504Mag "Nola For Life Special Edition"

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504Mag and NOLA Citizens Join Mayor Landrieu in The “Race”To Save Our Youth - William “Doc” Jones


’m known to indulge in meditation. However, that meditation has lead to the realization that I’m actually the Publisher of a successful Magazine. You know what I’m talking about, it’s like that first swallow of a cool drink of water on a particularly hot and humid New Orleans day. It’s refreshing to say the least! I was in a place somewhere between relaxing sleep and rem-sleep which felt so good to me. Not to toot my own horn, still, I marvel at the success of my creation. I realize how blessed I am at this season of my life. Being Publisher of a well read magazine, speaks to my own heart, as well as to hearts of millions of other passionate music lovers around the world! How great it iI s that? To be able to utilize a plethora of knowledge and my life’s experiences on a subject that is as much a part of me as the skin I’m in to inform and entertain, is a great feeling. In this “special issue,” 504Magazine hopes that the readers will enjoy the experience of reading what’s current and real. We want to take you on a journey by way of passionate articles about the lives of people my staff and I have met and personally researched. We have heard and seen their love for the City of New Orleans. The ignificant roles they play in helping to make NOLA a better and more safe place, not only for its residents,

but for the thousands of tourists who visit each year. Their situations, personalities, political and business affiliates all lead to the same end; making New Orleans better. I was raised in Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes (RTH), once a well-known Chi-Town high rise, dubbed “The Projects,” - well known, but not in a good way. Having lived in Chicago about one-half of my life, after having children, I decided to move my family to Arizona. The difference between Chi Town and Phoenix, Arizona weather-wise is as far as east is from west, but music-wise not much differenct. In Arizona there are more mountains than claims to tallest or next to tallest buildings in the world! Instead there were lots of palm trees, cactus, mountains and hills as far as the eye could see. Otherthan the search for a “snowless winter” other major factors were safety and better educations available to my children. My children are now adults, college graduates, and working in their chosen fields. Once that was achieved, I made another life altering move. I relocated to New Orleans post-Katrina and after the crime and murder numbers escalated - a significant amount due to post-Katrina economics. When those who know me ask why, I tell them that I believe that I can help. I can make positive contributions by way of my ability to utilize 504Mag as a tool. 504Magazine’s objective is to continue to support, encourage, educate, and entertain the people of New Orleans and beyond, putting me right where I want to be in the world of publishing, as well as the birth place of Jazz.

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Doc Teaching a Class

What is Nola For Life ? Nola For Life was developed in May 2012 and is New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s comprehensive murder reduction strategy. Recognizing that law enforcement alone cannot solve the murder problem, NOLA FOR LIFE takes a holistic approach to getting to the root of the problem and advances initiatives in five main categories. Those categories include: Stop the Shooting; Invest in Prevention; Promote Jobs and Opportunity; Improve the NOPD; and Get Involved and Rebuild Neighborhoods. Visit www.nolaforlife.org for more information.

We have joined partnership with ,Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. to announce a national effort titled, “A National Call for Action to End the Violence Crisis in US Cities.” Together, Landrieu and Nutter created “Cities United,” an initiative to bring focus and attention to these important issues. Over 50 cities are now on board. Mayors Landrieu and Nutter recently met with President Barack Obama and other mayors from across the country to discuss strategies to reduce youth violence and proven methods that have worked to combat violence at local levels. They all agree programs like Nola For Life offer real soultions, and our Mayor Mitch Landrieu was commended for leading the way in this very important cause. How did the program Nola For Life come into excistence? When our mayor was elected he knew one of his first action had to be how do address that problem of New Orleans’ murder rate. He entered office knowing that that news not only would make it harder to attract new busniesses, but also to retain the ones that had been doing business in NOLA for years. He needed an outside

opinion so he called on his friends and consultants, like Spike Lee. Another was New Orleans native Terrance Blanchard for a sit down, hence the birth of the brainchild Nola For Life. Next they called on Warner Williams, Vice President of Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit and told the group about the plan. Williams said, “Chevron would be pleased to support NOLA FOR LIFE through investments in education and work force development. We believe in the power of partnership and collaboration to achieve sustainable outcomes. So, we are pleased to build on our existing programs in this region with the addition of the new NOLA FOR LIFE grantees.”

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THE NEW NEW ORLEANS “This magazine is dedicated toward building the new NEW ORLEANS” - Doc Jones -



Trombone shorty






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Corey & Jazz Henry







Marcus Jones










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TWO COUSINS ON A JOURNEY with personal TWISTS & TURNS By: Shirley A. Jones

It’s been said, “music washes away the soul’s dust of everyday life,” or something to that affect. A more true statement has never been made, as experienced personally over my forty plus years of “in the trenches” involvement with music and working with youth! As important, if not more important, is the fact that music changed my life and my life’s goals, just as it has the lives of millions of other men and women Stateside and around the world. What you’re about to read are real life experiences in the lives of people inclined toward music whose lives have been forever changed all the while being directed down positive irreversible paths due to their involvement in music! While many young men and women have attained to public recognition at heightened levels in the music industry, although they may be good to great musicians, most you may never hear of. Not that they could not make the cut, or somehow failed in their music endeavors, but simply because they were not in the right place at the right time! Bottom line throughout many of these individuals’ lives lies the common thread of music! Some fall in love with an instrument, how it sounds or feels. Others fall in love with the idea of making mu-

sic, either way you never forget the first moment the note you wanted to hear from your instrument came out precise to your ear, loud and clear, albeit from a piano, brass, woodwind or percussion instrument. Once it sounds just as you practiced or rehearsed it for a time. That moment lives on in your memory vividly as you relate your own music experiences to your children or grandchildren; music is universal and ageless.

often changes lives. Back in 1990 Trombone Shorty (though tall and lanky in stature), was handed a horn at the tender age of four years old. Who knew he would attain to the level of musicianship he has! He’s performed at the White House more than once, amongst many other notable locations before hundreds before audiences made up of thousands of cheering music lovers, here in the US and Abroad! Continue on Page 10

The similarities in the lives of these individuals’ stories we are sharing with you are forever intertwined and they are joined at the hip through music. The first such non-fictional story involves two young boys, relatives, first cousins in fact. Many of you Jazz lovers, tweens to even very senior citizens, are familiar with the name Troy “Trombone” Shorty! What some of you may not know is, music directed Troy’s life, as well as the life of his cousin, better known as Travis “Trumpet Black” Hill. Despite a journey on roads containg many twists and turns, their pathes took on; these two extraordinary musicians lived to tell their stories; family members, New Orleans born and bred, both very talented. Needless to say, music affects but more

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NOLA FOR LIFE Goes National!

Congratulations New Orleansians, programs like Nola For Life and others are helping to reduce the crime rate in our city. The violent crime rate is down 23%.

Welcome to 504Magazine. As Publisher & CEO, I would like to congratulate Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Henry Coaxum, Dr. Steve Price, and all of the music educators, business and community leaders,who are committed to giving the “at-risk” youth of New Orleans the opportunity to “Flip The Script” on crime through “Nola For Life” and other similar programs.


Publisher / CEO William “Doc” Jones Senior Writer / Chief Editor Shirley A. Jones Senior Writer/ Editor Cynthia Gill Mitchell Contributing Writer Douglas Berry

Together we can Reduce Crime in The City Of New Orleans

Senior Design Layout Wm. Doc. Jones Publicist/Assoc. Editor Belinda Foster Chief Photo Editor Doc Jones Contributing Photo Editor Jim Brock ©504 Multi MEDIA LLC. All Rights Reserved

The State of Louisiana is in Good Hands.



Publisher Wm. Doc Jones & Mayor Mitch Landrieu Once you meet him, you’ll remember him. Dr. William Jones (lovingly referred to as Doc) is Founder/CEO and Chief Editor of the pulse of NOLA’s, 504Mag.com. Doc Jones brings a high level energy, excitement and hands on involvement to anything he believes in. Doc’s motto, love of people, and talents continues to be, “if you believe in it, you should be a contributing factor to it.” Doc is excited about the restoration of and is spearheading an all out effort to bring an influx of new ready-to-run contributors to the area armed with current information in 504Mag.com. He recently stated, “It’s not the remaining rubble, though the devastation of Katrina remains vividly in my mind, but the beauty of the people, the succulence of the food and the throngs of happy tourist I once performed for myself on Bourbon Street.” 504Mag. com comes to give and not take from the history of the culture within that makes NOLA so unique. I come to give and not take toward the complete restoration of New Orleans.Doc Jones has been a music educator and professional musician /restaurant owner for more than 35 years. Everywhere he has lived from Chicago to Arizona and now New Orleans, he has left a trail of happy and fond memories. Though there will always be a special place in his heart for Chicago, Doc Jones is quoted to have said New Orleans is, “His Kind of Town.” 504mag 9

Two Cousins on a Journey with Twists &Turns


of music continues to change the lives of future New Orleans musicians. His mission, to “give back as much as he can, that which was so generously given to him.”

Born, Troy Michael Andrews, Trombone Shorty, walked the streets of his culturally-rich Treme neighborhood in Louisiana blowing his horn. He emulated the musicians he heard playing in the “Second Line” parades, most notably watching and listening to his older brother, James Andrews; then and now a leader, and well respected skillful musician. Young Troy was so small back in the day though still a very young man, his instrument looked to be twice his size. Still, Troy became so versed on this instrument at such a young age; he earned the nickname “Trombone Shorty;” a tag that has stuck ‘til this day! “Over the years, Troy listened attentively to his elders who educated him on the deeply-rooted musical traditions of New Orleans. His capable hands and mind absorbed those lessons as he practiced them constantly. Troy became a band-leader at age 8 and a touring musician at 10. The trumpet became Trombone Shorty’s passport to success and fame in the music industry. It opened countless, unimaginable doors in his home town and eventually around the World. Trombone in hand, young Troy eagerly walked through the many opened doors. Excerpt by Herman Leonard re Trombone Shorty Just as music transformed his own life, Trombone Shorty has advanced the course of the New Orleans sound by making it his own. Always respectful of and inspired by the music’s history, he developed a foundation built upon the many musical traditions of his hometown—jazz, gospel, and R&B—he updated them with modern rock and hip-hop influences. In doing so, he has created his own style, one he calls “SupaFunkRock.” Trombone Shorty and his band “Orleans Avenue” have performed before audiences all over the world in large concert venues, arenas and often headlining large festivals. But he always comes back home to New Orleans, the city he loves and that’s given him so much. “The City of New Orleans raised me,” he likes to say. Today, he is passing his knowledge on to the next generation through the Trombone Shorty Foundation to ensure New Orleans’ precious musical culture stays strong while the power 10 504mag

Troy hasn’t stopped there he fervently works with organizations and even the Mayor’s Office to help bring to a halt to the violence in the streets of his beloved City. This gifted young man selflessly donates his time and talents and money toward an end of the type of violence that post-Katrina had began to be looked upon as the norm. He has put his money where his mouth is, to sustain and support the efforts of such programs as Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s NOLA for Life program. The NOLA for Life program was designed to combat the inordinate number of senseless murders and other such violent crimes in the community. NOLA for Life was initiated by Mayor Mitch Landrieu along with concerned constituents as well as friends of NOLA like the renowned Film-maker, Spike Lee, Businessman and Activist Henry Coaxum alongside others in 2012. Through a strong show of his concern for youth in and around New Orleans, Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews founded the Trombone Shorty Foundation. Troy recalls and realizes every eager young boy or girl needs encouragement, just as he once received at a very young age. With that he has made it possible for hundreds of area youth to enroll in the Trombone Shorty Academy. Troy did not just put his name on a program or building, he takes time out of his already busy schedule to make guest appearances at events relevant to education in and around New Orleans. Recently, Grammy nominated, Troy Andrews, along with Mayor Mitch Landrieu, took time out to visit the Martin Behrman Charter School in Algiers; it was a welcome surprise for the surprised students. Later he performed with students members of the Behrman Band to celebrate the donation of custom designed music instruments to the school’s music program. The instruments were donated through Andrews’ foundation and created to his specifications. An unlikely union, one might say, but this is Landrieu’s second year teaming with Andrews for the event. During that event, Andrews and Mayor Landrieu played the blues classic “St. James Infirmary” for the students at the Behrman Academy. While Travis “Trumpet Black” Hill, Trombone Shorty’s cousin, has been celebrated for his music contributions, as a well known recording artist and has enjoyed many accolades, the road he traveled to success contained some unforeseen speed bumps and pot holes. Trumpet Black was incarcerated back in 1994 eight years and served nine months of his young life in prison. He was released in 2011. Trumpet Black, (the nickname given to him by his cousin James Andrews, (Trombone Shorty’s older brother), started playing music when he was eight years old. Hill says.“ We grew up playing in Jackson Square, so I never had time to join the school band. We were trying to make ourselves known.” Mind you, the two boys grew up in very similar household settings with like parenting skills being exerted in nurturing them toward adulthood and whatever success might lie ahead for them individually. Yet, their lives took distinctly separate pathes. By Shirley Jones


