President’s Message Jean Watson Our 2009-2010 season is drawing to a close. In April we will finalize the ballot for election of officers for the 20102011 season. It will appear in the May newsletter. Now is the time to let me know if you would like to run for any of the officer positions, all are open for those interested in being nominated. Currently, I have volunteered to be nominated for president, and Marcia Nathanson has expressed interest in running again for secretary. No names have yet been submitted to run for Vice President, Treasurer and the Corresponding Secretary so let me give you a brief summary of each of those Board positions. The Vice President works with the Board to plan our meeting programs, does an initial contact with each presenter then a follow up contact as the meeting date draws near. The VP also greets the speaker at the membership meeting, making sure his or her needs are met. Attendance at both the monthly Board meeting (first Wed of each month) and at the membership meeting is important. The Treasurer accepts money on behalf of the Society, makes timely deposits, writes checks to pay bills, balances the account monthly and brings the cash box to meetings, such as the postcard fundraiser, where sales are conducted. The account is as easy to manage as a personal checking account. Attendance at both the Board and membership meetings is important. The Corresponding Secretary writes letters on behalf of the Board. This is a great position for a person new to working with an executive Board. With the
increased use of e-mail the Society only occasionally needs to send formal letters leaving time for this officer to participate in Board discussion and assist with projects as needed. Attendance at both the Board and membership meeting is important.
For the last several years two people have cochaired the juried show process and that division of labor has worked well. The Juried Show Chair is allowed to take the Workshop free of Committee Chairmen are appointed by charge. Co-Chairs are the Board and we need applicants to given a 50% reduction in come forward for the following comthe price. Attendance at mittees. the Board meeting is important in December The Exhibitions Chairperson arand January, June, Auranges the All Member Show at Borgust and September with ders Books for December/January each e-mail updates to the year and the Signature Member Show President acceptable durat Artic Rose Gallery in August. Dot ing the other months. Tideman chaired this committee for Cont. next page. several years and compiled an instruction manual. Progress reports to the INISIDE THIS ISSUE Board may be e-mailed to the President April Speaker or given in person at the Board meetings. Mark McDermott The Scholarship Committee Chairperson works with the Board and volunteers to raise funds for our annual scholarship through our postcard sale, art garage sale, split the pot raffle and calendar sales. The Chairperson insures scholarship information is disseminated to college students, accepts entries and arranges for a panel to review submissions and select the award winner. Attendance at most Board meetings is important. The 2011 Annual Juried Show Chairperson begins work in December with the prospectus and placement of ads. Sponsor letters are sent by March then work tapers off until June. Most work occurs during July, August and the month the show is installed at the gallery. Each month’s tasks are explained in an manual that is updated yearly.
Linda Doll Workshop Info. Membership Dues & Information Events , Opportunities And Resources
The AKWS was formed in 1974 as a non-profit organization to help promote the knowledge and understanding of professional watercolor painting in Alaska.
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The 2010 Workshop Chairperson prepares a flier for the January newsletter, accepts checks and maintains a data base of participant names. In July supplies are purchased for the workshop. The major work occurs during the week of the workshop. An instruction manual provides guidance. The Workshop Chair is allowed to take the Workshop free of charge. Co-Chairs are given a 50% reduction in the price. As with the Juried Show, two people have co-chaired the workshop in the past and that seems to work well. Attendance at Board meetings is important in January and August, updates at other times may be made at Board meetings or via e-mail to the President. Each year I am delighted to discover the talents that new people bring to our Board and Committee positions. They keep our organization moving forward with new ideas and skills. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions. If your time is limited sharing a position with another person is a great way to learn the job. Please help keep our Society moving forward.
Arts & Crafts of South Africa with Mark McDermott Sounds like we are in for a real treat in our April meeting. Mark Mc Dermott will present a travelogue describing some of the indigenous arts and crafts from South Africa, including the Mapula embroidery project, the Ardmore Ceramic Studio, and Zulu basket weaving.
Watercolor by Mark McDermott from his tour of South Africa.
Mark will share some of his experiences from a tour in South Africa. Here is an excerpt from this tour description… ” Discover the arts, crafts, people, wild game parks and scenic beauty of South Africa. Observe traditional crafts like basket weaving, pottery, woodcarving and beading which have been handed down through families for generations. Visit incredible World Heritage Sites with specialist guides. Tour fascinating museums and galleries and take exclusive tours of private homes. Meet contemporary artists in their studios. Travel in townships and villages to meet the local people. In addition to the wonderful arts and crafts, learn about various cultures in South Africa as we stay in rural, tribal and urban areas. Also gain an understanding of the history and political developments that have shaped this country from the San-Bushman to the early colonial settlers and the miracle of the present Mandela / Mbeki era, making South Africa one of the newest democracies in the world. “
To see more of Mark McDermott’s beautiful watercolors be sure to visit his website:
AKWS August Workshop It is time to start making your summer art plans. One opportunity you won’t want to miss is the annual AKWS Workshop to be held August 2-6th at the
First Congregational Church in Anchorage. We scheduled this year’s workshop early to accommodate the early start time for the Anchorage School District. This year’s presenter is multi-talented Linda Doll from San Diego, CA. Along with being an outstanding watercolorist, Ms. Doll is a noted digital photographer and graphic artist. According to her website, “ People and Still Life Subjects that hint at the person just outside the picture plane are Linda's favorite painting subjects. She portrays them without flattery or glamour in an aura of quietude, stressing their dignity and individuality. She combines areas of flat color with highly skilled composition and design to create an attitude of introspection when depicting her subjects.” Ms.Doll’s workshops have something to offer for the novice as well as the experienced painter. Included in the registration fee will be a workshop manual and grid system materials.
