DNV Korea Update No.2

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Advisory Centre and New Services

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006

Cleaner Energy Offshore Wind Turbine Structures

Korea Information from DNV to Korea



Update N0.2 September 2010

Content N0.2 September 2010


Editorial : GO FIRST! GO STRONG!


Regulation : The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006


News in Korea : DNV supports Hyundai Heavy Industries for the world’s largest cylindrical FPSO project & etc.


Cleaner Energy : Offshore Wind Turbine Structures and other news


New Services : ECA compliance Extended Dry Docking service Easy access to DNV rules and standards


Technical issues : LNG Fuelled Vessel


Advisory Centre Korea : Aiming to be ‘One-Stop’ solution for your technical needs


CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) : Within the community & etc.

DNV Korea Update Published by DNV Korea 15th Fl., Kolon Bldg. 45, Mugyo-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea 100-722 Tel: +82 2 734 7326/7/9 Fax: +82 2 734 9069 www.dnv.co.kr / www.dnv.com Editor Sun Young Park Tel: +82 2 755 7011 sun.young.park@dnv.com Design and Layout DesignMotiff Tel: +82 2 3392 5188

DNV Korea Update는 DNV 한국지사에서 발간하는 뉴스지입니다. 발행일: 2010년 9월 발행인: 폴 요한센 편집인: 박선영 디자인 및 편집: 디자인모티프 +82 2 3392 5188 발행처: DNV Korea 서울시 중구 무교동 코오롱 빌딩 15층 대표번호: +82 2 734 7326/7/9 팩스: +82 2 734 9069



Aiming to be ‘One-Stop’ solution for your technical needs

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006

Advisory Centre Korea : 본 책자는 산림보존에 기여하며, 환경보호 단체가 추천하는 종이를 사용하였습니다.


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

Regulation :

# Editorial

GO FIRST! GO STRONG! The world’s demand for ENERGY will only increase in the unforeseeable future. At the same time, the need for choosing sustainable technology that will help reducing the environmental impact from use of energy is a must. This growing demand for energy mixed with the need for reduced environmental impact implies a constant need for innovation, and DNV is through involvement with the ENERGY Industry heavily engaged in developing new technologies, methodologies, and services. DNV has joined forces with many companies and organizations that want to GO FIRST and become market leaders in their fields, and we are continuously looking for new joint industry development projects where the industry can work together setting new standards and help shaping the future. GO FIRST could also mean Harvest First. GO STRONG relates to developing Business Strength, and in the ENERGY industry this has many dimensions. It is how you identify opportunities. It is how you balance risk and returns. It is how you manage these risks in the face of growing complexity. It is how you push technology boundaries safely and cost efficiently. It is how you step up to increasing environmental requirements and expectations. It is how you operate in a truly global arena.

Paal Johansen Vice President & Regional Manager for Region Korea & Japan

“DNV will GO FIRST with the market leaders to GO STRONG in developing their business strength.” DNV Korea has over the last couple of years invested in human resources in the ENERGY sector in Korea in order to be present in a market having a global impact on future developments in the Energy sector, and our Advisory Centre in Pusan as well as our Cleaner Energy Unit in Korea are taking a lead in this respect. The Cleaner Energy Unit has a main focus on Wind Energy Services, Carbon Capture and Storage, Power Generation and Transmission, and DNV is making bold moves in Korea to work closely with the industry in supporting the “Low Carbon, Green Growth” policies. The Refining and Petrochemical industries face an increasingly challenging level of stakeholder expectations. Companies must produce fuels and chemicals at a reasonable cost, while consistently operating in a safe and socially responsible manner. Korean Engineering companies are investing and selling their services not only in Korea, but also in other countries. In particular Korean engineering companies have won many contracts in the Middle East, and DNV is working as a partner for some of these companies. DNV’s service delivery is supporting such projects in all phases from Strategy into Feasibility, Design, Construction, Installation & Commissioning, Operation & Life Extension, and finally possible Decommissioning of plants. DNV Korea is through continuous work with partners in the Energy Sector developing Business Strength and GOING STRONG. DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# News in Korea

DNV supports Hyundai Heavy Industries for the world’s largest cylindrical FPSO project DNV Korea will provide supports in global engineering of the main hull structures for the world’s largest cylindrical FPSO, Sevan 1000, which will be constructed by Hyundai Heavy Industries. The FPSO is scheduled to be delivered to Eni Norge AS and installed in Goliat Field, Norway by end of 2013. DNV has experience of classifying Sevan designed cylindrical FPSOs and they are currently operating in Brazil (Sevan Piranema) and the North Sea (Sevan 300). DNV Korea는 현대중공업이 노르웨이의 Eni Norge AS사에서 수주한 원통형 FPSO, Sevan 1000에 대한 선체 설계 컨설팅 서비스를 제공한 다. 이번에 현대중공업에서 수주한 원통형 FPSO는 세계 최대 규모로 2013년 말에 노르웨이의 골리앗 유전 지역에 설치될 예정이다. DNV 는 이전에도 Sevan 사에서 디자인한 FPSO (현재 브라질에 있는 Sevan Piranema와 북해에 있는 Sevan 300)에 대한 선급 업무를 한 경 험이 있다.

DNV to develop EHSQ evaluation tool for Korea Gas Corporation DNV Korea will design and develop an EHSQ (Environment, Health, Safety, Quality) evaluation tool for Korea Gas Corporation. This EHSQ evaluation tool is for an internal evaluation purpose of Korea Gas Corporation (KOGAS). DNV will customize the evaluation tool to fit just for Korea Gas Corporation’s EHSQ system which will enable our client to see the evaluation results in quantitative data. Through this tailor-made EHSQ system evaluation tool, KOGAS will be able to measure the efficiency of their system and seek proper improvements. DNV Korea는 한국가스공사에 당사 EHSQ (안전, 보건, 환경, 품질) 시스템을 평가하는 프로그램을 설계하고 개발하는 서비스를 제공한다. DNV가 한국가스공사를 위해 개발하는 EHSQ 평가 프로그램은 현재 전세계적으로 사용되고 있는 정량적 평가시스템을 도입한 것으로, 한국가스공사의 EHSQ 경영시스템을 객관적이고 효율적으로 평가할 수 있도록 특별히 고안하였다. 현재 진행되고 있는 평가시스템의 개발은 공기업 최초로 도입되는 세계적 선진 안전보건 관련 정량적 평가 시스템으로 가스공사의 EHSQ 시스템에 큰 기여 를 할 것이라고 판단된다.

DNV conducts a HSE study for BS-132 project of SK E&C DNV Korea signed a contract with SK E&C for conducting a HSE study for new booster station BS-132 in Kuwait. SK E&C will build a boosting station, BS-132, and connect the boosting station with another boosting station, BS-131, by using pipelines. The completion of this construction is expected to improve the efficiency of gas compressors around the northern oil field of Kuwait. DNV Korea가 SK 건설이 쿠웨이트 국영석유회사인 KOC로부터 수주한 플랜트 공사에서 HSE Study를 실시하는 컨설팅 기관으로 선정되었다. DNV가 HSE study를 실시하게 될 플랜트 는, SK 건설이 신설하는 가압장설비 BS-132로 인근의 원유집하 시설과 또 다른 기존 가압장 (BS-131)을 파이프라인으로 연결하는 공사까지 포함하고 있다. BS-132는 쿠웨이트 시티 로부터 북쪽으로 약 95km 떨어진 유전지역에 하루 가스 처리 용량, 2억 5천만 입방피트 규모로 신설될 예정이며 이번 공사로 인해 쿠웨이트 북부 유전지대인의 가스압축 설비 운전성 이 더욱 개선될 전망이다. 4

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

# News in Korea

Launching of CCS Value Chain Guidelines

Subsea Structure for Offshore Wind Turbine Seminar

DNV launched four significant Carbon Capture and Storage guideline, CO2QUALSTORE. The CO2QUALSTORE guideline covers CO2 geological storage specifically. Other parts of the CCS value chain are addressing qualification of CO2 capture technology, safe reliable and cost effective transmission of CO2 in pipelines, and requalification of wells for CO2 injection.