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Prince of High Notes, Travis Trumpet Black By: Shirley A Jones Travis Hill can really blow a horn; he hits incredibly memorable high notes on his trumpet. On hearing Hill as a member of trombonist Corey Henry’s Treme Funktet or sitting in with his cousin trumpeter James Andrews, you’ll often here the quizitive question, “Hey, who is that?” Someone who’s been on the New Orleans scene since back-in-the-day might answer, “Oh, that’s Trumpet Black. When he was a kid he used to play with Trombone Shorty’s Brass Band.” They remember the talented young trumpeter and singer who would be out at Jackson Square or at Donna’s Bar and Grill with his cousin, Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews’ group. He also played sporadically with the New Birth, Lil Rascals and the Hot 8 Brass Bands until, he was a teenager, when he was incarcerated for eight years and nine months for armed robbery. Not a proud story, but one about which, “Trumpet Black” will tell you he entered the system a young kid and came out a Man. Now 27, he admits he made some “bad choices/decisions” during his youth. The early on decisions made in his life have impacted and are as relevant to his current status amongst his peers and performance as keeping his chops up. Upon his release in 2011, Hill’s first gig was again performing with Trombone Shorty for a Christmas show at the House of Blues. He also jumped back in with the New Birth Brass Band. “The New Birth will always be home for me,” Hill declares. “I just started to play gigs around town with people who I knew before I was incarcerated—Galactic, Big Sam [Williams], my cousin Glen David Andrews, the Treme Brass Band, an my cousin Herlin Riley.” Most notable to the trained musical ear as well as to the everyday listener, Hill was able to retain his trumpet chops as he only had a few occasions to 12 504mag

play the instrument during his many years of incarceration. To that, I say wow! Trumpet Black says, “I never really thought about how I would keep my chops up and actually my embouchure mark on my lip went away,” he says. “I still never thought it was over for me on trumpet. I just felt that if I put the horn to my mouth I could play it. Some things you never forget and you have to thank God.” Naturally, what you need to do is not get involved in the things that will land you in jail, but again Travis, didn’t while away his incarcerated years watching TV or exercising in yard, he commented in an interview, “My form of rehabilitation was that I wanted to become educated in things I didn’t know. I was more concerned about focusing on academics. I was very intrigued by history— world history, musical history, European history, African history. I learned how to speak Swahili, Arabic and I’m working on my Spanish.” Also during his incarceration, Hill became a Muslim, a faith which, he explains, requires its members to be educated. “That’s what inspired me,” he says. “So I decided that while I’m in here I’m not going to be one to sit up in prison and do idle time and come out more ignorant than when I went in.” Upon Hill’s return to a changed New Orleans that had suffered through the floods following Katrina, he “found it a lot different because after the hurricane you didn’t see a lot of people that you once saw playing music,” he says. “Before I went to prison, they only had a few brass bands and you knew who they were—New Birth, Rebirth, Lil Rascals, Hot 8, Stooges. Now you have a bunch of new, young, up-andcoming musicians that are carrying on the tradition.

What’s in a name, well it turns out a lot! The nickname Trumpet Black, was given to him by his cousin, James Andrews. A little personal information on this superstar, Travis started playing music when he was eight years old. He attended Andrew J. Bell and McDonogh 28 high schools though he never played in the marching bands. “I have always liked it but I never wanted to play marching music,” Hill says. “We grew up [playing] in Jackson Square so I never had time to join the school band. We were trying to make ourselves known.” Trumpet he attended the Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Jazz Camp where he studied with the late trumpeter Clyde Kerr, Jr. and saxophonist Edward “Kidd” Jordan. In 1997 Hill won the Louis Armstrong Trumpet Award.

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Trombone Shorty Academy at Tulane’s Scho

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ool of Liberal Arts

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No White Flags

Home for the Holidays is Commited We’re Doing Our Part to Help Reduce NOLA Crime By: Douglas Berry What inspires a great man? What’s the catalyst that pushes a man of stature into the realm of world service? What catapults a man who literally touches lives through medicine to now extend his limbs and touch lives via the heart? In the case of Dr. Steve Price, it was the tragic death of his son Daniel. Rewind to December 19, 2003 in San Francisco, CA. Daniel and his new bride are returning home from a party in a taxi. Daniel planned to drop his wife at their home and continue to visit with friends at another gathering. As his wife attempted to enter the home, she is accosted by an assailant with obvious criminal intent. Daniel noticed the strange man approaching his wife and dashes to diffuse the situation. As he does, everything goes terribly wrong and Daniel Price is shot and killed. Life for his family would never be the same. To fully understand the philanthropy of Dr. Steve Price, one must first grasp a concept of who Daniel was. He was a graduate of nationally recognized Benjamin Franklin High in New Orleans, LA where his foundation in the arts community is anchored on solid rock. Ben Franklin High is known for its rigorous admissions qualifications and apparently, Daniels’ academic prowess was up to the challenge. Concurrently, he attended the famed New Orleans Center for Creative Arts whose alumni include Terrence Blanchard, Wynton, Branford, Delfeayo, and Jason Marsalis, and also the former child prodigy Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews. After graduating high school, Daniel attended Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. San Francisco would become his home after college where he inspired and was inspired by the great city by the bay. Local friends there were excited about the manner in which his art work was taking off. He painted several murals for local business owners, yet even in his astounding art achievements, he was known as being a person greater than his work. One of his good friends was quoted as saying, “He was one of the nicest human beings you’ll ever meet.” I was fortunate enough to catch up with Dr. Steve Price on a lazy Saturday afternoon. The following is an excerpt from our conversation:

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504 Mag: Dr. Price, in a nutshell, tell me who are you? Dr. Price: Well my name is Dr. Steve Price and I’m a Gastroenterologist in New Orleans, LA. I received my training in San Diego, CA and Bethesda, MD. 504 Mag: Are you a native of New Orleans? Dr: Price: No, I’m originally from Lake Charles , La., but I’ve been in New Orleans since 1980. 504 Mag: Aside from the great music and food, what could have possibly lured you to make New Orleans your home? Dr. Price: Well, I went to medical school in New Orleans, but more importantly I met and fell in love with my wife here. We are the proud parents of three boys and one girl. 504 Mag: Tell me about your son Daniel; the one that was murdered. Dr. Price: Well my son Daniel was an extremely gifted visual artist whose life was ended by a gunman in 2003 outside of his home in San Francisco in front of his wife. 504 Mag: My research tells me that the killer has never been found. Dr. Price: That is correct.

504 Mag: Such a tragic story and loss of life. You have seemingly taken the loss of your son and found a way to honor his legacy. Tell me about Home for the Holidays Dr. Price: Basically, a memorial service for Daniel held days after his death, has snow-balled into an annual concert and celebration of his life. It’s called home for the holidays because a lot of great local musicians, many that were friends with Daniel, come home to New Orleans to play. 504 Mag: Yes, New Orleans is chock full of great musi-

cians. Are there any names that I may be familiar with, and where is the venue? Dr. Price: Daniel and Kermit Ruffins were close friends and the event is held is held at the House of Blues. 504 Mag: Yes, I’m definitely familiar with that name. Was Daniel musically inclined as well? Dr. Price: Yes he was, however his talent really shined through his artwork. 504 Mag: How did Daniel happen to befriend the Crème

de la Crème of the New Orleans jazz scene? Dr. Price; He studied Visual Arts at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts and that is where he became friends with many of his musically gifted colleagues. 504 Mag: Isn’t there a scholarship fund that was started by your family as well? Dr. Price: Yes. It’s called the Price Foundation. Annually, the funds presents a student from NOCCA with a scholarship to continue studies at an institute of higher learning in Arts. As well, there is an annual grant of $10,000

that supports many of the Arts programs at the school. The price Foundation recently purchased a cello for a student in need. 504 Mag: That’s awesome Dr. Price. Here’s a question… Are you musically inclined? 504 Mag: If Yes What do you play. Dr. Price: Drums, piano, and Ukulele 504 Mag: Well I see that arts seem to be in the Price 504mag 17

bloodline as well as your social circle, which brings me to my next question. What’s your relationship with Troy Andrews BKA Trombone Shorty? Dr. Price: I’ve known Troy since he was a youngster. He’s a phenomenal artist and he’s an awesome young man. 504 Mag: I’ve done research on Trombone Shorty and he has quite an amazing body of work as well as other entities surrounding his music. Would you be so kind as to expound? Dr. Price: He has an awesome organization called the Trombone Shorty Foundation. The premise of the foundation is all about passing the tradition of music down to the youth and carrying forth the rich history of music in this city. 504 Mag: I read that you’re actually on the Board of Directors for the foundation which is a great honor. What else can you tell be about the Trombone Shorty Foundation? Dr. Price: The Trombone Shorty Foundation was the child of a project called Andrews’ Horns for School which helped provide schools with quality instruments. The foundation has also partnered with Tulane University to create an after school academy that mentors aspiring high

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school musicians in New Orleans. 504 Mag: What an amazing story of life and music. Dr. Price it’s been a pleasure speaking with you and hopefully I’ll have an opportunity to meet you in person soon. One last thing; Is there any truth to the rumor that you are neighbors with probably one of the most underrated quarterbacks in the history of the National Football League? Dr. Price: That is true. His name is Drew Brees. Take care. 504 Mag: Until we speak again Dr. Price, take care.

The Memory of Daniel Price Lives On Through His Memorial Scholarship Fund

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THE FIRST TOYS FROM TROY Mayor Mitch Landrieu and Troy “Trombone Shorty” Andrews distributed over 400 gifts at the first annual holiday event, Toys from Troy. “Presented by NOLA FOR LIFE at the Treme Center, the toy giveaway included live music, holiday photos and the distribution of stockings with healthy snacks to families of NOLA FOR LIFE partner organizations with children from one month to 13 years old.”

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Presented By NOLA FOR LIFE

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NOLA’S Henry L. Coaxum

Owner of 7 McDonald’s Does Much More Than Sell Burgers

By: Cynthia Gill Mitchell For years, the controversy about McDonald’s, and other fast-food franchises as well, have been overwhelmingly broadcast via the media, T.V., and strewn all over the internet. Of course, with major concerns about weight/health issues, especially among our youth – it’s clearly no laughing matter. McDonald’s being the first and largest international fast food chains globally, has become one of the major focal points in public debate about rising obesity rates, corporate ethics and consumer responsibility. Who knew, however, that this so-called “Speedee Service System,” [penned in 1948 by its founders, Dick and Mac McDonald] would evolve into a nationwide, billion dollar milestone. However, like with every other health-hazard’s warning labels masking the globe with all of its side-effects, it is still a personal choice. Even among the choices of today’s youth, a parent’s close monitoring efforts can also serve as a pretty tall order. Eat or not eat, that is the question, and the debates will continue. It is one of those mediocre human-divides that quite naturally come with the signs of present times. McDonald’s pioneer, Henry L. Coaxum, Jr., President of Coaxum Enterprises, Inc. continues on an impressive trek that no doubt allows those under his tutelage to focus on the positive, behind-the-scenes look at what their futures might hold. There is no escaping the media wrath behind the food controversy, but Coaxum, [who touts his establishment’s fresh food], takes his aim far beyond the obvious. He humbly reveals his own climb to the top, and impressively displays a penchant for giving back. This writer wonders just how many future McDonalds franchisees are in the making right now? Unless they stepped in poised with the right kind of monies, it is probably the stark reality of others, that they just might have to begin their future the “Henry Coaxum” way – by flipping burgers! 22 504mag

HENRY L. COAXUM – The Back Story In 1984, Henry Coaxum served as a manager/trainee at the McDonald’s restaurant in Eastern New Orleans. In 2002, he became the owner and operator of that same restaurant where he was employed. This McDonald’s franchise was also the first to receive the Nation Restaurant News’ Successful Settings Award. Today, Henry L. Coaxum, Jr. is the owner/operator of seven McDonald’s restaurants in the NOLA area. However, three of Henry Coaxum’s original restaurants were severely damaged and their doors shut after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. He eventually bought and reopened the St. Charles Avenue restaurant in February 2006 - just in time for New Orleans’ 150th Mardi Gras celebration. This was the first McDonald’s restaurant to reopen on the east bank of New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina. In 2006, Coaxum set a restaurateur record by acquiring and reopening four closed fullservice restaurants in five months. In December 2006, he reopened his originally-owned Read Boulevard location, which was rebuilt to its award-winning appearance and décor. In 1984, Henry Coaxum served as a manager/trainee at the McDonald’s restaurant in Eastern New Orleans. In 2002, he became the owner and operator of that same

restaurant where he was employed. This McDonald’s franchise was also the first to receive the Nation Restaurant News’ Successful Settings Award. Today, Henry L. Coaxum, Jr. is the owner/operator of seven McDonald’s restaurants in the NOLA area. However, three of Henry Coaxum’s original restaurants were severely damaged and their doors shut after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. He eventually bought and reopened the St. Charles Avenue restaurant in February 2006 - just in time for New Orleans’ 150th Mardi Gras celebration. This was the first McDonald’s restaurant to reopen on the east bank of New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina. In 2006, Coaxum set a restaurateur record by acquiring and reopening four closed full-service restaurants in five months. In December 2006, he reopened his originally-owned Read Boulevard location, which was rebuilt to its award-winning appearance and décor.

