Surprise 1st International Jazz Day Festival

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SURPRISE INT’L JAZZ DAY & RIBS FESTIVAL 2018 This 1st Surprise Annual Jazz & Rib Fes>val will be apart the Interna>onal Jazz Day AZ Founda>on mission to unite the total State Around celebra>ng this UNESCO/Herbie Hancock day of Jazz, an American Art Form created in New Orleans

lnt’l Jazz Day & Rib Fest Sponsorship Deck •  1. The Surprise AZ and Tourism of Special Events offers a diverse range of events and experiences in their great city of Surprise. The Int’l Jazz Day / Jazz & Rib Fes>val will be a first for Surprise, and our Founda>on’s mission is to make this a flagship event every year. This highly an>cipated spring >me fes>val will become a tradi>on and offers both jazz and rib connoisseurs the finest in music and barbeque. •  Situated in the premier entertainment des>na>on of Surprise AZ will provide the perfect loca>on for Hot Ribs and Cool Jazz. The fes>val will offers two days of con>nuous jazz while barbeque pit masters serve up sizzling ribs, chicken and more!

FesIval Hours: Friday and Saturday, 4 PM. – 10 p.m. Sunday, 4:00 PM. – 8:30 P.M •  Event Overview - The event will be held in the city of Surprise, Arizona. With the loca>on TBA. Surprise, AZ is considered the ideal ‘test city’ for marke>ng this great new project in conjunc>on with UNESCO & Herbie Hancock, & Interna>onal Jazz Day AZ Founda>on. •  Int’l Jazz Day was celebrated in over 196 countries around the world in 2017. Where our goal is to draw in our first year, between 2,and 5000 aaendees over 2 days // 25+ Jazz ar>sts // 6 + Rib teams // 2 Stages // General Admission is $20.00 GA children under 12 FREE! •  With the full Support of Mayor Wolcoa, the City Council, and surrounding Area this debut fes>val could reach 7,500 to 10,000 aaendees.

Arizona’s Int’l Jazz Day FesIvals in the past 5 years •  By the Numbers Female 57% Male 43% $100,000 or more 13% Less than $25,000 15% $25,000 to $49,999 25% $50,000 to $74,999 26% $75,000 to $99,999 21% Income •  GENDER 35-44 25-34 29% 9% 1-18 5% 16% 21%20% 45-54 55+ 19-24 AGE Caucasian 72% African American 21% Hispanic/La>no 15% Na>ve American 2% Asian 7% Other 2% ETHNICITY 98% of visitors surveyed plan to aaend the 2018 fes>val, 500,907 viewers reached via television news segments on, CBS and NBC affiliates SOURCE: Nielson Media Research, Inc. •  In 2018 we are planning 1,150 TV promos with sponsor recogni>on aired on NBC, ABC, FOX, AZ Tourism Dept, Facebook, Twiaer and Connect to Your City TV 194 radio promos with sponsor recogni>on on KJZZ (91.5 FM), Smooth Jazz on The Rock Radio and 10,000 fullcolor fes>val guides featuring sponsor ac>vity descrip>ons and logo recogni>on.

Two Stages Offer Different Listening Experiences •  For everyone from the jazz aficionado, Blues Lovers to the BBQ enthusiast! The Surprise PowerMove Stage presented by (A Title Sponsor TBA) and the BMO Harris Bank (* in nego>a>on now with bank) presented by the City of Surprise & Int’l Jazz Day AZ Founda>on, anchor the event with performances featuring the finest regional and interna>onal jazz ar>sts we can afford. The Nash in Phoenix AZ will showcases local ar>sts on an in>mate stage, preforming Real Jazz

We Are Proud To Offer A Variety of Jazz Music Genres •  genres including La>n, straight-ahead, fusion, smooth, New Orleans and more! PAST HEADLINERS INCLUDE: // Tony Monaco // Azar Lawrence// Nicolas Payton // Nayo Jones // Carlos Rivas, Doc Jones // Jesse McGuire // Elan Trotman, just to name a few.

A\endees Will Savor The Best Ribs from Around This Great State, •  Award-winning barbeque teams will compete for “Best Ribs” bragging rights. Arizona’s Int’l Jazz Day / Jazz & Rib Fes>val will present awards in three different categories selected by a dis>nguished panels of judges. AWARDS: // A) The Cri>cs’ Choice Award •  2) All- Surprise AZ Champion Award // 3) Best Sauce Award. I think I know who’s going to will this one. Lol

The City of Surprise 1st Int’l Jazz Day & Rib Fest is proud to partner •  with Interna>onal Jazz Day AZ Founda>on to produce this one-of-a-kind event will be less about just music and food and more about promo>ng the importance of Arts & Cultural for people of all ages, and this great City of Surprise.

