13 Annual Online Sale Est. 1919 Farm Gate SaleSeptember 16 17, 2022 join us on www.dlms.ca Justice HeadmasterHomeboy

3. The sale will close by entering a 5 minute extended bidding time Saturday, September 17th at 7 PM BC time. Any bid received after 7 PM will extend the sale by 5 minutes from the time of that bid. If bidding continues past 7:30 any bid after that time will extend bidding time by only 3 minutes and if bidding continues past 8 PM any bids will then only extend the deadline by one minute. When no bidding occurs in any of these extended sessions the computer will declare the sale finished.
RACEHORSE CLOSE-OUT with extended bidding time at DLMS.ca
How to Participate in this DLMS Farm Gate Auction with Extended Bidding :
1. Visit https://farmgatetimedauctions.ca , click the LOGIN/REGISTRATION button. First time users will select the REGISTER button from this page. Fill out the registration form to sign up for a free user account and it allows you to select a username and password for use on all Farm Gate Timed auctions. This program will send you text and email messages whenever there is activity on your favorite lots or someone challenges your proxy bid and this is why you will be asked for both your current email and cell phone number. If you are a past participant in the Farm Gate Timed auctions simply enter your user name and pass word to continue. This takes you to a list of both current and upcoming Farm Gate Auctions. Please click on the Richardson Ranch 13th Annual Online Sale .
2. Lots, pictures, videos and links to a catalogue will be posted by September 8th. On Sept 16, Friday morning, the sale will go live and you can begin bidding. Opening minimum bids will be posted for each lot plus any up to date catalogue information & changes to the sale offering. Go to the sale page and click on lots of interest to view the up to date sale lot info, pictures and videos on each lot selling.
5. The program allows you to place a proxy bid on any sale lot. This in fact protects your interest in any lot of interest for you to a specified dollar value you set, when you may not be able to give 100% attention to the sale. If the lot has a $2000 bid on it and you place a proxy bid of $3500 into the system, the computer will bid $2100 for you but if some one else bids $2200, the computer will again bid for you, this time at $2300. The system will look after your interest to a maximum of $3500. If another bidder is on at $3600, your proxy will no longer be effective and you will no longer have the winning bid on this lot without once again logging in and bidding again or moving your attention to a second lot of interest.
6. Within 24 hours of the sale close Richardson Ranch will contact all winning bidders to arrange payment, transfer of pedigrees and delivery of your lot.
4. You can choose your favourite lots in this sale at this time and the program will allow you to open either all sale lots or just your favorite lots on your screen. Any time there is active bidding on a lot you have identified on your favorite list you will get a text and/or an email noting this activity.
Sale lots will open for bidding at 9:00 a.m. Friday, September 16th, 2022. Sale Close-Out begins at 7:00 p.m. BC time, Saturday, September 17th, 2022
If you require assistance with using the DLMS Farm Gate web site, if you don’t understand how to create a favorites list, if you can’t figure out the proxy bid or you just plain want to bid via phone, please talk to any of the DLMS team or sales team listed below. We can help you make DLMS Farm Gate Auctions work for you! assistance please call email: Richardson - don@richardsonranch.ca - 250-557-4348 Richardson - james_richardson28@hotmail.com - 250-699-1406 Flewelling - flewcc@xplornet.com - 403-556-0515 Shologan - mark@dlms.ca - 780-699-5082

Racehorse Style Close September 17 at 7PM BC time with Extended Bidding Time on DLMS.ca
We are proud to team up with DLMS to bring our customers a cutting edge sale service. Key to this service is that you, the customer, can bid on any of our posted lots, at any time, throughout the sale. No traditional sale order means customers are never left without an option to bid on their second choice, should the price of their first choice lot move out of their budget. At the posted time of the sale end the program is designed to allow all last minute participants to get in their final bids. The extended time finish means you, the customers, control the end of the sale. The sale will close only when all customers have finished bidding. When no bidding activity has occurred on any lot in the sale for a pre-set period after the posted time of sale end, the computer will declare the sale closed on all lots. (See previous page for more information)

