש×ת ×ש××š× ××ס××תâ¬,â«×©× ×ת×× ×ת ×××××ת⬠⫠ת×× ×ªâ¬,â« ×שך×××â¬,â«×ך××ת ×××××ש ××¢××š×§× ××ש×× ×ס×ך⬠⫠×××€×§× ×ס×× ×š×× ×©× ×©××××â¬.â«×š××ת ××× ××× ×× ×Š×××××⬠ââ« â×¡× ×ך×â¬.â«××€×× ×§×Š××ת ×××§×¡× ×ת ××××××ת ×׀ך××ק×⬠â«×××× ×©× × ××€××¡× ×ס×ך ×× ××ש×× ×ש×ך×ת ×׊×××ך ××ך×××⬠⫠ק×××תâ¬6 â« ×××¢××××â¬,â«×ך××©× ××××€×ס ××××ך ×ת×ת×× ×⬠⫠×סע××ת ××× ×××תâ¬,â« ××××ך ××ק׀ת ×××ª× ×§×€×â¬.â«×שך×××⬠.â«××ש×ש×ת ××××ך ×ת×× ×ª ×ך××ת ××ת××× × ×ª ××ק××⬠⫠ך××××תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 ,â« ×ש××ת ××× ××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×âךâ¬34,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× × ××£â¬,⫠׀ךשק××סק×â¬,â« ×¢×ך××ת ך××××תâ¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××ךâ ×× ××× ××ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠⫠ס×××××â¬.â«×â¬.â« ×â¬:â«×××××תâ¬
Centro- Commercial, business & transportation Hub, Rehovot The planning of the âCentroâ Complex is based on and located within an overall Detailed Plan of some 160 acres with 315,000 sq.m. of building rights prepared by our office. The âCentroâ Project itself was planned with direct access to the railway and to an arterial road. It combines commercial & office complex, a train station and adjacent parking lots. The synergistic effect of combining these functions maximizes the economic success of the project. The âCentroâ Complex includes two commercial levels directly accessible to the public from the main street and the lower square level, with 6 office floors. The square is surrounded by cafes, restaurants and shops which serve as a connection to the planned train. Location: Rehovot Status: 2017- Plan in Progress Area: 34,000 sq.m Client: Municipality of Rehovot, Prashkovsky, Yohananof Photo: Arch. Daniel Elron Imaging: A.A Studio
â«× ×ª× ×× â ×¢×ך ××××⬠.â« ××× × ××××£ ××× ×׀ת×ת ×€×××â¬1,740-â«×ª×׎ע ××€×ך×ת ×⬠⫠×ס×ך ×ת××ך×ת ×××××â¬,â«×××§× ×ש××× ×©× ×©××× ×ת ×××ך××⬠⫠ש××ךתâ¬,â« ××ª×š× × ×׀שâ¬,â«××××× ×©× ×××Š×¢× ××ס×× ×ª××ך×⬠.â« ××× × ×Š×××ך ×ש×××ש×× ×ש×××××â¬,⫠ש××× ×¡×€×ך×â¬,â«××ע⬠â«×©×××× ×ת××× ××€×ת×× ×׀שך ××¢××ת ××קף ×ך×ת⬠⫠×ת××× ×תâ¬.â«×××ךק×××××ת ×©× ×ת××× ××××ך×× ××ת××ך×ת⬠45,000 ,â« ×××××ת ××ס×× ×ª××ך×â¬3,150 ,â« ××׎×â¬4,640 â«××××ת⬠.â«×׎ך ×ס×ך ×ס××Ž× ××¢× ×××××× ×׎ך ×××××ת ×× ××â¬ â« × ×ª× ××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 ,â« ×ש××ת ××× ××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×âךâ¬45,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠××××š× ××€×ת××â¬,â« ×××ך××â¬,â« ×¢×ך××ת × ×ª× ××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ך×â×â¬,⫠ש×××× ×××× ××â¬,â«××ת××ך×ת × ×ª× ××⬠⫠××××ך×סâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Ir Yamim â Netanya A Detailed Town Plan extending some 435 acres along Netanyaâs Southern shores. The development includes the integration of 4,640 dwelling units, 3,150 hotel rooms and 45,000 sq.m. of commercial space, supported by wide range of recreational, civic & transportation facilities & amenities. The building rights amount to some one million sq.m.
.â« ×¢×ך ×××× × ×ª× ××â¬:â« ××××â¬.⫠ך××××תâ¬,â« ×¡× ×ך×â¬:â«×××¢×× ×××ך××⬠Top and center: Centro, Rehovot. Bottom: Ir Yamim, Netanya.
â«×× ×××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××â¬-â«××××ךס××ךףâ¬
Location: Netanya Status: 2017- construction Area: 45,000 sq.m Client: Municipality of Netanya, Israel Land Authority, Azorim, The Society for Netanya Development, Shikun & Binui Photo: Albatros
Leitersdorf-Ben Dayan Planning & Architecture
Projects in Rishon Lezion
â« ×׎ך ×©× ×שך××× ××ס×ךâ¬70,000-⫠ת×׎ע ×××ך××××ת ×¢××ך ×â¬:⫠ך×ש×׎׊â¬UMI :â«×××¢××⬠.â«××××××× ×××× ×ª×Š××× ××××¡× ×¢××ך ××ךת ××× ×××š×¡× ××××ךס⬠Top: UMI, Rizhon Lezion: A Detailed Town Plan and architectural planning for approximately 70,000 sq.m. of office and commercial space including a showroom and garages for the Universal Motors Corporation.
â« ×׎ך ש×× ×× ××â¬37,500-⫠ת×׎ע ×××ך××××ת ×¢××ך ×â¬:⫠ך×ש×׎׊â¬,â« ×Š×š×€×ª× ×¡× ×ך×â¬:â«××ך×× ×ש×××⬠⫠×××Ž× ××¢× ××¡× ×©× ×§××ת ×ס×ךâ¬156-⫠ק×××ת ×â¬23 â«×©× ××× ××××× ×××ך×× ×× ×⬠.â«×ק××ת ×שך××× ××ך×× ××¢×ך⬠Center left: Tsarfati Central, Rishon Lezion: A Detailed Town Plan and architectural planning for 37,500 sq.m. of built area for two residential towers of 23 stories and 156 residential units above two commercial office floors.
The office was commissioned to undertake detailed urban & architectural plans and projects of some 4.5 million sq.m. of building rights including 12,745 housing units. The projects included a large number of neighborhoods of multi & single family homes, tourism, recreation, entertainment and sports, commercial centers, transportation, employment and local government within the city. Following are examples of some projects:
⫠ת×× ×× ×××× ×× ×©××× ×ª ×××ך×× ×ª×× ×ק׀××â¬.⫠ך×ש×׎׊â¬,â« × ××ת שק××â¬:â«×××× ×ש×××⬠⫠×׊×ךת ××¢×ך×× ×ª×ªÖŸ×§×š×§×¢×××â¬,â« ××× ×ש×ךâ¬,â«×¢× ך×ת ×€×ת×× ××××× ×¢× ×××⬠.â«×ש××××× ×š×Š××€×× ×××××× ×š×× ××× ×׊××š× ××׊××ת ×××ש××⬠Bottom left: Naot Shikma-Rishon Lezion: A detailed town plan for 3,874 residential units in both multi & single family homes. The plan includes the construction of a residential neighborhood connected by underground passages and continuous pedestrians paths.
â«×€×š××ק××× ×ך×ש×× ×׊×××⬠â«×××©×š× ×ª×× × ×ך××× ××¢×ך ת×â×¢×ת ××€×ך××ת⬠4.5-â«×ת×× ××ת ××ך×××××ת ×¢× ×¡×â× ×××××ת ×× ×× ×©× ×⬠⫠×׀ך××ק××× ××××â¬.â« ×××××ת ×××ךâ¬12,745 -â«×××××× ×âך ×⬠,â«×¢×©×š×ת ש××× ×ת ×××ך×× ××× ××× ×š×××× ×׊×××ת קךקע⬠,â« ××××ך ×ס׀××š× ××ך×××× ××ס×ךâ¬,â« × ×׀שâ¬,â«××ק×× ×ª××ך×ת⬠⫠×××× ×××× ×©×â¬.⫠תעס××§× ×ש×××× ×ק×××â¬,â«×ª×××ך×⬠:â«×€×š××ק××× ×©××׊ע×⬠⫠××××ך×סâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Photo: Albatros
1,398-⫠ת×׎ע ××€×ך×ת ×â¬:⫠ך×ש×׎׊â¬,â« ××ª× × ×€×š×¡ × ×××â¬:â«×××× ×××××⬠⫠×××× ××â¬.â« ×׎ך ×¢×קך×â¬280,000-â«×××××ת ×××ך ×××קף ×××××ת ×× ×× ×©× ×⬠.â«××××ך×× ×ש×× ×× ×× ×š×××× ××× ×× ×Š×××ת קךקע ס××× ×€×ךק⬠Bottom Right: Hataney Pras Novel, Rishon Lezion: A detailed town plan for 1,398 residential units with 280,000 sq.m. of building rights. The residential construction combines single & multi family homes built around a park
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â«×¢×ך×××× ×©×š×× ×⬠,6 ⫠ך××â¬,â« ×××š× × ×ך××¢×â¬:â«××¢××× ×××× ×××××⬠.⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â«×¢×ך×××× ×©×š×× ×⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â« ×¢×ך×××× ×©×š×× ×â¬:â«××ך×× ××ש×××⬠Azrieli Town Offices Opposite page: Right: Beeri Nehardea Tower, 6 Remez Street, Azrieli Town Offices. Center and left: Azrieli Town Offices.
6350666 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,36 â«× ×× ×ª×ÖŸ××××⬠3433462 â« ×××€×â¬,54 â«××שך×××â¬
36 Nemal Tel Aviv St. Tel Aviv
54 Binyamin Disraeli St. Haifa
â«×€×š×׀׳ ××©× ×Š×ך⬠Prof. Moshe Zur
â«××š× × ×Š×ך⬠Orna Zur M.sc.
â«×× × ×××× ×⬠Danny Ohana
â«×× ×× ×š×××ך×⬠Mendi Rotbard
â«×××š× ×ת⬠Ori Gat
â«×©××¢×× ×Š×š×€×ª×⬠Shmaya Sarfaty
Moshe Zur Architects & Town Planners
â«××©× ×Š×ך ××ך××××× ××× × ×¢×š××â¬
Moshe Zur Architects is one of the largest architecture firms in Israel, employing a total of 90 employees (including owners and partners) in two branches, Tel Aviv and Haifa. With 40 years of experience and an impressive portfolio of complex, integrated and mega-projects. Moshe Zur Architects has completed 1,000 projects to date including residential and commercial, high-tech buildings and offices, science and technology buildings, laboratories, and projects ranging from urban planning to interior design. The firm takes pride in creating high quality and well designed architecture, while being functional, cost-efficient, on-budget and on schedule in every project. Moshe Zur Architects is known for innovation and originality in architecture, and the firm has been presented with numerous awards of excellence and publications. Managed by two owners, Orna and Moshe Zur, and four partners, the design team and planning process is led first and foremost by Moshe Zur himself, along with other architects in the firm.
â« ×¢×××××â¬90-â«××©×š× ××©× ×Š×ך ××ך××××× ××× ×××××××× ××שך×× (×â¬ â« ×©× ×ת × ×¡×××) ×××¢×â¬40( â« ×ת×קâ¬,)â« ××©× × ×¡× ××€×× ×תâ× ×××××€×â¬,â«×××× ××¢×××⬠⫠××ך×××× ××××××× (×××â¬,â«×š×§××š× ×¢×©×ך ×××תך ×ת×× ×× ×€×š××ק××× ×ש×××××⬠⫠××× ×â¬,⫠׀ך××ק××× ×××× ×××ך××â¬1000-â«×€×š××ק×××) ×¢× ×× ×׊ע ×××©×š× ×⬠⫠××¢×××ת ××ס×ך ××¢× ×ª×× ××â¬,â« ××× × ×××¢ ×××× ××××××â¬,â«××â×ק ××שך×××⬠⫠ע×קך ××××ת ×××©×š× ××׊×ךת ׀ך××ק××× ××××ת×××â¬.â«×¢×š×× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠⫠××××××× ××¢××××× ×תק׊××â¬,â«××ך××××ת â ××× ×¢× ××××ª× ×€×× ×§×Š××× ×××⬠⫠×××©×š× ××××¢ ××××©× ×ת ×××ק×ך××ת ×׀ך××ק×××â¬.â«××××× ××× ×× × ×ª×× ×ך×ש⬠.â«×š××× ××× ××€×š×¡× ×׊××× ×ת ××׀ךס××⬠⫠××שךâ¬,â« ××ך××¢× ×©×ת׀×× × ×ס׀××â¬,â«×××©×š× ×©× × ××¢××× â ××š× × ×××©× ×Š×ך⬠,â«×Š××ת ×ת×× ×× ××ך×× ×§××× ×× ×××©× ×Š×ך ×××××× ××ש×ת ×ת ×ת×× ××⬠.â«××× ×¢× ××ך××××× ×ת×× × ×× × ×ס׀××â¬
1 Azrieli Sarona Tower
8 Azrieli Town Offices
15 Arlozorov 17 Tower
2 Azrieli Town Residential
9 Shadal Tower
16 Beeri Nehardea Tower
3 Midtown Offices
10 Menora Tower
17 B.S.R Tower 5,6 â Residential
4 Sumeil â Residential
11 Time Tower â Residential
18 Psagot Gan- Residential
5 Midtown â Residential
12 Seminar Kibutzim Tower
19 Assuta Tower- Residential
6 Haarbaa
13 Rotschild 22 Tower â Offices
20 Millenium Tower- Offices
7 Amot Atrium Tower
14 6 Remez Tower â Residential
21 Gav Yam Matam West
Completed Construction Design
21 Matam west photo: Amit Geron
â«××©× ×Š×ך ××ך××××× ××× × ×¢×š××â¬
Moshe Zur Architects & Town Planners
.â«×תâ× ×עך×⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
7 Amot Atrium Tower photo: Amit Geron
3 Midtown Offices Imaging: View Point
.â«×××ת ××ך×××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
.â«××××××× ×שך×××⬠View Point :â«×××××â¬
â«××××××× ×× ××©× ×ת××××ת⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬,â«×ש×××⬠â«×××××××× ×ת××××ת ×ש××× ×× ×× ××× ×ךת ××××⬠⫠ש×××Š× ×תâ¬,â« ××ך××â¬200-â« ××××š× ×©× ×â¬,â«×ש××שת⬠⫠××קך×× ×¢××ך××â¬.â«××ך××ת×× ××עך×××× ×©× ×ך ×ך׊×⬠⫠×ת×ק×× ××ך×â¬,â«××š× ×××× ×׊ך ××××¢× ×ש×× ×××⬠⫠׊×ךת ××ך×× ×©× ××××â¬.â«×× ×ª×× ×ק××ך ×©× ×ש×××⬠â«×ש××ת ××××× ×ת ×× ××ס×××× ××ךש×××ת ×©× ××â¬ â« × ×××¢ ×ת××â¬,â« ×ך×× × ×סףâ¬.â«×§×š×× ×ת ×ש××× ×××××¢××⬠⫠×× ×Š×× ×ת ×קך×× ×ת ×שך ש××ת×××â¬,â«×ס××¢××⬠.â«××¢××× ×× ×××××¢×⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2005-â« × ×€×ª× ×â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬17,700 :â«×©××⬠⫠ךש×ת ×××ך×× ×ש××× ×××××ך×â¬,â« ×× ×ש×â¬:â«×ק××â¬ â« × ×××× ××ך××××תâ¬,â«××©× ×¡×€×××â¬ â« × ×××× ×€×š××ק×â¬,â«××ך×ת ×××××⬠⫠××ך××× ×׀ך××ק×â¬,Gene Dyer ,â« ××× ×€×××׀סâ¬,â« ×€×× ×ך×סâ¬:â«×Š××ת ×׀ך××ק×⬠⫠ע××× ××ך×â¬,â« ×××× ×××ק××סק×â¬,â«××××× ×××׊××â¬ â« ×ª×€× ×ת ××× ×â¬:â«× ×××× ×׀ך×××§× ××××× ×⬠⫠ש××× ××ך×× ×¡×× ××ך××××ת × ××£â¬:â«××ך××××ת × ×ף⬠⫠××ך×ת ×ך×× ×ע׊×××â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×ת׊×××⬠⫠×× ×š× ×× ××¡× ××× ××â¬:â«×§××× ××××⬠LAM Partners :â«×ª××ך×⬠⫠×××€× ××× ××¡× ×ש×× ×ת××ך×â¬:â«×ª××ךת ××××××××⬠Timothy Hursley :â«×Š××××â¬
Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum Jerusalem The Holocaust History Museum is a 650 foot long triangular concrete tunnel that traverses Mount Herzlâs western slope. Visitors walk through this dimly lit narrow space, tracing the grim path of the Holocaust. The conical Hall of Names houses the personal records of all known victims of the Holocaust. A reciprocal cone, deep into the bedrock commemorates those whose names will never be known. Location: Jerusalem Area: 17,700 sq.m Status: Opened 2005 Client: Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrsâ and Heroesâ Remembrance Authority Moshe Safdie, Design Principal Irit Kohavi, Project Manager Gene Dyer, Project Architect Project Team: Paul Gross, Hugh Phillips, Leon Weizman, Dudi Tolkovsky, Aliya Avery Project and Construction Managers: Tafnit Wind Landscape Architects: Shlomo Aronson Landscape Architects Exhibit Design: Dorit Harel Designers Ltd. General Contractor: Minrav Eng. & Building Ltd. Structural Engineering: S. Ben Abraham Engineers Ltd., Y. Gordon Engineers Ltd. Lighting: LAM Partners Museum Lighting: Topaz Electrical & Lighting Engineering Ltd. Photo: Timothy Hursley â« ×××××××× ×××ª× ××š× ××ך ×¢× ×××ך××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××⬠⫠××׊××× ×ך׊××£ ×׊׀×× ××ך××× × ×׊׀×× × ×©×â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××עך××⬠.â«××× ×¡×š× ×××××× ××׊ך ×€× ×××ת ××× ××ת ××××ת ×× ×¡×ªâ¬ â« ××קך×× ××׊××× ×× ××ך ×ש×ש ×¢× ×ך××ת ×©× ×עךâ¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠××××š× ×©××× ×תעך××× ×××קך×× ×¢××ך××â¬:â« ×××× ×××××â¬.â«×ך×ש×××⬠⫠×××× ×ש××ת ××××â¬:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â«×××š× ×ך××ת ×€× ××ת ××××××⬠.â«×š×©×××ת ×©× ×× × ×¡×€× ×ש××× ×××××¢××⬠Opposite page: Top: The museum cuts through the mountain on the western slope. Bottom: Exiting the viewing platform at the northern terminus of the prism leads to a quiet sunken courtyard and synagogue. Top: Visitors emerge into the sunlight, with views of the Jerusalem forest. Bottom right: Along the exhibition path, visitors are drawn into a switchback of spaces. Bottom left: The Hall of Names contains the records of the known victims of the Holocaust.
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬7 â«×©××× ××××â¬
7 Shlomo Hamelech St. Jerusalem
â«××©× ×¡×€×××⬠Moshe Safdie
Safdie Architects â«×¡×€××× ××ך×××××⬠Headquartered in Somerville, Massachusetts, Safdie Architects is a global practice with satellite offices in Jerusalem, Toronto, Shanghai, and Singapore to realize a wide range of projects around the world, including cultural, civic and educational institutions; mixed-use urban centers and airports; and masterplans for existing neighborhoods and entirely new cities. Since 1970, the firm has had a major presence in Israel with projects including the Holocaust History Museum at Yad Vashem, the Yitzhak Rabin Center, Hebrew Union College, Ben Gurion International Airport, Mamilla Center, the new headquarters for the National Campus for the Archeology of Israel, and as master planners of the new city of Modiâin.
,⫠ש×שך×× ×ך××©× ××××§× ×ס××ך××××â¬,â«×שך×× ×¡×€××× ××ך×××××⬠,â« ××ך×× ××â¬,â« ××× ××©×š× ×××××× ×¢× ×שך×× ×××××× ××ך×ש×××â¬,â«×ס׊â×ס×ס⬠⫠ש×××š×ª× ××××× ×××× ××׊××¢ ×××× ×š×× ×©× ×€×š××ק×××â¬,â«×©× ××× ×ס×× ××€×ך⬠⫠×׀ך××ק××× ×××××× ××ס××ת ××ך×××× ×××ס××ת תך××תâ¬.â«×ך××× ××¢×××⬠â«×××× ××; ×ך×××× ××ך×× ××× ×š× ×ª×××ת××× ×× ××× ×ª×¢××€×; ת××× ××ת ××⬠⫠×××©×š× ××ת×â¬,1970 â« ×××â¬.â«×ש××× ×ת ק××××ת ××עך×× ××ש×ת ×ת×××ת⬠â«× ××××ת ×ך×××ת ××שך×× ×¢× ×€×š××ק××× ×××× ×××××××× ×ת××××ת ×ש×××⬠⫠××××× ××××¢× ×××××ת ×©× ××ª× ××¢× ×××××תâ¬,â« ×ך×× ×׊×ק ך×××â¬,â«××× ×ש×⬠⫠×קך×× ××××××ת ××ך××××××××× ×ת×× ××â¬,â« ×ך×× ×××××â¬,â« × ×ª×׎×â¬,â«×תק××ת⬠.â«×ª××× ×ת ××× ××¢×ך ××××©× ×××××¢××â¬
â«×¡×€××× ××ך×××××â¬
Safdie Architects
â«××× ×š××©× ×©× ×××× ×ש×××⬠â«×©× ×ך×â×⬠⫠×××××§× ×ש××š× ××××××תâ¬,â«×××× ×⬠⫠××××ק×ש ×× ×¡××× ×ת ××ש×× ×ªâ¬,â«×××ס××ך×ת⬠.â« ××× × ××××× ××ק×× × ×©× ××ךת ק××××â¬,â«×©×××⬠â«×××ת ×××××ת × ×š××× ×××××× ×שע×ת ××××⬠⫠××× ××× ×â¬.â«××××ק×× ×××ך ××× ×שע×ת ×××××⬠â«×××©× × ×××ת×× ×׊××š× ××ש××ת ×׊ך×××⬠⫠×××× ××××€× ×××¢×â¬,â«××ת×××××× ××תך×ש×× ××⬠.â«××¢××× ×××××× ×××©× ××ת×⬠⫠×ך×׎×â¬,⫠ס×â¬.â« ××ש×× ×××× ××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2011-â« × ×€×ª× ×â¬:â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬13,935 :â«×©××â¬ â« × ×××× ×ת×× ××â¬,â« ××©× ×¡×€×××â¬:â«×Š××ת ×׀ך××ק×⬠⫠×× ×× ×׀ך××ק×â¬,Paul Gross â« ××ך××× ×׀ך××ק×â¬,Brian Black â« ××ך××× ×׀ך××ק×â¬,Juan Villafane ,Tony Depace, Gene Dyer :â«×Š××ת ×××××⬠,Isaac Franco, Warren Mathison Christopher Mulvey, Carrie Yoon Stranix Associates :â«× ×××× ×׀ך××ק×⬠Clark Construction Group, LLC :â«×§××× ××××⬠:⫠ק××××תâ¬,â«×× ×סת ××× ×⬠Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, PC Balmori Associates :â«××ך××××ת × ×ף⬠Seele :â«×¢××š× ××¢×׊×× ××× ×××××××⬠⫠×××× ×ש××× ×©× ×ך×׎×â¬:â«×ק××⬠Timothy Hursley :â«×Š××××â¬
United States Institute of Peace Headquarters Sited on the historic National Mall, this new building dedicated to peacemaking efforts is an expression of its iconic mission. Undulating glass roofs appear opaque during the day and glow with white light at night. An innovative workplace is perfectly tuned to its workings and needs, and its very nature fosters dialogue and exchange. Location: Washington, D.C., USA Status: Opened 2011 Area: 13,935 sq.m Project Team: Moshe Safdie, Design Principal Paul Gross, Project Manager Brian Black, Project Architect Juan Villafañe, Project Architect Core Team: Tony Depace, Gene Dyer, Isaac Franco, Warren Mathison, Christopher Mulvey, Carrie Yoon Project Management: Stranix Associates General Contractor: Clark Construction Group, LLC Structural/MEP/Sustainability Engineer: Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, PC Landscape Architect: Balmori Associates Lighting Designer: LAM Partners Glazing and Roof Design Assist: Seele, Inc. Client: United States Institute of Peace Photo: Timothy Hursley
â« ××× ××× ×× ××ש ×ק×××ת ××× ×× ×š××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש××× ××××××⬠.â«×ת×××ת ×ת ××ך××××× ××××ך ת×× ××××ת ×× ×××××××ªâ¬ â« × ××£ ×©× ×××× ×'×ך×' ש×××¥ ××©× ××× ××€×ס×××â¬:â«×××× ×ש×××⬠⫠×××ת ××××××ת × ×š×××â¬:â« ×××× ×××××â¬.â«"××× ×ª ×ש×××" ×¢"ש ×× ×¡×š×⬠â«×××××× ×××× ×× ×××××¥ ×××©× ×××× ××××ק×× ×¢× ××ך ×××⬠.â«×××€× ×× ×××××⬠Top left and right: The five-story building is composed of a soft masonry that matches strict cornice lines within the district, while projecting the emblematic glass roof. Bottom left: View of the George P. Schultz Great Hall and Ansary Peace Dove sculptural roof. Bottom right: The glass roofs appear opaque and white on the exterior during the day and glow with white light from within at night.
â«×ס׀ך×× ×××ת ××× ×¡×ª ×ק××€×ס ש×â¬ â« ×š×¢× × ×â¬,â«×××× ××ךס××× ×׀ת×××â¬
A synagogue and Library of The Open University, Raanana
Location: Raanana Year: 2004 Area: 43,000 sq.m Architect: Amit Amit Nemlich Landscape Architect: Dan Zur Project Manager: A. D. Rahat Client: The Open University, Yad Hanadiv Foundation Photo: Richard Briant, Ardon Bar Hama
â« ×š×¢× × ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2004 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬43,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת × ××××â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠×× ×Š×ךâ¬:â«××ך××× × ×ף⬠⫠ך××â¬.â«×â¬.â« ×â¬:â«× ×××× ×€×š××ק×⬠⫠×××× ××ךס×××â¬:â«×ק××â¬ â« ×§×š× ××â×× ×××â¬,â«×׀ת×××⬠,⫠ך×׊â×š× ×ך××× ×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×ך××× ×ך֟×××â¬
.â« ××ך××ת ××€×××× ×שק××¢ ××× ×ת ×ס׀ך××â¬:â« ×××××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××⬠.â« ××× ×ת׀××× ×××ת ××× ×¡×ªâ¬:â«×ש×××⬠⫠×××â¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â« ×ך×× ×ק××ש ×תקךת ××ת ××× ×¡×ª ×××¡× × ×× ×ת ×××ך ××××¢×â¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠××× ××¡× ××׊ך ××€× ×××ת ×ת×××× ×¢â× ××ךק××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«×××××××ך××× ××ך×××⬠Opposite page: right: The stairs of the sunken foyer leading to the bookstore. Left: Synagogues prayer hall. Top: The holy ark and synagogue ceiling which filter the natural day light. Left: Central auditorium. Bottom right: the entrance to the inner courtyard, surrounded by the arcade.
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬17 â«×§×€××â¬
17 Kaplan St. Tel Aviv
The Synagogue is set in a prominent position of the campus, within the green slope of the park which bisects the entire site. It is a free standing concrete and glass object wrapped by the stone perimeter wall of the adjacent library. The library is a linear building situated next to the public piazza and the faculty offices. It contains a large two story reading room, enveloped by books. Four classrooms are located on the lower level, facing onto an open courtyard while the administrative offices, on the upper level face an open balcony. A small courtyard is inserted between the synagogue and the library and acts as the entrance to the synagogue. The plan forms a quarter circle, anchored by a column at the stage, which rises in the double story space and flares out across the ceiling towards the back wall and gallery above. This column contains the Holy Ark and generates the concentric order of all elements in the space. It is made up of thin wooden segments that create a fan shape sieve for light, harnessing the outside glare and rendering it internally as soft and intimate tones.
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â«××××â¬-â«×¢×× ×ך××⬠Ada Karmi-Melamede
Ada Karmi-Melamede Architects â«×××× ××ך×××××â¬-â«×¢×× ×ך××⬠Established in 1994 and currently employs fourteen people, thirteen of whom are architects. We believe that architecture is site-specific, and a cultural endeavor. We strive to use local materials and treat natural light as the most important building material. In all of our work, we believe that only through close and ongoing dialogue with the client can we achieve an interesting conceptual design that meets the functional requirements and captures the spirit of the project. Our office has extensive experience in master planning and the design of buildings including public institutions, industrial and residential projects throughout Israel. We are heavily involved in producing the detailed construction documents and continuous site supervision. We participate in numerous architectural competitions, both open and closed, which have led to several large commissions most important of which has been the Israel Supreme Court built in association with Ram Karmi Architects. Over the years we have written or co-authored five professional books, the last of which is âArchitecture in Palestine during the British Mandate, 1917-1948â (written with Dan Price). The firm has won many professional awards, including the Israeli Design Award, the Rechter Prize and the Israel Prize for Architecture.
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?????????????????????????? â«××ת××× ×ª××× ×ת⬠Photo captions ???????????????????????
Ramat Hanadiv Visiting Center. Top: The main passage between the classrooms wing and
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the visitors wing, leading to the nature park. Bottom right: Visitors classroom, designated
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to random visitors. Bottom left: An inner courtyard next to the cafeteria.
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Ada Karmi-Melamede Architects
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The Lauder School of Government, Policy and Diplomacy and The Arison School of Business, The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya The new building houses the school of government and the school of Business and Management. They are designed in two separate wings, linked by a continuous circulation path and centered around a common âliving roomâ shared by both. In order to preserve the existing low skyline and the visual tranquility all around, we carved into the land along the entire perimeter of the site and placed the building one floor below the general campus level. A sunken courtyard was thus created, which extends the whole length of the project terminating in a grand set of stairs for moving and relaxing. On the northern elevation facing campus, an elongated glass curtain wall covers the entire façade. It is both transparent and translucent, allowing the green to âpenetrateâ deep into the building towards the plastered wall situated at a distance behind. Location: Herzliya Year: 2005 Area: 5,500 sq.m Client: The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya Photo: Amit Geron
â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2005 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬5,500 :â«×©××⬠,â« ××ך×× ×××× ×ª××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×ך׊×××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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Ramat Hanadiv Visiting Center, Zichron Yaakov The architectural concept evolved from the need to create a foyer in front of the gardens which would Function as meeting place for the diverse groups of visitors. The architectural composition extends approximately 180 meters in a curvilinear fashion. It contains an Auditorium, classrooms, small courtyards, an exhibition space and a cafeteria at the extremity. These Functions are housed within a berm formed by two inclined landscaped surfaces that lean against eachother With light penetrating in between. A pedestrian path, lit by indirect reflected light from above, stretches the entire length of the berm connecting all the various functions. A landscape of tranquility and splendor embraces the axis. Location: Zichron Yaakov Year: 2008 Area: 2,800 sq.m Landscape Architect: Amir Blum Project Manager: A. D. Rahat Project Architects: Yuval Amitzi; Guy Teomi Client: Hanadiv Gardens, Yad Hanadiv Foundation Photo: Amit Geron
â« ××ך××ÖŸ×עק×â¬,⫠ך×ת ×× ×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2008 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2,800 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××ך ××××â¬:â«××ך××× × ×ף⬠⫠ך××â¬.â«×â¬.â« ×â¬:â«× ×××× ×€×š××ק×⬠,â« ×××× ×××׊×â¬:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠â«××× ×ª××××â¬ â« ×§×š× ×× ×× ×××â¬,â« ×× × ×× ×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya. Top: Building entrance view, bridging the three floors open space, along the northern facade. Bottom: A sunken courtyard set in front of the faculty offices and classrooms.
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Beer Sheva â Multi Functional Hall Multifunctional Auditorium â The building was designed to create a real auditorium and not just a sports hall serving occasionally to mass gatherings. By gathering all the area of the usual corridors to two spacious entrance lobbies the crowd enjoys the experience of entering a theater or a concert hall. The Quality Of The Space â Despite of the size (up to 4000 spectators), the arena creates intimate atmosphere and large variety of crowd stage configurations Architecture And Design â The design follows faithfully the principle of Form Follows Function. Crowd movement, construction, air conditioning and other functional ingrediants all present themselves to help in the creation of this intricate design.
6424605 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬5 â«×× ×¢×ך×â¬
5 Ben Ezra St. Tel Aviv 6424605
â« ××ךâש××¢â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬7200 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ××ךâש××¢â¬:â«×ק××⬠:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠â«××ך' ך××ª× ×××××××⬠,â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×××¢×× ×€×××× ×šâ¬
Location: Beer Sheva Date: 2013 Area: 7200 sq.m Client: Municipality of Beer Sheva Project Architect: Ruth Mayblum Photo: Ran Erde, Gideon Powsner
â«×××¢×× ×€×××× ×šâ¬ Gideon Powsner
Powsner Architects â«×€×××× ×š ××ך×××××⬠The firm Powsner Architects was founded by Shimon Powsner who is considered to be one of the main creators of modern architecture in Israel. Since 2000 the firm is lead by Architect Gideon Powsner. The firm specialize in a wide variety of large scale projects including educational, sport, public, housing, medical, commercial centers and town planning. The National Library, The Hebrew University in Givat Ram and Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem, Rabin Square and The Soldiers Home in Tel Aviv, School houses like Leyadah in Jerusalem, Zemah Open School in Ashdod, Hachoresh Open School in Zichron Yaacov, Netiv Zvulun School in Modiin, Aviv High School in Raanana and Beer Sheva Multi Functional Sports Hall represent the rich variety of our work. The firm has planned over a hundred school buildings including some of the key stones in the history of school architecture in Israel. The firm won many architectural competitions and has published its work in the professional magazines.
,â«××©×š× ×€×××× ×š ××ך××××× ×××§× ×¢× ××× ××ך××× ×©××¢×× ×€×××× ×šâ¬ 2000 â« ××©× ×ªâ¬.â«××ש××× ×××׊ך×× ×©× ×××ך××××ת ×××××š× ×ת ××שך××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×¢×סק ××××××× ×š××â¬.â«×× ×× ×ת ×××©×š× ××ך××× ×××¢×× ×€×××× ×šâ¬ ,⫠ס׀×ך×â¬,⫠׊×××ךâ¬,â«×©× ׀ך××ק××× ××§× × ×××× ×××× ××× ××× ××× × ××× ××⬠.â« ××× ×× ×¢×š×× ××¢××â¬,⫠ך׀×××â¬,â« ×ך×××× ×ס×ך××× ×××ך××××â¬,â« ××× ×â¬,â«×××ך××⬠,â« ×××× ××ךס××× ×××עת ×š× ××××× ×× ××ך ××ך×ש×××â¬,â«×ס׀ך×× ××××××ת⬠⫠׊×"×â¬,â« ××ª× ×ס׀ך ×××"× ××ך×ש×××â¬,â«×××ך ך××× ×××ת ××××× ×ת×ÖŸ××××â¬ â« × ×ª×× ××××××â¬,⫠ת×××× ×××× ××š×¢× × ×â¬,â« ×××ךש ×××ך××ÖŸ×עק×â¬,â«××ש×××⬠â«××××××¢×× ××××× ×ס׀××š× ×ק×× ××× ×××ך֟ש××¢ ×××׊××× ××× ×ש×ך⬠⫠×××©×š× ×××× ×׀ךס×× ×š×××â¬.â«×ת ת×ק ××¢××××ת ×עש×ך ×©× ××שך×⬠.â«××ת×ך×××ת ×ך×××ק××× ××ת ××׀ךס×××× ×š××× ××¢×ת×× ×ת ××ק׊××¢×תâ¬
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Powsner Architects
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Aviv High School Raanana Pedagogical Principles â The school is divided into three age groups, each of them located in its separate realm connected to the school by the main "public" artery. Every such "Home" is built as a cluster of 8 classrooms surrounding a communal amphitheatrical multipurpose space opening to a âprivateâ court. The main axis of the school, the âstreetâ, consists of management, technological and scientific functions. Urban Sensitivity â On the urban and social level the design meets the need to create a meaningful cooperation with the community. The school entrance creates an urban plaza, shared with the gym, serving the community for leisure, educational and sport activities. Design â The design is inspired by the integration of rural intimacy and technological drive typical to the city of Raanana.
â« ×š×¢× × ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2002 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬9000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ×š×¢× × ×â¬:â«×ק××⬠:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠â«×©×š× ××××× ×¡×§×⬠,â« ××××ך×סâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×××× ×€×××× ×šâ¬ Location: Raanana Area: 9000 sq.m Client: Raanana Municipality Project Architect: Sara Lubinsky Photo: Albatros, Eldad Powsner
Ranni Ziss is a licensed Architect and town planner with over 30 years of professional experience in the design industry. His Design vitae includes projects of both domestic & international venue. Representative projects include hotels and resorts, residential architecture, retail, office buildings, hospitals, industry and campuses. As a full service architecture firm we offer the professional attention required for successful well-managed projects. Our team of professional architects possess an international knowledge base and make every effort to ensure well coordinated projects with all of the related disciplines. Our practice was found on the belief that the built environment has a strong positive impact on the quality of people lives. RZA is focused on programmatically complex projects and is committed to excellency in the design industry.
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Our practice was formed in the 20âs by Architect Zeev Rechter returning from studies in Paris and designing a series of buildings from housing in Tel Aviv to public building all over the country. In 1949 his son, Yacov Rechter, joined the firm and together they collaborated on the design of important public buildings like the âMann Auditoriumâ in Tel Aviv, The Resort Hotel in Nazareth. In 1960 after Zeev Rechterâs death Yacov Rechter continued to develop and design many significant and versatile projects that included Hospitals, Hotels, University Projects, Housing, and other major projects. In 1973 Yacov Rechter won the Israel Prize for Architecture. In 1989 his son, Amnon Rechter joined the firm. After Yacovâs death in 2001, Amnon continued to design major projects in Israel and abroad and in 2009 Amnon received the prestigious award âMost influential architect in Israelâ for his continuous contribution to the architecture of culture, art & education. Today we continue to design major landmark projects. Rechter Architects are widely known and respected in Europe and the US and regarded as one of the top firms in Israel.
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Opposite page: Inner Courtyard Top: Hallway Center: West Facade Bottom left: Spa window facing west Bottom right: Auditorium stage view
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! !
Rechter Architects: 138 Atarim Sqare Tel Aviv
Ranni Ziss Architects: 143 Bialik St. Ramat Gan
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Location: Zichron Yaacov Year: 2015 Area: 18,000 sq.m Job Architects: Galia Galili, Gadi Heller, Mali Brodner, Moran Kamer, Walid Saliba Interior: United Design Partnership, Baranowitz + Kronenberg, Lea Mahler Landscape Architects: MillerâBlum Project Manager: NitzanâInbar Structural Engineer: PeriâRavin Photo: Itay Sikolsky
Utopia, Revisited Born from the socialist ideas prevalent in 1960s Israel, Yaâakov Rechterâs Brutalist masterpiece, the Mivtachim Sanitarium, is constructed of modular, concrete units that seem to hug the curves of Mount Carmel. Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, This iconic structure is a beautiful and sophisticated example of Brutalist architecture at itâs finest. With incredible detailing and spatial nuances this marvelous building is a rare piece of timeless architecture. Renovating an architectural masterpiece has many conceptual difficulties. The process involves walking on a fine line between the need to preserve the physical expression without losing the spirit, and to find the essence of the building with the freedom to change things to insure its functionality and success in the future (without losing its heart).
â«×š× × ××ס⬠Ranni Ziss
â«××× ×× ×š××ך⬠Amnon Rechter
Rechter Architects â«×š××ך ××ך×××××â¬
Ranni Ziss Architects â«×š× × ××ס ××ך×××××â¬
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â« ××ך××ÖŸ×עק×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×âךâ¬18,000 :â«×©××⬠,â« ×××× ×××××â¬:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠,â« ××× ××ךâ¬,â« ×××š× ×§×ךâ¬,â«××× ×ך××× ×šâ¬ â«×××××× ×¡××××â¬ â« × ××Š× ×¢× ×ךâ¬:â«× ×××× ××€×ק××â¬ â« ×€×š× ×š×××â¬:â«××× ×ס ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××⬠:â«××ך××××ת ×€× ××⬠United Design Partnership â«××× ××ך⬠â«××š× ××××¥ קך×× × ×ך×⬠⫠×××ך ××××â¬:â«×€×ת××⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â« ×׀ךâס××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×âךâ¬6000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ך×× ××ך×××â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠ע××תâ¬.â« ×â¬:â«×§×××⬠â«×¢× ×ךâ¬-â« × ×׊×â¬:â«×× ×× ×€×š××ק×⬠:â«××× ×ס ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××⬠â«×©××â¬-â«×©××¢×× ×â¬-â«×ך××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ×׀ךâס××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Kfar Saba Year: 2015 Area: 6000 sq.m Associate Architects: Roy Gordon Constraction: A. Amit Structure Engineer: Yaron-Shimoni-Shacham Project Manager: Nitzan-Inbar Client: Kfar Sabba Municipality Photo: Itay Sikolsky
The Kfar Saba New Auditorium and Public Library This important edifice is situated in the vibrant heart of the city and serves as an important public and cultural center. The building contains a sophisticated auditorium of 830 seats and a large stage. The hall is for theater, amplified music and classical concerts. The large transparent foyer leads also to the new city library and to two large exhibition spaces for art and archaeology. Altogether it is a contemporary dynamic public space for culture and art for the city and many people that live in the area around it.
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Rechter Architects
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â«âªRechter Architectsâ¬â¬ â«×š××ך ××ך×××××â¬
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â«âªTel Aviv Law Court Buildingâ¬â¬ â«âªThe new court building completes the existing 1965â¬â¬ â«âªCourthouse in the center of Tel Aviv. It is divided intoâ¬â¬ â«âªtwo main structures: 1) a podium that connects toâ¬â¬ â«âªthe old court. 2) The court tower which houses theâ¬â¬ â«âªchambers for the judges and the court rooms, with allâ¬â¬ â«âªthe public spaces in between. This special structure isâ¬â¬ â«âªeasily identified as a unique building in the landscape ofâ¬â¬ â«âªthe city, an important public Icon in the ever-changingâ¬â¬ â«âªTel Aviv landscape. Itâs exposed concrete s and coloredâ¬â¬ â«âªglass façades are easily identified as a symbolicâ¬â¬ â«âªgesture for a democratic space for a pluralisticâ¬â¬ â«âªsociety of equality and justice. â¬â¬ â«âªLocation: Tel Avivâ¬â¬ â«âªYear: 2015â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 33,000 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªAssociate Architects:â¬â¬ â«âªAvi Dorner, Roy Gordonâ¬â¬ â«âªArchitectural Consulting:â¬â¬ â«âªDan Eithanâ¬â¬
â«âªContraction: Sollel Bone & Electraâ¬â¬ â«âªStructure Engineer:â¬â¬ â«âªYaron-Shimoni-Shachamâ¬â¬ â«âªProject manager: Nitzan-Inbarâ¬â¬ â«â âªClient: Ministry of Financeâ¬â¬ â«âªGovernment Housingâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Itay Sikolskyâ¬â¬
â«××ק××⪠:â¬×ª×â××××⬠â«×©× ×âª2015 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠33,000 :â¬×âך⬠â«××ך××××× ××ך××××âª:â¬â¬ â«××× ×××š× ×šâª ,â¬×š×× ××ך×××⬠â«×××¢×¥ ××ך××××ת⪠:â¬×× ××ת×â¬
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â«××ת ×××©×€× ×ª×ÖŸ××××⪠.â¬×××¢××⪠:â¬××× ×× ××€××× ××€× ×××âª.â¬â¬ â«×××× ×××××⪠:â¬××¢×ך ש××€×××⪠.â¬×××× ×ש×××⪠,â¬×¢××××⪠:â¬×××ת ×ך×××תâª.â¬â¬ â«×××× ×ש×××⪠,â¬×ª×ת××⪠:â¬×××ת ׊׀×× ×עך××תâª.â¬â¬ â«âªTel Aviv Law Court Building. Top: Inner patio viewâ¬â¬ â«âªBottom Right: Judges corridor. Bottom left up: South Façadeâ¬â¬ â«âªBottom left down : North West Façadeâ¬â¬
,â«×¡×€×š×× ×ק×××ת ×¢âש ך×××š× ××××× ×¡×§×ך⬠â«×××××× ××ק×××ת ×× ×š×ª ××¢×ק ××ך××â¬
Robert and Yadelle Sklare Family library, Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee Location: Kinneret College on the sea of galilee Year: 2010 Area: 3500 sq.m Architects in Charge: Gaby Schwartz, Roy Talmon, Yulia Grinkrug, Avraham Ruthal Client: Kinneret College Photo: Amit Geron
⫠ך××¢×â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬3500 :⫠ש××â¬2010 :â« ×××××× ××ק×××ת ×× ×š×ª ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â« ×××××× ××ק×××ת ×× ×š×ª ××¢×ק ××ך×× ×Š××××â¬:â« ××ך×× ×š××× ×ק××â¬,â« ××××× ×ך×× ×§×š××â¬,â«×××××â¬
â« ×××××× ××ק×××ת ×¢×ק ××ךע××â¬,â«×ך×× ××××××× ×ª×§×©×ךת⬠Academic College of Yesreel Valley School of Media Studies ,â« ×××¢× ×××××â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬7500 :⫠ש××â¬2008 :â« ××××ת ×¢×ק ××ךע×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â« ××××× ×ק×××ת ×¢×ק ××ךע×× ×Š××××â¬,â« ×׀ק×××× ×תקש×ךתâ¬:â« ××ך×× ×š××× ×ק××â¬,â«××××× ×ך×× ×§×š××⬠Location: Yesreel Valley Academic College Year: 2008 Area: 7500 sq.m Architects in Charge: Gaby Schwartz, Gilaad Ulman, Yulia Grinkrug, Avraham Ruthal Client: Yesreel Valley Academic College Photo: Amit Geron
â« ×׳ ×××€×â¬145 â«××š× ××€×â¬
145A Yaffo Road, Haifa
â«××× ×©×ךץ⬠Gaby Schwartz
â«×× × ××¡× ×ס×ף⬠Dan Besnosoff
Schwartz Besnosoff Architects â«×©×ךץ ××¡× ×ס××£ ××ך×××××⬠Schwartz Besnosoff Architects was founded in 1984 by Prof. Arch. Gaby Schwartz and Arch. Danny Besnosoff. The firm is located in Haifa and consists of 30 employees. The firmâs work includes residential neighborhoods, hi-tech and industrial buildings, student dormitories, libraries, universities and large-scale urban planning. Since it was established, the firm has won a variety of awards, among them the Rechter Prize, the Azrieli Prize, the Ayalon Prize, and more.
'â« ×¢× ××× ×€×š××€â¬1984 â«××©×š× ×©×ךץ ××¡× ×ס××£ ××ך××××× × ××¡× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×××©×š× ××××§× ××××€× ×××ך××â¬.â«××ך' ××× ×©×ךץ ×××ך' ×× × ××¡× ×ס×ף⬠⫠×׀ך××ק××× ××× ×××€× ×××©×š× ×××××× ××× ××תךâ¬.â« ××ך×××××â¬30-â«××⬠,⫠ס׀ך××תâ¬,â« ××¢×× ×ת ס×××× ×××â¬,â« ××× × ×××ÖŸ×ק ×תעש××â¬,â«×©××× ×ת ×××ך××⬠⫠××ק××ª× ××¢× ××××â¬.â«××× ×ךס××××ת ×ת×× ×× ×¢×ך×× × ××§× × ×××× ×š××⬠,⫠׀ךס ×¢×ך××××â¬,⫠׀ךס ך××ךâ¬:â«××× ×××©×š× ×××××× ×€×š×¡×× ××× ×××⬠.â«×€×š×¡ ×××××× ××¢××â¬
Haifa Tennis Center â« ×××€×â¬,â«×ך×× ××× ×ס⬠⫠ע××š× ×©×ךץâ¬,â« × ×¢× ××€×¥â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬2000 :⫠ש××â¬2012 :â« ×××€× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×ך×× ××× ×ס ×××€× ×Š××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠Location: Haifa Year: 2012 Area: 2000 sq.m Architects In Charge: Gaby Schwartz, Noa Hefetz, Omri Schwartz Client: Tennis Center Haifa Photo: Gaby Schwartz
â« ×××€×â¬,â«×ך×× ×ס××š× ×××× ×©××××⬠Einstein Commercial Center â« ××ס ×××׊ךâ¬,⫠שך×× ××ך×â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬4500 :⫠ש××â¬2017 :â« ×××€× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××× ×©×ךץâ¬:⫠׀ך×××§× ×××× ×©×××× ×××€× ××¢"× ×Š××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠Location: Haifa Year: 2017 Area: 4500 sq.m. Architects: Gaby Schwartz, Sharon Azrad, Hadas Holtzer Client: Einstein Project Haifa Ltd. Photo: Gaby Schwartz :â«×××¢××⬠Top:
â«×׀ך ××שת×××× ×¢âש ש××× ××××× × ×××× ×××⬠Zielony Graduate Student Village â« ××"×â¬215 :⫠ש××â¬2011 :â« ×××€× ×©× ×â¬,â« ××× ×××â¬:â«(×ש×ת××£ ×ך ××ך××× ××ך×××××) ××ק××⬠⫠ע××ך ×××â¬,â« ××ך×× ×š×××â¬,â« ×¢××€×š× ×ך×××â¬,â« ××××××ך ××××â¬,â« × ×ך ×¢×××××â¬,â« ×××× ×ך ××ך×××â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â« ×××× ××× ××××× ××שך×× ×Š××××â¬,â« ×××× ×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠(In collaboration with Bar Orian Architects) Location: Technion, Haifa Year: 2011 Area: 215 units Architects: Gaby Schwartz, Gidi bar-orian, Nir Ovadia, Vladimit Melamed, Ofri Broza, Avraham Ruthal Client: Technion â Israel Institute of Technology Photo: Amit Geron
â«×©×ךץ ××¡× ×ס××£ ××ך×××××â¬
Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
â« ××ת ×ס׀ך ××Š× ×××â¬,â«×ש×××š× ×××××ך×ת⬠⫠×× ×ת ×××× ××â¬,â«×€×š××××⬠Paradive Skydiving Center â« ××ך××â¬,â« × ×¢× ××€×¥â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬2500 :⫠ש××â¬2013 :â« ×××£ ×××× ×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:⫠׀ך×××× â ××ת ס׀ך ××Š× ××× ×Š××××â¬:â« ×¢××š× ×š×××× ×ק××â¬,⫠ך××¢× ×××××â¬,â«×š×××⬠Location: Habonim Year: 2013 Area: 2500 sq.m. Architects: Gaby Schwartz, Noa Hefetz, Avraham Ruthal, Roy Talmon, Omri Rimon Client: Paradive Skydiving Center Photo: Amit Geron :â«×××¢×× ×××××⬠Top right:
C.P.C Headquarters â« ××§× ×¢×â¬,â«×¡×â¬.â«×€×â¬.â«××€×¢× ×¡×⬠,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬7500 :⫠ש××â¬2008 :â« ×€×ךק תעש××× ××§× ×¢× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××××××ך ××××â¬:⫠׊××××â¬CPC â« ××ךתâ¬:â« ××ך×× ×š××× ×ק××â¬,â« ×××¢× ×××××â¬,â«××××× ×ך×× ×§×š××⬠Location: Yokneam Year: 2008 Area: 7500 sq.m. Architects: Gaby Schwartz, Gilaad Ulman, Yulia Grinkrug, Avraham Ruthal Client: CPC Photo: Vladimir Melamed :â«×××¢×× ×ש×××⬠Top left:
Tirat Carmel Library â« ××ךת ××ך××â¬,â«×¡×€×š××× ×¢×ך×× ×ת⬠,â« × ×¢× ××€×¥â¬,â« ×××¢× ×××××â¬,â« ××× ×©×ךץâ¬:â« ×׎ך ××ך××××× ××ך×××â¬1500 :⫠ש××â¬2011 :â« ××ךת ×ך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â« ×¢×ך××ת ××ךת ×ך×× ×Š××××â¬:â« ××ך×× ×š××× ×ק××â¬,â«×š××¢× ×××××⬠Location: Tirat Carmel Year: 2011 Area: 1500 sq.m. Architects: Gaby Schwartz, Gilaad Ulman, Noa Hefetz, Roy Talmon, Avraham Ruthal Client: Tirat Carmel Municipality Photo: Amit Geron
â«×€×ת×× ×××£ ××××â¬ â« ×¢× ×©×€×ª ××× ×š×ªâ¬,â« ××× ×â¬850-â«×ª×× ×ת ××× ×× ×©× ×⬠⫠ק"×â¬2.2-â« ×××š× ×ת×× ×ת ××× ×â¬.â«×××ש×× ××××â¬ â« ×¢× ×©××¢× ×ך×× ××ש×â¬,â« ××××ת ×¢× ××××£â¬:â«×××× ××××ת⬠.â«××× ××× ×× ×Š×××ך××× ×××× ×ת ×©× ×Š××××× ×ךץ ×שך××××ªâ¬ â« × ××â¬,â« × ×× ×ך××â¬Î© â«×ת ×׀ך×××§× ××׊×× ×©×××©× × ××××⬠,⫠ק×××ת ××××ת × ×ס׀ת ××Š× ××עך××â¬.â«× ×× ×× ×× ×Š××××⬠⫠××ת××ך×ת ×¢× ×©×××â¬,â«×××××ת ש××× ×××€× ×××⬠.â« ×¢×קף ×× ×š×ªâ¬,â«××××€× ××× ×עת×××⬠⫠×××× ×ת ××ך××â¬,â«×ת×× ×ת ××××ת ×××€×× ×Š×××ך×××⬠⫠×××£ ×"ךâ¬7.5 â« ××¢×â¬,⫠שת××× × ×××¢× ×שך××× ×â¬,â«×§× ×××ªâ¬ â« ×¡× ×× ×××š× ××××× ××ת×× ×××× ××â¬.â«××× ×× ×Š×××ך×ת⬠⫠×ש×× ×× × ×׊××× ××× ××ª× ××××â¬.â« ××ך××â¬2500-â«×⬠⫠×ך××ת ××××× ×ת ××ת×× ×ª××× × ×â¬.â«×ת×× ×× ××ק××⬠.â«××ת××× × ×× ×¢× ××× ×שך××× ×â¬
Migdal Beach Development The Migdal Beach Development Located 3 kilometers from Tiberious sitting on the Sea of Galilee and is 2.2 kilometers long and is 850 Dunham. The Master plan which will have approximately 2,500 hotel rooms in approximately 15 distinct hotels at various levels of accommodations, Shopping centers, public beaches, gardens and Archeological park from the second Temple period. The project will have a promanad along the beach with easy access to the public. Within the project there are three streams that cross it with lavish local vegetation, Arbel, Nun and Tzalmon.
Location: South Migdal urban beach development Status: Under construction Imaging: Totam Imagery Photo: Architect Matti Avshalomov
â« ×€×ת×× ×××£â¬:â«××ק××⬠â«×××× ×ך××⬠⫠××ק××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×××× ×××××â¬:â«×××××ת⬠â«××× ××׊××⬠⫠××ך׳ ×ת×ת×××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«××ש×××××⬠Opposite page â Top: Migdal beach development. Bottom right: Beach view of
â« ××× ××××£ ××× ×š×ªâ¬:â« ×××× ×××××â¬.â« ×××€× ××××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬- â«××¢××× ××××⬠.Galilee Shores â« ××× ×× ××××â¬:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.Galilee Shores â«×××××â¬
Galilee Shores Hotel. Bottom left: North west view of Galilee Shores Hotel
â« ×׎ךâ¬3500 :â« ××× × ×©×× ×× ××â¬7-â« ×â¬:⫠ס×××××ת ש××â¬38 ,â«××ת ××××â¬
38 suites Hotel, Area: 7 Dunam Building area: 3500 sq.m Top: Hotel, 150 rooms, archeological park with the reconstruction of a synagogue from the Second Temple period. Developer: Arc New Gate Area: about 40 Dunam Building area: 23,000 sq.m. Top left: Boutique hotel. All units are sitting on an artificial lagoon. Developer: Azorim Area: 22 Dunam Building area: 12,500 sq.m.
â« ×€×ךק ×ך××××××× ×¢× ×©××××ך ×©× ××תâ¬,â« ××ך××â¬150 â â« ××ת ××××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠××× × ×©××â¬40-â« ×â¬:â« ×ךק × ×× ×××× ×©××â¬:â« ×××â¬.â«×× ×¡×ª ×תק×׀ת ×××ת ××©× ×⬠,â« ××ת ×××× ×¢× ×××× × ×€× ×××ת ××ש×תâ¬:â« ×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬.â« ×׎ךâ¬23,000 :â«×× ××⬠.â« ×׎ךâ¬12,500 :â« ××× × ×©×× ×× ××â¬22 :â« ××׳ ×××ך×× ×©××â¬:â« ×××â¬.⫠ס×××××תâ¬110
Center: Commercial center. Developer: Vitania Area: 11 Dunam Building area:
7,500 :â« ××× × ×©×× ×× ××â¬11 :â« ××ךת ×××ª× ×× ×©××â¬:â« ×××â¬.â« ×ך×× ×ס×ך×â¬:â«××ך××â¬
7,500 sq.m. Bottom left: Galilee Shores Hotel, lobby. Bottom right: Suite in
:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.Galilee Shores â« ××ך ×××€××¡× ×××××â¬:â« ×××× ×××××â¬.â«×׎ך⬠.Galilee Shores â«×××× ×× ××¡× ×©× ××ת ××××â¬
Galilee Shores Hotel.
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬7 â«×׳××××× ×¡×§×â¬
7 Jabotinsky St. Ramat Gan
â«×ת×ת××× ××ש×××××⬠Matityahu Avshalomov
Avshalomov Architects & City Planning â«××ש××××× ××ך××××× ×××× ×× ×¢×š××⬠Avshalomov Architects and City Planning Ltd is dedicated to providing solutions to real estate development challenges through innovative design and carefully executed construction. We are a one-stop architectural firm providing service to real estate developers. Our staff is known for professional consultancy, value-added expertise, smart cost-effective design, and long-range planning that includes a thorough knowledge of DCAP zoning, building codes and all related guidelines. Avshalomov manages with professionalism and attention to detail. We recognize that every project is unique in its challenges and goals. Our work culture, together with our emphasis on user-friendly design and new building technologies, produces results that often exceed customer expectations. Avshalomov Architects and City Planning Ltd personally oversees all contacts with local authorities, to expedite permit processing and represent our customers in other municipal matters. Our name and reputation in the field of architectural services contributes to a relationship of trust and respect.