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea delivered seminars on the subsea structure for offshore wind turbine in Seoul and Pusan to major local wind turbine manufacturers. While DNV introduced its line of services in wind turbine sector, many of clients were interested in certification and design verification service on the wind turbine foundation structure. DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas는 국내 주요 풍

DNV는 탄소 포집 및 저장 기술에 대한 지침서, CO2QUALSTORE

력 발전기 제조회사들을 상대로 해상풍력발전기의 해저

를 발표했다. CO2QUALSTORE는 모두 4개 섹션으로 나뉘어져,

하부구조물에 대한 세미나를 서울과 부산에서 실시하였다.

탄소 저장에 적합한 지리학적 조건, 포집 관련 기술, 파이프라인을

DNV는 풍력발전기 및 풍력발전 산업에 대한 다양한

통한 안전하고 비용 효율적인 운반, 그리고 탄소 저장 기술을 포함하

서비스를 소개하였으며, 자리에 참석했던 관계자들은

는, 탄소 포집 및 저장에 관련된 모든 과정에 대한 가이드라인을

풍력발전기 해저하부구조물에 대한 인증 및 설계검사

제시하고 있다.

에 대한 서비스에 높은 관심을 보였다.

DNV Cleaner Energy takes part in Korea’s major Tidal Current Energy project

DNV introduces a new container ship concept ‘Quantum’

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas in Korea will be part of the biggest tidal current energy project in Korea initiated by Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. This tidal project is part of the renewable energy technology development projects and total of around 16 billion K Won is invested from governments and private corporations. DNV will conduct design evaluation and performance test and provide technology qualification service.

Quantum is the name of a new container ship concept introduced by DNV. The new concept is based on both technical and market research and innovation and is designed to transport more cargo while using less fuel and with a reduced environmental impact. An extended presentation of the new container ship concept is published in Container Ship Update and can be studied by following the URL link.

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea가 현대중공업에서 주관하

DNV(Det Norket Veritas, 노르웨이 선급협회)에서는 신개념 컨테이너선을 선보였다. 퀀텀 (Quantum)

는 MW급 단지용 조류발전시스템 개발 프로젝트에 참여한다. 신재생

으로 불리는 신개념 컨테이너선은 기술 및 시장 조사와 다년간의 연구를 바탕으로 이루어진 것으로, 보다

에너지 기술개발 사업의 일환으로 시행되는 이번 프로젝트는 정부 출

적은 연료로 많은 화물을 선적하고 환경 오염의 정도를 낮춘 차세대 친환경 선박이다.


연금과 기업 민간 부담금을 합하여 약 160억원 규모로 진행 될 것이 며, DNV는 조류발전시스템 성능시험 및 평가기술 개발과 관련한 인증 서비스를 제공할 예정이다. DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# News in Korea

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas in Korea opens ‘DNV Academy’ in Mokpo National University On March, Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas in Korea opened ‘DNV Academy’ in Mokpo National University and started to provide training programs to students regarding wind turbine type and project certification. DNV will be the first certification organization to co-initiate a wind turbine technology training program with a national education body in Korea. DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea는 해상풍력분야의 인재 양성을 위한 DNV 아카데미를 목포대학교에 개설하고, 3월 29일 목포 대학교에서 관계자들과 함께 개소식을 가졌다. 아카데미의 개설과 함께, DNV는 앞으로 4년간 풍력 발전의 형식 및 프로젝트 인증과 관 련하여 여러가지 교육 프로 그램을 제공해나갈 예정이다. Related link: http://owec.mokpo.ac.kr

DNV Software User Workshop – Sesam – Korea 2010

DNV Software Safeti Introductory Seminar

DNV Software Korea has organized Sesam workshop under new title “DNV Software User Workshop Sesam - Korea 2010”.

The Safeti Introductory Seminar was held on 24-25 in Seoul. This seminar was hosted jointly by DNV Software and UIT Inc. The huge progress in the features of the latest version of Phast and Phast Risk, and the Maros software for RAM studies impressed the attendees. Safeti products for QRA and the Performance Forecating software were presented along with AIMS.

DNV 아카데미는 한국 해양대학 인재양성 센터의“글로벌 리더 해양플랜트 인재양성 전략”의 일환으로

DNV Software는 올해에도 부산

DNV Software는 서울에서 Safeti

해양플랜트 관련 기술축척과 해양플랜트 전문가 배출을 위한 체계적인 교육을 시행하였다. 이번 교육에

에서 Sesam 워크샵을 개최하고

세미나를 UIT와 공동으로 개최

서는 해양산업의 실태와 해양기술의 전반적인 개념과 배경 및 해양 플랜트의 설계, 건조기술의 기본개념, 각

보다 많은 고객들과 소통할 수

하고 Safeti 제품 및 AIMS등을

종 해양 플랜트에 적용하는 법규와 요구사항 등의 특징을 위주로 알아보았다.

있는 기회를 마련하였다.


Korea Maritime University GLOPEC (Global Leading Offshore Plant Education Centre) Offshore Training DNV Academy in Korea has made an MOU with Korea Maritime University to provide offshore trainings. Experienced trainers and engineers trained students in GLOPEC covering following topics: basic design and building process of offshore structures (MODU, FPSO, Drillship, FLNG, FSRU, Windmill, and etc) and related rules and regulations applied (IMO conventions, Class Rules, Norwegian shelf state legislations, NORSOK standards, etc).


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

# News in Korea

Annual Business for Environment Global Summit Business executives from the world’s largest global companies, governments, international agencies, and civil society leaders were gathered at the 4th annual Business for Environment Global Summit (“B4E”), held in Seoul, Korea during 22nd and 23rd of April, to discuss about imminent issues regarding our environment, resources and energy efficiency, and possible solutions to foster the global green growth. In this year’s summit, DNV was the only class invited and had an opportunity to speak up about our effort to speeding up the global transition to renewable energy.

Link: http://www.b4esummit.com/

지난 4월 21에서 23일까지 사흘간에 걸쳐 제 4차 B4E (환경을 위한 글로벌 기업 정상회의)가 서울 코엑스에서 열렸다. DNV는 올해 B4E 정상회의에 선급으로는 유일하게 초대 되어 신재생 에너지의 필요성을 강조하고 정부 및 산업계의 적극적인 방안 마련이 시급함을 역설했다.

7th DNV International Safety Forum

2010 Korea Technical Committee Meeting Korea Technical Committee meeting was held April 30th and May 1st at Pusan. In this year’s meeting, a new chairman, Mr. Lee Young Man, Senior Executive Vice President of DSME, was elected as a new chairman.

The 7th Loss Control Manager (LCM) Forum was held at Pusan in June, 2010. This year’s forum covered the topics including ISRS™, Safety Culture, MSRT (Management System Rating Tool), Asset Integrity Management System, Safety Integrity Level, and best HSE cases.

2010 DNV MED Seminar On March 16th, 2010 DNV MED (Wheel Mark) 5th Amendments Technical Seminar was held at Chosun Beach Hotel in Pusan. This year, the seminar was mainly focused in presenting technical issues and requirements of MED 5th Amendment which will be mandatorily applied from April 7th of this year and the supplementary details to MED 4th Amendment in 2008 and 2008/67/EC.

제 7차 DNV International Safety Forum이 지난 5월 부산 DNV 트레이닝 센터에서 열렸다. 올해 Forum에서는 기업의 건정성 향상을 위한 선진 안전 프로그램 (ISRS™, 안전문화), MSRT, 자산

2010 KTC 회의가 4월 30일과 5월 1일 양일간에 걸쳐 부산에서 열렸

2010년 MED 세미나가 3월 16일 부산 조선호텔에서 열렸다. 이번

보전 관리를 위한 종합 검사, 사업

다. 올해 KTC에서는 대우조선해양의 이영만 부사장이 새로 회장직을

기술 설명회에서는 2010년 4월 7일 부터 적용되는 MED 5th Amendment

장 HSE 우수 사계 발표 및 장치산

맡게 되었다.

