DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt Marine industry
Plastic Aquatic oN A MiSSioN to rEDUCE MAriNE LittEr
02 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
dNv EXTraOrdiNary iNNOvaTiON prOJECT Marine plastic debris is a serious environmental problem that needs immediate global attention. DNV has now begun efforts to address the problem in this partnership project with WWF-Norway. We believe that knowledge fuels action. Even when all preventative measures for reducing plastic pollution have been taken, there will still be large amounts of plastic in the oceans, and cleanup will be necessary. Creating efficient solutions requires understanding of the problem in all its complexity. together, DNV and WWF have partnered to create a concept platform which makes further research and innovation possible.
“the world needs solutions to remove environmental toxins •• and plastics from the ecosystem, even if we are able to remove only a small fraction. this must be done without having significant negative effects on the marine life. At the same time, we are in serious need of political will, money and arrangements to prevent new debris from ending up in the ocean in the future.” Nina Jensen, general Secretary, WWf-Norway
North Atlantic Gannet drowned in fishing net. Nordmore, Norway – photo by: Nils Aukan / WWF-Canon
A global problem 4 • Challenges • Spindrift on 10a mission 12 • Key benefits 16 • What will the future hold? 18 •
04 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
•• A global problem … Healthy oceans are an essential part of a sustainable future. DNV and WWF-Norway have joined forces to assess the problem of marine plastic debris in the project plastic Aquatic. this project focuses on areas with high concentrations of plastic, such as the North pacific Gyre (NpG).
A global problem Challenges Spindrift on a mission Key benefits What will the future hold? … ONly iNCrEaSiNg WiTh ThE paSSagE Of TimE The issue of marine debris has been on the global agenda since the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter in 1972 and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) in 1973. However, these Conventions only cover disposal of waste from platforms, aircraft and ships; they do not cover land-based sources. In 1988 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) published a paper predicting the accumulation of plastic waste in a part of the North Pacific Gyre (NPG); the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG). Captain Charles Moore brought attention to this issue in 1997 after discovering high concentrations of waste when sailing through the same area. The NPG is one of the five large gyres in the world’s oceans. Within these gyres there are convergence zones where stable waters create a roundup of floating items including garbage. The true volume and distribution of marine debris in the gyres remains unknown. More research on the extent of pollution and its impacts is needed. Marine debris includes many types of litter from various sources. Most is believed to come from land-based sources, entering the oceans from coastlines and river mouths2. It is estimated that 75% of marine debris is plastic3. As plastic materials have become a pivotal element of modern human life, plastic garbage has proliferated. From its invention to today, plastic has seen a monumental increase in production, most notably during the past 50 years. This increase has naturally followed the rise in global standard of living, signalling that plastic production is not expected to decline in the near future. Plastic in the oceans is therefore projected to increase with global development if no preventive measures are taken; for example regulations on plastic products, waste handling and a wider use of recycling incentives and systems.
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plastic production and accumulation in the ocean 600
Estimation based on: European plastic Converters, “plastics – the facts 2012”, Arabplast conference 2013 and Algalita Marine research institute
a garbagE paTCh? The “garbage patch,” as referred to in the media, is an area of marine debris concentration in the North Pacific Ocean. The name “garbage patch” has led many to believe that this area is a blanket of trash that should be visible with satellite or aerial photographs. This is simply not true. While litter items can be found in this area, along with other debris such as derelict fishing nets, much of the debris mentioned in the media has referred to very small plastic debris which are not immediately evident to the naked eye1.
1 De-mystifying the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, April 10, 2013, http://marinedebris.noaa.gov/info/patch.html#1. 2 Faris, Hart “Seas of Debris, A summary of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Debris” 1994, Greenpeace “Plastic Debris in the World Oceans” 2006, Sheavly, S. B.; Register, K. M. (2007). “Marine Debris & Plastics: Environmental Concerns, Sources, Impacts and Solutions”. Journal of Polymers and the Environment 15 (4): 301–305. 3 OSPAR Commission, “Marine Litter; Preventing a sea of plastic” 2009.
06 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
ThE COmplEX WOrld Of mariNE dEbriS Marine debris includes both biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials. While it takes approximately 50 years for leather to decompose, it takes about 500 years for plastic fishing lines and bottles to do the same. With the ever-growing accumulation of marine plastic debris, this timeframe is unacceptable.