education incentive programs for his student employees. For those employees who still attend high school, they are rewarded with pay raises for good grades. As for the for college students, his “scholarships” help pay for books and tuition if the student employees’ grades are maintained while being employed. Coaxum proudly states, “Our youth need to learn that you can get rewarded if you work hard at both school and a job. Who knows, that job could end up being your career.” One would assume that for all of the efforts and successes, the rewards granted in kind are well-deserved. Coaxum has served as President of the Great Southern Region’s Black McDonald’s Operators Association. He was appointed by New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu as Chairman of the NOLA Business Alliance Board

Moving forward, Henry Coaxum then reopened the S. Claiborne Avenue restaurant (one of his original three restaurants he owned pre-Katrina) in January 2007. In July of that year, he reopened the Bullard Avenue McDonald’s, which was the first quick-service restaurant to reopen on Eastern New Orleans Avenue. Finally, on September 25, 2009, Coaxum, of course, had reason to celebrate his 25thanniversary with the McDonald’s Corporation, mixing that with the many impressive years served as a corporate employee and as a franchisee. He celebrated with his loyal staff at the newly renovated Coaxum Enterprises Training and Resource Center, a 7,000 square-foot facility that houses his corporate office and training and equipment labs. Coaxum generously offers his state-of-the-art facility for use by local non-profit organizations, universities and business development groups. Organizations and small businesses in need of meeting and training facilities can make arrangements to tour the facility by contacting Coaxum Enterprises, Inc. at 504 241-6942. Behind all of his accomplishments, Henry L. Coaxum, Jr. gives back royally, inside his establishments, and outside, as he extends all of his know-how, his business acumen and his timeless support . It is obvious that Henry Coaxum is a major advocate for the future of today’s youth, with his offerings of two

In August 2010, Coaxum was elected as President of the Great Southern Region’s Black McDonald’s Operators Association Coaxum received “The Ronald Award” from the McDonald’s Corporation. The prestigious award honors McDonald’s owner/operators for outstanding service - to both the McDonald’s brand through exemplary operations, marketing and employee relations practices, as well as to their local communities Coaxum was recognized by the Neighborhood Development Foundation as being the recipient of The Leadership Award 504mag 23

Coaxum was selected as a 2012 Laureate of the Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame, joining the Junior Achievement of Greater New Orleans, Inc. which inspires and prepares young people to successfully participate in their economy through workforce development, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. In recognition of their exemplary leadership in community volunteerism and philanthropy, Coaxum and his lovely wife, Karen, were named the recipients of the United Way of the Greater New Orleans Area’s Alexis de Tocqueville Award -- the highest honor bestowed by United Way. Henry Coaxum, with all of his Arch’s, his association with and backing by constituents with shared fund raising efforts, the pride he must feel is probably indescribable. He stands in good stead with organizations like the 100 Black Men of Greater New Orleans; the Grambling University Athletic Foundation; the African American Heritage Program of the Preservation Resource Center; the New Orleans African American Museum; the United Way of Greater New Orleans; the Louisiana ArtWorks; the Amistad Research Center’s Achievement Committee; and the United Negro College Fund, and countless others.

that difference, and most assuredly that which certainly complements the visions of Mayor Mitchell Landrieu’s “Nola for Life” plan for New Orleans. 504Magazine gladly promotes this profound statement: “We believe the words “Welcome to McDonald’s” should apply to our employees just as much as our customers. We’re proud of our food, and we’re just as proud of the jobs we create. Maybe it’s a way to buy that first car. It could be a way to support yourself in college. Or, it might be the way you enter the corporate world. Whatever you’re looking for, McDonald’s can help you make your own way, with challenging careers, quality benefits and the best opportunities around.” Thank you, Henry L. Coaxum, Jr.

504Magazine can attest that whatever route the public chooses to take, it’s not only about the public’s taste buds, but also about the future of our youth. We applaud Henry L. Coaxum in all of his continued efforts to make

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Mayor Mitch Landrieu,Henry Coaxum & Rodrick Miller Join Forces for ProsperityNOLA

By: Cynthia Gill Mitchell Mayor Landrieu and Rodrick Miller, CEO of the New Orleans Business Alliance, a public-private partnership for economic development, unveiled the ProsperityNOLA plan June 10 2013. This plan is specifically designed to target five industries that New Orleans’ city officials say “have the most opportunity for growth:”and to include health sciences, creative digital media, sustainable industries, and transportation and trade. Now, local officials and business leaders hope the new economic plan will help foster a business climate that will create and sustain high-paying jobs while attracting and growing businesses. Rod Miller, appointed as President and CEO of the New Orleans Business Alliance, in 2011, revealed that their approach will be centered around: “going into these target markets, based on our clusters, and telling them the New Orleans story.” “Being able to go to those markets and say, ‘Yeah you might think it’s cool here, but in New Orleans, you can get quality of life,’” Miller said, working his way through his pitch. “Houston is great, but you can get to your office in 10 minutes in New Orleans, and we have great schools.” “According to Miller’s group they commissioned the Boston-based nonprofit Initiative for a Competitive Inner City to help develop the city’s strategy. From October 2012 until May, an advisory board comprising 75 business leaders across a range of industries met to outline a focus for the city. The growth strategy started with 13 target industries before that was cut to five.” The Unveiling of the much anticipated five-year plan for economic development finally took place on June 10,

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2013 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. According to the city of New Orleans, it’s the first-of-its-kind roadmap to developing key growth industries, creating jobs and strengthening the local economy through workforce training and support programs for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The initiative, called ProsperityNOLA, was the brainchild behind a transition task force that Mayor Landrieu created after he was elected mayor in 2010, and aimed at soliciting ideas from business leaders and the public on how city government could facilitate job growth and spur economic development. Aimee Quirk, Mayor Landrieu’s top economic development advisor claims “It’s not just about attracting new business from out of town, or new people to move here, we also want to provide opportunities for the business and the workforce here.” Digital media have been touted in recent years as the fastest-growing sector in New Orleans and the state, drawn by the generous tax incentives and the local culture. Last year, Delgado Community College launched a Digital Media Education Center to train people in the industry, which has grown locally since a 25 percent tax credit for qualified digital media expenditures and a 35 percent credit for payroll expenditures for Louisiana residents were introduced. The advisory board worked to “evaluate what are our competitive strengths, and what should we focus on, and from there we really focused on what is the highest level of quality jobs and where do we have competitive advantages,” Quirk said.

Miller said the public-private partnership works to get industry leaders and local officials on the same page about the direction of the city. As irony would have it, shortly after taking office as President and CEO of Nola’s Business Alliance, it was reported that: “Part of Rodrick Miller’s job was to create a capital agenda for the group that included developing a five-year strategy for the organization.”

Landrieu, in an interview after the launch luncheon, which was held at said that amid other regional and statewide economic development planning, this initiative will ensure that New Orleans will see a piece of the action. “It’s important to make sure that all local areas dovetail as nicely as possible into their work, and also specifically

“We’re going to row in the same direction,” Miller said. “We’ve got some clear objectives about where we’re going to go. Rodrick Miller makes it clear that “this is not a plan for the Business Alliance, this is a plan for the city of New Orleans, and it has clear responsibilities that are spread across (several groups) because no one entity could do all the work that’s needed to take our economy to where it needs to be.” In 2011 and shortly after his appointment as President and CEO of Nola’s Business Alliance, Rodrick Miller said “My goal is to figure out how to take that that is New Orleans and build a case around it.” Miller said simply, in summing up why he is in New Orleans. Also in 2011, the Alliance was reported to be a response to the dreadful job the city has historically done of wooing business. It was further reported that it was also their responsibility to assure business retention and expansion, negotiations with companies thinking of moving to New Orleans, entrepreneurship activities and strategic planning, among other things. Miller’s position as President and CEO of Business Alliance, had been at least five years in the making, especially since Hurricane Katrina exposed many of New Orleans’ shortcomings as a business-friendly city and residents came together to devise workable ways to make it more attractive.

make sure that we’re focused on our strengths,” Landrieu said. “So this is New Orleans-specific, and what our pluses are that are different in some instances from what the state is pursuing.” Mayor Landrieu outlines that “Five years from now, the success of the program will be measured by “whether we have more jobs,” said Landrieu, though he declined to peg a specific number to his expectations. “One of the things that you have to do is get organized first, and that’s what we’ve done,” he said. “I think it’s going to bear some fairly significant fruit, but I think it’s a little bit too early to put an absolute number on it.”

“More than 90 percent of businesses in New Orleans have 25 or fewer employees, Miller has since reported, referring to ProsperityNOLA, continuing that together they employ 34 percent of the city’s workforce. The plan calls for promoting entrepreneurship and small business development, and addressing challenges -- like access to capital -- that small minority-owned businesses often face.” He also said: “These businesses, although they’re 90 percent, they’re only a small portion of our workforce because they haven’t had the ability to grow or expand,” Miller said. 504mag 27

Make some

NOYSE! Film Project

New Orleans

Mission 504 MultiMedia/504 Magazine presents New Orleans Youth Safety and Education Film Project – Make Some NOYSE! Film Project – a multimedia, multicultural, education-based community “voice” dedicated to the collaboration between the City of New Orleans Mayor’s Office NOLA for Life Project, Louisiana Recovery School District and the Nola Business Alliance designed to assist diverse students in educating, discussing and taking affirmative actions on serious topical issues related to New Orleans youth such stopping senseless murders in New Orleans, helping at-risk youth in gaining self-esteem, making safe and productive personal choices and empowering students with filmmaking skills through the multimedia project, including: 1. Attaining one’s goals through higher education 2. Reducing violent crime through school participation 3. Taking a stand against illicit drugs 4. Learning appreciation and skills for and in the performing arts 5. Respecting and valuing others as well as oneself

Vision Make Some NOYSE! Film Project will: • Provide employment/internship opportunities for at-risk teens on a feature motion picture • Promote communicative, creative and critical thinking skills • Teach teamwork and respect for others • Expose youth to new ideas and cultural perspectives • Explore social issues that are important to youth • Engage youth in discussions with professional film mentors about their craft • Increase understanding, knowledge and skill in the art of filmmaking • In collaboration and partnership with schools, community leaders and business leaders, produce high-quality independent films on youth-related issues

Goals • • • • •

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Grow the capacity to offer outreach services to New Orleans area youth Increase awareness and debate of youth issues within New Orleans Complete, promote and exhibit high-quality independent films for youth Establish career interest amongst participants in the motion picture arts Establish strong community values, work habits and sense of self-worth

ne i z a g a M 4 by 50 d e r o s n o Sp Featured in this issue of 504 Magazine a New Orleans premiere jazz publication, will be “Nola For Life”, Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s successful, life-changing initiative to reduce the New Orleans murder and violent crime rates. The issue is dedicated to not only defining the initiative, but also touting the enormous contributions it has already made and how it continues to improve the lives of all New Orleans residents. Inspired by the Mayor’s initiative, 504 Multimedia/504 Magazine is excited to announce the launch of MAKE SOME NOYSE! Film Project, a.k.a. the New Orleans Youth Safety and Education Film Project, a proposed collaboration between 504 Multimedia, the City of New Orleans Mayor’s Office NOLA for Life Project and the Louisiana Recovery School District with a stated mission to: 1) reduce the murder and violent crime rates and make New Orleans a safer place for the youth and their families to live, pursue their education and realize their career dreams, and 2) bring the caring, dedicated and talented people, the vast community resources and the rich music history of New Orleans together in an annual multimedia extravaganza aimed at improving the lives of youth and their families by educating, discussing and taking affirmative action on serious topical issues that affect their daily lives as well as their futures. MAKE SOME NOYSE! Film Project is geared up and ready to take flight with the inaugural presentation of the currently “in production” feature film, “This Bitter Earth” – with key scenes still to be shot in New Orleans – scheduled for 2014. The film stars Hollywood legends Billy Dee Williams (Star Wars), Richard Roundtree (Shaft) and Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek), as well as Craig Lamar Traylor (Malcolm in the Middle) and Sahara Garey (Akeelah and the Bee). The film will be part of a larger multimedia event that will also include fantastic music and inspiring spoken

word performances, all at the newly renovated and historic Carver Theater located in New Orleans 6th Ward on the fringe of the Faubourg Treme, the oldest community of free Blacks in America. New Orleans, this is your opportunity! We have the plan, the venue, the energy, the talent, the motivation, the equipment, the musicians and the film scripts… however, to make the vision become a reality, we need active, committed partnerships with like-minded people within the community. MAKE SOME NOYSE! Film Project is seeking your support to help bring this powerful and important project to the youths and their families of New Orleans who so desperately need it. If you are interested in supporting MAKE SOME NOYSE! Film Project, contact William “Doc” Jones, CEO/Editor of 504 Magazine, at wijo2341@aol.com or 504-264-1624

When I want to know what’s going on in the movie businiess in New Orleans I read the


