Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts
APRIL 29TH, 2017 5:00 PM TO 10:00PM
“Not all Music Festivals improve with age, but Int’l Jazz Day Festival is the exception.” IJD has carved its way to distinction in the Festival arena and is considered essential to the community
Case Statement International Jazz Day was created in 2011by UNESCO and Herbie Hancock under the umbrella of The United Nations, in celebration of the Art of Jazz Music, which is the United States’ heritage and gift to the world. It was declared by UNESCO (an arm of the United Nations), that April 30th be designated annually, to celebrate Jazz around the world. Here in Phoenix with the onset of higher temperatures approaching higher temperatures create a slowdown for businesses and tourism in yearly. Although Arizona’s businesses may experience a certain level of slowdown, yet April in Arizona is one of the most welcoming, sunniest out-of-doors times of the year to visit. International Jazz Day Festival attracts Jazz fans from the East Coast, Midwest, Northwest, Mexico and elsewhere with our toasty temperatures and cool Jazz. Our International Jazz Day celebration boosts spending by locals, as well as generates spending by those living in surrounding areas. Scottsdale, with its fast growing trendy downtown restaurants, historic properties, state of the art performance facilities and great inner city transportation by bus, bike or light rail. (Surveys show that 86% of visitors, theater and concert-goers have dinner or go shopping downtown before or after events such s International Jazz Day, (IJD).
Estimated Budget and Impact The required cash budget to produce the ever growing IJD Festival is $150K and will be funded by private and business sponsorships. Ads in the 602Magazine Jazz Magazine, alongside ticket sales. Required funding may increase, keeping in mind that in that 2016 over 1,500 persons attended the Festival held in Downtown Phoenix at CityScape. Attendance was bolstered by its Producer’s receipt of Proclamations from Arizona’s Governor, Phoenix’ Mayor and State Congressman Ruben Gallegos.
Sponsorship Opportunities As Title Sponsor and host will provide Venue, Sound, Lights, and Accommodation for all traveling musicians. Int’l Jazz Day AZ Foundation will provide the talent for the events. We are looking forward to
Phoenix Part District being the Sponsor in 2017 Logo size and placement will vary according to Sponsorship level:
“Gold” Sponsorship Benefits ($25,000) •
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Logo included on all Festival posters and fliers Logo on jazzdayaz.com also on 602azmag.com & www.nextstudentmusic.com websites Full-page spread color ad in Festival concert program (1,000 copies, $1,250 value) Premium logo placement on Face book Event Page for special Time line Photo “Thank you” with link to website in two Jazzday Festival e-blasts (3,000++ distribution) Banner in lobby (Many potential views before and after event) Logo in all print and television advertisements Recognition in all press releases regarding the Festival 24 Complimentary tickets, total, to concerts 6 VIP ticket packages Two Face book posts with logo and link to corporate site Three Twitter postings with link to corporate site Emcee mentions on all stages Other benefits specifications of the sponsor goals may be negotiated Market exclusivity is negotiable at this sponsorship level
“Silver” Sponsorship Benefits ($10,000) • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Silver sponsors are eligible to fund an individual concert for an additional sponsorship Logo included on all Festival posters and fliers Logo on jazzdayaz.com,602azmag.com & www.nextstudentmusic.com websites 1/2-page color ad in Festival concert program (1,000 copies ) “Thank you” with link to website in two Jazz Festival e-blasts (3,000+ distribution) Banner in on site Logo in all paid print advertisements Recognition in all press releases regarding the Festival 12 complimentary tickets, total, to concerts 4 VIP ticket packages 6 VIP seats at free outdoor concert One Face book post with logo and link to corporate site Two Twitter postings with link to corporate site Emcee mentions on main stage.
“Copper” Sponsorship Benefits ($5,000) •
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Logo included on all Festival posters, and fliers Logo on jazzdayaz.com & www.nextstudentmusic.com websites 1/4 page color ad in Festival Concert Program (10,000 copies, $400 value) Recognition in all press releases regarding the Festival 6 Complimentary tickets total, to concert 2 VIP Ticket packages 4 VIP Seats at free outdoor concert
When: Sat April 29, 2017 5:00PM (Concert on Sat is a Fundrasier for the NextStudent Academy Instrument Drive) Cost: Tickets for Sat night: $25.00 Adv/$35.00 / $100.00 VIP More information / www.jazzdayaz.com SCOTTSDALE INTERNATIONAL JAZZ DAY FESTIVAL 2017 TICKETS
The International Jazz Day Festival is an outdoor event that will take place at Scottsdale Center for The Arts The International Jazz Day Festival tickets will be available at Ticket Lobster Plus.com. PACKAGE PRICING