.â« ××××× ×©×ך×ת×× ××××× × ××"× ×ק××× ××â¬,â«××©×š× ××ך××××ת ××ס׀ק ת×ת ק×ךת ×× ××ת⬠,â«×Š××ת ×××©×š× ×š× ××× ×××× ××××ת ××××¢××¥ ××ק׊××¢× ××××××××ת ××ש×ת ×¢×š× ××סף⬠⫠××××× ×××¢ × ×š×× ×× ××©× ×××ª×š× ×× ××× ××€×â¬,â« ××¢×× ××ס××× × ×ת×× ×× ×ך×× ××××â¬,â«×¢×׊×× ×××⬠⫠×קשך ×¢× ××ק×× ×¢××× ×ך×ש ס×ךâ¬.â« ×ª×§× ×ת ×× ××× ×××××× ××× ×××ת ×ך×××× ×××תâ¬,â«×ª×"ע⬠⫠תך××ת ××¢××××â¬.⫠ת×× ×ק׀×× ×¢× ×ק׊××¢××ת ×תש××ת ×× ×ך××ת ××× ×€×š×â¬,â«×¢×××€×××ת×× ×⬠⫠×× ×××ת ת×׊××תâ¬,â«×©×× × ×ש××ת ×××ש ×¢× ×¢×׊×× ××××××ª× ×××× ××××××ת ×× ××× ××ש×ת⬠⫠×שך××× × ××€×§× ××××€× ×××©× ×¢×â¬.â«×שך ×עת×× ×§×š×××ת ××£ ×¢×××ת ×¢× ×Š××€××ת ××ק××⬠⫠××××š× ×××××¥ ×ת ת×××× ×××ש×ך×× ×××××Š× ×תâ¬,â«×× ×קשך×× ×¢× ×ךש×××ת ××ק××××ת⬠⫠×××× ×××× ×©×××¡×¡× × ×ע׊×× × ×ת××× ×©×ך×ת×â¬.â«×ק×××ת×× × ×× ×ש××× ××× ×׊××€××××× ××ך××⬠.â« ××ך×ת ×× ××× ××××××â¬,â«×××ך××××ת ת××š× ××§×©×š× ×××× ××××× ×¢× ×× ×©× × ××"×â¬
â« ××ש ××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬4,500 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ×××××תâ¬:â«×××××תâ¬
Location: Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area Date: 2017 Area: 4,500 sq.m, Imaging: Totem 3D Animation
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,106 â«×©×ך×ת ×ך ׊×××â¬
â«×€×š×××§× ××× × ××× ×× ××תâס׀ך ×××¢×× ×××â¬
A Vertical School & Day Care Building Planning & designing a module for a vertical school & day care building was requested due to a lack of land reserves in densely populated communities. The design offers a school & day care with an educational statement that contribute and strengthen the link between man and the community and place by creating gathering, and engagement spaces, in different sizes, as an in out spaces that encourages different teaching methods. Integration in the urban space by using the facades on the street line and creating spaces with dual uses for the community.
106 Har Zion St. Tel Aviv
â«×ª×× ×× ××××× ××× ××ת ××ת֟ס׀ך ×× ×× ×××× × ××¢×× ××× ×× ××ע⬠.â«××××¢×× ×¢×ª×××ת ×קךקע ××ש×××× ×Š×€××€× ×××××ס××⬠â«×ת×× ×× ×׊××¢ ××ת ס׀ך ×××¢×× ××× ×©×××× ××××š× ××× ×××ת⬠â«×ש×תך×× ×××××ק ×קשך ××× ××× ××ק×× ××ק×××× ×¢"× ×׊×ךת⬠,â« ×ת×× ×¡×ת ×ש×××× ×××××× ×©×× ××â¬,â«××××× ××ק×××ת ××€×ש⬠.â«×××××× ×ק×ך×× ×××ך×××× ×××¢××××× ×ך×× ××ך×× ×©×× ××⬠â«×שת×××ת ××ך×× ××¢×ך×× × ×¢"× ×©×××ש ××××ת×ת ×××× × ×¢× ×§×⬠.â«×ך××× ××׊×ךת ××××× ×¢× ×©×××ש×× ××××××× ×¢××ך ×ק××××â¬
â«×¢×××× ×©×××⬠Amihai Sagi
â«××××ך ××××××⬠Lior Lightman
Adom Architects â«×××× ××ך×××××⬠ADOM Architects is a multidisciplinary architectural design studio. The studio is engaged in designing various projects with varies scale, in the field of education & public buildings, residential buildings and private homes. The studio aims to implement contemporary and professional architecture out of a vision that the architectural act is one of the pillars creating agenda for social & cultural development.
Top: Vertical School as a tool of strengthen the community by providing spaces on the ground floor for the community. Opposite page â Top: Daycare center located on the street line. Bottom: Outdoor daycare spaces functions as areas which encourage learning and socializing.
.â«×××× ××ך××××× ××× × ××©×š× ×ת×× ×× ××ך×××× ×š× ×ª××××⬠,â«×××©×š× ×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ×€×š××ק××× ××××× ×× ××¢×× ×§× × ×××× ××©×ª× ×⬠⫠×××©×š× ×©×××£â¬.â« ××× × ×××ך×× ××ת×× ×€×š××××â¬,â«×ת××× ××× × ×Š×××ך ×××× ××⬠â«××××©× ××ך××××ת ×¢×ש×××ת ××ק׊××¢×ת ×ת×× ×š×××× ×× ×××¢×©× ×××ך××××⬠.â«××× × ××× ××¢×××× ×ת××× ××׊×ךת ס×ך ×××× ××××š×ª× ××תך××ת×â¬
.â« ××ת֟ס׀ך ×× ×× ×××× ×××××ק ×ק×××× ×¢"× ×××ךת ××××× ×ש×××ש ×ק×××× ×ק××ת ×קךקעâ¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ××¢×× ××× ×××××§× ×¢× ×§× ×š×××â¬:â«××¢××× ××× ×××¢××⬠.â« ×××× ××××¥ ×××¢×× ××ך×××× ×××¢××××× ××××× ××××ך×תâ¬:â«××¢××× ××× ××××â¬
â« ××× ×× ××¡× ×š×× ××××× ×ק××× ×××׊ע×תâ¬:â« ×××¢×× ×××××â¬.â«×שך×× ×€×× ×××⬠⫠××××× × ××Š× ×§×ך ׊××××× ×××¢×ת שע××Š× ××××××â¬,â«×ק×× ×ת ××××× ××שך×â¬ â« ×©× × ×ך×× ××ך××ת ××¢×× ×¢×׊×× ×××××× ××¢×¥ ×קשך××â¬:â« ×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬.â«××××⬠15 â« ××× ×ך××ת ׊×ך××× ××××©× ××××š× ×ך ׀ת×× ×©×â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××× ×ק×××ת⬠.â«×§×¢×š×ת ×ךק×ת ש×× ×× ××ך××× ×¢×Š××ת⬠Panaya Offices. Top left: Two unique, custom made wooden staircases connect the three floors together. Top right: A spacious lobby facing a custom designed green wall greets visitors and employees. Bottom: At lunchtime the company serves an open salad buffet with 15 different bowls of vegetables.
â«×שך×× ×€×× ×××â¬
Panaya Offices â« ××× ×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬4,200 :â«×©××⬠)Infosys( â« ×€×× ×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Hod Hasharon Date: 2015 Area: 4,200 sq.m Client: Panaya (Infosys) Photo: Uzi Porat
â« ×€×ךק ×תעש××× ×§×סך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬20,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××ª× ××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ס××××× ×š×ק×××â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠â«×ש×ת××£ ××ך×× ××××⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Caesarea Industrial Park Date: 2015 Client: Delta Galil Area: 20,000 sq.m Interior Design: Studio Ricatti in collaboration with Auerbach Halevy Photo: Uzi Porat
â« ×××ך׀××š× ×¡×××â¬,2 â« ××ת ×ךקתâ¬,â«× ××â¬
Panaya is a high tech company that likes to invest in its workers well-being. Healthy and environmental lifestyle principles set tone for us, and are weaved through the attractive design using materials and colors. The offices span over three floors. A spacious lobby that features a uniquely designed green wall welcomes employees and visitors. The office is divided into openspace and places for formal and informal meetings. A central Work-Café serves the entire office, and two wooden staircases connect the floors. The open-space areas are exposed to natural light and the workers enjoy ergonomic chairs and adjustable tables.
â«××ךת ×€×× ××× ××× ××ךת ××× ×ק ××ק×××©× ×ש×××× ×š××× ×ש××ך×⬠⫠עקך×× ×ת ×©× ×××š× ×××× ×ך×× ××××¢×â¬.â« ×©× ×¢×××××â¬Well Being-â«×¢× ×⬠â«×××××š× ×¢×××š× × ×ת ×ך×ש×ת ××¢×׊×× ××¢××š× ×××× ××©× × ×ת×× ××¢×׊××⬠.â« ×שך×× ××××š× ×ת׀ךש×× ×¢× ×€× × ×©××ש ק×××תâ¬.â«××××§×€× ×©× ××××⬠â«××× ×× ××¡× ×š×× ××××× ×ק××× ×××׊ע×ת ×ק×× ×ת ×€× × ×××××⬠.â« ××××× × ××Š× ×§×ך ׊××××× ×××¢×ת שע××Š× ×××××× ××××â¬,â«××שך×â¬ â« ×¢× ××××× ××ש×××תâ¬,â«×©××× ××××š× ××××ק×× ××××€×֟ס׀××ס⬠Work- â«×€×ך××××× ×××€××ך×× ×ך××× ×ק×××ת ××שךâ¬-â«××××€×ש×× ×⬠⫠××©× × ×ך×× ××ך××תâ¬,â« ×ך××× ×שךת ×ת ×× ×¢×××× ×××ך×â¬Café ,â« ×××× ××××€×֟ס׀××ס ש×××€×× ×××ך ×××¢×â¬.â«×קשך×× ××× ×ק×××ת⬠.â«××¢××ך ××¢××××× × ×××š× ×ס××ת ×ך××× ××××× ×ש×××× ×ת ×ת×××× × ××â¬
â«×§××€×ס ×××ª× ××××â¬
Delta Galil Campus Founded in 1975, Delta, the Israeli textile company started out with two small workshops and became one of the biggest global companies in the field of undergarments. The companyâs values are innovation, quality and comfort, values that led our design process. Delta Galil complex spans about 20,000 sq.m. The building resembles fabric spools, one of which spreads out and connects to the logistics warehouse. An impressive geometric dome floods the building with natural light. The green campus includes the global corporate headquarters, a logistics facility, a sewing factory with advanced technology, a design center and a spacious garden.
Negev St. Bareket 2 Building, Airport City
â« ××××â¬,1975-â« ××ךת ××קס××× ××שך×××ת ש××ק×× ×â¬,â«×××ª× ××××⬠â«×ת ×ך×× ×¢× ×©×ª× ×ת׀ך×ת ק×× ×ת ×××€×× ××ך×׊ת ××©× ×× ××ע׊××⬠⫠××××× ××× ××ת ××ש××§× ××ת ××××××××ת ××ש×××ת ×××תךâ¬,â«×¢××××ת⬠,â« ×××× ××××š× ××שתת ×¢× ×××©× ×תâ¬.â«×ת××× ×××××©× ×ת×ת×× ×⬠⫠×ת×× ××ת×â¬.â«××××ת ×× ×××ת עקך×× ×ת ש×××××× ×××ª× × ×ת×× ×× ×××× ×⬠⫠×ש××× ×××â¬,â«×××× ××××ך ××ך××× ×¡×××× ××××× ×××× ××× ×× ××¢× ××⬠⫠××ך×× ×××× × ×××€× ××××××ך×תâ¬.â«× ׀ךש ×××ש×× ××××¡× ×××××ס××⬠â«×× ×ס×ת ×ש××׀ת ×ת ק×××ת ××שך××× ×××ך ×××¢× ××קשךת ×ת⬠⫠×ק××€×ס ×©× ×× × ×ª×× ×ק׀×× ×¢× ×¢×§×š×× ×ת ×©× ×× ×××â¬.â«×××× × ××××××⬠⫠×ת׀ך×â¬,â« ××ª×§× ××××ס××â¬,â«×ך××§× ×××× ×ת ××× ××××š× ××¢××××⬠.â« ×ך×× ×¢×׊×× ××× ×š×× ×××××â¬,â«×××× ×××××× ×תק××תâ¬
â«×××š× ××××⬠Ori Halevy
â«××€× × ××ך×⬠Daphna Biran
Auerbach Halevy Architects & Engineers â«××ך×× ×××× ××ך××××× ××× ×ס××⬠Since 2000, Auerbach Halevy creates innovative and award winning projects for clients in Israel and abroad, planning civic, logistics and commercial buildings and creating interior design. Founded by Architect Ori Halevy and Engineer Daphna Biran, and with a team of more than 30 employees we bring complex project to life.
â« ××ך×× ×××× ×ת×× × ×× ×€×š××ק××× ×××©× ××× ××¢××ך×â¬,2000 â«××× ×©× ×ªâ¬ ,â«×€×š×¡×× ×¢××ך ×ק×××ת ××שך×× ×××¢××× ×ת×××× ×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×××§× ×¢× ×××â¬.â« ××× × ×Š×××ך ××¢××â¬,â« ××××ס××ק×â¬,â«×ª×¢×©×××⬠â«××ך××× ×××š× ×××× ×××× ×סת ××€× × ×××š× ×ת×× ×š×Š×× ×××ך ××× ×©× ×⬠⫠×תך×× ×××©× ×תâ¬,â« ×¢×××××â¬30 â« ×××× × ××¢×â¬,⫠׊××ת ×ס×××××â¬.â«××¢××××ת⬠.â«××ק×ך××ת ×ת×× ××ת ××׊××¢ ק׀×× ××תâ¬
Delta Campus. Top: Spools of thread layered one on top of the other were the inspiration for Delta
â« ×××× × ××ש×××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â« ×ת×× ×××××ך ×׊××š×ª× ×¡×××× ××××× ×××× ××× ×× ×¢× ××× ××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×§××€×ס ×××ª× ××××â¬
Galil Campus. Center: The structure balances the office functions with the logistics function in the
â« ×××× × ××׊×â¬,â« ×× ×סף ××׊××× ×©××¢× ××§× ×ס×ת ×ק×××תâ¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«×××× ××× ×€×× ×§×Š××ת ××שך××× ××××¡× ××××שâ¬
adjoined warehouse. Bottom right: Shading is achieved by slightly shifting the floors, and by using set
â« ×ק××ת ××שך××× ××¢×××× × × ×€×š×©×ª ך׊×עת ×ס××× ××¢×××× ×××׊ךתâ¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â«×××׊ע×ת ×עך×ת ך׀׀×ת ××××××תâ¬
of oval louvers. Bottom left: From the top floor the âspoolâ is extended out to create a floating bridge
.â«×שך ×ך××£ ×××××× ××××¡× ×©×¢×××£ ××€× ×××â¬
into the warehouse.
⫠ש××× ×ª ×××ך××â¬- â«×§××××¥ ס×ס×⬠68 â«×©××× ×ª ××××ך×× ××××©× ×ק××××¥ ס××¡× × ××¢×× ×ש×ך×× ×××ך ××××š× ×ק××××¥ ×××× ×⬠⫠××׊ע×â¬,⫠ת×× ×× ×××××× ××××× ××â¬,â« ××××ש ×׀ך××ך××â¬.â« ×"ךâ¬140-â«××"× ××ÖŸ×ש׀×ת××ת ×× ×ת ×⬠â«××©× × ×©×××× ××ש×ת××£ ×€×¢××× ××× ×¢× ××ס××ת ×ק××××¥ ××××× ×¢×׊×× ×××××× ××€× ×××××⬠⫠×שת×××ת ××××€××ך׀××â¬:⫠עקך×× ×ת ×ת×× ××â¬.â«××׊ע ××¢×××× ×€×š×× ×ת ××× ××שת×× ××⬠⫠ש×××š× ×¢× ×¢×š×× ×× ××£ ××׊×××â¬.â«××××ך×ת ××Š×š× ×©×©× ××××× ×©×× ×× ××××ךת ××שת×× ××⬠⫠×׊×ךתâ¬.â«××ת××× ×׊×ךת ׀תך×× ×ת × ××€××× ×ש×××ך ע׊×× ×§××××× ×ש××××× ×ת×× ×ת ×××× ××⬠⫠×ש×××ש ×ש׀ת ××××ך××â¬,â«×¡×××× ×§×××׊×ת ×××׊ע×ת ש×××× ××××× ×š×× ××€×× ×ת ××€×ש⬠ESB â« ×××€×× ×ק×××× ×××׊ע×ת ש××ת ××× ××â¬.⫠ש××××× ××× ×××××â¬- â«×ק×××ת ×××× × ×ק×××ץ⬠.â« ×׊×קת ×××× ×¢× ×§×קךâ¬- ⫠ק×ך×ת ×××× ×××××××â¬-
⫠ק××××¥ ס×ס×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015-2006 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠ק××××¥ ס×ס×â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××× ×â¬35 :â«×©××⬠,â« ×ךס×××× ×קך×â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×€×××š× ×¡×× ××××â¬ â« ×š× ×€××ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Kibbutz Sasa - Residential Neighborhood The new residential neighborhood in Kibutz Sasa provides upgraded housing for kibbutz members. Consisting of 68 units in two-family houses, each 140 sq.m. The building program, residential design and construction were carried out in two phases and in full cooperation with the Kibbutz committees, while the interior design was planned with the residents individually. Design principles: Integration with natural sloping topography â resulting in six building modules flat and leveled. Preservation of existing landscape and vegetation and integration of existing trees into the site plan. Creating a rural Kibbutz environment through pedestrian paths and meeting areas, and use of stone and concrete as the design language of the new neighborhood. Climate control using ESB building method â insulating concrete walls.
2280300 â« ×××× ×עך××â¬.â«× â¬.â« ×â¬,â«×§××××¥ ××××× ×××××תâ¬
Kibbutz Lohmei Hagetaot
Location: Kibbutz Sasa Date: 2006-2015 Area: 35,000 sq.m Client: Kibbutz Sasa Architects: Graciela Vakrat, Florencia Maidan Photo: Raz Fireman
â«×ךס×××× ×קך×⬠Graciela Vakrat
â«×××× ××× ×¡â¬ Eyal Mines
Atelier dâArchitecture â«×××××× ×××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××⬠Atelier dâ Architecture, was founded in Kibbutz Lohmei Hagetaot in 1999 by architects Eyal Mines and Graciela Vakrat. With a staff of 6 architects and designers, the office is experienced in site planning, architecture and interior design of residential, commercial, industrial and public projects. Our clients include homeowners, municipalities, councils, kibbutzim and industries.
â« × ××¡× ×ק×××¥ ××××× ×××××ת ש×××××â¬,â«"××××××" ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××⬠⫠×××× × ×©×ש×â¬1999-â«××עך×× ×¢"× ××ך××××× ×××× ××× ×¡ ××ךס×××× ××§×š× ×⬠⫠××ס××תâ¬,â« ×××©×š× ×¢×סק ××ך×××ת ×ק×××׊××â¬.â«××ך××××× ××× ×ס×××⬠⫠×× ××× × ×××ך×× ×××â¬,â« ××× × ×ª×¢×©×× ××שך×××â¬,â« ××× × ×Š×××ךâ¬,⫠ס׀ך××תâ¬,â«××× ××⬠⫠ק×××׊××â¬,â« ××ע׊×תâ¬,â« ××× ×ק×××ת×× × ×¢×ך××תâ¬,â«××××€×× ×ת×"×¢ ×××××¢××¥ × ××ש×ת⬠.â«×××€×¢××× ×׊׀×× ××× ×ק×××ת ׀ך××××â¬
Main street view â new neighborhood.
.â«××× ×׊×ך ×ª× ××¢× ×š××©× ×ש××× × ××ש×â¬
Location: Rishon Lezion Date: 2017 Size: 150,000 sq.m In collaboration with David Azrieli Architects Partners in Charge: Amir Mann, Asaf Mann Project Architects: Stas Kolik Liran Ben-Ami, Noam Safra, Yael Oppenheim, Roy Boaron Client: Azrieli Group Photo: Gal Dern
Location: Jerusalem Status: under construction Size: 45,000 sq.m Design Architect: Herzog & de Meuron Architects Executive Architect: Amir Mann | Ami Shinar Architects Executive Partners in Charge: Amir Mann, Asaf Mann Executive Project Architects: Ofir Zak, Liran Ben-Ami, Noam Safra Client: The Natl Library Construction Company (CC) Image: Herzog & de Meuron
⫠ך×ש××ÖŸ×׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬150,000 :â«×©××⬠â«×ש×ת××£ ×¢×⬠â«××× ×¢×ך×××× ××ך×××××⬠:â«×©×ת׀×× ××ך×××⬠⫠×סף ××â¬,â«×××ך ××⬠,⫠ס××ס ק×××קâ¬:â«×š××©× ×Š××ת⬠,â« × ××¢× ×¡×€×š×â¬,â«×××š× ×× ×¢××⬠⫠ך×× ×××ך××â¬,â«××¢× ×××€× ××××⬠⫠ק××׊ת ×¢×ך××××â¬:â«×××××⬠⫠×× ×ך×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬45,000 :â«×©××⬠:â«×¢×׊×× ××ך××××⬠â«×ך׊×× ××× ×ך××⬠â«××ך×××××⬠:â«××ך××× ××ך×× ×שך×××⬠â«×××ך ×× | ×¢×× ×©× ×¢×šâ¬ â«××ך×××××⬠â«×©×ת׀×× ××ך×××⬠,â« ×××ך ××â¬:â«×שך××××⬠â«×סף ××⬠:â«×š××©× ×Š××ת ×שך××××⬠⫠×××š× ××֟ע××â¬,â«×××€×ך ×ק⬠â«× ××¢× ×¡×€×š×⬠⫠××××š× ××× ×××â¬:â«××××××⬠)â«×ס׀ך××× ××××××ת (××׎׊⬠⫠×ך׊×× ××× ×××ך××â¬:â«×××××â¬
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,67 â« ×××× ××××â¬,â«×× ××× ××××××â¬
Azrieli âRishonimâ Center, Rishon Lezion The new retail and office complex recently opened, presents a unique approach to its overall design: Oneness. The long horizontal mass of the shopping mall seems to hover above ground, flowing upward and merging with the towerâs vertical volume, a grand silhouette expressing its dynamics and energy. This total design is enhanced by the use of only two types of materials: glass screen facades and a continuous origami-like skin, cladded by triangular aluminum panels. The skin is âfoldedâ and âcutâ, merging the architectural masses and introducing light through wooden-cladded excavated-like openings to the interior.
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The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,â«×ס׀ך××× ××××××תâ¬
The new library building, to be built next to the Knesset and the Israel Museum, will be a link between the cultural and civic buildings of the Ben Gurion Campus. The treasures of the Library, to be preserved in underground stacks, will form the foundation of the building â âthe Book Wellâ, are visible to all through a central void. Glass walls at the bottom two floors, display the libraryâs content and activities to the street. Above, a carved stone cladded space, consisting of offset circles and culminating in a large circular skylight which enables natural light to penetrate the reading room, binds the project together. The sculptural form of the upper volume is a singular carved stone shaped as if eroded by time, reflecting the massive quality of Jerusalemâs historical architecture. The form is strong yet humble to the Knesset and its surroundings.
â« ×שך ×××§× ×ס××× ××ש×× ××× ×¡×ª ×××××××××â¬,â«×× ××× ×ס׀ך××× ×××ש⬠⫠××××× ××××× ×קשךת ××× ××× × ×תך××ת ×××× ×××ס××תâ¬,â«×שך××⬠⫠ק×ך×ת שק××€×× ×××¡× ××× ×××â¬.â«×××ך×××× ×©× ×§×š××ת ×××ש××⬠⫠××× ××â¬,â«××ש׀×× ×ת ת××× ×ס׀ך××× ××€×¢×××××ת×× ××¢××ך×× ×ש×××⬠.â« ××× ×©×××× ×ש×××ש ×׊×××ךâ¬,â«××× ×©× ×Š××× ××ךץ שס××××⬠â«× ×€×× ××¢×××× ×©× ××× ××× ××× ××€××¡× ×××× ××××׀ת ×©× ××ך×× ××â¬ â« × ×××¢ ×××ך××××תâ¬,â« ×××× ×©××× ×××š× ×× ×קךקעâ¬,â«×¡××× × ××××⬠⫠×××××€× ×××â¬,â« ××ך×× ××× ×קע×ך ×××××â¬.â«×××ס××ך×ת ×©× ×ך×ש×××⬠⫠סק×××××× ××¢××× ×××××ך ××ך ×××¢× ×× ×××××ת ×קך×××â¬,â«××£ ×××⬠â«××ך×× ×¢× ×"××ך ×ס׀ך××" â ×××××× ×תת ×§×š×§×¢× ××××× ××⬠.â«×©××ך×× ××׊ך×ת ×ס׀ך××× ×שך ×ך×ש×× × × ×š××× ××¢×× ××â¬
Toyota Building, 67 Yigal Alon St. Tel Aviv
.⫠ש×× ×תע××€× ×¢×Ž×© ×××× ××סף ך×××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××⬠.â« ×ס׀ך××× ××××××תâ¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ×ך×× ×¢×ך××××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠Opposite Page: The Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport, Timna.
Top: Azrieli âRishonimâ Center, Rishon Lezion. Bottom: The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem
â«×××ך ××⬠Amir Mann
â«×¢×× ×©× ×¢×šâ¬ Ami Shinar
â«×סף ××⬠Asaf Mann
â«× ××¢× ××××××⬠Noam Zevulun
Amir Mann | Ami Shinar Architects & Planners â«×××ך ×× | ×¢×× ×©× ×¢×š ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××⬠The architectural firm of Amir Mann â Ami Shinar, with a staff of 40 architects, presently leads the design and planning of significant projects such as the new Ramon International Airport for Eilat, the recently opened Azrieli âRishonimâ Commercial Center and Office Tower, the National Library (in collaboration with Herzog and DeMeuron Architects), the Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Red Line Train Depot, and the âCubeâ Residential Towers, reinventing conventional housing projects. Lately the firm completed the City Masterplans of Beer Sheva, Ashkelon and the much anticipated Haifa Waterfront Project. Since its creation 26 years ago, the firm has presented a wide array of high-tech office buildings, residential neighborhoods, and much more, all with an unending drive for originality and perfectionism in architectural design and urban planning.
â« ××××× ×××× ×€×š××ק×××â¬,â« ××ך×××××â¬40 â« ×××× ×â¬,â«×שך×× ×©× ×××ך ×× ××¢×× ×©× ×¢×šâ¬ â« ×ך××â¬,â«×ש××¢×ת××× ××× ×©×× ×תע××€× ×××× ××××× ×ת×× ×¢ ××××× ×× ×©××⬠⫠×ש×ת××£ ××©×š× ×ך׊××â¬,â« ×ס׀ך××× ××××××תâ¬,â«×¢×ך×××× ×š×ש×× ×× ×ך×ש×"׊⬠⫠ת×× ×ª ××§×Š× ×××× ××× ×ת׀ע×××â¬,â« ×× ××× ××©×š× ××ש׀××× ××ך×ש×××â¬,â«×××ך××â¬-â«×××⬠⫠×× ××× × "×ק××××ת" ××××ך××â¬,⫠׎××€×××× ××׎ ××××€×â¬,â«×©× ××§× ××××× ××€×ª× ×ª×§×××⬠⫠××שק×××â¬,â« ×××©×š× ×ש××× ×××ך×× × ×× ×ת ת×× ××ת ××ת×ך ×××ך֟ש××¢â¬.â«××¢××⬠⫠××¢×××â¬,â« ×©× ×â¬26 â« ××€× ×â¬,â« ××× ×ק×ת×â¬.â«××ת ת×× ×ת ×××ת ××× ××¢×ך×× ×ת ××××€×⬠⫠×××× × ×¢×©× ××ת×ך×â¬,⫠ש××× ×ת ×××ך×× ××¢××â¬,â«×××©×š× ×©××š× ×©× ×× ××× × ×××ק⬠.â«×ת××ת ××׊××× ×ת ×××ק×ך××תâ¬
⫠ת×× ×¢â¬,â«×©×× ×תע××€× ×××× ××××× ×¢âש ×××× ××סף ך×××⬠⫠ע×× ×©× ×¢×š ××ך×××××â¬,â« ××š× × ×Š×ךâ¬,â« ×××ך ××â¬,â«××©× ×Š×ך⬠â«") ×××× ×× ×××â¬Greenfield"( â«××× ×ש×× ×××ך×× ×ך×ש×× ×©× ×× × ××שך×× ×× ××ס××⬠,'â« ×â¬3600 â« ×ש×× ×ס××× ××ך×× ×× ×××ª× ×××ך×â¬.â«×׀ך××ק×× ××× ××× ××××××× ××ךץ ××××⬠⫠××שך ×××× × ××ך××× ××× × ××תâ¬,â« ××× × ×ª××â¬,â« ×××× ×€×ק××â¬,⫠ך×××ת ×××ס××â¬,â«×ס××× ×סע×⬠⫠××× × ×ש×× ××¢×׊××× ××©×€× ××ך××××ת ××××× ×ש×××ת ×שך××ª× ×ס××¢×â¬.â«×× ×ª×××ת⬠.â«××××ך ××× ××£ ××ך××× ×©× ××š× ×××× ×××¢××× ×תע××€× ×× ×§×©×š ×××× ××××××ת ×ת׀ת××ת⬠⫠××××€×â¬,â«×§×××€×××׊×× ×©× ××ך×' עת××× × ××× ××××ך â ס××š× ×©× ××× × ×§×××× ××××ת×××⬠⫠××××××× ×§×ך×ת ×תקך×ת ×××ש×××ת ×××× ×¢× ×× ×ªâ¬,â«×××××× ××× ××× ×××××ת ×ש××ש××⬠⫠ש×××ת ×××××××ך×× ×©× ××ת ×× ×ª×××ת × ×€×š×Š×ª ×¢× ××× ×§×ך×תâ¬."â«××׊×ך ×××€×× "ש××××⬠⫠××××× ×ס××¢ ×××××š× ×שךâ¬- â« ×××× × ××Š× ×¢× ×¢×Š××â¬.â«××¡× ×¢××ך ×× ×ס×ת ××׊ך×ת ××€× ××⬠⫠ק×ך×תâ¬,â«×š×××ך××תâ¬-â« ×× ××¢×׊×× ××€× ××× ×××× ××ש×ך×× ×××××ת ××â¬.â«×¢××Š× ×¢× ××× ××××ת ×××ע⬠.â«×תקך×ת ××××€× ××××ת ××××ק ××¢××××× ××××× ×¢×Š× ××©× ××××ךâ¬
The Ilan and Asaf Ramon International Airport, Timna Amir Mann, Moshe Zur, Ami Shinar, Orna Zur Architects The new International Airport serving Eilat and the Red Sea is one of the largest national projects at present, and Israelâs first civil airport built from scratch (âGreenfieldâ). It features a 3,600 m long runway and taxiway, aprons and support structures, at the center of which is the Terminal. A futuristic desert mirage â the entire airport is unified under one total architectural language, its inspiration drawn from the minimalist yet awesome desert surrounding, the world of aviation and technology. The Terminal Building is a self shading volume, shaped by the movements of incoming and outgoing traffic, similar to the desert boulder shaped by the forces of nature. Itâs exterior cladding is continuous from wall to roof creating a unified whole, which is cut into by glass facades allowing for entrances and landscaped courtyards. These divide the building into airside and landside, departures and arrivals, all encased under one singular and continuous wooden cladded interior space. Location: Timna Status: under construction Site: 1250 acres Built Area: 60,000 sq.m Project Manager: Amir Mann Partners in Charge: (AMAS) Amir Mann, Noam Zevulun; (MZ) Moshe Zur, Ori Gat Lead Design: Asaf Mann, Liran Ben-Ami, Shmaya Tzarfati Project Architects: Jacob Tirosh, Slavik Chokler, Kobi Ezra Client: Israeli Airport Authority
⫠ת×× ×¢â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠××× ×â¬5,000 :â«×©×× ××ךש⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬60,000 :â«×©×× ×× ××⬠⫠×××ך ××â¬:â«×š×ש ׊××ת ×ת×× ××⬠:â«×©×ת׀×× ××ך×××⬠;â« × ××¢× ××××××â¬,â«(×× ×©× ×¢×š) ×××ך ××⬠⫠×××š× ×תâ¬,â«(׊×ך) ××©× ×Š×ך⬠,â« ×××š× ××֟ע××â¬,â« ×סף ××â¬:â«××××ת ×¢×׊××⬠â«×©××¢×× ×Š×š×€×ª×⬠,â« ××¢×§× ×ª×ך×שâ¬:â«×š××©× ×Š××ת⬠⫠ק××× ×¢×ך×â¬,â«×¡×××ק ׊'×ק×ך⬠⫠ךש×ת ש××ת ×תע××€× ××שך××â¬:â«×ק××â¬
⫠ק××€×ס ×××× ××ךס×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬,â« ××עת ך×â¬,â«××¢×ך×ת⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬18,500 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ך×× ××××¢× ×××× ×©×â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×××× ××ךס××× ××¢×ך×ת⬠â«× ת×â¬-â« ×××ת ש××€××â¬:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠F+P :â«×××××ת⬠⫠ע××š× ××ס××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Hebrew University, Givat Ram Campus, Jerusalem Date: 2017 Area: 18,500 sq.m Client: The Hebrew University Brain Research Center Head Architect: Galit Shifman-Nathan Visualization: F+P Photo: Omri Amsalem
.â« ××× ×׊׀×× ×עך×â¬:â«××¢××× ×××× ×××¢××⬠⫠××× ××׊ך ×××××â¬:â«××¢××× ×××× ××××⬠⫠×ש×××â¬,â« ××× ×׊׀××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×§××ת×ת⬠.⫠ךשת × ××ך×× ××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××× ×§××€×ס×⬠.⫠ק××¢ ×××ת ×××€×ס×â¬:â«××××⬠Opposite Page Top: View from North-West. Opposite Page Bottom: View of Social Hub and Inner Courtyard. Top: View From North, Campus Main Trail. Center: Neuron Screen. Bottom: Facade segment.
â«×ך×× ××××× × ××××× ×¡×€×š×⬠â«××××¢× ××××⬠â«××ך×× ××××§× ×ק××€×ס ××עת ×š× ×©× ×××× ××ךס×××⬠⫠ת××× × ×ש×ת××£ ×¢× ××©×š× ×××ך×××××â¬,â«××¢×ך×ת ××ך×ש×××⬠⫠××× ××× ×שת×× ×××× ××â¬.Foster + Partners â«××ך×××⬠â«×©× ק××€×ס ××עת ×š× ××¢××Š× ×¡××× ×׊ך ×€× ×××ת ×××××⬠â«×××׀שך×ת ס×××× ××××ת ×××€×ש×× ××× ×ª×××× ××ע⬠.â«×©×× ×× ×××× ×׊×ךת ×ך×× ××קך ××× ×ך××ס׊××€××× ×š×⬠-â« ×ך×× ××××ת ××ך×× ×××קך ׀ך×â¬,â«××× ××× ××××× ××¢×××ת⬠⫠×ק××ת ×קךקע ×©× ××× ××× ×××ק××ת ××€×× ×§×Š××תâ¬.â«×§××× ×⬠⫠××ך×â¬,â« ××××××ך×××â¬,â« ××ך××ת ××× ×תâ¬,â«×׊×××ך××ת ×××× ×¡×€×š××⬠.⫠ק׀××ך×× ×××××ת ××××× ×ס×ך׊××â¬,â« ××ת×ת ×××××â¬,â«×¡××× ×š××⬠â«××ש ×š× × ××ª× ×ת×× ×× ××××××ª× ×ס×××× ×¢× ×€××××ת × ××××ת⬠⫠ש×××× ×××× ××× ×××©× ××× ×××××ת ××â¬,â«×©× ××× ××××⬠â«×× ×€×ª× ××ת×× ××ª× ×× ××× ×××××ך ××××€×× ××××ת ×ס××ת⬠â«×××××× ××× ××××××ת ש׀×ת×× ××××Š×¢× ×¢× ××× ××ךת⬠.â«××××עשת ××שך×ת ×× ××ך×× ×× ×©× ××××â¬
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences The Brain Research Center is located in the Givat-Ram campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Building is designed in collaboration with the renowned British firm Foster + Partners. The building fits into the fabric of Givat-Ram and designed around a courtyard and a social hub which create a suitable environment for interdisciplinary research atmosphere. The building houses a variety of laboratories, administration, auditorium, seminar rooms and a library. Emphasis is placed on environmentally friendly design, a dynamic roof and a metal aluminum skin which was developed and carried out by Alumeshet that resembles the brain neurons.
9108202 â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,8334 .â«×â¬.⫠תâ¬,6 â«×× ×ך×׊××â¬
6 Yad Harutzim St. P.O.Box 8334, Jerusalem 9108202
â«×××× ×ך⬠Yuval Baer
â«× ת×â¬-â«×××ת ש××€××⬠Galit Shifman-Nathan
YBGSNA Baer, Shifman-Nathan Architects â«× ×ª× ××ך×××××â¬-⫠ש××€××â¬,â«×ך⬠Our architectural practice has accumulated wide experience in significant public projects for universities, public institutions and local authorities. We provide architectural services in research, development of urban strategies in complex contexts, sustainable building design, historic preservation and more on the scale of both national and international projects.
â«×שך××× × ×Š×ך ××××š× ××©× ×× × ×ס××× ×š× ×׀ך××ק××× ×Š×××ך××× ×¢××ך⬠⫠×××©×š× ××ש×ך××â¬.â« ××ס××ת ׊×××ך ×ךש×××ת ×ק××××תâ¬,â«××× ××ךס××××ת⬠⫠׀×ת×× ×©× ×ס×ך××××ת ×¢×ך×× ××ת ××קשך×× ×¡×××ת×××â¬,â«×××××××× ×××קך⬠⫠ת×× ×× ××× ××â¬,â« ×× × ×ס׀ק×× ×©×ך××ª× ×ª×× ×× ×ת×× ××ת ×× ××ת×ךâ¬.â«××ך××××⬠⫠ע×׊××â¬,⫠ש×××ך ×ש×××ך ××× ×× ××ס××ך×××â¬,â«××ך×××× ×¢× ×עך××ת ××××ת⬠⫠×× ××ת ×××××× ×š×× ×©× ×€×š××ק××× ×××××§×€× ×× ××â¬,â«×€× ×× ××× ×× ×ך×ק×⬠.â«×©×× ×× ××ךץ ×××¢×××â¬
â«×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת⬠⫠×ת×× ×¢×׀ךâ¬- â«×× ×Š×š×ª ×¢×××ת⬠â«×ת××ש×ת ××ך×× ×עסק×× ×ך××©× ×©× × ×Š×š×ª ×¢×××ת⬠⫠תעס××§× ×ש×××× ×Š×××ך×××â¬,â«××ש×× ×××ך×× ×ס×ך⬠â«×€×ª×××× ×ס××××ת ×קך××ת ×××ש×× ×ת×× ×ª ×ך××ת⬠.â«×ק×× ×עת×××תâ¬
Nazareth Illit Urban Renewal â Ofer Complex The project proposes redevelopment to Nazareth Illit main business center. The project combines land uses of residence, retail, and open public spaces. The Ofer complex is adjacent to the government quarters and future light rail station. Location: Nazareth Illit Date: 2017 Area: 17,000 sq.m Client: B. Keren holdings Architects: Eli Gutman, Itay Gur Imaging: Ariel Landau
â« × ×Š×š×ª ×¢×××תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬17,000 :â«×©××â¬ â« ×§×š× × ×ס××â¬.â« ×â¬:â«×ק××⬠,â« ××× ×××××â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×××ª× ××ך⬠⫠×ך××× ×× ×××â¬:â«××××××â¬
.â« ×ת×× ×¢×׀ךâ¬- â«×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת ×× ×Š×š×ª ×¢×××ת⬠⫠××¢×× ×ת ס×××× ××× ××¢× ×××תâ¬,â«×¢×ך×× ×©× ×××š×©× ×¡×€×ך×⬠.â«×ס×ך×ת ××××× ×××ך×× ××× ××¡× ××ך×××ת ××ת×× ×¢×׀ך⬠Nazareth Illit Urban Renewal â Ofer Complex. Mixed uses of sport playing courts and studentâs dorms above commercial façade and resident tower of Ofer complex south entrance.
â«×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת ×ת××⬠â«×©×ק ××ך×⬠â«×€×š×××§× ×ש×ק ××××§× ××¢×ך ×××š× ×ת׀ך ש×××⬠â«×©××× ×ת ××€×ךק (×××ך×) ××ך×× ××¢×ך (××עך×) ×¢×⬠⫠××××× ×××׊ך ×××§× ×¢×ך×× ×â¬.â«×Š××š× ×ª× ××¢× ×ך×××××⬠â«×ש××¢××ª× ××ש×× ×ס×ך ×תעס××§× ×ק×××ת ××ס×⬠⫠××× ×עקך×× ×ת ×ת×× ××â¬.â«××××× ×××ך×× ××¢×××⬠â«××ש×××× ×××תך ××× ×ª×× ×× ×ס×ך ×××× ×š×××⬠â«××× ×Š× ×ת ××€×ס×× ×ש×× ×× ××××׊ך ××××× ××× ×××××⬠.â«××תק××××× ××× ×€× ×× ××××¥â¬
Hadera Market Urban Renewal. View from the lower street level on the new
â« ××× ×××€×ס ך××× ×ª×ת××â¬.â«×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת ×ת×× ×©×ק ××ך×â¬
market structure, combining retail, offices and residence.
.â«×¢× ××× × ×ש×ק ×××ש ××ש×× ×ס×ך תעס××§× ××××ך××â¬
Hadera Market Urban Renewal The market is located in the city of Hadera, connecting the park neighborhoods (east) and the city center (west), adjacent to major transportation routes. The project defines a new urban core, containing mixed uses of retail and offices in the ground levels and residence tower on top. One of the main planning principles in the project is Retail Oriented Development, which uses the street different levels to create dynamic volumes between the interior and exterior. Location: City Center, Hadera market Year: 2016 Area: 30,000 sq.m Client: Royal Upscale Dwelling Architects: Chen Toker, Andrea Melli Imaging: Totem
â« ×××€×â¬,1 â«×××€×â¬
,â« ×ך×× ××¢×ךâ¬:â«××ק××⬠â«×©×ק ××ך×⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬30,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ך×××× ×× ××× × ××קך×â¬:â«×ק××⬠,â« ×× ××קךâ¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×× ×ך××× ×××⬠⫠××××â¬:â«××××××â¬
1 Hagefen St. Haifa
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,67 â«×××× ××××â¬
67 Igal Alon St. Tel Aviv
% <
)â«××××š× ××ך (×"×⬠Giora Gur
â«×¡×××× ××ך⬠Sylvie Gur
â«×× × ××ך⬠Lena Gamer
â«×¢×××§× ×××¢×⬠Amikam Vadai
â«××××ך ×××ך××⬠Lior Achiron
â«×××ª× ××ך⬠Itay Gur
â«×× ×× ××ך ××××ש××××⬠Tania Gur Goldstein
Giora Gur & Partners Architects â«××××š× ××ך ×ש×ת׳ ××ך×××××â¬
Giora Gur & Partners Architects is one of largest architectural firms In Israel, with offices in Haifa and Tel Aviv. The firm specializes in urban planning, residential, public, commercial and interior design.
â« ××ך×â¬,⫠ש××× ×ª ××€×ךקâ¬,â«×××× ××⬠⫠ת×× ×× × ×××××× ×©× ×××× × × ××× ××ך׊×× ××׊×ךâ¬.â«×ª×× ×× ××ך×× × ××××ך××⬠⫠××× ×××š× ×××× × ×ª×× ×× ×©×× ×â¬.â«×ª×××©× ×©× ××ת ׀ך×× ×ת×× ××ת ×ש×תף⬠⫠ק×ך ×ך×קâ¬.â«××× ×× ×ך׀סת ××××× ××ת××× × ×ª ×ש×ת ×ך××× ××׀׊××× ×××ת⬠â«×¢×©×ך ×׊××××× ××××× ×š××× ×ך××§× ××× ××¡× ××× ××× ×× ××ª× ×××ת ×××××ת⬠.â«××× ×× ××× ××× ×××â¬
Vila V, Park Residential Quarters, Hadera Urban and detailed planning. In transition between low rise private housing on one side and high rise apartments on the other, the concept for these buildings was to plan âvillasâ in a middle density setting. Each apartment is of different design with private terraces designed to allow for optional swimming pools. Individualization of each building occurs through the planting patterns chosen for the green wall that ushers the residents into their house.
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â« ××ך×â¬,⫠ש××× ×ª ××€×ךקâ¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××"×â¬300 â« ×"ךâ¬76,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠׀ס××ת ×שך××â¬,YBOX :â«×ק××⬠,â« ××××ך ×××ך××â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×× ×ך××× ×××⬠Studio 84 :â«×××××⬠'â« ×× ×ךק××××¥â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Park Residential Quarters, Hadera 300 dwelling units Area: 76,000 sq.m Client: YBOX Architects: Lior Achiron, Andrea Melli Imaging: Studio 84 Photo: Hen Berkoviz
Vila V. Top: View from square.
.â« ××× ×ת×× ××××ך ×× ×׀ך××ק×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×××× ××â¬
Bottom: Night view.
.â« ×××××ת ××××â¬:â«××××â¬
Koi What guided the planning process was the will to create an enveloping residential block where the buildings surround a courtyard with a unique landscape design. The design of the courtyard comprises a topographic garden, at the heart of a wooden deck surrounding, topped with an ecological pond. The whole of the landscape design is inspired by traditional Japanese style of design. The enveloping building, seven stories high and comprising of 58 residential units, is terraced upwards up to its half, then slopes down in two stories. Right under the partial terraced wing and in front of the entrance there is a big opening, two stories high, which enables more airing and openness into the courtyard.
â« ××ך×× ×××××â¬,â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬.â«×§××⬠⫠××× ×× ××× ××¡× ×ך×ש×תâ¬:â«×××××⬠⫠××× ×× ××׊ךâ¬:â« ××ך×× ×ש×××â¬.â«×××ך×⬠.â«××€× ×××ת⬠Koi. Upper right, Center right and bottom: veiw to the main entrance from the east. Center left: view to the courtyard.
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â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬23,614 :â«×©××⬠⫠×׀ך××ך ×× ×× ××שקע×תâ¬:â«×××⬠⫠××× ×§×××â¬:â«××ך××××ת × ×ף⬠N-TRACE :â«×××××ת⬠Location: Herzliya Date: 2017 Area: 23,614 sq.m Developer: Afridar Construction and Investments Co. Landscape Architect: Leah Cullen Imaging: N-TRACE
29 â«×¡××××â¬
29 Sutin St. â« ×ª× ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬14,658 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ךת × ××× ×©×ס×ךâ¬:â«×××⬠⫠××××¢× ×ך × ×¡â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 14,658 sq.m Developer: Neve Shuster Co. Photo: Aviad Bar Ness
63571 â« ×ª× ××××â¬,109 â«××ךק××â¬
The project is a 28 stories high residential tower, that has three apartments per floor, 74 apartments in total, what leads to a slim building with triangular morphology. All the apartments face westwards towards the sea and the balconies comprises a sharp triangular shape that correspond and accentuate the buildingâs geometry. In the upper third of the building the repetitive pattern of the typical floors transforms to a new pattern of double level open spaces which are the penthouses. The slimness of the tower is enhanced by the metal pillars that shoot up and are deployed alongside the building walls. (Rothman-Raz)
109 Hayarkon St. Tel Aviv
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â«××××š× ×š××××⬠Giora Rothman
â«×××× ×š××××⬠Yoav Rothman
â«×××š× ×¡××ך×× ×⬠Yoram Sivroni
Giora Rothman Architects â«××××š× ×š×××× ××ך×××××⬠The guideline of the firmâs architectural thinking is that of unapologetic functionalism along with the striving for the optimization of the dwelling experience. We inspire to combine, right from the beginning of the planning process, economical thought with proper sensitivity for the public space and for the passerbyâs place, in each of our projects. In the firmâs history of practice there is a wide range of projects in Israel and abroad, in the fields of residential, commercial and urban planning. The office is headed by Giora Rothman, who is an active and prominent member in the practice for the last forty years. Alongside Giora in leading the firm, is his partner Yoram Sivroni who has seniority as an architect in Israel and Europe, and Gioraâs son, architect Yoav Rothman.
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.â« ××× ×× ×××ת ×עך××תâ¬:â« ×××××â¬.29 â«×¡××××⬠.â« ××× ××× ×¡××××â¬:â«×ש×××⬠29 Sutin. Right: view to western facade. Left: view from Sutin Garden.
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Yad Vashem â International School for Holocaust Studies Several components constituted the architectural creation: Natural light â The soft, uniform light enters the building first through the northern glass covered facade; In addition there are inner courtyards that accompany the southern structure. Above all is the light from the roof, which provides the strongest expression of time through the changing light of the different hours and seasons, Structural Situations â creation of pre-structured situations. The person as the center of the spatial human experience Rest and introversion â areas for rest and introversion Monumental and Intimate â The central axis has a monumental dimension together with intimate corners running parallel. Transparency â The building locks within many situations of transparency. Structure â Structure of components accumulated in time, which create a sense of condensation, of whole and of a part as one. The project won the 2012 âRechter Prizeâ for Architecture. Location: Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Date: 2013 Area: about 10,000 sq.m Client: Yad Vashem Architects: David Guggenheim, Daniel Mints Photo: Yael Engelhart
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,â« ×× ×ש×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬10,000-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×× ×ש×â¬:â«×ק××⬠,â« ××× ×××× ××××â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×× ××× ××× ×¥â¬ â« ××¢× ×× ×××ך×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
- â«×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת⬠â«"××× ×ש×ך×ת" ××× ×××××⬠⫠×××××ª× ×××× × ×××× ××× ××â¬,1945-â«×©××× ×ª ×× ××××× ×©××ק×× ×â¬ â« ×¢× ××©× ×× ×ת×××€× ×ך××תâ¬.â«×××××š× ×ס××ת ××ת×××× ××¢×ך⬠⫠×שךâ¬,â« × ×× × ×ª×ס׀×ת ×× ×× ×׊××š× ×× ×¡××ך×â¬.â«××××××ס××× ×ש××× ×⬠⫠××€××â¬,â«×¢××¢×× ×ת ×××××× ×××ך×××× ×××× ×× ××ך×ק×× ×©××× ×××× ××⬠⫠ת×× ××ª× × ×׊××¢× ×€×š×©× ×ת ×¢×ש×××ת ×ס×ך×ק××ך×â¬.â«××××ך×× ×××× ×××⬠⫠×× ×× ××ךק××ת ש×â¬.⫠ת×× ×©××ךת עך×× ×ק××××â¬,â«×××ך××ת ×ק×××ת⬠⫠×׊×ךת ×××ת ×ס×ך×ת ×ך××× ××שת××ת ×¢×â¬,⫠ק×××תâ¬8 â«×× ×× ×× ×× ×⬠⫠××××׊ך××â¬,â«××××ך×× ×ש×××š× ×¢× ×ך××××× ×××××× ××× ××× ××× ××⬠.â«×׊ך×ת ×¢× ×ס×ס ×ס×ך×ק×××š× ××ק×ך×תâ¬
Urban renewal - âbetween the boulevardsâ YadâEliyahu neighborhood The YadâEliyahu neighborhood was established at 1945. Due to its simple repetitive structure and its socioeconomy population, it served as a model for modernist urban architecture. Over the years, the population has transformed. This transformation, coupled with inconsistent editions to the building, and neglect of its green communal areas, blurred its simplicity and uniqueness. Our plan suggests contemporary interpretation for the old structure, with preservation of its community values. The design offers 7 building of 8 levels each, commercial façade that blends into the residential units, with widespread areas between the buildings.
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,11 â«××š× ××ת ×××â¬
Beith Lehem Rd. 11 Jerusalem
â«××× ×××× ××××⬠David Guggenheim
â«×©×× ×××× ××××⬠Sheli Guggenheim
Guggenheim | Bloch Architects and Urbanists â«×××× ×××× | ×××× ××ך××××× ××ת×× × × ×¢×š××⬠Established in Jerusalem in1980. The broad spectrum of work and the specific complexity of each of the projects have fostered the development of a multifaceted architectural approach. This experience enables us to resolve local climatic harshness and integrate this with the need for an openness to the landscape. It allows combining structural and economic discipline with the conservation of historical and cultural heritage, and to structure strategies of development and construction, which result in coherent total environmentscampuses.The Central School for Holocaust Studies at YadVashem Jerusalem - The Rechter Prize 2012 | Pilgrims House at the lake of Galilei - 2006 Conservation award by The Israeli Council for conservation of Sites | Urban Renewal at Tel Aviv - Project of the Year 2016 | New neighborhood at Eilat (3,500 units).Our firm has the ability to develop projects from a broad perspective, which embodies the diversity of human experience.
â« ×ת××× ×׀ך××ק××× ×Š×××ך××× ×× ××ך×× ×××â¬,â« ××ך×ש×××â¬1980-â«×××©×š× ×××§× ×⬠⫠×ת××× ××¢×קךâ¬.â«××× ××ך×××××× ×××׊ע ת×× ×× ×××××× ×š×× ×©× ×××€×× ×Š×××ך×××⬠⫠×ך×â¬,â«××š× ×ª×××××ת â ת×× ×× ××ך×××× ××ש××× ××× ××ך××ת ××¢×׊×× ×¢×ך×× × ×× ××€×⬠⫠××"ס ×××ך×תâ¬:â« ××××××â¬,â«×€×š××ק××× ××ך×××× ××××××× ×ת ×× ×ך×××× ×ת×× ××⬠⫠׀ךסâ¬- â« | ×ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת ××× ××××× ×ת"×â¬2012 ⫠׀ךס ך××ך ××©× ×ªâ¬- â«×ש×××⬠⫠××"× ××××ת | ×××¡× ××â¬3,500-â« | ש××× ×ª ×××ך×× ××â¬2016 â«×š×ש×× ×׀ך×××§× ××©× ×⬠⫠׀ךס ××××¢×Š× ×ש×××ך ×תך×× | ש×ק×× ×ש×××ך ש××× ×תâ¬- â«×׊×××× ×× ××××£ ××× ×š×ªâ¬ â« ××¢×××× ×ת×× ×× ×תâ¬.â« ×× ××¢×ךâ¬,â« ××ת ×שך××â¬,â« ××סךך×â¬- â«××¢×ך ×××ס××ך×ת ××ך×ש×××⬠⫠×××××× ×ס׀ק××× ×©×× ×× ×©×â¬,â«× עש×ת ת×× ×סת×××ת ×××× ×ת ך××× ××š× ××ק׀×ת⬠.â« ××€×××ת ××ך××× ×תâ¬- â«××××× ××× ×ש×תâ¬
.â« ×××ת ××ך××ת ×ך××× ×××××ך ×××××× ×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«××× ×ש×ך×ת⬠.â« ×××ת ×ך×××ת ×ש×ך×ת ×× ×××ך×××â¬:â«×ש×××⬠.â« ××ת֟×ס׀ך ×××× ××××× ××××××× ×ש×××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××⬠.â« ×××ת ×ך×××ת ×©× ×××âסâ¬:â«×××¢×× ×××××⬠.â« ×××ת ×ך×××ת ×ש×ך×ת ×× ×××ך×××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××⬠Between the boulevards. Top: East Elevation. Left: South Elevation from La Guardia boulevard. Opposite page: Yad Vashem. Top right: The auditorium at Yad Vashem School. Top left: South elevation of the school
,⫠ך××× ×× ×××ך×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â«×©××× ×ª ×× ×××××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×âךâ¬60,000-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠ââ« ××ךת â××× ×ש×ך×תâ¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×× ××× ××× ×¥â¬,â« ××× ×××× ××××â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠⫠ס×××××â¬.â« ×××â¬.â« ×××â¬:â«×××××ת⬠Location: La Guardia Rd. Yad Eliyhoo, Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: about 60,000 sq.m Client: Between the Boulevardâs Company Architects: David Guggenheim, Daniel Mints Imaging: AA Studio
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,11 â«××××××â¬
11 Gottlieb St. Tel Aviv
â«×× × ×€×××ך××⬠Hanan Pomagrin
â«××š× ×€×× ×Š'×ק⬠Brad Pinchuck
â«×××× ×××ס×××ך×⬠Boubi Luxembourg
TheHeder Architecture â«×××ך⬠®
TheHeder Architecture was established 1999 by Hanan Pomagrin, Brad Pinchuck and Boubi Luxembourg. In its years of practice the office has successfully completed a number of projects of varying scope. From award winning private houses through to large scale residential developments. The office is also active in the public sector and is currently designing a number of buildings for different public organizations. TheHeder is widely recognized for the quality of its highly detailed design work. The uncompromising attitude of the partners has created a unique and individual body of work.
Urban renewal of a city complex ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬48,950 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ת××ש×ת ××ך×× ×ת ×ע׎×â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×ש×××× ×××× ××⬠⫠ת××ך ×ךך×â¬:â«×××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 48,950 sq.m Client: Urban Renewal LTD and Shikun & Binui Visualization: Tomer Harari â« ××××ך××תâ¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ××× ×××××× ×Š×€×× ×עך×â¬:â«××¢××× ×××⬠Top: Diagrams Opposite page: View from north west.
The process of demolishing and rebuilding has become the preferred system for undertaking urban renewal projects in central Israel. This process expresses the relationship between the high demands of the market, the economic ability of the residents and the re-development of the city. It is crucial to reach the point of equilibrium the various forces at play. This project, located within the Yad Eliyahu neighborhood in south-eastern Tel Aviv, proposes an alternative strategy. With the focus on the public realm above and within the folded ground plane, we are able to a build a denser neighborhood while meeting the developerâs requirements, providing the public functions that were previously absent and remain within the cities master plan.
