Vol. 3 Issue 1
Div. 28 Reg. 13
The Longhorn Letters
J. Frank Dobie High School
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A Letter From the Secretary 2020 has been an unpredictable and trying year for us all. Between the world-wide pandemic, the Australian wildfires, and the Black Lives Matter movements and protests sparked in response to the murder of George Floyd, this year has truly been an unprecedented year for the entire world. The effects of having to be self-quarantined and social-distanced from others have been apparent in our everyday lives and it is being emphasized more now than ever as students begin to go back to school. And while the beginning of the school year would naturally bring new experiences with it, this 2020-2021 school year takes that to a whole new level. Going back to school in a virtual setting is something completely new to most of the students returning to school as all throughout our lives we have gone to school in person. At times it seemed as if school would just never end, but now the only way to see our friends is through a screen or with a mask on. Despite all of these challenges and difficulties, J. Frank Dobie High School’s Key Club is determined to help make this year even more memorable for its members and strives to do everything in its power to create opportunities in which its members help the community and shine.
While we are safe in the comfort of our homes, the front-line workers such as medical personnel, the police and fire departments, and grocery shop workers are risking their lives to go out and work in order to uphold our safety and ensure the continuation of our society even amidst this pandemic.
In order to show a small fraction of our gratitude and to bring a smile to their faces, Dobie’s Key Club will allow the members to create cards and write letters that will be delivered to those working hard for our sake. Along with those cards, the members will be able to put together Covid-19 care packages that will be distributed to those in need. We understand the demand and need for things like hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and masks is high right now and we want to be able to help out those who cannot afford to obtain these necessities. Although we cannot gather in large groups now, creating connections and nurturing bonds between the members is still an integral part of being in Key Club. In order to encourage this, we are looking to host multiple socials via virtual meeting platforms such as zoom or google meets. These socials will contain different events such as gaming tournaments and movie showings. Being able to connect with others, even if it is through a screen will greatly help in the birth of new friendships and the growth of old friendships. While we are not sure what else 2020 has in store for us, we are sure that we will be prepared and we will do all that we can in order to make getting through this year easier for our members, our school, and our community. I eagerly await the day where we will be able to go out and meet and serve our community at 100% capacity.
- Timothy Giang
Humans of Texas-Oklahoma My Key Club Experience Key Club is the most amazing organization that is willing to help others during their ups-and-downs. Whether it be helping set up a campaign, starting a fundraiser for kids in other countries, or simply helping our neighbors, Key Club has impacted many people and will continue to as we grow and serve our communities. At the beginning of my sophomore year, I wasn’t sure what kind of clubs I wanted to join. I checked out some other clubs, but somehow Key Club was the one that stuck out. I decided to attend the meetings, and soon after, I gave volunteering a try. My first volunteer activity was cleaning up the beach, which turned out to be one of the most successful days ever. We cleaned up more than 50 full bags of plastic waste and got to see the beauty of a clean beach. I put in the effort to start volunteering more often and was fortunately allowed to help many people, from elementary students to teachers, to seniors who needed assistance standing up. As more opportunities arose, I started to notice how they helped me develop new characteristics and attributes.
I gained a sense of humility, developed friendships that became family, and got to see my community from a different perspective. It reminded me to appreciate and value the commodities I have at home, and the love I have from others. As time went on, the hours that we had to accumulate by the end of the year became futile. My mind shifted from required hours to a feeling of genuinely wanting to assist others regardless of place, time, or day. Key Club has led me to become efficient and confident in the teachings of serving people in my community and around the world. Overall, this organization has undoubtedly affected me and others, which I believe will be an inspiration to future generations. By traveling on this path of helping others, it's certain that we will become successful, educated people, who have a permanent impact on our community and environment. Key Club has made the world a better place with its motivated young leaders and will surely make the upcoming future an aweinspiring place.
- Gabriella Campo
District Project:
Children of the
Help create a better future for the next generation. Help the disadvantaged youth population. Support and aid children in the foster care systems and help homeless kids.
Governor's Project:
"My goal with this project is to not only help foster care homes with the bags, BUT to also advocate for those young kids who are undergoing this stress and change in life and increase awareness of the foster care system in this world." - Governor Kareena Patel 11
Make a Change. "Our membership is comprised of students from all walks of life, so we must understand their gifts and their struggles. Key Club stands in solidarity with the black community and urges our members to provide support, listen, and learn. We encourage our members to use the empathy and leadership skills gained in Key Club to enact change during these pivotal times." - Key Club International Below are QR codes that will direct you to websites that will help inform you about these devastating events and allow you to sign petitions to show your support and aid those in need.
Black Lives Matter.
Yemen. Lebanon. 14
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.� Gandhi
Upcoming Events:
SEPTEMBER 14- New member recruitment meeting over Zoom Our clubs monthly meetings will be held every first Monday of the month.
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Quarantine Word Search
bananabread facemasks zoomvideo flattencurve handsanitizer bingewatch onlineclasses
quarantine sixfeet socialdistance stayhome tiktok virus yogapants
(Submit your answers through Remind for Bonus Points!)
Memes of the
Key Club Pledge
I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community;
to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.
STAY IN TOUCH Club Pres.: kathytran2003@gmail.com VP: coreyrbritton@gmail.com VP: harrisonhn71001@gmail.com Club Sec: timothygiang7@gmail.com Club Treas.: vinniediep03@yahoo.com Club Web.: ptvashleyy@gmail.com Club Edit.: tsikisk@icloud.com Regional Advisor: n/a
@dobiekeyclub @tokeyclub @keyclubint @jfdkeyclub
Dist. Gov.: governor@tokeyclub.com Dist. Sec.: secretary@tokeyclub.com Dist. Treas.: treasurer@tokeyclub.com Dist. Edit.: editor@tokeyclub.com Conven. Liais.: cl@tokeyclub.com  Tech Prod.: techproducer@tokeyclub.com Int. Trust.: salma.eldeeb@keyclub.org LTG: ltg28@tokeyclub.com
Freshman: @freshdkc Sophomores: @sophdkc Juniors: @jundkc Seniors: @sendkc
Learn more about our club: Dobie Key Club: https://dobiekeyclub1.wixsite.com/dobiekeyclub T-O District: tokeyclub.com Key Club International: www.keyclub.org