요구사항과 그와 연관된 기술 및 2008년 MED 4th Amendment,

업에서의 효율적인 SIL 평가 운영

2008/67/EC의 보완 사항들이 발표되었다.

등의 주제들이 다루어졌다. DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# New Services

New Services ECA compliance Extended Dry Docking service Easy access to DNV rules and standards

DNV launched an ECA Survival Kit 200마일까지 ECA로 지정된바 있다. 그 외 다른 지역들,

Emission Control Areas (ECAs) have already been established in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and will be enforced along the North American coastlines. Other areas, such as the Mediterranean Sea, are expected to follow in the near future. The fuel sulfur content of any ship in an ECA after 2015 cannot exceed 0.1% or the exhaust gas must be purified to an equivalent level. And after 2016 NOx emissions from newbuilds must be reduced by approx. 75%. Compliance will become a ticket to trade in ECAs.

legislation into business benefits. Access to DNV’s repository of maritime expertise and a range of services is included in the survival kit. By following a process phase scheme, ship owners will be well prepared for the forthcoming ECA requirements.

DNV advised operators to start preparing now to turn the upcoming 2015 and 2016

발트해와 북해는 이미 배기가스 통제지역 (ECAs)으로 지정

및 해운 관계자들이 보다 체계적인 방법으로 새로운 법규에

되었고, 지난 MPEC 60차 회의에서 미국과 캐나다 연안

철저히 대비할 수 있도록 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있다.

특히 지중해는 빠른 시일내에 ECA 권역안에 들어갈 것이 다. 2015년 이 후, ECA 지역 안에서 항해하는 모든 선박은 연료의 황 함유량이 0.1%를 초과해서는 안되며, 배기가스 는 이와 같은 수준으로 정화되어야 한다. 2016년부터는 새로 건조되는 모든 선박들이 질산화물 배출량을 약 75% 가량 낮추어야 한다.

The process phrase scheme: 1. Opportunity and risk identification 2. Strategy and planning 3. Implementation 4. Validation and documentation

DNV는 모든 해운 및 조선 관계자들에게 2015년과 2016 년부터 발효되는 ECA 법규에 대비할 것을 강력히 권고하 고 있다. 이와 관련하여, DNV는 관계자들이 새로운 ECA 법규에 효율적으로 대비할 수 있도록 'Survival Kit' 를 출시 하였다. DNV는 최근 출시된 ECA Survival Kit 를 통해 선주


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

ECA compliance Extended Dry Docking service Easy access to DNV rules and standards

없이 통과한 선박에 대해 입거 검사를 5년에서 7.5년으 로 연장하는 서비스를 적용할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 입거검사 연장 서비스에 해당되는 선박은 선박의 상태에 따라 적용 여부가 결정되겠지만, 여객선과 Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP)에 해당하는 선박들은 SOLAS 협약과 IMO Res.A.744(18)에 의해 서비스 대상에서 제외 된다. 또한 건조된 지 15년이 넘은 선박도 서비스에서 제외된다. 입거검사 연장 서비스는 다음과 같은 조건들을 만족한 선박들에 대해 시행된다: * 선박의 외부 bottom survey (선저검사)는 법규상 명 시되어 있는 필수 조건이므로, 연장 서비스 허가에

DNV now offers an Extended Dry Docking Service DNV recently launched service that extends periods between bottom surveys in dry dock for eligible ships to 7.5 year, provided that the consecutive in-water bottom surveys are conducted with satisfactory results during the intervening period.

• A regular maintenance and replacement of cathodic protection anodes must made

In order to be accepted for the scheme, following conditions must be met: • As the inspection outside of the ship’s bottom is a part of statutory requirements, acceptance from the Flag administration must be obtained • The ship must be provided with a high quality underwater coating designed to last for the extended period • The ship must comply with the in-water survey provisions in accordance with DNV Rules for BIS notation • The ship must have a shafting arrangement fulfilling the requirement for tailshaft monitoring • A good coating condition (both external and within the ballast tanks) must be maintained

가 견고히 되어 있어야 한다 * 선박은 DNV 룰의 BIS notation에 맞게 in-water survey를 받아야 한다 * 선박은 tailshaft monitoring의 규제에 맞게 shafting arrangement가 되어 있어야 한다 * 외부 및 밸러스트 수 탱크의 코팅 상태가 양호하게

DNV는 해당되는 선박에 대해 입거검사 및 수리 기간을 7.5년으로 연장하는 서비스를 소개하였다. DNV는 중간

Eligibility of vessels will be decided on a caseby-case basis, however, as a general rule, passenger vessels and ships subject to Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) will not be accepted for the scheme due to SOLAS regulations and IMO Res.A.744(18). Also no vessel over 15 years of age can participate in the programme.

대한 기국(Flag State)의 승인이 반드시 필요하다 * 선박은 연장된 기간만큼 견딜 수 있도록 코팅 처리

에 시행되는 in-water bottom survey (수중검사)를 무리

관리되어야 한다. * Cathodic protection anode에 대한 정기적인 관리와 교체가 이루어져야 한다.

ECA compliance Extended Dry Docking service Easy access to DNV rules and standards

Free On-line access to DNV Rules and Standards Almost all DNV service documents (Rules, Standards, Guidelines, Offshore codes, etc.) are now available to our customers for free online.

거의 모든 DNV 서비스 문서들 (Rules, Standards, Guidelines, Offshore code 등)이 이제 고객들에게 온라인으로 무료 제공된다.

Printing has been stopped for all documents except the Rules to encourage environmentally use. From now on, the electronic pdf version of the service documents is the officially binding document.

DNV는 환경 문제를 고려하여 모든 문서들에 대한 종이 인쇄를 중단하였으며, DNV에서 웹사이트를 통하여 게재하는 모든 서비스 문서들은 공식적으로 유효한 문서들이다.

Please refer to following link for the DNV Rules and Standards. http://www.dnv.com/resources/rules_standards/

DNV의 Rule 및 Standard 열람은 DNV 사이트를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다. http://www.dnv.com/resources/rules_standards/ DNV 한국사이트 www.dnv.co.kr을 참고 하셔도 됩니다.

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Advisory Centre Korea

DNV Advisory Centre Korea Aiming to be ‘One-Stop’ solution for your technical needs

DNV Korea has provided a wide range of consulting service in commercial, operational, and technology management for the maritime industry. However as the business environment becomes more complicated everyday and as DNV sees great opportunities in the energy sector, DNV has decided to expand its line of services to offer more complete and integrated services to our customers in maritime, energy, and Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) industries. Now the section for Technology Service, Risk & Maritime Solutions department, Loss Control Management (LCM), and DNV Academy are working under one roof, Advisory Centre Korea. With Advisory Centre Korea, DNV is determined to provide the most advanced technical support and offer ‘one-stop’ solutions to your technical needs.


nology Service & Risk /Maritime Solutions

Both maritime and energy industries are business with many variables and risks that needs to be considered and managed. To achieve successful management, strategic, technical, and operational issues should be handled in an integrated way. This is when the sound technical and operational support might come handy. And the growing focus on sustainable business adds even more attractiveness to getting a reliable and expert consultation from a specialist who knows ‘how to help’. 10

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

On top of the maritime technical consulting service DNV Korea previously offered, we now are offering our resources and expertise in energy sector also. From ship structural technical support to various risk assessments for the offshore industry, DNV Advisory Centre aims to be your most trusted partner in providing right technical and operational supports in both maritime and energy sectors.