â« ××š× ×€×× ×Š'×ק ×××××â¬,â« ×¢×ÖŸ××× ×× × ×€×××ך××â¬1999 â«×××ך ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ××××× ××©× ×× ×××©×š× ×ש××× ××׊××× ×ס׀ך ×š× ×©×â¬.â«×××ס×××ך×⬠⫠××ת×× ×€×š×××× ×××× ×€×š×¡×× ×××× × ×××ך××â¬.â«×€×š××ק××× ×××קף ××©×ª× ×⬠⫠×××× ×ת×× × ××××â¬,â« ×××©×š× ×× ×€×¢×× ××××ך ×׊×××ך×â¬.â«××§× × ×××× ××××⬠⫠×××ך ×××× ××××š× ×š×××â¬.â«×ס׀ך ××× ×× ×¢××ך ×ך××× ××× ×Š×××ך××× ×©×× ××⬠⫠×××ס ××××ª× ×ת׀שך ש×â¬.â«××××ת ×¢×××ת ת×× ×× ××€×ך×ת ×××××ת ××××⬠.â«×ש×ת׀×× ×׊ך ×××£ ×××××× ×©× ×¢××××â¬
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â« ×××תâ¬- â«×§×××€×קס ××× ×××⬠â«×שך×× × ××××× ×ת×× × ×¢××ך ×ך××¢ ×¢××ת×ת קך×× ××× ×××ת ×¢× ××ךש⬠⫠××ק×× ×××× ×× ×ך×ש×××â¬.â«×ש××€×¢ ×××××× ×׊׀×× ××¢×š× ××¢×ך ×××ת⬠â«××׊×××ך××× ×©× ××¢××ת×ת ×ת×××ס ×ך××× ×ק××××š× ××ס×ת ×××ךש⬠â«××¢×ךת ××§×Š× ×׀ת××× (×©× ××ª× ×ך××ת ×××ת ×××ךש ×©× ×¢××תת⬠â«××××ת ×ש×ך ××××ת ××× ×¡×ª ×©× ×¢××תת ×× ×¢××) ×׀ך××××ת ×׊×××⬠⫠××ס×ת ××××××ת ×××××××תâ¬,â« ××× ××â¬.â«×©××¢××ך×ת ת××שת ×ך×××⬠â«××××€×ת ×××× ×××¢×ת ×ק×××ת ××ק×× ×ך××× ××××©× ×××× ×⬠⫠××××ך ××××× ××תך ×××ךש ××ק××â¬.â«×׊×××ך ×©× ×׊××× ××ך×× ××××š×©â¬ â« ×€× ××××תâ¬,⫠ס×× ×××ך×××â¬,â«××€×× ×§×Š××ת ×"×€××ת ׊×××ך××ת" ×××× ×××ך××⬠.â«×Š××× ×ש××× ×××ך×× ××××× ×©× ×¢××תת ×× ×ך׊×â¬
Educational campus - Eilat Our office was commissioned by four associations to design an educational campus on an amazing sloped lot in the northwest city of Eilat. The main associationâs buildings refers to the street and itâs curve, relatively to the lot, with the pace of the openings (shown in Ayelet HaShachar âBeit-Midrashâ and in El Ami synagogue) and the shading pergolas that gives a flowing sensation. Additionally, the greater and higher masses, covered with a local natural stone cladding, were located on the street as a continuation of the public buildings which are south from the lot. In the higher areas of the lot we placed the private functions of the complex such as the students and staff residential buildings, Zviya dormitory and the Khan and hospitality areas of El Artzi association. Location: Tzeâelim Neighborhood Eilat Date: 2015 Area: 51 Dunam Client: Zvia Yeshiva, Ayelet Hashachar, El Ami, El Artzi Architects: Tomer Dvorachek, Miriam Shnaider Imaging: Hasin Dvorachek Architects
â« ×××תâ¬,⫠ש××× ×ª ׊××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××× ×â¬51 :â«×©××⬠⫠××××תâ¬,â« ×ש××ת ׊×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×× ×ך׊×â¬,â« ×× ×¢××â¬,â«×ש×ך⬠:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠⫠×ך×× ×©× ×××ךâ¬,â«×ª××ך ×××ך׊'ק⬠⫠×ס×× ×××ך׊'קâ¬:â«××××××⬠â«××ך×××××â¬
â«×©××× ×ª × ××ת ך××ª× ÖŸ ×ך×× ×ת⬠â«×שך×× × ××š× ×¢× ×××× ×ª×× ×× ×ךâק×××× ××ת××©× ×ס×××× ××× ××⬠⫠×××××¢×ת ××××××ס××ת ×ק××¢â¬,â«××××š× ××× ××©× ×××× ×ת×× ×× ×ש××× ×⬠⫠ש×× × ×ת ××××ך×× ××××§× ×ת×× ×× ×ª×× ×ש×××â¬,â«×׊ע××š× ×©× ×Š×"×⬠â«×¢× ×׊×ךת ס×××× ××××× ×ª ××ש××ת ש×××× ×ך×ק×× ×Š×××ך××× ××××⬠⫠×××ך ×××× ×©× ×××€××¡× ××ך×ת ש×× ××â¬.â« ×ש×ק ×××××â¬,â«×ק×××ת ××€×ש⬠⫠×׀ת××× ×××××× ××××ך×ך ×××¢×â¬,â«×שך ××× ×ש ש×××ש ××׊×××ת⬠⫠×××××ת ×××ך ×ק×××€×קס ×©× ×©×ש×â¬325-â« ×׀ך×××§× ×××× ×â¬.â«××××××⬠⫠××©× ×â¬,⫠ק×××ת ×× ×××â¬8 â«××× ×× ×ת××× ×ך××¢× ××× × ×××ך×× ×× ×⬠.⫠ק×××תâ¬22 â«×××××× ×× ×â¬
Neot Rotem Neighborhood â Carmei Gat Our coefficient sustainable architecture attitude led us in planning the new neighborhood designed for I.D.F officers and their families. We put the residents in the center of the planning process while thinking about creating a diverse environment so it combines public green areas including walking trails, meeting places and playground facilities alongside to a large selection of apartments types in which there is extensive use of shading elements, wide opening and naturally ventilated spaces. The project has 325 units in a complex of six buildings, including four residential buildings of 8 storeys each and two residential towers rising to a 22 storeys height. Location: Carmei Gat Date: 2016 Area: 12.8 Dunam Client: IDF Residential Projects department Architects: Yedidia Hasin, Miriam Shnaider, Ana Kurayev, Leah Lifhshitz Imaging: Hasin Dvorachek Architects
136 â«×â¬.â«×׀ך ××"× ×ªâ¬
â« ×ך×× ×תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××× ×â¬12.8 :â«×©××⬠⫠×× ××ת ׀ך××ק××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«××××ך×× ×׊×"×⬠:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠,â« ×ך×× ×©× ×××ךâ¬,â«×××××× ×ס××⬠⫠××× ××׀ש××¥â¬,â«×× × ×§×ך×××⬠⫠×ס×× ×××ך׊'ק ××ך×××××â¬:â«××××××â¬
Kfar habad P.O.B 136
â«×××××× ×ס××⬠Yedidia Hasin
â«×ª××ך ×××ך׊'ק⬠Tomer Dvorachek
Hasin Dvorachek Architects â«×ס×× ×××ך׊'ק ××ך×××××⬠Our office was established in 2009 by us, two friends sharing the vision, the path and the creation. We have with us much practical knowledge acquired during years of studying and working in Israel and abroad. We, as partners, along with our planners and designers team, have the ability and willing to create great architecture with thorough and thoughtful planning in favor of our customers, their budget, and the target population of the building. Our office engages in urban and environmental planning including residential buildings, zoning change, and public buildings such as educational and cultural institutions, synagogues, Mikve and community centers. We have also gained experience in planning dormitories for children and students, nursing homes and boarding schools.
Educational campus - Eilat. Top: Complete project view. photo: Roi Teper - RT Studio. Bottom right: Community center. Bottom center: Ayelet Hashachar Beit Midrash. Bottom left: El Ami Synagogue. Opposite page: Neot Rotem Neighborhood - Carmey Gat.
⫠ש×ת׀×× ××××× ××ך×â¬2009 ,â«×ת ×××©×š× ×ק×× × ×©× × ××ך×× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â«××עש××× ××××ת××ª× × ×××¢ ××¢×©× ×š× ×©× ×š×ש ××××× ×©× ×ת ×¢××××⬠⫠×× × ×ש×ת׀×× ××׊××ת ××ת×× × ×× ×ך×× ×š×Š××â¬.â«×××××××× ××ךץ ××××"×⬠,â«×××××ת ×עש×ת ××ך××××ת ×××× ×¢× ×ª×× ×× ×§×€×× × ××ת××©× ××ק×××ת⬠⫠×שך×× × ×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ×¢×ך×× × ×ס×××ת×â¬.â«×תק׊×× ×××שת×ש×× ×××× ×⬠⫠××× × ×Š×××ך ×ך××ת ××ס××ת ××× ×× ×תך××תâ¬,⫠ת×"×¢×תâ¬,â«××××× ××× × ×××ך××⬠⫠××× ×× ×Š××š× × × ×ס×××â¬,â« ×ק××××תâ¬,â« ×ך×××× ×§×××ת×××â¬,â« ××ª× ×× ×¡×ªâ¬:â«××××⬠.â« ××ª× ×××ת ××€× ××××תâ¬,â« ××¢×× ×ת ×ס×××× ×××â¬,â«×ת×× ×× ××¢×× ×ת ××××××â¬
.RT Studio -⫠ך××¢× ×׀ךâ¬:⫠׊××××â¬.â« ××× ×××× ×¢× ×׀ך××ק×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×§×××€×קס ××× ××× â ×××ת⬠.â« ××ת ×× ×¡×ª ×× ×¢××â¬:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â« ××ת ××ךש ××××ת ×ש×ךâ¬:â« ×××× ××ך××â¬.â« ×ך×× ×§×××ת×â¬:â«×××× ×××××⬠.⫠ש××× ×ª × ××ת ך××ª× â ×ך×× ×תâ¬:â«××¢××× ××××â¬
â«×× ××× ×שך××× ×ת×â××××⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2009 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬17,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2009 Area: 17,000 sq.m Photo: Amit Geron
,â«×× ×× ××שך××× ×ת×ÖŸ×××× ×שך ת××× × ×¢× ××× ×× ×¡× ××ך ××ך×××××⬠,â«× ×× × ×¢× ××ךש ×©× ×©×××©× ××× × ×׊׀×× ××¢×ך ××××× ×©×××× ×ס×ך×××⬠⫠××× ××× ×ª××× × ×¢××ך ××ךש ש××â¬.â« ×× ×× ×××××× ××× ×××â¬,â«×©××× ××ס××⬠⫠×ת×× ×× ×©× ×¡×××תâ¬.â«×¢×× ××¢×ך ××€×¢× ××ס×××š× ××׊×ך × ×ך ׊××××⬠â«×¢×××× ××××ש×× ×¢× ×עת×× ××××××× ×©×××š× ×©× "×××¢×" ×ס×××⬠â«××ש×ש ××××ך×× ×××¢×ך ×ש××××× ×©× ×"×××¢×" ××ך×××ק××ך×⬠⫠×× ×××× ××× ××ך ××Š× ×ת××× ×׊×××× ×ק×× ××××× ×ת×× ××â¬.â«×××ש×⬠â«××¢×׊×× ××× ××× ×¢× ××× × ×××××× ××× ×§×ך×ת שק××€×× ×©×ך×× × ××ª× ×ך××ת⬠⫠ק×ך×ת ××¢×׀ת ×××× ×â¬.â«×ת ×× ×¢×©× ××× ××× ×××× ×§×ך×ת ××××××⬠â«"×× ×תק××" ××¢× ××××× ××€× ××× ××××××× ×¡×× ×©× "×¢×ך" ×ק ××¢××ף⬠⫠××ך×× ×׀ך×××§× ××× ××ך×××â¬.â«×ת ××× ××× ×××¡× ×¢× ×§ ×©× × ×ך ׊××××⬠â«×× ×©×© ק×××ת ×ש×ש ×××× ×¡×ª ××ך ×××¢× ×¢× ×××× ×× ×š××× ×©× ×Š×⬠⫠×׀ך××ך×× ×§×š××â¬.â«×××׊×ךת ×××ך ×€×¢×××××ת ×××€×ש ×××××š× ××× ×××⬠â«××ק×ת ×× ×× ×שך ××׀שך ×ש×ךת ש×××× ×××××× ×ק×× ×× ××××⬠â«××ס׀ך ×š× ×× ×××¢× ×©× ××ך×ת ×××ת×× ×ª××× × × ×§×××ת ××שך×××⬠.â«××××€× ×ס××××š× ×××׀שך ×× ×©×××ש ×ש×××× ×§×× ××â¬
Office Building in Tel Aviv The Tel Aviv office building designed by Tal Senior Architects was built in the north district of the city, where a dense industrial domain has changed completely into a very lively center of offices, hospitals, hotels, commercial and multi-functional use buildings. The office building is situated on a 3,000 square meter plot and encompasses some 17,000 square meters of built offices, commercial space, storage and parking. The architecture dwells on the conceptual âchargeâ of containing a memory of the plot as the site of a historical photographic-paper manufacturing factory. The contrast between light and shadow gradations in photography is expressed in the building design in terms of variations between opaque and transparent walls, and light and shadow gradations. While external walls are dislocated, to some extent, from the main volume of the building they allow the notion of walls as an outer thin skin. In the center, the six floors high atrium space permits for natural light to flood the interior and for interaction between the inhabitants.
5126237 â« ×× ×ÖŸ×ךקâ¬,5 ⫠ך×׳ ×× ×š×ªâ¬,3 .â«×šâ¬.â«×¡â¬.â«×××× ×â¬
BSR 3 Tower, 5 Kinneret St. Bnei-Brak 5126237
â«×× ×¡× ××ך⬠Tal Senior
Tal Senior Architects â«×× ×¡× ××ך ××ך×××××⬠Tal Senior Architects (TSA) was founded in 1994 and is run by Tal Senior who graduated from the Architectural Association, London (AADipl.) and the Polytechnic of Central London â University of Westminster BA (Arch). Working on everything from houses and small public buildings to big office buildings and urban design. The studio takes a minimal approach, âabstract, clean and modernâ. TSA imbues each project with a greater abstract idea and concept.
Right: Atrium. Left: Front elevation. Opposite page, bottom: Entrance and lobby.
â« ×××ךâ¬,â« ×¢×ÖŸ××× ×× ×¡× ××ךâ¬1994 â« â ×× ×¡× ××ך ××ך××××× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬TSA â« ××שך×â¬.â« ×××× ×××â¬PRS-â« ××€× × ×©×©× ××ךץ ×¢×× ×â¬.â« ×××× ×××â¬AA â«××ת֟×ס׀ך⬠⫠ת×× ×× ××¢×׊××â¬,⫠׀ך××ק××× ×Š×××ך××× ××§× × ×××× ×§××â¬,â«×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ×ת××⬠⫠×××××× ××¢×׊×× ×ת×× ×× ×׀ך××ק×××â¬.â«××× × ×שך××× ×××××× ×ת×× ×× ××ך×× ×⬠,â«×× ×ך×× ×š×¢××× ×ת ×ק×× ×¡×€××× ××׀ש××× ××× ×¢× ×ש×××€× ×××× ××××××⬠.â«×ª×× ×× × ×§× ×ש×××ש ××××ך×× ×××¢×××â¬
.â« ×××ת ק×××תâ¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â« ××× ××ך×××â¬:â«×××××⬠.â« ×× ××¡× ×××××â¬:â«××¢××× ×××× ××××â¬
:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬- â«××¢××× ××××⬠.â« ×ק×ק××â¬- 23 â«× ××× ×⬠⫠ת×ס׀ת ק×׀סתâ¬:â«××××× ××××⬠:â« ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬.â«×××××ת⬠⫠×ש×××â¬.â«××ך××× ×¢× ×××⬠⫠×××××â¬.â« ×׊ך ×××סת×â¬:â«××××⬠⫠××©× ×××â¬- â« ×××ך×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠ס×××××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«××ש⬠:⫠ש××× ×××¢××â¬.â«×××××ת⬠⫠ש×××â¬.â« ××××š× ×â¬- 25 â«× ××× ×⬠.â« ×××× ××××× ×××ךâ¬:â«××××⬠Prev. Page â Top Right: 23 Nachmani: Eclectic building. Top Left: Rooftop pool. Bottom Right: Glass box addition.
Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 6,000 sq.m Planning team: Yoav Messer Architects Iftah Hyner, Suzan Serban Avital Shenhav, Tidhar Becker Tamar Berger, Noa Levi Preservation: Nachmani 23: Prof. Nitza Szmuk Nachmani 25: Yoav Messer Architects Interior Design: Sagrada-London Photo: Amit Gosher, Sivan Askayo
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬6,000 :â«×©××⬠:â«×Š××ת ×ת×× ××⬠â«×××× ×סך ××ך×××××⬠⫠ת××ך ×קךâ¬,â«××€×ª× ×××× ×šâ¬ â« ×¡××× ×©×š××â¬,â«××××× ×©× ××â¬ â« × ××¢× ×××â¬,â«×ª×ך ×ך×ך⬠:â«×©××××šâ¬ â« × ××Š× ×¡××קâ¬:23 â«× ××× ×⬠⫠×××× ×סךâ¬:25 â«× ××× ×⬠â«××ך×××××⬠:â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Sagrada-London ,â« ×¢××ת ××שךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×¡×××× ×סק××â¬
Bottom Left: Citrus trees courtyard. Top Right: Atrium. Top Left: 25 Nachmani â Modern building. Bottom Right: Special suite. Bottom Left: Hotelâs Lobby & Bar
64356 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,21 â«×× ×××××â¬
21 Hanevim St. Tel Aviv 64356
25 â«× ××× ×â¬
â«×××× × ×ך××â¬
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23 â«× ××× ×⬠â«××× ××× ×ס×× ×× ×ק×ק×× ××××ש ×¢×ÖŸ××× ×ª×ס׀×ת ××ש×ת⬠â«×©× תך××¡× ×¢×¥ ×ש××××× ×××׀שך×× ×€×ª××× ××××⬠.â«×©× ×××ת×ת ××× ×××â¬
25 Nachmani The architectural design connects the existing historic building with a new annex, via a six â story glazed atrium. The new addition is steel and glass structure with a rooftop swimming pool overlooking Tel Aviv. During the construction process, the historical buildings were âsuspendedâ in the air, and two new service basement floors were constructed connecting the two buildings, to modernize services. Above ground, the connection between the buildings manifests itself with a green courtyard of citrus trees.
The Norman Hotel The hotel design re-envisions two historic buildings from 1925, connecting between them to create an active engagement of the past, present and future.
23 Nachmani The architectural design highlights the new additions in the building through the incorporation of electric wooden shutters that enable the full opening of the buildingâs facades.
â«×××× ×סך⬠â«âªYoav Messerâ¬â¬
â«âªYoav Messer Architectsâ¬â¬ â«×××× ×סך ××ך×××××⬠â«×××× ×סך ××ך××××× ××× × ××©×š× ××ך×××ק××ךת ××××ק⪠.â¬×××©×š× ×ת××× ×׀ך××ק×××⬠â«×××××××× ×××× ××× × ×Š×××ך ×תך××ת⪠,â¬×××× ×ת⪠,â¬××× ×× ×ש×××ך ×××× × ×××ך××⪠.â¬×׊××ת ××שך×⬠â«×¢×©×š× ××ך××××× ×××××××× ×ת ×׀ך××ק××× ×ש×× ××⪠.â¬×××©×š× ××× ×ת××ך ××שך×⬠â«××ש׀××¢ ×××תך ××× ×× ×Š×××ך×ת ××ךץ⪠,â¬××× ×ת×ך×××ת ש×× ×ת⪠:â¬×שך ×€×ךק ×ך××× ×©×š××âª,â¬â¬ â«××ת ׀ךס ×ש××× (××ך××××ת ×שך×××ת)⪠,â¬×ך×× ×ת×ך×× (××ך××××ת ×שך×××ת) ××¢××âª.â¬â¬
â«âªYoav Messer is an architect for over thirty years Technionâ¬â¬ â«âªgraduate. Creating unique design for each and every project.â¬â¬ â«âªSpecializing in: Hotels, public and cultural buildings,â¬â¬ â«âªpreservation and residential.â¬â¬
â«××× × ×€×ס××× ×××ך×× ××¢×ך×× ×ת⬠â«×××× ×ת ××× ×â¬
Sculptured Structure for The Yavneh Art Gallery Location: Yavneh Date: 2013 Area: 1,000 sq.m Client: Yavneh Municipality Participat Architect in planning: Sigal Diamant
â« ××× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ××× ×â¬:â«×ק××⬠:â«××ך××××ת ש××ª×€× ×ת×× ××⬠â«×¡××× ××××× ×â¬
Expanding the art gallery and adding a floor was a challenging project. The existing structure could not support the additional floor, so a new one shifted by 45º, was built above the existing ceiling and a new staircase was built beyond the existing building. The finishing materials emphasize âthe constructive truthâ: The Silicate stone covering is still maintained in the old building whereas the additional floor with its finishing materials of metal and glass seems to hover over the existing building.
â«××××ת ש×× ×××ך×× ××××× ×ת ×ק×××ת ×ת×ס׀ת ×©× ×§×××⬠⫠×ק××× ××××©× ×× ×××× ×××©×¢× ×¢×â¬.â«×××ª× ×€×š×××§× ××ת×ך ×××⬠.â« ××׊×× ×תâ¬,â«×ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊×× ×ק×××ת ×××× ×Š××š× ×ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊×× ××ש×⬠⫠××¢××תâ¬45-â« ×ס×××ת ×â¬,â«× ×× ×ª× ×š×Š×€× ×××©× ××¢× ××ª×§×š× ×ק×××ת⬠,⫠ק××ךâ¬,â«××××ך××ת ×××ש×ת × ×× × ××¢×ך ××× ××× ×ק××× ×קך×× ×§×⬠⫠××××š× ×××ך ×××× × ×××ש ××××ש×× ×ת "×××תâ¬.â«×¢× ק×ך×ת ×ס×⬠⫠ק×ךâ¬,â« ××× ××× ×××©× ×©××ך ×¢× ××××š× ×××ך ש××â¬:"â«×ק×× ×¡×ך×ק××××ת⬠â«××××€×× ××× ×¡××××§× ××ק××× ×× ×ס׀ת ×ך×׀ת ××¢× ××× ××× ×ק×××⬠.â«×××××š× ××ך ×©× ×ת×ת ××××××תâ¬
â«×¡×€×ך×× ××ך×× ×š×××⬠â«××××××ס××ת ××××××תâ¬
Spiral element at Reich Center for Special Communities Location: Yavneh Date: 2008 Area: 700 sq.m Client: Yavneh Municipality Participat Architect in planning: Nitzan Sharony
â« ××× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2008 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬700 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע×ך××ת ××× ×â¬:â«×ק××⬠:â«××ך××× ×©×תף ×ת×× ××⬠â«× ××Š× ×©×š×× ×â¬
⫠ך×ש×× ×׊×××â¬,27 â«×××©× ×¡×§×â¬
The building with the central spiral wall was built for blind and vision impaired, deaf and hearing impaired and disabled. The spiral which symbolizes protection along with growth and development offered by the center, is the main idea behind the design. Serving all kinds of populations, elements of extra color or texture designed to assist one population turn to be helpful also to others. For example, the spiral wall at the entrance was painted red for the vision impaired to be able to identify, its rough texture can be felt by the blind and the handrail serves the disabled.
27 Lishansky St. Rishon Lezion
03 9523313
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Yona Yechiam Architects â«××× × ××××¢× ××ך×××××⬠Arch. Yona Yechiam graduated The Technion in Israel in 1979, between 1989-1990 studied in The University of Michigan, and has been the office director since 1983. The office has specialized in diverse areas of both private and public construction implementing principles of green and sustainable construction.
Reich Center. Top: The red spiral wall leads to the main entrance. Bottom Right: The spiral wall runs into the building and around the patio. Bottom Left: The spiral wall expresses protection, growth and development. Opposite page: â Yavneh Art Gallery. Top: Sculptured structure for the Yavneh art gallery. Bottom Right: Curved roof and screen walls in the new second floor. Bottom Left: Art display below the new stairs is exposed to the public.
â« ×××ךת ×××× ××× ××©× ×ªâ¬,â« ×¢"× ××ך××××ת ××× × ××××¢×â¬1983-â«×××©×š× × ××¡× ×⬠⫠×××©×š× ×ת×× ×â¬.University of Michigen-â« ××××××× ×××©× ×â¬1979 â« ××ך××ת ×××× ×תâ¬,â« ×ק××××â¬,â« ×ס׀×ך×â¬,â«×€×š××ק××× ×Š×××ך××× ×ת××× ×××× ××⬠⫠×× ××ת ת×× ×©××××â¬,â«×××ª× ××× ×××× ××× ×× ×× ××××ך×× ××× ×× ×ת×"×¢×ת⬠."â«×¢×§×š×× ×ת ×"×× ××× ××ך××§× ××ךת ×ק××××â¬
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â«×ª×Ž×â¬-â« ××€×â¬,⫠ש××× ×ª ×¢×׳××â¬,4 â«×§××⬠2014-2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××׎×â¬4 ,â« ×׎ךâ¬400-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠,93 â«×ס××ת ×שך××⬠⫠ת׎×â¬,â«×©××× ×ª ש׀×ך×⬠⫠×××Ž× ××ס×ךâ¬3 2014-2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬400-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠,49-51 â« ×ך׊×â¬,â«××š×Š× ×€×× ×ª ×××××⬠⫠ת׎×â¬,â«×©××× ×ª ×€×××š× ×××⬠⫠×××Ž× ××ס×ךâ¬60 2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬5000-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠Benyo 3D Visual Art :â«××××××⬠⫠ת׎×â¬,10 â« ××××× ××××â¬,â«××ת ××× ××ךף⬠⫠×××Ž× ××× ××× ×ק×ק×× ×ש×××ךâ¬8 2015-2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬800-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠⫠ת×â××××â¬,7 â«××××ס××⬠⫠×××Ž× ××ס×ךâ¬24 2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2500-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠ס××××× ××× ×¡××â¬:â«××××××⬠4 Kedem Street, Ajami, Jaffa 4 units Year: 2010-2014 Area: c. 400 sq.m Photo: Amit Geron
6 â«××××©× ×€×š××ק××× ×ת×â××××â¬
93 Mesilat Yesharim, Tel Aviv 3 units and commercial Area: c. 400 sq.m Year: 2010-2014 Photo: Amit Geron
â«×××š× × ××ך××ת ××××©× ×€×š××ק××× ×©×ך××¢×× ××ק×××ת ש×× ×× ××ך×× ××€×××⬠â«×ª×â×××× ×××××ש×× ×ת ×××××š× ××עש××× ×××ך××××ת ש×â¬-â«××××ס×××š× ×©× ××€×â¬ â« × ×× × ×€×š×××§× ×××ך×× ×ק×××€×××׊××â¬,â« ×ש××× ×ª ×¢×â×× ×××€×××ת ×××¢×× ×â¬.â«××שך×⬠â«××ש ×××ך×× ×× ×€××× ×ש××ך×× ××× ×××׊ע×ת ×××× ××× ××ך××××××â¬-â«×©× ×ש×⬠⫠×ש××× ×ª ש׀×ך×â¬.)1,2 ⫠ת××× ×תâ¬,4 â« (ק××â¬.â«××× ××××× ×××¢× ×ק×× ×× ×××ת ××××××ת⬠⫠××¢×â¬,â« ×××§× ×× ××× ××ת×ת ××××××ת ×שך ×× ××××× ×××ª× ×× ××£ ×ק×××â¬,â«××ת××שת⬠â«) ×ש××× ×ªâ¬3 ⫠ת××× ×â¬,93 â« (×ס××ת ×שך××â¬.â«××ת ×שת×× ×ק××× ××××××× ×¢× ×ס××××⬠⫠×ק×××€×××׊××â¬,â«×€×××š× ××× ×ת××× × ×× ×©× × ××× ×× ××©×€× ×©×ת×ת×ת ×¢× ×ש××× ×⬠.)4 ⫠ת××× ×â¬,49-51 â« (×ך׊×â¬.â«××××××ת ש×ק×××ת ×× ×©×× ××× ×©× × ×¢××š× ×ך×××⬠â«×ש××× ×ª ××××ת ××ת ×¢×׊×× ×ª×ס׀ת ×××¢×ת ×¢×â××× ××× ××××× ×× ×ך×ש×× ×× ×©×⬠⫠(××××× ××××â¬.⫠ק××€××× ××××¥ ×××× ××× ××ק××š× ×××€××× ×××××× ×××××× ×ת ××תâ¬.â«××¢×ך⬠⫠××× ×××ך ×××ך×× ×©× ××× ×¡×§×Ž× ×ת××× × ××× × ×××¢× ×ק ×€×š×©× ×תâ¬.)6 ,5 ⫠ת××× ×תâ¬,10 .)7 ⫠ת××× ×â¬,7 â« (××××ס××â¬.â«×¢×ש×××ת ×××ך××××ת ××¢×ך ×××× ×⬠â«××סע ×××ך×××× ×©×× × ××¢×ך ×ש×× ×ת ××××€×¢ ×׀ך××× ××× ×©× ×׀ך××ק×××⬠⫠×××× × ×ק××תâ¬:â« ××× ××¡× ×©× ×׊××â¬,â« ×׀ך××ק××× ×××××× ×× ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬.â«×ס×××ת×⬠.â« ××ת×× ×××©× ×× ××׊ך×× ×ת ×ש××× ××©× ××× ×××¢×ך ×ךקעâ¬,â«××××â¬
Herzl @ Matalon, 49-51 Herzl Street, Florentin, Tel Aviv 60 units and commercial Year: 2015 Area: c. 5000 sq.m Imaging: Benyo 3D Visual Art Juggendorf House, 10 Yehuda HaLevy Street, Tel Aviv 8 units in an eclectic building for conservation Year: 2010-2015 Area: c. 800 sq.m Photo: Amit Geron
Five Projects in Tel Aviv
7 Idelson Street, Tel Aviv 24 units and commercial Year: 2015 Area: c. 2500 sq.m Imaging: Bonsai 3D Design Studio
We chose to exhibit five projects, sprinkled throughout the physical and historic space of Jaffa-Tel Aviv, which showcase our firmâs architectural statement and practice. In the charged Ajami neighborhood in Jaffa, a residential project integrates old and new compositions, using volumes interwoven by dynamic architectual elements which give it a unique identity. (4 Kedem St., pics 1, 2). In the renewing Shapira neighbourhood, a glass and metal construction stands out in the local landscape but also integrates with the local lines. (93 Mesilat Yesharim St., pic. 3) In Florentin twin buildings in planning, correspond with the neighbouhood in a unique composition which creates a dialogue between the two sides of the street. (49-51 Herzl St., pic. 4) A kicking addition to one of Tel Avivâs first buildings in Ahuzat-Bayit. The zinc folds and the original building merge into one homogeneos unit. (10 Yehuda HaLevy St., pic. 5, 6) In the heart of UNESCOâs announced World Heritage area, a building in planning provides a contemporary interpretation of the White City architecture. (7 Idelson St., pic 7) Our architectural journey in the city integrates the fragmental appearance of the projects with their surroundings. Our projects face Tel Aviv as on a theater set: positioned on the proscenium, with the old buildings forming a second layer and the city in the background.
â« ××ª× ××¥â¬:â«×Š×××× ×€×ך×ך×⬠Portrait photo: Matan Katz
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,119 â«×ך׊×â¬
119 Herzl St. Tel Aviv
â«×× ×× ×€×š××⬠Yaniv Pardo
â«× ××× ××ך×× ×⬠Natalie Zichrony
Yaniv Pardo Architects â«×× ×× ×€×š×× ××ך×××××â¬
Yaniv Pardo and Natalie Zichrony established Yaniv Pardo Architects in Tel Aviv in 1999. The firm handles various projects ranging from the design of urban and public spaces, through apartment buildings and private residences, to interior design. The firm participates in many competitions and exhibitions and has won awards for outstanding achievements.
â«×× ×× ×€×š×× ×× ××× ××ך×× × ×ק××× ×ת ××©×š× ×× ×× ×€×š×× ××ך××××× ×ת×ÖŸ××××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×¢×סק ××× ×ª×××× ×××ך××××ת ××× ×ת×× ×× ×××××â¬.1999 â«××©× ×ªâ¬ ,â« ××× × ×Š×××ךâ¬,â« ××š× ×ª×× ×× ×× ×× × ×××ך×× ××ךץ ××××׎×â¬,â«×Š×××ך××× ×ת×׎ע×ת⬠⫠×××©×š× ×שתתף ×ת×ך×××תâ¬.â« ××¢× ×ת×× ×× ×ת×× ×€×š××××â¬,â«××× ×× ×ש×××ך⬠.â«×תעך×××ת ך××ת ×××× ×׀ךס×× ×¢× ××ש××× ×ת××× ×××ך××××תâ¬
The American Colony Hotel The worldârenowned American Colony (Leading Hotels of the World) is a top destination hotel, having been bestowed with many international travel awards. Our firm has been intimately involved in the planning, design, and construction at the hotel for the past quarterâcentury. Projects undertaken include Master Planning, Architecture, Landscaping, and detailed interior design services. Location: Jerusalem Landscaping: Judy Green Photo: Mikaela Burstow
Inbal / Laromme Hotel â« ×ך××â¬/ â«×××× ×¢× ××⬠MSA was commissioned to design extensive additions to this iconic building, originally designed by renowned architect Yaakov Rechter. The additional floors of 52 suites is based on the concept of a structural exoskeleton supporting lightweight, aluminium-clad structure thus conforming to current earthquake standards. Location: Jerusalem Interiors: in collaboration with Michael Azulai
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,1 â«×ש××ך×תâ¬
1 Hashayarot St. Jerusalem
â«××××§× ×©××ךץ⬠Michael Schwartz
â«× ×ך×× ××ת×⬠Nimrod Eitan
â«×¡××× ××ס×ף⬠Steve Getzoff
Michael Schwartz & Associates â«××××§× ×©××ךץ ××ך×××××⬠MSA is an established architectural practice for over 35 years with offices in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Cape Town, and an associate office in London. The firm has realized high-profile projects in the public and private sectors, both locally and abroad. MSA has established a solid reputation and expertise in the field of hotels/ hospitality. This includes working with some of the top international hotel consultancy firms.
â« ×××©×š× ×××ק×â¬.â« ×©× ××â¬35-â«×××××§× ×©××ךץ ××ך××××× ××תק ×©× ×××¢×× ×⬠.⫠ק×××€×××× ×××©×š× ×¢××ת ×××× ×××â¬,⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â«××ך×ש×××⬠â«××××§× ×©××ךץ ××ך××××× ×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××× × ×Š×××ך ××× ××× ××⬠.â« ××ךץ ××××"×â¬,â«×סק××ך ×׀ך××⬠⫠×ת××× ×××©×š× ×׀ך××ק××× ×××× ×××× (×××× ×¢×××× ×××ק×â¬,â«××× ××תך⬠.)â«×¢× ××ך×ת ×××ע׊×× ××× ××××××× ××××××× ×ת×××â¬
â« ×××× ×××â¬LJS â«××ת ×× ×¡×ª ××ך×× ×§×××ת×⬠LJS Synagogue & Community Center, St. Johnâs Wood, London One of our flagship projects in London is the outcome of winning an international competition. The design concept of the Synagogue and Community Center which numbers upwards of 1800 congregants, is based on the concept of a âsynagogue â within â a â synagogue.â MSA built up a team of skilled artisans/artists as part of this project. World â renowned sculptor, Anish Kapoor was selected for the design of the now iconic Holocaust Memorial, which â«×©â¬is aligned with the axis of the Ark.
Residence â«××ת ×××ך××⬠MSA was awarded this contemporary design commission through a competition. The residence is integrated into the landscape, preserving views for the community residents. Architecture and Landscape come together creating synergy between the interiors and the surrounding landscape. Location: Beit Zayit Landscaping: Ram Eisenberg Photo: Mikaela Burstow
,⫠תעס×ק×â¬,â« ××ש×× ×××ך××â¬,â« ×××¢"ך ×××ש ×©× ×ך×××¢ ×׊׀×× ×â¬- â« ××× ×× ×§×š××ת ××ס×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ××× ×× ×ך×××¢ ×××××× ××€×ךקâ¬:⫠ת×× ×ת ××× ×× ××××ת ××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â« ×ש××××©× ×ק××××â¬,â«×ס×ך⬠Top: Northern Central business district combining residential employment, retail and academic uses. Center: General master plan. Bellow: View towards the new district from the park.
â«×ך×××¢ ×׊׀×× × ×©× ×ך׊×××⬠â«××Š×¢× ××××× ×ת×ך×ת ××ך××××× ×ת×× ×× ×š×××¢ ×¢×ך×× × ××ש ×¢× ×©××× ×©×× ×תע××€×⬠,⫠ק×ש×ך××ת ×ש××× ×ת ×€×¢×××ת ××ך××â¬,â« ××ש××ת ×ךק××× ×× ×××× ×§×××××â¬,â«×××ª×€× ×⬠.â« ×× ×׊×× ××€××× ×Š××× ×ת××××š×ª× ××ת××× ×â¬,â« ××ס××ת ×ק××××××â¬,â«×¢×ך×× ×©×××ש××⬠⫠××××ך ×××¢×Š× ×תâ¬,â«×××× ×× ×× ×¡×× ×¢× ×¢×§×š×× ××××ק ××¢×ך×× × ×€×š×ש ××××š× ××××€×⬠⫠×××××× ××׊ך ××× ×€× ××× ×ק××× ×××× ×××× ××ש×תףâ¬,â«×××× ××¢×ך ×׊×××ך××× ×××⬠,⫠ק×××תâ¬6-8 â« ×ך××ת ××× ×× ××× ×ךק××ת ×ך׊××€× ×××××â¬.â«×××××š× ××××ק ××שת×ש××⬠⫠×××ק×× ×ת ×××ק×××â¬,â«××ת××× ×ש××××× ×××××× ×××××¢××× ×ת × ×׊×× ×קךקע⬠.â«××׊×ך×× ×ך×ש××× ××××××× ×¢××× × ×ת×׊××תâ¬
Herzliya Northern District The winning proposal for planning a new urban district situated on the site which currently serves as an airport. The proposal combines the existing urban network, links with active neighborhoods adjacent to the site on the southern end, mixeduse facilities, academic institutions and the potential of future transportation plans. The building, based on the concept of the âcity blockâ, outlines the site, thus defining the public exterior space as well as the more intimate private interior space. Most of the âblockâ is comprised of relatively low rise connected buildings of approximately 6-8 floors, with towers that allow a more efficient use of space while emphasizing focal points.
Location: Herzliya Date: 2014 Area: 1,500 sq.m Client: Israel Land Authority Head Architects: Noam Farhi, Yael Steinwurzel, Ben Matalon, Hadar Ben David, Tal Ashkenazi
)2 â«×šâ¬.â«×¡â¬.â« ×× ×ÖŸ×ךק (××ת ×â¬,1 â«×× ××ך×××â¬
â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1,500 :â«×©××⬠⫠ךש×ת ××§×š×§×¢× ×שך××â¬:â«×ק××⬠:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠,â« ×× ×××××â¬,â« ××¢× ×©×××× ××ך׊×â¬,â«× ××¢× ×€×š××⬠⫠×× ×ש×× ××â¬,â«××ך ×× ×××â¬
Ben Gurion 1, Bnei Brak (B.S.R 2)
â«×××¡× ×€×š××⬠Yossi Farhi
â«××ך×× ×Š×€×š×ך⬠Doron Zafrir
Farhi-Zafrir Architects â«×Š×€×š×ך ××ך×××××â¬-â«×€×š××⬠The Farhi-Zafrir team combines qualified and experienced architects with a wide variety of expertise, including national outline planning, urban planning and design, public building design, design of residential towers and more. The team believes that the architectural design goes beyond site boarders and into the public realm. Therefore we strongly emphasize public space design and the everlasting dialogue between each specific project and its urban context.
Top: Section through the Runway Park â a linear urban park, deriving its design from the airport runways. Bellow: The park perimeter offers a broad promenade which the streets of the district connect to.
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â« ××קשך ×ת ×ך×××¢ ×××שâ¬,â« ×€×ךק ×¢×ך×× × ××× ×××š× ×ת×××× ××ס××× ×××ª×€× ×â¬- â« ××ª× ××š× ×€×ךק ××ס×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ×××× ×ת××ך×× ×š××××ת ×ך×××¢â¬,â« ×××€× ××€×ךק ××××× ×¢× ××× ××××ת ך×××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×× ××€×ךק ××¢×ך×× ×â¬
â«×§×š××ת ××× ×× ×תך××תâ¬
Education & Culture Complex â« × ×ª× ××â¬,⫠קך××ת ×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬12,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠××××š× ××€×ת×× ××ת××ך×ת × ×ª× ××â¬- â«×ªâ¬.â«×â¬.â« ×â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«××¢×ך××ת × ×ª× ××⬠⫠×סף ×€×× ×Š×³×קâ¬,â« ××××ך ×××××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Kiriyat Hasharon, Netaniya Date: 2016 Area: 12,000 sq.m Client: H.L.T + Netanya Municipality Photo: Lior Avitan, Asaf Pinchuk
The complex meets the needs of East Netanyaâs 50,000 residents. The cluster includes the Sefi Rivlin Community Center, a multi-purpose 350 seats auditorium and an educational campus consisting of 48 classrooms comprised of an elementary school and junior high. The cluster of buildings was designed to allow integrated activities within the various buildings in accordance with the operating hours. Design emphasis was placed on creating welcoming & friendly spaces utilizing strong colorful elements & interesting geometric forms. The unique public complex stands out from the distinctly urban neighborhood and its surrounding buildings.
4610302 â« ×ך׊×××â¬.â«×ªâ¬.â« ×â¬,418 .â«×â¬.⫠תâ¬,20 â«××××× ××€×××â¬
20 Galgalle Haplada St. P.o.b. 418, Herzliya 4610302
â«×ק×××€×קס × ××ª× ××¢× × ×׊ך×× ×××××ס××ת ת×ש×× ×××š× × ×ª× ×× ×××× ×⬠⫠××ק××¥ ×××× ××× ××תך ×ת ××ך××â¬.⫠ת×ש×××â¬50,000-â«×××¢×× ×⬠⫠××ש×××â¬350 â« ××××××ך××× ×š× ×ª××××ª× ××â¬,â«×ק××××ª× ×¢"ש ×¡×€× ×š×××××⬠.â« ××ת×ת ×××ך××ת ×××"ס ×ס××× ×××××ת ××× ×××â¬48 â«×קך××ת ××× ×× ×ת⬠â«×ק××¥ ××× ××× ×× ×ª××× × ×× ×©××€×¢×××××ת ××××× ××שת×× ×€×× ×§×Š××× ×××ת⬠â«××× ××× ×ס×ך×××× ××ת×× ×שע×ת ××€×¢×××ת (××ך×× ×ק××××ª× ×שת×ש⬠â«×××ת×ת ×××× ××× ××××× ×××"ס ×שת×ש ×××××××ך××× ××××ת×ת⬠⫠×ת×× ×× ×××©× ××ש ×¢× ×׊×ךת ××××× ××××× ×× ×× ×¢××××â¬.)â«××€×¢×××ת⬠⫠×ך×× ××××××ª× ×××ש×× ××¢××â¬,â«×ש×××× ×××× ××× ××¢×× ×Š××¢×× ××ת ××ק×⬠⫠×ש××× × ××¢×ת ×××€× ×¢×ך×× × ××××ק ×××× ××ךק×â¬.â«×Š××š× ××ת ××¢× ××× ×ªâ¬ .â«×׊××××š× ××××××× ×ª×× ×××××ª× ×ש×ך ×××× ×× ×ס×××ת×â¬
â«×Š×× ××ססק×⬠Zvi Mosessco
â«× ×ך×ת ××ססק×⬠Nurit Mosessco
â«××××ך ×××××⬠Lior Avivi
Mosessco Architect & Townplanner â« ×××¡×¡×§× ××ך××× ××ת×× × ×¢×š××â¬.â«×Šâ¬ Z. Mosessco Architect & Townplanner is one of Israelâs leading architectural firms. Established over 40 years ago, the firm has designed more than 3,000 projects encompassing approximately 10 million square meters. The team consists of about 40 professionals in the fields of urban planning, architecture and interior design.
Top: The Sefi Rivlin Community Center. Opposite Page - Top: Kiryat Hasharon Education & Cultural Complex. Bottom Right: Lobby. Bottom Left: Auditorium.
â« ×××¡×¡×§× ××ך××× ××ת×× × ×¢×š×× ××× × ××©×š× ××€××¢× ×××ךת ×ת×× ××â¬.â«×Šâ¬ â« ××××× ××©× ×× ×ª××× × ×â¬.â« ×©× ×â¬40-â«××ק×××ת ××××× ×××××ת ×× ×××¢×× ×⬠⫠ס×× ×××©×š× ××× ×â¬.â« ×××××× ×"ךâ¬10-â« ××× ×× ×ש×× ×××× ×©× ×â¬3,000 â«××¢×⬠.â« ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬,â« ××ש ××ת×××× ×ת×× ×× ××ך×× ×â¬40-â«×â¬
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State Comptroller building The state Comptroller building, located at the highest point of the national precinct, utilizes its distinctive location to overlook the surrounding buildings. It represents in accordance with the values of the organization, a restrained and modern building which conveys a sense of dignity and quality. Fragmentation of the traditional stone into separate elements by the use of transparent curtain walls, together with a modular grid of windows combined with randomly located sliding shutters, creates simple yet sophisticated elevations. The main atrium creates a skylight interior courtyard which, together the open elevators, contributes to a sense of orientation and expresses of transparency, clarity and integrity. The planning of the building won the tender in the DBOT framework, and was selected with an emphasis on the design component. Location: Jerusalem Date: 2012-2015 Area: 15,185 sq.m Client: Shikun & Binui Group Photo: Amit Geron
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015-2012 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬15,185 :â«×©××⬠⫠ש×××× ×××× ××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
.â« ××× ×××××× ×××ך ××× ×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×× ××× ××קך ××××× ×â¬
State Comptroller building. Top: View from Vind sq. Bottom right: Elevation view from HaNassi
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Hashihi Blvd. Bottom left: View of the atriumâs open space.
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,19 â«××š× ×× ×× ××××⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬,27 â«×š×׳ ×××× ×׳×ך×׳â¬
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â«×××ך ק××קך⬠Amir Kolker
â«×¢×׀ך ק××קך⬠Opher Kolker
â«×š× ×× ×׀ש××××⬠Randy Epstein
â«××× ××š× ××Š×§× ×××⬠Maya Zarnitsky Debbi
â«×ךק ×¢×××⬠Barak Eylam
â«×××× ×š××××⬠Lotan Rothman
Kolker | Kolker | Epstein â«×§××קך | ק××קך | ×׀ש××××⬠Our office specializes in urban and architectural design and project management in the fields of urban planning, buildings and large-scale transport infrastructures architecture. We perform projects in the framework DBOT and design-to-budget and have been fortuned to design many Architectural projects of national importance.
â«×ת××× ×ת×× ×× ××¢×ך×× × ××××š×Š× ××× ×ת×××⬠â«×שך×× × ×ת××× ×ת×× ×× ×€×š××ק××× ×š××× ××קף⬠⫠×××× ×¢×â¬,â« ×¢××××ª× × ×ת××€××× ×ª ×ש×××š× ×¢× ××××ת ת×× ×× ×ת ××××× ×ק׀×× ×תâ¬.â«××× × ×׊×××ך⬠⫠ךש×××תâ¬,â« ×שך×× ××ש××â¬:â« ××× ×ק×××ת×× ×â¬.â«××××ת ×¢×××× ×××× ××× ×× ×§×Š×š ××¢×××× ×תק׊××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×ת×××תâ¬.â« ××× ××ךס××××ת ×××ס××ת ׊×××ך××× ××× ××ך×ת ×××××× ×€×š××××â¬,â«×ק××××ת⬠⫠×××× ×â¬,â« ××ס×ךת ××ך××× ××××× × ×××©× ×â¬.DBOT-â«××××××ת ×ת×× ×× ×©× ×€×š××ק××× ×ש××ת ×⬠.â«×ת×× × ×€×š××ק××× ×Š×××ך××× ×š××× ××¢×× ×ש×××ת ×××××תâ¬
,â«×× ××× ×××¢× ×××ש×⬠â«××€×â¬-â«××××ת ת×â××××⬠â«×××× × ××¢××× ××€×ש×× ×קך×××× ×©× ×ס×××× ×××⬠.â« ×× ×סף ×××€×ש ××€×ך×××× ×××¢××× ×× ×××ת×â¬,â«×ק××€×ס⬠â«××©× ×× ×ª××× × × ××××š× ××€×¡×§× ××× ××× ×××׊ך×× ×ק×××ת⬠⫠×ק××ת ×קךקע ×××ק××ת ך×××ת ××׀סק×â¬.â«××€×ש⬠â«×× ×€×ª×ת ×× ××׊ך ××××× × ×ª ×× ×ª××ת ××× ×××× ××ך׊××ת⬠.â« ×ק×××ת ×ש×××) ×××× ×× ××× ×××¢× ×××ª× ×××תâ¬320( â«×××××⬠â«×ק×××ת ××××××ת ××××ת ך×××ת ××× ××ך××ת ××××⬠â«×ך××©× ×××׊ך×ת קשך ×¢×× ×××€×ש ×× ×××ª× ××× ×× ×©×⬠⫠×ק××× ××¢×××× × ××ק×× ×שך×× ×ס×× ×× ×€×ª×××â¬.â«××× ×××⬠⫠××× ×× ××׀ך××â¬.â« ×× ×× ×××× ×â¬,â« ×××××š× ×× ××× ×××€×שâ¬,â«×× ××⬠⫠××עך×ת ×תקש×ךתâ¬,â«×עך××ת ××××× ×××××ך ×ש××× ×× ××ת⬠â«××××ש×× ×ש××× ××׀ק×ת ×¢× ×× ×ª ××׀שך ת׀ק×× ××¢××⬠.â«×©× ××××ק×â¬
Computer Sciences, Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College The building is designed to encourage casual meetings, in addition to the formal encounter in the lab or in the class. For this purpose, break and rest areas have been planned, creating such meeting places. Between the lecture halls on the ground floor there are break areas opening to the vegitated courtyard. On the top floors, these areas form galleries for the main space and allow for eye contact and meeting opportunities also in the buildingâs vertical section. The staff offices are located on the top floor and they also open, from rest and meeting spaces, to a roof garden. The air conditioning systems in the building were separated into a vertical layer and the communications and computing systems into a horizontal layer. In this way, one system is not built at the expense of the volume designated for the other, and the option remains for flexibility and constant changes in spaces intended for systems.
Computer sciences, Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College. Top right: Library. Top left: Inner atrium. Bottom: View from the campus ground.
.⫠ס׀ך×××â¬:â« ×××¢×× ×××××â¬.â«××€×â¬-â« ××××ת ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â«×× ××× ×××¢× ×××ש×⬠.â« ××× ××׊ך ×ק××€×סâ¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ××ך××× ×€× ×××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬
Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2003-2007 Area: 18,000 sq.m Client: The Acdemic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo Photo: Amit Geron
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2007-2003 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬18,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××××× ××ק×××תâ¬:â«×ק××⬠â«××€×â¬-â«×ª×ÖŸ××××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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Davidâs Tower âDavidâs Towerâ is an example of cooperation between council planning authorities and private entrepreneurship. Hotel âMaximâ and âGan Hamelechâ, as well as other properties, were left abandoned and neglected for years. When these were demolished, the development of a 30 level tower, containing 54 luxury apartments and a hotel was built in their stead. The hotel amenities include a fine dining restaurant, a luxury spa, a pool, a gym and access to the promenade leading to the beach. There are 40 suites and 75 rooms total that provide tourists with a comfortable stay in the center of the city. The project is an example of how private entrepreneurship, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Netanya City Hall, turned a neglected site into a successful development enriching the community, local economy and improving the urban design.
Location: Netanya Date: 2015 Area: 24,000 sq.m Developer: Briga Architects: Arch. Ehud Raziel, Doron Mor Yossef Structural Engineer: Israel David Engineers â Arkadi kolodkin HVAC Systems: H.R.V.A.C. Sanitary Systems: T.M.A. â Ron Galmor Electric Systems: R. Cohen Electric Systems Consultants Elevators: Yossef Shahak Traffic Engineer: M.T.N. Traffic and Transportation Engineerings â Adi Zelinger Hotels Consultant: Ofer Popps Hotel Interior Design: Michael Azulay Fire Safety Consultants: S. Netanel Terrain Consultant: Doron Eshel consulting engineers Shelter Consultant: Rami Levy
â« × ×ª× ××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬24,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ך×××â¬:â«×××⬠⫠××ך' ××××â¬:â«××ך××××× ××ך×××⬠⫠××ך×× ××ך ××סףâ¬,â«×š××××⬠:â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××⬠:â«×שך×× ××× ××× ×ס×× ××¢"×⬠â«×ךק×× ×§×××ק×× â ××× ×ס⬠â«×§â¬.â«×â¬.â«×â¬.â«×šâ¬.â« ×â¬:â«××××× ×××ך⬠- â«× ××× ×ס××â¬.â«×â¬.⫠תâ¬:â«××× ×¡××׊××⬠â«×š×× ××××ך⬠⫠××× ××ע׊××â¬.⫠ךâ¬:â«×ש××⬠⫠××סף ש×קâ¬:â«××¢×××ת⬠- â«× ×ª× ××¢×â¬.â«×ªâ¬.â« ×â¬:â«×ª× ××¢×⬠â«×¢×× ×××× ×ך⬠⫠ע×׀ך ×€×׀סâ¬:â«×××× ××ת⬠⫠××××× ××××××â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ××××â¬ â« × ×ª× ××â¬.⫠שâ¬:â«×××××ת⬠⫠××ך×× ×ש×â¬:â«×××¢×¥ קךקע⬠â«××× ×ס×× ××ע׊××⬠⫠ך×× ×××â¬:â«×××¢×¥ ××ק×××â¬
â« ×סף ×€×× ×Š×³×קâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Photo: Assaf Pinchuk
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬17 â«× ××ת ×× ××××â¬
17 Nachalat binyamin St. Tel Aviv
â«×××× ×š××××⬠Ehud Raziel
â«××ך×× ××ך ××סף⬠Doron Mor Yosef
Razielarch â«×š×××× ××ך×××××⬠Razielarch expertise in giving design and consulting services to real estate firms and developers. The firm is involved in residential neighborhoods, office buildings, hotels, shopping malls and logistics parks. In each project a deep research is done in order to learn the site and its context and to understand the program and the developer intentions. Further few alternatives are developed for the project trying to mix the program with the context.The client is exposed and being a part of the design process from early stages through the design process in order to better define the guidelines for the project.
Photo: Guy mador
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Lonely Soldiers house Location: Ramat Gan Date: 2013 Area: 2,000 sq.m Client: Friends of IDF Architects: Ronnie Alroy in collaboration with Itay Shahar and Amir Hazak. Design Team: Bathelle Ungar, Gideon Rozen, Tal Brenger, Yaron Bronstein Construction Engineer: Arme Engineers Project Manager: Ofer Parizer Photo: Amit Geron
â«×§××××¥ ש׀×××â¬
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2,000 :â«×©××⬠Friends of â« ×¢××תתâ¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×××××× ×××¢× ×××××â¬,IDF ⫠ך×× × ××ך×××â¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×ש×ת××£ ×¢× ×××ª× ×©×ך⬠â«××××ך ××ק⬠⫠×ת ×× ××× ×ךâ¬:â«×Š××ת ת×× ××⬠,â« ×× ××š× ×ךâ¬,â«×××¢×× ×š××× ×¡×§×⬠â«×ך×× ×ך×× ×©××××⬠:â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××⬠â«×ך×× ××× ×ס××⬠⫠ע×׀ך ׀ך××ךâ¬:â«×€×ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Kibbutz Shefaim
Situated within Hayarkon Park with views of the Paratroopers gardens and the Yarkon River, this Public project creates a residential environment for lone soldiers to come home to. The building shares a communal plaza with the Paratroopers Building. Constructed in a grey indigenous stone to blend with the tone of the Paratroopers Building, the angles and treatment of the buildingâs stone facade specifically emphasise the natural qualities of the stone and differentiate it from the pre-existing structure. To promote a sense of belonging, the lower floors houses communal lounge areas suitable for entertaining and celebrations. The common lounge area enjoys sprawling views of the Paratroopers garden, Hayarkon Park and the Yarkon River. The residential living units promote privacy, space efficiency, and comfortable living. each unit is designed with maximised garden views and natural light.
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â«×š×× × ××ך×××⬠Ronnie Alroy
Ronnie Alroy Architects â«×š×× × ××ך××× ××ך×××××⬠Ronnie Alroy Architects â guided by natural proportions, lighting, and textures of a projectâs landscape or environment. We design distinctive, innovative, and clean solutions that harmonise the aspirations of our clients with the environmental and urban context of the project site. We work collaboratively with our clients to find a âpersonal starting pointâ for each project. From this starting point we work closely with the client to create rational, precise, and functional personalised solutions. Ronnie Alroy Architects have experience from design inception to finished construction in Public, Private and Commercial projects.
Top: A view from Hayarkon park. Opposite page - Top Right: Street level | stone details emphasize the natural qualities of stone. Top left: North elevation | A combination of stone and exposed concrete. Bottom Right: Top view of entrance ramp. Bottom Left: Connection between the floors in public spaces
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Sammy Ofer Heart Building Tel Aviv Medical Center In collaboration with Ranni Ziss
The new tower has 17 floors. Positioned in the glass front of the building are red windows. The idea was to revive the old Ichilov Hospital building by designing a public atrium connecting the new Cardiology Tower with the historic building. Red bridges will be suspended like arteries in the atrium space and lead the public of visitors to waiting galleries facing each other in the two buildings. The new Cardiology Tower is the only medical building in Israel designed without fences. A two-level urban gallery was designed parallel to a wide public square bordering Weizmann Street. Location: Tel Aviv Year: 2010 Area: 60,000 sq.m Client: Tel Aviv Medical Center Photo: Rona Vatash
⫠ת×â××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬60,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ך×× ×š×€××× ×ª×â××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ך×× × ××שâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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The Ruth Rappaport Children Hospital The new childrenâs hospital is designed as a white monolithic cube, partly recessed. Two atriums are planned in the empty recess, one above the other. Some of the rooms protruding into the recess, like colorful theater boxes, overlooking the atriums which serve as stages of activity. Each floor has its own special theme, such as a sea floor, a forest floor, etc. This style of design invokes a sense of belonging that is so important for the children being hospitalized in their specific wards. It also creates a coherent architectural language that stimulates the childrenâs imagination.
The Ruth Rappaport Children Hospital. Top: Main façade from the
â« ×××ת ך×ש×ת ××××××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«××ת ××××× ×š×ת ך׀׀×ך×â¬
medical center. Right Center: Hospitalization wards façade and ambulancesâ entrance. Left Center: Nurses station in the âbeach
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floorâ children oncology ward. Bottom: Chess board Atrium.
â«××€×â¬-⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬37 â«×©×ך×ת ×שך××â¬
37 Sheerit Israel St. Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Location: Haifa Year: 2014 Area: 17,000 sq.m Client: Rambam Medical Center Photo: Zeâev Beach
.â« ××ך××× ×¢×××× â ש×××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××××§× ××× ×§×××××ת ×××××â¬
â« ×××€×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬17,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ך×× ×š×€×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×¢×Ž×© ×ך××׎×⬠⫠××× ××ץ׳â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«××š× ×©×š××⬠Arad Sharon
â«×©×š×× ××ךâ×××⬠Sharon Gur-Zeâev
Sharon Architects â«×©×š×× ××ך×××××⬠The Sharon Architectural firm, founded by arch. Arieh Sharon, has 83 years of long standing tradition. The office specializes mainly in medical architecture and currently is the leader in the design of medical centers in Israel. The challenge is to integrate professionalism with beautiful design also in heavy duty medical functions, to create a healing environment.
â« ×××©×š× × ××¡× ××€× ×â¬.â«×©×š×× ××ך××××× ××× ×××שך××× ××ת×ק×× ××שך××⬠⫠×ת×××ת×â¬.)1962 â« ×©× ×× ×¢×â××× ××ך××× ×ך×× ×©×š×× (׀ךס ×שך××â¬83 â«××¢×קך×ת ××× ×ת×× ×× ××ס××ת ך׀××× ×××× ×€×¢×× ×××× ×ך×× ××ך××××⬠⫠×××× ×××©×š× ××× ×׊×ךת ××ך××××ת שתע××ך ×ת××××â¬.â«×ך׀××××× ××ךץ⬠â«×ך××€×× ×ª×× ××× ×©×××× ×©× ×¢×׊×× ×××××× ×ת×× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ××××ת ש×⬠.â«×â×××× ×â ×ך׀×××תâ¬
Sammy Ofer Heart Building. Top: Night view Photo: Electra. Center: Floating bridges over the atrium. Photo: Electra.
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Gideon Oberson Boutique The well known Gideon Oberson boutique is located on the street level bustling center of Tel Aviv. The urban atmosphere in the heart of the city affected the vision for the design of the boutique. âOur desire was to reveal the existing space for its constructive elements and original materials, thus creating a rough background which emphasizes the delicacy and aesthetics of the textile and works of art which are displayed in the boutiqueâ says Dana Oberson. âBeyond exposing of the concrete and constructive elements, we used a lot of material at their natural finish such as marble, stainless steel and iron. The minimalist and monochromatic lighting produces a pleasant atmosphere.â Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2015 Area: 200 sq.m Client: Gideon Oberson Head Architect: Oshir Asaban Photo: Oded Smadar
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬200 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¢×× ×××ך×××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××ש×ך ×ס××â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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American Colony Duplex This American Colony duplex design concept illustrates an architectural restraint as opposed to the changing urban environs seen from the windows and balconies. The choice of materials and monochromatic minimalism creates a serene harmony of opposites. The master unit door is implemented in the concrete cladding wall which rises above the entire height of the staircase space. A skylight illuminates the stairs and washes the concrete wall in natural light. The Bauhaus inspired staircase provides a sense of stopping in time. Entry level houses three suites. The entrance lobby was designed with a working/study area that serves the three units. The living room was located on the top floor aside the sea-facing balcony. The kitchen is facing the American colony. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 260 sq.m Head Architect: Tali Yeger Rockah Photo: Oded Smadar
⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬,5 â«××ךשâ¬
.â«×××€×קס ×××ש×× ×××ך×ק××ת⬠⫠××× ×× ××× ××××ך×× ××שק××£â¬:â«×××¢××â¬ â« × ×ך×ת ××××ת סך××× ×¢×¥ ××××â¬.â«×× ×××⬠⫠××× ××××× ××€×× × ××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«×××קע⬠.â«×××ש×× ×××ך×ק××ת⬠⫠××× ×× ×× ×סת ××××× ××€×× ×ªâ¬:â«××××⬠⫠××××ך ×©× ×שק××£ ××ך×× ×¢× ×§×ךâ¬.â«×××××⬠.â«××××× ×××š× ×××ך××ת⬠American Colony Duplex. Top: A view of the living space overlooking the sea. Joinery floor to ceiling Oak bars façade. Center: Kitchen facing the American colony. Bottom: A view of the kitchen and dining room entrance black Iron lintel and the concrete
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬260 :â«×©××⬠:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠â«××× ××ך ך×ק×⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
5 Hacharash St. Ramat Hasharon
staircase wall.