Richardson family is proudly entering into our 105th year of raising beef on Haida Gwaii. We are fortunate to still have four generations involved on the farm. While it may not be the best place in the world to raise cattle, it is arguably the best place to raise a family. Thanks to the whole family for all their contributions which make it possible for us to raise and market pedigree Hereford cattle and genetics. We look forward to selling a female or embryo package from this sale to your family.
Dear Welcome to our 13th Annual Online Sale in September. We have just come through a long cool spring which proved to be good for calving and rebreeding but not so good for growing a silage crop. I’d say our plant growth is at least two or three weeks behind. We were, however, able to get our Embryology team to Haida Gwaii this spring to flush cows again after a two year hiatus due to covid restrictions on travel. Covid taught us, and our customers, to accept the internet as the preferred sale format for our bulls rather than traditional consignment sales. Building on twelve years of Online Female sales we easily transitioned to our first Richardson Ranch Online Bull Sale in March selling 15 bulls using DLMS. This new format really fits well with our isolated location, and we look forward to bringing you two online sales each year with a Bull Sale in the spring and a Female Sale in the fall.
Don & Les
Hereford Enthusiasts,
The Canadian Hereford Association rebranding “Better Your Beef Hereford”, has identified certain goals to increase the demand for Herefords, Hereford genetics and Hereford influenced cattle. The breed continues to develop genetic evaluation programs and marketing strategies that enhance the acceptance of the breed. We feel the Richardson Ranch cattle are well positioned to supply the building blocks needed to help move our breed to a more sustainable, predictable and profitable choice to produce Canadian beef. With forty years of performance recording and now genomically testing every breeding animal at Tlell we can identify the genetic value of each animal produced and be as accurate in those predictions as today’s science will allow.

Craig Flewelling 403-556-0515
If you are looking for a show prospect, Lot 1 checks a lot of boxes. She has the size, coloring and look to make for a fun campaign. Her numbers are pretty wicked, and she has a mother that's better than most. 85G was also the mother of the favorite bull calf in the Copper Creek Production sale last September and she is also dam to some feature embryos in Lot 13. The yearling heifers are pretty special. The Blueprint daughters are making fine young cows and Lot 5 will be one of his best. Check out the videos of the sale cattle and then compare their documentation. I think you will be impressed. Remember, these cattle are presented in a pretty natural state. Value for investment, I don't know of a better spot to shop. I have recently viewed this sale offering, and if I can be of any assistance be sure to give me a call.
PS Every purchase gives you a chance to win the Buyers Trip to Haida Gwaii which will drawn annually from buyers of our cattle
Another successful summer on the Richardson Ranch. Maybe being a little drier than normal might have made for the best set of heifer calves the ranch has offered.

NJW 135U 10Y Hometown 27A SIRE: NJW 76S 27A LONG RANGE 203D ET NJW 55N Stardust 76S We purchased her dam from Copper Creek Ranch, Princeton for $17,000 last fall. She gave us this lovely Horned heifer calf before we flushed out 9 Grade One embryos. See Lot #13! This heifer will slide into the top of any heifer replacement pen in Canada! Her dam this opportunity to acquire these reputation genetics for your herd. Reg #: C03093545 Birth Date: Jan 24, 2022 Tattoo: APSF 4K H/P: Horned BW: 84 lb. 205d Adj: 704 lb. 365d Adj: n/a lb. Aug 9, 2022 = 652 C4212lb.Black Hawk 7057 ET DAM: CCR JBLC 7057 NOTICE ME 85G C Bar1 1262 Miles 4423 ET Second High Seller at Copper Creek 2021 LOT # 1 - HEIFERCALF Tlell 203D Katz 4K {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 85G Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD 1.0 +3.5 +74.5 +120.3 +42.1 +79.4 +1.8 +1.4 +120.2 +14.1 +1.2 +1.3 +125.1 +122.8 +45.8 0.003 +0.81 0.11 +91.2 Accuracy .35 .46 .43 .42 .24 .22 .33 .28 .24 .39 .39 .24 .19 .42 .10 .10 .10 .10 Neck:PigmentRed LE: 80% RE: 100% “Notice Me”

NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET SIRE: BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 Jasman 102Y Sweet package here! Paternal Grandsire was Denver Champ, maternal grandsire was Canadian Agribition Champion! Can’t breed them much better and this one comes with all the bells and whistles. Breed leading genetics with Calving Ease, Birth Wt, Ribeye and Marble EPD the Maternal Productivity and Feedlot Merit Indexes. Maternal sister sells as Lot 6. Reg #: C03093563 Birth Date: Feb 5, 2022 Tattoo: APSF 22K H/P: Homo Polled BW: 62 lb. 205d Adj: 608 lb. 365d Adj: N/A Aug 9, 2022 = 556 lb. TLELL 199S Xplosive 18X DAM: TLELL 18X FITBIT 21F TLELL 30Y Annie Oakley 27A LOT # 2 - HEIFERCALF Tlell 504C Kesha 22K {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam 21F Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +15.2 1.0 +55.8 +95.9 +30.8 +58.7 +6.6 +0.8 +64.2 +15.6 +1.4 +1.4 +161.4 +192.8 +92 +40.1 +0.007 +0.71 +0.33 +78.4 Accuracy .40 .49 .42 .42 .27 .23 .35 .32 .27 .40 .40 .27 .19 PE .42 .10 .10 .10 .10 LE:Neck:PigmentWhite40%RE:0% Sired by Cuda !

EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 SIRE: INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET INNISFAIL P230 T723 Dam’s pedigree includes both Hometown 10Y and Ribeye R117 up close. Fern 25F was 1620 lbs. this spring. Her first calf was the Homeboy 8H bull who was our clean up bull last year and sold in our bull sale to Telegraph Trail Ranch while her second Bull calf sold to Gardner Ranch. The 4013 sire is a trait leader for 10 EPDs and he has 150 daughters in production. 28K breed. Reg #: C03093568 Birth Date: Feb 22, 2022 Tattoo: APSF 28K H/P: Homo Polled BW: 92 lb. 205d Adj: 641 lb. 365d Adj: N/A Aug 9, 2022 = 550 lb. TLELL 10Y Dune 17D DAM: TLELL 17D FERN 25F TLELL 3B Diamond 20D LOT # 3 - HEIFERCALF Tlell 4013 Krackle 28K {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 25F Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD 1.0 +4.9 +80.5 +124.6 +31.1 +71.4 +0.2 +1.7 +131.0 +20.5 +1.3 +1.3 +155.5 +220.3 +87 +44.1 +0.087 +0.49 +0.46 +90.6 Accuracy .38 .49 .42 .42 .27 .24 .34 .33 .25 .40 .41 .25 .19 PE .42 .10 .10 .10 .10 Pigment Neck: 1/2 Red LE: 100% RE: 45% Sired by Innisfail 4013 !

LOT # 4 - YEARLINGHEIFER Tlell 504C Dixie 12J {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 101D Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +10.9 0.3 +58.8 +96.7 +36.1 +65.5 +1.1 +1.7 +67.3 +12.3 +1.2 +1.1 +132.6 +217.8 +92 +37.9 +0.007 +0.26 +0.30 +68.7 Accuracy .41 .49 .44 .45 .27 .26 .36 .35 .27 .41 .41 .27 .20 PE .44 .10 .10 .10 .10 Neck:Pigmentwhite LE: 100% RE: 0% Bred AI: KCF BENNETT APOMATTOX G442 Mar. 31, 2022. Exposed to: TLELL 504C Gene Seeker 3J from April 24 to July 15, 2021. Due Date: January 10, 2023

R Leader 6964 SIRE: BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 NJW 91H 100W Rita 31Z ET Sired by Blueprint This heifer impressed everyone who walked the herd last summer. Sweet, sassy and stout, you can’t miss her! Her dam, 27A, has been a building block for our program, showing up in 4 of the 13 lots in this sale. The female foundations in Rita 24J include the Remitall Rita and the Klondike ladies. Power in the blood, press the button, you deserve the best! Start a new cow family! Reg #: C03080966 Birth Date: Feb 5, 2021 Tattoo: APSF 24J H/P: Homo Polled BW: 93 lb. 205d Adj: 677 lb. 365d Adj: 920 lb. Aug 9, 2022 = 1210 lb. TLELL 20W Hold’em 30Y DAM: TLELL 30Y Annie Oakley 27A TLELL S5 Sydney 8P LOT # 5 - YEARLINGHEIFER Tlell 6153 Rita 24J {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 27A Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +2.9 +4.0 +57.5 +95.7 +25.1 +53.9 +4.6 +1.6 +67.8 +16.8 +1.5 +1.6 +142.4 +157.4 +104 +38.2 +0.027 +0.44 +0.12 +69.4 Accuracy .40 .48 .42 .44 .26 .23 .34 .31 .25 .40 .41 .25 .20 PE .42 .10 .10 .10 .10 Pigment Neck: 1/2 Red LE: 100% RE: 25% Bred AI: KCF BENNETT ACCLAIM C442 March 31, 2022. Exposed to: TLELL 504C Gene Seeker 3J April 18 to July 15, 2021. Bred Apr 18 to 3J Due Date: January 27, 2023

R Leader 6964 SIRE: BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 NJW 91H 100W Rita 31Z ET Maternal sister to Lot #2 Conservatively marked and smaller framed, here is another 27A grand daughter. She has the conformation and the pedigree to be a great one but hasn mance numbers we expected. Fancy and feminine, she is sure to drop a gorgeous udder and go on to raise head turning heifer calves and predictable calving ease heifer bulls. Check out her CE, SC, and udder EPDs! Reg #: C03080968 Birth Date: Feb 8, 2021 Tattoo: APSF 26J H/P: Polled BW: 70 lb. 205d Adj: 544 lb. 365d Adj: 783 lb. Aug 9, 2022 = 985 lb. TLELL 199S Xplosive 18X DAM: TLELL 18X FITBIT 21F TLELL 30Y Annie Oakley 27A LOT # 6 - YEARLINGHEIFER Tlell 6153 Blue Dove 26J {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 21F Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +9.9 +1.5 +49.2 +77.1 +29.3 +53.9 +6.4 +1.4 +51.0 +13.0 +1.6 +1.6 +136.4 +117.9 +106 +27.9 +0.027 +0.34 0.06 +66.6 Accuracy .41 .49 .44 .45 .26 .23 .36 .33 .27 .40 .41 .27 .20 PE .44 .10 .10 .10 .10 LE:Neck:PigmentWhite0%RE:0% Bred AI: KCF BENNETT ACCLAIM C442 Mar. 31, 2022. Exposed to: TLELL 504C Gene Seeker 3J April 24 to July 15, 2021. Due Date: January 10, 2023