조선 및 에너지 산업은 예상치 못한 변수와 위험 요소들이 곳곳에 내제되어 있는 산업이

DNV Korea는 이미 유수의 조선 산업 관계자들에게 다양한 컨설팅 서비스를 제공해

다. 이러한 산업에서 성공적으로 사업을 이끌어가기 위해선 전략, 기술, 운영 등 모든

왔다. 최근에는 에너지 산업이 빠르게 변화하고 성장해 나가고 있는 점을 직시하고,

분야에서 내제되어 있는 위험요소를 효과적으로 관리하고 제거해야 한다. 예상치 못한

Advisory Centre를 설립하여 조선에 이어 에너지 산업으로까지 컨설팅 서비스를 확대해

변수와 쉽게 보이지 않는 위험요소를 어떻게 통합적이고 효율적으로 관리하느냐에 따라

나가고 있다. 선박 구조의 기술적 자문에서부터 해양플랜트 산업의 Risk assessment

사업의 성과가 달라질 것이다. 기술적 요소 및 운영 효율성에 대한 컨설팅은 바로 이

까지, DNV Advisory Centre는 고객들이 기술 지원 및 자문 서비스를 가장 필요로 하는

부분에 대해 많은 해답을 제공할 수 있는 서비스이다.

부문에 있어 컨설팅을 포함한 다양한 기술 개발/자문 서비스를 제공하고 있다.

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Advisory Centre Korea

Technology Service & Risk / Maritime Solutions

Advisory Centre에서 제공하는 서비스 - CSR Tanker FEA / CSR Bulk Carrier FEA - LNG & FLNG FEA - Car carrier FEA - Fatigue analysis - CAS-2 type analysis - Sloshing - Iceberg analysis - New B type LNG concept study - Liquid CO2 carrier - Fuel cell technology - Winterization and emergency evacuation - Noise and vibration analysis - Offshore engineering

LCM (Loss Control Management) Services

Complete Services offer in LCM:

DNV has been a global leader in the development of robust risk based assessment and decision support methods. DNV Korea has been providing SHE risk based consulting service and training service to all kinds of industries in Korea for many years. As far as experience and technical knowledge is concerned, DNV Korea is the only internationally recognized organization to provide such service in accordance with global standards. Now within Advisory Centre Korea, we will also expand our service area to environmental assessment and emergency preparedness / response related to oil spill contingency analysis, spill preparedness and response planning, and etc.

- Topside engineering (risk, safety, FMEA, etc) - Environment shipping - Propulsion & machinery trouble study - Energy management

DNV는 리스크 (위험요소) 평가 및 개선 방안 제안 및 개발 에 있어 선구자적인 역할을 수행해 왔다. DNV Korea는 국내 모든 산업의 기업들들 대상으로 다년간 SHE 과 관련

- Operation Excellence

한 위험 기반 컨설팅 서비스 및 교육을 제공해왔다. 이 산

- Safety Excellence

업군에 대한 경험 및 기술에 있어, DNV Korea는 현재

- Risk Assessment - Risk Management – TMSA, QRA, RBI, RCM - Hull Integrity - Rotating Machinery - SeaSkill

LCM에서 제공하는 서비스 • ISRS™: International Sustainability Rating System (ex-International Safety Rating System) • Management Systems and Performance Measures • Loss Control Management Training (MSM, PAI, TRA, SBM etc) • Emergency Planning and Accident Investigation • Risk Assessment (QRA, RBI, SIL, Reliability etc) • Human Factors and Safety Culture • Operations Safety

Synergy effect with Academy DNV Academy was the first and the only one to offer practical trainings in most comfortable facilities. With number of external and internal trainings done in Academy, the resources we have in our Academy will work as a synergy effect when combined with the research and studies done in other sections of Advisory Centre, thus letting our customers to experience better quality services.

국제 규정을 바탕으로 SHE 관리 서비스를 제공하는 국제 적으로 인정받는 기관이다. DNV는 환경평가와 함께 원유/

DNV 아카데미는 현재 국내에서 유일한 실무 교육 기관으

정유 누출 평가와 관련한 비상 대책 마련 등에 대한 서비

로 자리 매김하고 있다. DNV는 아카데미에서 제공하고 있

스를 제공하고 있다. 이러한 서비스를 기반으로, DNV는

는 내부 및 외부 교육 과정들과 Advisory Centre에서 진행

고객들의 사업 실적 개선은 물론, 환경 보호와 함께 고객의

되고 있는 여러 연구 과제들을 함께 접목하여, 고객들에게

기업 이미지를 개선시키는데 끊임없이 노력할 것이다.

보다 수준 높은 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 노력하고 있다.

Focusing on the market :

Seminars on NORSOK & N-Notation

Strengthened courses in DNV Academy


dvisory Centre Korea has delivered

Reinforcement of Offshore Courses

• • • • •

3019 Drillship Hull 3020 Drillship System 3021 FLNG Hull 3022 FLNG System 3023 Wind Turbine

System Course Extension of Course Period

• 1002 System General & Statutory (2 days 3 days) • 2004 Mach. Piping & Statutory Design (2 days 3 days)

NORSOK & N-Notation seminars to

the customers who requested the service. With strong experience in NORSOK & N-Notation, DNV gives an understanding of the background of the NORSOK &

MOU (In-house) Training

Maximizing Learning

Reinforcement of Maker Courses

4101 Steel Structure, Maker 4102 Piping & Outfitting, Maker 4103 Material Technology, Maker – Welding, NDT 4104 Material Technology, Maker – Forged, Casting 4200 Coating Technology & IMO PSPC

• 1001 Hull Structure & Strength - Concept & Rules • 2008 Electric Design • 3009 Offshore - Safety Evaluation of Process System

* For enrollment or any inquiry, please contact DNV Academy. Tel: +82 (0)51 610 7733 / E-mail: Academy.Korea@dnv.com


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

are developed and maintained. For more information on NORSOK & N-Notation, please contact Advisory Centre Korea.

All time bestsellers

• • • • •

N-Notation regimes and how standards

Advisory Centre Korea에서는 NORSOK 와 N-Notation에 대한 세미나를 원하는 고객들에 한해 개최하고 있습니다. NORSOK 및 N-Notation 규정과 관련한 DNV 서비스 및 세미나에 대해 궁금하신 사항은 Advisory Centre로 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.

DNV offering better service in EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) market* Within the energy sector, DNV is a leading professional service provider in safeguarding and improving business performance, assisting energy companies along the entire value chain from concept selection through exploration, production, transportation, refining and distribution.

The first half of year 2010 looked brighter than ever for Korea with its 40 billion USD deal to build and operate nuclear power plants for UAE. Korea’s construction export market volume has been amounted to 36.4 billion USD in the first half of 2010, almost three times the volume of the same period in last year. With more projects rushing in

2010 년은 UAE 원전 수주가 이루어지면서 어느 때보다

from the Middle East, the construction export market

큰 기대감으로 함께 시작한 해였다. 2010년 상반기 한국의

is expected to continue its boom.

해외건설 수주는 364억불로 전년 동기의 3배 가까운 실적

DNV’s HSE Services for EPC companies in Korea

을 기록했으며, 산유국을 중심으로 한 발주 증가 추세가


The foreign construction business is where many

지속되면서 수주실적에 대한 기대감이 높아지고 있는 상

• SIL (Safety Integrity Level)

unexpected and unforeseeable risks exist. To


• QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment)

succeed in the market, our customers must

• FAR (Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment)

understand the importance of right risk

해외 건설 사업은 그 어느 산업보다도 다양한 위험요소가

management. DNV has years of experience all over

내제되어 있는 산업이다. 이 시장에서 성공적으로 프로젝

the world in various risk management projects.