â«×× × ×××ך×××⬠Dana Oberson
Dana Oberson Architects â«×× × ×××ך××× ××ך×××××⬠Dana Oberson, a leading architect specializes in the planning and design private houses and luxury apartments, boutique hotels and holiday homes worldwide. A Bezalel graduate, Dana was previously a lecturer at Tel Aviv University and is currently a lecturer and mentors graduate students at Ariel University. âDana Oberson Architectsâ founded in 2002, is a unique studio defined by its holistic approach to all elements of the design. From the landscape and environmental standpoint, throw the understanding of complex architectural spaces and to the process of merger arising from a close dialog with the customers. All these give rise to a unique layout rich, detailed and customized.
Gideon Oberson Boutique. Top: Origami wall at the entrance to the boutique made of folded metal by Ilan Garibi. Bottom: The central space that combines textile and artifacts.
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Ticho House The 1865-built vaulted stone house has been a branch of the Israel Museum since the 1980âs. The building and its various additions had aged, and an over-all renovation was needed, including creating accessibility & updating the technical systems so they are suited to contemporary museum needs. The leading design concept throughout the project was to differentiate the new additions from the existing structure, which was largely preserved or restored. Location: Jerusalem Date: 2016 Area: 825 sq.m Client: Israel Museum, Jerusalem Team: Tammy Yaniv, Dana Raichel, Carmit Hernick Preservation Architect: Amir Freundlich Project Manager: Gad Kalir Photo: Haim Kimchi
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬825 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬,â« ××××××× ×שך××â¬:â«×ק××⬠,â« ×× × ×š××××â¬,⫠ת×× ×× ××â¬:â«×Š××ת⬠â«×ך××ת ××š× ×ק⬠:â«××ך××× ×©×××ך⬠â«×××ך ׀ך××× ××××⬠⫠×× ×§××ךâ¬:â«×× ×× ×€×š××ק×⬠⫠×××× ×§×××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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Dragonfly The project includes Interior design for a real estate company in the bay area. The design allows for flexibility and growth in an open space environment with several private booths and meeting rooms. The design uses the company colors of white, red and grey in combination with exposed construction materials: concrete floors and OSB. The linear lighting fixtures, fabric filled holes in the OSB, and mobile private booths add playfulness to the space. Free-standing standard shelving units are used as space dividers in the main work areas, while meeting rooms are designed as cozier enclosed spaces.
Dragonfly. Top: Main entrance area â dynamic lighting
â« ×××€× ×ª×××š× ××× ×××× ××××€××â¬- â« ××× ××× ×ס×â¬:â«×××¢××â¬
fixtures and standard shelving units dividing the space.
â« ××××š× ××ש×××ת × ×¢×©×â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××ש×ש×× ××××׊×תâ¬
With Amos Ben-Porat Location: San Mateo, California Date: 2016 Area: 470 sq.m Client: Dragonfly Investment Group Team: Tammy Yaniv, Amos Ben Porat, Dana Raichel, Vered Gur Photos: LucidPic Photography â Rich Anderson
â«×©×××ש ×ך×××× ×ך××€× ×ש×××× ×¢×¥ ×××¢× ××× ×ך×תâ¬
Center: Upholstered seating, suspended lighting and
.â«×ª××××ת ×¢× ×× ×ª ×××׊ך ×××××š× ××תך ××ת×תâ¬
carpets create a cozier environment. Bottom: The raw
.OSB-â« ×â¬,â« ×עך××ת ×××××תâ¬,⫠ש×××ש ××××× ×ש××£â¬:â«××××â¬
materials: industrial concrete floor, exposed ceiling and OSB, normally used as a building material.
⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬,3 â«×ך×שתâ¬
3 Haroshet St. Ramat Hasharon
â«×¢× ××ך׳ ×¢××ס ×× ×€×ךת⬠⫠ק×××€××š× ××â¬,⫠ס×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬470 :â«×©××⬠Dragonfly :â«×ק××⬠Investment Group ,â« ×¢××ס ×× ×€×ךתâ¬,⫠ת×× ×× ××â¬:â«×Š××ת⬠⫠××š× ××ךâ¬,â«×× × ×š××××⬠⫠××ס×××€×ק â ך××¥' ×× ×ךס××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×ª×× ×× ××⬠Tammy Yaniv
Tammy Yaniv Architecture â«×ª×× ×× ×× ××ך××××ת⬠âTammy Yaniv Architectureâ was founded in 2011. The firmâs wide range of projects includes public buildings, new commercial and residential projects, preservation and intervention in existing structures as well as interior design of both large scale projects and high-end private residences. Our firm frequently collaborates with international architects.
Ticho House. Top: Exterior elevator & stairs in glass & steel differentiate themselves from the existing building. Bottom: The original oak staircase, restored & exposed to the main public area.
â« ××¢×סק ×ת××××× ××××× ××â¬2011-â«××©×š× "ת×× ×× ×× ××ך××××ת" ×××§× ×⬠⫠ש×××ךâ¬,â« ×× ×× ×××©× ××ס×ך ×××××ך××â¬,â«××× ××× × ×Š×××ך ×תך××ת⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×××× ×× ×Š×××ך××× ×׀ך××××â¬,â«××תעך××ת ×××× ×× ×§×××××⬠â«×× ×׀ך××ק××× ×¢×Š××××× ××× ×ש×ת××€× ×€×¢××× ×¢× ××ך××××× ×××ךץ⬠⫠×××©×š× ×Š××ת ××ך×××× ××××× ××× ××¡× ×××××× ×€×š××ק××× ×××××תâ¬.â«××××"×⬠.â« ×××××ש ××ת ××××â¬,â« ×¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ××××ך ××××â¬,â«××€×¢× ×€×ך×â¬
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â«×××× "××ת ×××ס" × ×× ××€×⬠âThe Customâs houseâ Hotel, Jaffa port â« ×׎ךâ¬3515 :⫠ש××â¬2016 :â« × ×× ××€× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××â¬ â« ×©× ××× ××â¬,â« ×¢×× ×××€× ××××â¬,â« × ××¢× ×š×ת×â¬,â« ×××× ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××ת ת×× ××⬠⫠××××ך ס×××â¬:â« ×š× × ××ס ׊××××â¬:â«××ך××××ת⬠Location: Jaffa Port Year: 2016 Area: 3515 sq.m Architects: Wlad Verin, Noa Rothem, Adi Openheim, Shai Levanon Architecture: Ranni Ziss Photo: Limor Sidi
The Patio House â«××ת ××€×××⬠,â« × ××¢× ×š×ת×â¬,â« ×××× ×ך××â¬:â« ×׎ך ׊××ת ת×× ××â¬633 :⫠ש××â¬2014 :â« ×שך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××××ך ס×××â¬:â« ×××× ×××ך ׊××××â¬RTLD :â« ×©× ××× ×× ×ª××ך×â¬,â«×¢×× ×××€× ××××⬠Location: Hasharon Year: 2014 Area: 633 sq.m Architects: Wlad Verin, Noa Rothem, Adi Openheim, Shai Levanon Lighting: RTLD Hila Meir Photo: Limor Sidi
The Cube â«×ק××××â¬ â« ×©× ××× ××â¬,â« ×¢×× ×××€× ××××â¬,â« × ××¢× ×š×ת×â¬,â« ×××× ×ך××â¬:â« ×׎ך ׊××ת ת×× ××â¬144 :⫠ש××â¬2015 :â« ××× ××ךס××ת ×× ××ך××× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××××ך ס×××â¬:â« ×××× ×××ך ׊××××â¬RTLD :â«×ª××ך×⬠Location: Ben Gurion University Year: 2015 Area: 144 sq.m Architects: Wlad Verin, Noa Rothem, Adi Openheim, Shai Levanon Lighting: RTLD Hila Meir Photo: Limor Sidi
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,23 â«×××€×ךâ¬
23 Balfour St. Tel Aviv
â«×¢×× ×××€× ××××⬠Adi Openheim
â«×©× ××× ××⬠Shai Levanon
Open Mind Art Open Mind Art is a multidisciplinary design studio that incorporates arts with architecture. The foundations of this office rest on people and providing them with the best service, creativity and art as way of life. The office is lead by Adi Openheim and Shai Levanon, and aims to create each project a unique and vast cultural design that is inspired by art, music, anthropology and innovation.
The Bridge House â«××ת ××שך⬠⫠ע×× ×××€× ××××â¬,â« ×©× ××× ××â¬,â« × ××¢× ×š×ת×â¬,â« ×××× ×ך××â¬:â« ×׎ך ׊××ת ת×× ××â¬625 :⫠ש××â¬2015 :â« ×שך×× ×©× ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠××××ך ס×××â¬:â« ×××× ×××ך ׊××××â¬RTLD :â«×ª××ך×⬠Location: Hasharon Year: 2015 Area: 625 sq.m Architects: Wlad Verin, Noa Rothem, Adi Openheim, Shai Levanon Lighting: RTLD Hila Meir Photo: Limor Sidi
â« ××× ×¡××××× ××¢×׊×× ×š× ×ª×××× ××ש×× ×ך×××ק××ך×â¬Open Mind Art ,â« ×× ×©×× â ש×ך×תâ¬:â« ×ך×××××â¬3 â« ×ס××××× ×©× ××ש ×¢×â¬.â«×¢× ש×ך ×××× ××××ªâ¬ â« ×©× ××× ××â¬:â« ×ס××××× ×××× ×¢× ××× ×©× × ×©×ת׀××â¬.â« ×××× ×ת ××ך×â¬,â«×׊×ךת××ת⬠,â« ××ס×ק×â¬,â« ××× ×תâ¬,â« ×שך × ×¢×× ××ת×ת××× ×¢× ××ך××××תâ¬,â«××¢×× ×××€× ××××⬠⫠××× ××× ××× ××׀ך××ק××× × ××š× ×¢×××â¬.â« ×××©× ×ת ×׊××ךâ¬,â«×× ×ª×š××€××××××⬠.â«×ª×š×××ª× ×¢××ק ×× ×š×× ××ת××× ××¢×׊××â¬
Architecture/Interior Design
â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬/â«××ך××××תâ¬
Interior Design â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Lighting â«×ª××ך×â¬
Architecture â«××ך××××ת⬠Residence
AB House â« ×׀ך ש×ך×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016-2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬770 â« ×× ××â¬,â« ×׎ךâ¬1800 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××š× × ××××××š× ××€××Š× ×§××â¬:â«×¢×׊××â¬ â« ×š× ××××â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠××ª× ××סק×××â¬:â«×¡×××××× × ×׊××××××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Kfar Shmaryahu Year: 2013-2016 Total floor area: 770 sq.m Total site area: 1800 sq.m Design: Irene Goldberg, Pitsou Kedem In charge architect: Raz Melamed Lighting design: Orly Avron Alkabes Styling for photography: Eti Buskila Photography: Amit Geron
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬39 â«×××"×â¬
AB House
The house consists of two, central boxes â one, a long rectangle constructed from exposed concrete, floats above the excavated yard and a reflection pool. The other is coated in white plaster. Both of the two, central masses are covered by a metal net, painted white. It is, if you will, a modern-day interpretation of the Middle East crises. The metal netting is constructed in a recurring, geometric pattern that allows light and air to enter the enclosed spaces as well as the interior and exterior areas that it combines. The netting meanders across the house almost as if it were marking out a series of contours. At times, it is ethereal allowing light and air to access the spaces. Sometimes it is closed, acting as an entrance whilst at other times it is inlaid with a system of pivoting doors that allow one of the facades to appear dynamic and ever changing. The same geometric pattern is repeated in different the buildingâs interior design. For example, a metal wall that follows the floating stairs acting as a perforated balustrade. On the buildingâs southern side the concrete mass is truncated by an 11 meter long, hanging wall which, through the use of complex engineering techniques and solutions, does not touch the ground.
39 Maze St. Tel Aviv
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www. pitsou.com
â«×€××Š× ×§××⬠Pitsou Kedem
Pitsou Kedem Architects â«×€××Š× ×§×× ××ך×××××⬠Pitsou Kedem Architects Studio opened in 2000 and today consists of 12 architects. The studio is responsible for the design and planning of many projects in Israel and lately, also in Europe. Pitsou Kedem set up the studio after finishing his studies at the Architectural Association School of Architecture (AA). The studioâs design language and concept is founded on the modernist style and his work encompasses the values and principles of the period as well as the design philosophies of the modernist movement. For the past years, the studio has been searching for new materials, for a fresher approach that will allow us to enter new territory and step outside of recognized and boundaries. The studio designs projects covering a wide range of sizes and complexity. From the interior design of restaurants, stores and living spaces to the design of private residences â usually those spreading over very large plots â and recently, hotels and residential complexes. The studio has, over the years, been awarded many prizes including, for the past seven years, the Israeli Design Award. Our designs have been showcased in many professional journals and magazines around the world as well as on leading architectural web sites.
â« ××ך×××××â¬12 â« ×ס××××× ××× ×â¬.2000 â«×¡××××× ×€××Š× ×§×× ××ך××××× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ .â«××ת×× × ×€×š××ק××× ×š××× ×××××× ×× ××¢×קך ××שך×× ××××ך×× × ×× ×××ך××€×⬠AA Architectural-â« ×ק×× ×ת ×××©×š× ×××ך שס××× ×ת ××××××× ×â¬,â«×€××Š× ×§××⬠⫠×ס××××× ×שת×ת ×ת ×©×€×ª× ×¢× ×ס×× ××â¬.Association School of Architecture â«×××××š× ×ס×× ××¢××××ת×× ×¡××××ת ס××× ×¢×š×× ×תק××€× ×עך×× ××¢×׊×× ×©× ××ª× ××¢×⬠,â« ××©× ×× ×××ך×× ×ת ×ס××××× ×¢×¡×ק ××××€×ש ××ך ×××ך××ת ××ש×â¬.â«×××××š× ×ס××ת⬠⫠ש×××ש × ×š×× × ×¢×©× ××קךâ¬.â« ×׊××× ××××¥ ××××××ת ××××ךâ¬,â«××ש×× ×š×¢× × × ××תך⬠⫠×ס××××× ×ת×× × ×€×š××ק××× ××§× ×â¬.â«×××ך×× ×××©× ××× ××¢×קך ×××¢××€×ת ××× ××× ××⬠⫠×× ×××ת ××××× ×××ך×× ×©×× ×× ××ת××â¬,â« ××× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×©× ×סע××תâ¬.â«×××× ×©×× ××⬠⫠××× ×׀ך××ק××× ×תק××× ×¡××¢×ךâ¬.â«×€×š×××× ××××ך×× × ×× ××ª× ×××× ×××× × ×××ך××⬠⫠×ת ×ק×× ×¡×€× ×ת ××ק××§× ×©× ×ךע××× ×©×××××â¬,â«××××ת ×× ×ס××× ××׊×× ×ת ×ס××€×ך⬠⫠××××ת ×ךע××× ×ת׀ת×ת ×©×€× ××ת׀ת××× ××××× ×ª××â¬.â«×ת ×ת×× ×× ×©× ×׀ך××ק×⬠⫠×ס××××× ×××â¬.â«×©××ת ××ש ×¢× ×ק×× ××§×¡× ××שת××××ª× ×©× ×××× × ×××š×§× ××¢×ך×× ×⬠â«×׀ךס×× ×š××× ××××š× ××©× ×× ×× ××× ×׀ךס "××ת ××¢×׊××" ××שך××× ×ש××¢ ××©× ××⬠⫠ע××××ת ×ס××××× ×ת׀ךס××ת ××ת×× ×¢×ª ך××× ××× ××¢××× ×××תך×â¬.â«×××ך×× ×ת⬠.â«××ך××××ת ×××××××â¬
SB House ⫠ש××׀שך×â¬,â«××ת׀ת××××ת ×××× ××××××ת ×©× ××××€×× ×תעש××ת×ת⬠â«×ת ×ש×××ש ××××× ×××ך×× ×××× × ××ס×× ×©× ×©×× ××× ××× ××××× ×¢××⬠â«×ת ×ש×ךת ×××××š× ××× ××××ª× ×ת עקך×× ××××ת ×××׀ש×ת â ×××ת⬠⫠×ך×׀ת ×× ×× ×תקתâ¬,⫠שק××€× ×× ×××××â¬,â«×ש××ךךת ××¢××ס×× ×¡×××××⬠⫠×××â¬SB HOUSE .â«â קך×× ×š× ×××€×¢×× ××××׊ך ×׀ך×ת ×××¥ ××€× ××⬠â«××¢×©× ××ך×××× ×× ××¢×׀ת ××× ××× ×ש×שת ××××š× ×××××× â תך×⬠,⫠ש×ק××× ××ק××× ××׀ך×××תâ¬,â«××ך ×××× ×× ××××××ק ש××× ×××¡× ×××¥ ××€× ××⬠⫠ע××׀ת ×ת ×××××× ×× ×ךש×× ××××ךת ש×× ××â¬,â«×¢××× ×× ×קךקע⬠,â«×קךקע ×××¢×©× ×ך××× ×©××× ××ת×ך ×ת ××××ת ×××××× â ×שק×ף⬠â«××ק ×××¢××× ×ש×ש ×××¢×׀ת ×ק××ת ×××¡× ××××× ××××ס׀ס⬠⫠׀ע××ת ×××¢×׀תâ¬.â«××××ס××× ×¢××× ××ך××£ ××¢×××£ ×ת ×××ת ××××⬠â«×©×¢××©× ××××× ×¡××× ×××× ×××ת ×××׊ךת ×עך×ת ××××× ×× ×ךתקת ש×××⬠,â«×€×ª×× ×ס××ך ××׊××€× ×ת ×××ת ×ס×××× ×©×× ×× ××¢×׊××ª× ×©× ×©××€× ××ך⬠.â«××× × ×××¢×× ××××× ×××××ש×× ×ת ××××©× ××ת ××××€××× ×ת ××â¬
SB House Technological advances of the industrial revolution, which allowed the use of iron and concrete building blocks of the building brought with them the Gospel of modernism and the principle-front front free of static load balancing, transparent or opaque, Spacey or detached film shows the long separation of external and internal. SB HOUSE with itâs building envelope architecture serves as the generator, trolling the exact dosage between interior and exterior relations, climate and considerations of privacy, rising from the ground, surrounds the spaces required and return to the ground in the packaging as a challenge to the forces of gravity-transparent, thin and still serves as a wrapper for the floor and rugged a massive drifts and surrounds the entire House. The operation of cement sheath around the House produces a fascinating balance between system open and close and fills the House with various types of intensity of light, these streams pouring concrete and emphasizes his sensuality.
â«×€××Š× ×§×× ××ך×××××â¬
Pitsou Kedem Architects
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014-2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬511 â« ×× ××â¬,â« ×׎ךâ¬500 :â«×©××⬠,⫠ת×ך ×ך×ךâ¬,â« ×€××Š× ×§××â¬:â«×Š××ת ת×× ××⬠⫠××ך ××š× ×Š××â¬,â«×××š× × ×××××ך×⬠⫠××ª× ××סק×××â¬:â«×¡×××××× × ×׊××××××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Year: 2010-2014 Total floor area: 511 sq.m Total site area: 500 sq.m Design team: Pitsou Kedem, Tamar Berger, Irene Goldberg, Hagar Arad Tsvi Styling for photography: Eti Buskila Photography: Amit Geron
CH House Location: Rishon Lezion Date: 2016 Area: Plot 600 sq.m, Built 480 sq.m Construction: Orli Arama Project Manager: Marom Hadas, Asi Ervin Aluminium: Perfect wd Landscaping: Refael landscape design Styling: Maya Livnat Harush Photos: Shai Epstein
⫠ך×ש×× ×׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬600 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬480 â«×©×× ×× ××⬠:â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק××ך⬠â«××ך×× ×ך×××⬠:â«× ×××× ××€×ק××⬠⫠××¡× ×ך××××â¬,â«×ך×× ××ס⬠:â«×××××× ×××⬠â«×€×š×€×§× ×××× ×ת ×××ת×ת⬠⫠ך׀××â¬:â«×€×ת××⬠:â«×¡×××××× × ×׊××××⬠â«×ך×שâ¬-â«×××× ×××× ×ªâ¬ â« ×©× ×׀ש××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â« ×׀ך֟ס××â¬,24 â«×תע׎שâ¬
CH House
The house is built on a square lot, designed in an âLâ shape. The two sides of the house contain the public functions, facing the yard and wrapped around the outdoor sitting area. The swimming pool is located at the back of the yard. A thin âcarpetâ borders the outdoor sitting area and connects the different parts of the house for ease of access in daily activities. The house is built like a diagonal cube, with a slanted roof that turns into diagonal beams in two slopes, which in turn surround the frontal and side façades and conceal the tiled roof in accordance with the t.b.p. The staircase stands with no support, as a statue-like steel element that separates the lobby and the living room. The first floor contains three childrenâs suits and a master bedroom. The bedroom is located right on top of the living room with a peripheral view of the swimming pool. The basement contains a spacious family room and an additional childrenâsâ suit.
24 Hataâas St. Kfar Saba
â« ×©×ª× ×Š××¢×תâ¬."â«×××ת ××××§× ×¢× ××ךש ך××××¢× ××ת××× × ×׊×ךת "ך⬠⫠׀×× ×ת ××׊ך ××××ק×תâ¬,â«×××ת ×שך ×××××ת ×ת ××€×× ×§×Š××ת ×׊×××ך××ת⬠.â« ×××ק ×××××š× ×©× ××׊ך ××ק×× ××ך×××â¬.â«×ת ×××ך ××ש××× ×××׊×× ×⬠â«×××ך ××ש××× ×××׊×× × ××××ך ×¢× ××× âש×××" ×ק ×××××× ×§×©×š ×€×¢××⬠⫠××â¬,â« ×××× × ×ת××× × ×ק××××× ×××ס×× ×תâ¬.â«×××××××× ××× ×××§× ×××ת⬠â«×××× × ××ש××€×¢ ×××€× ×ק×ך×ת ×××ס×× ××ת ××©× × ×©××€××¢×× ×שך⬠â«×ק××€×ת ×ת ××××ת ×ק×××ת ××׊××× ××סת×ך×ת ×ת××× ×× ×š×¢×€××⬠⫠×××ך××ת ת××× × × ×××׊ע ×××× ×××××ך ×××â¬.â«×× ×ךש ×¢×€"× ×ת×"ע⬠⫠×× ×¢××××ת ××€× × ×¢×Š×× ××××× × ×€××× ×€×ס××× ×××׊ך×תâ¬,â«×©×ª× ×׊××¢×ת⬠⫠×ק××× ×ך×ש×× × ×©××ש ס××××תâ¬.â«×××¥ ××× ××××ת ××× ××¡× ×ס×××⬠⫠××ך ×ש×× × ××××§× ××¢× ×ס××× ×××â¬.â«×××××× ×××ך ש×× × ××ס×ך⬠⫠××ךתף ××ך ×ש׀××â¬.â«×ך׀סת ××ק׀×ת ××שק××€× ×× ××ך×××⬠.â«×ך××× ×ס××××ת ××××× × ×ס׀תâ¬
â«××¢× ×©×ך⬠Yael Shachar
â«××××ך ך××× ×€××⬠Lior Rozenfeld
Shachar-Rozenfeld Architects â«×š××× ×€×× ××ך×××××â¬-â«×©×ך⬠âShachar Rozenfeld Architectsâ was established in 2009 by Yael Shachar and Lior Rozenfeld. The office specializes in high quality private construction projects, boutique buildings, offices, showrooms and green architecture. We work with the private sector as well as entrepreneurs and companies. Architects Yael Shachar and Lior Rozenfeld graduated at the top of their class from the Technionâs architecture and urban planning faculty. They are partners in both work and life; accompany every single project personally from planning to construction â All while maintaining both a professional and a personal relationship with clients. The office was established after years of experience working for other architecture offices â Yael ran projects for luxury homes while Lior ran public and commercial projects on a large scale. We put heavy emphasis on providing clients with optimal service â responding to our clientsâ needs, wishes, requests and dreams. The planning of each project is accompanied with threedimensional planning, providing functional design solutions for the building itself and its relationship with its environment, attention to detail, high quality finish, meticulous choice of materials with close accompaniment throughout all stages of the project. The design is kept clean, functional, simple, bright and harmonious both indoors and outdoors. We always look for new materials and the latest building technologies.
â« ×¢×ÖŸ××× ×××ך×××××â¬2009 â«××©×š× "ש×ך ך××× ×€×× ××ך×××××" ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×× ××× ×â¬,â« ×××©×š× ×ת××× ××× ××× ×€×š××ת ××××ת×תâ¬.â«××¢× ×©×ך ×××××ך ך××× ×€××⬠,â« ×××××ת ת׊××× ××× ××× ×ך××§× ××¢××× ××× ×ק××ת ׀ך××××â¬,â« ×שך×××â¬,â«××××ק⬠⫠×××ך××××× ××¢× ×©×ך ×××××ך ך××× ×€×× ××××š× ×׀ק××××â¬.â«××××× ×××ך×ת⬠⫠××××××â¬,⫠ש×ת׀×× ××× × ×××â¬,â«××ך×××ק×××š× ×××× ×× ×¢×š×× ×××× ××× ××׊×××× ×ת⬠⫠ת×× ×©××ך×â¬,â«××× ×ת ×× ×׀ך×××ק×× ×ש×× ×ת×× ×× ××¢× ×ש×× ×¡××× ××× ××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×××§× ×××ך ×ס׀ך ×©× ×× ×©×â¬.â«×¢× קשך ×ק׊××¢× ××××©× ×¢× ××ק×××ת⬠⫠××¢× × ×××× ×€×š××ק××× ×©× ××ª× ×××§×š× ××××€×××â¬.â«×ת×××ת ××שך××× ×©×× ××⬠⫠××שך×â¬.â«××¢×××× ×××××ך × ××× ×€×š××ק××× ×ס×ך××× ×׊×××ך××× ××§× × ×××× ××××⬠⫠×קש×ת××â¬,⫠ך׊×× ×ת××â¬,â«×©× ××ש ×š× ×¢× ××ª× ××¢× × ×קס×××× ×׊×ך×× ××ק××⬠⫠ת×× ×× ×׀ך××ק××× ××××× ×ת×× ×× ×ª×ת ××××× ×ª×× ××ª× ×€×ª×š×× ×תâ¬.â«××××××ת××⬠⫠תש××ת ××â¬,â«×¢×׊××××× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ×××× ×××× × ××קשך ש×× ×¢× ×ס××××⬠⫠××××š× ××ק׀×ת ×©× ×××ך×× ×××××× ×Š××× ×××â¬,⫠ך×ת ××××ך ×××××â¬,â«×׀ך×××⬠,â« ×€×× ×§×Š××× ×××תâ¬,⫠ש×××š× ×¢× ×§× × ×§× ×ת×× ×× ××€× ×× ×××××¥â¬.â«×©××× ×׀ך××ק×⬠⫠××©× × ×××€×ש ת×××× ××ך ×××ך×× ××ש××â¬.â« ×××ך×ת ××ך××× ××â¬,â«×€×©××ת⬠.â«×××× ××××××ת ×× ×× ×¢×ש××××תâ¬
LB House The house is built on a narrow trapezoid lot, bordering a small green public park with ancient Eucalyptus trees. The clients wanted the park to be seen as a continuation of their own private garden â the house was designed in an âLâ shape to wrap around the swimming pool, facing the public park. The longer side of the house (28 meters) contains the living room, the dining area and the kitchen, while the shorter side contains the bedroom. The connection between the two sides is a double space containing the lobby. Vitrines are installed throughout the inner side of the house, enabling a direct connection with the outdoors. Glass corners in the living room and bedrooms allow full access to the garden. To soften the overall look of the large building, the house was designed as two separate masses, with the first floor being shorter than the ground floor, creating a kind of ridge. On this floor are four childrenâs suits with rooftop balconies. Two suits on each side of the house are connected with a bridge. Careful attention was given to the climate and choice of materials.
Location: Rishon Lezion Date: 2016 Area: Plot 760 sq.m, Built 600 sq.m Construction: Orli Arama Project Manager: Roy Harel Construction Contractor: Ben Zion Gal Finals Contractor: M-and-M Implementations Aluminium: Perfect wd Landscaping: Benny Amir Landscape Design Styling: Maya Livnat Harush Photos: Shai Epstein
⫠ך×ש××ÖŸ×׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬760 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬600 â«××ת⬠⫠××ך×× ×ך×××â¬:â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק××ך⬠⫠ך××¢× ×ך××â¬:â«× ×××× ××€×ק××⬠⫠××× ×× ××â¬:â«×§××× ×©××⬠⫠×× ×× × ×× ××ש××××â¬:â«×§××× ×××šâ¬ â« ×€×š×€×§× ×××× ×תâ¬:â«×××××× ×××⬠â«×××ת×ת⬠⫠×× × ×××ךâ¬:â«×€×ת××⬠:â«×¡×××××× × ×׊××××⬠â«×ך×שâ¬-â«×××× ×××× ×ªâ¬ â« ×©× ×׀ש××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×š××× ×€×× ××ך×××××â¬-â«×©×ךâ¬
ShacharâRozenfeld Architects
â«âªLB Houseâ¬â¬ â«×××ת ××××§× ×¢× ××ךש ×ך׀×× ×׊ך⪠,â¬××××× ××× ×Š××××š× ×ך×ק ×¢× ×ק×××€××ס×× ×¢×ª×ק××⪠.â¬×קשת⬠â«××ק×××ת ××××ª× ××ת×××ס ××× ×׊××××š× ××××©× ×××× ×ª× ×׀ך××ת ××× ×ª××× × ×××× × ×׊×ךת "âª"Lâ¬â¬ â«××××ק ×ת××× ×ת ××ך××× ××××€× × ×× ×××× × ×׊×××ך×ת⪠.â¬×׊××¢ ××ך××× (⪠28â¬××ך) × ×׊××× ×ס×××âª,â¬â¬ â«×€×× ×ª ××××× ×××××× ××׊××¢ ××§×Š×š× ××ך ×ש×× ×⪠.â¬×××××ך ××× ×©×ª× ×׊××¢×ת ××× × ××× ××€×× ××××××⬠â«×ת ××××ת ××× ×ס×⪠.â¬×××ך×× ×ת ××× ×××š× ××××ת ××€× ×××ת ×××× ×××× ×××× ××׀שך×ת ××€× ×× ××××⬠â«×× ×××ץ⪠.â¬×€×× ×ת ×××××ת ×ס××× ××××ך ×ש×× × ××׀שך×× ×€×ª××× ×××× ×× ×××× ×⪠.â¬×¢× ×× ×ª ×ך××⬠â«×ת ××ך×× ×©× ×××× × ××××× ×××š×§× ×ש××× ×ª× ×ק××× ×ª××× × ×××ת ××©×ª× ×ס×ת ××שך ×ק×××⬠â«×ך×ש×× × ×§×Š×š× ×ק××ת ×קךקע ××××׀ת ×××ª× (××××£)⪠.â¬×ק××× ×× ×ª××× × × ×ך××¢ ס×××××ת ××××××⬠â«×¢× ×ך׀ס×ת ××⪠.â¬×©×ª× ס×××××ת ××× ××ת ×׊××¢×ת ×××× × ×××××ך×ת ××× ××× ××שך⪠.â¬×ª×©××ת ×× ×š××⬠â«× ××ª× × ×ת×× ×× ××ק×××× ×××××ךת ××××ך×× ×××× ×âª.â¬â¬
â«××ת ×׀ך×ך××⬠⫠×××ך ת׎×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2012 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬300-â« ×â¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×××š× ×€×××× ×â¬:â«××ך×××⬠⫠××ך ×××××â¬:â«××ך××××ת × ×ף⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
,⫠ש××× ××¢×××× ×§××× ×§×©×š ×ש׀×ת×â¬,â«×××ת ת××× × ××ק××š× ×¢××ך ×©×ª× ×ש׀××ת⬠⫠×× ×××§×©× ×©××× ××ס×× ×ך×××× ×¢××ך ×ס׀ך××â¬.â«×××ך ש×××××× ××××ך×× ×¢×××⬠⫠×××× ×××ך ×××× ×©×ש××©× ××ך×× ×××תâ¬,â«××××¡×€× ×××ס××§× ××ק××× ××¢ ש×××⬠,â« ××× ××€××¢× ×©× ×××ת ××× ×××××â¬.â« ×××š× ×¢×××× ××××š× ×©×× ×â¬,â«××ת×××× ×××ך××⬠,⫠ש×××× ×××× ××׊××â¬.â«××××× ××××××ת × ×ס׀×ת ×× ×ת××ת ××¢×ך ××××¢××× ××ס×ךת×⬠,â« ××ך×× ×××× ×× ×× ×××× ×€×ª××â¬.â«×××× ×¡×€×š××× ×š××ת ××××× ××××× ×©×××× ×××× × ×סף⬠⫠׀××ךת ×ס׀ך×× ×ך××× ×××ת ××××תâ¬.â« ××ª× ×ך ××××ך×××â¬,â«×××¢×× ×× ×××× ××× ×××ך⬠."â« ×××ש××× ×ת ×××× ××××ך×× â "×××ך ×ת×× ×¡×€×š×××â¬,â«×××©× ×××××ת×ת ×× ×××â¬
House in the suburb Location: Tel Aviv Region Date: 2012 Area: about 300 sq.m Architect: Moran Palmoni Landscape Architect: Mor Avidan Photo: Amit Geron
The house was originally designed for two families, who had grown close after their children moved out. The familiesâ lives revolve around; work, social activism, music, literature, theater, film, dance, family and hosting. The owners asked for multiple storage areas for their books and their collections of music and movies, a kitchen and a dining room that would be as the center of the house and was suited for hosting, working and resting. The core of the house is the kitchen which has values that extend beyond its traditional function. In it a large table, a wide bookcase and next to it is an additional dining table. In the center of the space is a kitchen island with oven, stove and sink. The scattering of books expresses a friendly and convenient approach which fulfills the owners dreams, an important element in the planning â âliving in a libraryâ.
⫠ך×ת ×שך××â¬7 â«×ך × ××â¬
7 Har Nevo St. Ramat Hasharon
â«×××× ×©××š× ×ך×⬠â«âªGalia Sternbergâ¬â¬
â«âªGalia Sternberg Interior Architectureâ¬â¬ â«×××× ×©××š× ××š× ××ך××××ת ×€× ××⬠â«×××ךת ×¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×××ת ס׀ך ××¢×׊×× ××××ך××××ת "×ס××××"⪠.â¬×ת ×ך×× ××ק׊××¢×ת ××××⬠â«××ע׊×ת ×××ת ×©× "ס××ס"⪠,â¬××€×¢× ×š××××× ×ש׀×ת×⪠,â¬×©××× ××××ª× ×עת ××¢× ××©×€×¢× ×š××⬠â«×ת××× ××¢×׊×× ××ק×××⪠.â¬××ס×ךת ת׀ק×× ×× ×××ª× ××××š× ××׀ךס×× ×תעך×××ת ש×× ×ת⪠.â¬××©× ×ªâ¬ â«âª 1993â¬×ק××× ×ת ×שך×× ×ך×ת ×שך×× ×××ס××š×ª× ×Š××š× × ×¡××× ×¢×©×ך ×××× ×× ×¡××× ×ת×× ××⬠â«×××¢×׊×× ×ת×× ×€×š××××⪠,â¬×שך××× ×××ª× ×¢×¡×§ ××ק×××ת ××××ת×××⪠.â¬×¡×× ×× × ×©× ××××ק ××ת××€×××⬠â«×× ×ק××× ×¢×׊×××⪠,â¬××××ך×× ×××¢××× âª ,â¬×ש×××× ××ש×× ××× ×€× ×× ×××ץ⪠,â¬××× ×××€× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ×××ת⬠â«×××××©× ××ש×ת קש×××⪠,â¬×©×××š×ª× ××ש×ת ×ש×××ת ××ק×× ××ק׀×× ×¢× ×€×š××× ×××××תâª.â¬â¬
â«âªGalia Sternberg, a graduate of Hasviva school for architecture andâ¬â¬ â«âªinterior design, founded her firm in 1993, specializing in the planning andâ¬â¬ â«âªdesign of homes, offices and private businesses. The firmâs unique style,â¬â¬ â«âªcharacterized by clean designs, the use of natural materials and theâ¬â¬ â«âªjudicious mix of inside and outside as well as beauty and functionality,â¬â¬ â«âªaims to fulfill the needs and dreams of the customer via a personalizedâ¬â¬ â«âªand attentive approach intertwined with detail and quality.â¬â¬
â«×××× ×©××š× ××š× ××ך××××ת ×€× ××â¬
Galia Sternberg Interior Architecture
â«××ת ×× ××× ×Š×ק⬠,â«×××ת × ×× × ×¢× ××× ×ש׀×× ×××€×ך×ת ××ך×× ××⬠⫠×××תâ¬.â« ×××××š× ××× ××× ×ש×××ך ××××ךâ¬1910 â«××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×Š××š×ª× ×××× ×ת ×ק×××ת×× ×××תâ¬,â«×× ×©××ש ק×××ת⬠⫠×ק××ת ×××× ××× ×©×××©× ×××š× ×©×× ×â¬.â«×ש××× ××׊×ךת×⬠⫠××ך ××××â¬,â« ××ך ×ש׀××â¬,â«××ק××× ××¢×××× × ××××â¬ â« × ×©×ךâ¬,â« ×××× ××¢×××× ×¢× ×ª×× ×× ××€× ××â¬.â«×××ך ×××ך××⬠⫠×ש×××× × ×××¢×ת ×¢×ש××××תâ¬,â«×Š×××× × ××××€××š× ×©× ×××ת⬠⫠××ª×§×š× ×××ק ××ק××× ××¢×××× ×â¬.â«××××ך×ס××××ªâ¬ â« ×©× ×ת××× ×ק×× ×¡××ק׊××â¬,â«××× ××××× ×× ×ךע׀××⬠.â«××ק×ך×ת ××€× ×©× ×× ×ª× ××¢×ך⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬300 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×× ×ך ××ךâ¬:â«××ך××× ×©××××šâ¬ â« ×©× ×××â¬,â« ×¢××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
House in Neve Tzedek The house was built by German Templarâs in 1910 and was slated for preservation with severe restrictions (as to what is allowed to be changed). While working on the interior design, a contemporary and modern feel was added to the Templar color scheme. The house is of rectangular shape and with three floors which are identical to each other in their shape and surface. On the second floor are three bedrooms and on the one above are the kitchen, den, dining room and a communal area. On the top floor can be seen some of the original structure built by the Templars, the ceiling has, in some parts, kept its original roof tiled height and shape. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 300 sq.m Conservation Architect: Amnon Bar Or Photo: Amit Geron, Shai Adam
â« ×š×¢× × ×â¬,8 â«××ך××â¬
8 Harov St. Raanana
â«×× ×ª××ך⬠Tal Tamir
Tal Tamir Studio â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª××ך⬠Tal Tamir studio is an architecture and interior design firm, owned by interior designer Tal Tamir. The firm with its years of experience specializes in planning and designing of residence, apartments, commercial spaces and comprehensive refurbishment in Israel and abroad. The studio's approach is clean architecture with a clear expression, constancy and complete, timeless and offers unique functional design solutions, within meticulousness and consideration of existent terms and creating new ones, connection between interior and exterior with respective sensitivity to the final detail. In the studio we emphasis on high performance, team work and a good dialogue for evolving a creative process leading to the realization of good architectural project.
â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª××ך ××× × ××©×š× ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×× ××××× ×©× ×ע׊×ת ××€× ××⬠⫠×ת××× ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×©× ×ת×× ×€×š××××â¬,â« ××¢× × ×ס××× ×©× ×©× ××â¬,â« ××שך×â¬.â«×× ×ª××ך⬠.â« ××××× ×ס×ך××× ×ש××€×׊×× ×š××× ××קף ××ךץ ××××"×â¬,â« ××ך×תâ¬,â«×Š×××× ×§×š×§×¢â¬ â« ×¢×§××תâ¬,â«×¢××××ת ×××©×š× ×ת××××ת ×××ך××××ת × ×§××× ×¢× ××××š× ×Š××××⬠â«×€×ª×š×× ×ת ×¢×׊××××× ×××××××× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ×××× ×ª×× ×ק׀××⬠⫠×× × ×׊××¢××â¬.â«××סךת ×××⬠â«××××ך ××× ×€× ××⬠,â« ××׊ך×× ×ª× ××× ××ש××â¬,â« ×× ×סףâ¬.â«××ת×ש××ת ××ª× ××× ×ק×××××⬠⫠××ת××× ×ך××ש×ת ×¢× ××€×š× ×××ך×× ×ª×× ×©××ת ××ש ×¢× ×š×ת ××׊××¢â¬,â«×××ץ⬠⫠×××××× ××× ××××ת ת×××× ×׊××š×ª× ××ª×€×ª× ×××××× ×××××שâ¬,â« ×¢×××ת ׊××תâ¬,â«×××××⬠.â«×€×š××ק××× ××ך×××××× ×××××â¬
A House in Herzliya. Top: View from the living room â breaking the modern language by using velvet sofas and wooden cover. Opposite page: Top: A sitting area next to the pool. Bottom left: A double height space and a family place that located close to the kitchen. Bottom right: Large openings through which you can see the outside. The garden is reflected from every corner of the house, creating an infinite feeling and connection to nature.
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.⫠ק×ך ×××× ××׀ך×× ××× ×××× ××€×× ×ª ×ש׀××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠××ך ××××××ת ××ך×× â ××××€× ××× ×©×ש ש××ך×â¬:â«××ך×× ×××××⬠⫠××׀ך××â¬,â« ×××ך ×€×× × ×× ××ך ש×× ×â¬.â«×ש×××× ×××× ××× ×ק×ך×××⬠â«××× ××× ××××€××× ×ª ×¢× ××× ×××׊×ת ×××× ××××××ת ××ס×ךת⬠.â«×××××× ××× ××ך×× ××× ×××× ×××× ××ת×ת⬠⫠ש×ך××ª× ××ך××× â ××¢×׊××× ×× ××× ×ך×ת×ת ×¢×â¬:â«××ך×× ×ש×××⬠.⫠ש×××× ×©× ×¢×¥ ××××ך ××××â¬.⫠׊××¢×× ××ת ×××â¬,â«×ª×××š× ×××ק×ת⬠⫠×׀ך××â¬,⫠ק××ת ×ךתףâ¬:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â« ××ך ק××× ××¢â¬:â«×××× ×××××⬠.â«××× ××ך ק××× ××¢ ×××ך ××שך ×¢× ××× ×שך×××× ××ך××⬠Top: A concrete wall that separates between the kitchen and the family area. Center Right: Master bathroom - covered with black marble stone with Corian elements. The room faces a bedroom, separated by sliding glass divisions and a minimalist aluminum frame with no doors. Center left: Guest toilet - dramatically decorated with lighting focused, dark colored. Combination of wood and concrete sink. Bottom right: Cinema room. Bottom Left: In basement a separation between cinema room and gym with a special iron Mashrabiya work.
â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª××ךâ¬
Tal Tamir Studio
â«××ת ××ך׊××× ×€×ת××⬠⫠×ך׊××× ×€×ת××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×"ךâ¬450.5 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬972 :â«×©×× ×× ××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Herzliya Pituach Date: 2015 Area: 450.5 sq.m Plot, 972 sq.m Built Photos: Oded Smadar
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A House in Herzliya ⫠ש××× ×××©× ×ך×׊ףâ¬:â«×××¢××⬠â«×××× ×××¢×ת ××€××š× ×¢× ×Š×××××⬠⫠×××ק ×ת ס×× ××â¬,â«××× ××××ס××ת⬠⫠ך׊׀ת ×××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×××ת ×××××š× ×⬠â«×Š×€× ××¢××× ×ש×× ×¡×š×××× ×עץ⬠â«×Š×£ ××©× ××× ×××׊ך×× ×ª×××©× ×©×â¬ â« ×¢× ×ש×× ××קâ¬.â«×§××××ת ×ך×××ף⬠.â«××××ת ש××××£ ×× ×שק×ת ××ך×××⬠Top: An access path paved with natural gray stone with minimalist vegetation, reinforces the style of the modern house. Bottom: A floating stone floor with a floating wooden ruler surface that create a feeling of lightness. On the slim surface are sunbeds that touch the pool.
This house was designed for customers with European culture, who immigrated to Israel. Together we decide to focus on use of natural stone / concrete / wood, which are reflected by clean shape, modest and devoid caprices with connection of the house with the nature and the garden in harmony. The house covered with a gray stone, as well the pool covered with gray/ green slate stone that gives a feeling of natural color water. The colors and the textures will come to expression in the house. The fronts were opened to the garden, giving a feeling of connection to nature. The furniture were chosen carefully with emphasis on softness and layers of textures that maintains a homey feeling that give balance to the cold materials that we used. In basement was planned gym, spa and cinema room with a special iron Mashrabiya work, all of them were created to give enjoyment space to the members of the house.
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A Family Home We were asked by our client to create a warm and embracing house for a family who are raising small children, Their idea was that the purpose of the house is for the family to enjoy all parts of the house for their own use and pleasure, and they donât need any white elephants. The children were given a stage for their dreams and wishes. The whole ground floor was dedicated in order to indulge the children. Obstacles on site obliged us to create different levels and in order to cover up the issue, and give a feeling of contentious space. For illuminating the space we have used repetitive light mirror balls to create lights reflections. One of our decisions to make the space look larger and more interesting was to avoid building walls around the staircase and instead to insert thick transparent glass. The same theme also refers to the bedroom concept of openness and continuity without partitions. Location: Sharon Date: 2015 Area: 350 sq.m Lightning: Lightin Furniture: Habitat Kitchen: Semel Carpentry: Hanâs Hadar Parquet: Parkuet Chen Sanitary: Mody Photo: Elad Sarig
69544 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,6 â«×× ×ך××â¬
⫠שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬350 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ×××â¬:â«×ª××ך×⬠⫠××××××â¬:â«×š××××⬠⫠ס××â¬:â«××××⬠⫠××ך ××â¬:â«× ×ך××ªâ¬ â« ×€×š×§× ××â¬:â«×š×׊××£ ׀ךק×⬠⫠××××â¬:â«×××× ×¡× ×××ך×××⬠⫠×××¢× ×©×š××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
6 Dov Carmi St. Tel Aviv 69544
â«×× ×'×× ×× ×Š××× ×⬠Angela Lanciano
â«×©×š ס×ע⬠Cher Sela
Lanciano-Design Angela Lanciano & Cher Sela, mother and daughter are sharing Lanciano design studio. Lanciano Design is an international architecture and design office specializing in the creation of luxurious residential properties.
A Family Home. Top: Using glass walls allows a light and airy feeling creating views between the various spaces. Bottom: The living room. Opposite Page â Top Right: The master bedroom at the top floor. Top Left: Staircase library. Center: The childrensâ basement space. Bottom: A view to the kitchen that was planned defining two areas.
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â«××ק××⪠:â¬×ª×ÖŸ××××⬠â«×©× ×âª2016 :â¬â¬ â«×©××⪠150 :â¬×׎ך⬠â«×€×ק××⪠:â¬×× × ×ך×××⬠â«××××⪠:â¬×××××׀⬠â«× ×ך×ת⪠:â¬××××ך⬠â«×§××× ××׊×ע⪠:â¬×©××§× ××××⬠â«××××× ×ת⪠:â¬×× ×Š'××× ×⬠â«×¢×׊×× ××××× ×ת⬠â«×š×׊×ף⪠:â¬××× ×ךק×××⬠â«×××× ×¡× ×××ך×××⪠:â¬××× ×× ×§â¬ â«×š×××××⪠:â¬××××××⬠â«×ª××ך×⪠:â¬×§×š× × ×ª××ת⬠â«×××¢××¥ ××× ×ת×⪠:â¬× ×ך×ת ××׊××⬠â«×Š××××⪠:â¬×××¢× ×©×š××⬠â«âªLocation: Tel Avivâ¬â¬ â«âªDate: 2016â¬â¬ â«âªArea: 150 sq.mâ¬â¬ â«âªSupervision:â¬â¬ â«âªHannan Arielâ¬â¬ â«âªKitchen: Bulthaupâ¬â¬ â«âªCarpentry: Yavorâ¬â¬ â«âªConstructer:â¬â¬ â«âªShuki Golan /â¬â¬ â«âªGibser Goldâ¬â¬ â«âªCurtains: Lancianoâ¬â¬ â«âªcurtain designâ¬â¬ â«âªFlooring: Via Arkadiaâ¬â¬ â«âªFurniture: Habitatâ¬â¬ â«âªSanitary: Hezi Bankâ¬â¬ â«âªLighting: Karny Tcheletâ¬â¬ â«âªArt Consultant:â¬â¬ â«âªNorit Salzmanâ¬â¬ â«âªPhoto: Elad Sarigâ¬â¬
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â«âªApartment in Tel Avivâ¬â¬ â«âªGoing back to the city, to feel again the vibes, culture and night life,â¬â¬ â«âªafter living for many years in the suburban for the sake of raisingâ¬â¬ â«âªchildren. The flat was designed with clean modern updated designâ¬â¬ â«âªgiving a deep thought to the art collection that we had to blendâ¬â¬ â«âªin the space. The art grants to distinguish, humoristic, honorableâ¬â¬ â«âªand interesting view. A modern cosmopolitan look that could beâ¬â¬ â«âªreferred to any big modern city in the world.â¬â¬
â«âªTop: Another view to the kitchen with all the combination contradiction and harmony.â¬â¬ â«âªBottom Right: Another look from the main space trough the corridor to the bedroom, a clean andâ¬â¬ â«âªopen path. Bottom Left: A view from the bedroom to the public area feels almost like a loft.â¬â¬
Apartment in Tel Aviv. Top: Carpentry and handmade brass shelves the main feature in the space, also is used as a library, storage, art collection. Bottom: View to the kitchen planned with restrained elegancy that implant with walls and attached to a handmade iron table.
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Semi-detached house in Hod HaSharon Built 15 years ago the designerâs house, designed in an eclectic style, with elegant and reserved urban warmth. A range of shades of greige and mocha dominates the house, which allows âgoing all outâ with decorative elements with a strong presence, some of them with an oriental appearance, which together create an interesting tension and a sense of harmony and delicate balance. The houseâs design is timeless. Over the years it underwent light adjustments and upgrades, without replacing the basic elements, such as floor tiles and aluminum. The entrance hall is expansive, and the first glance from it reveals the dining area, the living room with its varied corners, and the elegant kitchen, recently replaced, with the door to the lush courtyard. The hosting space is especially generous, with bright colors. The relaxed family room is adjacent to the living room.The childrenâs rooms are designed in a warm and cozy contemporary style, connected to the elegant parentsâ suite by a hallway with a view to the living room. Over the years, the basement developed into a luxurious lounge â home theater with black VIP armchairs, chocolate-colored walls and curtains, an adjacent kitchenette and a billiards table. Location: Hod Hasharon Date: 2015 Photos: Shay Ben Efraim
â« ×××ÖŸ×שך××â¬,3 â«×× ×ך×× ×šâ¬
â« ×××ÖŸ×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×â¬ â« ×©× ×× ×׀ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
3 Dov Gruner St. Hod Hasharon
â«××××× ×¡××××⬠Aviva Siton
Aviva Siton Interior Design â«××××× ×¡×××× ×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠An independent boutique office in Hod HaSharon specializes in interior design, décor and design for private houses and apartments, new construction from the ground up, and renovating and upgrading houses. Our work integrates functional, esthetic and practical thinking, with a warm, clean and harmonious style. We work closely with clients throughout the project until we find the ideal functional and esthetic solutions for designing the space, in order to maximize its potential.
Top Right: Master bedroom with shower. Top Left: Master bedroom. Bottom Right: Children room. Bottom Left: Home theater in the basement. Next Page - Top: Livingroom. Center: Kitchen. Bottom: Dining area.
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18-â«×ª×â×××× ××ק××× ×⬠⫠ת××× × × ×××š× ××ך××× ×תâ¬,â«×ק××× ××××× ×©× ×××× ×ª× ×××××⬠⫠××ש׀עת ×ק×××× ××××ס×× ×××â¬,â«××¢×ש×××ת ×¢××ך ך××ק ׊ע×ך⬠.â«×ק××××× ××€×ת×× ×ש×× ×©× ××× ×× ××× ×š××× ×× ××£ ××××ך×⬠â«×ק×××× ××××ס×× ××× ×××× ×××× ××××× ×××¢××ת ××××××⬠⫠×××¢×׊×× ×ך×××× ××××××ך××â¬,â«×××€×× ×§×Š××ת ×ש×× ×ת ×××ך×⬠⫠×× ××£ ×ס×××¢×× ××××ךת ××¢×š× ××ª× ××¢× ×ך׊××â¬.â«×¢×Š××⬠⫠×××××× ×× ×ת ×××קך×× ×× ×ש××§× ×ך××©× ×××ך×â¬,â«×××ך×⬠.â« ×× ××£ ××ך×××â¬â« ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬90 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¢×× ××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Inside â Out House A small existing house in the suburbs of Tel Aviv was turned inside-out: the exterior walls, previously determining the closed space, now define and outdoors rectangle patio. The new âUâ shaped house is built surrounding the patio, thus creating three new facades which introduce natural light and ventilation to the house, much needed to the otherwise narrow northern plot. Positioning the entrance to the house opposite the patio, reinforces the fascinating confusion between exterior and interior. Location: Herzliya Date: 2012 Area: 230 sq.m Photo: Eyal Pinkas
Tel Aviv from the 18th floor At one of the higher levels of a Tel Aviv high rise, an urban and contemporary flat was designed for a young bachelor, inspired by the diagonal features in the landscape development and the surrounding view. The diagonals were implemented in the layout, furniture and accessory design. The diagonals also assist to determine the movement throughout the flat and lead the visitors towards the main event â the spectacle view and the balcony. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 90 sq.m Photo: Gidon Levin â 181 Architecture Photography â« ×ש××§× ×××ס×× ×× ×ך×××× ××ת×××š× ××××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.18-â«×ª×ÖŸ×××× ××ק××× ×⬠⫠×ך×× ××ך ×ש×× × ×××€×ךקâ¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â« ××ך ××¢××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××ך×××⬠.â« ×××××â¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â« ×××××× ×¢× ×× ××××× ××××ס×× ×â¬,â«××ס×ת⬠Tel Aviv from the 18th Floor. Top: Diagonals in the furniture and accessories in the main living area. Center: Work area Bottom right: the fragmented large wordrobe and the diagonal bed back panel. Bottom left: the kitchen
â« ×ª× ××××â¬,'â«×â¬75 â«××× ××¢×â¬
75A Ahad Haam St. Tel Aviv
â«××ך×× ×€××××⬠Orly Feldman
Architect Orly Feldman | Up Architecture & Design â«××ך××××ת ××ך×× ×€×××× | ××€ ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××⬠Up Architecture and Design studio, run by Architect Orly Feldman, specializes in high end planning and design for residency and interior design for penthouses, model apartments and vacation homes. The studio focuses on an architectural approach to space and design, details and finishing. All designs include product design and home styling in order to create a full and rich experience.
Inside-Out House. Top right: The utility mass hanging over the patio. Top left: A view of the entrance from inside the patio. Bottom right: The entrance, patio and dining area. Bottom left: Confusion between exterior and interior â a view from the entrance towards the stairs and patio.
â«××©×š× ××€ ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×× ××××× ×©× ××ך××××ת ××ך×× ×€××××⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×©×â¬,â« ×× ×× ×©× ××××ת ××ת×× ×€×š××××â¬,â«×ת××× ××××ך××⬠.â« ×××ך×ת × ×׀ש ×ת×ש×× ×××¥â¬,â« ××ך×ת ××××××â¬,â«××ך×ת ×××§×š× ×××××××⬠⫠ך×ת ׀ך××× ×××ךâ¬,â«×××©×š× ×©× ××ש ×¢× ×ª×€×סת ××× ××ך××××ת⬠⫠ס×××××× × ××××שת ×××â¬,â« ××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ××××× ×¢×׊×× ××׊ךâ¬,â«×××××⬠.â«×ק××ת ××××ת ××× ×©×××â¬
â« ×××â¬:â« ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬.⫠ק××××ת ×ש×ך×ת ×€×ך׊ת ×ת×××× ×ת×× ××€×××â¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬.â«××××â¬-â«××ת ××× ×¡×××⬠⫠תעת××¢ ×××â¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â« ×€×× ×ª ××××× ×××××ת ××× ×ס×â¬,â« ××€×××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«×¢× ××× ××¡× ×ת×× ××€×××⬠.â« ××× ×××× ××¡× ×× ×××ך××ת ×××€×××â¬- â«×××¥ ×××× ×€× ××â¬
â«×××× ×ך×׀ת ×ך×תâ×שך××â¬
Hovering villa in Ramat-HaSharon Location: Ramat-HaSharon Date: 2015 Area: 270 sq.m + 250 sq.m balconies Photo: Amit Gosher
⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬270 :â«×©××⬠⫠×"ך ×ך׀ס×תâ¬250 + â« ×¢××ת ××שךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
⫠ת×××©× ×©× ×××× ×ך×׀ת ×××× ××××ת ×××תâ¬:â«××××× ×××¢××⬠⫠××ךâ¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.⫠׊×ך ×××š× ×עך×â¬:â« ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬.â«×××ך׀סת⬠⫠××€×ש ׊×ך ××ך×â¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â«×ך××Š× ×©× ×ס××××× ××עך××ת⬠.â«××¢×š× ×¢× ×Š×ך ׊׀×× ×ך×× ××ת×ך ×ת ×× ×××ת⬠Top Right: a view to the front of the apartment from the balcony gives the hovering villa feel. Top Left: east-west axis. Bottom Right: the western suitâs bathroom. Bottom Left: the meeting point of the eastwest axis with the north-south axis, crowns it as the heart of the house.
â« ×ך׊×××â¬,99 â«×××× ×ª ×××××××â¬
The penthouse was designed for a family of five, the parents and their three adult daughters, who has grown used to living in a private residence. They requested a penthouse design that creates a notion of a hovering villa in the skies. Overlooking the views of Ramat-HaSharon, the bedrooms were directed to face the balconies with large windows, showing the private roof balcony, rich with plantation and a large indulging swimming pool. The apartmentâs main axis starts with the open view towards the Samarian from the east, and ends with an open view to the ocean in the west. Perpendicular to it, the apartment is divided with the axis between the spacious parental suit in the southern wing, and the girlâs suits in the northern. The meeting point of the two axes, along with the family members, is crowned as the heart of the house: the kitchen and the dining area.
99 Medinat Ha-Yehudim St. Herzliya
â« ×× ×â¬.â«××ךת ××€× ××××× ×ª××× × × ×××× ××ך×× ×ש××ש ×× ×ת××× ××××ך×ת⬠⫠×××§×©× ×ת×× × ×¢××ך×â¬,â« ×ך××××× ×××ך ×××ת ׊××× ×§×š×§×¢â¬,â«××ש׀××⬠⫠×××× ××××ך××â¬.â«×××š× ××××׊ךת ת×××©× ×©× ×××× ××ך×׀ת ×ש×ק××⬠⫠×שק××€×× ×× × ××€×â¬,â«×××€× × ×× ××ך׀ס×ת ×××׊ע×ת ×××ך×× ×ת ×××××ת⬠â«×š×ת ×שך×× ××× ×ך׀סת ×× ×€×š××ת עש××š× ×׊×××× ×¢× ×ך××ת⬠⫠׊××š× ××ך××× ×©× ×××ת ×ת××× ×× ××£ ׀ת××â¬.â«×©××× ××××× ×××€× ×§×ªâ¬ â« ×× ×׊×â¬.â«×× ××š× ×©××ך×× ××××š× ××סת××× ×× ××£ ׀ת×× ×× ××× ××עך×⬠⫠׊×ך ××××ק ×ת ×××ת ××× ×¡××××ת ×××ך×× ×ך××× ××××£ ××ך×××â¬,â«××â¬ â« × ×§××ת ×××€×ש ××× ×׊×ך×× ××× ×â¬.â«×ס×××××ת ××× ×ת ××××£ ×׊׀×× ×⬠.â« ××××× ××€×× ×ª ×××××â¬:â«××ש׀×× ××ת××š× ×ת ×× ×××תâ¬
â«×שךת ×¢××ך×⬠Oshrat Ozeri
Oshrat Ozeri Architects â«× ×שךת ×¢×××š× ××ך×××××⬠âOshrat Ozeri Architectsâ was established in 2014, by the architect Oshrat Ozeri, a graduate of the architecture department of Bezalel in Jerusalem. The office specializes in urban renewal, luxury residence, hotels, offices design and restaurants. As we see it, the right planning begins within, so the planning, alongside the interior design, has a tremendous impact on the structureâs appearance in particular, and the urban renewal in general: a quality luxurious design is not manifested in a golden rail, but in the level of accuracy, preciseness and attention to details.