The Music buz 504 mag

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New Orleans Awards $500,000 in First NOLA For Life Fund Grant Program Mayor Mitch Landrieu recently announced that 23 local non-profit organizations have been awarded a total of $500,000 through the NOLA FOR LIFE Fund. The organizations were selected through a competitive process to identify local non-profit organizations that deliver highquality programs and social services to young men most at risk of killing or being killed. “When we created the NOLA FOR LIFE plan, we knew that we had to take a holistic approach to stemming the violence that rips at the heart and soul of our city,” Mayor Mitch Landrieu said. “These grants will help organizations already doing good work in our community provide new levels of support to our boys and young men. We’re asking these individuals to make a different choice, so we have to make sure that they have access to the critical social services that can help.” Two categories of grants will be distributed. Nine organizations will receive $40,000 grants and to participate in a “Community of Practice,” designed to link organizations around a common agenda. Over the next 18 months, these organizations will provide intensive services to high-risk individuals, share information and work collaboratively to develop practices that work. Fourteen organizations will receive grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 to support their efforts to deliver programs and services. The grants call for a commitment by the organizations to serve high-risk individuals. In October, Landrieu announced the creation of the NOLA FOR LIFE Fund, housed at GNOF, and accepted 30 504mag

the first major donation to the fund – a $1 million gift from Chevron. The City of New Orleans contributed $250,000 to the fund. “We’re proud partners with the City of New Orleans in this initiative and our work is just beginning,” said Albert Ruesga, president and CEO of the Greater New Orleans Foundation. “The Foundation will create a network among the nine grantee organizations so that we can coordinate efforts, learn from one another, and work collectively to address this challenge.” Warner Williams, Vice President of Chevron’s Gulf of Mexico Business Unit, said, “Chevron is pleased to support NOLA FOR LIFE through investments in education and work force development. We believe in the power of partnership and collaboration to achieve sustainable outcomes. So, we are pleased to build on our existing programs in this region with the addition of the new NOLA FOR LIFE grantees.” In May 2012, Landrieu launched NOLA FOR LIFE, a comprehensive murder strategy built around five pillars: Stop the Shootings, Invest in Prevention, Promote Jobs and Opportunity, Get Involved and Rebuild Neighborhoods, and Improve the NOPD. “To help these young men have a future, and to end the cycle of violence and death on our streets, we must have all hands on deck and we must join forces and provide the financial, human and institutional resources to work with these young men,” Mayor Landrieu said.


This year, The People United for Armstrong Park was selected as a recipient of a NOLA for Life grant from the City of New Orleans. PUfAP was and remains thrilled to be among an auspicious and ambitious group of organizations and individuals who, like PUfAP, are determined to reduce violent crime in the neighborhoods of New Orleans by providing job training and cultural opportunities. Thanks to the funds awarded by NOLA for Life, PUfAP has been able to provide job training in a variety of applications, including event management and production, staging and rigging, health and sanitation, communications, and promotions. This training has provided supplemental employment for high-risk individuals, some of whom have the added onus of criminal pasts. PUfAP is striving to equip these staff members with the skills and know-how to reenter the workforce with confidence, acquiring and maintaining positions that ideally lead to careers. One such staff member is Precious Slaughter, a mother of three and resident of the soon-to-be-demolished Iberville housing development. Precious’ past is rife with adversity, bad decision-making, and intolerable circumstances. She has endured beatings and neglect. She has been arrested multiple times on felony and misdemeanor charges, and she has a criminal record. Six days a week, she works a housekeeping job in hotels via an agency to support her family. On one of those six days, she puts in a nine to ten-hour shift helping make Jazz in the Park happen.

tude for the employment she has, and the experience she has gained atArmstrong Park, working with PUfAP since the fall of 2012. “I know there are plenty of people out there who don’t even have jobs, and it’s a tough place to be in. Two jobs are a lot to take on, but at one of them, I get to talk to people of many different backgrounds from all over the city and the world. I know how festivals work from the inside out now. Precious’ Jazz in the Park functions include setup and teardown, promotions, and working with the various mixologists and drink servers at the event. The opportunity to promote the upcoming concerts and added features of the Jazz in the Park concert series tops her list of favored tasks, because of the interaction with the public and getting to talk about something she has come to love. Her love of Armstrong Park, however, is an abiding one, dating back to visits to the park with her grandmother when she was a child, when she enjoyed jump rope contests and drum circles. The park has always figured prominently in her life, particularly when she took her first “real” job as a camp counselor at the Tambourine and Fan Camp, through the Joseph A. Craig Elementary School and the Treme Center.

“I look forward to my Jazz in the Park job,” says Precious. “I leave my morning job excited to go to my night job. I’d still want to volunteer if I didn’t actually work at Jazz in the Park.”

“This was the first time in my life I was responsible for other people, no matter what we did, whether we were making little field trips to the park or doing arts and crafts. I had to take care of those kids when we were in the park, and I did. I’ll never forget that as long as I live. It was special to me.”

Despite her enthusiasm for her responsibilities, Precious acknowledges the reality of her situation by noting that the pay from her full-time job coupled with her Jazz in the Park position barely covers her family’s expenses. She is quick to counter that acknowledgement with a declaration of grati-

“When I hear the music, even though I am working, I get that urge to just bust out. It’s almost like dancing in the rain like a kid without care-you know that feeling? Besides, how can you be in New Orleans, and live here, and not dance? We celebrate everything.” 504mag 31

2014 NBA Allstars Game coming to New Orleans this year Visit the Hottest New Sports Magazine in New Orleans at www.504sportsmag.com for All the latest news in sports

NOLA FOR LIFE Midnight Basketball Finish Season 5 NOLA FOR LIFE Midnight Basketball Finish Season 5 On Saturday, November 23, 2013, the City of New Orleans, the New Orleans Pelicans and PlayNola finished the fifth season of NOLA FOR LIFE Midnight Basketball. The 10-week season closed with a special appearance by New Orleans Pelicans players Tyreke Evans, Eric Gordon, Darius Miller and a dunk contest featuring Midnight Basketball league players. The winner received a pair of tickets to a Pelicans home game. Season six will begin in February 2014. Midnight Basketball focuses on providing safe recreational opportunities in crime hot spots for young men through the game of basketball. Mentorship and educational support are also key components of this initiative. NOLA FOR LIFE

Midnight Basketball is free of charge and open to males over 16 years old. Launched in May 2012, NOLA FOR LIFE is New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s comprehensive murder reduction strategy to tackle the city’s historically high murder rate. Recognizing that law enforcement alone cannot solve the murder problem, NOLA FOR LIFE takes a holistic approach to get to the root of the problem, and implements initiatives in five main categories: Stop the Shooting, Invest in Prevention, Promote Jobs and Opportunity, Improve the NOPD and Get Involved and Rebuild Neighborhoods. For more information, visit www.nolaforlife.org and tune in to NOLA FOR LIFE original programming 24/7 on Cox Cable Channel 99

“Saving our young people one person at a time is our duty. Finding a way to keep them off the streets might keep them out of the morgue. Programs like this work; Afterschool music and Arts camps . It’s time parents get more involved and make programs like these mandatory.” Doc Jones

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Treme Funktet band

504Magazine introduces Corey & Jazz Henry By: Shirley A Jones

a daddy daughter duo some day?

Jazz Fest 2013, Big Red Cotton writes was one of those in the right place at the right time moments upon catching Henry on stage with his daughter. While backstage at Galactic’s Jazz Fest show, Henry’s girlfriend told me he and his daughter Jazz were going to play a duet. At 17, Corey’s daughter, Jazz was average in her salty teenage-ness, but not-at-all-average, in that she was already a professional musician, playing trumpet for the Original Pinettes Brass Band (a well known all female band out of New Orleans). If you watched HBO’s Special Treme, you probably saw Jazz as she played the part of a young student named Jennifer in a school band who was very knowledgeable about New Orleans’ music history and legends. Just a note, if you have not had the opportunity to see it, I highly recommend that you either buy all seasons of TREME for your DVD library or rent it. I promise you’ll enjoy hours of great entertainment. In an interview, Henry told 504Mag that “Jazz has only been playing music for about 5 years now. She started out on clarinet and now she plays trumpet and trombone.” In speaking with Corey “Boe Money” Henry (“Boe Money” is one of the nicknames Henry is known to answer to) recently, he told us that Galactic is who actually bestowed the nick name upon him; it came about from a mixture of other nicknames. In further conversation Henry notes it’s still hard to reconcile my little girl from around the way, with the seasoned performer she’s grown to be. Big Red had this to say about Jazz and her Dad’s performance at the Jazz Fest, “Catching her duet with her father, one of the most accomplished trombonists to come out of New Orleans, was a turning point moment, not just for me, but for everyone there.” The performance gave you everything – rock star dad bringing teen daughter on stage to perform for a delightfully surprised audience. These two awesome musicians were playing tit for tat before a crowd of thousands. Ben, who grew up with Corey, was standing on the sidelines cheering like a proud uncle. Jazz finished her performance, waved nonchalantly to the crowd then humbly walked back to the wings, moving past people throwing up enthusiastic high fives. Her more than proud dad goes over to give her dap – solidifying her performance was on point, that along with a big daddy/daughter hug in front of everybody made it perrrfect!!” Wow! If you’ve never experienced it, it’s moments like that when the pride spills over vicariously onto on-lookers, and you share, just a tiny bit in the sheer joy of the occasion. Attendees cheered, laughed and even teared up a little, realizing they had just witnessed a monumental, life-marker in the life of young Jazz, from their very own window seat.

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Catching up with Jazz later on, she says that after playing professionally for the last three years with different artists she no longer gets nervous performing – and it was evident that was true that Saturday. The daddy/daughter performance was so tight it was unbelievable that Jazz hadn’t rehearsed with her dad just hours before the show; to my question, she simply said she’s just use to playing with her father. “He tells me what I need to practice, when I do good; when I do bad, and gives me stuff to practice on. We have our little sessions.” You can catch Jazz playing regularly with the Original Pinettes, the world’s first all female brass band performing and reigning brass band “Street Queens.” Check out their recordings “Get A Life,” and others on CD Baby or on iTunes. Red Cotton and Shirley Jones: More on the teacher Corey Henry; early on it wasn’t the trombone he first picked up. Corey came from a family of drummers, because of that he started out on the snare drum. He told 504Mag, “I began playing trombone when I was 13, because it was the instrument I was most attracted to. That attraction, and listening to New Orleans trombone player, Keith “Wolf ” Anderson, is the other strong influence on my choice of the trombone as my preferred instrument.

In 2011 Corey formed the Treme Funktet band, which occasionally performs at the Candlelight Lounge. Though the group might be considered relatively new or young, as established bands go in New Orleans, with Corey at the helm, as with everything the young trombonist does music-wise, the group took off like a fast growing fire. Candlelight Lounge is usually a small intimate affair for the neighborhood elders mostly to watch sports, drink a beer and catch up with friends. However, not the place is popping with people from all over the City pouring in to catch the Treme Funktet deliver the goods. “Before Katrina, a lotta music came through here,” recalls Henry. “The Candlelight was a performing spot. Now it’s more of a gathering spot. Friends met, dropped off flyers, got a drink or two and played music on the jukebox.” Henry grew up in the Treme and his parents still live there. It is evident he loves what he does for a living, where he lives and the people of the area. He is one of several who are striving to re-launch the live music scene back in his old hood. “We want to get live music back in here (Treme), as many nights as possible every week.” The “we” points to a familydriven neighborhood revitalization initiative.


Both Photos By: Jim Brock Henry’s pedigree reads like a New Orleans royal coat of arms. Born and raised in the Treme, he learned his craft with his uncle Benny in venues like Preservation Hall. In the mid 80‘s, he formed The Lil Rascals Brass Band which created many of the most popular songs played on the second line scene (‘Rascals Got That Fire’ is co-opted by practically every brass band to ever strike a lick). For many years post-Katrina, Henry played concurrently with both Rebirth Brass Band and Galactic. His signature locomotive train blasting trombone styling’s defy imitation by even his most accomplished peers.

“I know for me personally, music has had a tremendous influence on my life and the person I have become. I believe parents, whether single or as couples, should be consistent and supportive of all their children with the realization they are nurturing success. Show consistency and be supportive of your child. If he or she wishes to play music (or become involved in special areas of their academic life (such as joining a debate team, a math or science club, sports, etc.); be open to their opinions. There should also be a consistent disciplinary system in place in the home as well. Be a positive role model for your children.”

The Funktet’s music set is an embodiment of the band’s name, featuring a combination of old school New Orleans music, brass bands, funk and mainstream jazz numbers. Henry encourages other musicians to come to Treme to do their thing. When I asked him about any upcoming CDs he and/or his daughter might be working on, he responded with “Yes, we are having a Treme Funket release at the beginning of 2014 and Jazz recently recorded with the Pinettes Brass Band in a New York City studio which is scheduled for release in the beginning of 2014. He and Jazz are looking forward to recording together in the future as well. Henry’s son, also named Corey writes lyrics and raps. Needless to say, he’s one proud Papa.

In the instance of being a positive role model, Corey puts his money where his mouth is. When he traveled to New York to perform with Galactic and to do some studio recording, he took his wife, children and nephews along. The children weren’t there just to sight see; they also played a couple of songs on stage with Corey and Galactic at the Brooklyn Bowl.