트를 이끌어 나가기 위해선, 무엇보다도 위험요소를 정확

While Korea’s EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and

히 파악하고 체계적으로 관리해야 한다. DNV는 많은 지역

Construction) companies are moving aggressively

에서 다양한 Risk Management 프로젝트를 진행해 왔으며,

• Dangerous Materials Study

into the global market, DNV can assist these

현재 최대 수주실적 달성으로 한창 기대감이 고조되어

• RBI (Risk Based Inspection)

companies with variety of services to help them

있는 국내 EPC 산업에도 DNV만의 전문적인 서비스를 제

• MCA (Material Corrosion Audit) & CRA

manage the risks more effectively.

공하고 있다.

• RAM (Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) • PHSER (Project Health, Safety and Environment Review)

(Corrosion Risk Assessment) • RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance)

DNV Advisory Centre Korea now has LCM (Loss

한국에 있는 LCM (Loss Control Management) 팀은 국내

Control Management) team working in Korea to

EPC 사들이 보다 편리하고 빠른 서비스를 받을 수 있도록

assist our local EPC players more conveniently. With

노력할 것이다. 국내에 상주하는 전문가들은 전 세계에 펴

• Environmental Permitting Assistance

our global networks of technical specialists in various

져 있는 DNV의 전문 엔지니어들과 함께 국내 EPC사들이

• Operations Assurance

areas, our local LCM consultants can help you do

해외에서 성공적으로 프로젝트를 이끌어 나갈수 있도록

• Air Dispersion Modelling

your business in more efficient way and assist you

다양한 HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) 서비스를 제

• Emergency Response Plan, Environmental

closely with your needs.

공하고 있다.

• EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) & Noise Control Study

Review, etc * For more information, please contact LCM team. Tel: 02-755-7077 DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Regulation

The Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

The Maritime Labour Convetion 2006 is expected to enter into force in 2011. Procedures and measures have to be developed, implemented and checked in order to ensure compliance. Staff must be informed and trained. Inspections have to be done and a certification issued. Those not meeting the requirements will have difficulty in trading and in today’s world where we all are looking for safe, secure, and effective solutions.

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Regulation



It is an important new international labour Convention that was adopted by the International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), under article 19 of its Constitution at a maritime session in February 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. It sets out seafarer’s rights to decent conditions of work and helps to create conditions of fair competition for shipowners. The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 has been designed to become a global legal instrument that, once it enters into force, will be the ‘fourth pillar’ of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, complementing the key Conventions of the IMO.

When? The Convention will enter into force one year after ratification by at least: • 30 ILO member states, and • 33% of world tonnage With the ratifications of Liberia, Marshall islands, and the Bahamas, and the intended deadline set by the EU (which will impact the European Economic Area Countries), the Convention will most likely enter into force in 2011.

Who? MLC 2006 certificates will be required for all ships of: • 500 gross tonnage or over, engaged in international voyages; and

• 500 gross tonnage or over, flying the flag of a Member (ratifying country) and operating from a port, or between ports, in another country Ships from non-ratifying states shall be met by the “No more favourable treatment” ensuring inspections for compliance on such ships. Inspection will be carried out for: 1. Ships where Maritime Labour Certificate (MLC) are required, i.e. above 500 gross tonnage engaged in international voyages or flying the flag of a Member and operating from a port, or between ports, in another country. 2. Ships where inspection are required, but not MLC, i.e. ships below 500 gross tonnage that flying the flag of a Member. 3. Ships from non-ratifying states and where the ship owner wants inspection.

Organisation for the Convention, providing services as: • Inspection • Certification In addition, during newbuilding phrase, DNV may issue statement of compliance according to MLC 2006 regulation 3.1.

2006 해사노동협약 2011년부터 발효될 것으로 예상되는 2006 해사노동협약 에 대해 국내 선사들의 대비책 마련이 시급한 시점이다. 선원들의 근로환경 향상에 이바지하고 국제적 기준에 근거 한 공정한 경쟁을 확립하는데 의의를 둔 2006 해사노동협 약과 관련하여, 선사들은 어떤 준비를 해야하며 알아두어 야 할 사항들은 무엇이 있을까? 2006 해사노동협약은…

DNV MLC 2006 Service

2006 해사노동협약은 국제해사기구의 SOLAS 협약,

DNV already have services available to assist our customers in handling the Convention. Applicable DNV services for MLC 2006 are: • Information and seminars • Training of people involved in the implementation and enforcement of MLC 2006 • Voluntary certification • Gap anlaysis • Certification of crew manning offices

STCW 협약 및 MARPOL 협약에 버금가는 제 4의 핵심 협 약으로서 해사노동과 관련한 국제적인 표준 기준을 확립 한 것이다. 2006년 해사노동협약은 선원의 근로환경 향상 에 대한 국제적인 기준을 확립한 것으로, 2006년 스위스 제네바에서 개최된 제94차 국제노동총회에서 주요 쟁점사 항에 관한 합의를 도출하여 채택되었다. 발효 시점과 현재 상황은… 2006년 해사노동협약은 세계 총선복량의 33% 이상을 구 성하는 30개국 이상의 회원국이 비준서를 등록한 날로부 터 12개월 후에 발효하는 것으로 규정하고 있는데, 현재

In due time we also expect to be a Recognised

라이베리아, 마샬 군도, 그리고 바하마가 비준했으며, 27 개국의 EU국가와 주요 편의치적국 등이 비준할 경우 발효 요건이 충족될 것으로 예상되고 있다. ILO에서 예상하고 있는 발효요건 충족 시기는 2010년 말이며, 발효 최종시 점은 2011년 말로 예상되고 있다. 적용대상은… 2006년 해사노동협약은 다음과 같은 모든 선박에 적용될 예정이다; -- 국제운항을 하는 500GT 이상의 선박 -- 다른 국가의 항구에서 영업활동을 하는 500GT 이 상의 비준국적선 비(非)비준국적선은“보다 유리한 대우를 받지 못하도록 하는 조약 (no more favourable treatment)"의 원칙에 따라 2006년 해사노동협약 조건을 갖추고 이에 대한 검사를 받 아야한다. 검사 적용 대상은: -- 2006년 해사노동협약이 적용되는 모든 선박 -- 2006년 해사노동협약이 적용되지 않지만 (500GT 미만의 비준국적선), 검사가 적용되는 선박


DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

-- 비(非)비준국적선으로 해당 선주가 해사노동협약 조건 검사를 요구하는 선박 DNV에서 제공하는 2006 해사노동협약 관련 서비스 DNV는 이미 선사들에게 다음과 같은 2006 해사노동협약 관련 서비스를 제공하고 있다: -- 중요 쟁점 사안 설명 및 세미나 개최 -- 2006 해사노동협약 실행 및 적용 과정에 대한 교육 -- Voluntary MLC Certification -- Gap Analysis (현상황과 새로운 조항 실행시 야기 되는 차이점 분석) -- Crew Manning Office에 대한 인증 DNV는 해사노동협약 비준국의 인증검사 대행기관이 될

The areas that must be inspected and found to



meet national laws and regulations or other


On-board recreational facilities

measures implementing the requirements of the

10. Food and catering

Convention before a MLC can be issued are:

11. health and safety and accident prevention


Minimum age


Medical certification


Qualifications of seafarers


Seafarers’ employment agreements


Use of any licensed or certified or regulated

Requirement related to ship construction and equipment apply only to ships constructed on or after the date MLC 2006 comes into force. Construction date = when its keel is laid

private recruitment and placement service

12. On-board medical care


Hours of work or rest

13. On-board complaint procedures


Manning levels for the ship

14. Payment of wages

것으로 확신하며, 검사 및 인증 서비스를 제공할 것이다.

Primorsk Shipping Corporation* Primorsk Shipping Corporation, a crew manning office in Russia, has been certified by DNV for its Private Recruitment and Placement Services in compliance with Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. Currently 38 crew manning offices are certified by DNV. Among these 38 crew manning offices, Primorsk is the second crew manning office certified in compliance with the MLC 2006 after OSM Norway AS in 2008.