Top Right: a view to the west through the wooden divider and the fireplace. Bottom Right: the wooden divider provides a light separation between the entrance hall and the living room. Bottom Left: a view to the east through the dining room.
â«××× ××ך××××תâ¬-â« ×¢×â¬,2014 â«××©×š× "×שךת ×¢×××š× ××ך×××××" × ××¡× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ××שך×â¬.â« ×××ךת ×××××§× ××ך×××ק×××š× ×׊××× ××ך×ש×××â¬,â«×שךת ×¢××ך×⬠⫠ע×׊×× ×שך×××â¬,â« ××ª× ××××â¬,â« ××××š× ××קך×â¬,â«×ת××× ××ת××ש×ת ×¢×ך×× ×ת⬠⫠ת×× ×× × ××× ×ת××× ×××€× ×× ×× ××××¥ ×××× ×ת×× ××â¬,â« ×ת׀××¡×ª× ×â¬.â«××סע××ת⬠⫠×××ת××ש×תâ¬,â«×××¢×׊×× ××€× ×× ×ש ××©×€×¢× ×¢×Š××× ×¢× ×××ת ×××× × ×׀ך×⬠⫠×××â¬,â« ×¢×׊×× ×××××ª× ××××§×š×ª× ××× × ×ת××× ×××¢×§× ××××â¬:â«×¢×ך×× ×ת ××××⬠.â« ××ק׀×× ×תש××ת ××× ×׀ך×××â¬,â«×ך×ת ××××קâ¬
â« ×××׊ת ××¢×¥ ××׀שךת ×׀ך×× ×××ך×ך×ת ×××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â« ××× ×עך×× ××š× ×××׊ת ××¢×¥ ××ק×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ××× ××ך×× ××š× ×€×× ×ª ×××××â¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â«××××ת ××× ××¡× ×ס×××â¬
â«×××€×קס ×ת×â××××⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬100 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ××סק××××¥â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 100 sq.m Photo: David Moskovitz
â«×׀ך×××§× ×ª××× × ××¢××Š× ××× ×× ×š××ת ×× ×©×ª× ×§×××ת ×©× ×× ×⬠⫠×ת×"×¢â¬.â« ×ש××× ×ª ך×ת ××××× ×ת×ÖŸ××××â¬50-â«××©× ×ת ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬40-â«×©× ××¢×ך××× ××׀שךת ×ך××ת ××ך×ת ××× ××⬠⫠××××š× ×× × ×׊×× ×××׀׊××â¬.â« ×"ך ×¢× ×××â¬40 â«×××ס׀ת⬠,⫠ק××ת ××× ××¡× × ××š×¡× ××××â¬.â«×ת×ס׀ת ×× ×× ×¢× ××× ××××⬠â«×€×š× ××¢××× ×§×× ×¡×ך×ק×××× ×©× ×תך ×××׊ע ××××š× ×××€×⬠⫠×× ×ש×× ××€××××â¬,â«××××ת ××××ך ××ך×××ת ×©× ×ק×××⬠⫠ע×××£ ××©×ª× ×Š××¢×ת ×©× ×¡×€×š×× ×שת×â¬,"â«"×××ך ×ס׀ך××⬠,â« ×ק××ת ××× ××¡× ×ª××× × × ×©× × ×××š× ×××××â¬.â«×Š××¢×ת ×©× ××ס××⬠⫠×ק××ת ××× ×ª××× × × ××ך ש×× ×â¬.â« ×××× ×ס×××â¬,â«××ך ××××××⬠⫠×××ך׀סת ש××׊×תâ¬.â«×©× ×××ך×× ×××× ×¢×××× ×€×ª××⬠â«×ק××× ×× ××××× ×©×××× ×××××× ×©× ×ך×ק ׊×ך×ת ×ע׊××⬠.â«×ש××× ×¢× × ××£ ××ך×× × ×©× ×עך×× ×ס××××תâ¬
A duplex in Tel Aviv â« ×××× ×׀ת×× ×©×â¬:â«×××¢××⬠⫠××ך××ת ××××× ×"××ךâ¬,â«×××ך×⬠⫠××ס××â¬:â« ××××â¬."â«×ס׀ך××⬠â«×¡××× ××¢××× ×× ××× ×©× ×תך⬠.â«×××׊ע ×××ך×⬠Top: Apartmentâs open space, concrete stairs and the âlibrary squareâ. Bottom: Storage space wrapped around the construction pillar
The project was planned and designed in a two floor townhouse built in the 50âs in the Ramat Hachayal neighborhood in Tel Aviv. The municipal urban scheme permitted expanding these apartments and building an additional 40 sq.m on the roof. The plan for this apartment only utilized the addition to the roof. The entrance floor was completely demolished except for a construction pillar which remained standing and essentially became the central square of the floor, or as poetically named the âlibrary squareâ, wrapped by a library on two sides and storage space in the other two. Two childrenâs rooms were planned on the first floor, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. The master bedroom and open work space were built on the roof floor, which opens up to balconies offering a unique combination of green treetops and an urban view of the nearby cities.
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,'â«×â¬14 â«×ך××× ××××תâ¬
14b Harugey Malhut St. Tel Aviv
â«×××× × ××סק×××ץ⬠Ilana Moskovitz
Ilana Moskovitz Interior Architect & Designer
â«×××× × ××סק××××¥ ×¢×׊×× ×××ך××××ת ×€× ××â¬
Ilana Moskovitz founded a boutique interior architecture & design office in Tel Aviv in the year 2000. The office has since specialized in planning and designing private and public spaces, small and large alike, private houses, apartments and offices. Each project is individually planned and designed according to its features, doctrines, restrictions and vision.
â«×××× × ××סק××××¥ ××¢×ת ס××××× ××××ק ××¢×׊×× ×××ך××××ת ×€× ×× ×שך⬠⫠××× ××¢× ×××× ×××©×š× ×¢×סק ×ת×× ××â¬.â« ××ª× ××××â¬2000 â«×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ .â« ××ך×ת ××שך×××â¬,â« ×ת××â¬,⫠ק×× ×× ×××××××â¬,â«××¢×׊×× ××××× ×€×š×××× ×׊×××ך×××⬠.â« ×××××ת×× ××××× ×â¬,â« ××©× ×ª×â¬,â«×× ×€×š×××§× ×ת××× × ×××¢××Š× ××ת×× ×ת××× ×ת××â¬
Top Right: Kitchen counter designed to integrate TV installment solution. Top Left: The living room,
â« ×€×× ×ª ××××× ××× ××£ ××ך×קâ¬,â« ×ס×××â¬:â« ××׀ק ×××× ××¢××Š× ×××××× ××× ××ך×××ת ××××××××× ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬:â«××××× ×××¢××â¬
dining area and the neighborhoodâs green treetops. Bottom Right:View to the open work space and
.â« ××× ×× ××× ××¢×××× ×׀ת×× ××××× ×ת ××× ×××ך××ת ×¢× ××ª×§×š× ××××××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«×©× ×¢×Š× ×ך××××ת ×ס×××××â¬
the stairsâ high ceiling windows. Bottom Left: Stairs designed using concrete and black elements.
.â« ××ך××ת ××¢×׊××ת ×ש×××× ×©× ×××× ×ש××ךâ¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
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â«×××× ×ך×תâ×שך××⬠⫠×××××ךâ¬,⫠ס××× ×ך××ת ש×××× ×××××â¬,ââ«××ת ××××š× × ×׊×ךת ×××ת ך⬠⫠××× ××׊ך ת××שת ××ת ××××â¬.ââ«×šâ¬-â«×××ת ×ש×× ××€×× ××Š×š× ×©× ×⬠⫠×××× ×תâ¬,â« ×××ת ××¢×׊×× × ×§× ××× ××â¬.â«×¢× ××ךש ×¢× ×€×š×××ת ×ך××ת⬠â«×׀ך××€×× ××× ×××× × ×€×ª××× ××׊ך ×××ך××× ×××ש×ש×× ×××××ת ×××⬠.â« ××׀שךת ××× ×××× × ×××ך×××â¬,â« ××ת ××× ××¡× ××ך××â¬.â«×××¥ ××€× ××⬠⫠×× ×§××ת ×××€×ש ש×â¬.â«×€×× ×ª ××××× ××ס××× ×€×ª×××× ×××× × ×××ך×××⬠⫠××× ××ך××תâ¬,â«×©×ª× ××€××ת ××× ×§××ת ×××××ך ×¢× ×××ת ×ש×× ×׊××⬠,â« ××ך ××ש׀××â¬,â« ××€×× ××Š×š× ××× ××ך×××â¬.â«×ך××€×ת ×××××€×ת ×¢×¥â¬ â« × ××ª× ×××קך ××ס×× ×תâ¬.â«×©×ך××ª× ×××ך××× ×××××ת ××ך ש×× × ××ך××⬠.â«××××× ××ק׀××¥ ך×ש ××ך×××⬠⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬320 â« ×× ××â¬,â« ×׎ךâ¬800 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××â¬ â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
House in the Sharon area The challenge was to create a modern house with a clean look, but with a warm feeling and to deal with the varying levels of the plot of land, as its back part was half a meter higher than its front. The solution was to elevate the back by half a meter, that way, the childrenâs bedrooms on the second story would have their own garden, enabling a back way out and a shortcut to school. The house is situated on the back of the plot for privacy. It has a long fishpond running along its side which continues into the inside of the house and alongside the upgoing stairs. The outside comes in from all directions through large windows. Location: Sharon area Date: 2011 Area: 1200 sq.m plot, 450 sq.m built Photo: Oded Smadar
House in Ramat Hasharon A modern L shaped house, built around a large swimming pool, attached to an other house at the short side of the L. The feel of a detached house was kept, as was the feeling of privacy. The design is clean and minimal and yet warm, the windows barely framed, open up towards the pool and garden, bluring the boundaries between inside and out. The front door is in the centre, enables a look at the pool and garden, the dining area and living room, also open up towards the garden and pool. At the meeting point of both sides of the house, on the shared wall, is a floating, wood staircase. On the narrow side of house is the family room, guest washroom and master bedroom. In the morning, one may slide open the French windows and dive right into the water. Location: Ramat Hasharon Date: 2013 Area: 800 sq.m plot, 320 sq.m buiilt Photo: Ran Erde
.â«×××× ×ך×ת֟×שך××⬠House in Ramat Hasharon.
â«×§××××¥ ×××× ××â¬
Kibbutz Glil Yam
â«××ך×ס ××× ×š× ×××ך⬠Iris Avneri Dvir
Iris Avneri Dvir Architecture & Interior Design
â«××ך×ס ××× ×š× ×××ך ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Iris Avneri Dvir is a graduate with distinction of the Bezalel Academy faculty of Architecture, and a certified architect. She has been working in architecture and interior design since 1999. The firm works in the Total Design method, that sees architecture and interior design as one undividable unit. The firm plans and designs villas, luxury apartments, lofts, offices, shops and does renovations. The work includes everything- from the first architectural drawing, then the submitting of requests to the local authorities, work in conjunction with other professionals and furnishing and fitting out of the house after all the building is completed. The designer has the skills to study the clientâs desires and suit the design accordingly, for optimal, functional and unique design and to the clientâs personal taste.
â«××ך×ס ××× ×š× ×××ך ×××ךת ×׀ק×××× ××ך×××ק×××š× ××׊×××⬠⫠ע×סקת ×××ך××××תâ¬.â« ××¢×ת ת××ך ××ך××××ת ××ךש×â¬.â«××׊×××× ×ת⬠Total-â« ×××©×š× ×©× ××ך×ס ×¢××× ×ש××ת ×â¬.1999 â«××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ××××× ××תâ¬,â« ×ך××× ×××ך××××ת ×××× × ××¢×׊×× ××€× ×× ×©××â¬Design â« ××××ך ×׀ך×× â ×××ך×â¬:â« ×××©×š× ×ת××× ×××××× ×ª×××××â¬.â«×©×××⬠,â« ×ש×× ×סק×׊×â¬,â« ××ך×ת ××€× ×××××××â¬,â« ×× ×× ×€×š××ת ××××ת×תâ¬,â«××קך×⬠.â« ×¢×××× ××× ×× ×©× ×ק׊××¢ ××¢× ×š×××× ××××××â¬,â«×××©× ××¢×ך×××⬠⫠××שך×â¬.â«××××ך ×׊××××š× â ×שך××× ××× ×××ת ×××ש ×¢× ××ת×× ×¢×׊×××⬠â«×ש ×ת ××××× ××××× ×ת ך׊×× ×ת×× ×©× ××ק×× ××ת׀×ך ×× ××ת×××⬠.â«×€×× ×§×Š××× ××ת ×¢×׊×× ××××× ×××ש×â¬
House in the Sharon area.
.â«××ת ×שך××â¬
â«××ת ×ך×תâ××â¬
A House in Rama Gan The cube-shaped home features a striking interplay between open and closed, private and public, light and darkness. While the façade transmits elegant restraint, the back is open and leads to the outdoor pool. Visitors who enter discover a living space that extends to the courtyard, and the feeling of restraint transforms into a welcoming atmosphere. The delicate balance between linear design and the feeling of warmth also characterizes the mix of materialsâconcrete, marble, glass and Corian blend naturally with the parquet and wood furniture, carpets, pictures and sculptures. The lighting plan is based on sun trajectory with windows and light fixtures that enable optimal control.
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Location: Ramat Gan Date: 2015 Area: 500 sq.m plot, 407 sq.m built Photo: Lior Avitan
5222350 ⫠ך×ת֟××â¬,7 â«×§×š××ת×â¬
7 Kiryati St. Ramat Gan 5222350
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬500 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬407 â«×©×× ×× ××⬠⫠××××ך ×××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«××× ×¡×ך⬠Ella Sahar
Ella Sahar Architects â«××× ×¡×ך ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Ella Sahar Architects was established in 2005 by Ella Sahar, Architectural Engineer and Interior Designer. The firm specializes in architectural planning of private, public and commercial properties. The firmâs methodology embraces an ongoing dialogue with clients throughout the entire process. Clients are an integral part of each decision from initial design concept all the way to project completion. In 2012 and again in 2016 the Firm was nominated for the Israeli Design Award. This year, Ella Sahar is featured on the shortlist for âBuilding of the Year Award 2017â, a prestigious award by ArchDaily â the worldâs leading architectural online resource.
Top right: Expansive layout - rear view. Top left: Elegantly restrained façade. Bottom right: East facing front courtyard - perfect for morning coffee. Bottom left: Backyard with swimming pool. Opposite Page â Top: Living room. Center Right: Living room. Center Left: Cantilevered floating staircase fully integrated with concrete wall. Bottom: Master bedroom.
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â« ×׊ך ק×××ת ××ך××ת ×ת××× × ×ªâ¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â« ×××ת ק×××ת ×××׀קתâ¬:â« ×ש×××× ×××¢××â¬.â« ×××ת ×××ך×ת ׀ת×××â¬:â«××××× ×××¢××⬠⫠××× ×××ךâ¬:â« ×××¢×× ×××××× ××ך××â¬- â« ××¢××× ×××â¬.â« ×׊ך ×××ך×ת ×¢× ×ך×ת ש×××â¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â«××§×€× ×××קך⬠.â« ××××ת ××ך××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ××ך××ת ×××××ת ×¢× ×§×ך ×××× ×ש××£â¬:â« ×ש××× ××ך××â¬.â«××××ך××â¬
Blu by the Blue Ocean â« ××× ××£ ×©× ×§× ×××׀קâ¬,â«×××ך קך××ª× ×©× ××××š× ××××£ ×׊×ק ×ת×â××××⬠⫠××× ×× ×š×§ ×××¢× ×©××¢×Š× ×ת ×××× ×©× ×××ך×â¬,â«××× ×Š× ×¥ ×©× ×××⬠⫠ת×× ×©×××ש ×קשתâ¬,â« ××××ק×ת ××× ××× ××ך×ת ××קךת×â¬,â«×××××××ת ×××⬠⫠××××ך ××××ך×× ××ךת×â¬.â«×׀שך×××ת ך××× ×©× ×׊××¢ ××××× ××××× × ×××⬠,â«×ס׀ת ק×××€× ××××× ××××× ×××©×š× ×ª×××©× ××××ת×ת ××××⬠⫠××××× ×××××š× ×â¬.â«×ש×××× ××§×€× ××××××ת ××€××× ×ש××× ×ת ××ך××⬠â«××¢×¥ ××ק ×ס׀ק × ×××¢× ×©× ×××××ת ×××× ×©×ס××ת ××ך ×ש××ך⬠⫠××ך ×ש×× × ×׊××¢×â¬.â«××××× ×š×××× ×ש××××× ×ת ××××€×¢× ×××ק׀×ת⬠⫠×ת×׊×× ×ס××€×ת ××× ×©×â¬.â« ××׊ך ס×××× ××× ×××××× ×â¬,â«××ך××ע⬠â«×××× ×××ת ××¢×××× ×¢×§× ×©×××ש ×××××× ×××ך×× ×××¢××× ××¢×â××× ×××⬠.â« ×××××ת ××€×××â¬,⫠ש×שâ¬,â«×××× ×¢×¥â¬ Due to the apartmentâs close proximity to Tel-Avivâs HaTzuk Beach with its view of the glistening ocean in the horizon, it was only natural that I design the space of this unique apartment located in a luxury apartment building, using the wide-ranging possibilities of a blue color palette. For the living area I chose a petrol bluehued velvet sofa that offers a regal feel to the space, as does the rectangular brass and glass coffee table. The stylish and contemporary wood kitchen provide a touch of warmth while the royal blue and black high stools complement this stylish appearance. The bedroom with its soothing color effect, creates an inviting and warm environment, a relaxing retreat for a peaceful nightâs sleep, while the light white voile curtains allow the warmth of the sun to seep in when indulging in a short afternoon nap. The final result is one of elegance and refinement made possible by the use of versatile, natural and timeless materials such as wood, marble, glass and brass. It is the perfect elegant pied-à -terre, adjacent to the Mediterranean, for the ideal holiday in a city that never sleeps.
Location: Tel-Aviv Area: 160 sq.m Year: 2016 Photo: Elad Gonen
www. annette-interiors.com
⫠ת×â××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬160 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¢× ××× ×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×× × ×€×š××ך⬠Annette Frommer
Annette Frommer Interior Design
â«×× × ×€×š××ך ×¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬
Annette Frommer Interior Design is an Israeli firm serving an international client base. With over two decades of successful design experience the studio provides personal and select service. The firm aims at becoming the aspiration for the global upper echelon by continuing to provide supreme service while understanding that smart design is intimately tied to location, space, functionality, and client aspirations, as well as to cultural traditions. We are committed to enhance spaces with the most magnificent accessories, the most insightful design solutions, carried out with exceptional professional and personal service.
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Right: A mirrored wall panel hides the flat television screen. Left: Eating area with leather wall covering to obscure door.
â« ×€×× ×ª ××× ×¢× ×××€×× ×¢×ךâ¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â« ×××€×× ×ך×× ××סת×ך ×ת ××¡× ×ת ×××××××××â¬:â«×××××â¬
Opposite Page - Top: A reassuring and luxurious living and dining area coordinated with diverse blue shades. Center: An
â« ×××ך ×××ך×× ×ך×××¢ ×××€× ×§ ××ש×× ×§×©×ª ך×××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬- â« ××¢××× ×××â¬.â«×©×ס××× ×× ××¡× ×××ךâ¬
elegant and efficient kitchen. Bottom: A soothing bedroom.
.â« ××ך ש×× × ×ך×××¢â¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ×××× ×××× ×× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«×©× ×× ×××× × ×××â¬
eHouse â«××ת ×× ×ש×× ××× ×סת×××§× ×× ×ª×××× ×ת ×©× ××ך⬠.â«×××¢× ×××× ××× ×××××× ×××ש××¢ ×©× ×§××× ×××ש×ך××⬠⫠ת××× × × ×××××× ×š×××× ××¢×× ×§×©×š××â¬,â«×× ×××× ×××ת⬠⫠ת׀×סת ××¢×××â¬.â«××××××××× ××ש×××× ×× ×ך×××××⬠.â«×××××× ×ת ×¢×׊×× ×××ת ××× ××©×§× ×××××€×ק ×׊××š× ×⬠â«×××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ××€× ×× ×ש×××× ×ת×××ס×ת⬠⫠××§× ×¢×׊××× ×××× ××€× ××â¬,â«×ק××××ת ×××ך ××××ך×ך⬠â«×××××¥ ××× ×××× ××××× ×ק×ך×ת ×××× ×§×× ×¡×ך×ק××××××⬠⫠×׊××š× ××תâ¬.â«×××ש×××× ×€× ××× ×××ך ××××¢× ×©×××⬠â«×€×©××× ×× ×§××× ×××׀שךת ×××ך ×ש×ק ת׀ק×× ×ך×××⬠⫠×××× ×× ××׊×× ××ך××Š× ×××ך ××׊ך××â¬.â«××¢×׊×× ××€× ××⬠.â«×××€×¢×× ×Š××š× ××× ×××©×ª× ×× ××××× ××××â¬
â« ×ך××Š× ×××ך ××סק×××××× ××ת×× ×××â¬:â« ×××¢×× ×××××â¬.eHouse .â«×××š× ×××ת ××׊ך×× ×××€×¢×× ×Š××š× ××× ×××©×ª× ×× ××××× ××××⬠⫠×××× × ××ך×××× ××¢×â¬,â« ××× ××׊ך ×××תâ¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××⬠:â« ××××â¬.⫠ק×××× × ×§××× ××××ך×ת ׊××š× ×תâ¬,â«×Š××š× ×©××× ×׀ש×××⬠⫠ק×ך×ת ××××× ×ק×× ×¡×ך×ק××××××â¬,â«××× ×××× ××ך××× ×׀ת××⬠.â«×××ך×× ×€× ××× ××××ך ×××ך ×ס××€×⬠eHouse. Top right: The extensive use of openings allows sunlight to permeate into the space. Top left: A view from the outdoor revealing a powerful architectural element. Bottom: A view to the main living area, exposed concrete structural walls continue as an interior design element.
65201 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,41 â«××× ×××€××ך×â¬
A single family house that borrows from two traditions: a Mediterranean aesthetic of sun and light and a minimalist discipline of line and plane. The design exhibits a masterful use of that most modern of materials, concrete. The core of the house, both conceptually and structurally, is several vertical and horizontal planes. The house is defined by two axes; one running lengthwise through the main living space and one perpendicular from the main entrance to the staircase. The extensive use of glass allows sunlight to permeate into every room. The total look of the house creates a coherent and powerful architecture without becoming over powering. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2008 Area: 500 sq.m Photo: Amit Geron
41 Montefiore St. Tel Aviv 65201
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2008 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬500 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«××ך×ת ×קס×ך××⬠Irit Axelrod
Axelrod Architects â«×קס×ך×× ××ך×××××⬠Axelrod Architects is a design-oriented, comprehensive architectural firm that creates distinctive residences, institutional and commercial buildings and interiors, in the modernist style. The firm is known for its attentiveness to fine detailing, honest expression of materials, and clean, simple forms. Irit Axelrod, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in the Technion, is the founder and principal of Axelrod Architects (Israel) and Axelrod Design (US), with offices in Tel Aviv and San Francisco.
.â« ×××× ×××שת ×¢×׊×× ××××š× ×ס××ת ×××× ××××ס××תâ¬,â«×שך×× × ×קס×ך×× ××ך×××××⬠⫠ת×× ×× ××× × ×Š×××ך ××¢×׊×× ××××× ×ס×ך××× ××שך×××â¬,â«×¢×סק ×ת×××× ××× ×× ×׀ך××ת⬠⫠×× × ××××× ×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ת×× ×× ×× ×ª×׊ך ×©× ×××€×ש ת××××â¬.â«×ך×× ××××× ×××××××ת⬠⫠׀ך××× ×××××××× ×××××ק×× ×׊×ך×ת × ×§××ת ×׀ש×××ת â ×××× ×׊×ך×â¬,â« ×××ך××â¬,â«××ך ×××××⬠,â« ×¢×â××× ××ך××××ת ××ך×ת ×קס×ך××â¬2000 â« ×××©×š× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬.â«××ך××××ת ×¢×â××× ×ת⬠ââ« ×ס×â¬,â« ×××§× ××©×š× × ×סףâ¬2005 â« ××©× ×ªâ¬.â«×××ךת ×׀ק×××× ××ך×××ק×××š× ×©× ×××× ×××⬠.â«×€×š× ס××¡×§× ×§×××€××š× ××â¬
Naomi Steinfelt & Co. Law Offices. Top: A spacious library with a see-through bookcase divides the space while keeping the open and airy vibe of the space. Bottom: A view to the lounge area, which designed as a residential living room.
Naomi Steinfeld & Co. Law Offices The main focus of this project is the stunning sea view and the different ways that it can be conveyed. Although the program required a clear separation of zones, it was important to maintain a light and airy feel. The row of private offices is gently screened from the corridor and lobby, remaining visually connected and enabling the surrounding panorama to penetrate inside. The spacious library with a see-through bookcase conveys the open mood of the entire office. The sole contrast is the black box housing a production and storage area, which serves as a focal point thru reflecting the over space and the ocean view.
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â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬400 :â«×©××⬠:â«×¢×׊×× ×ª××ך×⬠â«××ק×סâ¬-â«××ך×× ××ך××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Herzeliya Date: 2015 Area: 400 sq.m Lighting Design: Orly Avron Alkabes Photo: Amit Geron
â«××ת ×××××â¬
Residence in the Galilee Location: The Galilee Region Date: 2016 Area: 500 sq.m lot, 200 sq.m built Photo: Amit Geron, Golany Architects (top center)
â« ×××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ך ××ךשâ¬500 :â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ך ×× ××â¬200 ,â« ×¢××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×××× × ××ך××××× (××׊ע×⬠)â«×××¢××â¬
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,6 â«××××× ×××××â¬
The house overlooks the Sea of Galilee with a sweeping view from every room. Generous openings towards the south and east require the provision of shading and filtering against the intense sun, which is provided by the wooden shutters. The shutters slide in adjustment to the position of the sun and privacy requirements. The shutter lattices, as typical of Mediterranean Mashrabiya, block views inwards, while allowing one to enjoy the scenery from the inside. The windows and doors behind the shutters are recessed to improve climate control, creating intermediate spaces of shaded outdoor areas.
6 Yehuda HaMaccabi St. Tel Aviv
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â«×××ת ×××× ×⬠Galit Golany
â«×ך×× ×××× ×⬠Yaron Golany
Golany Architects â«×××× × ××ך×××××⬠Golany Architects is a design-focused practice that handles projects in the areas of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design and Urban Design. The studio is based in Tel Aviv and was founded in 1996. The projects are designed with a fresh new approach, responding to their context and clients. The studio combines the expertise of a larger architectural office with an exceptional personalised service. Their projects are highly acclaimed and published in books and magazines in Israel and abroad.
â« ×××ך×â¬,â« ×¢× ××× ×ך×× ×××× × ××××ת ×××× ×â¬1996-â«×××× × ××ך××××× ×××§× ×⬠⫠×××©×š× ×ש×× ××××€× ×š×Š××£ ×תâ¬.â«×׀ק×××× ××ך×××ק×××š× ×××× ×××⬠⫠ע×׊××â¬,â« ××ך××××ת × ××£â¬,â« ×ך×××ק××ך×â¬:â«××ס׊××€××× ×ת ×ת×× ×× ×ש×× ×ת⬠⫠×× ××× ×â¬,â« ×××× × ××ך××××× ×ת×× × ×× ×ת×× ×€×š××××â¬.â«×€× ×× ×ת×× ×× ×¢×š××â¬ â« ×§× ×â¬.â« ×× ××× × ×Š×××ך ××× ××× × ×שך×××â¬,â«××ך×ת ××קךת××× ×ת×â××××⬠⫠××××â¬,â«××××× ×©× ×׀ך××ק××× × ×¢ ××× ×ª×× ×× ×š××××× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠⫠ע××××ת ×××©×š× ××××תâ¬.â«×ª×× ×× ××× × ×שך××× ×©× ×¢×©×š×ת ×××€× ×"ך⬠.â«××עך×× ×׀ךס×× ××ת׀ךס××ת ×ס׀ך×× ×××××× ×× ××ךץ ××××"×â¬
Top Right: A wooden oak wash table was placed between two windows in the parents bathroom which is open to the sleeping area. Top Left: The cement stairs located in the center of the living space were moved and replaced by a black steel staircase creating a light open space. Bottom Right: The garden was covered
.⫠ש×××× ×××ך ××¢×¥ ×××× ×¢××× ××× ×©× × ×××× ×ת ×××××× ×€×ª×× ×××× ×ש×× ×â¬,â« ××ך ×ך××Š× ×©× ×××ך××â¬:â«××××× ×××¢××⬠.â« ××ך××ת ××××× ××××× ××ך×× ×××× ××××××€× ×××ך×× ×€× ×©××ך×× ××׊×ךת ××× ×€×ª×× ××××ךâ¬:â«×ש××× ×××¢××⬠:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â« ××׊ך ×××¡×ª× ××ק ×××€×× ×××ך××× "× ×©×ª××" ×ך××× ×©×שתק׀ת ×ת×× ××× ×××תâ¬:â«××××× ××××⬠.â« ×× ×× ×ך×ס×× ×©×ª××× × ×××××× ××××××â¬,â«××××× ××× ×× ×××¢× ×תעש××ת×ת ש××××ת ××××â¬
with ipea deck around the swimming pool which is visible from inside the house. Bottom Left: The kitchen represents the industrial touch in the space and includes a custom made stainless steel island.
â«××ת ×ך×תâ×שך××â¬
A house in Ramat Hasharon ⫠ך×ת ×שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬250 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¢×× ××××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Ramat Hasharon Date: 2016 Area: 250 sq.m Photo: Gidon Levin
40695 â« ×ש×ךתâ¬,261 â«×â¬.â«×ªâ¬
This 70âs Ramat HaâSharon house, was fully renovated by Galit Tirosh. The house went from being dark with small windows and separate spaces to a large open space flushed with light. The style is modern with industrial elements. The dining area includes a wooden bench and table with modern transparent plastic chairs. The stainless steel kitchen includes industrial elements and is framed by a black steel staircase. The upper floor was expanded to include a large and luxurious bedroom suite next to additional bedrooms. Tiroshâs elegant and innovative style is her signature. Her fine taste and style are expressed in her choice of materials and precise styling.
P.O.Box 261, Mishmeret 40695
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â«×××ת ת×ך×ש⬠â«âªGalit Tiroshâ¬â¬
â«âªGalit Tirosh Interior Designâ¬â¬ â«×××ת ת×ך×ש ×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠â«×××©×š× ×××§× ××©× ×ª ⪠2003â¬×¢"× ×××ת ת×ך×ש ××¢×סק ××¢×׊×× ×ת×× ×× ×€× ××⬠â«×©× ×ת×× ×€×š××× ×××ך×ת⪠.â¬××ק×××ת ×ק×××× ××××× ×Š××× ×ש×× ×ת×× ××⬠â«×××ך×××× ××¢× ××¢×׊×× ×©× ×׀ך××× ×ק×× ××⪠.â¬×¡×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×ת××××âª,â¬â¬ â«×××××ק ××ש×× × ×××××× ××××ך⪠.â¬×ª×€×סת ×××€×ª× ××׊××ת ×××©×š× ×××⬠â«×××¡× ××¢×××× ×¢× ××ק×××ת ×שך ×××סס×× ×¢× ×§×©×š ×× ×××ס ××ש×âª.â¬â¬
â«âªGalit Tirosh opened her interior design studio in 2003, specializingâ¬â¬ â«âªin planning and design of houses and apartments. Her style isâ¬â¬ â«âªsophisticated and accurate, and combines the use of differentâ¬â¬ â«âªmaterials. Customers receive dedicated service during planning,â¬â¬ â«âªrenovation and styling of even the smallest design feature.â¬â¬
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â«âªTop Left: A blackboard wall in the girls bedroom. Top Right: The kitchen and dining areaâ¬â¬ â«âªinclude industrial elements. Bottom: The external walls were replaced with black steel framedâ¬â¬ â«âªwindows turning the dark house into a light open space with a view to the pool.â¬â¬
Krinitzy â« ××"× ××©× × ×× ××× ×× ×× × ×ך××¢ ק×××ת ××××ק×××â¬20 â«×׀ך×××§× ××××⬠⫠×ק×× ×¡×€× ×× ××ך ×©× ×× ×× ×š××××â¬.â«×¢× ××××€× ××ך××§× ×©× ×ש××× ×⬠â«××€×ך×× ×©× ××××ת ××€× ××××××× ××׀שך ××¢××× ×׊׀××€×ת ×× ×ךשת⬠⫠×××××ת ××××ך ××â¬.â«××× ×¢× ×ª×× ×× ××ך×ת ×××ך×× ×š×××ת ××××× ×× ×ף⬠â«×× ××€×ס××ת ×׊××× ××××× ×©×× ×€×ª×× ×©× ××× × ×× ×ך׀ס×ת ך×××ת⬠⫠×××××× ×׊×××ך××× ×קשך×× ××× ×©× × ××× ××× ×× ××× ×××â¬.â«×××××⬠⫠×× ×©× ×׊ך ך׊ף ×©× ××××× ××€×××× ×××©×ª× ×× ××××׊ך××â¬,â«×ק×××ת⬠⫠×××€××â¬,â« ×€× ×××××× ×××â¬,â« ××××š× ×××ך ×ש×××× ××× ××× ×â¬.â«×€×š×××ת⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ××××ש ×××× ××× ××׀ק×××â¬.â«××¢×¥ ×××¢× ×ס×××ת ×××××× ×××⬠.30-â«×××××ך×× ×××× ××× ××ס×× ×× ×××× ××××× ×©× ×©× ×ת ×⬠⫠ך×ת֟××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬3,700 :â«×©××⬠⫠ס××ת ×שקע×תâ¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××××× ×ך×â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
VILLA C ⫠ש×שâ¬,â« ××××× × ×š××â¬.â«×¢×׊×× ××××× ××ש׀ע ×××ª× ××× ××ק×××××× ××××ך⬠â«×××ך ×××¢× ×€××ש×× ×ת ×××× × ×׊××š× ××××€×××××ת ×××׀שך××⬠â«××××ך×× ××× ×ת ×ך×× ××× ×××ס××× ××× ×š××× ××š× ×©×××ש ××××ך×ך⬠⫠×××â¬,â« ××ש×××ש ××××××ת ך×â¬,â« ×ק×ך×ת ××¢××× ××ס×תâ¬.â«×××¢× ××ת××ך×⬠⫠ש××ש×ש×ת ×ת ××××××ת ××× ×××תâ¬,â«××׊×ך ×××××ת ך×××× ×š×××ת⬠⫠ק×ך ע׊××â¬,â« ×××× ××ך×××â¬.â«×××ךש ××××€××ת ×××ª× ×××××× ××ת⬠⫠××××××â¬,â« ×׀ך×× ××× ×ך××× ×××× ×©××× ××× ××¡× ×××תâ¬,"â«×"×ך×ף⬠.⫠ק×ך ×× ××××€× ×׀ך××€××× ×××××× ××× ××¢×× ××ª× ××©×ª× ×â¬.â«×€×š×××ת⬠â«××ת××× ××׊ך×× ××××× ×××××××× ××××× ××× ××¡× ×××ת ××× ×××׊ך××⬠.â«×׊××× ×××××× ××ס×××¢×× ×××¢×××ת ×× ×š×××ת⬠⫠ק×סך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2012 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬500 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ×š××× ×ך×â¬:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Krinitzy The project includes 20 residential units in a two 4 story buildings, located on the green edge of the neighborhood. The concept manifests a villa/penthouse design in a mid-rise residential building. The concept enabled the adherence of gardens and balconies to the residential units. The public spaces connect between the two buildings and in between the floors. The double height vertical space connection is constantly changing, allowing the residents to maintain privacy. The materials used are white stone, aluminum lattice and wood finish. The design highlights the horizontal elements, paying a tribute to the 1930â international style architecture movement. Location: Ramat Gan Date: 2015 Area: 3,700 sq.m Client: Salgat Ltd. Head Architect: Michael Barth Photo: Amit Geron
â« ×××ךת ×××× ××××¥â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.VILLA C â«×¢× ××× ×עך×ת ק×ך×ת ×××׊××× ×ת××⬠⫠ק×××€×××׊×× ×֟ס×××ך×תâ¬:â«××ך××â¬.â«×××ת×â¬
.â«×©× ×××× ××× ××שתק׀×××תâ¬
The design was highly influenced by the climatic conditions of the Israeli coastal plain. The award winning house was designed while taking into consideration the wind directions, which enabled the sea breeze to penetrate the house and the sun movement which enabled vast use of natural light. Minimal structure, transparent walls and long vistas to the yard and pool helped to blur the borders between the inside and the outside. As one approaches the house from the street level, one experiences the monumental multi-functional wall, which is covered with aluminum profiles in various sections.
â« ×××ךת ×§×©×š× ×××¥ ×€× ×× ×¢×ÖŸ×××â¬:â«××××⬠â«×©×××ש ××¢××××× ××× ×××××× ××עך×ת⬠.â«×××××× ××× ×××׀שךת ××€×ª× ×קס××××⬠VILLA C. Top: defining the outdoor space by a set of extended walls emerging from the house. Center: An asymmetrical composition of elements and reflections. Bottom: Maximizing the indoor outdoor connection by large openings and minimal columns.
Location: Caesarea Date: 2012 Area: 500 sq.m Head Architect: Maya Rosenberg Photo: Itay Sikolsky
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬18 â«×ך××× ×ך×â¬
18 Gruzenberg St. Tel Aviv
â«×× ×ך××⬠Gal Marom
Gal Marom Architects â«×× ×ך×× ××ך×××××⬠The firm was established in 2004 with a team of 25 architects. The firm is practicing the different architectural disciplines: residential, commercial, public building and interior design. The projects are looked through a three dimensional design searching for innovation and creativity aiming to turn the architectural concept into a living built reality.
Krinitzy. Top: The buildings as seen from the future park. Top Right: Hortizontal lines are featured via porportions and horizontal elements. Bottom Right: Connecting path between the two buildings exteding the interior space to the exterior. Left: Building entrance featuring a triple height space.
.â« ××ך×××××â¬25 â« ×××× ×â¬2004 â«×××©×š× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ - â«×××©×š× ×¢×סק ××׊××š× ××ך××××ת ××§× × ×××× ××©×ª× ×× ×ת×××× ××× ××⬠.â« ××× × ×Š×××ך ××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ××ךץ ××××"×â¬,â« ×ס×ךâ¬,â«×××ך××⬠â«×× ×€×š×××§× ×ת××× × ×ת×× ×ª×€××¡× ×©× ×¢×׊×× ×š× ××××× ××××× ××××©× ×ת⬠,â« ×¢×××× ×ק×× ××§×¡× ××ך××× ×׀ך××× ××ת×× ×××× × ×ק×ת ךע×××â¬,â«××׊×ךת××ת⬠.â« ××××€×× ×××ª× ××׊×××ת ×× ×××â¬,â«×§×× ×¡×€× ××ך××××â¬
â« ×××שת ×××׀ק××ת ×ך×â¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬.â« ××× ×××× ×¢× ×©× × ×××× ×× ×××××× ××€×ךק ×עת×××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.Krinitzy ⫠ש××× ××קשך ××× ×©× × ××× ××× ×× ×××׀שך ת××שת ××ש×××ת ××× ×××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«×€×ך׀×ך׊××ת ××××× ××× ××׀ק×××⬠.â« ××× ×× ××¡× ×××× ××ךש×× ××××ך ×ת ××× ××¡× ××× ××â¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â«××××¥ ×××× ××€× ××â¬
â«×××š× ××ª× ×××× ××××× ××ת××⬠⫠שך×× ×â¬- â«×××€××š× ×ש×××ך⬠â«×××××× ×׀ך×××× ××׀ך×× ××××× ×××ך×× ×××׊ע×ת ××ת ××ש×××ת⬠⫠ת××שת ×××קך×× ××× ×©×§××× ×š×§ ×ת××â¬.â«××€×× ××× ××××€×× ××××××⬠,â« ××׊×ךת ת××שת ××ש×â¬,â« × ×¢×©× ×©×××ש ×××× ××ת×ת ××ש×ךתâ¬.â«××ך××⬠⫠×××× ××××ך××â¬.â«×××××ת ×××§× ××ת ק××××ת ××¢×¥ ×××§× ××ת ×××××ת⬠,â« ××× ××× ×¢×׊×× ××× ×× × ×××â¬.â«×©×××©× ×¢××××× ×××׊ך×× ×ª××שת ××××⬠⫠××¢××××× ×׊××€××â¬.â«×€×× ×ª ×¢×××× ×ס׀ך××ת ××× ×©×××× ×€×× ×ª ××ש×××⬠⫠××׀ק ××ס××â¬.â«××ת×ת ××ש×ךת ש×× ××¢×׊××× ×××× ××× × ×ס׀××⬠.â«×× ×Š××× ×׀ך×× ×ת ×€×× ×ª ××××× ××××××â¬
A Tel Aviv Apartment in a Restored Templer Compound â Sarona The apartment was planned and designed in such a way that it separates the private living quarters from the area intended for hosting guests, achieved by a door integrated into the wall panels covering the foyer. As soon as the guests enter the foyer, the feeling they get is that the apartment only has an area for guests. In this apartment, use was made of stone and blackened metal in order to create a sense of prolonged use, while the glass conveys a sense of lightness in certain places and the wood imparts a feeling of warmth. In the living quarters, three columns covered with blackened metal were designed in order to create a visual sense of height. The legs of the buffet are made out of the same metal. A two-sided island separates the dining area from the kitchen. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2015 Area: 140 sq.m Photo: Yosee Gamzoo Letova
â« ×ª× ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬140 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¡× ×××× ×××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×××× ×××€×⬠⫠ק××ת ×× ×ס×â¬:â«×ת׀××¡× ×ת×× ×× ×ת ××××ª× ××׊×ך ×©× × ××€×ס××⬠⫠××¢×§× ×××ך××תâ¬.â«×ק××ת ××ך×× ×××× ××× ×××§× ××ך××ת ק××××ת⬠⫠×ש׀×â¬,â« ××××ך ××סק××ת ×©× ×€××ת ×× ×××â¬,â«×¢×©×× ××××××ת⬠,â« ×€×× ×ª ×××ª× ×â¬,⫠ק×××â¬:â« ×ק××ת ××× ××¡× ×ª××× × ×â¬.â«××× ××××ס××ת⬠⫠××× ××××× ××€×× × ××¢× ××€×× ×ªâ¬.â« ××ך ××ס×× ×ש×ך×ת××â¬,â«××××××⬠.â«×××ª× × ×××¢××× ×××€× ×ª×××š× ×ך×××× ×××××ש×× ×ת ×××××⬠⫠××××€×â¬- â«×§×ך ×ק×ך×××× ×ך×× ××××ך ××× ××ת ××× ××¡× ×××׀ק⬠⫠×××× ×ך×××× ×ª××× × ×× ×©×ש×× ×××××â¬.â«××ך×××× ×ª×ת ××××××⬠⫠××ךâ¬,â«×©× ××××ת ×××× ×š×Š××£ ×ךק ××§×Š× ×©×× ×ש ××ת ×׀ת×××⬠⫠×ק××תâ¬.â«×××׀שך ×× ×Š× ×ת ×ש×× ×ק××ת ××× ××¡× ×׊××š× ×ך××ת⬠.â«×××ך×× ××ך×× ××××€××× ×××€× ×š×€××××× ××€×× ×ª ×××ª× × ××©× ×ת⬠.â« ×××€×ך ×××ך ××××â¬,â«×ש×××ש ×׊××¢×× ×××××ך×× ××× ××××ס××â¬
Beauty Parlor The design concept was to create two levels: ground floor and gallery, with light stairs positioned between them. The stair railing is made of glass, connected by discs of stainless steel, with minimalistic rim. At the ground floor, where the entrance is, the following have been designed: reception, waiting corner, kitchenette, storeroom and restroom. A doubleheight space is intended for the waiting corner, with long overhead lighting elements to emphasize the height. A long decorative wall connects between the entrance door and the counter â cladded by 3D tiles. The display window has been designed for the large front area to be continuous. The door for opening is located only at its end, enabling to maximally utilize the ground floor area. The gallery contains rooms for medical beauty treatments and a secondary waiting corner. The use of colors and materials is minimalistic, from bright to dark grey. A Tel Aviv Apartment in a Restored Templer Compound â Sarona. Top:
:â« ×××¢××â¬.⫠שך×× ×â¬- â«×××š× ××ª× ×××× ××××× ××ת×× ×××€××š× ×ש×××ךâ¬
foyer, kitchen and dining space. Center: living room and -working
.â« ××ך ×××ך×× ××€×× ×ª ×¢××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××××× ×××× ××€×× ×ª ××××â¬
corner. Beauty Parlor. Bottom: Ground level.
.â« ××€×ס ×× ×ס×â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×××× ×××€×â¬
564710 â« ××××â¬,4 â«××š× ×××ךשâ¬
4 Derech Hachoresh St. Yahud 564710
Location: Rishon Lezion Date: 2016 Area: 65 sq.m Photo: Yosee Gamzoo Letova
⫠ך×ש×× ×׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬65 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¡× ×××× ×××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×× ×× ×©××ךץ⬠Genya Schwartz
GS Architectural Planning & Interior Design
â«×ש ת×× ×× ××ך×××× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬
GS Architectural Planning and Interior Design was founded by Genya Schwartz in 1998 after gaining extensive experience at leading architecture firms in Israel, including the Office of the Campus Architect at Tel Aviv University, Zarhy Architects and Gershon Zippor Architects. The firm engages in architectural planning and interior design for a wide variety of projects in Israel and abroad, among them public institutions, recreational facilities, houses and apartments, penthouses, commercial establishments, computer labs and offices. GS has the unique ability to create plans and designs whose style is timeless and tailored to each client, while incorporating diverse materials that become part of the style itself. The firm places emphasis on creativity and on maximum utilization of the potential inherent in the different spaces. Consequently, the designs are not dependent on passing fads, maintain their beauty and continue to meet the clientsâ needs for many years after their completion. In our day and age, clients realize that architectural interior design is no longer a luxury, but rather is a vital function by way of which modern individuals make prudent use of their property.
â« ×××ך ׊××ךת × ×¡××× ×š×â¬,â« ×¢× ××× ×× ×× ×©××ךץâ¬1998 â«×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ××©×š× ××ך××× ×§××€×סâ¬:â« ××××â¬,â«××שך×× ××ך××××ת ×××××××⬠⫠××©×š× ×ךש××â¬,â« ××©×š× ×ך×× ××ך×××××â¬,â«××× ××ךס××ת ×ª× ××××⬠⫠×××©×š× ×¢×סק ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ×× ×ך×××ק××× ×â¬.â«×Š××€×ך ××¢××⬠,â« ××× × ×Š×××ךâ¬:â«×©× ××××× ×š×× ×©× ×€×š××ק××× ××ךץ ××××"× ××××⬠,â« ××× × ×ס×ךâ¬,â« ×€× ×××××××â¬,â« ×ת×× ×××ך×ת ××××ך××â¬,â«××× × × ×׀ש⬠⫠××ת×× ×××â¬,â«××× ×â¬-â« ××ת ×ס×× ×× ×¢×â¬.â«××¢×××ת ××ש××× ××שך×××⬠⫠ת×× ×©×××ש ××××ך×× ××××× ×× ××××€××× ××××ת ××ק ××â¬,â«×ק××⬠⫠×××ש ×¢× ×׊×ךת××ת ××¢× × ×׊×× ×קס×××× ×©× ×€××× ×Š×××â¬.â«×ס×× ××⬠.â« ××¢×׊×× ×××ª× ×ª××× ××××€× ×ת ×ת×××€×תâ¬,â« ××â¬.â«××××××â¬
â«××ךת ך××ק ת×â××××× ××××× ×××ך××⬠⫠××ך×â¬,â« ×××× ×קך××â¬,â«××××ך ×××× ×××סף ××× ×ת ×××××××⬠⫠××ת×××â¬,â« ××קש ×××š× ×ס×× ×× ××ך×â¬.â«××ך×× ×שת××ת ××× ×ת⬠⫠××š× ×× ×€×ך׊×× ×׊××¢â¬- â« ×ך×׊××£â¬:â«××××ךת ××××ך×× ××׊××¢××⬠⫠×ת×ת ×××ךâ¬,â« ×¢×¥ ×××× ×××קע ×××¢×â¬,â«×××× ×××š×§× ×××ס׀ס⬠⫠××¢× ×××ך×× ×׊××¢×× ××× ××׊×ך ×ך××× ××â¬.â«×ש××ש ××ש×ך⬠⫠×××××× ×××××ק××× ××ק××ק×â¬,â«×ק×××€×××׊×× ××¢×׊×××ת⬠.⫠ך×××× ×ש××× ××××€× ×ª×××š× ×ק×ך××××××â¬,â« ××× ×תâ¬,â«×××⬠â«×ת×××©× ××× ×š××××£ ××¢× ××¢×ך ×ª× ×××× ××× ×š×××× ×××¢×⬠⫠×׀ש××ת×â¬,â« ×€× ×× ×××ך×â¬.â«×§×ך×ת ×××××ת ×ת ×ש×××× ××××⬠⫠×× ××עך××תâ¬.â« ×שת×× ×ת××שת ×ך××××£â¬,â«××¢×׊×××ת⬠⫠×××¢×â¬,â«××שךת×ת ×ת ××××š× ×××¡×ª×š× ×ת×× ×ך××××⬠.â«×ת×××š× ×©×ך××× ×××¡×ª×š× ×××סâ¬
A Single Manâs Apartment in Tel Aviv The owner loves and collects special wines, is an avid reader, enjoys hosting friends for a glass of wine. He wanted an apartment that has a masculine look to it, which is articulated in the choice of materials and colors: the flooring â concrete-colored granite porcelain with a rough texture, natural fissured oak, and metal with a blackened, used finish. The limited variety of materials and colors seeks to create maximum harmony within the design composition, whose purpose is to accentuate objects such as wine bottles, sculptures, paintings, seating furniture, and decorative light fixtures. The feeling in the apartment is one of floating above the city of Tel Aviv, which is conveyed when looking out through the glass walls. Due to its unassuming design, the interior of the apartment blends in with that feeling of floating. All the systems that serve the apartment were concealed inside the furniture, apart from the lighting which for the most part was concealed in drywall. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 145 sq.m Photo: Inessa Photography
â« ×ª× ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬145 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×¡×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
,⫠ס׀ך××ת ×××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«××ךת ך××ק ת×ÖŸ××××× ××××× ×××ך××⬠.â« ××ך ך××Š× ××ס×ךâ¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×ך ×שק××ת ×××׀ק⬠A Single Manâs Apartment. Top: Custom made wine library and bar. Bottom: Master bathroom.
â«×××× ××¡×š× ×©××ך ×××⬠⫠××שק××€× ×¢× ××ךש×â¬,â«××××× ×§××ס×ת ××קךת×ת⬠⫠××××ךתâ¬,â« ×¢×׊×× ××××ך ×ש××ך ××××â¬.â«×××××£ ×ק×סך××⬠⫠××ת××€×××â¬,â«××××××× ××קךת×ת ××ש×ק ׀ך×××× ×¢×ש×××⬠,â«×ך׊׀×ת ×××××ת ××× × ×ש×××š× ×××€×¡× ×ª×××š× ×¡××××⬠â«×שת×××× ×תקך×ת ×××שק××€× ×׀ת××× ××××××××â¬ â« ×€× ××× ×©× ×××××â¬.â«×§××× ×ת×ך ××××ק×× ×ת ××××⬠â«×ק××× ××¢ ×××€×ךס××× ×××××××× ××ס××€×× ×××××ך×⬠⫠×ש×× ×××××× ××ק×ך×תâ¬,â«××ך×××ת ×× ×××××××ת⬠â«×¢× ××× ××€×× ×ק××× ××š×Š×€× ×¢× ×ª×§×š×ª ×סק×××××××⬠.â«×׊××€× ×××××× ××ך××× ××××š×©× ×××××£â¬
Living in a Black & White Film Classic luxury estate overlooking the Caesarea golf course. Luxurious black and white design evokes old Hollywood and contemporary Parisian chic, with black and white glass flooring and recessed lighting strips. in the ceilings and transitional spaces create and contours dividing up the interior. Portraits of famous film stars add to the dramatic yet playful atmosphere, looking out from the wall, reaching from floor to skylight looking towards the swimming pool and the golf courses Location: Caesarea Date: 2016 Area: 750 sq.m garden + 750 sq.m built Photo: Lior Teitler
⫠ק×סך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠+ â« ×"ךâ¬750 :â«×©××⬠⫠×"ךâ¬750 â«×©×× ××× ×⬠⫠××××ך ×××××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×¡××××× ×¢× ××××⬠â«×׀ק×× ×ת ××¢×× ××× ×××קך ××× ×××× ××ש×××× ×××⬠⫠×××š× ×¢×â¬.â«×ª×××× ××× ×××××× ××××× ×¡ ××ך × ××â××ךק×⬠.â«××× ×©××׊ךת ת×××©× ×©× ×××€×©× ×××ª× × ××ךתâ¬
Suite on the Sea Wake up every morning to the fresh Mediterranean Sea and sky; at night, feel like youâre in a New York- bar. This seaside apartment creates the sensation of an endless holiday. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2005 Area: 160 sq.m Photo: Jonathan Rashlein
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2005 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬160 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×ª× ×š×©××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×××× ×§×¡××⬠,â«××ך ×××¢× ×Š×××¢ ×ת ×€× ×× ×××ת ×××× ×××©× ××××⬠â«×××××× ×שך×× ×××××× ×ª×× ×× ×ª×××š× ×××××× ×ת⬠.â«×§××× ××¢×׊××â¬
Enchanted Blue Natural light illuminates the interior of this white home during the day. A unique lighting installation provides emphasis, delineating the lines of the unique design of the space. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2008 Area: 270 sq.m garden + 240 sq.m built Photo: Elad Sarig
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2008 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ך ש×× ××× ×â¬270 :â«×©××⬠⫠×"ך ×× ××â¬240 â« ×××¢× ×©×š××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â« ××× ×××ךâ¬,â« ××× ××× ××¡× ××ךש××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×××× ××¡×š× ×©××ך ×××⬠.â« ××× ×××× ××××ס×× ×¢× × ×××¢×ת ש××ך×תâ¬,â«××××¢×â¬ â« ×€×¡× ×ª×××š× ×¡×××××â¬,â« ×€×š× ×××€××× × ××× ×××תâ¬:â«×××× ×××××⬠.â«×ק×ך×ת ××ת×ת×ת ××××× ×××ך××ת ××××× ×× ××××ך×× ×××ך × ×¢××⬠,â« ×€×š×§× ×××××â¬,â« ××ך ש×× × ××ך×× ×ך×ס××קך××â¬:â«×××× ×ש×××⬠â«×š×××× ××× ××××ס×× ××× ×©×ק ׀ך×××× ×©×¢××Š× ×××ת×× ××××××⬠.â« ×ש××§× ×ך××ת ××××××× ×ת ××××â¬.â«×××ת ××⬠Living in a Black & White Film. Top: The impressive entrance, so full of natural light, minimalistic white with touches of black. Bottom right: Detail characteristic of the whole: concealed lighting strips in the wall and underneath the stairs provide pleasant lighting and guidance. Bottom left: The aristocratic master bedroom, with white parquet, minimalistic furnishings with Parisian chic tailored to this house. The play of mirrors increases the spacious feeling.
⫠ק×סך××â¬,22 â«×××€×â¬
22 Topaz St. Caesarea
â«××ך ק×× ×€×× ×⬠Dor Confino
Dor Confino Architecture & Interior Design
â«××ך ק×× ×€×× × ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬
Architect Dor Confino graduated in excellent from the Technion-IIT, Haifa, and was awarded the prestigious Sharon Award. From her office in Caesarea Confino designs luxurious private homes and apartments, spas, offices, and more. Featured in publications in books and magazines in Israel and abroad, she was named Most Influential Architect 2009 by BVD Magazine (Israel) and Mark and Frame (Netherlands). Confino tailors each design individually, researches new materials, and integrates them. Her interiors are pleasant and minimalistic, with accents emphasizing the unique details and innovative lighting design. Dor Confino works with Divine inspiration and believes that âGod is in the details,â as Mies van der Rohe stated.
Top: Suite on the Sea. Right: Dramatic, sensuous backdrop in the bath. Center: The illuminating glass pillars and glass floor under the island cast dramatic blue or white lighting, your choice of atmosphere. Left: Living with beautiful sunsets in Tel Aviv. Bottom: Enchanted Blue. Right: Soft, upholstered, caressing design in the bedroom; Also designing similar form in different materials, wall lighting, pillars, and the capitonnage of the bed. Left: Tops of the lighting fixtures gilded with 24K gold leaf, dispersing intimate, warm light.
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A House in the Shfelah Region Design concept: creation of maximum openness in the ground floor, while maintaining privacy on the two sides of the lot, due to the proximity of neighboring houses. The entrance â creation of a drama between the two massive and sealed sides of the structure and the front patio grill, made of a light iron material. The grill creates a blurry feeling, and beyond the entrance the area is dramatically opened from a narrow to a wide space, including the kitchen, dining room and living room, with a glass wall all along the house, with a view to the garden and swimming pool. An additional dramatic element is the difference between the ground and upper floors. Most of the ground floor is surrounded by glass walls facing the garden, while the upper floor is characterized by strip windows that create a sense of continuity and flow; thus this floor is sealed in comparison to the ground floor. â« ×ש׀××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬450 :â«×©××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Shfelah Region Date: 2016 Area: 450 sq.m Photo: Oded Smadar
â«××ת ×שך××⬠â«×××ת ך××××š× ××××××ך×× ××ךע××× ×××ך×××× ×©× ×€×ת×× ××××⬠â«"××Š×Š× ×××ך ××× ×¢××" ×××©× ×××תâ¬, â« ×× ×©× ×§×š×â¬,â«××× ××¡× ×× ×××× ×⬠â«×× ×¢"× ×©××ךת ××××¡× ×××ך××××ת ×ך×××ך×ת ×¢"× ×©××€××¢×× ××⬠.â«×§×× ×¡×ך×ק××××× ×××××ת ×××× × ×ש×××¢×©× ××× ××× ××¡× ×× ×××ת⬠⫠ס×××ת ××¢×¥â¬,â« ×š× ×× ×¡×ª×š ×¢× ×××××â¬,â« ××××ת ×××× ×â¬:â« ×סתך×â¬/â«×ת×××ת⬠,â«××ש×ש×ת ×ש×××ש×× ××ס׀ק×ת ׀ך×××ת ××××× ××××ת ××××ך×ת⬠â«×ת×××ת ××× ×¢×׊××ª× ×××ת××× ×××××× ×× ××× ×ª×× ××× ×ª× ××¢× ×©×⬠⫠××ש×תâ¬.â«×€× ×× ×××ת ××××× ×× ×€×ª× ×קך×ת ××××ת ××××ך×ת ×׀ת×××⬠⫠ת××× × × ×€×š××××ת ך×××ת ××××× ××¢× ×× ×ª ×ש××ך ×תâ¬,â«×׊××× ×××××ת⬠⫠××ת××× ×××× ××ך×××× ××ק××â¬,â« ×€×â¬,⫠ת××× × × ×¢"× ×××ך ק×â¬,â«×סת×⬠.â«××××× × ×× ×£ ×××סâ¬
A House in the Sharon Region The houseâs geometry is regular, while the architectural concept of tempting the guest entering the house (âpeeping through the keyholeâ) is achieved by breaking the regular architectural mass using deconstructive slopes in the structureâs entrance hall, which is practically the house entrance. Discovery / concealing. As to the façade, it has more to it than meets the eye; the wooden grillwork covers up whatâs behind and provides privacy, while the back façade is revealed in all its grandeur. At the same time, while moving into the structure, the internal part of the home is being unfolded towards the open back façade. Location: Sahron Date: 2015 Area: 500 sq.m Plot 360 s.qm Built Photos: Oded Smadar
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,17 â«××ק××ך ××××â¬
⫠שך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬500 - â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬360 - â«×©×× ×× ××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
17 Victor Hugo St. Tel Aviv
â«×××× ×שך××××ץ⬠Hila Israelevitz
â«×× ×שך××××ץ⬠Dan Israelevitz
Dan & Hila Israelevitz Architects â«×× ××××× ×שך×××××¥ ××ך×××××⬠Our office was established in 1998 by architects Dan Israelevitz and Hila Dinay Israelevitz. Since its inception, the office is located in Tel Aviv. Throughout the years, we have completed a variety of public, commercial and private projects. We strongly believe in timeless architecture, emphasizing on the clientâs requirements. Our perception of the design process is not expressed in the design of the mass that is built up; rather through an overall view of the design scope, and the attempt to create numerous links reexamining the relationship between the design of the internal and external spaces. Using a variety of design tools, we succeed to create a feeling that makes it difficult to distinguish where the house ends and the external space starts, and vice versa. One of the challenges weâve taken upon ourselves, which we implement and reexamine in every project, deals with the âwallâ of the built mass, including the fifth façade (the ceiling). The desire to offer new and diverse interpretations to this concept is carried out by the proper selection of materials and their implementation in different parts of the structure. These and other elements make our design unique, creating an entire living environment instead of a single structure.