In other conversation about subjects of great importance to him, Corey talks about the state of the current school system in New Orleans and the murder/ crime rate in his home town. Regarding programs being promoted in New Orleans currently to curtail and even stop the highest murder/crime rate the City has known, Corey believes “Programs like NOLA for LIFE are effective in minimizing violence in our City; and programs of this nature are designed to and tend to promote more jobs and more opportunities for people who have not made the best choices in life.” On the subject of education and the school systems in New Orleans he says, “They’re improving, but they are works in progress. I would like to see programs fund more music programs in all the schools. We definitely need more music programs to get kids interested and excited to go to school, which also encourages them to perform better academically;” statements with which 504Mag and its Publisher, Doc Jones whole heartedly agree with. Corey says,

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ONE FIGHT This Senseless Crime Has to Stop Now! Join us

BY: Cynthia Gill Mitchell 504Mag captured the “Nola for Life Plan” [nolaforlife. org] in its infancy, when it was first introduced in May 2012. Paramount are the believers and supporters - the majority who might say that Mayor Mitchell Landrieu has created a milestone of programs designed to back-up this Plan’s function and anticipated workability. Add under this heading, and another major component, is his “Nola for Life Murder Reduction Strategy,” which has garnered national attention. However, it is essential among Mayor Landrieu’s gregarious planned objectives that enough focus through advertising and the press will prompt other major crime-ridden cities to join him in his efforts to help combat this major epidemic. New Orleans’ Mayor Mitch Landrieu speaks candidly about and expounds heavily on the welfare of the city - especially NOLA’s Children. “It is irrefutable that we have turned a corner in our city’s recovery. Together, we are creating a city where each child can reach his or her full potential, where everyone can get an honest wage for an honest day’s work, and where parents can rest easy 40 504mag

knowing their children are safe. One thing is clear--while there’s a long way to go, we’re blazing a new path forward.” 504Magazine would invite others to agree that each major city in our land can undoubtedly share the pain of each and every parent in our nation whose child has been caught up in the throes of flailing gunfire brought on by anger of those who just don’t have much regard for mankind. As with any major endeavor, and most especially by a public figure who vowed to prove that his aim was a good one, some would have to admit that Mayor Landrieu’s aim is mighty close to that bulls-eye’s target. “New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter in a joint speech in Washington in September, called for a new “surge” in attention and national action against the “virus” of gun-related violence. Calls for national action are hardly new, but I was encouraged by the mayors’ refusal to be, as Landrieu put it, bogged down by the “seemingly mind-numbing debate about gun control,” says Chicago Tribune Columnist Clarence Page. “Instead, they emphasized remedies every-

one should be able to support. Those remedies included more cops on the street, as in a stronger COPS program — Community Oriented Policing Services — passed by Congress under President Bill Clinton; stronger state and local cooperation with the federal government to target criminals with illegal guns; and stronger measures against straw purchases and interstate gun traffickers.” Yet the two mayors also called for more personal responsibility and engagement by parents, pastors, coaches and neighbors. “Babies having babies just doesn’t work,” Landrieu said. “We need to end the silence. It was easier to take national political action in the 1990s. The economy was doing well and Congress was not as fiercely divided as it is today. But, as the two mayors said in Washington, we should not be more willing to pay for safe streets in Afghanistan than to make our streets safer at home.” ”Clarence Page, is a member of the Tribune’s editorial board, blogsatchicagotribune.com/pagespage.cpage@ tribune.com ENTER NOLA FOR LIFE – Murder Reduction Plan “Mayor Mitchell Landrieu’s development of the NOLA FOR LIFE MURDER REDUCTION PLAN was unveiled in October, 2012. Brought to life by the Mayor’s Innovation Delivery Team, and who collaborated with NOPD Superintendent, Ronald Serpas, former Criminal Justice Commissioner James Carter and Health Commissioner Dr. Karen DeSalvo, collectively, this eclectic group developed strategies that specifically address the high murder rate in New Orleans. They went over all critical homicide data to fully understand murder trends; brought in regional and national crime experts to share solutions specific to New Orleans’ murder problem; and hosted focus groups to hear from citizens most often directly affected by murder – youth at risk of violence, community service providers, and police officers. After examining current initiatives, engaging the community to identify issues that contribute to the City’s murder epidemic, and researching and developing effective strategies, the NOLA FOR LIFE plan was created.”

gram. No hesitation with Lee’s role, especially since he had a vested, personal interest in New Orleans’ plights and its future. More importantly, and since Katrina’s devastation, Spike Lee’s eye-opening contribution began with his award-winning 2006 [HBO] documentary, “When the Levees Broke,” followed in 2010 by an additional powerful documentary, “If God is Willing and Da Creek Don’t Rise.” Hence, Spike Lee jumped on board with his Advertising Team in tow. Spike/DDB. Needham signed on pro bono and helped take NOLA FOR LIFE in the direction of an elaborate awareness campaign. “Bright young lives are being snuffed out on New Orleans’ streets daily. Our young black men are killing each other like it’s a self-imposed genocide. “We are killing each other at an alarming rate. You can spin that however you want to. But the fact remains: we are killing ourselves.” It is our job, our responsibility, to make them understand the value of their lives and help them to achieve their greatest potential,” said Spike. The aim: Flip the Script on NOLA’s future. Landrieu wanted Lee to come to New Orleans as well to help build a campaign that could provoke major audiences. “There’s no doubt we have a serious problem,” said Landrieu at this unveiling. “For decades, we have woken up each morning expecting violence in the headlines, expecting for young black men to fall prey to the streets. But it does not have to be that way. It’s time for us to help change the headlines and tell the story of what could be. These young men’s lives are worth fighting for. We can help them flip their script. We can all do something to help. That, in essence, is what this campaign is about.” The campaign, called “Flip the Script,” focuses on “changing the attitudes of and about young black men,” the mayor said. It is part of Landrieu’s “Nola For Life” initiative to halt the city’s murder rate, a rate 10 times the national average with a killing every two days on average.


Obviously the Mayor’s initial plan has come to light. That of inducting a parallel fundraising program administered by the Greater New Orleans Foundation, in which the city was expected to match tax-deductible donations up to $250,000. Their goal was to raise $2 million to fund local service providers and individuals, and to have donors choose how their donations would be spent -- either on education, job training, substance abuse or housing.

Spike Lee was there with the Mayor at the unveiling of the Nola For Life Reduction Murder Plan in October 2012. Seeking to enhance an awareness of Nola for Life, Mitch Landrieu didn’t have to ask twice when he implored this famed filmmaker and director to help support his pro-

Chevron made the first major contribution - $1 million – designed to aid in education and to help create jobs. A slew of local artists also signed on to offer their services, not to mention Jewelry designer Mignon Faget, who created a coordinating collection, including a scarf and a 504mag 41

tiny gun pinned to a black ribbon. Lauren Thom, owner of Fleurty Girl shop, designs and sells shirts, and another local business owner, Dwayne Bernal commissioned designer Ayo Scott to design more T-shirts and artist Kenneth Scott to create a mural. The five goals of the plan were designed to help “stop the shooting; invest in prevention; promote jobs and opportunity; improve the NOPD; and get involved and rebuild neighborhoods.” Since the Plan’s inception, much has been accomplished and many goals met, beginning with: New Orleans’ overall crime and murder rate was down in NOLA in 2012, vs. the National rate which has proven to be on the rise. In 2013, [the first 8 months] the murder rate plummeted by 25 percent, compared to its predecessor, and down about 26 percent compared to the first 8 months in 2011. 74 individuals from seven gangs have been indicted, brought on by the collective efforts of the NOPD’s MultiAgency Gang unit, who focused on group and gang activities. Two dozen identified at-risk individuals have taken advantage of job placement, job Reduction Strategy. The Mayor’s 2013 NOLA Youth Works Summer Jobs Program provided 1,600 young people ages 13-21 with work experience at private companies, non-profit organizations and other entities. Midnight Basketball’s 4th season ended in August 2013 with over 1,000 participants. Over five dozen participants were connected with jobs, job training, or education. NOLA FOR LIFE days have engaged nearly a thousand citizens to clean up crime hot spots, reduce blight, and improve infrastructure. In March 2013, The Central City WIC Clinic started screening for family violence and referring those who screen positive to the New Orleans Family Justice Center for help. NOLA FOR LIFE programming runs 24/7 on Cox Cable Channel 99. The content highlights the strategy, the success of our initiatives, and gives voice to people in the community who are working to change the culture of violence. The City regularly convenes a diverse group of service providers, supported by the NOLA FOR LIFE Fund, to network, coordinate programming, and identify policy 42 504mag

barriers to improve service delivery for high-risk individuals. CeaseFire mediates conflicts in order to prevent violence, and as of mid-October 2013, the Central City target area has seen over 200 days without a murder. Mayor Landrieu reports: “We are working day and night to reduce murder. But we all must do our part. I am asking the people of New Orleans to get involved, help us Flip the Script and take a stand with NOLA FOR LIFE.” Since this plea, some of the people of NOLA have complied. Many NOLA residents have joined “the movement.” Ms. Patrina Peters Joined “The Movement.” Ms. Peters reveals one of the most profound testimonies and eagerly shares that: “There are life-changing moments that you can’t prepare for. For Patrina Peters, losing her son Damond to gun violence on the streets of New Orleans in 2010 was one of those moments. While her life hasn’t been the same since, she’s committed to helping other mothers and victims who share this burden of senseless violence. She’s joining the NOLA FOR LIFE movement “to make sure the rest of our young men don’t fall victim to the culture of violence that plagues the streets of New Orleans.” Ms. Peteres goes on to say, “I want other parents to cherish their children. Stay involved in their lives, make sure your kids know how to avoid trouble and learn how to resolve issues in a non-violent way. Turning around this epidemic of young black men being murdered starts with us, in the home. We have to enforce positivity and show our sons that life is worth living and all lives are precious. We have to remind them of their greatness. I want young men to know that they have so much life to live. They hold so much potential and promise. All of the old clichés ring true, they can accomplish any goal they set, the sky is the limit, and they are the gems of the future.” MAKE SOME NOISE “With all that has been accomplished to date, there is still lots to be done with continued, new efforts to make some noise,”says Mitch Landrieu. “Public awareness is critical to overcoming every challenge we face in fighting this epidemic.“ “Landrieu called for Congress to authorize a stronger COPS program – Community Oriented Policing Services – such as under President Bill Clinton nearly 20 years ago. Congress can always find the money when it prioritizes

something, he said. He and Nutter mentioned all the money spent on infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan while thousands are being killed or going hungry in the U.S. Landrieu and Nutter are working in tandem with the national “Cities United” effort to combat youth violence. They also challenged the media to focus on the “uncomfortable” reality of urban youth violence. But Landrieu also called for more personal responsibility and the need for parents, pastors, coaches and neighbors to be proactive. “Babies having babies just doesn’t work,” he said. “Progress is being made, he said, but kids are still “being born into that same culture of violence.” Philadelphia mayor: Root causes can no longer be ignored. “Philadelphia had 331 murders last year, and 236 of the victims were black men, says Nutter, “If 236 well-off white kids from the Philadelphia suburbs were killed, there would be hell to pay,” Nutter said. “And if

international terrorists killed 236 Philadelphians of any race, we would hunt them down for decades and bring them to justice no matter the cost, no matter the time. We would just do it. “And, yet, 236 African-American men murdered in one city – not one word,” Nutter continued. “No hearings on the Hill, no investigations … nothing but silence.” While Nutter said poverty is no excuse for violence, he called it a key factor.” Mayor Landrieu reports that,“This is a critical point in the history of our city and its recovery.” “And there’s a lot unfolding.” For the past three years, we’ve been working to enhance quality of life across our city while creating lasting reforms that will endure for generations. We’ve made great strides,” he says: Below outlines what the Mayor’s program has achieved so far.

to promote mental health and substance abuse support services In the Mayor’s quest to Reform City Hall • Restored 24-hour healthcare to N.O. East by • Eliminated a $100 million deficit inherited in opening “East After Hours Urgent Care,” which has 2010 by reducing city government spending by over 8 served over 5,400 patients percent by cutting smart, reorganizing, and investing • Secured significant new funding and operators in those things that return value to the taxpayers for full-service hospital in New Orleans East • Used citizen-driven Budgeting for Outcomes • Transitioned City primary care centers to process to develop key priorities which resulted in balneighborhood clinics, allowing the Health Department anced and structurally sound budgets to focus on public health issues like obesity and behav• Eliminated wasteful spending by reducing ioral health take-home cars in half, reigning in overtime and credit • Released a 10-year plan to end homelessness in card spending, and cutting and renegotiating contracts New Orleans of all sizes from MWH to sanitation to IT • Served over 125,00 meals through the Summer million Choice Neighborhoods grant and $4.2 million Food Service Program 504mag grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies to help reduce43 • Published Behavioral Health Resource Guide murder

On Health

• Completely reformed procurement and contracting process so that contracts are awarded based on what you know, not whom you know • Selected for Obama Administration’s “Strong Cities, Strong Communities” initiative to support local priorities • Created weekly STAT meetings to track blight reduction, quality of life issues, procurement and payment processes, and revenue collection and cost containment efforts and developed the quarterly ResultsNOLA report for citizens to track performance Transportation & Sustainability • Completed $45 million streetcar expansion on Loyola Avenue • Launched Pedi-cab operations in French Quarter, a new industry that has created over 100 jobs • Passed major reforms to taxicab industry which focus on improving passenger experience and safety • Committed to building “Complete Streets” • Increased bikeways and pedestrian walkways from 5 miles pre-Katrina to more than 70 completed or in planning