Wan Sik Eum, Customer Service Manager, who did the system review and implementation audit for Primorsk, says, “Primorsk was well aware of

the MLC 2006 requirements and they were fast in upgrading their system. It is encouraging to see the crew manning office proactively preparing for the changes in the Convention which will eventually be required for all ship to satisfy mandatorily in near future.”

Mr. Eum contitnues, “Information and training are key elements in order for the shipowner to handle their responsibilities and they will remain responsible even with our assistance. We do believe that most shipowners will have procedures in place for most of the Convention requirements, but some updating and some new procedures will most likely be necessary. We do not recommend duplication of procedures, but it is important that procedures cover requirements and that they are easily available, understood and implemented by those responsible for and involved in implementation. We do believe that a gap analysis is a good start.” “We do believe that most owners will benefit from voluntary certification. That certification will be limited to convention requirements (it will not cover Flag State requirements) and we will issue a DNV document of compliance. Such a document will be transferred into the MLC certificates if and when we become an RO and shipowner procedures and on board conditions are in found to be in accordance with flag State requirements (we will only verify additional requirements and where the flag State deviates from the Convention requirements before issuing the certificates).”

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010



Cleaner Energy

DNV’s new standard for Offshore Wind Turbine Structure As

a result of the globalization of the wind turbine industry during the past decade, both the IEC and ISO have succeeded in developing specific standards for wind turbines and their associated components. However, due to the complex organization during the development phase, the IEC/ISO standards are still limited to principles governing the safety, load, design and type testing of selected components. This is the reason for DNV issuing its own standards which define certification requirements where the IEC and ISO standards are still incomplete. In order to support the wind turbine industry in reliable and cost optimal design, DNV has updated a technical standard for offshore support structures. This has been developed with various experiences of DNV and key industry stakeholders.

DNV – The reliable choice in offshore wind turbine business DNV has provided various services for offshore wind energy industry for over 25 years and has more than 40 years of experience in working with the offshore oil and gas industry. With more than 75% of global offshore wind turbine projects conducted, DNV has played a leading role in offshore wind energy sector, as well as 18

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

supporting governments and regulatory bodies in their planning processes for the offshore wind industry.

발전기 및 풍력발전단지의 안정성 및 효율성을 높이는데 기여하고 있다. 이에 관련하여, DNV는 최근 해상풍력발전기의 하부 구조

DNV’s various offshore wind turbine standards are the most influential standards in current offshore wind turbine market. Currently in Korea, many government institutions and associated companies are requesting JIPs and advisory services to DNV. DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea is currently providing various certification, technology qualification and consulting services such as feasibility study for offshore wind farm, manufacturing evaluation of wind turbine and components, consulting about product quality management, etc including certification of offshore wind turbine and technology qualification about conceptual design of offshore foundation structure to our local clients in wind energy industry.

에 대한 기준을 보완하여 시장에 선보였다. 새로 보완된 하부구조에 관한 기준은 DNV 경험과 기술 그리고 현재 풍력발전산업에서 활동하고 있는 주요 회사들들의 다양한 경험을 바탕으로 개발되게 되었다. DNV는 해상풍력에너지 산업에 있어서 25년이 넘는 경험 과 기술을 가지고 있으며, 해상 원유 및 가스 관련분야에서 40년이 넘은 경험을 바탕으로 다양한 종류의 서비스를 제공해 왔다. DNV는 전세계 약 75%가 넘는 해상 풍력단지 인증 프로젝트를 수행해 왔다. DNV는 해상풍력발전 부분 에 있어서 중요한 위치를 차지하는 동시에, 관련 정부 및 규제 단체들이 향후 해상풍력발전에 대한 정책을 세우는 과정에 참여하고 있다. DNV의 해상 풍력 발전기에 대한 다양한 설계기준은 현재 업계에서 해상풍력발전기에 대한 가장 영향력 있는 기준 으로 통용되고 있으며, DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas가 한국에 진출한 이 후, 국내의 국책연구원들 및 관련

지난 10년간 풍력 에너지 시장은 빠르게 성장하여 이제

기업들과 다양한 협의와 프로젝트를 진행하고 있다. 이와

국제적인 신재생 에너지 시장의 새로운 트랜드로 자리를

관련하여, DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea는

잡아가고 있다. 이러한 세계의 움직임과 함께, IEC와 ISO는

해상용 풍력발전기에 대한 인증과 하부 구조물의 개념설계

국제적으로 통용될 수 있는 풍력발전기술에 대한 기준들을

에 대한 기술검증을 포함하여 해상풍력발전단지에 대한

마련하였다. 그러나 IEC/ISO 기준들은 풍력발전기의 일부

타당성 조사, 풍력발전기를 포함한 주요부품을 생산하는

분에 대한 안전성, 하중, 설계 및 형식 시험에 초점을 두고

시설에 대한 인증 그리고 관련부품의 품질관리를 위한

있는 한계를 가지고 있다. 이러한 한계점을 보완하기 위해

관리표준에 대한 컨설팅 및 교육까지 다양한 인증, 기술

서, DNV는 다양한 자체적 기술기준을 개발하여 풍력

검증 그리고 컨설팅 서비스를 제공하고 있다.

Offshore support structures DNV

-OS-J101 ‘Design of Offshore Wind Turbines Structures’ was issued in 2004 as the first complete standard for the structural design details of the tower, substructure and foundation for offshore wind turbines. This standard is currently being revised according to the feedback on implementation of first edition and to serve as an interpretation of the new IEC 61400-3 standard ‘Design Requirements for Offshore Wind

News DNV obtains accreditation for noise testing of wind turbines

Offshore Standard DNV-OS-J101

Turbines’, which is a development of many of the requirements in the first edition of DNV-OS-J101.

The standard covers design, construction, installation, and inspection of offshore wind turbine structures. The standard is applicable to all types of support structures and foundations for offshore wind turbines.

'해상풍력발전기 하부 구조 설계'에 대한 기준,

This standard gives requirements for the following: · design principles · selection of material and extend of inspection · design loads · load effect analyses · load combinations · structural design · foundation design · corrosion protection

DNV-OS-J101은 2004년 처음 발표되었다. DNV-OS-J101은 해상풍력발전기의 하부구조 및 타워에 대한 세부적 설계 기준을 제시하고 있다. 이번에 새롭게 개정된 DNV-OS-J101은 기존에 처음 발표되었던 기준에 대한 관련기 업 및 조직들의 의견이 반영되었으며, 기존의 DNV OS-J-101의 여러가지 요구사항들을 반 영하여 새롭게 제정된 IEC 61400-3 기준에 대 한 해석도 포함하게 되었다.

DNV Seattle office has been approved for accreditation by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) for acoustic noise emissions testing on wind turbines in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 as per IEC 61400-11. Only a handful of organizations worldwide have achieved accreditation in this area, and DNV is the only private company in the US to have successfully completed this evaluation process. This new accredited service supplements the accredited wind turbine power performance and mechanical loads testing already being conducted by DNV. DNV can rapidly deploy equipment and trained personnel to make accredited acoustic noise measurements on a site where wind turbine acoustic emissions may be of concern. In addition to three areas of accredited testing (turbine power performance, mechanical loads, and now acoustic noise measurements), DNV’s testing group also offers met otwer equipment procurement and installation, custom boom design, special turbine measurements, and other measurement and testing services.

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas in Korea

– The fast and complete solution to your cleaner energy business To serve our customers better, DNV has established

DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea is here

신설했다. DNV의 세계적인 네트워크망과 수십년간

Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea. With our

to save you time and effort.

축적된 경험과 기술을 바탕으로, DNV의 신재생 에너지 관련 전문가들은 국내의 관련기관과 기업들에게

close networks with experts in North America and Europe, our local engineers will support you with

DNV는 빠르게 성장해 나가고 있는 한국의 신재생

풍력 에너지 사업을 포함한 다양한 신재생에너지

your technical, operational, and risk management

에너지 시장에 보다 원활한 서비스를 제공하기 위해

사업에 관련된 여러가지 서비스를 보다 빠르고 쉽게

concerns regarding the cleaner energy business.

Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea를 올해 초에

제공할 수 있도록 노력하고 있다.

DNV Cleaner Energy Services DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea에서는 풍력발전 및 다른 에너지 산업에서 다음과 같은 서비스들을 제공하고 있습니다. Wind/Wave/Tidal Type Certification Project Certification Integrated field development support Feasibility and development support Technology qualification and assessment Testing services / Manufacturing survey Project due diligence

CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) Project risk management SHE Risk management Technology qualification / Verification Project due diligence Quality surveillance and inspection Maintenance management Concept and feasibility studies

LNG and Natural Gas Project due diligence Project risk management SHE Risk management Technology qualification Verification Concept and feasibility studies Environmental impact assessment

Power Generation and Transmission Business case assessment Technology services / Safety studies Project due diligence Risk based maintenance Enterprise risk management Risk analyses and business optimizations studies Maintenance systems and operational excellence

* For more information, please contact DNV Cleaner Energy and Natural Gas Korea. Tel: 051-610-7828 DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Technical issue

LNG -tomorrow’s fuel Increased international and public focus on maritime air emissions gives greater emphasis to the importance of interpretation of new environmental regulations and to ship owner’s responsibilities. Using LNG as fuel is expected to be an attractive solution to these emission challenges.


-A sustainable short sea shipping solution

DNV conducted an interdepartmental innovation project on LNG fuel in autumn 2009, and has presented its findings this year. According to the DNV’s study, LNG-fuelled ships provide clear environmental benefits regarding local emissions and DNV intends to promote LNG further a suitable fuel for short sea shipping. In Norway, LNG-fuelled short sea shipping seems to be financially viable under most 20

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

operational conditions for ship owners operating on fixed routes, such as ferries and liner trade. This is probably the same beyond Norway also, and in other ship segments, along with a developing LNG bunkering market.

Sea Shipping)에서는 가장 효율적이고 친환경적인 교통 수단 이 될 수 있음을 강조한다. 현재 노르웨이에서는 일부 선주들이 페리와 라이너 운송과 같이 정해진 단거리 해로에서는 LNG 연료 선박이 경제적으 로도 이득이 될 수 있을을 인식하고 이 점을 적극 활용하려 는 움직임을 보이고 있다. 물론, 근해 수송이 다른 지역보다

DNV는 2009년 LNG 연료 선박에 대한 연구 프로젝트를

활발히 이루어지고 탄소세도 부과되는 유럽에서 현재 LNG

진행하였으며, 최근 그 결과를 발표했다. DNV에서 시행한

연료 선박에 대한 관심이 뜨거워 지고 있는 것이 사실이지

LNG 연료 선박 프로젝트에서 보여진 결과와 같이, LNG 연료

만, 앞으로 환경 규제가 더 엄격해지고 유가가 오를수록,

선박은 기존의 화석 연료보다 친환경적인 것은 물론, 유럽과

LNG 연료 선박에 대한 관심은 비단 노르웨이 및 유럽에

같이 탄소세가 부과되고 있는 지역에서는 오히려 경제적일

그치지 않고 타지역, 기타 선박 타입에까지 적용되는 방안

수 있다. 따라서 DNV는 LNG 연료 선박이 근해 수송 (Short

으로 발전 될 것이다.

ships on LNG. However, when considering fuelling with LNG there are still technological challenges to be overcome, environmental rules to be assessed, and a need to identify and manage the financial risks. DNV has unique experience within all these subjects and we are always eager to discuss business opportunities with serious parties considering LNG as fuel.

DNV는 LNG연료 선박의 실효성과 안전성에 관련하여 많은 연구를 해왔다. DNV는 LNG 추진(LNG propulsion)에 대한 Rule을 처음으로 개발했으며, DNV에서 개발한 Rule은 IMO 에서 LNG 추진과 관련하여 제정할 IGF 코드에 2012년까지 반영 될 예정이다. 노르웨이 연안 근처의 근해 수송 (Short sea shipping) 산업은 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 현재 노르웨이에서는 총 14대의 선박이 LNG를 연료로 이용하여 운항하고 있으며, 이 LNG 연료 선박들은 모두 DNV로 입급되어 있다. DNV의 LNG 공급, 저장 및 엔진 등에 대한 연구 결과, LNG 는 선박의 안전성, 시장성, 그리고 운항 실효성 등을 고려 하였을 때, 충분히 매력적인 차세대 연료로 사용될 수 있다. 그러나, 아직까지 LNG 연료 선박에 관련하여 기술적으로 보완되어야 할 부분이 많고, 또한 보다 엄격하고 명확한 환경 규제 마련과 그 경제적 가치에 대해서도 보다 많은

DNV – Your preferred partner in LNG-fuelled vessel DNV has taken the leading role in making LNG propulsion safe and viable for vessels operating on LNG fuel. The first rules were developed by DNV and are likely to be implemented into IMO’s new rules for LNG propulsion, the IGF Code, by 2012. It is DNV’s intention to continue to be the primary mover concerning the technical safety of vessels operating with LNG propulsion; moreover DNV also intends to remain a preferred partner for advisory and operational matters.

The number of LNG-fuelled ships in the Norwegian short sea market is growing; there are currently fourteen such vessels that are not LNG carriers. All these were built to DNV class, and we will continue to work hard to remain as a leading class society within LNG-fuelled short sea shipping.

고심이 필요한 것도 사실이다. 이러한 문제점들에도 불구 하고 LNG는 환경문제와 특히 탄소세가 부과되고 있는 유럽 과 같은 지역에서 경제성면에서 해답을 제공할 수 있는 차세 대 연료임이 틀림 없다. DNV는 LNG 연료 선박 연구 및 개발과 관련하여 주도적인 역할을 해왔으며, LNG를 연료로 사용하여 선박을 운항하려 는 선주 및 LNG 연료 선박을 개발할 조선 관계자들에게

DNV’s involvement in research and development in LNG supply, storage, engines and emission issues has demonstrated that ship safety, market mechanisms, and operational regularity can be maintained when operating

기술적인 부분을 포함한 경제성 및 운항 효율성 등 다양한 부분에 있어 서비스를 제공하고 있다. DNV는 앞으로도 LNG 추진을 이용해 운항하는 모든 선박의 기술적 안전성에 대해 연구 결과를 발표하고 기술적인 자문 서비스를 제공하는 등, LNG 연료 선박 실용화에 노력할 것이다. DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Technical issue

New International Regulation Enforcement


01.01.2010 2005/33/EC





Sulphur content in EU EU Sailing and fuel <0.1% when at new ships berth in EU harbours and in canals


Ship owner’s typical options

Possibly equipment adaption, higher voyage costs

a) Change to 0,1% sulphur in bunkers at berth and in canals b) Use LNG as fuel

01.07.2010 IMO Annex Sulphur content in IMO SECA Sailing and Possibly equipment adaption, or VI fuel <1% in SECAs new ships exhaust gas purification. Higher voyage costs

a) Use bunkers <1% sulphur b) Use bunkers >1% sulphur together with scrubbers c) Use LNG as fuel

01.01.2011 IMO Annex Reduction of NOx to IMO Global Newbuilds Choice of special engines, or VI Tier II level, approx. exhaust gas purification. Higher 20% below current voyage and capital costs Tier I level

a) Choose (or modify to) low-NOx engines b) Use Tier I rated engines with SCR, EGR, HAM, water emulsion etc. c) Use LNG as fuel

01.01.2012 IMO Annex VI

a) 2012: Change to 3,5% sulphur in bunkers. Towards 2020: Low-sulphur fuel or conventional fuel with scrubber is required b) Use LNG as fuel

Sulphur content IMO Global Sailing and Perhaps higher voyage costs in fuel <3,5%, new ships progressively towards 0,5% sulphur by 2020 (maybe later)

01.01.2015 IMO Annex Sulphur content in IMO SECA Sailing and Higher voyage cost, possible VI fuel <0,1% in SECAs new ships equipment adaption or exhaust gas purification

a) Use bunkers <0,1% sulphur b) Use bunkers >0,1% sulphur together with scrubbers c) Use LNG as fuel

01.01.2016 IMO Annex VI

a) Install exhaust gas purification such as SCR, possibly other measures b) Use LNG as fuel

Reduction of NOx to IMO ECA Newbuilds Tier III level in ECAs, approx 75% below Tier II level

Exhaust gas purification (unless significantly improvement of engines). Higher voyage and capital costs

Findings in DNV’s LNG-Short Sea Shipping Project

Q. “LNG technology reduces the cargo space of the vessel and is only suitable for larger vessels.” LNG tanks are currently spherical and indeed require considerable space. However, as the technology develops, hull-shaped tanks will become A. Typical available. Such tanks can be fitted in void spaces and integrated in the hull structure, making LNG suitable also for smaller short sea vessels. Moreover, cylindrical LNG tanks can be placed on deck.