â« ×©× × ×ך×ש××ª× ×©× ××ך×××â¬18-â« ××€××¢× ××× ×â¬1998 â«×שך×× × × ××¡× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×××©×š× ××××§× ×× ××©× ××â¬.â« ××××× ××× ×× ×שך×××××¥â¬,â«×× × ×שך××××ץ⬠⫠×× ×â¬.â« ×ס×ך××× ×׀ך××××â¬,â«××ª× ×××× ××¢×סק ×××××× ×€×š××ק××× ×Š×××ך×××⬠,â«××××× ×× ×××ך××××ת ×¢× ××× ×ת ת×× ×©××ת ××ש ×¢× ×Š×š×× ××××××⬠â«×××š× ×©×× ×× × ×ª×׀ס×× ×ת ××××ת ×ת×× ×× ××× × ××× ×××× ×××××⬠⫠××× ××š× ×š××× ××××ת ×©× ×ך×× ×ת×× ×× ××× ×ס×××â¬,â«××¢×׊×× ×××¡× ××× ×××⬠â«××׊×ך ×עך××ת קשך×× ×š××ת ××××× ×ת ×××ש ×ת ×××ס ××× ×ª×× ××⬠⫠××¢×ךת ××××× ×××× ×ª×× ×× ××× ×× × ×׊×××××â¬,â«×××× ××€× ××× ××××׊×× ×⬠â«××׊×ך ת×××©× ×× ×§×©× ×××××× ×××× × ××ך ×××ת ××ת××× ××ך××⬠⫠××× ××ת×ך×× ×©×ק×× × ×¢× ×¢×Š×× × ×× ××× ××× ×€×š××ק×â¬.â«×××׊×× × ×××××€×⬠⫠×××××ת ×× ×ת ××××תâ¬,â«×××ש ××× ××¢×ס×ק ×"×××€×" ×××¡× ××× ×××⬠,â« ×ך׊×× ×תת ××××€× ×€×š×©× ×××ת ××ש×ת ×××××× ×תâ¬.)â«××××ש×ת (×תקך×⬠â«× ×¢×©× ×××׊ע×ת ש×××ש × ××× ××××ךת ××××ך×× ×××ש××× ×××ק×× ×©×× ××⬠⫠×× ××× ××ך××××× × ×ס׀×× ××××××× ×ת ×××ך××××ת ×©× ××שך×â¬.â«×××× ×⬠.â«××× ×©×× × ×××׊ך×× ×¡×××ת ×××ך×× ×©××× ××× ××× × ××××â¬
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A House in Irus The main concept of the main structure is the reference to the plotâs location, which is on the highest hill of the neighborhood. The scenery includes uninterrupted view of the Mediterranean and the entire Gush Dan area. Therefore, the house was designed so that it opens to the view. As a consequence, the external sitting area was designed as a direct continuation of the internal space, and beyond that, the swimming pool with the structureâs contour lines. Location: Irus Neighbourhood Date: 2016 Area: plot â 500 sq.m, built area â 360 sq.m Photo: Oded Smadar
⫠ש××× ×ª ××ך×סâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬500 - â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬360 - â«×©×× ×× ××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
A House In Irus. Opposite Page â Top: A House in the Sharon Region. Center and Bottom: A House in the Shfelah Region.
.â«××ת ×ש××× ×ª ×××ך×ס⬠.â« ××ת ×שך××â¬:â«××¢××× ×××× â ×××¢××⬠.â« ××ת ×ש׀××â¬:â«××ך×× ×××××â¬
â«×××× ×ך×תâ××⬠⫠××ת ×׊××€× ×× ××ך×××â¬:â«×××× ××קךת×ת ×× ××ך××ת ××©× × ××× ××⬠⫠××ת××š× × ×ת ××× ××××××â¬.â«×××ת ××ך×× ××××©× ××ש ×ש׀ת ××ך×××⬠,â« ×"ך ××ש×שת ×××××ת ××ך××â¬70-â«×¢× ××× ×ª××× "×ך×׀ת" ××××× ×⬠⫠תקךת ×ת×××â¬.â«×××××ךת ××שך ×××ק ××ך ×©× ×§××ת ××××ך××⬠â«×× ×תקת ×××× ×××¢××× ×©××¢××× ××××× ×¢×××× ××× ×ס ××ך ××× ××ש×××⬠⫠עץâ¬,⫠ש×××ש ××××ך×× ×××× ×××× ×ש××£â¬.â«×ת × ×ת×ק ×ת××× ××× ×Š××××⬠â«×××× ××× ×ק×××× × ×§××× ×××׊ך ×©×€× ×¢×©××š× ×©× ××€×ש×× ×× ×ת×ק××⬠.⫠ת××שת ×××× ×××ת ××× × ×× ××ךתâ¬,â« ××ך×ת ש××× ×××××â¬.â«××× ××ס×ת⬠â«×× ×××ת ×ת××× × ××× ×ס×ך×× ×ת ××××× ×× ××Š× ×׊××š× ××¢×××⬠⫠××׊ך××â¬,â« ×ש×××× ××× ××©×€× ×× ×§××× ×××× ×ך×××× ×××â¬.â«×××××ת×ת⬠,â« ××ת ×××ך×× ×ת××× × ×¡××× ×€×××× ×€×ª××â¬.â«×××××š× × ×¢××× ×××××× ×⬠.â«×××¢××Š× ××××€× ××¢× ×××× ××× ×ª×¢×©××ת××× ××Š× ×š×××× ×× ×××ת×⬠⫠×××××â¬,â«×§××ת ××× ××¡× ×©× ××××€× ××××× ×ת ×××××× ×׊×××ך×××⬠.â«×שק××€× ×× ××ך×××â¬
Villa in Ramat Gan A prestigious villa composed of two buildings: a house overlooking the swimming pool and a guest house sited alongside the pool. We challenged gravity with a âfloatingâ cube of approximately 70 sq.m, which serves as a master bedroom, and is connected by a bridge to another part of the living quarters. The cubeâs ceiling is detached from the round roof while an upper window that lets in light and completes the detachment of the cube from every side. Through the use of materials such as bare concrete, wood, and white plaster, in clean lines, we have created a rich language of connections and disconnections between the masses. Despite its large area, the feeling of space in the house is not alienating. The entire house is planned without hallways. The space is utilized efficiently and qualitatively. The integration between clean and modern language, along with the warm furniture, serve to create a very pleasant and inviting atmosphere. The guest house is planned around an open patio, designed as a loft with industrial elements but including warm homely furniture. The entrance level to the loft contains public spaces overlooking the swimming pool. ⫠ך×ת֟××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2012 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬900 :â«×©××⬠⫠××¢× ×©×ךâ¬,â« ×©× ×׀ש×××â¬,â« ×××¢× ××× ×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Ramat Gan Date: 2012 Area: 900 sq.m Photo: Elad Gonen, Shai Epstein, Yael Shemer.
Top Right: The master bedroom is connected by a bridge to the rest of
â« ××××ת ×××ך×× ××××ךת ××שך ×ש×ךâ¬:â«××××× ×××¢××â¬
the House, hung-over and floating above the living room. Top Left: The
.â« ×ך×׀ת ××¢× ×ס××× ×××§×š× ××ת×â¬,â«×××š× ×××תâ¬
master bedroom is floating above the living room, and breaking out
â« ××××ת ×××ך×× ×ך×׀ת ××¢× ×ס×××â¬:â«×ש××× ×××¢××â¬
through the glass vitrine. Bottom: The concrete table is at the same
⫠ש×××× ××¢××××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××€×ך׊ת ××š× ××××ך×× ×תâ¬
height as the yard floor and continues it through the glass.
49104 ⫠׀ת×֟תק×××â¬,403 â«×â¬.â«×ªâ¬
P.O.Box 403, Petach Tikva 49104
.â«××ש×× ×ת ×××š× ××׊ך ×ת×× ×××ךâ¬
â«×ך×ך ×ך××⬠Dror Barda
â«××ך ×ך××⬠Hadar Barda
Dror Barda Architects â«×ך×ך ×ך×× ××ך×××××⬠Dror Barda Architects, established in 2000, epertise: architectural planning, interior design and lighting design and consultation. Dror is an outstanding graduate (Technion), and won several awards (âSharett Foundationâ, âLeon Reiskinâ). Hadar is an expert in design and lighting consultation. Previously, she studied art (âBezalel Academy of Arts â). We have a rich experience planning prestige villas, privet residences, cottages. We create Quality, meticulous architecture, with classic and timeless lines.
Top: General view to inner elevations. Top Right: View from Zen garden to the library and the concrete table that continues it at the same level. Bottom Right: Floating concrete stairs connect between levels. Left: Floating concrete stairs lead to childrenâs unit.
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â«××ךת ××â¬
Roof Apartment ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ך ×ך׀סתâ¬90 + â« ×"ךâ¬130 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 130 sq.m + 90 sq.m terrace Photo: Itay Sikolsky
â« ×ךס××£â¬,14 â«×××××â¬
At first glance, a standard Tel Aviv apartment building. Yet as it turns out, when you peel and reveal the true layout â a triangle building and floor plan is found. The desire to honor the work of the architect and acquaintance with a special couple who lately moved out of a large private house downtown, gave birth to a fascinating challenge that led to the creation of a loft. All the rooms are open and a giant partition that moves on a 12m track creates separation and intimacy .By doing ,the space triangle is experienced from any view. Choice of materials was carefully done with accordance to customerâs definition. The couple asked for a warm feeling without the flooring not characterizing the apartment. SoâŠThe walls that were covered American walnut wood, creating a warm and cozy apartment that contains conceal closets in various rooms. The apartment has triangle and sharp lines that dominate the design language. Hila chose rounded corners to soften that on one hand and on the other hand emphasized the sharp angles of the envelope. Touches of color that characterize the different spaces were made by the client, and gave birth to a jewel that witnesses all monochromatic background.
14 Almog St. Arsuf
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â«×××× ×¢××ך ×××× ×ך⬠Hila Amir Hollander
Hila Amir Hollander â«×××× ×¢××ך ×××× ×ך⬠The firm was founded in 2000 by Hila Amir Hollander, and ever since ,each project is a fascinating journey between customers and Hila. Each project is generating dialogue and unique design details for each client, as the interaction moves on a continuum between design ,practicality, artistic function and stretching the limits of any used material. The office is located at designerâs home, thereby breaking the boundaries between personal and professional, between private and official .Personal connection is created and leads to a different and unique experience for each client. Hila methodology uses dialogue. Language and words transform to dimension, and later to a design, which makes the house.
,â« ×××× ×× ×€×š××ק×â¬,â« ×¢× ××× ×××× ×¢××ך ×××× ×ךâ¬2000 â«×××©×š× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ .â«××× × ×סע ×××€×ש ×ךתק ××× ××ק×××ת ×××××⬠,â«×× ×€×š×××§× ××× × ×××××× ×©××××× ×€×š×× ×¢×׊×× ××¢×׊×× ××××××× ××ק××⬠â«××× ××××× ××ª× ××€×× ×§×Š××⬠,â«×ש××××× × ×¢ ×¢× ×ך׊ף ש××× ×¢×׊×× ×׀ךק××ק×⬠⫠××שך×â¬.â«××××××ך ××××ך×× ××ת××ת ×××××ת ×××××ת ×©× ××××ך⬠⫠××¢× ××× ×× × ×©×ך×× ××××××ת ש××× ×××ש×â¬,â«××××§× ××××ª× ×©× ××ע׊×ת⬠⫠××× ×׀ך×× ×ךש×× ×××××× ×××××ך ×××©× ×©×× × ×××××× ××× ×ק××â¬,â«××ק׊××¢×⬠,â« ×©×€× ×××××× ×שך ×××€××ת ××ª× ××××â¬,⫠ס×××× ×שך ×××××× ×©××â¬.â«××ק××⬠.â« ×שך ×××€××ת ×××תâ¬,â«×שך ×××€××ת ××¢×׊××â¬
??????????????? :â«×××¢××⬠⫠??????????????? ×××ך×â¬:â«××ך××⬠??????????????? :â«××××⬠SGI. Top:
.â« ××× ×××€× ××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ××× ××××× ×â¬:â«×××¢××â¬
Top: A view from the garden.
Bottom: A view from inside.
???????????????? ????????????
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A House in Tel aviv On a 500 sq.m plot in Tel aviv we were asked to design a family house (parents and two children). Especially in smaller plots, issues such as privacy, the quality of space and the important role of the court are major factors taken into consideration while planning houses. The relationship between inner and outer space, giving a wider experience of space. This house is built in a similar way. The âclosedâ cube contains the kitchen space and the family room on the groud floor, and the children room on the first floor The master bedroom is located on the roof hanging from the âclosedâ cube creating a 5 m high living space under. That âopenâ cube is strongly realated to the outer space. In the garden, close to the building, the swimming pool is located. The water in the pool and a wall with a waterfall at the background is painting the inner space with a calm peacfull filling. The flooring on the ground floor is a old stone floor brought from the East. In the garden the same flooring creates a continuity of space between the inside and outside.
⫠׊׀×× ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2012 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬350 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ××××â¬:â«××ך××× ××ך××⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Norh Tel Aviv Date: 2012 Area: 350 Sqm Architect: Dubi Witt Photo: Itay Sikolski
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,â« × ×× ×Š×קâ¬,24 â«××××â¬
24 Ahva St. Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv
â«×××× ××ך×××××⬠Witt Architect
Witt Architect â«×××× ××ך×××××⬠âWitt Architectâ was formed in 1988. Since 1991 the firm is located in Neve Tzedek in Tel Aviv. The firm builds and restores homes in Neve Tzedek and engages extensively in rural construction throughout the country. We aim to match the house style and character to the customer and the environment in which he lives (custom made house). The architectural story is an attempt to find the balance between the desires and environmental conditions. Through the planned space exploration, in - out relations, internal proportions; the Sun, wind, and so we build the architectural dialogue that constitutes the essence of the experience , and the customer needs.
A house in Tel Aviv. Top: A view from the garden. Bottom: A view from the garden
â« ××××§× ×ש××× ×ªâ¬1993 â« ×××â¬.1988 â«××©×š× ×××× ××ך××××× ×€××¢× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â« ×××©×š× ××× × ××ש××ך ×ת×× ×ש××× ×ª × ××× ×Š×קâ¬.â« ×ª× ××××â¬,â«× ××× ×Š×ק⬠⫠×× × ×©×××€×× ××ת××× ×תâ¬.â«××¢×סק ך××ת ××× ××× ×׀ך×ת ××× ×š××× ××ךץ⬠⫠×ס××€×ך ×××ך×××× ×× × × ×ס×××â¬.â«×××€× ×ס×× ×× ×××ת ×ס×××× ×× ××× × ×׊×⬠⫠××š× ×קך ××××â¬.â«××׊×× ×ת ×ש×× ××× ×š×Š×× ×ת ××ק×× ××ª× ×× ×ס××××⬠⫠×× ×â¬,⫠ך×× ××××××â¬,â« ×××× × ×©×שâ¬,â«×€× ××â¬-â« ×××¡× ×××¥â¬,⫠׀ך××€×ך׊××תâ¬,â«××ת××× ×⬠â«××× ×× ×ת ××××××× ×××ך×××× ×©××××× ×ת ×××ת ××××ת ××××ך×× ××××⬠.â«×©×××£ ××ק××â¬
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NS residence The house design blurs the distinction between interior and exterior, an important aspect of modern architecture, and maximizes the feeling of continuity and expansion of space. Ground floor, comprising a kitchen, service room, pantry, guest rest rooms, a dining area and living room, is open on both ends and creates an unobstructed view of both sides of the lawn. A pergola with wood beams that continue the entrance ceiling, a choice of identical floor wood tiles both for interior and exterior and a concrete wall that defines both the inside and outside living areas, further enhances the feeling of openness. Choice of strong contrasting materials like dark stone, slate, black steel and wood, together with a use of minimal shapes, creates a dramatic yet warm atmosphere.
40695 â« ×ש×ךתâ¬,157 .â«×â¬.â«×ªâ¬
Location: Emek Hefer Date: 2011-2014 Area: 450 sq.m, plot: 1200 sq.m Landscape design: Itamar Landscape Architecture Engineer: Shmuel Penet Management and supervision: Yehuda Zimbris Photo: Amit Geron
Po.b 157, Mishmeret 40695
â« ×¢×ק ×׀ךâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2014-2011 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1200 :â« ××ךשâ¬,â« ×"ךâ¬450 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ת×ך ×¢×׊×× ×× ××£â¬:â«×ª×× ×× × ×ף⬠⫠ש×××× ×€× ×â¬:â«××× ×ס ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××⬠⫠××××× ××××ך×סâ¬:â«×€×ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
.â«×ת×× ×× ×××ת × ×¢×©× ××׊×× ×©× ×ª××שת ××ש×××ת ×€× ×× ×××ץ⬠⫠××× ×€×ª××â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.⫠׀ך×××× ××××× ××׊ךâ¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××⬠.'⫠׀ת×× ××ך ×׊׀×× ××× ×ס×× ××ך ×š× ××ס×ך×× ×ק××× ×â¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â«×ס××× ××××××⬠The house design blurs the distinction between interior and exterior. Opposite page: Top right: A pergola with wood beams that continue the entrance ceiling. Bottom right: Open space to the living room and kitchen. Left: The upper floor is illuminated by soft, northern light.
â«××š× ××××× ×××⬠Vered Blatman Cohen
Vered Blatman Cohen Architecture & Design
â«××š× ××××× ××× ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××â¬
My name is Vered Blatman Cohen, I had graduated with honors in Industrial Design at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design and have an Architecture Technician degree. My studio, which was founded in 1991, operates mainly in high end private residence and office design. Starting in 1994 and for about ten years I gave classes in Architecture at the VIZO college in Haifa. My long professional experience had taught me that work in architecture is actually an experience in the relationship between the living space and its habitants, and demands creativity and imagination, combined with a continuous attention to the professional aspects of design. Designing houses for people combines my love of design with my attraction to social activity. The design and planning of a building structure and spaces is a product of actual conditions, the clientâs lifestyle, needs and financial aptitude. A crucial prerequisite to a successes in turning a project into a âhomeâ is the clientâs participation throughout the design process. My main motto is a total design approach that starts in positioning the building on the plot, followed by its assimilation with its surroundings, creation of the house plan and continues with deep involvement in all construction and detailing stages.
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Ramat Gan Apartment A new apartment, bought in the last stages of construction from the contractor, was suited, with almost no structural changes, to the needs of a couple with their grown son. The planning and design of the furnishings and lighting fixtures made maximal use of the apartmentâs public spaces, while preseving the feeling of spaciousness. The kitchen was redesigned effectively and originally utilizing its size and available space. The dining area was positioned to allow easy hosting of guests. A TV wall was built in to the bookcase, and the storage spaces created an open and airy feeling. Part of the width of the corridor leading to the bedrooms was used to add a cupboard into an alcove and bathrooms were re-done with new carpentry to suit the familyâs needs. Elegant, conservative choices were made for textiles and colours, providing the apartment with a warm and welcoming feeling. Location: Ramat Gan Date: 2016 Area: 90 sq.m Photo: Avi Baksht
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬90 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×קש×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×××š× ×ת×â××××⬠⫠×"ך ×ת×â¬80 â«××× ×Š×¢×ך ××קש ××ת××× ×׊ך××× ×××š× ×ת××§× ×ת⬠⫠××××š× ××× × ××ך×× ××ך××¢× ××××× ×â¬.â«×××× ××תק׊×× ××× ×××××⬠.â« ×××××× ×ת ך×××× ××¢×קך ×ת ××× ××× ×× ×ש×× ××â¬.â«××××ך ×× ××× × ×ף⬠⫠ש×ך ×¢× ×ך××â¬,â«×ª×× ×× ×ש××€××¥ ×׊××š×ª× ××× ×ס ×€× ××× ×ת ××××××⬠⫠××©× × ××ך×â¬.â«×€× ××× ××¢× ××ת × ××Š× ××××€× ××× ×ת ×××ך ××××¢×⬠.⫠ש×××× ×××ס×ך ×××ת×ת ×עת ×׊×ך×â¬,â«×ש×× × × ×סף ××Š× ××ך ×¢××××⬠⫠×ך××× ×× ×× ×× ×סף ××â¬,â«××ך ×ך××Š× ××€× ×תק׊×× ××× ×××× ×××€× ×§â¬ â« ×ש ×× ×ק×××ת ××ס××â¬,â« ××¢×׊×× ×××׀ק ×××â¬.â«××ך ש×ך××ª× ××ך×××⬠⫠××× ××ת×× ×××©×ª× ×ת ×¢× ×××× ××׊×××â¬,â«×××¢××××× ×ש××ךת ×ס×ך⬠.â«×¢× ××ש׀×× ××ת××××â¬
Tel Aviv Apartment A young couple wanted to redesign an old 80 sq.m. Tel Aviv apartment to meet their requirements, while limited to a very small budget. The apartment had four wind directions but the view and the scenery from the windows was mainly the neighbouring buildings. Creative design and refurbishing created an internal view, retaining the interior feeling of spaciousness and made optimal use of natural light. A small study was added to the two bedrooms, to be closed off in times of need. The bathroom became a comfortable and indulging room on a minimal budget and a guest washroom was added. The design is reserved but warm. There is abundant storage space to help keep everything tidy and the apartment will be easily modified again if the family expands. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 80 sq.m Photo: Hilit Kadouri
⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬,81 â«×¡×ק××××â¬
81 Sokolov St. Ramat Hasharon
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬80 :â«×©××⬠⫠××××ת ×××ך×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×××× ×ך⬠Ziva Bar
Ziva Bar Interior Design â«×××× ×ך ×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Ziva Bar, graduate of Tel Aviv University (1987), Technion Advanced Studies of Interior Design (1992), and curatorship and exhibition design (2011) with distinction. She runs her own firm and accompanies every project she works on throughout all its stages. Her style is contemporary and functional, focuses on correct planning of space and in original design choices. She designs custom built apartments and refurbishes existing homes, shops and offices.
Ramat Gan Apartment. Top Left: The living room. Bottom Left: kitchen and dining area. Right: The width of the corridor was used to make a built-in cupboard in the alcove (right hand side) and room for exhibiting personal collections. Opposite Page â Tel Aviv Apartment. Top: a standard window divided into two, to add interest. Center: living room bookcase with storage space. Bottom: entrance and kitchen.
â« ×××××× ××××©× ×©×â¬,)1987( â«×××× ×ך ×××ךת ××× ××ךס××ת ת×ÖŸ××××⬠)2011( â«) ××××××× ××׊ך×ת ××¢×׊×× ×ª×¢×š×××תâ¬1992( â«×××× ××× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠.â« ×× ××ת ××©×š× ×××©× ×××××× ×× ×€×š×××§× ××××š× ×× ×©××××â¬.â«××׊×××× ×ת⬠⫠×ת××§× ××ך××× × ××× ×©× ××××â¬,â«×ס×× ×× ××× ×¢×ש××× ××€×× ×§×Š××× ××⬠,⫠ש××€××¥ ××ך×ת ק××××תâ¬,â« ×ע׊×ת ××ך×ת ק×××â¬.â«×××××ך×ת ×¢×׊×× ×ק×ך××ת⬠.â« ×× ×××ת ××שך×××â¬,â«×ת××â¬
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A house in Raanana The vision â a horizontal path with the majority of the space located on a single floor. A large, square entrance hall with doubleheight ceiling opens up to face a water pool with a rock waterfall at its center. To the right, the entrance leads to a tall area with slanted wood ceiling spanning the living room, dining area, family room and kitchen, all in one great open space. To the left of the entrance, a staircase leads to the childrenâs floor and basement. Alongside the stairs is a passageway to the home office, wide enough to be an integral part of the space, with doors for privacy. Behind the stairwell is the master bedroom, leading right up to the poolâs edge, with a walk-in closet and indulgently fitted attached bathroom. The house is designed to feel open and inviting, with tall ceilings that give an endless sense of spaciousness. Huge glass doors reveal a view of the garden, inseparably linking outer and inner space. The tiling, wood and stone fixtures were incorporated specifically for this property, tying in the entirety of the design. The house has been furnished with custom-built furniture. Location: Raanana Date: 2016 Area: 500 sq.m Photo: Inessa Binenbaum
â« ×š×¢× × ×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬500 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×¡× ××× × ××××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«××× ×©×××× ××ךץ â ××ת ××ת⬠â«×שך×××ª× ×ך×ש×× × ×ת ×ש×× ×¢× ×××ך×× ×ת××× ××שק××£ ×ש××× ×ª ×¢×× ××š× ×©×⬠⫠×××ת××× × ×שק×â¬,â« ×ך××£ ×××××ך ××¢× ×ת×××â¬,â«×ך×ש××× ×š×Š××ª× ×š×§ ×׊ע×× ×§××××⬠⫠ע×â¬,â« ×× ×××ª×š×ª× ×¢× ×ך׊×× ×××â¬.â« ×× ××× ××× ××¢ ×ת×× ××â¬.â«×¢× ×× ××£ ××× ×׊××××⬠⫠×××ת ע׊×× ×ת׀ךש ×¢× ×§××× ××תâ¬.â« ×××¢× ×§×ª× ×××ª× ×××¢×× ×××תâ¬,â«×××××× ×ת ×××⬠⫠××ך ×ש×× ×â¬.â« ×¢× ×× ××£â¬,â« ××× ×€×× ×§×Š××â¬,â«×××× ×©×ך×׀ת ×׊××€×ך ×׊××€× ××× ××ך⬠â«×©× ×××ך×× ×€×ךץ ××××ת ××ך××¢ ×× ×©××ת ק×××× ××ק××ת ׀ך×××ת ××©× ×××××⬠⫠×××׊×××ת ××× ×â¬,â« ×××ת × ×š×× ×ך××£â¬,â« ××€×ת ×××ך×× ×ת×××â¬.â«×¢×Š×××ת ×¢× ×× ×ף⬠,â« ××××š× ××× ××â¬,â« ××ך××× ××שע××× ×©××××× ×××ך××ת ×× ××ש××תâ¬.â«××× ×× ×× ×׊×× ×××ת⬠⫠×ס××× ×¢×¥â¬,"â« ××× ××ת ××× ××¡× ×××ת ×ת××× ×"×שךâ¬.â«×ך××ת ש×××× ×××ךש ×× ×ס⬠⫠×ק××â¬.â« ××סת××× ×ך××ת ×ש×××â¬,â« ××××£ ××¢× ××ך×××â¬,â«×ך×× ××€×ךץ ק×××× ××××ת⬠.â« ×¢× ×× ××£ ××ךתקâ¬360° â« ××ת××× ×â¬,â« ×× ××ך×× ××××××××â¬,â« ×ת×××××תâ¬,â«××ש×××â¬
A house in Beit Zait When I first saw the lot, the steep slope overlooking the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Karem, I wanted to keep walking forward, hover in the air above the canyon, quietly observing the landscape visible in every direction. This was the primary motivation during planning. I did not give up this desire, or the opportunity inherent in it, and have given it to the owners. The house itself has been designed as a single level that drifts like a bird, with every room, every angle of the house poised to take in the panorama. The master bedroom projects forward like an arm reaching ahead, providing it with the privacy of the independent unit. The steep slope provides the illusion that the house is floating, with exits to the garden from both sides. From there, pathways and stairs lead down to the lawn, swimming pool and tennis court. Facing the main entrance is a long wooden "bridge", a path that thrusts frontward from the house, passing the pool area, and ending in a seating area. This offers a place to enjoy a few moments alone, meditate or host friends while overlooking a fascinating 360° view of the landscape. â« ××ת ××תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬590 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××¢× ××× ×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Beit Zait Date: 2010 Area: 590 sq.m Photo: Elad Gonen
47209 ⫠ך×ת֟×שך××â¬,62 â«××ס×שק××â¬
62 Usishkin St. Ramat Hasharon 47209
www.joeljospe.com | www.about.me/joeljospe
â«×××× ××ש׀×⬠â«âªJoel Jospeâ¬â¬
â«âªJoel Jospe Architectsâ¬â¬ â«×××× ×××©×€× ××ך×××××⬠â«×××ך××× ××××¢×š× ×××× ×××©×€× ××× ×××× ×××ך××× ×©× ×× ×©××⪠,â¬×××× ×š××× ×××ת⬠â«×€××¢× ×××Š× ×©× ×š××©× ××× ×©×××⪠.â¬××× ×¢× ×׀ך××ק××× ×©×¢××Š× ×שך×× ×××× ×§×⬠â«×¢×׊××× ×ך×ך ××ש×× ××× ×š××⪠,â¬×××ך⪠,â¬×קס××ך×ת ×××× âª -â¬×©×××× ×ך××× × ××סת××âª.â¬â¬ â«×××©×š× ×š××× ×ת ××××š× ××× ××©× ××ס׀ך ⪠1â¬××ש×××ת⪠,â¬××ת ××¢×׊×× ×׊××š× × ××שךת⬠â«×ת ׊ך×× ××××⪠.â¬×שך×× ×©× ×××× ×××©×€× × ×× × ×¢× ×§××׊ת ×××ך××××× ×××××××⬠â«×××ש׀××¢× ×ש×ק ××ק×××⪠.â¬××× ×¢××××ת×× ×€×š××ק××× ××××× ×× ×©× ××××ת ××קך×âª,â¬â¬ â«××ª× ×××ת⪠,â¬×שך××× ×××ª× ×¢×¡×§âª ,â¬×× ×××× ×ת××§× ××××ת ×××× â ××ת ××××ך××⬠â«×׀ך××⪠.â¬××ק×× ×× ×××׊×× × ×¢××××⪠,â¬× ×× ×¡×× ×× ×¢×× ×××ת ××××ת ×©× ××××× ××׊×ת⬠â«×ת ×ק×××⪠.â¬×××× ×׊ך ×©×€× ×¢×׊×××ת ××××××ת⪠,â¬×©××× ×ª×׊ך ×©× ×©×××× ×š××× ××ת ×¢×⬠â«××××ך ×× ××××ך ××× ××׊×××ת ××¢×ש×××ת⪠.â¬×ת×× ×× ×××׊××š× ×¢× ×××©×š× ××× ×⬠â«×ª×××× ×ך××× × ×× ×¢×× ×× ×××× ××××× ×©×××ק ×× ×ש ××©×€×¢× ×¢×Š××× ×¢× ××××ת⬠â«××××ך×× ×××ש×⪠.â¬×××ך××⪠,â¬××××š× ×©×× ××× × ××׊×ך ××ת ××××× ×ך×× ×××××ת×⬠â«×××תך ×©× ×××××⪠.â¬××ת ש××××× ×ת ××¢××× ××× ×ק××⪠.â¬××ת ש×××× ×× ×××××× ××××ך⬠â«××××⪠.â¬×××©×€× ××¢×× ×¢× ×¢×Š×× ×©××× "××€×× ×§" ×××× ××ך ××׀ש ×ת ×××××ת×⪠,â¬×× ××⬠â«××××€× ×××תך⪠,â¬××× ××××ק ×× ×©××× ×©×××£ ×××¢× ×ק ××ק×××ת××⪠,â¬×× ×ך×ת ×ש×ך×ת⬠â«××××€××× ×ת ×× ××× ××××ךת ××××× ×ך×××× ×׀ך××ק×âª.â¬â¬
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â«âªJoel Jospe and his team of architects design spaces that embrace theâ¬â¬ â«âªmovement of life at home in a graceful and elegant manner. Foundedâ¬â¬ â«âªin 1982, locates in Ramat Hasharon, Joel is a graduate of the Technionâ¬â¬ â«âªUniversity in Haifa. It was there where he met and studied with Yaakovâ¬â¬ â«âªRechter and later worked for him in his office. After years of managingâ¬â¬ â«âªa big staff and a variety of large scale projects, Joel chose toâ¬â¬ â«âªconcentrate on his real love, the family home. The attention to clientâ¬â¬ â«âªrelationships are crucial to Joel to ensure that the design process meetsâ¬â¬ â« âªthe clientâs needs and expectations. âWe are creative yet practicalâ¬â¬â«âªwe like to push the boundaries of design but only in ways that achieveâ¬â¬ â«âªcomfort and functionâ. The diversity of the office and collaborativeâ¬â¬ â«âªworkplace allow us to bring our creativity and execution to each project.â¬â¬ â«âªWe dream big but recognize that in design the littlest details oftenâ¬â¬ â«âªmatter most. Inspiration is the spark of each project and togetherâ¬â¬ â«âªwith the client we work together to transform their goals to createâ¬â¬ â«âªharmonious possibilities.â¬â¬
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A Duplex in Vienna, Austria This fashionably modern duplex is situated inside a classical building in Vienna, Austria. The apartment has two spaciously luxurious living-rooms, and total balconies area of 70 sq.m: one on its lower level and two roof-top large terraces on its upper. The building's lobby has been designed in the classical style which characterizes its external facades and surroundings. Duplex interior has been designed in fashionably â modern style which is reflected through the use of parquet, white marble, fashionable black & white textures, "Pietro Fornasetti" items and nickel/golden elements which are "scattered" throughout the duplex as "precious jewels".
Location: Vienna, Austria Status: Under construction Area: 270 sq.m
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.â« ××× ×××ך×× ×©× ×××€×ס ×ת×ת××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ×××× ××€×× ×ª ×××× ×××€×ס ××¢××××â¬,â« ××× ××ך××â¬:â«××ך××⬠.â« ×€×× ×ª ×××ך×× ×××׊×× ×ת ××ך׀סת ×××â¬:â«××××⬠Top: Lower level hosting area. Center: Upper level hosting, kitchen and dining areas. Bottom: Roof terrace hosting area.
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬,15 â«××¢××â¬
15 Haamal St. Ramat Gan
â«×××××× × ×š×סק×ף⬠Yuliana Riskoff
Yuliana Riskoff | Architecture | Design
â«×××××× × ×š×סק××£ | ××ך××××ת | ×¢×׊××â¬
The studio has been founded by Yuliana Riskoff â Bachelor of Architecture from Tel Aviv University, Interior Designer, BVD Architectural Forum Manager, Prize Winner with Numerous Media & Press Publications. The studio specializes in the Private/Commercial Sectors â from the initial planning to the finalized styling phaze.
Top: Lower level hosting area.
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Jerusalem Home This residential project, located in a traditional Jerusalem neighborhood, represents MRAâs objective of integrating contemporary design within a strong traditional context. The architectural intervention, within a highly preserved landmark building, introduces multiple, large scale operable openings linking internal spaces to the sky whilst introducing light and air to the heart of the home. The architectural language reinterprets traditional forms and materials to create a contemporary expression while respecting and maintaining a strong local character. Indigenous local stone and traditional plaster are juxtaposed with wood, steel and glass to create vibrant textures enlivened by shadow and light.
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬400 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× × ×××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Jerusalem Date: 2015 Area: 400 sq.m Photo: Ilan Nachum
9342141 â« ×ך×ש×××â¬,3 â«×× ×ך×׊××â¬
3 Yad Harutzim St. Jerusalem 9342141
â«××ª× ×š××× ×©×××⬠Matti Rosenshine
Matti Rosenshine Architects â«××ª× ×š××× ×©××× ××ך×××××⬠Matti Rosenshine Architects is a Jerusalem based firm which provides a full range of design services including architectural, interior and urban design and is dedicated to design excellence. The studio is led by Matti Rosenshine and includes a team of architects and designers trained in Israel and abroad.
Top: Entry hall, with natural, rough rock formation juxtaposed with traditional texture in Mondrianlike composition. Right: Stair details. Left: Entry hall, where stone becomes a light fabric lifting itself to the sky. Opposite page: Living room, dining-room and kitchen all form a continuous space with minimal walls in-between.
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⫠ס××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬1,000 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ך ש×× ×× ××â¬380 ,'â« ××× ×××××××¥â¬:â«×€×ק××⬠â«× ×¢× ×עק××ס××â¬ â« × ×××â¬:â«×ª×× ×× × ××£ ××ק×ת ××× ×⬠⫠ע××ת ××שךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Savion Date: 2014 Area: 1,000 sq.m plot, 380 sq.m built Project Manager: Gadi Godovich, Noam Jacobson GardenDesigner: Novet Photo: Amit Gosher
Top Right: The parentsâ bathroom opens to their bedroom.
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The bath tub is placed at the edge of the brigde.
.â« ××ך ×ש׀×× ×¢× ××¢×§× ××ך××ת עש×× ××××קâ¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬
Top Left: Family room with a railting made of bamboo.
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Bottom Right: The central patio is crossed by the passage.
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Bottom Left: The passage is a concrete trail covered in tree bark.
T House
T House
T House is composed of two separate cubes which are connected by a passage space and create an âLâ shape. The front cube holds all public functions such as entrance hall, living and dining spaces, kitchen and a library in a gallery. The 4-meter-wide passage space separates the public and private parts of the house and is a continuation of the patio, which act as a central space of the house. The second-floor bridge âcasts a shadowâ on the ground floor â a concrete strip, 120 cm wide which defines the kitchen island. The bridge is constructed of white pine and it continues as a strip into the master bedroom and an adjacent open bathroom, amidst concrete flooring. Tree barks cover the front yard and enter the interior space of the connecting node. Vast use of dry bamboo is a prominent feature, and the Marblite covered pool overflows into an area of bamboo trees.
â« ×׀ך ××תק××â¬,â«××š× ×ך×ש×× ××â¬
1 Harishonim St. kfar Vitkin
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sharon@nh-arch.com | hayner@nh-arch.com
â«×©×š×× × ××××⬠Sharon Neuman
â«××€×ª× ×××× ×šâ¬ Iftah Hayner
â«×××× ×Š×ך⬠Hila Tzur
Neuman Hayner Architects â«× ×××× ×××× ×š ××ך×××××⬠Neuman Hayner architects is a young yet highly experienced office. Sharon, Iftah, and the studio team are designing projects of varying scales including civic, corporate, and apartment buildings, as well as hotels, private residences, offices, restaurants, commercial centers, and preservation projects. Our design process is built on an open and constructive dialogue with the clients, consultants and the studio team, while maintaining financial frameworks and goals as an integral part of the process. This is accompanied by the continuous use of advanced 3D software. We believe in the possibility and necessity of combining the individual and public interests in our projects, and strive to create contextual, original, light, and clear architecture, that expresses the joy of creation, and high environmental awareness.
Top: The L-shaped house is planned aroung the patio and the pool. Bottom: Double height public space.
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Old Jaffa House The 400 sq.m. apartment has three levels and is located in an Ottoman building reserved for conservation, in old Jaffa. It was designed for a family that had dreamt to live there for years and had fallen in love with this property. The design concept was to combine old and new in a harmonious way: the new is supposed to intensify and highlight the old. The architectural challenge was opening doorways and windows to connect different parts of the apartment that were separate and to bring in the sea view that was blocked out. The elements and materials integrated in the design express the tension of the past versus the present, like the ornamentation found in the stone walls and their contemporary translation â modern, metal laser cuttings decorating the front door, as does the overall design and collection of new materials, like Corian, in a custom built and modern kitchen, that contrasts with the existing, history filled arches and domes.
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬67 â«××׊××â¬
67 Weizmann St. Tel Aviv
+972-546800445, +972-546456996
Top: seating area with spectacular view from the roof
.â« ×€×× ×ª ×ש××× ×× ××£ ×ך××× ×××× ××××תâ¬:â«×××¢××â¬
Bottom, right: sea view in the reading room, a look from the living room. Bottom, left, top image: an archway
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opened between living room and kitchen. Bottom, left,
:â« ×××× ×ש××× ××׊ע×תâ¬.â«××× ×ס××× ×××××â¬
center image: guest room on gallery level. Bottom, left,
â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â«××ך ××ך××× ×××€×ס ×××ך××â¬
bottom image: entrance hallway, laser cut doors.
.â« ××××ת ×× ××¡× ××ת×ת ×××ת××× ××××ךâ¬:â«×ª×ת×× ×â¬
Photo: Oded Smadar Furniture: Arik Ben Simhon
taliratsaby@gmail.com, galyalg@gmail.com
â« ×¢××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠⫠×ך×ק ×× ×©××××â¬:â«×š××××â¬
â«××× ×ך×× ×š×Š×××⬠Tali Brodt Ratsaby
â«×××× ×××¢××⬠Galya Giladi
Studio Taga â«×¡××××× ×××⬠A boutique planning, interior design and concept creating firm, owned by Galya Giladi and Tali Brodt Ratsaby, with first degrees in Interior Design and 18 years experience in the field. The firm specializes in planning and designing commercial and domestic spaces, restaurants, cafes, Bars, shops, offices, apartments, luxurious homes and conservation projects. The firm emphasizes the uniqueness of every project and creates unique elements and details for each one.
Old Jaffa House. Top: A look from the dining area all the way through to the sea view. Bottom: Modern living room under the dome.
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â«××××š× ××× ×š××× ×× ×ת×â××××â¬
Contemporary & Romantic House in Tel Aviv ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2008 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬1,000 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬600 â«×× ××⬠⫠××ת×ך ×¢×׊×× × ××£â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ××⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2008 Area: 1,000 sq.m Plot, 600 sq.m Built Landscape Design: Itamar Landscape Design Photos: Oded Smadar
4690500 ,â«×§××××¥ ×××× ××â¬
Designing a private house, is to me the ultimate architectural challenge. The task I took on myself whilst planning and designing this house, was to combine between two worlds: the classic and the modern. The classical language is reflected in the pace of the openings, the horizontal lines of the slotted colored plaster and of the concrete moldings surrounding the building. The stone frames around the black steel windows add to the look of a house that has been standing many years. On the other hand the flat roof, the asymmetry and the volume composition on the facades are distinct modern characteristics. While working on the interior design an effort was also made to connect the worlds: detached ceilings with adjacent designed interior doors and iron railing, a French stone fireplace looks trough the concrete living room table. The garden is an example of the successful integration between built and vegetation, order and freedom, white and green. The dense vegetation that surrounds the plot provides privacy and increases the feeling of space, while setting the fine lawns and the pool. From the perspective of time since it was planned, it is hard to define clearly the houseâs architectural language and that is, on my opinion, itâs secret charm, itâs intensity and the curiosity it arouses.
Kibbutz Glil Yam, 4690500
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â«×¡×š×' ×× ×××⬠Serge BenDavid
Serge BenDavid Architects â«×¡×š×' ×× ××× ××ך×××××⬠Serge BenDavid, born and raised in Paris, completed his studies in architecture at the Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. His architecture and interior design firm, established in 1998, specializes in the planning and design of luxury homes and apartments. His line of work ranges in style from the classic-European house to the modern minimalistic and local country house. The housesâ design is elegant, full of unique details and custom tailored to each client. The architecture language for each project is determined according to the clientsâ values, the way of life they aspire to and their cultural aesthetics. The work process is thorough and attentive to detail , the client is personally accompanied through the deliberation and decision process, from the initial planning to the smallest details of the final house design.
Top: View of the dining room overlooking the garden. Opposite Page â Top: View of the back elevation and the garden. Bottom Right: View of the entrance and the front garden. Bottom Left: Double space in the house entrance.
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Floating Cube A house 340 square meters wide, built on a ââ600 square meters area, was designed for a couple with three children. The eldest one (whoâs in his twenties) resides in the independent residential unit located in the basement, whereas in the bedroom floor, master bedroom and two adolescent bedrooms have been designed. The atmosphere is warm and hosting; the children, too, love to host friends. The landlady, who is an amateur cook, requested a large living dining area, and a large dining area in the kitchen itself, which is, in her view, nothing less than the center of home, and was designed, accordingly, in the center of the main living area. The tenants desired to have a house which would provide them with a constant sense of vacation, including a large pool and a close connection between interior and exterior, spacious and welcoming spaces, plenty of hosting and Entertaining locations, and Thaistyle garden. Already at the front door, can you sense the vegetationâs tropical scent. Passing through the front door, will expose you to a wide-open landscape, including a garden and a pool. The ground floor is designed as an elongated rectangle, with its long side accompanied the entire length of the pool and the garden with glass doors, from floor to top ceiling. The floor is designed as spaces separated by islands of tall cabinets, creating a separation. Between the âislandsâ there is circulation, which creates a sense of openness and connection. The bedroom floor is designed as a rectangle laid with indentation to the bottom rectangle. This position has led the bedroom floor to be sticking out and floating up and higher than the swimming pool, creating shading over the outside seating area. Location: Netaniya Date: 2014 Area: 600 sq.m plot, 340 sq.m built Photo: Oded Smadar
â« × ×ª× ××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠,â« ×׎ךâ¬600 â« ××ךשâ¬:â«×©××⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬340 â«××ת⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×ª×ך ס××⬠Tamar Samet
â«×¢×× ×¡××⬠Adi Samet
Samet Architects â«×¡×× ××ך×××××⬠âSamet Architectsâ raises the banner of design that stands the test of time, which is characterized by clean geometric lines. The firm was founded by architects Adi Samet and Tamar Samet. Beyond their status as high-end architects, Adi and Tamar are also interior designers and each project is crafted as a Total Design, architecture and interior design in one piece. Our guideline in any architectural project and interior design project is that we first get in close contact with the client in an attempt to explore their wishes and needs. Creating the program involves in-depth analysis of the area and locating landscape views that will lead to creative architectural solution and a clear concept. It is important to us to understand the nature of living in each space, the relation between the various functions and the emphasis on the surrounding area while using the openings to frame the view to be seen through them. We aspire to plan buildings as green as possible while applying new technologies that are beneficial to both the environment and the structure quality. The planning of any architecture or interior design project is achieved through teamwork that aims to combine functionality, concept and design with attention to details and top-level execution.
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Top: a view from the living room towards the dining room and kitchen. Opposite page â above: a view
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from swimming pool towards the house. Center: a view from the kitchen to the garden. Bottom right:
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master bedroom bath. Bottom left: The master bedroom is located at the end of the floating cube.
.â«××××ת ×××ך×× ××××ק×ת ××§×Š× ×ק××××× ××ך×׀תâ¬
P â«××תâ¬
P House â« ×××× ×××× ×× ×××× ××××ס×× ×ש×× ×××ך×× ×§×š××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×××××⬠⫠××× ××××××× ×××ך ×ת ×××ת ×׊××€×â¬:â« ×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬.â«×××××⬠⫠ש×××× ×××â¬.â« ××× ×× ××× ×ס×â¬:â« ×××× ×××××â¬.â«×× ×××× × ××××ך×ת⬠⫠××××ת ××××€× ××ך××× ××××â¬.â«×××ך×× ×ש××€×× ×××××ך ××ק׀×⬠:â« ×××× ×ש×××â¬.â«××× ×ª×ת ××××× ×××ת ××× ××¡× ××€××ת ק×ך××⬠.â«××× ×ª ×× ××× × ××ק ××××ת⬠Top Right: Minimalistic and elegant kitchen. Bottom Right: The entrance- Corten door and 3D white concrete tiles. Bottom Left: The interior is imbued with the calm of the Zen Garden.
â« ××× ×שך××â¬16 ⫠ך×ת ×שך×× | ××××â¬,97 â«×××€×â¬
The children have moved out, and the empty nesters looked to create a space that reflects their personality and fits their needs. The single story dwelling keeps its humility with a simple facade facing the street and neighbors; its form clean and restrained, with a rectangular front and a sloped roof, that shields from the street, and opens up once inside. The homeâs floor plan relies on a simple scheme that divides the space into two sectors, the private and public, and the relationship between them. The design of the space presents complex nuances. While looking in one direction, the entirety of the structure is revealed, and when peering in the perpendicular, the view presents an attractive array of doors and passageways. The choice of finishing materials â a combination of refined and timeless, natural and durable.
97 Hagefen St. Ramat Hasharon | 16 Lotem St. Hod Hasharon
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052-8368591 | 054-4357280
Location: Ramat Efal Date: 2016 Area: 140 sq.m Garden Designer: Moran Givon Photo: Galit Deutsch
⫠ך×ת ××€×¢×â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬140 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××š× ×××¢××â¬:â«×ª×× ×× ×××× ×⬠⫠×××ת ××××שâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
ilitarc@bezeqint.net | irisberge@gmail.com
â«×¢×××ת ×ך×× ×ך×⬠Ilit Greenburg
â«××ך×ס ×ך×ך⬠Iris Berger
Ilit Greenburg | Iris Berger Architects â«×¢×××ת ×ך×× ××š× | ××ך×ס ×ך×ך ××ך×××××⬠The firm has vast and sustained experience in residential projects. We are attentive to the clientâs aspirations and needs in pursue to create exciting and joyful architectural space. We pay attention to the design, from the conceptual sketch to the last design detail, keeping a distinct and clear architectural style with the use of natural materials. Architects Iris Berger and Ilit Greenburg are Hafia Technion architecture faculty graduates.
Top: The living room is an extension of the garden, view that reveals almost the entire house.
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Dizengoff Project. Top right: Bathroom. Top left: Living Room.
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Bottom right: Kitchen and living room. Bottom left: Lighting in the bedroom.
â«×€×š×××§× ×ך××××ך××â¬
Arlozoroff Project ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬59 :â«×©××â¬ â« × ××× ×©×ךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 59 sq.m Photo: Natalie Schor
Arlozoroff project was carried out in the summer of 2014 and is planned in a very small space of 59 square meters and transformation from 2-room and 3-room using customer interests and special requirements, the goal is to clean with a modern style, with subtle touches of color that depict the character of the young client apartment, the goal was to bring the taste of the client modern interior design into the home using a budget and urges disabilities that time. The experience was making the impossible possible.
â«×€×š×××§× ×××× ×××£â¬
Dizengoff Project ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬100 :â«×©××â¬ â« × ××× ×©×ךâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2015 Area: 100 sq.m Photo: Natalie Schor
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,52 â«× ××× ×â¬
Project Dizengoff was carried out in winter 2015 that cupped inside a moving story of a couple who live in Mevasseret and moved to an apartment in Tel Aviv to be closer to children, the goal was to renovate the apartment in less than 45 days, to destroy the whole and create a pleasant experience for couples who returns to his hometown and going different experience redecorate with modern rustic atmosphere and inflated to a different apartment and creating a special communication between the mythological and the Dizengoff Street apartment. The result encompassing dialogue between interior facades of the building to a wonderful dialogue between Peri-modern styles with open spaces between all home spaces.
52 Nachmani St. Tel Aviv
â« ××ת××€××× ×ת×× ×× ×××â¬2014 â«×€×š×××§× ×ך××××ך×× ××׊ע ×ש××× ×§×ץ⬠⫠××ך×× ×ª×× ×©×××שâ¬3-â« ××ך×× ×â¬2-â« ×"ך ×××€×××ª× ×â¬59 â«×§×× ×××תך ש×⬠⫠××××š× ××× ×××ת × ×§× ××¢×â¬,â«×ך׊×× ×ת ××ק×××ת ××ך×ש×ת ×××××××ªâ¬ â« ×¢× × ×××¢×ת ׊××¢ ××¢××× ×ת ×שך ×ת×ך×ת ×ת ×××€×â¬,â«×¡×× ×× ××××š× ×⬠⫠××××š× ××××ª× ××××× ×ת ×××¢× ×××××š× ×â¬,â«××ק××× ×׊ע××š× ×××ך×⬠â«×©× ××ק××× ×× ×ª×× ×€× ×× ×¢×׊×× ×××ת ת×× ×©×××ש ×××××××××ת⬠⫠×××××× ××××ª× ××€××ת ×׀ך××ך×× ××××ת×â¬.â«×ª×§×Š×× ××××ק ×××× ××⬠.â«××€×©×š× ××׀שך×â¬
â« ×שך ××€× ×ת××× ×¡××€×ך ×ך×שâ¬2015 â«×€×š×××§× ×××× ×××£ ××׊ע ×××ךף⬠â«×©× ××× ×שך ×× ×××שךת ××¢××š× ××××š× ×ת×ÖŸ×××× ×¢× ×× ×ª ××××ת⬠⫠××××š× ××××ª× ×ש׀ץ ×ת ××××š× ×ª××â¬,â«×§×š×××× ××תך ×× ××××××⬠⫠××ך×ס ×ת ×××× ××××׊ך ××××× × ×¢××× ×××× ×©×××ךâ¬,â« ×××â¬45-â«×€××ת ×⬠⫠××¢×Š× ×ת ×××ת ×××ש ×¢× ××××ך×â¬.â«××¢×ך ×××ך×× ××××× ×××××× ×©×× ×⬠â«×׀ך×ת ××××š× ×ת ××תת × ××€× ×©×× × ××××š× ××׊×ךת תקש×ךת ×××××ת⬠⫠×ת×׊×× ×××××× ×××ק ×××â¬.â«××× ×š××× ×××× ×××£ ×××ת××××× ×××× ×××ך×⬠⫠××××š× × ×¢×â¬- â«×××ת ×××× × ×× ××€× ×× ×××××× ×××€×× ××× ×¡×× ×× ×׀ך×⬠.â«×ך×××× ×€×ª×××× ××× ×× ×××× ×××תâ¬
â«×š×× ×ךש×סק×⬠Rachel Warchawski
RWS Architects â«×š×× ×ךש××¡×§× ××ך×××××⬠The firm is engaged in design and interior design of the apartments over the last decade and specializes in the design are second-hand apartments and a new program changes human life changing from decade to decade. Planning combines experience in the planning and design of human need and design complexity of all the DNA of all individual architecture sustainable and affordable, the Ministry advocates expanding the awareness and the need to base the architecture affordable to everyone and accessibility of Architectural true and wraps with a deep understanding of the wants and desires of each individual who distinguishes the architecture to be non-recurring and unique each project.
Arlozoroff Project. Top: Living room.
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.â« ××× ×××× ××ך×××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×€×š×××§× ×ך××××ך××â¬
D VILLA â« ×ש×× ××××× ×ת×ת××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××× ×â¬7.5 â« ×"ך ×× ×× ×¢× ××ךשâ¬550 :â«×©××â¬ â« × ××× ××××â¬:â«×ע׊×ת ×€× ××⬠⫠×××ך ×€×ך×â¬:â«×××××ת⬠Location: Lower Galilee Date: 2016 Area: 550 sq.m built on a 7.5 dunam/0.75 ha/1.8 ac lot Interior Designer: Nathalie Levon Imaging: Amir Peeri
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,18 â«×××תâ¬
Located on the highest point of the Lower Galilee Region, the lot has spectacular views. The orientations are also very advantageous as the plot faces East, South and West. All these features helped us design a villa, as well as four Zimmers, that are in complete interaction and symbiosis with their surroundings. The entrance to the main villa is guided by a water stream that crosses the house and leads us to the infinity pool and horizon. The villa is divided into three main zones: the first one consisting of the childrenâs bedrooms, designed as individual suites with one private bathroom for each. The second zone is the villaâs public area consisting of a living room, dining area and a large kitchen. The third one being the master suite, on the top floor, attached to an outdoor spa and lounge space. The South facing front of the house was designed with large windows, to open up the space and allow viewing of the wonderful scenery. From the balcony you can even enjoy a view until Mount Tavor. In addition to designing the villa, we planned four Bed and Breakfast rooms (Zimmers) of 40sq.m each, an outer sitting set and private, poolside and sunbathing areas. The studio also planned the rest of the lot as a vineyard and almond tree plantation.
18 Eilat St. Tel Aviv
â« ××× ×ס×â¬.â«×××ךש × ××Š× ××§×Š× ××ש×× ××שק××£ ×¢× × ××£ ××××× ×ת×ת××⬠â«×ך×ש×ת ×××ק×ת ××ך×× ×××× × ×עש××× ×××× ×ת ×××××× ×× ×©××⬠⫠ש××× ××× ××¡× ×ת××× ×× ××â¬.â«×× ×©× ×× ×¡ ×× ×××ת ××× × ×שף ×× ×× ×ף⬠⫠×××Š× ×ת ×××× ×â¬,â«××× ×שך ××××× ×ת ××××× ×¢× ××€×ª× ×××ת⬠:â« ×××ת ××××ק ××©× × ×××€××â¬.â«×××ש×× ××××š× ××ך××× ×× ×¢×ך ×××׀ק⬠⫠××שךâ¬,â«××××£ ×××× ×××× ×ת ×××š× ×××××× ×©××¢×׊××× ×ס×××××ת⬠⫠×׊××× ××©× × ×©× ×××ת ×××ך ׊×××ך×â¬.â«××× ××ת ××ך ך××Š× ×€×š××⬠⫠××××ת ××ך×××ת ×× ×××â¬.â«×××××â¬-â« ×€×× ×ª ×××× ××××× ×š××â¬,â«×©×××× ×¡×××⬠.â«××××× ×ת ×××××× ×©×€×ת××× ×ת ×××× ×××׀שך×× ××שק××£ ×× ×× ×ף⬠⫠××ך ×ך×× ×ת ×××ךâ¬,â«×ק××× ××¢×××× × ××××§× ××ך ×ש×× × ×©× ×××ך××⬠⫠×׊××× ××©× × ×©× ×ק××× ××ק×× × ×׊××× ××ך׀סת ××ך××â¬.â«×š××Š× ×€×š××⬠⫠×××ך׀סתâ¬.⫠ס××× × ×××ך ך×׊×â¬,â« ×€×× ×ª ך××׊×â¬,â« ×× × ×× × ×ךâ¬,â«×××××⬠⫠×× ×סף ×××××× ×ª××× × × ×ך××¢×â¬.â«× ××ª× ××שק××£ ×× ×¢×ך ×ך ת××ך⬠⫠׀×× ×ת ש××××£ ׀ך×××ת ×××â¬,â« ××××š× ××ך×× ××׊×× ×××â¬,â«×Š××ך×× ×××ך××⬠.â« ×ש×ך ×××ךש ת××× × ××š× ×××××× ×¢× ××× ××¢×Š× ×©×§×â¬.â«××××š× ××ך×××⬠Top: Back facade.
.â« ×׊ך ×××תâ¬,â« ×××ת ×××ך×תâ¬:â«×××¢××â¬
Bottom right: Parentsâ bathroom.
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Bottom left: Living area.
.â« ××× ××××ך××â¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
â«××ך ××××⬠Or Kochav
ORKO Architecture and Design â« ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××â¬ORKO We are an agency in Tel Aviv that specializes in architecture, interior design, home styling and landscape design. Our team is very open-minded and well travelled, and services can be provided in English, French, Hebrew and German. All services are done to an international standard and with a holistic approach, taking great care and consideration of the clientâs needs, wishes and budget. The studio has extensive experience in a variety of projects: Planning of private houses and villas; commercial projects; interior design for houses; interior and concept design for stores and offices; planning and licensing of exempt agricultural buildings, etc. With the knowledge and experience we have collected, we intend to guide you through the process of planning and design and grant you access to your dream home. Our toolset is made of a few simple guidelines; these were formed through our experience in customer relations: A skilled, experienced and competent staff to assist in the process; equipped with sense, patience and the ability to listen to the customerâs needs, while remaining within budget limitations. Our attention to details, as well as the right composition of all the components we have selected throughout the process will lead to a complete and balanced result â both in practicality and design. Our aim is to pass along to our customers our great appreciation for design and aesthetics and enable them to express their unique personal taste.