Although organic material breaks down to its base organic compounds, most plastics do not break down fully in the marine environment, but become degraded by exposure to sunlight and environmental conditions – photodegradation. This process breaks down plastic into smaller and smaller pieces that float or sink in the ocean.
1 week Banana peel 2 to 5 weeks
Waxed milk carton 3 months
Newspaper 6 weeks
Plastic bag 10 to 20 years
Cigarette butt 1 to 5 years
100 years
Leather 50 years
Foamed plastic cup 50 years
Aluminium can 80 to 200 years
Plastic beverage bottle 450 years Disposable diaper 450 years 1 million year
Glass bottle 1 million years
THE TIME IT TAKES for items to decompose in the environment
Fishing net and fishing line 600 years
Marine plastic debris size category4 Micro plastic
Meso plastic
Macro plastic
Mega plastic
5 mm
5 – 20 mm
20 –100 mm
> 100 mm
impaCTS There are several negative impacts of marine plastic debris. They can be divided into environmental impacts, which are impacts on the marine ecosystems, and economic impacts which describes the effect on human activity and the usage of marine resources5. Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea); Sao tome and principe – photo by: Michel Gunther / WWF-Canon
ENvirONmENTal impaCTS Direct effects: ■■ Entanglement may cause serious injury or death to marine life by leading to suffocation, starvation, drowning and increased vulnerability to predators6. ■■ Ingestion of marine debris may cause malnutrition, poisoning, starvation, reproductive failure and death5. ■■ Alterations of marine habitats may be caused by physical damage and suffocation of corals and plants5. Indirect effects: The debris can be a vector for transportation of invasive species. ■■ Ingestion of plastic by fish, birds and other marine life may lead to bioaccumulation of toxins in the food chain7. ■■
ECONOmiC impaCTS The seas are important sources of income for many communities and businesses. Marine litter may reduce this value. Economic impacts include the direct cost of removing litter from beaches, a downturn in tourism due to fouled beaches, contaminated or reduced catch for fishing vessels and direct damages to vessels due to entanglement8.
http://www.epa.gov/region9/marine-debris/pdf/MarineDebris-NPacFinalAprvd.pdf United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Marine debris impacts,” April 10, 2013, http://water.epa.gov/type/oceb/marinedebris/md_impacts.cfm. 6 Ocean Conservancy, ICC Report, 2008. 7 Mato et al., “Plastic Resin Pellets as a Transport Medium for Toxic Chemicals in the Marine Environment,” 2001; and United States Environmental Protection Agency,” Marine debris in the North Pacific,” 2011. 8 IMSA, Amsterdam, “Plastics do not belong in the ocean,” 2011. 4
The impacts of marine debris are continuously being investigated as there are still many gaps in the knowledge of how marine plastic debris affects the environment.
08 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
Sea birds ingesting plastic experience reduced body weight, reproductive capacity and fatty deposit displacement13.
Deaths caused by plastic ingestion are documented in whales, sea turtles, manatees and dolphins13.
The majority of plastic in the ocean is classified as very small debris, or micro plastic, making it difficult for fish to separate from food, as well as difficult to capture and separate from actual food supplies11.
It is conservatively estimated that 2.5% of the world’s historical production of plastic has ended up in the ocean10.
It is estimated that 95 % of all Northern Fulmar birds in the North Sea region have plastic in their stomachs14.
is a large system of rotating ocean currents where stable waters create a roundup of floating items including garbage, i.e. convergence zones.
Between 1950 and 2013, 150 million tonnes of plastic have probably entered the ocean10.
There are 5 main gyres in world’s oceans, but there are also multiple smaller gyres. Recent research has identified a small gyre in the Barents Sea, prone to marine debris accumulation9.
150 has reached the ocean since 1950.
It is documented that sea birds, sea turtles, fish and marine mammals ingest marine debris which they mistake for food12.
In 1992, Japan estimated that their fishing industry spent US$ 4.2 billion on repairing vessels damaged by marine debris13.
267 Individuals from more than 267 species are known to have suffered from entanglement and ingestion of marine debris, including 86% of sea turtle species, 44% of seabird species and 43% of marine mammal species13.
