Rothwell and Coote Ostend 2009 paperFINAL

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Brian Rothwell Consulting Inc., 100 Hamptons Link N.W., Calgary, Canada 2 Coote Engineering Limited, 16 Varbow Place N.W., Calgary, Canada Abstract Models for determining failure conditions for planar surface defects, such as weld seam cracks and cracks caused by SCC, are necessary for various purposes, most importantly the development of assessment criteria for sentencing flaw indications from in-line and “in-ditch� inspection. The consequences of inaccuracy can be serious, including operational failures or excessive expenditures on excavations and repairs. Numerous methods are available and in use today for the assessment of cracks. This paper reviews the historical background to the earliest approaches to this problem, and then considers a number of more recent methods. In each case, the performance of the methods, in terms of observed against predicted failure stress, is assessed against a database of laboratory and field failures. It is concluded that all of the models considered can perform very well against results from well-characterized flaws of regular profile, but that performance against flaws of irregular profile is much worse and more variable. Methods that can accommodate actual flaw shape and consider fracture controlled and plastic collapse failure modes concurrently perform better overall. The practical implications of the observations for different integrity-related applications are briefly discussed.

INTRODUCTION Since the 1960s, methods have been available for the assessment of planar flaws in pressurized cylinders. The earliest approach developed specifically for pipelines, due to Kiefner [1], was based on flow-stress dependent failure, analogous to the methods used for assessing volumetric flaws such as corrosion. This method is still in use today, for pipe materials that show reasonably good fracture resistance. A modification, aiming to account for toughness-dependent failure, was developed in the early 1970s, and is also still in use today. More recently, several additional methods of analysis have been developed, making use of advances in the understanding of fracture mechanics and of material behaviour that have taken place over the intervening period. These more recent models are of varying degrees of transparency; the data on which they were validated are not always readily available, nor are the statistical properties of the models easy to determine, so that explicit levels of conservatism are hard to achieve. The consequences of insufficient conservatism are obvious and can be very serious; the economic consequences of excessive conservatism can also be high, including excessive numbers of excavations following ILI and excessive numbers of repairs of flaws evaluated on excavation. Indeterminate levels of model conservatism make it difficult to make rational decisions regarding the integrity-related maintenance of pipelines subject to time-dependent cracking processes such as fatigue and SCC. As a result, there is a strong motivation to gain a better understanding of the characteristics and validation details of the models that are used for this purpose.


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