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Top: Main enterence facade
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Architecture/Interior Design
â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬/â«××ך××××תâ¬
Interior Design â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Lighting â«×ª××ך×â¬
Architecture â«××ך××××ת⬠Residence
â«××××× ××× ×ת××××⬠â«×× ×× × ××××× ×× ×©××××©× â××תâ ×××× ×ת××× ×¢×š×××⬠⫠××ת×ךâ¬.â«××××¢× ×× ×š×ש××× ×©× ×××¢×× ××× ××× ×××ª× ×⬠â«××¢××§×š× ××× ××ת×××× ×¢× ××××× × ××××× ×ª××⬠â«××× ×׊×ךת ×ת×××× ××× ×××××× ×©××׊ך×× ×ª××שת⬠⫠×ש×××€× ××× ××ת××ª× ×¢× ×¢××× ××××× ××תâ¬.â«××ת××ת⬠⫠×××â¬,â« ×××ךâ¬,â« ×××× ×ª× ×â¬.ââ«××××¢× ×ק ת×××©× ×©× â××ת⬠⫠×××× × ×©×ª××× × ×¢×â¬.â« ××× ××× ××××× ×š×ש×תâ¬,â«××ס×ק×⬠â«××× ×××ך××× ×× ×§××š× ×©× ××ש ×¢× ×××ךת ××ך ×××¢×⬠â«×שך ס×××× ×ª××× × × ×ת××× ××€×¢×××ת ×¢××ך ×××ך×⬠⫠×××€× ×ת×××š× ×©×ª××× × × ××׊ך×× ×ת ×ת××ש×â¬.â«×××ת⬠â«×ת×××ת ××××€× ××€×¢×××ת ×××¢× ×ק×ת ×ך××ת ש×× ×ת⬠⫠××ת ×××× ×שק׀ת ×¢××× ×¢×׊×××תâ¬.â«×©× ××× ×××××ת⬠⫠××××ת ×¢×¥â¬.â« ×××š× × ××××ך×× ×©×××× ××××× ××ת×â¬.â«××ת⬠.â« ××× ×××¢×ת ××ך××× ×ךק×××â¬,â« ×ך××â¬,â«×××©× ×⬠⫠×שך××â¬,â« ×× ×âתק××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2017 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬40,000 :â«×©××⬠⫠×× ×§××š× ××ך×××××â¬:â«××ך××× ×××× ×⬠⫠ך×××× ×××××â¬:â« × ×ך×תâ¬:â«×§××× ××ך××⬠⫠×ך×××× ×§××š×©× ××××â¬:â«×ע׊×ת ×××ך×⬠⫠ס××× ××× ×â¬:â«×§×××⬠EDC :â«×€×ק××⬠⫠××××× ××× ×ת××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Mediterranean Towers We believe the term âhomeâ contains values and emotional charges that touch us all. The main challenge was to handle generous spaces while creating intimate areas which create a sense of âhomeâ. As we see it, the light, much like music is an instrument that generates emotion. The structure, which was planned by Architect Dov Koren, emphasizes the entrance of natural light, in which the activity areas for the houseâs tenants was planned around. The light fixtures create the sensation which matches its purpose and activity, while producing various levels of intimacy. A home contains one design perspective. We chose materials which time only enhances their characteristics: wood planks, iron, natural stone and terracotta tiles. Location: Ganey Tikva, Israel Area: 40,000 sq.m Year: 2017 Supervisor: EDC Client: Mediterranean Towers Photo: Amit Geron
.â« ×× ×סת ××ך ×ת×× ×××× × ××××ך××× ××ך×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ××ת ××× ×¡×ªâ¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â« ××××× ××ת××× ××ש×××â¬:â« ×××××â¬:â«××××⬠.â« ××× ×××××× ×§××ת ×××× × ××ך××ת ×ש×××â¬:â«×ש×××⬠Top: Light enters the building from the central atrium. Bottom: left: View from the garden floor and the swimming pool. Center: Synagogue. Right: Lobby and seating areas
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬34 â«× ××× ×â¬
34 Nachmani St. Tel Aviv
â«×× ××׀ך××⬠Gad Halperin
Studio Gad â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ך××××⬠Ever since Studio Gad Halperin was established in 1986, weâve characterized our main field of work, as a planning and interior design studio. The studio specializes mainly in commercial projects ranging from recreation spaces, public buildings, and store chains to restaurants, bars and hotels worldwide. Gad Halperin, graduate of the âBezalel Academy of Arts and Designâ in Jerusalem, as well as âPratt Instituteâ in New York, founded his studio over 30 years ago, and his objective was clear from the start: âI think the secret lies in scale and proportionality: the balance between the material, void versus mass, the space that surrounds us and the way its lit. The light is very significant. I feel as though the light is the structureâs inspiration, much like a soul to a body. .â Every project begins with research, leading to the design concept with the cooperation of the client. Along with architectural planning, design with the target market in mind, and creating the projectâs unique design language, we manage to define our officeâs purpose and everyday design work. Places people want to return to, are loved spaces, and that is the goal we aspire to achieve.
Bottom: The dining area on the garden floor. Light fixtures wash the space in soft light and create intimate enclosures.
â«×× ××׀ך×× ×××ך ×××××× ×¢×׊×× ××׊××× ××ק×××× ×××× ×ת ××¢×׊××⬠Pratt-â« ××ס×ךת ××××××× ×§××× ×××ת ×××××× ×ש××× ×â¬.â«××ך×ש×××⬠⫠׀ע××××ª× ××ק׊××¢×ת ××ת×× × ×××ך××× ×ת×××× ×× ××â¬.â« × ××ÖŸ××ךקâ¬,Institute .â«××ךק ××שך ×¢×× ××× ×¢× ×××ך××××× ×Š×× ×׀ךת ×××××š× ×§×××סק×⬠⫠×ק××â¬1986 â« ×¢× ×××š×ª× ××ךץ ×ס××£ ×©× ×ªâ¬,â«×××ך ×©× ×ª ×¢×××× ×× ×× ××ךק⬠⫠×עש×ך ×××ך×× ×× ××׀ך×× × ×× × ×¢× ×ס×× ××ק××× ××ךץâ¬.â«×ת ס××××× ××⬠.â« ×××š×Š× ××ס׀ך ××ס××ת ×¢×׊××â¬,â«×ת××× ××¢×׊×× ××××ך××××ת⬠⫠ת×× ×× ××ª× ××××× ××××ךâ¬,â«×ת×××ת ×××©×š× ×ת×× ×× ×××× ××ך×× ×××× ××××⬠⫠׊××ת ×××©×š× ×ת×× × ×ª×× ××××ש ק×× ×¡×€× ×¢×׊×××â¬.â« ×סע×× ×תך××תâ¬,â«××××⬠⫠×××€× ××¢×××× ××× ×€×š××ק×â¬.â«××׊×ךת âס××€×ך ×ס×ךתâ ××××× ×׀ך××ק×⬠â«×××× ×€×ת×× ×©×€× ×¢×׊×××ת ת×× ×©×××ש ×××ª× ××ש ××××€× ××ךת ×××× ×¢×⬠.â« ××× ×××â¬custom made â«×ך×ת ×׊×ךת ×××€× ×ª××ך×â¬
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.â« ××ך××ת ××שך××× ×××××× ×ת׊×××â¬:â«×××××⬠Right: Stairs to offices and exhibition halls.
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Location: Herzliya, Israel Year: 2015 Area: 1200 sq.m Client: Ritz Carlton Herzliya Architect: Ranni Ziss Architects Execution: Tidhar Photo: Amit Geron
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â« ×שך××â¬,â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1200 :â«×©××⬠⫠ך×ץ׳ קך×××× ×ך׊×××â¬:â«×ק××â¬ â« ×š× × ××ס ××ך×××××â¬:â«××ך××× ×××× ×⬠⫠ת××ךâ¬:â«×××׊ע⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Studio Gad
â« ×××€× ×ת×××š× ××ת××ך×× ×׀ךש×× ×××׊ך××â¬,â« ×××× ×××× ×â¬:â«×××¢×× ××××× ×ש×××⬠.â«×ת××× ×ש××× ×××××ך×× ×¢â× ×ש××× ×¢×¥ ×ש××××× ×××¢××× ×××××š× ×©× ××××××ת⬠.â« ×׊×ךת ×ª×ª× ×ת×××× ××ש××× ××××š× ×××¢×ךâ¬,â« ××¢×ך ×××××â¬:â«×××× ×××××⬠Top & bottom left: The building lobby, the lighting fixtures reminiscent of sails produce seating complexes defined by wood .surfaces borrowed from the material world of the yachts. Bottom right: Creating sub-complexes for sitting along the aisle.
Top: The wine refrigerators cause the .light inside the
â« ××§×š×š× ×××× ××××××× ×ת ×××ך ×××ק ××€× ×××â¬:â«×××¢××â¬
restaurant. Center: A portable lathe kit divides the spaces
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into intimate spaces. Bottom: The ceiling of the building
⫠תקךת ×××× ×â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«×××××× ××ת×××× ××× ××××××â¬
allows for light changes throughout the day.
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â«×ך××š× ×¡××××â¬
â«×š××¥â קך××××â¬
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Herbert Samuel
The Ritz Carlton
A kosher chef restaurant in the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Herzliya. In this project we created intimate spaces as well as dynamic seating areas. A set of wooden screens capable of movement were designed to allow guests to enjoy an intimate meeting space. The partitions are moved according to the amount of guests, enabling defined areas and dynamic seating spaces. Lighting scenarios take place around the wine coolers, the ceiling, and are responsible for creating the atmosphere throughout the day.
The proximity of the hotel to the marine in Herzliya, and an ocean view that spreads over the horizon into the mast sailing, led us in creating a language that is taken from the sailing world. The Ritz Carlton lobby is located in an atrium space between the two wings of the structure. The principle of the communal floor design was keeping its human scale versus the greatness of the atrium space and the open facades views onto the beach. In the hallways weâve created an experience by introducing video art that presents various displays which the guest is exposed to, going from one space to another.
⫠׀ך××â¬,â«×××× ×€×ךקâ¬
Park Hotel, Prague A dialogue between historic and current modernism. Park hotel in Prague was planned and constructed according to the late 60âs values of the distinct modernism. The entrepreneursâ purpose was to brand the hotel by its architectural values as it was originally planned. Our challenge as planners was to cope with the adaptation of spaces which cite its historical values, while keeping the designâs human scale in mind, as well as the perception which matches the planning philosophy of the current dining spaces. Over the years, many aspects have been added, mainly aspects which value creating intimacy, humanity and even the search of those same ideals which existed in the classic world and were forgotten.
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â« ××× ×× ×××ך ××תâ¬:â« ×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬.â« ××§×Š× ××¢××××× × ×ª×× ×¢â× ×××€× ×ª×××š× ×©×××Š×š× ×¢××ך ××ק××â¬.â« ××× ××× ×ס×â¬:â«×××¢×× ×××××⬠⫠×ך ××××× ×ª××× × ×¢×â×€× ×׊×ך×â¬:â« ××ך×× ×ש×××â¬.â« ××× ××סע×× ×ך××©× ××ך×××ת ×××קך ××××ך××¢×× ×©×× ××â¬:â« ××ך×× ×××××â¬.â«×ק׀×⬠.â« ×ת×× ××ת ××§×€× ×××¢×ך ××ת×× ×ך×××ת ×××קךâ¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××××××ך×ת ×× ××ךת ××××ך××××ת⬠Top: The entrance space. The rhythm of the columns is supported by lighting fixtures produced for the place. Bottom left: The café complex and beyond the breakfast area. Bottom right: A view of the café area.
â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ך××××â¬
Studio Gad
⫠׊׳×××â¬,7 ⫠׀ך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1600 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ×€×ךקâ¬,Daramis :â«×ק××⬠⫠×סף ×€×× ×Š×³×קâ¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Prague 7, Czech Republic Area: 1600 sq.m Year: 2015 Client: Daramis Photo: Asaf Pinchuk
â« ××× ××ת××ª× ×¢×â¬.â« ×××× ×× ×ס×â¬:â«×××¢××⬠â«×ª×§×׀ת ×ק×ת ×××× ×⬠⫠ת×××ת ××ך ××׊ך×ת ×ק׊××× ×××ך×â¬:â«××××⬠.â«×¢× ××§×Š× ××¢××××× ××××š× ××× ×ס×⬠Top: Entrance lobby. A space that corresponds with the period of construction of the building. Bottom: Light boxes create rhythms repeating the rhythm of the columns along the entrance.
â« ×ך××ת ש×ק××£ ××ך×× ××× ××××× ×Š××€×â¬:â«×××¢××⬠â«×× ××ך××× ××š× ×××׊ת ××ª× ×ª ×××ש××× ×ת⬠.â«×š×Š×£ ×תקך×ת ××× ×©× × ××××××⬠.â« ×ת×× ××סע×× ×ק××ת ×קךקעâ¬:â«××ך××⬠⫠××× × ××× ×ך×׊×â¬,⫠ס××××× ×××× ××תâ¬:â«××××⬠.â«×××¢××× ××׊ך ××€×ש ×ך××× ×××× ×××ך⬠Top: View from the lobby area overlooks the pool through a metal partition which continues thesequence of ceilings between the two space. Center: Ground level hotel dining area. Bottom: Hotel suite, the rounded shape of the washroom creates a soft confluence in the space.
â« ×××ך×××â¬,â« ××××××ס×â¬:â«××ק××⬠⫠×ת×××× ×× ××â¬:â«×¡×××ס⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬12,000 :â«×©××⬠Giorgi Khmaladze :â«××ך××× ×××× ×⬠Kass boutique hotel :â«×ק××⬠3Dvision :â«×××××ת⬠Location: Tbilisi, Georgia Area: 12,000 sq.m Status: in a building process Architect: Giorgi Khmaladze Client: Kass boutique hotel Imaging: 3Dvision
â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ך××××â¬
Studio Gad
â« ××××××ס×â¬,â«×××× ×§×ס⬠â«×××ך××× ××× ××ק ×ךשת ×××× ×תâ¬-â«×××× ×§×ס ××××××ס×⬠⫠ס××××× ×× ××× ××ק ××××ת×× ××¢×׊×××â¬.Luxury hotel â« ××××× ××××§× ××××š× ××××¢× ×××××× ×××××××ס×â¬.â«×©××⬠⫠ס×××××תâ¬80-â« ××××× ×××× ×â¬.â«××שק××£ ×¢× ××¢×ך ×× ××£ ××××עך⬠⫠×××ך×× ×Š××€×× ×× × ××£ ××¢×ךâ¬.â« ×"ךâ¬40-160 â«×××××× ×××⬠.â« ××××× ×ת××× × ××ך××× ×©××ך××× ×ך××ת ש×ק××£â¬.â«××××××ס×⬠â«×××ך××× ××××× ×ת ×××× ××ך××× ××× × × ×××¢ ×××ך ×××⬠⫠ע××× ××¢×¥ ××××× ×€×¡× ×××Š× ××¢â¬.â«×××š× ××××× ××× ×××××⬠â«×ת ×××¢×ך×× ×©× ×××¢×××ת ×××××× ××××× ××ך××××⬠â«×× ×× ×××××ך ×ת ×××× ×××ך××× ×××׊ך תך×××©× ×ª××ך×⬠.â«×××©×ª× ×× ××××š× ×©×¢×ת ×××××â¬
Kass Boutique Hotel Tbilisi, Georgia Kass boutique hotel, Tbilisi, Georgia is part of a Luxury hotel chain, Studio Gad is part of its design branding. The hotel is located down the steep hill in Tbilisi and overlooks the city in the .wooded landscape The hotel will hold 80 suites of sizes between 40 and 160 square square meters â the rooms look out over the city of Tbilisi. The hotel atrium is designed with a reflecting pool in its middle, the atrium is the main space from which the light flows to all the hotel rooms and lobby. The wooden column is a vertical architectural motif that heightens the atrium height and creates lighting scenarios that change throughout the day.
Top: A view at the Atrium and the vertical column Motif that hides the
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elevators lobbys. Bottom: Hotel suite view to the terrace.
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â«âªStudio Gadâ¬â¬
â«×¡××××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ך××××â¬
The pool area with a dividing wall to separate from the spa area, the wall describes the confluence
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between the hotel and the rocky mountain besides it. In the bottom of the pool reveals a repetitive
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pattern as a design language for the entire hotel. The pool area continues the shape of the atrium.
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â«×¢×׊×× ×š×××××⬠⫠×ךע×××â¬,â«×ת ×××××š× ×ך××××× ×©×× × ×ע׊×ת ×× × ×ש×××š× ××× ××קך×⬠⫠××××ך ××ש ××â¬,â« ×׊××š× ×©× ×ק××â¬,â«×××שך×× ×××××× ×××××¢ ××××××⬠⫠××©× ×ת×××× ×ת×××× ××׊×ךת ×©×€× ×××©× ×©×××××â¬.â«×××× ×××××× ××¢× ××× ×ªâ¬ â«" ×× ××ש׀×× ×©×â¬AS IS â«××ת××× ×××׊ך ש×× ××××× ××××ª× "קס××××⬠,"â« ×ש××××ך ×××׊ך×× ×¢××ך "קס××××â¬.â« ×ש×תףâ¬DNA â«××׊ך×× ××××ק××⬠â«×××׊ך ×××××× ××××ת ×××× ××©× ×¢×Š×× ×××× ××©×ª× × ××× ××ת ×××ת ×ש×××⬠.â«××ת×× ××ק×× ×××××â¬
Furniture Design The choice of the furniture I design is left to fate. The idea and the inspiration may spring from an experience, a clientâs need, a new material or an interesting technology. The process for the creation of a new dialogue starts there, and this language can be expressed as a complete product in âKastiel AS ISâ or in a family of products, sharing a common DNA, when regarding products designed for âKastielâ, where the product can have a life of its own as being made to measure, and it changes between the homes, adapted to the client and to the space.
AS IS â«×š×©×ª ×× ×××ת קס××××⬠⫠××× ××€× × ×¢×Š××â¬,"AS IS â«××ת×××ס×ת ××× ×¡× ××£ ×©× ×€×ª× ×"קס××××⬠⫠×× × ×שת××ת ×××׊×× ×ת ע׊××â¬.â«×ª×× ×©×××ש ×× ×ª×× × ×××× ×××××××⬠â«×× ×€×¢× ×××ש ×× ×©××× ×× ×ת תתק×× ××××× ×¢×׊×××ת ××××××ת ×ש×× ×⬠⫠ת×× ×©×××š× ×¢× ×§× ××××ך ××× ××¡× ××€××â¬,â«×©×ת×××× ×××× ××ס××€×ך ש××⬠⫠××××š× ××× ××××ת ×©× ×××ך×× ××× ××ך×× ×××× ××׀שךת ××××â¬.â«×ש×× ××⬠â«××××ת ךקע ×ש××¢××ª× ××¢× ××ת ××××× ×ך××××× ×××©×ª× ×× ×× ×¢×⬠⫠××× ×××ת ×××ש×ת ×ך×ש×× ×׊××× ××××€× ××©× × ×ש×ק ×©× ×××ך××â¬.â«××××⬠⫠ת×× ×©×××ש ××ש×ק×× ×ת××â¬,â«××ש×ש×× ××ךק××× ×©×× ×× ××××× ××××⬠⫠××Š× ×׊××š× ×©×â¬,â«×Š××š× ××׊×ך ××× ×¡××ך ××××× ×ת ××××ת ×ס××× ×××ת×â¬ â« × ××× ×ךע××× ××שת×ש ×ק×ך×תâ¬,â«××× ×ת ××××ת ×ת ××ק×××ת ××ך××⬠⫠ש×××ש ××ש×ק ש××× ××××ך ××â¬,â«×××ק ×ך××××× ×××׊ך×× ××××× ××ש×⬠⫠×××××× ×××× ××©×ª× × ××× ××קך ××¢×š× ×××××â¬.â« ××ך ×׊×â¬,⫠׀ת×× ×ס××ךâ¬,â«×ש×ף⬠.â«×©×ש××§× ×××ך ×××× ×××€××× ××ש××¢×ת×××â¬
Kastiel AS IS âI regard each branch of âKastiel AS ISâ on its own, and use the specific attributes of each space. I try to reinvent myself anew each time, and create a unique and original experience in each store, fitting the space and its story, while maintaining a design line which connects the various branches.â The minimal choice of materials that compose the space enables the pace to become a significant background and flatters the furniture, changing with time. The new stores in Rishon Leziyon and Haifa feature a game with materials set as various textures in a similar hue. This game is used out of a need to create a confined space simulating your living room at home. This created the idea to use spacious block walls, creating a new experience. By using the contrasts of covered and exposed, open and closed, lights and shadows, we change the experience in the space as the light games in it become substantial from dawn to dusk.
Photos: Nadav Packet, Itay Sikolsky, Inbal Marmari Model: Yeuda Gedalyhu
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,36 â«××׀ס×â¬
36 Alfasi St. Tel Aviv
,â« ×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬,â« × ×× ×€×§×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×¢× ×× ×ך×ך×⬠⫠××××× ××××××â¬:â«×××××â¬
www.kastiel.com | www.kastiel-as-is.com
â«××€× × ×§×¡××××⬠Daphna Kastiel
Kastiel â«×§×¡××××⬠Dafna Kastiel (39), head of design for the brands âKastielâ and âKastiel AS ISâ, and visual concepts manager, is a third generation for the Kastiel design family. âI work as a furniture designer, interior designer, architect, a little bit of everythingâ says Dafna, who majored in âVitalâ studying industrial design and received an MA scholarship for luxury design from the Creative Academy in Milan. âI believe that a space provides an experience, and its furniture tell a story. This is the reason it is important to be daring and innovative all the time. One of my favorite parts of the work is the positioning of furniture, thinking about the placement of the components in the time and space, considering them as scenes taking place on a stage and creating ergonomic and emotional experiences for the people who take part in it. As far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as a perfect space, since the space, much like ourselves, should be sincere and interesting, integrate the old and the new, enable changes and evolutions, go through a certain process and improve as time passes byâ.
"⫠ך×ש ×××קת ××¢×׊×× ×××ת××× "קס××××â¬,)39( â«××€× × ×§×¡××××⬠⫠××× ××ך ש××ש×â¬,â« ××× ××ת ××©×€× ×××××××××תâ¬,"AS IS â«×"קס××××⬠⫠×ע׊×תâ¬,â« "×× × ×¢×××ת ××ע׊×ת ך×××××â¬.â«××ש׀×ת ××¢×׊×× ×§×¡××××⬠⫠×××ךת ××××××â¬,⫠ק׊ת ××ך×××ק××ת ×ק׊ת ××××" ×××ךת ××€× ×â¬,â«×€× ××⬠â«×¢×׊×× ×ª×¢×©×××ª× ×'××××' ××××ת ת××ך ×©× × ××¢×׊×× ××תך×ת⬠⫠"×× × ××××× × ×©××× ×ס׀ק ×××××â¬.⫠ש×××××× ×â¬Creative-Academy-â«×⬠⫠××× ×××ק××â¬.â«××ך×××× ×× ×ס׀ך ס××€×ך ××× ×ש×× ×××¢× ××××ש⬠⫠××ש××â¬,â«××ש××¢×ת××× ×××××××× ×¢×× ×ת×××× ××¢×××× ××× ×××¢×××⬠⫠××× ×¡×Š× ×ת ××תך×ש×תâ¬,â«×¢× ××ק×× ×©× ×׀ך×××× ××ך××××× ××ת×⬠⫠××××× ×ª× ××× ××× ××ש××â¬.â«×¢× ××× ×××׊ך×ת ×××××ת ×¢××ך ××× ×©×× ××⬠⫠×ש×× ××× ××©× ×××ש ××׀שךâ¬,⫠׊ך×× ××××ת ×× ×××¢× ×××â¬,â« ×××× ×â¬,â«×©×× ××××⬠".â« ××¢××ך ת×××× ×××שת×× ×¢× ××©× ××â¬,â«×©×× ×××× ××ת׀ת××תâ¬
Top: âNurâ tables, inspired by matchboxes. Bottom: Designing a unique solution for every client, according to
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their needs, leads to diverse results in various styles. The Kastiel House. Opposite Page - Top: âUncle Jacobâ
:â« ×××¢××â¬- â« ××¢××× ×××â¬.â« ××ת קס××××â¬.â« ××××× ×ת×׊××ת ××××× ×ת ×ס×× ×× ×ת ש×× ××â¬,â«×ק×× ××€× ×Š×š×××â¬
tables for Kastiel AS IS. Center and Bottom Right: Furniture manufactured in Israel is suitable for our local climate and needs. Bottom Left: âStearmanâ commode, designed for Kastiel AS IS, inspired by an old Boeing Stearman plane with two wings.
â« ×ש×××â¬.â« ×××ת ××× ××××â¬:â« ××ך×× ××××× ××××â¬.â« ××ת קס××××â¬:â« ××ך×× ×××××â¬."â«×©×××× ×ת "××× ×עק×⬠.â« ××שך×ת ×××ס ס××ך×× ××©× ××¢× ×©× × ×× ×€×××â¬AS IS ⫠ש××ת "ס××ך××" ×¢×׊×× ×¢××ך קס××××â¬:â«××××â¬
Accenture .â« ××¢××××ת ×¢×סקת ××××¢××¥ ×××ך×ת ×××××תâ¬ACCENTURE â«××ךת⬠⫠â ×ק×× ×××ש××â¬Hoteling â«×××× ××¢×××× ××שך××× ×××סס ×¢×⬠⫠×××× ×ק×××תâ¬,â«× ק××¢ ××€× ×¡×× ××€×¢×××ת ××××× ×©× ×¢×××× ×××ך×⬠open :â« ××©× × ××××× ×©×× ×× ×©× ×¢××××â¬,â« ××ק×× ××תâ¬.â«×ש××× ×§×××¢××⬠.â«×€×ך××××תâ¬-â« ××××× ×¡××¢×ך ××××ת ××ש×××ת ×â¬,focus rooms ,space â« × ×× ×ª× ××¢×× âס×××â ×¢× ××× ×׊×ךתâ¬open spaceââ«×××××š× ×ש××ת ×⬠⫠×× ××× ×©×× × ××××š× â ×¢×â¬,â«×××× ××× ×ª×ת ××××××× ××¢××××× ×עץ⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ××× ××× ××××ס××â¬.â«×× ×ª ××׊×ך ××× ×××××ת ××ק×× ××¢××××⬠.â«×ש×××ש ×׊××¢×× × ××ך×××× ××××ך×× ×××¢××× ××ך×××¢××â¬
Accenture Accenture is a global consultancy company. The working model in the office is based on âhotelingâ, meaning that there are no permanent seats. All sitting arrangement in the office is determined by the daily activity of the employee, and is managed by a special App. There are variety of working options: open space workstations, focus rooms for 2-4 people, and brainstorming informal spaces. The open space sitting area is defined by a special wood structure, to create intimacy in the working zone. The overall design is minimalist, using natural materials and neutral colors. Location: Herzliya Pituah Date: 2015-2016 Area: 800 sq.m Client: Accenture Project Manager: Shira Tal Photo: Assaf Brener
â« ×ך׊××× ×€×ת××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016-2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬800 :â«×©××⬠Accenture :â«×ק××⬠⫠ש××š× ××â¬:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠⫠×סף ××š× ×šâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Dragonplay/SGI â« ×ק×× ×¡×€× ×××â¬.â«××××š× ×¢×סקת ××€×ת×× ××× ××××××ת ×××ך×ת ×××××× ×⬠⫠×××׊×ך ××× ×¢××××â¬,â«×ש×ך ×ת תך××ת ×ס××ך×××€ ××××× ×××××ת⬠⫠××שך×× ××¢×׊×× × ×ק×× ×ך××× ××××××ךâ¬.â«×©×ת××€× ×××¢×ךך ×שך××⬠⫠×××ת×ת תעש××ת××ת ש×â¬,â« ×× ×©×× ××ס×××â¬,â«×ש××× ×ª ××× ×××€××ך×⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ××× ××××ש××â¬.ââ«×× ××× ×× ××ת×××ת ×ך׀××× â âש׀ת ך×××⬠⫠××× ××â¬,â« ×¢×¥ ××××××תâ¬,â« ××××â¬,â« ×ך××â¬,â« ××× ×ש×ךâ¬- â«××××š× ××ך ××××€××××â¬ â« × ×¢×©× ×©×××שâ¬,â« ×× ×סףâ¬.â«×××€××× ×Š××¢ ××××××× ×××¢×ך×× ×ת ×ק×ך×ת⬠⫠××€××× ××××××ת ש׊׊×תâ¬,â«×š× ××ך׀××§× ××ק××× ××¢××× ××××××× ×⬠.â«××××€××¢×ת ×ס×× ×¡×××× ×©× ×ך׀××× ×¢× ××× ××××€×××× ×ש×× ××⬠â«××××ש×× ×××× ×ש××× ×××©×š× ××××¢××× ×ש××× ×¢×××× ×©×ת××€×××⬠⫠××ך×â¬,⫠ק׀××ך×× ××ת×× ×¡×תâ¬,â«×××€×ך××××× â ××ך ×ש×ק×× ××××⬠.â«×ש×××ת ×××¢×׊××× ×ס××× ×××ª× â ×ך×××ת ×¢×××× ×××ך×â¬
Dragonplay/SGI The company creates technologies to the Gaming industry. The concept was to maintain the âstartupâ environment and intimacy and to create an inspiring, collaborative working space. The âstreet languageâ of Avigdor street of garages, graffiti and industrial facades inspired the design. The design included 50 different finishes materials and cladding including: exposed concrete, metal, wood and glass, as well as special paints. In addition, we used graphics from gaming companies like wallpapers and characters. 50% of the total useable area was designated to public spaces for collaboration like a large dining area, game room, designed formal and informal meeting rooms.
â« ×××× ××××ק ×××××ך×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.SGI â« ×××× ×××× ××â¬,â«×¢×××× ×©×ת××€××× ×××××⬠⫠×ק׀××ך×× ×××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××× ××××××⬠,â«×ת ×× ××××š× ×××ק×× ×× × ×€×ש××⬠⫠ע×סק×× ×ס××¢×ךâ¬,â«×××××€×× ×š×¢××× ×ת⬠⫠ש×××ש ××××ך××â¬:â« ××××â¬.â«××××ת⬠â«××¢××××ת ת××× ××ך×× ××××××ק××× ×××⬠.â«× ×× ××ת ××ס××€×× ××××ך ××ש×ק ××××⬠SGI. Top: the space is divided to common working areas together with intimate meeting spaces. Center: The cafeteria is the heart of the office, where people meet, exchange ideas and brainstorm.
Location: Amot Atrium tower, Ramat Gan Date: 2015-2016 Area: 1500 sq.m Client: SGI Project Manager: Yael Bekerman Photo: Uzi Porat
â« ×× ×ÖŸ×ךקâ¬16 â«×ך֟×××××â¬
â« ×××× ×××ת ××ך×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠â«×š×ת ××⬠2016-2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1500 :â«×©××⬠SGI :â«×ק××⬠⫠××¢× ×קך××â¬:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
16 Bar Kokhba St. Bnei Brak
Bottom: using various finish materials and objects like swings add humor and playfulness to the space
â«××š× ××× ××⬠Vered Gindi
Gindi Studio â«××× ×× ×¡×××××⬠GindiStudio, managed by Architect Vered Gindi, emplyes 12 architects and designers and is located in Tel Aviv area. The office mainly deals with planning and designing of high-end work-spaces for global and local companies. Among the office clients: Google, Citi, Deloitte, Oracle, Sapiens, BMC, MOBILEYE, HSBC, Bezeq and many others. The studio is characterized by its ability to recognize the organizational culture and DNA of each and every client and interpret them into a coherent, practical and beautiful designs â from architectire to graphics and product design.
12 â« ××× ×â¬,â« ×× ××××× ×©× ××ך××××ת ××š× ××× ××â¬,â«××× ×× ×¡××××× ××ך×××××⬠⫠××××§× ×××ש ×× ××¢×סק ××¢×קך ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊××â¬,â«××ך××××× ××ע׊×××⬠⫠××× ×ק×××ת ××שך×â¬.â«×€× ×× ×©× ×שך××× ×××ך×ת ××× ×××××ת ××ק××××ת⬠,BMC ,⫠ס××€××× ×¡â¬,â« ××ךק×â¬,DELOITTE ,⫠ס××××× ×§â¬,â« ××××â¬:â«× ×× ×ת ××ך×ת ××××⬠DNA â« ×××©×š× ×ת××€××× ×××××ת ש×× ××××תâ¬.HSBC-â« ×â¬MOBILEYE â«×תך××ת ×ך××× ×ת ×©× ×× ×××š× ××××š× ××תך×× ×××ª× ×ת×× ×¢××××ת⬠,â«××¢×׊×× ×××× ×ª×××× â ××ך×××ק×××š× ××¢× ××¢×׊×× ××š×€× ××¢×׊×× ××׊ך⬠.â« × ×¢×× ×××â×€×¢××â¬,â« ××â¬,â«×× ×©×ת×׊×× ××תק××ת ××׊ךת ××× ×ך×××â¬
Accenture. The round technological meeting room makes an equal
â« ×׎ס×××׎ × ×× ×ª× ××¢×ךת ת××× ×ת ת×ת ××××â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.Accenture
space for conducting conversations and meetings
.â« ×׎ס×××׎ ×××׊ךת ×××¥ ××× ×××ך ×××¢×ך ××××ך ××¢××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â« ××× ×©× ×€×š×× ×׎ס×××׎â¬:â«××××× ××××⬠.⫠׊×ךת ×ש××× ×©× ×©× ×©×××× ×¢××× ×××׊ךת ×××× ×©××××× × ××× ××©×ª×ª×€× ××€×× ×â¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
â«×שך×× ×§××׊ת ק××⬠⫠×××ª× ×©×ך×ת××â¬,â«×§××׊ת ק×× ×××××××ת ××שך××⬠⫠×שך×××× ×××ש××â¬.â«×ת×××× ×××××× ×××שקע×ת⬠⫠×ש×× ×©×â¬,â«×××ק××× ××ך×× ×¢×ך×××× ××××××⬠⫠ש××â¬,â« ××שך××× ×××××× ×××£ ×× ×××â¬.â« ×"ךâ¬2,000-â«×⬠⫠×××קâ¬,â«× ××ª× ××ש ×ש×××× ××סף ××××× ×ת ×©× ×××ך×⬠⫠××××€×× ×× ×ס׀××â¬.â«×××ª× × ×€×š× ××¢×׊×× ××שך×⬠,â« ×שך×××â¬,â« ×¢×××ת ×¢×××× ×××× ××¢×׊×â¬150 â«××××××⬠.â« ××תת ××××× ×ק׀××ך××â¬,â«×××š× ×ש×××תâ¬
Kali Group Headquarters Kali Group is one of the largest insurance and financial services company in Israel. The new headquarters are located in the Azrieli Center in Holon and occupy 2,000m2. The space includes the management wing where special attention was given to the integration of the companyâs art collection in the designing process. The other wings include some 150 open space work stations, offices, meeting rooms, class rooms and a cafeteria. Location: Holon Date: 2016 Area: 2000 sq.m Client: Kali Group Project Manager: Rami Malka Photo: Uzi Porat
â« ××××ת ×× ×ס×â¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×שך×× ×§××׊ת ק××⬠⫠××× ×§×€××ך××â¬:â«××××⬠Kali Group Headquarters. Top: Entrance Hall. Bottom: Cafeteria
â«×ך×× ×× ×× ××× ××××ת⬠⫠××ק×××â¬,â«×ך×× ×× ×× ××× ××××ת ××× × ×ך××× ×€××× ×ª×š××€×⬠â«××××× ×ª×× ××ת ××€×ת×× ×× ××××ת ××× ×××ת ×××ךת×ת⬠⫠×"ך ×××תâ¬900-â« ××ך×× ×ת׀ךש ×¢× ×â¬.â«××שך××⬠⫠×××š× ×ש×××תâ¬,â«×××××ת ××ך×ש××× ××××× ×שך×××⬠⫠×ק×× ×¡×€× ××¢×׊××× ×ת×ססâ¬.â«××××š× ×ך׊××ת ×××ך××ת⬠⫠××××× ×××× ××××× ×ק×ך×תâ¬,â«×¢× ק×××× ×š××× ××תע××××⬠⫠×××ת×ת ×××ך×× ×ª××× × × ×¢× ×××׊×תâ¬.â«××תקך×ת⬠⫠××׊×ךת שק××€×ת ×ך××ת ×××× ×¡×ª ××ך ×××¢×â¬,â«×××××ת⬠.â«××ך×× ×××× ××שך×××⬠Location: Jerusalem Date: 2016 Area: 900 sq.m Client: Mandel Institute Architect: Rami Malka Photo: Uzi Porat
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬900 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××× ×× ××â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«××× ××××ת⬠⫠ך×× ××××â¬:â«××ך××××ת⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Mandel Leadership institute The Institute is home to a range of educational and social leadership development programs that aim to contribute to the diverse communities in Israel. The Jerusalem branch of the institute includes 900 sq.m of offices, meeting rooms and classes. The design concept is based on soft and curved lines which are expressed in the walls and ceilings. Glass walls were chosen for the offices fronts to create maximum transparency and to get more natural light into the space.
â« ××ך ×ש×××תâ¬.â«×ך×× ×× ×× ××× ××××ת⬠Mandel Leadership Institute. Bottom: Conference room
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,92 â«××ÖŸ×××××â¬
92 Ben Yehuda St. Tel Aviv
â« ×××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2000 :â«×©××⬠⫠ק××׊ת ק××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ך×× ××××â¬:â«××ך×××⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×š×× × ××××× ×⬠Ronny Toledano
Toledano Architecture & Design â«××××× × ××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××⬠âToledano Architecture & Designâ was founded over 20 years ago by architect Ronny Toledano, graduate of Architecture and Urban planning from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in 1981. The office continues the long excellence in design tradition of âToledano-Russoâ architecture studio, one of the oldest studios in the country which designed countless of residential and commercial projects across Israel. Today the office staff of architects designs residential, public and commercial projects in Israel and abroad.
,â« ×©× × ×¢"× ××ך××× ×š×× × ××××× ×â¬20-â«×× ××× ××× ×⬠â«××××× × ××ך××××ת ××¢"×⬠â«×שך×⬠⫠××שך×â¬.1981 â«×××ך ×׀ק×××× ×××ך××××ת ×××× ×× ×¢×š×× ×××× ××× ××××€× ××©× ×ªâ¬ ,"â«×š×ס×â¬-â«××ש×× ×ת ×ס×ךת ×××××ת ×××׊××× ×ת ×©× ××©×š× ×××ך××××× "××××× ×⬠⫠×ת×ÖŸ×××× ×׀ך××ק×××â¬,â«×××ת××§× ×שך×× ×ת×× ×× ××ךץ ×××ך×× ×ת×× ×× ×ת×ÖŸ×××ך××⬠,â« ×××©×š× ×עס×ק ×××× ×Š××ת ×©× ××ך××××× ××¢×סק×× ×ת×× ××â¬.â«×š××× ××× ××ךץ⬠⫠××שך×××â¬,â« ××ס×ךâ¬,â«× ×××× ××€×ק×× ×××××× ×š×× ×©× ×€×š××ק××× ×ת×××× ××××ך××⬠.â«×××× ×֟׊×××ךâ¬
"â«×ך׀××ת "××ק×ך××€×⬠30 â« ××××תâ¬,â«×š×©×ª ××ך׀××ת ×׀ך××ת ××ק×ך××€×⬠⫠×××× ×ª××× × × ××€× ×§×× ×¡×€×â¬.â«×ך׀××ת ×ך××× ××ךץ⬠,â«×¢×׊××× ××ש ×©× ×ךשת ש××£ ××× ×ª××× × ××שך×× ×⬠â«×× × ××ª× ××ש ××׊×ךת ×××××š× × ×¢××× ×××××× ×¢× ×××⬠⫠ש×××ש ××××ך×× ×׊××¢××â¬,â«×׊×ךת תקך×ת ×××××ת⬠⫠תש××תâ¬.â«×§××××× ××¢×׊×××× ×ך׀××× ×¢× ×§×ך×ת ××ך׀××⬠â«×× ×××××ת ××ק××©× ××׊×ךת ס×××ת ×××ª× × ×××××ת⬠.â«×¢××ך ×ק××× ×ש×ך×ת ×××× ×××××× ×׀ך×â¬
Bikurufe Clinics âBikurofeâ provides private medical care in Israel through 30 clinics located all across the country. Our studio developed a new design concept for the clinics which puts an emphasis on creating warm and friendly spaces for the patients by using high ceilings, natural light, colors, materials and special graphic designs on the clinic walls. Special attention was given to the waiting areas and particularly in creating a cheerful area for children.
Location: Kfar Saba Date: 2015 Area: 340 sq.m Client: âBikurofeâ Project Manager: Marina Turkenich Photo: Uzi Porat Bikurufe Clinics. Right: Waiting room, Haifa clinic. Left: The entrance hall to Kfar Saba clinic.
.â« ××××ת ×××××× ××××€×â¬:â« ×××××â¬.â«××ק×ך××€×⬠.â« ××××ת ××× ××¡× ××׀ך֟ס××â¬:â«×ש×××â¬
â« ×׀ך֟ס××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬340 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ק×ך××€×â¬:â«×ק××⬠'â« ×ך×× × ×××š×§× ××¥â¬:â«××ך××××ת⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Top Right: Bread shelves leaning on a steel construction
â« ×××€× ××× ×× ×©×¢× ×× ×ק×× ×¡×ך×ק׊××ת ×ך×× ×¢× ××× ××× ×ך×קâ¬:â«××××× ×××¢××⬠.⫠׊××¢ ×××ת×â¬,â«××ק×××ª× ×§××€×ת ×××××š× ×××××ש×ת ×××××â¬
on a green board, with the sales tills in the front, which
.â« ×¢××ת ×קס׀ךס ××××ךת â×§×€× ××××€×׎â¬:â«×ש××× ×××¢××â¬
are highlighted in red, the color of the brand. Top Left:
.â« ×ך×× ×ך×× ×××××€×× ×ך××× ×××× ×× ×ª× ×ך ×××× ×× ××ך×××â¬:â«××××× ××××â¬
Express station for âcoffee & pastry. Bottom Right:
.â« ××× ×× ×××׀ק ×שך ×ש×ש ×ת ××ת ×ק׀×â¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
âSniff slitsâ for passersby in the street and a view of the main stone oven. Bottom Left: A view of the bar, which serves the cafe.
Breads Bakery, above ground & below ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2014 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1,300 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ך ×××× ×â¬,â« ×××š× ×©×€×â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠ס××× ××× ×©××ךץâ¬:â«× ×××× ×€×š××ק×⬠⫠××ך×× ××ק×סâ¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×ª××ך×⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2014 Area: 1,300 sq.m Client: Uri Scheft, Or Ohana Project Manager: Sivan Levy Shwartz Lighting Designer: Orly Alkabes Photo: Amit Geron
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,8 â«×¡××××â¬
The space includes a bakery, cafe and shop above and below ground. The architectural design is intended to support a complex logistical system of advanced technological production and to create a supportive work environment for employees. The design puts an emphasis on simplicity and functionality, and the division of the space allows circulation of complex logistics between the âfactoryâ and the store. The glass partitions simultaneously create separation and transparency and allow the customer to get a glimpse of the action from various angles. The use of black iron flyovers that cross over the space, give an industrialized feel that again reinforces the proximity to the baking factory. Plywood paneling, that represent âthe crust of the breadâ are arranged in a grid, which resembles a birdâs eye view of wheat fields. The bold red color, the color of the logo, is visible throughout the space. The âSniff Slitsâ on the street front, tempt passersby to inhale the smell of bread and come inside.
8 Sgula St. Tel Aviv
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â«××××ך ך××× ×š ×××'×⬠Limor Rosner Muggia
Limor Rosner Muggia â«××××ך ך××× ×š ×××â×⬠Limor Rosner Muggia, graduate of the Design and Architecture Workshop (1994) has been involved, from the beginning of her career, in the planning and design of apartments, offices, stores and restaurants in Israel and abroad. The projects are characterized by meticulous planning of spaces and the creation of a unique language for each customer according to their needs and limitations of space. Her office is situated in the Noga Area in Jaffa Tel Aviv. In 2016 the firm won the design award for the Breads Bakery project.
Top: View from Givâon square. Bottom: Floating baking carriages enabling an uncluttered product display while making floor cleaning easier.
â«) ×¢×סקתâ¬1994( â«××××ך ך××× ×š ×××'× ×××ךת ×ס×× × ××¢×׊×× ×××ך××××ת⬠⫠×× ×××תâ¬,â« ×שך×××â¬,â«×ת×××ת ×ך×× ××ק׊××¢×ת ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ××ך×ת⬠⫠×׀ך××ק××× ××××€××× ×× ×ת×× ×× ×××§×€× ×©×â¬.â«××סע××ת ××ךץ ××××"×⬠â«×××××× ×××׊×ךת ×©×€× ××××××ת ××× ×ק×× ××ת×× ×׊ך××× ×××××××ת⬠⫠×××â¬2016 â« ××©× ×ªâ¬.â« ×שך×× ×××©× ××ת×× × ×× ×××€× ×ª× ××××â¬.â«××××⬠.â«×××©×š× ×××ת ××¢×׊×× ×¢××ך ׀ך×××§× ×××€××ת ×××××â¬
â« ×¢×××ת ××€××× ×ך××€×ת ×××׀שך×ת ת׊××תâ¬:â« ××××â¬.â« ××× ××××ך ×××¢××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â«×¡×××š× ×××ך×ך×ת ××ק××ת ×¢× × ×§××× ×ך׊׀×â¬
â«×××× ×¢× ××⬠⫠××ך×× ×¢× ×€× × ×©×ª× ×§×××תâ¬51 â«×× ××ת ת×ס׀ת ש×⬠⫠×××× ×××× ××ª× ××××× ×××קךת×××⬠â«××ש×ת⬠⫠××¢×׊×× ×ת×סס ×¢× ×××××ךâ¬.â«××××××ת××× ×××ך×⬠â«×ך×ש×× × ×××××× ×©××× ××ק×× ××××× ××× ××£ ××€× ×ך××⬠⫠×ס××€×ך ×©× ××¢×ך ×ך×ש××× ×¢×â¬.â«××שתקף ××× ×⬠⫠×ך×× ×××××× ××××¢ ×× ××ך×קâ¬,â« ×××â¬,â« ×××â¬,â«×©×× ×××× ××⬠⫠×××׀ק ××¢×â¬,â« ××××× ×××× ××â¬,â«×ת××××× ×ת×× ××ך × ×¢××⬠⫠××ת×ך ××××× ×©×× × ××ע׊××× ××× ×ש×× ×××â¬.â«××× ×⬠.â« ×ך׊×× ××š×¢× × ×××× ××€×××¢ ×××©× ×××××â¬.â«×ק××× ×××ש⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠:â«××ך××××ת⬠â«××××§× ×©××ךץ ××ך×××××⬠⫠ס××××× ×× ××â¬:â«×××××תâ¬
â«×××× ×××× ×××⬠- â«×ס××€×ך ×××××š× ××ת ××××× ××× ×¡××€×ך ×©× ××××⬠,â«×ך××× ××ך×××ת ××× ×ת×××× ×©×× × ×ס×××× ×××××ת×⬠â«×§× ×××××× ×©×× ×©××× ×ס×××× ×ת ×××©× ××××ª× ×××⬠⫠×ס××€×ך × ×׊ך ××שך×ת ××ק×××â¬.â«×€×¢× ש××××¢ ××ךץ⬠,⫠ש×ך×ת ××× ×××× ×¢× ×§× ××××£ ×©× × ×ª× ××â¬,â«×©× ×××××⬠⫠××¢×׊××â¬.â« ×תך××ת ×××××â¬,â«×××ת×× ××ק××× ××× ×ª×××× ×⬠â«×§×××¡× ××ש××× ×¢× × ×××¢×ת ×× ×ª×××× ××ת ×××× ×ק×ת⬠,â«××××š× ××ת ×¢× ×× ×ª ××׊×ך ××× ×ך××× ××¢× ××× ×××ך⬠â«×××××× ×׊×ךת ××××ת ש××ת × ×× ××× ××× ×× ××ךת ×××⬠.â«×××ת××ת ××××ך ×××××⬠⫠×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Inbal Hotel Addition of 51 rooms over two floors in one of the luxury hotels in the capital. The design is based on the connection between the hotel location and the panoramic view that reflected from it. The story of Jerusalemâs beauty and colors â gold and stone combining with green mountains merge into a cozy room, inviting, elegant, understated and everlasting. Our biggest challenge as designers was to combine existing and new. Location: Jerusalem Date: 2016 Architecture: Michael Schwartz & Associates Imaging: Ando Studio
David Tower Hotel The Story Behind the hotel is a love-story â Mediterranean palace built for the sultan lover, a love nest that housed them both whenever he Arrived to Israel. The story was inspired by the hotelâs location, King David st. on the coastline of Netanya, and adapted to the Mediterranean climate, culture and time. Classic design combined with Mediterranean touches of modern techniques to create a palace on the one hand grandeur, and on the other creating a restful stay experience that adapted to the location and time. Location: Jerusalem Date: 2016 Photo: Itay Sikolski David Tower Hotel â«×××× ×××× ×××â¬
6341733 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,31 â«×€×š××â¬
31 Frug St. Tel Aviv 6341733
â«××××× ××××××⬠Michael Azoulay
Michael Azoulay Studio â«×¡××××× ××××× ××××××⬠Studio Michael Azoulay is a design studio based on interior design and architecture for over 20 years, conducted by the designer Michael Azoulay. The studioâs team of designers and architects offers unique and diverse design solutions using innovative techniques, and updated according to the leading trends in the field. The Studio specialized in planning and designing of commercial spaces such as Retail Magazines, Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Halls, and in the past few years, the studio focuses on Private construction, Hotels and resorts, worldwide.
â«×¡××××× ××××× ×××××× ××× × ××©×š× ××¢×׊×× ×××ך××××ת ×€× ×× ××€××¢×⬠⫠×××©×š× ××× ×â¬.â« ×©× × ×ך×ש××ª× ×©× ×××¢×Š× ××××× ××××××â¬20-â«×××¢×× ×⬠,â« ××׊××¢ ׀תך×× ×ת ×¢×׊×× ×××××××× ×××××× ××â¬,â«×Š××ת ×©× ×ע׊××× ×××ך×××××⬠â«××תע××× ×× ××ת××ש×× ××€× ×××××ת ×××××××ת ×ת××× ××¢×׊××⬠⫠×ס××××× ×ת××× ××ת××§× ×ת×× ××â¬,â« ××××× ×©× ×ת ×€×¢×××ת×â¬.â«××ת×× ××⬠⫠×××¢××× ××â¬,â« ×ך××â¬,â« ×סע×× ×תâ¬,â«××¢×׊×× ××××× ×ס×ך××× ×ת××× ×ק××¢×× ××ת⬠⫠××©× ×× ×××ך×× ×ת ×ס××××× ×ת××§× ×ת××× ××× ××â¬.â«××××××ת ××ך××¢××⬠.â« ×××× ××ת ×× ×׀ש â ××ךץ ×××¢×××â¬,â«×׀ך××תâ¬
Inbal Hotel
â«×××× ×¢× ××â¬
W-Prime Lobby â« ××××â¬W Prime-â«×ª×× ×× ×ש×××× ×׊×××ך××× ×××××× ×ך××©× ×©× ×⬠⫠××××× × ××ך××× ××× × ×ךע×× ××× ××× ×××ª× ××××× ×â¬.â«×××××× ××ש×ת⬠⫠××¢×â¬,â« ××׀ק ×ק×××â¬.â«××¢×××£ ×âך××תâ ××ך××× ×××× ××××× ×ך×עת ×ש×⬠⫠××××× ×€××ך×ת ×€×× ×ת ×ש××× ×š××ת ×××××× ×תâ¬.â«×§×××ך×× ×š××× ××××©× ×××⬠⫠××××ת ××שת×ש ××× × ××ש××ת ×× ×××¢×××תâ¬.â«×ת ×××קך ×××ª× ×¡×ת⬠.â« ××ך׀××§× ××× ××× ××××× ×× ××עת ××× ××××× ×××â¬.â«××××××× ×ק×××ת⬠⫠××Š×š× × ×€××ת ×××ך×× ××קס××ך×תâ¬,â«×שת××©× × ××©×€× ×Š××š× ×ת ××××××ת⬠⫠×××¢× ×ק ××××× ××â¬,â«××××× ×ת ×××× ××׊×ך ×¢××× ×ךתק ×©× ×××ך××⬠⫠×ש×××ש ×ת×××× ×׊×ך×ת ××××ך×× ××××× × ×תâ¬.â«×©×ךת×ת ×××¡×§×š× ×ªâ¬ .â«×××××× ××¢×× ××€×× ×§×Š××ת ×ש×× ×ת ×ךק×× ×©××× ××תâ¬
W-Prime Lobby The design of the public spaces and main lobby of the W Prime towers began as a sensual experience. We decided to develop the central element created by the core of the building with a sense of âsoftnessâ achieved by using concrete tiles resembling silk sheets. The reception counter offers soft and sensual curves. Many sitting areas are scattered around the lobby, inviting visitors to try them out. The user experience is a continuous one, enveloping visitors in the elevators as well as in the individual lobbies on each floor. The building presents a uniform graphic language, emanating from all its elements. We used a unique formative language incorporating a diverse pallet of materials and textures to create a fascinating, new world of materials, resulting in an extraordinary and intriguing sensual experience. With a sophisticated use of shapes and materials we were able to unify the differing spaces all into a single creation. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2011â2016 Area: 3,440 sq.m Carpentry: Hadar Han Concrete wall: Studio Itai Baron Reception counter: Gal Gaon Gallery Tiling and paving in the swimming pool and floors: Modi Tiling in the lobby: Gallery Stone Lighting: Exclusive Movable furniture: Cappellini Italy, Tollmans Israel White concrete walls: Parquets Photo: Amit Giron
â« ×ך׊×××â¬,83 â«××ך××××â¬
83 Borochov St. Herzliya
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2011-2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬3,440 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ך ×××â¬:â«× ×ך×ת⬠⫠ס××××× ×××ª× ×ך××â¬:â«×§×ך ××××⬠⫠××ך×× ×× ××××â¬:â«××׀ק ×× ×ס×⬠:â«×××€×× ×ך×׊××£ ××ך××× ××ק×××ת⬠â«××××⬠⫠×××š× ×¡×××â¬:â«×š×׊××£ ××××⬠⫠×קסק××ס××â¬:â«×ª××ך×⬠:â«×š××××× × ×××××⬠,â« ××××××â¬,Cappellini â« ×שך××â¬,Tollmans ⫠׀ךק×××â¬:â«×§×ך×ת ×××× ××× ××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×××× ×××⬠Michal Han
Michal Han Interior Design â«×¡××××× ×××× ×××⬠Michal Han is an Interior Designer and consultant specializing in the design of luxury tower apartments. Han is a lecturer and host of design programs on TV. The studio is highly experienced in the design of public spaces, residential apartments and offices in high rise luxury towers, working on behalf of entrepreneurs and private customers alike. The studio collaborates with international design firms such as Cappelini from Italy.
Top: Contradiction and tension between the passageway and the buildingâs core wall. Next Page - Top Right: The reception through the âANDâ statue. Top Left: A dark chocolate-colored book shelf. Center: Transitions in ambiance between sitting areas. Bottom Right: A 6 meter concrete wall. Bottom Center: The entrance hall. Bottom Left: The lobby.
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.â« × ××××××ת ×××ª× ××× ××× ×××¢×ך ×ק×ך ×ךע×× ××× ×××â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.)â«" (×€×¡× ×¡×××ת×â¬AND" â« ××× ×× ××׀ק ×ק××× ×××¢× ×ך×××â¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬- â«××¢××× ×××⬠.â« ×××× ×× ××¡× ×ס׀×â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â« ××ךâ¬6 â« ×××€×× ×××× ×××ª× ×©× ×××××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.⫠ס׀ך××ת ק×ךâ¬:â«×ש××× ×××¢××⬠.â« ×××××â¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
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The lily flower â floating on water The light projected from within it conveys the sense of floating. The flower is executed by wood carvings combined with a light projector.
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Lily flowers A construction of floating flowers, which project light and cast an image on the walls.
â«×ש×××ת ××ךâ¬
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Light illusion A 3D sculpture executed partly with 3D print connectors, the light and the projectors are incorporated into the inner part of the sculpture. (The Studio)
â«×¢×××× ×©×× ×××⬠Alisa Sheinson
Studio Alisa Sheinson â«×¡××××× ×¢×××× ×©×× ×××⬠Alisa Sheinsonâs studio was founded in 1991 and it focuses on the design and branding of high-rise buildings and business spaces in Israel and worldwide. Alisa, who is a multidisciplinary artist, works at sculpting objects with an artistic expression in which the light element is essential. âThe Light Sculpturesâ combine projections and light displays that create a limitless, interactive experience. Inspiration for her work comes from nature, with its varied shapes and forms. Execution combines 3D printing, wood, glass and various metals. Her works are to be found in public entrance halls of luxury residential and business towers in Israel and worldwide.
A sculpture inspired by M.C. Escher (Dutch painter) New York A multi-level construct, which hides its beginning and its end, is assembled from electricity conducting metal bars which connect to light stars executed by means of a 3D print.
â« ××ת××§× ××¢×׊×× ×××ת×× ×× ××× ××â¬1991 â«×¡××××× ×¢×××× ×©×× ××× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ ,â« ××× ×ת ך×֟ת××××תâ¬,â« ×¢××××â¬.â« ×׀ך××ק××× ××ךץ ×××¢×××â¬,â«××××× ×¢××××⬠.â«×¢×סקת ××€×ס×× ×××××ק××× ××¢×× ××××× ××× ××ª× ××× ×ך××× ×××ך ×××ת×⬠â«"׀ס×× ×××ך" ×ש×××× ××§×š× ×ת ×××׊×× ××ך ×××׊ך×ת ××××× ××× ×ך×ק××××ת⬠⫠×××׊××¢â¬,â« ××שך×× ×ק××× ×××××¢ ×¢× ××××× ×Š×ך×ת××â¬.â«×× ×××ת֟×××××ת⬠⫠ע××××ת××â¬.â« ×××××ת ××ת××ת ש×× ×תâ¬,â« ×¢×¥â¬,â«×ש×× ××׀ס×ת ת×ת ×××⬠⫠×שך××× ××××ך××â¬,â«××׊××ת ××× ××¡× ×××××× ×Š×××ך××× ×××××× ××קך×⬠.â«××ךץ ×××¢×××â¬
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CA Technologies
CA Technologies â« ×ך׊××× ×€×ת××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬2,800 :â«×©××⬠⫠××× ×× ××ך×â¬:â«×ת×× × ×ª ××ך××ת⬠⫠ק××× ××׊'ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××ת⬠⫠××××× ×ך×××××â¬:â«×× ×× ×€×š××ק×⬠â«×× ××¡× ×××¢××¥ ××¢"×⬠⫠××š× ×× ××¡× ××× ×× ××¢"×â¬:â«×§×××⬠⫠×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠Location: Herzliya Pituach Date: 2016 Area: 2,800 sq.m Project Designer: Bella Ventura Design Team: Katya Michkovsky Project Manager: Margolin Bros. Engineering & Consulting Ltd. Contractor: Terra Engineering & Construction Ltd. Photo: Itay Sikolski
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬,22 â«××¢××â¬
CA Technologies has recently launched their new development center, spread over 2 floors in Herzliya, Israel. CAâs guidelines for the design team were to create a young and dynamic environment; as a result the design team came up with an idea for a new kind of work space that incorporated all of the above as well as being inspirational and unique. This type of creative and open design enables for many formal and informal collaboration areas that act as a buffer between active workstations and public areas. Setter Architects came up with a multipurpose, functional partition that serves as storage units and separates the corridors from the employee workstations; a combination of plumbing pipes and recycled wooden boxes, along with hanging vegetation and lighting fixtures. The space emits a warm and embracing sensation, outside of the familiarly known office and home environments. Incorporating various elements from different fields, diverse materials, natural vegetation, spot-on lighting and street inspired graphics all come together to form a beautiful new language and an exclusive working environment.