TLELL Z311 Endzone 17E SIRE: TLELL 17E GRAPHITE 27G TLELL 0219 Roz 7B Private Stock! This one was in my “keeper group” but when two of the sale heifers came in open it became a numbers game. Her dam is young and I can hopefully get another heifer out of her. My loss is your gain. This will make a great cow in anyone's herd. The maternal great grand dam is Cayley Brown Grand Champion Female and 2014 Miss Hereford World. Don Reg #: C03080973 Birth Date: Mar 2, 2021 Tattoo: APSF 34J H/P: Polled BW: 71 lb. 205d Adj: 624 lb. 365d Adj: 855 lb. Aug 9, 2022 = 1020 lb. TLELL 29F Red Cedar 8N DAM: TLELL 8N LADY BETH 1G TLELL 10Y Emilia ET 104E LOT # 7 - YEARLINGHEIFER Tlell 27G JUNE 34J {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 1G Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +9.3 +0.4 +58.4 +94.8 +34.4 +63.6 +6.1 +1.2 +107.6 +20.9 +1.2 +1.3 +175.8 +157.9 +36.4 +0.087 +0.54 +0.13 +96.6 Accuracy .36 .42 .39 .40 .21 .18 .29 .28 .24 .34 .34 .24 .18 .39 .10 .10 .10 .10 Neck:PigmentWhite LE: 95% RE: 100% Bred AI: GERBER HIGH TIME H65 Mar. 31, 2022. Exposed to: TLELL 504C Gene Seeker 3J from April 24 to July 15, 2021. Due Date: January 10, 2023

CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S SIRE: TLELL 199S XPLOSIVE 18X TLELL 8N Ragamuffin 22R BW: 87 lb. 205d Adj: 646 lb. 365d Adj: 951 lb. Aug 9, 2022 = 1705 lb. WLB Quaker 10H 21T DAM: WLB 21T QUEEN 50Y WLB 035J Flora 14N Sired by 2012 CWA Grand Champion Xplosive 18X! 50Y was one of the high sellers from the WLB dispersal and she has been a great donor dam for us. Godiva is now a 1700 lb. cow whose first born calf was only 61 lb. at birth and sold as a heifer bull in our Bull Sale this spring. This year she has a Innisfail 4013 heifer calf going into our replacement heifer pen. We put an embryo in 22G this spring but it failed to stick so we AI bred her to Acclaim for a late February calf. LOT # 8 - BREDCOW Tlell 18X Godiva 22G {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 50Y Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD +5.0 +1.9 +53.9 +88.6 +19.9 +46.9 +1.7 +0.4 +137.4 +8.2 +1.5 +1.5 +93.1 +122.1 +99 +34.7 +0.017 +0.46 0.06 +63.8 Accuracy .41 .48 .44 .45 .29 .28 .36 .34 .29 .46 .47 .29 .20 PE .44 .10 .10 .10 .10 Neck:PigmentWhite LE: 100% RE: 5% Bred AI: KCF BENNETT ACCLAIM C442 May 18, 2022. Exposed to: TLELL 504C Gene Seeker 3J from May 24 to July 15, 2021. Due Date: February 26, 2023

14 NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET SIRE: BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 Jasman 102Y Junior / 4-H Show Steer Prospect What a beautiful calf and out of one of our top producing females! Unfortunately his birth weight means he has to be a steer. We will have him halter broke to tie. Expect him to be in the hunt next spring in the Heavy Weight class. Great prospect for your local 4-H show or take him to the Williams Lake Cariboo Classic Junior Steer and Heifer show! His EPDs indicate he should feed out to produce a large quality carcass! Reg #: Birth Date: Feb 8, 2022 Tattoo: APSF 24K H/P: Polled BW: 119 lb. 205d Adj: 717 lb. 365d Adj: n/a Aug 9, 2022 = 665TLELLlb. 199S Xplosive 18X DAM: TLELL 18X CHERRYBOMB 2C REMITALL Jade 257S LOT # 9 - STEERCALF Tlell 504C Kingcome 24K {DLFHYFIEFMSDUF} Dam: 2C Aug 22 CE BW WW YW Milk TM MCE SC CW SCF Udder Teat MPI FMI RFI PWG Fat REA MARB Carcass GE EPD 4.7 +6.4 +74.1 +125 +35.4 +72.5 5 +0.6 +102 +13.2 +1.3 +1.1 +104 +193.6 +50.8 0.012 +0.69 +0.17 +87 Accuracy .34 .38 .29 .29 .21 .25 .23 .01 .19 .26 .27 .19 .12 PE .29 .03 .03 .03 .03 Pigment Neck: Wt & Red LE: 100% RE: 95%

15 RICHARDSON RANCH Second Annual Online Bull Sale Farm Gate Sale March 3rd 4th, 2023 join us on www.dlms.ca

16 All our exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia as well as many other World Hereford member countries. You are bidding by the embryo and get four Grade 1 embryos. WLB 21T QUEEN 50Y BEHM 100W CUDA 504C We purchased Queen 50Y from the WLB Dispersal in the fall of 2016. She was the third high selling cow in the sale. From the heart of the WLB program Queen 50Y is a maternal sister to WLB Global 50S. Her sire 21T, is a son of DR World Class 517 10H. Milk and mass is the expected result from this family. CUDA's combination of calving ease, growth, maternal and carcass merit with an elite EPD profile ranks him in the top 5 percent of the breed for eleven different traits. Trait leader for 13 traits. This powerful, stout, rugged, short marked sire is emerging as a true breed leader. WLB QUAKER 10H 21T DONOR DAM : WLB 21T QUEEN 50Y WLB 8D BLANCHE 127J LOT#10 FOUREXPORTABLEEMBRYOS Flush Sire Her daughter sells as Lot # 8 ! NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET FLUSH SIRE : BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 JASMAN 102Y Aug 2022 CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC CW SCF MPI FMI Fat REA MARBRFI PWGTeatUdder Carcass Flush Avg. +8.1 +1.1 +61.7 +99.0 +35.6 +66.5 +2.3 +1.3 +98.3 +17.4 +150.6 +178.7 +0.008 +0.47 +90+0.17+1.3+1.3+37.3 +70.4 Breed Avg. +2.7 +2.8 +53.2 +85.5 +25.2 +51.8 +1.7 +1.0 +94.7 +16.5 +123.0 +114.0 +0.016 +0.39 +100+0.11+1.24+1.3+32.8 67.0

17 All our exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia as well as many other World Hereford member countries. You are bidding by the embryo and get four Grade 1 embryos. TLELL 8N GLORIA 4G INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET Dam of our clean up bull, Tlell 504C Gene Seeker 3J. She is sired by our foundation Red Cedar bull from an embryo female we purchased from Cayley Brown. We showed 102E with Gloria 4G at side to Supreme Champion Female over all Breeds at 2019 Lakes District Fair. 102E is a Hometown 10Y from the 2014 Miss Hereford World who was also CWA Grand Champion Female, like her mother before her! Love this cow family, expect breed changing results from these calves! Aug 2022 CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC CW SCF MPI FMI Fat REA MARBRFI PWGTeatUdder Carcass Flush Avg. +4.8 +2.5 +67.1 +109.9 +28.6 +62.2 +3.8 +1.3 +89.0 +19.9 +161.6 +224.2 +0.078 +0.32 +1.3+1.4+42.8+0.46 +77.4 Breed Avg. +2.7 +2.8 +53.2 +85.5 +25.2 +51.8 +1.7 +1.0 +94.7 +16.5 +123.0 +114.0 +0.016 +0.39 +100+0.11+1.24+1.3+32.8 67.0 LOT#11 FOUREXPORTABLEEMBRYOS Flush Sire TLELL 29F RED CEDAR 8N DONOR DAM : TLELL 8N GLORIA 4G TLELL 10Y CAYLEE ET 102E EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET FLUSH SIRE : INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 ET INNISFAIL P230 T723

18 All our exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia as well as many other World Hereford member countries. You are bidding by the embryo and get four Grade 1 embryos. TLELL X51 GINGER 19G BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 Ginger 19G should have been shown as a mature cow this year. Her pedigree is built on nine generations of Tlell breeding and is a who’s who of outstanding AI sires used to produce breed leading phenotype and performance. Admire her for the pigment, the femininity, herd leading udder and teat confirmation, length of spine, performance and docility. Don’t miss this opportunity to take your herd to the next level. LOT#12 FOUREXPORTABLEEMBRYOS Flush Sire KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 DONOR DAM : TLELL X51 GINGER 19G TLELL 3B DAISY MAY 19D R LEADER 6964 FLUSH SIRE : BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET Aug 2022 CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC CW SCF MPI FMI Fat REA MARBRFI PWGTeatUdder Carcass Flush Avg. +3.8 +4.1 +67.8 +106.6 +27.1 +61.0 +3.8 +1.5 +102.2 +21.1 +163.5 +176.3 +0.028 +0.57 +104+0.12+1.6+1.7+38.8 +73.8 Breed Avg. +2.7 +2.8 +53.2 +85.5 +25.2 +51.8 +1.7 +1.0 +94.7 +16.5 +123.0 +114.0 +0.016 +0.39 +100+0.11+1.24+1.3+32.8 67.0