body language. The bulk of the class time will be spent experimenting with hands-on-painting problems. Previous sketches, old or new paintings, photos taken by the artist, memory or invention can be the source of subject matter. Attention will be given to the DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONAL PAINTING STYLE.
Registration information is available on the AKWS website or mail in the form on the next page.
For more information Contact Chris Zafren at or at (907) 346-2333 or Nancy Angelini-Crawford at or 907-373-5244
Artists Events Life Drawing at Upstairs Studio, 406 G Street, Suite 212. Wednesdays 6-8, drop in fee. for more information.
Don Kolstad teaches watercolor and oils at Blaine’s. Contact Don or Blaine’s for current schedule. Andy Sonneborn teaches art classes and has open studio time in her delightful studio. She even supplies art materials. Contact Andy for more information. or 277-3712
Workshop Description: The focus of this workshop will be seeing, understanding and CAPTURING SUNLIGHT, SHADE AND SHADOW. We will also explore the BASIC CONTROLS OF ABSTRACT DESIGN AND THE INVENTIVE USE OF COLOR since more paintings suffer from lack of design and color organization than from an inadequate description of the subject. Techniques for Sketching, Drawing and completing Painting Studies as well as the use of the Grid to enlarge these to painting size will be demonstrated. We will also work with THE CAMERA AND THE PHOTOGRAPH AS A SECOND SKETCHBOOK and to learn to create with it rather than copy the photograph. If time permits we will work with drawing the figure and capturing individual
Lura White will have watercolor paintings shown during April at L'Aroma Bakery & Deli, 9900 Old Seward Hwy
Linda A. Doll, AWS, NWS, is
a painter, digital photographer, graphic artist, instructor and juror. She has been active on the Boards of the National Watercolor Society, American Watercolor Society and Watercolor West. Ms. Doll teaches drawing, painting and photography workshops throughout North America, Europe and the South Pacific. Her figure and still life paintings and drawings are included in many books and have been featured on several magazine covers. Linda is included in Who's Who in American Art and Who's Who of American Women. Ms. Doll lives in San Diego, California. For more in-
Date: August 2 – 6, 2010 Time: 9 am – 4 pm Location: First Congregational Church 2610 East Northern Lights Blvd. If the workshop is full when you register, your deposit will be refunded. Wait listed applicants who do not get into the workshop will get their deposit back. Tuition Before 5-15-2010 $475 after 5-15-2010 $500.
2010 AKWS Linda Doll Workshop Registration Form Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ________________
State: ____________________
Phone: (___) _______________________
Amount Enclosed: $ ______________ ($100 deposit required; Balance due 6-1-10) Do you want to be placed on the waiting list if the workshop is full? Yes ___ No___ Mail to: Chris Zafren at 10181 Curvi St. Anchorage, AK 99507. Enclose a check made out to the Alaska Watercolor Society and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE). Preference will be given to current AKWS members.
Membership Renewal by Julie Rearick, Membership Chairperson It’s time to renew your membership for May 1, 2010 through April 30, 2011. Signature Membership ($25); Juried Membership ($20); Associate Membership ($20); and Student Membership ($5). AN ENVELOPE IS ENCLOSED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. If you are uncertain about your status, please contact me at 272-8770 or Thanks!
Check One: ___ Signature Member ___ Juried Member ___ Associate Member ___ Student Member Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ E-mail: _______________________________
Requirements for each of the memberships offered by the Alaska Watercolor Society are as follows: Associate Membership in AKWS will be unlimited and open to anyone interested in watermedia. This position of membership may not vote and may not participate in exhibitions designed for Signature members only. Annual dues $20; payable May 1st. Juried Membership in AKWS is open to any artist who has had a painting exhibited in at least one AKWS juried show. This position of membership may not vote and may not participate in exhibitions for Signature members only. Juried membership is revoked if dues are not current and the application process must be repeated. Annual dues $20; payable May 1st. Signature Membership in AKWS is open to any artist who has had a painting exhibited in two AKWS juried shows and one other juried watermedia exhibition. This position of membership may vote, participate in Signature member exhibitions, and use the initials AKWS when signing their name. Signature membership is revoked if dues are not current and the application process must be repeated. Annual dues $25; payable May 1st. Student Membership in AKWS enjoys the same status as Associate members. Student is defined as attending college full time, i.e. course load of a minimum of 12 hours. Annual dues $5; payable May 1st. NOTE: With respect to Signature and Juried memberships, written verification shall be required as proof of acceptance into juried shows and must be submitted to the membership chair. Juried shows from January 2000 to present shall be accepted.