22 Heâamal St. Ramat Gan
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â«××××× ×¡×ª×šâ¬ â«âªMichael Setterâ¬â¬
â«âªSetter Architectsâ¬â¬ â«×¡×ª×š ××ך×××××⬠â«×××©×š× × ××¡× ×⪠1984-â¬×¢"× ×××ך××× ××××× ×¡×ª×š ×××× × ××©× ××××⬠â«××שך××× ×××××××× ××ךץ ×ת×× ×× ×€× ×× ×©× ×שך×× ××ך×ת ××ך××× ××⪠,â¬×Š×××ך×××⬠â«×׀ך××××⪠,â¬×ª×× ×ת×××ת ×ת×× ×× ××××š× × ××ש×× ×ש׀ע×ת ××× ××××××ת ××ת×××⬠â«×תך××ת ××ך××× ×ת ×©× ××ק××⪠.â¬×Š××ת ×××©×š× ×××× ×ת ×××× ×××ך××××× ××ע׊××⬠â«××€× ×× ××שך××⪠,â¬×©×¢××××× ×ש×ת××£ ×€×¢××× ×¢× ×§×©×ª ך××× ×©× ×× ×©× ×ק׊××¢âª.â¬â¬ â«××©× ×× ×××ך×× ×ת ת×× × ×××©×š× ×ת ×שך×× ×××× ×ª×Ž× ××××€×⪠,â¬×€××ס××ק⪠,â¬×××××סקâª,â¬â¬ â«âª ,HPâ¬×¡××¡×§× ××× ×ת ×שך×× ×××š× ×׊ק×⪠,â¬×¢××ת ×€××ק ××××× ×⪠.AYR-â¬×××©×š× ×××⬠â«××€×š×¡× ×¢×׊×× ××ךץ (××××× ×"××ת ××¢×׊××" ×××קךת×) ×××¢×××âª.â¬â¬
â«××××× ×××¢××⪠:â¬××ך ××€×ש ׊××ת⪠.â¬×ש××× ×××¢××⪠:â¬×§×€××ך××⪠.â¬××××⪠:â¬××ך ×ש×××ת âª.The Boxâ¬â¬ â«××¢××× ××× âª -â¬×××¢××⪠:â¬××ך ×ש×××ת⪠,â¬×××× ×××€×ש×× ×âª-â¬×€×ך×××× ×š×× ×שתת׀××âª.â¬â¬ â«××××× ××××⪠Booth :â¬×âª-â¬×€×ך×××× ×ך×××ת ××¢×××××⪠.â¬×ש××× ××××⪠:â¬××× ×××××× ××ס×ך×× ×× ××ך ××ש×××תâª.â¬â¬
â«âªSetter Architects firm was established in 1984 byâ¬â¬ â«âªArchitect Michael Setter. It considered one of theâ¬â¬ â«âªleading interior design firms in Israel, working forâ¬â¬ â«âªcorporations as well as various private and publicâ¬â¬ â«âªorganizations. The firm specializes in modern designâ¬â¬ â«âªwith an emphasis on integrating international stylesâ¬â¬ â«âªwith the clientâs unique organizational culture.â¬â¬ â«âªThe firm has won prizes in Israel and in the World.â¬â¬
â«âªTop Right: Team Room. Top Left: Cafeteria. Bottom: Meeting room â The Box.â¬â¬ â«âªOpposite Page â Top: Room for Yoga, Informal meetings & collaboration.â¬â¬ â«âªBottom Right: Booth for informal meetings. Bottom Left: View from the hall to the meeting room.â¬â¬
â« ××׊ך ××××ת ×ש××××× ×× ×ת ××â¬.â«××ת ×ך×ת֟×שך××⬠.â«×××׊ך×× ××× ×ת ××××ת ××××ך××⬠A Private House in Ramat Hasharon. The house and yard complement each other and create the perfect residential experience.
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A Private House in Ramat Hasharon A private house for a 5-person family in the heart of an old neighborhood in Ramat Hasharon. Despite the long, narrow plot, the spaces manage to create a spacious sensation, by providing an outside view and using the external areas as direct continuation of the residential spaces. In the center of the house, a sculptural staircase connects the public floor with the residence floor. The use of blackened metal is a repeating element, connecting the interior design with the outdoor areas. Location: Ramat Hasharon Date: 2015 Area: Plot: 450 sq.m, built: 280 sq.m Architects: Lihi Ein-Gedi Davidovich, Tami Daniel Photo: Yoav Peled
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬21 â«××©× ×¡× ×â¬
21 Moshe Sne St. Tel Aviv
â«×× × ×€×š×⬠Hanan Peri
â«×©××× ×××××××ץ⬠Shalom Davidovich
Peri-Davidovich Architects â«×€×š× ××××××××¥ ××ך×××××⬠Peri-Davidovich Architects was founded in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1988 by Hanan Peri and Shalom Davidovich, and today is one of the leading architecture and design firms in Israel. The office employs twenty architects and designers, working on a wide range of public, private and commercial projects in Israel and abroad. Our work highly emphasizes creative thinking and contemporary, original planning, customized for the specific projectâs location, time and people. In each project, we develop a clear, meticulous design language while maintaining uncompromising quality, professionalism and functionality.
â« ×ת×ÖŸ×××× ×¢×ÖŸ×××â¬1988 â«××©×š× ×€×š× ××××××××¥ ××ך××××× × ××¡× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â«×× × ×€×š× ×ש××× ××××××××¥ ×××× ×××× ××× ××שך××× ×××××××× ××ךץ⬠⫠×××¢×ך×××â¬,â« ×××©×š× ×עשך×× ××ך××××× ××ע׊×××â¬.â«×××ך××××ת ××¢×׊××⬠.â« ××ס×ך××× ××ךץ ××××"×â¬,⫠׊×××ך×××â¬,â«×××××× ×š×× ×©× ×€×š××ק××× ×€×š××××⬠â«××¢××××ת ×××©×š× ××××ת ××ש×× ×׊×ךת×ת ×ת×× ×× ×¢×ש××× ××ק×ך×⬠⫠××× ×€×š×××§× × ××ª× ××׊×× ×©×€× ×¢×׊×××תâ¬.â« ×××× ×××× ×©××â¬,â«×××ת×× ××ק××⬠.â« ×ק׊××¢××ת ××€×× ×§×Š××× ××××תâ¬,â«×ך××š× ×××ק׀×ת ××Š× ×©×××š× ×¢× ××××תâ¬
â«×שך××× ××ך׊×××⬠â«×ת×× ×× ××× ××שך××× × ×¢×©× ×©×××ש ××©×€× ×¢×׊×××ת × ×§×× ×××××š× ×ת⬠.â« ××× ×× ×©×§×£ ××××× ×ת ×ק×××â¬- â«×ª×× ×ש×ךת ×ק×× ×ש××§× ××ך×××⬠â«×××××š× ××××׊×ת ×××××ת ×׊××× ×× ××Š×š× ×עך×ת ×ך×××ת ש×⬠â«×©×§××€×××ת ×××׀שך×ת ××× ×××××ת ××××× ××¢×××× ××Š× ×ש××€×⬠â«×××קךת ×××××× ×× ×× ××£ ×× ×ת×× ××ס×ך×× ×ת ××€× ××××× â ×× × ×ת×⬠⫠×××× ×××××× ×ª××× × ×ך×â¬.â«×××× ×ת ××× × ×××¢× ××× ×€×× × ××שך×⬠â«××ך××ת ×××××× ××××× ×¡×§×××××× ××׀שך ××× ×¡×ª ××ך ×××¢× ×××ך⬠.â«××¢××× ××× ×©×ª××× × ××ך׀סת ×ך×××ת ××¢××××× ××ק××× ××ך××¢××â¬
Offices in Herzliya Planning offices in Herzliya Pituach (1400 square meters) for Real Estate company. A clean, contemporary design language was used in office space planning, while leaving room for the main player, the sea view, that is reflected from the seventh floor. Transparent partitions and window shades create versatile transparencies, enabling workspace intimacy alongside customized exposure and landscape views â even from inner passage spaces. In the hallway, a unique staircase with skylight on top lets natural light flow in, in addition to having roof space used for employee rest-time and event location.
Offices in Herzliya. Integrated transparencies and clean, natural lines bring natural light in and create a sense of space.
â« ×עך×ת שק××€×××ת ×××××š× ×ק×××× × ×§×××â¬.â«×שך××× ××ך׊×××⬠.â«××××ך×× ××× ×ס×× ××ך ×××¢× ×××׊ך×× ×ª××שת ×ך××â¬
Location: Herzliya Date: 2015 Area: 1400 sq.m Client: Real estate company Architect: Ariela Wagner Photo: Oded Smadar
â« ×ך׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1400 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ךת × ××׎×â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠×ך×××× ××× ×šâ¬:â«××ך××××ת ××ך××ת⬠⫠ע××× ×¡××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«××××âס⬠.â«××ת ×§×€× ×ש×××× ××××§×š× ×××××ך××× ×©××××§× ×ש××× ×ª ׊×××⬠â«×ק×× ×¡×€× × ×× × ××שך×ת ×¢×Š× ××××× ××××¥ ×××ת ××§×€× ×××⬠.â«×××× ××××× ××©×€× ××¢×׊×××ת ×××××ךת ××××ך××⬠â«××××× ×× ×××× ×š××× ×¢× × ×××¢×ת ×©× ×××× ×Š××× ×©×××€××× ×ת⬠⫠×××€× ×ת×××š× ××¢××××× ××׊×× ×ת×× ×ק×× ×¡×€×â¬.â«×××××⬠.â«××××׊ך×× ×××××š× ×××â¬
Libbyâs Zahala neighborhood coffee shop combining a bakery with an ice cream parlor. The conceptual inspiration comes from surrounding oak trees, mimicked in the design and materials used. The soft colors with touches of yellow match the logo. The offbeat round light fittings lend a warm inviting atmosphere. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Size: 180 sq.m Lighting: Orly Avron Alkabes Lighting Design: Asaf Weinbroom Carpenter: Nissim Zafrani Furniture: Basic Collection Israel Styling: Adva Hofstein Illustrator: Tal Granot Photo: Amit Geron
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬180 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ך×× ××ך×× ××ק×סâ¬:â«×ª××ך×⬠⫠×סף ×××× ×ך××â¬:â«××¢×Š× ×ª××ך×â¬ â« × ×ס×× ××¢×€×š× ×â¬:â«× ×ך×ת⬠⫠×××ס×ק ק××קש×××â¬:â«×š××××⬠⫠×××× ××׀ש××××â¬:â«×¡×××××× ×⬠⫠×× ××š× ×תâ¬:â«××××ךת⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
â«×ך××× ×ª×â×××× ×¡× ××£ ××ך××¢×⬠â«×ק×× ×¡×€× ×¢××ך ךשת ×ך××× ×ª× ×××× ××ש׀ע ××ס××××â¬ â« ×¡× ××£â¬.RUSTIC â«×××ך×× ×ת ×¢× × ×××¢×ת ק××ת ×©× ×¡×× ××⬠â«××ך××¢× ××××§× ××ך×× ×©××× ×š××× ××ך××¢× ×××× ×××ך ×××¢××⬠⫠ע×׊×× ××¡× ××£ ××××ש ×ת ××ª× ××¢× ××× ××ך××××â¬.â«×××××שת⬠⫠××ך ×ק×ך×ת ××× ×׊×קת ×××× ××קס××ךת ×¢×¥â¬.â«××¢×ך×× ×××⬠⫠ת×××š× ××××××ת ×שך ×××××©× ×ת ××ª× ××¢× ×××ך×â¬,â«××׀ק×ת⬠â«××¡× ××£ ××××€×× ×ך×× ×©××ך שע××× ×××š×Š×€× ×ק×ך ××××ש××⬠.â«×ת ×××× ×××ך××××â¬
Aroma Harbaa, Tel Aviv An urban setting, with light rustic touch, sets the tone for Aromaâs stores in Tel Aviv. The design concept of the Harbaa branch, between Harbaa Street and remodeled Givon Square, highlights movement between urban spaces. Wooden textured concrete walls, lighting that accentuates movement throughout the branch and black steel cladding rising from the floor up the wall form focal points in the architectural space. Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 220 sq.m Client: Aroma Tel Aviv Lighting: Orly Avron Alkabes Lighting Design: Asaf Weinbroom Carpenter: Nissim Zafrani Furniture: Basic Collection Israel Styling: Adva Hofstein Photo: Amit Geron
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×"ךâ¬220 :â«×©××⬠⫠×ך××× ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«×ק××⬠⫠××ך×× ××ך×× ××ק×סâ¬:â«×ª××ך×⬠⫠×סף ×××× ×ך××â¬:â«××¢×Š× ×ª××ך×â¬ â« × ×ס×× ××¢×€×š× ×â¬:â«× ×ך×ת⬠⫠×××ס×ק ק××קש×××â¬:â«×š××××⬠⫠×××× ××׀ש××××â¬:â«×¡×××××× ×⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
⫠ס׀ך××ת ת׊××× ××ך×× ×¢× ×š×§×¢ ק×ך×ת ××××× ×ש×××× ×ך××תâ¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«×ך×××⬠.⫠ך׊׀ת ×ך×× ×©×××š× ×שך ××׀סת ×××ש××× ××××€×× ×§×ךâ¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â«××¢××©× ×ת⬠.â« ×××€× ×ª×××š× ××׀ק××× ×××××× ×ת ××××× ××ª× ××¢× ××××â¬:â«××××⬠Aroma. Top: Iron display library against the concrete wall combined with smoked mirrors. Center:Black iron floor which continues and climb on the wall. Bottom: Horizontal lighting accompany the direction of movement in the space.
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬,â«×× ×š×ªâ¬
Kineret St, Ramat Gan
â«×§×š× ×××€× ×šâ¬ Keren Offner
Keren Offner â«×§×š× ×××€× ×šâ¬ Founded in 2007, our studio has worked on diverse projects; coffee shops and restaurants, and private sector architectural and interior design. Our design approach begins by developing a concept and continues through planning and designing of exclusive woodwork details. Each item within a space is meaningful, generating an overall ambiance.
Libbyâs. Top: Overview from the entry to the central oak element. Top Right: View on the carrera marble bare. Top Left: Grooved oak wall as a part of the concept separate between the seating area and the kitchenl. Bottom Right: Ice cream parlor which located in the bakery and continues the design language in the logo colors. Bottom Left: View from inside the bakery to the outdoor seating.
â« ××× ×׀ך××ק×××â¬.â« ××¢×סק ×׀ך××ק××× ××××× ××â¬2007 â«×ס××××× ×××§× ××©× ×ªâ¬ â«××××ך ×ק××¢×× ×× ××ª× ×§×€× ××סע××ת ××¢× ×××ך××××ת ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠⫠ת×××× ××¢×׊×× ×ת××× ××€×ת×× ×§×× ×¡×€× ×××ש×× ×¢×â¬.â«××××ך ×׀ך××⬠⫠×× ××××××§× ×××× ×Š×š×× ××××ת ××¢×â¬.â«×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×€×š×× × ×ך×ת ××××××××⬠.â«×ש××¢×ת ×××× ×× ×©×××׊ךת ×ת ×××××× ×××××תâ¬
â« ×××â¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬.⫠תקך×× ××××€×× ×××× ×××ךץ ×ש×××× ×××× ××׊×ת ×× ×ת ××ךâ¬:â« ×××¢××â¬.â«××××׳ס⬠⫠ק×ך ×××× ×××ךץ ×××ק ××ק×× ×¡×€× ×׀ך×× ××× ×××â¬:â« ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬.â«×¢× ××ך עש×× ×©×ש קךך×⬠⫠××××ך××× ×שך ×××ק×ת ×××××§×š× ×××ש××× ×ש׀×â¬:â« ××××× ××××â¬.â«××ת ××§×€× ×××× ×××××⬠.â« ××× ×ת×× ×××××§×š× ××ש××× ×××׊×× ×תâ¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â«××¢×׊×××ת ×׊××¢ ×××××â¬
Location: Tel Aviv Date: 2016 Area: 60 sq.m Client: Sara Simchovitch Michael Tenenbaum Carpentry: Shitrit carpenters Frames and brass work: Studio Firefly Branding: Studio 0304 Lighting: Asaf Weinbroom Framing: Avner Gorni Photo: Yoav Gurin
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬60 :â«×©××â¬ â« ×©×š× ×©××××××¥â¬:â«×ק××⬠â«×××××× ×× × ××××⬠⫠ש×ך×ת ××š×©× ×¢×¥â¬:â«× ×ך×ת⬠:â«×¢××××ת ×€×××⬠â«×¡××××× ×€××ך׀×××⬠0304 ⫠ס×××××â¬:â«××ת××⬠:â«×ª×××š× ×ק×ך××××ת⬠â«×סף ××× ×ך××⬠:â«×ª×××š× ××× ×ת⬠â«×ª××ס ת××ך×⬠⫠××× ×š ×××š× ×â¬:â«×¢×××ת ×ס×ך×ת⬠⫠×××× ××ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Sweet Box
Sweet Box
Hidden amongst the spice shops of Tel Avivâs lively Levinsky market you can find the Sweet Box â an American style bakery â to please both your palate and your eyes. The quaint shop in the front displays the baked goods emerging from the industrial kitchen in the back. The bakery name, logo and packaging were the inspiration for the concept and the design language for the space. My vision was to design a shop where the handmade baked goods made onsite could be displayed like high end jewelry. The light blue color of the packaging served as the color palette for the space. Glass display cases with brass borders frame the baked goods. The light blue flooring and ceiling give the customers the feeling that they have entered the box itself. The curl following the name in the logo is expressed in the arcs in the concrete floor tiles designed specially for this project as well as in the CNC on the main wall.
⫠ך×ת֟××â¬,15 â«×ª×××â¬
15 Tuval St. Ramat gan
Sweet â« ×סתתךתâ¬,â«××× ×××× × ×ת×××× ×× ×××××ת ש×ק ×××× ×¡×§×⬠⫠××× ×תâ¬.⫠ק×× ××××ך×× ××ך×ק××ת ש×××× ××תק ×××× ×××¢×× ×××â¬,Box â« ×׊××× ×ת×× ×ת ××ק×× ×ª ×ת ××תך×ש ×××××â¬,â«×ק×× × ×©××××ת×⬠⫠×××××â¬,â« ×©× ×××ת×â¬.â« ×ת×׀ס ×ת ×××§× ×××š× ×©× ××ק××â¬,â«×תעש××ת×⬠⫠ש×××©× ××שך×× ×ת××××â¬,â«×ק×׀סת ××××€×× ×¢× ×Š××š×ª× ×׊××¢×× ××ת×⬠⫠××××× ××× ××¢×Š× ×× ×תâ¬.â«×× ××ת ××©×€× ××ק×× ×¡×€× ××¢×׊××× ××××⬠.â« ×ת×ש××××â¬,â« ××××׊ך×× ×××× ××¢×××ת ×× ××ק××â¬,â«×©×× ××׊×× ×××€××⬠⫠׊××¢ ×ת××ת ×©× ×ק××€×¡× ×ת××× ×ת ×׊××¢×× ××ת ש×â¬,â«××ת×× ×××⬠⫠ק×׀ס××ת ×××××ת ×¢× ×ס×ךת ×€××× × ××ª× ×ת ××××€××â¬.â«×××× ××××⬠⫠××××× ×Š××עת תקךת ×ך׊׀ת ×××× ×ת××תâ¬,â«×ת ××××× ×ך××× ×××⬠.â«××¢× ××§× ××× ××¡× ×ק×× ××××ך×× ×ª×××©× ×©× ×× ××¡× ×ק××€×¡× ×¢×Š××⬠â«×ס×ס×× ×©××××× ×ת ×××× ××××ª× ×× ×××× ××××× ×קשת×ת ש×××€××¢××ªâ¬ â« ×¢× ×ק×ךâ¬CNC-â« ××â¬,⫠ש×××Š×š× ×××××× ×¢××ך ×׀ך××ק×â¬,â«××ך××× ××××⬠.â«××ך××× ××××â¬
â«×š×× × ×§×š×⬠Roni Keren
Roni Keren Interior Design Studio â«×¡××××× ×š×× × ×§×š×⬠The studio was established in 2011 by Roni Keren, a graduate of Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art. The Studio is located in the heart of Israelâs Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan. A team of young and dynamic interior designers offers a wide range of design solutions and specializes in interior planning and design for residential, public and commercial spaces. The planning process is dedicated to understanding the requirements and expectations of the client and creating the initial concept and architectural/design language. Once the concept is created it will guide the process of allocating the space and translating the ideas into architectural elements such as furniture, lighting, materials, color palette, finishes and all details related to the design language. I am inspired by global trends in interior design and architecture, frequent travel to international design exhibitions and symposiums, and my own experiences and dreams.
Right: A view from the shop entrance. Left: A view from the shop entrance to the kitchen Next Page â Top Right: Front view of display case. Top Left: Handcrafted lighting fixtures specifically designed and manufactured for the shop. Bottom Right: Detail of brass joint. Center: Detail of brass handle mounted on the display case. Bottom Left: Facade of the pastry shop.
â« ×××ךת ×©× ×§×š ××תâ¬,â« ×¢× ××× ×š×× × ×§×š×â¬2011-â«×ס××××× ×××§× ×⬠⫠×ס××××× ××××§× ××× ×ת×× ×××ךס×â¬.â«×ס׀ך ××××× ××× ××¡× ×××¢×׊××⬠⫠××׊××¢ ×××××â¬,â« ××× × ×Š××ת ׊ע×ך ×××× ×× ×©× ×ע׊×× ×€× ××â¬,â«×ך×ת֟××â¬ â« ×¢× ×ת×××ת ×ת×× ×× ××¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬,â«×€×תך×× ×ת ×¢×׊×× ×××××××× ×××××ת×××⬠⫠ת×××× ×ת×× ×× ××ק×ש ×××× ×ª ׊ך××× ×ך׊×× ×ת×× ×©×â¬.â«××××ך×× ××ס×ך⬠⫠×××××××â¬,â«×¢×׊×××תâ¬-â« ××××ש ק×× ×¡×€× ×š×ש×× × ××©×€× ××ך××××תâ¬,â«××ק××⬠,â«×ת ×ת×××× ××××קת ×××× ××תך××× ×ךע××× ×ת ××××× ××× ××ך××××××⬠⫠××××ך×× ××× ×€×š××× ××ך××××â¬,⫠׊××¢×× ××תâ¬,â« ×××ך××â¬,⫠ת××ך×â¬,⫠ך××××â¬:â«××××⬠⫠×××××ת ××××××תâ¬,â« ×§×š× ××׀שת ×ש×××ת ×שך××תâ¬.â«××©×€× ××¢×׊×××ת⬠.â« ××סע×ת×× ×ך××× ××¢×××â¬,â«××¢××× ××¢×׊×× ××××ך××××תâ¬
â« ×××תâ¬:â« ××××× ×××¢××â¬- â« ××¢××× ×××â¬.â« ××× ×××× ××¡× ××× ×ת ×× ×¢×ך ×××××â¬:â« ×ש×××â¬.â« ××× ×ת×× ××× ×תâ¬:â«×××××⬠⫠×××××â¬.â« ×××€× ×ª×××š× ××¢×××ת ×× ×©×¢×׊×× ××××Š×š× ×××××× ×¢××ך ××ק××â¬:â« ×ש××× ×××¢××â¬- â« ××¢××× ×××â¬.â«×ך×× ×ª×Š×××⬠⫠×××תâ¬:â« ×ש××× ××××â¬.â« ×€×š× ××××ת ×€××× ×©× ×ך×× ×ת׊×××â¬:â« ××ך××â¬.â« ×€×š× ××××ך ׊×× ×ך×ת ×€××× ××ש×× ×¢×¥ ×¢××××â¬:â«××××⬠.â«×ק×× ××××ך××â¬
Architecture/Interior Design
â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××â¬/â«××ך××××תâ¬
Interior Design â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠Lighting â«×ª××ך×â¬
Architecture â«××ך××××ת⬠Residence
â«××××××× ××¢×§× ×××⬠⫠×××€×â¬.â«×€×ª×š×× ×ת×××š× ××××ש ×ת ××§×¡× ×× ×׊ך ××× ××ך ××××ך⬠â«×ת×××š× ×©×§××¢× ××š×Š×€× ××××ך×× ×ת ×¢×××× ×××× ××׊ך×× ×ש×ק⬠.â«×©× ××ך ××Š× ××שתק׀×× ××× ××ך××£ ×ך××ת ××× ××¡× ×ך×ש×ת⬠.â«××××× ×ת×××š× ××׊ךת ××××× ×××××××ת ש×× ×§×××ת ×××©× ××××â¬
YAMA - Y. Agam Museum of Art Agam is a known master of kinetic art. The lighting solution presents the âmagicâ created between light and matter. The interaction between light and shadow, reflected on the architectural roof element by the illuminations of the artistâs columns, create a unique visual affect at night that cannot be perceived at daytime. ⫠ך×ש×× ×׊×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2015 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××× × ×׀ך ××ך×××××â¬:â«××ך×××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Rishon Lezion Year: 2015 Architecture: David Nofar Architects Photo: Amit Geron
â«×שך×× ××שךת ×××ש××⬠â«××©×š× ×× ××ת ק××׊ת ××שךת ××ש×× ×ª××× × ××׊×ך ××× ×ךש××⬠â«××××××× ×ª×× ×©×××ש ×××××š× ××ך ××קךת××× ×׀ך××× ××ך××××××⬠⫠ת×× ×× ×ת×××š× ××× ×××קך ××××× × ×©× ×××¡× ×××××××â¬.â«××ק׀×××⬠â«××× ×ª×××š× ×××××ת×ת ××קס××ך×ת ××××š× ×××ך ××ק×××€×××׊××ת⬠⫠×עך×ת ×ת×××š× ×××××ת ×××€× ×ª×××š× ×××× ××××××ת ×××××תâ¬.â«××××⬠⫠×שת××× ××××€× ××××ס ש×× × ××× ×××â¬,â«××ך×ת ×¢×׊×× ×××××⬠.â«××ת×× ××€×× ×§×Š×× ×× ×ךשתâ¬
ILDC Offices The management headquarters is designed to create a chick and sophisticated space applying luxurious finish materials and top technology designed led lighting fixtures. In the public area, custom made light fixtures in minimal dimensions are integrated in the ceilings providing glare free and accurate light level as well as creating a complementary visual layer in the space. The sculptural suspended lamp in the board meeting room combined with hidden lighting details achieved to create the desired ambiance respecting the functional requirements. Location: Champion Tower Bnei Brak Year: 2016 Area: 1500 sq.m Interior Design: Orly Shrem Photo: Amit Geron
â« ×××× ×Š×³××€××× ×× ×ÖŸ×ךקâ¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×׎ךâ¬1500 :â«×©××⬠⫠××ך×× ×©×š×â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠â«××ך×××××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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Aviv Lieber Tower A prestigious residential building in the trendy neighborhood, Neve Zdek, Tel Aviv. The lighting of the main lobby is designed to create an elegant and warm ambiance. The illumination of the six meters high cooper wall and the installation of the minimalistic suspended lamps create an hierachy of light in the space, where the latter is the main actor. Location: Tel Aviv Year: 2016 Interior Design: Orly Shrem Photo: Yoav Peled
6468104 ⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬38 â«××××â¬
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××ך×× ×©×š×â¬:â«×¢×׊×× ×€× ××⬠â«××ך×××××⬠⫠×××× ×€××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
38 Bloch St. Tel Aviv 6468104
â«×××× ×§× ××ך⬠Michal Kantor
MK Lighting Design â«×××× ×§× ××ך ×¢×׊×× ×ª××ך×⬠MK architectural lighting design studio, set up by Michal Kantor provides lighting design services to a wide range of projects in Israel and abroad. We believe that lighting has a major role in creating the right ambiance and is fundamental to the success of all architectural spaces. Our passion for light together with technical knowledge and 17 years of experience guarantee our clients with unique solutions tailor made to the vision, requirements and budget of each project.
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Aviv Lieber Tower
â«×××× ×××× ×××ךâ¬
Top left: YAMA - Y. Agam Museum of Art
â« ××××××× ××¢×§× ×××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××â¬
Bottom left: ILDC Offices
â« ×שך×× ××שךת ××ש××â¬:â«×××× ×ש×××â¬
â«×©×š×× × ×ª×â××××⬠⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2010 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×ך ××ך×××â¬:â«××ך××× ×©×××ך⬠â«××ך×××××⬠⫠ע××× ×€×ךתâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Tel Aviv Year: 2010 Architecture: Bar Orian Architects Photo: Uzi Porat
.â« ×× ×× ×× ×ש×××ך ××€×ךק שך×× × ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬33 â«×ת×××š× ×××××©× ×××ש׀ת ×××× ×××⬠â«××ך××××× ×©× ×× ×××ת ××× ××× × ×ª×× ×׊×ךת⬠â«×ª××× × ××××ת ×ך××× ×ת ×××××××ת ××ת××⬠.â«××× ×××××ת ×ך××××â¬
Sarona, Tel Aviv Urban restoration of Sarona neighborhood ,originally a German Templer colony established in the 19th century. The neighborhood is located in the heart of Tel Aviv. The 33 buildings have been restored and today they house boutiques, museums and restaurants. The lighting design focused on architectural elements in each façade of each building creating harmonic and unique ambiance at night.
Top: Sarona, Tel Aviv. Opposite page: Mamila
.⫠שך×× × ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«×××¢××â¬
Historical Neighborhood Restoration. Bottom:
.⫠ש×××ך ×ש×××ך ×ת×× ×××××â¬:â«××¢××× ××××â¬
Renovation of Central Beach Promenade Tel Aviv.
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â«×××× ×§× ××ך ×¢×׊×× ×ª××ך×â¬
MK Lighting Design
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.â« ×××× ×××¥â¬2 â«×ת××× × ×ª××ךת ××××€× ××× ×××⬠â«×××ק ×ת×ת×× ××Š× ××€× ××× ×©× ×× ××× ×××× ××ק×⬠⫠׀תך×× ×ת×××š× ×××ך ×ת ××â¬.â«×€×¡ ×× ××€×š× × ×¡×ª×šâ¬ .â«××× ×××ך××× ××€× ××× ××× × ×ך××ת ×ק×ך ×××ךâ¬
Renovation of Central Beach Promenade Tel Aviv
Mamila â Historical Neighborhood Restoration
The target was to create a unique ambiance along the promenade. The major âobstacleâ was the spill of road light nearby. The modern and minimalistic light poles are located between the palm trees. The photometry of warm light color and asymetric reflector produce uniformity of light level and visual comfort. The pergulas along the promenade are lighted by indirect light integrated in architectual detail creating ârelaxation spacesâ.
The view of the dome from the exterior terrace. the illumination of the dome â the central architectual element in the attrium of building 2. at the bottom of each window frame a led stripe was mounted in an hidden detail. this solution alone provided the exact light level required.
Location: Tel Aviv Year: 2013 Area: 2.5 km Architecture: Mayslits Kassif Architects - Maor Roytman Photo: Yoav Peled
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠ק׎×â¬2.5 :â«×©××⬠⫠×××××××¥ ×ס××£â¬:â«××ך××××ת⬠â«××ך××××× â ×××ך ך×××××⬠⫠×××× ×€××â¬:â«×Š××××â¬
Location: Jerusalem Year: 2005 Architecture: Safdie Architects Client: Alrov Photo: Michal Kantor
â« ×ך×ש×××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2005 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠××©× ×¡×€×××â¬:â«××ך×××⬠⫠××ך××â¬:â«×××⬠⫠×××× ×§× ××ךâ¬:â«×Š××××â¬
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â«âªTaizu Restaurantâ¬â¬ â«âªThe Taizu restaurant was designed by architect Pitsouâ¬â¬ â«âªKedem in cooperation with the Baranowitz Amit studio.â¬â¬ â«âªThe lighting illuminates the colors and natural texturesâ¬â¬ â«âªof the dinersâ food, and defines the physical spaceâ¬â¬ â«âªthrough light. Finally, the decorative light fixturesâ¬â¬ â«âªadd a touch of intimacy.â¬â¬
â«×סע×ת ××××× ×ª×ÖŸ××××⪠.â¬×××ת ת×××š× ×¢××׀ת⪠.â¬×Š××××⪠:â¬×¢××ת ×ך××â¬
â«âªTaizu Restaurant, Tel Aviv. An embracing lighting concept. Photo: Amit Geronâ¬â¬
â«âª03- 7584941â¬â¬
â«âª03- 6423176â¬â¬
â«âª11 Kehilat Saloniki Tel Avivâ¬â¬
â«×§×××ת ס××× ××§× âª 11â¬×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬
â«××ק×סâ¬-â«××ך×× ××ך××⬠Orly Avron Alkabes
Orly Avron Alkabes â«××ך×× ××ך×× ××ק×ס⬠The Orly Avron Alkabes Studio has 20 years of experience in providing architectural lighting design for businesses and individual clients. Our professional staff collaborates with Israelâs leading interior designers, architectures and project managers, and specializes in architectural lighting design for public buildings, offices, businesses, restaurants, hotels, retail, private homes and more.
Beer Sheva Pedestrian Bridge The steel bridge, designed by Bar Orian Architects, connects the High-Tech Park with Beâer Sheva University, is 180 meters long, and serves as a pedestrian walkway. Its functional lighting provides a sense of safety by accentuating differences between light and darkness. The bridgeâs highlighted âeyesâ create a hovering sensation, while corresponding and strengthening the architectural design. The steel beams that hide the light fixtures provide smooth ceilings and indirect lighting. Light fixtures, which provide direct lighting, were built into the railings to set a walking pace across the bridge.
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.â« ××× ××€× ×× ××שךâ¬.â« ××ך֟ש××¢â¬,â«×שך ××××× ×š××⬠⫠ע××ת ×ך××â¬:⫠׊××××â¬.â«××ש ×¢× ××××× ×××©×ª× × ×××ª× ××¢× ××××š× ××שך⬠Beer Sheva Pedestrian Bridge. A veiw from the bridge. Photo: Amit Geron
Opposite page:
.â« ×××× ×תך××ת â ××× ××××ך ×ת×××ךתâ¬:â«××¢××× ×××× â ×××¢××â¬
Top: Charles Bronfman Auditorium â View from the Orchestra Square.
.â« ×××× ×תך××ת â ×××××× ××¢×××× ×â¬:â«××××× ××××â¬
Bottom right: Charles Bronfman Auditorium â Upper Foyer.
."â« ×××× ×š×××× × â "×ש×שâ¬,â« ×××××â¬:â«×ש××× ××××â¬
Bottom left: Habima, Robina Hall â âThe Sunâ. Top: Habima â Main Facade.
.â« ××××× â ×××ת ך×ש×תâ¬:â«×××¢××â¬
Habima â« ×ת×× ×תך××תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠â«×ª×ÖŸ××××⬠2011 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠×× ×ך××â¬,â« ×š× ×ך××â¬:â«××ך×××⬠,â« ×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠â«×××š× ××××ך×ך⬠Location: Cultural Area Tel Aviv Date: 2011 Architects: Ram Karmi, Dov Karmi Photo: Itay Sikolski, Uri Heuberger
HABIMA â Israel's National Theatre was established in 1947. The international style building boasts its main balcony behind a glass façade revealing a new perspective of the building from Rothschild Boulevard. Hence, the lighting of the main foyer gives the building its magnificent external appearance with six 12 meters-high âmushroomsâ, which are LED based lighting elements, that gently change color between the different shades of white, so an effect of movement is created. In the main Robina Hall the audience enjoys the light of âThe Sunâ â a 15 m. diameter element illuminated from above. It âsetsâ when the show begins and "rises" when it ends, moving from white light color to orange.
.â« ××× ××¢×ך ×××× × ×©× ×ª×ÖŸ××××â¬1947-â«×ת×××ך×× ×××××× ××××× × ××¡× ×⬠⫠×׊×× ×ך××× ×ת ××ך׀סת ××ך×××ת ש××â¬,â« ×× ×ס×× ×× ×××× ×××××â¬,â«××× ×××⬠.â« ××××× ××× ××ש ×¢× ××× ××× ×××××× ×©×ך×ת ך××ש×××â¬,â«×××××š× ×€×¡××ת ×××××ת⬠â«×ª××ךת ×××××× ××ך×××ת ×ש××× ××× ××× ×ת ××ך×× ××××ך ×××ךש××⬠,'â« ×â¬12 â« "×€×ך××ת" ×××××â¬6 â« ×××××× ××ª× ×סס×תâ¬.â«××תק×× ××ת××× × ×ת ××××ץ⬠⫠×××©× ×ת ×ת ׊××¢ ×××ך ×××¢×ך ×ת××× ×××â¬,LED â«×××ך×ת ×××€× ×× ×ת××ךת⬠⫠××××× ×š×××× × ×××××ת ×××ךâ¬.â« ×× ×©×תק××ת ×ª× ××¢× ××××â¬,â«×××× × ×××× ×ש×× ××⬠.â«×' ××××ך ××××¢××â¬15 â«××××¢× ××××š× ×©× "×ש×ש" â ×××£ ת×××š× ×ק××ך⬠,â« ××× "ש×קעת" ×ש××׊×× ×ת××××â¬.â« ×× ××¢××â¬4 â«"×ש×ש" ×××ª×§× ×ª ×¢×⬠.⫠ת×× ×©×× ×× ×Š××¢ ×××ך ×××× ××ת××â¬,â«×"××ך×ת" ש×× ×ס××€×â¬
â«×××× ×תך××ת ×¢"ש ׊'ך×ס ×ך×× ×€××â¬
Charles Bronfman Auditorium â« ×ת×× ×תך××תâ¬:â«××ק××⬠â«×ª×ÖŸ××××⬠2013 :â«×©× ×⬠⫠ק××קךâ¬:â«××ך×××××⬠â«×§××קך ×׀ש××××⬠⫠×ךק ×¢×××â¬:â«××ך××× ×¢××ת⬠,â« ×××ª× ×¡×ק××סק×â¬:â«×Š××××⬠⫠ס××× ×××× ×¡××â¬,â«×××š× ××××ך×ך⬠Location: Culturel Area Tel Aviv Date: 2013 Architects: Kolker Kolker Epstein Associate Architect: Barak Eilam Photo: Itay Sikolski, Uri Heuberger, Suzie Levinzon
6818118 â«××€×â¬-⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,20 â«×¢××â¬
The refurbishment of The Charles Bronfman Auditorium, home of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, intended to preserve the 1950s aesthetic atmosphere. The lighting system in the foyer was meticulously restored, utilizing the latest LED Technology. For optimal acoustic conditions, 24 "pyramids" of stainless steel grid were hung upside down from the ceiling of the main hall. These are illuminated from within themselves to create a canopy of light over the fancy room. Looking from the outside, the lighting design follows the classic lines of the architecture from the outdoor ceiling into the building with horizontal rectangles of light. The original "doves", as they are called, were positioned again. Dozens of LED light bulbs are installed under the inclined ceiling of the passages, creating a hovering illusion.
20 Aza St. Tel Aviv-Yafo 6818118
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â«× ××¢× ××⬠Noa Lev
Noa Lev Lighting Design â«× ××¢× ×× ×¢×׊×× ×ת×× ×× ×ª××ך×⬠The studio has been operating in Tel Aviv since 1994, mainly involved in public and private projects in Israel and abroad. Noa holds a B.A in Theatre Design from Tel Aviv University, a B.A in History of the Art from Haifa University, and is a graduate of âHaâSvivaâ school of architecture. She majored 3 advanced studies programs in urban & museum lighting planning in University of Florence Lighting Academy. Noa teaches lighting design to architects and interior designers in various schools, including: Teknion, College of Management Academic Studies, NB Haifa School of Design & Shenkar. The studio operates as an interdisciplinary creative space for professionals in the fields of lighting, video art & Video mapping, and content. The studio specializes in LED technologies and energy efficiency for public buildings. Prominent Projects: HaBima â Israel's National Theatre, Charles Bronfman Auditorium â Tel Aviv, Itshak Rabin Center â Tel Aviv, David Tomb â Mt. Zion, âLight and Copper Walkâ â Timna Park, Jaffa illuminated skyline, Via Dolorosa â Jerusalem, Presidential Palace â Baku, Azerbaijan, The Jewish Theater â Stockholm, Sweden.
â« ×¢×קך ×€×¢××××ª× ×׀ך××ק××× ××ך×× ×׊×××ך×â¬.â« ×ת×ÖŸ××××â¬1994-â«×ס××××× ×××§× ×⬠⫠×××× ×ת×××ך×× ×××× ××ךס××ת ת×â¬B.A â« × ××¢× ××× ××¢×תâ¬.â«××׀ך×× ××ךץ ××××"×⬠.â« ×ת××××ת ××××× ×ת ×××× ××ךס××ת ×××€×â¬B.A â« ×××¢×תâ¬,â«×××× ××××ת ×¢×׊×× ×××⬠⫠××× ×שת××× ×ת×× ×× ×ª×××š× ××ך××× ×â¬,â«××× ×××ךת ×××"ס "×ס××××" ×××ך×××××ªâ¬ â« × ××¢× ××××ת ×¢×׊××â¬.University of Florence Lighting Academy-â«×××××××× ×⬠⫠××××××â¬,â« ×××× ×××â¬:â« ××× ××תךâ¬,â«×ª×××š× ×××ך××××× ××ע׊××× ×××ª× ×¡×€×š ש×× ××⬠⫠×ס××××× ×€××¢× ××ך×× ×׊××š× ××× ×ך××ס׊××€××× ×š× ×××׊ך××â¬.â« ××׊"× ××©× ×§×šâ¬,â«××× ××⬠LED â« ×ס××××× ×ת××× ×××× ××××××תâ¬.â« ××ת×××â¬,â« ××××××× ××š× ×××××× ×××€×× ×â¬,â«×ת××ך×⬠â â« ×××× ×תך××תâ¬,â« ×××××â¬:⫠׀ך××ק××× ××××××â¬.â«×××ת×××¢××ת ×× ×š×××ת ×××× × ×Š×××ך⬠"â« "××š× ×××ך ××× ××שתâ¬,⫠ק×ך ××× â ×ך ׊×××â¬,â« ×ך×× ×׊×ק ך××× ××קך ×שך××â¬,â«×ª× ××××⬠⫠×ך×××â¬,â« ××× ××××ך××× â ×ך×ש×××â¬,â« ×§× ×ךק××¢ ×©× ××€×â¬,â«××¢×××× ×©××× â ×€×ךק ת×× ×¢â¬ .⫠ש×××××â¬,â« ×ת×××ך×× ×××××× â ס××ק××××â¬,â« ××ך××××'×â¬,â«×× ×©×××ת â ×ק×â¬
W â«××××⬠⫠××ס×ך××â¬:â«××ק××⬠2016 :â«×©× ×⬠GCH Hotels group :â«×ק××⬠BK architects :â«××ך×××××⬠:â«×Š××××⬠Lutz Vorderwuelbecke
â« ×××ס×ך×× ×ª××× × ××××× ××××š× × ×××××§× ××©× × ××× ××â¬W â«××××⬠⫠׀×× ×§×Š××ת ש×× ×ת ××××× ×ª××× × × ×¡×××â¬.â«×¢×ª×ק×× ×ש×××ך ××ך×× ××¢×ך⬠â«×§×× ×¡×€× ×ך××× ×©× ××¢ ×ש××××©× ×ק××× ×©× ××× ××× ××× ×× ××ך××××ת⬠⫠××ת ×××׊××ת ××××××××ת ××קשך ×× ×××× ××€××תâ¬.â«×ª×§×©×ךת⬠⫠×××׊ע×ת ××ק×× ×ק×ך ××ך ×××ך××â¬,â«×Š×× ×ך×ת ××××ש×× ×׊×× ×ך×ת ××ך⬠⫠×ת ×××ך×× ×××š× × ××××ך ×× ×ךש×ת ×¢× ×§××ת ××× ×××תâ¬.â«×× ×ק×׊×⬠⫠ש××§×Š× ×× ××× ××× ×ק×ךâ¬,â«××ק××¥ ×©× ×Š×× ×ך×ת ×€××× ××××€×€××⬠,â« ××××× ××× ×× ×ת ××××ךâ¬,â« ××××× ×Š×š× ×קך×××â¬:â«××ך ××××××ת ××©×ª× ×ת⬠⫠×××ª× ×׊×× ×ך×ת ×××××× ×× ×ת ק××תâ¬.â«×××××× ×š××× ×ת×××š× ××××ת⬠,'â« ×××× ×â¬,â« ×××××ת ××××â¬,â«××× ××¡× ××××× ××ת ×× ×ק××× ××××ש×ת ש××⬠.â«×ך ××סע××â¬
W Hotel Location: Amsterdam Date: 2016 Client: GCH Hotels Group Architect: BK architects Photo: Lutz Vorderwuelbecke
This highly modern hotel is built within two centrally located old conservation buildings. The main concept around which various functions were planned, relates to one of the buildingâs former use as a Communication center. We have, therefore, converted old tubes into light tubes, by either positioning a light-source at the end of the tube, or by letting a line of light shine through a narrow slot in the tube. For the rooms, we have created grand chandeliers made from metal tubes with a light spot at the end of each, transmitting light of varying shapes: a narrow beam for reading, a medium beam for the sink, and wide beam for overall lighting. These tubes run along the hotelâs entrance and its entire fifth floor, thus becoming both a light source and a unique design object.
⫠ת×ÖŸ××××â¬,9 â«×§××שךâ¬
9 Kalisher St. Tel Aviv
Top Right: 5th floor Hotel Lounge. Top Left: entrance space. Center Right: Ewow Suite bedroom. Center Left: W Amsterdam spa fireplace. Bottom: convention hall light integrated in geometrical ceiling.
.5 â« ×××× ××××× ×ק×××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×××××⬠.â« ×× ××¡× ×ק××× ×××€×ס ×ך×××â¬:â«×××¢×× ×ש×××⬠.⫠ס×××× × ×©×××ת×תâ¬:â«××ך×× ×××××⬠.â« ××ך ×××××â¬:â«××ך×× ×ש×××⬠.â« ×××× ××× ×¡××â¬:â«××××â¬
â«×š× ×ך×××⬠Ran Troim
â«×××× ×××ך⬠Hilla Mayer
â«×× ×€×š×××ק××⬠Gal Paravozkin
RTLD Lighting Design ⫠ת×× ×× ×ª××ך×â¬RTLD Founded in 2004, RTLD is a leading architectural lighting design studio specializing in planning and implementing lighting in public buildings, museums, hotels, commercial and residential spacesâboth in Israel and abroad. With 12 diversely trained employees, RTLD masters the uses of light as a tool to shape and form numerous aesthetic and energetic atmospheres.
Top: Studio suite bedroom. Bottom: The Duchess Resturant.
,â« ××ך×× ×©×ק××â¬,â« ×××ך ×ך×××× ×Š×××ך×××â¬RTLD ⫠ס×××××â¬,2004 â«××©× ×ªâ¬ .â« ×ת×× ××× ××× × ×שך×××â¬,â« ×סע××תâ¬,â« ×× ×××תâ¬,â« ×××× ×תâ¬,â« ×§× ××× ××â¬,â«××××××× ××⬠.â« ×ש×ת׀×× ×× ×××× ×××ך ××× ×€×š×××ק××â¬,â«×ס××××× ×××§× ×¢× ××× ×š× ×ך×××⬠⫠×××××¢××â¬,â« ××ך××××× ××ע׊×××â¬,â« ×¢×××××â¬12-â« ×ת××× ×××× ×â¬RTLD â«××ךת⬠⫠×× × ×××××× ×€×š××ק××× ×שך××× ××§× ×ך×ש××â¬.â«×ךקע×× ×ק××××× ×©×× ××⬠.â« ××¢× ××××× ×ס׀×× ×××ך××â¬,â«×©×¢× ×ת××× ×תâ¬
.⫠ס׀×â¬:â«×××¢××⬠.â« ×סע×ת ×××׊׳סâ¬:â«××××â¬
Domus a Jerusaleme Vorrei fare un augurio ai miei amici di Israele e lâaugurio Ú che la nuova edizione di Domus non sia soltanto unâoccasione per pubblicare e fare conoscere i vostri progetti, ma sia una occasione per affrontare le questioni e i problemi che stanno âdietro e davantiâ ai progetti. Solo così credo si interpreta il ruolo dellâarchitetto e dellâarchitettura, che non Ú soltanto una attività destinata a costruire palazzi e realizzare nuovi prodotti, ma attraverso di questi essa deve interpretare il mondo, la storia, la società . Chi non ha capito questo costruisce e produce cose inutili; e il mondo Ú pieno di cose inutili. Il ruolo di Domus in Italia infatti Ú sempre stato quello di sviluppare una riflessione critica sul progetto, sul design e sullâarte; non soltanto la loro promozione. Architettura, design e arte sono il risultato non solo della creatività o dellâeconomia, ma soprattutto lâespressione dellâenergia di un paese, della sua capacità di immaginare un mondo più ospitale. In Italia esistono riviste di architettura e design molto importanti, anche a livello internazionale, ma tutti noi in qualche modo âsiamo figli di Domusâ perché quando la rivista Ú nata, fondata da Gio Ponti nel lontano 1928, il paese era ancora lontano dalla modernità e la rivista Ú riuscita a introdurre nella società italiana lâidea che i tempi stavano cambiando, che esistevano nuove culture e nuovi linguaggi, prodotte dal progresso tecnico ma anche da una cultura e da una morale diversa. Il suo ruolo dunque non Ú stato soltanto culturale, ma soprattutto civile, perché Domus ha attraversato molte epoche diverse, stagioni difficili e periodi di sviluppo, ma ha sempre insegnato a riflettere, pensare e giudicare prima di disegnare. Anche il vostro paese sta attraversando (da sempre) un periodo difficile, impegnato in un conflitto che sembra eterno e sarebbe sbagliato credere che ciò che sta succedendo non riguarda il mondo del progetto e che il design e lâarchitettura non siano coinvolte in questo
Andrea Branzi
confronto. Al contrario mi sembra che esse sono il vero centro della questione, perchÚ al di là del problema territoriale esiste proprio la questione del âprogettoâ, che mette a confronto una società che lo rifiuta (perché legittimamente vorrebbe tornare al proprio medioevo) e una società come la vostra che al contrario, legittimamente, ha una visione dinamica del futuro. Tra queste due posizioni, tutte legittime ma intransigenti, deve esistere una terza strada, perché le soluzioni definive (e i progetti definitivi) non esistono più. Bisogna riconoscere infatti che il nostro e il vostro concetto di modernità ha fallito, perché ha cercato di realizzare soluzioni eterne, dispositivi specializzati ma rigidi, che si sono dimostrati inadeguati davanti ai cambiamenti prodotti dalla modernità stessa; la nuova economia globalizzata, la tecnologia elettronica, lâimprenditorialità di massa, il lavoro diffuso e soprattutto la strategia riformista della società contemporanea (che per sopravvivere alla propria imperfezione deve quotidianamente cambiare i propri meccanismi di funzionamento) hanno introdotto nuove logiche e modalità di progetto diverse da quelle del secolo scorso; esse hanno fatto nascere una idea di modernità più flessibile, meno rigida, che opera attraverso dispositivi reversibili, che elabora modelli incompleti e imperfetti, che sono gli unici in grado di affrontare âil nuovo e lâimprevistoâ. Una modernità che richiede logiche di progetto che tendono a sfumare i confini e le specializzazioni, creando organismi evolutivi e territori enzimatici che si trasformano liberamente. La radice di questa nuova modernità , meno forte e più elastica, ha una radice importante nello stesso pensiero ebraico, come continua ricerca, come libera interpretazione dei contenuti della tradizione, che come insegnava Emmanuel Levinas nelle sue letture talmudiche, non sono un codice di riti e pensieri già codificati, ma un giacimento di sapienza ancora tutto
da esplorare e da interpretare per affrontare la difficile contemporanità . La nuova edizione di Domus può servire a superare non solo da voi, ma in tutto il mondo i vecchi modelli di una modernità ancora troppo âeurocentricaâ, troppo basata sulla tradizione calvinista, facendo circolare anche da noi, ebrei che viviamo fuori di Israele, la nuova filosofia di unâarchitettura meno esibizionista, meno auto-referenziale e meno figurativa, più vicina alla grande tradizione âanicoicaâ della vostra cultura. LâOccidente durante il XX secolo ha modernizzato il mondo attraverso le âformeâ della sua modernità , ritenendola una verità assoluta; adesso lâOccidente ha bisogno di modernizzare se stesso attraverso il âpensieroâ di altri paesi; questa credo sia la mission della nuova Domus, non destinata soltanto il vostro piccolo territorio, ma al mondo intero, dimostrando ancora una volta che gli ebrei possono essere âil sale della terraâ e non soltanto un popolo in armi. Del resto chi riflette sulla cultura del progetto deve pensare a un mondo diverso e non a bombardare quello esistente⊠La crisi finanziaria, politica e ambientale che il mondo sta attraversando rendono urgente elaborare un modello diverso di sviluppo, che insieme allâambiente sappia salvare lâestetica del mondo costruito e insieme a questo sappia ridistribuire socialmente la qualità dello spazio. Questa trasformazione si deve oggi realizzare non attraverso âmega-progettiâ unitari (e impossibili), ma attraverso lâenergia debole e diffusa che esprime il design nel suo insieme, come risultato di tanti microprogetti espressione di tanti operatori che creano una sorta di âbuzz designâ, che come un plancton molecolare in continua evoluzione, attraversa le nostre città , senza costruire monumenti, ma rinnovandole dal loro interno. Come i micro-crediti di Mohammad Yunus che hanno cambiato lâeconomia di 170 milini di persone, penetrando
dentro alle loro economie domestiche, ugualmente il design può rinnovare lâuniverso costruito penetrando negli spazi interstiziali, negli habitat domestici, nei luoghi di lavoro, dove lâarchitettura (rigida e definitiva) non riesce a penetrare. Come Domus ha sempre insegnato, occupandosi di architettura, critica, design e arte, la qualità della città non Ú costituita soltanto dalle costruzioni, ma dalla qualità delle persone che vi abitano, dai suoi spazi interni, dai servizi, dalle informazioni, dal commercio; questa qualità ambientale non Ú il risultato del lavoro dei soli Maestri o delle archistar, ma Ú il risultato di una intera generazione di progettisti che guardano la realtà e ne vedono lâincompletezza o la bruttezza, e decidono da subito di cambiarla a partire dagli oggetti quotidiani, dagli strumenti di lavoro, dalle suppelletili (apparentemente) inutili; progettisti che sono mossi da una urgenza âriformistaâ che decide di cambiare il mondo a partire dal basso, dal quotidiano e anche dal superfluo. Bisogna infatti essere molto prudenti nel giudicare ciò che Ú utile e ciò che non lo Ú, perché tutte le civiltà si sono sviluppate investendo le migliori energie nel realizzare ciò che sembrava âsuperfluoâ, come lâarte, la musica, la letteratura, il decoro e la bellezza; realtà forse secondarie, ma senza le quali non può esistere nessun consorzio umano. In questo senso la rivista deve trovare lo spazio per pubblicare i progetti realizzati ma anche (e soprattutto) âi progetti non realizzatiâ, cioÚ le idee, la ricerca, la sperimentazione, i progetti teorici, che spesso sono più importanti di quelli veri⊠Nei periodi di emergenza o di guerra Ú importante affermare questa volontà positiva, questa urgenza di cambiamento, che deve appartenere allo spirito maturo di chi Ú coinvolto in una guerra. Perche chi vince deve perdonare e guardare al futuro; altrimenti avrebbe combattuto invano.
* We are pleased to launch the International Book, the calling card of Israeli architecture vis-Ä -vis Israel and the world. The book is a record of creativity and culture by titans in the field of design and architecture in Israel, men and women who are in sync with the country's scenic beauty and have drawn the urban landscape accordingly, shaping the technology of progress in which we live our lives. We are now entering the 12th year marking the Ot Haitzuv (Israeli Design Award) contest, one that has succeeded over time in consolidating its status as a
design and architectural event that is both serious and renowned for its objectivity. More than 1,000 works are submitted each year by municipalities, local authorities, architectural firms, urban and landscape planners, and interior designers. The works are vetted anonymously in accordance with the most stringent criteria by a panel of judges composed of distinguished professionals in the field. The contest and book publication are annual events embracing multiple dimensions. This year the spread is worldwide, placing the best of Israeli creativity at the centre stage of design in the country.
Giora Urian Publisher and Chief Editor
** Our beauty is reflected in our architecture, in its openness to that which appears different and to people who appear different. Your instrument, esteemed architects, is not your drawing board but your ability to see something that no one else sees. Those in the profession of design know that their main role is to conjure up a reality and then transform it into a possibility. We live in a world that at times prefers the evil it knows to the good that it has yet to know. Our job is to fashion a better world. So design is only the Design Award's second priority: its first is to reward those who have the vision to imagine a future and then create it.
Yair Lapid
Architecture 250 252-253
Introduction Domus a Jerusaleme / Andrea Branzi
12-19 20-25
Avner Sher Architects David Nofar Architects & Urban Planners
MYS Architects
Barre Levie Architects & Urban Planners
Chyutin Architects
Y. Y. Granot Architects
Leitersdorf | Ben Dayan Planning & Architecture
Moshe Zur Architects & Town Planners
Safdie Architects
Ada Karmi-Melamede Architects
Powsner Architects
Rechter Architects | Ranni Ziss Architects
Rechter Architects
Schwartz Besnosoff Architects
Avshalomov Architects & City Planning
Adom Architects
Auerbach Halevy Architects & Engineers
Atelier dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Architecture
Amir Mann | Ami Shinar Architects & planners
YBGSNA Baer, Shifman-Nathan Architects
Giora Gur & Partners Architects
Giora Rothman Architects
Guggenheim | Bloch Architects and Urbanists
TheHeder Architecture
Hasin Dvorachek Architects
Tal Senior Architects
Yoav Messer Architects
Yona Yechiam Architects
Yaniv Pardo Architects
Michael Schwartz & Associates
Farhi-Zafrir Architects
Mosessco Architect & Townplanner
Kolker Kolker Epstein
Ronnie Alroy Architects
Sharon Architects
Arcitecture+Interior Design 116-117
Dana Oberson Architects
Tammy Yaniv Architecture
Open Mind Art
Residence | Arcitecture/Interior Design
Interior Design
Pitsou Kedem Architects
Studio Gad
Shachar | Rozenfeld Architects
Galia Sternberg Interior Architecture
Gindi Studio
Tal Tamir Studio
Toledano Architecture & Design
Limor Rosner Muggia
Aviva Siton Interior Design
Michael Azoulay Studio
Architect Orly Feldman | Up Architecture & Design
Michal Han Interior Design
Oshrat Ozeri Architects
Studio Alisa Sheinson
Ilana Moskovitz Interior Architect & Designer
Setter Architects
Iris Avneri Dvir Architecture & Interior Design
Peri-Davidovich Architects
Ella Sahar Architects
Keren Offner
Annette Frommer Interior Design
Roni Keren Interior Design Studio
Axelrod Architects
Golany Architects
Galit Tirosh Interior Design
Gal Marom Architects
Genya Schwartz Architectural Planning & Interior Design
MK Lighting Design
Dor Confino Architecture & Interior Design
Orly Avron Alkabes
Dan & Hila Israelevitz Architects
Noa Lev Lighting Design
Dror Barda Architects
RTLD Lighting Design
Hila Amir Hollander
Witt Architect
Vered Blatman Cohen Architecture & Design
Ziva Bar Interior Design
Joel Jospe Architects
Yuliana Riskoff | Architecture | Design
Matti Rosenshine Architects
Neuman Hayner Architects
Studio Taga
Serge BenDavid Architects
Samet Architects
Ilit Greenburg | Iris Berger Architects
RWS Architects
ORKO Architecture and Design
Chief Editor:
Giora Urian
Art Director: Dina Shoham Graphic Design: Dina Shoham Design: Morin Glimer, Itamar Heifetz Research: Tammy Nahum, Lizzy Harush, Sarah Ariele Cafour 2017 Printed in Israel ISBN: 978-965-926-14-0-6 Publisher: urianbooks â Mitchamei Itzuv Ltd 25 Timna St. Ramat Hasharon, Israel, Tel. 03-5401065 www.urian.co.il © All rights reserved to the publisher d+a with Ot Haitzuv
The International Book of Israeli Architects
The International Book of Israeli Architects
d+a Domus
The International Book of Israeli Architects
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â«×ס׀ך⬠â«×××× ×××××⬠â«×©×⬠â«××ך××××⬠â«×שך××â¬
The International Book of Israeli Architects
The International Book of Israeli Architects
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