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System Design Application - Faridabad, India
The aim of the chosen system design is to ensure the supply of fresh food and create a carbon neutral urban cities and spaces. Also healthily accommodate the growth of the adjacent megalopolis.
To achieve the same, we chose the city at the periphery of the megalopolis so that the existing ecosystem shall pe protected, also the new proposals are designed in a way that they respect the biodiversity and help to address the current environmental and eventually health issues.
Primary Road Network iteration overlapped on the existing site natural elements
Simplified Road Network in order to get clearer land partitions
Water Flow Analysis to identify the lowest elevation areas which could be treated as the potential Rain water catchment areas to serve as Soak pits or Ponds/Lakes
Generated Primary Road Network Grid
Generated Secondary Network
After the water flow analysis, potential areas around the lowest elevation points to be converted into the catchment areas and the land around them to be dedicated to the Major Urban Green Spaces
Road Network
Generated Primary and Secondary Road Network Grid
Urban greens plus habitable spaces