Lebreton et al., “Numerical modelling of floating marine debris in the world’s oceans,” 2012. DNV correspondence with Captain Charles Moore, Founder of the Algalita Marine Research Institute. Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, “Marine Debris as a Global Environmental Problem”, 2011. 12 Bugoni et al., “Marine Debris and Human Impacts on Sea Turtles in Southern Brazil”, 2001. 13 United States Environmental Protection Agency, ”Marine debris in the North Pacific”, 2011. 14 J.Avan Franeker et. al “Monitoring plastic ingestion by the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis in the North Sea”, 2011. 9
10 11
In 2020 this number could exceed 230 million tonnes10.
10 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
•• Challenges ClEaNiNg ThE OCEaN gyrES fOr plaSTiC dEbriS iS a COmplEX miSSiON Reducing the introduction of litter to the marine environment from both land- and sea-based sources by preventative measures is the key challenge, and is preferred over end-of-pipe solutions. However, even if all possible preventative measures for reducing plastic pollution are taken, there will still be large amounts of plastic accumulating in the ocean gyres, and cleanup will be necessary.
1. The areas to be cleaned are immense.
2. Poor collection solutions could do more harm than good.
The five gyres cover 145 million km2 of continuously moving ocean surface with fluctuating plastic concentrations. If a cleanup ship could skim five km2 of ocean surface per day it would take a thousand such ships 80 years to cover the gyre’s surface layers15. It is important to identify areas where the debris is most likely to accumulate in high concentrations. ›■
Smaller plastic debris, e.g. micro- and meso-debris, is the same size as plankton, the fundamental part of the marine food chain. Collection of this plastic will also remove a quantity of plankton from the ocean, depriving fish and other organisms of their food, and impacting the entire food chain16. Collection of plastic may also have a negative impact by injuring or killing individuals of larger animals. Harmless collection methods need to be at the centre of the development of cleanup schemes.
A global problem Challenges Spindrift on a mission Key benefits What will the future hold?
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maNy impOrTaNT KNOWlEdgE gapS STill rEmaiN Marine plastic debris science is a relatively young research field and most knowledge on the subject is a result of efforts made by non-profit organisations, such as Algalita, 5Gyres, and Sea Education Association, in association with larger marine research institutions. Current field research has been carried out using sailing vessels to sample the ocean surface with towing nets. Further research is needed to understand more of the dynamics and impacts of marine plastic debris.
1. Knowledge about the distribution of plastic debris in the water
column is limited. Wind and waves have been observed to bring debris under the surface, down to 30 metres and deeper17. Debris has also been identified on the seabed in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and even in the Arctic18. In which part of the water column should cleanup efforts be targeted?
2. The quantity and impact of micro plastic debris is still a puzzle.
As there is currently no way to detect particles smaller than 1/3 mm out at sea, their quantity and distribution is unknown. We do not know if they eventually biodegrade completely or if they are broken down by ocean bacteria19. What size fractions of plastic debris should be targeted for cleanup efforts?
ThE NEEd fOr rESEarCh aNd iNNOvaTiON
15 Plastic Ocean: How a Sea Captain’s Chance Discovery Launched a Determined Quest to Save the Oceans, Charles Moore and Cassandra Philipps, 2011. 16 DNV correspondence with Dr. Miriam Goldstein, former chief scientist on the Scripps Environmental Accumulation of Plastics Expedition (SEAPLEX). 17 Kukulka, T., et al. “The effect of wind mixing on the vertical distribution of buoyant plastic debris.” Geophysical Research Letters 39.7 (2012). 18 DNV correspondence with Dr. Kara Lavender Law, Research Professor at Sea Education Association (SEA). 19 DNV correspondence with Dr. Markus Eriksen, Executive Director at 5Gyres Institute.
DNV sees these challenges as pointing in one direction–scaling up current activity and initiatives in order to meet the identified challenges. DNV proposes Spindrift, a fit-forpurpose research vessel concept designed for the ocean environment and the challenges ahead.
12 I DNV Extraordinary Innovation project I On a mission to reduce marine litter I
•• Spindrift on a mission The search strategy… The Spindrift is equipped with a range of research technology and communication systems to enable efficient monitoring of marine plastic debris and facilitate a wide range of research activity. Locating significant occurrences of marine plastic debris efficiently in the immense ocean areas requires well planned search strategies, developed and continuously improved with the systems onboard.