Member News Congratulations to Yuliya Helgesen-Thompson for achieving Signature Member status in the Alaska Watercolor Society!
Artists Events & Resources Mat-Su College May Workshops Caleb Stone of Massachusetts will teach a five-day "Outdoor Watercolor Workshop" at Mat-Su College Mile 2 Trunk Road, May 24-May 28 from 9:30-4:30. The cost is $250 and there is space for eighteen. If you would like to register call (907)745-9774 Option 2, Admissions.This will connect you with Student Services and someone will walk you through the process of enrollment. If I can help, just let me know. Suzanne Bach
Barry McWayne of Fairbanks will teach a three day "Digital Photography: Camera to Print Workshop" at Mat-Su College Mile 2 Trunk Road, May 12-14 9:30-4:30. The cost is $155. Contact Suzanne Bach (907)745-9755 Fine Arts Coordinate Enrollment is now open for the Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival, which is the last two weeks in July. You can take as many workshops as you can fit in, and it cost $525 for the two weeks. It is a wonderful experience! They have over ninety instructors. is their web site. Housing is usually about $20 a night in the apartments. I am looking for roommates, if anyone is interested. Suzanne Bach 376-5956 hm or cell 301-5308 The Valley
Fine Arts Association is hosting our
1st Annual Juried Art Show this coming August, and we would love for you to pass on to the members of the Alaska Watercolor Society. There are very few multi media two-dimensional juried shows in Alaska, and this will give artists an opportunity to enter. In order to qualify for the Alaska Watercolor Signature status, artists need one juried show acceptance other than the AKWS juried show. This will enable them to do so. Contact: Karen Mattson (907) 244-7774 or
Summer Raft Trip for Artists Alaska River Expeditions has put together a raft trip
"WildArt Workshop" for Artists June 24-30 departing from Cordova. Alaskan guest artist and instructor David Rosenthal will have several creative activities planned while paddling along the vast and breathtaking scenic Copper River. Sketching painting and journaling will all be on the agenda. All levels of artist from accomplished to beginner are welcome. Non-artist friends and relatives are also invited. Duration is 7 days/6 nights. $200 per person deposit by April 30th will hold your reservation. For further information on the itinerary and Alaska River Expeditions go to or call Robin Irving at 1-907-424-7238 or 1-800-776-1864
Anchorage Museum Events Artist's Eye Lecture Series 8 p.m. 4/2/2010 UAA art professor and printmaker Garry Kaulitz gives an informal talk about collective intuition. Admission to this lecture is free; however, admission to the “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit requires a full-price ticket. All Alaska Juried Juror Lecture 7 p.m. 4/23/2010 Lecture by Seattle Art Museum curator Michael Darling, juror of “All Alaska Juried Exhibition XXXIII,” which will be on view May 22 through Oct. 10. Admission to this lecture is free; however, admission to the “Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination” exhibit requires a full-price ticket.
Check out “Café” the art of online calls for entry. Great place to find opportunities for artists and information on how to prepare images for digital entries.
Alaska Watercolor Society 2009 2010 Officers and Committee Chairs President: Jean Watson 333-5799 H 333-4678 Msg
Entry deadline extended. Call or go to website for your application.
Co-Vice Presidents: Luz Maskell 522-5463 Andy Sonneborn 277-3712 Recording Secretary: Marcia Nathanson 346-1092 Treasurer: Kirk Scott Membership: Julie Rearick 272-8770 Newsletter Editor: Francine Dufour Jones Hospitality Chair: Sue Zajac 694-3013 Exhibitions: Debi Rebischke Scholarship: Renate Martin 279-1077 Peggie Hunnicutt 349-4168 Video Library: LaRae Groves 563-6245 KoKo Mikel 344-0374 Publicity: Lura White 277-3854 E-mail Tree: Marcia Pratt 337-3695 Webmaster: Mark McDermott 345-6997 At Large: Alice Moore 337-5225 2010 Workshop Chris Zafren 346-2333 Nancy Angelini Crawford
PO BOX 90714 ANCHORAGE, AK 99509-0714
CALENDAR 04/02 First Friday! 04/07 Board Meeting 6:30 pm Elim Café 04/14 AKWS Meeting Sourdough Mining Company 6-7 Social Hour 7 pm Meeting
“Brush Strokes” is published monthly, September – May, and distributed to members of the Alaska Watercolor Society by mail and online. Newsletter deadline is the 15th of the month before monthly publication. Let us know about your openings, First Fridays and events so that we may support you! Contact Brushstrokes Editor- Francine Dufour Jones e-mail: If you would like to continue to receive your issues of “Brush Strokes” make sure your dues are current. If you are unsure about the status of your membership please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Julie, Membership Chair ( or 272-8770). SEE PAST ISSUES OF BRUSH STROKES AT OUR ONLINE COMMUNITY NETWORK: