
Hi Key Clubbers! This year has been awesome so far, I'm so glad to see many volunteers participating band onding with each other! Lets tkeep his awesomeness going!
Key Club has brought many virtues and experiences that no other organisation will offer. From working backstage, running a 10k race with the club’s support as we volunteered, and to all the people I’ve met throughout my journey with Key Club. The whole experience provided by the Club has truly defined my high school experience as something more than the classroom that I will forever cherish. The pride and honour that comes with volunteering to represent my school, community, and Club has meant so much more thanjustservicehours
Key Club has brought numerous opportunities for me to engage with people that I otherwise would not have the chance to be around. This Club has brought me endless amounts of memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. Amongst those ever so vivid memories was the most recent event we had which was the “Kemah’s Toughest 10k Bridge Run.” Getting up bright and early to provide for the racers and organisers has always brought joy to me and this was no different. That morning when I walked up tothetableandjokinglyaskedifIcouldrun,tomy surprise, they gave me the green light to go. This had brought me pure pre race jitters and excitement
IwasreadytoraceinthenameofKeyCluband its members. Although the course was tough and gruelling,therelentlesssupportfromthemembers and volunteers made me realise what Key Club really meant. It isn’t just for the hours and the service to look good, it is the experiences and the joythatcomeswithallcomingtogetherasoneto assistthecommunity.Thetimewherewecouldbe sleeping was spent helping, supporting, and cheering on the racers. As I crossed the finish line and looked around at all the smiles and radiating energy from the Club, it gave me a sense of community that was made possible through Key Club This is what Key Club means to me and all the endless experiences that it has brought and I willalwaysbegratefulforthosemoments.
Key clubbers woke up bright and early to help and support Kemah Runners! The race began early at 7am, and consisted of runner going up the Kemah bridge a total of 3 times! By the end of the race, the racers were greeted by excited key clubbers ready to hand waters and cold towels. Special congratulations to key club member Ryan e, who ran intherace,andmanagetoget 2ndplaceinhisagedivision!
I am made from something clean, my life is short lived, I can come up but never come down, what am I?
Riddle Of The Month!