Aerial tether or helium kite This will provide a bird’s eye view of the ship to spot larger debris in the vicinity. It can be deployed at heights up to one kilometre for several hours. UAVs: Copters & small planes Increased visibility range around the ship is crucial for detecting marine plastic debris. Assistance of small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that can take off and land on the ship will scale up the visual range from the ship.
Sail and/or wave drones The drones can map ocean currents in the top ten metres of the water column, and spot and follow larger debris. The drones are powered by renewable energy and can sail independently for weeks.
Observation bulb Enables underwater observation by using a movable camera and light.
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) To detect the vertical currents that distribute plastic throughout the water column, AUVs are deployed equipped with lightweight sensors.
A global problem Challenges Spindrift on a mission Key benefits What will the future hold? Debris accumulation simulations To understand where marine debris is accumulating, and where the vessel should set course, debris accumulation models are applied. Calculations and local observations show important differences in debris concentration inside the gyres, from less than 1g/ km2 up to several kg/km2. The high debris concentration areas are sensitive to local weather conditions. The sailing plan thus needs to be adapted continuously.
Satellite Satellite images of eddies and convergence fronts on the ocean surface can be fed directly to the debris dispersion model and the ship’s mission control station.
Drifter Light buoys are launched from the ship to track floating debris and to monitor ocean surface currents. The light buoys have GPS and transmission capabilities and can emit signals for up to five years.
Manta/Neuston net This net is towed on the side of the ship at very slow speeds for short periods of time, targeting particles of interest for research and on-board analysis.
Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Permits observation in the water column and at the seafloor by using underwater cameras, and is able to spot and identify debris with high marine life activity levels and entanglement.
Towfish Using optical counting methods, the towfish characterizes the density of plankton in the water where the research operations are carried out.
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14 I DNV Extraordinary Innovation project I On a mission to reduce marine litter I
collection and sampling Collection of marine plastic debris will be necessary, even if the potential is only a fraction of the global mass. Solutions for efficient cleanup of marine plastic debris are, however, limited. Opportunities for technology transfer are being explored, including applications from oil-spill recovery and fisheries. Solutions should be designed as to prevent large amounts of living organisms from being caught and target high-risk marine plastic debris, identified through research.
Smaller debris in high-density areas The Spindrift is prepared for efficient handling of booms, trawls and drones for collection of smaller debris. Observed high-density patches can contain several tonnes of plastic, while wind and surface conditions can disperse debris quickly20. Future solutions with surface drones and onboard pumping of seawater are also being explored.
Larger debris and ghost nets The Spindrift will be able to lift larger debris on-board, such as fishing nets, using a crane with ROV support for hooking the debris.
Research and sampling The Spindrift enables safe and easy handling of neuston net, increasing the number of samples and experience to drive innovation for more efficient sampling methods, such as continuous sampling using flow-through pipes with particle sensors and laser technology. Onboard processing The collected debris will be processed onboard the Spindrift, mainly for research purposes. The debris will go through a process of biological material removal, sorting and storage. Opportunities for converting the plastic to marine diesel fuel and onshore upcycling options will be explored.
20 DNV correspondence with Captain Charles Moore, founder of Algalita Marine Research Institute. 21 KIMO, Local Authorities International Environmental Organisation, “Scotland’s fishermen have removed more than 600 tonnes”, 2013. Of rubbish from our seas.
ThE rOlE Of COmmErCial vESSElS In Europe some fishing vessels are encouraged to collect marine litter, and the Scottish fleet alone has collected 600 tonnes of marine litter since 200521. Commercial shipping could also be part of the solution, for example by registering observations of marine debris and operating collection technologies during their voyage. Innovative solutions for collection and research should consider amplifications for use on commercial vessels.
16 I DNV ExtrAorDiNAry iNNoVAtioN projECt I on a mission to reduce marine litter I
•• Key benefits
ENabliNg TEChNOlOgy QUalifiCaTiON A combined platform for scientists and technology developers, and high flexibility in in-situ technology testing, facilitates increased learning and innovation.
maKiNg ThE SEa SmallEr Integrating land-based global simulations, high-definition satellite images, local data assimilation, and the local over-and-under-sea observation network deployed from the ship will significantly improve the efficiency of ocean monitoring.
maiN fEaTUrES: Hull design with minimum ocean surface disturbance ■■ Best available technology for power generation ■■ Thrusters with tangle protection ■■ Spacious working rooms ■■ A-frame and cranes ■■
Spindrift [‘spindrift] 1 sea spray, especially spray blown from waves
2 fine wind-borne snow or sand.