Q. “I have heard that the LNG supply market is dominated by a very few suppliers.” the LNG-supply to ships in Northern Europe is currently dominated by few suppliers, there are other serious suppliers emerging. A new LNG A. Although terminal in the Stavanger area opens in 2010, with significant capacity. Enforcement of supply in other Northern European countries can also be anticipated soon. The LNG price to end-user is currently linked to the oil price and is often fixed in long-term contracts offered by few suppliers. However, the price to end-users can be expected to drop as the competition increases.

Q. “The vessel is forced to bunker at dedicated terminals.” calculations show that it may be economically advantageous to offer LNG fuel at existing bunkering terminals. Therefore, we expect that LNG A. DNV’s will be available at the majority of the locations where bunkering occurs today. Q. “I’d rather run my vessel on low sulphur fuel or install scrubbers. Then I manage to comply with ECA regulations without needing to invest in LNG propulsion.”


Installation of scrubbers is an alternative approach, and, when used with engines on heavy fuel oil, is a more cost-efficient solution than LNG propulsion. However, the long-term operational experience with scrubbers is limited, and they generate an acidic liquid waste which must be dealt with. Additionally, scrubbers do not address the NOx problem. In contrast, using LNG as fuel provides a permanent solution which always results in SOx and NOx gains when the engine is running.

Q. “I am concerned about the vessel’s operational flexibility when using LNG as fuel.” There are currently two equally recognised options for LNG engines. You can either choose a lean-burn engine that only uses LNG, or, alternatively, a A. dual-fuel engine that runs on both diesel and LNG. The type of ship, trade and overall costs are factors to consider when choosing engine type. However, it should be noted that the operational flexibility of using LNG fuel will increase as the LNG supply grid is expanded and reinforced.

Q. “LNG propulsion is not a financial sound investment.” long as there are certain emission levies and the price of oil increases relatively to the price of LNG, DNV has found that investment in LNG A. As propulsion is financially viable for several groups of ship owners within short sea shipping. 22

DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010

# CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities)

DNV speaks up about Corporate Social Responsibility Related link: http://www.wbcsd.org

Co-organized by Yonsei Business School and Norwegian Embassy, a CSR seminar was held at Yonsei University in April. DNV was invited to deliver a keynote speech on the meaning of ‘CSR’ and our practice. The presenter, Mr. Sven Mollekleiv, Sr. Vice President and Head of DNV Relations, emphasized the fact that the business is the part of the solutions to create a sustainable business and sustainable societies. 주한 노르웨이 대사관과 연세대학교 가 공동 주관한 '사회적 책임' 세미나 에서 DNV는 지속가능한 경영과

Within the community DNV employees in Pusan continue to visit Sung-ae-won (orphanage) each month and provide supports to the staff and children

'Safety' Be part of your everyday life

DNV 부산 직원들은 매달 성애원을 방문하여 봉사활동을 펼치고 있다.

DNV’s first ‘Safety Exhibition’ was held at Kolon building in Pusan where our DNV Pusan office is located. CSR team in Pusan has organized this campaign to inform our employees and other people on the importance of safety devices and keen attention on safety. DNV의 경영이념을 바탕으로 부산 지역에서 안전에 관한 첫번째 전

'Save the Children' knitting hat campaign Related link: www.savethechildren.co.kr * www.moja.sc.or.kr

시회를 개최하였다. 5월 25일부터 9월까지 열린 이번 전시회에 20여 명의 직원 및 가족들이 참여하여 안전의 중요성을 일깨우는 계기를 마련하였다.

Employees in DNV Region office and Pusan participated in 'knitting hat for babies' campaign with 'Save the Children' foundation. 'Save the Children' foundation has been running the knitting hat campaign for babies in Africa.

사회를 구축하는데 있어서의 핵심 은 경제 주체가 되어야 할 것이라

DNV 서울과 부산 직원들은 'Save the Children' 에서 주관하는 '모자뜨기' 캠패인에 참여하여 아프리

는 것을 역설했다.

카에서 저체온증으로 죽어가는 아이들에게 손뜨게 털모자를 전달하였다. DNV Korea Update N0.2 2010


# Regional Office, Seoul Approval Centre East Asia Advisory Centre Korea Class Operation Korea DNV Academy Ulsan Station HHI (Hyundai Heavy Ind.) Station HMD (Hyundai Mipo) Station DSME Station SHI Station Mokpo Station Pusan Station Tongyeong Station Changwon Station Cleaner Energy & Natural Gas in Korea Software Korea

Regional Office, Seoul 서울시 중구 무교동 45 코오롱 빌딩 15층 우) 100772·대표전화: +82 2 734 7326/7/9·팩스: +82 2 734 9069 · Approval Centre East Asia 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 7/8/9층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7700·팩스: +82 51 611 7172 · Advisory Centre Korea 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 7/8/9층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7700·팩스: +82 51 611 7172 · Class Operation Korea 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 9층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7700·팩스: +82 51 611 7172 · DNV Academy 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 7층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7861·팩스: +82 51 611 4038 · HHI (Hyundai Heavy Ind.) Station 울산시 동구 전하동 #1 현대 중공업 우) 682-600·전화: +82 52 232 2907/7018·팩스: +82 52 232 4166 · HMD (Hyundai Mipo) Station 울산시 동구 방어동 1381 현대미포조선 우) 682-712·전화: +82 52 232 5835/6·팩스: +82 52 232 5837 · DSME Station 경상남도 거제시 장승포동 대우조선해양 P.O. Box 5 우) 656-610·전화: +82 55 681 4779/50· 팩스: +82 55 681 4757 · SHI Station 경상남도 거제시 장평동 신현읍 530 프로덕션 서포트 빌딩 505호 삼성중공업 우) 656-710·전화: +82 55 632 0728·팩스: +82 55 635 7160 · Mokpo Station 전라남도 영암군 삼호읍 용당리 1700 현대 삼호 중공업 우) 526-701·전화: +82 61 461 1811·팩스: +82 61 461 1812 · Pusan Station 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 8층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7800·팩스: +82 51 611 7171 · Tongyeong Station 경상남도 통영시 광도면 죽림리 1580-22 영웅 빌딩 501호 우) 650-820·전화: +82 55 649 9573/4·팩스: +82 55 649 9522 · Changwon Station 사무소 경상남도 진해시 원포동 100 STX 조선해양 우) 645-350·전화: 82 55 546 5601·팩스: 82 55 546 5602 · Cleaner Energy & Natural Gas in Korea 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 7층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7857·팩스: +82 51 611 7172 · Software Korea 부산시 수영구 남천1동 36-7 코오롱빌딩 7층 남부산 PO Box 120 우) 613-011·대표전화: +82 51 610 7700·팩스: +82 51 611 7172

www.dnv.co.kr / www.dnv.com




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