We Are Honored To Work Alongside Sponsors •  that will join us in making this 1st Annual Surprise Int’l Jazz Day & Rib Fest great year awer year! Sponsors

Located In The Heart of Arizona, Surprise Is The Perfect DesInaIon •  Sponsor Brands will be displayed on our mobile tour. Take a look at some of the brands that have joined us over the years…

Arizona’s Past InternaIonal Jazz Day Jazz FesIvals Has Garners Coverage from •  media outlets in TV - Channel 12, radio - KJZZ, •  Print= - AZ Republic, Informant,- and online publica>ons 504mgazine, Arizona Tourism, Phoenix Tourism, 602az Magazine,- Organiza>ons Support in the past few years, Scoasdale & Phoenix Sister Ci>es, 6 Mayors, 2 congressman, Full Senate & House, UNESCO, Herbie Hancock, George Benson just to name a few. Our event rou>nely receives nearly 100,000 media impressions each year. Media Coverage has been great!

Surprise 1st Int’l Jazz Day & Rib Fest Sponsors •  will receive unparalleled exposure to event aaendees and opportuni>es for sampling, product distribu>on, data collec>on and more. Customized sponsorship opportuni>es will be available at all levels for their brand in the following categories: // Title sponsor // Presen>ng sponsor // Stage sponsor // Beverage sponsor // Rib Judging sponsor // Media sponsor // InKind sponsor // Relaxa>on Sta>on sponsor // Sampling and Product Distribu>on // •  Mobile Tour stop Sponsorship Opportuni>es ( include promo>on at our other fes>vals in Scoasdale, Mesa, Phoenix).

Become an Arizona Int’l Jazz Day AZ FoundaIon Event Partner •  and receive unparalleled exposure with an array of demographics while suppor>ng one of the fastest growing events in Arizona! CONTACT: William Doc Jones, Fes>val Director 602-524-7998 or Contact Us •

EsImated Budget and Impact

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The required cash budget to produce the ever growing Arizona’s IJD Fes>val is 150,000 and will be funded by private businesses, sponsorships. Ads in the 602 Jazz Magazine, alongside >cket sales (1,500 to 2,000 >ckets sale at 25.00 General admission, 3,000 to 5000

GA 25.00 Premium >ckets at 45.00, VIP 75.00.)Vendors, merchandie . Required funding may increase, keeping in mind that in that 2017 over 1,500 persons aaended the Fes>val held in Downtown Phoenix at State Capitol & 2,000 at the Wine & Jazz Walk. Aaendance was bolstered by its Producer’s receipt of Proclama>ons from Arizona’s Governor, Phoenix, Scoasdale, Mesa, Doulgas, Tucson, & Flagestaff Mayors, State Congressman Ruben Gallegos and Martha Elizabeth McSally, the full House and Senate. As Title Sponsor and host will under write the cost for the Venue, Sound, Lights, and Accommoda>on for all traveling musicians. Int’l Jazz Day AZ Founda>on will provide the feeds for talent for the events. We are looking forward to Surprise Tourism department being a Sponsor in 2018 Logo size and placement will vary according to Sponsorship level:

•  •  •  •

“Gold” Sponsorship Benefits ($25,000) •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Logo included on all Fes>val posters and fliers and banner on stage • Logo on also on & websites • Full-page spread color ad in Fes>val concert program (3,000 copies, $2,250 value) • Premium logo placement on Face book Event Page for special Time line Photo • “Thank you” with link to website in two Jazzday Fes>val e-blasts (3,000++ distribu>on) • Banner on the stage (Many poten>al views before and awer event) • Logo in all print and television adver>sements • Recogni>on in all press releases regarding the Fes>val • 24 Complimentary >ckets, total, to concerts • 6 VIP >cket packages • Two Face book posts with logo and link to corporate site • Three Twiaer pos>ngs with link to corporate site • Emcee men>ons on all stages • Other benefits specifica>ons of the sponsor goals may be nego>ated • Market exclusivity is nego>able at this sponsorship level

“Silver” Sponsorship Benefits ($10,000) •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Silver sponsors are eligible to fund an individual concert for an addi>onal sponsorship • Logo included on all Fes>val posters and fliers Logo on, & websites • 1/2-page color ad in Fes>val concert program (1,000 copies ) • “Thank you” with link to website in two Jazz Fes>val e-blasts (3,000+ distribu>on) • Banner in on site • Logo in all paid print adver>sements • Recogni>on in all press releases regarding the Fes>val • 12 complimentary >ckets, total, to concerts • 4 VIP >cket packages • 6 VIP seats at free outdoor concert • One Face book post with logo and link to corporate site • Two Twiaer pos>ngs with link to corporate site

Emcee men>ons on main stage.

“Copper” Sponsorship Benefits ($5,000)

•  Logo included on all Fes>val posters, and fliers

•  Logo on & www.602azmag websites •  (3,000 copies, $400 value) 1/4 page color ad in Fes>val Concert Program •  Recogni>on in all press releases regarding the Fes>val •  6 Complimentary >ckets total, to concert •  2 VIP Ticket packages •  4 VIP Seats at free outdoor concert

CONNECTING CULTURES USING JAZZ & BLUES Execu>ve Director Doc Jones & Promoter Ron Ransom

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