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Robotic Extrusion Results
The allowed the mix to come out of the
Variations in Atmospheric condition during successful robotic extrusions
Robotic extrusion experiments:
The robotic extrusion experiments were performed under the following average atmospheric conditions
Average atmospheric conditions on 3rd Dec. 2021 between 8.30am - 17.30pm
Temperature: 23 °C
The the change in the geometry from curvilinear to more linear continued the mix to break after 3”-5”
Change in the pressure to 2.7 allowed the mix to be extruded in continuation without any break
Mix was extruded without any break. (Break during laying 2nd layer due to controller handling error)
Relative Humidity: 89.5 %
Atmospheric Pressure :1012.25 mbar
Weather: Fog-Overcast-Light Rain-Passing clouds
The mix was prepared, dried and extruded indoor.
Traditionally used lime mortar mixes are time tested and have proven their strength and durability which can sustain for centuries and more.
Mix behavior due to drastic change in atmospheric conditions:
1. Due to the presence of jaggery water, in the above weather conditions, the water couldn’t dry to its necessary ratio. Also due to the excessive humidity, the mixture absorbed moisture from the air which caused dripping throughout the printing process.
No deformations were observed after the printing was done. The picture was taken one hour after the model is printed
This research has experimented and studied the behavior of optimized lime mortar mix suitable for additive manufacturing process.
Various proportion of additives were tested to find the right mix for additive manufacturing process.
After gaining the required strength through carbonation process, the model shall be tested for its compressive strength.
The next step of this research would be to measure the setting time of the lime mortar and increasing the carbon dioxide source without changing the properties of the mix needed for additive manufacturing process.
This shall reduce the setting time of the lime mortar enabling it to be eligible for the rapid building processes.