19 All our exportable embryos are qualified for EU, USA and Australia as well as many other World Hereford member countries. You are bidding by the embryo and get four Grade 1 embryos. CCR JBLC 7057 NOTICE ME 85G KCF BENNETT ACCLAIM C442 Les and I were at Denver Stock Show in 2003 when C NOTICE ME ET started it all for this Colyer cow family. It was one of those moments you never forget, so nearly twenty years later we had the opportunity to buy into this family when we purchased Notice Me 85G from Copper Creek. At $17000 she was second high seller on the day and we are excited to see what she can bring to our program. Her Horned daughter sells as Lot 1 and we have three Notice Me pregnancies expected here at Tlell in 2023. LOT#13 FOUREXPORTABLEEMBRYOS Flush Sire KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 FLUSH SIRE : KCF BENNETT ACCLAIM C442 KCF MISS SENSATION A294 C4212 BLACK HAWK 7057 ET DONOR DAM: CCR JBLC 7057 NOTICE ME 85G C BAR1 1262 MILES 4423 ET Aug 2022 CE BW WW YW MM TM MCE SC CW SCF MPI FMI Fat REA MARBRFI PWGTeatUdder Carcass Flush Avg. +5.3 +2.7 +72.6 +112.3 +38.6 +74.9 +5.6 +1.4 +116.4 +21.7 +175.1 +175.6 +0.018 +0.71 +1.3+1.4+39.8+0.27 +85.8 Breed Avg. +2.7 +2.8 +53.2 +85.5 +25.2 +51.8 +1.7 +1.0 +94.7 +16.5 +123.0 +114.0 +0.016 +0.39 +100+0.11+1.24+1.3+32.8 67.0

20 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET Sire: BEHM 100W CUDA 504C BEHM R294 JASMAN 102Y TLELL 29F RED CEDAR 8N Dam: TLELL 8N GLORIA 4G TLELL 10Y CAYLEE ET 102E ReferenceSire : TLELL 504C GENE SEEKER 3J Reg.#: C03080948 Sex: Male Tattoo: Birth Date: 08/01/2021 Walking Bull RED CEDAR sold at the Yellowhead Sale in Prince George as a long yearling bull to Willow Creek Ranch of Hixon. We collected this bull and exported semen to New Zealand and the United States. He developed into a breed leading calving ease sire and a trait leader for BW, CE, Milk, MCE, FMI and MPI. His daughters are exceptional and have been the cornerstone of our program. Foundation Sire at Tlell REMITALL BOOMER 46B Sire: CS BOOMER 29F CS MISS 1ST FLAG 21A REMITALL LEONARD 38L Dam: TLELL 38L GLORIA 4G TLELL J7 BLUE NUN 11E Reg.#: C02826570 Sex: Male Tattoo: APSF 8N Birth Date: 06/02/2003 AI Approved ReferenceSire : TLELL 29F RED CEDAR 8N Walking Bull at Tlell used to clean up after AI in 2022. Gene Seeker 4J has been a standout since birth. He is a heifer bull with adequate performance and good carcass numbers, a bit of a curve bender!!! Both his Maternal Productivity Index and his Feedlot Merit Index are in top 1% of the breed. Two CWA Grand Champion Females and a Miss Hereford World along with a Denver Champion Bull up close in his pedigree This guy is bred to Better Your Beef ! Service Sire on Lot# 5

21 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 Sire: NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET NJW P606 DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 9126J R294 Dam: BEHM R294 JASMAN 102Y CPH MS WRANGLER 1W ReferenceSire : BEHM 100W CUDA 504C Reg.#: C03060820 Sex: Male Tattoo: BEHM 504C Birth Date: 04/03/2015 AI Approved Proven sire, 4013 has differentiated himself as one of the great sires in the Hereford population. Progeny sales have skyrocketed for the extra dimension and power that 4013 sires in a dense bodied package. Use 4013 to consistently add superior growth and carcass traits without sacrificing visual quality and maternal function. Sire Lot # 3 and # 11 EFBEEF FOREMOST U208 Sire: EFBEEF TFL U208 Tested X651 ET EFBEEF P606 Mabel R415 EF F745 Frank P230 Dam: INNISFAIL P230 T723 INNISFAIL 235 R501 ET Semen available from Select Sires. No other sire comes close to matching CUDA's combination of calving ease, growth, maternal and carcass merit. Offers an elite EPD profile ranking in the top 5 percent of the breed for eleven different traits. Trait leader for 13 traits. This powerful, stout, rugged, short marked sire is emerging as a true breed leader. Sire of Lot # 2, Lot # 4, Lot # 9, and Embryos Lot #10 Reg.#: C03054441 Sex: Male Tattoo: IF 4013 Birth Date: 10/09/2014 AI Approved ReferenceSire : INNISFAIL WHR X651/723 4013 HOMOPOLLED {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF} HOMOPOLLED {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF}