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• Awarded Bronze-level Bike Friendly and Walk-Friendly Community designations • Initiated weekly curbside recycling program with 35,000 participants and processed 8,000 Christmas trees for wetlands restoration • Secured $2 million from Department of Energy for efficiency upgrades at four libraries and 800 LED streetlights installations • Launched “Don’t Trash Dat!” anti-litter campaign • Launched NOLA Wise revolving loan program to encourage residential and business energy efficiency


“On Decmber 17, 2013, Mayor Landrieu, Federal, State and local law enforcement officials met and hosted a press conference at the Orleans Parish District Attorney’s Office to highlight the success of the City’s Group Violence Reduction Strategy (GVRS) and Multi-Agency Gang (MAG) Unit in 2013. The press conference was followed by the City’s fifth “call-in” by individuals involved in group and gang violence.” “Members of local gangs who are deemed responsible for a majority of the crime in the city are encouraged to come to Court to hear messages from law enforcement and social service providers.” “ The “call-ins” are integral components of the Group Violence Reduction Strategy, a key initiative of Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s NOLA FOR LIFE comprehensive murder reduction strategy. The Group Violence Reduction Strategy, pioneered by criminologist David Kennedy, is designed to target geographic areas of high crime and the groups that commit violent acts.” Recognizing that law enforcement alone cannot solve the murder problem, NOLA FOR LIFE takes

a holistic approach to get to the root of the problem, and implements initiatives in five main categories: Stop the Shooting; Invest in Prevention, Promote Jobs and Opportunity, Strengthen the NOPD, and Get Involved and Rebuild Neighborhoods. 504Magazine is no doubt in agreement with this plan, “a focused plan is better than no plan.” And with this program, feels that it has too much potential to collapse. It is also 504Mag’s hope that NOLA for Life, in all of its efforts, continue to rise above the fray. For more information, visit www.nolaforlife.org and tune in to NOLA FOR LIFE original programming 24/7 on Cox Cable Channel 99. Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced plans for the sixth NOLA FOR LIFE Day on Saturday, January 11, 2014, and invited all residents to join him in a revitalization effort in and around A.L. Davis Playground in the Central City neighborhood. Activities will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the A.L. Davis Playground located at 2600 LaSalle Street. Visit http://www.nolaforlife.org/volunteerregistration to register to participate in NOLA FOR LIFE Day

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Darleen Bell; author, poet, and Editor’s Choice Award winner for her work featured in the National Library of Poetry, shares with 504 readers, her incredible back story on the heels of her bestselling book, “Once a Mother.” Darleen keeps it real and powerfully candid in this revealing, gut-wrenching article.

Here is this Mother’s Story: It was a few years ago that a stranger entered into my family’s life uninvited. It was an invasion which punched a hole in the heart of every single person who loved Michael Lester Bell. A stranger cheated three little children out of a father. He deprived a ten year old son who at a critical time in his life, needed his father’s strong hand. He cheated a little girl who, at the age of three was no longer able to have a sound night’s sleep because dreams of Disneyland and lollipops were replaced with nightmares of the man who killed her daddy, and who may also hurt her mother, her brother, and everyone else that she loved and needed. A stranger put way too much on someone her age. He cheated an eighteen month old little boy who will only know his daddy through pictures and tales people tell him. That stranger cheated two mothers out of the support they would have been provided, but instead are left with the task of raising their children, on their own, the best way they can. A grandmother who had already endured a lot of pain in her 78 years of life suffered badly because a stranger cheated her out of an embrace that always made her smile and left her with a heart so broken, friends and family were not sure if she would even be able to go on.

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My son was thirty-two years old. The Bible says that a person’s normal life span is seventy or eighty years which means, that stranger cheated him out of a possible fifty more years of living. Cheated him out of all the things he loved to do; family gatherings, playing dominoes, L.A. Laker games, and spending time with his children. He won’t be at graduations, games, recitals, or share any other tender and precious moments. And if his daughter marries someday, he won’t be there to walk her down the aisle. That stranger left me, his mother, with a pain so agonizing that it is indescribable. He was my one and only, I have been cheated out of all I had. That stranger assigned me the chore of having to identify my dead son’s body lying on a slab; of having to kiss him all over his cold face, with him not even knowing that I was there. A stranger assigned me the chore of having to look at the expression on my son’s face which seemed to say, “not now,” when I’m enjoying being alive so much.” I was left with having to adjust my finances in order to make funeral arrangements. Left with a hurt so deep that the stranger himself would die if he were to taste the poison from the arrow he shot into my heart. I was left with having

to replace my son’s birth certificate with a certificate of his death. Maybe that stranger will perhaps someday take one last “shot.” That of standing up and being a real man, because it is only a coward who would shoot someone in the back, render them helpless, and still run. A lot of people were left scarred and maimed that night by an evil-to-the-core murderer who is only useful to the devil, the one who no doubt gave him a standing ovation the night he altered so many lives. By: Darleen Bell


I’m content with what I have these days, and definitely striving for more. But of course, I did not always have this “drive for success” mentality. Growing up as a teenager, I was heavily involved in the street life, and clearly did not have the proper support and guidance that I understand today is so necessary. My dad left us when I was 6 years old. I had a grandfather and a couple of uncles, but they were barely present in my life. Instead, I embraced that education from those who were a part of my life - those who taught me how to master a destructive lifestyle. Before I knew what was happening, my life had spiraled out of control. I knew the consequences behind selling drugs and the dangers of toting a pistol while taking from others. But I didn’t recognize the new me, I was “out-of-body.” So, I did the unthinkable, clearly far removed from the person I thought I was. In 1994 I made a bold attempt to rob a drug dealer and was shot 1 time in the lower level of my spinal chord and 3 times in my right leg. I was rushed to Chicago’s Northwestern Hospital, where I was told I would never walk again. When my mother arrived at the hospital, I was immediately reminded of the words repeated by her so many times, and words that ultimately came back to haunt me. I looked at her through my cloud of tears which were met by the deafening, horrific cry I yelled out to her. The replay of my mama’s warnings whirled around in my head over and over, and her pleadings rang out like an echo: “boy don’t be bringing no guns in my house,” “get off the corner hanging out with them boys.” “I know you not out there selling no drugs.” From there I was taken to Cook County Hospital where I stayed 2 weeks and then on to my new residence at Cook County Jail. I spent 2 ½ years there fighting my case before being sent to Dixon Correctional Facility to complete my 10-year-sentence.

Upon my release in 1999, I entered Olive Harvey College. I realized that I had to do something with my life. So in 2004, I began writing my autobiography, “Everyone Has a Story…!” I completed it in 2007 and self-published in January 2008. Soon after that I started producing and hosting my own talk show in Chicago at CAN TV - the holy grail of the whole transition, and also entitled “Everyone Has a Story.” My book is solely about me, but my talk show is about everyone else. I stumbled blindly through many setbacks in anticipation of my vision finally coming to fruition. However, I had to realize that one must allow others to help them through the process. But I resisted. For me, my ego and pride got in the way, “I didn’t need anyone’s help.” I also had to come to grips with my biggest challenges - getting over what others thought about me as a wheelchair-bound paraplegic. Today, however, I look at the big picture. I am grateful to be living healthy with a loving family and children, and lucky to be alive to share my story. I can’t really say that I would do anything different other than getting started sooner than later in my life, accomplishing more and being more responsible. I like to think that I would have been more established and certainly free from the trouble I experienced. However, I know for sure that had things been any different, I probably wouldn’t be talking about it now. CHICAGO AUTHOR & TV HOST www.marcusjonesstory.com Twitter @ihaveastory2tel YouTube tane1065 & Marcus Jones Chicago

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Louis Armstrong Jazz Academy One of New Orleans’ oldest and most succesful summer music camps

By: Serge Villanova & Mark Samuels The Louis Armstrong Jazz Academy signature project is the Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp which started in 1995 and has grown from a one-week, 35 student camp to an intense, five-week musical experience encompassing as many as 120 serious young musicians. There is something special going on at this particular summer camp which is housed for the past several years at Loyola University. Established in honor of Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong, the Camp was designed to perpetuate the rich Jazz tradition of New Orleans by teaching young people the art form in the city that birthed it. From its inception, the goal was simple: to provide intense music education as a means of strengthening discipline and academic focus in each student. The program is a character building effort created not only to educate the musician, but to develop the child as a whole. Unlike many music programs in New Orleans, the Louis Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp is not for beginners (all students must be enrolled in a music education program, either through school or private instruction). The program is designed for kids between the ages of 10 to 21 that are serious about furthering their musical education as well learning more about Jazz as an art form. It is generally held for the first 3 weeks of July. Students from all economic backgrounds are accepted and there are opportunities for children who are at-risk financially to be considered for acceptance as camp participants. In 2009, the Camp began its student resident program to accommodate out of state applicants. To date, students from Germany, Norway, Aruba, Canada, and Cuba have been part of the more than 1,600 youths who have attended the Camp. Performing music, regardless of group size or the level of musicianship, is a personal experience of growth. Many aspects parallel the way a player will interact and socialize within their own world - Will they be good listeners? Can they practice restraint when the urge to play out loud hits them? And will they offer their own guidance and advice to someone else in need? The Louis Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp works to instill the positives of music in every student. Regardless if they choose a profession in music, the Camp strives to produce better citizens.

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While the Camp only accepts students with a proven interest in music, there is the same high standard for those allowed to teach. The Camp’s artistic director is avante-garde Jazz artist and renowned educator Edward “Kidd” Jordan. The faculty represents a “who’s who” of acclaimed Jazz musicians including vocalist Germaine Bazzle, composers Roger Dickerson Sr. and Courtney Bryan, drummers Jonathan Bloom and Herman Jackson, bassist Brian Quezerque, flutist Kent Jordan, trumpeter Marlon Jordan, pianists Peter Cho and Darrell Lavigne, saxophonists Alonzo Bowens and Calvin Johnson, clarinetist Gregory Agid, guitarist Gary Hullette, and trombonist Maynard Chatters from the teaching corps Some other notable alumni of the camp who are becoming well known musicians around the world include: Trombone Shorty (who met two of his band members at the camp), Big Sam Williams, Christian Scott, Khris Royal, and Joe Dyson. Each year the camp brings in two artists-in-residence for the final week. Norma Miller comes in to teach dance, and an internationally known musician works and performs with the campers. Last year the camp brought in Kevin Eubanks (former Tonight Show bandleader). Others have included Wynton Marsalis, Candido Camero, Bobby Sanabria, Wycliffe Gordon, the late George Duke, and many more. In the final week of the camp there is a fund-raising gala on Wednesday night featuring the artists-in-residence and the camp faculty and alumni, and a culminating concert on Friday with the students and the artists-in-residence.

Courtney Bryan, Calvin Johnson, and Gregory Agid are alumni turned instructors of the Camp. Together with the many musicians that have attended and continue to perform and teach in New Orleans and around the world, they are a great example of the symbiotic relationship the Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Summer Jazz Camp has achieved with its students, with Jazz, and with New Orleans. For more information on the camp, check www.LouisArmstrongJazzCamp.com

Crime and violence is an unfortunate environment that a number young people are subject to and often victimized by. Desmond “Black Moses” Venable’s strong will, undeniable talent, desire to achieve and ability to educate has enabled him to save himself and the youngsters he mentor from those perils. It is his vision that has guided the Red Wolf Brass Band to achieve the acclaim of young musicians whose sound and ability are comparable to seasoned musicians. He grew up with his mother and father in New Orleans Central City where gunshots and violent activity were not uncommon. One might find it cliché, but quite literally someone put a horn in his hand and saved his life which is evident in his career as a musician and as an educator. Desmond was in second grade at Crocker Elementary when he was introduced to music. At the young age of 8 years old he was inducted into the Short Stoppers Brass Band. He would literally steal the show as a very young trumpeter with an unprecedented range, natural talent and a sincere ability to learn. His musical career took off during middle school at Andrew J Bell, under the direction of Donald Richardson whose instruction has given many local musicians the foundation to become successful. Almost immediately he drew the attention that landed him a more visible position with the legendary Pin Stripe Brass Band. Desmond would appear on billboards, magazines, newspapers, and on television because of his tenure with the Pin Stripes Brass Band. He had become a local icon before the age of 20! While he was still attending St. Augustine High School, Desmond was faced with the death of his father who had motivated both him and his brother to stay focused in their music. Needless to say, the loss of his father’s strong will and determination nearly made him turn away from his music. Had it not been for his high school band director Edwin Hampton, Desmond’s fate could have been similar that of his peers either dead or in jail. Mr. Hampton and Desmond’s own faith helped him to persevere, remain focused and eventually attend college. Despite the fame and ability to make money on the New Orleans music scene, Desmond went on to attend Xavier University and obtained a Bachelors’ Degree in Music Education. He had never really dreamed of being an educator, but he needed a little more than the fame from music and money. In