A global problem Challenges Spindrift on a mission Key benefits What will the future hold?
viSibiliTy, OUTrEaCh aNd EdUCaTiON High-capacity communication systems for global interaction and accommodation for students and volunteers create opportunities for knowledge distribution.
ENabliNg NEW STaTES Of KNOWlEdgE The high flexibility of the vessel combined with a variety of on-board equipment increases sampling, monitoring and research possibilities.
priNCipal parTiCUlarS Length over all: 85 m Breadth: 15 m ■■ Draught: 4.6 m ■■ Transit speed: 15 knots ■■ Endurance: 90 days at sea ■■ Capacity: 38 persons ■■ ■■
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18 I DNV Extraordinary Innovation project I On a mission to reduce marine litter I
•• What will the future hold?
A global initiative for a global problem Marine plastic debris is a growing global environmental concern. The debris travels the world oceans and converges, to some degree, in gyres located in international waters. The problem does not occur within the sovereignty of an individual state, so there are few incentives for initiating preventive measures or clean-up efforts. As marine plastic debris is a type of non-point source pollution22, it is hard to identify and penalise polluters. Marine debris is one out of many non-point source pollution problems. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is another example. CO2 emissions are currently only regulated on regional and national levels through a CO2 tax or emissions trading, using the ‘polluter pays’ principle. Solutions for marine plastic debris fit with an extension of this principle, the extended producer responsibility (EPR) model. The principle passes on total handling costs to producers and consumers of plastic. The OECD has since 1994 introduced several different programs based on the EPR model, and nearly every member state has implemented one or more of these programs. A challenge when using the EPR principle is to correctly estimate the cost of the pollution caused by a product23. DNV encourages governmental, industry and NGO initiatives on the subject of plastic marine debris abatement, but for efficient pollution control and remuneration this is not enough. Global pollution control initiatives that cross national borders and oceans are needed to solve a growing, global problem.
Global initiatives Marine debris was discussed at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. ■■ Prevention and management of marine litter was the topic of a conference held by the European Commission in April 2013. ■■ The 6th International Marine Debris Conference was held in Hawaii in 2013, exploring the problem and possible solutions. ■■
A global problem Challenges Spindrift on a mission Key benefits What will the future hold?
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a TimE fOr aCTiON The Rio 20+ outcome document “The future we want” stresses the importance of conservation and sustainable use of the oceans due to the importance of the oceans for economic growth, food security and climate change24. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness and continue research to protect the marine resources. This Extraordinary Innovation Project is driven by DNV’s work to secure knowledge for technology leadership and manage risk for a safe and sustainable future. Together with WWF we encourage more players to join us on the mission to reduce marine litter.
22 EPA, “What is Nonpoint Source Pollution?”, April 10, 2013, http://water.epa.gov/polwaste/nps/whatis.cfm 23 OECD, Fact Sheet: Extended Producer Responsibility, April 10, 2013, http://www.oecd.org/env/waste/factsheetextendedproducerresponsibility.htm 24 United Nations, ”The future we want”, 2012
photo by: iStockphoto/turnervisual
plaSTiC EUrOpE
maCE gEOSpaTial
rOZalia prOJECT
DET NORSKE VERITAS AS No-1322 Høvik, Norway I tel: +47 67 57 99 00 www.dnv.com
THIS IS WWF WWF is a global environmental organization with a mission to stop the degradation of our planet’s natural environment, and build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF is present in over 100 countries on five continents. our core areas are conserving the world’s biological diversity, ensuring the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption
THIS IS DNV DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk, helping customers to safely and responsibly improve their business performance. our core competence is to identify, assess and advise on risk management. DNV is an independent foundation with presence in more than 100 countries.
© Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved. This work or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske Veritas AS, except for full or partial reproduction or transmission for personal, educational, research, scientific and other non-commercial purposes. © Det Norske Veritas AS 05-2013. Design and print: Coor Media.com 1303-017. 500x / 05-2013. illustrations page 12, 14, 16: Atle Ellefsen. Cover photo © Getty images. photo page 2 © Nils Aukan / WWF-Canon. photo page 7 © Michel Gunther / WWF-Canon. photo page 19 © iStockphoto/turnervisual