22 FELTONS LEGEND 242 Sire: MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 Dam: SHF MAGGIE M326 X05 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 Homozygous polled, Revolve 617D is a son of the immortal Revolution 4R, out of a full sister to Wonder, whose semen is rare and impossible to find. Revolve is heifer safe and provides breeders with an opportunity to increase performance and add breed leading maternal and carcass traits coupled with a rare and unique pedigree of breed legends. Reg.#: C03055716 Sex: Male Tattoo: 617 Birth Date: 15/02/2016 AI Approved ReferenceSire : REED X05 REVOLVE 617D ET HOMOPOLLED {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF} Blueprint combines exceptional phenotype with breed leading genetic predictions all in one impressive package. He is truly one of the most unique bulls to come to the forefront of the breed. His dam was the pick of heifer calves for Boyd Beef Cattle and has become their cornerstone donor. She has an outstanding production record with two calves at 98 for BW, 116 WW and 114 YW. Sire of Lot #5 & Lot #6 and Lot # 12 HYALITE ON TARGET 936 Sire: R LEADER 6964 R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W Dam: NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET REMITALL RITA 91H ReferenceSire : BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 Reg.#: C03053820 Sex: Male Tattoo: 6153 Birth Date: 04/10/2016 AI Approved

23 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S Sire: KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 KCF MISS REVOLUTION X338 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X Dam: KCF MISS SENSATION A294 KCF MISS REVOLUTION Y441 ReferenceSire : KCF Bennett Acclaim C442 Reg.#: C03051673 Sex: Male Tattoo: C442 Birth Date: 14/09/2015 AI Sire HOMOPOLLED {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF} NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET Sire: KCF BENNETT HOMEWARD C776 KCF MSS 22S Z301 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET Dam: KCF MISS TRUST C132 KCF MISS REVOLUTION X374 ReferenceSire : KCF Bennett Appomattox G442 Reg.#: AHA 44105173 Sex: Male Tattoo: G442 Birth Date: 17/09/2019 AI Sire HOMOPOLLED {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF} Semen available from ABS Ranks in top 10% for 9 EPD’s and two indexes in AHA. Superior for Birth, Growth, Maternal and Carcass traits Knoll Crest Farms considers his dam to be their model cow. G442 is short marked, deep ribbed, lots of spring of rib along with pigment, docility and excellent feet. Service Sire on Lot# 4 Semen available from ABS One of the best Encore Z311 sons available. One of fastest growth bulls with huge birth to yearling spread. Knoll Crest Farms considers his dam a neat uddered, feminine young cow. Sound Structured, Big Bodied, Large Testicles Service Sire on Lot# 6, Lot# 8 and Lot# 13

24 Long Range will add loads of volume, thickness, capacity and pigment. Supreme Champion Bull NILE 2018 and the 2019 NWSS Reserve Champion Senior Bull. His Dam is regarded as one NJW’s best and known for her great udder. Heterozygous Polled Sire of Lot # 1 NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y Sire: NJW 135U 10Y HOMETOWN 27A NJW 4037 34S DURANGO VACA 135U NJW BW TRAILDUST 161L Dam: NJW 55N STARDUST 76S NJW 57G SPIRIT QUEEN 55N ET ReferenceSire : NJW 76S 27A Long Range 203D Reg.#: C0307970 Sex: Male Tattoo: 76S 203D Birth Date: 02/29/2016 AI Approved BW:83 Adj 205d :703 lb YW Adj 365:1320 lb High Time proves to be an outlier who combines calving ease, growth and carcass traits without sacrificing maternal excellence. Dam is one of best ever produced at Gerber with a picture perfect udder and great pigment. Homozygous Polled KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 Sire: GERBER CANAAN 041C GERBER 627S TRISH 934W MOHICAN THM EXCEDE Z426 Dam: GERBER Z426 DIXIE E066 SCHU LAR EFBEEF 2013 DIXIE 9X ReferenceSire : Gerber High Time H65 Reg.#: 44189906 AHA Sex: Male Tattoo: GRBRH65 Birth Date: 05/28/2020 AI Approved {DLFHYFIEFMSUDFMDF} Service Sire on Lot #7