2006, he became the band director at Riverdale Middle School in Old Jefferson. Distinctly familiar with school band, Desmond had expanded his vision for the middle school musicians. His approach to music education is being able to relate to them and offer an alternative to what is popular. Although school band was not the most popular thing to do, Desmond was able to inspire some of his students to take them to the next step and form a brass band. Red Wolf Brass Band is the result of Desmond’s vision and the talented, dedicated middle school students who make up the band. Red Wolf Brass Band debuted at the 2012 French Quarter Festival and blew their audience away! Under Desmond’s direction what started as a middle school brass band has now flourished to a professional “YOUNG” brass band who perform regularly and is known for their musicality and musicianship. He had to introduce this generation of musicians to a sound and culture that they were unfamiliar with as well as teach them the art of conversation through music. Desmond’s next step with Red Wolf is developing who they are with their music and allowing them develop their own sound. They are currently writing their own music and in the process of recording their CD. He has encouraged the young members of the Red Wolf Brass Band to take ownership of this project with his assistance, but reminds them that this is their project. They have recorded thus far most of the CD and anticipate the project to be complete early 2014, so be on the lookout for it. Desmond’s efforts has expanded him outside of the confines of teaching at traditional schools. He is currently working with the Positive Vibrations Foundation as well as developing and managing the young member of the Red Wolf Brass Band. In his own career he has performed with greats such as Wynton Marsalis, The Soul Rebels, Rebirth Brass Band, Arturo Sandoval, Dr. Michael White, Kirk Joseph and Charmaine Neville. He continues to captivate audiences with his charismatic style and in your face attitude, like it or love it, he who he is and he makes no excuses for it. For more information about Desmond Venable and his works or to reach out to the Red Wolf Brass Band contact them at Oreansentertainment@gmail.com. 504mag 49






Mayors join together against senseless Murders

Re-Elect U.S Senator

MARY LANDRIEU 5 Questions for:

EmanuelLainJr. AmeerBaraka Actor/Advocate AyoScott Artist and GraphicDesigner PauletteCarter,President/CEO, (theChildren’sBureauofNewOrleans) TerryClay,President/Founder, (InstituteofBehavioralScience)



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Other Mayors Join Mitch Landrieu & Michael Nutter

NEW ORLEANS MAYOR TAKES NOLA FOR LIFE TO WASHINGTON DC WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., and U.S. Senator James Inhofe, R-Okla., have introduced the Youth Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education (PROMISE) Act (S.1307) to help prevent juvenile delinquency and criminal street gang activity through evidence-based practices. More than 300 law enforcement groups, community organizations and child welfare experts currently support the bill. U.S. Representatives Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) introduced similar legislation in the U.S. House in March. “We must act to stop the heartbreaking cycle of violence that traps so many of our young people,” Sen. Landrieu said. “Studies show that early childhood programs, summer school programs, mentoring, after-school programs and job-training programs can lead to decreased youth arrests. The Youth PROMISE Act invests in programs like these that we know to be effective, as well as efforts to bring together community members and organizations concerned with the safety and welfare of children.” “We must recognize the necessity of putting our nation’s youth on the right track early in life, and while it starts with the family, far too often our kids turn elsewhere for their direction and guidance. The Youth PROMISE Act seizes upon evidence-based approaches to keeping this nation’s youth away from gangs, drugs, and violence, ultimately giving them a greater chance of leading fulfilling and prosperous lives,” Sen. Inhofe said.

tion, and social entrepreneurship. Through these ministries we have come to understand the importance of comprehensive community-based solutions to address youth violence and delinquency. The Youth PROMISE Act represents one such solution. We thank Senator Landrieu and Senator Inhofe for introduc ing this much needed legislation that promotes the common good and offers hope to our youth,” said Provincial of New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus, Very Rev. Mark A. Lewis, SJ.

“The Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana thanks Senator Landrieu and Senator Inhofe for their leadership on the Youth Promise Act--an important step to reduce violence in our communities and provide evidence-based interventions that benefit America’s children,” said Executive Director of the Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana Dana Kaplan.

“I wholeheartedly support the passage of the Youth PROMISE Act and am pleased to stand with Senator Mary Landrieu as she demonstrates vision and leadership with this needed legislation. Every day we lose young children and teenagers to meaningless acts of violence. We cannot rest until we eliminate the circumstances that give way to the senseless killing of our precious children, our future. The Youth PROMISE Act represents constructive steps to reducing juvenile delinquency and the impact of violent crime amongst youth,” said Chair of the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus, State Representative Katrina R Jackson.

“The Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans takes the problem of violence in the New Orleans community very seriously. We applaud this legislation’s engagement of local stakeholders and its efforts to unite local groups and individuals best suited to address the issue. We thank Sen. Landrieu for taking action to curb youth delinquency and gang-related violence in our communities, and see the Youth PROMISE Act as a positive step to bringing peace to our streets,” said Sister Marjorie Hebert, M.S.C., president and CEO of Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of New Orleans. “Many of our Jesuit ministries break the cycle of violence by using innovative local solutions such as job training, psycho-social support, technology educa-

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Saving our children

Dr. Lud Yisrael

The Neo Jazz School of Music By: Tamah Yisrael

Struggling to overcome the challenges of inner-city living “With Music On Their Mind There’s No Time For Crime” Doc Jones Struggling to overcome the challenges of inner city living is the common theme in the black community across America. Dr. Lud Yisrael is one of the few that figured out how to overcome and is now teaching it to his children and to other community youth. He set a goal to save the world one child at a time through music and entrepreneurial development. Dr. Lud was born spring of 1966 in Chicago, IL where he lived with his mother in Altgeld Gardens a seventeen block government housing project known as The Gardens. Despite the poverty and despair of his childhood, his imagination was his escape from thz Magazinee negativity of the hood. Coming home from school to an empty project aided in his departure from realty through his little black and white TV. They only had four stations and P.B.S. was his favorite. At nine, he began his summer visits with his father and Big Mama in Birmingham, AL. That summer he received a crash course in construction with his father teaching him the business. His father provided an entrepreneurial foundation and his Big Mama owned the neighborhood candy store and delivered newspapers. Over the course of the next five summers he spent with his father, he developed the skills and mindset to own his own business. His father and mother would soon reconcile and they left “The Gardens” for good to make Birmingham, AL home. He knew that he’d found salvation living with his father and this made him fully embrace what it means to be a father. This was a key factor in the development of who he is today! Listening to his uncle cover songs by Grover Washington Jr. on saxophone made him fall in love almost immediately. It wasn’t until he was in middle school, he had the chance to join the school band. He choose to play saxophone. Construction work, girls and high school football became a slight distraction to his first love music. After a year in football he realized music was his future. In 1981 at 15 years old, he joined a top 40 cover band that played funk, rock, soul, country, reggae, blues and jazz all during the same show. They performed four nights a week for three years straight. From 1984 -1987 Dr. Lud had enlisted in the army reserve, attended the University of Montevallo, had a child and married. He then moved to 3 different cities which included New Orleans and attended UNO and AUM. Born a business owner, Dr. Lud went through a few jobs before opening Lud Construction in 1990. That 52 504mag

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year brought on another significant benchmark, he began his theological studies which led him to YAHWEH University. At YU he learned the true history of the black man of America who was stolen from Africa. This sparked the community activist in him leading him to fight against the mis-education of black people, modern day slavery, oppression, lies and poverty and began his career in activism and education. In 1994 he opened his retail store with ethnic merchandise exclusive to the African diaspora and he established the Historical Foundation whose mission was to teach the true history of the black man of America. Father of 5 and business owner, Dr. Lud picked back up his saxophone and his love for music. After performing with several bands, he formed his own band and immediately became frustrated with inconsistent adult musicians. He then began teaching his oldest son to play saxophone, who learned quickly because of the rich musical foundation he had provided all his children. His youngest son learned piano and his daughter learned electric bass both because their father played those instruments. Dr. Lud’s musical direction and teachings were sought after by a number of his children’s friends which led him to develop the Neo Jazz Collective. The band itself began to attract a number of young musicians who became students of Dr. Lud and members of the NJC. Under Dr. Lud’s direction, the NJC achieved regional fame and honors such as achieving perfect scores in the High School Band competition at the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame from 2003 – 2006. He also taught music at Creative Montessori, Alabama School of Fine Arts and the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame. The band’s great success and demand for instruction motivated Dr. Lud to form the Neo Jazz School of Music. The Neo Jazz School of Music established in 2004, is now located New Orleans, LA. Dr. Lud’s desire for the school is to provide tools and keys to overcome the challenges of inner city living through music and mentoring our future entrepreneurs to become successful leaders. Through these works he is saving the world one child at a time. Learn more about his works at www.neojazz.net.


504 Jazz Magazine

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THE IMANI TEAM OF THE ARCHDIOCESE NEW ORLEANS: PRAYING FOR LIFE! Ansel Augustine, MPS The IMANI (Swahili for “Faith”) Team was formed after Hurricane Katrina between the Office of Black Catholic Ministries (obcm.arch-no.org) and the CYO Youth & Young Adult Ministry office (www.cyo-no.org) of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. The purpose of this group is to give a voice to the youth and young adults of our city. The Imani team is made up of members from the Black Catholic parishes and high schools within the Archdiocese. The members of this group have held annual events throughout the city since its formation. One of the main events that this group hosts is their annual Youth & Young Adult Revival which is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. This year’s event will take place at St. Mary of the Angel’s Church (3501 N. Miro St. NOLA 70117) at 3pm on Sunday, March 16, 2014. This group has united various groups throughout the city as well as hosted volunteer youth groups that have come in to help rebuild New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. This past year, the IMANI team worked with NOLA for Life to put on a “Mass Against Violence.” This event gathered people and officials from around the city at St. Katharine Drexel Church to pray to end the violence that was taking place in New Orleans. The unique aspect of this event was that this event was planned and led by the youth of the IMANI Team. Many of them had lost loved ones due to violence and they wanted to take a stand and witness, through prayer, to the community. This group,

Mayor Mitch Landireu and Archbishop Gregory Aymond

along with the Office of Black Catholic Ministries helped to organize a Prayer Service for the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington that was attended by Mayor Mitch Landrieu. Through all of these events the group is reminded that they are role models to their peers and to our adults as well. Plus their work is to help our city become better than it was before the storm. The IMANI team’s work with NOLA for Life helps to use the youth and young adults to use their faith to improve the quality of life in New Orleans for the next generation that will come after them.

LIFE COACH/WRITER, SYNCERE SLADE, SHARES WITH 504Magazine “THOUGHTS ON BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME IN THE 21st CENTURY” I want us to all start with a vision of healing for our beautiful lost brothers and sisters. This self-hate in my humble opinion stems from fear and lack of self-awareness. I remember the famous song SELF DESTRUCTION back in the early 90’s describing this very thing, Black- on-Black crime. The lyrics from Kool Moe Dee “I never ever ran from the Klu Klux Klan and I shouldn’t have to run from a Black man,” rang in my ears and shook me to my very core! I might be a little sensitive but in my mind’s state at the time it was moving. It stuck, and throughout that period, I didn’t want to think about or hear anything else. I rocked Malcom X buttons, Mud cloth and Kente cloth trying to express my unknown African heritage. With my clinched fist flailing I succumbed to the anger in the pits of my gut, blaming the White man and society for my challenges. I even read books that promoted hate, and saw myself as superior. I was trying to find my way and really understand what it meant to be a proud African American, but in the midst of that journey I realized I had become the oppressor - thinking and acting like the very thing I felt was oppressing me. Well...I AM proud and happy to be a Black woman. I AM even happier to have realized that my spiritual connection is what replaces my anger with peace. Yes, I agree that so many of our people have lost their way, but so many more of us have found it. So what is the answer to this ongoing problem? We can expound on our ability to love; while exercising compassion, self-realization, faith and action. I stated earlier that self-awareness is lacking in our community. We must not cast

aside the awareness that we are a resilient, courageous, loving, brilliant, creative, spiritual people! That truth seems to get lost in our anger and that anger keeps us enslaved. Please don’t get me wrong, attention needs to be brought to the surface about all the things that stifle us as a people but I think it’s even more important to see each other through Love’s lens. More Love less fear. What we are witnessing now is a manifestation of a collective consciousness of fear and everything related to it, generation-togeneration. Too often we believe that these issues live outside of us. How does anything get solved that way? I am a strong believer that if you don’t go within you - go without. If each of us as individuals would take the time to realize this, it would help tremendously. Realizing what part we play in this and hold ourselves accountable and then to have the faith that we are making the right moves to uplift our community. Anger is not needed. Blame is not needed. Blood does not have to be shed. The simple, beautiful truth is that we have nothing to prove to anyone. We simply need to heal as individuals and then maybe just maybe our collective stories will change.

SYNCERE SLADE CEO & S.o.e.L. Coach S.o.e.L. Sessions, LLC http://www.SoeLSessions.com

Syncere Slade

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504Magazine is Proud to Introduce Atlanta Teen Barry “Frank B” Duperon A Young, Black, Gifted Visionary By: Cynthia Gill Mitchell In past issues, 504Magazine has been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to feature some amazing “keepers of the arts.” The ones whose stars shine just a little bit brighter, both here in the United States, and internationally. They are members of a humbling, select group of geniuses we don’t encounter very often. However, and from time-to-time, there have been some that we just “stumble” upon. This writer was lucky enough to make a chance encounter first with his eye-catching work, and then with the unique person himself – Barry “Frank B” Duperon. The first time we communicated, I immediately picked up on a respectfully serene and Idyllic aura that easily matched what I saw in his art. His imagination seems to have taken flight to some unknown place that only this 19-year-old visionary is familiar with. And it is 56 504mag

certainly no surprise that he appropriately labels his brand “silent poetry.” However, experts and novices alike should be able to at least capture the essence equated with his authentic and artful “elements of style.” Most will develop a bold attachment to all of his displays, and know that he creates from the heart. Take for instance, his Trayvon Martin “masterpiece,” and definitely one of his most recognized and celebrated creations to date. It’s an original that a few artists even tried to duplicate, but failed in their attempts to match his prowess. Beginning with the original drawing, to the 4400 pieces of Skittles used to align Trayvon’s young face, to the slew of broken Arizona Tea cans used as background. The end result reveals a keen mix of relevant

anagrams; “NAACP,” “Slain Teen,” “Zimmerman,” “Gated Community”, “Too Young to Die,” “I am Trayvon Martin,” and “Only 17,” among others. It took Barry a mere 2 weeks to complete this genius project, and yes, it’s the kind of artistic idea and tribute that some might wish they had thought of first. “Trayvon would’ve been 18–years-old, and I had just turned 18. Georgia has the same stand your ground law as Florida and when I was working on [the mosaic] I felt like I could’ve been in his place,” Duperon said of his inspiration for creating the piece.” Barry had the bitter-sweet pleasure of meeting and presenting his work to Ms. Sabrina Fulton, Trayvon Martin’s mother, who, Barry says “was nearly in tears when she viewed the art work dedicated to her son, and remarked that “I saw my son’s spirit” in this iconic piece. On July 28th, at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta, Georgia, Barry also met Ms. Lucia McBath, the mother of Jordan Davis, who was gunned down in 2012. She was so impressed by Trayvon Martin’s picture, that she commissioned Barry to create one of Jordan. Barry Duperon’s loving and supportive parents, Teri and Greg Duperon, no doubt foresaw this mature talent early on. I mean, who would have guessed it, even behind his parents’ prediction, that his tiny little adolescent spirit would be gripped by that unusually artistic gene that ultimately matured and has maintained what was needed to carry him all the way through to where he stands today. Barry’s premature vision readied him and set him up for the challenge - a challenge that stands up against all odds, and has been revered by some of his most prestigious adult counterparts. Someone else who has experienced the “up close and personal” comeuppance of Barry, is Brian Hebert, artist, curator and Arts Program Specialist/Visual Arts at the Southwest Art Center Campus, reveals that “Barry’s work speaks to the culture of hip-hop as if he was born in the mid-70’s. He has a B-boy spirit and intellect.” And, says Alice Jones, a youth advisor for the NAACP Fayette County youth council, “..his work is impressive and causes people to be moved and react” “Distorted Urban Realism” is what Barry calls his work, most of which is relative to the goings on in many of today’s inner-city neighborhoods. To that end, he revealed to Terry TLove Coleman of the popular on-line radio show, BE100, that “his work is based on observation.” And through his art, Barry speaks out about “issues that affect him and his community.” “As far back as I can remem-

ber, I have always had a passion for the arts. Each day I find time to incorporate art into my schedule. Even If it’s just a mere thought, because we are surrounded by life’s amazing beautiful works of art. What we see around us can be drawn or painted” Barry speaks on the style of his work, and describes “Elongated Urban Art,” It is a different style that very few artists have touched on. I love working with this style because it gives a new perspective to defining the look of the main character by stretching their face and body to give a more profound appearance. I also place the main character front and center in most of my work and with every piece, my goal is to perfect my abilities to become a better artist as I mature.” As a self-professed novice, I’m sure that fellow- lay people are mentally stifled when it comes to the technicalities behind some of Barry’s more intricate pieces. So, Brian Hebert gives us his professional take on “CORNROWS,” “acrylic on canvas panel 12 X 24 inches, was an amazing piece, especially for an 8th grade student, due to not only the technical execution of the piece, but the concept was true to the artist. The composition had atmosphere, incorporating a landscape, a central figure in the foreground in a cornfield with a UFO flying above in the distance.” And, “TRAPPED”, “ oil on canvas, speaks to life growing up in the ghetto in Atlanta, and depicts various aspects of “hood life” with a hoodscape, consisting of liquor stores, barbershops, beauty salons, trash on the street, graffiti, etc. As a central figure in the foreground in “Trapped”, 504mag 57

is a young black male, again stylized, dressed from head to toe representing the culture. Barry includes his own persona in several of the neighborhood signs and advertisements, a self-portrait inclusion if you will.” For a look at the rest of those magnificent pieces, do your best to act on your own clear-cut explanation of their meanings, by visiting Barry’s Website at www.frank-13.com. 504Magazine is adamant about our support, and agree with Mr. Hebert when he says:”Barry is an inspiration to any artist, a good person to know.” I knew of the alias, but Brian Hebert explains it best when he says that “Barry even has an alias, an old school b-boy alias, “Frank B,” which also reflects the culture. He continues to produce work as he approaches his freshman year in college, influencing people and artists alike with his compositions, warm personality and humility.” The list is long, yet impressive of those who have discovered and touted this young man’s work, but just to name a few; ABC news in Atlanta, and their recent interview with Barry regarding the infamous Trayvon piece, garnered him 3,314 views in a mere 8 minutes. Barry’s work has been honored at numerous Art gallery presentations, including Andre Thompson’s Art of Giving Gallery in Atlanta. He also caught the eye of popular Atlanta Poet/Author, Kodisha Soulscribe“ Taylor, at Atlanta’s Underground. Kodisha was one of the spoken word artists in attendance who performed at the Pink Ladybug Foundation Breast Cancer “Speak Life” When Barry’s work was unveiled, Ms. Taylor says that she was astonished that the creator of this Trayvon piece was at the time, only 18-years-old. According to her, “I look forward to working with Barry someday soon, as I love incorporating other’s artwork with mine or collaborating with other “like-minded” artists. There will be nothing but greatness from this young man, as he is already a genius and will only continue to develop his skills. The rest of the world will be blessed by his interpretations of life into art. I’m honored to have met and know this incredible artist.” “I enjoy it when my art is being viewed and critiqued by others, because being an artist I welcome criticism and take it in a positive way,” said Barry. AWARDS AND ACCOLADES: NAACP ACT-SO COMPETITIONS 2011-2012 - (Regional Gold) and (National Silver Medal in Painting) 2013 - (Regional Gold) and (National Gold Medal in Sculpture - Silver Medal in Painting - Bronze Medal in Drawing) 58 504mag

SOUTHWEST ART CENTER HIGH SCHOOL JURIED ART COMPETITIONS 2010-2012- (1st Place & Best Overall in Painting) 2013 - (1st Place & Best Overall in Painting and Senior Scholarship Award) MOREHOUSE SCHOOL of MEDICINE - STD Art Competition - 2010 - (1st Place Overall Art Award) AHSAE DOGWOOD FESTIVAL ART EXHIBITIONS 2010 - (People’s Choice Award) 2011 - (5th Place Art Award) 2012 - (Best In Show and People’s Choice Award) TRI-CITIES HIGH SCHOOL VISUAL MAGNET ART - 2010 -2012 (Best Overall Visual Arts Student) AP (Advance Placement Testing) 2D Art Painting and Drawing 2013 - (Best Score Overall) Ranking (5) Highest Score NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY 2010 -2013 (Honor Student) SCHOLASTIC ART and WRITING AWARDS 2010 - (Gold Key Art Award in Painting) 2011 - (Gold Key Art Award in Painting and National Silver Medal Art Award) (American Vision Nominee and Top Five High School Visual Artist in Georgia) 2012 - (Gold Key Art Award in Painting) 2013 - (Gold Key Art Portfolio Award and Top Three in Georgia) BRUSH WITH FAME ART COMPETITIONS at Pace Academy 2012 - (3rd Place Art Award) 2013 - (3rd Place Art Award) 5th CONGRESSIONAL GEORGIA CONGRESSMAN John Lewis Art Competition 2011 - (3rd Place Art Award and $1,500 Art Scholarship) 2012 - (3rd Place Art Award and $1,500 Art Scholarship) 2013 - (1st Place Art Award and $10,000 Art Scholarship) JAY SHARPIRO Art Legacy Foundation 2012 - (2nd Place Art Award) 2013 - (Honorable Mention) TRI-CITIES HIGH SCHOOL -

2013 - (Most Artistic Student in Graduation Class of 2013) 2013 - (Best of Best Art Award) GEORGIA KIWANIS ART SHOWCASE 2013 - (Best In Show Art Award on Local Level) (Best In Show Art Award on State Level) GEORGIA MINORITY RED CROSS 2013 - (1st Place Youth Artist Award) OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY (Art, Music & Performance Talent Hunt) 2013 - (2nd Place Overall Award) NAACP Fayette County Branch 2013 - Community Service Award ( The Youngest Member Ever To Win) And some of the many testimonials: “Excellent”--Andre 3000 , Outkast “Very interesting and amazing masterpieces” -- John Lewis, (D) Congressman of Georgia “My favorite painting is “Trapped” That is such a strong and powerful piece!!! “ -- Dwight Howard , LA Lakers Barry told this writer that he eventually wants to delve into the business and marketing side as it relates to

his art. Judging from what he has already displayed on Facebook, and what appears throughout the internet and on T.V, I’d say that he is definitely on the right track. Clearly, 504Magazine is not the first to write about Barry “Frank B” Duperon, and I am quite certain we won’t be the last. But for the here and now, we are so proud to have gotten in past the ground floor with what looks to be a long, miraculous road yet to be traveled by this amazing young man. There is no ceiling to his magic – no end to what he has yet to offer. And with what he has served us with so far, let’s hope that some of our youths, including those who are lost - will be inspired by Barry and his work. Let’s hope that they will find their personal niche and expound on those inner gifts. As a side note, Barry recently informed this writer that he is working on five (5) new pieces simultaneously. So, we will wait with bated breath for that next collection of Barry “Frank B” Duperon’s INSPIRATION. http://www.frank-13.com Barry Frank B Duperon’s Art – You Tube Barryduperon@yahoo.com

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“Thanks Jim for your contribution by way of documenting the culture of New Orleans through the fine photography and other recordation work you do for the Musicians of New Orleans”

504 Magazine

JIM BROCK IS THE GO TO GUY FOR MUSICIANS, RECORD LABELS AND FESTIVAL PROMOTERS CALL FIRST TO CAPTURE THEIR IMPORTANT EVENTS. IF YOU WANT IT RIGHT, CONTACT JIM BROCK TONIGHT, FOR YOUR LIVE MUSIC PHOTOGRAPHY NEEDS -www.eyeonthemusic.com Jim cultivated a passion for live music that grew to obsession by the time he attended his first concert. At 10, Cream’s Wheels of Fire shaped his waking ethos and to this day, the Allman Brothers Live at The Fillmore East remains in heavy rotation. Flash forward to decades spent in clubs, studios, theaters, bars, arenas, living rooms and just about any venue where music is created, and his camera is always within reach. Jim shoots every show with a fan’s emotion; attempting to translate the stage to the page without the soundtrack. It began somewhere in Los Angeles, detoured through Santa Cruz and pointed north touching a little history along the way in the Winterland Auditorium. Travel abroad with no particular destination or endless destinations led to photographing culture, travel and people at many, but not every, turn. In 2000, he fell in love (and fell hard), beginning a lifelong relationship with the music and musicians of New Orleans. After shooting the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival from the other side of the rail for many years, Jim found himself with a wristband shooting for the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Foundation Archive in 2008. He has been jury chosen to shoot Jazzfest every year since, including the assignment of covering such acts as James Taylor, the Dave Matthews Band, Simon & Garfunkel, Joe Cocker, Jeff Beck, Robert Plant, and the Allman Brothers Band. Jim provides images of New Orleans musicians in promotional and live settings for management, labels and artists and is currently the house photographer for The Mint nightclub in Los Angeles. From his home base, he continues to shoot New Orleans artists on tour as well as a diverse range of other performers and subjects. Jim’s images are found in music blogs, press releases, posters, and artist/event web sites and social 60 media 504mag pages, and his words often accompany his images as a regular contributor to Live Music Blog and Mezzic. Jim’s images can also be

seen in the book “Pieces of Me”, published by Threadhead Records, Paul Sanchez’s personal account of life in New Orleans after Katrina and his ongoing journey as a musician and artist and were featured by USA Today in the April 26, 2011 piece, “New Orleans is back and so is the talent“. Whether his images land on a wall, pass a moment online or appear in Rolling Stone, if you hear it, feel the crowd, wished you were at the show, then it is all worth it. Come to think of it, it’s worth it no matter what. That’s the point. - See more at: http://www.jimbrockphoto.com/about/#sthash. IGvUO5e0.dpuf

One Of The Best In The Game

Entergy And Metro Have Teamed Up With Mayor Mitch Landrieu To Put A Light On Cleaning Up Crime In The City Of New Orleans

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