25 Delivery to Canada , eh! We haul all sale cattle off Haida Gwaii on BC Ferries! Purchase price includes delivery of all livestock along Yellowhead Hwy from Prince Rupert, BC to Vanderhoof , BC at no extra charge. There are several commercial options available to ship cattle from the BC Livestock Co op auction market in Vanderhoof to all parts of Canada. We will make every effort to assist you in arranging delivery . We will work with all buyers to make sure your wishes re delivery are respected and fully meet your expectations within the limits as noted here on this page. We will give a cash discount of $100 a head for cattle picked up at our Ranch in Tlell. If some buyers wish, and time allows us, we may be able to haul some sale cattle past Vanderhoof. We will add 65 cents a km for all trucking we do past Vanderhoof. This extra charge will be prorated and shared equally between each buyer involved. RU 20X BOULDER 57G Sire: CCR 57G STAMINA ET 199S GOLDEN OAK 46B KEEPSAKE 23K TLELL 29F RED CEDAR 8N Dam: TLELL 8N RAGAMUFFIN 22R TLELL 19K BANGEROO 29M ReferenceSire : TLELL 199S XPLOSIVE 18X Reg.#: C02941567 Sex: Male Tattoo: APSF 18X Birth Date: 14/02/2010 AI Approved Xplosive sold in our first Online Sale in 2010 and was crowned Canadian Western Agribition Grand Champion Hereford Bull at Regina in 2012. It doesn’t get much better for a Hereford breeder! We have partnered with SEMEX to have semen collected and distributed from this bull. We have good Xplosive daughters in our herd. Sire of Lot# 9

RICHARDSON RANCH Second Annual Online Bull Sale Farm Gate Sale March 3rd 4th, 2023 Preview 2022 Bull calves , watch for them next spring! 11K15K 19K 17K 20K21K 12K 30K 26K29K31K 25K

Payment: We will contact all winning bids and arrange payments as soon after the closing date as possible. We accept Visa, MasterCard, bank transfers, e-transfers or certified cheque. Payment is expected in Canadian dollars before cattle are shipped off the island.
Each animal purchased becomes the property of the buyer 24 hours after we have notified you of your winning bid and we advise you to acquire insurance on your purchases.
Guarantee: All cattle are guaranteed to meet the “Terms and Conditions” as mandated by the Canadian Hereford Association on their “Agreement of Sale” as posted on the hereford.ca web page.
Herd health: All cattle have been vaccinated with both a seven way and a four way vaccine, and all will be treated with Ivermectin pour-on within the last 30 days before de-
Certificatelivery of Registration: All cattle purchased, will be transferred to the new owner and a registration paper from the Canadian Hereford Association will be supplied.
Females in the sale: All females in the sale are being sold with the term “Selling 100% Possession, Retaining one flush”. This means that should you buy one of these females she will be yours to possess and breed at your ranch without any restrictions. However, should you use the female in question in a donor program and you have her permitted as a donor dam by the CHA then we will retain the right to one flush of this cow to the bull of our choice, at our costs, at a time which is mutually agreeable to both parties.
PHONE IN BIDS: Not all customers have good internet access or you may not be comfortable doing business online. We would be pleased to take your inquires and bids by phone or email. For phone bids call Don at 250-557-4348 or Craig at 403-556-0515. Send all email bids to Don at don@richardsonranch.ca
Genetic Defects: All the cattle in this sale have been DNA tested to achieve Genomically Enhanced EPDS and are free of all known genetic defects.
CJHA Heifer Lottery Sale: All female animals in this sale qualify to be purchased with CJHA Heifer lottery funds. Heifer Lottery 2022
Bulls in the sale: All bulls are being sold “100% possession, retaining 50% Semen Interest”. This means should you buy this bull he will be yours to possess and use at your ranch without any restrictions. However, should you elect to collect semen from this bull for resale outside your own herd, we would be equal partners in both the costs involved and the profits generated from this sale of semen.
Delivery of cattle: We will be selling all the cattle FOB Vanderhoof and we will be giving a cash discount of $100 a head for cattle picked up at our Ranch in Tlell. FOB Vanderhoof means we will trailer, at our cost, all the cattle sold, to Vanderhoof where there are several commercial options available for you to move your new purchase to all parts of Canada. We will have all animals brand inspected and provide shipping manifests issued at our expense prior to delivery of your purchases to trucking companies in Vanderhoof and we will make every effort to assist you in arranging delivery from Vanderhoof to your Ranch.

Thank you for viewing our 2022 sale offering. Thank you as well to all of our past bidders, buyers, friends & family that make this sale possible. Richardson Ranch Family Farm 1919 2022 Raising Beef for 104 years!